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[Freeform] PHO: Parahumans Online

Anyway, I wonder what would happen if the new cape tries to reset stuff that has been frozen by clockblocker.

That's one of those interesting power interactions that's always so confusing to think about. They're both temporal effects, so you'd think that one might override the other, or something, but this isn't a situation like that.

You ever heard of Flechette? She's in the New York wards. She has the power to make stuff punch through other stuff with no resistance... Like, she powers up a twig, and waves it through a refrigerator as if the fridge isn't even there. If her power ever interacted with Clockblockers, I imagine it would break reality.

This situation isn't like that. Since they're both temporal effects, I'm thinking it would probably operate on a queue system. This new girls power would take hold, but it wouldn't actually send the thing back in time until the time freeze wore off.
Since they're both temporal effects, I'm thinking it would probably operate on a queue system. This new girls power would take hold, but it wouldn't actually send the thing back in time until the time freeze wore off.

What about Grey Boy - do you think the new cape could burst the time bubbles? Since they are time loops (the less said about what happens in them, the better), a precisely timed temporal displacement could reset them to the state before entering the loop - or just reset the loop.
Still, it might be worth a try.

On related matters, do you know any tinker that sells brain bleach? I'd like to forget the last three hours of research *shudder*
What about Grey Boy - do you think the new cape could burst the time bubbles? Since they are time loops (the less said about what happens in them, the better), a precisely timed temporal displacement could reset them to the state before entering the loop - or just reset the loop.
Still, it might be worth a try.
You're right, that could work. Damn, if that really is possible... I think there would be a lot of people who would pay a lot of money for her to take a tour through all the places he ever visited.
I might even chip in.
I wouldn't get your hopes up. Lots of people have tried their hands at freeing Gray Boy's victims, and nobody has succeeded to this day. Not even Eidolon has managed it. Yeah, it would be wonderful if this new girl can pull it off, but I'm not going to be holding my breath.
Yeah you're right. Still, somebody should at least get her to try. Who knows it might work.
Honestly it would probably have a horrific results. If shes limited to a few minutes or seconds only the few people who entered the bubble within the designated amount of time could escape.

And since thoughts actually travel in there your probably gonna pull the people in their in the most mentally unstable state. Though in theory if she were really lucky she'd get a crazy turned sane again.
Just because, I am who I am, I have to wonder if there's a range limit. Like if someone teleports in, and this chick rewinds them, will they be sent all the way back to their starting point, or will they move out of range of the power at the midway point and just fall to the street half way between their starting point and their end point?

I would imagine that it's less like a field of effect that exists around her, and more like a specific range for tagging targets. Once a target is tagged, they're effected until they're completely reset, she just can't tag things outside a certain range... I mean... It just feels like that teleport thing wouldn't happen.
I'm less interested in the range and far more interested in how far back she can reset somebody. And if they go back to the state they were in at that time.
You mean like, do they come back to life if they died?
Yeah, stuff like that. Image how awesome it would be if she could reset wounded people back to a healthy state. She could stand on the sidelines of endbringer battles and constantly heal/revive fallen capes. That could cut the casualties down to a fraction of what they are now and could allow some to use strategies they otherwise wouldn't. Even Panacea can't bring back the dead after all. She might even be able to remove Simurgh influence be resetting people that fight her to the time before they enetered her radius, but I wouldn't count on that.

I'm sure there are countless other cool applications of her power depending on what exactly the limitations are.
Or reset them to before they were born? Imagine someone turning into a foetus in mid step.

Threatening someone with turning them into a fetus would be both more cruel and more merciful than threatening them with death. Provided you have a jar to keep them alive in. I wonder if the fetus would still keep their powers.
I wonder if people remember the reset or if they continue on from the point in time they were reset to.
I wonder if people remember the reset or if they continue on from the point in time they were reset to.

You know? If she Can bring people back from the dead, I'm not sure if it would be better or worse in their memories reset. If they don't and she reset someone to before their death; on the up side, they remember how they died, and get a second chance to avoid it; on the down side, they remember their death... That's gotta be traumatic...

I just had a thought... And this is horrible, so I'm not suggesting that she should seriously do this, I'm just suggesting that it could be possible. If targets keep their memories through a reset, you might be able to build up a force of parahumans that way. Just kill someone over and over again, until they trigger.
You know? If she Can bring people back from the dead, I'm not sure if it would be better or worse in their memories reset. If they don't and she reset someone to before their death; on the up side, they remember how they died, and get a second chance to avoid it; on the down side, they remember their death... That's gotta be traumatic...

