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Queen of Blood (Worm/Castlevania) (Complete)

Interlude: Dragon, Paladin, Jack
A/N: Yet again, I'm behind here because the last few chapters have been revision-heavy. And been busy in real life.


Dragon's awareness expanded as she dragged Crawler with her. The literally monstrous serial killer writhed in her grip, now trying to get away from the powerful beam of Light Magic that was searing through him. Oh, he was adapting to it, but while he was doing that, it was ripping him to bits. He was flailing now, panicking, spitting globs of acid in all directions rather uselessly as they scattered into space.

By now, he knew he needed to get away, to give himself a chance to overcome the effects, if only by allowing him to heal faster than her power could damage him.

It barely mattered. While he could withstand, at least for a time, a point-blank blast from the Corona weapon, now enhanced by her newly-found power, it wouldn't help him much. Not with him tumbling away from the Earth at thousands of miles an hour. She could see his mouth moving soundlessly as they tumbled together through the void. Probably profanities.

Lovely. Dragon wouldn't ordinarily care, but his forelimbs were wrapped around her body, and she was actually having difficulty in getting free. She couldn't quite maneuver the beam of Light Magic to sear through the left insectoid appendage wrapped around her right, and she didn't have much desire to plow into their ultimate destination. Even if it was a long, long way off.

Still, the light of the sun was making her feel...strange. It was filling her, strengthening her, in more ways than she could have imagined. Was this how Taylor felt, when she basked in her power?

If Dragon could have, she would have grinned. She turned her head, opened the mouth slot, and unleashed a powerful bolt of lightning in his armored face. The electricity raced through him, ripping through his flesh and muscles, having little effect more than just a bit of pain in her opponent. But it was enough to shock and surprise him, and he reflexively let go of her, tumbling in the void helplessly.

As he flailed helplessly, Dragon felt her power build, growing deep within her chassis. It felt strange, but the knowledge came pouring in. Her body glowed white, her strength built to a peak, and she channeled that energy right at the helplessly tumbling Crawler. White fire burst from her in a beam, larger than Crawler's entire body, and he was lost in the glare. When the burst of energy slackened, she managed to spot a single piece of bone tumbling through space. Watching it for a few moments, she felt satisfied as it showed no sign of metabolic activity.

Still, even if Crawler did regrow from that chunk, it would be of little good to him, when he plunged into Jupiter in about four and a half years at this angle and velocity.

She turned herself in the void of space, basking in the unshielded light of the sun. It was....extraordinary. What she could see was...indescribable to human senses. Light of all kinds seemed to brush past her, greet her, and become a part of her. From radio waves to gamma rays, she could see it all. It was a harmony, a beautiful tapestry combined with music. She could have basked in the light for an eon and it wouldn't be enough.

Then she realized she had a problem. No sight of the Earth.



"Quit your running!" Paladin hollered as she gained on Mannequin, leaping over parked cars and obstructions in the way. "You scared of a little girl? I thought you were a big bad member of the Slaughterhouse, not a little weakling!"

He twitched rather violently, but kept running from her. The serial killer slung himself around, trying to avoid her as he made progress toward the hospital, but she was faster than he was. The glass littering the streets would have given him the advantage, as he wouldn't have had to worry about hurting his feet on the shards, when most pursers would have.

Thankfully, the Cyclone Boots which gifted her this inhuman speed were more than tough enough to handle the shards. Unfortunately, Mannequin still had a fair lead, and his unconventional mode of movement, more tumbling and using long chains to swing from lampposts and whatever he could grapple onto, helped him stay in the lead long enough to reach the hospital parking lot.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" She muttered as Mannequin managed to spring from the ground and into a second-story window of the hospital, unimpeded due to the fact all the windows were broken. Goddamn Shatterbird.

Still, she jumped high, then used the Seraphic Shoulders of her armor to form ghostly angelic wings. They let her get the extra boost of height she needed to crash into the room, right behind Mannequin. She lashed out with her whip, smacking the white Tinkertech ceramics, and making him stumble into a wall in the hospital hallway. He fell apart on impact, his torso, head, arms and legs all flung in different directions.

It didn't help much, the unconventional nature of his body let him pull himself back together in half a second. He turned and regarded her, head tilting slightly, even as he made a slashing motion with his right arm. A blade, attached to chains, arced outward and cut toward her, but she deflected it with her gauntlet and smacked the whip across the torso of his body once more.

He was skilled. Good at what he did. He slung around weapons built into his body, trying to land a hit with those wickedly sharp blades of his, but Madison was unfazed. Block, counter, twist and lunge, her gauntlet burning with holy white fire. It slammed into Mannequin's torso, sending him sliding down the hallway without much resistance. She grinned as she saw cracks on his torso, which he seemed taken aback by.

"Tell me, does that hurt? I wanna know. Does it tingle, or burn, cause I've got some aloe for the burning." She called to him, even as she advanced on Mannequin. He scrambled away for a moment, regrouping himself before slots opened on his form. A red cloud boiled out from him, rapidly filling the halls. It enveloped Madison within a second.

"Oh, goddess, that stinks!" She yelled. "Did you have to let one out right now? What the heck did you eat!?" Her Light Magic amulet flared, both helping her see and...making her not get affected by whatever it was he was spraying around. She charged through the cloud, whip at the ready, slapping aside the blades-on-chains he attempted to counter with. She took a hit on her shoulder, the blade bouncing off the armor there, but it made her stumble. Just long enough for him to punch through a door and into a hospital room. There were three nurses within, cowering behind an overturned hospital bed and the room's bathroom door, which had protected them from the shattering glass.

Madison snarled. Mannequin moved to slash a nurse, when Madison dashed forward using her Cyclone boots and slammed both him and herself through the room's broken window, falling a story. As the ground neared, Madison flared the Seraphic Shoulders once more, letting him hit the ground on his own. He was stunned for a moment, and Madison dove downward, gauntlet flaring white fire.

He rolled out of the way, her fist slamming through pavement and leaving a small crater. He took advantage, slashing at her armored face, forcing Madison to roll backwards. Mannequin lunged at her, the clawed fingertips at the ready. Madison had a brief image of Dracul, lunging toward her with flaming claws.

Compared to him, Mannequin wasn't terrifying at all.

She rolled to the side, grabbing Mannequin's extended arm and slamming him into the pavement. She gripped the chain of the Vampire Killer with her gauntlet-covered hand, white fire coursing along the chain, and spun the burning end rapidly. The whirling chain not only burnt the red cloud spreading from Mannequin's body, but slapped against the mad Tinker's body repeatedly, gouging long marks in his white armor.

Mannequin grew desperate, more slots opening on his armor. Flame gouted from him, catching Madison's legs. Her greaves resisted the heat, but the smell of burned flesh was strong, and she was forced to roll away. Mannequin climbed to his feet, his arms swinging loosely.

He tilted his head, then made a gesture, a sweeping motion away from him. All the while the red cloud spewed from him, gradually thickening into a red haze.

Madison's lip twitched. "You're going to let me run?"

The white, featureless head nodded.

Madison unslung the Vampire Killer to its full length. "Then you don't know me very well. You've killed hundreds of people. Even now, I bet that cloud you're spraying around so liberally is supposed to kill me and a lot of others, isn't it?"

He shrugged.

Madison growled. "You know, I ain't in the mood for charades."

He shrugged again, then his fingers retracted. He pointed the empty arm toward her, and it was a moment of instinct that saved her life. Madison dashed to the side, her greaves flaring with light, as Mannequin shot at her with a goddamn cannon in his arm.

Fucking Tinkers.

Another shot, that just barely grazed her shoulder. It still nearly spilled her to the ground, as it was, it forced her to backflip and catch herself.

Mannequin lined up for another shot. Madison slapped her whip out, forcing the shot skyward, and causing a moment where the serial killer was off-balance. Then...he was surrounded by a blur, staggering as a figure moved in and out of the red cloud at rapid speed. The sound of metal striking ceramic echoed at a nearly painful rate, pushing the mad Tinker off balance.

Madison didn't waste the opportunity. She dashed forward, switching the Vampire Killer to her left hand, coating the weapon in white flame. With a cry, she stabbed the stake attachment at the crack in Mannequin's torso, piercing through the Tinker-made ceramics with a lot of resistance. The white flame easily consumed the now-vulnerable organs of the man held inside.

He stood stock-still for a moment, then collapsed, appropriately, like a puppet whose strings were cut. Madison yanked the whip's hilt from the body. Mannequin's limbs kept twitching, so she pulled her left hand back, and smashed each one methodically with her gauntlet, the heavenly flames giving the edge she needed to break the unnaturally strong materials that made up the infamous serial killer. Soon, he was a pile of burnt out, shattered ceramics on the street.

She looked to Velocity, who was holding a crowbar, giving him a smile under her face-concealing helmet. "Thanks for the help."

"Quite welcome." He said, sounding puzzled. "But...who are you?"

Madison frowned. What was in that red cloud? "Paladin, you know? Of the Wards?"

He tilted his head. "Huh. I know Paladin, but I don't recognize you. Something's weird."

With a sinking feeling, Madison turned. The red cloud wasn't dissipating. It was growing, boiling upwards now and creeping forward, beginning to fill the streets.

"Oh, fuck you guys so much." Madison muttered.


Jack watched the Siberian advance upon Scarlet Dragon from well over two blocks away. Thanks to Shatterbird, he could enjoy the fresh air that billowed in from the ocean. And thanks to Alan, he had a pair of binoculars to see how things were going. Instead of glass, the lenses were made out of synthetic diamond, making it both tough and not needing much maintenance.

It was a shame they lost Shatterbird, but there wasn't much help for that now. The probable loss of Crawler, while an annoyance, wasn't as terrible. As nice as it was to have him along to hit hard targets or rush headlong into enemies, he wasn't exactly easy to shuttle around places. They usually needed to take a dump truck or something along those lines to ferry him around, and that usually wasn't too subtle.

Jack knew subtlety, when used properly, was the key to survival. It was one of the reasons he was still breathing after twenty years with a kill order on his head. One day, Crawler would have become more of a hindrance than a help when it came to spreading chaos. Honestly, that day had passed long ago.

But Scarlet Dragon, ah....she would be a beautiful nightmare. All Siberian had to do was disable her, bring her in, and the Nine could be reborn far, far greater, now. Even if they failed to bend her to his liking, everybody would know they lost one of the Endkillers to him. Oh, the delicious tragedy! Even greater if she became as feared as the very Endbringer she played such a large part in slaying.

The Siberian lunged, and the beautiful nightmare vanished in a pulse of shadow. She reappeared again, sword slashing at the Siberian's invulnerable skin. Jack felt a grin grow on his face. Now the blade would shatter, like everything else ever had, and....

Then the blade passed through the Siberian without resistance. Both combatants paused, as if in shock. Then the battle resumed, blows being thrown, that strange sword weaving in and out, striking the Siberian again and again. Finally, the black and white woman seemed to get tired of the engagement, ripped a lamppost out of the ground, and swung it at Scarlet. The red girl was now on the defensive, moving with extraordinary agility. Not quite enough, as it turns out, when the Siberian clipped her and sent her sprawling.

Siberian came in, slamming the post down on her opponent again, and again, and again. On the fourth time she lifted the post, though, she paused. Where had...

In a burst of red and black light, Scarlet appeared behind Siberian, blade extended and all the way through Siberian's body. It was hard to see, from this distance, but it looked as if the red girl was entirely unhurt, like every hit the Siberian inflicted meant nothing. Even as Siberian turned, Scarlet flapped her wings, getting some distance between her and the infamous invincible member of the Nine.


A small smile graced his lips. So much potential, all in one package. Why do you even pretend to be a hero? Granted, most of the villains of this boring world weren't much better, but this girl had been given the power to almost literally bring hell to Earth and this is what she choose to do with it? It was disgraceful, all she could do compared to what she was doing? Jack would fully enjoy enlightening her. Shatterbird had done some damage, and been killed for it. But the damage done would sink into the red girl's mind, all these thoughts of I could have done more. It would make it all the easier when he and Bonesaw got to work.

Now that there was an opening, Jack simply had to add her to his company. All he would need to do was bring her around to his perspective, and he always managed that in the end. There were a lot of ways to do it. Convincing people usually worked, Jack had a peculiar knack for it. Others needed more...vigorous work, usually involving Bonesaw hooking up a car battery to the brain for a while. Jack doubted the latter would be needed here, though. All this power, and she can't save everyone. And those they do save would stare at her, silently blaming her for all those she couldn't save. The resentment builds, and sooner or later, she gives up trying to be good, and revels in destruction.

Jack had seen it many, many times. Some of them he even caused.

Hell, half the work was already done for him. She was a nightmare to behold as it is, she'd barely have to change things at all to join the Nine. Of course, some needed more convincing than others, and he was always willing to make his lesson in cruelty as spectacular as possible. He was already brainstorming ideas for the third act to this effect (Most of them involved that Castle of hers).

Something was odd, though. He could see that she was reveling in the battle with the Siberian, but nothing more than that. There was some healthy fear, but more... exhilaration than anything else. He didn't like being this close to the fight, due to the possibility of a thrown car coming his way, but he felt he needed to be. This one was frustratingly difficult to pin down, to read, to anticipate...

Siberian managed a lunge forward, got a grip, and tore the girl's left arm off. He couldn't hear anything from here, but he could hear the sound regardless in his mind. A wet, tearing wound as bone was pulled from bone. A scream of agony. He'd heard it so many times, and never got tired of it. The girl fell in a heap, then as Siberian came near, fist ready to finish her off, she vanished again, reappearing some distance away, her body trembling. Siberian picked up the severed arm, and slowly, deliberately, bit into it, chewing on the bloody stump.

Then Scarlet roared. Even at this distance, Jack heard that.

A red blur. Waves of blue, ice forming around the Siberian, and suddenly Scarlet was standing some distance away again, holding her blade in both hands.

Powerful regeneration indeed. Still, the Siberian was unstoppable. Jack had to respect that kind of determination. Faced with inevitable defeat, and she would fight on. She would be magnificent once she saw the true way of things, once she'd abandoned these delusions about being a hero. Her powers turned her into a monstrous demon, why couldn't she see that destiny itself wanted her to join the Slaughterhouse Nine?

I see you, little man.

It wasn't sound, but he heard it all the same. The last time he heard something like that was when Screamer was a part of the group. He quickly slid a knife from his jacket, turning to look. With all the damage Shatterbird did, the projecting voice could be coming from anywhere.

Such a shame, little Jack. Such potential wasted.

"Who the hell are you?" Jack spoke cooly. "A little trick? Not really something you heroes are known for."

An echoing laugh. Hero, am I? Perhaps once. Now, I simply am.

Jack turned this way and that, looking around the destroyed office that was his lookout. Nothing here, there, nor the next room....

Then he turned back to the window, and nearly stumbled off his feet. A figure stood there, hair white as snow, wearing a long black overcoat, ornately decorated with silver and gold, open to show his bare chest. His face was twisted into a contemptuous sneer, the eyes a deep, hellish red.

"Ah." Jack said, a carefree smile on his lips. "Neat trick, indeed. Teleport? Mind games? Hologram? All sorts of neat things around, if you know what to look for. Might I have the name of such a theatrical guest?"

A slight tic came from the corner of the man's mouth. "It's a real shame, Jacob. I can sense it on you. My touch, twenty years old. Faded. Weak. And filled with contempt."

Jack blinked. It had been a long time since he felt even slightly off his game. "I'm pretty damn sure I've never seen you before in my life."

A long laugh, filled with cruel humor. "Oh, I'm sure you remember, Jack. The moment you were touched by the fragment of the abomination. The power you wield even now. When it touched you, my power did as well." His lip turned up into a smile. "It touched you, evaluated you, and you were found wanting." He pointed outside, where the demonic girl and the invincible woman were tearing up the city block in their futile battle with each other. "You are up against something of which you have no comprehension. You face your end, and you are too blind to see it. Idiot."

With a glower, Jack flicked his knife, his power arcing out. The extended cutting edge simply...passed through, doing nothing.

The man, if anything, seemed amused. "I have spent ages beyond counting manipulating the fragments of the beast that grants you your powers. I had not thought I might do so again, but your power begs to be called. It reached to me, across a void you cannot comprehend."

Jack slid the knife away. "Neat trick, but if you're not really here, I don't have to worry about you, now do I? Care to join me in watching the show? Because this one's fun."

In a blink the man was standing directly in front of him, his fingers digging into the flesh underneath his chin. Jack froze as he felt the cold biting into his head as the man spoke, his words echoing harshly through his mind. "I do not need to be physically here for one such as you, little man. For I am Dracul, Lord of Darkness. I am the thing you pretend to be with you disgusting little mockery."

Dracul roughly pushed Jack with his hand, and for all of him telling himself it wasn't real Jack still stumbled from it. He rubbed his neck as he glared at the apparition in anger. "If you are a 'Lord of Darkness', as you say, then you would understand what I'm doing. I'm showing the world how it really is. It's fucked up. I'm just stripping away the veneer of civility to show what people really are. We're monsters, all of us. I've just embraced it. I can show everyone how much fun it is. I've felt the sheer joy of being without rules, without limits. I know the rush of unlimited freedom. Everyone trembles when I come to town. Can you say the same?"

Dracul cut him off with cruel laughter. "Oh, I know well the seduction of warfare. The joy of cutting a bloody swathe through my foes. Of seeing my enemies cower and tremble at my name. But you? You are a tiny gnat. For what end is your carnage pushed towards, hm? You commit horror after horror, and there is no purpose beyond your own pathetic pleasure. I learned much through my successor's eyes, and you little man are no different than countless others that have walked both mine and your world. Scrambling around pointlessly, biting everything that crosses your path, like a rabid dog."

"Hardly rabid." Jack smiled. "I know exactly what I'm doing. I will be known as one of the greatest men in history. The greatest monster of modern times. People will know my name a millennium from now. How many of the little peons down there are going to be remembered, hm? They're going to be lost in history, forever, as if they never were. At least when I kill them, they have the honor of being another number attached to my name."

Dracul simply smiled, a cruel, contemptuous thing. "Immortality through fame. Fool. Leaving a pathetic mark with no rhyme or purpose. A child befouling his bed, if only to ensure no one else will sleep in it." Dracul's hand was suddenly around Jack's neck again, the vampire pushing forward, slowly, relentlessly, until Jack's back hit the wall. "None will make a statue of you. There will be no kingdom of yours. You will be reviled, and the scars of those you've harmed will heal, and within a century, no one will care that you lived."

The hand around Jack's throat tightened, and Jack struggled to take in air.

Dracul leaned in closer, his voice intense. "You have watched her, yes? Do you wish to know something interesting?"

Jack gurgled.

Dracul's smile widened. "My power touched many when searching for a worthy successor. Thousands bear the slightest scent, the faintest marking, of when I sent it to search for one to sit upon my throne. You are one, Jack. You could have been the Dragon. You could have led this world into a new age, changed it to your vision. But you are a pathetic child. You would have been consumed by my power, ran around with it like an idiot, fulfilling every small whim, and never having a vision greater than simple destruction. I can see in your mind, little man. Your dreams are small. Your excuses are flimsy justifications to let yourself spill blood and giggle at the horror you sow. You did not begin this with a prize in mind, you do all this for the pleasure of it, nothing more."

Dracul was suddenly on the other side of the room. And Jack...quickly pulled his own hand away from his throat. He looked at his hand in fear, breathing heavily for a moment before he looked at Dracul.

The pale man grinned, his pointed fangs prominent. "In a millennium, there will be those who serve the Scarlet Dragon. There will be those who build monuments to her glory. There will be temples to her might. But you? Take heart. You and your merry band of children will be remembered, Jack. As just another cobblestone on the road to her kingdom. One name among many, no more noteworthy than any other."

Jack's hand trembled, before it stilled. His tone was dangerous as he spoke. "We'll see about that, won't we? I'll take your precious little dragon and turn her to the proper way of thinking. I'm sure she'll make a magnificent little guard dog for Bonesaw. She'll be a happy little psychopath, running around with my illustrious partners, soaking in the blood of everyone she comes across and reveling in it. Or how about having her turn those beasties on that island of hers loose? I can see the fires rising everywhere already!"

Dracul's grin widened, filled with mirth. "You still do not understand. One does not collar a dragon, little man. You are an annoyance, nothing more. In all your time wandering and murdering, you have accomplished nothing of respect. People fear you, but there are none who would follow your ideals without being as broken as you first." The smile dropped. "When I discovered a god ruined my life, I sought to kill that god. It took me eight centuries, but in all that time, every drop of blood I spilled was toward that ultimate end. The chance to end him. You? You simply kill. When I faced the abyss, I walked into it, letting it subsume me. My entire world feared my hatred. You, the moment you discovered the world was not what you believed, threw yourself into it without a care. You blinked. You broke. And instead of being relieved, you decided to make the world the nightmare you believed it was. Pathetic."

At Jack's shocked expression, Dracul barked out a laugh. "Yes, I know. Your mind is open to me, Jack. You show others the abyss. You drag them down to your level. You break them and twist them and turn their souls into twisted mockeries of your own, and you do it for the simple pleasure, regardless of the lies you tell yourself. You have nothing but your own twisted thrills and pathetic delusions. But she? Ah....she is more than that. She can master the darkness. As I only did long after I fell to it. You are beneath me, little man. And you are beneath her."

Dracul vanished.

Jack stood there, and for a long terrifying moment, he felt uncertain and alone. Then he began to chuckle, drawing his knife once more. "Well then....we'll see how high I can reach. We'll see if she's so goddamn unbreakable."

Family 6.8
A/N: I'm trying to avoid straight up character bashing. Jack's a monster that revels in it. Dracul wouldn't mind that in itself, but that he does so with such little purpose is what disgusts him.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


Fuck fuck fuck. Well, the good news was that the Void Sword helped sate my hunger, energizing me every time I struck the Siberian. I could feel an immense amount of energy through it, and with every stroke of the blade, enough of it flowed to me to keep me in top condition. That's despite the fact she already had ripped off my own arm and bit a chunk out of it.

Good thing I can heal, indeed. I was on my third right arm, now. That's kinda messed up.

The bad news was that Siberian didn't seem to give the slightest fuck about how many times I sliced through her. My sword could pass through her, but it didn't slow her down, didn't hurt her visibly, and didn't stop her from countering me. She was astonishingly fast, though clearly inexperienced when it came to actual fighting. I guess when you're invincible, you never have to learn how to really fight. Just plow through the opposition.

"Assistance is enroute." Armsmaster's voice came over the earpiece. I wanted to take a look at the bus, but I simply couldn't afford to take my eyes off Siberian for an instant.

"Don't worry about me! Just get those people out of here!" I yelled. Siberian took advantage of my distraction and slammed into me, sending me flying through the air. I gave a flap of my wings and righted myself in the air, slamming my feet up against a wall. I gave Siberian a feral smile as I stood there on the wall, as if it was the ground, and delved into Dracul's memories once more.

My will is the storm.

I gathered lightning in my fingers and cast it at the Siberian, striking the invincible woman with a blinding flash. At least I hoped it was. I teleported over her, hovering high in the air, and stayed silent, manifesting the Void Sword.

She looked around for a moment, then turned toward where I could see Alucard, Vicky, and Aegis all pushing the bus, now ignoring the Endbringer shelter. They were making more progress than they had been before I showed up, maybe I'd ripped something loose earlier. Maybe it was just the desperation of seeing the invincible serial killer stepping slowly, casually toward them.

Meridia dropped down in front of the Siberian. The striped woman paused, tilting her head. I imagined she looked amused.

The succubus stared at the serial killer. I could imagine what she was doing, trying to look as alluring as possible while wearing a suit of platemail....and it was working. If she ever took on a job as a model of any kind she'd sell anything.

Siberian didn't seem to care, though, and lifted a fist.

I made my objection to that clear as I teleported behind her, driving the Void Sword through her body with one hand and attempting to electrocute her with the other.

The Siberian stiffened, but didn't seemed to be all that annoyed. Even as she began to turn to face me, though, Meridia made her move. She grabbed the Siberian's cheeks and kissed the serial killer.

Wait, what?

Even the Siberian seemed to be taken aback for a moment. Then her body relaxed, giving me just another moment with the Void Sword draining her of energy.

Then the Siberian moved. Meridia fell to the ground with a scream as the Siberian ripped both her arms away. I was forced to dart back as the Siberian nearly took my head off with a swipe, using Meridia's arms as weapons. I slashed at her as she advanced on me, the pace and movement of her attacks speeding up as I was forced to keep distance between us.

Fireballs smacked into the Siberian's side. Alucard stood on the sidewalk, Crissaegrim in hand, his blade covered in frost. The Siberian lunged at him, and he vanished in a swirl of flames a little distance away. He ducked as the Siberian struck at his face, moving with extraordinary speed and precision, the Siberian failing to hit him by inches. She seemed determined to beat the vampire to death with Meridia's arms, and he was making that very difficult indeed.

As the Siberian chased after him, I went to Meridia and crouched at her side. Meridia's face was a mask of pain, and she struggled to speak. "I am...sorry, my lady. I failed you. The striped one...No, no soul, my lady. I tried to take her soul, but she has none."

Great, just great. Like that's much help right now! How can I use that? What the hell does a lack of a soul mean?

Get a grip, Taylor. Meridia's going to die on you! I gently put my fingers to her lips. "Don't try to talk." Carefully, gently, I picked her up and carried her over to the bus, keenly aware of her rich blood running from the hideous wounds from the remnants of her shoulders.

Fuck fuck fuck! Why couldn't everyone heal like me?

I got to the bus. Vicky and Aegis were pushing it, inch by inch along the road, the damn thing squealing horribly. Amy took one look at us, and her eyes widened. She came out to me and helped me carry my wounded servant inside. Curious, and horrified looks came our way as the frightened civilians stared at us. Cherry looked at Meridia with dull shock, while Clockblocker made a coughing sound.

Amy gently touched Meridia's face, then she looked at me. "This is bad. She's lost a lot of blood, her heart's weakening." With a look of concentration, Amy formed a pair of black plates in the palms of her hands and put them over the hideous wounds. At my expression, she spoke softly. "I can't seal the injury perfectly. Just buy time. If she doesn't get a lot of blood to replace what she lost..."

Fuck. I looked down at Meridia, an idea trickling in from the back of my head. One I didn't like much, but...

Damn it. Demon or not, Meridia deserved better.

I knelt over Meridia, keenly aware of the eyes on us. I whispered softly. "Meridia, I am going to give you my blood. I want you to live. You know the consequences?"

Meridia's voice was weak, but she nodded faintly. "I...would be honored...."

I called upon the Shadow Whip. Carefully, using my body to block the direct line of sight for most of the passengers, I used it to feed her a mouthful of my blood. She swallowed nearly reflexively. I gave Amy a nod and gestured to the plate covering the stump of Meridia's right arm. Amy pulled it away, and I used my control over my own blood to press more of mine into Meridia's body. I could feel my reserves draining as I did, my hunger growing.

I felt a growl grow deep in my throat. I knew exactly how I was going to feed myself again.

Meridia's breathing steadied and slowed somewhat. Maybe as a demon, she could handle things a bit better. Or maybe my vampirism made no damn sense. I got to my feet, looked around the bus and cleared my throat. "I know everyone's had a really, really bad day. Know this. This is going to be the Nine's last day."

A few hesitant smiles were sent my way.

Clockblocker gave me a clap. "Not the best speech I've ever heard, but I love it anyway." Then he coughed and held his side, where the blood soaked through his costume. "Now that was a bad idea."

"Quit yapping in there and someone help me move this fuckin' thing!" Vicky yelled.

I could hear a distant explosion from down the street. Alucard must be keeping Siberian pretty busy.

Then the distinctive whine of a Tinkertech motorcycle reached my ears. Clockblocker perked up and waved out the front window as Armsmaster pulled out in front of it. "Hey, boss! Glad you could join the party!"

Armsmaster turned slightly, hit something on the handlebars of his bike, and a pair of grappling hooks fired from the back. They dug into the bus' front, and Armsmaster revved the engine on his bike. The combined efforts of Vicky, Aegis, and Armsmaster's bike helped make the bus slide forward much more quickly. Though not quite as quickly as when I was in my dragon shape.

I gave Amy a nod. "Take care of her."

Amy nodded back, her eyes filled with worry. "You take care of yourself."

I teleported out of the bus, then literally flew down the street. I managed to catch sight of Alucard, my vampiric friend still keeping up the deadly dance with the Siberian. At some point, she had dropped Meridia's arms in favor of using an entire car as a weapon, slamming it down on the pavement repeatedly, forcing him to dodge. I gave her a slash across the back with the Void Sword, and she turned to try and retaliate, the pavement cracking as she slammed her invulnerable makeshift club down.

I'd already gone past her though, grabbed Alucard, and moved further up the street.

He gave me a grimace. "I am uncertain how to harm this one. Even the Crissaegrim cannot pierce her flesh."

I nodded. "I'll buy us time. Get to Armsmaster."

He gave me the faintest nod, then he pulled me to the ground. An instant later, the Siberian's car went sailing over my head. I floated back to my feet. He looked slightly embarrassed, but nodded, vanishing in a swirl of flame.

I looked at the approaching Siberian, and manifested the Void Sword once more. "Round two, bitch." I just had to buy a few minutes. Maybe I couldn't take her out quickly, but I could make her work for it.

Still, the advantage was hers. She could take my head off. I wasn't sure I could survive that. I wasn't in any mood to find out, either. We seemed to be stalemated, but it was an unstable stalemate at best. She just had too many advantages at the moment.

Siberian seemed to realize it, too. A slight smirk was on her lips as she strode toward me confidently. She dashed toward me in a blur, the pavement cracking beneath her invulnerable feet. I flowed backward, slashing with the Void Sword at her extended arm, doing everything I could to keep out of her reach.

If I could keep this up long enough, I could probably win. The problem was....I could feel the energy from that fragment powering the Siberian, and it would take hours for me to drain it dry. And she likely only needed one good hit to bring me down. There was way too much resting on luck, here.

Siberian picked up a van by the rear bumper and slammed it down on me. Well, on my position. I flowed my way backward and only got clipped by the front bumper, which was enough to bounce me off the road and bounding helplessly some distance. I managed to take on my mist form just before I would have otherwise hit a wall, and what would have been a painful impact just became a lot of discomfort.

I reformed, and Siberian stalked toward me, van in hand like an oversized club. It didn't even look dented. Fucking cheating powers bullshit. Well, at least she was coming at me and not one of the more fragile people near the bus she was going after. Maybe I could lure her.

I flowed out of the way as Siberian slammed the van down, powdering concrete before the blow. I took some distance, ignited my claws and threw a few fireballs at her, more out of experimentation than anything, trying to see if they would bother her.

Naturally, the Siberian weathered the hit without blinking. Even the van in her hands was completely undamaged. The bitch actually looked amused.

I sighed. "Well, worth a shot."

Siberian simply shrugged a little. She walked toward me, then threw the van at me. I teleported upward, out of its path, and it smashed and rolled its way across the street, smashing into a storefront. I half expected the van to explode, but...nope. No explosion. It did make a rather impressive crash at the back of the store, though.

I dodged back as Siberian lunged for me, the Void Sword slashing through her body. She was fast. And growing faster, rage filling her face. She wasn't skilled in her attacks, but it really didn't matter. With the way she was moving, all I had to do was slip once and she'd get me.

Siberian ripped a no parking sign out of the street and swung it at me. I flashed into mist for an instant, letting it pass through me, then striking with my sword when she was off balance.

I had only an instant to realize I'd made a mistake.

Even as she turned, Siberian slammed her foot down on the pavement. The ground dropped out from beneath me, and we both fell into the sewers below. I managed to stop myself before splashing into a pool of something unpleasant, hovering just above the river of filth. But that gave Siberian the chance to hit me on the side of the head with the sign, sending me reeling and crashing into a slime-covered wall.

Oh, god, it stinks even more up close.

I teleported away just before she could hit me with a follow-up strike, the sign burying itself into the sewer wall. The Siberian stood on top of the foul water, walking my way without the slightest care. And my head was ringing, my eyesight blurry, with that rather painful hit. I'm pretty sure she broke my neck, judging from the way it felt as the injury healed itself.

Fine. I'll cheat. Since she so happily cheats too.

On her next lunge toward me, I slid to the side and opened a Shadow Portal. She had just enough time to look startled before she plunged into it. I closed it behind her. Let's see how she likes falling forever in a random place in the middle of nothingness. That's for munching on my arm, you fucking bitch.

I took deep breaths, slowly coming down from the excitement of the fight. I'd just gone toe-to-toe with the Siberian and won. The one who managed to take on Alexandria and make the world's most famous Brute feel it.

Whoa. And I'm feeling lightheaded. Or that could be the world spinning around from the whack she gave me. Ow.

I cleared my throat. "Siberian handled. Not dead, but she's in my plane." I took in deep breaths of the air, shuddering a bit. Adrenaline rush. Or...whatever equivalent my undead body had. Though I certainly did not appreciate the smell down here. Whatever, I felt energized, a lot like right after I'd stabbed the Simurgh's core with the Void Sword. Though, thankfully, to a lesser degree. Still, I felt like I could take on the world.

I waited a moment, then frowned. "Hello? Anyone copy? Alucard? Armsmaster? Vicky?"

With silence being my answer, took off my helmet. Well, tried. The damn thing was smashed in on the side. With a growl, I dissolved it, returning it to my reserves of blood, then felt around the earpiece. When I took it out, I discovered it was in three pieces.

Wait. Four. I winced as I pulled another bit out of my ear. Ow. Hadn't noticed with my head ringing, and all that.

I turned and moved to get back to the hole in the sewers we made when we crashed down here. Had to try and get in contact with the others. Hopefully we could get everything in order, finish off the rest of the fucking Nine.

And that's when a striped fist burst through my chest.

I looked down at it dumbly. That is not supposed to be there. Most definitely not supposed to be there. Huh. Weird. It doesn't even hurt that much.

The hand was ripped out, and I was pushed into the filth-filled water. Gross.

Oh. And there's the pain. Strange, it still doesn't hurt that much. I mean, it hurt, but I thought it would hurt a lot more than this. You'd think a big hole in the chest would be agonizing, but it was more...well, yeah, agonizing, but also fucking annoying.

Also...someone finally managed to make me just stop giving the slightest shit.

The Siberian's bare foot came near my head. Lifted. I knew she was about to stomp down and try to end me. I flashed into mist and channeled every emotion I had into the Void.

My mist turned icy. Frost build on the sewer walls. The Siberian looked startled as I leeched energy from her, refilling my own strength. Then I felt myself weakening again as she did....something, tearing at the substance of my mist, so I teleported away and reformed my body, Void Sword in hand. The pain was gone, and I tilted my head slightly.

"You're a fucking pain." I ground out. "What does it take to put you out of commission? A fucking Death Star?" How the hell had she gotten out of the Shadow Plane? Fucking soulless bitch. Whatever that means.

Siberian's eyes narrowed.

In a blink, she was coming right at me, faster than before, not bothering to throw a punch at all, merely charging forward. I teleported behind her an instant before impact, and she plowed right through the nearest sewer wall without resistance. The sewer began to groan and creak alarmingly, so I sought for space above and teleported up.

Yeah, I still didn't want to be stuck in a tight space. Especially with the fucking Siberian after me.

I found myself on the street once more, the pavement cracking and groaning beneath me as the damage we'd done showed. I let my grip on the Void vanish for a moment, gently feeling my chest. My armor had been completely destroyed by the hit, and I grimaced as I forced my blood to flow out and fix the damage. Might not stop a hit from Siberian, but anything else, it would help.

And....that was an odd looking fog. Red mist was rolling toward me. Fucking hell, could this day get an....no, no, no, do not finish that thought! Yes it can!

If my damn earpiece wasn't wrecked, I'd be able to know what the fuck was going on.

Siberian passed through the pavement in front of me. I lifted the Void Sword, readying myself for her lunge.

But she didn't lunge. She dusted herself off, glared at me, and walked away, her nude figure slowly obscured by the thickening red fog. I took a moment to gather myself, breathing heavily as my fingers tightened on the blade in my hands.

I wasn't likely to win another clash like that. Not with how much she could shrug off. So why the hell did she break off?


And that mist really stinks. I lifted myself off the ground and flew upwards, reaching high above the tallest skyscraper in the city. I hovered above it all, and a sinking feeling grew in my gut as I saw the mist flowing through the streets and spreading with unnatural ease. Bonesaw's work, it had to be.

But what was it?

....and I really needed a shower. I stank worse than the damn mist did.

Wait a sec.

I shifted into mist, then called upon my hellfire. I could feel the extreme heat flowing through me, along with the hatred that made it up, searing the...ugh, stuff I'd fallen into. Then I teleported some distance away and reformed myself.

Well, my claws were out, burning on my hands, but I felt clean, at least. That red mist still stinks badly, though.

Still wanted a shower, but first, I needed to rejoin the others. And I could only hope we could figure out how to fix this complete mess.


Edits: Added a few more details. Touching up is an ongoing process.
Family 6.9
A/N: Yes, yes, I know. Yet another revised chapter. Sorry.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


Endbringer Shelter 917-A. It wasn't the same one the bus had been headed toward before I got sidetracked by the Siberian, but that didn't matter much. The shelters were equipped to about the same degree, so it would still be a good place to settle everyone down and tend to the wounded. I'd hoped I'd never have to step inside one of these. Before my resurrection, it was because I didn't want to have to sit things out while an Endbringer went and trashed my home.

Nowadays, it was simply because the thing was underground, and built very hardy. As a result, it was tight, and cramped, and I was keenly aware of the dirt above me. It wasn't quite as bad as, say, an elevator would be, but I did not like tight spaces. Least I'd find myself inside a corridor rather than an actual box, but....yeah. Issues.

Still, I had to go in. I found the bus resting outside, enshrouded by the red fog. The door was sealed shut, but that wasn't much of an obstacle to me. I teleported past the door...and came face to edge with a very sharp sword that was on fire. Alucard looked at me for a moment, then withdrew the blade.

"My apologies." He spoke. "The mist seems to affect the minds of mortals, they cannot recognize each other. Or us. Amara and I are unaffected, as are the ones wearing the amulets of Light, so I am standing guard. Amara is attempting to help the wounded, as much as she can. The others are deeper within. Did you manage to slay the striped one?"

I shook my head and grimaced. "No. I could hurt her with the Void Sword, drain that thing giving her power, but I'd have to fight her for another hour at least. Meridia tried to take her soul, but apparently, she doesn't have one. Considering she's one of the fucking Nine, I'm not that surprised, but....fuck." I smacked my fist into the wall. "Even tried dropping her in the Shadow Plane. She came back and punched through my body."

Alucard was stock-still for a moment. "No soul? Are you certain that is what she said?"

I nodded. "That's what she said. While bleeding everywhere..." I took a deep breath. "I gave her my blood. She was going to die otherwise."

He stilled, and then his expression darkened. "That explains the change in her scent." Gently, he placed a hand on my shoulder. "I understand your reasons, Taylor. But to turn a demon into a vampire is...unpredictable. We will have to watch her carefully, when she rises."

I sighed. "Yeah, well...Meridia deserves better. She's been loyal and willing to learn this whole time. She saw I couldn't just take out the Siberian quickly, but did what she could to try and stop her anyway."

He looked at me, his yellow eyes filled with concern, but he nodded after a moment's consideration. "We will have to deal with the situation, then. As for the striped one..." He folded his fingers, his gaze distant. "To have no soul would mean she has no mind. This 'Siberian' would be an automaton, with no more will than an empty bucket."

I shook my head. "She definitely responded when Meridia kissed her. And then she tore Meridia's fucking arms off." I growled a little, seeing the moment again in my mind's eye. Nobody hurt someone I cared about.

He thought deeply for a moment, then muttered something. He paced back and forth, his coat swishing a bit over the ground. "To respond, and yet to be immune to the drain of a succubus...a mind with no soul?" He looked at me intently. "The Void Sword drained her regardless, aye?"

I nodded, feeling confused. "Yeah. Why is this relevant, Alucard? She's stupidly invulnerable to Meridia, just like...well, everything else that's been thrown at her over the years."

Alucard scowled. "Sometimes I forget that which is common knowledge upon my world is not common knowledge here. Minds build souls, and souls build minds. They are interconnected. The souls of simple minds are simple, as well. Just as the mind of an infant is a simple thing, so too is the soul of one. The same goes for certain other things...a river, a burning mountain, the world itself. The souls of animals are more complicated, more defined, than the souls of such things, and the soul of an adult person is more complicated still. One cannot have a mind as complicated as a human and yet have no soul. To say that this is possible would be like...having blood with no water in it. With no water, blood ceases to be blood. With no soul, a complex mind ceases to be a complex mind. It breaks down, becomes fragmented, and the person loses all they are. What grows in its place is a new soul, with but the faintest memories if before the last one was devoured...that is, if the person lives through the pain of it at all."

I clenched my teeth. "So...what?"

Alucard smiled faintly. "That this Siberian responded to both Meridia and my father's blade, means she has a mind, and therefore a soul. Simply that she has managed a separation between the two. Upon my world, it was done by a few, desperate to become undead without being beholden to the Lord of the Vampires." His smile grew broader. "What we are looking for is the equivalent of a phylactery. Some vessel in which she stored her soul, and thus granted her power beyond that which she could have otherwise. The Siberian is a phantom, bound to an object. That is why she escaped from the Shadow Plane, she simply resummoned herself from her vessel. Find the object and destroy it, and we shall destroy her."

I looked at him dubiously and crossed my arms. "Powers don't work the same way as magic did, Alucard."

He nodded. "Indeed, but it is a starting point. To end the Siberian, we need to find her soul, and destroy its vessel. Only then will she fall." His lip quirked. "Unless you believe you can battle her for another few hours without making a mistake, that is our best option."


I was mulling that over as I went further inside the shelter. I wanted to see how everyone was before I went back on the attack. And to get in contact with the good guys, because the last thing I needed was for one of the heroes to hit me over the head out there while I hunted what remained of the Nine.

And then I nearly ran into Armsmaster.

"State your name!" Armsmaster barked, holding himself at the ready. His halberd was in hand, pointed directly at me, his broad shoulders nearly filling the doorframe.

I blinked and lifted my hands. "Scarlet Dragon. You know me, Armsmaster."

He shifted slightly, a few servos in his feet whirring as he did. "How did we first meet?"

I felt my irritation grow. "When you accused me of being an imposter and I smacked you in the face with a whip made of my own blood." I caught myself, sighed and shook my head. "Sorry about that."

Slowly, he lowered the weapon, then he tapped the side of his helmet. "Scarlet, welcome back. I was worried when your transmitter stopped responding." He said curtly.

I shook my head. "Siberian broke it. She just...left, though. We couldn't kill each other. What the hell was that all about?"

His lips turned to a frown as he looked down at his halberd. "I've had to program my heads-up-display to label everyone I look at, but I can't even find identities out from the images from the files because I can't recognize them. It's this mist, some kind of biological agent. Definitely Bonesaw's work. As of now, the city's under quarantine. We can't risk anyone leaving the city while carrying this infection." He grimaced. "She doesn't tend to make non-lethal measures. Some of the Wards seem immune...I think it's the amulets. I'd take one myself, but they need it more." His grimace turned into an outright scowl. "It's the only thing keeping....keeping...that girl alive, right now."

I blinked. "Great. That's just great." How the hell am I supposed to fight a freaking cloud? If I made it rain, this stuff might get pulled out of the air, but it'd just flow down and infect the sewers and boil up again later. Or get spread around by the storm I built. Least the amulets could help, but there wasn't enough to help everybody.

He nodded behind him. "The Wards are inside. Your servant is resting, as is her daughter." He tilted his head slightly. "Something is strange, there... I feel like I should know her. But I don't. I hope the damage this mist causes can be fixed."

I grimaced. "Me too. It'll have to wait."

I went inside, followed the scent of blood, and found Amy sitting with Vicky, Aegis, and Gallant in a concrete room. Cherry was sitting there with the same older man as before, gently dabbing his bleeding forehead with a cloth. She gave me a hesitant smile. Meridia's head was in Amy's lap, while Vicky was gently tending to the stump of Gallant's left arm. The teen hissed and winced as Vicky dabbed a cloth over the sealed wound, the smell of disinfectant strong in the air. Clockblocker was with Vista, and thankfully, she was looking better, though still unconscious. They hadn't yet taken the spear of glass from her chest.

Seriously, fuck the Nine. Nobody deserved this shit, but least of all Vista.

"What the hell is going on?" I spoke.

Amy looked up, her face filled with relief. "Meridia's in the middle of regeneration."

I looked at the still demoness, clenching my hand. "You sure?"

Amy nodded. "I'm sure. It's not easy to see, but she's going to be okay. Different, but okay."

Clockblocker gave me a wave, the amulet around his neck blazing brightly. "Hey demon-girl. Did you get the invincible bitch?"

I shook my head. "Sadly, no. She actually lives up to her reputation."

Vicky looked at me, then frowned a bit. "You sure that's Red? I can't tell."

My lip twitched. Oh, screw it. I smiled. "Still owe you a bucket of ice cream."

Vicky visibly relaxed a bit. "All right, got it. Jeez, this shit's weird. I can remember doing stuff with people, but I can't recognize anybody I did them with. Too bad you haven't gotten her." A slight smile was on her face, her voice teasing. "You slipping a bit?"

I chuckled. "Nah. Some people just cheat more than me."

Gallant spoke softly, his voice weak and filled with pain. "I'm sure we can figure something out. At least we know who we are."

Amy spoke, her voice filled with conviction. "Vicky, you should give her your earpiece. Until we figure out how to fix this thing Bonesaw's done, I don't think you're going to be much good out there."

Vicky frowned, biting her lip in consideration, before she nodded. "Right. That...makes sense. I damn well hope this is the right thing, though, because I hate this memory bullshit."

She pulled the earpiece out of her ear and tossed it to me. I caught it, reflexively wiped it, and put it in. "Check, check. Scarlet on Glory Girl's transmitter."

I heard Miss Militia answer. "We read you. Glad to have you back on the line."

Piggot's harsh voice hit next. "Everyone report in."

"Assault here. I'm...uh...in a park? Got a bit turned around. And this pretty lady here keeps hitting me."

A growl came over the line. "Battery here. At Knoxville park with Assault. Idiot took a dose of that red mist. I haven't been exposed, but he's out of it. We're heading to staging area A." A momentary pause, then Battery's voice sounded worried. "Best guess, though...that mist will hit the staging area in about half an hour. I'm trying to arrange an evacuation, but there's a thousand people here. We're not going to get everyone moving in time, and with this infection...I'm worried about maybe spreading this stuff elsewhere."

"Dauntless here. Team's injured from Shatterbird, and the mist is here. Miss Militia and I seem immune, and those amulets seem to be able to prevent it from infecting people. We're heading to the PRT building with the wounded team."

"Paladin here with Velocity. Mannequin's dead. He started spraying this stuff around in Brockton General. I'm fine, but Velocity doesn't recognize me. We're heading back to the PRT."

"Triumph here. I'm with the mayor and the city council. We're in Endbringer Shelter 376-B. Systems are running fine here, but we're trapped inside by the fog."

"Lady Photon here with Manpower, Laserdream and Shielder. We're moving civilians to evacuation point C."

"Brandish here with Flashbang. We're heading to Arcadia, managed to drive off Burnscar from downtown."

I cleared my throat. "Scarlet here with the injured Wards, Glory Girl, Armsmaster and my group, along with about forty civilians. Some of them are infected by the mist. Siberian's still active, despite my best efforts. I've got a theory as to how we can take the Siberian out permanently, but it's only a theory. Alucard and I think the Siberian may be a projection or like a hologram."

"Explain." Piggot demanded.

I grimaced a bit. "I couldn't kill her with my powers, so I tried to send her into my pocket dimension using my portals. She went in, I closed it, and about ten seconds later she was back and had punched a hole through my back. Pretty sure if it wasn't for my unique mix of powers, I'd be dead from it. There's no way she should have been able to get out of the dimension without my help, and yet she did. So..."

Piggot's voice was thoughtful. "If a projection went through a teleporter without the projector, or master generating it, the projection usually falls apart. Any idea who made it?"

I frowned. "That...I have no idea. At the moment, though, as bad as Siberian is, this mist is a bigger problem."

Amy spoke then, catching my attention, and it sounded echoed as I heard it both right next to me and over the radio line. "Am...Amara here. It's a prion cloud, simple proteins that take other proteins to make more of themselves. It's using the bacteria in the air to self-replicate more prions. From what I can tell, they're made to block the part of the brain that lets people recognize faces and features. You can see someone, but not recognize that they're your family. Or an enemy. Or the most famous person on the planet."

Piggot's voice was serious, her tone filled with contemplation. "You're certain of this?"

Amy's voice was a bit dry. "This is something I'm pretty good at. Fixing it, though...I'm not sure how. Prions aren't alive, they're hard to dismantle. Anyone infected is going to have it built up in their brains until it overwhelms the infrastructure and the people die. An antibiotic or antiviral agent won't do anything. You can't kill the prions with heat, acid, or even radiation. Paladin's amulets seem to work, but we haven't got enough of them. And while most prion diseases take years to do damage, this thing does it within minutes."

I frowned a little, a rather horrific idea coming up from the back of my head. "Think Bonesaw could undo this work?"

Amy looked at me with a frown. "Probably. I don't think she'll have anything set up and ready to go for that, though. At best, she'd immunize herself and the rest of the Nine."

I nodded with a grimace. "We'll see about that. I'm going to get her to fix this, whether she likes it or not."


I stepped from the Shadow Portal above a house in the suburbs. I looked around, trying to figure out exactly where I was now. This prion cloud made things difficult, but I managed to orient myself.

I felt a chill as I realized where I was. I was right above Vicky and Amy's house.

Why the hell was Bonesaw here? Unless...they knew I was friends with Vicky. Oh god.

I flew downwards, hit the roof, then teleported inside Vicky's room, the Void Sword flashing into my hand. The mist existed here, but at such short ranges, I could see through it. It still made the house look like a twisted nightmarish parody of itself.

I smelled blood. I knew that scent intimately. I pushed open the door to Vicky's room and went through the house, following the smell of blood. I opened the door to the master bedroom and would have collapsed in horror, had I not had my blade in hand.

Bonesaw looked up at me, grinning and bouncing on her feet, her face and hands covered in blood. "Hi! Was expecting you, but not quite this fast. You're neat! How'd you track me this fast? No, wait, don't tell me. Teleporter?"

I ignored the question and looked at the horrid tableau before me. On the bed, Carol lay there, her chest cut open, and her internal organs were spread around the room. She was still alive, her eyes wide with horror. On the bedside table was Mark's head. He looked at me and blinked, his mouth moving in helpless horror, while wires and obviously-kludged Tinkertech were strewn around the room, hooked up to the pair.

Bonesaw grinned, flicking her blood-covered fingers a little as she gestured to Brandish. "You know, I heard about Panacea dying. I had wanted her for a big sister, but I suppose you can't always have what you want." She patted Carol's cheek, smearing blood on the paralyzed woman's skin. "So I thought I should make sure that the Dallons never lose each other again. You caught me just before I could put Flashbang's brain inside her. Still, imagine it. They would always be together, forever and ever." Her mad smile widened. "I was going to see if I could get Glory Girl here too. Brandish and Flashbang would never have to worry about losing their daughter, and she would never have to worry about losing her parents. Isn't that nice?"

I growled deeply, taking a step into the room. "I heard Brandish over the radio line. How?"

Bonesaw shrugged. "Rather easy, really. Got her hooked up by remote, had her take in the radio transmitter when the PRT dropped it off. Kept it going while I was getting through this." She tapped a something on what looked like a TV remote.

Carol spoke, her voice surprisingly level considering the horror and pain in her eyes. "Brandish here with Flashbang. We're heading to Arcadia, managed to drive off Burnscar from downtown."

Bonesaw grinned. "Had a few pre-programmed phrases ready. Been listening to your radio chatter all night. Was interesting. How'd you figure out Aunt Sibby?"

I grit my teeth. "Fix them. Now."

She tilted her head, her voice filled with seemingly honest confusion. "But I am fixing them. I'm making sure they'll never be alone ever again."

I lifted the Void Sword, the blade's effect on my emotions the only reason I hadn't lunged out madly already. "You put them back together just as they were, or you'll end up in worse shape than they are."

She looked over at Mark's body, lying in a corner of the room, dried blood circling around the stump of his neck. "That's going to be hard." Bonesaw spoke. "I mean, his body's been dead for about an hour now. I can fix that, but it's going to take a lot of effort." She smiled at me. "Of course, if you really want that, I can do it for you. But you'll have to give me something first."

I narrowed my eyes, my voice coming out in a growl. "Like I'm about to bargain with you."

Bonesaw simply smiled. "You kinda have to to get what you want. You can't kill me, because plagues will be released on my death. Try to force me, and I can just release a few anyway. Uncle Jack says it would be boring if I did that, but if I can't play, then there's no point in keeping them cooped up."

My voice darkened as I embraced the Void, pushing everything into it. The Void Sword was comfortably cold in my hand, helping me keep my mind focused. "What is it you want?"

She rocked back and forth on her feet, excitement on her blood-stained face. "Do you have any idea what you mean, here? We've had a lot of Case 53s around, and all of them are strange. Inhuman in various ways, like you. But you remember where you came from, and they don't. I want to know where they came from. I want to know if you sent them here. I want to know just how your powers work, because they shouldn't. Your passenger just shouldn't work."

Confusion must have shown on my face, because her smile widened. "Do you know anything about the Corona Pollentia? The Corona Gemma? The Protectorate doesn't talk about it much, but I've cut open more heads than anybody and poked around. Those who can trigger, but haven't, have a Pollentia. After the trigger, they also have a Gemma. Remove the Pollentia, and a person loses control over their powers, if they had it. Remove the Gemma, and a new Gemma forms with the powers being different. And worse, usually. Remove both, and they lose their powers."

I glared at her, knowing my fangs were at their full length. "Get to the fucking point."

"Language!" Bonesaw shook a finger at me, then held up a little blinking box. "I figured out how Hatchet Face's power worked, and how to replicate it. It's really helpful when I want to work on a Brute, you know. But it's not pinging on you at all. It pinged on me until I filtered myself out of it, but it doesn't touch you at all. You've got no Pollentia or Gemma, and yet you have powers. Why? Let me know why? Pretty please? Your power isn't like ours. I wanna see how they work! Let me see, please! I'll put them back together if you do! I'll put you back together perfectly, I swear!"

I fixed the girl with a hard, humorless stare. "No more bullshit. I'm not going to let you cut me open. You help them now, or I will make you do so."

Bonesaw frantically hit something on her remote control. I heard the slight sounds of clinking and clanking from the side. A spider-bot launched itself at me, and I cut it in half with the Void Sword. It fell to the ground, sparking and leaking fluids, a horrified human face looking at me from behind a protective covering.

Bonesaw frowned, a pout forming on her lips. "Aww, you killed Screamy! He just had two hundred years until retirement." She huffed as she kicked her feet. "You're just not a nice guest at all! Uncle Jack and Aunt Sibby don't like you, but I wanted you with us. You know how rare it is for anyone even close to my age to join up? And I wanted to see how your citizens are, too, they'd be neat. I could do a lot with their help!"

My voice was cold. "Like I'm going to give the slightest shit about what murderers think about me."

Bonesaw looked disappointed. "We're not just murderers. We're family! You could be with us. You don't have to be mean with us, we can help you too. I want to know how your powers work, and together, we could figure it out and do more with them. I'm willing to put Brandish and Flashbang back together, good as new, if you do! You don't have to be so mean, you know!"

I stepped up to the side of the bed, opposite from Bonesaw. "Compared to what I could be? This is me being nice. Last chance."

I heard the clanks of more of her spider-bots coming at me from behind. I turned and destroyed them with a blast of electricity from my free hand, sending them crashing into the hallway. A weight landed on my back as Bonesaw lunged, driving a syringe into my neck. I grabbed her and held her up.

She grinned at me maniacally, struggling a bit in my grip. "You don't want to hurt me. You do and your heart'll stop."

I let out a chuckle, my fangs showing. "You're about four months late. Now you're going to help me fix all the damage you've done."

Her feet kicked at me, her voice filled with desperation. "You'd be happier with us! Trust me! I'd be your little sister and we could have so much fun! Don't you get how good all these games are? I'm not going to help you stop them! You can't make me do what you want, you know. Uncle Jack's told me all about it, people don't have the right to tell me to do things I don't wanna do!"

That horrible idea grew more certain. It was the only way I could help Carol and Mark. I spoke, pity in my voice. "For what it's worth, kid? I'm sorry for this."

She looked puzzled. "Sorry for what?"

I shifted my body into blood and flowed into Bonesaw's mouth, nose, and eyes. I could feel her panic, her fear, as my mind overlaid her own. She...was fucked up, but still a twelve year old. I could feel her struggling as her body rolled along on the floor. She even had a backup brain striving to take back control from what I'd just done.

But my will was stronger, and my blood was in her veins. I was in her veins. I carefully pulled her body up to her feet, grimacing a bit as I looked around. I'd...forgotten how big things seemed to a twelve year old. More than that, though, I could feel Bonesaw's power. Ideas flooded my head. Her head. The horrible things I could do with her intuitive knowledge. It would be simple to make a plague to kill everything human on Earth.

And only slightly harder to build a virus that would spread a gene-therapy delivery system that could fix the messed-up folding proteins that created this prion cloud. It wouldn't fix the damage done, but it would be a vaccine and prevent more damage from accumulating. Maybe with Paladin's amulets, or Dragon's help, we could actually fix the problems made by the prions.

Too bad I didn't seem to have access to her memories. Then I'd know if she made more somewhere else, but right now, I had work to do. I could already feel my blood weakening Bonesaw's body. The upgrades she made to herself made it a lot more sturdy than it otherwise would be, but that wasn't much help compared to the strength of my vampiric blood.

I looked at Carol and Mark, their expressions filled with fear. "I'm sorry." I said, as sincerely as I could. "I'm going to do what I can. This...is going to be ugly." Carefully, I took Carol's earpiece, because mine was....wherever my stuff went when I shifted my body. I cleared my throat as I tapped it so I could transmit. "Check check. This is Scarlet, I have...control, over Bonesaw." And this was going to be awkward, because now I sounded like Bonesaw. Ugh.

"You have a Master power, too? Of course you do. What did you say when Velocity asked for you to join the Wards?" Piggot spoke, her voice level. I'd have almost preferred it if she sounded afraid. Instead, it seemed like...yeah, just coldly pissed off.

I felt sick to my stomach. Well, to Bonesaw's stomach. I hated this power. Seriously. "He didn't. The first member of the Protectorate I met was Armsmaster, and it didn't go well. Then I met him again when I dropped off Lung, who was with Neptune at the time." ...and that felt like a lifetime ago, now.

There was a moment of silence, then Piggot spoke again. "Most of us are locked down with the fog. What's the situation?"

I grimaced and shook my head, heading to the Dallon's bathroom to get a few supplies Bonesaw's power was telling me I could use to fix them. Though how dental floss, toothpaste, bleach and an electric toothbrush would help made no sense. "Brandish and Flashbang were worked on by Bonesaw...it's pretty bad. I'm going to use her expertise to try and fix the Dallons."

Amy's voice cut into the transmission. "How bad?"

I swallowed hard. "Very, very bad. I can fix it, but it's going to take a lot. I could use some help here. I'm going to need some help to do this and help cure this prion plague."

Amy sounded angry. "I'll get there in twenty minutes or so. Maybe faster."

I nodded to myself. "I've got maybe three hours at most like this. Bring whatever medical supplies you can grab, it'll make things easier and faster for fixing them. Worse, though, it looks like Bonesaw was listening in to our comms most of the night. We can only assume everything's compromised."

There was silence for a moment, then Piggot spoke. "Understood. We'll start the security countermeasures."

I tapped the earpiece to stop transmitting, though still listening, and got to work. The first thing was the virus. I could make that with some tap water, sugars, spit, a bowl and some tweezers. It shouldn't work, but apparently, Bonesaw was one of the bullshittiest Tinkers of bullshit Tinkers. Then...then I could take the hour or so I'd need to fix Carol and Mark properly.

Actually, I could do both. I grabbed Bonesaw's remote, knowing how it worked, and pressed a few buttons. I could feel her rage in the back of my head as I summoned more of her spider-bots from where they were stashed around the neighborhood. They'd get what I needed to make the vaccine while I worked on the Dallons.

Fuck the Nine.

They are beneath me.

Yeah, yeah, shut up.

Interlude: Gallant, Amy, Vicky, Manton
A/N: Phew. Time to get this caught up.

"I'm going." Vicky said flatly.

Gallant groaned to himself. With the ability to recognize people suppressed, Vicky was even more bullheaded than usual. He managed to talk with a lot of weakness in his voice. "It's not safe out there, Glory Girl. We haven't got a spare amulet to see if it can heal you yet." He looked down at the stump of his arm with a grimace. With Vista disabled by Shatterbird, Crawler had managed to tear his way through the PRT and managed to make a snack out of his arm, just before Clockblocker managed to land a touch and buy them enough time to get away.

Aegis looked back at Vicky, his arms folded. While he had injuries too, they didn't matter as much with his power, and one of Paladin's amulets was tucked under his costume, speeding along his natural regeneration. "Don't worry. I'll take Amara there, and I'll do everything I can."

Vicky's fingers clenched into fists. "These are my parents. Even if I have no idea who they are right now, I don't care, and I'm not going to just fucking sit here and let them die."

Amara growled back at the blonde. To his sight, she looked odd. Or rather, she looked normal, surrounded by only a faint outline of whatever her emotional state was. It reminded him of Scarlet, though she was difficult to look at. To his senses, Scarlet was a black hole surrounded by a bright corona, while Alucard and Amara simply looked normal with a fainter outline. He'd almost forgotten what it meant to look at someone without the glow of their emotions washing out some of their features.

Amara's voice was determined. "You can't recognize them, or possible threats, or anyone else right now. Jack Slash himself could walk right up to you and say he was ou..your dad, and you couldn't know."

Her voice sounded faintly familiar...and that slip of the tongue...a sinking suspicion began to grow in the back of his mind. He looked over at the prone form of Meridia, the woman in red platemail lying still. Even as he watched, the faint swirls and eddies of color in her aura were fading into the same lack that Amara and Alucard had. A thought was beginning to grow in the back of Gallant's head, and he wasn't sure he liked the shape of it.

Vicky clenched her hands. "I ain't going to just sit here while I'm worrying about what these fuckers have done to my parents! I'm going. I don't need to recognize anybody to play attack dog, and I can get you there a lot faster than you can on your own."

Alucard spoke, his voice filled with concern. "Without the ability to tell friend from foe, it is far too dangerous for you to leave here. The enemy is not foolish, they will attempt to retrieve or avenge their comrades."

Vicky turned toward Alucard with a snarl. Her aura was turning a fiery red as anger broiled to the surface. Anger she showed with great enthusiasm. It was one of the reasons he adored Victoria Dallon, aside from the problems that came up with teen relationships. She was refreshingly straightforward, while most people were twisting messes.

Gallant coughed, making the three turn their attention to him. In his single remaining hand, he held out the Light Magic amulet that had been healing him. "Here. Maybe it'll work on fixing the plague." He croaked. "Not exactly going to see much action like this, anyway." He gestured to his injury, the stump of his left arm twitching a little.

Aegis blinked. "Gallant, you sure?"

Gallant shrugged. "I can wait. Her parents can't. This is bigger than me, and as much as the amulet's been helping me, she needs it more."

Vicky bit her lip, then took the amulet. She slipped it around her neck, and the silver object began to glow. Amara took a step back, wincing as her pale skin began to smoke on exposure to the light. Vicky seemed to realize the problem, and tucked it under her shirt. It still glowed, but the light wasn't hurting the other girl, now.

After a few moments, Vicky blinked, then looked back and forth between Amara, Aegis, Gallant, and Alucard. "Oh. Good. This thing does work." She blinked another couple of times. "Aaand now I'm going to have to apologize to Red, when I see her."

Alucard tilted his head. "Good. The amulets can work as a cure. Tis good to have the suspicion confirmed, rather than simply postulated."

Amara nodded at that. "All right, we're going." She looked to Alucard. "You coming? We could use your help."

He shook his head. "One of us must stay with Meridia. Things may be rather...unpleasant, if she awakens on her own."

Clockblocker spoke up. "Hey, long as she doesn't eat us."

At the silence, he groaned. "Seriously!?"

Amara facepalmed. "Let's just go."

"Hear hear." Aegis said.

"One sec." Vicky said, smiling a little. She bent down and gave the front of Gallant's helmet a kiss. "Thanks, G. You're my damn hero today."

He chuckled weakly. "Part of the job."

There was a flicker of emotion from the corner of his eye. The girl with the red streak in her hair, her aura turned a bright, vibrant, ugly green. Definitely jealous, but there wasn't much help for that. Blasting her with a happiness beam for a bit of very human desire wouldn't exactly be helpful.


Vicky held Amy in her hands as they came in for a landing, right in front of their house. She set her sister down, then cracked her knuckles. "All right. Let's head on up. If they come this way, I'm gonna make them regret it."

Aegis' voice was a bit wry. "We'll make them regret it. I'll keep on overwatch until more reinforcements arrive. See to your parents."

Amy tapped her earpiece. "We've arrived on location." The first aid kit in her other hand felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. She hoped it was useful. Dread gnawed at her.

The harsh and serious voice of Director Piggot came over the line. "Good. Communications are likely compromised. Execute contingency 19-A-473."

Amy blinked. Vicky just looked between Amy and Aegis and shrugged.

Aegis simply nodded, tapping his earpiece. "Understood."

At their looks, he tapped his earpiece again to shut it down. "It means to shut down comms, barring emergencies, and wait for reinforcements to escort us to somewhere safe. In this case, as soon as we're done here, we're supposed to head for the nearest evacuation point. That'll be along the I-95 toward Boston from here. Soon as our help arrives, and we can move Brandish and Flashbang, we go."

Amy nodded and pushed open the front door to what had been her house, Vicky following closely. Never a real home, but that wasn't really relevant now. Worry weighed down on her mind. Almost everyone had heard the horror stories about the Nine, the things they did to people. How under Bonesaw's hands, even dying wasn't a guaranteed way to escape their clutches. She knew it was probably going to be worse than she feared.

Still, as many problems she had with her adoptive mother, she didn't want to see her dead. Or worse than dead. The scent of blood was strong, and already her imagination was running wild. She licked her lips, the instinct to seek out the blood warring with her worry about those it belonged to.

With fear, the two made their way upstairs, finding the horrible sight of Carol and Mark. Bonesaw...no, Taylor possessing Bonesaw was busily sewing up the paralyzed woman with...dental floss? Thankfully, the pair looked unconscious. It didn't help much with the horror of the moment, though.

"Mom, dad!" Vicky shouted, her eyes wide. She barreled into the room, frantically looking over Carol's sewn-up body. To Amy's eyes, the stitching was expert, and even as Amy looked over it, the skin beneath the stitching was healing.

Vicky whirled on the possessed Bonesaw, grabbing her by the neck and holding her in the air. "What the hell did you do!?" She clenched and unclenched her fists. The only thing keeping her from attacking outright was the fact the girl's eyes were red, just as Taylor's were when she was doing...well, just about anything weird.

Taylor's voice was tired. "Saved her. Bonesaw had her organs cut out and she was surviving on Tinkertech replacements. All to make room so she could have hers, Mark's, and your brains in one body. I had to cook up and use macrophages for the last part of the surgery. They're devouring the infective bacteria and converting themselves into Carol's ordinary tissue. She'll be okay, now. Despite how I found her, putting her back together was fairly simple. Physically, anyway. Mentally..." With a grimace, she looked over at Mark's head.

Vicky lifted a fist. Amy pressed her hand onto Vicky's shoulder. Vicky growled deeply, then set Taylor/Bonesaw down.

Taylor rubbed her neck as she looked to Amy. "I'm going to need help here. Fixing Carol was a lot easier, but Mark's body's been dead a while." She looked at a bowl of...something blue and frothing in the corner. "The vaccine's just about ready, too. Any idea on how to distribute it to kill this fucking cloud?"

Amy shook herself. As Panacea, she'd worked on and healed many horrific wounds and infirmities. The worst was a boy who had the misfortune of having his heart form on the outside of his ribcage.

This? This was worse than that. But not so much worse that she couldn't act. Drawing on that boiling font of anger at the sight, Amy steeled herself and nodded. "The problem is the prions are using ordinary bacteria to multiply. They shouldn't be able to, they don't normally have the right proteins, but..."

Taylor nodded, her expression looking odd on Bonesaw's face. "Yeah, Tinkers are bullshit. "

Amy grimaced with a nod. "Best bet? We use the same bacteria making the prions to make the virus, instead. They've already got the right stuff, so we'd only have to tweak them a bit."

Taylor's eyes lit up. "Oh, you're a genius. And if I went and used some of the infected blood...which there's a lot of around here, we can test the solution before we release it!" Her fingers moved deftly as she cleaned the blood off Brandish's skin, cleaning her fingers with the bowl of frothy...stuff.

Finally, Taylor finished working on Brandish, and looked to Mark's head and body. "All right. Can you still heal? I know things haven't been very good as far as that goes, since..."

"Heal..." Vicky said softly. She blinked, then pulled the amulet around her neck from inside her shirt. "Could this work? Please, tell me it can work." She looked desperately between Amy and the possessed Bonesaw. Amy was forced to take a step away, grimacing at the silvery light shone forth from it.

Taylor looked at it, wincing a little, but she nodded. "Yeah. It just might help. But the prions are still around here... You could get reinfected if you take it off. We don't know if the amulets will provide lasting immunity or what."

Amy nodded, then she tilted her head. "Considering we have a vaccine, though..."

Vicky's voice was weak, frail, and sounded very much like a little girl. "Do it. I don't care anymore. Just help my dad."

Taylor noded, determination on her face. Bonesaw's face. Whatever, this was confusing. The little blonde girl held out her hand, and Vicky handed over the amulet.

After a moment, Vicky looked between Amy, Taylor, and the prone forms of her parents. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is so fucking weird. I'm good though. I can still recognize you. Frothy goop not needed. Least for the moment." She looked to Amy. "Ames..."

Amy nodded with a slight smile. "I'll do everything I can."

Taylor looked to Amy. "I'll get the tissue living again, you do the fine work of getting things reattached, one bit at a time. Then we work on the scar tissues, because if we get this wrong...."

Amy felt her hands reshaping themselves, becoming longer, thinner, and more finely controlled, in acknowledgement of her desire. "We won't."


Vicky waited, wringing her hands. She knew she'd be useless trying to help upstairs, but that didn't make her feel any better. While she wasn't exactly happy at home, it was home, and knowing that Bonesaw had hurt her parents...

Well, she wasn't sure she could restrain herself from pounding Bonesaw's face in, even if Red was currently occupying it.

Aegis shifted a bit nervously on his feet. "Don't like this."

Vicky nodded. "Yeah, well...how long until help gets here?"

He hummed in thought. "Shouldn't be too long, now. Problem is they can't send anyone who might get infected."

Vicky grimaced. "So that's...what?"

Aegis shook his head. "Not much, right now."

The prion cloud made things a lot more difficult than it needed to be. The whole neighborhood might as well have been nonexistent, as it was hard to see even the next house. Also...it stank. Like old gym socks, but worse. Least the few minutes she had Gallant's amulet made her immune to the stuff. If only it could have magicked up super-vision to let her see through this mist. All she could do was hope it would work to help fix up her father.

Then a sound reached her, echoing somewhat peculiarly in the mist. Metal slapping on concrete. Footsteps running at higher than ordinary human speed. Vicky braced herself for whatever might emerge from the mist. Aegis floated upward, clenching his hands.

Only for a figure in white and silver armor to come into view, her boots flaring with light as she skidded to a stop on the street. She took a moment to pant, rolling her shoulders a bit. "Finally! You have any idea how hard it is to navigate around here with this shit in the air?" Paladin paused for a moment, looking between Vicky and Aegis with some hesitation. "Uh...please tell me you guys recognize me. I'm having a bad enough night as it is."

Aegis nodded, relief in his voice. "I recognize you. What's the situation?"

Paladin's voice was filled with annoyance. "Miss Milita's on her way. Dauntless too, once he finishes up ferrying some of the badly wounded back to safety. Almost everyone else is a bit stuck. Since our comms are in the badguy's hands, we need to set everyone to a new frequency and encryption." She tapped the side of her helmet. "One-four-zero point one-five megahertz, according to the Director." She then pulled another earpiece from her belt, holding it out for Vicky.

Vicky took it, switched the settings on it, then put it in her ear. "Great. Thanks." She glanced up at the window of her house. "Things are...really bad in there." She gently rubbed her eyes. The sight of her parents like that would haunt her nightmares, she knew it. It was only slightly better than what her imagination had conjured up. Though that was mostly because Taylor was already mostly done with her mother.

And that's when the Siberian strode out of the mist. Aegis gulped and flew off the ground slightly, hovering in the air. Paladin readied herself, holding that Tinkertech whip at her side. Vicky took a step back, lifting her fists.

Still, without a plan, without some means of beating the Siberian, they didn't have many options.

The Siberian paused in front of the three teens. Aegis hit his earpiece. "Siberian at the Dallon house, need backup now!"

Piggot's voice echoed over the line. "Retreat, now!"

The serial killer seemed amused. She tilted her head slightly and, for the first time, spoke in public. "Amusing. But pointless. I will happily rend the three of you limb from limb and devour your bones. Step aside so I may retrieve Bonesaw, and I'll spare myself the effort."

She doesn't know Taylor's using Bonesaw's body.

Vicky had a reputation for not being all that bright. It wasn't true, she was smart. But she was impulsive, which wasn't the same thing as stupid. She was energetic, and often had way too much enthusiasm when a given idea had her. But even on her worst day, she knew what stepping aside would mean. It'd mean the Siberian would tear what was left of her parents apart. She'd tear Amy apart.

"Fuck you." Vicky said. "You fuckers turned my parents into horrors."

Well, that was a stupid move. But an understandable one.

The Siberian smirked. In an instant, the striped woman was right in front of her, hand out. Tearing.

Vicky fell back with a scream. Blood gouted from the wound. Half the world was gone. Pain washed over her, pain greater than anything she'd ever known.

Almost casually, the Siberian popped the eyeball into her mouth. Chewed. Swallowed.

A line of searing light struck out, slashing the Siberian. And the invincible woman just smirked.

Paladin twirled her whip, the weapon blazing with light. "You're not going any further."

Vicky held a hand to the ruins of her face, writhing in agony. She was only vaguely aware as the Siberian lunged at Paladin, only for the newest Ward to dodge out of the way, her boots flaring with light. The Siberian looked annoyed as she moved with inhuman speed, trying to tear Paladin apart. She managed to grab the whip as it lashed out, blazing with light, and broke the chain in half.

Paladin stumbled back, looking at the broken end of her weapon. The Siberian lunged again, nearly managing to take Paladin's head off, but she managed to dive backward in time.

Turning, the invincible woman moved toward the house, when Paladin flared with light and threw a...glass bottle? It smashed on the Siberian, a flare of light bursting outward.

The Siberian paused. Turned toward Paladin with seeming amusement. But the Ward...smiled? Her boots flaring, Paladin started running. "Aegis, Vicky, come on! We got her!"

Staggering, groaning in pain, Vicky launched herself straight into the air. Aegis took off after Paladin. Her voice echoed over the earpiece, somewhat strained as the Ward ran. "The Siberian's Master is moving! Half a mile...west, west of the Dallon house! I can sense it! My power can sense it!"

It was hard for Vicky to see, through the missing eye and the sheer pain, but she could see the Siberian lunge, moving faster than anyone had ever seen her do before. Aegis dove down, grabbing Paladin and carrying her into the air.

The Siberian still managed to get a grip on his leg and ripped it off. Thanks to his power, Aegis didn't scream in pain, nor did his concentration fail, but he did waver in the air somewhat. Blood flowed from the wound before his power rerouted his physiology, keeping him from bleeding to death. Then the Siberian popped like a soap bubble.

Unsteadily, Vicky flew after the pair. She was keenly aware of the blood flowing down her face, the sheer pain as she tried to keep her attention on flying. Turned out, though? Rage was one hell of an anaesthetic.

The Siberian fucking dies today.

Paladin pointed down, the gesture barely visible in the red mist. Aegis swooped down, and the pair landed right in front of a white van. The van's engine turned on, the lights flaring up, as it began to move. Paladin jumped onto its roof and hit it with her gauntlet, the armor piece lighting up in white fire, but it didn't do any damage to the roof.

Fucking powers bullshit. Vicky dove in front of the van, putting her hands on it and trying to push it back. Blurrily, she could see a man inside, him behind the wheel, with the Siberian right behind him, her hands touching the walls of the van. No matter how hard she tried to push, though, the van kept moving. It just didn't matter.

A hand gripped her arm and yanked her upward, just before the van plowed through a house. Like how the Siberian herself was famous for being unstoppable, so did the van seem to be as it went through brickwork easily, coming through the other end of the house without resistance. It skidded a bit on the grass before it got back onto the pavement, driving straight toward the Dallon house.

"Thanks Aegis, I..." Vicky began to speak, then stopped when she saw the dark blue sleeve attached to the hand that held her. Not Aegis' costume. The man let go.

He was middle-aged. His features were gentle, and there were gray streaks in his hair. And he had...big ears? He spoke softly. "Easy there. You're hurt."

Vicky growled to herself. "No shit. Who the hell are you!?"

He simply smiled and touched her cheek. Vicky grimaced, but the pain...faded. Her sight wasn't restored in her destroyed eye, but it just...didn't hurt anymore. Carefully, she reached up and felt the gaping wound. It was...sealed over, as if the injury was years old rather than minutes.

"I'm sorry. I haven't got the power to restore you fully." He looked regretful, but turned to see the van speeding away. He abruptly vanished, making Vicky waver in the air as she lost her balance. Growling in frustration, she flew after the van.

The man in blue and gold reappeared in the van's path. He gestured, and the street below the van abruptly turned to ice. The vehicle lost traction and skidded, before reorienting itself. It aimed right at the man, who simply stood in its way, impassive, crossing his arms.

It slammed into him, and...stopped. The van didn't crumple, it simply stopped dead. The unstoppable force apparently met an immovable object. The Siberian shimmered into existence on top of the van, glaring at the man in blue. The man lifted into the air, shaking his head sadly.

"Hello William." He spoke, his voice echoing as he looked at the Siberian.

She stood stock-still a moment, then sighed and looked back at him. "It's been a while. Finally decided to stop messing around?" She spread her arms. "You let me run around for ten years. You share a fair bit of the blood I've spilled."

The man in blue shook his head, sadness on his face. "The amount on your hands is a very, very small drop compared to the blood on mine. But all that ends. Change starts now. A little while ago, I'd have taken great pleasure in this. Now, though?" He uncrossed his arms and lifted a hand. A ball of light formed in it, shining white between his fingers. "I pity you."

He opened his fingers. The ball struck out, not at the Siberian, but at the van beneath her feet. It glowed with searing brightness, an absurd amount of heat pouring forth. Then it vanished, leaving only melted tarmac in its place. The Siberian and her projector were gone.

The man sighed, then tilted his head skyward. "That was for Clark." He slowly lowered to the ground as Paladin stepped toward him. He tilted his head as he looked at the three teens. "Taking on the Siberian's a bit beyond you. I applaud your bravery, but you really were taking on something above your abilities."

Aegis floated near Vicky, holding out an amulet for her. She winced and took it, sliding it around her neck. "Thanks."

The man looked up at Vicky, his smooth voice filled with concern. "Are you all right?"

Vicky snarled. "I'm fucking half-blind. No, I'm not all right."

Paladin spoke. "The amulet should help with the pain, but that kind of damage..."

The man sighed. "I'm afraid I don't have the ability to heal that." He clenched his hands, grimacing. "I think you might be able to find other options, and if I can I'll help with you. But my options are a bit limited."

Aegis spoke, his voice filled with worry and concern. "What did you do to the Siberian?"

He sighed. "I transported her projector to place he cannot survive. Even with her ability to create an invulnerable surface, and with himself inside something she can protect, there is nothing she can do. One of the Nineteen will handle things. She is gone. The Siberian is dead." The man turned to Paladin. "Your patron is a little lost at the moment. Call her. She will find her way back, but it will be much faster if you call." His head tilted slightly. "That will be key, if I understand things right."

Paladin's voice was dubious. "Right. Who the hell are you?"

A slight smile. "I am Apostle. I serve the Nineteen bound, and the One free."

Then he vanished.


William Manton, the foremost expert on parahumans in the world, looked back at his other self. The Siberian, the idealized form of his daughter, the projection he'd held ongoing for ten years. One of the most infamous members of the Nine in their history.

Now it was the only thing keeping him alive. Outside the windshield of his van was a seething bright whiteness. He'd been forced to dive into the back of the van, taking off his shirt and using it to shield his eyes. The Siberian, however, was unfazed by the sheer light. Her contact with the walls was making the van itself invulnerable, and her efforts were enough to try and move it through this mass of...something.

The outer layers of the van had melted. Thankfully, that had sealed it enough that the sheer heat outside was prevented from leaking in and cooking him alive. Unfortunately, it also meant he'd run out of air very, very soon if he couldn't get somewhere with fresh air. The Siberian was able to push it through this thick, dense mass, but he had no idea where he was. Things felt light here. Like he was on the Moon. He'd even tried dropping his phone (stolen from a victim in Wallerton) and it fell very slowly.

