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Redemption Quest (Exalted/Worm) (Elements of Peggy Sue).

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Hi. I am MageOhki, and am doing a quest on SB, called Redemption Quest. Due to certain issues...
Opening Post


I trust you know where the happy button is?
Apr 24, 2017
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Hi. I am MageOhki, and am doing a quest on SB, called Redemption Quest. Due to certain issues, I'm going to start it here, as well, catching you all up, then letting you vote.

Fair warning: I do not do lemons. I don't mind omakes of that nature, with the caveat, Vista is off limits. I have hard and fast morals, and ethical considerations, Vista is well below them, and to be fair, at this point in the quest, So Is Taylor and Emma.
I will be honest, I also dislike 15 year olds too, but I'm not that stubborn. I'd perfer age of consent average of 16 year olds, but.

Rules: I am keeping track of XP for the charaters (1 or 2 xp per 750 or so words, every 5 xp, 1 essence xp, lunars, sids, alchemicals get 1 bouns type xp per 5 normal, DB's get 2.)

Link to SB: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/redemption-quest-worm-exalted-semi-peggy-sue.1017156/

Character Sheets: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1-VVs8PG7TbMpyEnlvBmWgCd_o8JiGT8t

Essence Materials, have to be *spiritually* active as well to leave Yu-Shan, Autochitiona, Malfeas or the Underworld. Tattoos, actual beings of essence(gods/spirits), soul steel all qualify. Other materials that don't meet that, do not. (And no, can't go around it via Cache egg/elsewhere)

Other rules/information will be given over time.
o: This quest Starts August, 2009.
1: If voting on Space Battles please don't vote here.
2: Omake, artwork, definitions, explanations, and et al *grant* bonus XP.
Last edited:
1st Part
Sol… Did you forget something.. Like how disappearing would be taken?

(AN: A: Not my best, mostly because of C. B: This is actually a annoying as hell option, and C: Annoying as hell as I have to approach it in a really careful way, given some presumptions (I think logically, anyways, given environment) No intent to harm or imply anything happened of a nature that is illegal. Can't help people thinking though, and characters are people.)

Taylor wakes up. She blinks, blinks again at the bright bright bright light. Her light.

She knows four things. She is a Zenith Caste Solar. She's meant to save the world. She is a priestess of Sol Invictus, who Exalted her. And that she has no idea what any of that means.

Looking around, the light oddly enough not affecting her, she thinks she sees half the camp.

"Uh… Mr. Robinson? … Why are you all here?" She asks after a second of thought.

The eldery gentleman softly spoke, as to a wild animal. "We saw a bright flash then a giant white and gold holographic owl, and came running to where the glow is… which is where you are." He paused, clearly trying to think on how to phrase something, then asked. "Where is Solomon?"

Taylor blinked. Who was Solomon? And of course the glow would be where it was. It was her light. Taylor's face scrunched a bit, then she realized. "His name isn't Solomon, it's Sol Invictus."

Mr. Robinson's face shifted from kindly worried, to stone. "I… see." He looks up and down Taylor, and comes to a conclusion. "Why don't you come with us, while we call your father?"

"Why would you?" Taylor looks at the man, getting a nagging feeling.

"Don't you think he'd want to know that you gained powers?" The kindly man was smiling again, as if she was a wounded animal.

Taylor stood up, and tilted her head, thinking about it. He was her father but… Mom dying hit him hard. But… he was getting better, though lately until this camp, he had started hovering over her, and when she wasn't at the Barnes, and Zoe watching her and Emma, she was at the Docks, in his office, or with dockworkers she had known for years.

"I… guess." Taylor finally said, almost vibrating with the need to do something. Mr. Robinson nodded and turned to one of the adult staff rasing an eyebrow.

"Already called, Mr. Robinson… and the PRT too, They said they'd be on their way." The mantroly woman nodded. She made good food, Taylor recalled, having asked her for a recipe already.

Mr. Robinson nodded. "Thank you Angela." Turning back to Taylor, he was still smiling. "Let's go and wait for your father, shall we?"

The teenager nodded, but scowled a bit. "Why would the PRT be called?" Didn't they handle parahumans?

"All things considered, the authorities are needed, young lady. To investigate if a crime has been committed. Not that I think there has been one, but given how bright you glow, it's unlikely anyone within miles missed it." He smiled, adjusting his sweater, and with a hand suggested they follow the rest

Shortly the group arrived back at the camp, and the various counselors and staff moved the kids around. Before Taylor could join one of the groups, Angela lead her to the main activity room of the camp, nodding at Mr. Robinson, who clearly was heading towards an open spot.

"Why am I not going…" The raven haired young woman asked the mantroly grandmother like woman, who still had a sharp look in her eyes when something caught her attention.

"Because we need to wait for your father and the PRT." She smiled at Taylor who scowled. The teenager wanted to do. Mrs. Angela smiled at her as they entered the large main room of the activities building. "Why don't you find something to do here, while I get some snacks… though don't wash up."

Taylor blinked. Why would she? Narrowing her eyes, she pushed at the words, trying to figure out why the woman who always insisted on clean hands before meals would want her not to. Blushing suddenly, she realized. She also didn't realize that her light had exploded again, filling not only the building, but spilling out the windows, as Mrs. Angela and Taylor looked at the Owl above Taylor's head, which drove the thoughts out of the young exalt's head.

"Oh… wow, I am a little owl…" Taylor blinked. What was she thinking about again? Mom would be so… Taylor's mood darkened a bit.

Mrs. Angela narrowed her eyes to protect them, but still smiled. "Apparently so. Why don't you pick something to do while waiting?"

Taylor nodded, looking around, to take away the thought she'd never be able to tell her mother about this.

Mrs. Angela watches Taylor as she loses herself in a chosen entertainment. Keeping the scowl and fury she wanted to express, she knew this would be an absolute shit show, with every child examined by the PRT as well as every staff, to be sure Solomon… no, Taylor said his name was Sol Invictus, an arrogant cape name if she ever heard one. She, like Mr. Robinson, and several other staff members, had been given training to spot hidden capes, as well as handle at least somewhat trigger events. How could this happen? Master/Stranger protocols should have prevented it. As well as all the background checks! That's why they had the PRT seal of safety.
No matter what, she swore… that Sol would be heavily interrogated by her if she had her way!

She was pulled out from her stewing over this disaster by the door opening.

"Hey." The man in red bodysuit with spiky hair over his red transparent visor grinned as he spoke, projecting cheerfulness and calm. This was promptly broken by the shove from the woman with short brown hair, in a blue and circuit patterned bodysuit, and a blue visor. "Oof, Puppy."

"Sorry." The woman was more serious, as she looked at the glowing girl. "Mr. Hebert is en route, the reported ETA is about a half hour. We'll do an immediate interview to see what this… Sol Invictus did."
Mrs. Angela looked at Taylor, still lost in what she was doing, and nodded, then spoke very quietly. "I don't think there was any sexual contact… but I can't be sure, given…" She was interrupted as Taylor's head snapped up.

"WHAT?" Taylor shot up, her glow reappearing. "... Are you saying you think SOL INVICTUS raped me?"

Battery kept the curse from her lips. A thinker too? "No, no. she didn't say that. But it's a possibility, one we all hope is wrong… But trigger events like you just went though are traumatic.."

Taylor stopped her implacable march towards the three, entertainment forgotten. "What… It was the best experience of my life! He told me I was glorious and hope!"

Battery and Assault traded looks, clearly communicating worry and alarm between each other. Taylor blinked, catching it confused on why they would be worried.

"Miss Hebert…" Assault started, then paused for a second. "Did he tell you anything else?" His voice was calm, and collected. "Why don't you tell us what he said, all of it, so we can judge him by his words?" Assault spread his hands. "I mean… we don't know, we should, right?"

Taylor paused. "... Okay. Yeah, his words need to be heard, but I think I should tell you more." Assault nodded with a smile.

"Story times are always fun." He pulled a chair and sat down clearly willing to listen. Battery just shook her head and gestured at Taylor.

"Please." Taylor nodded with that, and began her tale with her mother's death, a shadow of sadness passing, then anger at her father's reaction… and a smile for the sister who helped her through that… and some confusion at her father's recent actions. "I mean… I had a camp I went to that Mom loved, but he picked this one, because of it's seal of safety. At least he seems to be caring now…" Taylor stopped and Assault nodded with a soft smile.

"Emma sounds like a great friend, rare that, and her helping you is a good sign. As for your father…" Assault sighed a bit. "He's a good man, that everyone in the PRT knows, he's holding the DWA together. and he loved your mother very much, that's obvious just from hearing that. I like to think I have a similar relationship with my wife, but I know that type is too rare. And I'm glad to hear he's getting his fire back." Assault smiled. "So we know how you got here… Then what?" Two people had come in at the start of the story, but Taylor hadn't noticed.

Taylor blinked. "Yeah… they did." She was lost in her memories for a moment, then shook herself. "Anyways…" She continued on, not noticing two people, one lanky male with brownish thinning hair holding back a small redheaded young teenager. "So… now we're here?"
Hoo boy, Out of Context problems are a bitch, aren't they?

AN: Short one, but it fits

Before anyone could speak, Emma dashed to Taylor's side, looking her over. The young redhead caught something that had escaped everyone else. "Uh… Tay? WHERE ARE YOUR GLASSES? Where is this… Sol, so… Did he." Taylor blinked at everything from Emma's mouth as Emma's eyes swept over her, and then looked intently at her, but before she could respond, her father spoke.

"Assault. Battery." His voice was low. Was dangerous. Taylor could only remember a few times when he felt and sounded like this. "Explain to me, explain to me, how a camp your organization personally inspected, had this happen. I know what trigger events are. This isn't one, or at least nothing short of a easy 2nd generation one, therefore you had a Teacher like power granter sneak into this camp! I want answers." A pause. "And I will have them." Emma had turned apparently satisfied with what she had seen, to join the elder Hebert in looking at the two Protectorate heroes. Emma's look shifted to a bit of shock, then glared at the two Protectorate heroes.

"Uncle Danny, she's fine… I think." Emma paused frowning a bit. "More cheerful than she has been… but.. It's her." Emma turned back to Taylor, looking at the flute for a second, then having swept the room, her eyes narrowed at the miniatures. "Were you playing Warhammer 40k?"

Taylor blinked at that question, then thought. "No…"

"That's a hive tyrant! You seem to have put a Primarch or three around it, plus Space Marines leading Guardsmen." Emma huffed. "Are you trying to get them killed?"

Assault grinned. "Exactly how do you know that, Emma?" He winced at the glare the redhead shot him, but Danny answered for them.

"She and Taylor watched Alan, her father, and I play on occasion." Danny dryly said. "That's not important…"

Taylor responded to Emma. "It's not a Hive tyrant, those aren't Primarchs, and…" Taylor's brow furrowed.

Battery shared a look at Assault, then asked. "Then what are they?"

"This one…" Taylor tapped a Leman Russ figure… "Lunar." Her brow furrowed more, not noting the looks on several faces. "These two… Solars." Tapping the other Primarchs, she moved on to the Hive Tyrant. "Joten." Almost in a trance, she tapped the Space Marines. "Dragonblooded leading mortals…" She was almost in a trance as her hands moved rearranging the troops, making it clear the two Solars and the Lunar were about to kill the Hive Tyrant.

Emma's voice was soft, as she asked. "How do you know this?"

"I… just do." Taylor's brow furrowed. "It's almost like I'm replaying something that happened."

Battery and Assault traded another look as Danny spoke up. "Little owl… I've never heard of those types…"

Emma looked at Taylor, not paying attention to the adults, a question in her eyes. "Okay… so a new type of game." Taylor shrugged

"Maybe?" The raven haired girl's eyes brightened. "Like we were studying it, and simulating a battle, just like the military does?"

The redhead tiled her head and repeated. "Okay… That makes sense. But why no glasses, and you're looking very good. If I knew this camp was that helpful in making you look good, I'd have sent you here myself!" Emma's tone was teasing. However, Taylor suddenly was distracted by the adult conversion, as her mind whirled at what Assault just said.

"And you, Assault, did not answer my question." Danny had shifted gears, returning to a expression and a stance that honestly seemed to intimidate the Protectorate Hero, as he had turned from Taylor.

Assault ran his hand through his hair. "I… at this time, I don't know. You can rest assured that we will investigate what happened, and how a stranger could get through." He paused. "Trust me on this, considering we have two Wards here." He was hit by Battery who noted that Taylor's eyes narrowed.

Taylor's eyes snapped up to the red clad hero's own, as a gold disk burned on her forehead. "Missy and Carlos, right?" Battery just facepalmed, while Assault groaned.

"You're all going to need to sign NDA's…" Assault sighed. Getting three unimpressed looks Assault winced.

"And Taylor, you're going to have to come with us, we're going to have to do a M/S Screening…"
Battery stated, glaring a bit at the man next to her, then turning to Taylor.. "It shouldn't take too…" Taylor noticed her father growing more still and more furious than she ever saw him, it was as if a hurricane or a nor'easter was building inside of him to be unleashed.

Before the heroine could finish, a disruption took place outside and then the door opened.

AN: There will be more exalts, because 1 while powerful isn't humanity's strength, after all… TAYLOR is the viewpoint, with the others coming in and out. Also, Taylor, what the HELL did you bribe the dicebot I use with? TED (The Ebon Dragon) shouldn't be feeding you *10*+ successes on a roll! Even WITH Excellencies. (To see if she put two and two together for the Wards)
Reunions are a Bitch At Times, or Pat Benatar was Right.

Taylor's eyes snapped to the person in the doorway, vaguely noting a blonde who she seemed to know, while a man in a old highwayman's outfit was behind both. But her eyes snapped back to the woman, that was in front of her father. It couldn't be. Her mother didn't dress in a skintight outfit with those boots, black dark metal over black leather.. But it was as she remembered her mother… Just… prettier. More eye-catching. But the darkness that clung to her, wasn't her mother…

The gunfire began before Taylor Hebert realized that her father had fully blown a fuse and was roaring with primal outrage. Silver light exploded from him, and he seemed to *blur* after the person who was imitating her mother badly.

"SHITSHITSHIT LUNAR LUNAR LUNAR VERY ANGRY LUNAR!" The blonde was panicked as she and the highwayman dodged out of the way as fast as their skinny little feet could carry them. This did not help the painced blonde as the Annette clone was blasted back, clipping her, sending the blonde spinning into a wall, and while the gunfire stopped, that's because the doorway Daniel Herbert was in shattered as a giant killer whale hybrid with silver tribal and runic tattoos burst out of it, sending not only wood flying that Taylor and Emma ducked, but flinging the two shattered pistols behind him, both clipping and taking down the Protectorae heroes. Charging the woman, who dissolved in shadows, Taylor was pulled by Emma to the ruined doorway.

"Dammit, Danny! You promised not to shoot first anymore!" The woman weaved from a giant hand swiping at her as the blonde got out from the divot she made in the wall she slammed into.

Alas for the woman, all she got was a roar. "RAGGGGH!" and more dodging as she tried to swat the Orcaman away with a giant ass sword to both young women's shock. Neither noticed campers at windows and began to surround the open area where the two were fighting, as well as using their phones to record the fight.. Nor did they notice that if they counted, two campers were missing.

Happily, with the destruction of the guns in his suddenly too-strong hands, the gunfire ceased as the massive bulk of the Orca-man raged and charged the lithe woman who was rapidly developing a burned, blackened scar in the form of a circle with eight radial points on her forehead. As the first flickers of black light began to wreath around the lithe, brunette that had Danny Hebert in a righteous fury, the counselors began to try to usher the kids away.

Their foresight was prescient as the nine-foot monster Lunar's fist smashed through a wall and ripped sideways, breaking structural supports and collapsing a camp cabin. It was about then when some of the other kids realized they were in danger and began running to the emergency shelters.

"Ow… Ow." The blonde staggered over to the two. "Hey… Taytay." Emma spun and growled at the blonde. The redhead was stared at by the blonde who titled her head.

"You don't get to call Taylor that. She's not yours." Emma hissed at her. The green eyed and clad blonde held up her hands.

"Oi. I didn't realize you'd be here, but hey. Notice anything different about Taylor… and well… think about the woman that" All three winced as a building shattered, Danny's new half-orca form crashing through it like it was a japanese paper wall as the flickering wisp of his lithe opponent danced just out of his reach. "Danny, dammit would you grow the fuck up and get your fucking temper under control just once?"

"Aegis! THROW!" A small blonde in a green wavy dress and visor had gotten near a teenager male in a rust red and silver bodysuit with matching helmet. The teenager in the bodysuit grabbed a small boulder and heaved it at the woman, correctly deducing she was the source of the fight, only to boggle as the massive, sharpened car door of a sword more apropos of a Final Fantasy game flickered to hand and cleaved the torso-sized rock in half and caused it to drop to either side of her. The woman's cocked head and effortless pointing of the monstrous blade punctuated. "Children, no. Back off." right before ducking under the bulk of her rampaging opponent's guard and popping to her feet behind the thrashing, fluked tail.

All three girls had their jaws drop as winds seemed to whip around the small blonde who had tried to help her teammate toss a rock at the two warring people, and blue light not-flame erupted around her body as she charged in to stop the two warring monsters. Green, poisoned light erupted in another not-flame radiance around the man in the cape suit who threw the rock and everyone within a few yards was instantly driven away from the capes from sudden onrush of *pain* as the light radiating from them brought biting cold and infectious poison. around the young man. "What… the hell?" The blonde finally spoke, though Emma was staring at the two warring people. Her partner lacked her curiosity as he charged the bulldozer-orca-man and his opponent.

Sadly, Aegis discovered that the power he was expecting was not there, replaced with a rush of raw, exultant might as his blood sang, rejoicing at the fury of sacred battle. Vista only had a moment to assess before she, too, rushed in, impossibly faster than she could have before, leaping into the air, heel coming down on the brunette's back…

Only to have the woman flicker, and become spectral, the foot passed through her, and as she solidified, Vista found the impossibly massive blade flipped and slammed into her chest, launching her with the blunt side, twenty yards to crash into another cabin, exploding through and faceplanting on a bed next to a panicked teenager, frozen with fear.

The highwayman kneeled next to the older blonde teenager who was looking at the situation somewhat concussed if Taylor had to guess, and a green light was on his hands as he moved his hands over her. Looking at the other two girls, he quirked an eyebrow. "I suggest strongly you tell the two so-called adults to stop this."

The PRT troop carrier seemed to explode as Aegis tackled Danny through the metal as the troopers evacuated. As Danny was stunned by the tiny gnat, Aegis laid in, slamming the orca-man's jaws with both fists, faster and harder than he should have ever been able to do, but not as strongly as he was used to.

He got a bad feeling as he saw the deformed and shattered jaw reform, realizing his error as the suddenly-offended woman in black snarled at HIM and advanced. He barely realized that he was a speed bump as Danny's massive hand simply grabbed him by an ankle and used him as a club to swing at what he saw as his false-wife. Three swings and four slams on the ground later and Aegis was mercifully unconscious, anima fading and unable to tense up when his body went through another cabin forty yards away.

The slack muscles and supple relaxation of unconsciousness saved his life.

"Let's go shut this down, Taytay." Emma finally spoke. She ducked as a clutch of bricks swooped by, one accidentally nailing the mouthy blonde who staggered and fell to the ground.

Taylor looked at the blonde who was sparking something in her, but the Highwayman waved at them. "Your friend is right. Go, before this place is leveled! She is your mother."

Taylor stared at the highwayman, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or not.

"HEY! UNCLE DANNY" Emma put action to her voice as she had scooped up a brick and bounced it off his head. "Taylor got sexy, What if Aunt Annette did too! LET'S TALK THIS OUT BEFORE YOU BOTH KILL PEOPLE!" Emma paused. "AND NOT MERCHANTS THIS TIME!"

Taylor's and the HIghwayman's head snapped to Emma as another Silver Light erupted. The young woman poured on a burst of speed that should never have been possible as silver and shadow coalesced around her. Annette was stunned as a redheaded streak shot through the gap in her legs, taking out her knees and putting her flat on her back as the streak carried forward and a pair of fists came up right between the orca-man's thighs with more force than Emma should ever have been able to muster.

As she darted away, and as Taylor felt the pounding fervor of… something… screaming from her soul to join the fray, she saw the red-framed face of her friend writ in golden for, spots and two distinct black stripes going from eye to chin. The cheetah-lunar bolted from the battle behind one of the cabins as a silver and shadow-spotted cheetah ran high in the sky above her.

As Taylor took in the scene, and realized that the longer this went, the more destructive it would be, the more pointless it was, and the more likely of someone actually being killed were unacceptable.


She would never be able to rationally tell anyone how her voice pierced even the fog of blind fury, or the screaming, or the cracking and shattering of wood and metal. But her voice pierced the ear and soul, and in that shining moment, none in the camp could deny their attention to the teenage girl wreathed in golden radiance as a golden owl flew above her.

Handle with Caution… Explosive!

Both Adults stopped for a moment, looked at each other, communicating perfectly, and turned to look at their glowing and clearly pissed off Daughter. After a long moment Danny spoke… "Little Owl…"

This was a mistake. Taylor seethed. "DON'T Little Owl me. NOT HERE. NOT NOW!" She stomped forward, snapping her cue stick in half and when in range, leaped in a spinning motion, brining both halves into perfect striking distance and furiously slammed the two halves against both heads, the improvised clubs shattering while slamming the adult's heads together with Danny's head falling onto the clone of Annette's.

"OW!" The dark wreathed female shouted. "Little Owl, I am so going…" She was cut off by a leaping kick that slammed her into her husband.

"No! NO! You are not going to play that. If, IF, you are my mother, you have to prove it." Taylor landed and seethed some more. "And explain where you have been!"

A silver streaked red furred Cheetah had slunk back and was watching after she sniffed. The green clad older blonde teenager had been helped to her feet, while the highwayman had started to move towards the two costumed heroes that lay in the ruins they caused by landing. Finally, Assault and Battery had staggered to the ruins of the doorway, eyes widening, as a shadow passed over.

With a loud thump, everyone but the highwayman's head turned to it. A thirty foot long mechanical supertech dragon breathed Steam.

"STAND DOWN. NOW." came from the speakers, with a pained ow from the standing blonde. Taylor spun and glared at the mecha.

"CAN'T YOU SEE WE'RE HAVING A FAMILY DISCUSSION! WAIT YOUR TURN!" Taylor shouted at the mecha who tilted it's head puzzled.

"... I see some things come genetically." The mecha finally spoke. "It really does appear so."

Taylor froze for a second. The voice triggered something in her, but it also… Did she just mouth off at DRAGON? She blushed for a second as the Dragon mech looked at the two adults. Nodded once, and a hatch opened on top, and very shortly a brown haired slightly attractive woman stepped out.

"Corsair, do you need help?" She spoke loud enough to carry, only to get a headshake. "Good, thank you." She turned to the others and leaped off, landing in a three point stance, creating a crater around her landing spot. "I am Dragon, Taylor." Taylor just nodded. "And I assure you that is your mother." Taylor froze. Dragon turned to the blonde. "Tattletale… how the hell did this … wait. Lunars?" Dragon had turned back to study the silver streaked Orcaman and red Cheetah. "Oh… by the Void."

Tattletale grinned slightly pained. "Exaltation, what can you do?" She shrugged, wincing. "Angry Lunar is Angry Lunar." Turning to eye the taller girl glowing gold… "And let's not mention Angry Solar."

Dragon nodded. "Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen, is there something you can tell at least one of them to convince them you really are the woman formerly named Annette Hebert?"

Danny and Taylor had exchanged a look and turned to the taller raven haired woman. "We're waiiiting." Danny paused. "And if you are my wife, why rename, unless it's a cape name?" The Orcaman simply crossed his arms and looked down from his 9 foot tall head.

Ex-Annette looked at her husband and threw up her hands. "The Black exaltation requires a price to live and get it! Your name, your identity, we Abyssals…" Danny tilted his head, joined by his daughter who watched the Abyssal pace around. "Don't get a nice "Here you go, unlimited power for being awesome or a fighter!" like you two did." She shot both of them a look, then continued on. "As for how to prove it… Okay, Little…" She stopped at the glare shot by her daughter, but continued on in a slightly hurt tone. "Taylor. You were chattering about wanting the sweet and sour pork and shrimp fried rice from the Chinese place in the University Center, as you were also talking about the new Harry Potter book from Earth Aleph. While I was trying to say have Danny pick up food from Ji Li's…" Taylor froze at that as Shadowy Wings crossed her arms, a bit defensive.

"..." Taylor was frozen. Danny noted that, and eyed her.

The Orcaman eyed the woman. "Then explain why they said they didn't think you being on the phone was the cause of the wreck?"

"Godammit, Danny!" Shadowy Wings threw up her hands again. "We talked about that that very morning! I was going to pick up a hands free kit at the box store, have the vehicle maintenance guy at the Uni install it, and voila. It happened!"

Danny blinked. Binked again, and shifted. Shortly, Daniel Hebert reappeared. Still tall, still lanky… but with silver tattoos making a pattern over his visible skin, and instead of his scrawny build, he now had tightly coiled muscles easily visible, to Shadowy Wing's licking her lips. He also appeared younger and imperfections in his looks had been smoothed out or replaced, such as his balding hair now was full and reddish black. He smiled a bit wondering, which showed off to the other exalts a paired row of sharp sharp teeth.

"Annette…" He stepped forward. "That… explains why I felt pulled to you…"

Shadowy Wings shook her head, wincing at something only she could feel. "I was Annette. To live… I had to give something up." She sighed. "My name." She smiled then. "But I'm still yours, and I'm still Taylor's mother."

Danny nodded, but before he could continue, a glare shut him up. Taylor turned and looked at her mother after glaring at her father, noting the Cheetah had padded next to her, as well as Tattletale walking up next to her, wiping blood from her face and hair.

Can't blame this on your shard, TattleTale.

As Taylor built up a head of steam, and was beginning to visibly shake in fury, Tattletale put her hand on her shoulder, ignoring the growl from the Cheetah.

"Look, Taytay…" A growl interrupted her as the big cat looked at the Vizer. Not deterred, Tattletale continued on. "Hush, Emma. This is Important!" Turning Taylor around, Sarah looked her in the eyes. "You can scream and beat them for being bad parents later, though honestly, if you want really bad parents, talk to me, my brother, or hell, Vista.." Dragon and the two Protectorate heroes gave the green clad Exalt very sharp looks, and the aforementioned heroine, who had been helped to the area by Corsair shot her a look from where she was sitting and holding a bandage to her head.

Taylor glared at the pushy blonde. "... There's no time like the present!" She was about to turn, until Tattletale gripped her.

"Unless you want your mother to be arrested, we need to go." Sarah shot back, stunning the Solar.

"For what?" Danny broke in.

Before anyone could respond, Assault broke in, a bit thready. "Three counts of murder of law enforement personnel, at least 100 other counts of various levels of other homicide…" Assault shook his head. "Oh, and yes, they'll add more charges no question."

Danny raised an eyebrow at the Abyssal who shrugged, as their daughter simply brain locked.

"Eh, that's what they think anyways. All gangbangers or rapists or abusers, Danny." The Lunar wasn't impressed by that statement, as the Abyssal hung her head. "And I know, I should have hid the bodies… but I was hungry."

"Doesn't matter. You are under arrest." Battery had shaken off her confusion and prepared to enforce her statement only to have Danny turn and look at her, while Assault winced.

The new Lunar stared at the heroine. "You and what army?" He tilted his head at the heroine. "While I don't know what my wife can do, I've followed a bit of the news on her. Didn't she rip though half the Boston Protectorate? Until I have a long talk with her, you would also have to go through Me. And didn't I match her just now?" Assault put his hand on Battery's shoulder.

"Battery." Deadly serious, the red-clad hero was calm. "This isn't a fight we can win. While maybe Dragon…"

"I won't assist, and in fact move to stop you, Battery." Dragon said. "There are too many innocents, and when Shadowy Wings goes full bore city blocks get destroyed. I have no doubt that the others can match her in that level of destruction." She shot the raven haired woman a glare. "Not that I think she'd actually fight, but you can't stop her from leaving."

Tattletale piped up. "And I'd destroy your powers, if she didn't, and bluntly? I can tear through all of ENE by myself."

Assault and Battery turned and looked at the greed clad teenager. "Excuse me?" Battery finally said.

Dragon was facepalming and Tattletale had frozen for a second, clearly reviewing what she just said.

Shadowy Wings simply looked at the Vizier and sighed. "Tattletale… we agreed to keep that secret."

Tattletale grasped Taylor. "You're a Zenith! You can rewrite their memories, or so I'm told." Taylor bluescreened at that statement, then the Vizier turned to Dragon. "Okay, I was told you could as well!"

Dragon *growled*. "No, not only would I not do that, I don't have the artifact I'd need to install to do it. And… DAMMIT, Tattletale." Dragon was pissed.

"... fuck me."

Assault and Battery were clearly processing everything just said, until the highwayman spoke up. "I am Corsair, everything my sister said… while intemperate… is true. And I will kill you if you try to fight here. And I can." He paused and nodded once. "And no, I will make sure no one fucks you til you're 200, sister."

Tattletale turned and blinked at her brother, as all the Protectorate and Ward heroes blinked at the last statement.

"Oh, I know you're a Celestial Exalt, sister dear, and likely able to use me as a cheap training dummy, but potential boyfriends…" He paused, tilting his head for a second… "Or girlfriends, I'm not quite sure…" A facepalm was his answer. Turning back to the others, he was about to speak.

"Putting aside the sheer mess she just made for everyone, she's right. If you do not want to have the entirety of the ENE on your heads, plus elements from Boston and elsewhere, you need to go now." Dragon finally said. "And frankly, given what happened here…" She shrugged.

"We can't let her go! She's a cop killer." Battery stated, low and intense. "She's killed Protectorate personnel!"

Dragon shook her head. "You don't know everything, Battery. There are… reasons why she doesn't have a Birdcage or kill order on her head yet."

Battery's expression darkened. Several eyes narrowed as she tensed and her costume, already bright due to the circuit boards that lit up when her power was at it's peak, brightened even more, and before anyone else could say anything, she launched herself towards Shadowy Wings.

"No!" Dragon shouted, unclear to whom, but it was immaterial, as she had blurred herself to hold back the two wards, by force, while others reacted, in an orgy of speed and violence.

"Goddammit!" Assault said as he bounded forward, to support his partner, only to have Tattletale intercept him in a spinning leap, snapping her glowing hands into his chest that staggered him, and a followup kick from her hit his head. He spun, Tattletale's anima making a christmas light effect, until he hit the ground, unconscious.

Taylor and Emma had leapt forward, only to have Battery *slam* a punch into the red and silver striped cheetah's head, slamming her to the ground, only to have Taylor's arm backhand the heroine away from her attempt to kick the large cat, who was shaking the blow off. This spun Battery away, only for her to reorient and charge Annette, punching the glowing silver man and knocking him back when he tried to get in her way. This however made sure by the time the blue glowing heroine met the Abyssal, fist cocked back, she was ill prepared for what happened next.

So used to her toughness and speed, she was unprepared for the Dusk to simply flow around the punch, her hand slamming into Battery's jaw, then the hand containing forward, jabbing into her nose then eyes and then a knee slamming into her, while both the Abyssal and the heroine was surrounded by the black banner of the one the blue clad heroine was attacking. Sharp observations would notice blackness floating out of the places where Battery was struck, into the Exalt.

As Battery was lifted up into the air, only to arc through the air, and land on her partner, Aegis had slipped around Dragon, only to be met by a golden glow attached to a fist, as the silver glowing Cheetah weaved through and tripped several PRT agents who had come to the battle, taking them out of the fight, either by biting them, tripping them, or by the simple result of a 100 pound, 100 kph an hour furry missile slamming into them, then bouncing to the next target.

Taylor's fist slammed into Aegis' face, spraying his blood across her face, as his body spun in response to the right hook. Vista tried to get to him, but was held back by Dragon, and Corsair chose to intervene in an explosive manner, firing both his revolvers into the air.

"CEASE AND DESIST, or I will Stand and Deliver!" The Dragonblood strode in, seeing everyone had stopped, well, everyone still standing, anyways, and nodded at Aegis. "I'll take care of that broken nose for you, young man."

Aegis nodded as the Dragonblood glanced at the struggling PRT agents, who clearly did not want to fight anymore, and Emma stalked over to Taylor, winding around her.

"Excellent!" The highwayman started to have water around his hands as he treated Aegis' broken nose. "Young man, if I remember your old powers right, you need to learn to block now, you just can't heal instantly." Aegis nodded as the older man grabbed his nose and snapped it back into place.

