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"Disturbing, this is," Yoda stated sharing a knowing look with Mace Windu. Skrath had expected to be reporting to the Council as a whole, but when his Preliminary Findings Brief had hit the Temple's intranet, he had been summoned to report to just the Council Master and Order's Grandmaster.
"Dooku has gone further than I would have ever expected him to," Mace's lips were drawn into a tight line. Despite his self-control a touch of anger was leaking into his force presence. Skrath wasn't happy about that, because it meant he had missed something in his investigation. Yes, the Republic re-militarizing could be seen as in defiance of Ruusan, but given the unrest and certain escalation clauses it hardly merited anger from the Jedi. If anything, they could use this to lift a few of the more dangerously obsolete provisions of that reform that had allowed the Naboo Crisis to get as bad as it did, a good thing in his mind.
"Always too involved with the political game, Dooku is." Yoda bowed his head, sorrow infusing his being. "That he turns his knowledge against us, a blow this is."
"Masters?" Skrath raised an eyebrow at that pronouncement.
"He couldn't have accomplished this alone," Mace let a bit of his frustration leak out. "It would take two Masters to release those funds, at least from our side. We should not have been blindsided like this; if anything the reports on our finances should have caught that much money being moved around."
"Smart they were," Yoda also ignored Skraths implied question. "Historical Accounts, audit regularly we do not. A decade schedule we keep."
"And he would have known that," Mace bowed his head, then shook it like a nerf shooing off a particularly annoying fly. "Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to recall enough Investigators to put our own house in order and track down where the outside funding is coming from before the muckrakers and conspirators in the Senate get wise to this. I know we didn't have enough in those accounts to pay for everything that Knight Kri and his Padawan have uncovered. We raided those funds several times over the centuries to keep the Order solvent when the Senate was being particularly obtuse."
"Failure, of our Order this was," Yoda's ears flattened as he said that. "Entrusted to us, those funds were."
"If the funds you are talking about were depleted just by the operating costs of the Order in particularly lean years, then there is no way in the nine Corellian Hells that they were used to actually do what we found." Skrath's blocky face took on an appearance of granite. "How certain are we that those funds were used?"
"The initial account set up had at least some contributions from the Historical Accounts," Mace said, his face mirroring a thunderstorm. "That is the reason you are reporting to just myself and Yoda at this point in time."
"Point you have," Yoda acknowledged softly. "Situation we must deal with now."
"We cannot afford to alienate the reformers at this point in time, they would take their grudge to the Senate and that would sink us all."
"Senate, or Chancellor, already aware," Yoda said continuing in his softest voice.
"I… had not considered that," Mace sighed as he said that. "More Investigators, more investigations into the Senate. Just what we cannot afford at this time."
"Necessary it is."
"Masters, I do not understand your worry," Skrath finally interrupted the two. Their back and forth hadn't gone completely over his head, but he didn't see the danger that they evidently did.
"Against future needs, these accounts were established," Yoda decided to answer him. "Funds set aside should the peace hold not."
"Are we rearming though? I doubt the Council ordered such…"
Mace put up his hand to forestall the Investigator, "There were no votes in either the High or full Council on invoking the escalation clauses. With the Trade Federation disarming in accordance with the sanctions and the Senate mired in internal scandals, this rearmament will appear to be a direct violation of Ruusan in reaction to the Naboo Crisis. With the future already clouded and the actions of Dooku only tying our hands, we are in a politically vulnerable position."
"But this was a Senatorial commission? Or at least that's what the initial authorization codes are," Skrath frowned as he tried to understand how this could be construed as the Jedi Order's fault. Or if this even was a real issue. Rearming now made sense to him, especially given the rumblings from the rim he had heard about secession from the Republic. He couldn't have been the only one to notice, especially not if this massive project had been authorized.
"True, but the Jedi were entrusted as the custodians of those accounts. We were to act as the final brake on the Senate should they go overboard, or decided to renounce Ruusan without proper debate," Mace's voice was flat as he said that. "It is a charge we have now failed."
"Have we though?" Skrath tried to think like a politician and grimaced as he failed miserably. "Couldn't we just send a short note to the Chancellor explaining that there is a proper procedure to go through should he want a mission accomplished, and going behind the Council's back directly to a specific Jedi is not that? Especially if the mission he wants to accomplish results in a Jedi resigning in disgust?"
"On the Council, Dooku was. Responsible for his actions, we are." Yoda's voice was grim.