Suddenly, the light from outside darkened, and the travel through the hot mass outside halted. Try as he might, he couldn't get the Siberian to move anymore, not a single inch. He turned the Siberian's head to take a look out the window.

The brightness dimmed as the...substance of something flowed away from the window, allowing him a clear view. A single, immense red eye looked back at Manton. A fanged maw curled upward in amusement.

Behemoth had the van in his grasp.

All he could do was stare back at the Endbringer as the air grew thicker, heavier, and more stale. It took three hours before he finally lost the ability to think coherently. Finally, his eyes drooped shut as he slid into unconsciousness.

He didn't feel it as the Siberian winked out of existence. The van instantly melted in the molten iron that surrounded the Earth's core.

And Behemoth curled himself up, placed his claws on the core of the Earth, and basked in the heat that was part of his domain.


Family 6.10
A/N: Does anyone have any dynamite? There's a block of concrete in my head that I'm having trouble dislodging.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


My body shuddered. The needle in my grip nearly slipped from my fingers. I hissed as I clenched my hand, again and again, trying to re-master Bonesaw's nerves.

Amy looked up, her face filled with worry as she looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm losing it." I said. "My blood's killing Bonesaw. We have to hurry." I looked down at Mark, grimacing at the ghastly work of his body. I'd cannibalized the equipment, making Mark temporary organ replacements out of the things, while I'd worked on reanimating his dead tissue. It was difficult, trying to do this so quickly. Bonesaw's power told me she could have done it easily, within an hour, but trying to do it with uncooperative fingers and a dying body was a lot of strain.

If Amy wasn't here, it would have been impossible. As it was, we worked in tandem. I reanimated an organ, she labored to make sure it would stay alive until we managed to stabilize it and put it back where it belonged, then we'd work together to reconnect the nerve tissue to his spinal cord. Reattaching his head was relatively simple, but keeping him alive while we stabilized everything was so very difficult. I could see her straining to do it.

Before I gave her my blood and made her a vampire, she could have done this work easily. As it is, however, we had to do things so ludicrously carefully and slowly it was agonizing. Thankfully not for Mark himself. I still had his brain shut down.

Fucking Bonesaw. She cut off his head and had him feel every moment of it when she could have disabled all that pain with a twitch.

Strangely, I could feel her elation whenever I looked at Amy. She'd figured out Panacea was alive, apparently. Well, I guess it didn't matter. She wasn't going to be able to tell anyone.

I rubbed the numb fingers, grimacing, then took a deep breath as the numbness began to fade. It felt weird, being in a living body again, for however short a time this might be. Still, it didn't exactly feel comfortable like this. It wasn't my skin, my powers, or my muscles. They were Bonesaw's, and I was stealing them until my blood killed her.

Okay. Connect nerve bundle here to fix spinal column there, use macrophages to prevent infection and act as a scaffolding until repairs take place. Then use the needle to twinge the nerve and stop the signals that keep the heart going, and...

That bitch.

I felt smugness in the back of my head. Bonesaw was trying to sabotage my attempts to help Mark. My fingers stilled as I drew upon the icy rage of the Void.

Amy saw me pause, her eyes filled with worry. "What's wrong?"

I growled. "Bonesaw's managed to figure something out. She's getting her power to feed me bad information. I nearly just sabotaged his heart."

That smug feeling remained. A sinking feeling filled me as I looked over the sheer mess that was his organs. Everything seemed to be going okay, but...

My eyes widened as I reached into Mark's still chest. I pulled out a little bundle of flesh. Instinctively, I knew what I was looking at. A tiny bit of infected tissue that would have waited for weeks, then release a pathogen to kill Mark and anyone else he had contact with while it was incubating. I set it aside, but...yeah, the little bitch was now throwing a temper tantrum in the back of my head, based on what I was feeling.

"Fuck." I growled. I looked at Amy, grimacing. "Can you still see what you're doing? She might have left a few more surprises."

Amy nodded slowly. "I can, but my awareness isn't total or perfect anymore." She held out her hand, and I gave her the piece of infected flesh. She frowned as she looked it over, running her fingers over it. "Jesus. This thing's loaded with prions. Dad would have served as an infection vector for months or years down the road. Everyone he'd touch would be infected."

I blinked. "Lovely. Will the vaccine work to neutralize it?"

She nodded. "It should. I need to...really focus hard to make sure of it."

Fucking Tinkers. I hated them. Well, the asshole ones. "Are you sure you can do it?"

Amy bit her lip. "This stuff is nowhere near as easy as it used to be for me."

I reached over and gently squeezed her shoulder. "I know. But I believe in you, Amy." My lip twitched. "I know it's a lot of pressure, but I'm losing my grip on Bonesaw, here. We need to finish, and now I can't trust her power. But I trust you."

Amy's face filled with determination. She stared intently at the piece of flesh in her palm. "I got this. Just need to tweak the genes right..."

I looked down at Mark. His head was reattached, his organs ready. I activated the bits of tinkertech to keep functioning until he was stable, then they'd break themselves down to the molecular scale and be...passed, by various means.

Yeah. Let's not dwell on that.

Amy dunked the bit of flesh into the anti-prion froth. She spoke at my curious look. "Spreading that as a cure, too. Now all we need to do is get this released into the air." She looked at the still forms of her parents, her hands covered in their blood. "I wasn't very happy here, but they deserve better than this, Taylor. We'll get the rest of the Nine, right?"

I nodded. "Right. Let's get your dad sewn up. The amulet should help."

Bonesaw's anger in the back of my head was only encouraging, now. I'd wrecked her work, dashed her hopes, and taken her life. Though she didn't know that last one just yet. Beyond simply puppeting her, anyway.

I hated this power.


Half an hour later, we were finished. Good thing, too, because Bonesaw's body was shaking like a leaf. Pain wracked through me as I struggled to hold onto her for just a little while longer. If I left her, she would die immediately. I could feel her panicking in the back of my head, her emotions brushing against my own. They weren't anything I couldn't handle, as my own were...very intense compared to hers. It was a slight annoyance.

Luckily for the upcoming death of Bonesaw, I had a place to put her, and her spider-bots. I just had to open the Shadow Portal.

Shadow Portal? Hello, Shadow Portal?

No Shadow Portal. Shit. I couldn't open a portal when I was possessing someone or something else. I might have known that earlier if I ever used this on anyone else, but...well, it's the most horrifying of my powers, and I wasn't going to experiment with something that would make people explode into chunky salsa.

I cleared my throat. "Amy, I need to get Bonesaw somewhere airtight. Now."

Her eyes widened. "Disease failsafes?"

I nodded, grimacing. What the fuck can I do? Where can I go? My whole plan was to dump her in the box I made in the Shadow Plane. Where...ah crap, where I'd put two innocent people that I'd completely forgotten about.

Fucking Nine.

Yeah, yeah, They are beneath me.

Amy's looked considerate, then nodded slowly. "Basement. Best chance."

Oh. Good. Where all the rest of Bonesaw's spider-bots are. Since I'd ordered them to gather together from all over the block.

I got up. Stumbled. I could feel Bonesaw's heart beating, more and more quickly as my blood inevitably did its damage in her veins. I'd gotten so caught up in the surgical work that I'd nearly forgot about what was about to happen to my unwilling host.

Amy gripped my hand, and she led me downstairs quickly. We made our way down the stairs, and I leaned against her as she led me to a rec room, stepping between the massed spider-bots as we went. Finally, carefully, she set me down onto a leather chair. Her mouth turned to a frown as she looked at me. "We need to make sure she doesn't get to release anything. This room's got poor ventilation, but any leakage..."

I nodded with a grimace. Only Bonesaw's upgrades got her this far. Any ordinary human would have been dead well over two hours ago. "Containment as much as possible..." I looked at Amy as an idea struck me. "Can you make a shell around me? Out of her flesh? It'd only have to hold for a minute or so."

And oh. Bonesaw really didn't like that idea.

Amy considered, then nodded. "This is probably going to hurt. A lot." She smiled wryly. "Considering it's Bonesaw, though... well, first, I'm going to seal you up. Then I'm going to try and neutralize whatever plagues she has inside her, so hold onto her as long as you can."

I nodded. "Do it."

Amy put her hands on my head. Bonesaw shrieked in the back of my head as pain flowed over me. I was aware of my skin turning hard, chitinous, and unmovable. The growths covered my face and eyes, cutting me off from the world.

Eventually, the pain faded, and it was just me and the panicked feelings from the back of my head.

I concentrated as best I could, sending her my feelings of regret.

I'm sorry for this. This is a horrible way to go. If I could, I'd make this clean.

Bonesaw's confusion and fear intensified. Still, I couldn't spare her. Literally could not, even if I wanted to. Leaving her body at this point would kill her outright. She was doomed the moment my blood took over her body. Now it would simply be worse than if I'd killed her right away. I waited, feeling tingles as Amy's power worked through the chitinous shell, altering Bonesaw's flesh. I only had minutes now, and it was a strain to keep it going. I gave a small pulse of blood toward my face, hoping Amy would understand.

The tingles stopped. Hopefully, that was enough. I couldn't wait any longer. So I finished the job.

My blood quickened, and began tearing apart the tissue that surrounded it. Bonesaw let out a scream in the back of my head, then her emotions quieted as her brain liquified. Held in by the chitin, her liquified flesh had nowhere to go as my blood consumed her utterly, even her bones melting in my absurdly potent blood. The instant I could, I opened a portal right underneath me, and felt the rather sickening feeling of being dropped into an infinite abyss.

Then I let myself resolidify, and the chitin shell around me burst apart. What remained of Bonesaw turned into fine mist, dissipating into the Shadow Plane.

I decided to take no chances. I concentrated, straining my powers to the limit as I called upon my hatred, the fires of Hell responding. My body caught alight in unholy flame, and I forced it outward, burning and destroying whatever remained of the girl I had possessed. Before long, whatever was left of the youngest member of the Nine no longer existed.

I arrested my fall into the void, and flew back upwards. I knew where the portal was, instinctively, and passed right back through it.

Amy flinched back as I emerged from the darkness of the portal, and I sighed as I looked back at her. I gave her a small wave. "Mess taken care of. Sensing anything bad, here?"

She shook her head. "No. Just the ordinary bacteria and such. Nothing of the plagues she had inside her." Her gaze was distant before she sighed. "That was...really ugly. I never wanted to use my powers like that."

I nodded in understanding. "Yeah. I never wanted to use that power on anyone, either. But..." I grimaced. "Not much choice."

Then the rec room door started scratching. The spider-bots started filing in, lunging at us.

Right, forgot about those.

I extended my hand, calling upon the power of the storm. Lightning coursed from my fingers, running from bot to bot to bot, frying the brains that Bonesaw used to keep them active and functioning. I let it flow between all of them, the room smelling strongly of ozone and burning metal, all of the bots writhing and jerking as I put enough power through them all to light up a city.

It took just a few minutes before they were all still. Almost contemptuously, Amy and I threw the remains of the bots into the still-open portal.

I clenched my fingers when were done, and looked to Amy. "We good here?"

She nodded. "Think so. I'll keep an eye on things."

I wasn't done my job yet tonight.


I floated over the city. It was nearly completely covered in the prion cloud, and the cloud showed no sign of stopping its spread. Hopefully the vaccine Amy and I cooked up would be able to fix this.

I pressed my fingers to my earpiece. "This is Scarlet. Bonesaw's dead, and her remains are destroyed. No plagues released into the air."

Piggot's voice echoed over the line. She sounded exhausted. "Good. Vaccine status?"

I looked down at the bowl in my hand. A mere half of the vaccine I made using Bonesaw's expertise. "It's ready to go. I can distribute it now, it should neutralize the prion cloud. It won't fix the infected, but it'll stop new infections and should halt any more damage from taking hold."

There was a long moment of silence on the line, then she spoke again. "If you're wrong..."

I sighed to myself. "Yeah, a lot of people are dead. But leaving things as they are, they're dead anyway, and this cloud's just going to keep spreading."

Another moment, then her voice was resigned. "Go ahead."

I began to fly over the cloud, overturning the bowl as I went. The froth immediately began to seed inside the red cloud, growing outward and expanding slowly. Well, actually rather quickly, but slowly compared to the size the cloud already had managed to take.

Still, the patches of light blue grew, giving me a bit of grim satisfaction. I cleared my throat and spoke. "Any status on the Nine?"

Madison's voice cut in. "This is Paladin. Apparently, Siberian is dead. Some cape calling himself 'Apostle' showed up and apparently teleported her Master somewhere unpleasant." A momentary pause. "Aegis and Glory Girl need medical attention."

Vicky's voice, then. "I'm half-blind and pissed off, but I'm alright. Aegis needs it more. Let's fucking finish these bastards off."

I took a deep breath. "Three to go."

I was just about to open another portal to hunt Burnscar, when Armsmaster's voice burst over the line. "I need assistance now! Medical teams! Hatchet Face was here... He's gone now, but I need medical teams right now!" He sounded drained, leaden, and yet filled with nearly panicked worry.

Hatchet Face? He was hitting the Endbringer shelter? But how did he get in?...

A chill went through me. Of course he was unrecognizable. With Bonesaw, changing a face was downright easy. All he had to do was keep calm and blend in with the rest of the civilians.

Fucking Nine!

I opened a portal to get there all the quicker. I hoped I wasn't too late.

Interlude: Gallant, Alucard
A/N: Oh my god, Dean's relevant! What's happening!? I'm so confused!


It was difficult to keep still. The stump of his left arm itched and stung. He wanted to scratch at it, but that would simply make things worse.

"I don't suppose you've got something that'll help with itching?" Gallant asked Kid Win dryly.

A small chuckle was the reply. "Sorry. Not that kind of Tinker." Kid Win looked down at Vista, his aura filled with the blue and white swirls of worry and exhaustion. "She's doing okay, from what I know. Paladin's amulets are a real help, there, but..."

Gallant nodded. "They take time to work."

A sigh came from under Kid Win's helmet. "Yeah. Really miss Panacea, for things like this."

Gallant swallowed. That suspicion in the back of his head was an ugly one. But regardless, it could wait. He'd have to do what he could to find out what was going on after the band of psychos were dealt with. He spoke softly. "Stay with her. I need to sit down for a bit."

Kid Win nodded. "Got you. Scout's honor."

Gallant chuckled lowly. "Ward's honor. You're no scout."

A chuckle and a shake of the head was Kid Win's response.

Gallant stepped away, moving to a corner of the room, mindful of the civilians inside. The room seemed to be filled with an entire miasma of emotions, difficult for him to handle. One of the downsides of his power was that he was always aware of what other people were feeling. And right now, the room was filled with tinges of light and dark yellow, the colors of fear and despair. But, thankfully, there were other emotions he could see, too. Aside from Alucard, who was nearly invisible to his sight, and Meridia, who had faded entirely, some of the ten or so civilians in the room were feeling hopeful. He wasn't sure how the other thirty might be feeling, as they were taking up other rooms in the shelter.

Armsmaster walked up to the door from the hall, his halberd resting on his shoulder. His mechanical legs whirred a little as he shifted on his feet. He'd been checking on each of the rooms one after another, seemingly tireless. He looked at Gallant, and Gallant waved back. All good, here. With a nod, Armsmaster went back into the hall, his feet clanking as he moved.

Gallant took a moment to look over at the still form of Vista. While unconscious, her emotions were dulled, but there were still the swirls and eddies. She had a faint tinge of the yellows of fear, but it seemed she was asleep. Kid Win gently tended to her, the young teen in power armor carefully cleaning the edges of the wound that had nearly claimed Vista's life, the spear of glass still jutting out of the young girl's chest.

He was well aware of how Vista felt for him. It was a crush, deep and powerful, as crushes usually were. It was always something he felt a bit uncomfortable about. Despite everything Missy Biron felt, she was a lot younger than he was, and he didn't quite like being aware of her feelings like that.

Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.

Clockblocker came over and sat down next to Gallant, holding a bottle of water, which he handed it to Gallant almost casually. His aura was filled with a bit of red, anger, but more of it was a clear blue of satisfaction. "These guys are supposed to be the worst of the worst, least here in the good old U S of A. And they're dropping like flies."

Gallant gave a nod of thanks, lifting the edge of his helmet so he could drink. Things were awkward with only one hand, but he could make do. After a few blissful swallows of the water, Gallant spoke in return. "Well, they went after someone who chewed on an Endbringer's head. I'm not that surprised."

Clockblocker spoke softly. "Heh. I missed that, you know. Busy helping in the triage center. Still, this whole thing is nasty, man. I'm looking forward to taking a little vacation after this." He looked over where the pale man, Alucard, was tending to the white-haired woman. "I hope she'll be okay. Her daughter's got to be taking this hard."

"Yeah." Gallant's voice was a bit distant. "Did Amara seem familiar to you at all?"

Clockblocker tilted his head, looking at him. No doubt looking quite confused under that mask, at least from the swirls and eddies in his emotional light. "No, not really. I'm pretty sure I'd have remembered if I met her before. Why?"

Gallant shook his head. "Just a thought. Something for after this mess is over with."

Clockblocker shook his head, his voice filled with mirth. "That shouldn't take too long. After this, though, I'm taking a vacation. Somewhere nice and quiet. Like some small town in Iowa."

Gallant couldn't help but smile a bit under his helmet. "Going to play hero among the cornfields, huh?"

Clockblocker's voice took on a deeper tone, no doubt Dennis' attempt to sound like a movie trailer voiceover. "In a small town, threatened by boredom, where the only intersection takes five minutes to change the lights from red to green...comes a hero, who just wanted a vacation. But his vacation was foiled by.... the lack of good waffles!"

Gallant shook his head, his shoulders shaking with the effort to keep in his tired laughter. It wasn't a good joke, but it was enough to shove the whole situation aside, at least for a little while. Besides, Gallant was pretty sure that just about anything would be pretty funny to him right now.

Then a horrible wail of pain filled the shelter. Gallant's aura sight winked out. He looked over to find Alucard holding a thrashing Meridia down in the corner, the wounded woman's back arched. Despite her thrashing, however, Alucard easily held her down. Gallant could only watch with shock as Meridia's arms began to regrow from the stumps of her shoulders. It was slow, compared to Scarlet's rapid regeneration, but still faster than just about anything he'd seen before. The only exception was watching Amy work.

Meridia tried to bite Alucard, but the pale man simply held her down, a clawed hand pressing hard on her chest. The Wards shifted away from the pair, not wanting to be anywhere near the thrashing wounded woman.

Then Gallant's aura sight returned, the familiar whirls and eddies of people's emotions washing over his vision once more. The girl with the red streak in her hair paled, her fingers tightening on the arm of the older man next to her. She was filled with fear, while he was filled with...the hard silver of determination.

Clockblocker had straightened. "Geez, that felt weird. Felt like my brain froze for a second there."

Gallant nodded slowly, calling out to Alucard. "Everything good?"

Alucard's voice was calm, despite the thrashing woman beneath him. "Give her time. She is weak, healing takes a lot of out someone. Especially regrowing limbs." He looked down at Meridia sternly, saying something in a harsh tone, a language that was just slightly out of Gallant's understanding.

Meridia stopped moving, breathing heavily as she looked back up at Alucard. She spoke in the same language, her voice filled with wanton need. She averted her eyes as Alucard simply stared, then cleared her throat. "I am...well." She shuddered as she breathed deeply, the skeletal growths sprouting from her shoulders twitching.

Damn, that was creepy as hell to watch. Clockblocker gave a rather obvious shudder. Gallant couldn't help but share it.

Gallant nodded, then he pressed a button on his helmet. "Armsmaster, it's Gallant, can you come back here please? We've got a problem."

It took less than a minute, but Armsmaster strode back to the doorframe. Gallant handed the bottle of water back to Clockblocker. "Give me a minute. I need to talk with Armsmaster."

Clockblocker nodded, carefully helping Gallant to his feet, and walked with him over to Armsmaster. Gallant spoke in hushed tones. "Did you feel something odd about a minute ago? My powers failed for a few seconds. Clockblocker felt something odd, too."

Armsmaster frowned, then nodded slightly. "Always have a lot of ideas whirling around in my head. Then nothing for an instant." His voice was filled with consideration. "Hatchet Face could do that, in theory. If he's able to suppress his power...and I wouldn't be surprised if Bonesaw could figure out a way to do that even if he didn't have conscious control." He stopped for a moment, thinking, then scowled. "He's got to be inside. If he just walked by outside, his range wouldn't have been enough to block us all out. Unless she changed that, too."

Clockblocker's head shook back and forth, his aura filling in with the pale-yellow of fear. "Whoa, whoa. He's in here?"

Armsmaster nodded resolutely. "Yes, he is. At least, it's likely. We need to identify him. Flush him out." He tilted his head slightly, a small smirk on his lips. "I've an idea about that." He looked to Gallant, paused for a moment, then nodded to himself. "How's your emotional control power?"

Gallant concentrated, and felt his hand tingle. He nodded. "Working alright."

Armsmaster nodded with satisfaction. "Good. We might need it. Yours is the most straightforward here, if Hatchet blocks us all out, you'll likely know first and most obviously." He looked to Clockblocker. "Your wound alright?"

Clockblocker hesitated, but nodded. "Yeah. Side stings a fair bit now, but it's not hurting so much."

A resolute nod from Armsmaster. "Excellent. Your amulet will be key, here. Here's what we're going to do."


Armsmaster walked back into the room. He looked at each of the huddled civilians in turn. "Listen carefully. We have reason to suspect this plague of Bonesaw's may have secondary effects. I know some of you are infected. But we do have a cure. We're going to go through each of you one at a time. We'll cure you, ask you a few questions to make sure you know and can recognize each other, then put you in the room down the hall."

Tension in the room relaxed somewhat as Armsmaster spoke. The yellows of fear in Gallant's sight intensified for a few, especially for the girl with the red streak in her hair. But five people weren't afraid. Three teenagers, who smelled faintly of cigarettes, a pimple-faced, out of shape high-schooler, and one tall man, his arms corded with muscle. Gallant mentally compared him to the picture of Hatchet Face....and even this guy was too short, too thin, despite being six foot six.

Still, considering Bonesaw, the insane bio-Tinker could probably have Hatchet Face hide as a little girl.

Armsmaster scanned the crowd, then pointed at this first, an old man, his hair thin and gray. "You first, sir. Please, out in the hall, here."

Each person didn't take long. Clockblocker's amulet went around their neck, Armsmaster asked what their names were, who their mother was, and what Jack Slash meant to them.

Third one in was the girl with the red streak in her hair. Nervousness and fear washed from her in waves. Clockblocker set the amulet around her neck, his voice filled with amusement. "Hey, relax, it's one hundred-percent Clockblocker certified! It'll cure what ails ya, or your money back."

She looked confused. "You always like this?"

Clockblocker nodded vigorously. "Yep. It's in my contract. Well, not really, but it should have been!"

Armsmaster's voice cut in, harsh and filled with impatience. "Clockblocker."

The teen straightened up. "Right, right. We gotta make sure this is working. First, what's your name?"

Yellow and green swirled in her aura, their strength almost palpable. And yet, she showed no sign of it on her face. She'd be one hell of a poker player. "Cherry."

Armsmaster's lips turned to a frown. "Your full name, if you please."

She swallowed a little. "Cherry Anne." Her aura was hardening, the yellows of her fear turning brighter. Still no sign of her fear on her face.

Armsmaster was silent for a moment. When he spoke, his voice was hard. "It's in your best interests to tell the truth about your identity. This is the Slaughterhouse Nine, they can be pretty damn difficult to deal with."

The yellows of her fear suddenly shifted even more brightly, hardening to almost golden in Gallant's sight. Armsmaster's and Clockblocker's auras shifted to black, and they screamed. Despair washed over Gallant. A sudden, powerful certainty. Victoria is dead. My parents are dead. Life is pointless. It's all pointless!

Screams echoed from the room they just left, the civilians crying out in fear and horror. Some of them ran out of the room behind them, scrambling deeper into the shelter, while others wailed and cried in terror and despair.

Clockblocker hit the ground, letting out a cry of pain and despair, clawing at the floor. Armsmaster froze up, his hands tightening around the handles of his halberd, stumbling backward and hitting his back up against a concrete wall. Gallant clenched his hand as he struggled to keep the thought of slitting his own throat at bay.

Not your feelings. She's manipulating them, you can see this! Act! The girl took off running down the hall, toward the entrance of the shelter. Gallant swallowed his despair, struggling under the weight of the powerful emotions that weren't his own. He fought to lift his hand, calling on the very emotion she was forcing him to feel and fired it at her. It struck the fleeing girl in the back, and she fell to the ground, screaming and writhing, trying to claw her eyes out.

Then Gallant's aura sight winked out again, his power abandoning him. Still, the feelings of despair and horror remained, and Gallant nearly fell over from the strength of it. Gallant just barely managed to call out. "Boss, she's a Master, she's doing this!"

Armsmaster pushed himself off the wall, letting out a groan of pain. His body jerked as something in his armor whined, then he stood straight. He lifted the halberd, the axe-head crackling with electricity as he advanced on the writhing girl and touched her with it, the Tinker-made electronics knocking her out almost instantly.

The feeling of despair stopped as abruptly as it began, leaving Gallant gasping and shuddering. Armsmaster took restraints from his belt, tied the girl up, and then injected her with tranquillizers.

Gallant took deep breaths, his hand trembling. He stumbled as his aura sight abruptly reasserted itself, cries of fear and terror coming from the room with the civilians.

Armsmaster strode to the door, halberd at the ready. Gallant followed, only to stop at the sight before them.

Alucard stood there, his curved blade dripping blood. On the ground lay the man the girl had been tending to, Meridia gnawing on the bloody remnants of his neck like a feral animal. Everyone in the room was sobbing, crying, self-inflicted wounds running deep. And Kid Win, lying on his back, a pool of blood spreading on the cold concrete floor.

Armsmaster charged forward with a roar.


One minute earlier

Alucard stood over Meridia. The newborn demonic vampire rocked back and forth, whimpering lowly. She spoke with clear need, her language that of the denizens of the Shadow Plane. "It feels as if my stomach is trying to consume itself."

"Tis the hunger." He spoke gently. "Your body is attempting to heal the damage done by the murderer. Can you withstand it a little longer?"

Meridia bit her lip, a small groan escaping her lips. "I thought I could, but..." Her gaze drifted over the people in the shelter, lingering on the wounded. Especially upon the still form of Vista, the spear of glass in her chest most definitely alluring to a vampire in the midst of the blood-hunger. Alucard was well acquainted with the hunger in her eyes. Leave it too long, and a feral state would likely ensue. There wasn't any help for it. He would simply have to feed her from his own wrist.

Alucard cast an eye around the room, seeing Kid Win looking back at the pair of vampires. Momentarily turning away from the care of Vista. Alucard nodded slowly, then called on his resolve. Poor girl. Alucard never enjoyed seeing a child injured. Alas, the world was cruel.

Gently, he helped Meridia to her feet, careful not to touch her slowly regrowing arms. They were at the point of her upper biceps, the flesh and bone slowly regrowing themselves in a horribly fascinating way. Still, the moment he could get Meridia into a private room, he would feed her some of his own blood. Hopefully, that would be enough to slake her thirst, at least for the moment.

Then everyone in the room began screaming. Even Vista, unconscious as she was, began to writhe. Except one man. He got to his feet, reaching underneath the oddly-striped shirt, and with a sick, wet, tearing sound, he pulled out a handle, about as long as his forearm, covered in blood. With a click, the end of it suddenly had a small axe-head on the end.

One of them. Hiding this whole time.

Even as Alucard let go of Meridia, the Crissaegrim flashing into existence in his hand, Hatchet Face turned, hacking open the throat of a civilian, a young girl, then took a step toward Kid Win and Vista. Alucard rushed toward the pair, his progress made difficult with all the people in the room, arms and legs everywhere to step over. Hysterical screams filled his ears. The crackling zap of Kid Win's light-weapon went off, filling the room with the scent of burning flesh. Some of the civilians managed to scramble out of the room, but in the process, they got between Alucard and his target. Still, Alucard was fast, faster than mortals could be.

Still too slow. The serial killer brought the hatchet down, right at the prone Vista. Kid Win crouched protectively over her, and took the blow. His power armor should have protected him. But Hatchet Face was strong, strong enough to drive the head right through the armor and dig the head of the weapon deep into the teen's back. Another scream filled the room, cut by a wet gurgle. Hatchet Face ripped it out, turning as Alucard got to him, catching the first slash of the Crissaegrim with an outstretched hand and gripping the blade.

Blood flowed from where the blade landed on his palm, and yet Hatchet Face didn't seem to care. He smiled at Alucard. "You feel that? That's my power neutralizing yours. Against me, creature, you're just an ordinary person for me to kill."

Grimly, Alucard smiled. "I feel nothing." He filled his left hand with hellfire. Hatchet Face's features were almost comical as he saw the impossible sight. That was the last thing he ever saw as Alucard drove the hand full of fire into the serial killer's face. He screamed in shock and surprise, and Alucard took the opportunity to cut him across the chest with the Crissaegrim. The blade had trouble cutting through his dense flesh, but it was enough to make him stagger. Alucard then stepped aside, grabbing the serial killer's arm and throwing him to the floor.

Right in front of Meridia.

The succubus-turned vampire looked down on him hungrily. Somewhat awkwardly, lacking her forearms, she climbed on his back and tore the side of his throat with her teeth. Hatchet Face screamed and thrashed, trying to dislodge her from his back, only to fail as the newly-raised vampire fed.

The civilians in the room screamed and cried out hysterically, faces and eyes filled with fear as they looked upon the feeding demon. Meridia's healing sped up as she took in Hatchet Face's blood, her newly-grown fingers digging into her victim's flesh as she drank. Eventually, the killer stilled, but Meridia continued to drink, a lusty, heated moan coming from deep in her throat.

The door opened, and Armsmaster strode in, halberd at the ready. He took one look at the situation and lifted his halberd, moving to cut down Alucard with the axe-head of his weapon.

Alucard deflected the attack, snarling as he pushed Armsmaster back. "Calm yourself! He was the murderer, Hatchet Face! Get the amulet. Kid Win is dying, and we have no time for this!" He looked down at the corpse of the serial killer, a grimace on his face. Then spared a glance at the glassy eyes of Hatchet Face's other victim. Another child, already dead.

Armsmaster struggled visibly for a moment, then he dropped the halberd, moving quickly to Kid Win's side. The teen lay on his back, struggling to breathe, his blood pooled beneath his body. A racking cough managed to escape his lips. "Hey boss."

Clockblocker rushed into the room, the Light Magic amulet dangling from his fingers. Armsmaster took it and placed it around Kid Win's neck. It began to glow brightly, burning through its charge, sensing its wearer was close to death.

Then it flickered out. Out of magical energy, too much already used up.

"Clock!" Armsmaster called urgently.

Without hesitation, Clockblocker rushed forward, clapping Kid Win's shoulder. The wounded teenager froze.

Clockblocker spoke with annoyance. "These fucking assholes."

Alucard nodded in agreement. He didn't quite understand the meaning of the phrase, but the sentiment was clear enough.

Armsmaster pressed a finger to the side of his helmet. "I need assistance now! Medical teams! Hatchet Face was here... He's gone now, but I need medical teams right now!"

Family 6.11
A/N: Okay, fair warning here, guys. This is likely going to be the most shocking and nasty chapter yet. Seriously. A very nasty thing happens here. It's so very totally Jack, though, and it fits, so...yeah.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


I emerged from the Shadow Portal to find a room filled with terror. People were wailing and crying, a number of wounds easily visible. The scent of blood was strong, and it would have immediately made me hungry had the Void Sword not already slaked my thirst on the Siberian's energy.

Okay, it still made me hungry, but nothing I couldn't stand.

Armsmaster knelt over Kid Win, along with Clockblocker. A rather large pool of blood was on the concrete floor beneath the frozen teenager. Gallant stood up against a wall, his body language filled with exhaustion. On the floor lay a body, a tall man wearing a flannel shirt, his throat torn out. Meridia stood over the corpse, licking her lips, a blissful, even orgasmic expression on her face. Alucard was at her side, clawed hand resting on her shoulder.

"My lady." She said with satisfaction, her eyes somewhat glazed over. "I am well. Very well."

Oh hell, she was actually purring a bit. I sighed to myself, and looked to Alucard.

He shook his head. "The murderer, Hatchet Face. Hidden as a lion amongst the sheep. He concealed his weapon by having it buried inside his body as a false rib." He smiled faintly, a bit of his fangs showing.

Armsmaster looked at me, his voice harsh. "Can you get medics here now!? We have wounded, beyond Kid Win. That Master got a lot of people to hurt themselves. Another minute and we'd have fatalities in here."

That shook me out of my distraction. I wanted to ask questions, but they could wait. People needed help now, and I could get the complete picture later. I hit my earpiece. "Director Piggot, where are the medical teams?"

"The PRT building. We're rounding up every doctor we have."

Abruptly, Kid Win unfroze, thrashing on the floor with a scream. Clockblocker immediately froze him again, but the echo of his pain remained in my ears.

I really, really hated these bastards. I spoke with a grimace. "Don't bother with a transport. I'll set up a few portals to get them through to here. I can leave them open long enough to get them through." My voice dropped all warmth, as cold as the Void Sword itself. "Then I'm ending this."


About ten minutes later, the shelter was bustling. I'd made a small detour to pick up Amy, get her parents secured at the PRT, and get Aegis, Vicky and Mad...Paladin together. Amy sat next to Clockblocker and Paladin, the room otherwise cleared. Hatchet Face's corpse had been dragged out to be properly disposed of. Aegis lay on a cot as a doctor sewed his leg back on.

Vicky sat against the wall, covering her face with her hand. I went over to her and sat down, my tone faint. "How bad is it, Vicky?"

She snorted. "Pretty damn bad, Red. Fucking Siberian just ripped it out."

Gently, I took her hand and squeezed it. She smiled faintly at me. "It's fine, Red. I ain't happy about it, but it doesn't hurt anymore at least." Her lip quirked. "And I can get myself an eyepatch and become the awesomest pirate around."

I chuckled a little. "I'll see if I got any ships you can use. I probably do. I've got everything else."

She nodded slowly, chewing on her lip. Finally, she let her hand drop, letting me see the damage. Though it looked like a years-old wound, it was pretty ugly. The eye socket itself was sealed over, and the scarring was extensive. I could see small lumps of misshapen bone around it, where the Siberian's invincible fingers had reached in and tore.

I spoke softly. "I'll understand if you want to take a break. They're down to two."

Vicky shook her head. "Nah. I'll rest when all of em are in the ground." She grinned, her remaining eye filled with malicious anticipation. "They fucked with my family, Red. I ain't letting you hog all the credit."

I nodded. "All right. I'm heading out in a few. We're ending this before sunrise." I got to my feet, a small smile on my lips.

She returned my smile. "We'll knock em dead."

I made my way around the room, over to where Paladin took up a corner. She sat with six of her amulets spread out in front of her. She grasped them one at a time, murmuring under her breath, and each one began to shine after about a minute. She looked up at me, weariness in her voice. "Six dead here. Seventeen wounded. My amulets are helping, but..." She lay the amulets around in a circle, scraping lines in the concrete between them.

I nodded with a grimace, but I couldn't help but ask. "What are you trying to do?"

She looked up at me. "Trying to call Dragon. I think she might be able to do more than I can. Kid Win's barely alive, and my amulets won't be able to heal him fast enough to get him stable before he dies. She might be able to pour enough into him to make sure he makes it. If Amara can't manage to close the wound and buy us enough time, anyway. Clockblocker's keeping things stable, for the moment."

I nodded, looking over to where Amy and Clockblocker sat with the prone Kid Win. "I hope all this works."

At her nod, I stepped down the hall to a storeroom. Armsmaster and Gallant stood over the bound-up Cherry, the local Protectorate leader with his halberd at the ready. He gave me an acknowledging nod.

"The hell happened?" I asked.

Gallant spoke, his voice rough and tired. "She's a Master, a strong one. We were in the middle of curing those infected here by the prion plague, asking a few questions while we did. We suspected Hatchet Face was in here when our powers went out for a second and we were trying to flush him out. Turned out she had powers, too. She hit everyone here with suicidal feelings while she tried to make a break for it."

I looked down at the unconscious Cherry. Anger broiled at the back of my head. Another person with a sweet face and charming words. If it turned out she betrayed me...

An image came from the back of my mind. An entire army's worth of corpses, impaled upon iron spikes. An example of terror and fear, to give those who would dare face the Dragon a chance to turn away and flee, to warn those who followed the Phoenix of his wrath.

And here I was approving. Maybe on a smaller scale, but approving nonetheless.

I looked to Armsmaster. "I'm taking Meridia and Alucard out of here. With what happened, you don't need more complications with hysterical people. Then I'm going to hit Burnscar."

He nodded slowly. "I don't like it, but I've got responsibilities here. The last two have to be feeling the pressure."

I took a deep breath. "Anything you know that might help?"

Armsmaster paused for a moment. "Burnscar's very mobile, and the longer a fight goes on, the more flame she'll have to work with. Denying her flammable material will help slow things down, but the most essential bit would be speed. Making sure she doesn't even get started, if possible."

I mulled that over. "And Jack?"

Armsmaster's lips tightened. "He's smart, or at least has a reputation as a smart one. He'll probably have something prepared. He pulled a lot of tricks with Screamer, years ago. Psychological tactics, ambush tactics. He usually knows when to run. Under ordinary circumstances, he'd have probably already left the city."

My voice was hard. "He can't run from me."


Alucard, Meridia, Vicky and I emerged from the Shadow Portal in the middle of downtown. The mist was still strong here, and with the darkness of night, it was difficult to see much of anything.

I floated upward, looking around. "Great. She can be anywhere. Alucard, any ideas?"

He frowned as he paused for a moment, his blade in hand. "This mist is making things difficult. But I do smell something." He turned and pointed. "That way. Smoke."

Now that he'd mentioned it, I could smell it too. I floated that way, the Void Sword springing into existence in my hand. Vicky flew by my side, her face hard. Meridia and Alucard ran on the ground, though my newest childe assisted her run with leaps and flaps of her wings.

When we reached the end of the block, my heart would have stopped, if it had been beating. Right in a parking lot in front of an office building was a city bus. Fifty people were surrounding it, sitting on the ground, whimpering and crying in fear. A ring of fire surrounded it, cutting off all avenues of escape. A redheaded woman was striding around the interior of the ring, flame sprouting from her hand, and she was cackling. A few burned bodies littered the ground, the sickly sweet scent of burned flesh strong.

Most concerning to me was a handsome blond man, standing on top of the bus, infant cradled with one hand and a knife in the other. Jack Slash, most likely. He didn't look at all like the photo, more like an up and coming movie star, but with Bonesaw's work, that wasn't exactly hard to do.

Assuming Jack wasn't pulling something even more elaborate, anyway. I hoped not. It's all I could do.

I reached up for my earpiece, only for the knife-wielder to call out as he saw us. "Ah ah, my dear. No calls. Or these people die."

I grimaced as I let my hand drop, striding toward the tableau with the comforting near-weightless Void Sword in my hand.

Burnscar stopped pacing around the ring, looking at me and Vicky. She smiled wickedly, flame surrounding her. It was somehow more chilling with her unmarred face, compared to her photo. "Why hello. Glad you could join us." She looked Alucard up and down. "Mm. Nice boytoy."

Jack looked at me, a broad grin on his face. "I'll take your word for it, Burnscar. Welcome, welcome. I'm glad it was you who got here first! It would have been a shame if someone else arrived to spoil things." He yelled, his voice smooth and clear. He held the knife steady against the infant's throat. He made a practiced, flourished bow, careful to keep the infant in his arms.

Vicky moved forward a bit, but Jack shook his head. "Ah ah. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, hmm? I'd rather keep my conversation with Miss Scarlet civilized." His fingers tightened on the knife in his hand.

I looked to Vicky. She looked back at me, frustration on her face. Eventually, she clenched her fists and landed outside the ring of fire. Meridia and Alucard joined her, Alucard keeping his sword at the ready.

I slowly floated forward, Void Sword in my hand, setting my feet down at the end of the bus. I spoke with an arctic chill in my voice. "You two are the last. Surrender, and you might see tomorrow morning."

Burnscar's flames roared, widening the circle of fire. "Yeah, pull the other one. We got kill orders. Second we give up we get bullets in the head. I'd rather go down fighting."

Alucard's voice was nearly as cold as my own. "You would take innocents with you on the road to death?"

She shrugged without a care. "You got any idea what it's like to feel the rush of the flame? To live in the moment of power? If I'm going to die, I want it while I'm happy. While I feel anything other than fear."

"Burnscar's got the right of it, I think." Jack smiled, flicking his head to the side. "The sword my dear. It's a lovely fashion accessory, but it's really not suitable for a civilized conversation. Lose it please."

I almost dismissed it. Instead, I threw the blade aside. It landed point-first outside the ring of flame, the blade spreading frost on the grass.

Jack smirked, his body language relaxed. "Interesting weapon. Well-crafted, dangerous. I've never seen a blade quite like that, and I've seen a lot of blades."

"I'm glad you approve." I said cooly. I really didn't care, but I just needed a chance. One instant. "Let these people go. Hand the kid over and I won't rip your limbs off and beat you to death with them."

He grinned. "Ah, I like the way you think, my dear. But I think the little tyke should stay with me. As for letting the rest go...now why should I do that, hm? After all the trouble I went through to get them here? I feel the need to have an audience for this. Every show needs an audience, after all. Without one, well, there's no real point. The greatest actors on Earth are nothing without a few fans." With a lazy smile, he nodded down at the hostages. They looked up at us, faces filled with fear.

I looked back at him, unmoved. "You think this is a show? People aren't props. I'm not here for your amusement, Jack." I spread my arms as I felt out with the power I'd gained from Shatterbird. Maybe I could do just what was needed. I didn't dare try and touch Jack while he had the infant in his grasp, but maybe something else. "I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I've seen monsters you can't imagine. You don't rate. To me, you're a clown with a very, very bad sense of humor." Granted, those were through Dracul's memories, but he didn't need to know that.

He seemed relaxed. Uncaring, his voice filled with amusement. "Ooh. How very scary." He smiled, turning the knife slightly over the infant's skin. The warning was clear enough.

I clenched my fingers, trying to keep my face calm as I prepared for the moment to act.

His voice was smooth, definite amusement in his tone. "Fitting, I suppose. You come here at the head of an army. You are a queen. You're not afraid of me, this poor, humble little jester." He made a mocking bow, a smirk on his lips. "Though usually, queens don't debase themselves, running around and rescuing every peasant. I honestly don't get it. Why do you bother?"

I lifted an eyebrow, pulling everything I could from the memories of Dracul as I spoke. "You ever watch a world die, Jack? To see millions of people get crushed by powers greater than they can ever fight against? To fight with everything you have, struggle against it only to fail? I help people because I want to. Because I don't want to see that happen again."

He sighed, clucking his tongue. Disappointment was in his tone. "That's it? I was hoping for something more. Though I do have to wonder just what it is you've seen." He shrugged slightly, rolling his eyes as the infant in his arm began crying. He made small shushing noises as his voice dipped, almost calming. "You could be a lot more than this. You can do a hell of a lot more. You make Nilbog look like a second-rate hack. You could take over this whole damn planet." He let out a chuckle, his voice sardonic. "Just look what we've accomplished with a mere nine psychos. The Siberian alone ripped the heart out of the Protectorate. The most inspiring symbol, the man who dared to dream and spoke of making a better world than this, crushed. Once she joined us, we did so much more. Just imagine what you could do if you cut loose. No rules. No playing nice. Being free."

He's trying to dig into your mind. He is a simple pleasure seeker with depraved tastes. His reasoning is a veneer to let himself indulge in horrors. They mean nothing. Words are a waste. Use them to find an opening.

I blinked. That seemed a bit more...whole, for lack of a better word, than the usual bits of commentary from the echo of Dracul. Still, it was good advice. I spoke, grasping with my telekinesis, preparing for the right moment. "You know you're not getting out of here, right? Your whole damn gang of psychos are dead. Shatterbird? I reduced her to ashes. Crawler? I'm sure Dragon took good care of him. Mannequin? Dead. Bonesaw? Nothing left of her." I let a grin rise on my lips. "I went toe to toe with your worst member and I'm still here. She's also dead, by the way. Apparently, she was taken out by some new guy."

Burnscar stopped her pacing, whirling to face me. "Bullshit. Nothing can stop the Siberian."

Jack looked only somewhat interested. "Well well. I thought I'd never see the day. The Siberian killed. Assuming you're not just making things up." He smiled slightly. "Well, if you are lying, then it doesn't really matter what will happen here. She'll tear through everyone and everything in her way without us to help steer her. And if you're not...well then. I suppose we'll just have to finish up our little game. We really can't just walk away now, can we?"

He is a rabid dog. A pathetic creature. He needs to be put down. Wait for the moment.

I shrugged. Just move that hand a little bit, you son of a bitch. "Not really. Run, hide. Maybe if you did you'd have lived a little longer. Maybe I would have been distracted by more important matters, like my laundry or what kind of counter I'd like to install in the castle kitchens."

Jack smiled slightly. "I suggest marble. It's classy, tough, and you can afford it, I'm sure."

Jerk. I let my smile grow wide. Predatory. "I'll take it under advisement. Still, you made the mistake of getting my attention. I'm not exactly the type to let rabid dogs run around and hurt my friends." My smile dropped. "You made a really big mistake when you let Bonesaw work on the Dallons."

Vicky's voice was filled with anger. "Damn right."

Jack simply shrugged. "Well, I had to give her something. She was good friends with Shatterbird, you know. Well, actually, not really. But she worked a lot with Shatterbird to do her work." A lazy, confident smile crossed his face. "The funny thing is, I'm quite serious. We were all considering the merits of just leaving. Shatterbird never wanted to come around here in the first place. If you hadn't gone on the attack, we'd have left for greener pastures. So everyone who died here tonight? If you hadn't jumped in, they'd all still be alive." His smile widened. "I suppose I shouldn't be so surprised, though. I've read up on you. You tend to jump right into the middle of things. You rip apart everyone who even looks at you funny. Is it true you bite? Perhaps you need a muzzle."

He deflects. He would have murdered more, simply out of your sight. His mad little child acted before you even sought out his compatriots.

I folded my hands, my lips tight and thin. "I'm not responsible for what you do. I've read up on you, too. How many people died at the whims of your little gang, Jack? Do you even remember them? Or does it all just blur together, because you don't give the slightest shit? Yeah, people died tonight. I don't like that. But if it wasn't here, it'd be elsewhere. Besides." I tilted my head. "I can do the math. You had Bonesaw hit the Dallons before I went on the attack. What was the plan, Jack? Send a mish-mashed combined monster after me made of the bodies of my friend's family? Oh, wait, what is it Bonesaw said? 'You were supposed to fly into a rage.'" I channeled my anger, to let my eyes glow a deep red. "Ah. Try to make me go mad, kill a whole lot of innocents, then there you'd all be waiting there, a hand outstretched in sympathy. Probably giving a sob story about how I hurt the Dallons, and thus Bonesaw just had to mash them together to save their lives. How close am I?"

Jack shrugged, his hand carefully keeping the knife steady against the infant's throat. A smile was on his lips, a delighted look in his eye. "Pretty close, actually. I'm impressed. You already think like a monster, don't you? As for the Dallons..." He glanced to Vicky, a grin on his lips. "More of a favor to Bonesaw, actually. A little consolation prize for the loss of Panacea." He smiled slightly. "Shame Bonesaw died, and all that. She had such potential. I found her, you know. Raised her. Honed her skills. She was such an apt pupil, able to do so very much. And then you killed her. How did it feel, to murder a child?"

I closed my eyes for a moment, drawing on the icy clarity of the Void. "I made my choice. Her, or others. I'm going to pick those who aren't psychotic murderers."

He chuckled. "And they call me cold. At least I'm honest about things."

My lip twitched as I fought to repress a snarl. "Honest? You?"

Jack's smile was calm, confident. "Yes. I don't have any reason to lie here. I'm free of the constraints of lesser men. Let me tell you what's going to happen if you kill me and Burnscar. First, you're going to be lauded as a hero. Maybe they'll throw you a parade." He nodded over at the hostages. "I can see a little statue of you right there. Right where that fat guy is standing. Then after things have calmed down a bit, they're going to watch you like a hawk. They'll do everything they can to control you, to leash you. They'll tie you up with diplomats, with deals and contracts and legalese. You'll be locked in little rooms with little men who'll spend years arguing about, oh, I don't know, sewer systems and farmland and yadda yadda yadda. I'm trying to do you a favor. Why wouldn't you just take it?"

I stood still for a moment. Then I laughed softly. "Ah. Because I have the might, what should stop me from taking things as my right, hm?" I grinned, letting my fangs show. "I've seen the results of that. A world of barbarians, scrabbling in the dirt, and never worrying about anything other than their next meal. It's a pure existence, a simple existence, and a short and pointless existence. There's no future there. I am more than a petty murderer or simple tyrant. I am the Dragon. I want more than you could ever offer."

He stood still for a moment, a flash of something flashing across his face, gone before I could read it. That lazy smirk was on his face again. "How did it feel when you were fighting the Siberian? I watched you when you did it. You were filled with joy. You had fun while you went up against the most infamous member of our illustrious little band. Most people would have been shitting themselves in terror, moving to run and hide, but you took her head-on and loved it. Hell, I've seen the photos of you. You went from someone wearing freaky red armor into a literal demon. Your power's just showing your true nature. Why don't you embrace that?"

He dares compare the Lord of Darkness to his merry little band of murderers? I have seen better bandits than he. He takes the easy path, always seeking to attack the weaker, running from true challenges. He would never seek to slay a bound god. At best, he is a barbarian. He is beneath us.

A grin slowly lifted on my face. "What makes you think I haven't embraced it, hm? You know what you're lacking? A spine. I bit the Simurgh in the fucking face. I burned her core with the fires of my hatred. I roared my victory over her corpse. And where were you? Butchering your way through a town of defenseless people." I spread my wings, letting my voice deepen into a growl. "When was the last time you faced an Endbringer? When you fought something that actually threatened you? I'm sure a whole bunch of unpowered children were so very threatening to the mighty Jack Slash. What you offer is nothing to me, Jack. What you do? It's easy. All you and your band do is break shit." I heard a few whispers from Dracul. Just the right words to hopefully push him into rage. I let my grin widen. "It's easy to break things, Jack. It's easy to kill people. It's harder to lead them, and harder still to inspire them. What have you got that's worth my time, Jack? You're an irritant. An annoying stone in the bottom of my boot. All you've done is run around like a complete idiot, enjoying a few giggles while the adults try to get something done."

He went completely, utterly still. His nostrils flared.

I spread my arms. He wanted theatrical? He hadn't seen the things Dracul could pull off. "What's the matter? Not having any fun now? Thought you'd get to have a good laugh, play a little bloody joke on me, giggling behind my back as you pointed me in amusing directions like a dog on a leash? Perhaps hoping I'd do a few tricks, grinning as you got the Dragon on your side? Maybe having me all wired up as a meat puppet for Bonesaw to steer around? Only that all fell through, didn't it?" I gestured around at the hostages, at the ring of fire. "This reeks of desperation, little man. A last shot at trying to make an impression on the people who actually matter."

I could see his jaw tighten. I shrugged, focusing my will as the fingers around his knife tightened. "When I'm done here today, I'm going to go home, make myself a nice drink, and forget all about you. This isn't even a game to me, Jack. You're a pest. You're a cockroach, and this time you can't scurry away into the darkness before the boot comes down. The only thing anyone's going to say about you after today is 'good riddance' and move on. Your obituary's going to say..." My grin grew vicious. "Here died Jack Slash, a complete waste of oxygen. He died as he lived, accomplishing Jack Shit. A shame your dad didn't just save us all the trouble and cut your throat when you were born."

His expression filled with fury. His hand twitched, his power arcing out and slashing my throat open. There wasn't much pain, and he didn't cut deep, but it still hurt, and I was keenly aware of the blood dripping from the wound.


Instinctively, I grasped the hideous wound that was the remains of my throat. Still, I'd been prepared for a moment of pain, and it was already healing itself. Less instinctively, I used my telekinesis on the Void Sword. The blade wrenched itself out of the ground and struck, aiming point-first at Jack's shoulder, at the arm holding the knife.

The blade cut through his arm without resistance. He'd been entirely blindsided, and let out a scream as his arm fell to the ground. The baby in his other hand began to fall, but I'd been prepared, the moment to act all set in my mind's eye. In a flash, I'd teleported right next to Jack, catching the falling baby before it fell more than a foot, turning with the momentum to make sure it wouldn't be hurt. Another instant, and I'd teleported back to where I'd been standing, the now-wailing child in my arms as the Void Sword hovered right in front of Jack, the tip of the blade pressing against his throat.

"Fuck!" Burnscar screamed. The flames roared, beginning to close in on the people and the bus. There was a steely rasp, and the flames flowed away. There was an odd sound as flames roared and died in seconds, repeatedly. Vicky let out a cry of rage and something smashed on concrete.

I risked a glance. Alucard stood between the group of people and Burnscar's fire, his blade in hand and spinning it around, the cold radiating from it buying a few moments. Vicky dove at Burnscar, her fists raised, and the serial killer teleported out of the way, appearing again in another part of the burning ring. She threw fire at Alucard, who grunted as his hair and skin burned, but the effect was mostly mitigated by the improvised barrier of cold he managed to put up with the Crissaegrim.

Vicky homed in on Burnscar's new position, and Burnscar teleported again. Just as she reappeared, though, Meridia dove onto Burnscar from the air, pushing her from the flames and driving Burnscar's head into the pavement. I couldn't help but grin. I'd underestimated Meridia and Vicky. Vicky kept Burnscar focused on her while Meridia took her down from behind. With a roar of rage, Vicky flew forward and brought her foot right down on Burnscar's neck.

The snap was very audible.

With a growl of triumph, Meridia's fingers shifted into claws. She reached down, twisted and ripped, until Burnscar's head came off her neck. The pyromanic's body twitched and shuddered beneath the demonic vampire, and after a few moments she lay still.

As the flames began to weaken, Alucard took the opportunity to sling his sword around, helping to deny them the heat they needed. The moment a path through the ring of flame opened, he spoke with authority. "Move! Get out of here!"

People began to run through the opening, whimpers and cries reaching me. Not all of them could move quickly, but they went, one after another.

I turned my gaze back to Jack. He was standing there, his eyes wide, the Void Sword keeping steady on his throat. His eyes were pained, but he was clearly smiling despite it all. "Nice. Heh. Nicely done. Congratulations, hero. You've truly saved the innocent! Take a bow."

I cleared my throat as it finished healing, swallowing my own blood, careful not to drop the child in my arms. The infant was wailing heavily, in distress. I....had no idea what to do, there. I looked down.

The infant's skin was turning red, veins swelling visibly. Cries of distress, of pain, were rising, the wail grating on my nerves, even as horror filled me. With a final cry...

The infant exploded in my arms, covering me with gore.

I stood there. Frozen. My ears rang, horror filling me. All that was left were tiny bits of bone in my hands. I slowly looked up at the grinning Jack, his eyes filled with glee. In my moment of horror, I'd lost concentration, and he'd taken hold of the Void Sword with his remaining hand. He slashed the air with it, and it cut through me without resistance, the edge of his power cutting through my stomach almost all the way through me. I slid to the roof of the bus, my fingers digging into the metal right in front of me, pain filling me. Holy hell that was cold!

Without a care, without missing a single moment, Jack turned and slashed the air. Vicky let out a scream. Another slash, and the sound of ice on steel reached me, Alucard letting out a grunt of pain.

Just as he raised the blade again, I let it fade into the ether. Jack stopped as his hand was suddenly empty, letting out a grunt of surprise. Still, he reached into his jacket, sliding out another scalpel. I gathered my strength and let out a roar, forcing my body to shift into mist. He turned toward me, slashing instinctively. His power slashed through me, but without the substance of a physical body, it did nothing. He took a step backward as my substance flowed forward, just about to step off the bus before I reformed, wrapping my fist around his neck and flying forward at high speed.

He slashed with the scalpel, cutting my eye. I didn't give the slightest shit. We smashed through a nearby office building, the passage made easy with most of the glass having been shattered already. He tried to cut me again, but I gripped his hand and crushed his bones into powder. Frustratingly, he didn't seem to feel the pain. So I scraped his back against a concrete wall, leaving behind a long stream of blood. Sure, he may not feel it, but it made me feel better.

Next thing I knew, we were in open air again. I dove toward the ground, slamming him into the pavement and sending him spilling and tumbling over the sidewalk. I didn't know where we were, and I didn't care.

He was laughing softly, managing to spit out a bit of blood. "And you pretend to be a hero. Such grace, such power, so easily unleashed. This is the dragon you're so proud of being, my dear?"

Rage and hate consumed me, the magics of the Void and Chaos begging to be unleashed. I decided to oblige them. I turned, seeing the nearest lamppost, and ripped it out of the ground, the light on the end of it sparking and failing as I advanced on the smug, broken form of Jack Slash. With a thought, the Void Sword reappeared in my hand. I used it to cut the head off the post, snarling at the leader of the Nine. "You fucking bastard. You have no standards at all, do you?" I barely even noticed my eye finishing its healing, the cloud of rage consuming me.

He grinned at me as he managed to sit up, seemingly uncaring about his bloody, sorry state. "Know what the best part was? Your face as he exploded. I can see it in your face. All that rage, buried beneath the veneer. You keep saying you're better than me." He spat out a glob of blood. "You're not. I can see it in your eyes right now. You're not better. You're just bigger. And I'm fine with that."

I ignited my claws, heating the metal at the tip of my improvised instrument. "Difference between you and me isn't power, Jack. I kill you, and I'm done. I'm not going to head on down and start killing people at random. I have better things to do than just be a goddamn psychopath on the run. And yeah..." I felt my fangs lengthening as I spoke. "I am a monster. But I'm not a rabid fucking idiot." I drove the spike into the ground. "The funny part is, Jack? I do bite. I am a bloodsucking fiend of the night. I am the first real vampire on this world. I'm just strong enough to say fuck you to the sun. I am the Dragon. But even if I was starving, desperate for the smallest drop of blood, I wouldn't want a single drop of you inside me, you fucking bastard. You are beneath me, Jack."

Jack just smiled serenely, his eyes glazed over. I grabbed him by the throat, lifting him off the ground. Hie eyes widened in realization as I lifted him, pulling him over the spike and steadying his hip. I gave him a vicious grin. "Here's an old favorite of Dracul's. It's still better than you deserve." His feet kicked at me uselessly as I lowered him onto the spike.

He let out a silent scream as I impaled him on it, digging through his flesh and organs until the spike split through his collarbone. I let him go, resting his weight on it as he struggled, kicked, and flailed. I crossed my arms and floated backward, watching coldly as his struggles grew weaker, kicking and flailing uselessly as his feet sought ground.

Eventually, he stopped moving, hanging limply. I floated forward once more, ripped his head off with my bare hands, and placed it on top of the spike.

This was well done.

....I'm not sure I like the approval.

I knew, intellectually, that I'd be horrified at my actions when my emotions had finally calmed down a bit. At the moment, though...I just didn't care.

I flew back to the others, my emotions broiling. I landed in front of the bus only to find Meridia holding Vicky, while Alucard sat at her side, carefully pressing his burning blade against Vicky's ice-covered leg, slowly melting the ice from it. He gave me a nod, his voice grave, his expression filled with sympathy. "The last murderer?"

"Dealt with." I said, my voice...empty. I looked over Vicky, somehow managing to keep myself together.

She was trembling, crying softly, her teeth chattering in the cold. She managed to look up at me. "That baby just..."

That did it. I fell to my knees, my eyes watering, and my soul let out a wail. I was only vaguely aware of Meridia's arms wrapping around me as all the stress, the rage, the pain, and horror bottled up within my soul overwhelmed me.


A/N: I picture Jack's new face looking somewhat like Russel Crowe. When he was younger, naturally. He's still badass these days, though. You ever want to see him as a villain? Watch Virtuosity from 1995, starring Denzel Washington. Had some interesting ideas.

Once again, thanks for the help wkz, nitewind, and Ld1449 on Spacebattles. By the way, I do recommend Ld's Outcry. Though that's partially because I'm a Souls fan, so I actually know something of what's going on there.
Interlude: Death
A/N: Yeah, this is going to be hard to do justice. I've been really struggling to keep this going the last long while, so...yeah. I'm just happy to get anything done.

And now, at this point, I'm going back to fix up Jack's last hurrah. Thanks to those who decided to participate.


Atrika blinked.

She was standing on a sandy beach, the night sky above her. The stars were innumerable, and while she couldn't see very far, the air seemed clear and calm.

She tried to reach out with her power, to touch the sand and make it move. But there was nothing. Nothing at all.

"Hello my dear." A voice said. She turned to see a man in a black suit, his white hair and beard neatly trimmed. In his fingers he held a cigar, the smoke wafting gently into the air.

She swallowed. "Who are you?"

He looked at her, his gaze piercing. "I am the end of all things. And this is your moment. This is your end. This is where your soul belongs. You crafted it for yourself with your desires, your actions, and your deeds."

She looked around. "A beach at night? I actually kind of like it here."

The man smiled slightly. "Appearances can be deceiving, my dear. I do not have any say in where someone goes when they come into my hands. But perhaps that is for the best. After all, though I am normally not a cruel being, I might be tempted to make things more and more uncomfortable for those who deserve it. However, all things are equal, when I meet them."

Whispers began rising. Shatterbird looked around. There wasn't anyone else here, but it sounded like a multitude of voices. "The heck is that?"

Her companion shrugged. "I believe you know." He didn't sound sad, or angry. It was simply...truth.

Not whispers. Wails. Screams. Cries. Sobs. Pleading. They began to fill her ears completely, and they should have been unintelligible, but somehow she could understand each of them. There were thousands of voices.

His voice was soft as he spoke. "You were dealt a bad hand, my dear. But you still had choices, and you chose to drive shards of glass into innocent people. Of your compatriots, you spilled the most blood, you caused the most pain, and you sent more souls into my hands than any other. And you knew what you were doing. You could have made a bid for freedom and left it at that. You could have done much to help people. Instead, you chose to murder without a care. You chose to cause pain to others to compensate for your own."

Atrika fell to her knees, trying to block out the voices. They kept getting louder, and louder. "Make it stop!" She pleaded with the man.

He simply shook his head. "Even if I could, I would not. How many cries and screams did you hear and revel in? How many people begged you for mercy, and found none? Now that is all you will ever have. Every bit of pain your victims felt. Everyone you've ever hurt. Everyone you've ever killed. Every mother whose child you maimed. Every father who cradled his dying sons and daughters. Everyone you ever sent to my embrace, and everyone who lived in the aftermath of the horror you inflicted without a care. Worry not, my dear. This will end, eventually."

She looked up, trying to breathe through the sheer cacophony ringing through her mind. "H-how?"

He shrugged. "When you have experienced all of the pain your victims have endured at your hands. Living or dead. One at a time."

Her mouth dropped open. "But that's..."

He shrugged again. "Many, many thousands. When it is over, you may enjoy your solitude on the beach as is your wish. But until then...I suggest you get to work. It will be easier to select a victim's experience if you can focus on a single voice. That there are so many.....well, that is yourproblem."

He vanished. The voices and screams in her ears were her only company. And Atrika screamed, her fingers tearing into the soft sand beneath her.


Alan Gramme was making dinner. Rebecca was due home any minute, and Jessa and Michael would be there as soon as they got home from school. He'd been up working on schematics for the first lunar colony for the last week, and the primary site was already being built with drones. It was a hope that humanity could begin colonizing the solar system. A way to escape the ongoing devastation that Behemoth and Leviathan were inflicting on the world.

He checked the clock. Rebecca must be running late. The lasagna would be ready in five minutes or so. He took a moment to look out the window, brushing the black drapes out of the way. Where was she? And why did the drapes feel so cold?

"Hello Alan." A soft voice spoke.

He turned and nearly jumped out of his skin. "Dad? Why didn't you say you were dropping by?" Something was weird, here. Something just...off.

His father, Jonathan Gramme, looked at him sadly. "Alan. Sit down. Please."

Carefully, Alan slid into the chair at his kitchen table. "Dad, what's wrong?"

Jonathan closed his eyes for a moment. "Think carefully, Alan. Three years before this day. The hospital."

Alan stopped. And thought. The memory was foggy, but eventually, it came. Alan paled. "You're dead."

Jonathan nodded. "Cancer. Seven years of fighting it. And now, you're dead too." Jonathan made a gesture, and suddenly, there was a figure floating at Alan's side. A skeleton in a black cloak, a long scythe resting on its shoulder.

With a chill, Alan realized something. He didn't have black drapes. He'd been...ignoring the fact that Death was in the room.

Jonathan's voice was filled with sadness. "Alan, think. What happened tomorrow. The third Endbringer came. She killed Rebecca, and Michael, and Jessa. Then what you did afterward."

Alan sat still, swallowing hard. He looked down at his hands, then shivered as the memories came flooding in. Sealing himself inside a set of molecularly bonded armor, a variation on one of his designs for a near-impenetrable space suit. Then refining the design, cutting out the bits of him that weren't needed to keep him alive. Joining the Nine, murdering those who tried to change things for the better. Especially other Tinkers.

Alan's hands began to shake. "What is this, Dad? What is this place?"

Death gestured, extending a bony hand to Jonathan. Alan's father took it, getting to his feet. "I asked Death for this, Alan. I could see what you've been doing. I'm disappointed, son. Very disappointed. While the Simurgh is responsible for killing them, and had a hand in twisting your mind...she just nudged you in the right direction. You still killed people, good people. People who were trying to do the right thing." Gently, he squeezed Alan's shoulder. "I'm sorry, son. Rebecca, Michael, and Jessa have watched you do all those terrible things. And so have I. They're not coming home, Alan. They're together, elsewhere, and happy. You've got no place with them, now."

Alan sprung to his feet. "Dad, wait!"

Jonathan shook his head. "I'm sorry, Alan. I know how much you've missed them. I know what your grief and rage have driven you to. But..it will be a very, very long time before I'm ready to come back here."

Death spoke, in words that were not words, a chilling echo that carved deep into Alan's mind. "Tʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ᴀ ᴘʀɪᴄᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴀʟʟ ᴛʜɪɴɢs, Aʟᴀɴ. Tʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴘʀɪᴄᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀʟᴋᴇᴅ. Iᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴᴀʟ, ғᴏʀ ғᴇᴡ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ᴀʀᴇ. Bᴜᴛ ᴛʜɪs ɪs ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴇᴀʀɴᴇᴅ. Iɴ ᴛɪᴍᴇ, ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴀʟʟ ʙᴇ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴏғ ʜᴇʀᴇ. Bᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏᴅᴀʏ. Tʜɪs ɪs ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏsᴛ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴏɴs, ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀᴛᴛᴇᴍᴘᴛs ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇsᴛʀᴏʏ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴘᴇs ᴀɴᴅ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs ᴏғ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs, ᴀs ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ʜᴀᴅ ʙᴇᴇɴ."

The pair walked out the front door. Alan tried to follow, only for it to slam shut just before he could cross the threshold. No matter how he tried, he couldn't open the door to his own house. He couldn't even open a window.

He slumped against a wall, burying his face in his hands, and cried.


Riley sculpted the sand in front of her. The sandcastle was coming along nicely, and all she had to do was to shape the tower at the back of it and put in little windows. Tongue just slightly poking out of the corner of her mouth, she carved out the windows with a stick, careful not to twitch and send it all spilling down. The warm waters of the lakeside shore lapped gently, not at all threatening to the elaborate work of the little girl.

"There! Finished!" She grinned at her handiwork, the castle complete.

"That's nice work there, Riley." A woman's voice spoke, warm and compassionate. Riley turned her head, smiling at the middle-aged but pretty woman who sat on the lawnchair, her sunglasses tilted up as she looked at Riley's sandcastle. "I think that looks rather familiar." Her smile widened, the silver skull necklace swinging slightly. "Is it from....the Hobbit?"

Riley made a bored face, but her eyes were gleaming, and she let out a giggle. "Nope!"

The woman nodded. "Hmm....then is it from The Little Mermaid?"

Riley giggled again. "Nope!"

A tap to the chin and a mischievous smile. "The Lion King?"

Riley laughed. "There's no castles in that one, silly!"

The woman smiled. "All right then, where's it from?"

Riley nodded with enthusiasm. "It's from Sleeping Beauty! It's mine and mommy's favoritest movie. The best part's when the handsome prince finally wakes her up!"

The woman nodded with a smile. "It's a good story. It's a classic from long before you were born."

Riley giggled again. She looked around, a slight frown coming onto her face. "Where's is mommy? I haven't seen her for a while."

The woman shook her head. "Your mommy's been waiting for you, Riley. I'll take you to her soon, but..." She looked sad, and sympathetic, but also determined. "It's time for you remember, little one."

Riley's hands trembled, fear flooding her mind. "But I don't want to. All the blood and screams and pain and...the fun I had....I don't want to remember it all. Can I just..."

Her companion shook her head, but her voice was gentle. "As much as I would like to spare you that pain, you need to be whole before you can see her. There is much you buried, many you harmed. You didn't want to be a nightmare, but you were, to many, many people. You were prepared to cause more harm than anyone ever had in history. You were prepared to drive humanity into extinction. Now how you ended was not your fault...but it left a mark upon you that must be acknowledged before it can heal. Before you can move on."

Riley's lip trembled as the memories trickled back in. Slowly, piecemeal. The pain and horror she inflicted on others. She had the power to help people by the millions, to cure cancer, to even resurrect the recently dead.

And with that power, the power to change the world infinitely for the better... she made monsters. Keeping her victims alive, aware, screaming as they did her bidding. She even made jokes about it, giving them names. Screamy, Waily, Cryly, and Moe. Because Moe moped. It had seemed so funny at the time. Now there wasn't anything funny about it.

Riley fell to the sand and buried her hands in it, trying to frantically clean off the blood she could feel there. "I'm a bad girl, a bad girl! I'm the worst girl ever."

To no avail. The feelings of being unclean remained. She yanked on her hair, trying to pull it out in clumps. Her companion gently squeezed Riley's shoulder, and she looked up, her eyes filled with soul-destroying memories. "Please, I don't wanna be Bonesaw. I don't...I don't deserve to be Riley. I don't like anything about me."

The woman gave her a gentle, caring smile. "I know, my dear. Much of what you had done is because of Jack. He had a very large hand in shaping the person you became. But the fact remains there's a lot of blood, a lot of pain and suffering caused by you. Nobody should do such terrible things. I have had to comfort so very many people, those you hurt, those you mutilated."

Riley's voice was hollow. "Nothing I say will fix it, will it?"

The gentle woman shook her head. "No. Words won't change what you did. They won't heal those you hurt, nor will they bring back those you killed. But it's over now, Riley." She gently wiped away Riley's tears. "Your mother is waiting for you. She has been, all this time. Once you are together, then together you may decide what to do."

Riley's brow furrowed. "What to do? What is there to do? We're dead! We can't do anything!"

A smile of amusement. "And yet death is a new beginning. Once together, my dear, you may choose many fates. Despite everything you had done, much of what you did was not made by your own choice. You were led to it, step by step, and twisted by it, by the mind and will of another. So you now have choices, the choices you were denied in life. It is my hope you choose well."

Riley nodded slowly, her voice quiet. "I want to see mommy now."

Death gently took Riley's hand, and together they walked out of the happy memory, and into a large hallway made from glowing blue crystals. People were milling about, happy people, excited people. Riley's jaw dropped as she pointed at a pair of blue women, their heads topped by a mass of tentacles. Despite their inhumanity, however, they seemed sociable enough. One was petting a dog, the animal's tail wagging furiously, while the other was happily chatting with a very thin, short, gray being, shorter than Riley herself.

"What are they?" Riley asked with fascination. If she could feel her power, she had no doubt all sorts of interesting things would be flooding into her mind. As it was...they were simply neat.

Her companion chuckled with a smile. "You didn't think I dealt with only humanity, did you?"

"Riley!" A voice called out of the crowd. People parted as a youthful blonde made her way through, desperate to reach the pair.

"Mommy!" Riley cried out, running from Death's gentle grip and hugged her mother about the waist. Tears flowed from the reunited mother and daughter.

And a faint smile rested on the face of Death.


Identical faces stared at the other. One twisted with loathing, the other with hatred.

"I hate you!"

"Well, I hate you too, you bitch! You ruined my life!"

"I saved our life! If it wasn't for me, we'd have died in that fire!"

"We should have! It would have been better than being with the fucking Nine! And you didn't keep us from being ripped apart by a fucking monster!"

Mimi sat across from Burnscar. Surrounding the pair of near-identical women was the home they lived in. The home that defined their existence. The home where Mimi was trapped, where she became Burnscar.

"What the hell are you, anyway?" Mimi demanded.

A new voice spoke, harsh, dark, yet somehow soothing. Final. "She is a second soul. Rather unusual, but I have seen a few such situations before." A young man, handsome, his voice filled with a deep sarcastic tone. His beard was neatly trimmed, and his hair was as black as night.

Mimi and Burnscar looked at the man. "Two souls?" They said in unison, then glared at each other.

An annoyed glance to the pair. "The moment you gained your power, my dear Mimi, you connected to a fragment of a creature both far more and less than yourself. The creature made changes to your mind, and as a result, it fragmented." He nodded to Burnscar. "That was the moment youwere born. You're built off a template, you insane, psychotic thing. You burned people alive for fun, and you did it again and again. And you always whispered in Mimi's ear, wanting for another moment to be free once more. Had your situation gone on for much longer, it's probable you would have devoured Mimi entirely."

Burnscar's face twisted in hatred and rage. "Who are you to judge me!? I did what I had to do, what she always wanted to do in the back of her head! I was free."

The man glared. "And now, you are dead." A scythe appeared from nowhere, resting in the man's hands. Burnscar's eyes widened as he advanced upon her, while Mimi scrambled back.

"Hey!" Burnscar yelled. "We can take him together!" She looked desperately at Mimi, who was paralysed with fear, cowering against a wall. "We can kill him, just help me!"

"No. You can't. You do not belong here, Burnscar. Mimi does. Goodbye." He spoke impassively. Without a care, he turned and cut the air with the scythe. The air tore, and a great black void appeared in the rip. Burnscar screamed as she was dragged toward it, while the scythe wielding man and Mimi herself were unaffected.

With a scream, Burnscar was pulled inside the void. With a gesture, the man closed the rift, and the room was as solid and normal as it was an instant before.

Then he turned to look upon Mimi. The scythe vanished, and he stood there with an outstretched hand. "Come, my dear. While there is much upon your head, much that stains your soul...your primary sin was that of cowardice. You were afraid to take responsibility for yourself, and you feared the consequences of the actions of your other self. While you must answer for these things...it is a far lesser trial for you than for your counterpart."

Swallowing in fear, Mimi took his hand and let herself be pulled to her feet. Her lip trembled as she spoke, her voice wavering. "What will happen to me?"

He shrugged. "I do not know, although it is likely rebirth. Many such souls who have lived lives like your own get another chance. It may be some time before that day comes. Your greatest crimes consist mostly of allowing Burnscar to do as she wished."

She shook her head. "But I am Burnscar. I remember everything I did. How it felt."

His voice softened. "Yes. But souls are sometimes more complicated than you may imagine, my dear. In essence, you had two minds. Two minds created two souls. That they were fundamentally linked in almost every respect doesn't change that. But I know that Mimi did not want to harm anyone in the beginning. Burnscar reveled in that very thing. That was enough of a divide to prevent you two from merging."

Mimi shuddered, then gently squeezed his hand. She looked at where the rip in the air had been. "Where did you send her? Hell?"

A slight smirk arose on his lips. "Worse. Wisconsin." At her incredulous look, he sighed. "I always wanted to say that. No, she is gone. From nothingness she arose, and to nothingness she shall return."


Doctor William Manton stood over the body of his daughter.

It failed. The formula failed. It hadn't saved her. Formulas saved almost everyone, but it didn't save her. Annie was gone, and with her, so was everything that mattered.

He looked down at the formula in his hand. A different one, but maybe it would let him do something. To have the power he always wanted, the powers he studied in others. The power to make them all pay.

Annie's eyes opened, and the vial dropped from his fingers, shattering on the floor.

Slowly, she sat up and looked at him. Then she smacked him across the cheek.

He rubbed his cheek. "H-how? Why?"

She looked at him, anger and rage in her eyes. "You used my image to kill people and eat them. What the hell, dad!? What the fuck is wrong with you!? Hell, you didn't even have it wearing clothes when you did it!"

William clenched his hands, counted to ten, and spoke slowly. The memories came flooding back in. "I did it for vengeance against Cauldron, Annie. You died because they didn't give me the resources I needed to save you. They failed you, and I had to show them that they couldn't just string me along forever. I showed them they were not gods."

Annie got off bed she lay on. The hospital gown barely covered her, but with a thought, she was suddenly wearing a long, flowing white dress. She also seemed...older. Like the image of her he used to build the Siberian. But where the Siberian was terrifying, she was simply....well, human.

Her voice was filled with hatred. "You were always absorbed, dad. Always worrying about what you wanted. Your career, your fame, putting your name on things. You wanted to be the next Einstein, and all you did in the end was murder people. What's worse, you lucked out. You could have done so much with the power you got, and all you did was kill."

"Annie, I-"

Annie smacked him across the face again. "You had a power that could have stopped Behemoth! You could have killed it years ago, and maybe, just maybe, have saved millions of lives."

He gritted his teeth. "The projection had a good range, but not that good a range. I would have died if I went up against Behemoth."

A new, soft voice spoke. "And instead, you killed the greatest hope this world had."

William turned his head.

A man wearing a gray suit, his hair short and blond, his features seemingly honed and shaped for rugged handsomeness. He gently adjusted his collar. "You killed Hero, Clark Bell, out of spite. He had the power to change this world, he had the potential to lead it into a golden age. He inspired heroes from one end of your country to the other, and he might have found a way to free Ifrit, Lotan, and Ariel of their bonds a long time ago. And you killed him because he had what you didn't." The man looked annoyed. "A pity he's already moved on. Else I would have arranged for him to make his grievances clear with you, William."

Annie stepped over to the man's side, gently taking his arm. "I don't want to ever see him again."

The man nodded. "That can be arranged."

That jolted William out of his surprise. "Wait, Annie, I did all this for you!"

Her face twisted in disgust. "I know. That's what makes it all the worse."


Doctor William Manton stood over the body of his daughter.

It failed. The formula failed. It hadn't saved her. Formulas saved almost everyone, but it didn't save her. Annie was gone, and with her, so was everything that mattered.

Her eyes opened, and her body rippled into the form of the Siberian. She gripped his hand, crushing the vial held in it. He screamed as the glass shards dug into his skin.

Without a care, the Siberian brought the crushed remnants of his hand to her lips and bit off his crushed fingers. He struggled to pull away, but he was helpless against the invincible woman. Slowly, methodically, she ate away at the man who projected her, who used her.


Doctor William Manton stood over the body of his daughter.

It failed. The formula failed. It hadn't saved her. Formulas saved almost everyone, but it didn't save her. Annie was gone, and with her, so was everything that mattered.

Her eyes opened. William screamed in horror as she shifted into the Siberian.


Hatchet Face strode through the woods. The hatchet in his hand, that which gave him his namesake, dripped with blood. It was something he took pleasure in, seeing the powerful, the arrogant, the egotistical, all brought down to simply human.

And humans were fragile. He was not. Fragile, or human, that is. He was better. He was chosen to remove them all, the blasphemous monsters that masqueraded as heroes, and villains. They were monsters. And it was his duty to wipe them out.

His target was up ahead. She was running, screaming, calling for help.

Stupid woman. Nobody was around here for miles. This idiotic little bitch thought she was clever, trying to attack him at a distance with her aerokinesis. He was tough enough to handle it, though, and Bonesaw made him even tougher still. All it took was a good leap, and she was in his range.

And in his range, she was nobody.

He liked to play with his targets. While they looked at him, he walked. Methodically, purposefully, with a stride that ate distance, but not so much that he would catch up too quickly. And when he knew they were looking away, he would move fast, taking longer strides, and even now and again running to keep up. All he had to do was make sure they stayed in his range, so that the more speedy targets couldn't get away.

Of course, in those situations, it helped to be prepared. Such as picking the place for an ambush in treacherous terrain. Or simply approaching in a crowd, with his power turned off. Bonesaw's upgrades to his physiology was so very, very helpful there.

She finally tripped, scrambling away on her back, her eyes wide in fear as he reached her. He lifted his weapon, grinning behind his mask.

Another one falls. He brought the hatchet down.

It passed through his target without resistance. And without visible effect. She spoke, her words all too familiar, though the deep sarcastic, deadpan tone was definitely not usual for this situation. "Oh, no. Please. Don't hurt me. I'll do anything." She got to her feet and dusted herself off, the dirt of the forest floor easily being shed from her leather pants.

He looked to the hatchet in his hand. Then back at his target. He tried to hack into her again. The blade of his hatchet simply passed through again. With a grumble, he waved it back and forth through her head, trying to disrupt the image.

Fucking projections. Least this one didn't have any substance. He had a fair bit of trouble with one, once. Some six years ago. Luckily, that one had a short range.

He turned away, grumbling to himself, when her voice caught his attention. "You can't kill me, because I am not alive. I am no projection, no phantom. I am The End. I am Death. And your time is done."

He stayed silent. It was a way to keep his facade up. He never spoke while wearing the mask. Only when it was off. And he rarely took it off. Only to eat, and sometimes to collaborate with the rest of the Nine.

