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PbP Game Interest Check Thread

A new CoC/MGE RP interest thread has just been made and the GM (Dragonrider364) is looking for more players to join in.
Getting a Post Apocalyptic game started in NSFW.

Reason it's in NSFW is because I'm not pulling punches with how stupendously shitty the world is, not because it's going to be a graphic p0rn fest.

Looks like it's going to be an "Evil" game. If you're interested take a look. It's under Atomic Highway.
So, I just got a brainstorm for a pretty gruesome urban warfare RP -

Disclaimer: I do not promote nor do I condone any actions or beliefs depicted in my fictional works.
Additional disclaimer: Understand that other players are merely assuming the roles of political terrorists. OOC ad hominem attacks or debate on real life political positions is not the point of it. I might even use dice to allocate ideologies.

We Need a Slogan

A terrorism urban-guerrilla strategy RP based off Bay 12 Games' Liberal Crime Squad, We Need a Slogan is a game in which players establish their own fictional terrorist factions and engage in violent urban warfare against each other and the general establishment and innocent civilians to spread their ideals. Players may assume various ideologies ranging from liberalism, conservatism, Nazism, Stalinism, Islamism, reactionism and so forth as they engage in a violent campaign against the general populace to spread the glory of their ideals.

Even in evil, a Legend of Heroes
WNAS is not a story about heroes. It is a story of villains who think themselves heroes and justify themselves with complex and disturbingly well-thought political ideologies. Each and every faction has their own set of political beliefs. Players are encouraged IC to ramble on pseudo-philosophically in the the style of LotIM that attracted so much controversy, albeit with a disclaimer. The characters they play will not be "generic bomb throwing anarchists". Players will be encouraged to create well-fleshed out characters who are powerful and strong. These characters will have agency and will shine brilliantly, even as they commit the most abominable and evil acts.

A plethora of characters
From the very outset, even as this game is about shining, brilliant "heroes" that spearhead a cause, as a game of politics, it is a game which involves dozens of characters. In the style of Legend of the Galactic Heroes, each tragedy and tale of every common person will be written as a bullet tears through their flesh. Combining Thomas Carlyle's "Great Man" and the historical determinism of countless others, the purpose of WNaS is to tell a story, a story of the worst people in the world trying to be the best.

  • Players make a character, join or make a faction.
  • The faction describes its goals,
  • Players of the same faction make PMs to each other to organise.
  • Players go and basically play multiplayer Liberal Crime Squad written by pseudo-Yoshiki Tanaka.
Unfortunately, I have a one quest rule, so I can't run it at the moment.

EDIT: Would anyone like to run it?
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I haven't made one yet. I'm looking to create one just for the game.

So basic idea - It's going to be mostly PvP

We use two skill stats, assuming modifiers have been applied, in calculation.

For example political extremist A attacks political extremist B with a rifle.

A has rifle skill of 1, B has dodge skill of 1. The likelihood of A landing a hit is equal to the ratio of first-to-sum-of-second-and-first skill expressed as a percentage. So, 1 to 1+1, or as a fraction, 1/2. This fraction determines the roll-under for a d100 necessary to achieve a hit. A must roll under 50 to land a rifle hit.

In another scenario, A has a rifle skill of 1, B has dodge skill 99. So, it is 1 to 1+99, 1/100. A must roll under 1, in other words, it must be criticial success (we are rolling under.)

In the inverse, A has 99. B has 1. So, 99/100. A must roll 99 or under.

But lets test this with more numbers where A is the first and B is the second.

2:1 - 66%
3:1 - 75%
4:1 - 80%
5:1 - 83%

Success increases at a diminishing rate for A

1:2 - 33%
1:3 - 25%
1:4 - 20%
1:5 - 17%

Success decreases at a decreasing rate for A.

So the point is to make the RP favour lower level players, encouraging mass recruiting.

Will post more. Just need to create categories of attributes and skills.
So, skills and opposing skills:

Weapons and combat


Will all be opposed by:

...And so forth, for more skills yet to be revealed.

The Attributes will be:

IDI (Ideology, how committed they are to the cause)
INT (Intelligence)
DBT(Doubt, How susceptible they are to other ideologies)
HTH(Damage before permadeath and respawning)
SPD (Speed and flexibility and light weapons)
STR (Strength)

As I said, I am basing this off Liberal Crime Squad, so most of the material is already there for me.

If anyone wishes to join the alpha testing game, which will run for 3 in-game days, please notify me now.
I'm thinking of running a game of Mafia.