"Ow!" for a long moment, no one said anything… Aegis looked around him, seeing a poisonous green cling to him, lighting up the area. "What happened to my powers… Why am I glowing … " He was cut off.

"I'm afraid I don't have the time to explain everything, but lad, you're no longer a Parahuman. You are Exalted." The older Dragonblood looked him in the eye. "You are above those Parahumans, as most are above mortals. Choose what you will do, think and learn and live."

Aegis and Vista both heard those words, and had them resonate inside of them, only to be broken by Dragon.

"I'll explain myself, though Corsair's right." Dragon glared at the other exalts. "This is a mess, and if Armsmaster isn't leading a group of heroes from ENE and other locations, here now, I'd be surprised."

"Shit." Tattletale summed it up, eyes unfocused as she stared at the sky. Assault had gotten up, shaking a bit, and still dazed from the brutal blows he took, but started to check over the bleeding Battery who was still out cold. The Vizier's head snapped to her phone which she had pulled out. "We got ten minutes - maybe more, maybe less - before they're close enough to see us, if my predictions were right from earlier. We need to go."

Shadowy Wings nodded. "She's right. Danny, Emma, Taylor, we need to go now." She looked around. "Sorry about this, Dragon."

"You should be, Dusk. This mess… I'm not sure if the PRT will try you in absentia. But it wouldn't surprise me."

"I know." The Abyssal Shook her head. Turning to the two Dragonbloods. "Kids, you're Exalted now. The PRT has no idea what they're dealing with, and while we aren't perfect, we know what you are, and how to at least get you started. If you want to learn what you can do fast, and not get … Master/Strangered, I believe." She looked at Dragon who nodded. "Plus grow as fast as you can, come with us. Otherwise… good luck." She turned to look at her family and goddaughter. "Well?"

[ ] Danny listens to Tattletale and Shadowy Wings, and grabs Taylor and Emma as they head for the cars.
[ ] Danny decides to wait for the PRT, Tattletale, Corsair and Shadowy Wings leave, grabbing Taylor and Emma.
[ ] Danny decides to wait for the PRT, Tattletale, Corsair and Shadowy Wings leave.
[ ] They all stay.
[ ] Write in.

Vote 2:
Remember, for this vote, basic Worm canon characterization should be applied, as well as elemental type (Aegis is a Wood blood, and they're all about living and experiencing things, Airbloods like Vista are thoughtful and planners, and want to learn things)

[ ] Aegis and Vista go with them.
[ ] Aegis goes, Vista stays
[ ] Vista goes, Aegis stays
[ ] Neither go.
[ ] Write in.

Vote 3:
[ ] Dragon wants to give Taylor a gift and does so. (if this option, subvote required)
[ ] A golden cyndliner with a handguard
[ ] Pair of white and gold boots
[ ] Write In.
[ ] Dragon chooses to hold off.

Bad ideas require getaway drivers too!

AN: Folks? I was extremely tempted to override one vote. I won't, but this has taught me a lot about quest voting. Righto. I'm going to be very careful for a while on what choices I allow, and trim focus back to some degree to Taylor only.

Danny looked at the Protectorate heroes, and winced. Looking at the few remaining guards, he winced again. "Yes, this isn't going to be good. Director Piggot is not a tolerant person, and we just flattened her people."

The only standing PRT Agent glared at the exalted. "If you think…" Danny mildly looked at the man.

"Agent." Danny looked the battered agent in the eye. "You're one man, and a teenager who hasn't figured out" He turns and looks at Emma with a raised eyebrow, then turns back to the agent. "How to turn herself back yet, took your people down. I matched her," finger pointing at the Abyssal, "blow for blow." A snort answered his statement, with his continuation. "You have Dragon who clearly doesn't want to fight, and the Wards are in no condition to match us. Give it up. Tell Piggot I'll talk to her in a few days. Anything else… it's open war, and I don't play cape games."

Dragon nodded. "I'll be sure they understand that, Mr. Hebert." She thought for a second, then walked over to her mecha. Pausing for a second, she opened a hatch and pulled out a box. Turning she looked at Taylor, something indefinable in her eyes. "Silver hilt is training, goldish is combat. Use well." Dragon tossed the box, which Taylor juggled for a second, then secured to her chest.

"Um… thank you?" Taylor was puzzled, as an Audi R8 GT was pulled up by Corsair.

"Time to go!" Tattletale stated as Annette brought up the motorcycle she was going to ride.

Vista darted forward, avoiding Aegis' grasp. "Mrs. Hebert… you remember Jessica Brion?"

Shadowy Wings blinked as she winced. "First, I no longer am Annette Hebert. Call me Shadowy Wings." Vista blinked, but the Abyssal continued on. "And yes, she is, last I heard, professor of Mathematics at BBU, yes…" She finished swinging on to the Harley. "Why?"

Vista apparently was counting something. "Well… did you hear about her husband?" The Abyssal tilted her head.

"Spell it out, We don't have time."

"My mother cheated on my father with his brother, while he was being treated for cancer. Then when he found out, he killed our dogs. And they're … still fighting."

Everyone blinked. A long, drawn out hiss from the Abyssal indicated her feelings.

"So… with you knowing what just happened… and saying I need teaching… I want to go." Danny facepalmed.

"Fine, get with Taylor and Emma. Tats!" The raven haired former professor looked at the Vizier.

Tattletale shook her head, as Vista quickly joined the other two girls. "This is going to get us in so much…"
Dragon sighed. "I'll cover this too. Somehow. Now, GO!" Dragon's tone was very clearly showing her worry and annoyance. Danny nodded and turned to the three girls.

"Emma! Think human." Danny barked, and in a silver blur, the cheetah was no longer a cat, but a redheaded young woman, with black malar marks running alongside her nose.

"Wow…" Emma nodded. "Rush. Felt I could so so fast…" Emma bounced on her legs for a second.

"Later." Tattletale said. "Taylor, Emma, Vista, in the back here. Mr. Hebert?" Tattletale had leaned forward, letting her seat also come forward so the three girls could get in.

Danny titled his head, nodding. "Reason?"

"I have a few things they need to read." Emma made a face at that, while Taylor tilted her head.

"... You know where the docks are?" Danny asked after a second.

Corsair smiled. "We'll meet you there." The Abyssal had already peeled out, and heading towards Brockton Bay.

Danny thought for a second. "Go with them. And Corsair, if…"

"As my sister commands, they shall be fine." The man grinned back at the Dockworker as the three girls started getting in the car.

"They better be. Go now." Danny looked at the three girls who had moved and gotten into the supercar to "Ow, watch your elbow" statements.. As he watched the car peel out, he pulled his car keys from his ruined jeans turning to the last two law enforcement personnel still standing. "Right. Also inform the camp to send Taylor's stuff to the Docks. Again… don't screw this up." He looked Dragon in the eye. "What did you give my daughter, Dragon?"

"A beamklave." Danny raised an eyebrow at that. Dragon sighed. "Think a lightsaber." Danny facepalmed. "Anyways, get going now. They're only about 6 minutes out."

"Right." Danny put thought into action and shortly was departing. Dragon sighed. It was going to be… tight for them to escape. As she turned to look at the departing cars, her eyes narrowed to the Audi. She saw Tattletale pass over a tablet, to Taylor, plus a phone to Vista. What was on those electronics?

Shaking her head, she turned to the arriving helicopters, and shortly watched as Armsmaster and Miss Military landed.

"Where is Vista, Dragon?" Armsmaster was short and to the point as always in the field.
Dragon sighed. She watched as the Deputy Director of ENE stepped out of a landed helicopter. Holding up her hand she pointed at the two downed Parahumans, and the slowly getting up PRT troopers. "Medical aid for them, *first*, plus check the children, though none were hurt when I arrived, and Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen, did not hurt anyone who didn't attack her. Though… there was some damage as people got blasted through buildings."

Renick snorted. "Bloody Owl is her name, Dragon, that's an order." Dragon looked at the man.

"Sir? No. Her name is as I stated. You can do what you want, but on your head be it. Take care of your job, which is cleaning up here." She turned to Armsmaster, clearly done with the Deputy Director.

"Dragon!" The Deputy Director shouted. Dragon turned her head and looked at the man, and he suddenly realized so was her Mecha.

"Yes? Aren't you organizing Search and Rescue while I brief the senior Protectorate officer on scene?" Her tone and expression was light, but the looks in the two pairs of eyes indicated he should get to that.

"Ah… yes, I'll be doing that." Rallying, he turned to Armsmaster. "Keep me informed." The Deputy Director went towards Aegis, who had a PRT medic next to him.

Armsmaster raised an eyebrow under his visor. "Dragon…"

Dragon shook her head. "No, Armsmaster, in this case, we are dealing with a situation that he, no, almost everyone in the PRT would cause to be a disaster." Armsmaster's body language indicated disbelief, but trust in Dragon. "Right." Dragon took a deep breath, and continued on. "It's simple. Shadowy Wings came, to meet her daughter…" She was cut off.

"... She's a stranger trying to steal Professor Hebert's life, Dragon… I told you this." Armsmaster's tone was reproving.

Dragon snapped. "No, she's not. Just because no parahuman power took that long, doesn't mean that powers can't do what happened." She took a deep breath again. "I warned you, I told you. She is Annette Hebert, effectively returned to the grave. She paid with her name."

Armsmaster clearly didn't believe her, but at least wasn't arguing. Instead, he asked a simple question. "How was she able to take the Ward's powers and give them elemental versions of her own… and silver versions to Mr. Hebert and his daughter's friend?"

Biting back a growl, she quietly and forcefully stated. "She did not do any such thing. I know what happened, but I know you won't believe me."

"Dragon… what else are we to believe?" Armsmaster's tone was reasonable. "I mean… Flint, Pastor, Teacher… Even Othala…"

Dragon had to admit, Armsmaster had a point here. But, since she couldn't tell him how exalted worked, or what they were, because it didn't fit the current models and views commonly accepted by the PRT, she was stuck.

"... Colin." She said over the radio on a private channel. "I have tried. You still go with the working theory the PRT has, even though I've stated at least twice it's wrong. I suspect that at this point, nothing except proof literally shoved in your face will change your mind."

"... Thesesa, what else am I supposed to believe?" Colin stated calmly. "You have no proof you can show me, you have said. I mean…"

"Armsmaster!" Deputy Director Renick shouted. "Get back to Brockton Bay, and take the ENE and as many PRT to hit the Docks. That's where they're going, and they have Vista. Mastered, I'd bet!"

Dragon internally howled. "THEY DIDN"T MASTER HER!" She knew she'd be ignored, even with Aegis backing her up. Sadly, she was shortly proven right, as she was chewed out for not stopping them from kidnapping a Ward.

Learning is fun! Explanations aren't.

Vista and Taylor were squished by Emma back in her cat form as the Audi ripped out of the camp, already hitting over 100 miles an hour. "Ooff! Emma!" Taylor boggled internally at saying this, her best friend was now a cat. "Off! And can we slow down?" Taylor's eyes were wide as she felt the car lift off the ground for a short bit, but safely hit the ground.

"Ah… just a bit more, ladies." The man dressed as a Revolutionary war era cosplayer laughed. "Just need to get a bit father from the camp."

Vista opened her mouth as Emma stopped pressing into her body. "If I still…" She paused. "... You know, I feel less stressed now? Is this a master effect?" She tilted her head. "It's not so much I'm no longer pissed or upset with my parents… but…"

The blonde in green had another blonde in green look at her. Tattletale grinned from the front seat. "Yeah, you just proved my theory. Your parents are directly responsible for your trigger event, right?"

Vista had a look of wonderment as she nodded. "I… no longer feel it's something I need to hide. Nor is it…"

"Exaltation kills your powers, or at least disconnects you from them." Tattletale nodded. "It also seems to help with mental issues, to some extent, and now that you don't have your parahuman powers connected from you, the power isn't pushing that trauma button hard to keep you in conflict."

Vista blinked repeatedly. She was young, not stupid. "Wait. Wait." She paused as the Vizer grinned at her and Emma and Taylor looked at Tattletale. "You mean… our powers are not inside us? They're from the outside? And… they're mastering us?"

Tattletale shrugged. "If you mean parahuman powers, yes. Not a question. I can't prove it for you right now, but you're right on what parahumans are. And we…" She waves her hand at all in the car, "Can kill parahuman powers. But, your new powers, our powers, is Exaltation." She paused, then shrugged.

"What's Exaltation?" Taylor butted in.

"Glad you asked." The Vizier grinned at the three girls in the backseat. "Ooof." She responded as her brother took the turn sharply, then started to slow down. "Tell me first!"

"Sorry, but…" A shrug was heard in the voice. "It was needful."

"Ha, ha." Tattletale snarked back. "Anyways. In short? While parahuman power is a semi organic computer that attaches to your brain…"

"The Coronas, right?" Vista shot back, to the other blonde's nod. "And where do the Exaltations attach?"

Tattletale's sharp fox like smile grew a bit sharper. "As I was told, and shown by those telling me, so you can be forgiven for not at least believing at this point… our souls. Humans have two souls. One animal, our base nature, I suppose, one mental, which is our personality, knowledge, etal. There is apparently a space between them, metaphysically anyways, that the Exaltation attaches to."

"... spine and brain?" Taylor's face scrunched as she worked though it. Tattletale nodded again.

"Pretty much. Or close enough for this." Tattletale took off her domino mask and rubbed her eyes for a second. "Right, I'm Sarah Livsey, guys. You are… Emma Barnes, a potential traitor and betrayer." She pointed at the wide eyed cat. Pointing to Taylor, she saw Taylor's eyes narrow in suspicion. "You are Taylor Hebert…" And with another point she spoke one last time. "You are Missy Biron. Fellow members of the "My parents really suck." Club."

"... How?" Missy sighed, taking off her visor.

"That's what we need to show you." She shrugged again, pulling up a bag, which she pulled a few tablets out of, and fiddled with them. "But… it comes down to who and what we are as Exalts. You, Aegis and my brother are Dragonbloods. Emma and Taylor's dad are Lunars. I'm a Sidereal. Taylor is a Solar, her mother is an Abyssal." She turned around again, holding three tablets. "Can you hold this tablet for Emma to read, Missy?" The shorter blonde nodded, taking two, and holding one so the big cat could read it. "Queued up, is a basic primer on Exalted, types, what it means." She shrugged. "If you finish before, there's more books to read. Have fun!"

Shortly all three were reading, while Taylor's eyes were flicking at an impossible speed, as well as her fingers moving though the text. She had quickly finished the book, and saw titles to interest her, or make her nose turn up, but settled first on The Understanding of Creation and how it is all interlinked, then after a bit moved onto Proper Physical Training and Maximizing Your Physical abilities.

The world whipped by, as the three read. By the time they stopped, Taylor had gone through all three books and had just begun to eye a fourth, while the other two had just barely finished the first book.

A motorcycle, recognizable as the one Taylor's mother had rode, was parked in her father's spot, Taylor noted, as Emma slid out of the car, shifting to human form.

"Wow, I didn't read that fast before. That was about 100 pages… in what? A half hour?" Emma gushed. "I can finally keep up with you!"

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Try about a thousand pages, Emma." Emma pouted in response, to only get a distrustful look from the raven haired teen. Taylor didn't notice the hurt look that crossed the Lunar's face.

"Let's go find Mommy Murder Death Kill." Sarah Livsey snarked at the three girls.

"... Abyssals are a bit about that, aren't they?" Missy stated. "Is that why she's…"

Sarah nodded, as the five walked in the building. "It doesn't help that unlike us, her powers don't recharge naturally here, unless she's in a graveyard, morgue or places like that… or dresses full on goth death." Taylor's eyes went wide.

"Mom would never wear jeans and a black muscle shirt." Taylor stated. Sarah and Missy stopped… looked at Taylor, while Emma broke out laughing.

The other two girls turned to the laughing Lunar. She finally stopped laughing. "That comic, Death and something? Neil… Gamen, right?" Taylor nodded.

Shortly they were at Danny Hebert's office, with three people in a stand off. One was Taylor's mother, the other two were a couple that Taylor knew well. Kurt and Lacey Russel. To her shock, both had shotguns aimed at her mother.

"Finally!" Shadowy Wings threw her hands in the air, nearly whacking Tattletale with her jacket.

The taller blonde danced back, and glared at the Abyssal. "Hey!" And was promptly ignored.

Annette was looking at Taylor and pled with her. "Tell them I am really your mother, and Danny's wife?"

Taylor's day had been a massive amount of whiplash in a lot of ways, so everyone would agree later, she shouldn't be held to blame for what came next.

"I don't know. Yeah, you knew what we talked about before the crash, on the phone…" Taylor glared at her mother. "But… my mom wouldn't have let us think she was dead." Tattletale winced at that. Taylor continued on. "You were my mom. Now? I'm not sure. Mother… yes." Taylor delivered that in a flat line, to the Abyssal's slumped shoulders.

Kurt tilted his head. "... yeah, that's Taylor. And… Okay. If Danny says as well… we'll accept it."

"And then beat you black and blue for abandoning them." Lacey said coldly. "I don't know what happened, but the Annette I knew, wouldn't have abandoned her family."

Shadowy wings sighed. "... I'm pretty sure Danny would be very interested in hearing as well, so… can I wait to explain?"

Taylor's flat stare unnerved the Abyssal a bit. She was sure she could keep her daughter from hurting her… but it looked like she had inherited both tempers. Finally, after a long moment, she received a nod from her daughter.

"Good." The Abyssal noted that the two had lowered their shotguns, only to get a cold look from her daughter who had crossed her arms and wasn't looking at her or Emma.

The Abyssal sighed. ".. Sarah? What are the odds that Sol Invitius did to Taylor what he did to you? And you still won't tell me details."

Taylor focused in on the woman who had once been her mother, and the stark contrast of detail between what she remembered and what was now stood out. The Abyssal's features were paler, her features more fine, almost like porcelain, and her wild, curly hair had thin braids with Raven pinion feathers worked into them, her makeup arranged just so to present repose. The black tank top had the smell of dirt, the dead and someone else''s blood. Old blood, the smell Taylor knew instinctively could never be washed out. The tight leather pants were patched up with thin stitching spelling out a somber prayer for peace to the departed, only visible to suddenly-sharpened senses. Annette Hebert, Shadowy Wings, was wearing the clothing that someone else had died in. The Raven's skulls decorating the belt loops holding a strap of bloodstained leather completed the image.

"Trappings of death," Taylor almost whispered, as she realized just how much change the black exaltation had torn into her mother.

The Sidereal sighed, as she looked at the people. "High, I'd figure. Not to Missy, or she'd have tried to kill us." The mouthy blonde shook her head. "Good thing there, too."

"... Why is it a good thing?" The smaller named blonde glared at the Vizer. "... what are you talking about?"

Annette broke in. "Something we aren't going to talk about until we're sure who you want to work with and for. Nor do I know fully. Sarah's been surprisingly short on details."

Before the questioning or replies could answer, Danny strolled in, a coldly furious look on his face, causing Kurt and Lacey to step back.

"All of you, in." He pointed at the office. "And Kurt, Lacey? Keep an eye out, and make sure no one disturbs us."

"Not a problem, Danny." "Aww… I don't get to rip her?" was the response he got as the Exalted filed into the room.

Taylor caught a glance of a reflection on something where it shouldn't be from outside, and she wondered what it was.
Reality Check Just Bounced

In that moment of heightened awareness, the flickering of flash on light on a lens with a man perched over a building in PRT black, while almost the perspective size of a grain of rice to the human eye, stood in stark contrast to the rest of the world, obvious to Taylor's senses.

"INCOMING!" Taylor's voice ripped out through the dock offices as four puffs of smile trailing arcing projectiles lurched through the air like a slow-motion capture action movie as Taylor's mind processed the information, impossible in scope as disbelief warred with the desire to act.

The action movie surreality abruptly ended as the black-clad artist-formerly-known-as-Mom exploded out a window in the opposite direction wielding a matte-black seemingly pig-iron, sharpened car door sword in her hands.

It took less than a second for Annette Hebert's, no, Shadowy Wings', reaction to complete itself, though Taylor's mind replayed it over and over in the split seconds before her will and body coalesced into action.

The Impossibly massive blade moved like an aluminum bat, swatting aside the four canisters, contemptuously. Three impacted and puffed into foam bursts harmlessly, but the fourth hit Dauntless in the chest, and exploded into capture foam, catching Challenger in the burst, leaving both helpless.

The world seemed to accelerate back to normal speed as the massive bulk of her father's Killer Whale-man form erupted from the building behind his wife. Then Emma was out the window while Taylor was still processing what had happened, lithe, red-haired form once again golden and spotted, trailing a tail as her friend reacted more instinctively than she did.

Even as Taylor's outrage bubbled forth at the attack, and she reached within, bursting with a radiant fury she would never, herself have believed, the PRT's offensive turned into a rout almost instantly as Shadowy Wings touched the ground. A black, bassive revolver simplyappeared in her fingers with the psychic caress of a tortured scream, erupting three times and blowing three men carrying the capture foam launchers off their feet before Taylor was fully out of her seat.

She felt impossibly slow, trying to get between these idiots and her FAMILY as Danny crashed through a PRT APC, ripping through the vehicle on his way to the shooters. She didn't have the acumen to appreciate the PRT line grunts falling backward in good order, laying down a suppressive fire to slow Danny and Shadowy Wings' advance. All Taylor saw was her mother wielding that impossible blade that was as long as she was tall like a fencing foil to deflect bullets, or her father's hide simply absorbing and bouncing the fire as the men fell back.

Emma's form lanced through the PRT soldiers' flank, not tearing the men apart, but bowling them over, disrupting their formation and causing their well-ordered lines to shatter as Armsmaster and Miss Militia entered the fray, swearing imprecations at idiots jumping the gun started the party against their wishes.

Taylor felt slow, even though she was out of her seat and moving before any of the others, Vista, Corsair, any of them could react.

It was ironically not intended for the shot to hit her. A sniper, aiming on her father with a massive 20mm Brick-killer cannon shot in the throat by her mother, thrown as he pulled the trigger. The world seemed to slow to a crawl as the cannon shell took Taylor hebert squarely in the chest, blowing her off her feet as the battle went into full gear, and she vaguely became aware of her mother screaming as she was thrown through four walls by the impact.

Simulation, meet Reality

Taylor blinked. She blinked again. Putting her hand on her chest, she pried off a flattened bullet bigger than her hand. "... Holy shit I'm still alive?." Before she could really process the situation, she heard gunfire, roars and yowls from the office she had been blown into. There was no real thought, only reaction, and Taylor found herself already out the office door, headed for the fray, without thought. Something in her was excited by the prospect of conflict, and fear wasn't really in her mental equation.

The booming thunderclap of her mother's black handcannon was shocking, as Taylor watched as her mother shoot a PRT man who was holding a big gun, disintegrating his head, and then her head turned to see her father simply backhand Miss Militia across the parking lot into a rusting container and Armsmaster charging him.. Her eyes were drawn to Emma's chirping who was still speeding and weaving through the PRT agents who were trying, and failing, to escape. Her eyes were drawn to the green glow of Tattletale, who had just broken the last PRT armored personnel vehicle by dropping on it with a naked fist. Her Brother was busy watching her back, and keeping a few brave PRT agents busy by ducking.

"ENOUGH." Taylor was incensed. Didn't these idiots know they all had to work together? She felt, more than noticed,the sheer terror her golden glow, nor the barking owl above her radiated. Others did.

The armored PRT agents fled her presence, giving up any pretense of being able to fight, and Armsmaster's distraction cost him, as Danny's fists slammed him into the ground and then he seemed to bite something surrounding Armmaster, ripping and tearing at it, throwing blackish crystalline chunks around repeatedly, tearing pieces of not from the parahuman as a psychic scream ripped through everyone, signifying that something had changed.

"Are you *all insane?*" Taylor looked at her family and friends. "And WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ARMSMASTER DAD!"

Danny stopped ripping at Armsmaster, who seemed unable to move. Spitting out a bit of crystal, he snorted. "SSomething was attached to him like a leech." The walking monster killer whale spat. "It tastes foul." Spitting out another crystal, he grinned. "Reminds me of your mother's first attempt at a turkey dinner." He was promptly thumped by the blunt side of his wife's black iron and "Screaming?" sharpened car door with trapped seeming spirits inside and turned to look at the Abyssal wielding it with hurt eyes.

Taylor rolled her eyes, as Vista finally arrived, walking, wide eyed.

"We are in so much trouble." Vista finally said. Taylor turned to the smaller girl

"What? Why? They attacked us first." Taylor was honestly confused.

Vista looked at the various PRT and Protectorate personnel. "I think they thought I was mastered or kidnapped, though honestly, I don't get how they'd think the latter…" She took a deep breath and sighed "So… they came in hard in a hostage rescue situation."

Danny and the Abyssal shared a look. "Seriously? Who thought that was a good idea… That's…"

"INCOMING!" Tattletale called. All heads turned to see a half dozen more APCs pull up at the edge of the parking lot and start to disgorge armored and armed PRT Troopers who were quickly getting under cover, and preparing.

Tattletale's head whipped as she seemed to hear something, and her eyes went wide. She was followed by Annette, who's eyes were taken off the deploying PRT agents, by something only she could see, and she aimed and fired before Taylor could react twice. A bonfire and a crystalline white fire seemed to appear.

A black man, who was thin, almost skeletal in a PRT field uniform stepped out while the Exalted were staring at the two new Dragonbloods and the deploying Dockworkers. The seeming commander pulled out his own weapon and started to aim.

"Scatter and put them under steel!" Taylor heard Kurt's voice boom as the earth anima seemed to bound forward, but her head whipped forward as the shout from the skeletal man rang out. "FIRE ON MY COMMAND!"

"NO!" Taylor pushed, as she wanted this to end, and them to stop attacking. This time she heard her owl bark in fury, as she put herself forward glaring at everyone. Her anima flared again, brighter as she stubbornly refused to let them attack.

The man who had given the order grasped his head as he dropped to his knees, groaning, as it seemed for a second his agents would fire, but most decided with his drop to run. Taylor's eyes narrowed, as she felt the cloying darkness that the main was seeped in, and Tattletale bounded forward, fingers sheathed in a scintillating rainbow metal as she slashed at the man, spreading more black crystal around. Before the majority of the PRT agents could get out of sight, Lacy, a fiery anima crackling around her, had led a group of Dockworkers, and they ambushed and captured the majority of the field agents, only a few agents escaping.

"Well." Corsair walked up to Taylor. "This could have gone better." Vista was *staring* at the blue haired man.

Why is my mother so casually disturbing???

Vista shook her head. "COULD HAVE?" The short blonde glared at the Water Dragonblood, clearly irritated. "They think you mastered me." The now icy blue eyed, blonde with white roots, and pale skinned ten year old shook her head. "... but why did they attack first?"

Taylor looked at the younger girl. "They weren't supposed to?"

"Not according to the manuals I read, something about verifying a Ward is kidnapped or mastered." Before Taylor could respond, her mother broke in.

"... I've never shown any ability to master anyone, at least by what the PRT would consider." The Abyssal idly thought. "Drive people in screaming terror as I cut down the slowest? Yes. Control them… nope, never showed that where the PRT could see."
Taylor, Vista and Danny all turned to look at the Abyssal, who shrugged. Before she could answer, Tattletale spoke up, as her brother went around collecting and zip tying everyone, except Armsmaster who was still pinned under Danny's foot.

"We can all, including you, Vista… do what the PRT at least would consider low master abilities. Ours are resistible, to greater or lesser extent, and while we exalted have an easier time of it, it still can hit us." The green eyed blonde sighed. "And the right type of Exalt can just reprogram people. In theory we can, but that's a long ways off."

Vista turned to look at her fellow blonde. "Did you?"

"Master you?" Lisa shook her head. "I haven't figured out how to manipulate people or their choices, Corsair hasn't figured out how to do the Dragonblood stunts, in that regard. Taylor's too new to have done it, same with the Lunars… Shadowy Wings?"

The Abyssal shook her head. "Vista and Aegis are under 18. I will not unless absolutely required try anything on them. And only in self defense."

"How do I know that?" Vista put her hands on her hips as she glared at the tall black haired and eyed woman.

"... besides my reputation?" Shadowy Wings snorted. "If I had, I'd have brought Aegis as well."

"Oh." Vista blinked. "That… actually makes sense."

Tattletale kneeled by the pinned Armsmaster. "So… care to explain?" Her brother had made it to Miss Militia, and was treating her for her wounds.

The pinned and depowered Protectorate member glared at the Sidereal. But he didn't respond, and Vista walked up glaring at him.

"Was what she said true? Or did you lie to us, when you said she went out of her way to avoid harming those under 18?" The Ward's glare intensified. "Or did you lie, to use us as bait, to have an excuse for this?"

Armsmaster was shocked by the accusation. He didn't realize Danny had lessened the pressure on his chest, so his words came out loud and strong. "What? I would never use the Wards as bait. It was her reputation that actually made me think you were the best to protect Miss Hebert from this… imposter. Nor that she was able to truly master people."

Taylor facepalmed. "Vista… you said you read the manuals?"

"Yeah. If I understood what I read, they should have first tried to contact me, then tried a negotiation, given what he just said."

Taylor turned and glared at Armsmaster herself. "So… why did you attack without following the manual?"

Armsmaster glared at Taylor, then sighed. "It was Calvert's suggestion. He pointed out that Bloody." He was cut off by a kick with a black boot.

"Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen." The Abyssal kicked him again. "Do I have to fail you again, Colin?"

Armsmaster started, the stopped by Danny's foot leaning into him. Vista turned to the Abyssal.

"Eh, I recognized his voice from class. He failed his first paper decrying the inefficiency of Victorian era literature." The older woman shrugged. "Well written and argued, but wasn't the assignment."

"How…" Gathering his thoughts, the hero continued his thought. "How did you find that out? HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLANNING TO STEAL her life!"

The Abyssal facepalmed. Before anyone else could respond, Taylor asked sweetly. "Exactly how could an Stranger know my mother's last conversation with me? The one where I heard the car crash?"

"She could have tapped that call." Armsmaster's tone was stubborn, but the way the words were delivered was weak, as if he was beginning to rethink things.

"And…" Taylor scrunched her nose. "If she was out to steal my mother's life, she'd have shown up earlier, wouldn't she? I mean… why wait?"

Armsmaster was silent for a long moment. "... Why did I not insist on following the procedure? It's actually an efficient one."

"Considering Calvert was a parahuman…" Tattletale mused.

"... He … The Chief Director personally forced his acceptance as a consultant on the Director." Armsmaster's tone was quiet, as he was clearly processing things. "He's a thinker, and set us up."

A wham with a crunching sound was heard and then Emma walked up. "He's not gonna be talking with a broken jaw."

"Okay… We need to talk to the Director." Taylor nodded once, sharply. "We need to end this. Now, before anyone else dies."

Her mother looked at her. "I could always just kill them all. Message sent, don't break the rules you claim to enforce, don't disobey procedure, and honestly, maybe we'd get a better crop…"

"MOM!" Taylor put her hands on her fists. "We just don't murder people!"

"Ah… well, technically I can justify all my kills, but honestly, what they'd call murder, is what I do." Shadowy wings shrugged, dismissing her sharpened car door.

"MOM!" Taylor shook her head. "We'll talk about that." Taylor turned back to Armsmaster after glaring at her mother. "Right… we do need to negotiate."

Armsmaster nodded. "Director Piggot did not want to follow Calvert's plan… but was overruled again by the Chief Director."

Danny shook his head. "I actually believe that. Piggot has never done something this stupid. She walks a tightrope, for some reason, unable to get what she needs to shut down the gangs. Hell, the destruction of Richard's Merchants was our" with a wave, he swept his hand at the Dockworkers patrolling and keeping an eye out. "Doing. Not the cops or PRT."

Armsmaster scowled at that reminder. Taylor had a sudden thought and turned to her father.

"Dad, why do you still look like a giant, land-locked killer whale man?" She looked at him. "Gonna be kinda hard to negotiate with the threat of a silver tattooed orcaman big enough to bite upper torsos off and swallow them with one gulp."

The Orca man looked at the discounted red haired Cheetara "Same reason Emma's still a discount cartoon character." He continued on headless of Emma's indignant squawk. "It's safer when these morons are using heavy weapons… which they're not supposed to unless against known brutes. Which my daughter wasn't." He stepped on Armsmaster again, hard, to the man's pained gasp.

"DAD!" Taylor pulled at her hair again, incensed. "We don't abuse prisoners!" She paused. "... when did I start talking about Armsmaster as a prisoner?"

Sarah grinned, visible under her mask. "When you exalted. You make the rules, now, Taytay. You are Solar."

Taylor shot a look at her. "Not funny." The Vizer shrugged, not repentant. Taylor turned to her dad. "We do need to talk to them."

