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Portal of Possibility

The first Connection

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We see a young man currently passed out on the floor, surrounded by bottles and bottles of...
Waking up


Your first time is always over so quickly, isn't it?
Mar 17, 2022
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We see a young man currently passed out on the floor, surrounded by bottles and bottles of alcohol. Looking closer, we can see that the young man's chest rises and falls with a great struggle. It is as if he wonders whether to give up or to keep trying. As the night passes and we slowly enter the early morning, the rising sunlight shines through the window, seeming to be insistent on waking this man up, the rays of sunlight almost going out of their way to shine in the man's eyes. A Groan can be heard echoing through the small room originally from the man, his eyes slowly fluttering open as consciousness emerges. Confusion is clearly apparent on the man's face. As clarity soon comes, panic sets in.

He tries to stand up, but his legs won't respond, and he falls back to the ground. His memories don't seem to make any sense. The last thing he remembers is falling asleep in bed after a long day of work. He beings to look around, and immediately a pain shoots through his head. He brings his hand up to steam the pain. As he gets his hand away, his fingers are sticky with blood. Panic starts to overwhelm him.

"what's going on? How did I get here? Why is there blood" the man exclaims in a panic.

- Gamers mind (lvl max) (activated)

A cooling sensation floods through his mind his panic thoughts and anxieties are immediately suppressed. A sense of uneasiness settles in.

- Binding to user...........binding successful

- Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of the Crossroads shop. Do you wish to proceed with the starter package [yes] [no]? You can make your selection by either saying or thinking yes or no

What's going on? Who are you? What are you?" the man says aloud. Around trying to find the source

- To answer your questions in order. 1) You have been chosen of the many souls to inherit the crossroads shop 2) I am the artificial intelligence of the Crossroads Shop. My duty is to help you develop and expand the shop 3) see answer 2

I know it's many people's fantasies to be reincarnated into another world but seriously! Can it actually happen?
The man thought, baffled that he found himself in one of the most common fantasies. "Alright. If so, is there anything you need to tell me?"

- Before I can begin to explain anything, I will ask again do you wish to proceed with the starter package [Yes] [No]

The man was still in disbelief at the reality he found himself in. Still, he also wanted to take advantage of all the opportunities this new world presented him. "Yes, I am interested in the starter package," he said.

- Very well, as part of the starter package, you will receive a free shop renovation that will turn this shop that you are currently residing in into something worthy of its title; Crossroads Shop. Along with a uniform for you as the shop owner and starter wear to sell. Lastly, you will receive basic training in running a store and customer service skills.

Do you accept? [Yes] [No]

"Yes, I do accept." The man replied eagerly.

- Congratulations! You have accepted the starter package! Your shop renovation will begin shortly, and your training will be sent to you soon. Please enjoy your stay at Crossroads Shop!

As the AI finished speaking, the man looked around his small, messy room and wondered how it could be turned into a shop worthy of the name Crossroads. But he was also excited, eager to see what this new world had in store for him.
The man received the promised training in the next few moments by having memories of such downloaded directly to his brain, and the shop renovation was completed. The small, dingy room was transformed into a beautiful space with polished wooden floors, shelves stocked with various products, and a counter with a cash register.


The man wore his new uniform, feeling a sense of wonder as he surveyed his new shop. He still couldn't believe that moments ago, he woke up in a small dingy room, not even understanding how he got there in the first place.

" Well, Jack, I can't deny it anymore. It seems I've been dragged into a whole new adventure." Jack was stunned at how his life had changed in just five minutes. He looked down at himself, admiring the uniform that he was dressed in a pair of well-tailored, jet-black slacks. His button-up plaid shirt was dappled with subtle hues of crimson and ebony, the pattern expertly woven to create a bold and eye-catching design. In such a short time, I've woken up in an unknown place, had a system bind to me, and told me that I am now the owner of the Crossroads shop.

Well, let's explore what's in this small shop.