"I would like to," Mace seemed lost in his own little world as he continued. "Oh, how I would like to. It's a bad idea though, we can't afford to weaken the Chancellor at this point in time. He's neck deep in Krath hounds and sinking fast trying to fix the Senate. If we had a clear indication from the Force, I would do it in a heartbeat, but we don't so we must be cautious here. Besides, he isn't the only one who could have issued this order, any chair being of any Senatorial committee on security could have issued the order if he had a supermajority of his committee agree to it. It would not do for us to act in haste and damage the Republic with our actions, and accusing the Chancellor of ordering this without definitive proof would do just that. Our neutrality and dedication to the whole Republic is just about the only source of stability left these days. Palpatine and the other reformers are beginning to correct the ship of state, but they aren't there yet. Too many of the institutions on which the Republic relies upon have been either damaged or allowed to wither too far in the past century. The Republic can, and must prevail, against this challenge, but adding our own woes would not be advisable at this time."
"Corruption, limited to the Senate we thought," Yoda put in. "Fix ourselves first, we must. Long this process will be."
"Tedious you mean," Mace said with a sigh. "And very political. I'm not sure how much of this can be considered corruption, and how much it can be considered political dissidence. Dooku obviously felt ignored and powerless even while sitting on the Council, how many other Jedi of lesser stature will have aided him or made their own moves and committed to their own acts of protest because they do not believe that they are being heard? We need to find that out, especially the scope of your former Padawan's actions before we can gather the Council to debate a unified resolution.
Skrath's head spun a bit as the whiplash of tension contained in that last sentence swept over him in the Force as Mace turned back to address him, and Skrath immediately felt better as Mace's face took on a note of embarrassment at realizing his control had slipped, but continued on, "Skrath, how many Investigators do you estimate we can pull from their current assignments to the internal and external investigations on short notice?"
"On short notice? Three at most," Skrath replied without hesitation, a flicker of annoyance rising at Mace's shock. "I had a conversation with Tulgree when I got back and the main topic of discussion was just how many Investigators were trapped in the scandal swamp that is the Senate at this moment, and if they weren't trapped there, they were involved with trying to bring down the crime rings that have flourished post Naboo. Any Investigator you reassign from an open Senate investigation is guaranteed to draw attention, and reassigning Investigators who're dealing with the scum of the galaxy when they aren't wearing any masks of pretext or civility to investigations of the kind you're going to conduct is not viable. Not to mention the issue which caused me to take Ori as my Padawan, I believe we already had this discussion Master Windu."
"We did," Mace inclined his head, remembering the conversation that he and Skrath had before the mission had begun. He had known that the investigators were hurting for people, and that they were painfully slow to fully train, but he hadn't realized it was this bad.
"Master Windu, this isn't going to be a clean investigation," Skrath contemplated the task that was being laid out in front of the Investigators. "Since it is our responsibility, we need to get a handle on what is going on with the rearmament first. That is going to take at least three teams of Investigators, although...." Skrath paused as he realized he'd just assigned those Investigators who might be recalled and then some, "...we may be able to slot in Guardian and Consular Knights into the teams to cover the gaps, but you'll need to assign those most able to follow orders since if previous investigations where they were employed are anything to go by, their efforts will be wide, but very shallow and they will need to help the Investigators in conducting the deeper portions of the investigations where tipping the target off that the Jedi have found anything at all will ruin the investigation. Ori and I found several starting points, but I have no doubt that those are going to be complex investigations that spin off in multiple directions. If my experience is anything to go on there is far more happening in the galaxy then we suspect, much less know. Most of the Senators have long memories, some have very adept intelligence services, and if we cut corners and half ass this those political vulnerabilities of the Order you were talking about will be aired."
Skrath's voice turned colder as his mind went from the 'easy' investigations outside the Order to its internal affairs. "If we have to audit ourselves at the same time… well that's not going to be possible. For one, I don't know the minds of my colleagues on conducting such an investigation, regarding either the underlying politics or their thoughts on conducting an investigation like this in the first place. Second, it will take some time in meditation and further discussion with you to figure out how to go about this since this isn't like a Dark side turn and if we act like it is, we will reap the bitter harvest of self fulfillment from that. Third, I have some thoughts on the necessity of a sweeping internal affairs investigation given the major flaws in our digital security. Are disbursements from the Historical Accounts electronically authorized?
"They are." Windu replied, his face made of stone as he had to stand and accept unpleasant truth after unpleasant truth without recourse.
"Then the assertion that two Masters would be needed to authorize such disbursements is not necessarily true, it might've been Dooku alone or even someone else." Skrath paused for a second on looking at Windu's and Yoda's face and realizing he'd just sent their heads spinning, and decided to end on a note of levity. "Hells, if I were to open the Historical Account logs right now, I'd doubtlessly find the disbursements authorized by the entire Council, but especially Grandmaster Yoda and Council Master Mace Windu."
The tension broke as Yoda gave an easy and grateful chuckle of relief and Mace smiled despite himself.
"Talk, to Master Tulgree we must." Yoda put in before focusing on Skrath with all of his senses once again. "This issue, motivates you it does not."