I just had a thought... And this is horrible, so I'm not suggesting that she should seriously do this, I'm just suggesting that it could be possible. If targets keep their memories through a reset, you might be able to build up a force of parahumans that way. Just kill someone over and over again, until they trigger.
I heard somewhere that it doesn't work if you try to force it. Allthough that might be just a rumor to disuade the teenagers from jumping off buildings in the hopes of spontaniously getting the power to fly.

Still a horrible thought. Makes me wonder how none of greyboy's victims ever got powers.
I heard somewhere that it doesn't work if you try to force it. Allthough that might be just a rumor to disuade the teenagers from jumping off buildings in the hopes of spontaniously getting the power to fly.

Still a horrible thought. Makes me wonder how none of greyboy's victims ever got powers.
For all we know they have triggered - just with nothing to free them from the time bubble.

And yeah, people putting themselves into near death situations to trigger... there are some rumors that some succeeded*, but most of them died. Or got horribly maimed.

*From what the rumor mill says, one of that trio of teenagers that were reported on, back in '96, did trigger - in mid-air, after seeing his friend splattering first. The third did not jump.
If you only get one lottery ticket to win super powers, it doesn't matter how many times they call a number if it never changes and it's not yours.
Or reset them to before they were born? Imagine someone turning into a foetus in mid step.

God I hope she has some sort of limit.

If we're being completely rational about this, there probably Is a limit. Only a few parahumans in history have ever had potentially limitless powers, and not including Eidolon, those capes are still limited in a varietal sense... Like, there's a difference between having every power ever, and having the most powerful power ever... I guess Glaistig Uaine kind of has a potentially limitless number of powers too...

Like Lung just keeps getting more powerful as a fight progresses, right? But he doesn't get more powers, he just gets more powerful... And he turns into a dragon... The point I'm trying to make here is that the vast majority of capes have some kind of hard limit on their power. ClockBlocker can only freeze targets he's in physical contact with, and not for longer than five minutes. Hookwolf can become a reverse blender, and do all the things a reverse blender can do, but not much more.

If we're looking at this objectively, and doing so comparatively, it's probably safe to say she can't reduce an adult to a baby. Now, I could be wrong on this, she could be one of the few capes who has no hard limit, but I'd wager that she probably can't reset you back more than a week... And that's being generous... Like Really generous.

EDIT: Holy crap, I can't believe I forgot to mention Scion when I was talking about capes who have no limits.
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It has to be only a few seconds, with a cooldown. Otherwise they Cricket would never have gotten close enough to hurt her.
I also think she needs line of sight, otherwise she would be essentially clairvoyant, and that is just scary.
Well, there are some capes who's power is just downright unfair. I mean greyboy has already been mentioned, the Sibirian is completely invulnerable it seems, the Triumvirate aren't slouches either and I've heard some pretty weird rumours about a few asian capes with supposedly insane powers. She might be one of those that really luck out with their power. Idk, I agree that it's unlikely that she can do anything too drastic, but I guess it could be.

We probably won't know anything concrete for a Long while though, I mean she probably won't be telling everyone her exact limitations and stuff, that would be pretty risky.
Thread Subject: Empire/ABB fight
Thread Subject. Empire/ABB fight

So for all those that somehow haven't heard the tragic news yet, there was a huge gang fight yesterday evening. Probably the worst this year. Apparently, Lung somehow found out when the Empire was breaking out Rune and Cricket since they were captured last week by the new independent cape and the ABB mounted some kind of huge offensive against the Empire while their main fighters were distracted. From what I heard they knocked over a number of safe houses and meeting points, robbed some of their stash houses and burned one of Hookwolf's dogfighting pits to the ground. Obviously, the Empire responded and there were gunfights in quite a few places all over Empire territory. Some of their capes got involved as well from what I heard, but with Lung and Oni Lee there and most of their friends gone they didn't really stand a chance. Some people say that they saw Lung carry off an unconscious Krieg towards the docks, so it seems like the ABB is escalating to kidnapping capes now.

When the group that broke out Rune and Cricket returned they mounted what I would call an invasion into the ABB part of the docks to get Krieg back I guess, because I saw loads of empire goons marching that way from my window and there was fighting there as well an hour later. Idk, it seems like they tore apart anything they could find, but I don't think they got Krieg back. The ABB capes fought back of course, and the whole shitshow started again. I don't have a link for you but there is camera footage of Kaiser and Purity driving Lung into the Dockworker Union building and collapsing it around him. After that he got too big and they had to pull out.

My deepest condolences to all those that lost friends or family to this madness, I heard that there were quite a few casualties among people who weren't involved with any of this and just stood in the way of capes or assholes with itchy trigger fingers. Not to mention all the property damage the cape fights caused. If you are injured or otherwise in need of help I read that New Wave, the police, and a few other organizations set up an emergency relief station for the next few days on Drummond's Avenue. Panacea is there most of the time to heal the injured, there is free soup, and there will be a place to stay for a while if you lost your home.