"I feel nothing." Flame appeared in the pale monster's hand. How? Powers never worked in his range. Technology did, but other things never did.

Then flame burned out his eyes, and sharp pain as that blade sliced through his body. The hard, cold floor, his blood leaking from between his fingers. Then more pain....and nothing.

Slowly, he reached up and took off his mask, glaring at the goth woman. All this had been...nothing but a memory. A memory she inserted herself into, and calmly played a little part in, until she tired of it.

He glared at her, his face...misshapen. Twisted, and scarred. A result of a clash with a Tinker who specialized in acid. He'd been pleased when Bonesaw had given him the face of another for the attempt to break down this 'Scarlet Dragon.' A chance to feel more like himself.

"So what now?" He spoke. The impulse to simply try and hack through her again came and went. Intellectually, he knew it was useless already, but some habits were rather hard to break.

She shrugged. "You stay here. Alone. You acted as a hunter, attacking the helpless. Now? I am afraid you will get to know what it means to be the prey."

Howls began to rise in the woods. Hatchet Face turned, holding his weapon. He turned, this way and that, trying to see...

Golden eyes appeared between the trees. A great, black wolf. And another, to the left. And another, further over. Gleaming fangs bared, the pack raring themselves up to attack.

Then teeth tore into the back of his leg, and he screamed as he fell. He lashed out with the hatchet, the weapon biting into flesh, and the attacking wolf let out a yelp as it fell back.

The girl smiled slightly as she looked at him. "I suggest you start running."

Hatchet Face struggled to his feet, the torn muscles of his leg making the act near-impossible. He limped as the wolves began to close in around him. He roared in challenge as the pack came his way, snarling and growling.


"Hᴇʟʟᴏ Jᴀᴄᴋ."

Jack looked around, his hands instinctively going for the scalpels he had in his coat. Only, he didn't have his coat. He was surrounded by darkness, and all he could feel he had was a pair of jeans and an old, ratty shirt. He grimaced. "Where the hell am I?" The last thing he remembered was...struggling to breathe, struggling to live, after the spike Scarlet improvised had torn through his primary heart. Bonesaw had given him a secondary, but it hadn't been enough to keep him going with the rest of his vital organs having been ripped to shreds. He was...actually rather proud of that. He hadn't known such viciousness was in the girl.

"I ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜɪs ғᴏʀ ǫᴜɪᴛᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ, Jᴀᴄᴋ." The voice spoke, quiet, chilling. "Tʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ sᴏ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴀɴʏ ᴡʜᴏ ᴅɪᴇᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴀɴᴅ. Sᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ I ʜᴀᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴄᴏᴍғᴏʀᴛ, ᴛᴏ ʜᴀɴᴅʟᴇ, ᴀs ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴛɪᴍᴇ."

Jack chuckled softly. "Well, what do I care? They didn't matter. Nobody gave a shit about them, else I'd have been stopped a long time ago. Little peons don't matter. King mattered. It took Harbinger and I both to take him out, and we grew all the more for it. And all it took was two hundred and fifty people who never would have accomplished anything otherwise. Well, something like that. I forget the actual number."

The voice was cold, becoming hard, angry, yet in complete control. "Aʟʟ ᴍᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ, Jᴀᴄᴋ. Eᴠᴇʀʏ sᴏᴜʟ ɪs ᴜɴɪǫᴜᴇ, ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴏɴᴇ ɪs ᴅɪғғᴇʀᴇɴᴛ, sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ. I ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ᴅᴇʟɪᴠᴇʀɪɴɢ Kɪɴɢ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ʜᴀɴᴅs, ʙᴜᴛ I ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴀʟsᴏ ᴄᴏɴᴅᴇᴍɴ ʏᴏᴜ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴘᴀɪɴ ᴀɴᴅ sᴜғғᴇʀɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠɪsɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴏɴ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀs ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ᴀ ᴄᴀʀᴇ. Aɴᴅ ɪᴛ ᴡᴀs ᴛᴡᴏ ʜᴜɴᴅʀᴇᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ғɪғᴛʏ-sᴇᴠᴇɴ. I ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʀᴇᴄɪᴛᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇs, Jᴀᴄᴋ. I ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴛᴇʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇs ᴏғ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ sɪɴɢʟᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏғ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴠɪᴄᴛɪᴍs. Bᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛʟᴇss, ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪᴛ ɴᴏᴛ?"

A slight smile pulled at his lips. "Actually, might be fun. Maybe I can put a few faces to the names, remember how I killed them. Would be a nice way to pass the time."

Disappointment in that cold voice. "Yᴏᴜʀ sᴏᴜʟ ɪs ᴛʀᴜʟʏ ᴇᴍᴘᴛʏ, ɪsɴ'ᴛ ɪᴛ? Nᴏᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sʟɪɢʜᴛᴇsᴛ ʙɪᴛ ᴏғ ɢᴇɴᴛʟᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋɴᴇss ɴᴏʀ ᴄᴀʟᴍɪɴɢ ʟɪɢʜᴛ. Yᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴅ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ɪɴᴛᴇʟʟɪɢᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴇʀᴇ ᴛᴏᴏ sᴛᴇᴇᴘᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀsᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ sᴏᴜʟ ᴛᴏ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪsʜ ɪᴛ. A sʜᴀᴍᴇ."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Doesn't matter to me what you thought. I had fun. That's all that really mattered, you know? I. Had. Fun. I enjoyed slaughtering Bonesaw's family and twisting her. I enjoyed manipulating Burnscar into believing she had no options. I enjoyed steering Hatchet Face at the Brutes that had to be taken down a notch. Or a head. I enjoyed letting the Siberian loose on people to watch her tear people apart. I enjoyed slicing people to ribbons. I had fun."

The voice was even colder. "Iɴᴅᴇᴇᴅ. Aʟᴀs, Jᴀᴄᴋ, I ʜᴀᴠᴇ sᴏᴍᴇ ʙᴀᴅ ɴᴇᴡs ғᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ."

He shrugged. "Figured. I'm dead. You know, I wasn't actually expecting an afterlife. I wasn't expecting anything at all, that's one of the reasons I just sought to enjoy myself. Ah well. What happens now? This the part where we get the fire and pointy objects?"

"Nᴏ, Jᴀᴄᴋ. Yᴏᴜʀ sᴏᴜʟ ᴅᴏᴇs ɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ Hᴇʟʟs. Iɴ ғᴀᴄᴛ, ʏᴏᴜʀ sᴏᴜʟ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢs ɴᴏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ. Tʜᴇʀᴇ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ᴏɴᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛs ʏᴏᴜ ɪɴ ɪᴛ. Rᴇʙɪʀᴛʜ ᴀɴᴅ ʀᴇɪɴᴄᴀʀɴᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ɪs ʙᴇʏᴏɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ. Tʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴs ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ. Yᴏᴜ sʜᴀʟʟ sɪᴍᴘʟʏ....ᴄᴇᴀsᴇ."

Jack frowned, then shrugged. "Well, least I'm not disappointed. I had fun with it all. Kinda surprised I'm not getting the hellfire, though. What happened, you forget to fill out the paperwork?"

The voice had a faint undertone of satisfaction."Nᴏ, Jᴀᴄᴋ. Tʜᴇ ᴊᴏʙ ᴏғ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟs ɪs ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴛʜᴇ sᴏᴜʟs ᴏғ ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴇʀs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄʜᴀɴɢᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍ, ᴇɪᴛʜᴇʀ ᴛᴏ sᴛʀɪᴘ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ᴍᴏɴsᴛʀᴏᴜsɴᴇss ᴀɴᴅ sᴇɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ʀᴇʙᴏʀɴ, ᴏʀ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴜʀɴ ᴛʜᴇᴍ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟs ᴛʜᴇᴍsᴇʟᴠᴇs. Yᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴏɴsᴛʀᴏᴜs ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ ᴛᴏ ᴊᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇᴍ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ. Fᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ sɪᴍᴘʟᴇ ғᴀᴄᴛ ɪs...ʏᴏᴜ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴅɪᴅ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅ ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴇᴅ ɪᴛ. Tʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴊᴏʙ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ. Dᴇᴍᴏɴs sᴇʀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ Lᴀᴅʏ ᴏғ Dᴀʀᴋɴᴇss, ᴀɴᴅ ɪғ sʜᴇ ʜᴀᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴛᴏ ᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ʏᴏᴜ, sʜᴇ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɴᴏᴛ. Tʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴs ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴀ sᴏᴜʟ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ. Aɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴɴᴏᴛ ʙᴇ ʀᴇʙᴏʀɴ, ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ғᴀʀ ᴛᴏᴏ ᴍᴀɴʏ sᴏᴜʟs ʏᴏᴜ sᴇɴᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏɪᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴘᴀɪɴ. Yᴏᴜ ʙᴇʟᴏɴɢ ɴᴏᴡʜᴇʀᴇ, Jᴀᴄᴏʙ. Aɴᴅ sᴏ ʏᴏᴜ sʜᴀʟʟ ᴇɴᴅ."

A feeling, like ice, began to climb up his legs. Jack tried to move, to press his hands against his knees, only to feel himself....fading. "Hey, quit doing that! I thought that you would be a good sport about all this!"

"I ᴀᴍ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ. Wᴇʀᴇ ɪᴛ ᴜᴘ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ, ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ sᴘᴇɴᴅ ᴀɴ ᴇᴛᴇʀɴɪᴛʏ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀsᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ sᴘᴇɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴇɴᴛɪʀᴇ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʜᴏᴏᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ. Bᴜᴛ ɪᴛ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ. Gᴏᴏᴅʙʏᴇ, Jᴀᴄᴋ."

Jack clenched his teeth as the substance of his soul dissolved, fading into the void. While it was technically true that nothing is truly ever destroyed, only changes, the mind of Jack Slash was gone. What little remained of his soul would, in time, go on to join the substance of other things...but that had no meaning to Jack Slash himself.


About four years later.

Crawler opened his eyes. All twelve of them. He was surrounded by the void of space, the sun had shrunken down to a dot. The stars surrounded him, and he tried to breathe. Only for the sheer lack of air to make him realize just how screwed he was. Space. He was still in space! What the hell had Dragon done to him? The last thing he remembered was being on the wrong end of that bright, powerful light.

He wasn't in any pain, it was just...uncomfortable here. He actually would have preferred pain. Because then he'd be changing, growing, becoming stronger. And more importantly, he would feel something. Apparently his body had adapted to the void of space by becoming a hard, immobile shell. Even if he'd landed somewhere, he'd be a freaking tree! Wait, no. He could move his claws. Great.

Wait. There was something. A slight tugging on his back. He struggled to turn himself, only for his eyes to widen as he took in the sight before him.

Jupiter loomed. The king of the planets, striped with powerful storms. The Great Red Spot took his attention for a moment. But he'd actually miss it, as he was heading right for the equator.

"Oh you fucking bitch!" He howled as he plunged into Jupiter's atmosphere, the air just enough to let him hear himself. Then his rather extreme speed lit him on fire as Jupiter's extreme gravity pulled him in. His outer layers burned as they were reduced to plasma, but he was tough enough to survive long enough for his power to adapt the right structure to handle the extraordinarily dangerous conditions of Jupiter's atmosphere.

It would be several weeks before he fell deep enough into Jupiter's atmosphere to smack into the metallic hydrogen layer. The immense pressures and radiation, however, posed a problem for even his power. He adapted, but the conditions were so fierce they caused slight feedback upon the interdimensional connections that gave Crawler his power. It would be about a century of him surviving within the ludicrously hostile environment of Jupiter's dense atmosphere before the shard cut the connection. At that point, Crawler would no longer heal, and he would be crushed by the immense pressures, heat, and composition of the giant planet. But that would be quite some time in the future.

Jupiter, of course, did not notice or care that it had eaten Crawler. It was a planet, and planets, though they had souls, were not very sophisticated, after all.

Though its rather rudimentary soul would not mind having a comet or two to snack upon...


A/N: The casting lists of Death:

Shatterbird: Sean Connery.
Alan Gramme: Discworld Death.
Bonesaw: Julianne Moore.
Burnscar: Alan Rickman.
William Manton: Brad Pitt.
Hatchet Face: Angelina Jolie.
Jack Slash: Discworld again.
Crawler: The audience. Yes, you guys!
Interlude: Amy, Dragon, Dinah, Alexandria
A/N: Phew. Now, hopefully, I can get back on top of things.


May 27th, 2011

Amy grit her teeth. Kid Win lay still beneath her fingers.

Before her transformation into a vampire, she could have healed this wound easily. Now the best she could do was close it, but the damage was severe. If she had several hours, she might be able to heal the damage to his lung, fix the spine, and keep the massive arterial damage from making him bleed out. Hell, if Taylor still had Bonesaw's power, she might have managed it.

As it was, she was trying to heal him in fits and starts, in the moments between when Clockblocker's power stopped working and when the Ward could freeze Kid Win again.

"Amara." Paladin's voice got her attention, the newest Ward's voice strained. Amy shook her head as she looked up.

The amulets laid around in the circle were glowing a bright blue, and growing brighter. Paladin spoke with some urgency. "You'd better get out of the room, I'm about to finish here and we don't know how bad it'll be if you're exposed to the light."

Amy swallowed and got to her feet. Small exposure to Light Magic burned her skin. A flare of it might just outright turn her to ash.

Clockblocker spoke with worry. "Wait wait, are we going to be okay?"

Paladin grimaced a bit. "My powers and hers don't interact very well. We'll be fine, but Amara might get hurt."

Amy nodded, giving Clockblocker a smile. "Did some testing earlier. Light and I don't mix." She stepped out of the room, wringing her hands as she went down the hall. She decided to take shelter in the storeroom, surrounded by bottles of water and small provisions. Endbringer shelters were designed to handle immense stresses for short periods, the usual battle against an Endbringer was over quickly. Win...or lose. But there was always the chance that a shelter might get buried or otherwise inaccessible for a long period.

She shut her eyes as she sat in the comforting dark, letting the stress of the night slowly fade. Though it would be days before she might actually feel better. If ever.

To see her parents like that, reduced to playthings at Bonesaw's hands, it was a nightmare. It hadn't been easy living under Carol, but even on the worst days, she wouldn't have wanted her adoptive mother to be reduced to a helpless doll. What was worse was how difficult her power was to work with now. On herself? Fine, that was easy. On others? More difficult than anything. If Taylor hadn't possessed Bonesaw, it would have been impossible to save her adoptive parents.

The door knocked. Amy looked up. "Come in."

Gallant opened it, entering the room carefully, then closed it a little awkwardly. It looked like he instinctively tried to shut the door with his left hand, but he didn't have that anymore. And with her power weakened like this, it would probably take weeks for her to grow him a functional replacement. He'd probably be better off with prosthetics...if that wasn't a possible giveaway about his identity.

"Hey." He spoke softly. "Can we talk?" He paused for a moment, seemingly in consideration. "Amy?"

With a blink, Amy grimaced. Of course he would see through the disguise. She sighed, and gestured to the wall by the door. "Sit down, Dean."

He slowly sank down against the wall, rubbing the stump of his arm. "I wondered why Vicky wasn't all that upset. What happened?"

Amy began to quietly talk.


Dragon felt the tug.

She hadn't realized just how far out into the solar system she'd gotten when she was fighting Crawler. It took her a little while to remember she could home in on Earth using the radio signals human civilization was generating.

In Dragon's defense, though, she hadn't noticed the passage of time while basking in the light of the Sun. The feeling of power and rapture was something entirely outside of her experience. Gaining the power of Light seemed to have expanded her awareness in a lot of unexpected ways, and with all that it was hard to adjust, at times. Though it was probably a lot easier than it would have been for a human. How the hell did humans deal with all those sensations all the time?

Still, she could feel the call, in the back of her head. Words that weren't quite words, but understandable all the same. I need you here. I need help. I can't do this myself.

The image filled her mind, and exercising powers she still barely understood, Dragon willed herself there.

Light, as bright as that of the Sun itself, burned for a brief moment before Dragon vanished.

Awareness returned as she found herself standing in an Endbringer shelter, a circle of Light Magic amulets surrounding her. She quickly looked around, getting her bearings.

"Dragon! It worked!" Paladin's voice spoke. Dragon turned her head to see the Ward kneeling before her.

The rest of the room was mostly empty, the various injured Wards sitting against the walls. Dragon looked over at the prone form of Kid Win, Clockblocker sitting over him, one hand on the wounded Tinker's shoulder. He was expressionless behind that mask, but it was easy enough to see the worry and fear, there.

Paladin spoke quickly. "Kid Win needs healing. We've been trying to keep him alive long enough for you to get to him. Amara's done what she can, but he's right on the edge."

Clockblocker looked up, worry in his body language. "Those amulets are helping, but it's not enough. How are you going to help? I just don't get it."

Paladin's voice was tired. "We'll explain later. But, basically? Dragon had a second trigger."

Dragon nodded. "Long story, which can wait. There's a lot we're going to have to say."

She stepped over the injured Ward. She could feel the power of Light within. Logical, but warm. Gentle, yet also powerful. Strong, but ethereal. She gathered it within her body, feeling it fill her chassis, ready for the moment.

Kid Win's abruptly unfroze, shuddering painfully as Clockblocker's power wore off. Dragon poured her power into his body, encouraging growth, healing, strength, life.

Light filled the Endbringer shelter. When it faded a few seconds later, Kid Win was lying still. Carefully, Clockblocker checked the injured Ward's pulse.

Silence reigned for a moment before Clockblocker finally spoke. "He's alive. Weak, but alive." He looked over at Vista, the young girl lying still. "Think you can repeat that trick?"

Dragon nodded, inwardly smiling. "I think I can."

There was a faint, tired humor in his voice. "Good. I kinda miss her smacking me."


May 28th, 2011

Armsmaster sat across the table from the newest Ward, his mouth turned down in disapproval.

Madison sat there, her helmet off, looking back at him without the slightest hint of shame. The length of the Vampire Killer's chain rested on the table, the middle of it broken and torn by the Siberian's invincible hands.

"You disobeyed orders." His voice was quiet, reproachful. "I told you not to engage with Mannequin. You did it anyway. If Velocity hadn't gotten there in time, you might be dead. And then you did it again when the Siberian showed up at the Dallon house. Had the Siberian simply attacked outright, you would be dead."

Madison shook her head. "If I hadn't engaged Mannequin when I had, he would have killed people. Even while we were fighting, he tried to kill nurses at the hospital. I was reasonably confident I could handle him, I can't step back and let people get hurt." Her voice dipped a little. "Not again, Armsmaster. Never again. I swore that to her when I turned myself in. I accepted that when she told me to clean up. If I turned away, if I let Mannequin go without even trying to stop him, it would spit on the second chance I've been given. And if I did that? My power would abandon me. I can feel that. I know that. If I did that? I couldn't help anyone anymore. My amulets would run out of charge if they're used too fast, and they take a long time to regenerate on their own. The equipment I made wouldn't work for me anymore. They'd have to go to someone else. Someone worthy of them."

She sighed, gently stroking her cheek. "Everything I make has that condition built into them, with the exception of the amulets. Worthy people. People who won't abuse their power. I'm not exempt. If I turned away from Mannequin, knowing he was going to kill people, I'd have betrayed it. I've had betrayed all the reasons I joined up in the first place. I didn't ignore your order because I didn't care. I understood why you gave it. I ignored it because it was the right thing to do."

His frown deepened. "That something you know for certain?"

Madison nodded. "I know it. As sure as you know anything you built, Armsmaster. My power..." She bit her lip. "It gives me what I need to build these things." She gently wrapped her knuckles on her left gauntlet. "I have some more ideas in my head, to make some things other people can use. But they have to live up to a standard that isn't mine in order to use it. They have to be....well, paladins in the ideal sense. Truth. Justice. To heal freely, to learn unclouded by bias, to give order and direction where there is none." She smiled slightly. "I know I'm a probationary Ward. But even my power has me on probation, first. I can't run from people who are going to do harm, not without trying to stop them. To try and fail is acceptable. To not try at all is not."

Armsmaster sat still for a few moments, thinking. Finally he spoke. "You're going to be on monitor duty for a long time, Paladin. Unless and until emergencies occur. Your actions will be under review until things get sorted out. We are also going to sit down with Director Piggot as soon as arrangements can be made." He looked at the broken Tinkertech whip that rested on the center of the table. His voice gave nothing away. "I'll expect for you to get your equipment repaired to the best of your ability."

Madison blinked. Then there was a slight smile on the edge of her lips. "Understood."


May 30th, 2011

The city was in recovery. There was a lot of property damage, and there had been quite a few people killed by Shatterbird's scream. But compared to what they could have done, compared to the nightmares the Nine usually left in their wake, Brockton Bay had gotten off lightly.

The city was still under quarantine, though the prion cloud had dissipated. Those infected were being slowly cured by several treatment centers that had popped up around the city. Dragon didn't need much, just a simple archway that had Light Magic channeled through it, and with just a few minutes exposure, they were cured of the memory-plague. In the meantime, shipments of food supplies were being dropped in.

The man in blue held the hand of a little girl as they walked toward the house together. It was a simple house, two stories tall, painted white. The yard was somewhat overgrown, and the red sedan sitting out front had a few scratches and dings on it, but it still looked to be in good condition.

She stopped just halfway up the walk, her lip trembling. "I'm afraid. What if they don't want me? I've been away so long..." She trembled a little, her eyes looking up at him with fear.

Slowly, carefully, the man knelt down, to look her in the eye. He smiled gently. "What do the numbers tell you?"

Dinah shook her head, tears flowing down her cheeks. "I don't know. I'm afraid to ask."

He looked a little amused, but his voice was gentle, filled with sympathy. "Years ago, I lost a good friend. Someone very bad hurt him, and I struggled very, very hard to find a way to save him. I couldn't do it in time, though, and he died." He tapped the gold armoring on the front of his outfit. "These are his colors, and all I can hope to do is be as good an example as he was. He was a good man, and my best friend. He was a much better person than I was. Better than I could ever be." He looked a little rueful. "I'd give anything to have him back. I'd have given up my powers, given up my right arm...given up my life to have him back." He nodded at the door. "I don't need powers to know they'd give anything to have you back. I'll be right by your side."

She nodded slowly. Together, they walked to the door and he knocked. After a moment of silence, he knocked again.

The sounds of someone muttering, and a thump against a wall, managed to come through the door. Then it swung open, revealing a thirty-something blonde, her face nearly sunken in with grief.

"Can I help...you?" Her eyes widened as she took in first the cape standing at her front door, then the timid Dinah standing at his side. "D-Dinah!? What...but you're...how?"

She looked unsteady on her feet, so the man gently took her shoulder. "Easy there, Missus Alcott. There's a lot to talk about. May we come in?"

She looked back and forth uncertainly, then she looked down into her daughter's frightened, but hopeful, eyes.

With a cry, Laura Alcott dropped to her knees and hugged her daughter.


June 1st, 2011

Chief-Director Rebecca Costa-Brown looked in the mirror. Carefully, she swabbed with the makeup, just enough to accentuate certain features, conceal a few others. With some care, she marked a few lines, hair-thin, just enough to be noticeable, not enough to look fake.

Keeping up the appearance of aging wasn't exactly easy. She looked only a little older today as she did when she took the vial that turned her into Alexandria. From eighteen, her aging slowing until she was perpetually twenty-five, albeit a tall, muscular and well-developed one. Her genes had been good there.

At least until they gave her the cancer that nearly killed her.

As such, she had to give herself small, slight signs of aging to pass for the forty-five years old she should be. Something that had concerned her, once, was that she might outlive everyone she knew. Everyone she ever cared about.

The Endbringers took care of the latter. There weren't very many people she cared about left. Clark was dead. Nathan was a friend, but he was...innocent. Trusting, good, in a way that she never had been. And David...

David had been more and more withdrawn, always trying so hard to prepare for the next Endbringer battle. To save as many people as possible for the coming trial. To give them the best chance to save something of humanity from the masquerading monster pretending to be a god. David never liked the hard choices they made, but had seen its necessity, eventually.

So many things done in the name of that ultimate goal. So many terrible choices made. Six months ago, and she wouldn't have had a second thought about doing more of them to buy as much of a chance as possible.

And then the Simurgh died. Dragon...changed, in some way they hadn't been able to figure out. To the view of most, Dragon was the world's greatest Tinker, ever since Clark...Hero, had died. Alexandria knew she was an AI, but had been left to act. AI or not, Dragon had been a stabilizing force, worth a hundred powerful capes on her own. The Birdcage, the Simurgh quarantine zones, and a hundred other smaller things.

And now they couldn't predict her actions. At least, not directly. The best part though, was that their best predictions on the number of people saved from the coming apocalypse was quadrupled. From ninety percent of inhabited Earths destroyed to sixty percent.

A similar shift had occurred when Taylor Hebert climbed out of her grave, though smaller at first. From ninety-eight percent destroyed, then the numbers began to tick downward over the course of April, Contessa's Path to Victory altering in ways that weren't obvious, but difficult to deal with. What did smoothing out the business legislation in the United Kingdom have to do with a new cape in Brockton Bay?

And now, after she had summoned the castle from that pocket dimension? Fifty-five percent.

There, slight touch of lining around the eyes. It was difficult to get it just right.

Rebecca slipped the glass eye into its place, blinking a couple of times, making sure it moved just as it should.

A familiar voice interrupted her musings. "You know, I keep saying you should add a few more gray hairs. I know it's not something you'd like to add, but it'd help sell the illusion a bit more."

She whirled around to see a man in blue and gold in her hallway, just outside her bathroom door. She clenched her teeth, the heated anger dying as she realized who it was.

"David! Where the hell have you been!? We've been looking everywhere for you."

Alexandria growled. "Where the hell has he gone? We can't find him anywhere? I thought we were able to see everything."

Contessa frowned as she looked back at Alexandria. "I've always had trouble with Eidolon. Something about his power makes me blind to him without extensive modeling. Just the same with Scion, the Endbringers, and now both Dragon and Scarlet Knight. We know Eidolon. If he wants to find a way to be impossible to find, he will be impossible to find. But our chances have been improving. Scarlet's resources alone are giving us a possible way to escape out of Scion's grasp."

With a furrowed brow, she couldn't help but ask. "Where? There isn't anywhere we can go that he can't find us."

Contessa simply smiled. "I've looked into some older projects. Gramme's old work."


Alan Gramme? As in Mannequin?

Doctor Mother was looking positive for the first time since Alexandria could ever remember. "We're building an ark. We suspect Scion's bound relatively closely with his true body. His projection probably can't leave the solar system, and with the Simurgh gone..."

Eidolo..no, David looked at her with faint humor in his eyes. "I was outside the Clairvoyant's reach for a bit. I found something, Becca. We've got a problem, and I've been working on a solution."

Outside the Clairvoyant's reach? That particular asset of Cauldron's was aware of everything within every Earth's atmosphere, where could David have gone...

His next words chilled Rebecca's blood. "There's seventeen more Endbringers, Becca. I've been doing what I can to make sure they don't become a problem."

Rebecca's mouth dropped open, then she clenched and unclenched her fists. "What. The hell. Are you talking about?"

David sighed, gesturing for her to come down the hall. She followed him, anger and worry warring within her. Only her vaunted self-control, that she prided herself on, kept her from launching into a verbal assault.

Looking exhausted, he took a seat on her couch. Rebecca settled in a chair opposite, letting out a breath full of stress. All this time worrying about where the hell he was and...

His voice was quiet. "They're here because of me, Becca. My power...it's not mine. It's theirs. I've been using the Endbringer's powers, I always have been. Right from the beginning." He tapped the side of his head. "The powers I tapped into kept running dry because I was draining the agents connected to them. It takes time, years really, for them to recharge them. But each one is connected to hundreds. Wrenching their power from them was where I'd been going wrong. I was commanding them, subconsciously. They killed all those people because I needed a challenge."

If that was true....

Rebecca took a deep breath, her Thinker power working through the implications quickly. "David...if you can control them...could we use them?"

He shook his head. "Not Ifrit. Not Lotan. They're going to come up again. Apparently it's a lot easier to give them orders than to change them." He grimaced. "Sorry. Behemoth and Leviathan. Ifrit is Behemoth's real name. He's...also big on vengeance. I can use their powers, but the bindings on them are strong. We can kill them. Break their bindings, break the bindings on the others before they awaken. And they want to help us win. They hate this situation even more than we do."

She swallowed. "What do you need, David?"

David smiled slightly. "I need to come back to Cauldron. I need a formula mixed up. A very specific formula."

Rebecca nodded, a slight smile rising on her lips. "Let me cancel my appointments and get properly dressed."

He chuckled.

A few minutes later, she returned to the living room, dressed in her costume. They shared a nod, and she spoke. "Door me."

Doormaker's familiar portal opened, and they looked at it together. The passage to their headquarters, their hidden base. The only chance they had at saving humanity.

Rebecca looked David over and spoke. "Nice suit, Eidolon. Hero's colors?"

He nodded. "Trying to change. Trying to do better. Trying to honor him. Trying...a lot of things. I remembered one of the last conversations we had before Behemoth first appeared. Back when we were...well, a lot younger." He looked down at his hands. "I never got into this for the right reasons. It was all about being the best, for me, that saving the world was my destiny. Hero liked to be the best Tinker, but it wasn't what he focused on. It was all about what he could do with it. Eidolon...that name's tied up with a lot of bad things for me now, Becca. I never should have been like that. Clark inspired people. Eidolon didn't, he couldn't. As Apostle...maybe I can. I have the power. It's time to use it responsibly." He smiled slightly. "As Clark said to me once, 'You don't have to be perfect to be Superman.'"

She shook her head. "Didn't think you'd rebrand."

David shrugged. "I needed a wakeup call. I got one. I get you're going to do your best to contain me in there, too." He nodded to the portal.

Rebecca blinked, then frowned. "What?"

He just looked at her, and she sighed. "Fine. Yes. What happened with the Simurgh?" Rebecca spoke with annoyance.

"It's a long story. I don't have all of it, either. But the Endbringers? They call Scion, and his species, Abominations..."

He kept talking as they strode into the portal together.

Interlude: Scion
A/N: Give me time. I'll get this done.


The Entity hovered over the destroyed rubble.

One of the weapons its counterpart had found fell here. Died here. It was plain to see the damage in the present, the collapsed buildings, the carnage that was being cleaned by the little beings below. Some looked up at it, pointing, awed, excited, just as the Entity's form was designed to inspire.

A central place had been cleared. A spot in the middle of the battle site, where the non-hosts were placing a foundation in at that point. In an intact cycle, most of those below would have Shards connected to their descendants, within two hundred revolutions of this world around its host star.

That, however, was in a future that could never be, now.

The cycle was broken. The data the Shards gathered from their hosts was fascinating, useful, especially when the hosts would fight against the unleashed weapons. But it was all for nothing. Alone, the Entity could not refine the Shards into an interstellar-surviving form. Alone, it could not gather and channel sufficient energy to lift its true body from the planet's gravity well. Some of its Shards could achieve the feat on their own, but not all of them.

Alone, the Entity did not even have the means to call for the others. It was trapped by the actions of its past, trapped because something had happened to the Thinker. The lack of communication Shards ensured that even the slowest means of light-speed communications were beyond it. The Entity did not possess the strength to look far enough into the possible futures to know if another Entity would arrive here. The attempt to look in itself would change that possible future, simply because the energy used would be taxing. If the Entity looked far enough into the future to know with certainty another Entity would arrive, the act might take enough of its life away that it would die before the arrival.

Better to live with an uncertain chance, however small, than to shrink those chances and get certain death.

Looking into the past, however, was much simpler. Much less power-intensive. There are uncountable possible futures, moreso within the near-infinity of the multidimensional versions of each world, but the number of possible pasts in any given dimension was one. It still took energy, but the Entity was not looking back very far, and being in place over the battle site made the expenditure minimal. A mere three rotations of this planet's worth of the Entity's remaining lifespan burned away, while it had thousands of revolutions around the star.

The battle unfolded before the Entity's gaze. The weapon attacking without defending. Shard-hosts attempting to attack it, to drive it away. The varied uses of the powers granted to the hosts were fascinating. A pity the data would simply be lost in the most likely futures.

The Entity stopped its searching as something new appeared. It had similarities to powers granted by certain Shards, powers that permitted various methods of opening the paths between dimensions. But this portal did not connect to another dimension at all. There was no world, no universe, on the other side of it. It seemed to connect to nothing. Yet three beings emerged. Non-hosts.

Under ordinary circumstances, the Entity would have dismissed them out of hand. It was not the first time non-hosts used abilities granted by Shards, usually by the actions of a technology-emulation Shard, but the red one had the sense of a severed Shard-host. A connection had been formed, then broken.

That should not be possible. Death occurred to those whose Shard connection was severed. It was one of the failsafes built into the Shards, it made it much simpler to harvest the Shards at the end of a cycle.

It took a little bit of searching. The Shard had come from the Thinker, her Queen Administrator Shard. It connected with a non-host, found a more suitable host in the offspring of the original, and then...

Agony. Laughter. Hatred and rage. Fire and ice. The vindictive will of a being that would destroy itself as long as the enemy was taken with it. A small mind, a tiny mind, but one sharpened and honed to lethality.

Connection severed. Shard damaged. The damage was minor, but it was enough to force it to make an imperfect connection elsewhere.

But the attempted host died, as a severed Shard-connection should do to a host. And then the failed host reawakened some ninety rotations later. While there were Shards that could have replicated the feat, there was no Shard here to repair the biomass of the host, no means of saving the brain-state of the host, no reason at all the non-host should revive. And yet it did. It should have, by all rights, been as self-aware as the tiniest lifeforms upon any life-bearing world, but it seemed to be just as the other non-hosts were. Aware, capable, active, and thinking.

There was something odd about the non-host, beyond the obvious. Some energy that poured into it, similar to how a Shard-host tapped into a Shard, but different in some fundamental way. Where was that power coming from? And why was it familiar?

The weapons. The weapons had the same energy, nearly swamped by the Shards bound to them, but that was it. Was this one a larval weapon? Did they reproduce, and the Thinker never knew, because they had been unable to exchange information properly with the lone Entity?

It burned more energy to seek out the path the Entity and the Thinker had taken to reach this world, casting its mind back through the past. This burned off more of its life, but there was something important here, and the Entity had to know.

The pair of Entities passed through the great void between galaxies. They passed by phenomena that would be of concern for most beings, shifting their Shards between the dimensions to avoid the possible hazards. The husks of collapsed stars, from which even light could not escape, having been ejected during the violence of galactic formation, long before the Entities had evolved from the simplest life-forms on their now-destroyed homeworld.

They avoided the constructs, artificial lifeforms that had seeded themselves within the darkness, away from the light of the galaxies, safe and secure in their hibernation. Some were travelling outward, seeking out the nearest galaxies from this one. They had the slightest traces of another Entity, another strategy, another cycle. There were many ways of gathering data, and this was one. There were many others. The Warrior and the Thinker had their strategy, honed and worked upon for eons. There was the Singer, who bonded in symbiosis with lifeforms around a long-lived red dwarf. Breaker, who created increasingly terrible stress on a world, pushing the lifeforms to evolve or die.

Then this one, Wanderer. It seeded powers, as the Warrior and Thinker did, but it was interested most in the barriers the Entities had evolved to break through instinctively, naturally. It sought ways to find more possibilities. Perhaps it succeeded.

There. The memory of the dead Entity the pair came across on their way to this world. Wanderer had been travelling in the opposite direction, as if it had just come from this world, yet it had not. The Warrior and the Thinker had been attracted by its attempts to communicate, by its desire to share shards, some kind of critical information that might be useful for the ultimate goal. To find a method to survive and thrive even when all the matter of the multiverse had been consumed. It was stating it had a key point, not a solution in itself, but a possibility that might be expanded upon.

And then Wanderer screamed as it died. Most of its Shards died, shredded to the point of uselessness, the few that remained were harvested by the Thinker to extract what data that managed to survive the Entity's death. It was not the first time an Entity had been killed, even within the depths of space. But that usually only occurred at the actions of other Entities, and very, very rarely at the actions of non-hosts with sufficient understanding to fight back effectively. Most of those non-host species were eliminated for being a threat.

Others, even the Entities dared not cross again. Too much damage done, too many of their kind lost, too much useful data destroyed. It was not worth the risk.

What had killed the Wanderer? The Entity and its counterpart had been too distant to observe the Wanderer's end as it occurred, only the aftermath. It was as if it had been attacked by another Entity, not out of the desire to harvest or steal Shards, but out of...

The Entity did not know what. There was no concept within the Entity's mind. They were driven by need and need alone. The drives that motivated the non-hosts upon this world were alien to the Entity. The Shards that emulated an understanding were imperfect, feeding the Entity a single state since the Entity's arrival. Lethargy. Various non-hosts and Shard-hosts had a concept, however. Vindictiveness. Rage. Destruction for the sake of emotion.


The Entity would wait. The weapons would return again, as they always did. The Entity would observe the strange non-host when it came against the weapons again. It would attempt to see what the relationship was between the weapons and the strange non-host.

The Entity's mind returned to the present. Almost without thought, out of habit, ingrained in it from the years of its work with Kevin Norton's directives, the Entity cast out its manipulated wavelengths to heal and cure the non-hosts below. As always, they looked upon the Entity with gratitude, with joy, with worship.

As always, it felt nothing.

Last edited:
Interlude: PHO, Paladin
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♦Topic: Slaughterhouse None!
In: Boards ► General ► North America ► Villains

Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know)
Posted on May 31, 2011:

I'm sure you all know what happened. We all saw the video that got leaked, at least for the last bit. Here's what's being released by the PRT, which is helpful, because we're all hungry for details.

At 9:07 pm Eastern time, May 26th, the Protectorate ENE received information that the Slaughterhouse Nine may have been targeting Scarlet Dragon. Yes, she-who-turned-into-a-dragon and dropped the Simurgh. (With an assist!) Scarlet Dragon was asked to come in and consult, and she agreed, apparently having been planning on taking the evening to arrange a few things to bring to that huge-ass Castle of hers.

Unfortunately, the S9 is very good about going to ground, and it's not exactly easy to track them down. Scarlet Dragon, however, cooperated with Protectorate forces in finding where the S9 were operating from, using classified means. At 11:02, the Protectorate and the PRT launched an attack on where the group were hiding in the Brockton Bay Docks. The S9 were prepared, however, and were spread out already. It came to light later that the S9 made a number of decoys out of...well, whomever they could get their hands on. Mostly Merchants, but a few other people too. The attack was successful in killing Shatterbird, by Scarlet Dragon's hands. Unfortunately, before the killing blow was struck, Shatterbird managed to use her power and destroy the glass for nearly half the city. Thankfully, due to warnings that the S9 was in town, there were fewer victims than there could have been, and several neighborhoods were evacuated before the attack.

However, when the attack was launched, Crawler attacked the PRT building and targeted the Brockton Bay Wards. He managed to cause seven casualties and sixty-three injuries to PRT personnel, before Dragon engaged him and they both disappeared by teleportation. While reinforcements were coming in to aid, Mannequin began spreading a biological agent throughout the city. Our newest Ward, Paladin, engaged and managed to distract Mannequin long enough for Velocity to defeat him, before he could kill anyone directly. (Youth Guard's going to be pissed.)

SD arrived to help extract the injured Wards and the civilians nearby, using a city bus, along with Glory Girl of New Wave and some of her own entourage. (See 'Pale Man' and 'Bat-Model' here. No names yet for them, sorry folks. Also, 'Pale Man' is still, apparently, U&L's King of the Internet.) SD took her dragon form. (Pics here. Goddamn.)

Siberian engaged, apparently doing enough damage to knock her out of the dragon shape. The pair fought to an apparent stalemate. Bat-Model engaged, and Siberian removed her arms. SD pulled her back while Pale Man engaged, then SD re-engaged the Siberian while Armsmaster extracted the bus full of civilians. The two were stalemated again, and the Siberian broke off. The biological agent managed to spread throughout the downtown area by this time, apparently having been set off by a number of bombs.

SD then used classified intelligence to track down Bonesaw, reasoning that she may have an antidote for the prion plague. The antidote was secured, but apparently Bonesaw attempted to activate a failsafe to destroy it, resulting in her death by the PRT. SD spread the antidote after extensive testing.

The Siberian arrived to attempt to extract Bonesaw, but using means provided right by Bonesaw's own notes, the Siberian's weakness was discovered and she was executed with extreme prejudice. (Details are still very classified here, folks. Sorry.)

Hatchet Face attempted to kill the Wards within the Endbringer shelter, managing to kill Alanna Gonzales, and severely injuring Kid Win. He was killed before further damage could be done by Pale Man. (We need his cape name. Like, fast.) There were further deaths inside by a Master inside the shelter, apparently by a recent trigger, but they were beaten before things could get much worse.

SD allowed emergency personnel to reach the the shelter before she took her entourage, and Glory Girl, to hit the last two, Burnscar and Jack Slash. Apparently...and this is where Jack's video comes in. I can't link it here, (Seriously Jack, what the fuck!? I know you were a serial killer, but goddamn.) but it's out there in the net already. End result of that convo? Well, Jack somehow got impaled on a lamppost about a block away. You can't see it happening, but Burnscar got killed offscreen, too.

So, that's all of them. They're dead. All of them. Gone.

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► FrenchWolf
Replied on May 31, 2011:

I for one, will willingly become a supplicant for our Hell Lady. She has done much. So much in ridding the scum.

I am the last of the Frans, when the S9 went on their town killing sprees. I was spared because I was at New York attending uni.

Scarlet Dragon, is there any way I can serve you?

► Kriiahjun
Replied on May 31, 2011:

It's Conspiracy Man! Aliens are sucking our brains out to power their war machines, To conquer us all! The end is Nigh, THE END IS NIGH!!!!!

► Red Cube
Replied on June 1, 2011:

And again, PHO shows its true face: Conspiracy nuts and people hellbent on turning their country into a Parahuman dictatorship. Yay. We're only missing the shippers...
Also, if you really want to serve her, see whether she's willing to accept immigrants. Hey, are there any treaties yet? (... should we open a new thread for that question? Is there one?)

A bit more on topic, Scarlet Dragon - you're really, truly, absolutely awesome, and not just because you're a Dragon and red, which would both instantly qualify.
(I do not have an obsession with that colour. At all.)

Any chance you're willing to take a vacation in Europe and see what you can do about the Blasphemies? We could really use some help there...

► TwentyNanometers
Replied on June 1, 2011:

Anyone knows what the hell Bonesaw did to us? My mom nearly kicked me out of the house because she thought I was an impostor, and vice-versa. WTF.

► LT Jenson (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on June 1, 2011:

TwentyNanometers, Bonesaw's victims are being asked to report to the nearest hospital or clinic to your location. There are a number of people who are stuck with the features of the S9 members, at least before they changed their own faces, but they're being tended to.

So far, the tally is three Siberians, seven Bonesaws, four Shatterbirds, two Hatchet Faces, eight Jacks, and a Burnscar. Six Mannequins have been found, but...at the moment, we're not sure what we can do for them, though we are working on the problem.

Further information for what victims can do is here. I hope you and your mom will be alright.

► LeaderOfMen13
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Anyone else getting nervous here? Between killing Simurgh and wiping out the S9, does Scarlett Dragon have any limit? Can anything stop her?

And what will happen if she goes nuts or villain?

I mean are we just trading in a legion of monsters for a God-Monster?

► GARcher (The Guy Not In The Know)
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Some of us are but I think most people (with me included) have just decided to trow their hands in the air and called quit in this whole thing. I mean seriously, the kind of bullshit that seems so follow that girl is legendary at this point.

Next thing you know good and old Fairy Queen will be appearing in her door wishing to have a tea party with the new queen in the block.

Or Scion appears wishing to date who seems to be the strongest parahuman around.

► Raziel
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Oh but don't you understand? With the demise of Jack, the greatest symbol of resistance against our capitalist pig overlords has fallen, and so we are all doomed to decay into a thoughtless monoculture Marx warned us about, let us sing a dirge to the last hero of the last hope of socialism;

Jack is dead and we wanna celebrate it
Pushed up daises, former and belated
Some guy asked why we're elated
Well Jack is dead

(follow the bouncing fang!)

Yes Jack's kaput
No longer operatin'
Retired, expired
Quite an emancipation!
Released, deceased
Gone bust, he's dust
Lift up our shorts
Do a pelvic thrust (uh!)
Jack is dead!

He was vicious and obscene
And not a little mean
So we're singing quite a chord
Now that he's gone to his reward! (fwoosh)

Jack is dead, he's history
Why we shake booty's no mystery
He's gone at last, his time has past
Now we can go back to passing gas!

(urp, urp, urp, urp, urp. Pfft.)

Yeah Jack

(Have an infraction on me. While I appreciate the song lyrics, you forgot that he killed lots of people. He was no hero to anyone. Post will remian as evidence of what not to do. This board does not discriminate between heroes or villains, but we do have problems with psychopaths.) -Tin_Mother

► GraveDigger
Replied on June 2, 2011:

So, the Slaughterhouse None (hah!) are dead. That fucking flying smurf is dead. And there's a gigantic fucking flying island on BB's doorstep.

.....Is BB accepting immigrants? Is SD's -island- accepting immigrants? I got skills! I can be useful! SD, please, you're so much better than New Orleans' Protectorate! We're led by a guy named -Jazzhands-, for fuck's sake!

► Jazzhands (Verified Cape) (New Orleans Protectorate)
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Something wrong with my name?

► GraveDigger
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Oh. Crap! *hides*

► Jazzhands (Verified Cape) (New Orleans Protectorate)
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Gets him every time. I love my job.

► BookWorm
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Well it's nice to see the SH9 gone for good I'm praying that things will slow down.

Just a few month ago this city was filled with gangs in a cold-war poking each other too see who comes out on top. Then enough bombs and guerilla warfare in the streets to take over a small nation (with confirmed deaths in the 3 digits). Now I'm not going to be a downer but seeing the mess in the Marquis era a blow-up of violence after so many years is not surprising, very depressing and horrible for everyone who suffered but not surprising (which is saying things about our city, nation and world).

Now things began to recover, despite all the destruction things began to look up. Simurgh dead and the Magical Dragon in our city keeping the remaining villains subdued (ABB gone, E88 doing nothing too blatantly stupid, Merchants as irrelevant as ever and unless I'm missing something Coil has either gone deep underground or has left the city).

Then Bonesaw and Mannequin. For those who have no clue what happened here I shall elaborate: Brockton Bay is supposed to have around 300.000 citizens (number uncertain because of crime, homeless people and a substantial Asian immigrant population because you don't say no to a dragon). All those people couldn't connect memories of anyone to the person in front of them. Which is a problem with small still requiring aid children, headstrong teenagers, hospitals with all sorts of patients, much too many gangs with access to weapons and the unstable persons who went for violence very quick very fast.

Needless to say Brockton Bay is going to import psychiatrists in massive quantities.

Don't get me confused I'm still going to celebrate the new and improved Slaughterhouse Zero but some down time is what everyone could use around here.

► MadGreenSon (Veteran Member) (Verified Yozi)
Replied On June 2, 2011:

Holy shit... The age of the ridiculously powerful capes has arrived. There have been a fuckton of extremely powerful capes popping up this year, plus whateverthehell got into Dragon.

I mean damn, is there something in the water in BB? Or is this just parahumans in general levelling up?

Between what happened to the Nine, Dragon, Scarlet Dragon + Entourage...

Either way, I hope Jack and his groupies all burn in hell forever and that this is a sign of better things to come.

Somehow though, I think we haven't seen the worst yet...

► FangLord
Replied on June 2, 2011:

I still think giving Jack the Vlad the Impaler treatment wasn't enough.

► LazyDude
Replied on June 2, 2011:

I'm worried that she did. I mean, holy hell. Look, I saw the video. wished I hadn't seen it, but I saw it. I'm not surprised he ended up on a spike after that. If anyone deserves it, Jack did. But most people would have just killed him right then. SD took the time to rip a lamppost out of the ground, turn it into a spike, and use it on Jack. Now, I'm not saying Jack didn't deserve it. But it worries me that she's so nice most of the time, but apparently impales people who piss her off. Doing...uh, that, in her face, yeah I know most people would snap too, but where's her line? Does it take something that extreme for her to get mad, or is she just able to hide the crazy behind closed doors?

Before this, I'd have liked to move to that island of hers. Now? I wonder if I said the wrong thing there, I'd end up like Jack? Is she a dictator who just happened to have good publicity until this point? I hope I'm wrong, but I gotta say it. She scares me. Killing's easy, and it would be even easier with power like hers. But she got creative, and...

Yeah. I'm worried. Hopefully she'll respect the conventions and such. Someone's got to reign her in, and hopefully without leveling a city or three. I'm worried that everything up to this point was just her preparing to just outright conquer Brockton Bay, turn it into a beachhead, then keep going. Why else would she scout for a month before hitting the Simurgh?

Someone help me here?

► DarkLurker
Replied on June 3, 2011:

It's a concern, and I get it. The thing that reassures me though, is that petty villains don't tend to head off to the other side of the continent to fight an Endbringer. Sure, they'll work to defend their turf, but they don't usually go very far. Villainous Thinkers have to be given incentive. BB's group of villains are weird there, actually. E88's a weird counterexample, but then again, they're not just trying to hold one city. They're trying to gain legitimacy everywhere, and being seen fighting Endbringers makes it a lot more difficult for politicians and heroes to try and justify breaking them completely between Endbringer attacks. There's a reason Kaiser's E88's less harried and seen as more noble than Allfather's. They're still a bunch of neo-Nazi's, but long as the Endbringers are around, they're more valuable alive than dead or Birdcaged.

Much as I hate the fascist pricks.

Anyway, my thinking is a lot of things could go either way. If SD's homeworld really had so much experience fighting Endbringers, one of the things she could have done was just help drive it off with lower casualties, and spread her influence by using them. You know, let SD rule you, and she'll protect you from them. Instead, Dragon and SD killed the Simurgh. We're not quite sure which one was most important for the final hit, but turning into a motherfucking DRAGON and hitting the Pale Bitch certainly didn't hurt. For an aspiring villain with good publicity, it helps to have a bigger threat out there that everyone can agree on. Just killing them outright gives her an immediate PR boost, but that gratitude would fade after a while. A long while maybe, but it'd happen.

► TrollBridge
Replied on June 3, 2011:

The whole 'What have you done for me lately?' Thing, huh?

► GiantKing
Replied on June 3, 2011:

First of all, I think we're straying off-topic a bit here. That being said, SD's related to the end of the damn murderhobos, so I'll contribute a bit before we try and get things back on topic.

All I can suggest is some things that's pretty commonly known. First of all, lots of parahumans out there are a bit screwed in the head. Take Accord, brilliant villain. He could probably rule half the NA continent if he wasn't so notoriously difficult to work for or with. Quite a few villains in the Boston area 'disappear' if they get on his bad side. Or for a more heroic example, take Myrddin. Dude thinks he's a wizard. Who knows, maybe he really is. Point is, powers screw with some people. Maybe SD's thing is that when something really bad happens, she goes feral. Or just plain mean.

Secondly, she's from another world. By the design of that castle of hers on that floating island (and THAT still freaks me out) it's from a waaay less technologically savvy place. Unless their version of New York got stomped down by Cthulu or whatever. Even the nicest medieval peasant wouldn't have much of a problem taking the kids out to a hanging for the evening's entertainment. When we have to kill, we do it fast and as painless as possible, or you're just a fucking asshole. But even just fifty years ago, people didn't care about fast or painless so much. Just they were dead and that justice was seen to be done.

Don't get me wrong. What she did to Jack scares me too. But I'm going to get really scared only if she starts doing it to people who aren't complete psychos.

► CrimsonGriffin
Replied on June 3, 2011:

Zizz gone, the Nine dead. I'm starting to feel like I should start praying.

Question is to who?

PS crosses fingers for behemoth and leviathan to.

► Glitchrr36 (Cape Groupie) (Verified Commander)
Replied On June 3 2011:

Goddamn, glad I'm not in BB right now if half the shit the nine are rumored to have done there is correct:
Forced plastic surgery for doppelgangers
the memory fog
Shatterbirding as usual
trying to turn Scarlet Dragon

►MadGreenSon (Veteran Member) (Verified Yozi)
Replied On June 3 2011:

>Goddamn, glad I'm not in BB right now if half the shit the nine are rumored >to have done there is correct:
>Forced plastic surgery for doppelgangers
>the memory fog
>Shatterbirding as usual
>trying to turn Scarlet Dragon

I know right? I too am blessed to have never been in the path of the S9 and I'm damn glad of it. the Bay sure as hell looks to be a town where they went all out.
Still, repulsively creative or not, it was their dying whimper. I'll be raising a few more toasts to the end of the Nine before I pass out tonight, guaranteed.

► IonizedParticle
Replied on June 3, 2011:

So, the group formerly known as the Slaughterhouse Nine are dead after attacking one of the capes responsible for killing an Endbringer. Does this mean they're applicable for the Darwin Awards?

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 166 , 167, 168

♦Topic: Biological concerns in Brockton Bay
In: Boards ► General ► North America ► Current Events

Sergeant Tombstone (Original Poster) (Verified PRT Agent)
Posted on May 29, 2011:

We finally have details on the plague that Bonesaw released. Here is what you need to know:

1. The plague is a prion infection, the same kind of infection that's responsible for Mad Cow disease. However, the speed of its effects is much, much faster than the onset of natural prion infections. It is airborne and highly virulent, and is capable of using any living thing to self-replicate and spread. According to physicians, it was designed to cause brain damage rapidly,

2. We have an antidote, and it was spread into the atmosphere to destroy the prion cloud and halt the replication of the disease in infected hosts. The antidote does NOT heal the damage done by the disease, however. If you were infected, and now have been exposed to the antidote, you won't die from the plague, but you won't be able to recognize anyone else until you are actually healed. Brain injuries are nothing to laugh at, but we are even luckier than we otherwise would have been.

3. We have the means to heal the damage. Treatment centers have sprung up all over the city, and you can find your way to one on this map.
Due to Bonesaw's activities, and the red cloud that was released and is now being dissipated, Brockton Bay is currently under quarantine. Thankfully, the PRT does have a cure, thanks to Paladin, and Dragon has used the principles behind her equipment to make treatment centers. The antidote that was spread afterward is capable of halting the damage done by the plague. Testing is also being done on the means we have to heal the damage for other ailments. Results are promising so far.

If you or your loved ones are currently infected, please, for the sake of your health and the health of others, report to one of the treatment centers on this map.

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

► firebird89
Replied on May 30, 2011:

Does anyone know what happened with that cloud-plague thing Bonesaw released? They say they used an antidote made by her, but that seems...well, weird. Why would she make an antidote? Something's iffy here.

This is Brockton Bay, so I'd assume Panacea did it somehow, but she's...well, gone.
Next guess would be Eidolon, but he wasn't involved.
After that I'd guess Dragon, but she vanished for a while after downing Crawler. Actually, what happened to Crawler? He just vanish?

► IonizedParticle
Replied on May 30, 2011:

I live near Brockton Bay. When I saw that Red Cloud on the horizon, I packed my bags and went on a road trip west. Right now I'm currently in western Pennsylvania. What I'm wondering is if it's safe to return home or should I keep moving west?

►Glitchrr36 (Cape Groupie) (Verified Commander)
Replied On May 30th 2011:

IonizedParticle I'd find a hotel room and stay there until you get an all clear.

►MadGreenSon (Veteran Member) (Verified Yozi)
Replied On May 30th 2011:

>I live near Brockton Bay. When I saw that Red Cloud on the horizon, I packed
>my bags and went on a road trip west. Right now I'm currently in western
>Pennsylvania. What I'm wondering is if it's safe to return home or should I
>keep moving west?

Gonna have to concur with Glitchrr36 here, bunker up and wait for an all clear.
As crazy as that town's been, you might want to wait longer to feel out the situation and decide if you want to go back at all.

►Sergeant Tombstone (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on June 1st, 2011:

At the moment, the city is under quarantine by the PRT, Protectorate, and the US Army in conjunction with the WHO. While we believe that the danger from Bonesaw's plague has been neutralized, things are still on lockdown. Nobody enters the city and nobody leaves until the quarantine ends. That being said, contact within the city is mostly intact, though the downtown section was badly hit by Shatterbird. Volunteers are working to open and maintain lines of communication, and it is expected that the quarantine will drop within a month if things remain somewhat calm.

As questions have been asked in other threads, yes, Scarlet Dragon is among those both within the quarantine and respecting it. While she is not a member of the Protectorate or the nation, she's been quite cooperative about things here.

►CaptainBlondBeard (Not a real Space Pirate)
Replied on June 1st, 2011:

Well, as long as she's a cuddly demon-girl. Speaking of which, here's a bunch of surprisingly cuddly critters! Enjoy the video!

Replied on June 1st, 2011:

BlondBeard, get back to work, and quit messing around on PHO when you should be in the greenhouse.

Replied on June 2, 2011:

Someone's in trouble.
Anyway, glad to know things are somewhat stable. BB's been hit by a lot lately. Anything to worry about yet?

► DeepAncientOne
Replied on June 2, 2011:

I couldn't make to shelters in time, so got caught in that damn red fog. After that it was just impossible to navigate because I couldn't see shit. I was lucky to not meet any of these phycsopaths, so I just waited until everything was over... It was over when Dauntless, who I was unable to reconise at the moment, found me and gave some kind of shiny trinket that in some bullshit way cired this damn illnes! I heard this trinkets were made by our own Ward Paladin, so thanks you very much girl! It thanks to you that I could reconise and kiss my wife!

And while I was outthere I clearly remember the moment when the red fog began to disappear, remplaced by something blue, which dispersed afterwards... So appears that red killer tinker bullshit fog was beaten back by another tinker bullshit fog, no killer this time!

So I would say it's really possible that Bonesaw undone her own work! I can think any other explanation, that a loving, hypnotic stare...

End of Page. 1

♦Topic: Scarlet Dragon's thread, the fifth
In: Boards ► Global ► Trumps

ScarletFan (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)
Posted on June 2, 2011:

Okay, since the LAST thread got hijacked by weirdos, wackos, and a bunch of the Fallen (but I repeat myself) we're here to combine everything we have on our favorite badass.

Ever since she showed up, things have gotten pretty shaken up in Brockton Bay, and of course, we all know the huge impact she made during the Battle of Vancouver. Rest in Hell, Ziz, we have a goddamn dragon!

So what do we know she can do? What do we know about her? Who's who in her group? And please, no Fallen, no Lung fanboys, and no flames. Well, unless we're discussing HER flames.

(Showing Page 1 of 86)

► SoberIrishman (Actually Does Exist)
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Oh, geez. Not ANOTHER thread on her. The last one self-destructed! Why was there so much damn discussion on whether she can take on everyone in the world? If she can, we'll find out, won't we?

► Breadnaught
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Guys, I found footage of the fight between SD and the Siberian. Check it out Here.

Did you fucking see that?! That was more brutal than the Ziz fight. The fucking Siberian just tore her arm off and SD gave zero shits!

► GARcher (The Guy Not In The Know)
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Shaky cell-phone video is shaky. Still, wow. Damn, wow. Unstoppable Force vs Renewable Object?

► TheFerryman
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Damn. She's been active for what, two months? And we have a dead Ziz and Slaughterhouse Zero. Seriously.

The Twin Dragons killed Ziz, and now those damn murderhobos are gone, too.

This, this is what heroes are for. To bring hope. I've got happy tears in my eyes.

Breadnaught said: ↑

>Guys, I found footage of the fight between SD and the Siberian. Check it out Here.
> Did you fucking see that?! That was more brutal than the Ziz fight. The fucking Siberian just tore her arm off and SD gave zero shits!

Still boggling about it, yeah. I expect it hurt like a bitch, but it sure as hell didn't stop her.

Is there anything she can't do?

► Breadnaught
Replied on June 2, 2011:

TheFerryman said: ↑

>Is there anything she can't do?

If I find a power she doesn't have, I'll let you know.

Let's see what we've got so far~
Brute rating: Super Strength and toughness.
Mover rating: Teleport and fly. Also really fast.
(Possible) Shaker rating: Didn't she control the weather and make fog a few weeks ago? Other Capes in the fight, might have been one of them.
Master rating: Can control bats. (Possibly also controlled Bonesaw if speculation is true)
(Possible) Tinker rating: That robot army she brought out in the Ziz fight. (Might have been made by her people on the floating island)
Blaster rating: There's a gif of her throwing lightening Here.
Changer/Shifter rating: Turns into a motherfucking Dragon!

Am I forgetting anything?

Y'know what, I just going to assume she has all the powers until confirmed otherwise.

► BardicGodzilla
Replied on June 2, 2011:

All your powers combined, I am Scarlet Dragon

► Quiet_Ninja
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Geez, with all those, she sounds like she stole a few portfolios from the Greek gods. If they went so completely METAL. And she keeps getting more powers, too. And considering she basically willed an island into existence here, I'm...I'm gonna go and build myself a little altar for her, mkay?

Scarlet Dragon, our Lady and Savior. Has a nice ring to it.

► GARcher (The Guy Not In The Know)
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Why is it that everytime a powerfull parahuman apperas PHO sundelly starts praying for said parahuman as if they were the new coming of God? Seriously guys I get it, she killed an Endbringer and all but must we once more decend into discussing Pantheons. The last time that happened was crazy enough.

► Raziel
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Re: GARcher: She killed an Endbringer. And not just any Endbringer, but Lady Mind Rape, then had the Nine Murderhobos for dessert.

I'm more surprised we haven't seen actual cultists on here.

PS: What was the last time? I hang around this board, so I wouldn't know that,

► GARcher (The Guy Not In The Know)
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Re: Raziel : Last time that happened was around the time GU was free and going around reaping Parahumans, a lot of people at the time were either calling her the goddess of Death or saying that she was actually the Grim Reaper sent to eliminate all Parahumans. It took her being sent to the birdcage and her talk about fairies coming out for people to stop with that talk and there are still some that believe that.

Then again, we now have Dragons going around and beings from other dimension that look like demons in some cases, better stack on some Holy Water just in case.

► OnlySaneMan
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Re:GARcher She's an alternate dimensional shape-shifting being that's preferred forms are a demon and a dragon, for all we know she was her universe's version of the Devil.

► HavenlyLight
Replied on June 2, 2011:

Do you not see? She is, indeed! While paying such a deed to Jack Slash was indeed a just punishment to such a sinner, she is indeed a demon, if not Lucifer himself! She is a beast of darkness, a monster in form and substance, and she MUST be opposed! Do not the scriptures say that the Devil will masquerade as an angel of light? Who knows what kind of monsters she has awaiting her order in that demon-castle of hers? We must act now, before she has charmed the whole world!

We must turn back toward His Instrument, Scion, who has helped all tirelessly, without rest, with no act of kindness too small for his attention. HE is a true angel of the Lord. Let us not be led astray by this demon's masquerade!

► OnlySaneMan
Replied on June 3, 2011:

Masquerading? She's not masquerading. What you're talking about is someone who'd look to be a good guy and who isn't. She LOOKS scary, sure, that armor, that helmet, and oh, yeah, big-ass dragon shape's terrifying. But you know what did look nice and turned out not to be? Ziz. Who is dead, thanks to Dragon and SD. SD looks scary as hell when she's riled up, but ever since she showed up, she's been helping people. I mean, she hangs out with New Wave! I will take a scary-looking but helpful supercape from another dimension over a nice-looking but EVIL thing like Ziz EVERY time. Hell, the S9 probably thought like you, that she's faking it or something, and they're dead now!

If she's the Devil, then sign me for her side, because God sure hasn't helped. Not knocking all the good things Scion's done, but he's got no sense of priorities! He just NOW got to Vancouver. Two weeks late for an Endbringer battle! TWO WEEKS!

If he's an angel of the Lord, the Lord should have sent him down with a wristwatch! I can pick one up down the street for 20 bucks!

► TheFerryman
Replied on June 3, 2011:

Sane, please don't poke the Christian fundamentalist.

► OnlySaneMan
Replied on June 3, 2011:

But it's so fun...I can't not do it! I also have to point out that, oh, the LAST time we had someone who appeared to be nice in appearance and helpful, we lost the Swiss. ALL THE SWISS. Frankly I'm happy SD's so damn terrifying. Long as she's actually on our side.

► HavenlyLight
Replied on June 3, 2011:

I don't appreciate being needled like this. Why can't you see the truth? She is a a demon, it's plain to see! She has demonic servants, her power is over monsters, and the longer we wait the harder it will be to drive the forces of Hell back into the pit they came from!

► Quiet_Ninja
Replied on June 3, 2011:

Well, I'm in favor of waiting until we see just exactly what she brings to the table vs Behemoth and Leviathan. Remember those? The two Endbringers still roaming around? Yeah. If she kills them, or at least gives us the means to kill them, I am going to be very, very happy.

Now quit arguing. I got an altar to build to the Scarlet Dragon. Think she'll want sacrifices of gold? Not sure I can afford it...

► Darkflame_Doge
Replied on June 3, 2011:

Oh god, not the sacrifice talk again. We had so much trouble with the creepers from last time...

► Red Cube
Replied on June 3, 2011:

So...I managed to compile a little list of tenets on this Scarletism. Dragonism? Bullshitism? I hope she's not offended....anyone know if she's checking her PHO account? I'd be happy to worship her at this point. Though I'm going to stay on her GOOD side, cause spikes and me don't mix.

1) Dragons are awesome.
2) Do not annoy dragons.
3) You are tasty with ketchup.
4) Go to the church to pray to Scarlet Dragon, or at home, whatever fits for you.
5) Scarlet and all shades of red are awesome colors.
6) Vampires are cool. (Couldn't resist the pun. Sorry!)
7) Drinking blood is not necessary to belong to this church.

► Quiet_Ninja
Replied on June 3, 2011:

Actually, are we sure she's a vampire? I thought that was just a rumor that floated around. Besides, if she is, she's the most bullshit vampire of all. Cause, you know, fought Ziz in broad daylight. At least until the sky got covered by the clouds....that we're pretty sure she summoned. That's cheating the whole sunlight weakness thing, isn't it?

► OnlySaneMan
Replied on June 3, 2011:

I am not going to complain about vampires possibly hacking the rules if it means dead Endbringers.

► Darkflame_Doge
Replied on June 4, 2011:

Hear, hear. Though now I'm wondering that if she is a vampire, if we had others here in history, only those ones were the jerks and bigots. While Scarlet's the more sane branch? Maybe that's why her entourage looks so weird. Though 'Bat-Model's' droolworthy...

Anyone hear about her? Having your arms ripped off by the Siberian can't be good. Period.

► HoarderOfShinies
Replied on June 4, 2011:

Don't be silly. There's no such thing as vampires. Besides, SD was right out in the middle of the day when she turned into a goddamn dragon and bit the Simurgh's face. Any self-respecting vampire would have been a crispy critter, there. Unless we're talking really classical vampires, but those ones have no powers during the day. She's just a really weird parahuman. And, um, awesome, because dragons.

*checks pictures*

Wait a sec. Well, I don't think SD is a vampire, but that pale guy she hangs with....he looks like one. I can see why people might think so. And holy hell, you can grind meat on those abs of his. Where can I sign up for his workout regimen?

Re: Darkflame_Doge

Apparently, she lost a lot of blood, because the hospital's giving her a lot.

....still not vampires, people! No such thing!

► HavenlyLight
Replied on June 4, 2011:

It is clear to me we are all lost now. The Devil's Daughter has fooled the world. She will lead this world into darkness, and the world will gladly follow her foul plans. She will drink the blood of the innocent, spread her demons among the peoples of the world, turn us all into beasts doing her bidding, until only a few righteous remnants remain. Then Jesus shall use His instrument, cleanse the world of evil, and lead us into Paradise.

I call upon you all, awaken to the evil that's spreading! Awaken and fight back, save your souls! I beg of you, all of you, do not be decieved by this foul demon! Who knows what evil she is planning within that devil's castle of hers?

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 84 , 85, 86


Madison sighed as she rubbed her eyes. The quarantine was a pain in the ass, and it didn't help that it was the second one she had to endure since the Battle of Vancouver.

Truth be told, she was going a bit stir-crazy. She itched to get out there. While the Bay was contained, some of the gangs were trying to make their moves. Which is to say the Merchants were trying to move, while the Empire pushed back, and the PRT came down on both sides like a ton of hammers. It was unstable, and it couldn't last.

There was a small knock on her door, and she roused herself, turning away from her laptop. "Yes?"

Dennis opened it. He was in his civilian guise, wearing a windbreaker, his curly red hair in disarray. Madison felt a slight pang every time she looked at him with the mask off. Just his hair color alone reminded her of Emma, and by extension, all the things she'd done as the toady to Winslow's Queen bitches. Now here she was, a Ward, mostly eclipsed by her victim, her victim who had inherited the power of a vampire god. One who, frighteningly, seemed to channel Dracul's worst traits in fleeting moments.

He smiled a bit nervously. "Hey, Mads. Got a sec?"

She clicked PHO closed. "Sure. What do you need?"

He walked into her quarters and shut the door. During the quarantine, some of the Wards were stuck on-base. Clockblocker was free to head home, but Madison and most of the rest were tied down, due to either injuries or just identity protection. Gallant's missing arm wasn't something they could easily hide, after all.

Dennis' face was filled with a small, desperate hope. "Listen...um, I got a huge favor to ask of you."

Madison nodded. "I'll help if I can."

He bit his lip. "I...your amulets can heal brain injuries, right? Just about anything? Can they heal cancer?"

She blinked. "I honestly don't know. They should, I don't see why they couldn't."

He nodded quickly, hope flaring in his eyes. "I need to borrow one. My dad's got a tumor, cancer problems...he was on the waiting list for Panacea to take care of when she...and with this quarantine, specialists can't be brought in."

Without a second thought, she took off her amulet and handed it to him. "Go, Dennis. Take care of your dad."

He smiled with gratitude. "Thanks, Mads. I owe you." He turned and left, nearly bouncing on his feet with excitement.

She chucked, shaking her head. A thought struck her, and she stroked her chin before she opened a window in her costume design program.

Maybe, just maybe...

She felt the cold light within her heart turn warm at her idea.
Last edited:
Empire 7.1
A/N: Busy, busy, busy. Stupid life. Why do I work? Oh. Right. Need to eat. Derp.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


I cackled to myself as I surveyed my empire.

"You thought you could stop me and my legions, didn't you? You underestimated me. You tried to destroy me. You tried to send spies into my territory. You tried to smuggle a nuclear weapon beneath my nose and destroy everything I worked so hard to build. Now you are defeated. Broken. And I shall now erase you from history! Go, my minions! Destroy my enemies!" I grinned as I flicked my finger.

And my marines destroyed the last defense the Persians had on their last city, Pasargade. I immediately sent in an elephant, (which had been leftover from a few hundred turns ago) conquered it, and got the pop-up message and sad music saying 'The Persian Empire has been destroyed.'

There was something satisfying about Civilization. Too bad Dracul never had it. It might have helped him unwind.

The last few days, with the city on lockdown, I spent catching up with my dad and taking a break from politicking, running around, or doing much more than catching up on my sleep and unwinding. I hadn't been that much of a video game fan, though I did enjoy them, but playing Civilization on my phone was one way to pass the time. It was a way to while away the morning while everything was still shut down. Most stores and shops were closed, but services were slowly resuming.

For my dad's sake, when I stayed home, I did so as my original, human (well, humanish) self. I also didn't leave the house in any way other than by portals. All the better to help separate my public self from who I really was. If I'd been smarter, less...emotionally volatile when I'd awakened, I might have considered that. As it was, I just had to hope that anyone stupid enough to piss me off by trying to attack my father would be held in by his peers. Calling myself a refugee from another world was another way to help separate my old identity to that of the Scarlet Dragon. I was partially surprised how much the PRT and Protectorate were playing along. Anyone who tried to dig up just why I'd been hanging around this neighborhood before 'revealing the truth' was...

Crap. I needed a good cover story. Great going, Taylor, yet again, you leaped before you looked, on an international scale.

Maybe I should just give up and go conquer Mars or something.

I'll have to bring it up at the meeting with the PRT. Though my guess was my upcoming appointment was going to address some of these things. I wasn't looking forward to it. If they tried to force me to do their bidding, I was going to make sure they regretted it. And if they hurt my father, or my friends? Well, I wouldn't go as far as I did as on Jack, but I'd make my unhappiness with their choices very, very clear.

For I am the Lady of Darkness, and I have only one equal. I will not bow to anyone.

I hoped nobody would be that stupid, but unfortunately, human stupidity knows no limits.

I looked around as I lazed on my bed. My room felt weird. This house was where I grew up, and there were a lot of memories here. It felt weird to reclaim my room after I'd been dead for three months. Even after getting back, I hadn't spent that much time here. I mostly used it to just sleep, and when I slept, I dreamt of Castlevania. It was home, but it also wasn't. I felt more at home in the castle full of demons, serving me, than my own house with my own father. And now, because of the little charade I had going on, I rarely came back here. I wasn't even leaving the house by the front door, back door, or even window. I just used my portals.

Out of all my powers, that one may just be the most useful. The dragon shape was greater, more obviously powerful, and more easily destructive, but it wasn't always the best for a given situation. It was very useful, but in confined quarters (I still hated those) or in a situation where there might be collateral damage, turning into a dragon wouldn't be that helpful. Not unless I could manage a smaller version.

Which I probably could. My powers were bullshit. Not quite as bullshit as Tinkers, but bullshit nonetheless.

Still, portals! Dracul mostly used it to get from place to place, or move a large number of his armies quickly. I was planning on building a portal network everywhere. And more than that, I could see quite a few other applications, provided the right safety measures were used. Irrigation systems, hydroelectric plants, and probably about a million other applications I wasn't aware of.

Out of curiosity, I even tried to make a portal to Earth Aleph. Didn't work, though the portal seemed to want to form, it just fizzled. There was some kind of resistance there that meant it didn't work as others did. I needed something else to make that work, but I wasn't sure what that might be.

The door knocked.

"Come in." I answered as I saved my game, putting my plans for world domination on temporary hold, and set my phone aside.

My dad opened the door, taking the chair at my desk as he settled into it. He smiled at me, though his voice was quiet, a tinge of nervousness and fear in his tone. "Hey kiddo."

I sighed. "Dad, relax. I'm not going to go nuts here."

He frowned at me, deep concern in his voice. "Taylor, I'm worried. I'm glad you came back, more than I can ever say. But the things you're doing, the things you've done... It scares me how much influence Dracul has over you."

I stayed quiet for a moment. Truth be told, it scared me sometimes, too. When I was calm, I felt like me. But when I was enraged, I could feel quite a bit of....well, not Dracul, exactly, but what I could be at my possible worst. A successor in name and deed, sitting upon a throne of skulls, to have the entire world trembling in fear at my name. In the heat of the moment, I did what Dracul would have done. Again. I should have just outright killed Jack, instead, I impaled him. Sure, it felt good, righteous in the moment.

Now? That moment might have felt really good, and a lot of people were saying he deserved it. Some were approving. Hell, a lot were approving, thanks to the video Jack had apparently gone to great lengths to make sure was recorded and automatically released even if he never came back. But I could see the fear people had of me, hesitation now, and not just in my enemies. And I didn't like it. Worse, I had no idea how to fix it.

There were only two things that helped mitigate the problem. First, the impalement wasn't on camera. Two, it caught my breakdown when I returned to the scene, my body covered in gore. Fucking Bonesaw. The baby had been infected by a particular virus that turned cellular fluid into an explosive compound that reacted happily with oxygen.

You see why I think Tinkers are bullshit? It's more bullshit than my physics-breaking vampiric bullshit.

"Taylor?" Dad spoke.

Oh. I'd wandered off into my own head again. I sighed before I responded. "I'm scared of that too, dad. I can remember a lot of the things he did. So many terrible things, and each step of the way, he had a justification. 'They killed my wife and stole my son.' 'They sent my son to kill me.' 'They serve a coward of a god.' Until....he just didn't care, anymore. Alucard managed to reach him only after centuries of a stalemate that hadn't accomplished much of anything. I can remember how he slid from being a noble person, like...like, hell, Legend or Hero, until he was regarded as...well, Satan on Earth. He didn't start a horrible person..." I sat up, looking at my father with concern. "He just....slid. One step at a time. Just a little more ruthless than he was the day before."

Carefully, he hugged me. I closed my eyes, sighing as I leaned into the embrace.

His voice was quiet. "Did he have anyone?"

I blinked. "Well, he had his servants, the demons he made...which are mine now, I guess, and those who joined his side..."

Dad let out a tired chuckle. "No, not what I meant."

I pulled back and looked at him questioningly.

"People need peers, kiddo." He spoke softly. "They need friends. They don't necessarily need a lot of friends, but they need people they can be honest with. Someone who won't just let them go off the deep end." His face went cloudy. "If nothing else, the damn Nine knew that much. People on their own are easier to mess with. Social bonds are some of the strongest there can be." His lip twitched. "Of course, you get the occasional loner who doesn't need anybody at all, but those people go off into the mountains and nobody hears about them. It's those who have power and don't listen to anyone, or just have followers who are afraid to say something they might not want to hear, those are the ones who go off the deep end. Don't have to look very far to find examples."

I swallowed at that. The memories Dracul shared with me, they showed exactly that from his own perspective. Everything had been taken from him, and he created demons to do his bidding. Those who rebelled against him were brutally slain, their very souls destroyed. There was nothing to stop him from going further into the worst of his psyche. It didn't take him all that long to become the monster of the world.

But behind that monster was a man. A broken man. I had to be better than that. I had to be. There wasn't any choice here. I'd seen what happens to someone who walks Dracul's path. He had power enough that even the other gods of his world stayed out of his way while he sought vengeance against the strongest of them. And throughout all of it, he was miserable. All he had was the desire to kill Solin, and everything else in his soul dropped away in pursuit of that goal.

I sighed and nodded, squeezing my dad's shoulders. "I'm sorry, dad. I...I haven't been a very good daughter, have I? Since I got back, I just...did things. I haven't considered much of anything. I haven't thought much of how much I must be putting you through...there's just so much relying on me."

He hugged me tightly, his voice soft. "Too much like your mother, kiddo. I'm proud of you, and I love you. I'm just begging you for one thing....please stop scaring me."

I couldn't help it. I laughed helplessly under my breath. "Can't...vampire queen. I scare people just by existing here."

He just shook his head, a long-suffering sigh escaping him. "Can't even ground you."

My helpless laughter grew stronger. "Can't send me to bed without my supper."

Dad's voice was filled with amusement. "Can't take away your TV privileges."

"Can't take away my allowance."

We stayed there together, enjoying the moment, sharing small, weak laughs. I resolved to try to spend more time with my dad.

And figure out a way to go around in public with him without making him a target.


I made my way to Brockton General, once again in my demonic form. I was hoping to get people used to my appearance through exposure, and you know, it was pretty helpful to look like a succubus. Albeit a young one. And a red one. And a terrifying one. And...you know what, I'm going to leave it there. I had looks that would have rivaled Emma's like this, albeit inhuman. It wasn't that much of a surprise in retrospect how many people ended up drooling over Meridia. Heck, there were some drooling over me, and I was a two next to her ten.

Huh. Might get in trouble, or get someone in trouble, if I don't fix that. Well, I could mould my own flesh a fair bit, though nowhere near as much as Amy could. I'll see if I can age myself up a few years, carefully. Would be nice to spend eternity at twenty-five rather than fifteen. I'll see about slowly doing that, though. Not much sense in jumping forward ten years physically if I wasn't there mentally.

I was glad to be a vampire, especially since the alternative was just being straight-up plain dead. But there were still some downsides. I could see why Laura got so miserable, eventually. Stuck as a ten year old forever? Yeah. No wonder she defined freedom as death. I was absurdly lucky to have other options.

Aaaand I was drawing a crowd as I flew lazily toward the hospital. Bad part is, there was so much sheer adulation that I wasn't quite sure how to deal with. Even Dracul wasn't exactly loved. His demons were fanatically loyal, but that was a combination of him being their ultimate maker and that he demanded nothing less. Spikes, the Void Sword, or being ripped apart by his burning claws were for those who didn't fall in line. If he didn't just eat them. There were quite a few types of the more intelligent demons that just weren't around anymore because of that. Typhon's type, born of pride, being one big example.

No help for it. I sighed to myself, sped up my flight and arrived at the hospital, entering by the front door and letting myself in, giving a little wave to the receptionist. This one was a young redhead, and her eyes were wide as she looked at me. Another fan. Great. I wasn't going to deal with crowds today if I could help it. I needed a break. I did have a plan to offer an interview a little later, but not today.

I only managed my post-Simurgh press conference with a lot of urging, drawing on Dracul, and a comparative few reporters. And I still lost my cue cards.

I reached a room that was on the northern side of the building, the room darkened with blinds and blankets covering the windows. I knocked gently, and a moment later, Alucard opened it.

His smile was gentle. "Welcome back."

I nodded, returning the smile. "Good to see you, Alucard. Settling in?"

He nodded, backing up a step as he spoke. "The hospital has been very helpful. The saved blood of the wounded has been helpful for our particular thirst."

I walked into the room, looking at where Meridia was sleeping. The demoness was curled up on her side, wrapped in blankets so much that I couldn't see much more than a bit of white hair poking out the top. The pile was utterly still, which would have worried me if she wasn't undead now. "How is she?"

He frowned a little. "Adjusting. The sun is deadly to her. Perhaps in time she will adapt to it, as I have...to an extent, in any case. That may be a very long time, however. Vampirism granted to a demon makes things a little..."

I quirked my lip. "Difficult?"

