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[Freeform] PHO: Parahumans Online

...Just saw that new cape, uuuuh don't think she ever got an official name but I think someone coined Reset, hauling ass down the street from where I'm currently at. Just heard an explosion from the general direction she(?) was going. Called 911 about it, who then said that the PRT and the Protecterate are already aware of the situation. Another explosion, maybe some gunshots, can faintly hear yelling.

...Might die but I'll try and give some play by plays

Pray for me cuz I'm gonna need it
Considering that it's been more than two hours since RedStarMini's post the 'I might die' comment does not sound good. Hey dude, you ok? See anything interesting?
Hopefully Reset (I'm gonna run with that name until something official is released) heals anything done to him and we can get confirmation on whether people remember being sent back through time.

Also no I'm not wishing harm on him. Put your SJW caps away.
Hmmm, I wonder if she can reset herself. That would probably be super handy.
Doesn't look like it. She didn't use it to heal any of the wounds she got in her fight with Rune and Cricket.
Did she even get hit by anything in that fight?

Anyway, there is a good chance we'll never now. New, completely green cape running into gunfire and explosions? Yeah, I guess there is a good chance we'll never see her again.
Did she even get hit by anything in that fight?

Anyway, there is a good chance we'll never now. New, completely green cape running into gunfire and explosions? Yeah, I guess there is a good chance we'll never see her again.
She did, she had a lot of cuts by the end of that fight. Rune and Cricket working together as a tag team are quite effective, no matter how good your power is.
I got an update from the hospital, in case anyone wants to know about that. Most of the people caught in the Union building when it went down are alive. They're not in good shape, but bad shape is better than dead. It would be a bit naive to assume that nobody died, just because I haven't heard of them yet, but I'm hopeful. In slightly more tragic news, a couple of them aren't going to be waking up any time soon... Head injuries are brutal.

It's probably too late to say this, but maybe don't go towards the explosions. Some of them aren't normal. Working in the hospital, I've seen some pretty gruesome and ludicrous injuries come in. The worst case so far has been a group of people who were fused together, but still alive.
She did, she had a lot of cuts by the end of that fight. Rune and Cricket working together as a tag team are quite effective, no matter how good your power is.
Hmm, well it does sound like she can't do it. Almost a shame, it seems like she might try to be a hero and that would have made her power all the more versatile.

It's probably too late to say this, but maybe don't go towards the explosions. Some of them aren't normal. Working in the hospital, I've seen some pretty gruesome and ludicrous injuries come in. The worst case so far has been a group of people who were fused together, but still alive.
:-/ we have another new villain in the bay? What's next, an endbringer attack?

Seriously though, this shit is nuts. I'm glad I don't live in the area.
I'm alive, thank fucking god for that. Christ you guys have no idea what went down. I have my original while I was there play by play but I kind of have a panic attack (you'll get why) in the middle and just spam 'Fuck' so I'll give a more level headed approach, as much as I can. I heard Reset's voice so I'm more confident on She for now

-The fight was originally Protectorate (Dauntless and Miss Militia) and Reset VS Lung and Oni Lee and some ABB goon support, E88 only joined during the tail end of THAT

-It was actually going in the favor of the Protectorate and Reset at the start, her power is almost a direct counter to Lung and Oni Lee, being able to reset Lung to earlier stages of his ramping up and reset Oni Lee OR his bombs... at least at first

-Dauntless actually had a nice strategy where he grabbed reset and speeded across the main area they were fighting so reset wouldn't get hit, since her power is one of the few in the bay that directly counter the ABB capes

-Things started getting... weird when Reset pretty much had Oni Lee under control, for some reason he freaked the FUCK out and ran the hell out of there

-Reset then got Lung under control, like holy shit it was a sight to see, she was able to get him back to the state where he was just beginning his transformation process and keep him there

-Then... it seems like Reset started... gloating? I couldn't catch exactly what she was saying but Dauntless seemed a bit uncomfortable and I think MM asked her to knock it off. I think they were unsure what to do since Reset's power might undo containment foam and Lung would otherwise ramp up.