For those who haven't heard of it: Mafia is a roleplaying game created in 1986 by a Soviet psychologist, which works best for 9 or more players. Pre-game, the GM randomly assigns players into two groups: a small group of "mafia" and a much larger group of "civilians" (also called "innocents" or "townies"). The mafia are aware who the other mafia are, but the civilians aren't. Play alternates between a "day" phase and a "night" phase. During the day phase, everyone can talk; the group must vote on a player to "lynch" on suspicion of being a mafioso. People can change their vote at any time during the "day", but once a majority of people are voting for a single person to "lynch", the day ends with their "execution" (their alignment is revealed, and they are removed from the game - they can no longer talk or vote). There is usually also the option for a "no lynch" - a vote not to execute anyone - although this is usually disadvantageous for the civilians. During the "night" phase, only the mafia are awake; they can communicate (in live play, this is restricted to gestures to avoid the civilians overhearing; in forum play this amounts to PM), and they can also choose a civilian to "murder in the night" (who is rendered "dead" upon awakening). The objective of the civilians is to find all the mafia and lynch them. The objective of the mafia is to manipulate the civilians into lynching each other, without giving away their own identities and alignment. These are the basic rules; there are many variations involving other roles with their own capabilities (such as an "inspector"/"cop", a civilian-aligned player who once a night can learn the alignment of another player from the moderator).

I'm hoping for at least a dozen signups; they'll close in a couple of weeks (I may call it early if there's more than about 20). Players would have to be available to post at least once every few days. Anyone who signs up, please answer the following two questions:

[ ] I have played Mafia before.
[ ] I have never played Mafia before.

[ ] I will only play with original, non-erotic flavour.
[ ] I would prefer original, non-erotic flavour.
[ ] I don't care about flavour.
[ ] I would prefer erotic flavour.
[ ] I will only play with erotic flavour.

(Erotic flavour means I'll swap out "civilians" and "mafia" for "virgins" and "molestors" at an "abstinence camp", and write a short rape scene instead of each "murder". Players would, if this was confirmed, have to PM me a character name (not recognisable as their username) and physical description of their character pre-game for me to use in said scenes. Obviously, if erotic flavour is voted for the game will be posted in the NSFW section.)

I've played before (though only in RL). If there's a lot of newbies, or almost all newbies, I'd prefer to keep it simple, and I'm guessing a lot of people won't be interested in that particular flavour of porn, but I won't stop the lewd train if everyone climbs aboard.

EDIT: Extending signups in hope of more players; current total of 5 is not really sufficient.
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[X] I have never played Mafia before.
[X] I have played Mafia before.
[X] I would prefer erotic flavour.

Becasue we're on QQ. But I can play SFW too.

But anyway, I'm interested. For those that may eb interested but aren't sure how this go, I'll give a link to a Dangan Ronpa-flavored Mafia game here. Come see the insanity and paranoia!

Edit: no longer played is no longer true.
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[X] I have played Mafia before.
[X] I would prefer original, non-erotic flavour.

Honestly, as much as I've played Town of Salem, I've only played actual forum Mafia to completion once, though I'm in the middle of Day 1 on another game.

Here's a link, if people want to see how a danganrompa-themed mafia game is played. Gives a bit of an example over how the mindgames go.

Also, how long are you planning the Day and Night phases to go on? Max and min numbers of players you're counting on?
Th... Three weeks for a single day phase? That's gonna lead to long inactivity.
Well, people do need time to analyse each other, and people do live in different timezones. I suppose a bit less might work, though.

In any case, it'd only be a deadline; if people come to a decision sooner, then it ends early.
[X] I have played Mafia before.
[X] I would prefer original, non-erotic flavour.
-[X] More roles!
[X] I have played Mafia before.
[X] I would prefer original, non-erotic flavour.
I didn't even know this was a thing.

And I still don't understand the distinction between a PbP and an RP when they almost always turn out identically when played.

Anyways, this is a NSFW RP idea I've had.

Welcome dear players to the Mischievous Manor. The previous owner has passed away, and you have since gathered together in accordance with his will to collect the fortune you so desire. Whosoever can remain within the manor the longest, remain physically able and mentally sound will be the victor and acquire this vast estate and the fortune within. There are, of course, some ground rules that you all must follow.

1. There shall be no combat among your fellows. Harming your fellows will have consequences.
2. The Foyer and your private bedroom are perfectly safe, as well as the food brought to you at meal times in the dining hall.
3. No contact with the outside world is allowed once the contest has begun.

Now that the basic ground rules have been set, I shall give you some advice.

1. The third rule is loose, items from without can be attained for a price.
2. I will answer any question you wish. Whether you like the answer or not is entirely up to you.
3. Sometimes, the safe choice is the worst choice. Taking a risk can grant great profit.

And finally, some warnings.

1. Stay inside at night, and if you do go out despite this warning stay away from the graveyard.
2. Don't bother the staff too much, they might get annoyed if you pull them from their tasks. Although you might enjoy what they have in store for you.
3. Do not go into the basement unless I am with you, lest you will fear for your life. Of course, a warrior will have nothing to worry about.
4. Don't try to steal something valuable and then try to leave the manor. It's by far the worst decision you could take. Of course, it may also be the wisest decision you could take.
5. And lastly. R̷͘͞e͘͟͜m͡em̶̛be̷̷҉r̨̀ ͟͠y͝o̵ur̴ ̛́͠n͝a͟me͞.̶

Do come inside.
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