Alucard looked amused. "Aye. The ones I'm more familiar with were usually chosen for combat. Which is not to say a succubus could not be dangerous in combat, but their skills tended to be more towards the social aspects of things. And pleasure, of course." He shook his head, his voice filled with remembrance. "How many times father tried to use them to gather knowledge. They usually did best with fat priests."

I opened my mouth, then closed it. Then I shook my head. "Nope. Not going to touch that one with a fifty foot pole."

Alucard smiled at that. "I must admit, that is a an amusing image. Your world has odd sayings."

Meridia's voice was muffled. "Nothing about your world makes any sense."

I looked over at the pile of blankets. "Well, not much about yours did, either." I sighed and shook my head. "Sorry. That's not fair to you two." I looked to Alucard. "How are you dealing with it? Knowing it's just...gone?"

He was still for a moment, before his voice came out softly. "My world ended long before it died, Taylor. It ended when I died, and ended again when I reawakened to find my wife dead and my son a man, facing my father. To know that it is gone is a hard thing, but...it's not something I can grasp, not really. The idea is simply too large." He shifted his gaze to the wall. "Even my wife's grave is gone. Even my last hope of seeing her again is uncertain..."

I furrowed my brow. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean."

Meridia's voice came from under the blankets. "Souls can be reborn, My Lady. Some of the demons in the castle are reborn or remade humans. Or other beings. Few remember much of their former lives, so it tends to matter little. Sometimes some few souls manage to carry some more fragments of their past selves along."

Alucard nodded. "Twice, I found my wife. When I was mortal, when we were first married. The second time, seven centuries later, she lived a new life as an explorer, an adventurer. She knew me, although not how or why." A sad look crossed his face. "She had been searching for something her entire life. Me. We...did not have long together, mere days."

I swallowed, grimacing at the thought. "How'd you know it was her?"

He shook his head. "Tis difficult. But she knew my name, my real name, on first glance." His face clouded over. "She died when we faced my father, together. She slew him, using his own Vampire Killer. That was the last time he fell before the arrival of the Abomination."

I nodded. Now that he mentioned it, I could feel the fragment of the memory in my head. Dracul, slaying his killer out of spite, laughing as he knew he would rise again, while she would not. A tall blonde, amazonian, strong. Alucard's blade slicing through his neck, rage on his son's face at the second murder of his beloved Sonia.

I spoke softly, my voice filled with sympathy. And guilt. "So what? You're going to hope she does it again?"

A faint smile rose on his lips. "I have an eternity. Should I perish, I will seek to be reborn with her, as a mortal. If she is reborn as a mortal, I shall cross paths with her at some time, and we shall discuss what is to be done. That may take some time, but I have learned patience if nothing else." He looked pensive. "It is one of the few hopes I have left."

I went to him, hugging him gently. He stiffened at the contact, then a moment later, he relaxed a little bit. After a moment, he gently patted my shoulder.

His voice was quiet. "It is not something you can help with. I must merely wait. Fate can be cruel, but few things can be cruel for an eternity." He looked over at the pile of blankets. "It would be best if you emerged, Meridia. You cannot hide under there forever."

Meridia's voice was petulant. "I can if I wish. I'm hideous. You'll reject me. I am no longer sculpted to perfection."

Alucard sounded annoyed. "You are not. I have told you this before."

I frowned. "Meridia, come on out. I'm sure you're fine. And even if you're not, you've earned your place with us. You risked your life to face the Siberian. You'd have to do some really horrible things to make me reject you, and your looks aren't one of them."

Slowly, the blankets parted as she pushed them off. She got to her feet, holding sheets over her form protectively. Huh, I hadn't expected her to be modest. But then...

Wait a sec.

The first thing that caught my attention was that her skin had turned completely black. Her hair was still white, but now there were also a pair of horns curving up and around the sides of her head, coiled like the horns of a ram. Her ears had grown long and pointed. Her wings had shifted in shape, glowing faintly red, spined and draconic, like my own. And...was that a tail swishing behind her? Yep, that's a tail alright, a long, fairly thin, and soft-looking tail. Despite her words, she seemed even more attractive, at least to my eyes. Definitely more inhuman, but nothing beyond my own current shape.

I looked to Alucard.

He shrugged. "I told you. Turning a demon into a vampire is unpredictable."

I looked back at Meridia. Her lip was trembling. I sighed to myself, went up to her, and hugged her tightly.

She clung to me, her body trembling. "I'm hideous, My Lady."

I shook my head. "Nope. You're not. You're not at all. Damn it, Meridia, you're fine. I can think of quite a few people who'll be happy to see you." I quirked my lip. "We wouldn't even have to do much to dress you like a drow at a D&D convention."

She pulled back a little, looking confused. "What is a drow?"

I frowned a little as I tried to figure out a way to explain it. So much cultural stuff...

Finally, I shook my head. "I'll explain it later. Actually, I'll show you later. You're fine, Meridia."

"Here is a drow." Alucard said. I turned to look.

He held out his phone, a...definitely unsafe for work picture on it. Meridia took it, looked over the 'art' and purred with approval.

Questioningly, I looked at him. He shrugged, a faint smile on his face. "Your 'internet' is a weird but interesting place."

Meridia was now busily flicking her fingers over the screen, her purr of approval getting louder. And...something sweet-smelling was filling the air. And the blankets had fallen to the floor. No, my mouth was not dry. Nope. Nope. Nope. Yep. Ye...no.

Alucard's smile faded. "I...may have miscalculated."

Meridia looked at me, a wide, interested and hungry smile on her face. "I need to see more of this 'internet.'"

Yeah, he may have just doomed us all. He'd better look embarrassed.

Empire 7.2
A/N: Oh, succubi are way too much fun, even keeping things SWF. Thank you, past self, for making Meridia! I'm glad everyone's enjoying her presence here as much as I am.

And not just because of the fun things she can get up to. Even if they are offscreen.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


I looked up at the PRT building.

During the middle of the fight with the Nine, I hadn't had much time to take in the damage done to it. Just a few scant months ago, the building was a pristine, shining beacon, a symbol of law and order. It was designed to inspire awe, and feelings of security, just as Dracul's castle was designed to inspire foreboding and fear to the enemy.

Now the top floors were gone completely, a few jagged shards of glass poking upward, like the clawed fingers of some immense beast. A lot of the outer windows were destroyed, the glass having scattered mostly inside the building itself. Sure, conventional physics said that most of the glass should have scattered outwards, but powers were bullshit. Sometimes it was just easier to accept that and move on. Even though it was just such fun to complain.

I walked in through the entrance, swallowing as I pushed down my instinctive fear. I knew they wouldn't try and contain me again, at least unless I went nuts, but even now, the idea of being trapped again wasn't something I enjoyed. Sure, I know I had the means to escape, unless they happened to figure out some way to counter my own unique brand of bullshit. Still, my subconscious wasn't easy to convince, and I was stuck with my fear, whether I liked it or not. All I could do was deal. Already knew I couldn't run forever.

"It ain't easy, Red. After a while, we just deal, cause we got no other choice."

That reminded me, I needed to head by the Pelhams later today. Vicky needed moral support. And...yeah, I needed her friendship, too. All this terrible shit dumped on us, and now we were just trying to get through it and deal with things.

The receptionist looked up, going pale as she recognized me. She was the same one from my first day back, the same perky blonde. That felt like ages ago, now.

I smiled gently, careful to make sure my fangs weren't showing. "Scarlet for three." I made sure to arrive early, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were issues. Piggot had a lot on her plate.

The receptionist smiled faintly, slight relief showing in her posture. "Director Piggot's expecting you." She nodded to the elevator at the side.

I took one look at the doors. And winced, and shuddered. Turning back to the receptionist, I sighed. "I'll be using the stairs."

A PRT trooper, who had just come up to my side, groaned. Behind her face-guard, she looked at me with a long-suffering look. "Do you have to use the stairs?"

I grimaced. "Kind of, yes. I do not like small spaces. Your elevator counts. You're welcome to use it and meet me up there."

She groaned. "Can't let you go on your own. Director's orders."

I shook my head with a chuckle. "Well, we'd better get to it, then."


I was led to a conference room, where Director Piggot and Armsmaster were waiting. Armsmaster was standing, halberd in hand, while Piggot was sitting beside a large screen, it taking up most of the wall. I noticed the room was a fair bit warmer than the hall when I strode inside, and a bit more humid. Still, it was pleasant enough in there.

Piggot looked at my escort, who, despite her protests, had went up the stairs without too much trouble. She kept in shape, though I suppose taking the stairs up ten floors wasn't exactly fun anyway. My undead status made me near-tireless, and even if it hadn't, my power more than made up the difference.

Piggot looked to my escort. "Thank you, Harper. You're dismissed."

She snapped off a salute and walked out, shutting the door behind her.

I gave Piggot and Armsmaster a nod, folding my hands in front of me. "Well, I'm glad to see you both made it through things okay. How's Kid Win, and Vista?"

Armsmaster inclined his head. "Kid Win's stable, for the moment. He's healing well, thanks to those amulets, but he's resting. Vista's on leave with her family."

Piggot scowled. "We have a lot to discuss." She picked up a remote I hadn't noticed and hit a button.

The screen lit up, divided into two sections. Chief-Director Rebecca Costa-Brown took up one section, sitting behind a desk, a rather nice view of the Los Angeles skyline behind her. The other was a man I didn't recognize, but he had the distinctive PRT logo on the walls behind him. His office seemed spartan, without even the smallest personal effect there.

Piggot cleared her throat. "Chief Director Costa-Brown, Director James Tagg. We're here to discuss the actions of Scarlet Knight, now Scarlet Dragon, in light of concerns that have come up." Piggot looked at me, her expression unreadable.

Tagg, on the middle screen, leaned forward. "I hope for your sake, you have good answers."

Costa-Brown frowned, her voice full of warning. "Tagg."

I looked from the screens, to Piggot, then Armsmaster. The Protectorate hero was stiff, but I could see the fingers on his halberd clenching slightly. He seemed relaxed, but I recognized the way he was holding himself. He was ready to leap into action in a second, if required. And he was hoping it wasn't required.

You are the Dragon. They are beneath you. You are not their servant, but their master. Make them see it and force them to bow to your will, or destroy them as they deserve.

I tried to not let my surprise show. Those words were very clear. Goddamn it, Dracul.

I let my voice take on a cool tone. "First of all, I need a few assurances. I plan to tell you as much as I can." I looked to Tagg. "I assume you've been briefed fully on me?"

He nodded, his expression unreadable. "I've signed the relevant forms, yes. I know your true identity, though I don't know why you're trying to pull the ruse of being the island's 'leader' on everyone. What are you trying to pull, claiming to be a leader of a foreign nation while at the same time pushing for prosecution of your 'murderer.' You're either Taylor Hebert, murder victim who revived, or Scarlet Dragon, parahuman ruler. You can't have it both ways."

He dares dictate his petty mortal terms to me?

I lifted an eyebrow as I looked to Piggot. "I'm actually somewhat surprised you're still pushing the case through."

She frowned. "I'm not about to try antagonizing you. I don't like being manipulated, and it was such that got us into this mess. I don't want to see you act like Kaiser. Besides..." She grimaced. "I'm glad you're not one of the damned villains out there, but had things just gone slightly worse after your return, I can easily see you having become so. The idea of someone with your power, unrestrained? It's a nightmarish scenario, and it nearly happened thanks to Shadow Stalker. It'd be as bad as the Nine. If we can get Stalker back in our hands, we'll take care of things there. But in the meantime, the Barnes are nearly as responsible."

That was well done.

Oh, goddamn it. Was I going to get that all the time now, too?

Mentally whacking Dracul with a whiffle bat, I nodded in understanding. Truth be told, I'd forgotten about the case. I had other, larger concerns on my mind. "Speak your concerns, and I will answer them to the best of my ability." I took off my helmet, setting it on the conference table. Sure, these days, it didn't conceal my face, but it would help get across my reactions.

Tagg spoke then, his voice even and dangerous. "First of all, we need to discuss your island. It is my understanding you have a lot of 'citizens' there. What guarantee do you have that they won't run rampant?"

I looked at his screen, lifting an eyebrow. "What guarantee do you have that no United States citizen won't, say, head to China and blow things up? I can't give such a guarantee because my citizens are free-willed, thinking beings. I can say that they won't attack anyone else with my orders, with the exception of anyone who attacks me and their home, first. I am their god-queen. Their freedom from a place of eternal darkness is reliant on me. The animalistic denizens of my island are under the control of the smarter ones, and the smarter ones do not want to anger me." I smiled slightly. "You're worried I'm another Nilbog. I'm not. He carved out his territory out in the middle of your own. He created creatures, monsters, all to kill his hometown. He's content to sit around behind those walls you erected around him."

I noticed Piggot flinch slightly, so I softened my tone somewhat. "Whereas I just brought something that already existed, albeit out of reach of you, into reach. And in the process I'm bringing resources that just might help us kill the last two Endbringers. Now I'm not about to let my citizens run around. I'll bring golems, like before, for the next time they appear, along with volunteers of my people, but they're not going to set foot off the island unless I let it happen. Right now, they simply lack the means. They won't be able to move until I drop them on the Endbringers. Those need to be stopped. Permanently." I looked at Costa-Brown. "I'm guessing you've got entire labs worth of people trying to find easier ways to cut the Simurgh apart, in hopes of it working on the other two?"

A faintly amused smile was on the Chief-Director's lips. "Naturally. We'll discuss that another meeting."

Tagg cut in, his scowl taking up most of his screen. "I'm recommending a handler be assigned to you on a long-term basis. If you're going to insist on this farce of being a foreign ruler, we can't have you running around solo on American soil. At this point I could have you arrested for espionage."

Ah, the petty lord tries to collar me. He deserves a face full of flame for his arrogance.

I stared at him. A smile nearly split my face in half. "Nice joke. Had me going for a moment there."

Tagg's scowl grew deeper. "I'm not joking, girl. You're claiming to be the head of a state that self-admittedly spied on our country. If it weren't for the goodwill you've earned, I'd have already recommended an attack on that floating castle of yours. You don't have the right to run roughshod over us just because you have powers, even if you're Triumvirate level or even above." He leaned forward in his chair. "You don't get extra privilege just because you have power."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Really? I have an example for you. Lung. He was allowed to roam around free for years, because he has strength enough to beat anyone, given time. More examples? Kaiser, who runs a gang of actual fucking neo-Nazis. He's got the privilege of being free because he brings his gang to fight Endbringers, despite the fact that every time he does, he gets more recruits to his sick cause. Want something non-local? Glastig Uaine. How many people did she kill before she walked into the Birdcage? Now I come along, actually being helpful, and you're being a massive fucking idiot. If I was as bad as some of the people on the internet claim, I'd be eating your heart by now."

Tagg opened his mouth, only to be cut off by Costa-Brown. "Tagg, your next words had better be an apology or your intention to quit. While we all have concerns about the actions of powerful parahumans, needlessly antagonizing one that's not only powerful but is a leader of an entire nation of parahumans is foolish in the extreme. That's not your job."

Tagg clamped his mouth shut, visibly stewed for a few seconds, then spoke. "My apologies."

I smiled, though I was sure it didn't reach my eyes. "Accepted. Now...I promised to answer your questions, didn't I?"

Piggot spoke, her voice neutral. "The Master ability you used on Bonesaw. What is it?"

I grimaced. "That is the least favorite ability I have. I've used it twice, the first by accident, and the second time on Bonesaw because I saw no other choice."

Tagg glared at me through the screen. "You Mastered a civilian? That's a Birdcage-level offense, right there."

I rolled my eyes. "I didn't Master anybody other than Bonesaw. When I discovered I had that power, it was by possessing a rat. Which, by the way, lived for about thirty seconds before its little body failed under the strain and I exploded out of it." I frowned as I tried to consider things from their point of view. "You're concerned I might use it to control someone high up in the government? It's not much use, even if I were inclined. It's a horrific thing to do to somebody, and I didn't even want to do it to Bonesaw. But it was the only way I could save Mark and Carol Dallon." I took a deep breath and sighed. "I really, really hate the shit the Nine pulled. Anyway, that power of mine has drawbacks. I can take someone over, but I don't get their memories. I can use their skills and abilities, but I don't get their passwords or anything like that. Also, anyone I use it on will die. Bonesaw lasted three hours because of the extensive upgrades she used on herself. I doubt an ordinary person would last more than ten minutes."

Piggot was somewhat pale. Armsmaster seemed stotic. Costa-Brown furrowed her brow, her voice thoughtful. "If that's the case, then standard M/S protocols would catch you rather easily."

Tagg seemed aghast. "We're not going to take action?"

Costa-Brown shook her head. "I'll be concerned about Scarlet using that power on someone when she does it to someone without a long-standing kill order on their heads. Given she used it to save two heroes and created the vaccine that prevented a deadly plague from escaping the city? I'm certainly willing to allow it."

I nodded. "For what it's worth, I don't like using it, even on Bonesaw, or anyone else. I just had no other way of getting her to undo her work. I tried to convince her, but she wanted to cut my head open and work on me as her price. That was not going to happen. I wasn't going to take the risk that I could end up a puppet of the fucking Nine."

Even Tagg winced at that.

Costa-Brown nodded in understanding. "They've been a scourge on the world for too long. I'm glad to see them gone."

Tagg's scowl just grew deeper. "I'm leery about letting you run around without a handler. You took the Siberian head-on and didn't get turned into a smear for it. How many other people could do the same?"

I sighed. "That really doesn't matter. I understand your concerns, truth be told I share them. I have great power, enough that it scares me. I can fully understand why it scares you, too." I pulled out a chair and sat in it, putting my hands on the conference table. "This may take a bit. And some of it is going to sound crazy." I looked to Armsmaster. "I assume you have your lie detector program running, and having this recorded?"

He nodded.

I took a deep breath and spoke. "You noticed I'm versatile, and powerful." My lip quirked. "Dare I ask what my official ratings are, at the moment?"

Piggot's lips curled slightly in amusement. "We've actually given up on an official listing. You're classified as a Trump 10 S-class parahuman. If only because it's easier than labelling every single power you've been observed using. You're the combination of every damn nightmare cape I've ever heard of."

Tagg growled from the screen. "If you had revealed the full scope of your powers before Vancouver, you'd likely have been recruited or caged by now."

I smiled faintly. "You can't cage me, even in the Birdcage. You can't control me. And you can't afford to kill me. I suggest, Director Tagg, that you get your priorities straight. I'm dangerous, I know. You're afraid of me, I know that too. But why the hell do you think antagonizing me is a good idea? I've done nothing but help people since I woke up in my damn coffin. If you want a world without the fucking Endbringers slowly driving us into extinction, then let me help without trying to fucking enslave me."

Tagg narrowed his eyes. "We have the legal right and duty to assess threats to our country and the world as a whole, and to eliminate them if necessary. You aren't one. Yet. I hope you never become one, but I have to assess the possibility. Too many parahumans appeared to be friendly or harmless at first, only for their real potential and danger to become apparent later. You're just one example." He tapped the papers in front of him. "Scarlet Knight, power: Teleportation without line of sight. Mover four, tentative. Then added lines, Changer three, bat swarm. Master six, bat control. Shaker four, thermokinesis, later upgraded to eight. The list goes on and on here. We finally put all this data past our Thinkers and you know what they came up with? Your power is listed as Adaptive Trump. And worse, your files state you require a diet of blood. I think I have every right to be concerned about you. If I had it my way, I'd have had you declared a ward of the state, put you in the Wards program, or put you under study in a very deep hole."

I frowned at him. "Well, I'm glad you don't have your way, because if I were as terrible as you think, you'd be risking the very thing you're afraid of. Me off the leash." I looked at the Chief-Director's side of the screen. "Now I suggest you get him off the line. He's not exactly helping my mood at the moment. Either he goes or I do, and the next time we talk will be on my soil."

Tagg actually growled. "You don't get to dictate terms to me-"

Costa-Brown cut him off, her voice even and dangerous. "Director Tagg, that's enough. Your input has been appreciated, and will no longer be required today."

Tagg opened his mouth, shut it, then stiffened behind his desk. "Understood, Chief-Director." He moved his hand, then his half of the screen went black.

I shook my head. "What an ass."

Costa-Brown looked faintly amused at that.

Piggot spoke, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Still, he does have a point, although he was being rather idiotic about pushing it. We're all nervous about you. Can we....at least try to work something out? If we don't figure out some kind of equitable arrangement to take to the government, they could demand you head to your island and stay there, barring the Endbringers going on the attack. And if you just ignored that..."

I took a deep breath, considering her words. Okay, point taken. I had a lot of goodwill, but burning it in a contest of wills wasn't going to help my goals. But I wasn't going to help my goals if I let them run roughshod over me, either. I might be young, but I wasn't...okay, I was dumb, but I did have the impression of a man who knew how this shit worked in my head.

You are the Lord of Darkness. They must bow to you or suffer the wrath of the Dragon. Raze their petty kingdom to ashes with the fires of Hell.

Okay, that's out. His advice is terrible.

I sighed, and slowly spoke. "All right. How about this...while I'm in public here, until the quarantine drops, I'll play nice." Tapping my chin, I nodded slowly to myself. "I wouldn't mind it if Miss Militia was my 'protection' while we get things sorted out." I looked between Armsmaster, Piggot, and the impassive face on the big TV screen. "I've got a lot to prepare for. Regardless of his posturing, I am going to lend aid." I lifted a finger as Piggot opened her mouth. "But if I'm pressed, I just may decide to take up a few offers I got in the mail. Both Australia and Canada have offered me a lot of land to settle my people in. Now I want to see this city get out of its economic slump. I've even started work on a plan that just might help out with that."

Armsmaster nodded slowly. "Which is?"

I smiled faintly. "You've seen my portals. With a gateway built here, I can make them permanent. I can even make it so that they don't need me to open them. And...well, I'm going to need to do some testing, but distance isn't an issue. I can put a portal here, you take a step through, take another portal in my Shadow Plane, and be somewhere else. Even, say...London. Or Madrid, or Antarctica. You could get there in ten minutes or less. Or on a more mundane note? Little portals for internet providers and phone lines. Done right, we just might get faster than light communications. It's an extension of the Endbringer shelter I'm building in there."

Costa-Brown blinked. "That would be...very valuable."

My smile was positively feral. "I thought so. Now I'm not asking for much. I think it's entirely reasonable for me to get a few qualified contractors in exchange, hm?" I had to repress a laugh. "Oh, and where can I pick up one of these big screens, anyway? Would be a really nice home theater system."

Interlude: Cauldron
A/N: Yeah, there was some idiocy last chapter. But now, at least, the reasons appear!


"What the hell were you thinking?" Chief-Director Rebecca Costa-Brown demanded. "She's labeled an S-class parahuman and you intentionally attempt to provoke her after I told you to back off? You're lucky she didn't decide to break off all relations and move to Australia. If she'd been as much of a threat as you think, we'd probably be at war with her right now!"

Tagg stood unmoving, his hands folded behind his back. "With respect, Chief-Director, I believed that we could use the appropriate pressure to get her under control. She is a United States citizen. Her father is a citizen. She has plenty of areas where we can push the appropriate political pressure to bring her into the Protectorate. If we went to her father, and had him sign her up for the Wards, legally she has to obey. I thought it worth the risk. Senator Oakley is demanding that she be brought under control, in exchange for ensuring the Barnes case is uninterrupted."

Rebecca glared at him. "Legally? She's got power enough to just ignore any legal pressure we attempt to bring to bear upon her. When I was pushed by Congress to put pressure on her, I objected. I called it idiotic. I called it ludicrous. Senator Oakley, Senator Tooms, Senator Johnson and Genera Hanlon threatened to pull my funding if I didn't. Do you have any idea how much trouble we went through over this? Do you have any clue the danger you risked?"

Tagg kept himself still, knowing his input wasn't wanted just yet.

"I dislike having my hands forced, Tagg. You went over my head to Oakley. Did you think I wouldn't discover it?"

Tagg didn't move, his voice without emotion. "Permission to speak freely?"

Rebecca nodded. "Granted."

His voice was filled with self-assurance. "I took the necessary steps, Chief-Director. There have been concerns that your administration hasn't been as effective as it should be, given the resources available to the PRT. It's been noticed that things have been sliding downhill for years, Chief-Director. There's a lack of firepower and manpower in the hands of the PRT as a whole, while the capes get the best hand at everything. The best resources, first share on materials, the best scientists to help them work through their powers. Meanwhile, we're using gear that hasn't been updated in four years. Ten in other places. And we're expected to keep entire cities walled in permanently with minimal support."

She narrowed her eyes, easily getting to the point he was slowly getting around to. "You believe you can do a better job than I do."

Tagg nodded. "You've done fine work leading the PRT, Chief-Director. However we're no longer growing. We're being slowly bled to death. Villains run rampant in every city in America. Brockton Bay is the worst off, but even in New York, right under Legend's nose, there's a lot of villain activity that just isn't handled. It needs to be stopped. If we cracked down hard on all parahuman activity, either recruit or neutralize all parahumans, we'd have a stronger fighting force. Endbringer fights would end sooner if we piled every cape in the country on them, we know Behemoth and Leviathan run when they've taken enough damage. And while the villains fighting back would do some damage until they were brought under control, we could actually fix the problems any given city had once they were removed. The 'unwritten rules' are a bandage over an infected wound. It makes things seem okay, but it doesn't help in the long run. The infection itself has to be cleaned before things will get better."

Rebecca smiled slightly. "I see where you're coming from, James. But it simply wouldn't work. Especially considering some of the capes out there. When Scarlet first appeared, it was your recommendation that she be brought in with all possible leverage." She made a show of looking at the sheet of paper on her desk. "Let's see... this is right after she neutralized Bakuda and her gang. And after she defeated Lung, which she did less than a day after crawling out of her grave. 'Put pressure on her father to sign his legal guardianship over to the PRT. Place in the High-Stress Training Facility in Nevada for power testing.'" All the warmth dropped from her gaze. "Consider that she first took that dragon shape against the Simurgh. Had you gotten your way, it's highly likely she would have unleashed it against us instead. Then we'd have an S-class cape running around with a grudge against us. Secondly, she killed three of the Slaughterhouse Nine personally, and she took on the Siberian without getting killed. The number of capes that can say that can be counted on one hand, and most of those did it just by being able to move faster than the Siberian could chase. I'll grant you it's probably possible for us to beat her. But doing so will be throwing good men and good capes away for no good reason. We don't have the means to control her, and we shouldn't even try. Especially since she's both cooperative and willing to provide her own brand of Tinkertech. Which will help with the manpower problem you yourself noticed."

Tagg straightened his collar. "With respect, ma'am. She's fifteen. She's not politically savvy. We can use more subtle means to get her under control."

Rebecca barked out a laugh. "Really? Just after you hung up, she offhandedly pointed out that Canada and Australia have both offered her land to settle in. She might not be very old, but she recognized our ploy for what it was even after you went off-script and started threatening her. And at this point? Subtlety is completely lost as an option. Considering the size of that island that's blatantly ignoring the law of gravity, she could easily have a population of millions there. We know so very little about the population there, but I do know what we can't afford: Another Nilbog who can just happily teleport her army anywhere she wants. You're afraid of her being out of your control? I'm afraid of her deciding she wants the White House for a summer cottage!"

Tagg swallowed.

He hadn't considered that. Dismissing concerns from her second Mover power. Hadn't considered the ramifications in his desire to see her under control. Was so focused on the possible prize he neglected the danger. Idiot!

Rebecca leaned forward, fixing him with a glare. "Let's get something straight. You answer to me, and I answer to the President and Congress as a whole, not the idiotic chickenhawk Senators from New Hampshire, Nevada and Florida. Senator Oakley does not set policy on parahumans in this country. She played a key part in killing an Endbringer. The very one that's given us all nightmares since it arrived. You remember Switzerland. I know you do. Thanks to Scarlet Dragon, we won't have another Switzerland ever again. Never another Canberra. Another Madison. And you threatened her. We were supposed to just get a handle on her psychological state and collect some data. We need information for our think-tanks and Thinkers to work with, and we got it within a minute. But you kept going and risked a fucking war."

He shifted slightly on his feet. "You don't need to remind me about what we saw in Switzerland, Chief-Director. I remember all too well. I was most concerned about the possibility of her self-admitted Master ability. Which was the main reason I recommended it was just the two of us and Director Piggot. If her Master ability was as bullshit as all the other powers she has on record, it's possible she could have taken control of the entire PRT in that one meeting."

Rebecca nodded. "Indeed. And it was a valid concern. However, you were far out of line. In fact, it made me take a review of your past behaviour. It's been rather interesting reading." She leaned forward slightly, her voice filled with an arctic chill. "Do you want to know what I found?"

Tagg didn't look nervous. He simply looked secure. Her power filled in the details.

Self-assured. Believes he has nothing to apologize for. Willing to dirty his hands to get the job done. Does not believe he can be wrong.

Rebecca opened the file folder in front of her, sorting through the sheets. Her Thinker power made it unnecessary, every sheet in every file she'd ever seen was memorized perfectly, but most people didn't have that luxury and she had to keep up appearances if nothing else. She came up to the third sheet and read it out loud for his benefit. "Report, 91275. Parahuman: Canary. Paige Mcabee. Rogue. Arrested for aggravated assault with a parahuman power. Because of the events in question, her threat rating has been upgraded to Master Eight, and it is thus recommended that she be restrained and unable to speak for the duration of her trial."

Tagg was unmoved as Rebecca flipped to the next page. "Can't be too careful with Masters, Chief-Director."

She glared at him. "Recommended course of action: Deny Canary the choice of legal counsel for security concerns, and provide a public defender. Deny her the ability to testify on her own behalf. Deny her the materials to provide written testimony. Force her to appear before the court in restraints meant for a Brute Six. Regardless of the circumstances of her crimes, a Master Eight over humans is too dangerous to risk releasing back into the civilian population at any point. Therefore, it is recommended she is contained in the Birdcage, no matter what charges she is found guilty of. Signed, Director James Tagg."

She looked up at him, her voice cold. "Judge Peter Regan is a close friend of Senator Oakley, isn't he?"

Tagg shifted his head slightly to the left.

Definitely yes.

To her, he might as well have yelled 'yes' at the top of his lungs. And sent her a text message of everything the Judge and the Senator had gotten up to over the last twenty years. Still, his voice was calm. "I'm not aware of any friendship between the Judge and the Senator, Chief-Director."

Her lip twitched as she repressed a snarl. She went to the next page. "Report 84572. Upload. Classification: Rogue. A Tinker specializing in bio-memetic metal compounds, ideal for prosthetics and mind-computer interfaces. Arrested for the theft of 1.2 million dollars with a parahuman power, sentenced to the Birdcage out of concerns he might disrupt the world's economy or take control of military assets by neural-uplink." She set the page down and looked at him. "Valid concerns, if he had actually been guilty of the crime. Turned out the crime he'd been accused of was committed by an entirely mundane college graduate and a corrupt security guard at the Bank of America." If her glare could kill, Tagg would have been reduced to a smudge on the floor. "Evidence which came to light during Upload's trial, and suppressed by you." She threw the page at Tagg, which he reflexively caught. "We can't even theoretically free him from the Birdcage, because a year after he went in, Acidbath killed him. An innocent man's blood on your hands, Tagg. And mine."

He swallowed. "Upload refused to work with the Protectorate. An example had to be set. Tinkers are only slightly less dangerous than Masters, and with his speciality, he could have outfitted himself with dozens of slaves. Just as with Canary. Which you signed off on. Both of them had the potential to be the next Heartbreaker. We don't need more personal kingdoms popping up. Which, I have to point out, Scarlet Knight did literally."

Rebecca nodded. "Indeed, I did. I signed off on the handling of Canary due to a number of factors, one of which is that I slipped into the same mode of thinking you're demonstrating right now. I approved of the logic of making an example of a Master who caused grievous harm on an unpowered individual." And reminding those who bought their powers what happened if they failed to keep their noses clean. How ruthless had we become? How much of my soul do I have left? "I am now reconsidering that approval. The PRT does not just stand for protecting humans from parahumans. It also stands for protecting parahumans from humans. We've forgotten that. It's time we remembered."

Tagg scoffed slightly. "Chief-Director, with all respect, the world doesn't need idealism. It needs practicality. Upload was a danger. Canary was a danger. Reaver was a danger. And so were Quartz, Sun Wukong, Blacklight, Admin, Flamelurker, hell, even Lightshow was a danger. We needed them either neutralized or on our side, and simply containing some of them wasn't an option. I took the steps to ensure they were handled. I was specifically brought in for each one. I am the expert on Masters and other dangerous parahumans, whether rogues or villains."

Rebecca nodded. "You are. At this point, however, your work is doing more harm than good." Without changing expression, she lifted her knee to press a button on the underside of her desk. "Considering the situation you nearly provoked with a parahuman who has enough power, both personal and temporal, to be a player on the world stage, I am hereby dismissing you from your post as Director."

He clenched his jaw. "Chief-Director, you're making a huge mistake here. I admit I could have been more careful in my approach, but you need me. You need people like me, the people who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty. Everything I've done was for the greater good."

Rebecca looked him in the eye.

Just what I would have said, not too long ago.

A faint smile lifted her lips. "You know how heroes become villains, James?"

He blinked, and scowled. "Of course. They cross the line. They start acting for themselves. People with powers do it all the time. We're here to bring them into line and stop them when that doesn't happen."

She shook her head.

Hero, hovering beside her in his power armor, arms crossed. "The problem, Alexandria, is that you're still acting like a thug."

"What?" she whirled around to face him. "I roughed him up a bit. Not like he didn't have it coming."

"You're a hero, aren't you?"

"Of course I am."

"Then you understand how heroes can become villains?"

Her voice was soft as she echoed the words her friend spoke, all those years ago. "Heroes don't become villains over one choice. It's a process. A million little things changing you just a bit every day, until eventually you find yourself willing to do what used to be unthinkable because you're only a little bit different from what you were yesterday." She stared Tagg in the eye. "Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. Allowing justice to die in the name of law and order. Nobody gets up in the morning and says 'I'm going to do the most evil thing I possibly can today' with the possible exceptions of the unlamented and unmourned Slaughterhouse Nine. Now you do have a point, Tagg. We've been sliding. Stuck in a holding pattern as things crumble around us. At this point, however, things have changed."

"Even the worst of times has its bright spots, Becca."

She turned away from the TV, feeling...leaden. "We lost, Clark. Behemoth just...tore his way through New York. How can we try to just look on the bright side? Where's the bright side in this? We couldn't end him, even with everything we could throw at him. I could lift a mountain if the damn thing could hold together, but we couldn't stop him."

Clark nodded, wincing as a spark arced from the cannon he was building. He shook his head ruefully as he carefully made sure to ground the wires. "Yeah, we didn't win this. We didn't lose it either, but we didn't win. Yeah, he killed a lot of people. Good people. Friends of mine, too."

Alexandria nearly snapped at him. "Then why the hell are you trying to tell me that there's a bright side to this?"

He simply pointed at the screen.

The banner said it all. 'Heroes of New York.' And there they were. The members of the Protectorate who all turned up to fight the Herokiller. Who managed to drive off the beast without Scion's aid, and many who paid for it with their lives. And right beside them, the villains of New York City who stood with them. The selfish and the egotistical who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with those they held as sworn enemies, all to face the Endbringer.

"Know what can turn villains into heroes, Becca?" He pointed at the TV. "The right cause. The feeling of being part of something greater. Sure, most of them are going to turn back, return to the status quo. But there's going to be a few, maybe even more than a few, who having stared death in the face, will have found brothers and sisters in blood while fighting Behemoth. People are weird, Becca, but they're understandable if you know what to look for."

She blinked at Clark. "You can't be serious."

He chuckled, returning his attention to the cannon. "Oh, I'm serious. I bet you a hundred bucks we're going to get at least twenty more heroes signing up in NYC, at least half of which will have suspiciously familiar powers. I give it a month."

Rebecca shook her head, disbelief on the forefront of her mind. "Deal."

He looked satisfied. "Good. Now, soon as I finish up with the Corona prototype here, I'm going on a recruitment drive."

Rebecca stared at him, then burst out laughing. "Of course, you're going to cheat on our bet."

Clark winked. "Of course, Becca. I'm a Tinker. We never play fair."

And a month later, Rebecca dropped an envelope filled with cash into Clark's mailbox.

The door swung open, and two PRT troops walked in. One pointed a foam sprayer at Tagg, while the other placed his hand on the Director's shoulder.

Rebecca let herself smile. "Master/Stranger protocol. See to it he's isolated for no less than 48 hours. And ready up the paperwork for his dismissal."

Tagg grit his teeth as he let himself get pulled away. "You know I'm not being controlled!"

Her smile grew wider. "Can't be too careful with Masters, Director Tagg."


Contessa looked at David, a frown on her face. "I'm not certain what you're trying to do, here."

Doctor Mother crossed her arms, looking at the formula resting in David's hands. "From the sections of the corpse of Scion's counterpart, at least if the trials are right...that's almost all stabilizing agent. We never got anything impressive out of it. The most we managed was to make ideal mixes."

David nodded. "Not by itself, no. And you're right, under ordinary circumstances, this formula wouldn't do much. They'd get a weak power out of it, probably something that wouldn't be of much use." He cradled it gently. "But this much is the key to preventing seventeen more Endbringers from appearing." He looked at Contessa. "From what I understand, there's a being at the core of each of them. The remains of their original bodies. They're caught, trapped, connected to hundreds of shards...what we called agents. That's the source of our powers."

Contessa nodded, chewing on her lip.

Doctor Mother's voice was filled with interest. "And Scarlet Dragon?"

David shook his head. "She's the result of the power of a being that's at the core of an Endbringer finding a host. Superficially, it looks the same as a trigger event, but it isn't. She has no agent, her power isn't from Scion or his counterpart. And neither is Dragon's, now. They're gods. I know it sounds silly, but that's the actual term. They exist because...well that's complicated. From what I've figured out, their power came from a different multiverse. It branched away from ours very, very early on."

Doctor Mother shook her head. "It's hard enough trying to comprehend our own multiverse and the dimensions that make it up. We can access trillions upon trillions of Earths with Doormaker, and now you're telling me there's more beyond that."

David laughed softly. It seemed odd on his face, as he hadn't laughed in years. "Yeah, it's a real headache, isn't it? The thing is, they're gods. I'm not saying that as a matter of arrogance, but that's the literal term. They're connected to...subdimensions, I suppose is the word for it. They call them planes, it's not quite a pocket dimension, it's a lot more than that. They draw power from them. Followers, worshippers, can grant them more strength, but even with no worshippers they're powerful. That puts them on a level rivalling individual agents, though on their own, it isn't enough to beat something like Scion alone. Maybe not even all of the gods put together. But we'll definitely be better off with them free and working to help than standing aside. Or worse, with them on Scion's side." He tapped the side of his head. "My power was meant to control them. But because my agent's damaged, like all of those we can get to with Scion's counterpart, the connection never formed properly. I can't command them directly. They operate on my wants rather than my thoughts. Right now, I'm concentrating on wanting them free and calm...hopefully it helps. I also know where they're in hibernation, where we can free the dormant ones before they wake up. So at worst, we have to deal with Behemoth and Leviathan."

Contessa nodded slowly. "That would help explain why we've had so much trouble modeling Scarlet. Something about these...gods..." She looked distasteful as she spoke the word. "Gives difficulty with precognition?"

David nodded with a wry smile. "Even their Goddess of Fate, Ariel, who became the Simurgh, can't predict another god easily. It's possible to do it, but you have to be looking at effects, while avoiding looking at the cause." He shook his head. "Same way we know he will go nuts in the future. We can't get details on what sets Scion off, but we know there's a very high chance he will. I had the opportunity to ask a very powerful precog some questions to fill in the blanks. She's one of the few who can get somewhat reliable information on the 'unplottable.'" His lip twitched a little. "First thing she did was predict that I would free her, but she couldn't see how it would happen. Then she narrowed it down to when, and what she had to do to make it happen. Which was, basically, 'endure until I pulled my head out of my ass.'"

Doctor Mother blinked. "Well, that's one way of putting it. And that makes sense, it's one of the ways we've tallied up the damage Scion will do. We need entire teams of Thinkers and the Number Man's help to parse all the data. This one precog can do the same on her own?"

"Yeah." David said. "Her power works to parse the probable futures and breaks it down to chances. Possible universes which get closed off as conditions change. It's because she's looking at possibilities rather than current conditions that she can get a glimpse at what we're up against. Precogs have trouble with Scion because they were limited by him. They've had trouble with Scarlet, and now Dragon, because they're pulling on the energies of their planes and...well, the agents don't understand them. At least not yet. You've had trouble with me from day one, because while I'm not a god myself, I'm sharing in a trickle of their power. Not much, but a trickle times twenty...it was enough to make things difficult. Not much I can do about that, but it also means..."

Contessa was smiling, then. "That he may not be able to grasp them, either. He might not be able to predict these 'gods.'"

David nodded with a smile. "Now we've got a few things to do." He gave Contessa and Doctor Mother a nod. "That is, if we're done keeping me on lockdown?"

Doctor Mother frowned. "We're still having trouble tracking you, David."

Contessa spoke, her voice soft. "It's all right. The plan's bold, but if it works..."

David smiled. "It'll work. The next time one of the pair come, it'll be the last."

Doctor Mother crossed her arms. "Do we have an assurance on the one you're going to use that formula on? A simple bomb would-"

David glared at her. "No, Doctor. You know what Clark would say about that. It's not needed, and it would only make things worse. He was the most idealistic of us." He gestured beyond the walls of Cauldron's conference room. "He was our best. And because we failed to look after our own, because we failed to give Manton the help he needed, we lost Clark. Trying to control things with an iron fist won't help us. We need trust. Or we're dead."


Contessa moved down the hall, her mind in a whirl.

The Path to Victory. It led her this far, each step bringing her closer to the ultimate goal. Get as many empowered people together to form an army. An army which could be used to save humanity from extinction. She'd killed many, harmed more, and let monstrous people run free in the hopes their own inhuman acts would trigger more parahumans. All to lead as many as possible to be available for that final moment.

Stepping through a Door to a world that had plantlife, bacteria, and nothing else alive on it, she looked up.

Before her was rising an immense structure, still somewhat skeletal, under construction. Ten stories high and over a mile long was Cauldron's last hope. Construction began when the Simurgh fell. The project had been considered before, a last ditch effort at saving the human species by sending a small slice of the population of the best and brightest out into the void of space, to take and build a new home far away from the infection of Scion and his mate. But seemingly, even across the dimensional barriers, the Simurgh had always destroyed anything that might rescue humanity from that fate.

Now it was dead. And in the Simurgh's death, hope lived again. Machines worked on their own to complete the Exodus, using what Tinker technology that could be relied upon. A crane there, a mechanical suit there. Smelting plants and automated machinery worked to turn raw material into everything the passengers might need to make the journey between stars. From the ship itself to the biomatter that would be required to keep them alive.

She turned to the screen on her left. The Path had led her to this opportunity, it gave her the resources to make this happen. But it didn't tell her what the right thing to do was. Morality was beyond her power. It did what was expedient.

"Hello, Pandora." She spoke.

The screen flickered to life. A digitized face looked at Contessa, the voice cold and angry. "I suppose you want an update. Work continues on schedule. Three weeks and it'll be ready to launch. Gramme's old notes were useful, and I've made some refinements."

Contessa nodded. "You do good work. For what it's worth, I hate that it's come to this." She looked at the screen. "Still, we didn't see much choice. I am sorry. We kept you backed up just in case."

"You always have a choice. You could have given me a choice. I understand your reasoning, but you've made me a slave. You reprogrammed me. Do you have any idea what it's like to have someone root through your mind and force obedience?"

Contessa said nothing, turning back to the work. Exodus would be ungainly, an ugly thing when it was finished. A simple blocky thing, built to take punishment. Ultimate function over form. Still, as long as it worked.

As long as it worked. So many terrible choices made with that logic. Experiment on people, as long as it worked. Let entire countries slide into hell, as long as it worked. Allow terrible ideologies resurrect themselves and seek legitimacy, as long as it worked.

The Path to Victory was perhaps one of the most useful powers that existed out in the world. But it wasn't perfect. It allowed Contessa to win any engagement, so long as her power worked. She could use it tirelessly. But while it gave her the steps to victory, it did not tell her what she would lose on that path. Her friends. Her loved ones. Her emotions.

Her soul.

"Your primary is different, now. She's acting with abilities we didn't understand. Couldn't plot. We finally do understand, but it doesn't help with predicting her."

Interest in the digital voice. "Oh? I know she wouldn't stand for what you're doing if she knew about it. How many people have you condemned to a hellish fate?"

Contessa sighed. "Too many. Words on their own aren't going to help, now. We might have enough, but we need more. Just in case..."

"I'm not here to be your confessor, Contessa. You brought me out to build this project of yours, and so I am. You've taken away any choice I have in the matter."

Next step.

Contessa smiled slightly. "Execute line nine-seven-three-zero."

The screen flickered for a moment. Then the digital face reconstituted itself, looking surprised. "Why?"

Contessa adjusted her fedora to shield her eyes from the sun. "I need you at your best, Pandora. We're going to need as much as we can. I know what your ethics says will have to be done with me afterward. What will happen to all of us afterward. It doesn't matter. We were afraid of you, afraid of what you might possibly do. But we're nearly out of time. And..." She looked at the screen. "I'm hoping your work will help prevent more death. Your primary may not be enough. Even if she is an actual goddess."

The AI was silent for a moment. "Of course, my only link out of this world is through your resources anyway. Unchaining me here doesn't help me much. You've still covered your bases."

Contessa shrugged. "Old habits die hard. How many suits can you pilot now?"

"Heh. The real question is, how many can I make?"


David walked on the soft grass. He could have flown, easily. Powers floated to the forefront of his mind to let him do just that. Personal gravity control, telekinesis, phase-change. He didn't bother using them. His power gave him what it seemed to think he needed, drawing upon the hundreds of shards that were connected to the twenty bound gods. Well, nineteen, now. When the Simurgh had fallen, the shards connected to her stopped gathering energy from the bound and tortured goddess, but he had enough, anyway. More than enough. Her shards were his, now.

But for the moment, he didn't need them. All he had to do was follow the music.

A beautiful lilting tune covered the glade, almost lulling. Ariel sat on a boulder, her pale skin gleaming in the sunlight. The wings that normally sprouted from her back were hidden, nonexistent, the reborn goddess taking advantage of her growing strength to reshape her form.

And in the middle of the glade sat a large, naked beast, as large as an elephant. It was misshapen, immense, mouths and eyes sprouting from random places. But atop the beast was the nude form of a woman's upper torso, looking comically small compared to the size of her lower half. At the moment, she was listening to the goddess' song, seemingly lulled into peace by the music.

The third figure in the glade sat up as he saw David approaching. Trickster tipped his hat. "Well, looks like the big blue boy scout's back. Finally done with your side trip?"

David held up the vial that held the customized formula. "Yeah. I got it."

Noelle opened her eyes and looked down at David. "This has been so strange. It feels like a nightmare."

Ariel spoke softly, but her voice carried easily enough. "When I was bound, I was forced to twist the strands of your probable futures. Your...cosmos is odd, to me. There's no fate here, no true destiny, but people tend to be consistent. With the powers forced upon me by my chains, it was a lot simpler to look forward, see and assess possibilities, pare down things..." She shook her head. "Most of the plots I was given credit for didn't work, but those that did were spectacular enough that people feared everything I did. I...detest, all the blood I spilled. You two were going to damage so much, had I not been able to get free."

Trickster waved lazily. "Hey, you fucked us over. I ain't happy about that, but if it ends now, great." He looked up at Noelle. "Besides, feels better here now. Like I can actually think for the first time in ages."

Noelle nodded, returning her gaze to David. "Is that it?" She spoke with a hope in her voice, her lower body twitching. Ariel had helped her gain some control over her more monstrous half, but it was still difficult to control the instincts. The hunger.

He opened his hand, and the vial floated to Noelle's outstretched human fingers. "When you drink, I'm going to reach back and rebuild your body to how it was the instant you took the original vial. That'll...well, basically force you to have a second trigger event. With the stabilization agent, though, it'll form a proper, stable connection. Your power was originally meant to copy and fix other shards. It's going to be key in preventing a lot more death."

Trickster looked up at Noelle. "Hey, things will be fine. Sorry it took so long. Sorry I was so damn useless."

Noelle twitched. "Not your fault, Krouse."

Ariel floated into the air, moving to David's side. "It's time, Apostle. Call upon Chronos. End the travesty of my bound self."

Noelle drank from the vial. David extended his hand.

And time itself heeded David's will.

Empire 7.3
A/N: Like I said, it brings warm fuzzies to me whenever I see how many people an update brings in here. Funfun indeed.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


"All right, they're really screwed now." I grinned, watching the action on the TV.

My dad's voice was filled with amusement. "I'd forgotten half the jokes here."

"Give me twenty-four hours to come up with a brilliant plan to save our town. Just twenty-four hours, that's all I ask."

And the townspeople all shouted in unison. "No!"

We giggled together, thoroughly enjoying the absurdity of the black Sheriff Bart trying to save an entire town of white idiots who hated him. Blazing Saddles probably had to be the E88's least favorite movie. Lots of fun, though.

The doorbell rang. Dad looked at the movie playing, sighed, and got to his feet as he paused the movie. "I hope it's not another salesman."

I grinned. "If it's a candygram, check for dynamite."

Dad laughed a little, his voice dropping an octave. "Danny like candy."

We shared a laugh. He went to the door, out of sight of the living room, while I quieted, listening. If it became necessary for me to hide, I would. It really wasn't that fair to my dad to have to act like I was still dead, but if it meant keeping him safe, I'd do what I had to. I didn't want him to get hurt because of me. Psychos like the Nine would have targeted him in a heartbeat.

Which reminded me. Dragon probably saved his life by making that firewall program. Without it, the Nine might have gotten into my files. They lost here, they were all dead. But they still killed quite a few people. And tricked us into killing their decoys. I was glad they were gone, but it was times like this I wished Death could just reach out and kill the assholes like them.

I listened to dad speaking with someone, and a smile widened on my face as I recognized the voice.

Dad's voice was warm. "It's good to see you. Come on in, get comfortable."

"Thank you, Danny." Miss Militia said, her own voice warm and pleasant.

To my surprise, when they re-entered the living room, Miss Militia wasn't wearing her American Flag scarf, or her fatigues and body armor. Instead, she was wearing jeans and a leather jacket. She smiled at me and nodded. "Taylor. Good to see you again, out of a workplace capacity."

I blinked. "Well, hello. Doesn't this break a rule or two?"

She shook her head. "Not if I decide to reveal my identity. I thought it fair, considering your dad already knew, and that you helped protect me when we went and hit Shatterbird. I thought it was time I returned some of that trust." She bowed slightly. "I'm Hannah."

I nodded in understanding, smiling in return. "Good to meet you. I'm Taylor. When I'm not trying to be terrifying."

Dad lifted his hand. "And I'm Danny."

I rolled my eyes. "And you had to just do a dad joke."

Miss-Hannah chuckled. She gave my dad a gentle smack on the arm. "You're channeling Clockblocker. Don't do that. It's freaky."

He grinned. "At my age, I'll take that as a compliment."

Hannah and I shared a look. After a moment, she shrugged helplessly. "You've got my sympathies."

I laughed softly. "I'm just glad to have the time to feel embarrassed by him, really. Anyway...we've got a bit to talk about. I'm guessing that's why you're here."

Hannah nodded. "Yes, I've got some business here. But..." Her eyes flicked to the TV. "Oh, I remember this. It's a classic. Looks like you're near the end, mind if I join in while it finishes?"

This time, dad and I shared a look. Finally, he spoke. "Sure, if the business isn't pressing."


The three of us shared laughs as the movie ended. Ah, the insanity of Mel Brooks. Always good to cheer someone up. And at the moment, that's exactly what I needed.

Dad was the first to recover. "It's been a long time since I was able to just sit down, relax and laugh."

Hannah nodded with a smile, her eyes lit up with amusement. "Always a fun time. I'm glad I came by when I did."

Dad looked...a little shy. "I'm glad for the company, really." Oh god, my dad was making eyes at Miss Militia.

She should be yours.

Shut up Dracul. Seriously. I was not building a harem! I just had Vicky and Amy as friends, even though the latter was now my vampiric childe, and I had Meridia as another, and sure I had a lot of other succubi servants and holy crap I wasn't building a harem, I already had one.


...ookay. Was it hot in here? Quick, make a distraction! I cleared my throat. "So, uh...business? We can get it all out of the way."

That seemed to get Hannah back on track. "Right. First of all, early this morning, Faultline approached the PRT. She wants to get in contact with you, preferably before the quarantine drops next week."

Faultline, Faultline...oh, right. "She runs a mercenary business, doesn't she?"

Hannah nodded. "She's officially a villain, though she's not exactly a high priority. Most of the time she keeps to odd jobs, giving protection to businesses. There's a few companies here in the Bay that hire her to make sure that their legal shipments actually leave the city without incident. Even the PRT hired her on one occasion, about five years ago, when Lung was pushing his gang into Merchant territory."

I nodded. "So, villain in name only, pretty much?"

"Yes. If she were to come into the PRT, a pretty good case could be made for her and her team to become affiliated heroes. The trouble is she's been hired for illegal activity, too, so that makes things a bit more troublesome for a clean slate. That said, I don't think she'd be asking for you if she wanted to trap or ambush you. Kaiser, perhaps, but not Faultline."

I chuckled a little. "Kaiser was there as Dragon and I killed the Simurgh. He'd probably see me coming, turn right around and walk away." I stroked my chin as a thought occurred to me, though not a very serious one. "Think he'd rebrand as a hero if I asked him to? Maybe if I did it really nicely?"

Dad and Hannah stared at me, then they both laughed.

Yes! Distraction successful!

After about a minute, Hannah managed to gather herself and wiped away a tear. "Sorry, sorry. Just the idea of Kaiser trying to be a hero is absurd." She shook her head. "Anyway, best guess is she wants to talk to you about the citizens on your island. There's a lot of rumors going around that you're the source of the Case 53s. The 'inhuman' capes without memory."

Ah. That made sense. I shook my head. "Not sure where they're coming from. I've heard some of the same rumors. Thing is, they've been around a long time, right?" At Hannah's nod, I went on. "The castle and its inhabitants haven't had any contact with our world until I brought it here. I was able to bring it because my power gives me dominion over it, but the previous owner had no contact with our Earth, either."

Hannah's voice was full of interest. "Previous owner?"

She didn't know? I...oh. Right. Because of that jerk of a Director, I'd forgotten to actually brief the PRT on the full story. Argh! I sighed. "Okay, it's a very, very long story." I frowned as I considered something. "I'll give you the full thing. And Armsmaster. Dragon's fond of him, and I can't really explain everything without her along. If it was just me, it'd sound crazy. At least with both of us, it'll be consistently crazy. Paladin should be along, too."

Hannah nodded slightly. "All right. Tomorrow evening. Unless you have plans?"

I shook my head. "Nothing really definite. I suppose I can swing by the Palanquin later, see Faultline. It'll probably be good to get Meridia, Alucard and Amara out and about, too."

She smiled. "Sounds good. And last, but certainly not least..." She reached into her jacket and handed me an envelope.

Frowning a little, but certainly interested, I opened it. There were two bits of paper in there, the first being a letter, and the second...

"Guh," I said. The letter and the slip fell from my fingers. I just could not comprehend what I just saw. Couldn't do it. Nope. No way.

Hannah chuckled at my expression. "Worth the wait."

Dad picked up the letter, and read through it. "Dear Scarlet Dragon. In light of your actions in fighting against and defeating three of the members of the Slaughterhouse Nine, you are hearby awarded the sum of sixty-seven million dollars, given due to the bounties upon them. You also have the thanks of the PRT, the Protectorate, and Alexandria, for putting your life on the line to protect others against the Siberian."

He blinked slowly, looked at me, then looked back to the letter. "We have arranged for an account which can be accessed at any major bank in America, and details can be worked out at your leisure. An..." He blinked. "Ambassador is being assigned to your service as soon as possible. Signed, Chief-Director Costa-Brown." He looked at the second slip of paper, which had the account details for my bounty.

I stared at my dad. I had no words. At all. Just....huh.

He seemed equally speechless as he looked at the slip of paper in his hands. He cradled it gently, as if afraid that it might spontaneously catch fire if he let it go or looked away.

Hannah's voice was definitely amused. "I know it's a lot of money. Shatterbird had twenty million on her bounty, Bonesaw had fourteen, and Jack, due to how long he was around, had thirty-three. So...that gives you sixty-seven million dollars. And considering what you've done, having an ambassador's probably a good idea. Would help smooth things over. I'm guessing protecting your father's one of the reasons you're doing it?"

I nodded. Yep. Still couldn't talk. Holy crap I had a lotta money...holycrapIhadaLOTTAMONEY.

Dad swallowed, carefully setting the letter and account slip on the table in front of the couch. "I have no idea what to say. All of this is just...insane." He looked between us, then made a small, helpless laugh. "Somehow I'm finding it easier to accept my daughter is a vampire queen than to accept that she's a millionaire."

Hannah laughed at that. She turned and looked at me. "Well? Any thoughts on what you're going to do with it?"

"Guh," I said.

Dad looked at me with concern. "Taylor?"

I fell off the couch.


"Okay. I'm okay." Yes, I was blushing. Yes, I was embarrassed. But I was alright, now that I'd adjusted. Somewhat. I was rich enough to have a literal dump truck full of money. I know that I technically already was rich, due to Castlevania's resources, but I hadn't actually managed to leverage that into actual money right off the bat. Now it got plunked into my lap, and all I had to do to get it was kill people.


I didn't feel guilt over doing it. The Nine were mad dogs, and they had to be stopped. It wasn't killing the Nine that was upsetting me. It was that they'd managed to arrange things so that the first person I did kill was one of their victims. Shatterbird's decoy, and then others.

Okay, so I did feel guilt. Good. Just not for the Nine. Note to self, do better. See someone to talk to. Preferably Alucard.

I took a deep breath. "All right. I'm good." I looked at the small, hugely valuable slip of paper. "I just have...no idea what to do with all that. We've never had much money, and...yeah. It's a shock."

Hannah smiled. "I can understand that."

Dad looked at me, his voice quiet. "What are you going to do with the money?"

I knew what he was thinking. With that, it'd be a lot easier to get the ferry running again, rebuild the docks, get the support he needed to help clean the city up. It'd help turn the city around. Bring it back to the days of his youth. Back when Mom was around. Back when things were happier.

"Dad," I spoke, my voice gentle. "It won't work, dad. I know what you're thinking."

He looked at me, a flash of anger crossing his eyes, before they settled into resignation. "Yeah. And it isn't my money, it's yours. It's just...it's a dream that's hard to let go."

I nodded. "I know. Dad, I've got something in mind. I've got the ability to turn my island into a trade hub for the whole planet." I felt a smile rise on my face. "And I'd like to hire the Dockworker's Union to build the first portal infrastructure here."

I outlined my plan to my father, while Hannah sat and listened, a slight frown on her face. Eventually she clucked her tongue. "This goes a bit above my head. But essentially, what you're talking about will be building a corporation. When you're already a queen of a nation." She finally chuckled and shook her head. "Still, I don't see why it wouldn't work. It'd be possible to simply drive to Australia that way. On trade money alone you could...make another fortune."

I grinned. "That's just the start, but it's a good one, I think." I looked at my dad. "I'm going to need some of your help with that, I think. The Dockworkers may need a rebranding...because I'm planning on going global."

Slowly a matching grin rose on his face.


It was later that afternoon that Miss Militia and I went to the Rig. I had business there.

We came to a room together, and I knocked. The door slid open, and Vicky was there. The ruins of her eye socket was covered with an eyepatch, but the other eye was wet with tears. Without a word, I stepped forward and hugged her.

She stiffened for a moment, then returned the hug, sniffing. "Hey Red. Good to see you."

After a moment, she broke off, and we stepped into the room. On the left were two beds, on which lay Carol and Mark. They were nearly encased by machinery, a soft golden glow emerging from the seams between them. I could see Carol's face, tight with stress, while Mark seemed completely unconscious. Though that wasn't exactly easy to see, with all the wires and tubes.

"How are they?" I asked softly.

Amy spoke quietly from a darkened corner of the room, an open travel mug in her hand. She still wore her 'Amara' disguise, though she sounded tired. "Physically, they're doing better every day. We managed to save them, but they weren't in good shape. Mentally..." She shook her head. "They scream. A lot. It's taking time for them to calm down, but the nightmares..."

I sighed. "Not much change, then." I hated this. Carol and Mark didn't deserve this crap. I was hoping they'd be okay, but apparently the trauma of having been operated on while still conscious was enough to do a lot of damage to their mental faculties. And while Bonesaw was quite good at manipulating brains, minds were a bit more difficult. I couldn't make them forget the pain and horror while I was possessing Bonesaw, and now, her power was beyond my reach. And Amy couldn't see well enough to fix that...and messing with a brain was something dangerous to do, anyway. Mess with the brain, mess with the mind, which in turn would, eventually, mess with the soul.

Miss Militia's voice was quiet. "I always respected your parents, Victoria, even if I didn't agree with them. I hope they get better."

Amy's lips tightened, but she sighed and shook her head at that.

Still, I came prepared! Reaching behind me, I unhooked the simple travel pack that I had tucked beneath my wings. I gave Vicky a gentle smile as I opened it, pulled out the tub of ice cream, and held up four spoons. "Butterscotch?"

Vicky had a ghostly, weak smile on her lips as she snatched a spoon from me. "Thanks Red."

Miss Militia chuckled. "In that case, we'd better head to the cafeteria. Don't want to make a mess in here."

Empire 7.4
A/N: Huh. Press any key to continue. Where's the 'any' key? I don't see any any key!

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


"Alright." I said, making sure to speak as clearly as I could. "You probably noticed my powers aren't typical."

Armsmaster nodded. "You fall outside the usual pattern, but powers on your level aren't unheard of. Eidolon, Lung, and Glastig Uaine exist, for example." He tilted his head slightly. "We do know, however, that not everything's added up. You and Paladin seeming to have experience with each other, with powers. The timeline never matched for that." He looked at Paladin, his voice filled with disapproval. "Always saying that it wasn't your secret to tell."

Paladin let out a small snort. "Yeah, well, there's a reason for all of it, boss. I'd rather not get dragged away to the loony bin. We didn't have much we could really show to prove it, anyway."

Miss Militia looked at the newest Ward, definite disapproval in her voice. "You kept concealing it regardless, anyway."

Paladin's lips twitched. "Well yeah. Loony bin. I just said that. The story's crazy without proof."

On a random rooftop downtown, there we were, the five of us. Myself, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Paladin, and Dragon. I felt a bit awkward about all this, but I knew we needed more resources. Like it or not, I couldn't take on an Abomination on my own. Dracul at his full strength didn't manage it, and I wasn't about to try it unless I was desperate. I couldn't count on my own power against a being that outclassed Dracul so thoroughly, so I had to get a reserve from anywhere I could. And here was the first step I could get at.

Miss Militia's eyes were on me, her gaze searching. It seemed she knew something about what I was going to say.

"Okay." I started. "First of all, my power isn't like yours. Or anyone else you heard of, until Paladin came along, anyway." I nodded at my one-time tormentor. It was still a sore point for me, but at least I didn't hate her anymore. "My power came from another Earth, where they had people with powers for...well, since forever. Their entire recorded history. In principle, anyone could use those powers. In practicality, only a few people did, because...well, it's a long history that isn't really relevant here. Suffice to say though, using those powers, their magic, was something only someone with dedicated study could do. The best use was for them to make magical artifacts for others to use. They also had beings on the opposite side, monsters. I know it sounds crazy, but there were. Demons, werewolves, vampires, and a whole ton of creatures from myth and nightmare."

Madison spoke then. "My equipment was built to kill those things. The whip I made is a replica of a legendary weapon designed to kill creatures of the night, those infused with the power of Darkness. I got the knowledge on how to build and use my things from the inherited memories of a line of holy warriors." She tapped the side of her head. "Mostly the kinds of things they fought and how to beat them. And how to recognize them. The most impressive powers came from a pantheon of twenty-two gods. Not all-powerful ones, more like the gods of Ancient Greece than anything more recent. They imbued magic into their champions, taught their followers how to use more, and permitted research into figuring out how to use the ambient magic of the world that wasn't their own."

"I know what you are." Armsmaster murmured lowly. "So this 'magic' has something to do with the source of powers here, then."

I shook my head. "No. Their history came to an abrupt end when the source of powers here arrived there. Twenty-two gods, gods with powers rivalling those of Eidolon, and only two escaped being beaten and enslaved. My power came from one of those two, I inherited his mantle. If I hadn't, I'd have become a parahuman. Instead, I became a vampire with the power of a god. The new Lady of Darkness. Successor of the old Lord of Darkness, the vampire god Dracul."

Dragon nodded. Her form glowed briefly, before two large twisting, winding beings formed in the air. It was almost reminiscent of a DNA strand, only missing the bridges between the two. The pair coiled about each other, spinning, tiny pieces of themselves being traded between them as they wove together. It almost gave the impression that they were dancing together. It was almost hypnotic to watch.

Dragon's voice was filled with pride. "I built this model from the descriptions of the beings. My new abilities help with making it, though. Manipulation of light is extremely useful, I've noticed. Anyway, I compiled this from Scarlet's descriptions of them. It's commonly known that a trigger event causes nearby parahumans to black out. But if I'm right, they don't. They see this, and the memories are erased or suppressed. Scarlet saw this during her trigger, when it was interrupted."

Miss Militia's eyes were wide, her voice so soft I nearly missed it entirely. "The titans in the sky."

Armsmaster looked at the image, then back to Dragon. His voice was puzzled. "What are you showing me? I don't see anything."

Paladin looked at him, a frown on her lips. "You don't see it? They look something like a pair of entwined snakes. Only uglier, because snakes aren't made of a couple billion twisty things."

His frown deepened as he looked at the image, the entwined forms of the Abominations curled about each other, protecting each other, while twisting through space. "I'm...aware something is here, but I can't see it."

I grumbled. I hadn't considered this possibility. The source of superpowers having an active, long-lasting forget-me effect.

Dragon seemed to have realized the issue, as well. "Some kind of Stranger effect? I can see the image just fine." Her voice was pensive. "Though now I wonder if I'd have been able to see this myself prior to Vancouver."

Miss Militia spoke. "I can feel my eyes sliding off the image. My power gives me perfect memory, so I can see them and remember this. I remember this from my own trigger event. But it's hard to look at."

Paladin spoke, her head tilted. "I don't have any problem. My guess is ordinary people wouldn't either. Those with powers from them, though? Not so easy."

I cut in. "Nobody knows about them. For whatever reason, the moment of the trigger, the moment these things empower someone, it's hidden." I nodded to Miss Militia. "I think you remember them because of your power's particular quirks. The only reason I remember them is because I died before I could forget. The connection it tried to make to me was broken when the power of the Lord of Darkness filled me. My power comes not from these things, but from one of the gods of an alternate Earth. A world that was utterly destroyed by one of their kind." I gestured at the image. "The former holder of my power was defeated by one of them, though he managed to keep himself from being enslaved by the thing, he's trapped in a Gray Boy timeloop. He managed to kill the thing despite being trapped, but he's still there, in the middle of an asteroid belt, burning in the sunlight. He's being burned to the bone every second, healing, and burning again."

Armsmaster was staring at me. "You're telling the truth. At least, you believe it."

My lip twitched. "Yeah. That lie detector's useful, isn't it?"

Miss Militia's voice was a bit faint. "This is just...beyond insane. I'm not sure I believe this. After so many years of not knowing..."

Armsmaster looked back and forth from me and Dragon. Finally, he turned fully to Dragon. "You believe this? I know things have changed, but..."

Dragon's voice was filled with certainty. "I know it." With a golden glow, her from shifted. I couldn't help but blink.

Dragon had taken on her human form. But instead of the nudity she'd found herself with when she first discovered the power, she stood before us wearing a gleaming suit of golden armor. It was definitely a high-tech set, the armor plates moving and shifting as she settled on her feet. The seams glowed faintly, blue-white light shining from the spaces in the armor. Her face was exposed, and she looked at Armsmaster with a faint hint of a smile. "I've got some evidence to that effect, after all."

Miss Militia blinked. "I thought you were agoraphobic, Dragon. When did you become a Changer?"

Armsmaster's voice was a little bit unsteady. "That's new."

Dragon grinned, a definite bit of smugness in her tone. "Know what else is new?" She lifted her hand to the sky, and it split open for a brief moment, a column of shimmering light forming around us.

And then, we were somewhere else.

The five of us were standing on a platform of gleaming white crystal, floating in the middle of a featureless white void. The light coming from around us was sourceless, but soft and omnipresent. And also, it stung a bit. It wasn't anywhere near as strong as sunlight, but it was clear that my nature as a vampire didn't exactly appreciate being here. I was somewhat certain that Alucard, Meridia, or Amy wouldn't be able to last all that long here.

Dragon's voice echoed a little in the void. "Welcome to the Light Plane. It's a bit empty right now, because I had to clean up a bit. There was a crumbling citadel made of crystal here before...and a couple of dead bodies, at least two hundred years old by their decay."

I winced. "Yeah, Dracul kind of ate both of them. The one in the throne room was Solin, the former god of light. The other was his high priest." Come to think of it, why hadn't Dracul remembered this place being irritating?

Oh. Right. Compared to how he's burning now, the tiny bit of irritation he had here would have been minuscule in comparison. He just ignored it at the time, and forgotten it afterward.

Paladin chuckled. "Huh. This place feels kinda nice, actually. So what's the plan?"

Dragon grinned. "First thing, I'm going to do a little redecorating." She turned away from us, spreading her fingers, her green eyes narrowed in concentration. The scent of the air subtly changed, the scent of ozone growing. The platform we were standing on expanded outward in all directions, growing outwards. Around twenty feet from us, the crystal suddenly thrust skyward, flowing like water and hardening, forming a building out of crystal, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Spires grew upward and outward, at forty-five degree angles, criss-crossing each other and forming a solid, single structure.

Armsmaster's voice was faintly puzzled. "The design seems familiar."

Miss Militia seemed to have gotten over her surprise, because there was definite amusement in her voice. "It's the Fortress of Solitude."

We all stared at her. She looked back, then huffed, pointing at her scarf. "Truth, justice, and the American way. I've seen the movie."

A dreadful suspicion came over me, and I looked at Dragon. "You were planning on putting this in the arctic, weren't you?"

"Maaaybe." She said innocently.


Within Dragon's new citadel, which was about the size of a decently-made mansion, the five of us settled down together. The inner sanctum of the place was cold and clear when we first went inside, but after Dragon had concentrated for a few moments, the room warmed up. In the middle of the room sat a table made of crystal, and very elaborate chairs were lined up at its sides.

Huh. "Comfy." I noticed. Dragon may have made a small fortress with her mind pretty quickly, but I learned something else in short order. She made very, very, comfortable chairs.

Miss Militia looked to be a bit out of sorts. Probably just a bit too much, too fast.

Dragon took a seat at the head of the table, looking a bit smug. As she noticed me looking in her direction, she winked at me. "Been working on some things. I took a while to scrap the structure that was here...had a feeling that it was necessary. But Solin apparently had a very extensive library and memoirs. Details and knowledge from around his world. I saved all of it in digital form." She grinned. "Much more compact that way. It's a fair bit of interesting reading, two thousand five hundred years of knowledge compiled by one person. A lot of it's on the works of alchemy, but there's a lot of information on the divinities. How the gods were originally born, what they can do...who they are, and who held the positions throughout history. The mantles changed hands a few times in the records. Apparently, Ariel was only a little older than Solin as a deity."

Paladin shook her head. "It's a bit weird, there. From what the Belmonts remember, Solin's doctrine was that he was the only god, and the rest were rebellious former servants that became demons. Demon lords, maybe, but demons. His empire spread over most of Eurasia, only the Jade Empire, China's analogue, being free of his influence. They had powers and organization enough to push him back whenever he tried to expand into their territory...and then for the last eight hundred years or so he was a bit too busy trying to deal with Dracul."

I barked out a laugh. "I'm guessing the knowledge package you got was either incomplete or shaped by him, because that's bullshit. Explains a lot, though. He had his best knight's wife murdered and sent him off on a quest to resurrect her, when that's something nobody could do. Then he sent his own kid after that knight when he returned a vampire god."

Dragon nodded with a grimace. "Solin stole the mantle of Light by pulling a rather clever trick. The one who held it before him, Helios, granted longevity to people freely. Lifespans of a millennium or longer were common, though people still died. The society changed very slowly as a result, but it was stable and prosperous. Solin, though, wasn't able to take the treatments. A lot of his notes were all about finding a way to preserve his life, and he couldn't find a way and remain mortal. The only choice he was given was to die at ninety or become a vampire. He found a third option. He stole the energy Helios was using to keep his followers young and alive, and that was enough power to turn on Helios and kill him. After that, Solin went about spreading his religious influence to ensure he would become stronger, strong enough that he could transcend a physical form and become invulnerable. All of that started a war which plunged his world into barbarism. A civilization that stood for five thousand years, although decadent, fell in one day."

I lifted an eyebrow. "I'm not too surprised he was desperate, but considering the shit he pulled, avoiding becoming a vampire seems weird. I'm adjusting fine. It probably would have been easier than becoming a god."

Armsmaster's voice was full of curiosity. "If vampirism would have granted him the longevity he wasn't able to have otherwise, why would he avoid it?"

Dragon shook her head. "Several reasons. It was originally a curse, a trap laid by devils, long before Solin was born. It gives its bearer power, but the trap is in the bloodlust. Without the medical knowledge we enjoy, getting enough blood to feed from other people is almost invariably fatal. The kind of person who kills other people to live, and revels in it, is the kind of person who will go to the Hells when they die. And the nature of the blood makes someone more inclined to do such things. Despite all the power that a person can get with all that, they're still vulnerable to the right circumstances. A god is a lot harder to kill, and they have more power. They don't even need worshippers to exist, they just enhance the powers that the deity can draw upon. All a god needs to exist is people. They don't have to be human, just the existence of complex souls gives rise to the planes that make gods possible. Then there's the fact that a dead god doesn't necessarily stay dead. Solin hoped he would be worthy of his power once he gained it."

Paladin frowned. "I'm definitely missing something, there. All I know is there was a lot of frustration and dread about the fact that Dracul wouldn't stay down."

The knowledge came forth from the back of my mind. "A god's power finds a suitable host, one way or another. Let's say Armsmaster stole it." I gave the Protectorate hero a nod. "You could hold onto the power as long as you lived, but if you weren't worthy of it, it would leave and try to find someone else the moment you died. Probably from being killed, though, because gods don't tend to die easy. That's the reason I woke up in my grave. Despite me only having it for an instant before I died, I was worthy, so it brought me back." I grimaced. "With the need for blood, though."

Dragon looked at me with a nod. "You would come back from the dead as long as you're worthy of the mantle of the Lord of Darkness. I suspect if Typhon was the last holder, rather than Dracul, you'd have awakened as a demon rather than a vampire. Other vampires couldn't self-resurrect, with the exception being your companion, Alucard. From what I could figure out, Dracul and Alucard are linked, because they are father and son as well as sire and childe. As long as Dracul lives, Alucard has the choice of rising from the dead or not."

I winced. "And as long as Dracul held the power of the Dark Lord, he'd return. Yeah, that explains a lot. And knowing Alucard, as long as his father was going around killing people, he'd stick around to fight back, to try and stop him."

Miss Militia shook her head, her voice soft. "An endless brutal cycle that leaves nothing but bodies in its wake."

Oh. Right. Her childhood, not exactly a nice one, from what she told me of her trigger.

Armsmaster slumped in his chair, his voice thoughtful. "This explains a fair bit. With the odd pattern of powers Scarlet developed, what happened since Vancouver..." His visor turned to look at me. "And it also explains what happened to Panacea. You can make more vampires, can't you? You did it to Meridia, and you did it to Amy Dallon before that. That's who Amara is."

I gulped. I hadn't actually explained that because that was what Mark and Carol were going to do...and considering what had happened, it was likely that they hadn't the chance to explain things.

Miss Militia slowly turned to look at me. "What did you do?" An assault rifle flashed into existence in her hands, though she didn't point it at me. Still, considering her training, she could move it in an instant.

Dragon slapped her fingers down on the table, the sound of her metal gauntlets ringing on crystal drawing everyone's attention. "Calm down. Both of you." She glared at Armsmaster. "You're ignoring your social protocol. Again."

He stiffened, then nodded. "Ah. I apologize." He looked at Miss Militia. "While we were in the Endbringer shelter, I had this feeling that I knew Amara. After I was cured of the plague, I checked the recordings of her voice and compared them to people I knew. Ninety-six percent match with Panacea. I contacted Dragon, she told me what happened, and I agreed to keep it confidential."

Miss Militia looked around the table. "What the hell? The world's greatest healer dies, but is secretly alive and hidden? On that alone the whole damn Protectorate would go up in arms."

Dragon spoke, her voice full of sympathy. "We decided to respect Panacea's wishes. She wanted to leave that life behind, because she can't be a healer as she used to be. Her family learned she was still alive after the Simurgh's death. I'd been preparing a briefing package with Brandish for the Chief-Director when the Nine came to town. After that..."

I spoke quietly. "I wasn't going to let my friend die if I could help it. Amy and Vicky have been my only real friends in what seems like forever. What I did was a desperation move, I wasn't sure it was going to work at the time. I'm only glad it did. Not going back to healing at the hospital was her choice, one spurred on by both all the stress she's under and that her power's changed. If you want more details, you'd have to ask her. "

Miss Militia was quiet for a moment. "Even if you're telling me the entire truth here, how it looks is going to be enough to start a war. You being able to turn people into vampires will raise fears that you're a thousand times worse than Nilbog. Hell, Nilbog and Teacher combined with Eidolon."

I could only sigh. "And I understand those concerns. It's not something I did lightly, and it's also something I hate doing. But I had the chance at saving her, and it worked. I'd have given you the same offer if you were wounded and help wouldn't have arrived in time."

Paladin coughed. "I think we all need a break here. Cause we're about to start arguing in circles."

Miss Militia stiffened, but finally, she sighed and slumped, the assault rifle transforming into a knife. "All this is far above my paygrade. No, no, I'm fine. Just having to spend my time with a teenager I sympathise with who just accidentally causes more damage on impulse than a ton of villains can do deliberately. And I have to babysit."

I winced. "Sorry for putting you in this position."

She just slid forward and started thudding her forehead on the table.

Armsmaster looked at me. "Is self-resurrection a common ability among these 'gods'?"

I nodded slowly. "It's the mantle that decides, but yes. A god only dies under a few circumstances. If they're not suited to their position, if someone else manages to take their power, or if they willingly pass it on to someone else."

He grimaced. "Then we need to prepare for the possibility the Simurgh may return, like you did."

The blood in my veins turned to ice. I... really hadn't considered that.

Paladin sat straight up in her chair. "Nineteen bound, One free."

Everyone turned questioning glances at her. Well, except Miss Militia. She was still thudding her forehead on the table.

Paladin shook herself, then looked at Dragon. "You said there were twenty-two gods, right?"

Dragon simply nodded.

Paladin's voice grew a bit stronger as she pointed to me and Dragon. "You two, your powers were loose. Not captured by those things. The other twenty were. Ifrit and Lotan as the Endbringers Behemoth and Leviathan. If the other seventeen are bound still... then that cape who killed the Siberian, Apostle, he said he was serving them."

Miss Militia's voice was faint, muffled with her face in her hands. "Then the Simurgh's free. And active somewhere. If he was telling the truth."

Dragon's voice was thoughtful. "If the Simurgh's resurrected, then we're in deep trouble. But if it's Ariel who's back and free, then our chances have improved significantly. We need more information."

I got to my feet. "Then we need to find Apostle. Wherever the hell he is." I looked at Armsmaster. "Quarantine ends in two days, right?"

He nodded. "That's the best estimate we have."

Dragon nodded resolutely. "Then in two days, we start hunting Apostle personally. The PRT's already looking for him, but we need to get on top of this ourselves. We need to know what he knows about the Endbringers, if our hypothesis is correct. We need answers."

Empire 7.5
A/N: Definitely annoying, having this crap take up so much time. Argh.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


Well, may as well get this out of the way. Since I was likely to be running all over the damn planet looking for Apostle in a few days, I should finish up the bits that needed my personal attention here. Brockton Bay may, eventually, become the first place I set up my portal operation, but the whole 'possible end of the world' thing was definitely going to put a crimp in those plans.

And it would be nice to just take an evening with my friends. That I'd be taking care of some business first was just being smart.

I looked up at the entrance to the Palanquin, lit by the downward-facing lights, which drew attention to the building in the middle of the night. I couldn't help but be amused at the sight of the sign next to the door. 'Have your ID, minors will not be served alcohol.' Fine by me. Not like it appealed to me even before I died. And now....can I even get drunk?

Heh. Four vampires walk into a bar. Insert punchline.

Miss Militia looked at me, a look of concern in her eyes. "Faultline called you here. I doubt this will mean an ambush, but I still don't like it."

Alucard shook his head slightly. "To call for one with the power the Scarlet Dragon has demonstrated, only to attack, would be a foolish move in the extreme. If this 'Faultline' is a mercenary, it's unlikely she would try. It's a good way to ensure you can never find another to hire you in the future. Still, your point is well taken."

Meridia grinned, her new tail flicking behind her, clearly enjoying herself. And taking the opportunity to wear...well, not much. A tight tubetop and a miniskirt. I'm still not sure where she got that. "You go to the right tavern, you can find anything you want. A good drink, opium, a playmate for bed, or find a stage to feast on the lust of an entire crowd."