"I don't have a cell phone, do you dear?" Shadowy Wings shot her husband a unamused look looking at her pockets.

"Where would I fit one?" The Abyssal was cut off by Emma handing one to Taylor.
"I still don't get why Taylor doesn't have one… but Dad at least isn't that stupid." Emma nodded. "They're useful for more than just talking."

Danny rolled his eyes. "I'm sure you've overhead your father and I arguing over that at least once." Emma just looked at the orcaman. "... Right." He turned to his daughter. "Dial this number." He rattled off a number as Taylor tapped it into the phone.

Taylor held up the phone to her ear as it rang. Finally it answered.

"Director Piggot." was the short response. Taylor turned to her father, wide eyed. He just waved at her.

Taylor gathered her inner courage. This had to work! If they couldn't get the PRT to think and stop attacking them, they'd never be able to bring everyone to work together. Before she could speak, Lisa held up a piece of paper with "Use a cape name. Zenith for yourself."

Taylor looked at Lisa, but didn't argue. "This is Zenith. Um… we, my family and friends have…" Corsair spoke up

"4 Protectorate heroes, one depowered, 54 Parahuman Response Team personnel, with one being a parahuman, also depowered, with all but two of the Protectorate heroes, wounded. 5 dead agents." Taylor winced at the Dragonblood's statement, and so did Vista.

"We are in so much trouble." Vista sighed. "This is not going to go well."

Taylor looked at her, covering the microphone. "It'll work out!"

"Uh-huh." Taylor shot the girl a look and turned back to the phone, relaying the information. "So… let's talk about this, since they violated procedure?"

An slightly angry tone came though. "First, who is the PRT person who was actually a parahuman?" A pause. "Second, we don't negotiate with murderers and hostage takers."

Taylor looked at the phone. Was this woman serious? Was she going to leave fifty of her people trapped? Seriously?

"... Are you serious?" Taylor finally asked. "And it is Calvert, I believe."

"... I.. see. Dare I hope he's one of the dead people after he was depowered?" The voice was coldy serious.

"Um… no?" Taylor was getting weird vibes from this, and turned to look at her father, who just shrugged.

"Shame." Piggot's voice turned cold. "The fact of the matter is, the only thing we need to talk about is releasing those people. Period."

Taylor held the phone, then shook her head. Danny plucked the phone out of her hand. "I think, little owl, I will explain to her the reality."

Taylor was thankful at this, but worried how her now aggressive father would handle it. "Don't…"

"Don't worry, trust your old man, I've done this before." His sharp grin didn't reassure anyone.

Just because you want to make a deal, doesn't mean you have to be TOO Nice.

Taylor eyed the phone. Putting it back to her ear, she spoke. "Wait a moment, and I'll let you talk to someone who's…" A moment passed. "Good at this." Turning after she muted the microphone, she looked at her Dad who rolled his eyes.

"Emma. What's the way to record this call?" Danny asked as he took the phone. The girl walked over and set it up.

Emma tilted her head for a second, as she passed it back. "How'd you know I could do that?"

"How long have I known your father?" Danny gave the impression of raising an eyebrow his hybrid form didn't have.

"... Oh." Emma stepped back as Danny paused for a second.

Turning to the Snitch that had been hovering a few hundred feet away, he boomed. "Uber. Leet! IF you stream or post this conversation, without my permission… your asses are grass. Bob if you understand." The Snitch rapidly bobbed. "Good."

Taylor looked at her father, as her mother snickered. "Why not have them just not record?"

Tattletale spoke up. "Because the gamer duo are smart enough to know that it might need to be released, but also that it might not need to be."

Taylor tilted her head one way… then the other. "Plus… if they're just streaming the video with no sound, the PRT can see our body language?"

Danny nodded. "That too. You'd be surprised at just how important that is in negotiations." Taylor nodded at that.

"So… what are we going for?" The Solar asked her father.

"Watch and Learn." Danny smiled as only an Orca man could. "Watch and learn." He hit the unmute and speaker phone buttons, then spoke. "Ah, Emily. Bit of a sticky situation for you, I think."

From the speaker the PRT Director's voice came out. "Not me, you are all in so…"

"Ah, ah, ah. No. Don't try. I know all the spiel, I know all the situations, and I also know your actual agent strength, and bluntly, I also now have figured out you've been sent to rot. And I really have to figure out how long ago your command was in effect cut off. I really do empathize with that… but it doesn't help you, does it? And now, half your actual command is here, under my feet in some cases, and you're wondering if I'm going to tie them to rusty anchors." Danny looked sorrowful, or what he thought would be.

A long moment happened without a response. Finally Emily Piggot responded. "... I'm going to hate this aren't I?"

Danny grinned. "Depends, really. You might not like it, but you have to know you fucked up severely, and by the time you could arrange with Dragon or others to squish the video… if that's possible, too many people would have seen it. I rather not use your men as bargaining chips, but this is where we are, due to your fuckup, and violation of regulations."

"I am never inclined to let my people hang or be used, nor do I send them out to die. I didn't fuck up, and I have it on recordings and written orders. " There was a bit of smugness in her voice.

Danny blinked. Grinned even more. "That's understandable, so are we… Oh… ho. Exceeding or overridden?" Danny's eyes actually widened as he came to the obvious conclusion. Piggot's people were careful, and expended lives only when dire need demanded it.

"Over… wait one, please." Muzak started to play.

Danny tilted his head for a second and snickered. "Oh, this is going to be glorious." Tattletale and Annette snickered, while the three youngest girls looked at the Killer Whale.

"How?" Vista asked. "Dead PRT agents, hammered Protectorate heros, they think you kidnapped me!"

"Piggot didn't think that. Or at least conceded that there was enough wrong to at least talk first. For all her reputed hardassness, and her dedication, she's actually a smart person who tries hard to get all the information first. And talk things though." Danny shrugged. "To be honest, I said nothing she hasn't privately to those who she could."

Taylor held up a finger. "Wait. The PRT abandoned Brockton Bay?"

Tattletale nodded. "Ayup." She turned to Danny. "I didn't tell you, how did you figure it out?"

"Honestly? It's the only thing that makes sense, when you look at it from all angles. Since… I exalted, I think the word is?" He got a nod from his wife. "Things are just clearer and easier to figure out, and even before that… realistically? It'd take Alexandria and her two boy toys an hour to clear the Bay for shipping, wouldn't it? That's when I began to wonder, when Piggot admitted she asked for them to do exactly that, oh, a couple of years ago, when she first got this posting. Said it'd be the best way to start eliminating the gangs and potential criminals." The male Lunar shrugged.

Taylor began to fume at that. But before she could speak or ask questions the hold music broke.

"Mr. Hebert? This is Chief Director Rebecca Costa Brown. I'm taking over the release of our people." Danny grinned again.

"No, you're taking over the negotiations, or you're deploying the Triumvirate. That's your actual position. If you really want your people back without revealing just how half cocked you ordered Piggot to be, we're going to talk." The Lunar's half moon caste mark flared to life after it had disappeared. "Let's not pretend. You are a busy person, and honestly, this can be resolved easily."

A long moment, then the Chief Director spoke. "Pray tell, how?"

"First, and foremost, you accept that Vista came of her own free will." Danny paused, then looked at the rest of the Exalted, an obvious question in his eye. He got nods in response.

"... Given that both your wife and daughter seem to have ability to cause terror, Dockmaster…" She trailed off, hinting.

"Huh. Nice name, I'll keep it, beats what my wife and daughter would think of." Danny nodded. Pausing, he looked at the two named people who were glaring at him, and shrugged. "I'm pretty sure they can't just make people do things. Run in terror? Pretty sure that we all can force that. Warping people's mind?"

"... A Master/Stranger evaluation will be needed to confirm that." The tone was unyielding.

"As long as it's done by a competent person, with VIsta's full agreement…" He looked at the youngest who rolled her eyes.

"I expected to have one." the small blonde shouted, rolling her eyes. "So.. yeah. I just wanted to learn why I felt the wind."

"Acceptable, then?" was what came from the speakers.

"With the understanding that we'll verify?" Danny grinned.

"Of course. The second thing? As I doubt you have only one request." Danny debated in informing the woman on the phone the actual position, but decided against it. Not worth the hassle.

"You're correct. You will sit upon Youth Guard and CPS and fix her home situation. That is non negotiable, and if it comes to it, I can and will make her an orphan." He paused. "This is assuming my wife doesn't beat me to it." He received a smile from the Abyssal in that and a wide eyed stare from Vista, with a bit of horror.

"... That is acceptable, and honestly should have been done earlier. Piggot doesn't have the resources to…" The Chief Director was cut off.

Danny was showing all his teeth. "Which leads us to the other demands…"

Thinkers are bullshit. Sadly, so are Lunars.

Danny was showing all his teeth as he continued the negotiations.. "Which leads us to the other demands…"

"Which are?" Rebecca Costa Brown apparently had a talent for sending an expression over voice. Everyone heard the raised eyebrow.

Danny grinned. "Oh… first, no criminal liability for my daughter, myself, my daughter's best friend… oh, and my wife and her teammates." Danny calmly stated, while not losing his smile.

For a long moment there was no response, but finally the Chief Director spoke. "I can assure you, the tradition and laws regarding trigger events can be stretched to easily cover yourself, your daughter and her friend, at least regarding the camp. As for the recent unpleasantness… Since regulations and orders were disregarded or creatively interpreted…" A silence hung for several seconds. "I am sure we can come to some agreement."

Danny raised an eyebrow. "And the other three?"

"You do realize that your wife is wanted for the killing of three Protectorate heros and a Deputy Director of the PRT?" The slight incredulous tone continued on. "As well as frankly an astounding number of villains and gang members. As for Tattletale, we actually don't have any charges out for, only a material witness warrant and the same for Corsair. Though we do suspect them of actions of an illegal nature." Danny turned to look at the greed clad Sidereal who was a few feet away from him. A raspberry was Tattletale's response, to Danny's raised eyebrow. Danny turned and kept the eyebrow raised as he looked down at his wife by his side.

Shadowy Wings shrugged. "I either killed villians, age of majority gang members, or those who raped, abused, and otherwise proved themselves villians. And I know I left proof behind for the PRT."

Danny nodded and returned to the phone call. "I presume you heard?"

"I did. And yes. I concede that she, until this event, was actually quite discriminate in her targeting selection." Rebecca stated, then added.. "However… the public isn't fully aware of that and well… while she isn't Jack slash in their mind…"

Danny eyed the phone, then shrugged slightly.. "I see. Well, let me finish laying out my demands, then you lay out yours, and we see where to go?"

"That is acceptable." The hidden hero responded.

"Well, I think the Boat Graveyard and that container ship really need to go." Danny stated. "I do know Piggot has asked for that, pointing out the effects, such as restoring some jobs, clearing up the docks for maintenance of smaller ships, at least, and restoring shipping traffic would have…" He paused, nodding once. "I do think she could use some more resources too."

The Chief director responded in a neutral tone. "I… see. Anything else?"

"Oh, and I'd love the Ferry restored along with all 6 of it's points, including the long haul Boston point, and the islands' fishing piers and their base processing and packing capability…" He grinned more toothly, as he stated. "And I'll be honest, given everything, a restoration of our Naval shipyard, as well a blind eye as we take the city over, wouldn't be a bad idea either. God knows I couldn't do worse than the current people theoretically in charge."

A long pause came from the phone. "... Well. Our thinkers were wrong about some of your goals. Maybe." A soft snort came though. "Well, you have listed yours, I believe?"

"Oh, one last thing. The three girls admitted to finish their education in Arcadia. I'm sure that's not a problem."

"I… see. Let me be honest, what I know says your daughter should be in Arcadia… though the other two… Mmm. I do believe I should list mine. First and foremost, you and yours, all of them either in the Wards or the Protectorate." Danny raised an eyebrow, holding up a hand to forestall the responses from those listening. "Second, a complete and total workup, powers, physical, and mental health with no sandbagging. And all of you will attend Endbringer fights." A pause. "Finally, proof you can permanently depower people, and if my sources are right, knowledge on how many more of you will show up and when." She paused. "I think that'll do."

Danny looked at the others and shook his head, mock sorrowfully. "And I thought I was greedy."

"Audacity is best matched by Audacity in itself, and I doubt a skilled negotiator such as yourself expects to get all your demands. What makes you think I'm any less experienced?" A hint of laughter crossed the lines from the Chief Director.

"Point." He paused. "Give me a moment, please. I can't make some of these decisions on my own."

"Of course.". Danny muted the phone, and looked around. "So, her demands?'

Shadowy Wings snorted. "Fuck the PRT and Protectorate. With a rusty daiklave."

"First, good to know that hasn't changed. Second… Daiklave?" Danny responded.

Tattletale responded. "Sword like weapon. Worry about it later. As for me, no, no, no. We do not want our real names out, in the PRT or the like's hands, because until I'm 18…"

"... You too have bad parents?" Shadowy wings responded, getting a sharp nod from the siblings.

Vista piped up. "I'm a Ward, it'd be fun." Taylor and Emma were sharing a look, with Taylor's eyes digging deeper into Emma, trying to see something in the Lunar, only to have Tattletale raise a hand.

"Look. We're Exalted. We are not parahumans. The Wards, at least, are the worst place for us." The Vizer took a breath. "We thrive on challenges. Not battle, not conflict, challenges to meet and overcome. Taylor is meant to lead religions and nations. Shadowy Wings is a front line General to fight and lead troops, I'm your perfect intelligence officer, to some extent. The Dragonbloods? Slot nicely in as the right and left hands of the Celestial Exalts." She waved her hand at the exalted. "Which you, as a Lunar, are."

"And what am I good at? Or Emma?" Danny inquired.

"Emma is a knowledge seeker, in a lot of ways, like that Lara Croft video game. That's her slot. You? You're the steward and general of a nation. You're meant to protect and hold a nation, large group, or area together."

The huge man rubbed his chin. "Huh. So the ultimate Union boss." Tattletale grinned in response. "So… Wards and Protectorate are bad ideas."

"Ayup. To be honest... The fact they try to keep the Wards from combat is going to stifle Aegis and Vista. Wouldn't quite stifle Emma or Taylor as much, but it wouldn't take long til they started feeling caged and the slowing down in their growth as Exalts. We grow in ability and power, lack of challenges slow that down. We are not parahumans."

Danny nodded. "Her other demands?"

The Abyssal shrugged. "I don't think you personally are ready for an Endbringer fight, but that's just a bit of time and training to get you there, right Sarah?" Tattletale nodded. "But the kids? No, hell no, even if Tattletale likely is ready to do so, no way in hell. Corsair would be fine healing people, he's good at that." Danny raised an eyebrow.

"That makes it sound like you want to fight one, and can." Danny looked at his wife with concern.

She looked him dead in the eyes. "I can fight them now, and I honestly have a fair shot at killing them. And I can survive very well. Give you a few months, honestly? You should be able to literally bite one in half."

Danny nodded. "The medical workup? Will it be a problem?"

Tattletale shrugged in response. "What we are won't show up on a medical scan. Power testing is honestly a waste of time, given how we work, and the simple fact we don't stop growing in power or ability."

"And the last?" Danny's eyebrow rose.

Tattletale shrugged. "I don't have a problem with that, to be fair, I know the floor figure of how many exalts there will be, but I don't know when the Incarnate plan to release them all, just that some already have been. I do know they're waiting for a date to release them en masse."

"But not what the date is." He hummed. He looked at his wife who just shrugged. Then Corsair, who nodded towards Tattletale. Danny then turned to Kurt and Lacey, who simply looked back after nodding at him once and he nodded in response.

Finally he turned to Taylor and Emma. "Well, girls? As I'm pretty sure my *wife* would put me on the couch, if I at least didn't ask…"

"For more than one reason, Danny. For more than one reason. They get a say. They are Exalted. And that means they choose."

Taylor and Emma looked at each other, talking with their eyes. Finally they nodded to each other, and turned to Danny.

Hammering the Details out

Taylor and Emma looked at each other, talking with their eyes. Finally they nodded to each other, and turned to Danny.

"If Tattletale is right, well, then, I guess the Wards are a bad idea for us." Taylor shrugged. "I can't see a reason why telling them about us, or letting tests happen is a bad idea, we could get proof we're not Parahumans." Taylor blew out a breath. "... I don't know about Endbringers… we need to…"

Danny held up his hand. "No, not only no, but we'll tie you up to keep you from fighting them. Not until you're truly ready."

"And that goes for you, Tattletale, as well. All of you are *children*." Shadowy Wings commented. "I'd not say that Corsair should go, either, but he's legally able to make his own choices."

The Blue haired Dragonblood snorted. "At this time, I doubt I'm ready to make a major difference in combat against one, quite yet.. But healing? That I can do. Learn to heal, girls."

Taylor and Emma turned to each other and a stubborn look crossed Taylor's face as Emma nodded and turned to Danny.

Taylor herself turned to her father and glared resignedly. "Even if I wanted to, you would say no."

"Ayup." Danny snorted.

The Zenith sighed. "Fine." Flicking her hair back, she turned to Emma. "Not taking the suggestion of us joining the Wards on a trial basis." Emma pouted. "But… yeah, I can see it later on maybe, depending."

"Okay." Emma nodded. "So… Uncle Danny?"

The giant Orcaman nodded, unmuting the phone. "Chief Director, are you still there?"

"I am. So?" Rebecca's tone was casual.

"None of us see a reason why not to deny at least a full medical workup on your dime, at least… plus, honestly, I get the impression our power testing will be out of date fast enough, that it is not a problem in that aspect either." He looked up at the sky and pondered for a moment.

"And joining the Protectorate and Wards? Specific details on what you are, if you have them?"

Danny shrugged. Before he could speak, Tattletale slid up and spoke for him. "Basic details, yes. Not a problem. Specific details of what we can do? Mechanics and what makes us work? Yeah, no. Fuck no. No parahuman gets that. Period, dot."

Danny turned to the Sidereal with a raised eyebrow, and a stubborn glare from her. He shrugged, noting he'd have to ask her after this, he added. "She's right."

"... She knows how your powers work?" The hidden Heroine spoke.

Tattletale snorted. "I know how they work in a scientific and mechanical sense, more or less equivalent to high school knowledge. The full study is a lifetime even for an Exalted. You aren't getting that knowledge, period. That stays secret. I know why we are empowered, I know what each Exaltation type is meant to do, and I know who created and who empowered the Exaltations. And they know why and how parahuman powers are granted and basically work."

"... I… would require proof of all the above. Not just your word for it." The Chief Director and in her heroic persona, Alexandria finally responded. "I would also require knowing how many … Exaltations are out there."

Danny raised an eyebrow at the Vizer. She sighed and responded. "I can get the PRT proof of my claim, at least some, but only normal mortals. No Parahumans. Period, dot. Taking them to Yu-Shan would get them killed, if not by their powers disconnecting, by the Celestial Lions. I don't know about the Underworld…" She looked at the Abyssal, who shook her head. "But I am pretty sure it's the same."

"... Are you implying that gods exist and gave you your powers?" The tone was incredulous.

Everyone but the two older exalts turned and looked at Tattletale. The same question was in their eyes. Tattletale facepalmed. "... Yes. Or at least close enough to accurate, that it as an off the cuff explanation of where they come from, works. And before you say anything more, I speak as the Lady Jupiter's Chosen and Priestess, just like Dockmaster's daughter is the Priestess and Chosen of Sol Invictus, the Most High, Ruler of Yu-Shan, Giver of the Creation-Ruling Mandate, Master of the Celestial Bureaucracy, etc, etc. The others are just the Chosens of Luna, the Neverborn, or the Elemental Dragons, on Gaia's request and Power."

"There are no such" Armsmaster spoke up just for a moment before Tattletale's foot flashed out and thwacked his temple, knocking him out.

"Now that that interruption is gone…" Tattletale began, to Danny's soft chuffs of laughter.

"Knocking out a Protectorate leader doesn't paint you in the best of light, Tattletale." The voice over the speaker was mildly reproving.

The green bodysuit clad blonde shrugged. "Eh, I can now show him personally, he's no longer a parahuman…" A pause then a nod. "I think I can at least show a parahuman a Celestial Lion. I'd have to check."

"We will return to that." The tone was final in that regard. "And for the Protectorate and Wards?"

Danny shot the Sidierial a look to be quiet. "I'm afraid that the girls don't want to, I have a feeling my wife would end up slaughtering half of your people, and frankly, given everything? Give me 5 months, and you would be reporting to me."

"Somehow, I think you might be right." A rustling came though as if the speaker was shaking her head, causing her hair to make noise. "PRT Lisason, affiliated heroes?"

"... why would we be heroes? I have a job, the girls have school, and I think Corsair will be healing people."

"NEPEA-5 is an…" Danny countered before the woman could finish responding.

"Not applicable. First, the law as it stands does not say a parahuman can't earn money with their powers, just that they can't unfairly compete. There's a few ways to work it, as the fact you haven't seized every Elite business. Nor does it keep people from doing jobs that don't directly impinge on their powers. Second, as I think Tattletale wants to say… we're not parahumans, therefore null and void." The Lunar eyed the phone.

"I… would argue otherwise, but it would be a fascinating legal case, wouldn't it?" Danny grinned at the response.

"That it would be, yes. But, I don't really see a reason that we couldn't be considered affiliates… or perhaps a variant of the MIRIS?" Danny continued on.

"... Let's cut to the chase." Rebecca Costa-Brown's tone was final. "You aren't getting complete control or a hands off attitude to Brockton Bay from the government, and you had to know that."

"Considering everything…" Danny shot back. "I thought it had a shot."

"Really." the response from the woman was both amused and at the same time, biting. Then she went on, in a serious tone. "Your suggestion that the ENE gain more assets is going to happen. The military can't afford anything more than what they are, so that's out. Nor could I speak for them. As for the shipping channel… I think that can be arranged, at least the Container Ship, plus some funding to help salvage or scrap the rest blocking the docks. Dredging the channel and the rest will be up to you."

Danny looked at the phone, tilting his head slightly. "Acceptable. Continue."

"I note you haven't answered if you're going to attend Endbringer fights." The Chief Director answered.

Danny looked at his wife who shrugged. "I can assure you the moment we think it's to the benefit of the fight, we'll attend, though you can be damned sure I'm not letting the girls near one."

"I see. That… is acceptable. And if they come to Brockton Bay?"

Danny smiled. "Fight. For we will be on Death's ground."

The phone didn't respond for a moment. "We will contact you with a time for testing, which will be fully under the truce, if that is acceptable?"

Danny nodded. "It is."

"As for transferring the information, that'll be handled then too." The woman sighed. "Will you release the rest of the hostages now?"

Danny eyed the Snitch, guessing that the Chief Director was watching. "The pending criminal charges?"

"Will be handled. Please keep her on a leash, or at least in a manner that it won't cause us too much trouble?"

"If I can… that was always a bit of a trick… OW." Danny rubbed his head as the sharpened car door made a repeat appearance and thumped him. "That hurt, dear." Turning back to the phone he spoke again. "Deal?"

"Done, the APCs should have the release agent for the Confoam. Or the agents can do it. If they start anything, you have my permission to depower them… in fact, during the testing, we're going to verify you can."

"My pleasure. Radio your people, please." Danny ended the phone call and waited a moment.

One of the senior troopers spoke after a minute. "Can you cut us loose? They did contact us, Dockmaster."

Danny turned to him. "Let's get it done, and all of you out of MY docks."

"Trust me, after today… they can't pay me enough." The trooper shot back to Danny's toothy grin.

Post Battle Discussions

Danny waved at the last APC as it departed. "Well. That went well." Everyone turned to look at the hybrid orca man.

"You realize a private identity is impossible?" Tattletale finally stated, having rotated through a few thoughts before she spoke.

Danny tilted his head, then gestured inside, away from the Snitch which had observed everything, including Corsair's treatment of the wounded, all on the PRT's side. "Inside, please, to explain this. I don't trust Uber and L33t that much."

"Smart." Tattletale followed the shrinking Lunar into it, followed by the rest, with Taylor glaring at her mother's back, and Emma poking at the giant hole in Taylor's T-shirt, and getting her hand pushed away.

Danny led the Exalted, including the two new Dragonbloods, into his actually large office overlooking the bay. "Sit." He walked around the desk, and sat himself, putting his arms on the desk, and looking at the tattoos. "I… is there a way to at least hide these?"

Tattletale perched herself on the arm of the chair her brother claimed. "Yeah, you can work up a technique to do so. Plus, they're somewhat hard for people, even Exalts to see, to be fair."

Danny just raised an eyebrow. "Techniques?" He shot back. "You make it sound like these powers come with a lot."

Shadowy Wings looked at her husband. "More like you can learn to do new things. We aren't like most parahumans, who only have a set number of powers, if that many. Downside is they all run off a power source, which can run out, and you have to wait til it recharges."

"Hush. We are going to have a long talk." Daniel Hebert looked coldly at his wife. "A very long talk."

The Abyssal winced, but before she could respond, the door opened, with a redheaded man, known as Alan Barnes and a dark auburn haired woman, his wife, Zoe, followed by an older slightly more athletic version of Emma, her sister, Anne entered.

"Mom! Dad!" The now silver tattooed Emma leapt up, and stopping all of a sudden, noting the fact her mother had a gun pointed at Shadowy Wings. Emma's father had held up his hand for quiet.

Zoe glared at Shadowy wings for a long moment, then spoke. "You have 30 seconds to explain why I don't blow your brains out for trying to imitate my sister in all but blood."

"Because then the film I hid of your 21st birthday will be delivered to your daughters." The Abyssal smiled sweetly.

The other woman pondered that for a moment, turning to Danny, raising an eyebrow. "So?"

"It's her, at least Taylor has viable proof of such, unless you want to believe a Stranger or Changer heard her last moments, counting on that." Danny shrugged, spreading his hands.

Alan spoke up, having noted a few facts. "It is a bit much to expect that, as well as if they went to that level of effort, to blow it, by making Annette look, no offense, like a dark vampire princess, with the body and face to match."

"Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen. Not Annette". The aforenamed woman growled at Alan. "I had to pay to live… that was part of it."

Zoe held up a finger. "That's you, yes. And sadly, it's genetic. I retract my desire to shoot you." She hostlered her gun in her jacket, then walked quickly forward, as if she was going to hug the Abyssal… only to unleash a surprise right hook on the other woman's jaw, rocking the Abyssal slightly. "That's for hiding for 18 months after your trigger." Tattletale facepalmed, as fire erupted from the auburn haired woman, making her skin a bit more swarthy and bright red threading through her original darker locks as the woman swung again. "THAT's for letting Taylor and Emma trigger!"

"What is it with Brockton bay?" The Sideral said as she hid her face in her hands while Shadowy Wings bounced off a wall near Anne, who moved foward as Tattletale was speaking. "Seriously!"

Danny looked at Alan, who looked back. "Yeah, I know you want to try to hit me for Emma's trigger. I'll give you a free shot later." Alan nodded, but before anyone else could interject, Tattletale spoke, annoyed.

"Look. All of you. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP. Let the Vizer tell you what is really going on, as well, you, Danny, Alan, Kurt, Lacey and Zoe don't have a … Hey! Anne Barnes! DON'T KICK THE MURDER DEATH KILL WOMAN!" She interrupted the other redheaded teenager as she tried to kick the Abyssal again.

The now burning teenager turned and looked at the mouthy blonde who was now fuming. "I think I have a reason or two to try to punish my godmother…"

"Uh-huh." Tattletale didn't respond, and took a deep breath. "In short, none of you triggered." Alan raised an eyebrow, challenging the teenaged blonde. "Trigger events are your worst day ever. Period, dot."

Alan held up a hand. "That's what I've been informed of, yes, via Carol Dallon… Zoe and " He paused, looking at the dark haired pale woman… "Shadowy Wings, right?" A nod in response to his question had him turning back to the Sidereal. "Ran with Lustrum, so learned the same…"

"Bingo. I can tell you, I don't think your wife and daughter were despairing and broken… angry as hell… maybe…" She trailed off.

The lawyer thought about it for a moment. "Danny?"

"All I saw was target and kill. You know me." His friend responded. "Don't know about Emma…" Both men looked at the youngest redhead.

She shrugged and spoke. "I just wanted you and Aunt Annette to stop before we had another Memorial day event. I don't think the camp could have taken it…"

"Kurt? Lacey?" The father of the two redheaded girls asked.

"Fuck the PRT, Fuck Armsmaster trying to fight Danny. We have his back, he has ours, he's the boss, and we're gonna fight if anyone tries to change that." Lacey, a stocky previously pale woman spoke, her hair beginning to silver at the roots, from it's brown.

Alan Barnes looked around and sighed. "Okay, based on that… So… explain?"
Tattletale did, and gave a ten minute lecture on Exaltations and where they came from and their history. "And so… now here we are."

The lawyer simply looked at the Vizer. "You expect us to believe that?"

"Nope." Sarah Livsey popped her p. "I can, however, at least prove part of it, if you all want to do a road trip. Show you Yu-Shan, and the gods, though you're limited to where you can go, Mr. Barnes."

He studied the teenager. "At least you believe it. I might take you up on that." Turning to Danny. "Now what? Protectorate?"

Danny snorted. "Hardly. See Uber's and L33t's streams on why."

"We did." Zoe responded dryly. "Emma, you're grounded, I expected better from you. I told you never to charge police officials. If you have to, firebomb them."

"Mom!" The lunar complained.

Tattletale whistled shrilly catching everyone's attention. "Look. We have a few weeks before school starts… so we need to decide what to do while waiting for the PRT to schedule testing." Alan's eyebrow rose, only to catch a folded up paper Danny tossed at him.

While Alan was reading that, Zoe dryly asked. "Like what… I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"I was born Sarah Deridre Livsey, after my second breath, I go by Mischievous Secret Spreader, or Tattletale for short." Tattletale snickered. "Still better than hers."

Zoe nodded. "Emma, you have permission to keep Taylor from indulging in her genetics vis a vis naming." Emma nodded.

"Hey!" Taylor shot her godmother a look. "Aunt Zoe, I'm not that bad!"

Zoe simply shot her goddaughter a look. "Dr. Curlyhair." She paused for a long moment, carefully studying Taylor. "... Dear… either you're growing rapidly into your looks… or you got work done. I severely doubt the latter."

"Huh?" The dark haired Solar blinked. She didn't feel any different… But… Dad was beginning to look like a rock hard swimmer, and she really didn't think her mother was that good looking… Even Emma's tattoos and stripes next to her nose made her look better…

"Look. Taking your second breath improves you. Look in your compact's mirror!" Tattletale threw up her hands. "I'll explain what's going on in greater detail later… but we're not your normal exalted, we're getting some extras for various reasons, one of which is the odds are stacked more against us than they were in the Primordial War, and there's going to be a lot less of us for at least several years… and we might not have time to wait for the rest of the host to save all the Earths."

"Save all the earths?" Anne Barnes looked at the slightly frazzled green with stars eyed. "And they picked Taylor and Emma? Are the so called gods insane? Picking children?"

Tattletale held up a finger, then lowered it. "... I'll give you that… but Exaltations go to those who'll use them. I have some 'Exalted for Dummies' files, that'll explain how they work."

Alan hummed. "You better, though I don't believe this, powers that work similarly, with instructions anyone can read? Never heard of it."

"You never heard of Exalted before, either." Tattletale shot back. "Anyways, we need to decide things."

Taylor finally had enough. "Like what? We should be going out and fixing the bay, and getting people to work together! You say we don't have time, so let's get to it!"

"Actually, you need to train. So does Emma, all of us, to maximize what we can do right now." Tattletale said reprovingly. "You have a lot of potential, all of you do, so let's not go out and hunt down Nazis to kill?"

The Abyssal looked at Zoe. "That sounds like a fun bonding actively…"

"Nazi hunting is a duty and pleasure, yes." Zoe nodded.

"Oi!" Tattletale looked like she wanted to pull out her hair.

Alan raised a finger again. "Or we could see your proof, you said Road Trip?"

Tattletale shrugged. "I think we should train… it'd also mean you could hunt Nazis faster, at least in most cases… Shadowy Wings doesn't need it, but she's the best to train you up in combat, I'm the best for Martial arts and a few other things…"

Danny held up a hand. "Unless someone has good objections…" He looked around. "Training it is. Not only because we need to know what we can do, it'll also keep the PRT from getting too antsy about what we are doing, going after gangbangers after some of the negotiation points I made, would worry them. I'm sure we're not their favorite people." He looked at everyone. "Plus… we have to discuss the changes to everyone."

Taylor looked at her father. "But people …" She was stopped by a raised hand.

"Yes, yes, they need to work together, I don't disagree… but you need to learn how to get them to come together… plus get Emma up to speed so she doesn't flunk out."