Skrath replied without hesitation. "I'm going to need to pull myself from the rotation, after what we ran into on Rothana, Ori needs more guidance then I can provide while investigating this matter."
"Issues you have?" Yoda cocked an ear in surprise. "Biddable your Padawan was. Slow to pick up the force, yes, but competent."
"Ori is a headache and a half," Skrath responded with a shake of his head. "He gets the basics we teach at the Temple well enough, but the way he approaches the Force can be dangerous when he tries to move beyond them. I'm going to need to work with him before I feel comfortable letting him learn beyond what he already knows. Additionally… Ori has displayed a worrying degree of sensitivity to the Force recently, and while I may not be a healer, I do know enough to recognize the warning signs that there is something wrong with a being's connection to the Force. I fear that what Dooku did may have done my Padawan an injury, and that needs to be fully checked out before I feel comfortable bringing him back into the field."
"That is a concerning assertion," Mace put in lightly, he was clearly worried but hiding it well. "How much evidence do you have at the moment?"
"Very little," Skrath replied with a frustrated grunt. "I stand by what I said to you before I left. He has the potential to be a great Investigator. He managed to use the Force to learn an entire skill set that he did not possess during our investigation, that is a skill some Knights I have known struggle with. That said, the very mentality which makes him such a potential asset in the long run is a problem when I try to assess just how injured in the Force he is, or even if he truly is injured. He naturally hides his weaknesses as a matter of course, and being injured is a very large weakness, one he will not admit to without what he feels is a good reason. I know that something is going on with him, but I cannot work out if it is in his head, or if it is the result of a Force injury he took on the mission, or if it is something else. His inherent paranoia does not help matters, when we discussed returning, he became paranoid to the point I thought he was convinced I was going to remand him to the Agri corps, but when I reassured him on that his wariness didn't abate in the least. I do have to ask, has an attempt been made to secure the Temple's computers against him?"
"We have taken a few precautions against his eventual return," Mace laughed lightly before continuing. "I don't know how effective they will be considering the penetration that he managed but they should slow him down a bit. You will have to tell us if our precautions were sufficient."
"They weren't, sufficient that is, thank the Force." Both Masters' eyebrows arched in unison and Skrath chuckled. "When I left my Padawan he was perusing the Archives for pre Ruusan meditation treatises using a Master's access, which should abet his paranoia a bit. This would be even more difficult if that instinct of his had been tripped," Skrath replied with a nonverbal shout of relief in the Force. "What do you want me to do with my investigation now? Who do I turn it over to in order to tend to my Padawan's needs."
Yoda closed his eyes briefly in concentration and Skrath could feel him reaching out to the Force for guidance. "Fix your Padawan's issue, you must. Critical it is. However, part, you still have to play; though unclear it is at this time. Time enough you have to lay foundation for our audit. Consult with your old Master, we will. Further instructions from him, you will receive."
"Beginning the audit is just numbers work, I can borrow X-RAD from Ori to do the preliminaries," Skrath accepted that directive easily enough. "I think I will spend a few months working with my Padawan in the meantime. Some of his issues will go away once I get him on the right track with his Force use, allowing a clearer picture to develop. I will say that traditional training will not benefit him as much as we would all hope, so as the Will of the Force clears up, I would ask your indulgence in proposing non-traditional solutions, over the long term."
"Another exception?" Mace asked with a raised eyebrow. "I told you how I feel about those. Having a Master look over your Padawan because you fear he is injured is one thing, but more than that is not our way."
"Perhaps," Skrath chewed on his lip as he tried to find the right words to express what the Force was telling him. "I think more a modification of our traditional methods then a full exception. He would benefit from being around other Jedi more than just myself. Ones he trusts that is, I doubt any Master who you can convince to look him over is going to earn that trust. From my observations he has two problems learning from me aside from his most recent and worrying issues, first he shows signs of prescience, and I don't need to tell you about my own abysmal record when dealing with that. Second, his sensitivity to the Force, which he demonstrated on Rothana to be on a level I have rarely seen outside of Masters who've spent years finding truth in the philosophies of the Living Force, like Qui Gon Jinn. He FELT what Dooku had done there where I only felt the slightest unease; and not only that, he developed a frankly unnerving skill to counter it that also heightened my sensitivity to it to extreme discomfort. Which is another point at which he could very well have done himself an injury. He needs to talk with a more experienced Jedi than myself, although getting him to do so will be an uphill battle. Not to mention that being in the Temple seems to have exacerbated his sensitivity issue, at least temporarily. Perhaps an expedition? Something to allow him to learn from multiple perspectives, allowing me time to work through whatever has gone wrong away from the Temple. One of the most pressing things I need to teach him is how to ask for help rather than seeking the answer on his own. An issue I had when I was younger, and which Master Tulgree used several joint investigations to clear up for me. An expedition will get him out of the temple, but not put him in a position where he can accidentally damage something important while he heals, should he be injured. I, quite frankly, would welcome the back up as well. As I said, healing is not my forte."
