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Pokemon Grey Version (IC)

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Azure falls back after the force of the punch, holding his nose as blood pours out of it.

"That was a bit more then I was expecting."
Kathleen blinks as Azure falls, and blood starts pouring out of the boy's nose. She blinks again since she believed the boy should have been able to take a hit like that.

She then reacts as she runs towards Azure, whom should actually be resting. Towards the stupid boy that riled her up, and made her overreact. "Y-you idiot!" she screams as she reaches the boy. She isn't sure how she feels right now, but she starts talking anyway.

"Are you okay?! I'm sorry, please forgive me. Is your nose broken?! I didn't meant too, but you made me so angry! And then you actually told me to punch you! Sorry, please." Taking a few moments to frantically search trough her pockets she finally found a handkerchief and offered it to Azure. "I'm sorry, please. I mean it! Come on, let's go to the Pokemon center and get you checked! I didn't mean to hurt you, can you stand? Want me to help you? Or maybe Morgana?!"
Azure takes the offered handkerchief and holds it against his nose. Azure backs away from Kathleen.

"I wasn't expecting you to hit me full force like that. Last time I got hit like that..."

Azure flinches in remembrance.

"I'll be fine, I've taken worse."

Azure dabs at the blood.

"See's it's already stopping.

Azure looks at Kathleen's welling tears.

"I forgive you"
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Morgana has a gleam in her eyes as she sees the scene unfold in front of her.

'Fufufufufu, tsundere.'

"How very kind of you, Azure. You do need to go back and get checked out, didn't you just take a nasty knock to the head, not too long ago?"

Morgana gasps.

"Kathleen! He's doubly injured, and probably going to be very stubborn!"

She darts forward and attempts hooks her arm through Azure's.

"Don't let him get away!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine don't worry about it. We've got a train to catch remember? Go see an art showing, beat up some trainers, get some food."

Azure hooks his arm against Morgana and sighs. He walks over to Kathleen and holds her hand.

"It's not like I'm going to run away, you know?"

He looks over at Kathleen.

"You know I was joking about asking for kisses as a reward for a bet. You take things a bit too seriously."

Pulling over Kathleen he gives her a one handed hug.

"I think that you need this."
Sneasel slightly scratches up a box before leaving it all to Aqua.

While he works, she lounges around, trying to ignore how Kidd is riding on her back like a horse despite that she isn't going anywhere.
Faith laughed, "You can't prove anything copper! Well done on the illusion, but you need to watch more cop shows! Come on, make a horrifying monster, I don't think Kathleen counts after all. Besides, I wouldn't mind getting caught by her too much, she seemed fun!"

Ducking under Lillipup as the puppy jumped after the ghostly tree stump. They seemed to be equally fast, but Phantump was going through things that the puppy had to go around. Still, Phantump had to expose herself to attack in order to tag her partner, so it was far more even than it would appear still... Faith grinned, "New rule, if you get hit by anything I throw, you have to run one lap with me!" So said, she scooped up some small bits of concrete, almost gravel really, and threw it at the 2 pokemon in a wide spread.
One of the pieces goes right through Phantump's eye, who promptly starts crying.
Quan considered. The oran berries would be best at this time, but how many...

After thinking about it, he got ten of them. Enough for everyone to hold one and have one in reserve. Hopefully, the berries would give him the edge he needed tomorrow...

Walking back to the Center, he got back his team and let them all out to talk to them.

It went without saying, but they were down due to their loss.

"Well, it was bound to happen someday, I guess." Quan said. "Still, we were close too! I'm sure we can win tomorrow. I even got berries to help too!"

Not much of a reaction. Well, it was perhaps too hopeful to hope they could be cheered up just like that.

"Yeah, I know losing feels bad too..."

Tepig's stomach rumbled and Webber turned to look at him meaningfully. Quan blinked as realization hit him.

"You guys... Are you sad because we can't really afford to go out to eat?"

Collective nods were his reply.

"You guys... Huh? Loppie, what are you holding?" Quan asked, as he noticed something shiny.

The bunny pokémon approached and handed it to him.

It was a nugget. An honest, real, small lump of gold right here in his hands. When did she picked this up?!

"Loppie... You know what this is?" Quan asked. "This, well... It's rare. And it's worth very, very much. Seems like we can go out to eat after all."

Colelctive gasps greeted his statement, as Loppie suddenly found herself hugged from all side for having apparently saved dinner.

"You guys are hopeless, you know that? Well, I guess all that's left is to find a place to eat."
Most of the nicer restaurants have long lines, but one of them has an open table big enough for everyone. At 300PD per person, the Palm and Pear Steakhouse offers a Prix Fixe with five courses, complete with wine pairings for another 100 PD. The courses are a hearty cucumber corn and feta salad topped with a dill and walnut oil reduction, a Kalosian onion soup, the table's choice of individual eggplant Parmesan or shared porterhouse with roasted chunks of potato on the side, a grilled tomato melon and pineapple kebab, and a challah bread pudding with a mixed berry jam in the bottom.
For the first, long minute, Aquamarine just stares at the daunting task ahead.