Stay safe.

OOC: searching... contacted me and said it was fine if I opened up a new "thread" to continue the plot. Hope you all like it.
There's a burning car outside my window... Like... It caught fire a while ago, and it's still burning. I wasn't there when it caught fire, for which I'm thankful... I wonder who it belongs to.
Have you called it in? If it's burning it could be dangerous. Idk perhaps it might explode?
Have you called it in? If it's burning it could be dangerous. Idk perhaps it might explode?

I feel like the police and the Protectorate probably have bigger problems to deal with.

Also cars don't really explode like they do in the movies. It's usually more like a moderately sized fire ball, than an explosion that erases the existence of whatever exploded and embeds shrapnel in everything around it. So as long as people are smart about it, nobody should be close enough to actually get hurt if/when it does eventually go off.
I went home today after staying overnight at the cafe I work at. Found the ground floor shot to hell and our honorary security guard got sent to Panacea. 1st and 2nd floor got a few bullet holes in the floor. Luckily for me the 3rd floor was untouched so I still have all my stuff though probably gonna bail now since ABB is taking some heat. Maybe near merchant territory lots of addicts but with the bomber near ita the safest place.
Oh man that video is rough; I think I saw a stray shot from purity obliterate a man.

In other news I heard that the Mayor's neice was missing, but I'm not sure if that was my little brother being paranoid about not seeing her in class (he has a bit of a crush on her) or not.
I hope she's just sick or something. Apart from the fact that I wouldn't wish a missing kid on anyone I always liked Major Christner, seemed like he was doing the best he could for the Bay. Must be tough, running a shithole like this.

Anyway, it seems like the Empire are still looking for Krieg, because my neighbor just saw another group of goons march past an hour or so ago and I just heard gunshots from the general direction of the docks.
At least now some heroes are in the area with New Wave guarding the relief station. I hope they shut thise idiots down
Fuck the gangs man.
Oh man that video is rough; I think I saw a stray shot from purity obliterate a man.

In other news I heard that the Mayor's neice was missing, but I'm not sure if that was my little brother being paranoid about not seeing her in class (he has a bit of a crush on her) or not.

I would not put it past Lung to abduct the major's niece as a show of power. Maybe that is what sparked the latest attacks by the Empire
I went home today after staying overnight at the cafe I work at. Found the ground floor shot to hell and our honorary security guard got sent to Panacea. 1st and 2nd floor got a few bullet holes in the floor. Luckily for me the 3rd floor was untouched so I still have all my stuff though probably gonna bail now since ABB is taking some heat. Maybe near merchant territory lots of addicts but with the bomber near ita the safest place.

Hoshu, I have a radical suggestion for you, provided you're okay with a little subterfuge.

Go find Mush, Squealer, and Skidmark. Wait until they're asleep and tie them up. Drop them off in front of the Protectorate headquarters. Assume control of the Merchants gang and tell them all that you're a cape. If they don't believe you, do a few magic tricks. Use your new position of power to clean up the gang. Live a life of relative safety.

It may sound like I'm making fun of you, but I'm not. It may sounds like I'm making light of this tragedy, but I'm not. I just had this idea, and I honestly think it could work... I just don't want to do it myself... It sounds risky.

In related news, I work at the hospital. I'm not allowed to release names or anything, but a lot of people are coming in from the Dockworkers Union, which is mostly a good sign. It at least means that they're not dead, seeing as how they're being sent here, instead of to the morgue... Though I can't speak for all of them. Some of these guys are seriously messed up.
Hoshu, I have a radical suggestion for you, provided you're okay with a little subterfuge.

Go find Mush, Squealer, and Skidmark. Wait until they're asleep and tie them up. Drop them off in front of the Protectorate headquarters. Assume control of the Merchants gang and tell them all that you're a cape. If they don't believe you, do a few magic tricks. Use your new position of power to clean up the gang. Live a life of relative safety.

It may sound like I'm making fun of you, but I'm not. It may sounds like I'm making light of this tragedy, but I'm not. I just had this idea, and I honestly think it could work... I just don't want to do it myself... It sounds risky.

In related news, I work at the hospital. I'm not allowed to release names or anything, but a lot of people are coming in from the Dockworkers Union, which is mostly a good sign. It at least means that they're not dead, seeing as how they're being sent here, instead of to the morgue... Though I can't speak for all of them. Some of these guys are seriously messed up.
Okay....Hypothetically even if I did manage to do this having a gang of drug addicts with no capes whatsoever is just asking for the ABB or the E88 to swallow up all the merchant territory. Lung and Kaiser shits all over this plan. So i rather work brewing turkish coffee.

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