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Pokemon Grey Version (IC)

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Mischief Maker
Jan 10, 2015
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Nuvema Town. A wonderful place to start a journey, for this was where Professor Aurea Juniper, who sponsored new trainers, had her lab. Oh, Professor Sumac would handle registration, so foreign trainers could just as easily go to her, but it was Professor Juniper who would give untested trainers new pokemon to prove their way with, and so it was she that was remembered, and as a result even most trainers who just needed to register with a pokemon they already had would go to Juniper over Sumac. Besides, sometimes, as with today, she would give new trainers who already had a pokemon of their own an extra starter from her family's ranch.

"Go ahead you three." Juniper placed a small case on the table before Morgana, Quan, and Kathleen. "One each Oshawott, Tepig, and Snivvy."

Opening the case, she revealed three premier balls, each with a modification sticker for the appropriate elements, both clearly labeling the balls, and adding an improvement to the living space inside the otherwise sparse model of balls which were more about prestige than comfort.

Juniper looked up at Azure, Faith, and Aquamarine. "While they're figuring out who gets what, why don't I get you started on your local registration? Now, here are your dexes, there's a form to fill out with your personal information when it initializes. Just basic things like home town, birthday, that kind of thing. One thing which might be a little confusing without explanation is where it asks about lodging. While there's no rule against having as many pokémon with you as you want, in official league sanctioned matches, you can only use six. Most people don't want to keep pokémon they can't devote their attention to with them, so they make arrangements for the ones they're not actively training.

"By default, if you have six and you catch another, your dex will send your newest catch to a designated location. You can turn that up, turn it off, or even turn it down. I wouldn't recommend that last one, though. There's four options in Unova for where to send your pokémon. You can send them to your home, you can send them to my lab, you can send them to Amanita's PC, or you can send them to Professor Sumac's manor. I'm afraid that if you don't have a permanent place of residence in Unova you really only have three choices. If you send them here, I can take care of six pokemon, completely free of charge, and still take the time to give them some attention every day. It's not many, but they'll be in good hands.

"If you send them to the PC, you can store thirty for free, and pay a minor fee for each additional thirty spots, so to speak, but they'll just be living in their ball at a secure location, rather than really being taken care of. As for Professor Sumac, she runs a facility in the City of Northeast, where she has space for as many pokémon as you care to send her, however, given that she allows all of the pokémon on her estate to socialize freely, she does reserve the right to refuse service to any particular pokémon at any time. Please let me know if you have any questions."

With that, Juniper handed out Unova dexes to all six trainers.
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Kathleen J. Black

"T-thanks you Professor..." Kathleen replies as she looks at the Pokeballs in the table. "Honestly I'm not too sure about this... But in worst case, I can send Snivy to work with my parents in the farm. We've been searching for a good grass Pokemon for a while." Hesitatingly looking at the other two trainer, Kathleen proceeds to quickly grab the Pokeball before following Juniper.

Quickly moving to the Professor's side, Kathleen attentively heard the Professor's speech. "I'm going to send them to my ranch..." Kathleen muttered to herself as she received her Pokedex and started to fiddle with it's settings. She just needed to forward the Pokeballs to the terminal at home, right?

Figuring this out should be easy.
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Morgana Marah

Morgana takes her 'dex, pockets it, and contemplates the choice of her next Pokemon.

Tucking her dark hair behind her ear and biting her lip, she mourned the inability to pick a ghost or dark type. But it was very generous of Professor Juniper to offer. Not like Kayle. That bitch wouldn't have offered. And sending her 'extra,' they'd never be extra or unwanted (not really, she might trade some of them though, for more preferable types), home wouldn't be a good idea. Her parents would be too busy to really give them care, and her sister was not an option.

She would hate for her Pokemon to like Kayle more than her. That happened with people enough.

And letting them stay in a little ball -all the time- seemed cruel to her. The inability to secure sanctuary for her Pokemon when she needed or wanted to didn't seem like a good idea.

Well, she'd always wanted to learn how to swim for real, and having a friendly water type to save her would really help.