"Impetus of youth, he has in full measure then," Yoda accepted what Skrath was saying, but still voiced a mild rebuke. "Beyond the remit of a Master, this is not. Dangerous it would be to allow too many to work on determining his issues. Too readily would you give up your Padawan. Make worse his mentality, you will. Primary source of learning, and healing, you must be."
"True," Mace pursed his lips. "I think we can find you a mission like that if you give us time. I cannot think of one at this moment, but I will admit my thoughts are already preoccupied with what you have brought us. I need time to meditate before I can give you a definite yes or no answer, or a mission which will achieve your goals. The only people who I can think to team you up with now would be Kenobi and Skywalker, but I doubt you want to drag your Padawan into the middle of THAT political mess. Not to mention Obi-Wan hasn't been a Knight much longer then you have been. Also, his talents lie in negotiation, not healing, and he has yet to develop the wisdom you need."
"Healing, he still is," Yoda interrupted sharply. "Interfere we must not. Too much have we done already. Ready, he was not, for his Padawan. Time we must give him to come to terms with the death of his Master."
"If you didn't think him ready, why in the blasted Hells did you push so hard to allow that!" Mace said in exasperation.
"Part of the healing process, Anakin had become," Yoda's ears twitched as if they were going to lower in shame. "Interrupt that, I could not."
"Even if you thought it was possible I would politely but firmly say; no thank you," Skrath's horror at literally everything about the idea was clear on his face. He was well aware of the exceptions which were piling up around Kenobi as he tried to integrate his Padawan into the Jedi lifestyle. Kenobi was turning out to be a respectable Guardian, although one with a distinctly Consular style,, but he was having to bend the rules into a pretzel in order to accommodate Skywalker's sensibilities. The disastrous attempts to put Skywalker in with regular initiates had resulted in a slew of exceptions being made in the hopes of keeping the 'Chosen One' on task, at least according to the Temple's rumor mill. Putting Ori into that mix wouldn't help him, or Skywalker. "I'm sure a more traditional pairing would be better for my Padawan. Skywalker is too good at picking up Force skills and that would only exacerbate Ori's issues. He would feel the need to cut corners we do not want him cutting in order to keep up with Skywalker, probably injuring himself further, and that has disaster written all over it."
"Truth you speak." Yoda smiled as he said that. "Meditate on this we must. Answers, give you we will in time."
"In the meantime, Ki-Adi-Mundi is available to work out just what level of prescience your Padawan actually has. He also has the skills needed to determine if your Padawan has taken a serious injury, or if this is just a reaction which will go away in time. I know that the manual the healing halls puts out lists extreme sensitivity as one of the most common and dangerous side effects of taking a Force wound, but that is out of an overabundance of caution. I can think of several ways for that to occur, which would not require your Padawan to be injured," Mace pursed his lips. "Still, best to get that possibility dealt with swiftly. Mundi is available, and will be more than willing to help. If he does find your Padawan to have some level of prescience it would do him some good to teach for a bit. His lack of a Padawan of his own has become an issue recently, and I feel it best if he works on his inability to teach while under the gaze of an attentive Knight such as yourself. You have the backbone to stand up to him and tell him he is wrong should he make an error, and that would reassure him more than I think he knows."
"That would be greatly appreciated master," Skrath bowed slightly. "I know I am out of my depth in dealing with either issue. Give me an investigation, or a disruption mission, and I can teach Ori how to do it in my sleep but the more esoteric force skills? Or worse, healing others? My sole interest in healing has been in self-healing, trances and the like, the less said about my thoughts on more esoteric abilities the better."
"Sentinels," Mace shook his head in exasperation. "You do have the time to remedy your lack of Force skills. Perhaps you would benefit from spending some time with master Mundi almost as much as your Padawan will."
"I use the Force perfectly well, thank you very much, it's just that I don't need to call on it for every little thing," Skrath replied with the standard response. "Having other skills is not a falling after all."
"Right you were, to take your Padawan, heard this I did several times from him," Yoda's ears perked up as he spoke. He was enjoying falling back into the usual banter between Jedi practitioners and their divergent paths rather than dealing with more weighty matters. Although he did recognize that Skrath was using it as something of a defense mechanism. The young Knight was distracting himself from his worries. Still, it was a rare Jedi who would banter with him, his usual stature in the Order prevented that from happening. If Skrath had the termitary temerity to do so he was one to watch in the future.
"Don't remind me," Skrath sighed heavily. "There is such a thing as taking it too far, and Ori embodies that. If I had longer hair, I would be tearing it out."
"Padawans," Mace grinned as he spoke. "Why do you think I shaved my head? I think you would look good after running a razor or two over your skull. For some reason the other Masters keep telling me that recommending to young Knights that they shave their heads for the first year or two of taking a Padawan would discourage them."