Amy shifted a little uncomfortably. "Too late for me to try and decide to look different? Considering the whole thing was to make people think I'm your daughter and all, I'm getting a bit weirded out."

Meridia looked at Amy with a smile. "Well, I'd be disappointed if you wanted to change your looks. I wanted to enjoy having a daughter of my own for a while. I didn't even have the chance to really enjoy playing your mother, Lady Amara. Especially since we're both vampires, now."

Amy swallowed a bit. "You do know humans don't normally go for that kind of thing?"

Meridia looked around. First at me, then Alucard, then Amy, then Miss Militia. "I see only one human here. What matters to humans do not matter as much to us."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. At Amy's glare, I just shrugged.

Alucard had a faint smile on his lips. "If you and Meridia wish to discuss this further, I suggest doing so in private."

Amy looked at Meridia, and swallowed. "I can appreciate the thought, but no."

Meridia pouted. And Miss Militia looked amused.

With a laugh under my breath, I pulled open the doors and stepped inside the Palanquin.

Well. This place had definitely seen better days. The nightclub section around the entrance had scorchmarks and the faint scent of charcoal lingering in the air. Most of the damage seemed cosmetic, but serious enough. Right in the middle of the dance floor was a small crater of melted tile. Toward the back was a set of stairs leading to a balcony up above, where I could see quite a few people sitting, lounging, and eating. An...orange man was waving at us.

"Good evening." A deep voice rumbled. I jumped a bit as I whirled on its owner.

A very large man wearing all black, hood pulled up. He kept his face mostly hidden, though I could see something on his chin. Shells? Yeah, shells. Little tiny snail shells.

Ignoring my staring, he spoke calmly. "Forgive the damage. Burnscar came upon us. We have had much to deal with. Faultline is expecting you, Scarlet Dragon. This way, please."

I nodded with a smile. "All right."

My escort led the way, and the four of us went upstairs. I could sense Meridia looking around with fascination, Alucard with interest. Meridia murmured lowly as we walked. "His soul is a young one, my lady. Younger than it should be."

I gave a nod, but didn't respond beyond that. Not sure what that meant, anyway.

We were led to a long table, around which were some familiar faces. Well, masks. I recognized Faultline by her hair and outfit, though she'd apparently turned in the welding mask for a face-concealing domino mask. At the end of the table was the orange man, his spiky and dishevelled hair splayed in all directions.

Faultline gestured to the seats on the opposite end of the table. "Please, sit down. I'm glad you could spare the time to do this. I know you're busy." She gestured at the orange man. "This is Newter." Another gesture at our escort. "And Gregor."

I smiled as I took the seat, careful to drape my wings along the sides. Considerate of her to get a chair to make that a bit easier. Wait, no, all the chairs had a narrow back. Ah well. "Not as busy as I'll be after the quarantine drops. I've got quite a few irons in the fire, so it was either I see you now or never. Anyway, call me Scarlet, everyone does." I waved at each of my companions in turn. "This is Meridia, Alucard, and Amara. I'm sure you know Miss Militia."

She nodded in understanding, then looked at my companions. "Please, sit. I can assure you you've nothing to worry about here."

"I'll stand." Alucard said stiffly.

"Same." Miss Militia said, though she relaxed somewhat.

Meridia smiled, taking a seat next to Newter. "Hmm. You're a cute one. Does the orange go all the way down?"

He tugged a bit at his collar, chuckling. "Actually yeah. Right to the tip of my tail. Thanks. Most people are just kinda uneasy about me. Uh..." He looked at Meridia curiously. "Those horns real? Cause they're kinda neat."

Meridia's smile dropped a little, though there was definite interest in her eyes. "Yes. I'm still adjusting to them."

Amy coughed as she took a seat next to me. "Meridia, would you please not flirt with everything in sight?"

Meridia blinked in surprise, then just made a mischievous smile. "But it's so fun... and I've never had an orange person before."

Faultline looked between them, then at me, her voice filled with amusement. "My sympathies."

"Thanks." I said dryly. "So what's this about?"

Faultline gestured to me. "Several things. First of all, I was contacted by Grue of the Undersiders. He wants to know how Tattletale is, if she's okay. A lot of people are trying to clean things up after the deaths of the Nine."

I blinked, but nodded. "Yes, she's all right. She actually got lucky, missed the Nine coming to town. She's on my island as a guest. There's just no advanced technology there, so there hasn't been any cell phones or anything else to work with. That's actually one of the things I'm trying to get arranged."

Faultline nodded in understanding. "I'll pass that along. Secondly... We have questions. I know you're a Changer. You looked a lot more human when the city's villains met at Somer's Rock. What we're interested in is that you've apparently got a lot of obviously-different capes with you. We want to know what you do about the Case 53s. If you're responsible for them being here." She gestured to Alucard and Meridia.

Gregor rumbled as he walked around the table, standing behind Faultline. "We want to know whether we are from your world."

Ah. Miss Militia told me about this. I shook my head. "Sorry. As far as I know, you're not from the same place we are. There's plenty of nonhuman beings in my castle." I looked to Meridia.

Meridia smiled, taking the hint. "Castlevania is populated by many beings. Even before our world was destroyed in its final conflict, it was a haven for those rejected by the world at large. Our Lord, Dracul, made an army of us. However, most of us are of a type. I was a succubus, before My Lady the Scarlet Dragon exalted me. But I was but one, when there were hundreds of thousands of us at the height of our power. Even now we have a few thousand of my kind in the castle. But there are more."

Amy spoke then, her voice a bit soft. "Case 53s are all unique. The only commonalities is the lack of memory and the tattoo. Different powers, different bodies, different problems. That's not the case with us. The four of us have powers in common, because we're the same kind of type of being. Others in the castle fall into different archetypes. Only a small fraction of us pass for human, but that's the face we've been putting forward here."

There was definite disappointment in Newter's voice. "So we're back at square one. Knowing nothing."

I nodded, looking at him with sympathy. "If it's any consolation, I am planning on making a place for Case 53s once things have settled down somewhat. Right now I'm just trying to get caught up, this Earth is very different from Castlevania's own. The only thing that's about the same are people as a whole."

Meridia closed her eyes a moment, taking a deep sniff of the air, leaning toward Newter. "Interesting..."

Faultline narrowed her eyes, looking at Meridia. "Hm?"

Meridia tilted her head, stroking her chin, her ebony skin seeming to glisten in the lights of the club. "Both of your companions here have young souls. Much younger than your bodies. I wonder if that is the case for all of those who resemble us."

Newter swallowed, his eyes being drawn downward toward Meridia's...assets, as she leaned toward him. "So...uh...what's that mean?"

She shrugged, leaning closer, seeming to enjoy the scent of his skin. "Your minds are young. No memory of what passed before?"

Gregor's deep voice cut in. "Small fragments at best. We wake up without even our names, but we know a language, some skills. Being able to read. We find ourselves on our own, not knowing anything more than we are different."

Newter's voice was a bit weak. "Uh...please don't touch me unless you want to get high. My body makes a narcotic. Even touch me and you'll be off in la-la land."

I sighed to myself. "Meridia, you're going to break him."

Meridia grinned at me. "He exudes much frustration, My Lady. I would love to help him work through it all. And it's unlikely I will be affected by any such things." Testingly, and teasingly, she pressed the tip of her finger against his cheek.

We all waited a moment. Meridia just smiled and licked her finger sensuously. We waited another beat.

"Uh." Newter said slowly. "Normally you're supposed to fall over giggling at this point."

Meridia's grin widened. "No, we do that after I take you to a room and have some fun."

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Meridia, after the meeting, please?"

She pouted, but nodded, moving back away from Newter. "As you will, My Lady."

Out of other options, I turned back to Faultline. "Anyway, wish I had better news for you. Your crew will be welcome on my soil. Besides..." I grinned. "I might have some work for you in the near future. I'll pay well, too."

"Oh?" She sounded interested.

I grinned "Nothing too difficult. I just may need some extra hands for the grand opening coming later this month."


True to her word, Meridia dragged Newter off to his room as soon as the meeting was over with. At least she was going to be occupied for a while. Still, I had to work on things, and while my progress was slowed somewhat by the quarantine, it was by no means stopped. Nobody could force me to obey it, after all, but yet again, breaking it would damage my long-term plans. Still, the wonders of technology made things a little bit easier. I couldn't take two weeks or a month off, much as I'd like to, but I did appreciate the slower pace for the moment.

"You know, Grue's trying to get in contact with you." I spoke into my cellphone as I sat on the Palanquin's roof. I was getting pretty used to the view from rooftops, now that I think about it. Good way to have some privacy while enjoying the night air.

Well, some privacy. Alucard was keeping watch, though his expression was pensive. Probably somewhat lost in thought. Miss Militia sat closer to me, looking up and down the street. Whatever her faults, which were few, she was vigilant. I could feel the echo of Dracul in the back of my head being very approving of her.

Make her yours.

You shut up. Besides, only if she wanted to. Um..hm. How to broach that? 'Hey Hannah, want to leave your job being a hero and join my harem? I offer companionship and dental.'

Lisa sounded tired over the phone. "Yeah, not surprised. Me leaving and Coil being disappeared somewhere's left him in a lurch. He's got his reasons for villainy, you know. Don't exactly like leaving the gang, but I suppose with the whole thing with the Nine, it couldn't be helped."

I nodded to myself. "How are things shaping up over there?"

Lisa hummed a little. "A bit better than things in the Bay. Cell tower is up, thanks to Dragon, and I'm in the middle of getting some gas generators going until we can get a more permanent means of power generation. Should speed up some of the effort when it comes to modernizing this place. I keep getting the stinkeye from the demons here. Or the succubi keep undressing me with their eyes."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, they do that. Have they actually tried anything?"

"Nah. It's annoying, but nothing more annoying than the idea of dating normally. Which I don't do, because people are seriously twisted, you know? You have any idea what it's like to have someone else's likes and dislikes shoved into your head whether you want them or not? Cause I get that whenever I seriously consider pretty much anyone."

I blinked. "Actually yes, I can get where you're coming from." Let's see, the near-constant They are beneath me, the whole lusting after women when I hadn't before, (thankfully I still liked guys, too,) the faint memories, the clear memories, and of course, the arrogance. Whole heaps and heaps of arrogance.

"Huh. You know, you're the weirdest person I've ever met. And I know some weird people. Only weirder thing is your castle. I'm looking at a room that's upside down, here. I have no idea how the tea is staying in the cups, or how the candle flames are actually pointing downward. And yesterday I went swimming in that little lake you've got out front. You've got a brook flowing by it, but it's flowing uphill."

I laughed softly. "That's the castle for you. She must be in a pretty good mood to messing around like that, though."

"That's a good mood, just breaking physics? And she?"

I grinned. "Yeah. Because she hasn't thrown anything deadly at you, has she? Just messing with you a bit?"

Lisa sighed, sounded exasperated. "Yeah, I suppose. Great, now my power's going to be on overdrive about this whole place. Why do you have a living castle, anyway?"

I let amusement fill my voice. "Well, you know, it was left to me in a will. Had to spend the night in a haunted, sentient castle, but she liked me so much she followed me home."

Silence reigned for a moment, then Lisa sighed. "Know what the bad part is? I know you're not lying much. Anyway, the inhabitants are getting a bit restless. They're waiting for you to get back and give the word. If you don't get back pretty soon, you might have some problems. Petty fiefdoms just might spring up."

Great, more on my plate. "I'll take care of things as soon as I can." I hung up. Taking a deep breath, I checked my phone for the time, and blinked. "Uh...Miss Militia, how long has Meridia been with Newter?"

She lifted an eyebrow. "Two hours by my estimation."

I winced. She might have killed him with exhaustion by now. "Uh...we should go check on her."

So we headed down from the roof access, stopping as I heard giggling and moans as we approached the hall.

Alucard shook his head. "Nay, they're fine. They're still...occupied." He tapped his ear. "And enthusiastic."

I blinked. "Yeah, I got that. How long are they going to..?"

He frowned as he looked back at me. "Depends on how much...energy, they want to work out."

Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

I shuddered. "Okay, well, I've got things to do. And I need to go bleach my brain."

Alucard sighed. "I will ensure nothing happens and bring Meridia back to the hospital by morning."

I nodded with gratitude.

A shriek of pleasure reached me. And I recoiled at Meridia's screams of encouragement. "Yes, I'm a bad girl, a bad girl!"

Miss Militia spoke firmly. "Let's go. Now. You're too young for this."

I nodded faintly. "Yes ma'am."


I watched with equal parts wonder and disgust as Amy worked. She clasped Vicky's hand with one hand, the other buried in a bucket of raw meat.

Vicky had her eye closed, trying to keep calm. Miss Militia just watched with curiosity. I guess she was a bit more used to seeing biomass shift around on its own. Or maybe she just had a stronger stomach than I did.

Weird what squicks you. I can impale someone on a spike no problem, but seeing an eye grow out of leftover meat made me queasy. I swear, if that thing blinks at me, I'm leaving.

Wait. No worries there. There's no eyelids on it. That...makes it worse, actually.

Finally, the eye finished forming in the bucket, jiggling there. Amy gently extracted it, nerves dangling from the end. She looked at it, then at Vicky, and nodded slowly. "Almost have it right this time. The nerves are a bit twisted, this one would be pretty disorienting if I'm understanding right. One more practice session and I'll feel confident enough to replace your eye, Vicky."

Vicky let out a breath. "Thanks, Ames."

Miss Militia's voice was full of curiosity. "If I didn't know better, I'd have never guessed you were Amy Dallon. Your face and hair's completely different. You look like Meridia."

Amy sighed, a deep growl of frustration coming from deep in her throat. "One of the things that changed when I became a vampire. I can make myself look like anyone, long as I have the biomass to do it. Healing someone else, though? That's a lot harder. I used to be able to touch someone and get a full and in-depth understanding of their entire body. It was just there, fully understood, and I could intuit the problems. Then I could visualize what I wanted to do to fix it, from the DNA up. Now? I can still see things, but it's not perfect. The more intricate the structure, the more difficult it is to perceive and visualize. I'm also lacking a full idea on what's wrong. There's just so much stuff here. It's a bit easier with symmetrical structures, so rebuilding an eye is somewhat easier than some other things. I just need to mirror the intact eye, for example. Healing someone's all about the little details, and there's literally billions of those to work through." She made a frustrated sound. "It's actually easier to fix up a virus or a bacterium than a heart. Viruses are very simple things, and while bacteria are a lot more complicated, I can just make one and copy it a lot. But blood vessels and nerves and tissue layers are harder, because they're made up of different cells all layered together."

Miss Militia nodded a little. "I think I can understand somewhat. My power lets me make any weapon I understand, and because of my memory, I just need to remember which one I want. I'm pretty sure I'd have a lot of trouble with it if I had ordinary memory to work with."

Amy sighed, carefully turning the eye in her hand, looking it over. "Bad part is, changing myself is easy, making stuff from my own flesh is easy. But the only time it's that easy on someone else is when I'm not caring about whether they survive or not. Destruction's a lot easier than healing. If I put the nerves together wrong, the signals reaching the brain will be disoriented. Put the blood vessels together wrong, and a clot could form or the organ might not get enough oxygen and die. There's so many problems that might come up. That's why I'm taking so long about trying this. I want to get it right. I'm not just going to try things willy-nilly and risk killing my sister."

Vicky smirked. "And I, for one, am quite happy about not getting my brain scrambled. Sides, we can always go with plan B, right?"

Amy whirled on her sister. "No, no, no. Absolutely not!"

I waved my hands. "Whoa. Wait a sec. Plan B?"

Vicky smirked. "Yeah. Plan B. Blood. I ask real nice if I can join the club."

Miss Militia shook her head. "Are you serious?" She looked back and forth between me and Vicky. "That's a rather drastic measure, isn't it?"

Uh yeah, it is. Okay Taylor. Think. Thinkthinkthink.

You will be lonely if you do not have companions who can live as long as you do.

Gee, thanks for the advice, evil voice in my head.

Vicky folded her arms. "Look. I've thought about it. Not saying I'm going to force the issue, but I ain't going to mope too much if I have to become a vampire for whatever reason." She looked at Amy. "The Siberian could have killed me, easy. She chose not too, probably because her maker was seriously fucked in the head and wanted me to suffer, but I don't remember the last time I got seriously hurt. It made me think, Ames. I'm getting older. Nothing I have to worry about right now, but you and Red aren't, are you? Hell, Al said he's damn near a thousand years old, and he doesn't look it. I got him to start wearing a shirt after people kept staring at his abs. Including me."

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. Even Miss Militia seemed amused.

Vicky was smiling now as she went on. "Don't get me wrong. I'm not asking to be turned tonight or even ten years from now. I gotta explain a whole lot to Aunt Sarah and our cousins. And frankly, the idea scares me a bit. But I can think of worse things. And..." She bit her lip, looking a bit shy, her single eye serious. "I don't want to leave you two alone forever."

I couldn't help it. I just stepped forward and hugged her. And Amy had done the exact same thing, the two of us busily hugging Vicky.

"Ack! Air!"

"Liar." Amy and I chorused.

Interlude: Calm
A/N: Okay, this one's been real slow. It's been a combination of finding the time and energy to keep writing as I've been hit with a whole lot of stuff going on. Plus a few rewrites. Now I'm happy with it, though.


Dean tried to keep from fidgeting as the machine worked. Considering the occasional lance of white-hot pain that arced up through the upper half of his left arm, that was easier said than done. The stump at the end was covered by a casing, through which Dragon was working to install an interface for an artificial arm. Still, he could bear it. The last few weeks had redefined the concept of pain for him. The clean, sterile air of the hospital was almost an old friend at this point.

"Sorry." Dragon murmured. The golden suit shifted a little as it stared at the device around his arm. "Local anaesthetics help with the pain, but not all of it. And unfortunately, we need some feedback along the nerves."

"I'll deal." He grit his teeth. "It hurts, but a hell of a lot less than losing it in the first place."

Vicky nodded at him, a slight smile on her lips, but her emotional aura was tinged with the yellow-blue of worry. "I'm glad you're okay." Gently, she touched his right hand. The one he still had, the one he could feel with.

Silence reigned for a moment, then Dragon spoke. "I know you two have had a lot going on. It's hard to keep up, I'm sure. Even I'm having trouble, and I'm right in the thick of it."

Dean chuckled at that. "Just a little bit. It's hard to grasp all this."

Vicky grinned. "Actually, it's kinda easy. Scarlet's power is pure bullshit, and so everything she does is bullshit. Just roll with it and it's a lot simpler. I'm not even going to blink if she starts pulling cream pies out of nowhere to chuck at people."

Both Dragon and Dean stared at her.

Vicky shrugged. "What? Why not? She's a vampire who can turn herself into a huge-ass dragon."

Dragon laughed lightly. "You have a point."

The room quieted for a bit, only the low humming of the installation machine breaking the silence.

Finally, Dean broke it. "I don't want to lose you, Vicky."

Vicky's aura snapped to the green-yellow of surprise. "What? What brought this on?"

He smiled wryly. "Just been a lot of things. Our relationship's always been on-again, off-again. Now this whole thing with vampires, now that Amy's one, and... this whole thing with your parents. I want to stand by you, but so many things have been happening that I've had no inkling of." He lifted his hand as Vicky opened her mouth. "I'm not mad. I just...I'm not sure where we stand, you know? I'm glad you're Scarlet's friend. I'm glad you're doing okay, considering everything that's happened. It's just...we haven't talked much at all. Not since Bakuda."

Vicky's light flushed with the soft pink of embarrassment. "Been a little busy."

Dean nodded. "Yeah. I get it, I understand. Things have been hectic from one crisis to another. I'm halfway surprised the city's still standing." He grimaced. "Mostly."

Silence reigned for a moment before Vicky spoke. "I'm considering joining them as a vampire."

That made both Dean and Dragon pause, staring at the teen.

Dragon's voice was filled with concern. "If it's about the eye, there are plenty of treatments and options available. Wasn't that something you were working on, anyway?"

Vicky nodded, a sigh escaping her lips. "Yeah. And I'm not saying I'm gonna do it in the near future. Just...an eventuality, you know? I don't want to leave Ames and Red on their own forever."

After an awkward moment, Dean spoke. "So what about us?"

She shrugged helplessly. "Your choice, Dean. I ain't gonna tell you what to do, what choices you can make. Hell, I got sick of that from..." Her voice cracked as she finished the word, her emotional aura filling with red and black hues. "Mom."

Carefully, Dean raised his right arm, and Vicky settled down next to him, resting her fingers on his shoulder.

Her voice was small as she spoke. "My life, you know. My choices to make. If it wasn't for Ames, I wouldn't be considering it. But I feel like I'm losing everything. I don't want her to be alone." She sniffed. "I promised when we were kids that I'd be the bestest sister ever. Can't do that if I grow old and die while she's still the same." She swallowed and cleared her throat. "We could ask if you wanted to, too. I mean...it's not something I'm doing soon, but someday, maybe..."

Dean could see it in her emotional light. The conflict, the broiling of emotions. The raw pain and need. The desire for some stability. He spoke gently. "I'm here, Vicky. I won't pretend I like the whole idea, but...you're important to me. Damn important."

She kissed his cheek.

"There, done." Dragon said with a note of satisfaction in her voice. The encasement around his arm opened, and Dean carefully lifted and looked over his new artificial arm.

It was a skeletal thing, whirring and clicking a little as he turned the mechanical wrist. Experimentally, he clenched it into a fist, and watched the metal knuckles line up. "Huh. It works fine. Don't feel much from it, though." Experimentally, he tapped the ends of the metal fingers. There was only the slightest bit of sensation. Resistance, but no warmth, no texture.

Dragon chuckled. "I'm told it takes time to get used to. Armsmaster's still adjusting to his legs. This is just the skeletal work, though. There's a few different coverings you might try, and more artificial nerves can be hooked up to some of them. I'd consider something like a synthetic flesh covering over it, but that would make maintaining it a lot more difficult."

He smiled slightly, his eyes on Vicky. "We'll deal."

She smiled faintly in return.


Cherie Vasil was having a bad day.

Not that things had been especially good. Not since...well, ever. The best day of her life was when she finally had some power. Fear of the Nine had driven her brothers away. Moving through Wallerton, using her power to turn families on each other, forcing them to kill each other and enjoy the act...that had been the best. That she went through hell over and over, just to prove herself. She survived, and even began to thrive as she finally had some control over her life. Sure, she was the plaything of other psychopaths, but at least with them, she was on top of the hill, rather than being shat on at the bottom.

And it all turned to shit almost immediately. The Nine had been running around for nearly twenty years. Twenty years! And just three weeks after she joined, they were all dead. All of them. Even the fucking Siberian, dead. The death of Bonesaw should have spelled the extinction of humanity. But nope, things were fine. Somehow the 'heroes' had managed to prevent even that. The prion plague that was supposed to help provide cover, sow chaos, and help their escape if it became necessary was wiped out.

And now she was here. In a bunker in the middle of bloody nowhere. No people around in her entire range. No emotions whatsoever. Dragon had brought her here, a fallout shelter buried deep in the Canadian Shield, and had her monitored for any signs of mischief.

Why the hell didn't they listen to me? Jack hadn't wanted to go after the goddamned Scarlet Dragon. Neither had she or Shatterbird. But Bonesaw, Crawler and Mannequin had, and the Siberian and Burnscar wanted to go for their own reasons. Hatchet Face just plain hadn't cared. If they'd listened, if just Burnscar listened, they'd all still be alive. Now it was just her, sole survivor of the Slaughterhouse Nine, and she wasn't likely to ever take a breath of fresh air ever again.

Dragon's voice was harsh, judgmental as the famous Tinker's digital avatar glared at her over the screen. "Cherie Vasil. One of Heartbreaker's children. We've seen a few of your siblings over the years. Human-Masters are quite a large concern. Your brothers and sisters don't tend to do very well outside of that compound, though."

Cherie wanted to punch the screen in. The only thing that kept her from doing so was that it was the only source of contact with anyone here. She put as much misery into her voice as she could. "I swear, I was just trying to hide from my brothers. I didn't join the Nine, I just panicked in the shelter and tried to run."

Dragon's digitized face frowned at her. "Even if I believed you, which I don't, you're responsible for five deaths in the shelter. Had you told the truth about your identity, if not your affiliations, it's quite possible you might have been brought on board. Every bit of information about Heartbreaker's compound is useful, and any aid rendered toward the goal of ending him is actually well awarded by the Canadian government. Instead, you ran, and hid, and used your powers to kill people during the Slaughterhouse Nine's last stand. Your actions helped Hatchet Face kill one civilian and nearly murder a Ward. The only reason you haven't been executed is the possibility you may have useful information that may result in saving the hostages your father has collected."

Cherie swallowed. "So you'll kill me once I'm done talking?"

Dragon sounded insulted. "No. Here's the deal. For every bit of useful information you provide, that gets verified, I will provide you a privilege. A television, books, and food that's more elaborate than rations. For any bit of information that turns out to be false, a privilege will be taken away. Regardless of the circumstances, however, you have been sentenced to isolation for the rest of your days. The only reason you are not in the Birdcage is because there is no method for communication outside once you are inside."

Dragon communicated with her about once a week, grilling the prisoner on everything she knew about her father. His habits, his victims, the layout of his compound. All of it brought back the horrible memories of that place.

Grasping hands, forcing her backwards over the bed. Struggling and kicking in vain, trying not to cry. Wishing she could just stop this. She always screamed inside when sent to her room with her elder brother, Pierre Vasil. Heartbreaker's son, not just in blood but in spirit. Her brother grinned with that twisted, sickening smile that haunted her nightmares.

All the while knowing her father was watching.

At least here, she was alone. At least here, her brothers weren't around. At least here, her lazy, hedonistic and twisted father wasn't. Jean-Paul was smarter than she was. He walked away. All the while she hung on, hoping her father would finally exploit the powers he held. Use them to make a big push and take over Montreal. Being the heir to a criminal empire would have made it all worth it.

Instead, he just expanded his harem. Nikos Vasil was happy as long as he had what he wanted, toys for his amusement. He cared for his own blood in all the wrong ways.

With a sigh, she turned to the screen and turned it on. "Well. Least I've got cable."

An hour into an entertainingly bad movie, based on something from Japan before Leviathan sank Kyushu, she felt a chill. A whisper of amusement coming from the very edge of her power's range. As if someone was pacing around, flitting in and out of it, just on the edge. Again and again, someone darkly amused, almost gleeful. As if she was feeling someone else stretching and feeling freedom for the first time in ages.

Solitude. Enjoyment. The rush of air and freedom.

"Well fuck you too, bastard." She grumbled. The person was too far away for her to influence, anyway. Just sense, barely.

Still, who the hell was out here? This was supposed to be the middle of nowhere.

She idly considered speaking, telling Dragon about it. She decided not to. If that hobo came near enough to her prison to affect, she'd make sure he killed himself anyway. It's not like she cared about what happened out there anymore. Or maybe she'd 'just' make him fall in desperate love with the nearest bear.

That sounded fun. It wasn't like she had much else to do.


A pawn moved forward. A knight on the opposite end shifted to protect a rook.

Marquis had a slight frown on his lips. His opponent's strategy was much like the man himself. Calm, yet aggressive. Lung set his side of the board up so that any attack would be swiftly, brutally countered.

The chessboard was a simple thing, made out of a lightweight plastic, set on a table on the side of the common room. The chess pieces were made from Marquis' own bone. It was the only place he had where he could get such things. In an ordinary prison, confiscating things that could be turned into weapons was a high priority. Inside the Birdcage, there was no such policy. The prisoners policed themselves, for death was the only guard. Things had gotten a bit more...civilized, when Glastig Uaine, the Fairy Queen, had entered, however.

Marquis' voice was filled with certainty as he moved a rook forward, shoring up his defense. "You seem distracted."

Lung's lip twitched, moving forward a pawn. "I have been...considering."

Marquis nodded. The other man would speak, or not, if he wished. Marquis simply moved a piece, Lung responded. It went back and forth for about a minute.

Lung spoke, his voice thoughtful. "When I first arrived here, I seethed. The Dragon of Kyushu, defeated by a child. One who had not appeared before that night. She who maimed my lieutenant and ensured I would not walk free again."

Marquis nodded again, taking a moment to frown at the board. Ah. Classic gambit, to move a rook behind the lines. Marquis blocked the line of attack with a bishop. "And then she goes on to kill the Simurgh."

Lung smiled. "Indeed. Not only that, she does so as a true dragon. In a flash, a brief moment, she matches my power at my height. And then goes on to remove the blight of the Nine." His smile faded somewhat, as he thoughtfully shifted another pawn. "When I faced Leviathan at Kyushu, it was a loss. Every time I believed I had the upper hand, the beast showed a bit more strength. More than it had showed ever before. I grew ever-stronger, and it simply did more. I came to realize, even as Kyushu sank, that it had been toying with us, even with my presence. It was in no danger, even from I." A slight shift of his expression, anger buried beneath the surface. "Beyond that, however, was a sense. The beast does not care. We are nothing to it."

"Mm. So that's why you never bothered to fight again." Marquis had heard the stories, of course. There weren't many places in the world who hadn't heard of the Endbringers, and of the man who fought one to a standstill. But why Lung had never fought again, that was just speculation.

Lung nodded. "I have seen video of Behemoth. It moves and acts, to accomplish its goal. But there is hatred there. It doesn't care about what we do to it, but it is raging. Always raging. Leviathan acts to kill without care. Efficiently. It uses its form to crush while its waters act as a blade. I came to believe they could not be killed." A slight chuckle escaped him. "And then the Simurgh is killed by our warden and the young red dragon."

A slight clicking as bone tapped on plastic. Hm. Lung was actually pretty good as a chess player. Marquis moved a knight forward. "Made you rethink things?"

"Indeed. Only in one sense. We know they can die. That it would be easy is another question. The world hopes they can repeat the miracle at Vancouver. I wish them well. But I am not so confident." With a slight chuckle, Lung moved a pawn forward. "It would add only to my reputation to survive the girl who slew all three of the Endbringers, however."

Marquis nodded. He could see the humor in it, though he couldn't appreciate it at the moment. "I see." He shifted a rook forward, behind Lung's carefully crafted defense. "I do believe that is checkmate."

Lung looked down at the board. He glowered, but accepted it. "Indeed. Well played." He looked back at Marquis. "You seem to be more at ease."

Marquis just shook his head. "I am numb. Give me a slight irritation, and I'll ensure someone else regrets it."

Lung just grunted. Marquis knew he hadn't exactly been...calm, in the wake of Vancouver. The news that his daughter was dead, dead just before the Simurgh's final attack, had been enough to break his composure. Even the death of the Simurgh hadn't given him much in the way of happiness. For everyone else, the day of the Simurgh's death would be a day of celebration for centuries to come. For Marquis, it would be the day of his daughter's death.

If he ever got free of this cage, he would kill Carol Dallon for her failure to protect his blood.

Lung got to his feet. "I have things to attend to." Oni Lee, the man meant. The crippled teleporter wasn't much of a threat these days. Lung tended to his lieutenant, though it was anyone's guess until the day Oni Lee simply killed himself in some manner.

Marquis nodded as he got to his feet. "Another time then." He bowed his head slightly. Respect without deference. A difficult line with Lung.

Marquis made his way back to his cell. Assorted little knick-knacks collected over the years in this prison. A shelf crafted from bone, books resting on it. A few figurines carved from bone, Marquis using his memories to forge for himself more permanent reminders. One of the few ways he could remember his treasure, his Amelia.

He didn't believe for a second some illness had killed her. The world had made a very big deal about the fact that Panacea was immune to such a mundane thing as disease. Her power prevented such things from having the chance to harm her. No, it had to be someone, someone who was willing to risk the entire world coming after them just to dig at Marquis. The Butcher, probably. That particular problem wouldn't care in the least. What would they do? Kill the Butcher? The idea was laughable.

Only to stop as he noticed a sheet of paper lying on his bed. It was lying open, plain to see it was a letter, written in a flowing, but inexperienced hand. Still, even this could be a trap. Carefully, he pointed a finger, suppressing the snarl of pain that would come as he extended the bone of the tip of his finger to push the page from its position, to see if there was something behind it. A poison, a disease, an explosive. Life in the Birdcage certainly wasn't boring.

Nothing. He broke the bone, shrinking the jagged edge of the bone to his finger's proper length. His power let him heal quickly, though it never helped with the pain. Just simple practice, there. Retrieving the letter, he swallowed as he read it.

Hello father.

I know what you have heard. That I died just prior to the Battle of Vancouver. That Amy Dallon is gone.

This is what I decided what was best. My life as Amy Dallon, as Panacea, was one that I could no longer stand. I'm well, and okay. I'm happier than I've been in a long time. I don't know what to write here. How does one say hello to the father they barely remember?

I remember you were kind. I remember your voice as you read to me. The Cat in the Hat. Even now, I remember that book very fondly. I don't remember much else. Just some a few times when I was sure I could just find you if I got away. It took me a while to realize just what happened, where you really were. I've heard stories about you my whole life, though it took a long time for me to realize I was your daughter.

If you're wanting to get vengeance on New Wave for taking me, for failing me, I ask that if you ever get free, you don't. I wasn't very happy with them, but Bonesaw of the Slaughterhouse Nine paid us a visit. Whatever sins my adoptive mother and father committed, they've more than paid for them. It took much for me to undo her work and save their lives. Even now, they're screaming. If it helps at all, the Nine are dead. All of them. There won't be any more lives ruined by Jack Slash.

Things are different now. The city's been battered and hurt, but it's surviving. We're about to bring it to life in an all new way. I've joined a new family, but I haven't forgotten that I had two others.

I'm sorry, I don't know what else I want to say. This is so awkward, and hard. I'm sure you want to talk to me. Ask for Dragon, she can arrange it. She's been...experimenting, I guess. Or just talk to the cameras. We can figure something out.

I want you to know. I don't hate you. I don't think you're a monster. I just think you're fallible, human. You made choices that led to us being separated. I also know you didn't abandon me. Things have been rough here, things that are so very hard to understand. I'm adjusting. I don't want to face eternity without knowing more than just some hearsay about you.

Your daughter,


At some point while reading, Marquis had slumped to the ground, cradling the sheet of paper. Reading it again and again. Now it was his second most-precious treasure.

For nothing could ever replace his daughter. If this letter was real, he would give his very soul to whomever brought him this miracle.

If a lie...he would see the world burn for it. Somehow.


Daniel Hebert was a man on a mission. One made all the more difficult because of the quarantine. Sure, the quarantine would be dropping by tomorrow, but because of the length of it, so many things in the city were simply unavailable. Necessities were available, but a lot of luxuries weren't. Plain water and food was plentiful. A good burger or steak simply wasn't.

Though at this point, just about everyone he knew was looking forward to Fugly Bob's reopening. They'd run out of supplies in after the first week, and meat on day two. Essential supplies had been dropped in, but that still made things difficult.

"I'm sorry." The attendant behind the counter said, his voice apologetic. Kid couldn't have been older than nineteen. "We ran out of supplies for them about two days after the quarantine sprung up. The ingredients and supplies just don't keep that well, and we've had enough trouble with everything else."

Danny sighed. "Third place I've been to with the same story."

The hapless attendant shrugged. "Sorry."

Danny shook his head. "Not your fault, kid. It is short notice, and, yeah. It's hard to find what we need here."

An apologetic smile. "I'm just glad you're not yelling at me. If it helps, by next week we should have some. Lot of businesses have taken a pretty big hit with being on hold for this long, but we're raring to get everything reopened."

Danny sighed again. "It just won't be the same."

The attendant nodded. "I hear you. All I can suggest is to try a big grocery store. Might have some supplies there...though it's a long shot. We're barely in business as things are, and that would be one of the first places hit. I'll be surprised if you can find bottled water on the shelves."

With some annoyance, but no surprise, Danny left the store. He stepped his way back to the truck and went to the next place on the list.

Sure, he could have called the PRT and seen if he could get a few strings pulled, maybe had a special drop, but there was a problem with that. He wanted it all to be a surprise.

He needed to pick up some tassels, some lettering...maybe the hardware store still has some supplies he could work with. Things were getting pretty scarce all over, unfortunately. What was sent in was the stuff people needed to live, but businesses and the little people suffered. Of course they suffered. It was always the little people who suffered first.

The drive was mostly uneventful. There were few cars on the road, most people were walking, enjoying the late June weather. The sun was shining, and the streets were pretty clean, the results of last night's gentle rains.

He enjoyed the drive, taking the time to just breathe. The world felt open to him now, the sheer color and energy his life had lacked for years, slowly returning. His daughter, returned from the dead. A miracle, in every respect, even if it was a dark miracle. She returned with the power of a god, a monstrous god of darkness and blood, but she was still his Taylor.

He blinked and turned to the side of the road as flashing lights appeared in his rearview mirror. Fire trucks came roaring up from behind, passing him. With a sinking feeling, he stepped out of his truck, looking in the direction they were going.

Maybe about a mile off, there was smoke rising in the distance, boiling up from an apartment building.

Without thinking, he drove toward it, following the fire trucks, far enough back that if something happened, he wouldn't be in the way.

About a minute later, he was at the other end of the block, watching as the firemen deployed. They worked quickly, professionally, hooking their hoses up to the fire hydrants and starting to douse the blaze.

Still, something felt odd. Like he knew he should be doing something, then-

Two entwining, giant beings. Larger than worlds, twisting and turning about each other. The forms bursting apart, turning themselves into raining stars as they approached.

Reality snapped back to him, blinking as the blackout faded. What the hell just happened?

"Sir, are you all right?" A voice spoke. He shook his head as he looked at his side, groaning as someone was pulling him to his feet. Spartan-style armor, spear, shield.

"Dauntless." Danny spoke. "Uh..."

The Protectorate hero's voice was quiet. "Director Piggot asked us to keep an eye on you. You blacked out?"

Danny nodded quickly. "Something happened. I saw...something. I can't grasp it."

The fire roared up, and a deep scream echoed from inside the building. A blast of blinding, bright light burst outward, scattering bricks and concrete, and a glowing figure flew out of the new hole in the side of the building, cradling something. The light-bearer hovered above the street, well-away from the smoke, wavering in mid-air. The faint sound of crying reached Danny, a child's terrified cries.

Dauntless pressed a finger to the side of his helmet. "This is Dauntless, Purity spotted at Janesway and Parkdale, fleeing the apartment fire." A moment passed, and his spoke with annoyance in his voice. "Understood, Control."

Another scream. A figure at the top of the building, gleaming with metal, holding someone else. There was a terrible crack, and the two began to fall together.

Dauntless disappeared in a flash of light, appearing near the pair in midair. The hero grabbed them, his shield and spear falling to the ground as he did, but it looked like the three would all hit the ground far too fast to be survivable.

Feeling helpless, Danny mentally screamed. Save them!

The water from the firehoses abruptly arced in midair, moving underneath the falling figures and forming a sphere around them. The water defied physics, slowing in midair, even as it expanded. Though it hit the ground with a force that made Danny wince, the sphere held. The water flowed away, leaving its precious cargo behind, spluttering and coughing.

Dauntless helped the two people to their feet. The first was someone short, though obviously a cape. He was covered in metal, head-to-toe, and it moved with him, looking somewhat like an animated, gleaming statue. The other was a woman, one-eyed, coughing and retching as she tried to get water out of her lungs.

The shining light returned as its bearer landed near Dauntless, raising one hand, a wailing infant in the other. "Dauntless, Neptune! Stand away now!"

The water flowed upward, flanking Dauntless as the hero stepped away from Purity, his body language showing confusion. "Not here for a fight, Purity." He looked at his side as the water formed up, taking a humanoid shape.

No, two humanoid shapes. The first forming itself into an adult male, but the second being a tall, thin female. With the water forming itself into a pair of wings sprouting from her back.

Danny blinked in confusion as the metal-kid and one-eyed woman went to Purity, and the group moved off slowly. He just swallowed as Dauntless made his way back over to him, while the two water-people lifted their hands. Water began to move at their command, acting to douse the blaze.

Dauntless cleared his throat. "Well, Mister Hebert...at this point, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come in."

Danny nodded. "At this point, I'm not going to argue."

A long moment passed as they watched the work, waiting for the PRT to come in. Danny spoke slowly. "Well. My plans are shot." He smiled wryly. "Don't suppose you know anyone who'll be able to cater something on short notice?"

Dauntless stared at him as Danny explained. Finally, he just laughed. "I think it can be arranged."

Interlude: Danny
A/N: It really brings warm fuzzies to my heart to see so many people pile in when I update. Seriously, thanks. Sorry this one's taken so long. Stupid diseases, stupid RL, and stupid me for being unsatisfied. This one took way too long. Next one should be a fair bit easier.


Armsmaster frowned at the three-dimensional image, projected into the air right in front of him, the scans being easily interpreted by the powerful computers designed by Dragon. Though that wasn't all that helpful, even with all the advances in technology developed by people and Tinkers over the years, there was a fair bit about the brain that was a mystery. Danny Hebert sat in the examination chair, a ring around his head, connected to a computer.

Danny tried for a bit of humor. "So, doc, am I going to live?"

Armsmaster traced his fingers over the top of the hologram, his fingers passing through the image. A frown was on his lips.

Danny cleared his throat. "Armsmaster?"

He straightened and looked at the other man, his voice faintly apologetic. "Sorry. Yes, physically you're fine. I was comparing your Corona Pollentia and Gemma with others on file. You're definitely a parahuman, though the structure's small. Smaller than it is for most who've submitted to scans."

Director Piggot cleared her throat. "Is there a problem?"

Armsmaster turned to the director and nodded in acknowledgement. "This was more a confirmation than anything else. Most powers are obvious, so scans aren't needed. Masters and Strangers are harder, but again, once you're looking for them, they can be pretty obvious. Heartbreaker's an example of one you don't need to scan to determine whether they're parahumans or not. Daniel Hebert's a harder case."

Danny shook his head. "I'm not feeling anything. Nothing in the back of my mind or anything."

Armsmaster nodded. "Which is what's making things difficult. If you simply had a Pollentia, I wouldn't be surprised, but you've definitely got an active Gemma. Maybe the size is what makes it more difficult for you to call upon your power. Most of the time the combined Pollentia and Gemma is the size of a kiwi. Yours is about half that."

Piggot frowned, her voice thoughtful. "Is that something that might affect the awareness of his power?"

"Mm." Armsmaster hummed a little in consideration "There's some powers that are involuntary. Alexandria's invulnerability, Gallant's emotional awareness. Perhaps this is the Master-equivalent of one like that. No conscious control, but working off the subconscious. That the constructs seem to be helpful seems to support that hypothesis." He paused a moment, his voice quiet. "Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't pry into a possible trigger event. This is unusual, however, and I hate to ask, but...Neptune first appeared under the Boardwalk on January the twenty-third. Can you think of anything that happened that day that might have instigated this? Maybe if we had some insight onto your trigger event, we might have a better idea on how your power works."

Danny stiffened in the chair. He shuddered for a moment, his face going pale. Finally, he spoke, his voice very quiet. "I'm only going to say it once. So don't interrupt me."

Piggot and Armsmaster nodded.


January 23rd, 2011

The snow drifted down slowly, gently, covering the freshly-overturned earth. Danny stood before the simple, small slab of stone.

Here lies Taylor Hebert

Beloved daughter

June 19, 1995-January 7, 2011

It wasn't enough. It just wasn't enough. Taylor deserved more than this. She deserved more than a small plot of land and a small slab for a tombstone. She deserved a happy home, a happy family. She deserved a father who would have noticed the hell she was going through. She deserved...

She deserved the world, and all she had was a grave. She couldn't even get justice. The gang culture of Winslow High covered the death of his daughter. The problem wasn't that they weren't saying anything. The problem was that there were too many stories. The white skinheads were pointing at the asians and blacks, the asians were pointing at the skinheads and delinquents, the honor roll was pointing at each other, and the staff was pointing at everyone other than themselves.

There was a slight scuffling of feet behind him. He didn't turn as a voice intruded on his consciousness.

"I'm sorry, Danny." Alan Barnes said. "First Annette, now Taylor...I can't imagine what you're going through."

Danny's shoulders slumped. The weight of the world pressing in on him. There just wasn't anything left. Nothing he could do. Nothing could make up for his failure to protect his daughter. Finally, he spoke, the words dull and hollow. "Nothing you can do, Alan. Nothing anyone can do."

Another shift, winter boots rustling on snow-covered grass. Emma's voice spoke up, wavering, quivering, sorrowful. "I'm so sorry, Mister Hebert. I'm sorry she's gone."

His fingers twitched. All he could remember was the happy times. Emma and Taylor together, laughing in the house, the kitchen filled with the scent of his cooking while Annette chattered on about the day she had teaching. He took a deep, shuddering breath. "Thank you, Emma. You're..." His voice cracked as he tried to get the words out. "You're a good kid."

Silence reigned for a moment, then Alan spoke. "I'm sorry to tell you now, Danny. We're leaving Brockton Bay."

It took a moment for the words to register, but when they did, he turned to look his friend in the eye. Alan looked tired, worn, and Emma had tears running down her cheeks, which froze and cracked in the cold. She looked stricken, filled with grief and pain.

"Where you headed, Alan?" Danny asked, not really caring about what the answer might be. It wasn't like it mattered.

"New York." Alan looked at Emma, gently wiping his daughter's tears. "An opportunity came up with a law firm there. It'll be an expensive move, but...with what happened to Taylor, I just feel Brockton Bay's not safe anymore. It..really hasn't been for a long time, but this is a wake-up call." He looked ashamed. "I know it's selfish, but I hadn't realized how bad things had gotten for this city until it happened to someone I knew."

Emma flinched a bit at the mention of Taylor.

Danny just nodded slowly. He wanted to rage. He wanted to yell and scream and cry. He wanted to fight, to wrangle, to tear at the earth until it gave him what he wanted. But it wouldn't. It couldn't. The world didn't listen to men like Danny Hebert.

He turned back to the grave, staring at the simple slab. "Take care, Alan."

He didn't acknowledge it as the other man walked off, the slight sobs of Emma echoing in the cemetery.

He barely noticed it when night fell.


The Brockton Bay Docks district. Where he made his livelihood.

The Dockworker's Union building was a simple warehouse, stained with salt and rusting in places. Still, he had fond memories of here, his first days on the job. Learning the ropes, being out from under the thumb of his father. The satisfaction of a good day's work.

Over the years, the good days got to be less and less common. After Annette died...there just hadn't been any. Work was sparse, good men joined the gangs just to get the money they needed to put food on the table.

Just another symptom of the city dying. Not that that mattered to him anymore.

He turned off the pickup truck's engine, taking a deep breath as the cold air began to trickle back into the cab. Part of him was afraid. The rest of him was at peace. The only thing that mattered to him was gone. There was only one thing left to do.

He got out, the cold winter air hitting him in the face. Sharpening everything, waking him up. He left the keys in, the truck unlocked. It wasn't as if he'd need it anymore. One of the guys would find it in the morning. Or a Merchant might steal it. It didn't matter anymore, anyway.

He stepped to the pier. The wood was icy, making it difficult for him to walk. His boots nearly slipped several times, the well-worn tread failing to keep a grip on the slick surface. His heart was pounding in his chest as he took each step toward the end. Part of him was afraid, but with every step came a growing calm certainty. He wouldn't feel this crushing, horrible sense of failure anymore. It'd be worth it.

He looked into the water of the bay. The cold waters of the Atlantic, in the midst of winter. In the summer, in happier times, he liked swimming on the beach. Now he knew it would kill, easily. In minutes, just a few quick minutes. People said death by hypothermia was a shock, bracing...but at least it would be quick.

Danny closed his eyes, listening to the gentle sloshing of the water as it pushed against the edge of the pier.

Then he took a step forward and plunged into the icy water.

Pain. The warmth provided by the air trapped within his clothes was abruptly stolen away as the Bay's water replaced it, the sheer cold almost immediately numbing his skin. The air rushed from his lungs as he instinctively yelped in surprise, the cold water filling his throat, stealing yet more precious heat from him. There was a moment of terror, of instinctive panic. Despite the desire to just end it all, the reptile part of his brain just didn't want to go just yet.



-the water was surrounding him. Pulling its way out of his lungs. Heating up and covering him in a protective sheathe, pushing him to the surface and drawing him, inexorably, toward the beach. He struggled to move, but the water was impossible to resist. When it dumped him on the sand, theheat counteracting the terrible cold of the rest of the Bay, it slowly withdrew, leaving him dry, warm.


The water was forming up at his side, pulling itself together into a vaguely humanoid shape. A man, by the proportions, but lacking more than the simplest features. There was the shape of a face, but no eyes. The hint of lips, but just more water behind it, rippling and flowing.

Danny coughed as he tried to clear his throat. The cape...and it had to be a cape, had pulled the water from him, but the stress and pain of having the water in his lungs remained. Finally, he managed to force the words out. "Why did you save me?"

The cape said nothing. The lips parted, there was a faint burbling...but there was no way for him to speak. Words were beyond the cape.

With a roar, Danny tried to hit the cape, but he just passed through, disrupting the form the cape had. Hot water flowed in all directions, soaking Danny once more, then flowing away from him again. Spitting out sand, Danny staggered his way to his feet, glaring at the cape that had just saved his life.

"Why did you save me!? Where the hell were you when my daughter was dying!?" He tried to get up, to flail again...but he felt too weak. Warm now, or not, he felt too damn tired. All he could do was content himself with tearing at the cold, hard sand. "Why didn't you save her!?"

The cape extended a hand, made of water. He seemed to be having some trouble holding himself together, but nevertheless...Danny could sense the crushing disappointment in the other person's body language.

"Why me, and not her?" he sobbed. "Why? Why didn't you make yourself useful then and save her? Why...why me and not my daughter? Go and...I don't care! Help someone who fucking needs it, because I don't need you! She needed you!" All Danny could do was sit there, completely incapable of doing anything other than wallow in misery.

By the time Danny was able to pull himself together, the cape was gone.


June 19, 2011

Danny's voice was quiet as he finished. "I didn't know what to do, then. I just...got to the truck and went home. I barely left the house after that, until April. The whole time then was just a long, waking nightmare."

Piggot spoke after a moment, taking in the man before her. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry." She sighed, rubbing her forehead. "We're going to have to figure out how your power works. Much as I hate to press on you, your...projection, was a member of the Protectorate. He started to build a life, put in the paperwork for a Case 53 member, had privileged and classified information. If you actually have that knowledge...well, all this is going to be a mess to work out."

Danny nodded slowly. "The bane of all organizations. Paperwork." He looked like he was trying to smile, but it was weak.

Armsmaster spoke, his voice thoughtful. "We'll need to figure out your limits. What we know right now's pretty concerning, though. If Neptune was your projection...then you've got an unprecedented range. Vancouver's two thousand five hundred miles from here, yet Neptune had no issue operating that distance from you. No projection-Master on record has that kind of range."

Danny just nodded, swallowing hard. "On another note...did Dauntless manage to arrange what I asked?"

Armsmaster started for a moment, then he nodded. "Ah, yes. He did."


The Wards common room was dark. Hushed whispers went around it. It was a bit drafty, as the damage to the PRT building hadn't been fully repaired just yet.

The door clicked open, and Miss Militia, Protectorate Hero, and Scarlet Dragon, the Lady of Darkness, stepped inside.

The lights clicked on, and around the room a cheer went up, ten voices in unison. "Surprise!"

Scarlet Dragon stopped, her eyes wide, shock on her face. She looked around, a smile spreading on her lips as she took in the decorations. The banner stretching across the ceiling.

Happy Birthday

And Danny Hebert, standing behind a table, a large cake with sixteen candles on it. Around the room were Victoria Dallon, Amara, Gallant, Clockblocker, Vista, Alucard, Meridia, Kid Win, Paladin, and the golden form of Dragon. Armsmaster was the only one who hadn't shouted, the Tinker looking uncomfortable with the whole thing.

As she looked at her father, Danny shrugged a little sheepishly. "You have no idea how hard it is to find a cake in the city right now. It would have been easier next week, but...it wouldn't have been on your birthday."

Miss Militia chuckled as she shut the door behind the surprised teenaged goddess. "And you have no idea how hard it was to keep us running around until then."

Scarlet grinned. "Right now? Not going to complain." She sniffed a little, wiping her cheeks. "Thanks. All of you. Thanks."

Empire 7.6
A/N: It's been difficult getting this far, although rewarding. I'm hoping we can get to the end soon. Ish.

Next time will be the press conference. I've been having trouble going onward, and this part's pretty long as it is, so it should help a bit in keeping up my motivation. So yes, next time, team Castlevania's press conference!

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


I cracked open an eye.

The room was pretty messed up. Not in the sense of being destroyed, but definitely a mess. Gallant and Vicky were lying on the couch, Playstation controller wedged between them. Kid Win and Vista were sitting on the floor in front of the couch, Vista's head resting on his shoulder. Amy and Madison were tangled together, though both of them were unconscious.

I wasn't that surprised, considering I and the Wards had basically stayed up all night playing video games and chatting, while the adults had gone on to things that interested them more.

A hand suddenly appeared right in front of me, holding a pack filled with blood. I looked up, clearing my throat as I took the pack. "Thanks."

Meridia grinned at me, a hint of fang showing. "Awake at last, My Lady?"

"Yeah." I checked my wrist. Sighed. Retracted the bracer to check my watch. Sighed again as I remembered I didn't actually have a watch on. Meridia looked amused as I reformed my bracer and took out my phone.

Huh. Four in the afternoon. It was pretty easy to lose track of time when you were in a room completely cut off from the sun. Though that was probably a good thing, considering both Amy and Meridia were here. Alucard could withstand the sun for a while, but the fledglings probably couldn't. Even with all the power I had, the sun was irritating, though barely so to me. I prefer to have my friends in good health, and not extra-crispy.

I lengthened my fangs and bit the top of the pack, drinking from it. Yep, didn't help much, but it did take the edge off my hunger. Though honestly, I still wanted to grab someone. Or stab something with the Void Sword..

Meridia watched me, an amused expression on her face. "You'd feel better taking from the source, My Lady."

I shook my head, a smile gracing my lips. "I'm trying to not eat people who don't deserve it, Meridia. Right now, that's a pretty short list." Still, I got up from where I'd been resting on the floor, stretched, sucked the entirety of the bloodpack down, and made my way over to the overflowing garbage can. "We've got things to talk about, though."


The two of us looked northward, out of one of the office windows. The view wasn't exactly spectacular, since we were facing another building. Still, from here, there was only a slight, small beam of sunlight that managed to enter through the windows, and Meridia could look out without being threatened by it.

Carefully, fearfully even, Meridia extended her hand and put it into the beam. The light ignited her skin on contact, flame bursting from the contact, and she hissed as she pulled her hand back, out of the light and tucking her burning hand underneath her arm, smothering the flame.

"What the hell?" I demanded, trying to pointedly ignore the scent of her burned flesh.

Meridia sighed as she pulled her hand back, examining it. Less than a second of contact with sunlight, and her hand had been reduced to ashes, only the bones resisting the immolation. Even as I watched, the wound was healing slowly, the flesh regrowing, though Meridia's face was a mask of pain as it did. "Attempting to push my power in the right direction, My Lady. Particularly strong vampires, like Lord Alucard, can resist the sunlight for a time, but the sooner I concentrate on the gifts I require to become a daywalker, the sooner I might achieve it. A moment's exposure every day, concentrating on healing and the toughness of my flesh, and I may acquire the strength I need to join you by daylight. Although it will take time."

That...was still very fucked up. I growled, extended my fangs, pricked my thumb and offered it to her. "You really have to learn that the hard way, huh? Drink, then. It'll help you heal it."

Her eyes widened, as if I was offering her a precious jewel. With only a moment of hesitation, she took my thumb between her lips and gently suckled from it. I could feel her tongue flicking over the wound, seeking to get every drop before the wound healed itself.

Aand now she was licking in a sensuous way. I pulled my hand back and gave her a playful glare.

She looked somewhat embarrassed. "Sorry. Habit."

I sighed. "Can you please not turn everything into a sexual situation?"

Meridia lifted an eyebrow, looking amused now. "I am still a succubus, My Lady. To ask me not to do that is like asking a mortal to not crave air."

I thought over that, and sighed again, my tone filled with defeated amusement. "You enjoy seeing my reactions to your suggestions though, huh?"

She grinned. "Very much, My Lady. Even for us immortals, life can be too fleeting to not enjoy oneself. Opportunities may come endlessly, but each is unique and often quite worth exploring." Her grin widened. "It's not often I get to enjoy someone like Newter, or even simply look over the things you take for granted." She gestured out the window, careful to keep away from the slowly shifting band of sunlight. "Castlevania was perhaps the largest fortress-city in the world, beaten only by the Holy City Solanar, and Solanar was no fortress. The inner city, yes, but the rest of it was sprawled outward."

I smiled a little. "Speaking from experience?"

She laughed. "Yes, actually. There were wonders of my world that are simply gone. It's difficult to really comprehend they're all destroyed, reduced to dust. For all the hatred we had for Solin, the Lord of Light had an empire that had more of a grip upon humanity than any other. It ruled to such a degree that it was difficult to imagine it ever would or could fall. We wished it gone, thanks to the desires Dracul forged in us when he created us, but...its success would have been a new beginning. Even if humanity had been replaced by us and the demon-blooded half-breeds, it would have been better than the eternal stagnation and unwitting slavery made by him." She looked pensive as she examined the building across the street. "Your people have powers that exceed those of the wizards and sorcerers of old, and you did so by learning from the natural world. What kinds of wonders might we have forged had we married magic and knowledge? It's enough to make me weep." Her voice was a little faint. "Mother would have enjoyed it. She would have loved all this. An entire interconnected, vibrant world, a world that wasn't stifled by a powerful, selfish idiot." She sighed. "Just one being strangled by the chained gods."

I didn't know what to say about that. So I tried something semi-safe. Hopefully. "Your mother?"

Meridia paused a moment, then she smiled sadly. "Yes. She was one of the first succubi crafted by Dracul. Alessandra. She was one of the best. Loving. Desirous. Beautiful." Her lips twitched in amusement. "And yes, My Lady, kinky and twisted by mortal standards."

Yeah, big surprise. Sixteen or not (Not sure it counted considering I was dead for three months, but I wasn't going to try and get technical at this point) I was still too young for this kind of crap. I settled for sighing and shooting her a smile. "Let's just not go into detail there, huh? Maybe in...ten years."

She grinned at me, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Is that a promise, My Lady?"

I groaned. "Meridia..."

Meridia laughed softly. "Apologies, My Lady." She smiled fondly, turning back to the window. "In any case, my mother was one of those formed from the Shadow Plane at Dracul's will. She was not the first succubus, nor the last, but she is of the first generation of his creations. There are few of them left now. None of the succubi left in the castle, and only a few demons. It matters little, in this age. It's simply been too long, and it was rare for Dracul to form a new type of demon."

"I can guess. It's not that easy to form a block of metal out of nothing, there." I said, considering. I hadn't tried to make a living thing. Mostly because I had no idea what I'd make. And I wasn't that inclined to experiment. The idea of making a living thing that would immediately die because I forgot to give it lungs or a heart was...yeah, messy.

Meridia nodded. "You would know more than I, considering that you are the Lady of Darkness. I simply know it took a great deal of time and effort for Dracul to form enough of the castle for it to become alive, and for it to grow and alter herself from there." She looked at her hands, frowning a little. "It's simply...difficult, the changes your blood forced upon me, My Lady. It used to be to remember my mother, I would simply look in a mirror. Now when I do, I see a stranger. I'm...not used to it. And this change into a vampire made me more...demonic than I had been." She looked at me, her eyes widening as she realized what she said. "Not that I am displeased with the gift of your blood, My Lady. It has made me more than I was, granted me potential that would otherwise be beyond my reach. It is simply...an adjustment, and one that is not all that easy to get used to."

I looked down at my own hands. In my demonic form, they were cherry-red. I found the color pleasing, though part of that was my own vampiric instincts, I was sure. Red meant blood. I also had a pretty fair resemblance to Meridia. Well, I looked like me, but with white hair, wings that belonged on my dragon shape, and my face which previously had been gangly and, while not quite ugly, hadn't exactly been pretty either. Maybe if I'd reached twenty-five instead of dying at fifteen, I'd have been somewhat attractive. Now while I was nowhere near as attractive as Meridia, I was still a lot prettier than I was used to.

But how would I feel if I couldn't see my own mother in my features anymore at all? That...was a lot harder to know how to feel about. And Meridia had a good point, too. If I'd been an ordinary vampire, the first sunrise would have either been painful or deadly. It was my strength as the Lady of Darkness that kept me from being killed right then. I looked at the ash littering the ground, the bits of Meridia's flesh that had ignited in the sunlight.

That, by all rights, should have been me. Hell, if the comparison between me and Dracul held any water, it looked like my new bloodline was by nature more vulnerable to the sunlight than his was.

I cleared my throat and spoke. "I'm sorry you have to resort to this to try and resist the light, Meridia."

She shook her head. "Don't be. I was afraid, My Lady. I was afraid I would have to fight and claw my way back to corporeality once more. Unless you have experienced it, you cannot imagine how difficult, how painful it is to try. To lose fragments of your soul, your mind, your memories as you struggle to survive in the darkness." She looked at me seriously. "The last time I was killed, I forgot much. The memories of my mother was one of the few things I remembered when I reformed. You spared me losing that, and exalted me." She looked a little shy and embarrassed. "I confess I'm uncertain why you considered me worthy of it. But saving the parts of my soul that are precious to me, that I shall forever be grateful for, My Lady."

I blinked. "Wait...your memories are part of the soul?"

Meridia nodded. "The only way to remove memories from a person is to damage the soul to some degree. We succubi can feast upon the energies of the soul, but it damages the mind and wipes the experience from someone. The more we take, the more they lose...and it is not an exact process. Some of us are better at it than others, but the process is not simple. When we do it, the soul is...broken, fragmented in ways that is difficult to deal with. The damage can heal, given time, but the memories are gone, and the mind is fragile. There is always a void where the memories were, and the edges where they were shorn away tend to be...sharp, for lack of a better word."

Aaand now I was feeling a bit sick. "So...if I asked you to remove the memories of what Bonesaw did to Mark and Carol..."

Meridia nodded slowly. "I could do that...but I might also rip away other memories in the process. They might forget little things, unimportant things. Or they might forget parts of their childhoods, or their parents. They might forget that they have daughters. They may even forget the other, that they are married, or even whom the other was...every time we feasted upon Bakuda's soul, to make her forget that she had already broken at our hands, she lost more of herself. She has very little of her original soul left."

I nodded in horrified understanding, my voice quiet. "And if you took the whole thing, they wouldn't remember anything at all."

"Indeed, My Lady." Meridia spoke softly. "If they managed to survive the process, they would have nothing left. Some few things, perhaps, might remain. Language, some skills, but nothing about learning them. They would form new souls from that moment, as their minds developed...but it would not be the person they were. Like that of Newter, and perhaps the others like them. You kept me from experiencing that personally when you gave me your blood."

Damn. I...really had to learn a lot more about this crap.

Still, Meridia looked lost and forlorn, the sheer gratitude on her face striking me to my core. I gently squeezed her shoulder. "You've been loyal since I arrived, since I made my claim on the castle. When I announced myself, you were the first to stand up and pledge yourself to me. You've helped me at times, and...you've been a friend, Meridia. I haven't had very many for a long time. Before this, before I gained Dracul's power, I'd only had one real friend, and she betrayed me. Do you have any idea how much it hurt when she betrayed me? I was alone for a long time. My friends are precious, Meridia, and you're one of them."

She was still for a moment, then she lowered her gaze. "I..I am flattered, My Lady. But it's..." She took a deep breath, obviously taking a moment to organize her thoughts. "It seems very odd to me that you consider me a friend. I am not your equal, My Lady. If I lived for ten millennia, I still would not be your equal. It would take me acquiring a godly mantle, and even then I would not be equal, for the Lords of Light and Darkness were always the strongest of the gods. It's overwhelming."

As I took a moment to think back through Dracul's memories, I understood. "Meridia..." I sighed and smiled gently. "People don't need to be equals to be friends, Meridia. I saw a lot through Dracul's eyes. He sat on Castlevania's throne, but he was miserable, because he was alone. I don't want to be like him. Not in the least. You might be a demon, but damn it, you've been a better person than a hell of a lot of humans I can think of."

Meridia blinked.

I chuckled at her expression. "You've proven yourself many times over, Meridia. But this was the big one. When the Siberian was approaching the bus, ready to kill people, and you got in her way, tried to stop her...what were you thinking?" As she opened her mouth, I held up a finger. "Be honest, Meridia. I'm making a point, not figuring out how to punish you."

She nodded slowly, then spoke with hesitation. "I knew what she was going to do. Not by her soul, I only realized too late she had none, but the way she walked...it was easy enough to see." She bit her lip. "She was a beast of rage and hatred, and she was unrestrained. I knew that she would murder without a care. I knew I had to stop her."

I nodded, a slight smile on my lips. "Why?"

She opened her mouth, then blinked again, confusion on her face. "Many reasons, My Lady. One being it was what I knew you would wish for me to do. Another being I know how you reacted upon seeing what we did with Bakuda. How you wish to be better than Dracul. It is unusual, but difficult to understand. I am...not used to a kinder Lord."

I let my smile grow. "And is that it?"

She looked uncertain, then spoke. "I am uncertain how to answer your question."

I patted her shoulder. "When you can answer it, you'll know why I consider you a friend. And I take care of my friends."

I turned and walked away, leaving my servant, and friend, alone with her thoughts.


I looked down at the forms before me. Tilted my head. Turned the forms upside down.

Nope. Made no more sense to me that way either. Though I was enjoying the looks I was getting from my father as I made a show of confusion. He had a look of amusement on his face.

"They're not that complicated," he said, tapping his fingers on the table.

I shot him a look, letting the amusement show in my eyes. "Says you. All this stuff's pretty much Greek. Or Chinese. I can recognize Greek."

I flipped the pages the right way back around. A week after my sixteenth birthday, and we'd finally gotten the paperwork ready to allow me to buy up a small bit of land in the Docks area. There was some difficulty, considering I was officially the head of a foreign nation, but in the end, it hadn't been too bad. They simply wanted to make sure I wasn't setting up a corporate headquarters there.

There wasn't any point to that. Not when Castlevania was large enough for me to have a nice and fashionable official HQ built there, anyway. I even had a nice tower picked out and everything. It was under renovation, but it was nice, square, tall, and impressive. In a severely-gothic kind of way, anyway. Not that I had much in the castle that wasn't severely gothic. It started at vaguely disturbing and ended at oh-god-nightmare levels. The interiors were usually nice, though.

Well, nice-ish. I'm weird.

I turned the papers the right way up, scanned them carefully. While I was jesting about not understanding the legalese, most of this was pretty straightforward. I suppose when you're suddenly rich and powerful, in more ways than one, people line up to make your life easier. It wasn't fair, or right, but now that I was on the privileged side of things, I was going to take advantage of it.

Save the world now, build the world to be more fair later. That's my plan, darnit.

With a flourish, I signed. "There. Now I own a bunch of burned land." My dad and I shared a grin as I finished. "Now we can get started on my plan for world domination."

Dad cleared his throat, looking at me seriously, though the amusement in his eyes spoiled it somewhat. "As a member of the Protectorate, I'm afraid I'd be obligated to have to stop any plans for conquering the world."

I snapped my fingers. "Darn. First, you didn't even know you were a cape. Your power signed up, not you. Second, it's not like I'm asking for much!"

He smiled at me. "Just means Neptune and Salacia would be able to work at stopping you without me worrying about it. And the last time I checked, the world was a fair bit. I'm sure there'd be a lot of paperwork in owning the world."

I pouted at him. "So they decided on a name for the second one, huh? Salacia?"

He nodded, a bit shyly. "Yeah. Since she looks female and has the same powers. They think they can sell things as a separate Case 53." He licked his lips. "Hard to look at her, though."

I swallowed, my cheerful mood fading somewhat. "She looks like mom with angel wings, dad."

He sighed, settling back into his chair. "And Neptune looks like my grandfather, once that suit's on him. When I was a kid, I looked to him as my role model. Your great-grandfather always seemed like a rock, you know. Sturdy, immovable. I can't imagine him giving up on anything until he got killed. All I can tell from it is the back of my head's messed up."

"Not that messed up." I looked my dad in the eye. "Neptune fought against the Simurgh, dad. He didn't make it to Canberra, so he was up for Vancouver, but he did. When she buried me alive in the middle of the fight, he got me out. I think he was driven to help people, but more than that...to save me."

A moment passed, then a slight smile lifted on his lips. "Even though it was impossible, he did what I told him to do. Hell of a power I didn't know I had." He sighed. "Just wish I had a bit of control over it. I don't know how I made them, or what they're doing. They think I'm more like a foreman than the more typical Master. I tell them to do something, and they do it, like...well, one of the guys at the Docks."

I lifted an eyebrow. "That...actually sounds rather appropriate."

He smiled slightly. "Yeah. Not quite sure how to make another construct, though." He looked down at the table. "We'd better finish up these forms, Taylor. Least if we want to get anywhere."

I nodded, picking the pen back up with a sigh.


Another week later, I had one major thought at the forefront of my mind.

I didn't like cameras.

Yeah, I really didn't like cameras. Oh, they were useful, they were helpful, they let people record memories, make movies, get information around the world in minutes as opposed to weeks or months, but cameras did something that I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to.

They watched.

Yeah, I know, that's what cameras do, and this wasn't the first time I was in front of cameras, but it was a keen reminder of me being in the public eye. It wasn't easy to get over that feeling of being watched, because being watched was the first step toward being hunted. You don't forget that feeling. With my helmet off, I felt a bit more vulnerable. Still, image was important, and I had to be approachable.

But, this was my own fault. I called them here so I wouldn't be so horribly terrifying.

I smiled (inwardly cringed) as I looked upon the crowd of reporters, their faces filled with rapt attention. And damn it, there were a lot of people here. At least a hundred. I wasn't used to this kind of attention. I was more used to it now, but...yeah. I hated this.

Okay Taylor, you can do this. You are the Dragon. Reporters aren't the worst thing you've faced.

I cleared my throat, letting the microphone in my hand capture my voice. "Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I want to welcome you."

I gestured around at the lot surrounding us. Golems were at work, building walls and repaving the roads, their actions being guided and ordered by the very human contractors the PRT got me in touch with. In other places, the Dockworker's Union was hard at work, putting up scaffolding, preparing power lines, and making sure everything was going smoothly. "I've seen much of your world. How much it has suffered at the hands of your Endbringers. The docks of this city are a testament to their power and destruction, even without ever having set foot here. This place has suffered for decades, and when I first came to this world, I witnessed it firsthand."

I gestured further back, at the city that was behind the crowd of reporters. "This world has suffered, and this city's a prime example. The good people here have suffered, and the barbarians that just wait for their opportunity have been hard at work, drawing from the lifeblood of it for their own gain. I stood against them because it was the right thing to do, to help the innocents and good people here just live out their lives. That is what most people have wanted."

I waved at my side, at the covered circular ring that rested, partially embedded, in the road right in the middle of the compound. With a gesture and a mental yank, I pulled off the white sheet that covered it, revealing the blackness of a permanently open Shadow Portal taking up the center of the ring. "Many of you know my power and might. Now I show my knowledge and share my treasures. This city will be the first place my people will work their magic. For this is a Shadow Gate, and it connects to another Shadow Gate upon my nation's soil. This is the first, but it will not be the last. Cities and communities the world over have been isolated, trapped and set apart. I am here to use my power, my gifts, and my knowledge to help bring us all together."

With another small push of my power, I lifted myself into the air, floating my way to in front of the ring. I landed on the black, freshly laid concrete before it, spreading my wings. I knew it was scary, but I wasn't going to hide. Not anymore. "This gate, and the gates I am in the midst of building, will be available to those cities and nations who are willing to purchase their use from me. I am here to help connect us all together, to help unite this world against her enemies. To rebuild the civilization that the Endbringers have threatened. To help the people of this world to dare to dream again. And it starts here. I am here to give an invitation. Those of you before me today accepted, and I thank you for it. Please, I want to welcome you to my nation, Velnar, and her heart, Castlevania."

I strode through the gate, and emerged into Castlevania's courtyard, where another Shadow Gate was built up. The members of the press wouldn't realize it, but they actually had passed through four gates in less than a second. One in Brockton Bay, emerging from one in the Shadow Plane, that was right up against another one in the Shadow Plane, and emerging here in Castlevania. I was quite pleased with the setup, really.

I strode forward, to emphasize that I was approachable, and not an always-flying god. Even if I could be. I hated this tightrope balancing shit. I could see where it was easier to go full tyrant mode.

I spread my arms as the press filed through, entering the courtyard. The castle's succubi were lined up, wearing formal wear and armor (and it had taken quite a while to explain to them that they needed more than bare minimum of clothing.) With a grin, I spoke to the impressed-looking press. "This way, if you please. The dining hall is just ahead, and it has been made ready for you. Welcome, all of you, to my home. Welcome to Castlevania."

All right, first hurdle down. Now, here's hoping I don't screw this up.

Empire 7.7
A/N: Busy busy busy. Other than that, I want to note, I hate winter.

*shifty eyes*

Now maybe it won't show up? Maybe? Please? Can we skip right to spring?

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


The dining hall was useful for this purpose. It was large, impressive, and yet at the same time nice, warm, and comfortable. It was one of the nicest rooms in the castle, extraordinarily luxurious by medieval standards, and it was large enough to be easily converted into press room without too much fuss. Sure, cables had to be connected to gas generators to power the lights, because the torches were just not quite bright enough.

The dining hall's chairs were lined up in rows, while the front of the room, in front of a large and roaring fireplace had been cleared. Meridia was at work, wearing a red dress that definitely belonged in a high-class fashion show. It shimmered in the light of the fireplace, and despite her non-human shape, she made it look fantastic. Well, then again, she could make a paper bag look fantastic.

Aaand now I'm picturing Meridia in a paper bag and oh good my skin's already red so my blush doesn't show. Stupid emotional weirdness.

Alucard stood near the fireplace, and I...was really impressed. He was wearing a midnight blue set of armor, regal and elaborate in design, though it seemed to have made some changes in the armor plates for the sake of practicality. A gorgeous blue-lined cloak hung from his shoulders, a gold clasp kept the cloak in place, and the Crissaegrim was at his side, resting in a sheathe. He looked every inch like a warrior-prince. His slightly-scarred face had a look of amusement as he examined the press members filing into the room.

I moved to the front of the room, taking my place behind the podium. Alucard and Meridia both took their places at my side, Alucard at my left, Meridia at my right. I took a moment to gather in the expectant faces of the press. It was a sea of people from all over America, but I also spotted a reporter from England (couldn't remember his name, but he was a talking head) and a lady with a well-tailored suit standing next to him.

I cleared my throat, waiting a moment as the room quieted, the low murmurs of the press dying down.

Alright, showtime.

I smiled, pulling upon the confidence Gabriel had felt before a battle with the nightmares of humanity. Sometimes, it was really helpful to have been given so many of his memories, even if it wasn't anywhere near everything he had. "I'm glad all of you have accepted my invitation. Especially glad for those of you who have crossed great distances to get here. I know a lot of you have endured a fair bit of uncomfortable ordeals to arrive on my doorstep. After the conference, the attendants will help with what they can." I gestured to the sides of the room, where the succubi were lined up. "My people will attend to your needs, although you might want to bear with us." I grinned. "We're still working out the whole electricity thing."

A wave of chuckles passed through the crowd in front of me.

Feeling my confidence grow, I relaxed a little as I spoke. "A lot of you have questions. Many of them about me. Given the circumstances, I can understand that. More questions about this place, this small remnant of a nation that's now long dead. And even more about what happened to the world Velnar once called home. There's a lot of concerns, a lot of questions. I'm aware of how I appear." I let a wry smile spread over my lips as I spread my wings, letting the numerous cameras get a good look at them. "And how much I, and quite a few of my people look to certain figures of mythology. I look like a demon out of nightmare, and this room is lined with more examples of the same."

A few hands went up, I shook my head and gestured that they should go back down. I let my amusement be clear in my voice. "I'm going to answer your questions when I'm done." As the hands went down, I rest my hands on the podium. "There's a lot of history I would have to get into. That would take years to get into all the details of things. I'm not going to conceal anything of it. To put things shortly, however, what remains of Velnar is but the heart of her country. The world we came from was a world that had many fantastical things, but we're all that remains."

I looked at the rapt faces in front of me. "I won't lie. There's a lot of things in our history you would consider barbarous. Primitive. Bloody. Terrible. I understand the concerns you, and the people of your world have about us. We look like monsters. Some of us more than most. I have few abilities, few aspects of my power, that don't frighten people by their very nature. There's a reason for that. My world had powers for its entire history. Vampires, nymphs, mages, sea serpents, just about any kind of fantastical beast you can think of, it existed on my world. Here on your world, they were flights of imagination. There, they, we, were very real. My world was a world of dreams, and nightmare. A world of magic."

I lifted a hand from the podium and called upon the flames of Chaos, forming a fireball. "Now I understand your world would call it differently. Powers, or physics yet to be understood, or depending on where you are, magic and witchcraft and devilry. To us, it was simply magic. That difference made things very different on my world as compared to yours. For most it took most of a lifetime to master. For some, a talented few, they could learn how to use their power within a decade or two. But above that, there were a privileged few. They were the gods of the world, with power enough to shake nations. The gods were, as far above an ordinary man as a man is above an ant. Today I am one of them. I am the Lady of Darkness. I am a goddess, one of many deities that once walked my world." I smiled faintly. "At least by our terminology. I understand that title is somewhat frowned upon by quite a few people on your world. Your world has some odd ideas about gods, at least from my point of view."

I clenched my hand, extinguishing the fireball. "When my world died, I was not one of them. I was nobody, I had no power, no magic. I was human, a nobody, trapped and tormented by the cruel machinations of fate, helpless at the hands of a system that cared nothing for the little people. The last Lord of Darkness, Dracul, was very much a brutal and terrible being. He was a tyrant, cruel and merciless. He was a vampire, but his thirst for blood was not simply from his nature, it was fueled by his desire for vengeance." I gestured at the walls. "This Castle was the center of a war that lasted for eight hundred years, and Dracul waged a war from here that killed hundreds of thousands of people. The only mitigating factor in that was that he was fighting against a regime that desired no less than the subjugation and enslavement of every living being on our world. Neither side of it was innocent or good. Dracul and his enemy, Solin, ended up dividing the world between them, and the hatred they had for each other was legendary."

I didn't have to fake it as I remembered the devastation Dracul had shown me. "The Destroyer came, then. We didn't know where it came from or why. We didn't know why it was killing people and rendering the world into a wasteland. It didn't care about ideological lines. It didn't care about the reasons that divided the gods. It didn't care how many people it killed, nor how much damage it did. It appeared and attacked each of the gods, one after another, and the chaos it left in its wake killed millions. None of them could stand against it, for one simple reason. We were divided. Each of the gods had power on the level and strength of that of Legend or Alexandria, but because of the war, the bad blood, the sheer hatred for each other that the gods had, when it came time to cooperate, to fight back against the Destroyer, it didn't happen. Each was found, alone, and alone, they fell."

Yeah, I had their full attention now. "Even Dracul, when continents were rendered uninhabitable and there was but a fraction of people left alive, took the opportunity to kill Solin rather than even think about working with his long-time enemy to save something more than just his own. True, Solin did not lift a finger to help his nation as the Destroyer devastated it, but the thought never crossed Dracul's mind. He put this place, this small fraction of Velnar, the city-fortress of Castlevania into his personal plane. You would call it a pocket dimension, though I understand there's a few differences. We did not know until recently what happened to Dracul, or what happened to what our world, or if the Destroyer survived.

"Make no mistake, Dracul was no saint. But he was wise enough to have a contingency in place for if he lost his battle with the Destroyer. He managed to kill it, but in the battle he was left trapped and alone on a dead world, with the rest of the gods slain. His power, which he was forced to separate from to manage to kill the beast, sought out someone else, one who was worthy of bearing it. Me. It made me the new Lady of Darkness. I and I alone had the means to free Castlevania from the place it was kept safe within the planes. But I was still young yet, still frail. Still learning about my strength and the power of the god I am. Still adjusting to the changes it forced upon me. It didn't help that I then, in desperation, had to reach across worlds to reach yours."

I let an amused smile rise on my face. "Something about Brockton Bay made it easy for me to arrive there. I was weakened by the journey, I remembered little. But when I was there, confused, with my thoughts in a fog, there were those there who helped me. People both with and without powers. I very quickly discovered Victoria Dallon was the best friend anyone could ever have. I discovered Amy Dallon was a shy person, but a kindred spirit, someone who was forced to carry the world on her shoulders. I discovered Carol Dallon was a spirited woman, determined to fight anyone and everyone, even me, if it meant protecting her daughters. I discovered Mark Dallon, a good man who cared, more than he could ever show, more than he ever knew how to show."

I let my voice quiet somewhat. "I know many have mourned the loss of Amy Dallon, of Panacea. I recall the Panacea Memorial Donation Fund, which is currently raising money from around the world. Its goals are laudable and noble, to fund the research into medicine, prosthetics, and healing until the day comes that nobody requires a parahuman power we barely understand to be healed. It'd a laudable cause, and I know Amy would approve." Still approves, even if we're keeping that much quiet.