"I instantly regret this decision." he mumbles to himself. Then he assesses the situation.

Sneasel can't help. Even if she's careful, the claws mean a risk of marking up the books. Similarly, Kidd is probably too small to offer meaningful assistance moving the books. So... It's all on his shoulders.

He sets up the first box and leaves it open, to start filling it, but then stops and glances at the pokemon.

"If you can set up the rest of the boxes like this, that'd save a little time..." he says. "... But, if you can't, or not without tearing them up a little, then don't worry about it. I'll handle it, and you can... just play or nap a little while I work. Don't wander off and get lost or in trouble, though."

Cracking his knuckles, Aqua starts packing books.
Sneasel slightly scratches up a box before leaving it all to Aqua.

While he works, she lounges around, trying to ignore how Kidd is riding on her back like a horse despite that she isn't going anywhere.
It's hard work, both physically and mentally, sorting the books an packing them neatly, but Aqua can get it done! It takes six hours, and his stomach is growling by the time he finishes, but he is given four juice boxes three bags of chips and a hot toasted footlong meatball sub with provolone melted into it to eat in the back of the van on the ride over, and upon arrival he is asked to just help unload all the boxes into the foyer sorted by room, and given 500 PD for his trouble today. He is also told to come back in the morning, when the shelves will be in place for him to alphabetize the books onto.
Kathleen blinks as Azure falls, and blood starts pouring out of the boy's nose. She blinks again since she believed the boy should have been able to take a hit like that.

She then reacts as she runs towards Azure, whom should actually be resting. Towards the stupid boy that riled her up, and made her overreact. "Y-you idiot!" she screams as she reaches the boy. She isn't sure how she feels right now, but she starts talking anyway.

"Are you okay?! I'm sorry, please forgive me. Is your nose broken?! I didn't meant too, but you made me so angry! And then you actually told me to punch you! Sorry, please." Taking a few moments to frantically search trough her pockets she finally found a handkerchief and offered it to Azure. "I'm sorry, please. I mean it! Come on, let's go to the Pokemon center and get you checked! I didn't mean to hurt you, can you stand? Want me to help you? Or maybe Morgana?!"
Morgana has a gleam in her eyes as she sees the scene unfold in front of her.

'Fufufufufu, tsundere.'

"How very kind of you, Azure. You do need to go back and get checked out, didn't you just take a nasty knock to the head, not too long ago?"

Morgana gasps.

"Kathleen! He's doubly injured, and probably going to be very stubborn!"

She darts forward and attempts hooks her arm through Azure's.

"Don't let him get away!"
"I'm fine, I'm fine don't worry about it. We've got a train to catch remember? Go see an art showing, beat up some trainers, get some food."

Azure hooks his arm against Morgana and sighs. He walks over to Kathleen and holds her hand.

"It's not like I'm going to run away, you know?"

He looks over at Kathleen.

"You know I was joking about asking for kisses as a reward for a bet. You take things a bit too seriously."

Pulling over Kathleen he gives her a one handed hug.

"I think that you need this."
A luvdisc pokes its head out of the nearby water to see what's going on.
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It's hard work, both physically and mentally, sorting the books an packing them neatly, but Aqua can get it done! It takes six hours, and his stomach is growling by the time he finishes, but he is given four juice boxes three bags of chips and a hot toasted footlong meatball sub with provolone melted into it to eat in the back of the van on the ride over, and upon arrival he is asked to just help unload all the boxes into the foyer sorted by room, and given 500 PD for his trouble today. He is also told to come back in the morning, when the shelves will be in place for him to alphabetize the books onto.

Aqua eats most of the sandwich, tearing off bits along the way for Sneasel and Kidd to sample, and then shares the chips around in the back of the van.

Once everything is settled, he assures the client he'll be back in the morning and strolls out into a new city.

"... I have no idea where we are, now." he concludes aloud, in less than thirty seconds, immediately stopping to look up a map function.
Morgana has a gleam in her eyes as she sees the scene unfold in front of her.

'Fufufufufu, tsundere.'

"How very kind of you, Azure. You do need to go back and get checked out, didn't you just take a nasty knock to the head, not too long ago?"

Morgana gasps.

"Kathleen! He's doubly injured, and probably going to be very stubborn!"

She darts forward and attempts hooks her arm through Azure's.

"Don't let him get away!"

"I'm not letting him get away!" Kathleen exclaims as she helps Morgana by taking the boy's other arm. "And knowing you, that is exactly what you are going to do!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine don't worry about it. We've got a train to catch remember? Go see an art showing, beat up some trainers, get some food."

Azure hooks his arm against Morgana and sighs. He walks over to Kathleen and holds her hand.

"It's not like I'm going to run away, you know?"

He looks over at Kathleen.

"You know I was joking about asking for kisses as a reward for a bet. You take things a bit too seriously."