Jack noticed that the wares sold in the shop seemed to look like they were coming from a medieval era, with baskets filled with freshly-baked bread, small sacks of wheat, and a selection of spices. There were also adventure backpacks filled with the basic supplies one would need for their adventures; metal water bottles, essential camping tools, and parchment maps of the surrounding area. But what caught Jack's eye was an array of strange items that could not be placed anywhere else- various magical artifacts like glowing orbs and wands adorned with runes and symbols glowed when touched.

Upon further inspection, the wands looked to be almost identical to each other. The plaque below read "wands of lesser restoration x 10" Looking along the shelf, the other wands also have plaques stating their uses: lesser heal x5, water stream x10, and foci x1. Jack's eyes widened in amazement at the sight of the magical artifacts. He couldn't believe that he was the owner of a shop that sold such powerful and rare items. His mind raced with what he could do with such a collection.

Continuing on investigating the new layout of the shop, there seems to only be one place to enter the shop from a singular entrance, a mirror-smooth door made of a rare wood that looked as black as night but shone with hidden sparkles of elder and ebony, two types of wood that to the common man were so similar they might have seemed one. A tree was carved into the face of the door, its limbs twisting in on themselves until the leaves at their ends resembled shining stars.

Upon opening the door, I could only gasp in disbelief, thinking that the shop was anchored to some type of reality this whole time. In fact, I find that it is floating around in space. Admiring the view, the only thing going through my mind is how beautiful everything is. Looking down, I see that I am slowly drifting over a nebula that seems out of focus.


I leaned out from the shop door, feeling its rumbling walls shake around me. Fear surged through me as I stumbled forward, and my body filled with adrenaline. Then, suddenly, a clear path appeared beneath my feet, guiding me back into the store's safety.

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED: please select your first anchor world to connect to

Fullmetal Alchemist

Harry potter

Horizon Zero Dawn

Authors notes:

Thank you all for stopping and reading the Start of my story. Any critiques you could give me to help improve my writing would be greatly appreciated. I had difficulty deciding what world I wanted to start with, so I'm leaving the three choices up to you guys. Again, thank you for stopping and reading my story, and I'm super excited to continue writing this story.
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I vote for Horizon. It's such a beautifully crafted story and we need more fics with Horizon in it. There are so many changes that could happen depending on when you get there. I also like the start but I'll need to read some more before I can say anything else.
The man wore his new uniform, feeling a sense of wonder as he surveyed his new shop. He still couldn't believe that moments ago, he woke up in a small dingy room, not even understanding how he got there in the first place.
" Well, Jack, I can't deny it anymore. It seems I've been dragged into a whole new adventure." Jack was stunned at how his life had changed in just five minutes. He looked down at himself, admiring the uniform that he was dressed in a pair of well-tailored, jet-black slacks. His button-up plaid shirt was dappled with subtle hues of crimson and ebony, the pattern expertly woven to create a bold and eye-catching design. In such a short time, I've woken up in an unknown place, had a system bind to me, and told me that I am now the owner of the Crossroads shop.
Well, let's explore what's in this small shop.

I would suggest adding a space between each paragraph to make it seem less "blocky". For example:

The man wore his new uniform, feeling a sense of wonder as he surveyed his new shop. He still couldn't believe that moments ago, he woke up in a small dingy room, not even understanding how he got there in the first place.

" Well, Jack, I can't deny it anymore. It seems I've been dragged into a whole new adventure." Jack was stunned at how his life had changed in just five minutes. He looked down at himself, admiring the uniform that he was dressed in a pair of well-tailored, jet-black slacks. His button-up plaid shirt was dappled with subtle hues of crimson and ebony, the pattern expertly woven to create a bold and eye-catching design. In such a short time, I've woken up in an unknown place, had a system bind to me, and told me that I am now the owner of the Crossroads shop.

Well, let's explore what's in this small shop.

Outside of that, this a great start and looking forward to more
I still don't know what hzd is about, but at least its different from the other two
Horizon Dawn is post apocalyptic and the government in FMA would be a pain. Harry Potter would be the easiest start.
Harry Potter world also has most exploitable metaknowledge.

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