Reviewed by lloyd007
"Dooku has gone further than I would have ever expected him to," Mace's lips were drawn into a tight line. Despite his self-control a touch of anger was leaking into his force presence. Skrath wasn't happy about that, because it meant he had missed something in his investigation. Yes, the Republic re-militarizing could be seen as in defiance of Ruusan, but given the unrest and certain escalation clauses it hardly merited anger from the Jedi. If anything, they could use this to lift a few of the more dangerously obsolete provisions of that reform that had allowed the Naboo Crisis to get as bad as it did, a good thing in his mind.
"Always too involved with the political game, Dooku is." Yoda bowed his head, sorrow infusing his being. "That he turns his knowledge against us, a blow this is."
"Masters?" Skrath raised an eyebrow at that pronouncement.
"He couldn't have accomplished this alone," Mace let a bit of his frustration leak out. "It would take two Masters to release those funds, at least from our side. We should not have been blindsided like this; if anything the reports on our finances should have caught that much money being moved around."
"Smart they were," Yoda also ignored Skraths implied question. "Historical Accounts, audit regularly we do not. A decade schedule we keep."
"And he would have known that," Mace bowed his head, then shook it like a nerf shooing off a particularly annoying fly. "Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to recall enough Investigators to put our own house in order and track down where the outside funding is coming from before the muckrakers and conspirators in the Senate get wise to this. I know we didn't have enough in those accounts to pay for everything that Knight Kri and his Padawan have uncovered. We raided those funds several times over the centuries to keep the Order solvent when the Senate was being particularly obtuse."
"Failure, of our Order this was," Yoda's ears flattened as he said that. "Entrusted to us, those funds were."
"If the funds you are talking about were depleted just by the operating costs of the Order in particularly lean years, then there is no way in the nine Corellian Hells that they were used to actually do what we found." Skrath's blocky face took on an appearance of granite. "How certain are we that those funds were used?"
"The initial account set up had at least some contributions from the Historical Accounts," Mace said, his face mirroring a thunderstorm. "That is the reason you are reporting to just myself and Yoda at this point in time."
"Point you have," Yoda acknowledged softly. "Situation we must deal with now."
"We cannot afford to alienate the reformers at this point in time, they would take their grudge to the Senate and that would sink us all."
"Senate, or Chancellor, already aware," Yoda said continuing in his softest voice.
"I… had not considered that," Mace sighed as he said that. "More Investigators, more investigations into the Senate. Just what we cannot afford at this time."
"Necessary it is."
"Masters, I do not understand your worry," Skrath finally interrupted the two. Their back and forth hadn't gone completely over his head, but he didn't see the danger that they evidently did.
"Against future needs, these accounts were established," Yoda decided to answer him. "Funds set aside should the peace hold not."
"Are we rearming though? I doubt the Council ordered such…"
Mace put up his hand to forestall the Investigator, "There were no votes in either the High or full Council on invoking the escalation clauses. With the Trade Federation disarming in accordance with the sanctions and the Senate mired in internal scandals, this rearmament will appear to be a direct violation of Ruusan in reaction to the Naboo Crisis. With the future already clouded and the actions of Dooku only tying our hands, we are in a politically vulnerable position."
"But this was a Senatorial commission? Or at least that's what the initial authorization codes are," Skrath frowned as he tried to understand how this could be construed as the Jedi Order's fault. Or if this even was a real issue. Rearming now made sense to him, especially given the rumblings from the rim he had heard about secession from the Republic. He couldn't have been the only one to notice, especially not if this massive project had been authorized.
"True, but the Jedi were entrusted as the custodians of those accounts. We were to act as the final brake on the Senate should they go overboard, or decided to renounce Ruusan without proper debate," Mace's voice was flat as he said that. "It is a charge we have now failed."
"Have we though?" Skrath tried to think like a politician and grimaced as he failed miserably. "Couldn't we just send a short note to the Chancellor explaining that there is a proper procedure to go through should he want a mission accomplished, and going behind the Council's back directly to a specific Jedi is not that? Especially if the mission he wants to accomplish results in a Jedi resigning in disgust?"
"On the Council, Dooku was. Responsible for his actions, we are." Yoda's voice was grim.
"I would like to," Mace seemed lost in his own little world as he continued. "Oh, how I would like to. It's a bad idea though, we can't afford to weaken the Chancellor at this point in time. He's neck deep in Krath hounds and sinking fast trying to fix the Senate. If we had a clear indication from the Force, I would do it in a heartbeat, but we don't so we must be cautious here. Besides, he isn't the only one who could have issued this order, any chair being of any Senatorial committee on security could have issued the order if he had a supermajority of his committee agree to it. It would not do for us to act in haste and damage the Republic with our actions, and accusing the Chancellor of ordering this without definitive proof would do just that. Our neutrality and dedication to the whole Republic is just about the only source of stability left these days. Palpatine and the other reformers are beginning to correct the ship of state, but they aren't there yet. Too many of the institutions on which the Republic relies upon have been either damaged or allowed to wither too far in the past century. The Republic can, and must prevail, against this challenge, but adding our own woes would not be advisable at this time."