Pulling over Kathleen he gives her a one handed hug.

"I think that you need this."

"Besides... I need to take care of you, at least until you are better." she mumbled before the boy continued talking. "And how I am supposed to react, you dumb boy. When people say things, they tend to mean it! But... Thank you."

A luvdisc pokes its head out of the nearby water to see what's going on.

Kathleen leans a little into Azure as the boy frees his arm, and gives her a small hug. That is, until a small fish suddenly pops out from a nearby stream.

Kathleen blinks.

"Isn't that... You know, a tropical fish?" she thinks out loud before quickly taking out her Pokedex.

"This heart-shaped Pokémon earned its name by swimming after loving couples it spotted in the ocean's waves. It is said that a couple finding this Pokémon will be blessed with eternal love." it states, making the girl blush a little. But it's not like she is alone with Azure, Morgana is here too...

Shaking her head to clear her toughs, Kathleen releases Eirene from her Pokeball. The psychic Pokemon does have a gift communicating others and it may help.

"U-um. Should we do something about the cutie?" Kathleen asks the others,
One of the pieces goes right through Phantump's eye, who promptly starts crying.

Faith reacts immediately, "Oh shit!" And runs over, skidding to a stop and pulling the ghostly tree in for a hug, "Sorry, sorry, should have thought that through and I'm... Wait a minute. Aren't you a ghost? How did that hurt you?" Peering at the spirit from her hug, she was rather surprised when it swiped at her face as though grabbing her nose then running, floating really, away at high speed.

She ran after it, hearing Lillipup following close behind, the illusory police women behind them, shouting something about "pokemon abuse."

The absurdity of it all made her laugh.

Still she had much less endurance than her pokemon and was quickly exhausted, slumping against a wall and breathing heavily. Looking around she saw her pokemon, while doing better than her, still looked tired from the exercise.

"How about we take a bit of a break huh? Explore around a bit, talk to people, etc?" The chorus of tired agreement was enough of an answer, so she peeled herself off the wall and began walking around aimlessly.
"Eh? It's not like it's harming anyone. He or She can do whatever."

Azure notes a bizarre lack of puppy noises. He looks around to see where his pupper is. Out of the corner of his eye he glimpses the puppy dragging someone's bag through some bushes. While Azure's arms are taken by the girls he watches the puppy rummage in the back and eat a rare candy.

Azure makes strangled noises of dismay.

'Please please please be garbage bag someone tossed without taking the rare candy out. PLEEEEASSSE.'

"Uh, can you let go of me for a moment, I need to see what Tucker's got himself."

Azure whispers to himself.

"Please don't be stolen, Please don't be stolen."

He slips out of the girls hands and walks over to Tucker.

"What ya got boy?"

Tucker looks at Azure and bolts to hide behind the girls.

"This bodes well."

Azure looks in the bag to see what's inside. Some kind of light blue fabric? He pulls it out of the bag and unfolds it and a TM? falls out of the dress.

Most of the nicer restaurants have long lines, but one of them has an open table big enough for everyone. At 300PD per person, the Palm and Pear Steakhouse offers a Prix Fixe with five courses, complete with wine pairings for another 100 PD. The courses are a hearty cucumber corn and feta salad topped with a dill and walnut oil reduction, a Kalosian onion soup, the table's choice of individual eggplant Parmesan or shared porterhouse with roasted chunks of potato on the side, a grilled tomato melon and pineapple kebab, and a challah bread pudding with a mixed berry jam in the bottom.
His team stared at him.

"It isn't exactly cheap, guys."

More staring.

"You realize this money could give you better balls to rest in, right?"

Harder staring.

"You know we won't be able to afford this much anytime soon after, right?"

No change.

"You guys really want to eat here, huh?"

They all nodded.

"You're all hopeless... Alright then, let's go in. But we're not taking wine."
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"You should catch it, it must be a sign!"
Kathleen looks at Morgana, before taking a glance back at Azure.
"Eh? It's not like it's harming anyone. He or She can do whatever."
"Huh, is that a TM? And anyway..." Looking back at Eirene, Kathleen crouches and gently pats their head. Gently stroking their crystal. "Eirene, be a dear and ask the Luvdisc if he is fine. I'm quite worried about a tropical fish being here."
Azure folds the Dress back up and puts it back in to the bag before picking up the TM? and giving it a look over. It looks like a shoddily made knock off of a TM when he gets a good look at it. It has the word tickle and the number five written with marker on it.

"I don't think this is a TM. Some kind of bootleg knockoff."

He applies it to Clair's pokeball. If it works it works, if it doesn't it doesn't. It sparks a little in his hand but seems to work. Azure puts the shoddily made TM into the bag as well.

"Fish travel quite the distance when they want to. It's not exactly cold here you know?"

Azure picks up the bag. Maybe someone will come to get it.

Azure has completely missed the girl talk about Signs due to not wanting Tucker to have stolen stuff. :p
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