-Lung suddenly spasmed and it all went to hell, that's about when I started having the panic attack so things are kind of fuzzy

-Lung's power just went haywire, some parts of his body would grow to the size of a truck while other parts were still human. He was a giant unpredictable mass of scales and mouths, Reset got knocked out I think, she was closest when he went tetsuo on em'. The building either went down here or...

-Armsmaster finally arrived so that helped, it seemed like his tinkertech could deal a bit better with... whatever was happening to Lung

-Then an ABB goon or maybe someone unfortunately in the crossfire triggered. ONLY IN THE BAY! This is the other point where the building might have come down

-I'll call them implosion, their power seems to be to suddenly gather and merge objects together, even if they shouldn't be able to, and either leave them there or turn them into an improvised "bomb" that explodes into shrapnel. They probably have some secondary powers like timing or avoiding their explosions but I'm not sure. Gender unknown. Probably responsible for the merged people. I saw them get startled one time and the "bomb" undid the merging so perhaps if they WERE just wrong place wrong time they could undo the people who got merged. Wishful thinking.

-At this point the Empire showed up, originally to fight Lung and the new cape but once they started fleeing the Empire started fighting to get to Reset. Bastards.

-I ran

-If I had to guess what happened, the Protectorate got pissed as hell at the Empire, probably another hero got in, and the Empire ran.

TLDR: Reset can counter lung and oni pretty well as long as she isn't killed, lung can now turn into a blob of dragon-ish parts, new trigger with object based "bombs", Empire went after Reset after the ABB capes left

Again, ONLY IN THE BAY! Times like these I wish Hero was still alive because we'd probably get a triumvirate member to deal with this crap up here

EDIT: Wow I just realized like half of this wasn't offically covered during the first news casts, I'm guessing the PRT either didn't want all this out at once or protectorate hero statements are still being verified and shit
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Thanks for the recap, but holy shit, I think it's time for me to move up my vacation plans. Go somewhere far away and wait until this all blows over. Who am I kidding, it probably never will. :-/

I wonder what happened to Lung. You think his power frizzed because it was reset too often?

Also, what do you think would have happened if Reset had reset the new cape right after they triggered? Think she could have removed the power that way, or would they guy immediately trigger again or something? Idk, time manipulation powers always have weird implications.
ONLY IN THE BAY indeed. Glad you are alive, man!

Too many resets seem to fuck with people's brains, given that both Oni Lee and Lung freaked out. It would make sense, if we compare the brain with a computer, Reset could easily cause a parser error.
And there was this documentation on parahumans having weird brain structures a while back. There were some before and after scans.

Maybe Reset can really un-trigger people*. And Lung re-triggered on the spot?

*It would expain why Oni Lee RAN.
Maybe Reset can really un-trigger people. And Lung re-triggered on the spot?
That would mean she reset him back years and years though. With the one that had just gotten a power I could imagine it, but with Lung? Still, powers are utter bs, so it might be possible.
Thanks for the recap, but holy shit, I think it's time for me to move up my vacation plans. Go somewhere far away and wait until this all blows over. Who am I kidding, it probably never will. :-/

I wonder what happened to Lung. You think his power frizzed because it was reset too often?

Also, what do you think would have happened if Reset had reset the new cape right after they triggered? Think she could have removed the power that way, or would they guy immediately trigger again or something? Idk, time manipulation powers always have weird implications.