"Corruption, limited to the Senate we thought," Yoda put in. "Fix ourselves first, we must. Long this process will be."
"Tedious you mean," Mace said with a sigh. "And very political. I'm not sure how much of this can be considered corruption, and how much it can be considered political dissidence. Dooku obviously felt ignored and powerless even while sitting on the Council, how many other Jedi of lesser stature will have aided him or made their own moves and committed to their own acts of protest because they do not believe that they are being heard? We need to find that out, especially the scope of your former Padawan's actions before we can gather the Council to debate a unified resolution.
Skrath's head spun a bit as the whiplash of tension contained in that last sentence swept over him in the Force as Mace turned back to address him, and Skrath immediately felt better as Mace's face took on a note of embarrassment at realizing his control had slipped, but continued on, "Skrath, how many Investigators do you estimate we can pull from their current assignments to the internal and external investigations on short notice?"
"On short notice? Three at most," Skrath replied without hesitation, a flicker of annoyance rising at Mace's shock. "I had a conversation with Tulgree when I got back and the main topic of discussion was just how many Investigators were trapped in the scandal swamp that is the Senate at this moment, and if they weren't trapped there, they were involved with trying to bring down the crime rings that have flourished post Naboo. Any Investigator you reassign from an open Senate investigation is guaranteed to draw attention, and reassigning Investigators who're dealing with the scum of the galaxy when they aren't wearing any masks of pretext or civility to investigations of the kind you're going to conduct is not viable. Not to mention the issue which caused me to take Ori as my Padawan, I believe we already had this discussion Master Windu."
"We did," Mace inclined his head, remembering the conversation that he and Skrath had before the mission had begun. He had known that the investigators were hurting for people, and that they were painfully slow to fully train, but he hadn't realized it was this bad.
"Master Windu, this isn't going to be a clean investigation," Skrath contemplated the task that was being laid out in front of the Investigators. "Since it is our responsibility, we need to get a handle on what is going on with the rearmament first. That is going to take at least three teams of Investigators, although...." Skrath paused as he realized he'd just assigned those Investigators who might be recalled and then some, "...we may be able to slot in Guardian and Consular Knights into the teams to cover the gaps, but you'll need to assign those most able to follow orders since if previous investigations where they were employed are anything to go by, their efforts will be wide, but very shallow and they will need to help the Investigators in conducting the deeper portions of the investigations where tipping the target off that the Jedi have found anything at all will ruin the investigation. Ori and I found several starting points, but I have no doubt that those are going to be complex investigations that spin off in multiple directions. If my experience is anything to go on there is far more happening in the galaxy then we suspect, much less know. Most of the Senators have long memories, some have very adept intelligence services, and if we cut corners and half ass this those political vulnerabilities of the Order you were talking about will be aired."
Skrath's voice turned colder as his mind went from the 'easy' investigations outside the Order to its internal affairs. "If we have to audit ourselves at the same time… well that's not going to be possible. For one, I don't know the minds of my colleagues on conducting such an investigation, regarding either the underlying politics or their thoughts on conducting an investigation like this in the first place. Second, it will take some time in meditation and further discussion with you to figure out how to go about this since this isn't like a Dark side turn and if we act like it is, we will reap the bitter harvest of self fulfillment from that. Third, I have some thoughts on the necessity of a sweeping internal affairs investigation given the major flaws in our digital security. Are disbursements from the Historical Accounts electronically authorized?
"They are." Windu replied, his face made of stone as he had to stand and accept unpleasant truth after unpleasant truth without recourse.
"Then the assertion that two Masters would be needed to authorize such disbursements is not necessarily true, it might've been Dooku alone or even someone else." Skrath paused for a second on looking at Windu's and Yoda's face and realizing he'd just sent their heads spinning, and decided to end on a note of levity. "Hells, if I were to open the Historical Account logs right now, I'd doubtlessly find the disbursements authorized by the entire Council, but especially Grandmaster Yoda and Council Master Mace Windu."
The tension broke as Yoda gave an easy and grateful chuckle of relief and Mace smiled despite himself.
"Talk, to Master Tulgree we must." Yoda put in before focusing on Skrath with all of his senses once again. "This issue, motivates you it does not."
Skrath replied without hesitation. "I'm going to need to pull myself from the rotation, after what we ran into on Rothana, Ori needs more guidance then I can provide while investigating this matter."