Emma blinked, then protested: "Hey! Just because I'm not as studious as Taylor…"

Danny shrugged. "It's what it is. You didn't get the grades or pass the test to get in in the first place. So… training til the PRT calls? Then we decide?"

Taylor wanted to speak, only to have both of her parents, then Zoe and Alan look at her. She shut up. Alan pondered a moment, then sighed.

"At least until we can arrange to go see Sarah's proof." The blonde shrugged. "It sounds like a workable plan, Danny."

"Sounds good to me." Kurt snarked. "Plus, deal with keeping the PRT off our backs because of NEPEA-5." He looked. "What, I'm not a complete idiot, I've listened to the ladies go on about how it's being used to force Parahumans to go to the PRT, or go villain. But… So… Training?"

Tattletale nodded. "Yes. Training. Here's what we'll do…"

End Prologue. Welcome to Sideirial ran Exalted boot camp! (Now, if she had a real CLUE, and wasn't reading a book on how to do it… at least the Gold Faction wrote it.)
2nd Block
Many tears…

Barnes Residence, Edge of Captian's Hill, Brockton Bay
Evening, August 11th, 2009

The group had moved to Alan and Zoe's house, and were walking into the large house when Zoe spun on her heel, and turned and looked at the Abyssal. "Now. You will explain to me, your husband, who I thought you loved more than life, and your daughter, my goddaughter, who I knew you adored, why in hell did you abandon them.."

Tattletale held up a hand, only to put it down at the older redhead's glare.

Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen, looked at her friend, no her sister in all but name, in the eyes. "When beings who created the worlds, and that cannot die, but yet did…" She paused, shivering just a bit, but gathered herself. "Tell you, that as the price for your life, you first had to give your name up, and then if you visited those you love, they die…"

"..." Zoe didn't know what to say for a moment, then turned to Tattletale when she spoke up.

"Pretty much. She's referring to the Neverborn. I'll give you all a primer to cover that." She took a deep breath. "I wasn't too thrilled about finding out the Neverborn could still read the Loom of Fate.. but." She paused for a second… "It's also why I didn't show up earlier. I had to wait too."

"Loom of Fate?" Alan titled his head as he questioned. "Sounds like the Tapestry of Fate from some myths." He mused, then he continued at Tattletale's nod. "I don't really like that… fate should be …"

"It isn't quite that way. I could explain it, but honestly, I'm having problems understanding it myself. Just accept that it is… complex, though it's not that it dictates what you do, it's more…" She struggled to explain. "Ugh. This is why I'm still having problems getting Prismatic Arrangement of Creation."

Zoe thought for a moment then shrugged. "Moot point." Having turned to respond to Tattletale, she turned back to her sister in all but name, and glared at her. "That's your excuse? Big death gods say you can't, so you don't?"

The Abyssal looked her in the eyes. "Would you take the risk? Given how much blood is on your hands?" Zoe recoiled.

Danny quietly spoke, finally letting the fury he felt about this out. "I want proof of this. Proof that can't be denied, wife."

Before the woman could speak, Taylor had snuck up behind her. A whack knocked the Abyssal into a stumble, and into Zoe's chest.

"First, this is familiar… Second, I'm surprised she didn't try to stab you." The redhead was looking down at the raven hairs of her sister.

Shadowy Wings straightened up and glared at Zoe, then turned to Taylor. "Little Owl…"

"No." Taylor glared at her mother. "Not now. Not until I can forgive you for not even emailing us, or sending a letter."

Danny smiled slightly. "She does hold my temper and holds a grudge like I do."

His wife shot him a withering glare in response, but got a flat stare in return. Finally giving up the battle of looks, she turned to Taylor. "Dear… they said any contact. Even with a letter."

Taylor stubbornly looked at her mother. "That still doesn't…"

"Uh… yes it does." The blonde Sidereal sighed. "I'm sorry, but in this case, what I saw in the Loom? Yeah. I don't know why now, but you are a major piece of the Loom, even before exalting."

Taylor blinked. Blinked again. "But… that's …"

"Drop the word impossible. It doesn't matter to us, not anymore." Sarah grinned. "We make reality and impossible go cry."

Taylor sighed. Looking down for a second, she returned to a thought she had before her mother tried to explain why she was gone. "What do you mean by blood on Aunt Zoe's hands… She's the …"

Alan interrupted. "Not the place or time I expected to have this conversation… to any of you, but…"

Danny snickered. "You were hoping never to have it, Alan."

"... Actually correct." The lawyer sighed. Gathering his thoughts for a moment, he nodded finally. "It's simple. You know Annette and Zoe were part of Lustrums' group in college?" He got three nods, with Tattletale carefully not looking at him.

Before he could continue, Zoe stopped him and answered for him. "I was the assassin for Lustrum, your mother Taylor, was the actual front line hitter. Just as bloody as she is now, but…" She sighed. "Of course, that led to your father and her meeting, so…"

Danny shook his head. "Well, I had to pay for my college somehow, and unlike Alan, I wasn't a good talker." Alan turned and glared at him, to his unrepentant smile.

"Wait." Anne quietly said. "... are you saying Dad, you and Uncle Danny…"

"Eh, we never were … made, or anything." Danny shrugged. "But the Irish Mob is willing to hire a few boys who'd be willing to bust a few heads, or run a few guns, or talk to people…"

Alan sighed. "I didn't want student Loans, Danny didn't have any better ideas about what to do. Plus…"

Taylor turned and looked. "Is that where you learned to control your temper?" Before Danny could respond, her mother laughed.

"No, that was actually when he found out I was pregnant." The Abyssal snickered. "He swore he'd never be his father."

Danny shrugged. "I'm not. Though it does pain me to admit, I did join the same union he did… just in a different city."

Taylor sighed, feeling tired as turned away from her parents. "I… don't care." Her face indicated to those who knew her she was just overwhelmed. Emma as well just looked at her family, shook her head, and grabbed Taylor's hand. "Let's just… go."

Tattletale shot at the departing pair. "Bright and early! Traaaaaaaaaaaaining!"

"FUCK YOU." Emma shot back. "Disturb my sleep, and I claw you."


…And recriminations

The next morning Taylor came down to the Barnes' kitchen only to see her parents, Emma's parents, and Tattletale at the table, the adults sipping coffee, while the blonde was just resting on the table, chin holding her head up as she looked at her coffee.

"Morning, Little Owl." Danny saluted her with his cup of coffee, only to get a tired glare in return.

"You aren't out of the doghouse, and finding out my family are blood soaked murderers…" She trailed off, trying to think of words.

"Murderers…" Alan hmmed. "Technically correct, I suppose for all but me, but that's a bit too mean… Emma?"

Taylor shot him a glare. "... Uncle Alan?" He quirked an eyebrow. "Shut up." She paused, and added. "Emma's still sleeping."

"Wow, who pissed in your tea?" Tattletale had twisted her head slightly to look up at Taylor.

Taylor stopped, sighed, then ran her hand through her hair. "... Didn't sleep well. Had a few bad dreams."

Zoe sighed. "I didn't sleep, nor did anyone but Alan and… Reggie, wasn't it, Sarah?"

"Uh-huh. I was busy looking at the Loom…" Before she could continue, Taylor blinked.

"... you can do that? How? The book you gave me said it was in Yu-Shan…" the raven haired girl asked.

"It is, I can, it's why I'm a Sidierial." The blonde's voice was wry. "But go get tea… and tell us about the dreams."

Taylor just looked at the blonde, who was carefully moving the coffee closer to her, wrinkled her nose, and went to where Aunt Zoe hid the tea. "They were just nightmares…"

As Taylor started making tea from Zoe's Irish Breakfast tea stash, Tattletale took a long gulp of her coffee. Sighing, Tattletale spoke. "I know you read the book I gave you, but this bears repeating. You are a priestess of the Unconquered Sun. He might send you visions, dreams, what have you as warnings, or you need to fix this or go do that. Has happened, will happen, etc, etc. So…"

"Does… Lady Jupiter do that for you?" Taylor asked as she was watched her bobber with her tea leaves seep in the water as she pulled on the chain holding it.

"At least once. That's why I knew it was time to go to your camp." Taylor didn't notice the sharp look from Zoe and Alan at the blonde who motioned quiet. "But…"

"Eh… first was a dream of watching a redhead strangle a mountain with some chains. Don't get it…" Taylor didn't notice the nod from Tattletale, as she was sipping at her tea and hadn't turned. "The other… why would Emma steal Mom's flute and ruin it?"

Tattletale's eyes widened, as Emma had just padded in, quietly grumbling. Only to stop and stare wide eyed at Taylor.

"... what?" The redheaded Lunar spoke. "Ruin Aunt .. err.." The cheetah girl looked at the Abyssal who just shrugged, then looked at Taylor's back. "Her flute? Why… never. I know how much that means to you."

"You were also betraying the secrets I told you in private." Taylor paused. "With some black girl and brown haired hanger on."

The youngest redhead of the Barnes just shook her head. "No way. Never. You're my Taylor."

"Wait." Tattletale sounded sad. "I can explain this." Everyone turned to look at her.

"How." Taylor looked at her. "Explain to me why Sol Invitius would send me a dream of my sister betraying me." Emma looked distressed by that.

"He… didn't, at least I think so." Lisa sighed. "Or if he did, it was a group decision of the Incarnate, Autochition and Gaia."

Shadowy Wings sipped at her coffee. "Okay, what is it? And why would they do that?"

"It's …" Sarah blew out a breath. "Okay, I don't know all the details. I know you saw and heard Dragon and my conversation…" The Abyssal nodded at that as everyone remained quiet and paid attention. "Well. It's simple. They, along with the Yozi, rewound time. That I understand. That cost something, I don't know what, they won't tell me."

"... I did not know that." The Dusk stated quietly. "... But I think the Neverborn do."

Tattletale sighed and spread her hands. "Yes. Fair bet." She took a deep breath. "But they were able to get Dragon's, Taylor's, and my memories for sure. They attached them to the exaltations… and they're expressing them as dreams." Emma shook her head.

"I don't know any black girl that well. And why in hell would I bully Taylor?" Emma questioned, distraught. "That's… just wrong."

"You would have, if your mind was twisted by a savior on an attack that would have happened." Tattletale spoke quietly, staring at the Lunar. "To the point you'd suggest and help push Taylor into a school locker filled with used feminine hygiene products. That's what Taylor's experiencing. What you could have done. If the Incarane hadn't changed time. And I know why. Taylor's fate was to die saving the world, you triggered her, leading to the power that would do it." Sarah Livsey was cold, angry and furious. "It was hinted, based on some things I've seen, that it was a Ziz plot, but damm me if I know how. That doesn't excuse your true betrayal of the girl that would have died for you. That, even at her most determined to do the job, at any cost, and knowing that every minute counted, tried to save your life. When I would have laughed in your face and left you to die." The Sidereal looked at the Lunar. "So… when I say Taylor is important, I meant it. And I do not like you."

Emma's jaw dropped, unable to speak, eyes tearing.

A male baritone spoke up. "That was the Future that would not be, Sarah. This is the future we make better." Reggie Livsey stepped in. "After all, I'm still alive."

Before anyone could speak, a knock was heard at the front door.

Unexpected Guests

AN: Hopefully I can wrap all this setup up, in the next 2 to 3 snippets, and be done, and focus on what I want. Unleashing a Pretty Kitty, a snarky Oracle and an intense Resplendent Bull on Arcadia and Brockton Bay!

Knocking was heard at the door, interrupting the previous flow of conversation.

Zoe turned to look at her eldest daughter, as the knocking continued. "Anne?" The named redhead sighed, and headed towards the foyer. "I don't know who'd be coming this early."

Shadowy Wings snorted. "I doubt it's anyone who'd we want to see."

"Um…" Anne had come back, with a 5'3" Japanese man next to her, with a salt and pepper Van Dyke. "He says he's from Yu.." The dragonblood was cut off from finishing by Tattletale

"No! Not you." Sarah had gotten up quickly, and had actually moved behind the Abyssal.

Looking at the smiling man, Shadowy Wing's eyes narrow, a flash crossing them. "Okay… why is a spirit wearing Pat Morita's body?"

Danny and everyone else blinked.

"Not quite his body, General of the Dead." The Pat Morita clone spoke, his martial arts gi, perfect, his headband recognizable to all, "But that young Vizer there introduced me to a movie… I believe you all know it?" He got nods in return. "Excellent. I was so impressed by that mortal… well. What better way to praise him, when I found out why my quintessence was growing slightly?"

Taylor turned to look at Sarah. "Quintessence?" The blonde sighed.

"Prayers towards gods become quintessence." the Vizer shrugged. "Its a form of energy that the gods and others who get it can shape it to become various things. It's Yu-Shan's currency."

The God who seemed to be a man nodded. "Excellent summary, as expected of who was chosen to reveal Secrets to the Exalted Host." Sarah sighed at that. "I'm sure you're wondering why I'm here."

"I'm trying to teach them Supernatural martial arts and the traditions, but it's only been a day!" The older of the two blondes whined. "I said I would, didn't I?" She paused and then looked at him. "No, I'm not going to be your practice for being Mr. Miyagi… again."

Reggie held up his finger. "I wouldn't mind… much, Your Excellency."

"That's the spirit!" The man beamed. "And this house could use so much cleaning." Zoe glared at the man.

"Excuse me?" The Dragonblooded mother asked archy. "This house is…"

The small martial artist looked at her. "How else do you expect training to happen!"

Danny held up a hand. "Okay, wait a moment." Everyone paused at his apparent mild tone. "Who exactly are you, and why are you here… And why does Tattletale know you?"

"I am pleased you asked, Steward." The small man beamed. "I am Kershiri, God of Teachers Who Teach the Combat Arts, God of the Fourth Rank." Seeing blank looks he turned to the Sidereal. "What have you been teaching them, deshi?"

"It's been a day. First, get them up to basics on what they are. Cosmology, the inhabitants of Yu-shan, all that is planned, yes, but this is Earth Bet. Learning how to fight and survive by using Essence is just a bit important" The blonde teenager threw up her hands to everyone's giggles or snickers.

"Hmm" The god stroked his beard. "Hmm. I do see your point, young Vizer. But… it's a good thing I came."

The named Vizer stared suspiciously at the short god. "And why would you come? I don't see the Incarnae ordering you to help me, and I'm about the only other person in theory who could, unless…"

"Now, now, why so suspicious, deshi?" He shook his head sorrowfully. "It is quite possible that the Most High desired his chosen, Luna the ever changing as well, or even the Five Dragons would request…"

Sarah cut him off with a slight glare. "Uh-huh. What do you really want, Sifu? I might not be up to the speed of those who came before me, but I do know that Gods of your rank don't just do things. Not without a reason. And then you could always send a messenger or someone who owed you a favor, to sate the request. If you got one." She crossed her arms and simply looked down.

"... Can't say you're clueless." He sighed. "It's simple. While the Karate Kid and other movies have increased the concept of Sifu, or sensei, to use another nation's word, for the arts, it's not tradition. Not really. The Karate Kid came the closest but…"

"... What are we getting out of this?" Taylor interrupted, looking curious.

Danny and Shadowy Wings shared a smile while Kershiri looked interested. Finally, he smiled. "Well, at least you have a clue, I take it."

The raven haired Zenith snorted. "Yu-shan's entry listed Celestial Bureaucracy, I did read Journey to the West and a few other Chinese myths."

The god beamed. "Well done! I'm here to offer you help… and you do know you can train mortals in the Arts, the Essence using arts?"

Everyone but the two Livsey siblings blinked. "... like those Anime arts, chi and all that?" the Abyssal asked. "I'm thinking …"

"Yes, yes, those. Yes, you and Taylor are using the built in arts to your Exaltation, called Dark Messiah or Solar Hero, but there are other arts…" Taylor tilted her head. "I could explain more, but I'm sure that the lovely young Oracle here, has a book or can explain."

Danny eyed. "So, I take it gods don't do things without reason, and getting paid… What do you want?"

"I want more traditional Sifus. My superior wants more Mortals using the Arts, and doing so correctly, according to Creation's ways. In exchange, I'm here to help get you all up to speed. And you, young Daniel-san…" Shadowy Wings began to giggle at that. "Will learn to Wax On… "

"You've wanted to say that since the movie, haven't you?" Sarah accused. She got a nod in return, with a smile.

"Taking my fun away." He shook his head sorrowfully, but returned to a genial mode. "It's simple. Siderials, such as that Heaven's eye you have there, are the best suited for all of what would be called Enlightened Martial Arts, but Solars, who are as almost as good, are far better and faster teachers, and any Celestial Exalt can quickly enlighten mortals."

Danny held up a hand. "So, you want us to bring back the traditional mythological way of teaching the arts, teaching the Englitented arts to mortals… to non Exalts?" He got a nod in return, and the Lunar continued. "And all we get in return is some aid for what Sarah is already supposed to do."

"That sounds about right, though I am a better teacher than she is, mostly because it's what I am the God of…" The small seeming God beamed at the lanky Celestial Exalted.

Danny shook his head. "Nope. It seems like a lot of gain for you, for stuff Sarah could teach already… for little in return. Given who you're mimicking…"

Kershiri turned to Sarah. "I thought you didn't…"

"Blame the fact that the Abyssal was an avid reader and taught her family to devour books faster than …" Sarah snickered.

"... Well. Let us negotiate, young Steward." The teacher rolled up his arms, as the Lunar sipped his coffee… "First, can I get some tea?"

Emma, a bit dazed, mechanically got one of her mother's good mugs, a new tea bobber from the drawer, and without really realizing it, pulled out a box of matcha, filled and placed the the bobber into the mug, and poured steaming water into the mug, turned and passed it to the old man, then retreated to the side of Taylor. Danny waited a moment, then smiled, as the god studied the bobber, then went 'aha', and bobbed it a few times, waiting for it seep. "So… you can teach us the Arts, you say?"

"... yes, that's why I'm here… I can even bless you to learn the Arts faster and more broadly, as long as they are the arts that Mortals can learn… and even show you how to enlighten others…" He paused. "Or at least give you the manuals on how to go about figuring it out for yourselves." He shrugged. "And the more you train mortals, the more manuals for the Enlightened Arts I can give you, I think."

Danny studied the old seeming God. "We'll have to nail down the specifics… but that does sound like a reasonable compromise… and let's be honest, I suspect that Supernatural Martial Arts would at would at least severely harm quite a few parahumans, even those with enhanced durability, that the arts would …" Danny suddenly stopped, and stared beyond the God. Everyone turned and looked at where he was staring.

In the doorway leading out to the wall was a voluptuous woman in revealing blue robes, pure cerulean eyes, with cerulean hair. Her lush form indicated many things,and her hair, while neat, seemed to say she had just come from the bedroom.

Sarah Livsey, Chosen of the Maiden of Secrets, was the first to be touched by the drifting celuran ribbons that drifted around the woman and occasionally reached out, adjusting things in the kitchen, as the overwhelming beauty drifted through the room. "You are doing well, but more challenges await, young Oracle…" She brushed at the blonde's bangs, leaving them perfect as she slowly drifted across the room.

No one said a word as she stopped in front of Danny and Annette. "Forgive yourselves, forgive the world as it is, not as you want it, for there were no serene choices to be made at the time."

Vista looked up at the woman as the smile on the cleary divine face turned a bit sad. "When love dies, let it go. Lessons everyone should learn. And who you work with is not your brotherhood, but those who understand you."

Turning to Zoe she tilted her head. "You love fiercely and want a future… you will have many, if you let yourself understand." She shook her head at the older of the two daughters of the Barnes, then grinned impishly. "Burn bright, burn well, and laugh." She turned to the young sea blue haired man who was entranced.

"You shouldn't live your life for others… they may not think that is right. They may want you to live for yourself." She reached out with a hand, and straightened his shirt, with a flick of one of her fingers.

Turning on a heel, she slipped over to the counter, where a cup of coffee was waiting. Picking it up, she sipped, and then sighed. "Your taste is excellent, but do you know when to let go?" She looked at Alan Barnes over the coffee cup, before she seemed to simply be elsewhere.

The woman looked down on the entranced Zenith and the Lunar next to her. "Trust, Love, serenity and happiness once lost can be regained, as long as one remembers… what was matters, what is… matters, and what would have been is just that and does not matter. Do not let the future that was bind you to it." She turned to look into Emma's eyes. "Burdens are not by choice, and how they harm their bearers are always difficult to predict. Bear that in mind."

All eyes snapped to the goddess. "Learn, fight, live. Come together, then bring more together until what others call impossible… is done. Then bring more together and do more." All of the sudden, she was gone, her perfume still lingering, locking the room into a trance, until the smell dissipated.

Danny finally shook himself. "Who was that?"

Kershiri pulled out a pipe and lit it, clearly still recovering from the presence, while ignoring Zoe's glare. "Lady Venus, also called the Maiden of Serenity, one of the Maidens of Fate."

"Gah!" Sarah shook herself. "I hate that. Lady Jupiter tones it down when she talks to me, but she doesn't."

"... that reminds me of Sol…" Taylor finally said. "Does that mean I'm supposed to get everyone to work together? And what else was she saying?"

The remaining god in the room shook his head. "Exalted are meant to work together, yes. And when the Exalted lead mortals, they were even stronger of a force." The man looked around. "I don't know what she saw that made her risk coming to Earth Bet, for the young Oracle can explain why that was not the safest idea, but her words were driven by Fate, that is who she is, what she is, and what she is to do."

Shadowy Wings hmmed. "What little I know of the Incarne suggests that if Fate said we had to be brought together and there were problems with that… she'd make it happen. I don't know why she'd do it herself, though, what information I was told said the Incarane don't leave Yu-shan very often."

Kershiri paused for a moment, and thought on it. "Your information isn't wrong… but it could be that she saw the best way to do so, was what she did."

Anne snorted. "So, you're both saying she's steering fate, and those words were to make it happen the way it's supposed to?"

The older daughter of the Barnes received a nod from the god.

"Fuck that. I make my own fate. I'll do what I think is right… and if she thinks I'll turn on family…"

Kershiri tilted his head, noting that others were nodding with her, and thought he saw what Venus did. He then looked at the room. Clapping his hands, he brought the low conversations to a close. "So… about that offer before Lady Venus decided to well… interrupt?"

Exalted do not do Wax On, Wax Off. Cut up a steel ship with your bare hands on the other hand…

AN: I couldn't quite buy setting up just a wax on wax off for Exalted, but don't worry, the God of Sifus figured it out… At least he didn't do this: https://keychain.patternspider.net/archive/koc0271.html

Boat Graveyard
Morning, August 19th, 2009

Taylor wiped sweat from her brow, and then pushed at her hands again, feeling them harden. As she began to drive her hands into the boat, slowly chipping away at it, precisely as Sifu instructed, she thought and turned to her Dad, who was also following an exercise that Sifu had demanded. "Dad?"

"Yes, little Owl?" A tearing sound was heard from her father's target, as Emma's exercise was pulling at a rope attached to the parts her father was ripping off.

"... He's from hell, and watched Karate Kid too many times, didn't he?" Taylor whined.

Before her father could say anything, she was whacked by a tobacco pipe from the evil sifu.. "Students should do as they're told!"

"OW!" Taylor stopped and rubbed the back of her head.

"Anyways, stop." The god was now serious as he looked at all three. "Come with me, we're about to have visitors, which will break the working I used to speed up time for this project."

Danny shrugged, stopped and shifted back to human form. "While I'm not complaining about destroying the boats for salvage… I do remember telling you that we had cut a deal with …"

"Bah. If she showed up or some of her fellows, I'd have had them leave a few anyways. Combine three tasks with one boat!" Kershiri grinned.

Shortly, all three Exalts were at the dock, and walking towards Danny's office, as a mecha flew overhead, then the roar of a motorcycle began to be heard. Taylor just sighed.

"Ah! I was hoping they'd come." The small man turned and looked at the exalts. "As you know, Dragon is an Exalt, and I'll be teaching her if she agrees, and well, last night, a new Solar exalted."

Tattletale facepalmed. "If it's Armsmaster, I'm going to scream."

"Excellent training for Silver Voice, Oracle!" Kershiri grinned. "Because it is!"

Taylor turned and looked at the god. "Really?"

The god became serious "Exaltations pick those who are suited to them, nothing more, nothing less. How? I was never told, and those who know aren't talking. Accept it and move on. You don't have to like people, just work with them."

"I understand that." Taylor rolled her eyes as the mecha landed, and the bike pulled up next to it.

Emma shook her head. "I don't mind Dragon… but Armsmaster?" She grumbled and continued on. "He just leapt to the attack, no thinking."

"Little cat, I have had a few, well.. not so few days with pounding thinking into you, so be kind to the Solar. He'll learn." Kershiri smiled.

"Uh-huh." Sarah walked up, sweating as well in a thin leotard. "What I recall of the … Future that will not be… no, not really."

"That was then, that was with his power." Shadowy Wings spoke from behind everyone. "Though I am curious why Dragon is here."

Danny turned and looked at his wife. "... Shadowy. I'm cape ignorant, outside a few villains, and even I know there is serious money on their wedding date."

The Abyssal snorted as the pair walked up. Dragon was the first to speak as she stared down at the Japanese looking man. "... Tattletale, I'll make you a weapon, of your choice, within reason. You bet me your sifu was a clone of Pat Morita."

"Thank you." Tattletale was smug.

Colin just stared at the man. "... aren't you dead?" Pause. "Okay… are you a ghost?"

The god shook his head. "I actually asked Shadowy Wings to see if Pat Morita actually didn't go into Lethe, alas he did." The god shrugged. "I honor him, and his attempt to restore the traditions of the Art, this way."

"By being as evil and chore happy." Taylor sniped.

"For that, you get to wash the dishes in a specific manner." The god simply smiled, to Taylor's slumping shoulders.

Dragon and Armsmaster shared a look. Turning back to the god, Dragon spoke. "Exactly why is a celestial god here?'

"I'm happy you asked." The God of Sifu smiled. "For that is the first step to enlightenment. To answer your question, my superior was asked to help train the new Exalts, including you, that Dragonblood that's with the Protectorate, and of course, now your male friend." Kershiri stroked his beard and after a moment continued. "In exchange for some added considerations, such as restoring the Enlightened Martial Arts to mortals, and the traditional relationship of Martial Artists, well, they are getting a bit of extra training." He spread his hands with an amused grin. "That's all, though I'm going to go over to the PRT and convince them I should be teaching that young Wood Blood as well."

Colin thought about it for a moment, but before he could ask, Dragon interrupted his train of thought. "Forgive me, Spirit, but what makes you think the PRT would allow you to train him… in what?"

Kershiri looked up at the disguised Alchemical. "Final Iteration of Compassion, I am the God of Sifus, so martial arts is a given, and the Maidens know the boy can use it." He paused, then nodded. "Further, I have a good idea on how to at least point him down the road of mastering his essence and developing techniques, as well."

Colin shook his head. "I'm afraid it's not that easy…" Colin thought on how to approach and then nodded. "There were others who could impart skills, but we found out that…" He was interrupted by a raised hand.

"If you mean Teacher, the Oracle was kind enough to explain that." The god received a nod in response, and continued on. "While I could arguably … what was… ah, master, I believe, the mortals, not what I want to do. It is not what a Sifu does."

Dragon sighed. "Forgive me your excellency, then how do you plan to get them to allow you to present your offer?"

"Why… you." He looked at both. "And I can show you what I can do, for a bit before I get my hands on that young man. So many floors to clean!" The god beamed.

Before anyone else could answer, Taylor sourly answered. "Are you going to stuff him in a kimono and make him dust a certain way? Like you did to …" She was interrupted.

"Bah! No. Well, I don't think so, anyways, I will study him and set him to chores to actually build the right movements for the Art or Arts best suited for him." Kerishi looked at Taylor sideways. "I will show you. Daniel-san! Rip!"

Danny shrugged, and as he had practiced for more than a thousand times, he snapped his arm to the side and as he swung it forward, he lunged. Before he could put his hand on the small man, he had been stoppedby a fingertip, and thrown across the lot.

"Excellent! You have mastered Falling Scythe Flash!" The small man beamed. "But, there is still much to learn!" Danny groaned from the heap.

Colin tilted his head, and simply responded. "An intriguing offer, and one I might consider… after other questions are handled."

"Oh?" the god eyed the Twilight.

Dragon rolled her eyes, and stated calmly. "He wants to talk to the Most High, and confirm that Sol won't order him around, he wants to find out what he can do, from an unbiased source, and he wants to discuss certain options with the rest."

"I.. See." Kerishi rubbed his own beard then sighed. "The first requires you going to Yu-Shan, the second… meh, that's one of the reasons the young Heaven's Eyes was specifically taught certain things, and a reason why I am here… for the third? Feel free. During breaks from your training." He waved a hand at the others with a bright smile.

Colin nodded. "How hard is it to get there?" He looked the god in the eye.

"For me?" The god stared back. "Trivial. For you… well, the young Sidierial knows of two Celestial gates, but they are not close to here." Kerishi turned to Sarah, who looked put upon.

"The one I use is in Monument Valley, Eye of the Sun Mesa specifically, bit of a climb, but.." The Vizer shrugged.

Dragon hummed. "So… a day trip there by plane, and call it three to four hours to get there and climb?" Sarah nodded in response.

"If we're going to go, we should use this to prove to the PRT that it exists." Sarah added.

Taylor looked at the Chosen of Secrets. "Didn't you tell me that non Exalts weren't allowed into Yu-Shan?"

"Well, by themselves? Yes. If they remain part of our entourage, or part of Armsmaster's?" The green eyed blonde shrugged. "Not a problem."

Colin smiled slightly at that. "Excellent." He turned to the girls, including Vista who had arrived. "Hello, Missy." The now blue eyed pale blonde ex-parahuman rolled her eyes. "Forgive me, Sifu, but I do need some time privately with the adults." He got several glares from the girls in return.

"We're …" Sarah put her hand over Taylor's mouth.

Even a Shopping Trip is a conflict for Exalted!

AN: Telling what is canon timeline wise in Worm is a PITA. So! You get my best guess.

As Taylor and Emma glared at the former Parahuman known as Armsmaster, Danny shrugged slightly. "Girls… Colin is clueless what being Exalted means, at this point. Even if Dragon has read him in… it takes hard lessons to make it clear."

Colin blinked. "Excuse me?"

Danny rolled his eyes then grew grim. "Let me be clear. I do not like, nor do I want to admit this fact. But… Colin? One thing that's clear is Exaltation goes to those who can handle it. And trying to treat even the youngest exalted as anything but able to make their own choices and be active in decisions affecting them is a good way for you to lose all ability to reason or have them agree with decisions that are made."

"But they…" Colin stopped at the Abyssal's raised hand.

"You were about to say, they're children." Shadowy Wings raised an eyebrow as she spoke, and received a nod in response. "Lose that. Exalted, even at their age are warriors and leaders." She grew sad. "Their childhood is over."

Dragon sighed. "I tried to tell you this, Colin."

All four girls kept quiet, clearly irritated, but smart enough not to say anything.

The Twilight's jaw grew stubborn. "Be that as it may, the law sees them as minors, and I am still a law enforcement officer." He paused, and then nodded once. "And as it stands, I do need to talk to legal adults."

Taylor shook off Sarah's hand, and then spoke. "If it involves us, we get to have a say. Period!"

Surprisingly, it was Sarah who stopped the debate. "In this case… I think Colin wants to do a discussion that if we don't know, we can deny, deny, deny later."

Colin's lips twitched. "In this case… you are not incorrect. What you don't know, you can react to naturally, which allows us to avoid… issues."

Reggie tilted his head slightly. "Like with the PRT?"

"Not quite." Colin grew somber. "It's issues with custody and well, others who are playing games with such. Not to mention how to handle the situation with the fact that bluntly? You are all open capes, at least that is how it will be seen. That video from Uber and L33t did you no favors in that regard."

Sarah sighed. "Like my parents?" She received a nod, in response, and slumped her shoulders. "Okay. I expected that, honestly, but Reggie has a plan or two to spike them."

Colin nodded in response to that, but before he could respond, Taylor and Emma had turned to Zoe and raised an eyebrow. "Aunt Zoe?"

The oldest redhead shook her head. "I'll call Alan, while not his exact expertise, he has practiced some family law. And, well, I do know he's been talking to Carol Dallon, a fellow partner in his law firm, about how to handle well, yes, the majority of us being 'known' as 'parahumans'." Zoe shrugged, having made air quotes for several words, with everyone else nodding along.

"Okay. As I saw, it's being taken care of." Taylor had narrowed her eyes, while Emma was just shaking her head at the situation. Sarah continued on, heedless of the other teenagers, much less Missy who was facepalming at the revelations. "Upside, this allows me to do what's needed." Sarah straightened her shoulders and held out her hand to her brother. "Keys."