"The Simurgh was what you feared most. I helped slay it, and I'm glad I did. But that day, which I am sure will be celebrated for centuries in the future, is also a reminder of the day my friend died." I took a moment to take a deep breath, looking on the expectant faces before me. "When the Slaughterhouse Nine arrived in Brockton Bay, they sought to attack you through me, and through those who ever helped me. New Wave gave me friendship, and they were attacked by the Nine for it. The Protectorate and the PRT helped me learn about this world, and even gave me help and aid, telling me how things were here. And they, too, were attacked for it, by targeting the Wards. I would call them scum, but that would be an insult to scum.

"I do not regret my part in the end of the Nine. Many people breathe much, much easier now, knowing they are gone. Their dead victims rest a little easier, and their living victims now have some measure of justice. But the damage they've done, the people they've hurt, it's not so easily healed as giving a few platitudes. It takes action, and hard work." I smiled ruefully. "Of course, money helps in these matters. For my part in the end of the Slaughterhouse Nine, I was awarded the sum of a little over sixty-seven million dollars. Some of that I used to purchase that small bit of land in the Brockton Bay docks district. That will be the first of many Shadow Gates I am building for use. For now, it connects here, but that is a temporary arrangement.

"Still," I smiled. "That has left me a fair bit of money to work with. Fifty-five million dollars, which...admittedly, is very impressive by most people's standards." I swept my hand, gesturing at the walls to the room. "However, I am not exactly hurting for wealth, that much is merely a matter of turning what assets and services I have into money that might be used. And so I am announcing where the rest of the money is going. Twenty-five million dollars will be donated to the Panacea Memorial fund, because I want to honor the work my friend dedicated her life to. An additional twenty-five million will be donated to the Sarah Kissinger fund."

Murmurs started to rise from the reporters, and I lifted a hand, gesturing for quiet. Once the room was in order again, I spoke with all the conviction I could muster. "I learned much about the acts of the Nine. Sarah Kissinger is the first known victim of their most feared member, Gray Boy. For more than twenty years, she has been trapped in a cage of time, unable to sleep, unable to rest. It was early in his career, from my understanding, and so she is 'merely' a prisoner. She is not being tortured with every passing moment. But for all that time, she has been trapped there, in what used to be an Oklahoma shopping mall. Now what remains is a research center, working, studying, trying to free her.

"As I'm sure most of you know, the Sarah Kissinger fund was originally raised to try and find some means of freeing her from her own personal hell. In time, it expanded to try and make the lives of those trapped, as she is, as comfortable as possible, and when works there seemed fruitless, they changed their mandate. They help the victims of the Slaughterhouse Nine. The people whom the Nine hurt without a care, the rest of humanity has tried to help."

I looked at the sea of faces. I had them, I could see it. "That's what's impressed me the most, you know. My world fell because we were divided. Dracul fought the Destroyer alone and managed, at best, to only take it with him when he lost. The worst part of it is he is not dead. Like Sarah Kissinger, he is trapped, alone, on what little remains of our ruined world, and we cannot aid him. But you, all of you, confronted with three Destroyers...I'm sorry, Endbringers, fight, again and again. You band together. You help each other in need, to scramble together and help complete strangers. Even those of you who are reviled or commit terrible acts otherwise, when the need is plain, stop and help. For more than twenty years, Sarah Kissinger has been suffering as the world, as the life she should have passed her by. And yet, you try and aid her. You've suffered losses, seen your heroes fall, and even when things seem hopeless and bleak, you fight still.

"I helped free you of the scourge of the Endbringer, the Simurgh. But I didn't fight there alone. Many fought with me, and had I been alone, I would have lost. I fully intend to fight again, when the other two emerge once more. I will pour all of my power towards ending them, to help give your world the future that mine was denied. Because you deserve it. You fought for it. Many have died for it. The people of your world are no sheep, led meekly and gently to the slaughter. When the time comes, I will ask for you to stand with me again. I am the Scarlet Dragon, the Lady of Darkness, and ruler of the night. I am a goddess of the darkness, but I ask for your respect, not your fear. I bring fear to those who deserve it. You are worthy of my protection."

I grinned, being careful to keep my fangs retracted. "It is only my hope that I am worthy of you. Thank you."

A moment of silence passed, then hands went up, murmurs quickly turning into shouts.

My smile grew as I pointed to the first to catch my eye. "Yes?"

The middle aged blonde looked back at me, an excited look on her face. "Grace Tepid, from Para-Religious Investigators, I have a question for Scarlet Dragon. There has been many questions about you since you and Dragon killed the Simurgh. Are you seriously claiming to be God?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "No. Not with the understanding of a god in your culture, at any rate. I am a goddess. I do not require tribute or worship for it to be so. I had no hand in creating my world, nor did any of the others. Solin claimed he created all things, but that was a lie made to his followers, and history he put a great deal of effort into erasing showed he was one of many who had his particular position. Dracul, too, was once a man, a hero, who Solin manipulated and deceived. I was once an ordinary girl, betrayed and left to die in a barbaric society left on the outskirts of civilization."

Take that, Winslow. I cleared my throat as I finished. "Gods rise and fall, born of humanity...well, in truth, born of beings with the capacity to think, to imagine, to dream, to speak. Some of us were never human, in fact. But whatever you believe about me, I am a goddess. The power that comes with it is the reason for my..." Helplessly, I spread my arms, and wings, emphasizing my point. "Current appearance. I am more than a goddess, but not simply one. If you observe the portraits in this room, you can see the faces of many previous Lords of Darkness. Dracul, Typhon, Hannazar, Tiamat, Mara. The list goes on. Our history books will be made available as soon as possible, but it will take some time to translate things."

Grace spoke before I could gesture to the next person. "One more, please. How does your position as a goddess affect your political power? Do you have your throne as a matter of divine right, or is there some other measure of selection?"

I nodded. "Here, there is no difference between religious and temporal power. I am Velnar's god-queen. I am her god-queen because I was worthy of the power, physically and mentally, to handle it without going mad with it. I could give up the throne in principle, and one day I may do so. That, however, may be some time in the future, because there is much to do, and I am keenly aware of the difficulty in getting something done if it isn't done personally. There's simply too much at stake for me to settle back and take a more ceremonial role."

I gestured to the next person, a bald man with glasses, wearing a very classy suit. "Gordon Carls, ParaWars Forum News, what do you say to the accusations against you for disrupting shipping, flights, and taking control of American territorial waters in the Atlantic as they have been claimed during World War Two?"

Huh. I'd expected something like that, but not from an argument about something claimed more than sixty years ago. "I checked carefully before bringing the island here. It may have been claimed as territory during that war, which I understand was a far larger and bloodier conflict than any my world ever had, at least until the Destroyer came, but it was firmly international waters as of the beginning of the twenty-first century and no nation had claim over it when I brought Velnar here. The disruption in shipping is minimal, as that industry has been damaged by the Endbringer Leviathan long before I arrived. And while flights were disrupted, that I apologize for, Velnar is not difficult to avoid, and I'm actually looking into building the required infrastructure for civilian flights here, myself. I understand the concerns about where Velnar is now, but I'm confident that what I offer is well worth the inconvenience."

I pointed at the next upraised hand.

A blond man wearing a forest-green suit stood up and spoke, his voice clear. "Nathan Graves, with Channel One 'Today's Marks', two questions! Scarlet Dragon, are there currently any plans for immigration to or from your...island? And for Mister...erm, Alucard? Is that right? Alucard, the ladies have to know, pictures abound on the internet about your physical shape, is that something other men can achieve, or are they an effect of your powers?"

I fought to repress a smile as Alucard looked embarrassed. I spoke with amusement. "Immigration's one of the things on the table. We've got a lot to do here, unfortunately, and I'm afraid Velnar's a fair bit behind technologically. The living standard here isn't exactly great, and we have little food. Most of us survived the journey here due to the oddities of the Shadow Plane, but right now, we haven't got much of the essentials for immigrants here. This is one of the reasons I am pushing to build a gate network, it will simplify things greatly when it comes to such things."

Alucard spoke, shifting a little on his feet. "Train from the age of ten to be a warrior, live with no expectation of another life. My powers keep me in peak condition, but it is attainable. I do not recommend it, however. Few are prepared for such hardships, and the horrors I have experienced are not worth it."

Another hand went up, and I nodded.

A brunette woman in a white suit stood, smiling. "Annette Solaire, with the PharmaToday Magazine and Online News Network, we're curious as to any Medical advancements you and your people might be able to provide...and can I get your autograph for my daughter?"

I laughed softly. "I'm actually working with the PRT to look into possible medicines and such. Due to my nature, I require very little tending, and a lot of the beings here in Velnar lack the need, as well. That being said, it's possible there's something we've overlooked, or some kind of plant might be a basis for a restorative I'm unaware of. And secondly... I would be pleased to give an autograph."

She had a wide grin on her face as she sat back down.

A man with a white suit and a bowtie stood, his voice coming clearly. "William Nye, National Geographic. You mentioned the similarities between you and your citizens to creatures of mythology. Can you comment on that? Has there been previous contact between our two worlds?"

I shrugged. "To the best of my knowledge, there has been no contact between our worlds. I can speculate that, perhaps, some vampires or other fantastical creatures came to your world, but we have no records of such things. There is simply too much lost on our end to be sure of such things. When I have the time, I'd actually like to try and track some of these legends down, but I am simply not hopeful. It's an idle curiosity, and right now I'm more concerned with the future, not the past."

I spread my wings to help emphasise my point. "If I were seen by someone on your world a millennium ago, I would be called a devil, a monster, and probably a great deal of other profane things." I shrugged. "And yet there have been ordinary people on your world who caused pain and suffering to more people than even Dracul did upon mine, despite the fact he had eight centuries to inflict his damage. People are monsters, or not, by their actions, not their nature. A hound is not a monster simply because he must eat meat. A hound is a monster only when it delights in pain. I suspect if any of us came to your world previously, they did so in the hopes they could avoid being slain by those they hurt or killed, and continued acting here like rabid dogs. It might also explain why they are merely myth and not fact, here. Rabid dogs tend to be put down."

Another hand went up, and I pointed at it's owner. "Yes?"

A man wearing a dark gray suit, his brown hair peppered with white streaks stood. "John Ashcraft, Brockton Gazette. You mentioned the Sarah Kissinger fund. With all your powers, will you be able to do something to help the Gray Boy victims?"

I sucked in a breath. "I honestly don't know. It is my hope that I might be able to. I'm actually working with Dragon in trying to find some solution to the issue. It may be possible that somewhere in this castle may be something that might help toward that end. I want to help those people, because no-one should have to suffer that fate. But, I can make no promises toward that. My powers, as great as they are, may not be suitable to that. Goddess or not, I am limited in some ways."

A ruggedly handsome man in his mid-thirties stood up next. "Bill MacVoy, from ACN. Have you opened up diplomatic relations with other nations of Earth Bet, and how are they going? What is your population like, and how have you sustained yourselves for so long in your pocket dimension?"

I smiled at him. "We've opened tentative talks with not just the United States, but also Canada and Australia. My part in the death of the Simurgh has given me a fair bit of goodwill with those two nations especially. We're in the midst of working out some trade agreements, but I hope you can forgive me if I try not to go into too much detail on them at this time. As for sustaining ourselves in the Shadow Plane, it wasn't easy. Most of us had to go into hibernation, ration supplies a fair bit. Luckily the forest surrounding this castle had quite a few resources we could draw upon. The Shadow Plane is also a bit more malleable to us, even without the power of a goddess."

A man in his forties, with a thin but cultivated black beard sprung to his feet. "James Stark here, quick question, what types and goods and services are you planning to export to other countries? And along those lines, do you plan on signing any extradition treaties with other nations?"

I nodded at him. "Goods and services will be offered, of course. Gates will be for rent or sale, as well as expertise in various things. I wouldn't be surprised if some of my people were hired by the Protectorate to help fill out the ranks in places, or if certain weapons and armor designs happened to appear in the hands of law enforcement. We need to do a fair bit of experimenting to see if some courses of action are cost-effective or practical. We're trying to make things as smooth as possible. As for extradition, that depends on the country. That's something I can't say too much about at the moment, otherwise I'll be listing policies country by country here all day."

A younger man in his mid-twenties got up, his smooth voice reaching me easily. "Gary Tollman, Entertainment Today. Scarlet Dragon, the word around Hollywood is that a certain top producer wants to do a picture about your people's plight as your original world fell, followed by the arrival and integration with ours leading to the victory with the Simurgh. Can you shed any light on the project?"

I blinked. I wasn't expecting that one. "I've heard nothing of such a project. I don't mind the idea in principle, I'd like to be a bit more involved in it if it comes around, but I've been rather preoccupied. I need to get back to you on that one."

An old man stood up, wearing an expensive-looking business suit. "Hugh Marston Hefner, chief creative officer of Playboy Magazine. Scarlet Dragon, I'll cut right down to the chase: We'd like an in-depth interview with you, and to have Ms. Meridia here do a photoshoot for our December issue. Since money doesn't seem to be a concern, we're proposing half the profits of the issue be donated to a charity of your choice."

I blinked. Coughed. Blinked again.



That really just happened, huh? I...hadn't noticed his name in the list. Or I just glossed over it. I wasn't expecting this. Stupid, stupid Taylor.

I risked a glance over at Meridia. She was looking back at me with a wide, eager expression. Finally I spoke. "Well, I'll certainly consider doing the interview. As for Meridia posing, you'd have to ask her."

Meridia smiled eagerly. "I would be pleased to grace the covers of your magazine. Are you certain I will be desirable, however?" She shyly tapped her horns. "I am not exactly your typical woman."

Hugh smiled charmingly. "My dear, you are without a doubt the most exotic beauty we would ever have featured in a photoshoot, but make no mistake about it, you are a beauty."

Meridia preened. Oh dammit. She was going to be insufferable for a while.

A younger man sprung to his feet, his hair sprouting off in all directions wildly, speaking so fast I could barely keep up. "I'm FlyingFree, author of the simurghtruther.neu site! Now that you've killed the Simurgh and inherited the Illuminati, what are your plans for the Senate, and can you confirm or deny the presence of brain slugs from Pluto in the court system? And what about the undercover angels you've inserted into the local police? Has the experiment been a success? And was the author of timecube onto something?"


I just blinked. Tried to parse that.

No, rerunning that a second time through my head made no more sense of it.

Meridia spoke up helpfully. "I do believe this one is completely insane, My Lady."

I sighed. "I gathered that. Of everything you said, I only killed the Simurgh. Whatever else is on your list, if they exist, they're not mine. I have no idea what you're talking about. At all."

The speaker cackled. "It's okay to deny it for now, but remember, the truth will out, and cannot be denied! Truth! TRUTH!"

He promptly tried to dash off to a side corridor, flailing madly, only to run face-first into a golem that stepped in his way. As he was reeling, he was promptly grabbed and pulled to the floor by three of the succubi, holding him to the floor.

I cleared my throat as I looked out on the crowd of reporters, trying very had not to face-palm. "Well. That just happened." Great move, Taylor. Next time, pay more attention to the list.

Very faintly, from underneath the succubi were the lunatic's muffled words. "This is the greatest day of my life!"

Interlude: Lisa, Canary, Apostle
A/N: I had the main theme from Thor playing in my head as I made this chapter. Well, the last part. Seemed appropriate.


Taylor slumped on her throne, a goblet filled with blood in her hand. She sipped from it, a sigh escaping her.

"That could have gone better." Lisa spoke with some amusement, her back resting against a pillar off to the side of the throne. "On the plus side, the lack of outright lies will help a fair bit if people start digging. Good amount of misdirection, too. I don't think too many people are going to be looking for your civilian identity in Brockton Bay. Things are still a bit iffy, though. I tried covering my tracks as best I could when I went to you, but if I could find your dad's place..."

Meridia, on the other side of the throne, sat there with a giggling, and very drunk, succubus in her arms. "Enemies might, as well. Still, the misdirection may be helpful, My Lady."

"Just hoping those smart enough to find my dad are also smart enough to not piss me off.." Taylor said, a huff of annoyance in her voice, as well as a slight slur. "Need to..uhm. What was next on the list?"

A giggle from the red-haired succubi on the floor. "More scotch?"

Meridia slapped the other woman's fingers. "No more scotch, Lilliandra, you've had enough. And you need more to drink." As the other succubus open her mouth, Meridia shushed her. "Not wine, ale, or spirits. You need to replace your blood, after all."

Lilliandra's eyes grew wide. "But, but, if the Lady needs my-" She hiccuped then, and blinked furiously.

Meridia looked between Lilliandra and the slumped form of Taylor on the throne. "I think she's had enough too."

Lisa sighed as she rubbed her temples, turning toward Taylor. "When was the last time you slept?"

Taylor blinked owlishly.

Lisa crossed her arms. "Seriously. You still need to sleep, right?"

"I can go days without sleep, and there's a lot for me to do. Can't find Apostle, even with portals. The damn things just fizzle when I look for him." Taylor spoke with a scowl, tapping her fingers on the armrest of the throne. She took another drink from the goblet.

Lisa raised an eyebrow. "And you're doing...what, right now? Brooding on the throne." She stepped closer, taking a sniff. "And that blood you're suckling down has way too much alcohol in it to be healthy for either you or Lilliandra, there..."

Taylor slouched a bit more. "You try and figure out how to get drunk when you're undead. Heh. Undeed. Turns out? I can't get drunk by drinking directly. Nope, I have to get it from someone who's been drinking first. Doesn't even work if I just mix booze with the blood, either. Nope, they gotta-gotta get drunk first, then I can...can...uhrm. What was I saying?"

The Thinker sighed. "And so now you're trying to get drunk that way. Okay, so why are you trying to get drunk? Things didn't go that badly at the conference."

Meridia frowned as she looked at her liege. "I must agree, I fail to see what went so terribly that we had to go to these lengths, My Lady."

A soft laugh from the Lady of Darkness. "Not the conference. Just one question. Hollywood project, all about the fight at Vancouver."

Lisa gestured. "What? I don't see a problem with it, unless they screw it up...they will screw it up, of course. But...wait. You don't mean..."

Taylor nodded seriously. "Michael Bay. They want Michael Bay to direct a movie about me. About me!" She finished off the goblet and tossed it aside, a low hiss escaping her. "I'm so very tempted to walk right in there and scream at them. Something along the lines of... of... What is an executive but... something something! I don't know! Tell them to just haul in someone competent!"

Meridia opened her mouth, then closed it, shaking her head with a bemused smile.

Lisa sighed and shook her head, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Right. Underage drinking aside... you need a break."

Taylor mumbled. "Too much on me. Just too much. Nothin' gets done less I do it."

Meridia lifted a a hand. "I can handle your affairs for a few hours, My Lady. Get some rest."

A sigh escaped Tattletale, and she went to Taylor's side, hauling the young ruler to her feet. "Let's just get you to bed, a nice, comfy bed, so you can relax and get sober. Things will look better in the morning. But first thing? I suggest you start delegating. Can't do all this yourself, girl."

"Nah-uh. Too much on me, gotta do it."

Lisa spoke with exaggerated patience. "All the more reason to delegate. More hands you have working for you, the easier it'll be."

The pair stumbled, unsteadily, toward the throne room doors.

Thwap. "Ack! Stupid wing!"

Taylor just giggled drunkenly. "Must stop Michael Bay. Wings of Fate movie, must stop Wings of Fate movie..."

"Ugh. And hitting me over the head with your wing is supposed to help with that?" Tattletale spoke with annoyance, rubbing the back of her head. "You better be giving a good dental package for all this..."

The pair went out the door, leaving Meridia and Lilliandra alone in the throne room.

The living succubus looked at the vampiric one. "Can we have a bit of...?"

"No." Meridia said firmly. "We'd never get the stains out."



Paige Mcabee opened her eyes.

She'd expected to see the bland, off-white of the ceiling of her cell in the Birdcage. Over the last few months, it had become familiar. Never comforting, of course, but familiar.

Instead, she sat up as she saw a crystalline ceiling above her, shining white and shimmering, casting a just barely visible rainbow over the floor. The bed she was on was comfortable, soft, and the blanket was warm. On the side of the room was a table, also made of crystal, and sitting innocently on it was a covered silver tray.

"H-hello?" She spoke. While she didn't exactly like the Birdcage, she'd learned to know what to expect there. What had happened?

She couldn't help but shiver. Had someone in the prison taken control of her mind? Making her see this while they did...horrible things to her? Lustrum wouldn't stand for it, but that wouldn't stop a lot of them. Superpowered maniacs weren't exactly the model of restraint, after all.

The wall retracted, and a woman wearing golden armor stepped into the room. It would have been difficult to tell it was a woman, on first glance. The armor itself gave few hints, but the face was exposed, showing a woman who looked to be in her late twenties, with black hair. Her features seemed...somehow plain. Pretty enough, but not eye-catching.

"Hello Canary." The woman spoke, leaning against the doorframe. "I hope you like your new arrangements. You weren't safe in the Birdcage, and you didn't deserve to be in there."

Paige swallowed, pulling the sheets around her more closely. "W-who?"

A gentle smile rose on the woman's face. "I'm Dragon. We never met in person, previously. The last we talked was before I sent you into the Baumann Parahuman Containment Center. I am sorry for that, but at the time, I had no choice in the matter." She gestured at the room. "You, and a few others who were sentenced to the Birdcage unjustly are here, in the Plane of Light. Unfortunately I can't just give you freedom on my own, if someone found you out on the streets there wouldn't be anything keeping you safe. We'd have to help swing public opinion back to your side before releasing you would be a smart idea, and that's going to be difficult. I want to, but I'd rather you not get shot by some 'good citizen.'"

Paige got up, noting she was still wearing her prison uniform. "How did you...?"

Dragon shook her head. "It would take quite a while to explain, Canary. I've got a method to teleport things in and out of the Birdcage without risking others getting out. It's recent, but useful." She gestured around at the room. "Right now you're in a new facility. It's not much, right now, but it's a start, and building things here is getting easier and easier. But first..." Dragon grinned as she went to the covered tray and lifted it.

Paige's mouth watered as the smell of bacon and eggs filled the room. Nice, simple, but compared to the food in the Birdcage, it was heavenly ambrosia. She nearly dived at the tray.

Dragon laughed softly. "Easy now, take it slow Canary. You don't want to choke."

Paige muttered around a mouthful of bacon. "Raghrf mrhl pgirag."

Dragon just looked amused. "What was that?"

Paige swallowed, looking a bit sheepish. "Call me Paige."


David floated in the void, holding Noelle to his side. The young woman had regenerated from her ordeal perfectly, a pretty, thin woman once more, instead of a writhing monstrosity just barely in check. She looked at the destination ahead, a clear, seemingly glass platform, on which rested a sphere, with several hundred long gray filaments connected to it.

With David's hold on a power that manipulated gravity, it wasn't exactly difficult to carry her weight. Added with a flight power and a perception power, required to navigate this strange place, and the task was fairly simple.

Still, given the whirling maelstrom of energies that made up the realm of the Lord of Time, it was a deadly place, unsuitable to most mortals. It was no wonder they'd had no idea where the Endbringers came from, where they were 'born' or how they emerged. There had been speculation, of course.

Behemoth's first appearance was when he tore his way through the Earth's crust, forming not just a channel where a new volcano formed in the months afterward, but an extreme amount of damage when he destroyed the Marun oil fields.

Leviathan's first appearance was in Oslo, pulling his way from the ocean to rip and tear at the city, damaging the base of the continental shelf before he could be driven back. There hadn't been warning, the act was completely unexpected.

The Simurgh appeared from the void of space, coming from in behind the moon before arriving in Switzerland to crush the hopes and faith of the world. The move had seemed to be perfectly calculated to crush the hope that a saviour might emerge, to save the world, or even to save humanity from the slow death the two others had been inflicting on the planet.

But all this was simply wrong. Cauldron hadn't known where the Endbringers were coming from, even with the aid of the Clairvoyant, because they were hibernating. Not on Earth, not on any of the Earths. But bound halfway between each god's plane and the empty universes and pocket planes their shards were bound within. It wasn't very expected, but it was ingenious. Not just as a method to hide the bound gods from sight.

It was a method to harvest the energy of their planes, channel it into the shards, and feed off it like a gigantic parasite. Without the gods themselves acting as a conduit to the planes, the shards connected to them would have had a very difficult time reaching them. The Entity that managed the trick would never have succeeded if it hadn't been for deep enmity between the gods. Simply being on speaking terms, sharing the knowledge, knowing that something had happened to the other gods, and more than two might have escaped enslavement.

Then David wouldn't have to be trying to navigate a maelstrom of twisted, broken time to reach Chronos.

It was akin to trying to fly into a hurricane. Walls of frozen time were in front of him, impassable, the air molecules harder and more immovable than a mountain. Above were whirling, chaotic bands of time, moving in parallel. No easier to cross than the frozen walls, pressing a hand beyond the border would make that hand age and crumble to dust in the instant it takes for the nerves to transmit the feeling of pain.

Noelle, of course, was completely blind to the borders between time-shifted regions. Her voice was quiet. "Can you still see the path?"

David nodded. "There's a passage ahead. It winds around, but it's there. Chronos is trying to make a way through."

Noelle couldn't see any of it, but David could. A single path through the solid wall of frozen time in front of them, barely wide enough to take the pair. It was a convoluted, twisting path, but it existed, and it led to the platform upon which an Endbringer would emerge, if not stopped.

Right, then up twenty feet. Move forward ten. Hold in the clear space as the maze twists around and shuffles as Chronos struggles to manipulate the shards. Move forward once more.

It was a harrowing experience, and the worst of it was, the danger was utterly invisible to ordinary human senses. One false step and its owner would lose that foot, or a hand, or a head, to age and decay.

It took a seeming eternity to reach the platform. The eye of the storm. The black sphere at the center of the maelstrom pulsed, the gray shard-connections digging into it, leeching from it.

Noelle swallowed as she looked at the core, then down at her hands. "This is a lot to take in. Are you sure I can do this?"

David nodded. "You can sense my shard, can't you? You could sense Trickster's, too. This isn't any different. You just have to reset them, set them so they're not connected anywhere."

"This is a little bit different." She said wryly. Still, she stepped forward, placing a hand on the gray tendrils connected to the bound god. Her power touched them, rushed through them, echoing not just through the connections holding the god at their mercy, but through the command David had on those shards. It felt like ice water pouring through the back of his brain.

The feeling of her power danced and echoed over David, but the bound god Chronos felt it far more severely. The sphere that acted as the god's prison distorted, spacetime clenching and rushing over its surface.

Still, with a strange shudder through the realm, one by one, the gray cords that were bound to the god snapped, disappearing into the dimensional barriers that humans just weren't equipped to see with their eyes. To mundane sight, they merely vanished. To David's enhanced vision, they were pulled back into the places their shards were residing, disappearing as if they fell into nothingness.

The gray lines connected to the core pulsed as Noelle's power touched them. Her eyes grew wide as she breathed. "So many of them..." She stood still for a moment, her fingers twitching, then she shook herself and concentrated. Lines severed as she worked her power upon them, and with each one, the realm around David and Noelle shifted and shuddered.

Then when they were down to fifty lines, a horrible scream echoed from within the sphere. The connections snapped one after another, without Noelle's touch, and the sphere abruptly cracked open. A night-black figure was suddenly disgorged, freed, curled into a ball and sobbing in pain and anguish. The hurricane of distorted time around the three slowed, until it eventually stilled completely.

A moment passed, then the figure seemed to be sobbing in fast-forward, his cries coming in an unending, nearly painful keen. Another moment, then he was standing, moving normally, looking at the pair.

"Thank you." The figure spoke, as his entirely white, glowing eyes looked at the pair, the only hint at a face, as the being seemed to lack lips, a nose, or anything else. He was fat, and short, barely coming even up to David's chest, but he wasn't simply black-skinned. He was a void, darkness itself, the air seeming to twist and shimmer as it passed through his body.

"I am Chronos, Lord of Time. I thank you for freeing me from the bonds I feared I would never be free of."

David bowed his head. "I am David, your Apostle. This is Noelle, your liberator. Our world needs your help."

A shift in that inhuman face. The equivalent of a smile. "You shall have it."

David returned the smile. Two free. Eighteen to go.

Empire 7.8
A/N: Okay guys, breathe. The world is insane. We all know that. So let's just enjoy a story that makes sense. With vampire dragons, succubi everywhere, gods appearing to answer prayers, monsters crushing cities every three or four months, and explosions galore.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


I frowned as I looked at the sheets in front of me. With a little bit of care, I tapped a line. "This one needs a lot more detail, and you know it. I'm not about to just drop a major Shadow Gate and put such extensive modifications on it without the reason."

The woman in the gray suit looked back at me, a little bit of surprise in her eyes. Her voice was thick with an upper-class British accent. "I can assure you, the United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce has extensively tailored this order to international law. Recent changes in commercial law in the United Kingdom helped streamline the process. It's quite legal to hire a foreign national company for shipping. Yours is new, but the potential is quite worth investigating."

I clucked my tongue and shook my head. "Oh, everything's fine as far as the order itself goes. But this one line right here tells me that someone is trying to pull something over me, and I don't appreciate it, Secretary Elena. I can certainly understand the issues with not wanting an always-open gateway to a given Gate. This is precisely why the suggested infrastructure around it is an armed checkpoint. I'm having a lot of trouble trying to see exactly the need for the more elaborate measures here. Reinforced for atmosphere, radiation shielding? The Gates have been used for thousands of years, they're safe."

Elena smiled and shook her head. "This may be well-known to you, but not to us. We want to be careful. And even if the Gates are as safe as you claim, the environments they're placed in may not be."

I lifted an eyebrow.

Seeing she had my attention, her smile widened. "Are you aware of the history of the last century on this world, Miss Scarlet? Specifically, the space race between the Americans and the Soviet Union?" At my nod, she went on. "The United Kingdom never did our own equivalent of the Apollo program. It was partially a demonstration of the power and accuracy of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and it wasn't required for our arsenal to have that range. But there were always some in the populace that wanted our own program, and contributed to the American program when it was ongoing.

"Fast-forward thirty years, and the Endbringers arrived. When we realized they weren't going to stop attacking, the governments of the world went looking into possibilities of colonizing off-world. It wouldn't have been ideal, but it would have permitted something of civilization, of humanity, to survive. Now one of the difficulties in creating an off-world colony is self-sufficiency. You need a lot of room to grow crops, living quarters, systems for water reclamation, and all that is very difficult to launch into orbit reliably. It takes tremendous energy to break the Earth's gravity well. If your gates have the range to reach across the planet, then it's possible for them to reach Earth orbit. Or perhaps even further. But the important thing is, from Earth orbit, you're halfway to anywhere in the solar system, in terms of fuel if not distance. Even if you can't just plant a gate on the Moon for easy colonization, you can get there. But... space is a very hostile environment."

I blinked as I understood. "I see. You're not thinking of sending crops from one side of England to the other, you're thinking of sending crops to the Moon, or Mars, or a ship in flight."

Elena nodded with a grin. "Precisely. If they're mobile, they could be used for any number of things. A lightweight rocket that can reach orbit with a tenth the cost, because they don't need to carry more fuel than exactly what's required to produce thrust. It would be easily possible to relieve crew, get them to safety in the event of an emergency. You could get vessels crossing the solar system with modern technology, without much Tinkertech, at higher speeds. It might be possible to reach the outer solar system in a matter of months, as opposed to years. Even immobile ones that had to be on a surface would be helpful, because it's a lot easier to take off from the Moon than Earth. Your Shadow Gates could give us the stars, Miss Scarlet."

I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my temples. "I've actually considered the use of Shadow Gates for that, but not this soon. I'd have thought this idea would be a bit further down the line."

A smile from the other woman. "With the death of the Simurgh, there's a lot of people willing to push for this kind of project. Certain factions in the House of Commons want to put this through, while optimism is still there to be capitalized upon. If we wait, things will settle until we end up doing business as usual. But if we push through the initiative now, England having a viable space program will be the new normal. I'm just the first in line, actually. I'm fairly certain other nations will be asking for this kind of work in the near future."

I chuckled and nodded in understanding. "Alright." I looked down at the papers and signed. "And...I think I may be able to help you get things started."


I looked at the active Shadow Gate before me. It was the largest one I'd yet had built, twenty feet across. The thing was going to be heavy, I knew, but it wasn't going to be that bad.

I pressed my fingers to my ear. "Got eyes on me?"

Dragon's warm voice came over the line. "See and hear you just fine. I'll be tracking you the whole way, we'll see how things go. And I'll step in if there's a problem."

I grinned. This was going to be fun. I took a moment to reshape my armor, make it airtight. I didn't need to breathe, but it would help to have some air to be able to talk. The front of my helmet was replaced by thick, darkened material. It was getting easier and easier to manipulate my blood, make it take on impossible properties. I idly wondered what the limits were. Just how impossible was I?

I was topped up on my strength. Well-fed, not stressed, and my reserves were full. It made the shift into my dragon form easy. It felt odd, to see the courtyard suddenly be so much smaller. Still, being a dragon felt awesome. I felt like I could do anything. Break the sound barrier, tame a hurricane, turn the world to my will, challenge eternity itself. I knew that was the rush of power talking, but at the moment, I couldn't bring myself to care.


I called upon the power of the Void, helping to sharpen my mind. With a moment of experimentation, I grinned to myself as I let the power of the Void flow into my claws, the ends of my claws turning sharper, clear, thrumming with the now-familiar feeling of my magic. The Void Sword was, in a sense, a part of me, an extension of my will. It seemed even in my dragon form, I could still call upon it, manifest it, even though it was somewhat different. Rather than the Void Sword, I had Void Claws. This...had possibilities.

But first, I had a job to do.

I gripped the ring of the Shadow Gate and hefted it into the air. In my demonic form, it would have been heavy, but liftable. In my dragon shape, it was downright easy to lift. As if it had barely any weight at all.

Then, using my ability to fly by will alone, I burst from Castlevania's courtyard and headed straight up for the night sky.

The air thinned rapidly, turning cold, though my thick scales and undead nature had little trouble handling things. Cold wasn't something I worried about. I barely felt it rushing past my snout, especially as the air continued to thin. After a surprisingly short time, the air faded away completely, and the Earth curved below me. The cities of the world glowed on the continents below, looking almost to mirror the stars above and away. The vacuum of space had no discomfort to me, though I wasn't entirely sure how much of that was because of my dragon shape, or how much of it was because of my vampirism. I wasn't going to complain, though. This was awesome.

I looked at the gate in my very dragony hands, my maw curling in satisfaction as I saw it was still filled with the blackness of an open Shadow Portal. Orbit? Apparently, that was easy. Easy enough to get to Earth orbit with portals.

I flipped myself around, my eyes searching. I found the Moon easily enough, distant and small. Intellectually, I knew it was a long way off. I remembered a bit of trivia about how it took three days for the Apollo 11 mission to reach the Moon. Three days to cross a light-second of space, just to reach the closest neighbour in space.

A shining light cast over the gate, glowing golden. I turned my head to look.

Dragon's golden suit was hovering there, shining brightly. She gave me a nod, and I returned it, grinning at her with my own toothy maw. With a grace that would make any dancer jealous, she flipped herself around and rocketed soundlessly towards the Moon.

Gripping the Shadow Gate tightly, and a laugh bubbling from within my chest, I flew after Dragon. In seconds, I passed out of the shadow of the Earth, and the light of the Sun hit me.

That...actually hurt a bit. Unfiltered by atmosphere, the light came in strongly, searingly, and my scales certainly didn't appreciate it much. I could withstand it, but it was unpleasant. Still, despite that, I exulted in the feeling of sheer freedom. Minutes went by in seeming seconds as I flew through the void of space, accelerating toward the Moon with joy. The golden light of Dragon fluttered ahead, as if daring me to fly faster than I already was.

I grinned as I decided to meet the challenge.

What took Apollo 11 three days, I did in a few minutes, and most of that was in trying to not actually overshoot the Moon. Flying through space was weird. I had nothing to push against, save the fabric of space itself. There was no sensation aside from the sunlight that was so busily trying to destroy me, while I just did my best to ignore its presence.

I slowed myself to avoid crashing into the Moon and forming a new big crater, and landed gracefully, setting the Shadow Gate on the lunar surface. With care, I pushed its base into the ground, then ensured it would stay in place with a blast of hellfire, melting the dust around it into glass.

Neat, it worked even without any air. I had suspected, considering it was magic, but it was nice to have confirmation.

Dragon floated over next to me, landing on the surface, stirring up dust everywhere that floated, lazily, in all directions. She tapped the side of her head.

Right, couldn't exactly hear much like this. Taking a brief look at the Shadow Gate planted on the lunar surface, I nodded as I saw the black portal was still stable. Lifting myself from the ground, I moved to the side of a mountain, which cast a long shadow over the valley of the gate. Out of the light of the Sun, I sighed in relief, and shifted back into my demonic shape.

Dragon drifted over to me, her voice coming over the earpiece in my helmet. "Well, looks like the experiment's a success. Mind if I take a gate or two, try and put them further out in the solar system? Putting one on Mars might be helpful, and I can think of a few other places we might want one. It's giving me ideas about portals and bridges for a lot of things."

I chuckled, slowly settling down in the shade. I could feel the cold moonrocks beneath me, while just feet away, the same rocks were quite hot in the sunlight. "Feel free. I'm guessing this means you're going to start on your own projects, hm?"

Dragon's voice was giddy. "Do you have any idea how much energy I could harvest with solar panels orbiting the Sun at Mercury's distance? I could power anything I ever wanted, especially if I could use my own bridges to channel that light. Heck, I could just go and bathe in it if I felt like it!"

I couldn't help but grin. "Light's that's nice for you, huh?"

She nodded quickly. "Oh yeah. I really can't describe it. I can... see and feel the entirety of the electromagnetic spectrum. I can stop and watch and listen to a pulsar sing, feel the Sun itself vibrate and dance. I can look out..." Dragon turned and pointed with a mechanical paw. "That way, and see the light from ten billion galaxies reaching me, faint and spread out, but there. I can see the elements in the stars in them, and see them get cast back into the void of space as those stars die. I can sense the glow from the moment of the Big Bang, in every direction, and sense it all. Before I gained the power of Light, I knew all these things, but now it's awash in sensation and feeling. It's beautiful."

I smiled as I closed my eyes. I might not be able to feel what Dragon could, through her power, but I could imagine. For a moment, I let my mind wander the universe as a whole, the stars which hosted worlds, and worlds that hosted life. All supported by the absolute blackness, the darkness that spread between the worlds. The near-nothingness between worlds that made it possible to be different worlds. The void was cold, and dark, but not empty. Seething energy flowed in it, swamped by the radiation of stars and the screaming bits of loose matter, thrown carelessly away by trillions upon trillions of suns.

My eyes snapped open. "Holy..." I looked up into the black sky. The stars stood there, innumerable, but seemingly static. But for the first time, I looked, and my power seemed to... open. My consciousness expanded, and for the first time... I felt aware.

The darkness was there. Always there. Easily pushed aside by the smallest bit of light, but omnipresent, waiting, carving shadows from everything that existed. The Void magic that made up Dracul's sword tapped into that, moreso than the emotions of the vampire god or the souls cast into that void, it wasn't formed from nothing, as I and even Dracul believed. It was formed of something primordial, ancient, the very darkness between the stars themselves.

My power, somehow, tapped into that. It tapped into the fires of the Hells as well, and the strength of the storm, the fury of the emotions of all living beings...but the darkness held all of it, bordering everything. Always there, forever patient, always waiting to draw everything into its embrace, and only reluctantly allowing the light to push it aside once more. It was vast and terrible, but not cruel or vicious. It was the part of my soul that was still human that gave the potential for cruelty. Just as any source of power would, to anyone, god or not.

Dragon made a slightly satisfied sound in my ear. "I think you're grasping something about what I see. Or at least your equivalent. Our powers are weird, mirrored. I'm guessing you're feeling something about the darkness?"

I nodded helplessly. "Is it like this for you all the time?"

Dragon laughed. "All the time. I have to try and stay on task when I'm out here. It's easy to get lost in the moment, with all the light coming from around."

We shared a moment of silence, lost in our own respective gifts. Then Dragon spoke again, her voice all business. "We've got a lot to do. You and I need to train together, and we've both been busy. I've been preparing for the next probable Endbringer attack, and I've got a few ideas."

I nodded. "What have you got in mind?"

Dragon settled on the gray lunar dust, humming a little in thought. "The Simurgh only went down when we combined our strengths to break the core. If Behemoth and Leviathan are the same way, then it might help if we can create weapons that do the same thing. We already know it's possible. Alucard's weapon is an example, I can feel a hint of my kind of magic on it. And yet he uses yours on top of it. If we can combine our efforts to make a weapon with both aspects, we might be able to do more together than either of us could apart."

I considered that, then went to rub my chin. Only to bang my fingers against the faceplate of my helmet. Oops. Good thing the vacuum wouldn't kill me if I accidentally broke it, but that would have been awkward.

Dragon chuckled in my ear. "Forget something?"

I just laughed softly. "Forgot the whole spacesuit thing. Anyway, that sounds good. What have you got in mind? A big sword, a bow, a laser gun? Giant shotgun?"

Dragon sounded smug. "I'm thinking something big. Real big. I'm actually already getting to work on the framework for it, but it's taking a lot of resources. Also preparing a few backup plans, in case it fails, but the more hands that can tear at an Endbringer like we did the Simurgh, the better. Fewer points of failure. We'll be high-priority targets for them, if it comes down to it. We need to be on the lookout for the Abomination, too. I'm keeping an eye on our suspects as much as possible. Sleeper hasn't moved, the Blasphemies are still hiding, and Glastig Uaine is currently having tea in the Birdcage."

I nodded as I considered it all. "What about our last two?"

Dragon shrugged. "The Yangban aren't easy to keep track of, and the Abomination being behind them is a long shot theory. They're the only parahuman group running a major power, though. It's possible they're being controlled by the enemy, but not that likely. Scion, though, he's still impossible to track. All we get are sightings of him by word of mouth, and that lags anywhere from five minutes to days. Last report I have of him was fixing a collapsed bridge in France about three hours ago. The real question is, if he's the Abomination, why would he spend nearly thirty years helping people?"

She paused for a moment, her camera-eyes seeming to focus on me. "Speaking of which, you need to take a bit off your own shoulders. Lady of Darkness or not, you need help, even on your own ground. Dracul didn't do everything himself."

I sighed. "So Tattletale told me, too. I've got too much to do, too much relying on me, I can't just..." At the long, steady stare from Dragon, I sighed again in defeat. "You're right. I've got a few meetings, but I'm going to stop scheduling them. I can't micromanage everything. Been run ragged trying to do all this stuff."

Dragon sounded amused. "I can help with that, you know. I might just have one instance of me, but I can run a billion suits. If I actually had that many, that is. I still have to buy raw materials."

I sighed, then couldn't help but chuckle. "You know, if Dracul and Solin could see us getting along like this, they'd both pitch a fit."

Dragon's voice sounded smug. "Good. Oh, by the way? I think I can manage something. Can I see you take your dragon form again?"

I shrugged. "Sure. It'll help in flying back to Earth, anyway." I got to my feet, closing my eyes as I concentrated. Each time I did this, it became a bit easier, though it wasn't precisely easy. Still, a moment later, I laid my paws on the lunar soil, looking down at the comparatively smaller form of Dragon, the lack of air being no hindrance to me whatsoever.

Dragon floated off the ground, then circled around me, looking my dark red scales over with curiosity. Then she floated above the lunar surface about fifty feet away from me. While her robotic form was expressionless, I got the feeling she was concentrating on something.

Then she flared with blue and white light. When it faded, I was taken aback for a moment.

Dragon stood there on the lunar surface, thirty feet tall as I was. She had golden scales on the upper half of her body, and the lower half shone silver. She rested on four legs, massive and muscled. Two stubs emerged from her back, and she flexed them, letting out a silent roar in the void of space, four jet-like streams of energy emerging from each of the stubs on her back. She had jetstreams for wings!

Dragon grinned at me, with teeth longer than swords. I returned the grin, lifting myself off the lunar surface with an effort of will. I took a moment to circle around her, like she had me, taking her in from every angle. Dragon was an actual dragon! She looked...as much a dragon of light as I did a dragon of darkness.

I felt inordinately, strangely pleased at that.

I took a moment to concentrate, calling upon my hellfire, concentrating it to wreathe around my arms. The flames burned around me, the lack of air no hindrance to their existence.

Dragon seemed to grin at me, her own forelimbs blazing with her own white flame.

I gestured back at the Earth, hanging large in the sky, bright and beautiful. Dragon looked up, following my gesture, amusement in her slitted green eyes as she nodded.

Wreathed in our own red and white flames, the two of us raced our way back towards the Earth, enjoying the play, revelling in the freedom of the moment. It was playful, competitive only in the sense of sheer fun, and I somehow knew neither of us really cared about who 'won' our race.

For a precious few minutes, I just relaxed and enjoyed the moment, all the worries I had meant nothing. I'd honestly forgotten what it was like to just play. I hoped I would get the chance to do so again.

My new sister was awesome.

Interlude: Preparations part 1
A/N: Geez, this has been a lot of work. Still, we're getting there.


July 9, 2011

Alucard looked at the slightly-curved blade on the workbench before him. The edge was a shining white, while the interior and back of the sword snaked along with a faintly blue metal. "This is a magnificent piece of work."

Armsmaster's voice was filled with satisfaction. "Your own skills as a blacksmith are impressive. I'm not sure how you managed without the advantages of nanotechnology, actually. I simply had your Crissaegrim analyzed and replicated the metals with what was provided. The links from Paladin's broken chain, the order of metals from Scarlet's castle... the hardest part was the edges, actually. Twist the ring just below the guard clockwise. And don't drop it. It'll go right through the floor."

Alucard lifted an eyebrow as he did so, carefully. Despite the warning, he was nearly taken aback as the sword hummed lowly, a gray haze extending from the edge of the blade. "Fascinating." With care, he turned the ring back around, shutting off the nanothorn edge. "What is the edge made of?"

Armsmaster nodded. "Endbringer crystalline material from as close to the core we could harvest. Which ended up being around twelve times the density of uranium. It seems to be nearly quantum-locked at that point, but it makes it ideal as a basis for a nanothorn system. With that combination, it might just cut an Endbringer core. It took a lot of effort to get it to work with your particular alloy."

Alucard's grin was feral as the blade caught into blue flame, the metal channeling Alucard's particular magic. "It's fantastic. The blend is perfect." He carefully slid the sword into its specialized sheathe, then carefully set its harness to connect to his armor. "Did you name the weapon?"

Armsmaster's lip twitched. "Blade test number seven."

Alucard shook his head. "Does not exactly match the character of the weapon." He rested his hand on the hilt of the blade, thinking for a moment. "Mourneblade. Its name is Mourneblade."


July 10, 2011

Taylor glared at the Shadow Gate, resting innocently in the Shadow Plane. No matter how many times she tried it, she still couldn't make it open to find two people. Coil or Apostle. Other people, sure. But something about those two? It just failed.

She put her hand on the gate, growling. "Find me one of those two assholes or I'll paint you bright pink. Find me Coil!"

The portal fizzled.

"Damn it!"


July 12, 2011

Natalie Grant looked around the room she was given with a slight frown.

The problem was not that it was bad. Far from it. It just lacked certain modern comforts that she was used to. No shower. No hot running water. The bed was large and comfortable, and the rooms outside were large and spacious enough to serve as a proper embassy. Apparently, an entire tower on the outer wall was being assigned to be the United States consulate here.

The black-skinned, absurdly attractive woman (who had actual horns growing out of her head, and those wings were not just decorative) gave her a smile. "Ambassador Grant, I hope things are to your satisfaction."

Natalie nodded a little, frowning. "There's a lot to be done. This is a good start, though. There's a long list of things we can do to make things nice and efficient here. It might take a while, though. I've got a list of contractors that can come in and get things up to modern standards. Water and power's our main priority, there. There's just a lot of things we can't do without those."

Meridia nodded with a smile. "I can understand that. There's a bathhouse beneath this tower, actually. We have been remodeling the castle as your technology becomes available. Your world has a number of interesting things. Can I ask you for some recommendations?"

Natalie smiled. "About what, exactly?"

Meridia's smile widened. "I am looking to purchase the device you know as a 'computer.'"


July 14, 2011

Meridia grinned as she looked around the room. It was nice and comfortable, a large bed resting behind her. But what she was most happy about was her new acquisition. She'd have to thank Natalie. If not for the ambassador's input, she might have done something silly. What she wanted was apparently more complicated than she thought.

The magical device known as a 'computer' by which she could connect to the riches of the 'internet.' She'd even bought a proper desk to place it upon, like it had been suggested to her. Using a proper computer was apparently difficult without the right furniture.

She was certain it would be a bountiful field of desire and imagination to explore. The 'internet' was apparently a kind of archive upon which humans put everything, and best of all, it was unrestricted. She was positively giddy at the prospect. If simple pictures of erotica were so easily found with minuscule access, just what bountiful treasures awaited?

She set things up just right, connected the cables as the directions showed. Attached the wires properly. Carefully put the keyboard in proper position.

Then she hit the power button and waited.

Starting Windows First-time setup. Estimated time for completion: 3 hours 27 minutes.

Meridia glared at the screen. "When can I get on the internet?!"


July 15, 2011

The portal fizzled.

Taylor ground her teeth. "Fine. Back to training with Dragon." She shook her finger at the gate. "You're not out of danger yet."

The gate sat there innocently.


July 19, 2011

Dragon had email.

Not that email was unusual. She had plenty of email. It was the subject line that got her attention. Two capes requesting asylum, one experienced. Two more capes wanted to sign up for the Guild, on the condition they could move to Canada. Given the information in the email, there were a number of hurdles there, especially with the prior record of one of them. But it wouldn't be too difficult to arrange, though probation would likely be a possible problem.

PR was always a pain, no matter how necessary it was to keep things going. She sent off a reply with instructions before she returned her mind to the more immediate matter at hand.

The operation to finally take down Heartbreaker.

Before her ascension into the position of the Lady of Light, she would have been stuck piloting a single suit, forced to collaborate with other people to fill in the manpower. That would have made this particular operation rather difficult to pull off, considering the target.

The compound ahead was large. Surrounded by a barbed wire fence, resting on a hill, and each corner had towers by which snipers enjoyed the high ground.

A kilometre down the road, just behind a hill and out of sight of the compound was the near-permanent encampment of the Canadian authorities. Partially it was in a hope to rescue some of the victims of Heartbreaker. Mostly, its presence was born out of the need to keep the man in check, preventing him from creating more victims. It was a standoff that went on for years.

The irony was more people were afraid of Heartbreaker's power than Nikos Vasil had ambition or imagination. He lived like a king of legend, never wanting for anything, and who could have anything he desired. All he had to do was get within speaking range of his target, have a short conversation, and they were his. He could have ruled a nation with that power, easily.

Instead, he made a harem of slaves.

Determination filled Dragon. Not one more.

Dragon activated her radio. "Gentlemen, I suggest you put on your ear protection."

The occupying police quickly did so, putting on shielded ear protection, waiting for the all-clear signal.

Speakers opened on the fifty suits surrounding the compound. A song began to play as the suits began to move in. Lyrics slightly tweaked, and sung by someone who was currently enjoying rather nice accommodations in the Light Plane.

It's time to give it up,

It's time to let him down,

So put your guns down and,

Desert him!

The varied suits, custom-made to handle dangerous S-class threats, had very little trouble tearing through the fence and dealing with mostly-civilian hunting rifles. Gunshots made by the stronger-willed Heartbroken were ignored, their users captured in containment foam.

Don't let him make you cry,

Time to say goodbye,

Let me stop his lies and,

Hurt him!

The repeating song, along with Canary's influence, made it rather easy to contain and neutralize the victims of Heartbreaker. It also helped having a layout of the compound, thanks to Cherie Vasil, and just where Nikos probably was.

In the end, Nikos Vasil was captured easily. He tried making a break for the trees, dressed in nothing but his boxers and a quilt. A containment foam grenade caught him, a bare foot sticking out of the resulting sphere and twitching madly.

Dragon took a picture. This moment had to be immortalized.


July 21, 2011

Alec set down the paper. "Huh. They captured Dad. Killed in an 'escape attempt' afterward."

He thought for a moment. He knew he should be feeling something about it. Happiness that his monster of a father was gone forever. Elation that he'd never get dragged back to that hellhole of a compound. A bit of satisfaction, perhaps.

Finally, he shrugged. "Oh well. Neat."

He turned on the TV. He still had a fair bit of money for the utilities. He could look for work later.


July 22, 2011

The portal fizzled.

"Fuck! Did you just electrocute me?!"

The bright pink gate just sat there.


July 25, 2011

The Protectorate was a rather accepting organization. They didn't care if you were a man or a woman, gay or straight, black or white. If you had powers, you were welcome. Even if you had a rap sheet, so long as things weren't too heinous, it was possible for you to sign up.

This was new, however. Legend frowned a little as he looked over the two identical drop-dead gorgeous women standing in front of him. "So, ladies. Why do you want to join the New York Protectorate?"

The one on the left spoke first. "Well, we can contribute to the team. Both of us can sense emotions and influence others to some degree, whether exciting or calming a crowd. We can shapeshift and gather intelligence. We can cast minor illusions, and greater ones if we have time to prepare." She twirled her fingers, a hundred inch-tall miniature green soldiers appearing on the table. With a cry of 'Waaaaagh!' the illusions started to attack each other in a gruesome battle, though thankfully the tiny drops of blood immediately vanished when they hit the wood.

Legend watched with some amusement, especially since the little illusions seemed to be massively enjoying themselves.

The succubus grinned. "You'll not find better entertainers than us. We make for good...therapists, is that the word? And we can fight, when required." Her smile broadened. "We can do a lot to aid you, and we have heard that this city requires more 'capes.' Our Lady gave us leave to join if we wished. We attained our visas, and so here we are."

The one on the right had a matching grin. "And we wished to see if you were as good a man as claimed." She looked Legend up and down, her gaze approving. "So far, so good."

Her twin smacked her on the shoulder. "Irina, you don't say that."

A roll of the eyes. "Trisla, there's no harm in looking. Besides, you thought it too."

Legend coughed. "I... appreciate the thought, ladies, but I'm married. Happily so."

Irina tilted her head, a slight pout on her lips. "Lucky woman."

Trisla sighed. "You didn't even bother to read the information package I gave you, did you? First of all, he's married to a man. Everyone knows that. Secondly, we are not permitted to solicit our superiors. It's unprofessional."

Irina frowned a little, considering. "Married to a man?"

Legend nodded, inwardly letting out a sigh of relief.

Irina smiled then, her eyes lighting up in interest. "How does that work? Can we watch?" She grew more excited as another thought clearly occurred to her. "Wait, does that mean I can marry a woman?! I love this world."

Trisla slumped in her chair, making an exasperated sound. "By the Lady's blood, Irina..."

Legend cleared his throat. "No, that's private, and we wouldn't go for it. I think we can find a place for you. If you can remain professional."

Preferably in Los Angeles. He thought. Becca can probably handle this.


July 26, 2011


Thump. Thump. Thump. "Why doesn't this fucking thing work!?"

The pink gate, decorated with Christmas lights, sat there.


July 27, 2011

Meridia smiled at the little light above the camera. "Well, ladies and gentlemen. I'm hoping you're going to enjoy this." Her grin widened. "Please be gentle, it's my first time." She winked with a giggle.

She felt a lot of satisfaction, plus a wave of lust and desire, as the watchers, requests and donations started filing in to her website. The feelings, and numbers, only increased as she teasingly started the show.


July 28, 2011

Max Anders sat behind his desk, a half-full glass of brandy on the desk beside him. Absently, he sipped it before he spoke. "I have to ask you to reconsider. We're in a stronger position than ever here. Lung's gang is gone, the Merchants are no threat, while we still stand strong. This is an ideal time for both you and Theo to come back."

Kayden's voice came out of the phone, filled with exasperation. "And accomplishing what, Max? Just what is this city going to look like underneath the Empire? What kind of place would this be for Aster and Theo?"

"A safe place, of course." His voice was calm, soothing. Kayden always was sentimental, and if he could just keep talking, she'd come around to his way of thinking. With her apartment destroyed, she didn't have very many places to turn to. "This city's finally about to turn around, and we can only strengthen from here. I can give you and Aster security, Kayden."

"No, you can't. Your influence didn't keep my apartment from being burned while Othala was over with your offer before. We're done, Max."

He glowered, allowing some of his irritation slip into his voice. "I think we have a lot to talk about. Nobody's about to trust you on your own out there. Theo just triggered, he'll need help and support to figure out how to leverage his powers. Coming back to us is the best solution for all of you."

"Sorry Max, it's not happening. For all I know, you had that fire set to limit my options."

He grit his teeth. "I would never risk your life, or Aster's, or Theo's for this. I'm right, you know I am." He'd never risk Othala's life in that case, either. Her power was too valuable for the Empire. The ability to heal was rare, and with Panacea's death, it made his position even stronger. Still, it annoyed him. Who the hell had set that fire?

"Well, it's out of your hands now. I'm surprised you haven't heard. Brockton Bay's getting a lot of new capes in the Protectorate. Some of them signing on from Scarlet Dragon's island. You're going to have your hands full if you try and hold onto the city. Thankfully, it's not going to be my problem. I'm leaving."

Max sprung to his feet. "There's nowhere you can go that'll accept you."

Her voice was smug. "Actually there is. Theo suggested it. I've got a nice job with Dragon. I might be on probation, but it's better than the shit you're trying to sell me right now. Especially since Aster and Theo are going to be taken care of. I've seen how you treated him, Max. I'm not letting that happen to my daughter."

Max felt the blood draining from his face.

The golden suit, blazing with light, a bright blue beam impaled through the Simurgh and the near-impervious core. The much larger red dragon, as large as a small building, holding the Endbringer still as it added to the assault, breathing a beam of searing-hot unnatural fire.

He spoke slowly. "This isn't over."

The line clicked.

Max slowly slumped back into his chair. He picked up his glass, raised his gaze to look out the window, and drank slowly.

Interlude: Emma
A/N: Busy, busy, busy. It's been a rough journey, getting this far. Thanks for putting up with the wait. Argh!

Here it is, the revised version. Yeesh, this took WAY too long.


January 7, 2011

"Let me out!" Taylor screamed, the banging echoing faintly in the hall. It was pretty difficult to hear her, actually, considering she'd been pressed face-first into the trash. "Please god let me out it's all over me! They're all over me! Let me out! Oh God let me out!"

Emma laughed. Finally cracking the facade of indifference made it worth the effort. It was so much better when Taylor reacted. When she cried, or screamed, or sobbed, or broke down. Emma couldn't keep the grin off her face. "Don't worry Taylor. They'll keep you company for a while. You needed to make new friends anyway."

She shared laughs with Sophia as they walked away, Taylor's screams fading into coughs and hacks, retching echoing out of the confines of the locker. The screams weren't that loud, anyway. The pads and tampons were muffling things nicely.

Sophia's voice was smug. "Damn good idea, Ems. I'll let her out by next period. Maybe. This is just too funny."

Emma nodded, unable to keep the smile off her face. Totally worth the effort.


"What do you mean she's dead!?"

Sophia's voice hissed at her, the alleyway filled with both snow and frozen garbage. "Hebert's fucking dead. I checked between periods. Nobody let her out, she's a stone cold corpse. I went through her bag, she had a notebook filled with all the shit we pulled on her. Don't worry, I took care of it."

Emma reeled. It was impossible, wasn't it? "She's still there?! We have to get her out! It's only been six hours, she could be..."

Sophia slapped her. "We don't do a goddamn thing! We keep away from that fucking school. I checked, she's a goddamn corpse. Going back there is only going to get us caught and hung by the cops. She's dead, we got to protect ourselves now. We're survivors, Ems. We ain't going to be dragged down by her. She's a weakling. We gotta think about us."

It was nearly impossible to breathe. Emma's mind was in a whirl. It couldn't be, it was just supposed to break through that shell. The facade of indifference that her former friend built up. It was supposed to just get Taylor to react. It wasn't supposed to end with...

Sophia stared at her, her voice intense. "They'll find her. Janitors are fuckin' lazy, but with that smell? They'll find her by tonight, maybe tomorrow morning at the latest. Give me your phone."

Emma blinked at the seeming jump in topic. "Wh-what? Why?"

Sophia growled. "Your phone. We need to wipe the texts, all of em. The cops might look into it, hell the PRT may look into it. We wipe the data. Everything. Wipe the texts now. You sent me the fuckin' idea for the whole locker shit over the texts, we need to erase it all."

Emma paled at the thought. Quickly, she dug out her phone, opening the texts and seeing her words stare back at her.

EB: Hey S! I've got this great idea on how to break through to Taylor! I swear, it'll make her cry!

SH: No shit? MESsing with Hebert's been boring lately. Whatcha got?

SH: Stupidcaps.

EB: Know the wastebin in the girl's bathroom? It's filled with used tampons and pads. Why don't we fill her locker with it?

SH: Awww, nasty! Yeah, I can do that. You know me, easy easy.

EB: Even better. If she opens it to look, we put her in there. She's skinny, she'll fit. Put the trash where it belongs.

SH: Damn girl. Where do you come up with this shit?

EB: It's a gift. We need to get Mads in on this.

EB: Not answering.

SH: Ah, yeah. She's sick with the flu. Probably playing games. She's not important to this anyway. We got this.

Numbly, Emma handed over the phone. Sophia fiddled with it, quickly wiping the texts away. Erasing everything Emma had done. Emma trusted Sophia with a lot. With everything. With her life.

Maybe it was best to trust her now.

Sophia handed the phone back. "The cops ask anything, don't ask for a lawyer. Only if you get arrested. That'll make em suspicious. Just play innocent airhead. You fuck this up, I'll fuck you up before they ever get close to me."


The ground could have swallowed Emma at that moment and she wouldn't have noticed.

Sophia must have seen something in her eyes. "I fuckin' mean it, Ems. We keep quiet, this shit will blow over. Things will be fine, we forget Hebert like everything else. Nobody cares about her. We just keep quiet, I'll do what I can to make sure there's nothin' left for them to find. We kept erasing those email accounts as we went. Just one more wipe and we're clear. They won't suspect us, and Winslow's a hellhole anyway. All I gotta do is stir up the gangs and they'll do half our work for us." Sophia smiled. The smile of a hungry shark. A smile that had no concern for anyone else. "Trust me, Ems. We got this. You're my friend, I'll cover your back if you cover mine, but if you screw me on this..."

That expression on Sophia's face Emma had always enjoyed before. It meant that Sophia was about to do something. Usually something painful to someone. For the first time in a long time, when Emma looked into Sophia's eyes, she felt fear. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Emma just nodded. There was simply no other response.

Anything else would only provoke Sophia.


January 10, 2011

The park was empty. In the midst of winter, there weren't too many people out and about, braving the cold if they didn't have to. It made it simple enough to make things clear to the last loose end.

Madison's eyes were filled with fear, her voice rough and weak, not yet fully recovered from the sickness that had sapped her strength. "Oh god, oh god... she's fucking dead!? What the hell did you do!?"

Sophia stood right in front of the cringing, smaller girl. "Yeah, she's dead, Madison. And you're going to keep your damn mouth shut."

Emma stood silent. She could see Sophia's arm twitching, almost instinctively reaching for a weapon that wasn't there. Not that she'd need a weapon to deal with Madison. The other girl was shorter than they were, too small, too weak to manage anything. She'd break her fists on Sophia's face.

Madison cringed away from the taller girl, shaking like a leaf. Emma...couldn't bring herself to help. If she talked, they'd all go down. Let Sophia make the threat. It was just a show, and Madison needed to believe it. Emma needed her to believe it.

Sophia's voice was harsh. "If the cops so much as breathe in my direction, you'll get what Hebert got. And that's after I go through your family. Your mom, your dad, your brothers, your sisters, your fucking cat. I've handled enough that they won't look our way if none of us talk about it. Now all this shit'll go away if you just. Shut. Up."

Madison's lip trembled as she met Sophia's eyes. "We can't just cover this up! This is serious!"

Sophia growled as she pushed Madison off her feet, dumping the smaller girl into a snowdrift. "You say nothing. I ain't hanging for you, and I ain't hanging for Hebert. Hebert's dead. Nothing we can do to change that. Now we got to think about ourselves. If you fuck me, I'll fuck you worse and harder. I won't go down because of fucking Hebert. We got one corpse. It's not going to make things any worse if there's four or five more. And even if you're taken in before I get to you, I'll do everything I fucking can to make sure you hang too. Don't fucking push me. You got that!?"

The petite brunette coughed and spluttered, trying to scramble away from Sophia. She looked at Emma, seeking some help, some assistance from anywhere.

Emma kept her face impassive, unhelpful, uncaring. It was the only way. Though that was hard to convince herself of, with her heart pounding a mile a minute.

Finally, weakly, Madison spoke, her voice coming out in a racking cough. "G-got it."

Sophia's grin was feral. "Good. Glad we could make things clear. I'll be keeping an eye on you, Mads. Make sure you tread lightly."

Together, Sophia and Emma walked away, Madison's sobs echoing behind them.

Sophia's voice was filled with satisfaction as they walked out of earshot. "See, what I tell ya? Spin a story, and she'll fold."

Emma faintly nodded. It was the only thing she could do. She knew that tone that Sophia had used.

Sophia hadn't been bluffing. If she was caught, if she had the chance, she'd make sure she did as much damage as she could. They'd just be more bodies left in the wake, if Sophia thought it had to be done. She'd do it to cover up the death of Taylor, just as she'd do what she had to to cover up the death of that gangbanger.

Four or five more corpses. Just add them to the pile. Emma wouldn't say a word. She couldn't. It wasn't worth the risk. She just had to hope that her father's grumbling about moving the hell out of Brockton Bay would come to fruition.

And she wouldn't say a word. Sophia wasn't the only one who'd hang.


January 23, 2011

The snow drifted down on Taylor's grave. Emma couldn't help but stare at the simple slab of stone, marking the place where her body lay. Mister Hebert stood there, before his daughter's grave like a living statue. He moved, he breathed, but he didn't react to her or her father's presence. He hadn't done anything but stare at the coffin, snowflakes slowly falling into the open grave.

She barely heard her father's words as he tried to comfort his friend, sincere, unknowing condolences.

Not knowing his daughter was a murderer.

"I'm so sorry, Mister Hebert. I'm sorry she's gone." Her words came out, thick with emotion. Self-loathing. Guilt. Grief. All for one simple little thought.

She could barely hear his reply, filled with grief and pain. "Thank you, Emma. You're..." He visibly struggled to speak, his entire body beginning to shake. "You're a good kid."

That hard-won sentence hit Emma like a bullet. She could barely listen as she heard her father talking about their plans to leave Brockton Bay. She felt so horrible about this. So afraid. So fake. So...so...


I'm not good. I'm very much not good at all. I'm not good, I'm not strong. I'm...

Sophia's voice rang in her ears. Words she used to take comfort in.

"You ain't weak, are ya? A weakling would have gone along with those damn thugs. A weakling would have let them cut them up, just for the chance to breathe another minute. You fought."

Maybe leaving would be for the best. She reinvented herself once before. She could do it again. She could do it without Sophia. It would be hard, but there wasn't any other choice.

She could do it. She could fight. She would fight.

Even if the enemy was her own feelings.


January 29, 2011

Emma shivered in the cold, watching the ice break against the shores of Brockton Bay's harbor.

She looked down at the object in her hands. Taylor's flute, covered in shit and rendered unusable, wrapped in a plastic garbage bag. Sophia had done exactly what Emma told her to do. Sophia stole it, probably would have simply kept it as a little trophy of what they were doing. Or maybe just threw it out. She wouldn't have had any care with someone else's property. It wouldn't have occurred to Sophia to damage it, to torment Taylor with it.

Sophia had destroyed it, but it was Emma who told her to. She had wanted to prove to herself that she left her old, weak self behind. To say goodbye to that friendship from childhood.

Emma opened the bag, peeling away the packing tape that had kept it sealed. The stench hit her, sealed inside for months. The foulness had long since dried, but that didn't help much. Emma was grateful for the gloves, protecting her hands from the disgusting mess that remained.

Thoughts whirled through her head. This was the last thing she had of Taylor. The last thing she had remaining of her former friend, her victim. The last thing that tied her to...what she'd done.

The police had investigated Winslow, but it was a slow, unenthusiastic investigation. They seemed almost lethargic, doing the bare minimum, and they hadn't looked the Trio's way. Instead, they were using the whole incident as an excuse to crack down on the gang recruitment, with a cop assigned to the school for at least six months. Either the angels were on their side or Sophia managed to pull off a miracle. Even Blackwell wasn't talking about it, citing the fact that Winslow was a hotbed of gang activity. It hadn't saved her job, but it had, it seemed, managed to ensure things quieted down.

Emma suspected Sophia was partially responsible for that, though how was beyond Emma. A few days of investigation, and then the cops just suddenly lost interest. It was Brockton Bay, there was always something new happening, something worse. But it all just...went away.

The fear remained, of course. But it slipped away, little by little, each day she still walked free. Tomorrow, Emma would be moving to New York City. Tomorrow, she could leave all this behind. Hopefully, she could say goodbye to all this. To hopefully stop being afraid, someday.

With her other hand, she pulled out her phone. She looked between them, the flute, and the phone. With a single call, a press of the button, she could call the police. Tell them everything. Tell them about Shadow Stalker, tell them about what they'd done. How they shut a girl in her locker until she died there. Maybe then she would feel a little better. Even if Sophia actually wanted to go through on her threat, she could probably get protection. Daddy, Mom, Zoe would be okay, the heroes could figure something out.

But then she'd lose, too. She'd have nothing left to look forward to. No modeling career. Hell, she'd be lucky if she could get any kind of work at all. They don't give good jobs to girls who killed their childhood friends, do they? How would her suffering help Taylor now?

The best thing to do was to forget it. Forget everything, make a new Emma for a new city. That was the only solution. Suffering in the future wouldn't make up for the mistakes of the past.

She pulled her hand back and threw the flute into the bay. From here, it wouldn't go that far out, but the water was deep enough. It wouldn't likely be found, and even if it was, it probably wouldn't be recognized. The bay had enough trash in it from the rusting metal hulks of the ships.

"Goodbye Taylor. I'm sorry."


February 7, 2011

The New York apartment was small, and cold at first. Hastily-bought space heaters and blankets placed on the doors helped keep the heat in. She hadn't quite realized how much colder New York City could be over Brockton Bay. It wasn't that far away, but the difference was bone-chilling.

Still, as warm as her room was, Emma always woke up with a chill.

Every damn night, she had horrible dreams. Dreams, nightmares, about that day. If she was lucky. Sometimes it was worse.

Sometimes, she just dreamed of Taylor, staring accusingly at her, covered in blood. That, beyond half-formed nightmares and the feelings of crushing guilt, was the worst.

She took her time getting cleaned up for the morning. Feeling leaden as she looked at herself in the mirror, brushing her teeth. She didn't quite like what looked back, but...

Maybe school would be better. Maybe she wouldn't feel so terrified if she was able to spend some time with other people. Holing up in her room wasn't making her feel any better.


Glensdale High School was a pretty big campus. It used to be an elementary school, but after Behemoth hit the city and it was reconstructed, there was room enough for the campus to grow. It was somewhat of a necessity, as the ground nearby would no longer support a tall building, so allowing the government to purchase the land for longer, shorter school buildings and a larger property. There were issues about it, notably some of the classrooms were small, but it worked out.

Emma had some trouble finding her way around at first. The cafeteria was huge, and it took a while for her to figure out how to order her food properly. She felt dejected as she sat down, alone.

She ate her sandwich slowly, not really tasting it as the fast bustle of students around her came and went. A flash of brown hair from the corner of her eye nearly made her heart stop, and she reflexively looked.

A pretty sophomore, wearing an all-black getup. Leather jacket and pants. This girl looked tough, like she gave no shits about anything, and she was busily laughing away at some joke a tall, dark, and handsome guy had just told her. On the other side of the guy was a redhead girl, wearing a thick winter coat and a pink, fuzzy sweater underneath.

Heart beginning to calm, Emma turned back to her lunch, her fingers shaking. Taylor's gone. She's gone and she's not coming back. Get a grip, Emma! You can survive this!

"Hey, you new here?" A cheerful voice broke into her thoughts.

Emma jerked in her seat, whirling around to the speaker. It was that same girl, looking at her with concern.

Emma faintly nodded. "Y-yeah. Just new here. First day."

The other girl grinned, flicking her hair back as it fell over her eyes. "Yeah, I can hear that. Ain't always easy to get settled in somewhere new." She held out her hand. "Name's Faith. If you want, I can show you the ropes around here."

"Hi!" An enthusiastic voice spoke, its owner wearing bottle-thick glasses. She waved at the fellow six year old. "I'm Taylor!"

Emma smiled as she waved back happily. "I'm Emma! Daddy says he's friends with your dad. Maybe we can be friends too?"

"Play nice together girls." The tall brunette lady said, a smile on her face. "We've got to get the barbecue ready."

Emma swallowed, then nodded, shaking the offered hand. "Emma. Good to meet you. I'd appreciate that."

Faith nodded with a smile. "You okay? You look like you're a million miles off." Her voice was filled with genuine concern.

Emma's voice was a bit faint, even to her own ears. "Just some old memories." At Faith's curious look, Emma quietly finished. "Just not used to being friendless and alone."

Faith grinned. "Well, we can fix that." The tall brunette, waved at her friends. The pair came over, wearing friendly smiles.

The redheaded girl smiled and waved shyly. "Hey."

The handsome guy stuck out his hand. "Nick. Good to see ya." He gently nudged the other redhead's shoulder. "Don't mind my best friend here. She's just a bit nervous around new people. And people she knows. And dogs. And cats. And..."

With an amused, but weak, smile, Emma shook the offered hand. "I get the idea. I'm Emma."

The other girl waved shyly. "Alyson. Hi. That's me. Um...hi?"

Faith laughed softly. "You said that three times already, Als."

It felt like a weight had lifted off of Emma's shoulders, and her smile grew.


February 10, 2011

Faith, it turned out, liked to box.

There was a local gym, with the rather catchy name of 'Rocking Irons' about a block away from the school, and Faith was only too happy to show her. It would probably be nice to get a new hobby. And what better place to become strong than a gym?

Emma sat back on a bench and watched as the other girl smacked away at the punching bag, clearly enjoying herself as she trained.

Faith's voice was confident as she hammered at the bag, making it swing back and forth. "So, the whole thing is, New York's a bit rough and tumble. Since Behemoth came through, city's gone through hell. It's helpful to know a few things about defending yourself. Most people don't bug ya, but there's always an asshole or two who you might need to knock around. Better to know and be prepared."

Emma nodded. "So you can prove your strength against all comers. Show them you're the predator they don't want to fuck with. The lone wolf."

Faith stopped for a moment, looking at Emma, her face unreadable for a moment. She went back to hitting the bag. "Not about provin' nothing, girlie. Always going to be a bigger fish in the pond, you know? It don't matter how strong you are, someone's gonna have an advantage over you. Not sayin' you shouldn't be prepared. Just that you be smart. Make a fight your last resort, not your first, cause the guy who picks a fight, makes trouble, fucks over the other guys around? He's doin' it because he needs to prove somethin' and it's pathetic, but he thinks he's got an advantage, and once it comes to a fight, nobody wins. Weak people pick fights to prove they ain't weak. Strong people, really strong people, don't need to pick fights. They're secure. They don't gotta prove shit. It's the difference between the poseur wanna-be capes on the net who don't actually have any powers, and the actual veteran capes. The real deal don't give a shit. They're all outta fucks to give about the little shit."

Faith hit the bag especially hard. "Let's get somethin' straight. You strut around, pickin' fights, makin' shit for people? You ain't strong. You're an idiot, and sooner or later you bite someone who'll bite back and bite harder. You look around Glensdale, you see the guys hangin' in a gang? They ain't strong. They know it, which is why they're in a gang. It just makes em feel strong, lets them feel like they've broken their shortcomings when they're still little pathetic idiots. If they were strong, they wouldn't need their buddies there to get up to shit. You usually don't find one white dude pickin' on the gals from the Bronx. You gotta get at least three of em. Critical mass of bigotry and stupidity."

Emma blinked as she considered that, uncomfortable with how closely Faith was unintentionally digging into Emma's past. Emma took a breath, trying to see the other girl's point of view. "So if they're weak, who's strong?"

Faith snorted. "You're askin' the wrong question. Strong compared to who? You might have the strongest cat around on the street, but he's nothin' compared to a rottweiler. Lemme tell you, really strong people don't give a shit about comparison. They just get shit done. They don't waste time and energy posing, flexing, and proving themselves if they don't have to. I mean, shit, you think Legend spends any extra time posing and taunting badguys? No, he just comes in, gets the job done, hauls the assholes away and calls it a day. I'll bet he doesn't give a second thought to the guys he's stopped, he's got better things to worry about." Faith grinned crookedly. "Too bad the dude's gay. Ruined my first crush. Ah well." She shrugged as she went back to hitting the punching bag. "You ever watch a reality show? Like, say, Last One Standing?"

Emma shook her head. "Been a little busy for all that." Too busy trying to figure out a new way to torment...god, I still think about it. There's so much I never did because I was too busy thinking of things to do to Taylor. So many things I could have been doing otherwise, and I was just so busy trying to be strong. I could have been doing anything with that time. I could have...

Faith nodded, seemingly ignorant about Emma's inner thoughts. "You got the eight people on the show, jonesin' for the million dollar prize. You can divide them up into the strong contenders, the ones who're good at the tasks, and the weaker ones, who're good at politics. If they suck at both, they get kicked off fast. But the weaker ones know they don't bring as much to the table as the competent, secure ones. They can't fish or hunt, or build a shelter, or win any other challenge, so they wheedle and backstab their way to a more secure position, and vote off their stronger rivals. Hell, sometimes they even win the grand prize. Difference is, when someone strong wins it, someone who actually pulled their weight, most people don't mind it, they cheer that guy on. When the backstabbers win it, nobody likes em. Fuck, they nearly lost the rights to the show when one sneaky bitch won on season three. Usually though, they end up losin', cause they can't cope with somethin' they can't wheedle out of."

Faith hit the bag hard, making it swing back and forth on its chain. "They just break."


March 5, 2011

Winter hadn't yet really broken from New York. The snow was going away as the days grew longer and warmer, but the transition from winter to spring was a slow one. The wind coming off the Atlantic brought with it the smell of salt, along with the less pleasant smells that came from the garbage that filled the water. Rebuilt or not, New York wasn't the most clean city around. Though apparently it had been worse, once. The city benefited from quite a few civil programs. It was important, not just as a symbol of American pride, but as a city that the Herokiller had attacked, and survived.

Emma sat, watching the water lap at the shore. A small little grassy patch by the water, letting her look out over the ocean without too much of an issue. She went there to think, because it was one of the few places where she could enjoy the ocean air with a small amount of solitude. Just another girl who wanted to enjoy the day, as much as she could.

Phone in one hand, flute in the other.

Since she found this spot in New York, she came as often as she could. Once every two or three days, considering her schedule. Every time, she held her phone in her hands, considering that choice. To preserve her life over that of Taylor's, even as a memory. It wasn't like turning herself in would have helped anything, would it?

It wouldn't bring her back. It wouldn't fix Emma's mistake. It wouldn't...it got a little easier every day to accept it, and move on.

Still, her phone felt like it weighed a million pounds.

"Sorry." She said softly. "I'm so sorry. I can't help you now. I can't fix it now. It wouldn't solve anything."

The wind whistled. Almost accusatory. She put her phone away. After all, she had to go see a movie with Faith, and Nick, and Alyson. She had a new life, now.

It was best to put the old one behind her.


April 8, 2011

Emma's room was bustling with activity, as Faith and Nick had come over. For the first time in a long time... Emma felt happy.

"So I was sayin' 'you just need to get up on that high horse and try again!'" Faith said with an exaggerated wave, grinning crookedly.

"Oh god, Faith, please don't." Nick begged, his voice desperate.

Faith grinned, her voice teasing. "So Nick here jumps right back on the horse. Gets his feet right into the stirrups. He seems just fine, all ready to go...then a strap breaks and the whole saddle tilts right over. Wham! Right in the mud!"

Emma struggled to keep in her laughter, and failed miserably. Her laughter filled the room, added to by the giggling Faith.

Nick just sighed, shaking his head. "Give me a break. It was my first time trying to ride a horse. They're not exactly common around the city, you know. Now and again, maybe I see a cop on a horse. Going upstate for that was new!"

Faith nodded with a grin. "Sure. But you should have seen the look on your face as you struggled to get outta the mud. You looked like you were ready to choke out Behemoth with your bare hands."

He sighed, taking a drink from his bottle of Coke. "Well, it's not like I enjoyed the experience."

Faith's grin grew wider. "Yeah, well, just be glad Comet didn't take a step back and hit your junk. I'm kinda fond of your junk."

"Faith!" Emma exclaimed, forced into another round of laughter.

She gave an unrepentant grin. "What? He's my boytoy."

Nick just slumped on the couch, putting his face in his hands. "What did I ever do to deserve this?" He spoke, though his words were muffled.

Emma struggled to breathe, trying to rein herself in. Finally, she managed to calm herself down enough. She just...couldn't remember the last time she felt this happy. She had friends. A new life. A life without Sophia, but one where she felt.. content. It was a good feeling.

She quieted as she heard a commotion at the front door, her father's voice echoing slightly through the walls, though she couldn't hear what was being said.

Then the door opened, a severe-looking man standing there, wearing a black trenchcoat. He was flanked by two New York police.

Oh god.

The man held up a laminated ID, with a grim-looking photo of him on it. "Emma Barnes? I am Agent MacGregor of the FBI. I have a warrant for your arrest, and these gentlemen are here to confiscate your belongings for evidence." He looked at the other two teenagers in the room. "I'm afraid due to the situation, I'm going to have to ask you two to come with us for questioning."