"Issues you have?" Yoda cocked an ear in surprise. "Biddable your Padawan was. Slow to pick up the force, yes, but competent."
"Ori is a headache and a half," Skrath responded with a shake of his head. "He gets the basics we teach at the Temple well enough, but the way he approaches the Force can be dangerous when he tries to move beyond them. I'm going to need to work with him before I feel comfortable letting him learn beyond what he already knows. Additionally… Ori has displayed a worrying degree of sensitivity to the Force recently, and while I may not be a healer, I do know enough to recognize the warning signs that there is something wrong with a being's connection to the Force. I fear that what Dooku did may have done my Padawan an injury, and that needs to be fully checked out before I feel comfortable bringing him back into the field."
"That is a concerning assertion," Mace put in lightly, he was clearly worried but hiding it well. "How much evidence do you have at the moment?"
"Very little," Skrath replied with a frustrated grunt. "I stand by what I said to you before I left. He has the potential to be a great Investigator. He managed to use the Force to learn an entire skill set that he did not possess during our investigation, that is a skill some Knights I have known struggle with. That said, the very mentality which makes him such a potential asset in the long run is a problem when I try to assess just how injured in the Force he is, or even if he truly is injured. He naturally hides his weaknesses as a matter of course, and being injured is a very large weakness, one he will not admit to without what he feels is a good reason. I know that something is going on with him, but I cannot work out if it is in his head, or if it is the result of a Force injury he took on the mission, or if it is something else. His inherent paranoia does not help matters, when we discussed returning, he became paranoid to the point I thought he was convinced I was going to remand him to the Agri corps, but when I reassured him on that his wariness didn't abate in the least. I do have to ask, has an attempt been made to secure the Temple's computers against him?"
"We have taken a few precautions against his eventual return," Mace laughed lightly before continuing. "I don't know how effective they will be considering the penetration that he managed but they should slow him down a bit. You will have to tell us if our precautions were sufficient."
"They weren't, sufficient that is, thank the Force." Both Masters' eyebrows arched in unison and Skrath chuckled. "When I left my Padawan he was perusing the Archives for pre Ruusan meditation treatises using a Master's access, which should abet his paranoia a bit. This would be even more difficult if that instinct of his had been tripped," Skrath replied with a nonverbal shout of relief in the Force. "What do you want me to do with my investigation now? Who do I turn it over to in order to tend to my Padawan's needs."
Yoda closed his eyes briefly in concentration and Skrath could feel him reaching out to the Force for guidance. "Fix your Padawan's issue, you must. Critical it is. However, part, you still have to play; though unclear it is at this time. Time enough you have to lay foundation for our audit. Consult with your old Master, we will. Further instructions from him, you will receive."
"Beginning the audit is just numbers work, I can borrow X-RAD from Ori to do the preliminaries," Skrath accepted that directive easily enough. "I think I will spend a few months working with my Padawan in the meantime. Some of his issues will go away once I get him on the right track with his Force use, allowing a clearer picture to develop. I will say that traditional training will not benefit him as much as we would all hope, so as the Will of the Force clears up, I would ask your indulgence in proposing non-traditional solutions, over the long term."
"Another exception?" Mace asked with a raised eyebrow. "I told you how I feel about those. Having a Master look over your Padawan because you fear he is injured is one thing, but more than that is not our way."
"Perhaps," Skrath chewed on his lip as he tried to find the right words to express what the Force was telling him. "I think more a modification of our traditional methods then a full exception. He would benefit from being around other Jedi more than just myself. Ones he trusts that is, I doubt any Master who you can convince to look him over is going to earn that trust. From my observations he has two problems learning from me aside from his most recent and worrying issues, first he shows signs of prescience, and I don't need to tell you about my own abysmal record when dealing with that. Second, his sensitivity to the Force, which he demonstrated on Rothana to be on a level I have rarely seen outside of Masters who've spent years finding truth in the philosophies of the Living Force, like Qui Gon Jinn. He FELT what Dooku had done there where I only felt the slightest unease; and not only that, he developed a frankly unnerving skill to counter it that also heightened my sensitivity to it to extreme discomfort. Which is another point at which he could very well have done himself an injury. He needs to talk with a more experienced Jedi than myself, although getting him to do so will be an uphill battle. Not to mention that being in the Temple seems to have exacerbated his sensitivity issue, at least temporarily. Perhaps an expedition? Something to allow him to learn from multiple perspectives, allowing me time to work through whatever has gone wrong away from the Temple. One of the most pressing things I need to teach him is how to ask for help rather than seeking the answer on his own. An issue I had when I was younger, and which Master Tulgree used several joint investigations to clear up for me. An expedition will get him out of the temple, but not put him in a position where he can accidentally damage something important while he heals, should he be injured. I, quite frankly, would welcome the back up as well. As I said, healing is not my forte."