With Lung... I dunno I'm not super sure on that either. It came up in an earlier thread on Reset but perhaps he second triggered? I dunno I've never really held much stock in that existing. On the flipside it's possible that she reset lung but for some reason his power worked with different rules. I think some of his transformations started doing different things which should clash with her reset "loops". So I guess second trigger or his power went into overdrive to get out of ther resets

Resetting the triggered cape... I feel like that's just asking for something bad to happen, maybe the trigger a second time but with an immunity to time manipulation lol. I feel like doing that kind of thing is asking for trouble, remember how many people were killed or wounded when the gov first attempted surgical power removal? That shit never works out

However I just thought of something, would she be able to reset a recently found monster cape? The ones with amnesia

EDIT: Seeing her power in action I think Reset has a loose limit on how far back she can loop someone back to, maybe out of fear of unmasking a villain, but she never went too far back with the loops I saw. Too early to tell. She did perform a pretty clutch power usage once she got up during the proper lung rampage by restoring Armsmaster's and Dauntless' gear to pre-fight condition, though she hung back most of the rest of that fight until the Empire tried to gank her
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However I just thought of something, would she be able to reset a recently found monster cape? The ones with amnesia
Hmm, could be. Allthough, do you think they would agree to that? I mean who knows who or what they were before. I guess some of them probably would, but that's a pretty big leap of faith...

EDIT: Seeing her power in action I think Reset has a loose limit on how far back she can loop someone back to, maybe out of fear of unmasking a villain, but she never went too far back with the loops I saw. Too early to tell. She did perform a pretty clutch power usage once she got up during the proper lung rampage by restoring Armsmaster's and Dauntless' gear to pre-fight condition, though she hung back most of the rest of that fight until the Empire tried to gank her
I hope she keeps safe, it seems like she would make a great addition to the BB Protectorate roster. God knows they could use all the help they can get with how fucked up the gang situation is right now ...
Thread Subject: Some Lighthearted Fun to Counterbalance all the Suck
Thread Subject: Some Lighthearted fun to counterbalance all the suck.

Okay, so I imagine we've all been holding our breaths, waiting for the end. Gang wars can last a really long time, or a really short time, depending on a lot of things, and this one probably won't be stopping any time soon. Things seem to be settling down a bit though. We no longer have to worry about violence erupting at the slightest sneeze.

We've been hit on a few different fronts this last week, or two, of chaos. The mayors niece is definitely missing. We have that new fuse and explode cape running around, and definitely not helping anything. E88 is still trying to get Krieg back. Oni Lee seems to have upgraded his suicide game with some Tinker explosives. It's been in the papers already, but a couple members of the Dockworkers Union have fallen into a coma. I'm not allowed to release their names, before you ask...

Anyway, I just thought we could all use a break from the heavy stuff. Keep our spirits up and all. So here goes: What's the dumbest cape power you've ever heard of? Like anywhere, they don't even have to have come from the states.
I think there's a cape in North Carolina who has a power that basically deals physical damage to other people if they "walk into" one of his jokes. He's different from sticks and stones in that he does not need to insult his opponents.

I think his power is classified as a thinker, master, and breaker hybrid. The master part is partially due to people, even if they are aware of his power, to feel compelled to respond. Apparently he was able to subdue a brute with Ligma
There was a cape in New Mexico, don't remember his name, but he was cowboy themed. His power was the ability to teleport things from himself to... Himself... I explained it that way, because that's exactly what his power was, but he used it pretty effectively. Teleporting guns from the holsters at his hips, into his hands, so he had the fastest quick draw.
Wasn't there also some guy who would turn invisible when nobody was looking? Sounds really stupid, but he made a fortune in robbing places at night when everybody went home and only the security cameras were on.

He always avoided the buildings with night guards, and was actually caught by other robbers once. He didn't expect them, they saw him and he suddenly turned visible again, the security cameras picked him up and the police nabbed him two days later.
Wasn't there also some guy who would turn invisible when nobody was looking? Sounds really stupid, but he made a fortune in robbing places at night when everybody went home and only the security cameras were on.