"Professor Juniper, thank you for your generous offer," Morgana gives a slight bow, "I will take Oshawott with me, and I am grateful that I can keep my Pokemon with you, but if I ever change my mind, how difficult would that be?"
"I will take Oshawott with me, and I am grateful that I can keep my Pokemon with you, but if I ever change my mind, how difficult would that be?"
"It's as simple as contacting me so I can forward any with me to your new choice, and then changing the settings on your dex."
"Thanks, I guess.."

Azure takes the pokedex from the professor and starts working on his paperwork.

Filling out paperwork, Ehhh. Even if it isn't that much to do it's still not fun. Age, Home? Didn't I already fill this out once? Paperwork sucks. Should at least step up the extra pokemon thing first right? That would be the responsible thing to do.

Send it to Professor Sumac and if she's not willing to house it send it to the bank. That's the smart thing to do right? You need a good corral of pokemon for a gym. So you'll need the space.

At least the paperwork won't take me too long.

Isn't it traditional for new trainers to fight the other guys starters? Considering they now have two you are going to just ignore that. I do eye the other foreigners up for a minute before deciding against asking for a battle.

"So, what next Professor?"
"Ah, much obliged, Professor." Aquamarine says, genially enough as he fills things out and marks them down.

He taps the side of his cheek with a pen.

"... If you don't mind, I'll defer making a storage selection for now. I don't exactly plan on focusing on quantity over quality, you know." he says, breezily. "We'll see how things go."
"Hmmm... Well, guess there's not much of a choice left for me." Quan said, taking the ball containing Tepig. Maybe it wouldn't have been his first pick, but he did let the ladies go first. Oh well. It wasn,t like he disliked Tepigs anyway. And maybe he could use the muscle power that Webber didn't have.

As for where to keep extra Pokémons...

"I'll stick with you for now Professor, but I may switch when I'll actually need it." He said. "Maybe I'll switch to my family, but I'll have to talk with them first. Nimbasa isn't a city with space to spare freely."

He added the ball to his belt and the dex in his pocket. He'll have to meet Tepig later on, but that could wait until he was out.
She spoke quietly while taking the paper "Thank you Professor."

"I think I'll leave the ones I can't take care of with you, I'll be sure to call them back when I feel I should interact with them if that's ok with you?" Faith's words were quiet and distracted as she filled out the forms.

Handing them back she asked a question, "If one were to want to learn more about Ghost types, where would they go?"
Hearing the other girl mention ghosts causes Morgana's ears to perk.

"And dark types too, Professor, if it wouldn't be a burden to tell us."
Azure looks at his guidebook for a few seconds and answers the cute and busty girl.

"Purroloin are found in the next few routes up north for dark types anyways. Dragonspiral Tower has Golett's if I remember right?"
"Thank you," Morgana says with a small bow to the cute boy who spoke up. "Perhaps I will be lucky enough to catch one."
Shifting around as everyone ask their questions, Kathleen wonders if it's worth to ask...

She has always been a fan of the stories of Sir Aaron and his Lucario, it was her favorite tale when she was a child! And who wouldn't like them, the regal, beautiful, powerful, and handsome duo? But now... Now she is a Pokemon Trainer, and she has the chance to attempt and catch a Lucario of her own!

The Lucario Kingdom may be far away... But...

"Proffesor, is it truth that Riolus can be found in Unova?" Taking a quick glance to the other trainers, she continues. "I am really interesting in trying to meet one."

Surely, you are a good enough person for one to like you, right?
"While I wouldn't mind catching one, I'm more of an amateur researcher." She looks around, "Actually, if it wouldn't be too much to ask Professor, can I borrow some books on the subject?"
"Alright, I think I can answer most of your questions with a quick explanation of how to use the search function on your pokedex. There's a little button on the side which looks like a magnifying glass. If you press that button, it will let you sort through all the pokémon known to live in Unova. Right next to that button there's a switch. It should be up right now. If you move it down, it will switch to global mode, but that's not helpful for these purposes. When you press the button, it will allow you to filter by type, color, egg group, or even do a location by location breakdown of what lives where. Keep in mind that this last is a general guideline, not a clear certainty.