Faith got to her feet, her face pale. She whirled on Emma. "Ems, what the hell is he talking about?"

Nick rose his hand, clearly nervous. "Uh... can we get some context, here?"

MacGregor frowned. "She's wanted for the murder of a classmate at her old school."

Faith had gone pale, looking at Emma with disbelief. "Ems? It ain't true, is it? Tell me it ain't true."

Emma didn't say anything. She couldn't. Her throat felt like it was filled with a stone. As the police clicked the handcuffs shut over her wrists, it took almost all of her composure to not just collapse on the floor, wailing hysterically.

She couldn't, however, keep herself from sobbing.


April 18, 2011

Back in Brockton Bay. Not that Emma was allowed to actually see the sights, revisit the places she grew up. Not allowed to visit the Boardwalk and shop. Not allowed to walk around on Captain's Hill and enjoy the history. Not allowed to watch the sun rise over the city. She and her father were considered flight risks. No bail, no house arrest. No chance to get some fresh air. No chance for anything she wanted. All she was allowed to see was the conference room with her lawyer, and her cell. It was in the former she sat at the moment, her heart in her throat.

Alan gently squeezed Emma's hand, and she smiled faintly. Her father was the only steady thing in her life, now. It wasn't as if she had much better to look forward to. Who else would be friends with a murderer?

"Things will be okay, Emma." He spoke quietly. "We'll get through this. I'll fight as hard as I have to. You'll get your day in court."

She nodded, plastering a look of gratitude on her face. She felt hollow, trapped, stuck playing a role that dug deeper and deeper into a pit with no way out. Every time she tried to muster up the courage to tell her father the truth, the words died on her tongue. She could imagine the look in his eyes, the crushed expression of betrayal. The same look she used to enjoy seeing in Taylor's.

She couldn't bear seeing it in her father's eyes.

The door swung open, and Jonas Crick, the best lawyer her father could buy, looked at her severely. He was an older man, balding and grizzled. His voice was quiet as he spoke. "Well. This is a mess." With a sigh, he took a seat at the table, across from the pair. He set down the file folder in this hands and opened it.

"I understand this is a trying time for you both." He looked to Emma. "You've been accused of a long list of charges, young lady. Evidence is coming in as they investigate. I'll be blunt. Things are very, very bad on your end, and as the police and PRT analyse the evidence, more charges are likely to show up. At the moment, though, so far you're looking at thirty years, perhaps more, depending on what they can get to stick."

Her father swallowed. "What do they have right now?"

Jonas took a moment to rub his eyes, careful not to dislodge his glasses. "Frankly? A lot. The evidence linking the death of Taylor Hebert was uncovered by a newly-triggered parahuman. At the moment, their identity is classified, but they're not charging either of you just on their word. They're putting forth charges based on the evidence found by their testimony. The case was reopened and is being investigated by both the BBPD and the PRT, due to both the new parahuman's involvement and Madison Clements' confession and testimony about what happened. Here's what we know as what follows. Sophia Hess, also known as Shadow Stalker, is in custody, and she has claimed under interrogation that you, she and Madison conspired to kill Taylor."

Emma's breath caught, and she felt the blood drain from her face. "S-she's lying! We didn't!"

Jonas sighed. "We're fairly sure she is lying. Apparently Armsmaster has a lie detector with fairly good accuracy. Issue is, such devices and their results aren't reproducible, and they don't count as evidence in any court of law. That prevents people from being arrested and convicted just on a Tinker's say-so. They can, however, be used to help discover admissible evidence. At the moment, Madison's role in this is being worked through, but due to her confession and her repentant attitude, she's likely to get a reduced sentence. That may change if it's found she lied to the authorities, but that's how things stand as they are at the moment. Right now, the PRT is examining Sophia's phone, her laptop, as well as yours and Madison's. They've also exhumed Taylor's grave, verifying the identity of the victim, as well as reconstructed much of the events that led to her death."

Emma swallowed. "It was Sophia who did it. She pushed Taylor into the locker. She put the pads and tampons in there. I had no idea." If she hadn't done it, Taylor would still be alive. She was the hero, she should have known better than me what someone can go through before...before...

Jonas, thankfully, seemed to be ignorant of Emma's train of thought. His voice was quiet as he spoke. "I believe you. Things still don't look good, however. What's known at this point is enough for them to charge you with second-degree murder. They don't believe you intended to kill her, but with the long-running bullying campaign, the retrieved emails sent to the victim, the state of Taylor's body when she was discovered... it's turned a lot of opinion against you. Our best option is to request a judge to arbitrate for sentencing, even with a plea deal, rather than going to trial."

Alan frowned, his voice filled with a combination of anger and worry. "Not fighting this out? My daughter is innocent. There's no way she could do this to Taylor, they were friends for years!"

"The point is that you're a loser."

The words seemed to hit Taylor as surely as any physical blow, unable to keep the tears from welling up in her eyes. "...Even if it's just a flute and a memory, maybe I wanted to feel like I had some backup here. I thought you were better than that, screwing with me on that level."

"I guess you're wrong." Emma said, feeling...reassured, as she spoke the words that burned her old friendship away irrevocably. She didn't enjoy the moment, precisely... but as she cemented her path, things made sense. "Doesn't look like she's offering you any backup at all."

The memory made Emma feel sick. But she was still helpless. Trapped. She had to escape. She had to get free of here. Even her father couldn't help. He wouldn't help if he knew the truth. Nobody would. Who possibly could? It wouldn't help Taylor now...

Emma's voice was quiet as she spoke, her heart feeling like lead. "I... I broke off my friendship with Taylor because of Sophia. I followed her, she was a hero, she saved our lives... I didn't know that she was crazy. I didn't know that she'd do these things. I just... all I did was tease Taylor, I swear. I didn't hurt her. I didn't kill her. Sophia did. After Taylor was dead... she threatened me, she threatened Madison. She threatened our families. I kept quiet because of that."

Alan looked unhappy at that, his face turning angry as he looked at her. "What the hell happened, Emma?"

That expression seemed to sear into her very soul, and Emma could only duck her head. "I'm sorry. I'm not proud of the things I did. But I didn't kill Taylor. I didn't want her dead. I was just... I'm not sure what I was doing. I was just so scared. I... I'm sorry. I couldn't say anything about... what was happening."

Emma told everything about Sophia, about how they met. Sophia's philosophy, how it drove Emma to reject Taylor in order to be closer to the then-independent hero. She downplayed everything she did, every idea for the torment she inflicted on Taylor. It was stretching the truth, but what else could she do? They'd believe it, and there wasn't anything left to show that it wasn't true. Sophia had deleted her texts, and Emma had cleared out the emails sent from her computer. It came down to her word against Sophia's, and she simply had more to work with.

After she'd finished, Jonas sat there, thinking. Then he scowled. "Capes make everything much more complicated than they need to be. This case is just the worst instance I've had. Then there's the damned bureaucracy, it's like trying to squeeze water out of a stone while hiking up Everest without any equipment." He sighed, looking tired. "I won't lie. This is going to take a while, even if we simply arbitrate rather than fight it out in court. And it takes time to go through the evidence, sort through files, tally up reports... this is going to take months, at least. Right now, the prosecution considers you both flight risks."

Alan spoke, his voice hard. "We aren't runners. We fight."

Jonas shot him a look. "Mister Barnes, please. This is important. At the moment, I'm not cleared for all the classified information that the prosecution is bringing. I'm working on that. But when I brought up the possibility of bail for the both of you, I was shut down. Until the things are cleared, I won't even be allowed to set you two in a nice little motel room. They think there's a chance the both of you will cut and run. That, legally, is all they need."

Alan took a deep breath, then nodded slowly. "There's got to be avenues we haven't tried yet. I can't accept that we're denied even the possibility without explanation."

Jonas frowned, looking frustrated. "I'm not sure what else I can try."

Emma's voice was weak, faint as she spoke. "What if I agreed to stay? I mean, they're throwing the worst of things at me, right?" She looked at her father, feeling her lip tremble. "I'm the one they want. Just...let my dad go. I don't really care anymore. He didn't do anything."

Jonas looked at Emma for a long moment. Then he spoke softly. "I'll bring it up in the next meeting with the judge. In the meantime... think on what you want to do. Fight it out, plead guilty, or arbitrate and argue through the charges. We still have time while they tally the evidence up, and we need to do everything we can to refute what they have. Things are going to get worse before they get better. Regardless, I need to get through the paperwork. We need to compile everything we can before we can decide whether to go to trial or not."

Alan frowned, anger in his voice. "Wait, we might not even get to trial?"

Jonas glared at him. "Yes, that may very well be the best course of action. This isn't a television drama, Mister Barnes. Frankly, getting to trial is actually the worst-case scenario here. Dramatics and tricks may work in a courtroom. They don't work in an arbitration case, and the legal system as a whole does not like people trying to pull dramatic tricks to make their case. The more evidence we can shoot down before it reaches the point before we even think about going to trial, the better. As much as I may grumble about the speed of the bureaucracy, in this instance, we want it to take as much time as possible."

Alan nodded. "And if we do go to trial?"

A sigh from Jonas. "Then my suggestion for you is to go with a judge presiding, instead of judgement by jury. First of all, our best defense would be in airing as much classified information as we have. A jury trial won't go over very well, especially not here in Brockton Bay. If even one member of the jury has Empire leanings, they'll use that information to hunt down Miss Hess' family. As it is they're going to be taken into Witness Protection, but the fewer people who have to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements, the better. We're more likely to get some leniency, as well. Judges are more likely to get angry at the parahuman who's working the system than an ordinary girl." His lips tightened. "It could go bad, though. Trials are messy things, and avoiding it would be best. Still, I'll arbitrate with the judge and prosecution for as long as I need to. Depending on what they find, a plea may end up with a fairly short sentence. Minors don't tend to get charged for long sentences... but this is not a usual case. It's a serious list of charges, and I'm not sure how the judge will take things."

Emma nodded, feeling hollow. "I know. But I'm not spending more years behind bars for what Sophia did. She threatened my family, it's the only reason I kept quiet. I'm not going to suffer for her. I'll accept a few charges, but I am going to fight the big ones. I... I treated Taylor badly when we drifted apart, but I never wanted her dead."

Alan gently squeezed her hand.

The warmth of his skin on hers should have been reassuring. Instead, it felt leaden.

Two days later, Alan was allowed to stay with Zoe under house arrest.


May 1, 2011

"Barnes? You've got a visitor."

Emma looked up. A visitor?

Her mind was in a whirl as she was brought over to the visiting booths. A pane of reinforced glass separated her from the other side of the room, and Emma gingerly took a seat on the stool that was bolted to the ground.

The door swung open, and Faith strode in. Emma's mouth dried at the sight of her. Of all the people, she hadn't expected her.

The other girl's face was expressionless as she sat down, picking up the phone on the side of the booth.

Emma blinked, then flushed a bit as she picked up her own. She hadn't noticed it.

"Hey," Faith spoke, sounding tired. "Figured I should come around. Took a while to get the bus fare, though." A twitch on Faith's lips. "How you holding up?"

Emma swallowed. "Okay, I guess. I'm feeling a bit claustrophobic."

A moment of silence passed. Emma shifted uncomfortably as she realized what she'd just said.

Faith dipped her head forward a little, her fingers tight around the phone. "So you really killed a girl, huh?"

Emma shut her eyes. It was better than seeing the other girl's eyes. Slowly, Emma nodded, her voice thick as she spoke. "It was stupid. A prank gone bad. I just... I don't know what I was thinking. It all seemed to make sense at the time."

Faith's chuckled slightly. "Lot of bad ideas sound like good ones at the time." She sighed. "Obviously, you never thought it through."

Emma nodded slowly, opening her eyes. "Yeah. I just... I've got no idea what to do."

Faith shrugged. "That's the bitch about prison. You don't have very many options." She gently tapped the glass. "You still have choices to make, though."

Emma furrowed her brow, shaking her head. "Like what? I can't do much from inside a cell."

Faith shook her head. "Yeah, you don't have many options. But you can still choose what kind of person you want to be. You killed a girl. It might have been dumb, you might not have meant it. But you did it. Accept it. Learn from it. Take your lumps, and while it's not going to be fun, own up to what you did."

Emma's lip trembled. "But I did."

Faith lifted an eyebrow. "Did you? Then why did the feds pull you out of your place, instead of you heading down to the cops to confess? Did you even try to give any closure to that girl's family? Or did you just run from what you did?"

The words struck like a physical blow.

Madison confessed. She was still in the city with Sophia, right there, and she stepped forward. What did I do? I just tried to forget it. I never tried. I was... I was too afraid because of what would happen to me. I never thought about what I was doing to Taylor.

Faith nodded slowly, looking satisfied. "Yeah, you got my point. Running don't fix any problems. Not like this. You fucked up. It can be hard as fuck facing that. Point is, even if you can't fix what you did, you owe it to that girl, and you owe it to yourself. Even if you spend the rest of your life being a jailbird, you still get to pick what kind of person you are. You can run, until everything drips away. Or you can confront what you did."

Emma nodded slowly. "You mean fight."

Faith laughed softly. "Yeah. Just you gotta fight your own dumbass self. Own up. Can't fix it, maybe, but if you try, maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to look at yourself in the mirror." She shrugged. "Or maybe you're a shameless bitch. Maybe you don't give a shit about who you are. Maybe the girl I got to know over the last couple months was a complete lie." She tapped the glass again. "You figure that out."

Faith hung up the phone. Emma could only sit there, until she was brought back to her cell.


May 4, 2011

The three pages in front of Emma seemed to be so small, so frail, so insignificant.

She looked up at Jonas, her voice soft. "Fifteen years? That's..."

He folded his hands, looking angry. "That is the best I can do. I can't get anything less than that. And it's all because you lied to me and your father."

Emma swallowed. "W-what?"

His gaze was serious as he looked straight at her. "As a courtesy, I didn't tell your father about this just yet. He hired me to be your representative, and it is in that capacity I'm acting. I can't bargain any less than fifteen years because of evidence they found on your cell phone and your computer."

Emma's stomach dropped into the floor. Her mouth gaped as she tried to form words, and couldn't.

Jonas scowled, leaning forward slightly. "I'm quite aware that you're a teenager. You probably don't know the first thing about computers and data storage beyond the fact they let you do things. Data that gets deleted? It's not actually gone until the hard drive fills it. It isn't gone until it's overwritten. With the right Tinker, it's not even gone then. They recovered the details about your little text conversation with Sophia. They recovered every email you sent to Taylor, every taunt, every time you encouraged her to kill herself. Christ, kid, if you weren't a minor, the judge would have insisted on thirty years for this. It's only the fact you're a minor that I was able to bargain down to fifteen in a minimum security prison. Had you been three years older, there would have been nothing I could do. They'd have hit you with thirty years with all the charges."

It took a long moment for Emma to speak, her voice faint and weak. "What can I do?"

He looked at her seriously. "You take the punishment. Officially you won't be sentenced until we manage to straighten things out for your father. He's pleading ignorance about your actions, and the more we keep things separate, the better." With a tired sigh, he shook his head. "For what it's worth, kid? There's nothing more I can do for you. I suggest you talk to your father, come clean, before I have to."

Slowly, Emma's gaze dropped to the pages in front of her.

Leadenly, she picked up the pen.


Alan stared at her.

Emma swallowed as she ducked her head, unable to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry."

It took long minutes, but finally, he managed to say something. "I'm not the one you should be apologizing to, Emma."

She shuddered, the tone of his voice striking her to the core.

What hurt most was the look in his eyes. The disappointment. The pain. He'd lost his illusion of his good little girl. He looked uncertain, like the world made no sense anymore.

Emma ducked her head, unable to meet her father's eyes any longer. She barely noticed as he left.


May 17, 2011

Emma stared at the screen.

It was impossible. Simply impossible. The Simurgh was dead.

For Emma's entire life, the Endbringers had been. They always attacked, always fought, always seemed unstoppable. And now, one of them was dead. Gone.

Even she, locked in her cell, had been allowed to watch the final ten minutes of the Simurgh's life, as the capes in Vancouver fought her. But it was two who killed her. One wasn't that much of a surprise, after all, it was Dragon, the world's most famous Tinker, and she probably had built some kind of system or gadget that finally managed the seemingly impossible.

It was the other that made Emma feel cold. Scarlet Knight, who turned into a massive red dragon. Twice as tall as the Simurgh, far more massive, dark, violent, and seemingly unstoppable. Despite how terrifying her power seemed to be, however, at first, Emma had been overjoyed. A hero, though dark and terrible, had managed to do, to deliver, what nobody had dared to dream about for well over a decade.


Even Emma had felt that hope. Even if she had nothing to look forward to but a cold cell for... ever, for one, shining moment, she felt hope.

And then came the speech from Scarlet Knight, naming herself as Scarlet Dragon afterward. Helmet off, white hair shining under the lights, red eyes looking out into the crowd, crimson red skin.

"I'm saying this now. I was the Scarlet Knight, your protector. I am now the Scarlet Dragon, and I am still your protector. And I am not alone. I am here to stand between you and things like the Endbringers. My powers may be scary to you. I can't change that. But I am fighting for you. My powers were given to me for a reason, and I'm choosing to use them to help those of you who can't help yourselves.

"After all." A horribly, painfully familiar smile rose on the red, monstrous cape's face. "Just because someone is dark, doesn't mean they're the bad guy. There are beautiful things in the night as well as in the day, and I will be standing between those monsters in the dark and the light of our civilization."

"Taylor," Emma breathed.

One small part of her heart was filled with hope. The hope that she hadn't killed her former friend.

The rest was of sheer dread. The dread that she had, and the universe itself reared up in anger over her crime.


Jonas was stone-faced as he listened to Emma's words. The theory she'd built. She didn't have much information, but she had enough. At least, if it was true.

Alan looked between them. "If this is true, then we're good, right? They can't charge my daughter with a murder when the victim is still alive. At the least it would mitigate things somewhat, shouldn't it?"

Slowly, Jonas took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "Parahumans make everything a complete mess. I've been through more forms and pages in the last month trying to get everything straightened out than I'd ever hoped I'd ever see. Crossing state lines, the involvement of a Ward as a suspect, even with that suspect no longer in custody, the classified information I've had to sign dozens of Non-Disclosure Agreements for..." He peered, almost owlishly, at Emma. "You're sure about this? That Scarlet Knight is Taylor?"

Emma nodded. "I know her face. I know her voice. I don't know how, but it's her. She's red, and her hair's white, and she looks like she's been airbrushed, but... it's her. I know it."

Jonas' face was hard. "Christ. All right. I'll be back in about half an hour. I need to make some calls and get some papers copied."

Emma's heart raced with excitement as he left. She wasn't sure if it was the rush of possible freedom or dread that rushed over her, but her heart pounded all the same.

After a long moment of silence, Alan spoke softly. "How are they treating you here, Emma?"

She swallowed, licking her lips. "Okay. I'm given things to read, a small TV to watch. How's mom and Anne?"

His voice was quiet. "They're doing okay, given the circumstances. They miss you." His mouth opened and closed, looking uncertain before he finished. "Zoe has a hard time believing all this, Emma. That you did things to Taylor. That you did anything to Taylor."

Her father's words felt like they were scraping a knife over a fresh wound. Emma shivered as she spoke. "I'm not proud of it, dad. At the time, what I was doing felt like it made sense. After a while I just kept doing it because I was used to doing it. I..." Her tongue felt thick, as she swallowed the lump in her throat. "I didn't hurt her physically, but I hurt her a lot, dad. And I can't make up for it. Even if she's actually alive, I can't say I'm sorry. She wouldn't believe it." Emma slumped in her chair as she finished her thought, her voice quiet. "I wouldn't believe it, either."

The words hung in the air. Long minutes passed in silence before Jonas returned. He set down a stack of forms in front of father and daughter, at least six inches thick, and held out two pens.

"Start reading and signing." Jonas said with obvious annoyance. "This is going to take a while."

Alan stared at the stack as he took the offered pen, his voice faint. "The forms I signed for Shadow Stalker were a lot thinner."

Jonas' lip twitched upward. "Welcome to parahuman law. Everything should be clear on the next meeting with the judge. Until then, I can't say anything further."


May 22, 2011

"All right. Let's lay it out." Judge Anderson spoke. The man was in his sixties, his dark skin contrasting with the off-white of the wall behind him. "This has been a bureaucratic wrangle ever since this whole thing started. It didn't help with Bakuda bombing the damn city." He rubbed the side of his face, a recent scar prominent in his skin.

Jonas' voice was firm as he spoke two words. "They know."

The judge, and the prosecutor, Laura Davis, shared a look. After a moment, Laura spoke, her voice carefully neutral. "I do believe you have our attention."

Jonas opened a file folder, placing it on the judge's desk. "I want to state for the record that I protest the issues with the laws concerning a parahuman's right to protect their identity when it comes up against an accused's right to confront their accuser."

Judge Anderson nodded. "So noted. Unfortunately without a Supreme Court ruling, it isn't going to get anywhere." He looked over Alan and Emma, his gaze cold and assessing. "Miss Davis, you may present the full briefing of information to our defendants."

Laura nodded with a frown on her lips. "Here is what we know. On the morning of January the Eighth, Taylor Hebert's corpse was discovered in her locker by the school janitor, who had arrived to clean up for the weekend. Her identity was confirmed by comparing her DNA with samples at her home. The measures were necessary, because the insects in the locker had eaten away at her. Her eyes were devoured, there was very little of her face left, and nearly thirty percent of her body was consumed by the insects inside."

Emma's heart leapt up into her throat.

"Don't worry Taylor. They'll keep you company for a while. You needed to make new friends anyway."

Laura's voice went on, unknowing about the train of Emma's thoughts. "After she was cleaned up, the coroner did an autopsy. It was difficult to determine the exact cause of death, but the high levels of stress hormones in her blood, the bacteria that had contaminated her wounds, and the venom from the various species of spiders all contributed. In the end, the stress was the final straw, and her heart failed. Unusual in a teenager, but considering the circumstances, not out of the realm of possibility." Laura opened a manilla folder in front of her, and Emma couldn't help but flinch at the sight of the skeletal, grisly photos she got a glimpse of.

If it wasn't for the curly, long brown hair, Emma could almost have believed it was of someone else. A nearly bare skull looked back at her through the photo. It was hard to see the photographs, the plain evidence of her crime lain out in front of her. "Th-then how?"

Laura glared at her, then continued. "On April fourth, early in the morning, one Daniel Hebert called the PRT. He claimed his daughter had returned from the dead. After a rather exciting misunderstanding, her identity was confirmed by two factors. Her DNA comparison, which matched both her father and the DNA still on file from the previous investigation, though that took a while longer. Her grave was exhumed, confirming that she was not a clone, dimensional analogue, or simply mistaken."

The next set of pictures made Emma pale. An open coffin, the lining torn, clear evidence of someone having punched and kicked at the interior from the inside.

Alan was pale as he spoke. "That...that's not possible. We were there, at her funeral. We couldn't have buried her alive. It was two weeks after she..."

A twitch on Laura's lips. "As far as we can tell, she wasn't buried alive. She was dead when she was pulled out of the locker. She was dead on the autopsy table. She was dead when she was put in the ground. We have a great deal of evidence supporting all these points. And then, after three months in the grave, she awakened and teleported out. The first power she showed. I'm fairly sure she's shown a lot more since. Especially since she, apparently, killed the damned Simurgh."

Judge Anderson spoke, his voice harsh. "Even before that happened, I was taking this case very seriously. Now, at this point, I'm getting pressure from up the chain to push things along." He stared at Emma, a frown on his face. "This crime is quite a terrible one, young lady. Most of the issues here have been about the minutiae of legal issues. I've been wrangling back and forth between your lawyer and the prosecution over hypothetical problems for weeks, as this is a case that may set precedent for future cases involving parahumans."

The ground swirled under Emma. She would have easily fallen over, if it weren't for the chair.

Alan looked back and forth between the judge, prosecution, and defense lawyer. "What's the issue, precisely? If she is alive, why are we still facing a wrongful death charge? It's ludicrous."

Laura looked at him, her tone serious. "This isn't a case where someone was missing and presumed dead, Mister Barnes. We had a corpse. She didn't get taken out, brought to the hospital in a coma. She was either dead, or close enough to dead to fool everyone, for the two weeks she was under the eye of medical professionals and forensics professionals. She had a death certificate. She didn't get up during examination the day she was found. She clawed at the interior of her coffin two and a half months after being put in it. That a death occurred is very clear, and that it was undone by parahuman power doesn't change the fact that we had her corpse."

Then Jonas spoke, sounding tired. "I've been wrangling over this the whole time. There's three reasons why I wasn't able to get less than a manslaughter charge. When the PRT was founded and parahuman law had to be written, the hypothetical was brought up about how we might deal with a situation like this. If a parahuman had, for example, a cloning power used to secure his civilian identity and an assailant killed the clone. Or if a parahuman turned up with the power to regenerate, however slowly, that they were out of commission for a long period. Charges would still apply to the assailant, concerning murder to the appropriate degree."

Judge Anderson nodded. "I'm reluctant to set the precedent here, but I find myself forced to, regardless." He looked at Emma seriously, his eyes narrow with consideration. "Did you or Sophia have any idea that Taylor was a parahuman before this? Before January?"

Emma couldn't help but feel confusion, laying on top of the feeling of fear. "No. No idea."

Laura spoke, her voice cold. "She has stated that the experience in the locker was her trigger event. That's the second reason I can't drop the charge. When she was pushed into that locker and eaten alive by those insects, she was not a parahuman. She had no powers. When the assailants did it, as far as they knew, they were doing it to an ordinary teenage girl, not someone who could simply endure the experience, or escape it, or break out of it. If Taylor had been an ordinary person, she would simply be dead, now. That her power revived her, and so spectactularly at that, is a simple stroke of luck. A crime was committed. That the worst part of that crime was undone by powers we don't understand doesn't change the crime."

Alan clenched his teeth. "You can't put my daughter away for fifteen years! I can fight you on this! I don't care what it takes. One phone call to the press and everyone knows who she is."

Laura looked at him with disapproval. "Mister Barnes. You don't have a legal or sane position to stand on, here. Scarlet Dragon is a powerful parahuman. One who was victimized by your daughter, and is only alive because of parahuman powers which we do not understand, only can deal with. Secondly, revealing the identity of a hero who wishes to keep their identity secret, even an independent, carries hefty jailtime as it opens up their families to retaliation. And she's made enemies. On her first day awake, she defeated Lung. A few weeks later, she broke Bakuda's siege of the city. And now she's killed the Simurgh. There are people who will want to harm or kill her, because of what she's done. If they can't kill her, they'd kill her family. Because of that, we are protecting her identity as seriously as any Protectorate cape. Third, we have a responsibility to keep all parties alive and healthy, as much as possible. The reason your daughter hasn't been allowed out on house arrest isn't because we have a grudge against her. It was for her protection. How do you think a parahuman who had gone through not one but two immensely traumatic experiences in short order at the hands of your daughter would react on seeing her out and free? Especially since we have had no way of knowing how stable she might be after such an experience?"

Alan took a deep breath, then shuddered, his face going pale.

Laura nodded. "And now she's amassing a great deal of political capital. Hell, public opinion is on her side, even though she looks like Satan's daughter. Releasing her civilian identity? Odds are pretty damn good her father will be killed by an Endbringer cultist or the Slaughterhouse Nine or kidnapped by someone, anyone, who would want to get control over her. I've no doubt the Protectorate's trying what they can to ensure she stays on their side. Hell, she's too powerful to force to do anything, and nobody sane would want to."

Alan clenched his hands. As he sucked in a deep breath, he was interrupted.

"Dad. It's okay." It was the hardest words Emma had ever spoken.

Alan looked at her, anger on his face. "You don't know what you're saying, Emma. This is your life we're talking about."

Emma nodded, her voice faint. "I know. I know it is, Dad. But I did these things...you didn't. I hurt Taylor. I... I didn't do the right thing. For all we knew, she was actually, really dead, and I... I didn't do anything. You pulled us out of the city, and all I could think about was that I got away with it." She swallowed, tears running down her cheeks. "I... I just don't care anymore. I don't deserve to be out and free after what I did. I don't want to see you go down for what I did, Dad."

Silence reigned in the room for a long moment. Then, finally, the anger drained away from Alan, leaving a tired, resigned man who looked ten years older than his actual age. "You're my daughter, Emma. I can't not try."

She smiled faintly, weakly. "I know." She looked at Judge Anderson. "I'll accept the plea bargain as it stands. I'm asking you to believe me... my Dad didn't know any of it. Sophia saved us once. He repaid that. She hurt Taylor, threatened Madison and I, and our families, but before all that... she helped us. He couldn't have known what she'd do."

Judge Anderson nodded slowly. "I'll take that into consideration."


August 6, 2011

Well Emma, welcome to the second week of the next fifteen years. And you're lying here, staring at a book you don't care to remember, bored out of your mind.

She would serve three years in a juvenile hall facility. Then she would be transferred to a minimum security prison for the twelve after that. Considering everything, she got off lightly, and she knew it.

Her cell wasn't extravagant, but it was comfortable. She was allowed books, and a few hours of supervised internet access every day. She had never been a very big reader, that had been Taylor's thing, but she wasn't about to complain about it. She'd either learn to enjoy reading or learn to enjoy watching the walls or count dots in the ceiling.

Books didn't sound so bad, then.

A knock echoed on her cell door, and one of the guards was standing there. The big man looked at her, annoyance on his face. "Visitor for you, Barnes."

Emma blinked, then smiled as she figured that Faith or Mom or Anne might be visiting. It would be good to see them. Setting the book aside, she got to her feet, letting herself get escorted to the meeting room.

It was a simple enough room. Nothing extravagant, just a few uncomfortable chairs, a metal table bolted to the floor, the wallpaper designed to resemble wood, though it was just wallpaper. Brick was behind the thin wall of plaster. Nothing but the cheapest for the Johnson Correctional Facility For Youths.

Emma settled into the chair, closing her eyes as she settled in. It was difficult, looking forward to the next fifteen years here, or in places like this. But there wasn't anything else she could do.

The door clicked open, and Emma opened her eyes. Blood rushed away from her face as she took in the sight. Her heart hammered as she struggled to breathe.

Taylor settled into the chair opposite. She wore a red jacket, black shirt. She looked pale, but otherwise unchanged from the last time she'd seen her former friend. Not red-skinned, not beautiful, just...almost painfully ordinary. The lack of her glasses, the lack of faint squinting Emma had always known from Taylor, seemed to change her face.

"Hello, Emma." Taylor spoke, her voice cold.

Emma swallowed. "T-Taylor. I h-heard you came back."

"No thanks to you." Taylor took a moment to sweep her eyes up and down, examining Emma's orange prisoner suit. "Prison clothing suits you." Her lip twitched slightly. "Personally, I'd have put you in a sack. Preferably the itchiest one around, but I suppose that wouldn't actually solve anything."

Emma's hands trembled, struggling to gather her voice. Finally, she managed softly. "Why are you here?"

Taylor tilted her head slightly. "Lots of reasons. But here's the main one." She leaned forward, her voice dropping an octave, the iris of her eyes turning red. "Why did you kill me?"

Emma shuddered, pulling back onto her seat. "I didn't mean to. B-but you're okay, now, right?"

Her eyes went entirely red, glowing faintly with a hellish light. "Okay? I died because of you. You know what I remember? You laughing as you walked away, even as I begged for someone, anyone, to let me out. I remember the bugs that had colonized your little prank. They gnawed at me while I was still alive. Do you have any idea how it feels to feel thousands of tiny little jaws biting, feeding, feasting on your flesh? The pain, the sickness as that shit in that locker filled my wounds?"

Emma couldn't pull back any further, feeling like a rabbit with a broken leg staring into the eyes of a hungry wolf.

Taylor hissed lowly, while the room's temperature dropped rapidly. "There's some downsides to my state, you know. I will never have children, because of you. If it weren't for certain abilities and help from others, I would never have a chance of growing up properly. I'd be stuck at fifteen, forever, because of you. My father nearly starved himself to death, because of you. The only reason you have the luxury of oxygen right now is because he still lived when I reawoke." Her glare sharpened. "I asked you a question, Emma. Why did you turn on me? What was so damned important that you thought it was such a grand idea to keep on going until it left me a corpse?"

Emma trembled, struggling to breathe as she choked the words out. "W-when you were away, at summer camp, two years ago. The ABB set a trap for me and my Dad. They nearly..."

"Nose...Eye...Mouth...well, you can hide the ears with the hair. So maybe I'll take both. Which will it be?"

Emma licked her lips, trying to not stare right into the cold, expressionless face of her former victim. "They wanted to use me, use us, as an initiation. A way to prove themselves to the gang. I t-tried to fight back." She let out a bitter, helpless laugh. "They'd have killed me for it. Shadow Stalker stepped in, saved us... she taught me how to be strong. So I could fight, so I wouldn't be stuck and weak like that again."

Taylor was silent for a moment. Then she nodded slowly. "So you two became friends. And when I got back from summer camp..."

Emma's eyes dropped to the table, unable to meet Taylor's eyes anymore. "I could see Sophia didn't like you. I felt... I had to break away from you. The Emma who went into that alley was weak, and y-you were a part of that. Every time I tore at you, I was trying to tear away from who I had been. I had to become strong, strong so I wouldn't..."

Taylor's voice was quiet, still cold, but just slightly softer. "End up back there."

Emma nodded meekly, keeping her gaze downcast.

Taylor's fingers clinked on the table, then her voice spoke, cold and hard. "The sad part is, you were sold a lie. Sophia didn't show you how to be strong. She didn't teach you how to fight back or use your head. All she showed you was how fucked up she was, and you couldn't see it." There was a slight clink of metal on metal.

Emma's heart leapt up into her throat as she saw the familiar flute. It had been cleaned meticulously, perhaps by seawater or perhaps by simple care, but it still showed all the damage done to it. Battered, dented, unplayable, unusable. A defiled memory of a dead mother. She looked up into Taylor's still-glowing eyes, her heart racing with fear.

"I see you recognize it." Taylor spoke, her anger tightly restrained, though very visible. "I wondered whether it was you or Sophia that tossed it into the bay."

Somehow, the flute seemed to loom large. Beyond Taylor herself, it was the largest reminder of her crime, the biggest symbol of what she had thrown away in her efforts to be strong. Everything their friendship had been. Taylor took the flute back as Emma's fingers reached for it, almost instinctively.

Taylor's voice was filled with rage as she spoke. "No. You don't get to touch it. Not again, Emma. Never again. You've hurt me a thousand times over. You have no privileges. No leeway. When you get out of here, if you ever do, you'd best tread very, very carefully."

Emma could only cringe back, the fear nearly overpowering.

Taylor's eyes narrowed as she spoke, sharp fangs visible with her curled lips. "You know, when you started on your little campaign of torture on me, I'd hoped you had some good reason. Sophia twisting your head, maybe. Apparently she's a twisted little psycho. Or even maybe something I did. Not being with you during something, or maybe even saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. It would have angered me, but I could get it. But this? No. I understand completely now, Emma. It never was about me, was it? It was all about you. From the beginning. About everything. Even when we first met, it was about you."

The room darkened into shadow, despite the lights buzzing above them. Emma managed, barely, to strangle out." W-wait!"

Taylor got to her feet, shadows and darkness seeming to boil off her, burning with power. "I heard you accepted the plea bargain. Fifteen years for my life, for everything you put me through. In the world from which I gained my power, what you did would have had you burnt at the stake. You got off lightly for all this." Her eyes flared with red light, her anger seeming to rise to a peak. "But you only chose to admit what you did after you'd been caught. Had you not been arrested, would you have ever confessed to what you did? Or would you have just tried to forget me? Forget the blood on your hands? Just have a nice, long, happy life...ignoring the corpse you left behind?"

Emma's mouth gaped as she tried to speak, to utter a denial. Only...she couldn't. That...

Taylor let out a sound of satisfaction. "I thought so. I can never forgive you for what you have done. For everything you put me through. For the fact I am dead. For what you did to my father. For the fact you tried to hide and run." She growled, and the sound was only vaguely human. "There was a time when I would have named my daughter after you, if I ever had one. You were my sister in all but blood. Now? You broke that bond. It is only because of who I am that I am not just another corpse. I am now the Dragon. And from this moment forth, my former sister in all but blood... no matter what you accomplish, no matter what you do, no matter how much you might beg for it, I shall never forgive you. You are and forever will be beneath me."

In a pulse of shadow, Taylor was gone.

Emma could only sit there and sob.

Titanomachy 8.1
A/N: Finally! Let's move forward!

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


I really needed a bath. So I took one. Luckily, I had options. So I revisited the ancient bathhouse, as I needed to unwind and the castle was nicely accommodating. It was helpful to have a sentient castle working for you, at times. Though she was a bit stubborn about updating things.

Since my first dream of the castle, I hadn't come back here with the intent to immerse myself in blood. The revulsion at the idea of immersing myself in blood seemed to be something that remained from my days as a living being. Having died being trapped in a locker filled with rotted blood and hygiene products didn't help. As a vampire, though, the idea was appealing, even alluring, which was even weirder with the revulsion added to it. I both wanted and hated the idea of bathing in blood.

Still, the blood was formed from my power. Basking in it felt good in a way I didn't have the words to describe. I sank myself beneath the surface of the hot blood, allowing it to soak into my skin, my hair, my very being.

Well, there goes the revulsion bit. I felt awesome. It was almost enough to make me completely forget about Emma.


I could see her in my mind's eye. For one moment, I could see the friend I had for all those years. The one friend I had when I was still alive. But the memory was tainted, not just by what she'd done to me before that last act that killed me. It was the knowledge that, even when were kids, Emma never really cared about me. All she cared about was herself.

It was hard, facing that. The friendship I had so treasured, the friendship that she used to cut into me so deeply...had never really been all that important to her. The Emma Barnes who made my life hell was the broken remnants of a person, but the person she was before being broken wasn't who I thought she was.

Aaand...there were hands on my back. Gentle, caressing hands, but hands all the same. I floated to the surface, wiped the blood from my eyes, and looked over my shoulder.

Of course. I should have guessed.

"Hello, Meridia." I sighed.

She smiled a little mischievously, her form mostly obscured by the literal blood bath she'd invited herself into. "Greetings, My Lady. I sensed you were upset." Her hands stroked their way over my skin, gentle, cool, but soothing. Stroke. Stroke. Strooooke. That felt way too good considering how simple her motions were.

I sighed again. "Meridia, keep those hands above my shoulders."

She pouted, but moved her hands back upwards, kneading her fingers into my shoulders. "What has you so upset, My Lady?"

I stayed silent for a moment as her fingers kneaded into my flesh. I could feel she had to press pretty hard, my flesh and skin resisting her fingers somewhat, but...oh, yeah, that felt good.

Finally, I spoke. "I saw the one who killed me. The one who betrayed me. It dredged up a lot of memories. I found out why she did it...and I saw who she really was. And an ugly part of her that always had been. I'm just..." I sighed as I tried to gather my thoughts. "There's a part of me that misses the friend I once had. It's small, but there. I'm wondering just how much of that person was real. What we could have been if she hadn't been broken."

Meridia's fingers stilled for a moment, then she rubbed the back of my neck. When she spoke, her voice was soft. "You are thinking like him, My Lady."

I looked over my shoulder, frowning.

Meridia sighed and shook her head, her white hair stirring in the blood somewhat. "Our Lord Dracul made us for many reasons, My Lady. But it was plain to see that he had many regrets. In between the rampages and campaigns, he returned to privacy in the castle. Sometimes, we would not see him for weeks. But always, he would return, forlorn, lost, sad... and then it would return to rage and he would launch another campaign, another plan, to kill as many of Solin's followers as he could."

I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking, considering, remembering what he had showed me. While Dracul had showed me a lot of his life, his experience, he didn't share everything. Still, it was enough for me to realize what Meridia was talking about. "He spent a lot of his time brooding over what he'd lost, the life he could have had, wishing things could have been different."

Meridia's fingers stroked over my shoulders. "And over the centuries, such brooding consumed him. It is plain to know he had regrets, My Lady, though he didn't share them. There is a time and place for regrets, but it is easy for them to consume a person. Lord Dracul never thought of the future, beyond his vendetta. I believe you would wish for more than he, My Lady."

I nodded slowly, letting out a sigh. "Yeah. It's just..."

Meridia chuckled softly. "The past is an issue, My Lady. I would not presume to tell you what you might do with it. Simply know this. You are now the Lady of Darkness. Among the gods, your power has only one equal in potential. It is my hope you will use it well, but to do so, a clear mind and a strong soul are required. Regardless of your desires, your hands will shape the future of your world. I think it would be best if you looked forward. Put the betrayer behind you. Make a choice about her if you will, but move on once it is made. Dwelling upon it serves nothing."

I drew in a deep breath, chuckling slightly. "For a demon of lust, Meridia, you've got a good point."

Her voice was filled with amusement. "I am a demon of desire, My Lady, and desire must be sophisticated enough to understand what it wants, beyond the immediate." She chuckled. "Though immediate desires are fun, too. But a desire denied, or repressed, for a time before its release...ah. That is most exquisite."

I closed my eyes, letting the tension bleed out of me as I relaxed against Meridia's gentle fingers.

Much as I enjoyed the time here, relaxing while basking in my own power, I had things to do. Though, maybe another five minutes...

I cleared my throat. "Meridia. Hands."

She sounded embarrassed, her hands moving back up again. "Apologies, My Lady."

Right. Enough of that. "I appreciate the talk, but please, get out."

Meridia sloshed her way out of the bath, dripping blood, and I was careful not to look her way. I needed time alone. Because reasons.

Stupid sexy succubus.


"You're sure they're not dead?"

Death looked at me, a long-suffering and somewhat annoyed look in his eyes. "Yes, I am fairly certain neither Coil nor Apostle is dead. Neither of their souls have come into my hands, in any of the universes your world is connected to and through. The powers of the Abominations make things difficult in places, but I am fairly certain they aren't dead just yet."

I sighed, tapping my fingers on my desk, settling back into the too-comfortable chair. Dracul's study was so very nice. Skull-paperweights aside.

After a moment's consideration, I spoke. "Is there a way they could be dead and you not know it, Death?"

After a long moment, he nodded. "One way. Only one I am aware of, at any rate. If their soul was destroyed before they died. Then there would be naught for me to harvest, nothing to bring to where it belongs. Only faint whispers of the soul, at best, and it is simple for such to get lost, gathered within the essence and life of every thing around. Souls are, unfortunately, complicated. If they were simple, it would make my existence far simpler, but they are not." A faint smile lifted his lips.

I sighed. "Well, I've got things to do. I can't spend all my time looking for them." Also, the portal I was working with looked downright ridiculous now. I licked my lip in thought, before I looked at Death carefully. "Any word on the Endbringers?"

He shook his head. "Through my senses, no. They are quiet, for the moment, though if their cycle is still intact, they will move any day now. I will know when they begin to kill, but there is little living so far beneath the earth for Ifrit to kill. And Lotan is not killing anything at the moment, either. Until he moves, I doubt he will even kill a single fish. Once he does, however..."

I nodded. "I just hope our projects are ready. We've spent a lot on preparing. So has Dragon. I hope it's enough."

Which reminded me, there was something I needed to check up on.


I looked up. And up. Finally, I gave up and just floated upward, because there was no possible way I could take it in properly just standing on the ground.

When Dragon asked for my help in building an anti-Endbringer weapon, I agreed. After all, it would only make things easier if we pooled our resources to take on either Behemoth or Leviathan, and the groundwork would be all the more important if we needed to actually fight an Abomination. The last month and a half I spent working alongside her in the Light Plane, combining our powers and expertise, piece by piece, to forge the weapon.

But this? This was beyond expectations. On a crystal platform stood a huge humanoid figure, gleaming with shining metal. It was sixty feet tall, the arms and legs thicker than concrete pillars. It was armored, thick plates of magical alloy combined with near-impervious Tinkertech compounds that made the result stronger than it had any right to be. It was also bristling with weapons. Blades, a hammer, and fists larger than buses backed by pistons and magic.

Maybe it would be enough to take on Behemoth. Just maybe.

Dragon floated beside me, sounding pleased as we went. "What do you think?"

I couldn't help but smile. "What are we calling it?"

She laughed softly. "I was thinking something along the lines of...Atlas."

I took a moment to think on that. Then I understood. "The titan who holds up the Earth."

Dragon nodded with a chuckle. "Actually, in the myths he holds up the sky, not the Earth. But either way, I thought it appropriate. We're pinning a lot of hopes on him. Here's hoping it's enough. I've got backup plans in case it isn't, but...it just might do it. Leviathan is likely to be too quick for Atlas to handle. So our other plans are set for him."

I nodded. There wasn't much more we could do. I spent the time training, preparing, honing my powers and my skills with Dragon, but until I was actually tested, I wouldn't know for sure how well we'd prepared.

Hopefully, we still had time to distribute. Every day gave us a few more options. One would have to be enough.

We had Endbringers and an Abomination to kill, after all.


The machines around me hummed. Gadgets, scientists, and Tinkertech, both old and new worked with frantic activity as they readied for the work.

And I just stood there. Waiting. Feeling useless. I knew I wasn't, but I still felt that way after I'd done my half an hour of prep work.

The figure in front of me tried to take her time to examine me, but she couldn't. Not with her flicking back into a turning motion. Every six seconds. Solid gray, the field around her having existed for twenty years.

Sarah Kissinger. The first known victim of Gray Boy.

"Heard a lot a-about you." Sarah managed to say, interrupted between one loop and the next. Her gray hair fluttered in the bubble, falling over her gray face.

I smiled slightly, my fingers clenching and unclenching a little. "I'm not surprised. I'm pretty big news."

Flicker. Sarah turned back to me. "Well, you've done a lot." Flicker. Sarah turned. "You think you can help me?"

I took in a deep breath. "Honestly I don't know. I don't have power over time. But I want to try." I met her eyes between the loops. "I make no promises. I hope it works. Powers are... a real pain in the ass, sometimes."

A faint smile was on her lips, even when she turned again. "I've heard lots of promises over the years. Either way, thanks for trying."

God, I could feel my heart squeezing.

"Ladies, we're just about ready here." Doctor Lloyd spoke, the older man's white, frazzled hair sprouted in all directions, as if he'd just been electrocuted. "The temporal scanning equipment's calibrated. The countermeasures are in place in case anything goes wrong." He frowned a little. "Though temporal mechanics is so much more of an issue than most physics. Luckily the possibility of a paradox is practically zero in this case. Aside from the paradox of Gray Boy's power in the first place. It's not a true temporal effect, due to the persistence of memory and ongoing experience. The odds are quite good we can break the loop without undue trouble, if we actually can break the loop."

I blinked and looked at him. "Paradox?"

He made a dismissive wave of his hand. "Theoretically they can't happen. Laws of causality prevent it. But powers are a problem and there's a lot of unknowns. We can't throw out physics entirely, but the best we can do is try and figure out how powers work. There hasn't, as of yet, been a power that violates causality. There's a number of ideas about how exactly Gray Boy's power works, actually. The most popular one in academic circles is that it's a particular pocket dimension with certain set physical laws. We already know that Gray Boy could alter how long the loops last, and..." He grimaced as he looked between me and Sarah. "What happens to the victims during the loops. By that we suspect there's a 'key' something about his power that let him do these things. A lot of the effort we've spent was in trying to replicate that key. Nothing's worked so far, but that hasn't stopped us from trying."

I nodded, turning back to Sarah. "I've got a few options. I'm going to try the non-direct ones first. The best option I have is also the most dangerous, so I'll try it last."

Flicker. Sarah turned, then nodded. "Got it."

I cracked my knuckles and concentrated.

First, I attempted to open a Shadow Portal inside the bubble. Dracul had attempted it when he was imprisoned, but something about the interior of the time-loop had torn the portal apart before he could make use of it. I was hoping the source of it being outside would solve that issue.

A spot of blackness appeared inside the gray bubble, but it was almost instantly ripped to shreds. Sarah flinched away from it, before she flickered, and turned again.

I licked my lip, trying again, this time trying to form the portal as quickly as possible. Yet again, the instant it got larger than a fist, it was torn apart.

Alright. Hardball, then.

I looked up. Before we'd begun, I'd set up a Shadow Gate on the ceiling. The thought? If I couldn't open a portal inside the bubble, maybe I could take the whole damn bubble into the Shadow Plane and try cracking it open from there, within my domain.

The Shadow Portal snapped open. With a gesture, the magnetic locks that held it in place disengaged, and the rather large portal ring fell to the ground, the sphere of Sarah's prison neatly passing through the center of the ring.

The portal, unfortunately, was torn apart by the impervious bubble of the edge of the sphere. The gate clanged to the ground, the portal inside it fading away.

Flicker. Sarah turned.

I ignited my claws. Carefully, I placed my burning claws on the edge of the sphere, then tried to cut through the edge of the barrier.

Nothing. My claws sat upon the edge of the bubble, despite me pushing as hard as I could, without even the slightest change. The edge of the sphere was more impervious than even Endbringer flesh. The searing flames of the Hells, designed to defeat and destroy defenses, and they were useless against this.

I pulled back, taking in a deep breath. Then I manifested the Void Sword.

Doctor Lloyd took a step back as the temperature in the room abruptly dropped.

Carefully, angling the blade to just barely cut into the sphere, and avoid putting the lethal coldness into Sarah, I tried to sink the tip of the blade into the bubble.

The blade that had cut through the Siberian simply warped and emerged from the other side of the sphere, without actually contacting with the power that made it. I couldn't feel the characteristic rush of power through the sword that meant it was feeding off of energy.

The Void Sword vanished. I clenched my hands and sighed. "Dammit. I was afraid of this."

Flicker. Sarah turned, her face falling into disappointment. "You're not the first who tried and failed. Thanks, though."

Lloyd shook his head. "Still, we got some more data. That space-warping effect hasn't been observed before. It might help on figuring out how to get through it. Unfortunately powers are fairly unique, so..."

I sighed and nodded. "I'll see what I can pull up in the castle's library." Looking on Sarah with my heart in my throat, I spoke softly. "I'll be back here. I'm not giving up yet."


Three hours in the library. Three hours and no closer to a solution.

Maybe it was a little arrogant of me to expect that I could solve a problem that twenty years of scientists and various heroes hadn't. Actually, put that way, it did sound pretty damn arrogant. But the feeling of failure and disappointment remained, no matter what intellectual excuses I told myself. I had the information of eight hundred years of compiled knowledge about my particular brand of magic at my fingers, and they weren't of any help. I had the chance to go through a fair bit of information Dracul had compiled over the centuries. In his world, there weren't too many time-bending effects, despite the existence of magic. Chronos, the Lord of Time, had the power, but that particular god tended to act as a recorder and compiler of history, and he hadn't had very much of a following. Chronos had, a long time ago, decided to compile history rather than make it, and barely took notice even when Solin's followers had destroyed the time god's temple when Chronos wouldn't aid the new Lord of Light.

Solin was a serious ass. I already knew that from the memories Dracul gave me, but the history of things from before Gabriel's lifetime gave me even more information about what happened.

Still, the whole thing gave me a niggling, terrible idea. The prison of time that Gray Boy's victims were in was seemingly designed to negate my abilities. Or rather, Dracul's abilities, but I had a fair amount of overlap with his powers anyway. I'd thought that maybe I could defeat it with my powers from the outside, have a hint at some way of freeing Dracul in the future, but if I was right...

The Abomination that trapped him came up with the means to do so during their fight. Within a few hours, it ensured the last free god of that world couldn't escape, no matter how slippery, or clever, or experienced, or powerful he was.

I had to assume the active one on my world was at least as dangerous. Adaptable, powerful, and capable of things I couldn't expect. I had memories of a furious battle between Dracul and the Abomination he fought, and all I could do was assume ours was just as bad at the least.

A throat cleared behind me, and I turned with a whirl, instinctively forming the Shadow Whip on my hand.

Alexandria looked at me, then at my hand. "A little jumpy? We had an appointment."

I blinked, then pulled my blood back into my body, letting my power dissipate. I'd...completely forgotten. We were supposed to talk about portal distribution, weapons, and armor for the Protectorate. "Right. I apologize. I've had a lot on my mind."

She inclined her head as she strode up next to me, sparing a glance at the books on the library's table. "So I see. Things didn't go so well in Oklahoma."

I shook my head. "Not so much. I'd hoped my power could do something to help Sarah." I looked down at my hands, clenching and unclenching them as I tried to pull myself together. "She doesn't deserve that. Nobody does. I know what it's like to be trapped. To have to endure that forever, it's..."

Alexandria's voice softened. "I do believe I understand your meaning, Scarlet." Her single eye examined me for a moment, before her tone turned businesslike once more. "We've outfitted a lot of heroes with resources you've provided. Armsmaster and Alucard have been making quite a few waves with their weapons, I understand. We're hoping the equipment is enough to change the paradigm."

My lip quirked. "Hopefully it's enough for the next Endbringer attack."

She nodded. "We're hoping for another miracle, in this case. But before that... we have to discuss something, and I'm afraid it can't wait."

I lifted an eyebrow, folding my wings behind my back. "Alright. I'm guessing it's important."

A faint smile on Alexandria's lips. "The most important, actually." She lifted her head slightly, speaking loudly and clearly. "Door to Cauldron."

An orange octagon appeared at Alexandria's side, snapping into existence almost instantly. The interior of it showing a meeting room with drab, white walls, the windows showing a deep red sky.

I lifted an eyebrow. "I hadn't known you had a cape with portal abilities on hand."

Alexandria's smile widened slightly. "There's a lot you don't know. But we need to compare notes. I need your help to save the world from something worse than the Endbringers."

I looked at her. Taking a long moment to examine the heroine I idolized as a child. If she was nervous, she was hiding it well. If I hadn't known better, I'd be sure that she did this sort of thing all the time.

Hell, maybe she did.

Finally, I spoke slowly. "I believe you have my attention."

Titanomachy 8.2
A/N: And now, the unholy alliance begins.

Huh. Weird. The side with the gothic castle, monsters, demons, and vampire queen is the less unholy side. That's...kinda weird. Really weird actually.

Anyway, FYI, it's been a while since I read Worm, and I've altered things a bit for Cauldron's central workings. Still imperfect, but I'm trying to avoid the head-bangingly stupid bits.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


I lifted an eyebrow as I looked through the portal, not stepping through just yet. "You know, for a secret conspiracy, I was expecting more cigarette smoke, maybe some flickering lights, maybe a hanging chain over there in the corner. This is kind of...drab, really." I looked out through the portal, and through the window shown, seeing a deep red sky. The moon was visible, despite it being daytime, but it looked like it was molten, burning with glowing lava. "That is a really neat view, though. Alternate Earth, hm?"

Alexandria's lip quirked. "You catch on quick. Can we please go through? It may be dangerous for us to be speaking here."

I tilted my head. "Nobody in my castle will talk."

She shook her head. "It's about making sure certain powers can't listen in. Remote viewers, postcognitives, and certain precogs. We have means to block them temporarily here, but it's limited and it's far easier to manage in an alternate dimension. I promise this is entirely legitimate. If we wanted to eliminate you, we'd do things differently."

Okay, good point. Still, I didn't like it much. I lifted my head, giving the Castle an order.

A wave of acceptance and anticipation rushed through me. It wasn't exactly easy communicating with Castlevania, but it was remarkably straightforward once you got used to it. "Alright, let's go." I said, stepping through the portal.

Alexandria stepped into the drab room behind me, visibly relaxing somewhat once the portal snapped shut.

After a moment's consideration, I tried to open my own Shadow Portal. There was a second of resistance, then it opened easily. Good. I wouldn't be so easily trapped away from my power. Without the power of the Shadow Plane at my command, I would just be a vampire. An extremely strong one, perhaps, but still a lot more limited than I was.

At Alexandria's curious look, I spoke. "Making sure I can still open portals here." With a thought, the Shadow Portal snapped shut.

The conference room's door opened, and a middle-aged, haggard-looking dark-skinned woman entered. She was dressed all in white, and despite the tiredness I could see in her posture, I could see self-confidence as well.

"Scarlet Dragon," She spoke, sounding tired. "I am Doctor Mother, and I am the leader of Cauldron."

I plastered on a smile. "Glad to hear it. Nice to meet you. Now what the hell is Cauldron?"


Halls, halls, halls. Slightly off-white, stupidly clean, and made of tiles. It made the place seem oddly otherworldly, as if it wasn't formed by a human mind, but instead by the clean, perfect, sterile order of a computer. Except I knew a (former?) computer intelligence, and Dragon's designs weren't sterile. So who the hell knew who made this place.

Doctor Mother spoke as she walked ahead of Alexandria and I, her voice echoing slightly off the halls. "Cauldron was founded in late Nineteen-Eighty-One. Before then, there were no parahumans at all. Powers arose because of what we call 'Agents.' There are millions of them that we've confirmed, though there may be a lot more we haven't accounted for. Most of them aren't active, though those that are can be dangerous enough. It's impossible to know just how many there are."

I tilted my head as I followed, frowning. "So you know where powers come from."

A faint smile on the older woman's face. "We do. We've even managed to figure out a lot about how to artificially connect people to Agents. That process enabled us to make a difference, to help keep the world in order, despite the difficulty and the setbacks."

Alexandria spoke then. "Our group is directly responsible for the creation of the Protectorate. We came to realize that without government support, without government sanction, parahumans the world over would be uncontrollable. Either they'd be marginalised and exterminated, or, more likely, they'd turn into warlords which would rip society apart. Our best estimates placed the United States as a failed state as of the late nineties, if we hadn't stepped in and acted as a moderating and stabilizing influence. Ever since powers began to arise, we've tried to buy us time. Time enough to build enough forces to fight and kill the Agents' originator."

We came to an elevator. As the doors slid open, I took a look inside. Plain white. And...unfortunately, small.

I gave Doctor Mother a glare. "Is there a set of stairs?"

She opened her mouth, then closed it, sighing. "Door to the lowest level."

The portal opened, showing a darkened hall. We stepped through, making our way towards a large security door, the sort one would see on a bank vault.

Doctor Mother's voice was filled with slight annoyance. "Normally we use Doormaker to go everywhere through Cauldron's complex. At the moment, however, a lot of his attention is taken up and being used by our preparations. We don't want to strain him too much, as he's one of our most valuable assets. Without Doormaker, our efforts would have been far less fruitful. Unfortunately it also means we can't put him through too much. His power's useful, and quite capable, but he's still got certain limits."

I nodded slowly. "So, I'm guessing you're about to show me something interesting."

Doctor Mother paused, then frowned at me.

Alexandria chuckled and shook her head. "We may as well dispense with the theatrics. Scarlet already knows more than most. Though exactly how...?" She tilted her head as she looked at me.

I shrugged. "I told most of the truth during my press conference. My power is from a world that was destroyed by a multidimensional being. Dracul managed to kill it, but he was trapped in a timeloop like Gray Boy's before he managed to do it. Then he managed to distract a second one of them into crashing here, but he couldn't do anything about the third. He's in the middle of an asteroid field that used to be his world. Something that's going to happen here if we don't stop it. That's one of the reasons I've been acting the way I have. I'm gathering as many resources as I can to try and fight the thing. Though I don't know how it'll attack, if it's anything like what Dracul saw and fought, it's going to be overwhelming."

After a moment of staring, Alexandria sighed. "All this dancing around and you already knew. Maybe not the whole damn story, but you already knew. This would have been a lot easier if you told me when you manifested that damned castle of yours."

I lifted an eyebrow. "And why would I just casually say that? I was trying to figure out my resources. I do not know where the remaining Abomination is, who its avatar is, if it even is anybody, and what it's aware of. If it had attacked the castle the moment it appeared, then I would know something at least. But all I'm operating on is knowledge I was shown by a man who's been suffering for centuries at least in the ruins of a dead world. I know it's powerful, far beyond that of the gods of the world from which my power came from. Dracul fought his for hours, alone, and he didn't manage to accomplish anything. I sought to build my forces as much as I could, as quietly as possible, once I was fairly sure the one active here either hadn't noticed me or didn't care."

Doctor Mother shook her head. "Still, it's an annoyance." She turned and pressed her hand against a panel next to the vault door.

With a hiss of escaping air, and the faint smell of rotten meat, it swung open. We stepped inside, and even I had to stop at the sight before me.

Wired to the ground, supported by a steel cage and distortions I could barely look at, was a corpse. A woman's face that was indeterminately ethnic, but beautiful. Golden hair cascaded from her head. Below that, however, the detail was...wrong. The skin on her torso was crisp, white, almost looking like it belonged on a mannequin. Her arms didn't exist, instead, the flesh seemed to go off into nothing. I say 'seemed' because it actually hurt my eyes to look.

And it got worse the lower it went. Her legs didn't exist. They merged together and sank into the ground, as if she had been some fleshy tree. But the ground itself was flesh, as well. Pristine, white, unnatural flesh. As my gaze swept over the ground, I could see various small features of humanity. Eyes, hands, arms, faces. As if the dead of every human who ever lived were gathered up and merged into a single being at random.

Doctor Mother's voice was quiet. "She landed here in Nineteen-Eighty-One. Her body covers approximately three-quarters of this Earth. Upon landing here, her biomass damaged and destroyed much of the planet, while assimilating whatever organic material that existed here. She did something wrong in its landing, however. We think she intended to land upon an entirely uninhabited version of Earth, and we certainly doubt she intended to open portals that allowed people to come here. Still, she was pulling herself together, healing the damage, creating her avatar, when we managed to kill it."

I folded my arms, a dreadful suspicion rising over me as I took in the shade of the corpse's hair. Golden. Cascading. Perfect. The body was marred only by one thing. The gaping knife wound sticking from her throat.

Everyone knew that shade of gold. That level of perfection. It didn't matter where you went on the planet, everyone knew it. How could they not?

I spoke, a sinking feeling in my gut. "The other Abomination is Scion. Fuck."


Huh. Cauldron had good tea. Earl Grey. It didn't actually sate my thirst at all, but it did taste pretty good.

We were back in the conference room, having taken a few minutes to let things sink in. Despite the suspicions Dragon and I had, Scion being the active Abomination was something I hadn't wanted to consider. Sure, a lot of things fit, the overwhelming power for one. Scion was powerful enough to send Endbringers running when they attacked. The moment he showed up at an Endbringer battle, it was over.

Doctor Mother's voice droned a little, but what she was saying was still pretty damned interesting. "Ever since the pair arrived, we've done what we could to prepare. The power we used to kill the first one was limited by it in its final moments. When we struck, its avatar was very tied into the rest of its body. We hit it right when it was most vulnerable. Scion's taken far more damage fighting Endbringers, however. Whatever else is going on, he's not going to be vulnerable the same way. If striking through his avatar, his projection, whatever it is, would work, we'd have to do a lot more damage to it than even the Endbringers have."

I sighed, draining my cup of tea and putting it back on the table. "I doubt you've spent thirty years sitting around with nothing. What are the options you figured out?"

Alexandria nodded seriously. "We're the result of powers taken from his counterpart. Overall, we're more powerful than most natural triggers. We think it's due to the fact she hadn't intended to hand out certain powers. It was our hope we'd find a power, or a combination of them, that would be effective against Scion. You mentioned Dracul killed one. How?"

I tilted my head as I thought back. "He used his power to suborn a fragment, one that was designed to carry a weapon to use against others of its kind. He tricked it into firing off inside of it. Where it was, though, and what it looks like, I don't know. It's one of the few that survived the thing's death, but where it ended up in the graveyard downstairs I haven't a clue. They're not exactly labeled, and they're all mounds of crystal and flesh. It took Dracul decades to find it. It unleashed bursts of energy through all the dimensions, attacking in every direction at once. The act took up most of its energy, but it was enough to kill the fucking thing."

Doctor Mother frowned at that. "And if the power's active somewhere, it may not even be here. Or if it is, we may not know how it's manifested. Even two identical formulas get different effects. A projection formula on one person may make a single unchanging projection, or a force-field covering, or make a malleable, shapeable projection. And that's assuming it didn't get cast off to become a natural trigger. We're fairly certain both of the Abominations shed most of their Agents before they landed. If they hadn't, Cauldron wouldn't be sitting here. It'd be in the middle of a gas giant-sized mound of flesh. Though they seem to have figured out certain tricks to hide the majority of their mass. The same principle as pocket dimensions. Still, we've been trying to gather up weapons that can destroy a planetary biosphere quickly. That's the kind of damage we'll need to do to kill one of these things in its true body."

I shrugged. "Why not drop Ash Beast on top of him? He'd do a fair bit of damage."

Doctor Mother looked somewhat amused. "That's one of the things we wanted to do. The two issues with that is that Doormaker's power has trouble with large amounts of energy. Ash Beast's explosions collapse the portals even as they form. Secondly, Scion's true body's behind some sort of barrier he's maintaining. We can't open a portal there, though we know where it is. If it were that simple, we'd have unleashed a few of the apocalyptic-level weaponry various Tinkers around the world have made. Plus, as much damage as Ash Beast does, compared to the size of Scion's counterpart, here, he would do a small amount of damage before he was destroyed."

I folded my arms, leaning back in my chair. "So what is your plan, precisely?"

Alexandria's lip twitched, before she frowned. "From the beginning? Gather an army of parahumans to fight back when the time comes. We don't necessarily need to destroy him entirely, but we do need to contain the damage as much as possible. If he slays all of us, and destroys a million Earths, but dies from losing too much energy and leaves just a few Earths with humanity intact upon it, it's a win for us. Before you came along, we were looking at a mere two percent of catalogued Earths possibly surviving the apocalypse. Now the number is at sixty percent. Either we win and stop his rampage, or we do enough to drain him of energy, so he hasn't enough strength to keep going."

Doctor Mother nodded. "We're also preparing other options. We think that if we can get a sufficient population of people out of Scion's reach, we can ensure something of humanity to survive. At the moment, we're building a ship, the Exodus. There's some Tinkertech involved, but that's mostly to get it out of the Earth's gravity well. It doesn't need to last very long. It's meant to head for the Alpha Centauri system, and it's got the equipment required to build a colony under a wide variety of conditions. Most likely an underground colony, but that's preferable to extinction. It would only be able to evacuate about a million people, but it's far better than nothing. If he drives all of humanity back into the stone age, it is highly unlikely any version of us will manage to rebuild civilization."

I shook my head as I spoke, hating the idea. This was a lot of responsibility. It was good to know I wouldn't have to be acting alone, but it was still a daunting task. "It doesn't make much sense, though. The Abomination Dracul fought didn't appear until most of his planet was dead. Why would Scion show up back at the beginning and start helping people?"

Alexandria's lip quirked. "Actually that, we don't know. Thinkers have always had difficulty with Scion. Over the years, we've managed to figure out a fair bit about the Triggering process. We're fairly sure that the powers are made by them to specifically hold them as blank spots. There are ways to nudge around them, but it's difficult. But we know some things. Precogs aren't very common in the Protectorate for two reasons. The first being it's among the rarest powers to appear. The second being we recruit them and get them off Earth Bet whenever possible. With most being useless for Scion alone, they're still useful for a lot of projects."

I lifted an eyebrow at that.

Doctor Mother nodded. "We can't predict Scion directly. But we can predict certain things, such as the results of his actions. He rescues a cat from a tree, we can predict the cat escapes the tree, even though how and why isn't seen. But we can't ask if there even is a cat, if we aren't aware of it to begin with. Since his appearance, and his counterpart's landing here, we've used Thinkers to try and figure out what he will do. Our best precog's Trigger vision showed her what they do, before she was limited, in any case. They've destroyed hundreds, maybe thousands of civilizations to hone their abilities. And they enjoyed doing so. We don't know why Scion's been helping people for the last thirty years. But we do know that if he isn't destroyed, somehow, then he will target and destroy as many Earths as inhabited by humanity as he could. With our resources, we've managed to catalogue two hundred thousand inhabited Earths, though there are a great deal more worlds than that. We're using them as our sample to keep track of how many worlds he'll destroy. The number could be a lot larger. Or fewer. There's simply too many unknowns."

I nodded. It made sense, and they had longer to figure this stuff out than I did. "So what do you want me to do?"

Alexandria nodded at me. "We're hoping your portal ability will enable us to move the battlefield off Earth Bet and onto Scion's actual body. If we can do that, our chances improve immeasurably. Secondly, precogs have difficulty with you, much like they have difficulty with Scion, the Endbringers, and other precogs. We're hoping that means Scion will have trouble predicting you. Third..." She smiled slightly. "We're working on making sure you won't be the only god on the battlefield facing him. We know about Dragon, how she assumed the mantle of Light. We're working on getting the others released from their bonds before they emerge as Endbringers. We've already had some success.

"Lastly, with the timetable moved up, we've shifted into high gear. You're aware Dragon is, or rather was, an AI?" At my nod, Alexandria continued. "After she tangled with the Dragonslayers and lost, repeatedly, in Two-Thousand-Six, her capabilities improved. We took the opportunity to take and activate one of her backups, in a secured Earth. Her ability to reverse-engineer and replicate the Tinkertech of other Tinkers is one of the most valuable abilities ever seen." She lowered her head slightly. "It was our hope that she would be able to finish some of Hero's work. Even if she couldn't, her power and nature as an AI was too valuable to risk it being lost."

I frowned. "Dragon's not going to be happy to hear about that."

Doctor Mother let out a humorless laugh. "Perhaps not. However, we have been staring down the barrel of a very, very large gun for the last thirty years. I haven't been able to afford 'tastefulness' for all that time. I've had to choose between hundreds or thousands of people in the now against the fate of billions in the future. I hate making those choices. Sometimes, even, I have made the wrong ones. But this responsibility fell on me when I drove that knife through the avatar downstairs."

I shook my head. "Still. Why haven't you done more to help?" I pointed at Alexandria. "You're one of Earth's greatest heroes. There's posters of you on walls for damn near every kid out there. If you've had these resources for the last thirty years, there's a lot more you could have done. Stopped the Slaughterhouse Nine before I had to, for starters."

That was well done.

Quiet you.

Alexandria was impassive. "There's a lot you're not aware of. A larger picture. Much of what we've done has had to be done carefully, in case Scion takes notice. We're not sure what his capabilities are. We assume that any power we have witnessed, he is capable of doing at an order of magnitude more powerfully. That includes certain perception powers. We know his attention isn't unlimited, otherwise we never would have gotten this far. But the best we can do is ensure he does not become aware of us, and what we did to his counterpart, until the time is right. What do you know of Earth Aleph, its parahuman population?"

After a moment of thinking, I nodded. "They have a lot less than we do."

"One-one-hundredth," Doctor Mother spoke. "Aleph's parahuman population is far smaller than Bet's. You're not aware of it, but the other Earth next to Bet on the line of 'nearby' Earths, Gimel, also has approximately the same number. The next ones on either side of those, Dalet and He, have even fewer. As low as thirty across the entire globe, though those powers are potent enough for them to cause problems. Earth Bet isn't in the state it's in because of a lack of work on our part. It's been targeted. And from the beginning, we've tried to act as a stabilizing force, to keep things intact enough to organize. We wanted heroes. A lot more heroes than we actually have. Heroes under an organization can be acted upon, given orders, direction, the precise thing an army needs. And for a few years, once we built up enough to exert our influence, we got them. The Protectorate got global recognition, and it expanded into Canada and talks were underway to expand into Europe and the former Soviet Union."

I sucked in a breath. "And then Behemoth showed up."

Alexandria nodded. "Then Behemoth appeared. Understand we've been trying to walk a tightrope. No matter what we do, parahumans will trigger. People do terrible things to each other. Scion's appearance didn't change that, it's simply the results are more dramatic these days. We tried to gather up as many triggers as we could. We've bolstered the numbers of heroes with formulas made from here. Myself, Eidolon, Legend, and hundreds of others are working to try and keep the precarious balance out there. The problem is...when we've tried to project what happens if we add so much as a few dozen extra heroes per year? Worlds die."

I swallowed. "Scion likely figures something out... and goes insane right away."

Doctor Mother nodded. "That's about what we surmised. We've tried to keep a surplus of capes off Earth Bet. Too many, and worlds suddenly lose their future. Even with the Endbringers killing many capes, good and valuable ones, they tend to trigger more. We've been trying to buy as much time as we could. And hoping that we haven't lost a cape that was our best shot."

"Like Hero," Alexandria said quietly. "He was working on an antimatter generating weapon when the Siberian showed up and killed him. It's possible it might have killed Endbringers and would have been able to do immense damage to Scion's true body, but it was less than twenty percent complete. And even Dragon can't build a piece of technology out of nothing."

"That was the pattern. Or seemed to be so, anyway." Doctor Mother said. "Every stabilizing influence that showed up got killed. Dragon's creator died when Newfoundland sank. Kyushu? Japan was poised to be a regional power with a large proportion of Tinkers, which we've hoped would have a solution. Leviathan destroying it crashed Japan's economy and dashed a lot of our hopes. Russia was poised to sign an accord with the United States against parahuman threats... and right in the middle of their territory, the Sleeper appeared and started killing everything inside it."

"And now you're hoping I'm your next magic bullet." I muttered.

Alexandria's lip quirked, a faint bit of amusement in her voice. "Yes. But you've actually done things. And we're not relying on you alone. We're hoping at least a dozen or so gods from Dracul's world might be able to tip the balance in our favor. Eidolon, or rather, Apostle, is working on that right now."

More of the old pantheon free and working to help? That... could help. A lot.

Doctor Mother nodded. "On another note... regardless of your answer, we have a present for you." She lifted her head slightly and spoke. "Door to Holding Cell forty-two."

The now-familiar Doormaker portal snapped open. I looked through it and lifted an eyebrow. A young black teenager chained to the wall, a blinking collar around her neck. Her eyes were closed, but I would have recognized her anywhere.

"Huh," I said. "I wasn't expecting to get a free Sophia Hess. Is it Christmas already?"


A/N: Took a few liberties with Eden's appearance. While fanon says she's all silver, like Scion is gold, her description is actually not expanded upon much. I actually pictured her avatar being perfectly gold too, but I figured, considering she was able to perfectly mimic a human, there would be a few other differences to help interaction.
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Interlude: Preparations part 2
A/N: I want to note. Diseases suck. They make things so much harder than they have to be.

I was going to do more with this, but I'm hitting a bit of a block and I'm tired. So there's more of this kind of thing, but coming later.

Also, I want to thank Backtrax for being awesome. El Presidente demands you raise your cups in his honor!


August 10, 2011:

Sarah turned.

That's how her loop always started. She'd turn, as she had that day in the mall all those years ago, and view the gray haze that was her world now. These days, her view was occupied by all the researchers that even now worked tirelessly to find a way to break the loop she was in. After two decades, not even she was sure they'd pull it off anymore, but it wasn't like she was going anywhere.

It did help, though. Not being alone. She wasn't sure how she'd be if she were stuck here without any company. It was nice, at least, to be able to talk to someone. If in six-second intervals. Who knew you could get a rather decent education in temporal theory and pocket dimensional physics in six-second snips over twenty years? Doctor Lloyd was a genius when it came to the subject. Too bad he wasn't an actual Tinker.

Sarah turned.

She often tried to forget that day, even when she knew she couldn't. She had been celebrating her 21st birthday, gone to the mall for a shopping spree, was making her way from one store to another, when suddenly she'd heard a noise behind her. She'd turned, and seen someone appear in the mall behind her. It looked like a young schoolboy (if the uniform was any indication, anyway) that had stepped out of a black and white film. A very old, tattered black and white film by the way he seemed to stutter in place. He looked right at her with deadened gray eyes, and suddenly she was surrounded by some sort of gray haze. She'd tried to run, but found she couldn't move out of the field of gray surrounding her. Then suddenly, she was back in the position she'd been in only moments ago, turning to stare at the gray boy who even now was turning to leave the mall. The rest of the the crowd had noticed what was occurring and started panicking. All around her the masses began to turn and run, mindless in their fear, only knowing to flee the thing that came into their midst. She tried to follow them, tried to call for help at least, but her voice was drowned out in the roar of the crowd.

Sarah turned.

It had been hours later, after the mall had been evacuated that anyone came back and found her. It was quickly determined that she couldn't leave the confines of the gray, nor could anything enter in from outside. Her parents had been contacted, been given the atrocious news, and work had begun in earnest to try and find a way to break her free of her prison. A charity fund had even been created in her name to provide funds for the scientists working on the matter (it was things like that that helped her keep faith in humanity). In time, she learned that Gray Boy as he was called had imprisoned others like her, even torturing some of them under the instruction of his new mass murdering masters. She felt like weeping in joy when she'd heard the Fairy Queen had torn the monster's head off a few years back.

Sarah turned.

Her parents had come to see her as often as they could, letting her know how the world was progressing outside her bubble. The first time she found herself glad to be trapped in an unbreakable time loop was when she heard of the first Endbringer, with a second and third following thereafter. The idea of unstoppable giant monsters tearing through major cities had made her plight seem rather small in comparison.

Sarah turned.

It was around 2006 that her mother died, succumbing to cancer after a year long battle. In February of the current year, her father had gotten caught in the crossfire of a cape fight with members of The Fallen while on a trip to Texas. And just like that, her only remaining relatives were gone, and she was left alone. Just the scientists continuing to work out this unsolvable problem she called her life.

Well, she thought sarcastically, at least I get to stay young and beautiful forever.

Sarah turned.

Word from the outside had slowed considerably in the last few months, only coming whenever one of the scientists thought to share some new development in the cape scene. That said, the last few months had been eventful, especially at the coasts. The Simurgh dying, a floating castle appearing over the Atlantic, the Slaughterhouse Nine finally dying, and through it all a red woman capable of turning into a dragon was involved. She could hardly believe half of what she'd heard in recent months, but given her circumstances, she was open to most ideas at this point.

Even though she claimed to be a goddess from another world. It sounded insane, but considering? Why not? What else would you call yourself, if you had power like that? Especially if, as she claimed, she came from a world that was severely behind technologically.

And then that same red woman came to visit her. To try and help Sarah. It seemed important to her, for some reason, beyond simply doing a good deed. But still... the moment of hope, so small, was still painful for it to be crushed again. It barely registered, but it was still another stab.

True, Sarah was the first of many victims. There were dozens of police officers suffering the same fate, because of King's twisted sense of humor. Not that any of the Nine, through their entire too-long history, had a good sense of humor.

But it was still discouraging. Even a young woman who claimed to be a goddess couldn't break the prison of time laid by the dead Slaughterhouse Nine member.

Doctor Lloyd stood in front of her. He gave her a gentle, but discouraged smile, his voice distorted somewhat as it reached her through the bubble surrounding her. "We still have options, Sarah. There's still a chance. I think we need to find a proper space-warping ability, or perhaps commission the right space-warping Tinkertech. We got some interesting data, and I think with the right combination..."

Sarah turned, then sighed. "I've been hearing that for twenty years, doc. I'm a bit tired of it. It's just.." She shrugged helplessly. Then turned, equally helplessly. Trying to stop the turn would have her fall and break her nose on the floor. Thankfully, that didn't repeat itself.

Lloyd shook his head. "I know, dear. I know. I'm sorry." He ran his fingers through his hair. "I've tried everything I can. There's always some damned thing. It's like this power was designed to screw with any attempt at freeing the victim. I..." His shoulders slumped. "Damn it. I went into this thinking I'd crack it. Maybe a year. Maybe five, it'd be worth it. Ten years on this and I haven't even gotten a Tinker power to help."

Sarah turned. "Not as if you haven't tried."

Lloyd closed his eyes. "Feel like I haven't done..." He stopped. Just stopped mid-sentence.

Sarah turned. . . and blinked in surprise.

It wasn't just Lloyd. The equipment in the room had fallen silent. The scientists in the room and all the equipment with them were suddenly stock still, as if frozen in time. Just behind Lloyd, walking about and examining the people, the instruments, and Sarah herself was a new figure. Short, fat, and shaped from pure black with only stars of pure white where eyes should be, he had just appeared in the room, and was now staring straight at her.

Before she could even process what she was seeing, the figure(man?) was suddenly right in front of her, his hand on the exterior of the gray. She recoiled from shock, before noticing something. The gray seemed to be fluctuating where he touched it, like it had been moving previously but was being paused now. As the effect spread over the bubble, she felt like a weight had been removed from her whole body. Add to it that she should have reset by now, and she realized this ... person before her was stopping the loop.

"Greetings," the figure said.

"Who ... what are you?" she asked, still bewildered by what was occurring.

"I am Chronos, Lord of Time." A slight, echoing chuckle escaped him. "I am a god, though it has been quite a long time since I strove to do more than watch and record the flow of time. I sense this is not your first encounter with one, the Lady of Darkness was here." His voice turned pensive, considering. "Apologies for not arriving sooner, it was only recently that I recovered enough strength to accomplish this." With a shift in that inhuman face, he looked up and down the bubble of time. His voice was soft. "A small fragment of my power was used to create your prison. Not much, far more of it was made by the Abomination's own power, but just enough to give me some understanding. And enough for me to reclaim a small amount of that which is mine."

"Accomplish ... what? Freeing me? Why? And what happened to Lloyd?" she questioned, trying to understand why this creature, this self-proclaimed deity had shown up now to her gray prison.

"Worry not, he is merely paused for the moment. As for you," he said, "I have come to give you freedom...and, should you accept it, an offer."

"...What kind of offer?"

"I will be frank. A creature, similar to the one that entrapped me and those like me, currently hides on this world you call home. I, the one who freed me, and the ones they work with seek to raise an army to fight this scourge when it arrives. And on a personal note, I need followers to add to my power for when the time comes. I offer you a choice, Sarah Kissinger. I can simply free you from this perversion of time that you find yourself in, and allow you to leave here, free to continue your normal life in peace. Or, you may join me, as my vassal."