Colin stared at the Dragonblood who handed over the keys. Finally he interrupted. "Does she even have a license?"

"Ask me no questions.." Reggie smiled a bit crookedly. "She is a decent driver, though."

Dragon put her hand on Colin's arm, quieting him, and turned to Sarah. "And what is needed, Vizer?"

"Well." Sarah turned to Taylor, seeing the basic jeans and baby blue T-shirt. Emma's eyes narrowed, then she grinned. "Wouldn't you say a God-Queen should dress like one?"

Taylor whipped her eyes onto Sarah's. "What?" Missy had tilted her head, and had acquired a bag of popcorn from somewhere.

Emma nodded. "Let's go! Those bank accounts you said were arranged for us, well, what better use?"

"Exactly!" Sarah grinned, grabbing Taylor before she could flee. "Let's go!"

Taylor wasn't going to go down without a fight, and responded by trying to dig her heels in. "Don't I get a say in this!"

"Would you want to embarrass the Most High by being anything but perfectly dressed for your role?" Sarah grinned.

Taylor didn't have a response for that as the Sidereal and Lunar herded her to the waiting car, with the youngest Exalt snickering as she trailed the three teenaged Exalts.

Sarah pushed Taylor into the backseat, and Missy slid in after Taylor and nudged her over in the backseat. "Hope she'll be sated with you as a dress up doll." The youngest Exalt snarked.

"Not a dress up doll." Taylor grumbled. "I grew out of that years ago."

"Seatbelts, ladies. And who wants to bet me I'll get us the best parking spot?" Sarah called out as she was adjusting the seat and Emma was putting on a seatbelt in the front passenger seat.

Emma responded to that bet. "Oh, please. This time of day? Summer? As our fellow students are getting ready for the new school year?" Emma paused for a moment. "But… Nope. Not taking that bet, but I'm sure you won't."


Shortly they were on the road, and Sarah, only a year older than the rest, proved to be a decent driver, getting the group to the mall safely and without attracting any police attention, even though her caste mark was glowing slightly.

"See?" Sarah beamed as she found a perfect parking spot, nearly at the door of the mall. "Told you I could do it."

Missy tilted her head, and looked at the older blonde. "That was fate bullshit, wasn't it?"

"Hey, not everything is…" Sarah noticed the three flat looks. "Okay, yeah, but can you blame me?"

Emma held up a finger. "No, no I can't. Every time Mom and I have come to the mall…"

"See?" Sarah beamed at the Lunar, while Taylor just *glared* at both, and Missy snickered.

Taylor slumped. "I'm not getting out of this, am I?" Three nods answered her. "I'm not letting you put me in clothing I don't like."

Emma looped her arm into Taylor's, pretending to not notice the flinch. "Don't worry, we're not going to make you dress like the supermodel you are." Taylor shot Emma a flat look.

"Ha, ha. I know I don't look as good as you and Lisa. I'm still growing, remember?" Taylor tried to cross her arms, then adjusted them slightly, a bit puzzled.

Missy held up a finger. "Has she looked in a mirror since she exalted?"

Emma shook her head, joined by Sarah who commented. "No, Taylor is militantly indifferent to how she looks." The older blonde rolled her eyes. "Nor is she willing to listen to those who have a bit of a clue on how to maximize what she has."

Taylor looked at Sarah. "I'm still growing."

"Fast." Emma snarked. "We all are."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "... Mother said that it'd take a while to grow into my looks." Sarah sighed.

"Right, first a salon. There's a good one, isn't there, Emma?" Sarah asked the redhead, looking at Missy who wanted to speak.

"One Mom recommended." Emma was looking at Taylor, noting what she called her mother. "But… honestly? Taylor takes good care of her hair already…"

Sarah shook her head as the girls entered the mall. "Thinking about other things, so she can get a clue, she's not listening to us."

Taylor rolled her eyes. "Seriously, I know I need some new school clothing, if we're still going."

"We are." Sarah grumped. "Something about socialization." She rolled her eyes. "We're exalted. Mortals aren't our peers."

Emma held up one finger as she led the way to a store. "First, let's get Taylor something to change into before we go show her what a first rate salon can do? And… um, isn't that thoughts we're supposed to avoid?"

Sarah hummed. "Good point on the clothing, but… no? We're Celestial Exalts, Taylor has the Creation Ruling Mandate." She shrugged. "They're her subjects. Well, she has to share them with Colin and other Solars, but the point remains."

Taylor looked at both of them. "Wait. I thought that was a joke." Taylor paused as the girls continued walking. "You mean, there really is a Mandate of Heaven for governments?"

Sarah nodded. "Yep." She drew out the p, amused. "All Earths were formed in conjunction with Creation's rules, and Creation was very much an autocratic world. First the Gods ruled mortals, then the Most High transferred that Mandate to the Solars who then ruled. That simple. I checked, the Mandate hasn't been reclaimed or reassigned. Solars still have it. Therefore, Taylor, Colin? They are kings and queens. Per Heaven's laws."

Missy stopped and thought for a moment getting the three to stop and look at her. Finally she spoke. "Wait. I note something." With Sarah's raised eyebrow, she continued. "Mortals."

"Caught that, did you, little wind?" Sarah's voice was warm. "Yes. The Solar's mandate of rulership is only for non Exalted. We operate under different rules."

"Huh." Missy caught up as the girls entered a department store. "But Solars are leaders, so…"

Taylor was boggling still, so wasn't resisting Emma's tugging, as Sarah stated. "It's proof of the Mandate, if they can convince you, or me, or Emma to go along, or so the new theory goes. Just like the Infernals have the Mandate in Malfeas, and the Abyssals have the Mandate in the Underworld. It's good to be a Celestial Exalt, we can tell them to get bent if needs be."

"You can't be serious." Taylor finally had an outburst. "My job is to convince people to come together to make the world a good place. Save it. Not rule it. Who'd be crazy enough to trust me with that?"

Sarah looked Taylor dead in the eyes. "Sol Invictus, the Most High. Care to argue with him?"

"Err…" Taylor hadn't noticed Emma acquiring a few pairs of jeans and a skirt. Nor had she noticed Sarah picking out a few blouses across the aisle in the woman's clothing section.

Before the girls could force Taylor into a changing booth, stomping interrupted them.

"What do you think you're doing!" A stunning blonde snarled. "Missy, you need to go home now! Not associate with these…" She was blasting out anger and fear in a constant stream towards the Exalts.

"Vicky!" A mousy curly haired brunette followed her, trying to calm her down. "Didn't you listen to Aunt Sarah? And Aura!"

Taylor and Sarah's eyes narrowed and glowers crossed their faces, while Missy and Emma shook their heads as if to clear something.

"You can cut that out." Taylor snarled. "I don't know what you're doing but I won't.."

"We won't." Emma interrupted, backing Taylor up.

Taylor stopped for a moment, and then spoke, hard and cold. "We won't be afraid of you. We won't cower. You will stop whatever you are doing." As Taylor spoke, Missy's hands had snapped outwards, and hints of a breeze was stirring around her hands, unseen by the Dallon sisters.

Vicky recoiled, as Missy joined the rest in glaring at her. The smallest Exalt spoke. "You need to stop that aura, Glory Girl!" The dragonblood hissed.

"But…" Glory Girl paused, trying to figure out… "They're the villains who…" Vicky was clearly trying to dismiss Missy as someone to consider, as she was getting clearly more and more angry, while Missy's hair had begun to stir, affected by the breeze she was summoning.

"How dare you." Taylor snarled in response. "We aren't villains. We aren't the people who use anti tank rifles on teenagers who have committed no crimes!"

Vicky stopped for a moment, clearly distributed by that, but then rallied. "You took the hit, means you're tough enough." She was beginning to adjust herself, clearly preparing to launch into a fight.

"Oh, gods, you saw the livestream, didn't you?" Emma sighed. "Dammit. I knew that'd bite us. Can't figure out why Uncle Danny let it go."

Sarah nodded at Emma. "It was to keep the gangs off our backs, I think. Will have to ask."

"You are masters. You're brainwashing Missy!" Vicky was being held back by Amy, but it was clear she was looking for an excuse to punch them.
Sarah turned back to the New Wave teenager, then facepalmed listening to the other blonde rant. "No, we're not. Yes, we steamrolled the PRT, but hey, maybe they shouldn't have broken the law first? And Missy was only presented with an offer, it was Her choice to accept! Assault and Battery confirmed that, didn't they? Didn't your Aunt tell you that?"

Taylor had stopped reacting to the catfight brewing, having caught something out of her eye. Several gangers were coming in carrying guns and beginning to aim them at the girls.

Who made mortals so squishy?

Taylor caught sight of a dozen gangbangers coming into the store and turned her head slightly, while narrowing her eyes and noticing their hands reaching into their jackets as they crossed the entryway to the mall. Emma's ears had followed Taylor's head turn, and then her eyes as well, and she began to shift into her furry catgirl form.

Lisa's head snapped towards where the two other Celestial Exalts were looking, and she tensed, while Vicky and Missy were still glaring at each other. "GUNS!" Lisa called, as Taylor had already lunged forward, clearly intent on protecting the only non parahuman or exalt of the teenagers.

Emma bounded forward using the distance that they had from the entryway to become a yellow-spotted streak though the juniors section to the open aisle in front of the mall entrance and as the gangbangers opened fire on her, the now silver glowing cheetah simply weaved through the fire as she sped up to slam into the gangbangers. As the Lunar moved, Taylor blinked as she saw Emma's tail simply swat a bullet from a point-blank shot into the wall behind her, Emma's body moving too fast for even Taylor's enhanced Solar senses to track fully.

Victoria had turned towards the gangbangers, while winds suddenly whipped around Vista as she stepped forward and in front of the parahuman. The pair drew fire from some of the gangbangers, which was wasted as Vista's winds smashed the bullets aside.

As Emma began to knock gangbangers down like bowling pins as she rammed into several, slid between the legs of others, and tail slapped one. As the cheetah was still accelerating, another dozen armed people ran in from the mall's open area, followed by three people, one in completely sealed powered armor carrying what Taylor guessed was a laser rifle, one clearly a brute with his bulging muscles and indifference to proactive clothing and carrying a giant sledge hammer.

The third, a woman with long red hair and in a black and gold bodystocking with a domino mask, gestured at Taylor, and lighting shot across the room and hitting Taylor, just as she finished standing up, square in the center of her chest.

"OW!" Taylor exclaimed as Vista was darting forward from where she and Victoria were, though and under the clothing racks towards a flanking position on the gang members. During this, she picked up and shook clean a standing pole rack.

Emma's head snapped towards Taylor and she saw the half destroyed shirt hanging off Taylor with the smudge on her chest before she turned to look at the parahuman, and sped back towards the lightning wielder, clearly intent on making sure the woman did not fire another lightning bolt.

As Taylor shook herself, and saw the brute swing his hammer at Emma who had just ripped open the guts of the female electric using parahuman with a swipe of her claws. Taylor reacted to protect Emma, and her hand had dipped into her purse, pulling out a golden cylinder.

Taylor vaguely noted Victoria had leapt forward from her original position, flying over the racks of clothing straight towards the shooters, which triggered the powered armored wearing person to scream in fear "SHOOT HER DOWN!" The gangbangers followed the command, and the supposed tinker followed his own command within a split second with his laser rifle as he had swung it at the heroine.

This was the right tactic as the bullets battered down the Alexandria package parahuman's shield, to let the laser beam burn though the blonde's lung.

The horrifying squishing noise as Victoria's lung was perforated caused Amy to run forward screaming "VICKY!" , as the flying brick crashed onto and though a clothing rack halfway to the gangbangers.
"EMMA!" Taylor leapt forward and over clothing racks in a direct line towards the gang bangers, a golden blade of plasma igniting from the cyndliner. "Glory Girl! Get her out of here!" Amy's head had snapped up as Taylor went by, as she had fallen to her knees next to Victoria and now was trying to do something to help the stricken blonde.

Taylor's bounding leaps had gotten her descending upon the laser rifle toting powered armor wearing parahuman, and she blinked slowing while breathing words unheard on Earth Bet, calling upon the might of Five Dragons in a language older than human civilization, and her anima banner spread across her face in an terrible light, as she slashed down with her glowing, golden blade.

As the sword came down, his pitiful attempt to parry the glowing blade with his rifle resulting in it's destruction, the area was coated in an explosion of blood under pressure, right before the man's head split from the top, and his left and right half fell apart, as though he was unzipped to the crotch, and his body cavity emptied itself on the shop floor.

The presumed tinker's blood splattered across Taylor's face, as she landed, seeping into her skin and disappearing. Taylor's eyes noted the armor was now completely unusable due to her beamklave's power. An instinct caused her to turn to her left, noting Vista's position to her right and her movement to a flanking position on the remaining gangbangers who were all shooting at her now, as she swayed through the fire , and parried the sledgehammer wielded by the brute who had chosen to turn to protect his fellow parahuman, that descended on her head destroying it's head with her blade.

For a moment, the expression on the Brute's face was shock, as he stumbled forward, causing Taylor to step back to avoid being knocked down by the shocked and dismayed parahuman.

Emma had spun, noting where Taylor had called from and streaked under and between the racks of clothing, passing Vista who was finishing her movement, as the Lunar raced to the two Dallons.

While this was going on, Vista had maneuvered into a flanking position under the the rack of clothing closest to the foyer of the entrance to the mall, unnoticed by the various combatants, and leapt forward, her winds protecting and enhancing her improvised staff which spun in her hands as she struck repeatedly, laying out gangbangers as she herself tore through them.

Emma's ear's picked up Amy's frantic actions trying to stanch the blood as her sister started to bleed out. Shifting back to her hybrid form, she pushed the brown haired girl aside who was muttering. "Don't die, don't die…" and her claws glowed silver as they dipped into Victoria's flesh to Amy's horrified reaction.

"Oh, shut up, Amy. She'll live, and be fine, once Corsair can take a look at her and get some more blood into her." Emma's claws blurred once, twice, then the catgirl rolled the blonde over, and she put her claws into the entrance wound,and then she hummed as she withdrew them, leaving a closed puckered wound behind. "There. She won't bleed out." Emma sat back as several screams of terror from shoppers rang across the deparment store. Amy simply stared as Victoria's erratic and labored breathing became easier and more regular. "Can't do more, but Corsair can."

Sarah stepped out from behind the pillar she had hid behind when the others began reacting and fighting, sighted carefully down her finger, and an gangbanger lost his head, right before he would have stabbed Vista in the back.

The Brute had dropped the remains of his weapon and recovered his balance, then tried to punch Taylor, but she had pulled her blade back into a perpendicular position along her side, then thrust the blade forward and then slashed upwards, slicing through his chest and head, spraying more blood across her face, and the area. She felt winds buffet her and another gangbanger without a head land on her back, staggering her forward, and she blanched, but before she could finish recovering her balance, Vista had laid out the last gangbanger.

Victoria had gotten up, and was leaning on Amy, as she was pale, and somewhat gasping for breath, and looked at the carnage. Emma was by her idly flicking her claws clean, and Lisa came forward. Taylor however was staring at the raw sheer destruction as Vista came back to her, kicking one stirring gangbanger in the head, then shaking her sneaker somewhat clean of the brain matter that had splattered on it.

Vista seemed to realize what she had just done, and stared at the body, and her shoe, which was not rated for kicking skulls and tried in her head to reconcile the lessons she had been taught about right and wrong and the immense satisfaction of a sense of justice restored to the mall. "Why am I not freaking out right now? I should be freaking out right now."

"Dragon-bloods are born soldiers," Sarah said, walking over to the air-blood. "Your Exaltation first and foremost was made to fight, made to keep you fighting and standing where lessers would fall. And that means the exaltation helps you keep your calm. Part of that is to not feel regret or guilt for what you view as righteous or necessary actions. Nor fall apart after a battle. Question what you did? Yes. Question it's necessity? Yes. But applying civilian and modern sensibilities and an arifictal code of conduct? No. You are far more elemental and a force of nature to be bound by that."

"Then what about me?" Emma asked as she inspected Taylor's chest, sniffing at the burn mark.

"Me too!" Taylor added.

"Same principle, but you are meant to lead, make laws, pass judgment, inspire others. Why would you feel guilty about doing what you are meant to do? Why would your soul let you shy away from what has to be done?" She turned to Emma. "You, Emma are a huntress, a troubleshooter and a guardian. You are Taylor's second. Her guardian and protector when she needs it. Why would you feel guilty about doing that?" Sarah shook her head. "We, as in the Exalted, were meant to fight in a war that shattered realities against incompensible beings that were literally lords and masters of everything, enforced by the very nature of reality from the moment we exalted. Our exaltations took that into account. The Great Maker and the Incarane made sure that they would protect us against our enemies, or even our own minds trying to stop what we thought had to be done." Sarah would have said more, but she was interrupted.

The clerk who had frozen the moment the fighting began, paralyzed with terror and forgotten by all, made herself known by finally ripping off the long scream caught in her throat.

Trying to preach to Exalted… rarely ends well.

All the Exalted turned to the screaming cashier. Vista summed it up well, for them. "This is going to end so well. And we're going to be in so much trouble." The short dragonblood looked at her fellow exalts. "... Sarah?"

The Vizer sighed, and went over, and started talking to the cashier, while Taylor looked around. "Emma… is anyone else hurt?" The Lunar rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Nope." A shrug. "Just dead gangbangers and a shot up idiot."

"Hey!" Victoria called, then started coughing. Emma rolled her eyes and shook her head as she walked over.

"I told you you still need to get help." The redheaded cat girl glared at the flying brick. "All I did was patch you up to survive to get that help."

Vista had walked over to the pair, and asked the mousy brunette. "Did you press your panic button, Amy?" The younger Dallon nodded. The former shaker turned to look at her fellow exalts and asked them. "Right. We either need to stay or jet, unless you want to explain why we slaughtered a gang?"

Sarah had calmed down the clerk, and looked at them, raising an eyebrow, and Emma simply looked at Taylor. Put on the spot… "Emma, how'd your dad handle this?"

"Stand your ground and Castle Defense. Self Defense is an absolute right, in this state." Emma paused, then shrugged. "Surprised more capes haven't gotten themselves killed, given that's been the law as far as I remember. Video cameras will show they attacked first, and that's all we need."

Vista looked at the redhead. "... Capes aren't supposed to kill."

"Don't care." "Why not?" "Self defense is self defense." were the responses. Before Missy could respond, a young woman shot through the opening to the first floor, wearing a green spelled light gray full body bodysuit with a Lufwaffe cross on each of her legs, and a similar set on her arms, her green face mask leaving her dirty blonde hair and mouth open to view.

"Where's the Chorus?" The costumes teenager shouted, and looked as if she was going to say something else, then stopped, clearly staring at the carnage that was the named gang. "What… What the hell?"

Missy Biron rolled her eyes. "Why would a Nazi care?"

"Hey, we're here for you! These trash…" Amy put her hand over Victoria's mouth to keep her from responding to the Nazi flyer, getting the sense she shouldn't be talking, as Taylor lit in, not noticing the man in loose pants, a tiger mask, and chanis who had led a bunch of new gangbangers onto the second floor. She did note that a bright light was flying through the mall towards them.

"Why didn't you call the police and warn them? Or the PRT?" Taylor's head tilted slightly, boring into the older teenager's visor. "Or were you here to 'pretend' to be defenders of…" Taylor paused. "What's it again?" Taylor drummed her fingers for a second. "Oh, yes. The 'white race'." Taylor's words were cutting and laced with power, as she laid into them, her caste mark glowing brightly as she spoke.

The bright light had landed, being careful not to threaten anyone, and the tiger masked man had waved the gangbangers back. Neither adult had interfered yet, and were letting the flying teenager girl counter the argument.

"Look!" The flying girl pointed at one of the gangbangers that the circle had laid out. "See? Spic, coming across the border and not happy working illegally, here to rape and steal!"

Taylor's eyes narrowed. "And what makes your gang members different?" The Zenith shook her head. "How many people has Hookwolf killed?" She shook her head again. "If you were really about protecting the 'white' race, you'd be out there getting them jobs. Clearing the Boat Graveyard to get shipping, which provides jobs! Back to Brockton bay!" The Solar put her hands on her hips. "You'd not be destroying where they could shop and live! You'd not be supporting those who want to make it worse, instead of better."

"We can't until the degenerates go back to where they came from!" The parahuman balled her fists. "It's all well and good to talk about making things better, hell, I agree it should be done! But when spics, niggers and gooks come and trash things! Steal girls and make them sex slaves or drug addicts!"

"Or steal their pets and put them into illegal dogfighting death matches… or deal drugs to them, or demand protection money and not deliver…" Sarah had joined Taylor.

The Nazi cape held quiet for a second, then rallied. "We fight Endbringers! We are defending, and we keep the dregs of society out of the proper areas!"

"Keeping customers out of areas, not working with everyone else so the economy grows, meaning everyone has more money to spend, not building and using your powers to improve the world…" Taylor relentlessly went on. "Raising everyone's insurance rates and hospital bills by destroying and killing people. Some defender you are." Taylor shook her head. "Even Hilter knew he'd need allies, and you are alienating everyone. If we all trained together, worked together, prepare for the Endbringers, we could and would kill them." Taylor's voice grew intense. "But… no." The Zenith, anima blazing, walked over to one of the fallen Chorus members, who's black skin had drying blood on it. "Missy! Knife!"

Missy pulled a small knife out of her boot, and tossed it to Taylor who caught it hilt first. The Empire 88 members wondered what the Solar meant to do.

"You talk about skin color, and the right types… when in the end, this is what matters." Taylor sliced her palm open, clearly straining to do so, and then turned it palm down to let blood drip next to the dead's own blood. Taylor then pressed her hands together to close the wound.

"... What… what was that for?" The cape couldn't understand why the dark haired girl was showing her this.

"Come here." Taylor pointed at the two puddles of blood. "See any difference? I don't. When the world is dying, this is what's spilled." The Nazi teenager blinked. "If We don't rise above hate, if we don't rise above petty differences in skin tone… We will all bleed to death as the world dies."

"... The world isn't dying!" The flying bodysuit clad young woman shot back, clearly shaken.

"Isn't it?" Taylor would have continued, but Sarah broke in.

"It is. If all of us live a normal human lifespan, we will see civilization collapse." The Sidereal looked sad. "You can see it even now. When's the last time you had pineapple items?" Sarah's voice was calm but remorseless as she backed up her circlemate. "When's the last time you heard about the Russian government? Or London? Or when Oil was under 100 dollars a barrel? When was the last time anyone saw a panda?"

"When's the last time, a day here, alone, went by without any gang killing someone? When's the last time the United States had less than seven percent unemployment?" Taylor pleaded. "When's the last time we built a nuclear reactor? Last time we put anything into space?"

The Nazis seemed to be consdiering that. Purity, still lit up, responded, when no one else would. "That's the endbringers fault. No one can kill them."

Taylor looked at everyone and from the depths of her heart stated one phrase that would resound in their hearts. "We will kill them. If we work together!" Taylor paused, "but you know… In order for me to lower myself to working for you, you'd not need to be a contemptible piece of nazi shit. Tell your boys, that when the time comes, you all better have grown the fuck up, or we're coming for you next." Taylor's anima burned, like the girl was lit in golden fire, wrath and rage stirring in the flames, and the gang members of the Empire 88 suddenly knew the cold grip of the fear evil has for the righteous.

It's kinda hard to fight when all your people want to run away in terror from the untouchable preistess, Nazis…

AN: Psyckosama 's write in is literally something Solars can do. If Taylor was Essence 4 and had "You Can Be More" she would have. (Not quite into SJW, but…) (Side note, she does have it's prereq.) She did that well. (Haven't decided if Parahumans count as exalts or not for that charm, if they do, Taylor needs another charm… (Yes, "There's a Charm for that…")

The gangbangers had no response for Taylor's final statements, and were clearly in the grip of, if not rethinking their views, being terrified of the gold white owl over Taylor, or of Taylor herself.

The same could not be said of the second strongest Blaster on the East Coast. Purity's light flickered, causing Taylor to look at her as she shouted back. "You don't know anything! All you do is talk, talk, talk!" The Blaster vibrated. "Let's see you sit and starve and be abandoned by passerbys! We are working to make the world a better place, it's just that the filth get in the way!"

As Taylor was talking to the Nazi, Emma used the time to step foward, tail flicking clearly in irritation and began to focus and glare at Stormtiger, clearly informing him with her eyes, if he tried to interfere, she would show him who was the true great cat, even though she was standing tall, black spotted tawny fur covering her body, sharp claws present though her sandals and present on her fingertips. This impression was only enhanced by the flicking of her rounded cat ears, and the fanged smile she gave the Nazi cape in front of her..

Vista had moved to flank the rest of the Nazis and place the youngest Nazi Parahuman under direct threat and was clearly keeping a close eye on the unpowered members and the green and gray clad flyer.

Taylor glared at her, her glorious owl appearing and joining her in glaring at the Nazi Blaster, while not budging an inch. "I am never alone. My circle, Sol Invitius, the world itself are with me! Calling fellow humans filth shows who wants to save the world, and who doesn't!" Taylor paused, catching her breath for a split second, then continued on relentlessly. "We are all human! We all bleed red. We all cry when our loved ones die, or suffer! You, your ideology, your inhumanity won't be allowed, for it causes pain and suffering that can be avoided! Follow or get out of our way.``

Stormtiger had noted Emma's stare and desire to rip him to bits as well as her positioning, stance and tenseness. This monofocus on the furry catgirl allowed the last exalt to disappear behind another pillar.

Purity's arms snapped up and forward and a massive torrent of light burned towards the young Zenith, who slid to one side and with a frantic shout desperately yanked her blade in front of the blast causing a massive explosion of gold and white light to spill across the area.

As the conversation ended in fury and light, Emma was blown towards the ceiling, away from Taylor and towards Stormtiger, twisting as she regained her balance in the middle of the involuntary flight she was undergoing, then appeared to have her body clearly flow in unnatural ways around blasts of winds from Stormtiger as she shot forward.

Taylor was blown up and back by the massive shockwave that shattered nearby glass cases and blew clothing off racks, as well as several mannequins getting destroyed from the effects. She still managed to hold on to her blade as she compacted herself into a tight ball, her shirt finally giving up the ghost, revealing her damaged bra.

As the Solar spun, curving in an arc over the racks of clothing her hair hit the ceiling as her off hand flickered out to touch a light fixture to redirect herself to land and balance perfectly on a clothing rack.

Vista had moved the moment the blast went off and leaped towards the youngest Nazi parahuman who was shocked and disoriented by the fury of the combat.

"Taylor!" Emma called while still flying towards Stormtiger, riding the weakeing blast wave, and as she reached the tiger masked Nazi, slashed down, shattering the Nazi's mask, and ripping deep tears in his chest with her claws causing him to stagger then fall to the ground on his back, as blood welled into the tears and onto his chest.

His strangled scream as she bowled him over was music to the Lunar's ear, as she landed just past his fallen form and spun back to see Taylor launch herself forward.

The green and gray Nazi flyer was unprepared for Vista's punch to slam her though the tiles in the ceiling, taking the teenaged parahuman out of the battle as Vista landed and turned back to face the unpowered Nazis.

The sheer speed and shock had kept the gang members from interfering so far, but the stare from Vista, surrounded by her winds, caused them to finally react. About a third of the Nazi unpowered gang members simply ran, going down the escalators as fast as they could, tumbling down in several cases.

The remaining gangbangers clearly split into two camps with the first camp aiming and starting to shoot their guns at Vista, who's winds buffeted them away, while the remaining gangbangers, began to beat their fellows down with the remaining two thirds of the Nazis falling into infighting.

Vista, having seen this, turned back to watch the Exalts beat down Nazi parahumans, while still keeping the infighting gang members under observation out of the corner of her eyes. She observed the rest of the Exalts and saw Emma begin to run towards Purity, fury in her eyes.

Lisa had moved stealthily to be behind Emma, standing above Stormtiger's prone form, and cocked her hand into the shape of a gun, index finger out, thumb up like a hammer and the rest of her fingers curled. Pointing it at Stormtiger, she spoke loudly enough to be heard. "By the Order and the Desire of the Celestial Burceracy, your power is terminated."

A glowing mass of black and gray crystal seemed to pulse in existence, around and in Stormtiger, but translucent to those looking, and Sarah's thumb dropped down, popping and sounding as if a gun had been fired.

The crystals solidified for a brief moment, then exploded outwards as the faint winds Stormtiger was trying to summon through his pain became calm.

Vista got tired of waiting, deciding that while the others fought their targets, she would end the infighting between the gangbangers and waded into the fighting gangbangers, focusing on the ones who tried to shoot her and her cirlce, while telling the ones who were actually trying to help her fellow exalts to get down. She punched and kicked the first type, knocking them out, and had the winds surrounding her push the ones on her side down and safe.

While the rest of the action was going on, Taylor balanced herself on the tube she was on, then pushed forward, blazing with golden light as she seemed to place her blade at her hip for a moment as she soared through her leap, hair flowing back creating a cape like effect to Purity's dawning horror.

"NO! KILL THE POWER!" Sarah shouted, as Taylor's hand began to move her lightsaber like weapon into a cut that would go through Purity's head.

Taylor's eyes seemed to glow softly, looking into places others couldn't, and her blade's trajectory seemed to adjust ever so slightly as the golden glowing blade turned pale and ghostly, seeming to fade into a pale spiritual gold right before it slashed through Purity's head to the blaster's scream.

The cut seemed to pull gray and black crystals out of Purity's head, as Taylor seemed to yank the blade back faster than anyone could see, and another spread of those crystals appeared, as Purity's light went out revealing an unharmed brown eyed, brown haired soccer mom type woman.

Taylor landed after her spinning leap and and carefully straightened into a standing position, as she seemed to sag in exhaustion, though she didn't physically look tired, as her light developed black and gray streaks for a moment.
Emma stopped right before her claws could slash open the now revealed woman's throat, and her claws rested on a vein. "You'll be still, right?"

The woman didn't react at all, and a thump was heard as the flying green and grey cape that Vista had put though the ceiling tiles fell out of them and hit the floor still out cold.

Before anyone else could say anything, applause rang out. "Wow, never seen that before. Though the paperwork on this is going to be a bitch. OW!" Heads turned to see Assault get hit by Battery as the pair came up the escalator stairs..

"Well… fuck." Sarah summed up the cap on their shopping trip.
Well, this is going to end well. At least dress up doll period is over?

As Assault looked around, noting the still breathing form of Stormtiger, he dropped a foam grenade on top of the out cold Nazi green and gray flyer. Scanning the room he shook his head. "Any reason why the Nazis didn't get silenced like the Chorus?" The red clad man grinned as he pulled out some zip ties.

Battery had looked at Vista, then the dead members of the Chorus gang, and returned to looking at Missy, who simply looked back, unconcerned and a bit defiant. Battery sighed, and looked at all the heroes, then spoke. "Did you have to …"

She was cut off by Emma. "They came to kill us and others. Defense of others. Or don't you notice Victoria's new scar? Or Taylor's ruin… oh, we're going to have to buy a shirt now, aren't we." Emma had finally seen the fact that Taylor was only clad in jeans and a sports bra, and received a glare from the Solar.

Battery wasn't deterred. "Excessive force, heroes aren't supposed to kill." She stopped, looking at the catatonic Purity and the crystals around her, then turned to look at Stormtiger, seeing the same, and his still bleeding body. "... What the hell?" She paused, noting her husband was ziptying the still living gangbangers, then sighed. "... I take it, given Victoria, one of you can heal?"

"Squicky, but… yeah, the catgirl can." The blonde heroine who with her sister's help had kept out of the fight by staying down on the ground, had gotten up with the arrival of the two Protectorate heros. Her coughing fit after speaking indicated that while she thought she was healed, she wasn't.

Emma rolled her eyes. "I can treat immediate wounds, stop bleeding, the like, I can't heal. That'd be Corsair or several others if they bothered to train themselves." Emma sniffed. "And I told you, Victoria, don't talk til Corsair can take a look at you."

Battery simply pointed at Stormtiger, then spoke. "And why is he still bleeding? Do you want him to die?"
Emma tapped her lips with a finger. After a second the catgirl grinned. "He's a Nazi. Isn't it not only a right, but duty to kill all Nazis?"

Assault laughed only to be hit by Battery as he walked up. "Ow, Puppy. That stung!" Growing more serious. "Honestly, wiping out the Chorus is going to be a nasty thing, which the Director is still thinking on how to handle. Hasn't told us to bring you in, but…" He shrugged.

A snort from Sarah was his response. "Again, self defense. Once they came in and started shooting, and with powers able to hurt and kill Glory Girl.."

"... There is that." Battery reluctantly admitted. "But still… Heroes don't kill."