"This is the real world, so not everything stays neatly in one place just because it would be more orderly that way. So, while your dex will tell you that you're most likely to encounter a Riolu in Challenger Cave or on Floccesy town, in actual fact you might find them wandering out onto Route 20 or into Virbank. You might even find one out on Route 1, which is quite some distance away. Which brings me back to that switch. There's a tiny mechanism inside it so that if you encounter a pokémon not normally native to Unova, it will automatically flip to global mode. Switching back is as simple as pushing it back up.

"Now, as for research books, most of the ones on my shelves are either advanced or my own writings specifically about the origin of pokémon, and I'd have to know more about your intended field to give you any really good suggestions, but in general some introductory psychology and biology books should give you enough grounding to begin. Any other questions?"
"Urgh... I can handle transplanters, harvester, even the damn plane without problem! Why is this little doohickey so hard to use!" Kathleen curses under her breath as she attempts to use the Pokedex. 'Argh! Where are the damn buttons! And why are there two screens? How do I even write?!'

Fiddling around for a little while, the girl gives up and stores the Pokedex on her bag. "I hoped they would be a little bit easier to find... Maybe I will find one someday..." Looking around at the other trainers the girl wondered where they were going. "Still, it would be nice to take a ferry to Virbank City, head to Aspertia City, and pass throught Floccesy Ranch. The two gyms in Virbank and Aspertia are quite close to each other and are beginner friendly! Roxie is even going to have a concert soon!"

Sighing, Kathleen composed herself once more, and took hold of her new Pokeball and released the Pokemon. "Hello, Snivy," she greeted, a happy hiss being her reply. "I will be your trainer from now on... I think I will call you... Demeter."

The Pokemon chirped happily as Kathleen knelt to pet him.
Aquamarine continues to idly finish up the paperwork, listening only with half an ear until someone either addresses him directly or says something that catches his interest.

"Know a good place in town to pick up travel staples?" he asks aloud, half-idly.
"Yeah, Gonna need to pick up pokeballs. Gonna suck if someone saw something cool and couldn't catch it ya know?"

Azure fiddles with the pokedex.
"Well, there aren't really any trainer shops in Nuvema, but I can give you each," she pauses as she glances at each of the trainers in quick succession, and then closes her eyes for a beat, opening them as she continues. "I can give you each two pokéballs, which will have to last you until you get to Accumula, on the other side of Route 1."
"Cool I'll take them."

Azure clips the two empty pokeballs to his belt.

"Unless you have anything else Professor, Onwards and out."
"That's fine, thank you." Faith started navigating through the dex, "Not many ghost or dark types in this region, shame."

She bowed her head slightly as she took the offered pokeballs.
"Well, if you want a pokémon from another region, you can use the GTS to post a trade or browse offers, or you can apply for Professor Sumac's adoption services, although I will warn you that the screening process may take a while."
"I'm going to take that as an everything is good. Ciao~"

Azure starts walking out of the Lab.
Faith noded, "I'll keep that in mind, thank you." And with that she left, intending to head to Accumula Town.
"Thank you, Professor. This has been very informative and you have been very generous."

Morgana follows the other new trainers out of the lab, fiddling with her pokedex.

"Dark and ghost types in Unova... Where to find..."
"Thanks you, Professor." I reply as I receive the two Pokeballs. "Come on, little guy." I continue with a sigh as I recall the Pokemon. "I'm heading to the Pokemart in Acumulla Town for supplies if anyone wants to come along, feel free~"
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As the trainers travel through Route 1, they come across a pack of five Lillups playing. Noticing thetrainer approaching, they begin barking at the intruders to their territory.
"Lillipups." Quan commented. "Well, I don't mind the fight, but I can't do it alone. Who else's in?"

He took Webber's ball, enlarging it and ready to throw it.
"Why not? I'll need some help on the road."

Azure throws Bruce's ball into the air.

"Hey Bruce, Time to have a little fun."
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I squeal a little as I see the small pack of dogs. "I think I will join!" I exclaim as I release a pokeball. "Let's go Eirene! Our first battle!"
"Well," Morgana starts as she plucks a ball from her belt, "Cerise, be a darling, and help out."
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