"Impetus of youth, he has in full measure then," Yoda accepted what Skrath was saying, but still voiced a mild rebuke. "Beyond the remit of a Master, this is not. Dangerous it would be to allow too many to work on determining his issues. Too readily would you give up your Padawan. Make worse his mentality, you will. Primary source of learning, and healing, you must be."
"True," Mace pursed his lips. "I think we can find you a mission like that if you give us time. I cannot think of one at this moment, but I will admit my thoughts are already preoccupied with what you have brought us. I need time to meditate before I can give you a definite yes or no answer, or a mission which will achieve your goals. The only people who I can think to team you up with now would be Kenobi and Skywalker, but I doubt you want to drag your Padawan into the middle of THAT political mess. Not to mention Obi-Wan hasn't been a Knight much longer then you have been. Also, his talents lie in negotiation, not healing, and he has yet to develop the wisdom you need."
"Healing, he still is," Yoda interrupted sharply. "Interfere we must not. Too much have we done already. Ready, he was not, for his Padawan. Time we must give him to come to terms with the death of his Master."
"If you didn't think him ready, why in the blasted Hells did you push so hard to allow that!" Mace said in exasperation.
"Part of the healing process, Anakin had become," Yoda's ears twitched as if they were going to lower in shame. "Interrupt that, I could not."
"Even if you thought it was possible I would politely but firmly say; no thank you," Skrath's horror at literally everything about the idea was clear on his face. He was well aware of the exceptions which were piling up around Kenobi as he tried to integrate his Padawan into the Jedi lifestyle. Kenobi was turning out to be a respectable Guardian, although one with a distinctly Consular style,, but he was having to bend the rules into a pretzel in order to accommodate Skywalker's sensibilities. The disastrous attempts to put Skywalker in with regular initiates had resulted in a slew of exceptions being made in the hopes of keeping the 'Chosen One' on task, at least according to the Temple's rumor mill. Putting Ori into that mix wouldn't help him, or Skywalker. "I'm sure a more traditional pairing would be better for my Padawan. Skywalker is too good at picking up Force skills and that would only exacerbate Ori's issues. He would feel the need to cut corners we do not want him cutting in order to keep up with Skywalker, probably injuring himself further, and that has disaster written all over it."
"Truth you speak." Yoda smiled as he said that. "Meditate on this we must. Answers, give you we will in time."
"In the meantime, Ki-Adi-Mundi is available to work out just what level of prescience your Padawan actually has. He also has the skills needed to determine if your Padawan has taken a serious injury, or if this is just a reaction which will go away in time. I know that the manual the healing halls puts out lists extreme sensitivity as one of the most common and dangerous side effects of taking a Force wound, but that is out of an overabundance of caution. I can think of several ways for that to occur, which would not require your Padawan to be injured," Mace pursed his lips. "Still, best to get that possibility dealt with swiftly. Mundi is available, and will be more than willing to help. If he does find your Padawan to have some level of prescience it would do him some good to teach for a bit. His lack of a Padawan of his own has become an issue recently, and I feel it best if he works on his inability to teach while under the gaze of an attentive Knight such as yourself. You have the backbone to stand up to him and tell him he is wrong should he make an error, and that would reassure him more than I think he knows."
"That would be greatly appreciated master," Skrath bowed slightly. "I know I am out of my depth in dealing with either issue. Give me an investigation, or a disruption mission, and I can teach Ori how to do it in my sleep but the more esoteric force skills? Or worse, healing others? My sole interest in healing has been in self-healing, trances and the like, the less said about my thoughts on more esoteric abilities the better."
"Sentinels," Mace shook his head in exasperation. "You do have the time to remedy your lack of Force skills. Perhaps you would benefit from spending some time with master Mundi almost as much as your Padawan will."
"I use the Force perfectly well, thank you very much, it's just that I don't need to call on it for every little thing," Skrath replied with the standard response. "Having other skills is not a falling after all."
"Right you were, to take your Padawan, heard this I did several times from him," Yoda's ears perked up as he spoke. He was enjoying falling back into the usual banter between Jedi practitioners and their divergent paths rather than dealing with more weighty matters. Although he did recognize that Skrath was using it as something of a defense mechanism. The young Knight was distracting himself from his worries. Still, it was a rare Jedi who would banter with him, his usual stature in the Order prevented that from happening. If Skrath had the termitary temerity to do so he was one to watch in the future.
"Don't remind me," Skrath sighed heavily. "There is such a thing as taking it too far, and Ori embodies that. If I had longer hair, I would be tearing it out."
"Padawans," Mace grinned as he spoke. "Why do you think I shaved my head? I think you would look good after running a razor or two over your skull. For some reason the other Masters keep telling me that recommending to young Knights that they shave their heads for the first year or two of taking a Padawan would discourage them."
Reviewed by lloyd007
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