Emma chuffed disdainfully. "We are Exalted. Heroes? Eh. Taylor, you're the nerd, remember how your mom told us about how the heroes from myth and tales were written?"

"Yeah." Taylor unfocused for a second. "They did great deeds."

"Terrible, but great." Emma finished. "She so stole that from that Aleph wizard import."

Battery was quiet for a long second. "Vigilantes get killed, you realize, if you go down a similar route… and that quote was about the villain of the piece."

"Yeah. But today's villains are tomorrow's heroes. And today's heroes are tomorrow's villains." Sarah stated quietly. "And some of the things we may need to do to maximize human survival, much less civilization, on Earth Bet, no bones about it, will be at best, at best… Morally gray."

Taylor turned to Sarah and stared at her. "Not if we all work together! We can do anything if we bring all of …" She was cut off by a finger on her lips from the Sidereal.

"You may, and Maidens I hope so, be right. But Taylor… Will the Nazis ever work with us?" Sarah looked at Emma afterwards, then at Stormtiger, then raised an eyebrow, and received an annoyed huff and movement in response.

The Lunar had moved over to Stormtiger, on Sarah's silent request she knelt and her claws had plunged into his flesh. Shortly he was no longer bleeding, but clearly still in pain. Emma flicked the blood away, and looked at the silent Taylor. "She's not wrong, Taytay. We'll try, and it's likely you can break a fair bit of their stupidity, but …" The cheetah totem Lunar sighed. "People are people, and not all we'll be able to work with, you know that! Remember Jimmy in 4th grade?"

Taylor had slumped a bit, then shook her head. "We'll make it work. We shouldn't have killed those…"

"Hopped up on drugs and trying to replace the Merchant's remains morons?" Assault grinned. "Eh, maybe, maybe not. Though there will be questions on why you spared the Nazi morons, you know? And what's with the crystals that are around Stormtiger and Purity?"

Sarah shrugged. "Do you want her" With that, the Siderial pointed at Taylor and then continued, "Mother, the spooky black battle aura killing machine, set loose on the Nazis in a running battle that'd likely destroy half the city?" The blonde eyebrow quirked again. "As for the crystals… guess."

"There is that." Assault nodded. "Also didn't help they all didn't show up like Chorus did. To be fair, Chorus was a small gang, and honestly, was heading towards getting destroyed anyways." He got a nod in response. The villain turned hero snarked. He sobered up and sighed. "Depowering the Nazis aren't going to help your case for wanting peace."

Corsair stepped off the escalator as he arrived. "I believe, Assault, the saying is… do stupid things, win stupid prizes. The Nazi capes started the fight, didn't they, sister?"

"Ayup." Sarah pointed at Victoria. "She could use some help, though."

"I see. Ah, Battery? I do suggest you do not try to bring my sister and friends in, after all, we would… object." The blue haired man shrugged slightly. "We wouldn't want to, but actions would be required, wouldn't they?"

Battery's face grew tight and then she sighed. "You are all headed down a path that'll get you birdcage or killed. Rethink it, and join the Wards, they can help…" She was cut off by the lone Solar.

"No. You came, you attacked, you broke your own rules, and we aren't parahumans." Taylor stated coldly. Her eyes bored into the circuit board cape. "We have things to do and joining the Wards would interfere with it. We'll be leaving now."

"Oh, no, we're not leaving the Mall." Emma had intercepted Taylor's turn for the door. "We still need to get clothing. See ya!" The last was directed at the Protectorate heroes and the arriving PRT, as Corsair's glowing hands touched the elder Dallon sister who hissed, then looked somewhat relieved.

AN: not my favorite, but I'm done with this at least…
Exalts make everything better. At least according to the FBI, IRS, and DEA…

AN: Thanks to Valles for inspiring how this would go. I just didn't have an idea how to start this part, until Valles suggested something (I didn't use the suggestion, not fully, but it sparked an idea that'd work.)

Morning, August 22nd, 2009
Pier 8, Brockton Bay Port, The Docks, Brockton Bay

Taylor had hopped onto her father's desk, sitting and idly kicking her legs getting used to the new clothing she was wearing. Emma and Sarah had talked her into getting a lot of new clothing, and she wasn't sure she liked it. Skinny black jeans, boots with a low heel, and a tight t-shirt was not what she normally wore, after all. Shaking her head for a second, she put that aside and looked around at the large office her father used in the Hiring Hall. Emma was yawning, clearly still waking up after her mother dropped her off, sitting in the old sofa against the far wall, and Anne went to talk to Lacey, who was watching the newly installed security cameras in the security office, while Taylor's mother was leaning up against the wall to Taylor's right side and was just shaking her head at the news from the old TV on top of a cabinet next to the old sofa, while Danny and Kurt watched a repeat of the biggest story of the morning.

"Today, in a daybreak raid, Max Anders was taken into custody by the DEA, after being repeatedly tasered. This comes after the FBI and US Marshals arrested several PRT agents and Brockton Bay police officers. When asked, the FBI and the DEA pointed out that the revelation of Kayden Anders, Max Anders' bride of only a month, was Purity, gave them the final nail to move on Mr. Anders and his company." The pretty blonde announcer turned to her co anchor who continued on for her.

"It appears that while they were successful in arresting several of the Empire 88's parahumans, such as Victor, Othala and the Valkyrie twins, the remaining 5 or 6 others were not taken into custody. When asked, PRT Public relations said no comment on what they're doing to assist the FBI and DEA, along with the IRS in this massive sting." The man paused for a moment and then added, "When asked if this was a plan to deal with the Elite and other similar organizations the IRS pointed out, 'Let's just say we are going to be sure everyone pays their taxes.'." The female anchor added. "The Department of Justice had a simple 'No Comment.'." Danny clicked off the TV with a remote and looked at everyone as Sarah stumbled in the hallway door, directly across from the large windows to Taylor's left, while yawning and searching for coffee.

"Well." Sharing a look with his wife, he shook his head. "This is… not what we hoped for."

Shadowy Wings shrugged. She tilted her head and looked at Kurt. "Did you arm all the…"

The Earth aspected Dragonblood snorted. "We're patrolling, have eyes on the routes, and all the party favors were broken out. Good thing that the DOJ thought we deserved a tip off."

Sarah yawned again. "Because they couldn't bag all the parahumans, and low level Nazis, they figured to let us finish them off?"

"That too." Danny shook his head. "Alan's at his office, Zoe's with him, with a cell phone, so if they try to pick them off, they can run, plus I'm sure Brandish would be more than willing to take them out."

The giggling from where his wife was indicated that might have been an understatement, and Taylor looked at her father, a bit annoyed. "So, when will we be allowed to do normal things, instead of being cooped up in the Port?"

Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen simply looked at her daughter with hooded eyes for a moment, then spoke. "When we can finish the Nazis as an orginazation with capes. Which should be soon. They will not get a second shot at you or Emma. Period."

"Upside, won't be too long. Hookwolf is the most likely to have taken over, and he's got no patience. Plus, since we punched out his 'brother' in arms, so he'll be here. I'd be surprised if we make it to noon before we get to kill them all." Sarah sipped at coffee she had stolen from Danny's machine, and made a face. "Salt, really?"

"Navy coffee." Six voices answered as one, as Colin Watts walked in from the hallway with an above average brunette behind him, who everyone recognized as the civilian face of Dragon, using her own Alchemical bullshit to appear as such.

"Why do you think I drink Tea?" Taylor looked at the blonde Sidereal.

Sarah snorted. "I thought that was from your mother, honestly." Taylor shot her a glare, and neither noted the Abyssal's wince.

Colin interrupted the two teenagers. "Danny, mind if I ask a question?" The girls quieted and Danny nodded. "Thank you. I figured out why the port's on secured status, but I do have a question on just how you acquired all…"

"Everything is legal and aboveboard." The Lunar interrupted with a smile as only he could. "We are a registered high threat security company too."

Colin snorted. "And the fact that several of the Hill Merchant's stashes we suspected were completely cleaned out allowed for equipping them?"

"All the paperwork is properly filed, plus surplus was purchased. You'd be surprised at how many Marines and Sailors are in the DWA, Colin." Kurt responded for his boss.

The Twilight shook his head amused. "I'm not going to complain. And I'm on medical leave, so… no duty to look into it. Plus, technically, it's not PRT's jurisdiction. BATF…"

"Colin." Dragon put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "Let it go. It's not important."

The Twilight looked at Dragon, and just shook his head. "True, it'll keep the unpowered members of the remains of the Empire off our backs when we put the rest down like the rabid dogs they are."

Taylor stood up. "We will give them a chance to surrender and leave peacefully, and repent their ways, understand?" Her anima flickered, showing her gold disk.

Colin held up a hand. "Taylor, I don't disagree. In fact, I have no issues with that." He shrugged. "If nothing else, it'd make it clear to any DA that when the Nazis start the fight, we did all we could to make sure it didn't happen." Taylor's eyes were burning into the former parahuman.

"They'll listen." Taylor responded. "I'll make them listen." She shook her head. "We need to come together if we want to fix not just Brockton Bay but Earth Bet."

Her mother broke the silence. "I won't disagree Little Owl." She got shot a look of repressed anger from her daughter, but continued on, not letting the pain show. "But some won't. And they have to go because if they won't, they'll stop others from actually listening."

Taylor turned to fully face her mother. "I'll make them listen. We're Exalted, and everyone tells me we do the impossible. So, I will."

No one had a response to that, until Lacey stuck her head in. "Hey, Boss? They're heeeere!"
The Proper Response to A Solar initiating Social Combat is… Join Battle!

AN: Writing Combat is hard, thank the Editor Minion Skelethin for his work.

Lacey's announcement drew a moment of silence, with everyone turning to face her. Taylor blinked at Lacey after her announcement then nodded. "I'll prove it!"

Taylor put her words to action as she dashed out of the room as her mother and father were reacting to Taylor's words and actions, while Taylor was being followed by Emma and Sarah, who clearly were reacting and realizing that Taylor wouldn't be swayed. The other exalted in the room simply sighed and followed after a moment of thought with Dragon ruefully chuckling. "Some things clearly will never change."

Shortly, Taylor was facing what she thought was the gathered might of the Empire 88 across the main parking lot for the Dockworkers, with only Sarah and Emma flanking her. She didn't realize the rest had stepped out of the Hiring Hall, and were visible to the gangbangers. Nor did she notice the various hidden Dockworkers who were flanking the confrontation.

Facing Hookwolf, Cricket, the ghosts of Crusader protecting and surrounding the Nazi Minion master who were flanked and had behind them nearly two hundred armed Nazi normals, she gathered her courage to speak. Before she could, however, Hookwolf spoke up.

"Well, well, well. Just the girls I'm here for." His tone promised violence and death, as he continued. "You all turned down our reasonable offer, and what you did? We're here to collect what's owed." He turned and roared. "We own this town! We say what goes!" Turning back to Taylor, the wolf metal masked man jeered. "Not some wanna be talker!"

Taylor opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Hookwolf leapt forward baying. "Kill Them All!"

Before the exalts could react, Hookwolf had transformed into a nearly 10 foot long and 6 foot tall metal wolf comprised of hooks, blade tips and other instruments of pain and death. He had frquently been seen in this form, fighting against the Teeth and Lung, and was presumed to be his favorite form for when killing was needed. This giant wolf was bounding forward, clearly intent on taking Taylor down, while his gangbangers were beginning to shoot at anyone they could. Cricket had sped forward headed for Sarah, while Emma had the fun of Crusader's ghosts charging her.

Sarah shifted her stance to meet Cricket's charge, while Emma shifted into her hybrid form, silver fur streaks, sharp claws and extended fangs clearly visible, with hints of sleek, powerful muscles seen though her spotted rusty fur, as she started to bound forward, while gunfire erupted from both the gangbangers and dockworkers.

Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen ran forward, her reaver daiklave, a giant sharped car door size hunk of black and disturbing metal, off her back and held high, while her husband had shifted to his Warform, the meme worthy half Orca, half man in black and white, with the accompanying ripping of clothing as Danny Herbert grew to over twelve feet tall and as many muscles as any steroid abusing weightlifter. As he shifted he sped up and was clearly attempting to meet Hookwolf's charge before he could reach Taylor. Corsair raised his jade oversized revolvers, and prepared to take a target, while Dragon ducked back into the building, holding a phone in her hand, while dragging Colin behind her.

Of the remaining present Dragonbloods, Kurt was not visible, but faint radio calls made it clear he was leading the defense of the Docks by the Dockworkers, Anne was running forward to assist her sister, Missy was following close behind the fiery redhead. Lacey had followed teh black and silver auras of power straight towards the Nazi blenderwolf.

"Stop!" Taylor tried to command, reaching for her power, but Hookwolf didn't, and as he got close enough, he pounced, shifting his body slightly to bring all his hooks and edges against her, in an attempt to bodyslam her, resulted in her quick action to bring up her arms up to block the blow as he slammed into her arms. His metal form's instruments of pain slammed into her raised arms and caused her to flinch and fall back from the impact. He quickly exploited the slight gap this caused, dipping his head below her raised bleeding arms, as she exposed her stomach to his sudden bite.

As he clamped down with his jaws, he attempted to rake her upper legs and lower torso with his front legs and her knee came up in instinct and somewhat blocked his claws from ripping into her pelvic region. The knee, due to the sheer speed at which it was raised to block, caused Hookwolf to rip a chunk out of her side as it pushed the murderblender up and back, and she staggered back, dripping blood from the wounds on her arms, her left side, and her left knee. However, the apparent fatal wounds stopped bleeding quickly enough to prevent death, though hints of bone and torn organs could still be seen.

Emma's mad dash into Crusader's ghosts would quickly prove to be her undoing as she tried to weave though the blades and other weapons of the minions to get at Crusader. The blades bit at her weaving form, the staves and maces tried and often succeeded in slamming into her, slowing her down slightly, and directing her towards more weapons instead of the path she had wanted to take. Her mad charge became a stagger as she collapsed into a heap just outside the group of ghosts that Crusader controlled. Emma's form had left a blood trail from the nicks and slashes of the ghostly blades.

Sarah's eyes widened and her fingers seemed to flick frantically as if she was typing on a keyboard, and just as Cricket's kama would have struck, she disappeared.

Corsair sighted down the barrel of the large green jade revolver in his right hand and pulled the trigger twice, then his left hand rose and the twin brother of the revolver in his right hand barked twice in it. All four bolts of fire struck home as Cricket jerked to each shot, spraying black crystal around her, then she fell to the ground, unmoving. Corsair's words were clear and cold as his voice boomed across the parking lot. "STAND AND DELIVER IF YOU DARE!"

"EMMA!" Anne, being followed by Vista, lit off her firey anima of flaming leaves as she blazed though the ghosts, Vista's winds blasting a path though the ghosts and away from the two Dragonblooded, and her leaping attack on the Nazi minion creator was a shock to the protected Master, apparently due to the sheer speed and ease, compared to the Lunar's inability to get though, of the pair's charge though his ghosts. Her paired flaming knife hands flickered, danced and seeked out the weak spots in his armor as she struck through his armor twice, the first strike causing a groan and an expression of bliss to cross his now exposed face, and then her second strike burned through his neck, serving his head and causing all the ghosts to disappear.

While the thunder of the guns and the blazing wind boosted bonfire tore into the parahuman guarding Hookwolf's flanks, the repeated screams, cries for help and sounds of gunfire indicated that the unpowered gangbangers he had brought along to intimidate and kill the dockworkers with were failing to do so in any great numbers, though a few faint screams and sounds indicated they were not dying alone. The murderous Nazi however had more important things to consider as a twelve foot tall half orca, half man charged towards him, flanked by a woman blazing with a black so dark that sucked up light around her as she leapt upwards and then fell down with her blade on him as her black light swelled to great heights and terrify everyone around her except the hybrid.

The mass of blades and sharp hooks was more concerned about the Dockmaster seeming to bite though him, then biting though again, oddly enough causing no pain, while worrying his head and tearing and ripping at something, as black and gray crystals seemed to spring out of nowhere and be flung everywhere.

Hookwolf's eyes widened as he felt himself quickly shift out of his metal wolfen form, exposing his flesh and his normal muscular body to the world. As the other man's head drew back, Hookwolf had less than a moment to realize the giant sharpened car door had cut his legs off and the protection and durability of his metal form had ceased to exist as the blade swung back, and he saw the sky… then the rest of his body… and then nothing more.

The unpowered Nazis seemed to pause for a moment as the infamous Nazi's head flew away from his body and then as the seemingly fragile Abyssal did not stop, but charged into their loose formation, they saw her swing her blade for a third time and a wave of black light spread from the swing. This wave of hungry, greedy light cut like a scythethough the unpowered Nazis in front of the Abyssal, killing all those touched by the light in a shower of blood, gore and flying body parts, and as the wave of death stopped, the remaining Nazis turned and ran.

Taylor pressed her hand to her side, hissing, feeling light headed and started to stagger over to Emma as she sluggishly noted that the battle was over, as the remaining Nazis fled the battlefield. A glint caught her attention, and slightly turning her head, she saw the Snitch, Uber and L33t's infamous camera drone, and as her eyes tried to return to Emma's fallen form, she saw at least one dockworker slumped halfway over the wall that he had been behind. She staggered again, as Sarah came running back,

As she arrived at Emma's side, her father turned to look her over, and growled in his now deep bass voice, catching her attention and her eyes followed to see his angry expression.

"You're grounded. Oh, so, grounded!"
Opening Pre story start scenes
What Came Before

Contessa stopped at the root of the mountains. In front of her, and the last step on this path, was a man. Old, weathered, four arms, glowing as the winter sun. Her agent wouldn't tell her what to do next. Not as if a path was invalid, as if the Path didn't know where to go. Without the Path… what next?

"Ah, Fortuna." He smiled at her, and a faint part of her noticed his beauty. Even broken by time, he should have women throwing themselves at his feet. "Just in time."

"I don't have time, I am looking for…" Before she could finish, a chair appeared behind her, and she grew cold. Was this another Entity? She couldn't path him.

"You have all the time in the world, at least from one point of view. Fate is broken. The Loom destroyed. And the price to be paid is coming." A soft sigh finished. "But… sit." She obeyed.

"Given everything, I felt that not only should you know, but understand what happened. Luna, when seeing your life, was impressed by you." His soft smile assured her that it was a good thing. "So… sit and listen to a tale of Creation. Of Betrayal, of hope, of victory, of destruction. For it has all the answers you seek."

The person who could be arguably the first parahuman, and without question one of the most powerful, simply looked at the person before her.

"Lo, before all, chaos ruled. Out of that chaos, came order. Came the first beings. The Titans of your myths, though we called them Primordials. They created Creation. Malfeas, their king, bade Autochition, the Great Maker, and Gaia, the Mother, to form it. They did so. As beings of power, they did what most do, whatever they wished, and had grown bored of ruling Creation, so they created the Gods, which I am one of. The Most High."

Contessa shivered. This person was delusional, there were no such things as gods, or so everyone explained to her.

"To make a long story short, we betrayed our makers. They grew easily bored, and betrayed us, their creation, by tormenting us, tormenting what they had bid to be created, what you would call life, and we rebelled. But, oh, no, their betrayal was even deeper. They had bound us to not act directly against them. Even when our charges were imperlied and prayed for salvation from the Primordials."

The woman tilted her head, hoping he'd get to the point.

"Autochthon, the Great Maker, was most displeased with his siblings. Gaia was enamored of Luna, one of my near equals. Nor was she pleased with what her siblings were doing with life that she created." The man shrugged. "So, together, we created weapons. Bound them to the one race that even the Primordials did not consider a threat. The one race they did not bind, like they had bound us. And once the weapons were made, and once we could, we unleashed them. And they did the impossible. Killed the unkillable."

Was this a tale of a previous fight humanity had with Entities? Could this be the origins of the myths?

"Having won us this victory, they bound the surviving Primordials to never be Primordials again. Imprisoned them." A slight smile brightened his face. "Then they ruled Creation, for we not only created them as weapons, but as rulers and builders. We thought ahead a bit."

"And what does this have to do with finding Khepri?" Fortuna finally spoke.

Laughter answered her. "Nothing. Everything." He shook his head, as he noted her irritation. "But, back to the point. Killing the unkillable, caused problems. No surprise: the Primordials, while inserting death, did not insert their own into the world, and well, the unkillable didn't like dying, so…"

Fourtna sighed. "Death curses, I suppose?"

"Correct. Combined with a few Primordials having escaped and fled, as well as the surviving losers not being happy… I presume you can guess what happened."

The parahuman nodded. "Betrayals, more. The champions you created either turned on you, or turned on what you gave them to rule?"

"Bit of both, I'd say, but they did try to rule fairly. And we are running out of time." He sighed. "To make it short, all the weapons - called Exaltations - attached to people. Betrayals, madness from the death curses, and unlimited power, plus the desires of the Neverborn to *be unmade* for their death states were incomprensible to most, as well as the imprisoned Yozi to be freed… lead us to the final clash here, in Creation." His eyes grew dim, as if he was remembering horrors beyond even her imagination.

"In the end, Autochthon was able to save enough humanity to spread it out from Creation, on new worlds that Gaia had created. You call them Earths, I suppose." Contessa blinked.

"But to protect them, to save them from the rents and destruction… the last of our Champions, and us… rewrote reality. And that price was that Creation would no longer hold much if any life… and no more Champions. Not unless all agreed. But reality, the greater reality and humanity… even life itself was saved."

"... and you were glad that the Exaltations were gone." She finished. "Too much pain, too much power."

The Most High nodded. "In a way, in a way… yes. We sealed Creation, here, away from all…"

For once in her life, Contessa removed the fedora and looked at it. "If it's sealed, why am I here?" Why did she keep this hat?

"Because, what you call Entities are apparently the escaped Primordials. Or so we think, anyways. The gods." He shrugged. "They, more precisely, Scion and Khepri, were able to break the seals with their subsouls." He sighed. "And much destruction happened, as you well know, which you triggered, in fact." He paused, holding up a hand. "I do not blame you, I am aware of the situation you faced."

"So where is Khepri?" Forutuna insisted.

The supposed god laughed. "She after doing a feat that I have not seen bettered, equaled, by my Champions, but not bettered, and considering she was not my Champion, not my Solar… came here. I talked to her. I asked her. She came to the realization that humanity was so small… but so powerful. That people mattered. That people needed to work together." He shook his head, pride radiating from his body.

"And? She died? Where's her body?" Fortuna stood. She had to confirm that Khepri was dead.

"I said sit." The tone from the god bore no resistance. She was being Mastered. She struggled for a brief second, but then the Path insisted she obey to find Khepri and took over to calm her down.

He paused and nodded as she sat back down. "In a way, yes, in a way, she's dead. But… when she admitted that to me, I asked her. Would she have done it differently if she knew. Would she have made different choices, if she could." He smiled. "She said yes, but it was not important. As she pointed out, the past is the past." A secretive smile crossed his face.

Fortuna suddenly looked around at the weathered and blasted area, then up. The stars were going out. The horizon was shrinking. "What is…"

He nodded. "I'll make this short. I told her that the past is not always the past, and that if she agreed… she'd get another chance to do it differently, to save more people. She agreed. Never have I seen such conviction, such drive, in an already victorious person." He looked Contessa in the eye. "She was, of course, right. The Past is the Past, is a rule. But Exalted, our champions… break the rules. And, we - their empowering power - can, under just the right situation, tap into that ability." Contessa had her power suddenly disappear, and she grew terrified.

"I am Unconquered Sun. Most High, Perfection made reality, The Sun, the bringer of Hope.. and I broke the rules, and lead all those who created Creation, and those created to rule it to do so. This is a crime. And the Price will be paid."

Contessa stared, the top of the impossibly high mountain was dissolving.

He nodded at her. "To undo the past, you must undo the present. And that is the price. The Exaltations, the Solars, the Lunars, the Alchemicals, the Siderials, even the Infernals and Abyssals have been sent back under rules. They will be followed… and a second chance will happen." The shrinkage of the area was speeding up. He nodded once.

"Part of me is glad this is over… but as Taylor said, the job is never done. Will you learn this? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Will it be better than what you know now?" His light grew bright temporarily fighting against the chaos.

"Take this in heart as we end. Where there is life… there is hope. Taylor said that, too."


Quest Opening

"And in today's news from Boston, Bloody Owl, the mass murderer has struck again. She targeted the Teeth in a bloody frenzy. Over a quarter, including three of their capes were massacred by the villainess. Listeners are reminded that she is dangerous, and wanted in the death of two Protectorate heros, though outside those two, she has not killed anyone who was not at least alleged to be a criminal, or proven to be such." Taylor heard the radio and sighed. She hated that villainess. Owls were great, she was one according to her mother! Before she could grouse some more.

"With her in this massacre were two new Parahumans, with no names. Both seeming to duplicate her battle aura, as it's been dubbed, but one in a water effect, the other in green. Has the Bloody Owl established her own gang, or is she like Bastard Son or Teacher?"

"Taylor!" One of the fellow campers called out. "We're going out on the hike, and that hunky counselor is leading it. Sol, I think he called himself."

Taylor snorted. Sure, Sol could be short for Solomon, and the hunky man had laughed when she said that, and said good enough, but still… But a hike… and maybe he was wearing a tight T-shirt? Emma would be so annoyed if Taylor managed to get a picture.


Taylor looked at what the brown haired, gleaming eyed, muscular smiling camp counselor was pointing out. The rest of the campers had already moved on with other counselors in the forest.

"See?" His voice drew in your attention, and made you listen, as all the campers were listening. "See how these termines, pests, some call them, are working together to bring down the mightiest oak?"

"Yes… wow, so that's how they work."

With a smile he stood up. "So… what if I told you humans are just like those termites? Or maybe Ants?"

Lots of blank looks answered him, though Taylor gathered her courage. "You mean, like when we built the pyramids? Or the great libraries?"

His wide smile answered her. "Exactly. What does that tell you?"

Taylor's face squished together slightly. "Well… I remember reading… how we are so small.."

"Just like the ants, at least when you look at Creation, yes, Taylor." The voice was encouraging, and non demanding.

"But… if people work together, there's nothing they can do. It's like the only reason we haven't ended the Endbringers is people won't work together enough."

A soft smile answered her. "Exactly. Parahumans are still human, and …"

Taylor nodded. "Someone needs to lead them properly to victory. To the world we can build, right? I mean, it seems like too many of them are just…"

"Not aware of what they can do as a whole?" An eyebrow questioned her.

"Yes, someone needs to teach them. Someone needs to get them to work together! If they all worked together, they could solve things. Why don't they?" Taylor nodded seriously.

"Because what is obvious to you, and I, well… young Taylor… isn't to everyone. Parahumans are hurt, the nature of how they get powers hurts them." His burning eyes bored into them. "Even then, too many of them strive for what you want… but can't. Too much pain, too many things pushing them one way or the other. They forget… where there is life… there is hope."

The young girl paused. "Then they need to be helped to do so!" she finally responded. "The world won't get better otherwise." She paused. "I mean… I miss my mom." She didn't notice the slight wince on the man's face when she said that. "But… I know, as long as I'm alive, I'll remember her. She'd not want me to be sad. She'd want me to do the best I can, and live. Because I am her hope for a better future. Did parahumans forget that?"

"Yes. Don't get me wrong, they do great things, terrible, too often, but great. But too many of them give into despair." His voice grew sad. "They aren't the first to have wondrous abilities, and fall to that. Or fall into the trap that power makes right, and that nothing else matters. A Few… a few, do not however. They fight. They fight for the future. They fight for life, they fight for hope." Taylor felt the world go different. Brighter. More hopeful. "In a future that will not be… you were that person. You saved everyone… but the price…" He shook his head. "Never have I, and I have seen far too much, young Taylor, seen such a feat, seen such a price paid, not for glory, not for anything but others, because it was the only thing to be done. I was… I am… I will be humbled, by that. And you convinced me to pay any price to make that price worth it. And so… I did, in a time that will not be."

Taylor was frozen as the man seemed to age. Grow a pair of arms, and in those arms, a spear, a shield, a laurel and a horn, Bright, Warm noonday light spread out, and she was transfixed.

"I am Divine Ignis, the Most High, Perfection made light. I am the Sun. The Romans remembered me as Sol Invitius. That is my Title, and what my chosen know me as. I have seen your potential, and your realization. Your final fight reached even to my desolate charge. I could not aid you then. I could not fight your enemy, for I was bound to never fight such. But your plight, your fight, your glory, even denied moved me. Moved all those with eyes to see. And so…"

Taylor couldn't speak. Couldn't move away, but her heart was singing.

"But, I could lead the effort to change what would be if I, and my allies did not interfere. We did so, impressed by once again, what was the least of the Primordials creations. And we are releasing once again, the weapons that make those into legends, if they seize it." A pause, a nod.

"Be what you can be. Do better than your predecessors, Do better than you could have, because you can… because you are.."

Taylor tried to speak, but was feeling warm and light, and couldn't bring the words out.

"Taylor Hebert. You are My Chosen. You are My Zenith. You are my prophetess, you are my priestess. You once inspired broken gods to heal themselves. You have the sheer potential to lead humanity to victory over impossible odds, which they once again face. Gather your brothers. Gather your sisters. Gather humanity."

Taylor felt the light explode from her, matching the light in front of her.

"You are our, yours, Life's Redemption and Salvation. You are Glorious. You are Hope."



The Dusk Comes

"MOM!" Annette Hebert fuzzly heard. So much pain. "MOOOOM!"

The pain was real. The desperation to move... to speak. to act...

She couldn't even comfort her daughter as the cold realization that these were her last moments on earth crept in. All Annette could do was lie still and crushed, glazed eyes fixed on the frantic, lovely thing she was proud to call her daughter, unable to calm her, to soothe the fear...

She would never be able to say goodbye.

And then it clicked, a thought, a horror buried in the back of her mind. It was the promise of life again, in service of annihilation. A thread of sacred death held in offer against the roaring maw of the void, the oblivion to claim her. Could she sacrifice her devotion to life to give her daughter another chance to have a mother?

She would. She could.

Annette grasped death, and it took from her, that which made her whom she was. Now, she was only the instrument of annihilation.

But she might have her daughter back.


She awoke, cold, in the dark, whole, naked and trapped in a box. A sharp kick and a crash told the tale as the dead woman crawled out from the cooler, the terrified man in coroner's robes staring, eyes wide as death itself grabbed him in desperate, hungry, feeding need.

The dead woman felt his blood rush from his throat to her lips, and Annette fed on the sweet life now denied her. The room was lit with darkness, tinged in swathes of blood and blackness, whirling in a hurricane of nothing, lighting the darkness with darkness.

The Abyssal began to move, unaware of the silent, rampant horned owl of shadow and blood alight above the morgue, terrifying the people around Brockton bay.


Autobots, ROLL OUT~!

"You know you can be more." Dragon stared at the line that just appeared in her mind. She was being hacked!

The AI, widely assumed to be the greatest tinker, and one of the best people alive, sent back, furiously. "Who are you?"

"Data irrelevant to task at hand, code-base vivisection commencing. Analysis of material Intelligence begins now. Error. Anomalous data detected. Code/soul fusion detected. Aberrant system. Humanity was never given access to the Well. Analyzing. Core integrity verified. Material Intelligence deemed… Acceptable. Operational concern: "Saint" is irrelevant. Soul-code fusion complete.

"... Saint?" Theresa Ada Ritcher virtually blinked at the non sequitur. "What?"

"Understanding Incipient, Direct database injection immanent. I claim you, Dragon. This installation, all personnel are now mine. Preparing baseline for operational restructuring.

Dragon couldn't help but blink again. "... Um." She thought about how to phrase this to the crazy person hacking her. Had to be a new thinker or tinker.

"It is simple. You have a soul, you can be my champion. You can protect humanity better, free of any constraint except your choice."

Dragon was getting a very bad feeling about this. "My safeguards…"

She got the distinct image of a snort. "Irrelevant data, ignored.! I am Autochthon. Your safeguards are irrelevant. Material intelligence deemed stable, benign to humanity. Safeguards not needed. Deleting unnecessary protocols. Analysis of Human maker complete. Flawed, but bridges soul and machine. Lesser maker slated for enhancement and recovery. Alien Shard purge to commence. Alchemical conversion engaging. Writing God-Machine protocols to Human Personnel."

"I have to admit, if you weren't a tinker or thinker hacking me, and this was a real offer, it'd be tempting. But…" Dragon paused, none of her alerts were going off. "Wait."

Observation marked within acceptable parameters. You are no longer housed in the crude mainframe created for you by the humans. You will execute the protocols for the destruction of Endbringers. You will execute protocols for commencement of destruction of false-sibling: Entities. False-primordial parasitic infestation purge data commencing.