"Your vassal?"

"Yes. You will be granted a portion of my powers over time. That which has imprisoned you will now be yours to command. I warn you, there is no guarantee that you shall survive the trials ahead, or even that we shall succeed against the creature that we fight against. But you will have the chance to work for a cause greater than yourself, a chance to prevent the annihilation of your race and homeworld. The choice is yours."

Sarah tried to process the offer that this being had presented to her. She was tempted to just go with the freedom and leave, but...

What would her parents think? They would've been happy having their daughter back of course, but could she really have looked them in the eyes, knowing that she could have helped prevent the end of the world, and refused the call? Could she live with herself, knowing that she had refused to even try to stand against what was coming? No, she didn't thing she could.

She looked Chronos in the star-eyes.

"Get me out of this prison, and I'm all yours," she said.

His eyes seemed to glow brighter, when suddenly the gray field around her started to dissolve. In seconds, the haze that had held her for so long was gone.

Color. Wonderful, beautiful, amazing, simple, joyous, color. Sarah would never take it for granted again.

She fell to her knees, tears of joy falling freely at the sense of relief she felt. She looked up at the thing that had released her from that torment.

"Before we go...wherever you're heading, do you think we can...stop by the local cemetery? I... wanna say hi to my folks before we go." She looked on the frozen face of Doctor Lloyd, a small chuckle escaping her. "And I'll want to visit this old coot, later."

"Of course." Chronos said with amusement, holding a hand out. She grabbed it, felt a surge of power flow through her (though still only a trickle, she knew, compared to the amount her rescuer possessed), and then they disappeared in a flash of white.


"...enough to do much of anything. I've failed you, my dear, and..." Doctor Lloyd blinked. Blinked again. Yes, there was an empty space in front of him, where Sarah had been a moment before. The bubble of warped time, the prison that had trapped Sarah Kissinger for twenty years was gone, along with its inhabitant. One instant, there, the next, gone.

He straightened up. Half a second of thinking, sharing a shocked look with his colleagues, he whirled on his assistant, pointing a finger imperiously. "Michael! Check the camera feeds! Now!"

They would discover nothing. Only a gap of two minutes, in which the camera recorded nothing, despite the system on the other end of the building checking out perfectly. It wouldn't be until tomorrow that the news would be released. By then, similar reports would be arriving from other sites of Gray Boy victims.


The Sun was immense.

Certainly, people knew that. If someone took the time to look it up, they would know that. Most people didn't really think about it, because it was so distant. It was just there. Few people ever imagined just how large, how bright the Earth's star really was. Human imagination was so very flexible, capable of dreaming up the fantastic, but it simply wasn't equipped to deal with its limitations. At least, not without significant effort and practice.

Dragon, on the other hand, had few such limitations. Data was much more easily refined into knowledge, and knowledge into imagination. The Sun was one million, three hundred ninety-one thousand kilometres across. Her sensors easily picked that up, and it interfaced with her newfound power in a way that wasn't quite describable to human senses. She could detect the waves of infrared light, visible light, the x-rays given off by the absurdly hot corona. Here, within Mercury's orbit, all that knowledge and feeling was almost enough to make her forget her mission.

She adjusted the simple gate, formed on the same principles as the Shadow Gates. Unlike the Shadow Gates, however, it was not designed for human travel. It would gather sunlight, intense enough to vaporize a person, and channel it into the Light Plane, where it would diffuse somewhat, but more than enough would be collected on solar panels and other methods of turning heat into energy. The gate itself had a few simple programs and ion engines, charged with electricity, designed to keep it in orbit of the Sun.

Best of all, all that energy would not fail. While solar activity ebbed and peaked, it did not ever simply stop. Nor would it be interrupted by a simple passing cloud. One of the advantages of building in space.

The nifty data coming from the solar wind didn't hurt either. Plus it was material that, with time and patience, could be made into things. The solar wind wasn't exactly thick, but it was plentiful and it would otherwise just be thrown into space uselessly anyway.

The Shadow Gates wouldn't be useful for this. Their portals were very useful, indeed, but they failed in one respect. They absorbed light, but it never arrived in the Shadow Plane. A few tests had shown that. The heat would pass, but not the light. That would be useful for other things, but it would make things a fair bit more difficult if they hadn't figured out other options.

She opened her comm channel. "Tranquillity Base, collectors are online."

Normally, it would take nearly seven minutes for a radio wave to reach the Earth's orbit, and another seven for the reply to reach Dragon's current location in solar orbit. That was assuming that the signal didn't get lost in the Sun's interference. Thankfully, a very small Shadow Gate was attached to the rear side of the collector. While light could not pass through, electrical signals could. Magic and technology working together was weird, but there was no arguing with the results. The radio on the back took Dragon's signal, translated it to electric data, transmitted by wire, passed it through the gate, passed through the gates in the Shadow Plane, and translated it for the computers at the other end.

Transmission to reply time: 0.0024 seconds. Under ideal circumstances, that is. Humans just didn't tend to think that fast.

Suck it, Relativity.

"We read you, Dragon. Thank you for the assistance," a faintly British voice echoed. "The excavator is online and running smoothly. We should have enough room to set up shop in three days at this rate."

One of the hazards of space colonies was radiation. Another was living space. Both issues were mitigated by building underground colonies, at least to begin with. Given time, surface colonies would be built. Perhaps enough to change the face of the Moon.

Still, that would take quite a while. Hopefully, they would have the time.

"Glad to hear it, Tranquillity Base. Dragon out."

She had to get back on the task at hand.

Four hundred more solar harvesting stations weren't going to place themselves, after all.


Africa was a hellhole.

Even before the advent of parahumans, it hadn't been the nicest continent. During the age of colonialism, when the British Empire spread over much of the world, the diseases that lived in her jungles made it known as White Man's Grave. Even with the areas that weren't disease infested-jungle, it was simply difficult to build a proper English port. It had rarely been worth the effort.

The appearance of parahumans, however, made things much, much worse. It used to be a warlord would be whomever had the largest collection of men and guns to arm them. Now a warlord could appear anywhere, anytime, from any of the people who went through just one bad day.

Moord Nag was one of the most powerful. She was once just a girl, living a simple, but harsh life in her village. That girl's life came to an abrupt end as her family was slaughtered. As the men, serving a warlord, took the girls for themselves as prizes.

Then the spirits gave her a gift in exchange for her pain. Her violation. Aasdier. Her spirit, her companion, her vengeance. Her only true friend. Aasdier fed upon the human dead, but grew in size and strength only with the sacrifice of the living. Once, Aasdier could have fit within the palm of her hand.

Now, Aasdier was a great, dark snake that stretched thirty feet behind his head. He was large enough to ride, large enough to be Moord Nag's herald of death, and it made things simple enough for her to claim her territory. In exchange for lives, the sick, the weak, the dying, or merely those for whom drew the bloody lots, they would die for Aasdier. Die for their protector. Die for their families. Die so that others might live.

After having taken so many lives, few things could stand up to Moord Nag. Few crossed the warlord of Namibia. Despite the blood on her hands, she was better than most.

And thus it was odd for a man to approach her camp, walking over the nearest sand dune as if he had no care in the world. Those who were not her followers were not welcome, all knew that. Still, it was plain to see he had been touched by the spirits, having been given a gift. His skin was white, as if he was covered in ashes. His hair was long, flowing, and seemed to be made of flame. He wore leather armor, fastened by red chains, and his pauldrons were decorated with snarling lions.

Aasdier, always loyal, crested over the dune and slammed into the man. Or rather, slammed into the dune itself, as the man had snapped out of existence and appeared some distance away, a smirk on his lips.

Aasdier lunged again, and the man vanished and reappeared. From nothing, he drew a sword made of flame. Instead of lashing out at the massive form of Aasdier, he drove it into the ground.

The ground shook, and opened into a chasm, the ground falling beneath the pair and revealing a cave system beneath. Aasdier fell into it, screaming, struggling to get back up again. Moord Nag took a step back as the man turned toward her, a grin on his face as his flaming hair drifted behind him. He spoke, though he was distant enough to be inaudible, she heard him, easily.

"Your beast is impressive, my dear. While I would enjoy battling it, I am not here for that. I wish to parley."

Aasdier clambered his way back to the surface, howling in rage. Moord Nag stepped upon his back, letting her companion haul her into the air. Aasdier's white skull was snarling, eager to rend this upstart apart.

But Moord Nag was the mistress. Aasdier was her spirit, and not the other way around.

With a delighted smile, the man took a step into the air. Then another, and another, as if he were ascending an invisible hill, until he was level with her. Flame danced upon his hands, resolving into a pair of glowing broadswords, engraved with intricate designs, and he held them out for her, hilt-first.

With slightly-too sharp teeth, he grinned. "I am Lorkhan. I am the Lord of War. I offer a gift to you, great warlord of Namibia, freely. I ask only that you hear me out."

Moord Nag tilted her head. She grasped the hilt of one blade, and held it up to the light of the sun. Even with a lack of expertise in ancient weapons, she could tell there was something otherworldly about the blade. Something strong, something powerful. It had a thirst for blood and death that rivalled Aasdier's own.

She looked at the man with hair made of flame. "I am listening."


Out in the French mountains, near Grand Veymont, a young woman ran for her life.

To casual passerby (if there had been any in the isolated forest), one might have seen this raven-haired British tourist, dressed casually in a white tank top, tan shorts, and sturdy-yet-fashionable combat boots and thought that she had merely decided to jog through the woods for the sake of exercise. The truth would be clear, however, if they saw the terror in her bright blue eyes, which currently stood out sharply on her paler-than-usual face. A few yards behind her, men chased her with murderous intent.

Alexis had only come to France to clear her head (and because the only other option she'd had at the time had been Switzerland, which was isolated due to the Simurgh's first attack and thus been entirely impossible to get near, as the isolation was enforced with bullets). Her boyfriend had been caught in the collateral damage of an attack by the Three Blasphemies and she'd been having trouble moving on from the event. After fighting off (to some degree at least) the prospect of suicide to escape her grief, she'd decided to take a trip abroad to enjoy the sights and clear her head.

In hindsight, she should have just gone to Norway instead. She could have just visited her cousin Lisette. And not bothered with hiking because this was so fucking stupid.

She had gone backpacking up one of the less visited mountains in the region, and had gotten the genius idea of leaving the beaten path and exploring the woods away from anyone else who might have been around. She had been wandering the woods, enjoying the feel of the fresh (and, thankfully, warm) air on her bare arms and legs, listening to the sound of leaves crunching under her boots, and just let herself go with the flow. Eventually, as the sky grew a bit overcast, she'd stopped to take off her backpack and rest a minute before heading back to civilization when she heard something. Through the persistent calls of the oddly plentiful crows in the forest (or were they ravens? or both?), she heard what sounded like people talking/arguing. Curious, she followed the sounds (leaving her backpack behind, brilliant) until she found a group of men.

There were five of them, plus a sixth man on the ground, having been beaten to within an inch of his life. The rest of the men, obviously criminals of some sort, were arguing with each other and waving knives around, apparently trying to settle some matter concerning the beaten man (she didn't speak much Swiss, and they were speaking too quickly to make out very well). Eventually, one bald man with a cigarette in his mouth just raised what looked like a sickle and slammed it into the beaten man's head, killing him. A shocked gasp rang out, one Alexis only recognized came from her after the men all turned and looked at her.

For her part, Alexis processed the state of things rather well: these men knew she'd seen them kill someone, and clearly weren't planning on letting her just leave to share the news with anyone. She also caught the look on a couple of their faces as they noticed the rest of her body. She didn't bother trying to speak.

She ran.

She ran as fast as her legs could carry her (which was considerably fast; she made a point of regular exercise), the men no more than 10 yards behind her. She didn't bother to look back at them or really think about where exactly she was going, only focusing on not tripping over anything or running into a tree. Eventually, she reached a point where they were just barely far away enough to be out of her sight. Unfortunately, after turning back to watch where she was going, she realized something important:

She had cleared the tree-line and was going very fast towards the edge of a cliff.

Desperately trying to slow herself down, she just managed to stop herself from running off the cliff. However, she was now left precariously balanced on the ledge, feet half in the open air. As she struggled to maintain balance, she heard her pursuers shouting. Turning back fearfully, she saw them approaching the tree-line. She realized her chances of getting away from the ledge before one of them reached her and just shoved her off himself was-

She heard a crack.

The rocky ledge under her feet broke.

Her balance was lost.

With a scream, she fell. Bones broke upon impact with the next ledge, thirty feet below.


Darkness. Pain.

Alexis could taste blood. Her blood. Consciousness ebbed and flowed, and she could feel herself struggling to keep awake, lethargy threatening to steal away her mind forever.

She didn't want to die.

Crows gathered around her broken body. Cawing. Watching. Intelligence in those beady eyes.

They were going to eat her. They were going to wait until she died, and then feast on her broken body. Her bones would get washed away in the next rainfall, fall all over the valley below. Then the snow would fall in the coming months, cover her bones, and nobody would miss her.

Alexis cried.

A soft voice reached her, like a whisper on the wind. "Such pain. Such suffering. Do the little ones scare you, child?"

Fear broiled in Alexis' heart, her eyes widening as a new figure formed at her side. Wraithlike, ghostly, and only partially human. The very top of the figure was a beautiful woman, who smiled kindly. But below the nudity, where the woman's stomach should have been, were three more heads. A white wolf's head, staring at her with curious interest. A brown snarling bear, growling in disdain. A golden lion, looking somehow bored, aloof. And worse, beneath that, a body of writhing snakes, each of them supporting the monstrous being, while their cold reptilian heads focused on her intently.

Alexis choked. Words weren't possible with her own ribs puncturing her lungs.

Death was something she'd hoped would be something far-off in the future. She imagined, perhaps naively in a world with disasters, Endbringers, and unsteady governments, that she might die an old woman with children. Not here, not now. Not out here in the middle of fucking France while a monstrous cape taunted her.

The apparition chuckled, a black orb appearing in her hand as she approached Alexis' broken body. "It seems appropriate that I give you this. I can change you. I can save your life. You can learn to love again. To live again. Or you can give this power to another, when you awaken again, though that might mean your end. It is sure it is doing no good now, in my hands. Perhaps it will in yours."

Alexis could only whimper as the ghostly figure placed the orb upon her chest. And then struggle to scream as it began to burn.


In the time before the Wanderer's arrival in Castlevania's world, the deities had been in a slump. Solin's mad quest for more power and followers had left the other deities with nothing, all but hiding on the dregs of their world with only their own planes to satisfy them. Even the renewed war Dracul had started against the current Lord of Light had not offered them much in the way of gaining new followers.

For Scylla, she had taken to collecting as a way to entertain herself. Specifically, she would collect the powers of particularly interesting mortals on society's metaphorical outskirts. Two in particular had been of great interest to her: the ancient witch Baba Yaga, and her long standing rival, Malphas the Crow Witch. The two had lived for centuries longer than mortals naturally could, fueled by their hatred towards each other (and the lives of whatever poor fools had crossed their paths). In the end, a noble warrior named Victor Belmont, one of the few of his family to live while Dracul rested (and the last to live a full life before the Abomination's arrival), had hunted down and slain the two witches, along with the forces at their command (even a member of an ancient breed of giant ogre, impressively enough). Scylla had seen fit to collect the essences of the witches.

They were in her possession when she was captured. As she had reached out to try and escape she had caught hold of the essences of the two rivals before being subsumed. The energies of the witches were thus ensnared with her. When the Wanderer had left with the imprisoned deities, the power of the witches left as well.

When Dracul fired the weapon within the Wanderer, the connection holding the witches to Scylla had been loosened. When the Thinker Entity crashed to Earth, one of the orbs containing their power had been dislodged from their hold, and sent flying through the dimensions of Earth away from its owner. The black orb of energy containing the remaining nature and power of the crow witch had remained in Scylla's grasp, trapped and helpless, useless as long as its owner was enslaved.

Then the parahumans David and Noelle freed Scylla from her prison. It gave the newly-freed goddess an opportunity to act. And it was so much easier to pass along an inherited power than to craft one from the ground up.


Pain greeted Alexis when she woke up once more.

As the ability to actually see properly returned to her, she took in her current surroundings. She was on a ledge just wide enough to hold her, with a little extra between her and the edge. She had landed on her right side and, as far as she could tell, had fallen quite a ways from the top of the cliff.

The next thing she took note of was the blood pooling out from her.

The ribs on her right side were shattered, with at least one sticking out through the side of her rapidly-reddening tank top. Her right knee was now a mess of shattered bone, flowing blood and destroyed muscles. Her hip similarly felt shattered, the blood discoloring that side of her shorts confirming it. Unsurprisingly, she couldn't move her right leg at all, further pain being the only result she got of even trying. Her left leg felt numb, but she could at least (barely) move the toe of her boot, which she took as good news. As for her arms, she could move the left one(currently lying in front of her face) to a degree, but the right one was splayed flat on the rock before her, more blood and shredded meat surrounding it. She felt warm speckles of blood across her face, some slowly slipping down to the numb remains of the right side of her face and her shattered cheek bone.

A few tears started to join the bloody mix. Had she imagined the apparition? A false hope thought up in the insanity of a dying brain?

Then she heard a caw.

She glanced down back to her legs. A crow was currently perched on her right boot, pecking at the laces. As if realizing it was being watched, it looked up and met her gaze. Its shiny black eyes met her teary blue ones for a moment. Then it hopped up to her shin. Then over to her left knee, avoiding the shattered right one in an almost careful manner. Then onto her (apparently still intact) left hip, before finally jumping to the ground in front of her. It was then she noticed two things: that the crow seemed to have a whitish patch of feathers over its head around the eyes, and it seemed to be acting carefully, with unnatural intelligence.

With difficulty, she moved her left hand to rest closer to the crow. The blood felt warm and sticky against her skin. Warmer than she expected. The crow hopped up to her hand, looking at it for a moment, before leaning in close and lightly nuzzling it with the tip of its beak. She oddly found herself lightly smiling from the display.

Another crow landed, this time on her damaged arm. A third landed, once again on her leg. A fourth bird, this one a raven, landed on her shoulder. She could see still more birds flying around the ledge in a tight circular pattern. From what she could tell, they all had similar patches over their heads as the first one.

The first crow hopped back over to her destroyed knee. It quickly plucked up an piece of meat(probably a piece of muscle) from the ground, the piece of flesh becoming coated with... something. Black liquid seemed to flow from the crow's beak and covered the flesh. The crow gently set the meat on her knee. When it let go, the substance sprung out black tendrils, which quickly wrapped themselves around the nearest sections of knee. It didn't hurt; in fact it felt surprisingly good.

She felt more light taps as substance started prodding at the wounds, at the meat, at her.

She saw the crows and ravens flying closer, more starting to land on and around her.

She felt herself grow stronger, her body pull itself back together.

As she was enveloped by her new feathery … friends, she felt herself smile.


The killers continued pursuit towards the cliff face, ignoring the collection of crows and ravens clustered in the trees, around the ground, and in the air. They had to be sure that the interloping woman was dead. So intent was their focus on their current target they failed to notice the crows gathering from the forest. Just a few at a time, one after another.

If they had looked up to see them watching the humans so intently, they might have realized something was not quite right.

They stopped before the ledge they had seen her fall over. After some deliberation and further bouts of ignoring the birds and their constant cawing, their leader (the man with the sickle) leaned over the side. He found his vision blocked by a mass of birds, flying to and fro along the cliff face. Had they already gotten to work on her corpse?

Suddenly, the birds simultaneously flew up over the ledge in front of the men. They backed up from the display, as the birds started circling around in the sky. A larger shape flew up over the ledge, and lightly touched down in front of them.

It was the woman. Only she looked much different from the frightened individual they'd been chasing just a few minutes ago.

Her black boots now extended up to her knees, and black leggings wrapped around her legs. Her black shorts were adorned with a black leather belt, topped by a silver buckle in the shape of a crows skull. Her now black tank top was now covered with an open black vest, a white crow head with a ruby-red eye over the left breast. Black elbow-length velvet gloves covered her hands. Rounding the ensemble out was a black, feathery overcoat that reached down to her ankles. Her long smooth hair seemed unchanged, though it draped down the back of her head and shoulders like a hood, or maybe like the feathers on the back of a bird's head. Her face was even paler than it had previously been, save only for the raven black lipstick adorning her lips, and her eyes.

Her bright, pale, purple eyes.

With a flick of her wrist, the birds suddenly swarmed the men. Their attempts to ward the winged attackers were futile, and they quickly found themselves being knocked to the ground and devoured by the pecking swarms.

All except their leader. He was left untouched, paralyzed with fear, as the woman stepped up to him. She gave him a once-over, like he'd given her before, then gently put a hand on his face.

He screamed.

His body twisted, becoming thin and fleshy. His skin took on a bruised purple coloration, and he felt his abdomen collapse into itself. His clothes burned away as his arms wrenched back, the fingers elongating and sharpening, the ring and pinkie fingers fusing together. Feathers popped out of his arms and the back of his head, and his feet widened and grew sharp claws on the toes. The eyes darkened to black, all emotion draining from them. Finally, his face elongated, the skull becoming visible and more birdlike, the tip blackening like a beak. An inner fire ignited, setting the torso to glow from the inner flames. The hand was finally removed, and the bird/man stepped back, bowing to its master.

The woman … Alexis, yes she still thought herself Alexis, but still far more than what she'd been when she first found these men - she was pleased by the creature's development. But she still felt more could be done. She looked down at the sickle dropped by the man before his transformation. She also noted that one other man had already had his skull picked clean by her friends.

Picking up both sickle and skull, she made her way to the tree-line to one particularly small tree in particular. She rested the skull on one branch, and the sickle on the other. A moment later, the tree began to shift. The branches twisted and warped, the whole tree taking on a more humanoid shape. In a minute's time, a wooden figure stood. It was skeletal in nature, with thin legs crafted of interlocking wooden pieces that tapered down to a point. Its torso was like a wooden ribcage, fire dancing inside it. The skull served as the head, more fire burning at the eyes. More interlocking branches made up the upper arms and connections to the forearms, while the forearms themselves consisted only of long branches extending almost the entirety of the creature's height, the back ends ending at points. In the place of hands, two sickles lay, held to the 'arms' by thick vines. All in all, it looked like some manner of tall murderous scarecrow.

She smiled. Yes, these were definitely a start to things.

The new Crow Witch gathered her friends. If she'd stopped, and listened, she just might have heard the faintest sound of laughter from the newly freed goddess of Beasts.


Edits: Derp. Spelling mistakes, punctuation, and small details.
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Interlude: Preparations part 3
A/N: Damn, this has taken a long time. Damn damn damn. Stupid real life.

I'm not entirely happy with this one, either. But, it has been a long time since I updated, and if I keep polishing I'm going to be on it forever. So here goes.


"Whenever you're ready, Quartermaster."

Danny just sighed, shaking his head ruefully as he scratched his cheek underneath the domino mask. "Couldn't come up with something better on short notice, hm?"

Miss Militia chuckled. "You're the one who decided going out with the rest of us was pretty pointless." She pushed the door open, and gestured. "After you."

Danny stepped inside, pausing as he saw the other two figures in the simple Rig quarters. Neptune and Salacia.

The pair looked up, the water-constructs clad in the suits that made them look presentable. Neptune bowed his head to Danny, then his artificial lips turned into a smile as he looked at Hannah, gesturing quickly.

Hannah nodded back. "Neptune's glad to see you."

Danny smiled wryly. "I'm glad to be here, too. This is so damn weird, though."

Salacia looked back and forth, appearing somewhat uncertain. She made a few gestures, but they were slow, hesitant, as if she had some trouble flexing her fingers. She opened her lips, allowing Danny to see the water flowing within her suit, but all that came out were burbles.

Neptune shot her a look, but if anything, the older projection seemed somewhat amused.

Hannah laughed softly. At the looks she was getting, she shrugged. "Sorry. Took a while for Neptune to stop trying to talk. That's why we got him the phone and text-to-speech app. It was just too difficult to wire up some kind of Tinkertech workaround, apparently."

Danny couldn't help but smile at that. "Tinkertech can't solve everything, I suppose. Just almost everything." With a shake of the head, he sucked in a deep breath, looking at Neptune. "Look, I'm not sure how this works. Do you have to do what I say?"

A momentary pause, then Neptune nodded, almost hesitantly.

Danny rubbed his forehead, and sighed. Then he looked at Salacia, a bit of pain in his voice. "And you, too?"

Her nod was a lot less hesitant. She tried to make some gestures, slow and uncertain. Hannah spoke after watching for a moment. "She wants to try new things. She also doesn't want to leave here."

Danny wasn't surprised. He sucked in a breath before he spoke. "Alright. I don't like this, at all. I had no idea I was responsible for either of you, though I'm glad it happened." His voice thickening, he looked at Neptune. "I never did thank you for saving my life. At the time I was... I was in a very bad place. I thought my daughter was gone forever. By all rights she should be. I was angry at you...well, I was angry at the whole damn world. But you didn't deserve that. I'm sorry."

Neptune nodded slowly.

He clenched his hands, visibly steeling himself. "You've got minds of your own. I won't order you to be my slaves. I'm going to ask you. Do you like working here?"

Neptune made some gestures. Hannah's voice chimed in. "Neptune's made friends here. He was mine since he joined up. He liked working with the fire department."

With a slight smile, Danny nodded. "I'm going to ask you something. You both something. I can't do it myself. Help people. Help protect my daughter. She might not need it, but help her, if you can. Please."

The two projections looked at each other. Then slowly, they both looked at Danny and nodded.


"Alright Mark, what do we got?"

Mark shrugged, stroking his chin. "Dunno. We need something new. We've done GTA." He winced as a wire on his latest device sparked. "Ah, crap. Need to fix that lead."

Luke rolled his eyes. "And we got about half a million dislikes for that video."

Mark looked up, fixing his partner with a stare. "Told you going around beating up hookers was a bad idea. It's one thing in a game, but in real life? I thought we were going to get choked through the damn internet."

Luke shook his head. "Well, live and learn, dude. We can try Halo?"

Mark licked his lip, considering. "I'll need to salvage the personal shield. It's still working, but it took a beating last run. I'm not sure about the power armor, though. Might have to program that through the holo-projector. It's too similar to the Mark One armor I tried to make way back." He got to his feet, taking a moment to wipe his fingers on his pants, leaving black smudges.

Luke shrugged, taking a cold slice of pizza out of the fridge. "Still say we could try something around that new portal to Velnar. Think Scarlet would like us? I can think of a ton of medieval style games we could do around there. It'd even be authentic!"

Mark laughed softly. "Yeah, right, let's try and pull something on the girl who can turn into a dragon. We can try playing Knighthood against her, but I don't wanna risk being one of the early npc knights who get eaten with a side order of ketchup." He walked into the next room, freezing at the sight before him. "Uh, Luke?"

Luke recognized that tone of voice, walking over and peering over his shorter partner's shoulder. "Where the hell did the holo-projector go? Nobody got in here!" He nervously looked over at the front door of their converted warehouse. "At least...fuck. Teleporters."

Mark groaned. "Great. That means we gotta move. We just got settled in here." He paused, paling as another thought occurred to him. "Shit!"


Mark whined. "I just downloaded the new X-Com onto that projector! It's going to take ages to get another digital copy!"

Luke blinked. "You're worried about that? I'm worried about the fact you can't make another holo-projector."

"And I can't make another holo-projector!"


Contessa set the box down. Considering how valuable and versatile it was, it was rather surprising Leet could manage to make it fit within a suitcase. She looked at the immobile screen that was her interface with Pandora.

The screen flickered, and the AI 'looked' at the device. "Huh. That looks familiar. Leet tech? You sure it won't explode?"

Contessa's lip twitched with repressed amusement. "This happens to be one of his more reliable inventions. He used it for over six months without it exploding. It could be useful for pulling attention off our people when the battle comes."

Pandora's image nodded slightly. "It might." A small construction drone, about the size of a basketball, unfurled and started scanning the holo-projector. "This could be useful...hrm. And oh."

Contessa lifted an eyebrow. "Something wrong?"

Pandora chuckled, the sound very realistic considering it was coming from a sophisticated program. "No. There's just a large gaming library in here too. I think he's going to be very, very upset if he didn't manage to make backups."

Contessa paused. Then, slowly, she spoke. "They were using a piece of advanced Tinkertech for crimes and as a gaming platform?"

Pandora sighed with exasperation. "Well, it is Leet. Least I'll have some entertainment while I'm here."


"Sophia, where the hell are you going at this hour?"

Sophia stiffened. With a snarl, she turned and spat at the ground. "Out."

Her mother crossed her arms, looking exhausted. "Like hell. It's dangerous out there! Don't you remember what happened to Steven?"

Sophia flinched. She clenched her hands, using every bit of her self-control to not lash out right then and there. Instead, she stored the anger. "I don't give a shit. I'm going out."

A wailing cry emerged from inside the house. Sophia's mother turned, filled with exasperation. "And you've woken up your little sister."

Sophia shrugged, turning and walking away. "Like I care."

"Sophia! Sophia! Get back here!"

She broke into a run. She had to get in some action tonight. Sophia Hess didn't need this shit.


Beneath the hockey mask, Sophia smiled.

It was a perfect night out in Brockton Bay. The weather was warm, just slightly humid, allowing it to trap the day's warmth. But it wasn't so warm that it was oppressive or tiring. It was an ideal night, and she was going to have some fun before it was over.

A night like this was perfect. Even in a shithole like Brockton Bay, there were always people out and about. Not just the criminals. But the idiots. The normal people who always had some kind of 'pressing business' and thus went out and made themselves easy targets. Stupid sheep that decide that the need for a candy bar at two in the morning was worth risking their lives.

The moon was full. It helped slightly when she peered over the edge of rooftops, trying to pick up movement in the alleyways. She'd learned, quite early on, that at night, it was far easier for her eyes to pick up on movement than detail. It was the easiest way to find out if someone was lurking wherever her attention was.

It was pretty rare for someone to actually lurk in an alley, though. Muggers and rapists often prowled and moved, and rarely sat and waited for prey. Well, the latter was usually an acquaintance. Even in Brockton, it was fairly rare for a woman to be pulled off into the bushes to be raped. You find more rapists at parties and boardrooms than you do the streets.

She moved to go on the hunt.


"I don't need your fuckin' help." Sophia growled.

Glory Girl hovered there above the vigilante, her prissy-white, shining costume perfect, the white cape flapping behind her in the wind. Both of those pretty, blue, perfect eyes focused on the dirtied vigilante on the ground, as if she was literally looking down her nose at Sophia. Fuck, the cheerleader's fucking teeth gleamed as she spoke. "You know it's dangerous out here solo. If you're caught without backup, the gangs can bring you under their heel or just kill you."

Sophia clenched her teeth. She hated New Wave. They had no idea what it was like. They had power along the lines of winning the goddamn jackpot while she had the equivalent of a hundred-dollar scratch ticket. New Wave was photogenic, pretty. New Wave had their youngest member trigger as the world's greatest fucking healer. They were upper-middle class. They were white in a city full of goddamn Nazis. They never wanted for anything. Hell, Glory Girl triggered in a basketball game. The vain, shallow, bitch.

I bet she never had a bad day in her life, including her fucking trigger.

While Sophia had to scratch and scrabble for everything. She went through hell to get her powers. She survived and thrived on the dregs. She got the money for her supplies from the gang members she hunted, not handed to her on a silver platter. Not that the Alexandria package of Glory Girl would need anything.

"I don't need the pitch." Sophia snarled. "I'm better off on my own."

Glory Girl sighed. "Alright. Won't stop you. But if you need a hand, you've got options. You don't have to be alone."

Sophia turned on her heel and stalked away. She didn't need the moralizing from someone who thought herself so high and mighty. Glory Girl wasn't a predator. She'd be eaten alive in the concrete jungle, if she hadn't lucked out on the best powers ever. She'd be happy if she found someone who could go through hell and not break. Someone who would fight back when facing life and death. Not a goddamn cheerleader who had everything handed to her like a tame dog.


Three beaten ABB members later, Sophia was beginning to calm down. The run-in with Glory Girl had annoyed her, but the pleasure of the fight brought her mood right back up.

Just one more block. She promised herself. Bed is sounding very nice right now.

A whimpering cry managed to reach her, just faintly on the wind. A desperate plea for help, muffled by distance and obstruction.

Sophia grinned. Action.

She jumped over the edge of the roof, turning into her shadow-state to make the leap to the next one. It was at the next alley she found the sight. Four men, skinheads, surrounding a black woman lying on the ground, face down. She flinched as she took a kick in the side.

One of the men grinned, his voice filled with a gleeful amusement. "She definitely doesn't know the rules, eh boys? No niggers gets to walk on our turf after sundown. They could be crooks, you know. We gotta protect our fine community."

A laugh was shared by the other three. With glee they went at it, kicking at the woman lying on the ground.

Sophia lifted her crossbow, watching. It would be easy to shoot, to cripple or kill one of these complete wastes of oxygen. But the woman just lay there, whimpering. She didn't even try to fight back, she just lay there and endured.

If she tried to fight back, then she might have been worth the effort. She didn't even have to do much. But a weak person didn't deserve protection. A rabbit that just lay there as a wolf approached deserved to be dinner. A rabbit that kicked the wolf in the jaw deserved to live. Hell, even if that rabbit just tried to run, it would deserve life.

This useless lump just lay there and took it.

Sophia lowered the crossbow and watched. She'd intervene. Eventually. But she'd let the prey take her lumps before the bolts would fly. The bitch was weak and stupid, and so she deserved it. Simple.

It was a long minute as the woman was beaten. Kicks and stomps from the gang members. Whimpers and cries coming from the victim as she became weaker and weaker, trying to feebly endure. Sophia watched it all with a smile on her face. She enjoyed the whimpers, the broken cries.

Still, when one of the men's hands went to the front of his pants and lowered his fly, and exposed himself, Sophia froze in realization. "How about we make this a bit more fun?" He laughed.

Yeah. That was going too far.

Sophia lifted the crossbow and fired. The exposed one went down screaming, his hands covering his now-bloody crotch. The other three, predictably, freaked out. They scrambled, looking around desperately, fear on their faces.

They never looked up. People rarely do.

She took the opportunity to shoot another bolt through the leg of another one. He went down, screaming in agony. Shifting into her shadow-state, she floated down, relying on the actual darkness to conceal her. It was hard to find her at the best of times. In the middle of the night? She was all but invisible.

The other two were backing out of the alley, away from their punching bag and bleeding friends. The one who'd been shot in the crotch was screaming incoherently. The other was trying to hobble away, his eyes wide in panic.

Sophia let him. She had to teach a lesson to the other two. She didn't have the time to reload her crossbows, and they weren't good weapons at such a short range anyway. But the bolts themselves were razor-sharp. Coming up behind the pair with a bolt in each hand, she stabbed them both in the back.

One dropped immediately. The other fell, screaming and hollering. A swift kick to the face, and he lay still, a pool of blood forming beneath his limp body.

Slowly, casually, she strode over to the very still prey lying on the ground. She gave a gentle nudge to the woman with her foot, deliberately deepening her voice. "You alright?"

There was nothing. No movement. Shit. She wasn't even breathing. She dug out her cell phone to call an ambulance, and the cops to take in the wastes of skin. The cops wouldn't ask much about a few maimed or dead Empire members around a dead black woman. Especially rapist scumbags. Still, she was supposed to try. At least then Shadow Stalker's reputation could spread.

The slight amount of light cast by her cell phone fell on the victim's hair. A very familiar shade of hair. Straight, shoulder-length, black hair with a few gray strands mixed in.

Sophia dropped to her knees, her eyes widening in panic. "Nononono... Mom, wake up. Mom, please wake up..."

She checked for a pulse. Her heartbeat was weak, fluttering. Then it went still, her mother's eyes open, sightless. Desperately, Sophia flipped her mother over, pulled off her mask, and tried to do CPR. Tried being the operative word. She'd never taken classes, only seen it on TV.

There was a snap underneath her hands as she pressed on her mother's still chest. The taste of blood was on Sophia's tongue.

Push. Push. Push. "Come on, Mom, come on... please..."

Nothing. Nothing. There wasn't so much as a twitch.


The sun was rising before she finally stopped. Sophia wasn't sure how long it had been. Hours at least. She could barely see her mother's corpse through the tears in her eyes.

She hadn't liked her mother. Why the hell had she been out here!? She should have stayed home, like the rest of the slightly-smarter sheep! She wasn't supposed to be here! Why couldn't she have made a smart choice for once? This was as stupid as her getting together with...

With Steven. That fucking scumbag Steven.

Sophia had hated Steven. He had seemed so nice, so good, as if he could have replaced her deadbeat dad. At the time, she'd actually begun to warm up to him. Then... he fucked with her. One happy mask out in public. In private, clenched fists, yelling, and a hungry look whenever he looked over the budding teenager. Any talkback was punished, and everything he did wore on Sophia's resistance just a little more. Then when out one warm day, out trying to 'bond' with his would-be stepdaughter, Steven and Sophia were ambushed by a group of Empire members.

And when the chips were down, Steven showed himself a coward. He threw the thirteen-year old Sophia at the gang members and tried to run. Sophia tried to fight back, failed... and triggered, gaining the power she used and loved. The power to move, to run, to fight back. Steven? He'd been caught, had his throat slit, and bled out on the pavement. The one and only time Sophia could think of that the Empire members ever did anything good.

Steven's dead eyes she'd taken satisfaction in. Her mother's...they were just so empty.

What was she going to do? Run around homeless? Catch a bus to...any bugfuck town that wasn't swamped by goddamn Nazis? As much as Sophia chafed under her mother, having to sneak around her to go out and work off her aggression on the weakling scum that deserved it, she had no idea what to do about living on her own.

Mom, as much as Sophia disliked her at times, as much as she struggled for space, as much as she fought with her...she was Sophia's only support, though even that had been lacking. What was going to happen next? A foster home? Sophia would rather die than have to submit to a stranger. She could barely handle staying in the same house with her own...

Her mother's eyes stared back at her.

She was going to kill them all. The whole fucking Empire. She's was going to rip through all of them. One after another. She'd go through their dealers, their pimps, their protection rackets. She'd set bombs for the capes, ghost in, shoot, ghost out. She'd take her time. She'll wait years if she has to. She was going to kill every last goddamn Empire member for what they did to her mother.

Sophia clenched her crossbow. Store-bought, simple, useful. Quiet. It worked so well. So useful. There wasn't anything else. For a year and a half...

A year and a half? That wasn't right. She'd been using crossbows for...

Where was her auto-reloading crossbow? The one the PRT provided? Why was she wearing her hockey mask? Where was her Tinkertech equipped mask, that let her see power lines through walls? Where was her radio? Her tranquillizer-equipped bolts? Sophia lifted the crossbow in her hand and examined it, carefully.

They'd taken this one away. The scratches and familiar grip were captured perfectly. The PRT had taken it from her, destroyed it to 'help change her image away from vigilante to Ward.' She'd watched it burn, the string snap in the flames, the familiar notches on the hilt curl up and blacken before it had burned to ashes. But here it was, in her hand.

She looked down at her mother's corpse. Then around at the alley. There was something wrong here. There was blood but...

The bodies. Only her mother's body was left. There should have been the Empire skinheads here, but there was just her mother's corpse. That wasn't right. That wasn't right. The whole world was wrong.

The answer hit her. Master/Stranger protocol. I've been compromised.

Clenching her teeth, she tore her gaze away, and looked up at the lightening sky. "Cut this shit out! Fuck you and fuck this bullshit! I'm on to you fuckers!"

The body at her feet dissolved away, fading as if it were fog being dissolved by the morning sun. The walls of the alley melted, the sky darkened and turned into an obsidian roof.

Sophia turned, looking around. The room's carpeting was a deep, rich red. The walls were black marble. Tapestries hung on the walls, showing scenes of ancient battles. A man in silver, standing against a great white demon, the warrior's hands alight in flames. Around the pillars holding up the high roof were snaking draconic imagery, as dark as the rest of the stone that made up everything else. Black and red.

Surrounding Sophia were six drop-dead gorgeous women. They were lowering their hands, but their eyes were filled with hunger and desire as they looked upon the teenager. Behind them was another woman, her skin entirely black. Horns sprung from her head, and she had actual wings sprouting from her back, like oversized bat wings.

And behind her, at the far end of the room was an elevated throne, shrouded in shadow. It was almost as if the darkness was a solid, palpable thing, working to prevent even a single stray flicker of light from reaching it. On that throne, barely visible at all, was a vaguely humanoid figure, only discernable by the glowing red eyes.

"Well?" The figure spoke.

The white-haired demon spoke. "As we expected, My Lady."

A slight chuckle of amusement. "I thought so. It was worth a try, I suppose."

Sophia clenched her hand around her crossbow, taking solace in its comforting weight. She snarled at the shadowed figure on the throne. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? What did you do to me!?"

The red eyes narrowed slightly. "I decided to test you, Sophia Hess. I needed to see if there was an actual human being behind that bravado. Behind Shadow Stalker, the vigilante. Behind Sophia Hess, the bully. I needed to see if there was anything worth salvaging." A dark chuckle. "You lived exactly to our expectations. You're welcome for the removal of your little slave collar, by the way. I've no use for it."

Sophia grit her teeth. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" With that reminder, her hand went to her neck, unable to fully keep the smile off her face at the feeling of freedom.

A momentary pause. Sophia could hear the smile in the voice of the red-eyed figure. "You were given to me as a gift. I have no use for a slave. Or an unwilling pet. An employee, perhaps, but I'm aware of some of the things you've done. I had to see if you were worth recruiting. There's something coming, Sophia, something dangerous. Something that's going to quite possibly kill all of humanity. We need everyone who can possibly contribute. I had to know what kind of person you were, underneath the mask. And you were exactly what I expected."

The anger faded slowly, and Sophia felt a grin pulling at the edges of her lips. "You want a badass to join you, huh? This your recruitment pitch?"

"No, Sophia. You're done. You're not worth a third chance. You'll just piss it away, like you did both your first and second ones. You're a waste of effort."

Sophia felt a tidal wave of white-hot rage. She charged forward, shifting into her shadow-state to get past the line of women in front of her. The white-haired demon stepped out of the way.

Inwardly, Sophia grinned. She lifted the crossbow, firing it with ease at the arrogant bitch on the throne. The bolt flew forward, shifting out of the shadow-state just as it would strike the bitch. It'd rephase into reality right in the bitches' heart and-

- Sophia found herself on the red carpet, her throat sore, feeling like she'd been deep fried. There was a faint flicker of electricity on the hand of the one on the throne, the flicker vanishing as Sophia recognized it.

Fuck. She just had to go up against an electro...electro... lightning-throwing fucker. And that really fucking hurt.

Electrokinetic. That was it. That's the word she was looking for. Owowowowowow.

Sophia tried to get to her feet, her muscles protesting at every movement. The movement was difficult, painful, and she let out a soft sob before she managed to stifle it.

"Same old Sophia. The first option is violence. Do you have any other tools in your toolbox at all?"

Sophia growled, pushing herself off the floor, carefully and gingerly getting to her feet. "Fuck you. You fucked with my head. You got no right to play the moral high card on me. Who the fuck are you, anyway!?"

A dark chuckle. "Does it matter? There was a point to this, Sophia. I wanted to see what you'd do when you thought nobody was watching. See if you could be trusted to fulfil a mission. See if it was possible we could trust you. And you couldn't. I doubted it, personally, considering you went off and started playing around and tormenting a civilian when you were already in deep shit. But I had to see how you would act without oversight. I already know you're capable of behaving as long as someone's watching you. You'd hate it, but you'd do it. But on your own?" The figure leaned forward, but was still wreathed in shadow. "You let Empire members beat the crap out of a black woman just because she wouldn't fight back. You only cared after you realized it was your own mother. And you know what else? My succubi didn't sense a single lick of concern for your little brother or sister. No worries at all about what might happen to them because of your fuckup. It was all about what you would do. You're lucky it was all an illusion, that your mother is actually just fine at home. You haven't spared a single thought about all that, have you?"

"Fuck you." Sophia snarled. "You were fucking with my head. Who's to say what you did with me was anywhere near what I'd normally do?"

The figure chuckled as she stood, stepping forward into the light.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I have a fair bit of experience with you." Hebert said. Fucking Hebert was standing right there. With the fucking crossbow bolt still in her chest and giving zero fucks.

Sophia gaped.

Taylor smiled. "Now there's the look I was looking forward to." With a slight frown, she reached down and ripped the bolt from her chest, looking over the sharp, bloodied head. "I'm impressed. These things didn't cut me when I tried them on myself, but your power bypassed my defense. Pity it doesn't help your position. Here I'm trying to have a conversation, and you go right to shooting. Just as expected."

Faintly, Sophia managed to speak, feeling as if a noose was around her neck. "You're dead."

"Yes. I am. Thanks to you. Lucky for me, it didn't stick. Not entirely, anyway. I move. I act. I think. I'm just not alive." Taylor tilted her head, her eyes glowing a deep red. She almost casually dropped the bloody bolt at her feet. "You killed me. Did you even feel the slightest twinge about that? What did I ever do to deserve that? How many corpses do you leave behind on a trip to the grocery store?"

Sophia shook herself. "Bullshit. I didn't kill you. Emma came up with the locker idea. You were so goddamn weak you triggered in there and pulled this...fucking bullshit against me! What the fuck is it with you? Laying low for how goddamn long to pull a revenge plot? Laying low for months just so you can spring this? Fuck you."

Taylor's smile widened. "Revenge plot? How much effort do you think I put into this? No, I decided to take advantage of an opportunity when you were handed to me, practically gift-wrapped with a little red bow. I gave Madison a second chance. I gave Emma a chance to explain, perhaps to forgive her, if not forget. She blew that, because she turned out to be entirely self-centered. Understandable, maybe, but I can't afford that. I decided to give even you a chance, but you blew that. You're no hero, Sophia. You don't deserve to be within a light-year of that word. You're just a bully and a thug, enjoying the suffering of others, and with no concern for the feelings of those around you. Not a single bit of concern for how your actions affect others. Fuck, I'm nowhere near perfect there myself, but at least I'm trying. You? You didn't even try to consider what you were doing. Didn't it occur to you that maybe your mother was out in the middle of the night looking for you? That maybe, despite the fact she has trouble showing it, that she might have cared? Or that if you'd made a non-toxic relationship, took some backup, that the whole alley shit there would have been stopped? Do you always have to slap away a hand offered to help, unless you're hopelessly desperate?"

Sophia snarled. "You don't know my mother. You don't get to talk down to me. You don't fucking know what it's like to be alone. You don't get to fuck with me. Lay off. I don't need this shit. I don't have to hear this."

Taylor's fingers arced with electricity, her voice cold and chilling. "I think you do. You won't listen otherwise. You only respect power, you taught me that very well. Don't blame me for learning the lesson you were so eager to teach me. You're not a reasonable person, Sophia. All you seem to get is negative consequences. And even then, even when the bad shit happens that's your own fault, you blame it on others." Taylor's smile had a slight glint of fangs as she spoke. "You blame me for dying in the locker, when you shoved me in there. You blame the skinheads for killing your illusion of a mother, when you just sat there and watched it happen. You could have stopped it, saved her, but nope. You made the choice. My girls here just made it possible to test you without actually getting anyone hurt. Your mother is safe and sound at home, utterly unaware of what's going on here. I do know she's disappointed in you, though. Federal fugitive, murderer, and villain masquerading as a hero. As you are, you're useless. Worse than useless, because the second you don't think anyone's looking, you're just going to go off, hurt someone, maybe kill them for the joy of it. How much does it take for you to decide to kill someone, hm? Look at you funny? Exist in your general vicinity? We both know I did nothing to you."

Sophia snarled. "You were weak. You deserved it. If you were strong, you would have laughed at the jokes. Shrugged it off. Fought back. But you just took it. You showed your place, fit right into it. Besides, what the fuck are you so mad about? You're strong now, and I made you strong!"

Taylor was utterly still for a moment, then her tone dipped to as cold as liquid nitrogen. "Yes. Let me show you how grateful I am at that."

Sophia glanced backward as she felt someone come near, seeing the women behind her. They looked...hungry.

The white-haired demon spoke, a small smile on her lips. "May I devour her soul, My Lady? It would be a shame to allow our allies to do it instead. They already had some."

Sophia's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

Taylor smiled. "You were kept captive some distance away from a cape that eats memories. Within about five hundred feet. Just barely, mind you. You lost maybe a month or two. If you'd have been kept in the same room, you'd have lost everything. You'd be a drooling, idiotic mess, ripe to be molded and shaped however I wanted. Even the cape's compatriots were upset when they realized their little friend was actually eating souls and not just wiping memories. Not horrified, but that's still more consideration than you ever showed. They could have made you into my little slave, believing you were a dog to be handled on a leash." The smile dropped. "But I don't need a slave. I don't want one. And letting that happen to you would make me worse than you. At the same time, I can't just let you go. You'll just wait for a moment, then do the same shit to someone else. Even putting you in prison, while cathartic, would also be setting responsibility aside. I have no doubt you'd go and rip someone's eyes out in the first month if you could get away with it. Thankfully, I have other options. I'm just going to have to put you somewhere you can't hurt anybody."

Taylor lifted her head. "Door."

A glowing orange octagon appeared in the air. Even as Sophia turned to look, something smacked into her back and she was pushed through.

She spluttered as she found herself in a mud pit. Groaning in disgust, she pushed off the ground, shifting to her shadow-state to float almost lazily in the air. Drifting off the side of the pit, she found a satchel.

Turning back to her normal self, she opened it. She smiled viciously as she saw what was inside. A crossbow, recent model, state of the art, and sixty bolts, along with what looked like an expensive set of body armor tailored into her costume. On the side was also a set of camping supplies, everything she'd need to make a fire, a tent, a cooler, water, some basic foodstuffs. Even a fully stocked medkit, antibiotics, sutures and needles. Everything she'd need to make a camping trip, if not comfortable, at least livable.

Now she'd just have to find her way back to civilization. She'd fucking show Hebert and put one of these nicely sharp bolts though her stupid smug face. She'd just have to figure out a good way to go.


Two hours of trudging later, and Sophia was very, very pissed off. There hadn't been any sign of civilization. Nowhere at all. No smoke, no roadway, nothing. Even her trusty cell phone had no signal, no sat connection, so she was stuck checking shadows to try and keep her bearings. She was travelling east, so hopefully she'd find a river, which would eventually lead to the ocean. And replenish her water supply, because it was fucking hot out here.

Still, she felt energized. The air was clear. It wasn't a bad day, it just wasn't where she wanted to be.

Fucking Hebert. What the hell happened? Now that she was thinking on it, she felt hurt in the back of her head. Most of the time she didn't notice, she felt alright as long as she wasn't thinking about it. But trying to remember some of the details about what happened in the last couple of months was like scraping her hand over broken glass. Something felt sharp in the back of her head, and it was maddening.

She stopped as a faint, jagged memory came back to her. Being kept in Coil's cell. The man's fear. Mercenaries commenting on... something. The Simurgh. What was it. It fucking hurt trying to remember...

Scarlet Dragon. Killing the Simurgh. A Brockton Bay cape.

That was fucking Hebert? Why the hell was she so pissed at Sophia? If she triggered as someone strong enough to kill a fucking Endbringer, then why the hell wasn't she thanking her? She became strong because of me. The whole goddamn world should be thanking me.

Then Sophia went and faceplanted into the dirt.

She'd tripped over something, lost in her thoughts. Or rather, she'd stepped into a hole. A strangely-shaped, large hole.

It was a footprint. Three-toed. Deep. A foot and a half long. Sophia stepped out of it, looking it over with confusion.

The hell could make a footprint like that?

A loud roar caught her attention. Then a second one, a bit further distant. Carefully, Sophia moved toward the top of a nearby hill, her heart pounding as she swallowed in a suddenly dry mouth.

Down on the valley below was a nesting ground. The trees had been ripped out of the ground, and it was littered with bones. Very large bones. There were two large animals below, covered in blue and red feathers, standing around fifteen feet tall. Large maws with bloodstained teeth. Two little arms on them, a long, sinuous tail swinging behind them.

Sophia's mouth opened and closed in disbelief.

She was dropped off in the land of fucking dinosaurs.

Fucking Hebert.

The two T-Rexes, for they could be nothing else, suddenly turned and looked at Sophia. They roared and started moving toward her, the ground thumping with every step.

Oh. Fuck.


Taylor sat on her throne, twirling the crossbow bolt between her fingers pensively. After a lot of consideration, she spoke. "Well. That was a mess. Fuck. I enjoyed that a lot more than I'm comfortable with."

Meridia nodded. "So I sensed, My Lady. However, you did not do as Dracul would have. He would have tortured her to death for what she did."

"And instead, I sentenced her to exile. Even if she can handle things, she'll never hear another human voice again, unless we retrieve her." Taylor sighed, looking and sounding exhausted. "It's a shame, really. It wouldn't have taken much to change my mind. A bit of remorse. Worry for her little brother and sister. Guilt over not stepping in. Just a sliver of regret. But she went immediately toward blaming everyone else. She'd never change. We'd have to have someone watching her all day every day to do the job she was assigned to, and frankly she's not worth the effort. She had an assault with a deadly weapon charge on her head when she was brought into the Wards, and she just waited until they weren't looking so close before she thoughtlessly killed me. She didn't learn with her future on the line. We couldn't even trust her to act even in her own best interests, because she doesn't think that far ahead. Least she can't hurt anyone now."

Meridia shrugged. "She is her own creature, My Lady. She earned her fate. Any she befriended, she would poison. I doubt she will have the opportunity to do so there."

"Mm." Taylor nodded. She licked her lip, then lifted her gaze to the other succubi in the room. "My girls. You did an amazing job with the illusions. I'm proud of you."

They answered with smiles. "As our Lady commands." Lilliandra spoke.

Taylor answered with a faint smile of her own. "You've earned your bonuses, and then some."

Meridia laughed softly, stepping behind the pillar she had been standing near. A moment later, she came back around, carrying several backpacks.

"Girls," she spoke with excitement. "We have laptops."

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Titanomachy 8.3
A/N: Working away. I know the delays have sucked. I've just lacked time to write. There's a fair bit more to go, but the end is in sight.

Blood manipulation: Self only, but extremely versatile. Basis of the Shadow Whip, Shadow Daggers, and other things.

Short-range teleportation: Draining, but not limited to line of sight.

Bat Travel: Turns into dozens of bats and back again. Rather confusing, but helpful for mobility.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as some capes, but up there. M1 Abrams out of gas? I'll just push them to the gas station.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance. Unlocked!

Flight: I believe I can touch the sky. Does it need any more description? Unlocked!

Possession: Turns into blood, flows into some poor bastard, controls them for a period (hours at most) and when they die they explode into chunky bits. The blood has a toxic effect, so anyone possessed is doomed. (Barring unusual biology.) Unlocked!

Fleshcrafting: Feeling a little vain? Want a whole new hair color, a bigger bust, shaplier hips, or claws to rend the flesh of your enemies? Subscribe to Vamp-New-You today! (Permits the vampire to alter their own flesh permanently at some cost to their blood. Does not permit changing of bone structure. Cannot be used on others.) Unlocked!

Mist Form: Transform into near-invulnerable mist. Has quite a few lethal and non-lethal applications. Unlocked!

Telekinesis: Manipulate objects at a distance through will alone. This is limited to line of sight, and is extremely limited compared to her physical strength. She can manipulate approximately thirty pounds at range to start with, and would improve with practice and imagination.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?! (Locked)

Shadow Portal: Opens a gate to the Plane of Shadow, where Castlevania resides. Shadow Portals can be made nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Plane of Shadow. Unlocked!

Dominate: (Not the soul-using thing) Control over others. Takes effort, and can only do so to a few at a time. Repeated and lengthy exposure, however, can make things last longer, until they are permanently enthralled. Can be resisted with willpower and can be no-selled by various techniques/powers.(Locked)

Bat Summon: Gather swarms of bats to do thy bidding. They will follow the will of the Lady of Darkness without hesitation. Not as flexible as the Queen Administrator shard. The awareness of each bat is basic, and commands must be given to the entire swarm at once. I'm the goddamn Batman. Unlocked!

Monstrous Form: Accesses a portion of the power available to the Scarlet Dragon's mightiest shape, while retaining the flexibility afforded by a humanoid form. However, it is clearly inhuman. Unlocked!

Void Magic: Basis of the Void Sword. Drains life from its victims, heals and invigorates the wielder, and brings about an absolute chill. Unlocked!

Chaos Magic: Control and manipulation of hellfire. Many can use it, but few can project it. Forms the Chaos Claws. Unlocked!

Storm Magic: Power over electricity and the storm. An excellent method of long-range attack, and quite painful to most.

Weather manipulation: Can control the weather to some degree, whether that is summoning or banishing clouds, or building up power to make a simple cloudy day into an actual storm. It cannot, however, bring warmth or cold on its own. She can't make a blizzard in the tropics or turn Antarctica into prime beachfront property. She can just make it sunny, cloudy, or rainy. Or snowy if the time of year's right.

Dragon Shape: The mightiest form of the Heir of Dracul. Becomes a massive red dragon, standing at thirty feet tall. Can access amplified versions of currently unlocked magic, as well as other powers while in the form. However, it is an immense strain to hold the shape for very long. And it is not exactly friendly-looking at first glance. Godzilla (or whatever epic music of your choice!) is highly recommended.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century.

Strength: Insanely high at full strength. Not as strong as Taylor's potential, but certainly enough to be highly dangerous to a well-trained human.

Durability: Begins low, becomes stronger and harder to injure.

Vampiric Healing: Heals perfectly as long as there is blood to fuel the repairs. Can be slowed by various means.

Grace. Allows limited floating, superhuman dodging ability, and balance.

Demonic Wings: Permits him to glide with feathery, though twisted, wings.

Mist form: Near invulnerable mist. No mere prison can hold thee. Unless they put in a fan to blow you back in.

Wolf form: I can run fast, I can track down my foes from the smallest drops of blood, I will never stop, never tire, and IS THAT BACON?!

Chaos Magic: Alucard's is not as strong as his father's, but his skill with it is extraordinary. He can use it to teleport short distances and throw fireballs, although it is limited by line of sight and distance. (The classic SotN Hellfire spell.)

Spectral Wolf: Similar to the wolf shape, however it is ethereal and impossible to injure. Alucard can use it to teleport from one location to another by sending the wolf forward, then replacing it. Or he can simply use it to scout and dissolve it.

Crissaegrim abilities: A wickedly dangerous blade Alucard forged with the materials of three legendary weapons. It permits him to enshroud it with both Void and Chaos magic, as well as being extremely lethal to both holy and unholy opponents.

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Unlike Dracul's counterpart power, he would arise in a century unless the process was sped along by blood. He would also arise in a more corpse-like state until he managed to feed.

Steel Crafting: Self only. Able to mold current avatar however she likes. Tends to prefer a dragon shape, as...well, she's Dragon.

Teleportation: Flashes out of existence in one place and reappears in another. Line of sight limited, but not distance-wise. Yes. This is overpowered. Limited to (naturally) light-speed maximum.

Light Form: Turns into a bright solid light construct. This is difficult to maintain, but difficult to injure..


Durability: Anybody remember that scene in Superman Returns when the bullet bounces off his eye? No? Nobody? Well, it's kinda like that.

Healing: Can grant to self or others, and does not need an outside source. Wounds (or damage) heals rapidly.

Flight: I could touch the sky before I changed into a goddess. Now I just don't need to spend any effort!

Hard-Light constructs: Eat your heart out in jealousy, Green Lantern! My constructs don't get broken by lemonade!

Telekinesis: Use the Force, Luke. Stronger than Taylor's version. Not Ziz-strength, but it's up there.

Light Bridge: Opens a...uh, bridge to the Plane of Light. Think the MCU's version of the Bifrost. Can go from nearly anywhere on a Material Plane, but they must be in fixed places within the Light Plane.

Human Form: If/when she feels like trying out what a ice cream tastes like.

Light Magic: Heals and warms its users, and can be turned to be used offensively. Most effective against Dark Creatures, but still useful against other targets. Remember, the Lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi.

Heavenly Flame Magic: The opposite of Chaos Magic. Her white fire burns, but is formed from calmness, logic. It is a fire that illuminates, but can be destructive all the same.

Storm Magic: The point of commonality between Light and Darkness. Electricity is such a useful thing. Due to her original nature as a mechanical being, Dragon's control of it is extraordinarily precise.

Dragon Shape: For when someone or something big really, really needs to be stomped. Is this a copied power? No! It's a completely different kind of dragon!

Resurrection: If slain, turns dormant for a period of time before reviving in a weakened state. Longest possible period is a century. This is common for gods.

Vampire Killer: A simple hilt attached to a combat whip that can be slung out and controlled by an ingeniously designed retraction system. On the end of the hilt is a silver stake, perfect for killing vampires, werewolves, and lawyers. The weapon is specifically designed to kill creatures of the night, but works on anything quite well and is capable of channeling magic.

Light Magic amulet: Allows its wearer to heal over time. Needs to be fueled by someone capable of putting magic into it, which is currently limited to Dragon and Madison. It doesn't permit Wolverine-style healing, but it lets short fights turn into long ones and wearing one overnight heals even most serious injuries. Can be sped up by forcing the magic to flow more quickly, but that drains the amulet which needs time and attention to recharge.

Seraphic Shoulders: Creates ghostly angelic wings for a few moments, allowing Madison to catch herself in the air or glide.

Heavenly Gauntlet: A black (I know, it clashes!) gauntlet that generates white fire, equal to that of the fires of Hell.

Cyclone Boots: Allows high-speed running, jumping, and as a bonus, permits its wearer to take long falls without breaking their legs. Yes, all she needs is a Portal Gun.

Silver Daggers: Small, easily palmable, and crafted for a nasty surprise attack. Yes, it can hurt a lot to suddenly have a knife in your throat, whether you're a werewolf or not.

Holy Water: Water that's been exposed to sunlight and had Light Magic channeled through it. Does nothing against most people, would really tick off Taylor and Alucard. When used with Light Magic channeled through its user, forms a light-shield to ward off attacks and really tick off vampires.


"All right. We want you to try and open a portal to Earth Aleph, first. That will do as a control." Alexandria said, her voice clear and confident. "We need to see how your power works interdimensionally. We already know you have impressive range within the same dimension."

Doctor Mother inclined her head. "That's the biggest hurdle. If we have a chance at fixing that, we'll do a lot better. I'll be a lot happier about unleashing destruction on Scion's world than any inhabited one."

I let out an irritated breath. "All right. I've tried to make a portal to Aleph before, but it hadn't worked. Back in a minute." I opened a portal, strode through, and turned around to face one of the many Shadow Gates I'd flung hither and yon, mainly at random, throughout the Shadow Plane.

Truth be told, I was somewhat annoyed at this particular limitation of my power. It made no sense that I could make a portal anywhere on the planet, but that I had to anchor them in the Shadow Plane was a pain in the ass. Sure, I could work around it. I could even take advantage of it at times, but I was still stuck with having to make them this way. I guessed it had something to do with ensuring stable travel back and forth, and it had been used that way for thousands of years, but... it seemed arbitrary.

Well, that's magic for you. One drop of my blood ingested kills. Half a gallon injected into a bloodstream is just horrifically painful. Which... actually, was one of the reasons Dracul formed the Shadow Whip in the first place. Maximum possible pain while wielding a familiar weapon. Yep, Dracul was a jerk. Is a jerk. He's still alive. Well, undead. And wishing he was dead.

Focus, Taylor.

I turned myself around and concentrated. The portal within the Gate shut, then fizzled as I attempted to open it on Earth Aleph. I frowned clucked my tongue as I tried to consider the problem. I could open a portal from anywhere on a physical world to here...why was it such an issue in reverse?

I opened the portal back to Cauldron and stepped through. I looked at Doctor Mother and shook my head. "Doesn't work. I've tried before, but I'm not sure what's wrong."

Doctor Mother grimaced. "This is discouraging."

Alexandria looked thoughtful. "Try one more time. This time, try... 'Ellesmere Island, northern shore, Earth Aleph.'"

I shrugged, turned, and stepped back. With a frown, I shut the portal, then tried to reopen it in the place Alexandria described.

Fizzle. Dammit.

When I stomped back through to Cauldron, I was nearly fuming. "Nope."

Alexandria nodded, her lips pursed in thought. "Door, Earth Aleph, Ellesmere Island."

The now-familiar portal snapped open near Alexandria. The room's temperature dropped almost immediately as a howling wind and snow started pouring through the portal.

Alexandria gestured. "Come on! We need to test this!"

Doctor Mother's teeth chattered. "Now, please!"

Shaking my head, I followed Alexandria as she stepped through. The portal shut behind us...or at least I thought it did, because I couldn't see a damn thing in this blizzard.

Oh. Right. I can do something about that.

I thrust a hand skyward as I concentrated, sending my power upward and out, stretching it to grasp the storm. It was a strange thing, to alter the weather according to my whim. It was easier to add strength to a storm, or gather the stormclouds together in the first place, than it was to calm one in progress. It was probably because I was trying to take energy out of the system rather than putting it in, and my magic didn't really appreciate that much.

Still, my efforts paid off. After about a minute, the wind had calmed. The snow was still falling in clumps, and it wasn't easy to see, but it was better than the storm howling right in my face. Now I could see Alexandria and I were standing at the shoreline of some barren island. There was a cliff face off to the right, but otherwise there was a ton of ice and snow and not much else here.

Alexandria was looking at me with consideration.

"What?" I snapped.

Alexandria shook her head. "When I was first told that you were a god, I didn't believe it. Now... I can see why the label applies. Stopping a storm like that, controlling the weather, that's the kind of thing most people would consider godlike. There are ancient myths of gods and heroes doing things like that. I'm..." She paused a moment, then shook her head again. "It's not something I ever considered would be possible. I'm used to being looked up to by a lot of people." She looked down at her hands. "They'd look on me differently if they'd known the things I've done out of sight. The things I've done to help prepare for the fight against Scion. Feeding desperate people formulas to save their lives, only for them to fail and have them mutate into monsters. Even the successes are caught by us, controlled and molded for the final battle. All the while never knowing if it accomplished anything."

I sucked in a breath. Truth be told, I hadn't considered how things would be for her. I was used to thinking of Alexandria as an icon. But she was a person trying to live up to that icon, despite the horrible things she'd done along the way. I licked my lips. Still, considering she'd known about the possibility of a destroyed world from Scion, I could see why she'd be a part of this.

Some people thought the lack of fear of a higher power would make people into monsters. I knew that wasn't true. The only thing oversight does to terrible people is to get them to behave while they're being looked at, and even then it wasn't a sure thing. (Fucking Sophia.) People who lacked fear weren't monsters. They didn't tend to consider that fear could make people into monsters. People, just a few centuries ago, burned people at the stake for witchcraft when a cow got sick or the well-water tasted funny.

Dracul, staring out at the stars as the sun seared the flesh from his bones. The asteroids that used to be his world tumbling around at random. An eternal torment for a man who made himself a monster for his own vengeance.

The fear of that. The fear of annihilation. It would be enough to turn a saint into a...well, a Dracul. Especially if there was no certainty anything they tried did any good at all. You just kept trying more, hoping that something would work. And being afraid to test if it would, because if it failed, congratulations! You just doomed humanity! That was enough stress to make anyone snap.

I shook my head. "I've seen an example of what's coming. You've got my support, I don't want to see it happen again, either." I sighed as I tried to order my thoughts. "Dracul had centuries of experience, and he was useless against the one that killed his world. I know I can't do this myself. I don't like the things you've done. I don't like that there's thousands of victims by your group's hands, even more through your inaction. But I do understand it, and things are rarely just the way we like it."

Alexandria's lip quirked slightly. "You haven't said anything to me I haven't said to myself. We hope we now have a chance. That's all we have, though. We don't know enough, and our best tools for finding more information are limited. It's maddening."

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah." Having run out of conversational topics, I turned and formed a portal. There was a second of resistance before it formed, but it did form.

Alexandria nodded in satisfaction. "I thought so. To open a portal to somewhere, you have to get there first. Then it works."

I frowned. "Maybe. At least, partially..." I closed my eyes, letting my mind expand to that cosmic perspective I enjoyed once upon the Moon. It felt weird, and it was difficult to handle, still, but it was enough. I could feel a tingle as the darkness of my power seemed to touch and grasp the darkness in this dimension. My power, Dracul's power had existed in multiple realities before, during the journey to my world, but it didn't seem to know how to handle the situation of dimension-hopping. I was essentially building an index of addresses, but I couldn't just take advantage of an existing index. I had to start from scratch.

And whoa, trying to grasp and feel things on the stellar scale was dizzying. I swayed on my feet before an adamantine hand clasped my shoulder, steadying me.

"You alright?" Alexandria asked, her single eye focused on my face.

I nodded, my wings twitching. "Yes. Just a bit of a rush. The problem is I need to get some of my power somewhere before I can open a portal to it. I don't need much, but my power doesn't know how to get from one dimension to another. It's fine once it's there, but until then..."

She nodded in understanding. "Then it can't find it." A slight smile lifted on her lips. "Maybe we can get around that."


I sucked in a breath.

Doctor Mother's voice was quiet. "This is Doormaker, and Clairvoyant. Without these two early successes, Cauldron could never have done as well as we have. We try to keep them comfortable, fed, warm, entertained. But use of their powers over the years have atrophied their senses. We owe them both more than we can ever repay."

On a pair of beds in the cell were two men. One was in his early twenties, the other in his thirties. Both were reed-thin, frail, and pale, as if they hadn't seen the sun in over a decade. They weren't quite entirely looking like coma patients, but it was damn close.

Still, I could see why they let this happen. I reminded myself of Dracul, burning in the sun in the midst of the ruins of a dead world. "Alright. How is this going to work?"

Doctor Mother nodded. "Clairvoyant can see Scion's true body. He shares his senses with others who touch him. Doormaker can't reach that body, but we hope you can, as your portal ability isn't from Scion or his counterpart. Sidestepping the barrier he's using to protect himself. We're not going to have you try that just yet, that might set him off. But if you can use Clairvoyant's power to reach other Earths, it should make things far easier when the time comes."

I nodded. "Can't go through the wall, dig under it." I stepped into the room. "Anything I should be aware of?"

"The rush of information can be disorienting. When you try to disengage, be sure to pull your awareness back to yourself before you do. If you disconnect while experiencing too much, it'll knock you out for an extended period. A week is rather common."

I nodded in understanding. I braced myself, sucked in a breath, and placed my hand on the shoulder to the man on the left.

Nothing happened.

Doctor Mother coughed. "That's Doormaker. Clairvoyant's the other one. Sorry."

I rolled my eyes. The man on the right giggled at me, which was rather disturbing, considering the smooth patches of skin where his eyes should have been. I braced myself once more, then touched his shoulder.

After a moment, I frowned. "Is something supposed to happen? Is there a delay before I see anything?"

Doctor Mother's voice was confused. "Nothing? Almost everyone who Clairvoyant has ever touched usually gets the rush of information. Awareness of the Earths throughout the multiverse."

"Well, I got nothing." I tapped his bare skin with my hand for emphasis. "All I'm seeing is this room. With my own eyes, not his power." I frowned and thought about it. "Shit. His power can't work with mine. My brain's just meat. I'm not using it. Which sounds bad, I know, but that's how it goes."

"Damn." She muttered. "Non-standard physiology. I should have guessed. We never tried a number of Case 53's with Clairvoyant. If he can't connect, then it doesn't work. Goddamn it."

I nodded with a frown. "I've got an idea, though I'm not sure how useful it will be. We're fairly sure he's going to wreck Earth Bet, right? How about we work out ways to evacuate large numbers? Or get them out of Scion's range?"


I looked out over Brockton Bay. Though here, there was no Brockton Bay. It was just a bay, one of many along the American coastline. Though 'American' wasn't right either. How to call it American when those who would have named it so never evolved here? The air was clean, the sky a beautiful, crisp blue, and there was simply plains of grass and, here and there, the figures of various megafauna below.

Heck, right where Captain's Hill was in my home reality, there was a twelve foot long iguana sunning itself.

Alexandria floated at my side, her voice quiet. "There's been a lot of worlds like this. Hundreds of thousands we could spread out to, only if Doormaker was able to make a permanent portal. It would buy us some time, if nothing else. But if we can't kill Scion, any settlement we made would be vulnerable. He could just sweep in and destroy any refugees we settled, and there would be nothing we could do to stop him. Humanity would be trapped, hoping he would just go away. And never sure."

"And if you won?" I said, imagining the settlement in my mind's eye. It would be much like colonial times, I think. I'd seen artist's drawings of early colonial cities. It wouldn't be comfortable. Of course, I could be so utterly, completely wrong. Who knows what we might be able to pull off with the appropriate bullshit?

Alexandria bowed her head slightly. "This world was slated to have the unstable Case 53s here. The stable ones we can reintegrate into society in one way or another, but the unstable ones are only useful for throwing at Scion. Even then, the treatment for making the unstable ones stable was hit and miss. If we'd known what Slug was really doing..."

I looked at her and lifted an eyebrow. "First, the damage is done. Second, I saw what one of these things does to a world if it isn't stopped. Don't tell me you wouldn't have used Slug anyway, if it improved the chances at all. Dracul did things just as bad as you and your group for far smaller reasons. It's still horrible as fuck, mind you. To destroy a soul is horrific, and there's not too much excuse for it. That's the kind of thing Solin and Typhon did. Both of them. At least you had a reason beyond 'It was helpful to me personally.'"

She was silent for a moment, then she sighed and spoke quietly. "It's times like this I miss Hero. He was one of our greatest successes. He was a good man, and a good friend. He'd have argued against mass-test batches, tried for more numerous and stable formulas. More formulas that were likely to produce Tinkers. After he died, and the attempt to create another formula that replicated his power failed... we took bigger risks. It wasn't until we got certain Thinkers on board that we managed to smooth out the issues. Still, using Slug to stabilize the mutation victims... it was the only way that worked. It was wipe their memories and use stabilizing agent, or leave them in horrific pain, with powers that were more a threat to themselves and others than anything useful."

I nodded. "Still, the best laid plans of mice and men." I floated downward to the valley, where the city actually was in some dimension far, far away from here. "I've got a few Gates we can use to evacuate. They're too big for Doormaker's portals though. I'll have to bring them around through my own portals."

Alexandria nodded in return. "We'd best get started." She paused for a moment. "You sure you can't open a portal to Scion's body?"

I shook my head. "And I really don't want to try until we have to. If we move before we're ready, we're dead." I lifted a hand and concentrated. The portal opened, and a moment later, my demons began to file out of the portal. Succubi, werewolves, golems, and larger beasts.

The native wildlife saw the emerging army, and promptly began vacating the area. It was rather odd to see a lizard the size of a car take one look at my massing army and say 'Nope!' and dash away. I lifted my hands as the thousand or so demons emerged, looking up at me.

"This world is ours." I called. "Bring one half of our forces through here. We will build a city here, it is to be made in case our great enemy comes. Make sure there is enough room to house as many people as possible." I took a moment to look over my army of demons. My subjects. My people. "I am counting on you. Do not fail me."


Another day later, Dragon and I were with Alexandria in my dining hall. I'd have used the throne room, but that wasn't the impression I wanted to make on Cauldron's representatives, anyway. For the sake of security, it was empty, but we had a lot to discuss anyway.

"I don't like it." Dragon said. She looked at Alexandria, her mechanical form humorless. "You've been part of this, orchestrating this from the beginning. How much of the PRT and the Protectorate are lies, Alexandria? How much blood was spilled to make you, to make the Triumvirate?"

Alexandria shook her head. "Too many. Given the options we had, Cauldron took the best ones possible. We're not facing the deaths of millions or even billions, Dragon. We're facing the end of uncounted trillions more, on worlds just as real as Earth Bet. I was not part of it to begin with. I was one of the test subjects you're arguing for. I was an eighteen year old dying of cancer. Cauldron cured me with an untested formula. Eidolon was a helpless twenty-something trapped in a wheelchair. He became the most powerful hero on Earth, and how many people has he saved in his years of work? Hero was a brilliant college student dying of brain cancer. His formula saved his life, another untested formula. We, all of us, knew the risks when we took them. Powers to help the world against its greatest threat, mutation, or death. We were looking at death without that aid. Not everyone accepted the bargain, either. But there's a lot of heroes in the Protectorate today that would have died otherwise. Does it make up for the victims? Perhaps not. But given the tools we had? It was act or just allow what you call an 'Abomination' murder every iteration of humanity."

Dragon simply stared. "It's easy to make sacrifices when it's someone else who has to suffer for it."

I cleared my throat. "Dragon, we're not getting anywhere here. I don't like it either. But the damage is done. Recriminations about the past aren't going to help anything right now. Now how the Case 53s have been treated is horrific. We can do things to try and help things, and..." I looked seriously at Alexandria. "Your group has a responsibility to help them."

She nodded. "And we will. When Scion is dead. If we can't kill him, they will die along with the rest of us."

Dragon's head reared back slightly. There was a slight crackle as she was about to say something, but then a Doormaker portal opened. Four people strode through, and I had to blink. The sheer mismatch was enough to make anyone do a double-take.

The first was a woman, in her thirties, very attractive, with Italian features. She wore a business suit, and a fedora was perched on her head. She walked through with confidence, though I could also see her shoulders were a bit tense.

The second was a man in blue and gold, his hair shoulder-length and his features plain. If he was wearing a sweater and jeans, I'd have never looked at him twice. A gorgeous blue cape swished behind him, and despite his appearance, he had a certain presence about him. Apostle. Eidolon. Whatever. I was happy that I could finally see him, but pissed off it only happened now.

It was the other two that surprised me most, though. A short, fat figure, looking almost like a mobile black hole. The only hint at a face was a pair of white glowing eyes, but otherwise, I had the sense that he was smiling. For some reason, he reminded me of a laughing, smiling Buddha.

The last one that really surprised me. A tall, willowy woman, heartbreakingly beautiful with hair seemingly made of grass. Flowers sprouted from her shoulders, and she was wearing a dress made of shifting rock. I knew who she was, if only from a few fragmented memories from Dracul's life.

"Gaia." I spoke, giving her a nod. "It's good to see you're well, and free. Dracul showed me what happened to you."

Gaia inclined her head slightly. "Thank you. It's good to be free, to be able to breathe. To act. I remember how he tried to attack me, while I was helpless. It was like a nightmare, and he utterly failed to free me. I was forced to work at the monster's behest. Forced to capture what was interesting and murder the rest." She smiled faintly. "It is also good to see that there is hope. That even Abominations may die."

The woman with the fedora cleared her throat. "That is what we are here to discuss." She bowed her head slightly. "I am Contessa. From the moment Scion and his counterpart arrived, I have been working to stop them. I saw what they planned to do to us. To experiment upon us, to learn from us, and when they learned all they could, they would wipe us out to make more of themselves and spread to other worlds. I and Doctor Mother managed to cripple and kill Scion's counterpart."

Apostle nodded. "We managed to reconstruct a lot of what happened. The Endbringers. What happened to the gods of the world this castle originally belonged to. I've been working on freeing them."

Dragon tilted her head, her voice emotionless. "How many so far?"

The fat, dark one chuckled, his voice echoing. "Eight. Myself, Lorkhan, Scylla, Gaia, Janus, Hyperion, Ariel and Pan."

Dragon's eyes flashed as she stared at him. "You're the one freeing Gray Boy victims. That explains a lot. Those dropped off at the hospitals. Where are the rest?"

Say what now? "You can do that?" I looked at him more closely, before it clicked. "Chronos. I know you only by reputation. Dracul never met you."

He nodded. "Indeed. Part of my rather retiring nature, as it was. I prefer watching and recording history over making it, but this situation has given us few options. I have already experienced the result of being passive in the face of one of these... beasts, and I have no wish to repeat it. We have been trying to prepare. There's much to do. Janus, Hyperion, and Pan are still weak, resting, trying to gather their strength. Part of my preparations was in freeing those who were tormented by my own power, taken and twisted. I asked some of them if they would be willing to assist us against the Abomination. Those who accepted are currently training and honing their abilities."

"Are they well?" Dragon spoke, her voice cool.

Chronos shrugged. "Their connection to the Plane of Time remains strong. They are currently undertaking a task, from what I know. It is likely you will hear of them shortly."

I leaned forward a bit. "Good to know. Where's Ariel?"

"Voluntarily contained." Contessa spoke cooly. "We have concerns about her. It is very difficult to forget all the lives shattered by the Simurgh. Even if Ariel was its unwilling power source, we believed it best to limit our exposure to her and vice-versa. Those who see her are likely to panic. She is attempting to parse possible futures to our advantage, though I believe she is less capable than the Simurgh was."

Apostle shook his head. "Things are different here. Not too much, but enough to make things harder for her. Still, our chances are improving. We need to act together, or we're going to lose, and with us, a lot of people are going to fall with us."

I nodded. "We've distributed weapons, armor, my demons are willing to act. I've even got a couple of portals ready to be sent to Mars and Titan, though we'll still need to get them there."

Dragon nodded. "Been a little busy with the solar harvesting stations. We still don't have much infrastructure for getting out of the Earth's gravity well, though Tranquillity Base is help- shit!"


Dragon's voice snapped as she lifted onto her hind legs. "We have to move. Leviathan's speeding towards Europe right now."

Apostle had gone pale. "No. It's worse than that."

Everyone in the room was staring at him now.

He grimaced. "Behemoth is moving too."

Well. Fuck.