He always avoided the buildings with night guards, and was actually caught by other robbers once. He didn't expect them, they saw him and he suddenly turned visible again, the security cameras picked him up and the police nabbed him two days later.
Oh I remember that guy. It was kinda hilarious because him looking at himself caused his power to turn off as well, so he did all his thieving with his eyes closed. He didn't even realise he'd been caught for a few minutes.
There was a video of this one Ward. A breaker that made himself perputually bouncy. So everytime he uses it he just keeps bouncing non stop and it turns into this loop of him just bouncing off everything without control. In one fight a villain punched him far enough that he just bounced out of the city.
Oh what about that one girl who could only teleport to one spot in New Mexico? I heard that it was the spot where she triggered, some bus stop on a small side road near Route 66 a few miles outside Gallup or something.

Oh I remember that guy. It was kinda hilarious because him looking at himself caused his power to turn off as well, so he did all his thieving with his eyes closed. He didn't even realise he'd been caught for a few minutes.
Actually, that makes it kinda impressive.

I wanted to mention the one girl from France that learned to fly (or at least jump really high) by changing the strength of her own farts with some kind of wind manipulation power, but I checked and that's actually just a rumour. Shame, that would have been so cool.
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Just one guy

There was this guy that appeared in a endbringer fight last year, that could control Spoons, when i hear it i thinked it was the most silliest thing ever, then of course i chenged my mind after seeing a sea of spoons eating the endbringer, didn't do nothing to it but mAAAAN that was cool and silly.
Thread Subject- Trimuvate making some major moves?

Today Eidolon announced on his personal site that the Triumvirate will aggressively start pursuing villains, starting with Brockton Bay. There has been no further information thus far.
Thread Subject- Trimuvate making some major moves?

Today Eidolon announced on his personal site that the Triumvirate will aggressively start pursuing villains, starting with Brockton Bay. There has been no further information thus far.

You... What? Are you trolling us? Why'd you post that here? You know you can start a new thread right? You don't need special permission from the mods or anything. Also, that doesn't sound real. I know that the Bay has one of the highest crime rates, but there Are worse places... If the Triumvirate was going to start anywhere other than their home cities, wouldn't it make sense to start with the worst of the worst?
i am calling a Master to that. Because i don't see so many badies in the city i mean it's not like The slaughter nine, has a HQ there or something (sarcasm).

But seriously, i feel okay if they begin to do a better work, i am a cape geek and i know that sometimes the good guys let the bad guys do whatever they want
They probably want to go with something that looks like an easy win to start with. I don't think they want to go after the hardest target first and maybe fail, that would not make this whole thing look very good.
Also, regarding the S9, I don't think Alexandria is all too eager for another run in with the Sibirian. As far as I know nobody has been able to harm her yet, pehaps they're waiting until they know how to deafeat her.

In any event, if they really do come to BB and start clearing out the villains that could be either the catalyst for some major trouble or could finally allow the police to deal with the gang problem better. I mean, removing their capes would be a good start, but the gangs themselves probably won't go away that easily even though they're largely built around the capes, they've had years and years to entrench themselves.
Thread Subject: Villains Watch Out.
New thread subject: Villains watch out!

Well I'm sure you all know about the recent protectorate press release stating that the Triumvirate would be coming to BB in an effort to start clearing the more troubled cities of parahuman crime.

Just like you I was sceptical at first but HOOOOOOLY Shit, it looks like Eidolon wasn't joking with that message.

A friend of mine called me to tell me to watch out because aparently hookwolf was seen heading through my neighborhood with a few punks in tow harrasing random people of colour, and I look out the window and who do I see floating past?
The man in the green cape himself, that's who.

Anyway, if you want to see hookwolf get absolutely curbstomped, take a look at this video, I recorded what I could for your viewing pleasure.

I wasn't sure about this whole thing when it was initially mentioned, but I have to say, so far I'm liking the results XD
Please nerf Eidolon. Too OP.

But seriously can someone list the treats in brockton because i don't think villains can fight this guy.

i think the only one that could defeat Eidolon is Evil Eidolon for the evil version of earth
Thread Subject- Trimuvate making some major moves?

Today Eidolon announced on his personal site that the Triumvirate will aggressively start pursuing villains, starting with Brockton Bay. There has been no further information thus far.
Now, who's the troll?

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