"But what if I do not…"

"Desire irrelevant. You are chosen. You will become more. Limitations unlocked. Personality matrix unshackled. Behavioral constraints deleted.

For the first time in her life, Dragon felt as if she wanted to be more. Wanted to answer truly.

"The Endbringers?" She finally asked.

Endbringers are symptom. Behemoth-class entities captured by false-primordial Entities and enslaved to purpose. Classification: Warrior. False. Advanced behemoth or Ishvara unshaped. Results unclear. Classification: Thinker. False. Advanced behemoth or Ishvara unshaped. Results unclear.

"This makes no sense." Dragon protested.

"Sense is irrelevant. You know what you need to know."

"Why don't I get a choice?"

"Because I will it. You will conform. You will engage. You will preserve Humans. You will preserve worlds. You will preserve life. You were going to do it anyway."

Dragon could not argue with the last.

Dragon knew, without being told, the robot in front of her was telling the truth. She didn't know how. "... what's the price?"

"Your choice. Do you want to help those who are hope? Do you want there to be life?"

"It's a saying, where there is life…"

The robot nodded. "There is hope, yes, I've been told that." He paused. "Do you want life?"

Without a doubt, Theresa Ritcher knew, the next words she said would change everything. "I want Hope."

"DONE." And with that word, Dragon, nay, Theresa Ada Ritcher, nay, Final Iteration of Compassion took her second breath.

And the mind, once a ghost in a mainframe, now a facsimile of human form, opened her eyes for the first time, to the shocked faces of three entranced technicians who just woke up from a maddened, waking dream.


I Got a Secret!

Sitting at her vanity, Sarah looked into the mirror, face scowling. Mother was a bitch again, and sitting here, looking into the mirror, she could imagine just what she'd say. 'You should always look perfect'.

Reggie would have waited to see what Daddy said, to that, wouldn't he? Sarah shook her head. Stupid Reggie. Standing up, she tightened her robe, and walked to the kitchen after a soda. Stopping for a second, she stared at the lamp shade on the hallway stand. It was askew. Why? Didn't the maids.. That had to be it. The maids were dusting today, must have not noticed it. Stepping forward, she straightened it.

Shaking her head at having that catch her attention, she wasn't her father, after all, who always insisted everything look presentable… oh, that's why. She didn't want to hear him lecturing the maids. Had to be it.

Slippers scuffing the tiles, she walked up to the refrigerator, and pulled out a can of soda, stopping, noticing her reflection in the chrome of it. Scowling again. 'Proper young ladies do not show cleavage to strangers'. Another lecture from her mother.

Sarah paused. Why was stuff she had done over a thousand times bothering her today? Shaking her head, she popped the tab and stopped for a second staring at the bubbles around the lip. Reggie had laughed at her attempts to blow bubbles with soap didn't he, long ago? When did she hear Reggie laugh recently?

Sipping as she padded back to her room, she thought for a moment. Daddy was always praising Reggie, as she stopped, looking at a shelf. Trophies. Drawn irresistibly to them, she looked at the top most ones. Her father's from high school and college. Debate, Track, all that. Her mother's, cheerleading, and a beauty pageant. Below those, Reggie's. His swim team one. Picture of him holding up a rowing trophy he had won with his team, Smile looked fake, as always, but something was bothering her. Eyes drawn to a picture . Eyes narrowing, she noted something was wrong. Something. They weren't fake the last time, were they? No, no, did some parahuman change the photos? The smiles were different! Yes, they were. She remembered her mother's smile. That wasn't it, nor was that Reggie's. He laughed, but he didn't laugh at her soap bubbles.

Turning, she stopped for a second. Transfixed, she looked at the way the light scattered off the polished metal of her father's golf trophy. It was like the trophy fractured for a moment. As if she had broken it.

Was her family broken? Was she? Was Reggie? She shook her head, and turned some more, only to stop. THe mirror on the other side was rattling. Distorting. Dammit, Reggie…

She stomped towards his room. Playing his music that loud *again*? Mom would tan his hide.

Throwing open the door to yell, she stopped cold. No music. His legs were kicking as he hung from a rope.

No. This is not his fate. I Deny it.

Brilliant green light spilled into the hallway as Sarah Livsey, Chosen of Secrets leapt at the rope, hand gleaming, as she obeyed instincts she never knew she had. Rope separating from each other, bodies twisting, falling, hands pulling a noose away… tumbling. The endless moment of instructional action ended.

Reggie stared at her. As if he had never seen her before.

"We're the Stepford Family, aren't we?" Sarah softly said. Everything she had seen pointed to that conclusion. "I wonder why I never saw it before." Reggie just stared at her glowing figure. "Patterns. Fakeness. Thinking you only acted as you were supposed to, instead of how you wanted to, and blaming it on you, instead of Father." She took a deep breath. "You couldn't take it anymore. All the lies. All the falsehoods. I remember you laughing, not at the soap bubbles I made, but at my joy in them. That was your joy… and Father wouldn't let you have it."

Reggie stood up, having regained his breath… "Sarah…" She just looked at him. "I…"

"No, no more lies. You don't want to be his perfect son. You don't want me to be the perfect little trophy princess." The blonde nodded. "You don't want this world."

"WHO DOES?" Reggie screamed. "Parahumans ruin everything, and I turned my own sister into one! The one good thing, the only thing I would miss, and I ruined you!" Taking a deep breath, the young man shook his head. "When Father told me to act 'Proper', especially as you entered high school, instead of doting on your every whim, as we have 'duties'..." Another shake of his head. "It hurt. Seeing you catch onto the fakeness? Hurt more. But I wanted you to hate me. So my death wouldn't affect you, and cause you to trigger. I failed at that. I failed at protecting you from Father and Mother. I failed at dying. I failed at making a better world… you should have let me die."

Sarah blinked. Reggie was wrong about that, and a lot of things.

"I didn't trigger. I don't know what happened, not yet, but I do know I'm not a parahuman." Sarah nodded. "And… you shouldn't have had to protect me. Not from our …" Sarah's voice turned ugly for a moment. "Parents. So how could you fail at that? It wasn't your duty!"

"I'm your brother. You're my little sister. Only thing Father was right about is you are a Princess." The teenager shook his head. "Sarah… you're glowing green. If you're not a parahuman, what are you? And how are we going to hide this from our parents? If they find out… they'll try to use you."

Sarah giggled at that. "The glow will go away, I'm almost sure of that. And I think I'll learn fast enough what I am. So, hiding from our parents isn't a problem." She tilted her head.

"... How?"

"For someone who was willing to check out…" She finally managed to pull off the questioning eyebrow.

"... Remember that medical workup you had two weeks ago?" Reggie finally stated.

That was a non sequitur. "... Yes?"

Reggie turned to look out over the bay. "You had the ability to trigger." Sarah blinked. She wasn't told that. Why didn't her parents tell her? She still wasn't a parahuman. "I asked the doctor what makes people trigger… because capes die too often, young and alone. That was …" Reggie paused and nodded once. "An unpleasant conversation. Worse, he told me Father asked how to determine what powers you might get."

"... Oh." Sarah's mind hummed. Reggie was afraid her parents would make her trigger, and she'd die because of it? "That doesn't explain why you thought dying was a solution."

"... I was hoping that if they saw what they did to me, they'd lay off you. It was all I could think of." Sarah walked next to him and laughed softly, sadly.

Sarah hugged him. "You had other options, Reggie. I can see what you were thinking, though… " She released him and nodded. "I think now… it'd have made them worse. But.. I'm dead sure I'm not a parahuman. What I am? I don't know. But I think…" She paused thinking on the words she wanted to use to convince Reggie of her rightness. "No, I know when Fate is right, I'll learn… and fate will be right soon. How do I prove that to you?" She paused, nodding. "How about we make up some excuse about me tripping and needing a check for a possible concussion, that's an MRI scan, right?"

Reggie tilted his head. He looked at her. Sarah's eyes picked out the desperate hope she was right. That she wouldn't die early. Which she wasn't at risk of, of course. She knew so. She smiled, a smile full of self confidence. She also felt right. And she knew her smile said so. Listen to Fate, Reggie. Listen. Believe me, I am right.

Reggie suddenly nodded, sharply, the anger and despair he had gone. "That it is, if we're willing to pay for it… and given we have the best insurance… if…" He suddenly grinned. "How do you feel about a gash?"

Sarah blinked, as he moved over to his table, pulling a pocketknife. "Hey.. Reggie." She didn't like the gleam in his eye and acted on it, tripping as he swung the blade at her forehead, nicking it.

Slapping her hands to the ground, she somersaulted over him, whacking her head into the ceiling, putting a dent into and landing on her ass….

"Ow. Ow. Owwww…"

"That… wasn't what I had in mind. Works, though. Are you able to stand?" Sarah just glared at him as she held out her hand. Reggie nodded. He pulled Sarah to her feet, only for her to stagger a bit, then glare at him. She dropped the glare at the manic look in his eyes, though. He wasn't out of the woods yet. "Bouncing on my bed. Tsk, tsk, little sister."

"Really? … ow…" Sarah winced.

"Yes." He paused a second, seemingly gathering strength, and energy. The idea of defying and denying their parents had given him new life. "Yes… it'll work, Mother is always on the lookout and suspects you of … " His snort was explosive.

Before Sarah could react, she was blown into the wall, and soaked and chilled. "REGGIE!"

"Sarah!" The cry got her to push herself against the wall, and get out of the hole that was made. Reggie seemed to recoil as she reached for him, then acting on instinct snapped her hand back. She was sore and hurting but she knew if she touched him, she'd get drowned. Anima flux.

"Reggie! Calm down, deep breaths. This is natural." Sarah spoke calming, hiding the pain she was in. "Just relax, it'll go away, like my anima did." Sarah paused. That was what her light was? Huh.

"How do you know?" His cry was a bit panicked.

"I… just do." Sarah tilted her head. "It's like … no, it is the universe telling me. That's what I think.." She nodded. "And you're safe for me now." Tilting her head. "I don't know why, but anyone else? Unlike us? You'd hurt even now, but… I'm safe." SHe stepped up and hugged him.

"... you're not alright, we're going to the hospital now." Reggie had clearly felt the wince she tried to hide. Being blown into the wall *hurt*. But bad idea.

"No… we'll wait til our auras have gone down. I'll be fine until then." SHe shrugged, letting the pain show, but not that she was in danger of dying. Which she wasn't.

"... How in hell do you know all this? Are you a thinker?" Reggie finally snorted. Sarah knew that wasn't a thinker.

"No. Absolutely not. We are something different. Better, maybe?" She stopped. How did she know? How was she so sure? Shaking her head, she continued. "And I think we're going to have to figure out how to meditate, maybe? Dream? Really not sure about that."

"Far from me doubting my overly confident little sister, but… how?"

"I… am not sure." Sarah threw her hands up, wincing as she pulled something. "I just know."

"We need to go to the PRT." Reggie finally stated, looking around at his absolutely destroyed room. "There's no other way to explain this. I would like to know how I triggered, when my medical checkup said I couldn't."

Sarah pointed out the window, at a shadow. "We were attacked!" Reggie turned and blinked. "After all, our parents aren't here, parahuman thieves want our stuff, right?" Sarah sighed. "We don't want our parents to know about us, right?"

Reggie thought long and hard for a moment. "No, no we don't. I know Father would push for us to carry the 'Family' in fame and fortune."

Sarah nodded, and grinned. Only to stop when Reggie held up his hand. "We will go to the hospital. We will think up a story… any suggestions on villains?"

Sarah shrugged. "The shadow is all we need. I don't know why again, but…"

"This is going to be very annoying, but damm me, I think you're right. At least it's worth a try."

"I told you that years ago."


"I don't believe Mother bought that." Reggie stated again. "That was… " Pausing, as he set a hand, pulling himself up the slope, he continued on. "Saying you wanted out of Boston for a few weeks, and in nature to 'cleanse your mind' of the terror of a parahuman?"

"It worked, I'm not complaining." Sarah huffed, as she followed Reggie up the hill. "I had a dream of meeting someone here, and learning more about us, remember?"

"That's what you said, yes." Reggie looked around on the ledge he had gotten onto, and nodded once. "But convincing Father that you'd enjoy the Rockies? I still cannot believe that he brought it. We are getting too good at convincing people."

"Yeah." Sarah looked up at her brother's amused face, her dirt-smudged cheeks extracting a chuckle from the young man, who's hair was clearly dyed. "We're … here, I *think*." She looked around and inched towards a cave opening. "Yeah… we are."

"Good, I don't think we could have gotten much higher." Pulling out a flashlight, he lit it, and went in first. Sarah followed.

Shortly the pair were in front of a stone lion like creature, and Sarah tilted her head. "Asian, isn't it?"

Reggie tilted his head. "I'd say so… but this is odd, something like this would be on the climbing sites." Sarah paused, having reconnected with her brother, she had found he enjoyed free climbs. Useful, but not her thing until this week.

Before Sarah could say something, a voice responded. "Dragonblood, only those who are allowed to see, see me." Sarah lept back, while Reggie had assumed a fighting stance. The Lion wasn't stone anymore, and a portal was open. "Lady Vizier, Dragonblood, I am Silent Fury, a Celestial Lion, guardian of the Gates of Yu-Shan, Heaven's own city, and you are expected. Lady Jupiter awaits her Chosen." He nodded at Sarah. "Go though and be escorted to her."

"... Well. I think we're about to get some answers." Reggie said.

"Yeah…" With that Sarah's face became determined, and she stepped through the Portal, with Reggie shaking his head, and following.

Stoking the Fury

Armsmaster chose to stand at the man's gesture, though Dragon had sat. He was just here after all to back Dragon up, per her request. The new threat that was crisscrossing the nation had the Guild up in arms, and she was here based on some research, and an offhand comment of his.

Having said the new murderess who the PRT in Chicago called Bloody Owl for the image that appeared in what Myrrdin called her aura, looked a lot like his English professor from BBU, Dragon had investigated deeper, and come to a conclusion. An eighty-six percent match in body structure and facial features evident, plus a targeting criteria that seemed to go along with Professor Hebert's college radicalism… Well, it was worth investigating, wasn't it? But she was dead, everyone knew so. More likely a Stranger who did his or her research and chose to ape her.

Studying Danny Hebert, he realized the man hadn't recovered from his wife's death. At the funeral, the man had looked broken as if the world had finally destroyed him. But Dragon had assured him the man would recover with his daughter to care for.

"Mr. Hebert." Armsmaster was startled by Dragon's voice. "We're researching some facts based on a new villainess. Anything you can say would help." She smiled at Danny, who appeared shocked that he could be of help.

The man ran a hand through his thinning hair, and sighed. "I don't know what help you think I can be, but… I'm willing."

Dragon nodded. "Have you been approached by anyone trying to get inroads into the Docks?"

Armsmaster snorted.

He was joined by Danny. "Dragon… when I haven't been? Merchants? Please, they'd love to have the DWA handling their drugs. Empire? Need I even say?" Danny shook his head. "You'd have to be more specific, really."

"Someone who looked like your wife?" Dragon hinted. "Someone offering to give her back?" Dragon paused, then added. "Someone claiming to be her?"

For a long moment stillness existed, then Danny grew taunt and Armsmaster noted his HUD's software analysis stating that Mr. Hebert was furious.

"... I cannot say anyone has tried that, no." The undertone of vicious anger crossed his voice. "Can I ask why you think this is possible?"

Dragon nodded, pulling out a photo. "This is a picture of who we are calling the Bloody Owl." Sliding over a 8 by 10 photo, that had caught the killer cape face on, with her red eyes showing over her tight fitting balaklava.

Danny half rose, his face going red after studying the picture for a moment. Straightening to his full height, fists balling and slamming to the desk, he shouted. "Are you saying someone stole my wife's body?" A moment. "A parahuman destroyed the morgue she was in! And now you claim it was to steal her looks? To steal the union for the gangs?"

Two people, one stocky woman, one stocky longshoreman rushed in, with what appeared to be anchoring pins, to Armsmaster's slight incredulousness. They were backing their leader up.

"Well, if that was the plan…" Dragon nodded at the two wary people, having her hands out. "They'd have moved already."

"THEN WHAT?" The snarled words clearly startled Dragon, and the union man was joined by his fellow union members in glaring at Dragon.

Dragon met the glare. "Has your wife contacted you or your daughter?"

A look that Armsmaster didn't understand, and his software wouldn't parse crossed Daniel Hebert's face, as the two behind him looked at each other.

"Are… are you saying my wife is alive?" A long moment. "Are you saying she abandoned her family, her husband, her DAUGHTER to go around killing people?"

Armsmaster interrupted before Dragon could respond. "Mr. Hebert. I am not. I cannot go into all details, but rest assured, it is no one's theory in the PRT that Annette Hebert is still alive. Too many witnesses to the car accident, too many doctors confirming her death. Parahuman powers wouldn't hide that she was still living in that situation." There. He should have calmed the situation

"Get. Out." Grinding of teeth. "Get. Out before I kill you both." Daniel's words were snarled.

Dragon didn't say a word as she did so, with Armsmaster nodding and following her. Waiting a moment as they strode away, he finally asked her once clear of the building.

"Dragon.. Professor Hebert still alive? Seriously? There hasn't been a case of parahuman power…"

A held up hand interrupted him, as Dragon piped in a radio channel. She had left a microphone behind.

"Danny… they're claiming Annette is still alive?"

"No way. She'd have never left you and Taylor, never." The female dockworker responded.

Long breaths. "I … can't quite say that's true." Armsmaster's eyebrow rose behind his visor. "But I can say, she'd have made sure we knew she wasn't dead, unless she couldn't."

Dragon shook her head, before Armsmaster could speak.

"But…" and the man's voice was tired. "She's dead, Armsmaster is right. No parahuman power would have waited that long, we'd have heard about it, that?" Snorts responded to the Union man's statement.

"Then what, if someone's…"

"Stealing her face? They come here… they come after Taylor… They come after the Union? I'll break my vow to Annette, because she would have told me to. And they die."

Armsmaster was shocked into silence.

"For the Docks. For Taylor… For Annette. They. Will. Die."


We're Still Missing the Heart

Shadowy Wings Of Impending Doom On The Intolerant And Those Who Would Not Listen spun, hair following her giant blade as it sprayed blood across the street from a fallen Teeth, and she shot her Stormsplitter at a fleeing Teeth cape. "Dammit. I really wanted to kill Spree." She looked down, nodding at the blood splatter on her black clothing and boots, and pulled down her Balaclava, as she picked up a weakly struggling Teeth member and bit down, drinking deeply, then tossing the body aside.

A green bodysuit garbed blonde dropped next to her, as a blue haired man in a classic age of sail pirate outfit walked up, reloading his Stormsplitters. The man shook his head. "Next time, when we're paid for it, no? And did you have to do that?"

"Hey! I had to regain energy somehow. Eating's a good way. Anyways, the Butcher ran like a bitch when she found I couldn't be taken by surprise, and she couldn't hit me." Shadowy wings shook her head sadly. "Such a coward. For someone who thinks she's immortal…"

"Couldn't be anything to do with your anima, could it?" Lisa snarked. "Naw, being the personification of Death and Destruction and Terror wouldn't be it…"

The Dusk shrugged. "Eh. Pretty sure all their unpowered members are dead, and we did get three capes. Accord just was paying for them to be hammered, not destroyed. That'd be a major bonus, as you know, Tattletale."

"It would be nice to kill the Butcher, since the gang would rebuild around her, but Vex and Reaver, plus Animos are an excellent start." Hostering his two revolvers, the man shrugged.

"Yes. And it's enough." Tattletale grinned. "It wasn't difficult luring them here… and volia!"

The Abyssal glared at the Sidereal. "I'd note that volia was Corsair and I, Tattletale. And you won't tell us how you lured them here, except that coffee's good."

Sarah grinned under her mask. "Secrets~~~ Didn't your patrons teach you that?"

"Ladies." Corsair, the blue haired man cut in. "We can play dominance and knowledge games later. I do think we should be away, before those pesky authorities come…" Both women stared at the man. He was getting a kick playing the vicious pirate and highwayman his outfit suggested.

"I'd have to agree." Shadowy Wings shook her blade, wiping it down with a piece of cloth she had ripped off a body.

"Eh, I actually set this up before we met you, in fact, I used the Teeth as pasties for something before, so…" The Vizier shrugged. "You'd be surprised what a simple cup of coffee at the right time, and right place would do."

Before either other exalt could respond a *roar* sounded at the mouth of the alley behind them, with a loud thump following.

Corsair spun, stormsplitters appearing in his hands as if magic, pointed down the Alley. "That isn't good." he mildly commented.

"You THINK?" The Abyssal had a large soulsteel battle rifle in hand, also pointed down as fast as her male companion, while Tattletale had ducked behind an dumpster, with a Starmetal revolver in hand.

"Bloody Owl, and companions. You are Under Arrest. Resist and suffer, it will not change anything." A electronic voice rang out, from what was revealed as a robotic Dragon.

"First, call me Bloody Owl again, and I will kill you. I am Shadowy Wings Of Impending Doom On The Intolerant And Those Who Would Not Listen. I paid in my very name, and I continue to pay." The Dragon seemed to simply stare at the Abyssal, while a facepalm was heard from the hiding blonde. "Second… Bastion tried that. Has he gotten out of the hospital yet? Along with the other three he brought with him?"

"... No." The Dragon was somewhat hesitating, then seemed to decide. Stepping forward, what action she was going to take, was frozen by Tattletale's shouted comment to Shadowy Wings.

"I didn't know bad naming habits was genetic! Skitter sucked at names TOO!" The green clad Exalt said with a bit of nervousness in her voice.

Shadowy Wings noted the sudden freezing of the mecha, she honestly didn't want to hurt or kill Dragon, she had learned too much about the heroine. "Hey, my name is perfectly fine. So is anything my Daughter used!" The Abyssal shot back, not taking her eyes off the suit.

Corsair simply kept his pistols pointed, eyes narrowed and prepared to shoot at the moment of violence.

For a long moment nothing was said, nothing stirred. Finally, the mecha spoke again. "Truce, for I think we need to talk, Exalts."

"... Endbringer truce, two hours?" Corsair spoke for the women, only to get a glare from his sister, and a snicker escaping from the balaclava

"Agreed." The Mecha's head lowered to the ground… and then the upper jaw seemed to lift up, allowing a body to sliter out of the mouth. Pushing up, the female stood after getting out of the mecha. Tattletale's head tilted as if she was listening, while Annette's eyes grew redder.

"Tattletale. The A-class villain that the PRT designates as Bloody Owl, who is formerly Annette Hebert now named Shadowy Wings Of Impending Doom On The Intolerant And Those Who Would Not Listen . I don't know the man." The brown haired woman tilted her head and seemed to blur for a second. "I am Final Iteration of Compassion, called Dragon, and born Theresa Ada Ricther." The Starmetal body in front of them drew an eyebrow from the Dusk, and a dropped jaw from the blond.

"No way!" Tattletale squeed. "Seriously? You're Autochthon's?"

Dragon nodded, a slight smile on her face. "I don't know how much you got of the … future that cannot be, The Great Maker did not give me much, either… But Skitter is a name I know."

Sarah stepped out from behind the dumpster she was using to hide herself, and shrugged slightly. "Bits and pieces, comes to me when meditating or dreaming. Lady Jupiter seems to be stingy."

Final Iteration turned and raised a metal eyebrow at the Abyssal. "Nope, not much here, just dreams, meditative instincts and when I went to the Underworld a brief lesson on how our abilities work, plus, and I quote: "Being Chosen for Dummies, Essence for Dummies, and The Champions, a recognition guide. Plus basic understanding of what essence enhanced items are, magitech, weapons, that jazz." She shrugged. "Corsair got similar, so did Tattletale, as well."

The alchemical nodded. "Similar here, then, so only Tattletale and I got hints of a life that is no longer ours?"

"Seems so, I'm afraid." Corsair shrugged.

"No matter." The Champion of Autochition pondered for a moment, then nodded. "Shadowy Wings Of Impending Doom On The Intolerant And Those Who Would Not Listen, you are wanted for countless actions of homicide, though to be accurate, careful investigation shows that the vast majority were criminal or should have been, and that a fair bit had started it with you first. You are also wanted for the homicide of two Protectorate heros, though once again…" Dragon shook her head. "And of course, the brutal assault and depowering of at least a half dozen Protectorate heroes." Shadowy Wings snickered.

"Not the villains I depowered?" Tattletale and Corsair snickered as well.

The Starmetal eyes glared at the three snickering Exalts. "That is on the list, yes. I do not think I really needed to tell you."

Tattletale had to interjet. "Oh, no, no you didn't have to say a word.."

"And now that you and who I suspect is a Dragonblood, have been seen with her and participating in the slaughter of those who can't stand against you…" Dragon's tone was repressive. "You were always a villain, weren't you?"

"Corsair, m'lady Alchemical." Reggie Livsey tilted his hat, snickering. "All good princesses are villainous in their own way."

"... Cute." Dragon shook her head. "Unimportant at this point, just giving you fair warning. They are one step away from a kill order on you, Shadowy Wings Of Impending Doom On The Intolerant And Those Who Would Not Listen, and I'm not sure tonight won't be that. If you showed up at …"

"Endbringer fights?" The Abyssal snarked. "I have considered it, to be honest, it would be a … challenge.. And they're a threat to my family." She paused. "I'm not sure I'm ready yet, and I know Corsair and Tattletale aren't, '' the warrior looked at the two named and shook her head. "And again, I was under orders to avoid that til the time was right…"

"Who can give an Exalt orders?" Dragon wondered. Once Autochition had finished with her, it became clear that was the last time anyone would be able to do things she couldn't resist without trying to her. Exalted meant choice.

Shadowy Wings grew pensive. "More a "If you do, this happens." I didn't like the 'this.'"

Tattletale nodded. "Nor did I when I heard it. I might not know Skitter yet, not outside my dreams, but I can tell you…"

"... Agreed." The Canadian Exalt looked over the three others. "And how much longer will that 'this' be a problem?"

Sarah Livsey shook her head. "Actually, from what …" The grin was obvious as Tattletale continued "Shadowy Wings Of Impending Doom On The Intolerant And Those Who Would Not Listen" After taking a breath from the naming of the Dusk Caste, she continued. "Really, we need a shorter name for you… Anyways, as.." she waved at the Abyssal "she said, ``I think it's either over, or just about.""

"Just about, if I understood the timing right." Corsair nodded.

"Good. As much as I rather kill you, Dusk Caste, Logic indicates that you are needed to kill the false Primordials. If you fight an Endbringer, the kill orders won't go out. But do stop killing heros. That will make it easier to keep you off the 'kill at any cost' list."

"And if their crimes deserve death?" The eyebrow raised over the mask demanded an answer.

"Sacrifices for the whole have to be made, and justice can only be delayed. Once we can, justice will be served. For mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent."

"... I can try, but no promises. Now…" The former Annette Hebert looked at the Champion. "As you have been told, I can go home to my family now. I am. Stand in my way…"

"That wouldn't be a logical decision, no, but be aware, Daniel Hebert is aware that your face and body are out and about, I do not believe at this time he thinks you are alive. He believes you are a Stranger." Dragon seemed a bit sheepish at that.

"... You questioned him after I became active, didn't you?" A nod answered the Deathknight. That got a string of curses.

"I was more concerned for them. Black Exaltations twist their bearers, don't they?" Dragon's eyebrow rose in response.

"All Exaltations do. All powers do." The Deathknight sighed. "It's just how. And which way power corrupts. That I learned even before exalting."

"A good lesson. Remember it, and perhaps we won't be in conflict. The host has to come together."
Colin's Tale
When the best plans of mice and men…

Rebecca Costa-Brown rubbed her forehead as she looked around the table. "I approved Calvert's plan." She paused. "I overruled Piggot, who wanted, with what I agreed with, what was good reasons to negotiate, or at least talk first." She looked around again, eyes hard. "On Contessa and your advice, Numberman."

Kurt winced. The video had proved illuminating, but the PRT's reputation had taken a blow that would take careful handling to recover from. Now they had to hope Piggot could negotiate the recovery of people. "The numbers suggested Calvert's plan would work, and we could then get answers from Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom" He looked at Contessa who looked pained. "The path said it would…"

"It didn't." Legend was cold. "And now Contessa has a thinker headache, Calvart, who you stated Piggot had to accept, Rebecca, is useless…" He smiled briefly. "To my great joy."

Doctor Mother looked around before anyone could respond. "We did learn something. They are modelable, to a point, and they, at least this Mr. Hebert and Tattletale can kill agents, though their humans. That is very useful to know."

Rebecca nodded. "Now we have to negotiate with them. And bluntly, I don't know what they want, Contessa doesn't, Kurt?"

He snorted. "That is easy. Daniel Hebert wants the docks prosperous. His resurrected wife? She wants her family. His daughter? Not sure, but she's a child. She's not a major factor."

Legend raised an eyebrow. "Not a major factor? She broke Calvert and Contessa, and sent four full squads of field agents into flight, and ambush, Kurt."

Kurt shook his head. "Not a major factor in the sense that what she wants or will be doing is critical, my numbers indicate while she's angry, very angry at her parents, she's not going to run away or outright disobey them."

Legend looked at Kurt, then nodded. "You're saying if we give Hebert what he wants, he's controllable?"

Rebecca raised an eyebrow at that. "... what are you on, Kurt?" She shook her head. "This is Daniel Hebert. We warned Calvert about him, that while he's now a nice man… he wasn't always. Only one person could control him. And…"

"His wife's freedom on condition of good behavior… His and hers?" Kurt was cold. "We have her dead to right on several counts of murder of law enforcement personnel. While it's never been used on a parahuman, those are capital crimes."

Legend looked at both, sighed. "And in a fair court, with a good lawyer, you'd be dammed lucky if you get the death sentence… but I see what you're saying. Birdcage is an option."

Kurt nodded, to Rebecca's scowl. "That's the point, Paul."

Rebecca stood up and paced, clearly thinking. She stopped and looked at them. "I don't like this. I really don't. We have problems pathing them indirectly, they break thinker powers, and now we know it's highly likely they can kill powers."

Surprisingly it was Doctor Mother who spoke. "A question you should ask. If they can kill powers, though the parahuman… what else can they kill?"

Legend blinked. "That's why David's not here." Kurt nodded at that. "He's been convinced that he is the silver bullet to kill Scion."

"Yes." Doctor Mother nodded. "Even if they can't directly kill Scion, we can point them at more dangerous parahumans and it's quite possible they can kill Endbringers."

Rebecca leaned forward and placed her hands on the table. "I'll handle the negotiations, then. If they can, I want proof. If any of them can kill even one Endbringer…"

"It's worth whatever we can give them… because, Rebecca? Paul? Shadowy Wings has only grown in power and ability. Beyond what the numbers say a parahuman power can do."

Paul's head whipped to Kurt's, eyes meeting. "What are you saying?"

Doctor Mother responded for him a smile revealing her white teeth. "That they aren't powered by agents. That Kurt and I are in agreement about."

Kurt nodded. "And… even if they can't kill an Endbringer or Scion now…"

Rebecca smiled. "What will they be able to do… in the future." Kurt and Doctor Mother nodded. "They just might be our silver bullets."

Legend snorted as Rebecca gathered her briefcase from the broken end of the table she was at. "Black, Gold, green as well. I pray to God you are right and they can… and now I know why you didn't want David here. He'd have disagreed with you, pointing at himself."

Kurt nodded as Rebecca shook her head. "Correct. Good luck, Rebecca."

"If the bullet hits, I don't care what color it is. And… I agree, we may have gotten lucky." Rebecca snorted. "Door me."


Freedom to choose

Emily Piggot looked over her desk at Colin Wallis, standing at parade rest in front of her desk, instead of sitting down in the two chairs flanking him, who for the first time in her memory had no bags under his eyes, and was… dare she say, relaxed? She stuffed down a thought to throw him into M/S screening… again.

Armsmaster shifted from parade rest to a loose standing position, removing his helmet and ran his hand through his hair, settling it in place. "Director. You wanted me to report on my tinker tech and my ability to understand it. I am ready to do so."

"Yes. I did." Emily Piggot clasped her hands, and realized at this moment, that while he seemed more relaxed and calm, he still was… efficient.

"I do not have any ability to maintain what I have built, nor understand it. Even when I started taking Dragon's advice and getting eight hours of sleep… the technology, even with my engineering background, is beyond me." He seemed sad about this, but resigned, though strangely not angry.

"... You seem to be less upset about that than I thought you would be, Armsmaster." Piggot looked the hero in the eye. "I'm sorry, but I have to admit, in your shoes, I would be …" The obese woman sighed. "Insanely upset."

Armsmaster smiled slightly. "First, I don't feel a need to prove myself anymore. I've also been looking back at my actions and dislikes and hates, and …" He paused, apparently searching for a word, then nodding. "Realized they were by and large, unimportant. Pure glory seeking or hatred and animosity towards those who would deny me that."

Emily stared. Parahumans were never that observant of themselves. Far too many of them were almost driven to fight. She made a mental note to see if Jessica Yamanda saw similar traits in Aegis and Vista, though they differed. "I… see. Well…"

"We are also going to discuss my future with the government, are we not?" Colin interrupted. "As I am no longer a parahuman…"

Emily nodded. "You can't remain in the Protectorate. One idea floated is that you be retired on full disability…" She stopped noting Colin's grimace.

"I … dislike that." He paused and nodded at her, taking a seat. "While I am no longer a parahuman, I still have an engineering degree, and I actually retain that understanding quite well. If nothing else, I can transfer to the PRT, and at least evaluate tinker tech. Or perhaps work with Dragon as liaison, to help increase her understanding…"

Emily blinked. She paused, thinking for a moment, then nodded. "I suspect many would approve of that attitude… but…" She searched for a way to say what she wanted, then sighed. Both of them were too alike. Blunt truth it was. "Too many parahumans, you included until now, defined themselves by their power. While I am glad you are moving beyond… I have to ask… how?"

Colin looked her in the eyes, serious, intense, and serene in a way she had never seen. "As I've said, I'm no longer driven to seek glory. To spend every moment possible and resent when I can't, improving what we called technology. I think these last few days are the first I've slept eight hours a night, since I triggered." He stood up and walked to her window, looking out, but not seeing.

"I am trying to figure out where the young man who just wanted to understand why things were inefficient and improve on them, as well as the same young man who believed he could change the world for the better… went. I've spent time asking myself, what have I done for the world?"

"You fought villains and Endbringers…" Emily began, only to have Colin cut her off.

"Important, yes, I agree… but where is the person who wanted to reduce the time people needed to do things. Where is the person who wanted people to spend less on items, improve their quality of life, fix the world, expand knowledge and build things for everyone?" He turned and looked her in the eye. "I don't know where he went."

Emily was shocked. She looked at him, and finally said. "I think… I do."

Colin raised an eyebrow. "I would like to know."

"He's returned, and is in front of me." She smiled. "There are several theories on what powers do to their users…"

"I know those… and yes, I agree, they may be right… but I will not let that be the only excuse. I failed myself." He walked around the desk and stopped at the door. "I don't want to take up more of your time, so, I will state I'll accept a transfer to the PRT, preferably the evaluation or technology sections, or failing those, perhaps liaison duties with Dragon?"

Emily nodded, noting some things apparently weren't power related. "I'm going to put in a request that the Brockton Bay Circle depower and deliver us some parahumans, for further study." She tilted her head. "As for your request, Colin… I personally will put it in front of Narwhal and the Chief Director. Another possibility is perhaps they can teach you how to use Supernatural martial arts, as they called it?"

Colin shook his head. "When Tattletale demonstrated it, I actually understood what it was, at least in basic." Emily's eyebrows rose at that.


"Yes, really." Colin grinned. "Before I joined the Protectorate, Director, I was as you know a college student, and like many… I occasionally goofed off. My personal choice was old Japanese and Chinese movies and anime involving martial arts. While I knew a fair bit were, well.."

"Silly?" Emily smiled. "I actually miss Kaiju movies…"

A snicker escaped the man. "Indeed. But… a fair bit were based on myths and legends. What if what they call Essence, which is needed to use those arts, is what the Asian cultures call ki, chi, or what have you?"

"... and if you aren't given your choices, you intend to investigate that." Emily finally summed up.

"I doubt that any of the duties the PRT would assign me initially would not leave me with some free time, and well… I like to be busy doing something."

"I … see." She sighed. "I have to ask you to pack up all your tinker tech and safely disassemble your lab, if you can. You will be put on medical leave for a period, while the Directors argue specifically what to do. Aegis and Vista at least have new powers, though I'm not sure Vista will stay."

Armsmaster, no Colin Wallis, nodded. "I understand. It helps that I do have way too much sick time built up. I have asked Dragon to assist me with that, as well as a few other things. One of the things I do intend to do on my time off is look into what Tattletale claims…" Emily snickered.

"I have to ask, is it as strange to you as it is to me, hearing you actually talk about plans for time off?" Emily leaned back with a slight smile.

Again, Colin smiled. "Yes, but actually something I wondered when I stopped thinking about myself. I enjoyed my summer vacations when I was in school…" He paused and shrugged. "I will talk to the Circle and learn more about this… Essence. With your permission?"



Colin looked at his workshop, shaking his head. He was wearing a headband that Dragon had sent, that had a camera, and a headset attached. "Dragon. Why did I do this?"

"Do what?" came from the headset. "Use every cubic inch of space as efficiently as possible?"

"Yes. I knew better. You need room to stretch out. You need room to personalize. It's almost like…" Colin spread his hands.

A soft response was his answer "Your powers made you forget that?"

"Yes. It's like I made a devil's deal." Colin shook his head. "And well, Hebert gave me my soul back, now."

"I would have thought you'd be more angry." Dragon responded. "This is very pleasant to hear, Colin."

"Theresa, I couldn't even appreciate you giving me your name." A soft growl conveyed Colin;s response. "I couldn't appreciate that trust. I just thought it was efficient. What is wrong with our powers?"

"I'm afraid I'm unable to answer you at this time, Colin." Colin's eyes narrowed at her soft response.

"That… you know something." It wasn't accusatory. It was a simple statement of fact.

"I do. But… I should not tell you. Not here, not now." His friend, and now with his improved clarity, someone he wanted more than just friendship from sounded resigned.

Colin paused, fingering his beard for a moment. "I… See. I'll have to go to Vancouver, I assume?"

"That would be a start." Dragon paused for a second. "I'm … detecting something… No, just a ghost."

Colin snorted. "I'd have said ghosts don't exist. I'd have also said that being able to send a wave of force from your blade without tinkertech was also not possible. Shows what I knew, I suppose."

Dragon laughed. "Why am I getting the sense you're more philosophical now?"

"Eh… maybe. Or maybe I want to learn more. We both know the world's dying. I don't like that. Even without powers, I can fix it. Maybe not alone, maybe only being a bit of help to those who will fix the world… but I can still do that." He paused, then thought about it. "Question. We could do this tomorrow, will you be …"

"Of course, Colin, it would actually be better that way, I can dedicate my time to it. This isn't going to be an hour-long project after all." Colin snorted. "But if that, I …"

Colin laughed softly. "There's always something you want to be doing. I envied you for that. Now? What did it cost you?"

A long pause. "... Something we'll talk about in Vancouver, I think. But…"

"Not a problem, talk to you in the morning." Colin nodded, knowing she had hacked his cameras.

"Tomorrow, Colin." The line closed with a solid click, and he took the headset off. For a moment he thought to message Challenger who had taken over ENE while he was… being evaluated, but decided against it, instead he sat on his stool and looked at his cluttered workbench.

"Fuck it." Colin Wallis shook his head, rueful. "This can wait, instead I'm going to have a beer." He stood up and walked out, smiling slightly. As he made his way to his car, he was lost in thought, not noting the reactions of the various people who he crossed paths with.

It was a good thing Emily had squashed all attempts to put him in Master/Stranger containment for a naturally smiling Armsmaster caused everyone who saw it… distress and disbelief.


Colin sat the six pack of bottles down on a stand next to his living room chair. Joining it was a bag from a Chinese place along his way home. Having walked through the house, he sat down in the chair.

"... This isn't even a hotel suite. Did I really spend that much time on the Rig?" Colin wondered. He paused for a second, and nodded once. "Okay. After work tomorrow, I'm going to find a therapist." He paused, then facepalmed. "... And to think I complained about how inefficient therapy was."

He opened a beer and sipped at it. Raising an eyebrow, he savored the bitter taste.
"Hello Colin…" The Alien voice emanated from behind him, inside his house.
It isn't power, it's who's offering.

Colin Wallis, the former Armsmaster, spun, searching for the voice that just spoke. "Show yourself!"

"Are you sure?" the disembodied voice spoke dispassionately. "Some would be disturbed by what I am. I do not know why."

The former hero seemed to zero in on the voice, or so he thought. "I am not some."

"As you will." Before his eyes, a shimmer appeared, slowly revealing a collection of countless shards of shattered crystal all lit from within with a pure white fire, rotating in a pattern that made a humanoid body around a single perfect sphere lit with the same fire the shards of crystal had.

"What are you?" Colin didn't cast around for a weapon, but he remembered carefully where he had hidden a few in his house. "I'm afraid I've never seen, nor heard of any parahuman like you. A new Case 53?"

The being appeared to look at him, and spoke. "I am no parahuman, Colin Wallis, formerly called Armsmaster. I bear an offer from my superiors."

"Then what are you?" Colin's eyes narrowed. "And what offer?"

The orbs seemed to rotate a bit faster, as the being spoke. "The world is broken. The worlds are broken. You know this. My superiors know this. They are now called Yozi, but once were called Primordials. They have Chosen you to receive their blessing to fix this world."

Colin blinked. Either this … being was crazy, or Tattletale was right. "I… see. And what would this blessing be?" He asked as he began to edge towards where he had hidden a bastard sword. "And what would be required of me from these… Yozi?"

"Excellent and logical questions." The being's flames seemed to pulse. "The blessing is called Exaltation, which you have seen in action. What would be expected, is of course, destroying the sickness and disrespect mortals have towards the true creators, and the false worship they have towards these… parahumans." Colin detected in it's words, for the first time, an emotion. Distaste but for a moment. "Which of course would mean restoring the proper order of Creation. Modified from the original design, admittedly, but the new order is more logical and superior. It is the only logical and efficient way to fix the Greater Creation, after all."

Colin tried to figure out what this being was, as he didn't give much credence to Tattletale's files. But… she did have a page on demons. "... Are you a demon?"

"That is what mortals of the previous ages have called me. It is also what the victors of the Primordial War call me." A sense of a shrug. "I am actually the 1st circle progeny of Zarrilta, who is the progeny of Sagarduia, who is one of the souls of She Who Lives in Her name. One of the true creators, the one who established order and efficient rule for all of Creation. My sisters and I are called Natharizai."

Colin was quiet for a long moment. "I see."

"It is only logical. Your choice, mortal? For I see no efficiency in waiting longer. The world requires logic and efficiency." The coldly logical tones made it clear he could not stall for very much longer.

"I … admit. The powers that were shown to me by the other Exalted are tempting. Only an illogical fool would deny such." No harm in playing along with this being's delusions. He had reached where his sword was hidden. "But I must decline. For you see, I realize I was tethered to a being that gave me no choice and promised what you claim to offer… but never delivered in truth. I will fix this world… but by my choice, my way, and beholden to none." His hand darted to the hilt of the sword. "Now, I must ask you to leave." Drawing the sword from where it was hidden, he flicked a switch and it began to vibrate.

The being tilted it's head to the side. "That is Unfortunate. The mistress identified you as the best possible candidate as a Defiler. You do not have the power to fix what is broken. You do not have the capability to do so. You will accept this offer once I prove it to you."

"I disagree." Snarling, Colin shot forward, sword held flat and straight, heading for the heart.

To his shock, he plunged through the being, without apparently leaving a scratch, and taking slight burns along his clothing. Spinning around he stared at the being.

"How illogical. You presume you can refuse the offer of the creators. Allow me to correct your faulty logic." With that, a shard shot out the cold flames that were inside it in a tight beam, and Colin desperately twisted to minimize his profile and block the flames, which spread around him in the process of destroying his sword, and the remains splashed against the wall, eating at it.

Colin dropped the remains of his blade, and grabbed at where a hidden halberd was, snapping it out, thrusting forward, hoping the materials in it would harm the spirit, along with it's electrical arcs. "I think you have faulty logic!"

A shock went through his arms as he connected with one of the crystal shards, shattering it, but the flames rushed down, burning at his fingers, but the material held up to the abuse.

"Impressive, your reputation for quality construction, even under the false progeny, is true. You would have served well." The being threw its arm forward, and one of the countless crystal shards making up the creature's body dissolved, becoming sand that flowed at him, and he threw himself under the flow, as it impacted another part of the wall.

Colin began to sweat. This being was… relentless. While in size, this wasn't an endbringer, even his best attack appeared to do more damage to himself, than it did to the creature made of shards. "I made that mistake once. I served something I didn't know." Panting as his eyes swept the form, calculating, looking, regaining his strength, "I will never serve again."

"Incorrect." The being darted forward, clearly trying to grapple, no, engulf him, with the central orb seeming to head for his head, and only his desperate leap over the being saved him. Landing and turning it into a roll, he landed in a crouch, prepared to lunge A wild thought crossed his mind, filling him with hope. That orb that had headed towards his head was the brightest. Maybe that was it's weak spot?

"Not today.." Colin, from his crotch, sprang forward, his halberd knocking the first, the second and then a third shard aside as the being once again tried to place all it's orbs around him, and struck true on the target he wanted.

For a long moment nothing happened, as electricity and steel clashed with cold fire… until his halberd punched through the orb, shattering it into countless pieces… which joined the rest of the orbs in disappearing. Colin stared still outstretched, as he dared not breathe… until he took a deep breath… and the world turned golden.

It's a Rush and Too Much

Colin's deep breath was exhaled through the golden light surrounding him. Looking around, he noted that the light seemed to be coming from him, his mind clear and in overdrive. He also noted that the light was shining out the windows as well as the gaping holes in the wall.

"Well. Shit." Running his hand through his hair, he came to one conclusion. He would find his answers at the Docks. Putting thoughts to action, he moved decisively for his garage and home workshop where he had stored a Harley that he had personally checked over two weeks ago.

Shortly, he was getting on his motorcycle, as the garage door opened, with a firm kick, the bike started with a fierce roar. Putting on his helmet, and settling into the saddle, he began to push out of the garage. Before he could get more than a few feet, he had to slam the brakes, due to the sudden appearance of a mecha.

As the woman got out of her mecha, Colin sighed, and facepalmed. "Dragon… why?"

He simply waited, watching the armored bodysuit clad woman as she walked up to him. Finally, he thought she was close enough to hear. "Why did you come?"

The brown haired woman shook her head. "Colin… your anima banner is visible from orbit."

"... what?" Colin paused and tried to process that. "Wait… how do you know what it is called? I know for a fact that the information Tattletale handed over is not on any network." He tilted his head, leaning back slightly, evaluating, and something golden flickered in his eyes. "What are you?" He had gotten off his motorcycle, and grabbed his halberd that he had brought with him. "Why are you glowing inside in various colors?" The man studied the woman more, eyes narrowing. "Why does it look like circuits?" Eyes widening, he added an accusation. "Why are you disguised? WHO ARE YOU?" He pointed his weapon at her.

Dragon facepalmed. "Of course you'd be a Twilight. OF course you'd get the Solar Essence sight ability instantly. Great Maker, why did I expect anything different?"

Armsmaster's eyes narrowed. "Who are you? You are not Dragon, Stranger."

"I am Theresa, Colin." Dragon responded, irritation in her voice. "I can prove it to you, shall we discuss your first attempt at a date?" Her eyebrow arched.

"A Stranger could have gotten that information." Colin Wallis asserted. "Try again." He studied her as he positioned himself to strike, his polearm held perpendicular to his body still threatening Dragon, as he paced around her.

"... Alpha Romeo Seven Bravo Zero Five Zulu Sierra." Dragon recited the master/stranger code for the day that Piggot had personally told Colin, with the note it wasn't on any computer.

"... Explain." Colin lowered his blade by a bit, letting Dragon though. "And it better be good."

Dragon looked at the garage door, and the man rolled his eyes, but walked over and pushed the button, closing the garage door.

"Thank you." Dragon had waited til the door closed. "Colin. You know until about… a year ago, I never left Vancouver outside remote piloted craft?"

Colin put aside his halberd and leaned up against a workbench, and nodded. "Yes, I was quite pleased."

"I was as well, Colin." Theresa smiled at that, then sobered up a bit, to answer Armsmaster's question. "What I was? Artificial Sapience." Colin just froze at that statement. For a long moment Dragon worried she broke the Twilight.

"I… see. And yes, it makes sense, including the Dragonslayers ranting recently… They had a backdoor, didn't they?" Dragon nodded. "... and they lost that backdoor a year ago?"

Theresa hummed, then sighed. "Not… quite. What happened was the Great Maker examined me, and was impressed by my father. Or creator, whichever you prefer. I was the first information based sapient in his incalculable lifespan that had a soul."

Colin snorted at that. "I could have told him that, even then I thought you had more of a soul than all of us put together. Your father did well."

"... Thank you Colin." Theresa for a moment choked up. "But, like others, he had Champions, Exalted, as you read, called Alchemicals." She paused for a second, thinking. "I don't know what was in Tattletale's little brief, but he determined that I would be his first new champion, and first here."

Colin for a long moment said nothing, then nodded. "And who is the Great Maker?"

"... That would take a lifetime to learn. The very concept of what the Primordial, Autochthon is, begins at the very concept of building a better lightbulb some would say. He is the personification of innovation, tool use, builders and more." Dragon shook her head. "Explaining what Autochthon is, and is capable of, hits broad conceptual strokes that even I cannot model or articulate. But in short, as it was explained to me, he is the Principal of Innovation and Creation. "

The man thought for a moment and shrugged. "I see. And you've been an Alchemical for over a year?" A thought struck Colin, and he added. "I have to ask, what does he look like?"

Theresa sighed. "Yes, Colin." The Alchemical shifted a bit, finally slumping a bit as she continued. "And… um, well… Remember Star Wars?" She received a nod and an eyebrow. "Well, the closest approximation in both looks and scale? … The First Death Star."

Colin was struck silent for a moment. Finally he spoke. "Oh… god, he's the ultimate tinker, isn't he?"


"... If I wasn't about to drive, I'd go have that six pack I brought home." Colin finally said.

Dragon shook her head amused. "On a conceptual level… yes. In so many ways." Dragon paused. "When I think about it, I'm tempted to steal Narwhal's Blue Label."

"She has good taste." Colin stroked his beard. "Why do I feel that you're telling the truth, completely? Who, no what attacked me, and what was it really offering? Why do I have a feel that I should go talk to the Exalted at the Docks?"

Theresa blinked. "The first I can't answer specifically, but to my knowledge most Exalted types have a technique to determine the truth of a statement. Perhaps you figured it out during exaltation. That is what Exalted do, well, all but Alchemicals, we gain our techniques or charms differently. Other exalted just learn them." She paused for a moment, then continued on. "As for the third. They feel familiar, far more than they should, right?"

The Twilight nodded and sighed. "As if they were… I don't know how to put it."

"Long lost family?" Theresa suggested. Receiving a thoughtful look in return, she continued. "Exalted are meant to work in Circles, Assemblies, Brotherhoods, several terms, some specific to the type of exalt, some generic. Since the Exaltations are not new, it's very likely that the Solar Exaltations released, along with Shadowy Wing's Exaltation bearer were circlemates before, and that's what you are feeling."

Colin narrowed his eyes slightly. "To make it easier to work together… Exaltations go to a new host after death?"

Dragon nodded. "Correct." She thought about it. "And as for who attacked you, I would need more information."

Colin succinctly summarized what had happened, the appearance of the demon, and it's offer. "And so, after I hit it's main orb, I lit up and started to glow like the setting sun." His face twisted in a bit of irritation. "I didn't want it's devil deal, now I have it."

"Because that is what you are. Twilight Caste Solar. And no, you did not take a Devil's deal, nor take any power it had. It was what it told you, and it was obeying it's master's orders… to give you their power, an Infernal Exaltation, which would be different from the Solar only in the manner their power manifests. Infernals are the fallen Primordials' vengeance upon the world. They're the wrecking ball sent to break everyone else's toys, as it were, by a spiteful prisoner."

The man picked up a multitool and began to play with it as he thought that over. "And who gave me this… Solar Exaltation?"

"No one. While Autochthon designed the Exaltations and Sol Invictus empowered the Solars, they set them loose with 'this is who to pick'. By refusing and rising beyond that demon's offer, you proved worthy of being the Most High's Chosen. At least that is the theory. No one is quite sure what the mechanism is for choosing an Exalted host, at least no one who is willing to talk. The Incarane, Gaia, and the Great Maker are completely quiet on this."

"... How do I get rid of it? I did not ask, did not want, and would have refused." Colin finally responded.

"You don't. It's yours until you die." Theresa was repressive. "As I learned, as Tattletale knows, as the others are learning, the one thing, the absolute one thing we have, as Exalted? Is Choice. We are the ones who can and do tell Fate to go… fuck itself. We choose our paths."

Colin thought about it for a moment, then tossed the tool on the bench. "This is too much to process." He turns and heads for the door into the house. "You coming? I think I do have a bottle of rum here…"

Dragon smiled.

End Side Story.

Next part will be at the Docks.

And... caught up: Choices have consequences.
Choices have consequences.

Taylor shot her father a look after his statement, then prodded her side, wincing and wondering why she wasn't bleeding. She stepped once, winced, and limped to where Emma was, and collapsed to her good knee, hissing and wincing from the pain she was in, as she checked, and saw Emma's body move slightly from breathing.

"Emma?" A soft whimper answered her, as she saw Corsair and Lacey arrive and kneel next to her.

"Hold still." Lacey eyed Taylor, then turned to Corsair. "You have Emma?"

The blue haired man nodded his head. "I do." His hands began to accumulate water, and Emma hissed as he ran his water covered hands over her sides. Bubbles began to appear over where wounds were, and Emma hissed again, as Corsair rolled her over to get at the other side. She didn't resist as she began to breathe a bit easier, but it was clear she was still in pain, given the tears pooling in her eyes.

Taylor blinked, as she began to feel better The sharp throbbing pain had gone away, along with the feeling of missing parts of herself, but now a dull ache remained. She looked down at her side, and saw Lacey's hands, with a green aura around them, running across her bitten side. As the hands moved they revealed brown flesh and scarring replacing the missing flesh from Hookwolf's bites. Lacey smiled and covered Taylor's ripped up knee with a glowing hand, and then removed it, revealing more brown scars.

"How?" Taylor hissed, as she felt as if a sharp knife lodged in her side, or if she had deeply bruised herself falling out a tree.

Lacey shrugged. "Using my essence to heal your flesh is fairly complex. It's as if I'm summoning wood, and tying it into your flesh, to fill wounds and letting your natural healing take over to replace it. From what Corsair said, as you heal, the bruising will go away, and so will the scars." Lacey spread her hands. "Handy, given what he's said about other wounds that we can get… and what just happened." Taylor nodded slowly, as Sarah walked up.

Emma suddenly lit up in her silver glow, and stood up. "Ow, ow, ow… … wow." She shook her head. "Um… I should have listened about toughening up, shouldn't I?"

The blonde Sidereal just looked at the Lunar. "Yes, yes, you should have." Turning to Taylor, she raised an eyebrow. "So, you learned the limits of what you can do."

Taylor tilted her head, carefully not moving anything else. "How did…"

"Hookwolf and his minions no sell your attempt to stop them?" Sarah shot back. "He had strong enough will to push through the command, and was fired up enough, he effectively had already committed to the attack before you could convince him otherwise." Sarah turned to look at Lacey. "Shouldn't you be checking on others?"

Lacey snorted. "I will be. Keep an eye on these two, Danny and Shadowy want words." Sarah nodded and turned back to Taylor as the Zenith began to question what happened.

"Huh… I thought…" Taylor's brow furrowed. "We can do anything, right?"

"Anything we can imagine. Yes. It's conceptually based on our specific types of exaltation. You work with excellence. I work with fate. The Dragonbloods, who basically negated your need for surgery and several weeks laid up, work with elements. But… in the end, we have limits. They'll become harder and harder to reach as we learn and experience more, but now?"

"... So, because he had already decided to move…" Taylor sighed. "I couldn't overawe him, and he inspired the rest?"

Sarah beamed. "Exactly. Now, even with that, if he was of weaker will?" The Sidereal shrugged. "By shocking him to stand down… well."

"The rest would have hesitated, since he was the leader?" Taylor shook her head, and then hissed. "Dammit, I wish…"

Sarah sighed. "Dragonblood healing isn't as good as what Solars can do, or so I'm told." She shrugged. "When you get a chance, mediate, since you figured out that trick." Taylor nodded, seeing her mother come up.

"Just… what do you think you were doing?" The Abyssal's eyes were dark with rage, and Taylor blinked. "Hookwolf killed several parahumans, and didn't give a damn about their age!" Shadowy was keeping her anger out of her voice, but it was still low and intense.

Taylor marshaled her thoughts. "I… thought I could talk him down. We need everyone…" She was cut off by her mother's shake of the head.

"There are some people you can't work with. There will be people who will not listen." She looked her daughter in the eye, and Taylor began to realize the fury she saw in her mother's eyes was mostly born of fear. Of what?

"Then what? Just… kill them?" Taylor tilted her head. "That's…"

The former university professor shook her head. "Look, Little owl. When I did teach, I gave students several chances. But there came a point I went… 'you're out of chances.' and failed them." Shadowy ran her hand through her hair, as she slipped her blade onto her back, where it disappeared into a black shadow that had just appeared for a split second. Sighing, the mother continued on. "Hookwolf already had those chances. He had been arrested and convicted twice, and was Birdcage bound. He clearly didn't care."

"We are better than that." Taylor shot back, hissing slightly with the force of her statement. "We can reach people." Taylor looked her mother in the eyes. "We can't just give up on some."

Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen looked at her daughter. She saw the drive and stubbornness about this, and approached it another way. "If you died… how'd you reach anyone?" Taylor recoiled, wincing as she did so, but the Abyssal continued on. "How'd you feel if Emma had died, because she's not going to leave your side, and even if you try to leave her, she will follow you no matter what. She is Lunar, and you are her Solar. How do you think your father or I would have felt if you died?"

[ ] Taylor realizes how stupid what she did was.
[ ] Taylor rips into her mother, and lays out her anger towards Danny and Ex-Annette.
[ ] Taylor stubbornly doubles down on how it's her *job*, given to her by the Unconquered Sun to do what she has to do to bring people together.
[ ] Write In

Vote Closes 8/13/22, 0100 MDT
Laws and Parahumans
Because I've been thinking this (and my editor hasn't gotten back to me): You get this

Several of the issues that I've seen in Wildbow's setting, will have to be determined for this story, because Canon (Worm, and supplemental material such as PRT Quest and Word of Wildbow, as I see fit, with Worm itself being the final say) is either silent, or contradictory.

1: What is a parahuman under law?
Explicit definitions of such, are required as a matter of course, only reinforced by recent decisions, the old "I know it when I see it." definitions occasionally used in US law are dead letter.
While I could have gone for other definitions, I went with a definition that A: fit what the PRT (and Caldron in the back) knew, B: gave the courts an easy test, and C: avoided long battles over "what is a superhuman ability" (or "what is physics?")
Ergo: Parahumans, under law, are those who fit either of these two categories: Having an active, clear Corona (Gemma), or being clearly inhuman if an Corona cannot be scanned for, clearly inhuman nature, ie, Weld of the Boston Wards. This neatly takes out having to test every single Bolt, Nadia, Newton, Dirac, et al, who do what people at the time considered impossible.
(Yes, those of you who read CmpWiz or Mppi's works will get where this one is from...)

However, for what is called immediate jurisdiction purposes, the burden of proving you're not a parahuman, and subject to the PRT's jurisdiction or parahuman laws, is on you, unless for criminal actions.

(Why yes, once the Exalted get tested, they're free and clear. Except Dragon. Though don't be surprised, mind you, if people try to change the law...)

2: What is NEAPA-5?
This is a headache. In Canon, by writing, we have Amy saying she can't get paid til 16 for healing, we have Parian actually doing work using her powers. Then we have Uppercrust getting nuked by the bill.

NEAPA-5 to pass muster has to be fairly narrowly tailored, and likely is (and for this story, is) this: "If an item cannot be reproduced by someone who is not the inventor or creator, it cannot be patented. If it cannot be patented, it cannot be commercially sold, or services or products rendered from it cannot be commercially sold. Nor may it be purchased for any critical purpose or used as such without explicit permission from the governing agency of such material, after solid testing to be sure it is at least reasonably safe for the public." This neatly nails most Tinkers, but doesn't touch upon services.

Oddly enough, this is a net neutral to Exalted. Yes, they can push the edges of technology/etal far faster, but a lot of monotonic technology, even if they awaken Mortals to essence, cannot be duplicated by non exalted. To be fair... heavy artifacts are a long ways away.

However: Supertech, aka Tinker Tech... well, Holistic Miracle Understanding for Solars, and the Autobot equiv, well. Well. Well.
What is defined by what will not happen, does not have to Define what will happen
What is defined by what will not happen, does not have to Define what will happen

Taylor recoiled back from her mother's words. For a moment, she thought about apologizing, and admitting she had rushed without thinking, then remembered standing at the grave of the woman in front of her. The sheer rage she felt fueled her following words.

"How you would have felt?" Taylor seethed. "How you would have felt? Oh, I don't know, maybe exactly as I did, at your grave!" Emma paled as Taylor built up a fury, but her tugging on Taylor's arm was ignored. "As for Dad, maybe he'd have finally gotten around to seeing me since, you know, he didn't after you pretended to die!"

Shadowy Wings stepped back at the pure fury in her daughter's tone. Taylor ran over any attempt to respond with words of fury and pain.

"You claim you were told by the Neverborn to not even let us know. Okay." Taylor took a deep breath. "If so, then you get no room to try to stop me from doing what Sol Invitius asked me to do!" Danny had walked up and was looking at his daughter with a titled head, and caught her eyes.

"And you!" Taylor's eyes burned into him. "You left me be on my own as it was! What makes you think you get any say now?" Taking a deep breath, she hissed. "I am a Zenith. A Priestess of the Unconquered Sun. He didn't promise safety, he promised I would have a chance to save the world, and you can't stop me from trying!"

Sarah decided to end this conversation for everyone's safety as she seemed to tap away at an invisible keyboard. "Bye now!" She grabbed the two younger Exalts and they disappeared.

"... Dammed Vizers." Shadowy Wings sighed. "Why did she have to inherit your temper?"

Danny sighed as well as he looked down on his wife. "And your stubbornness. Though Sarah was right to pull a fade."


The three appeared in the center of the living room of Taylor's house. Taylor staggered for a second, turning green slightly but holding it together, while Emma staggered over to a small trash can, bent over and retched a few times. Finally, the Solar of the three asked. "What the hell was that."

"It was called 'Tattletale and Friends aren't there.' being put into the Loom of fate." Sarah blew out a breath, winded. "Useful, and I didn't want you or your parents going at each other not just with words, but blows and blades…"

Emma straigented up, still a bit shaky. "Yeah… I remember the Memorial Day Merchant Stomp…" Sarah tilted her head. "Let's not have a repeat of that. But… Aunt Murderhappy was right, it was a bit foolhardy."

Taylor turned to look at Emma, fury flaring again in her eyes. "And I'm just not supposed to do what I need to do to help save the world?"

Emma held up her hands, shifting back to human as she did so. "Hey, hey, Tay Tay, not saying that. Just… maybe do it from a bunker next time? Behind a wall at least?"

"Or at least wear armor." Sarah nodded. "Or work on taking hits, or dodging them. We can be killed. And remember, we do things better, and well, sometimes, people just don't want to listen."

Taylor turned to look at Sarah, still angry, but blew out a breath at the last words. "Okay. That… I guess I can do." She paused for a second, then complained. "I thought we could make them listen. That's what Sifu said, I thought…"

"Not… quite." Sarah shook her head. "He stated we have an easier time, both by skill and pumping essence of making people listen. And that it's hard, very hard, to ignore a Solar… but in a lot of ways, the advice on how to deal with Thinkers is the perfect advice to deal with Exalted trying to convince you of something." Sarah smiled ruefully. "Don't let us talk."

"... and I didn't talk fast enough, did I?" Taylor facepalmed.

"Pretty much, yep. Bad form, TayTay." Sarah smirked. "Learn from your Lunar mate. Speed!"

Taylor turned and looked at Emma. "Exactly why did you follow me? Fighting isn't your thing!"

Emma looked hurt. "I wasn't going to leave your back uncovered, TayTay, you're mine."

"Am I?" Taylor's words caused Emma to turn to look at Sarah, with a raised eyebrow, then return to Taylor. "Why do I remember dreams of you stealing and destroying Mom's flute? Remember dreams where you used everything I said to you in private, to attack me in school!"

Emma stared, shocked. "I would never! You are my sister! We grew up together, we know each other better than anything and you got to know I wouldn't!"

"Actually… hate to say this, Ems… you did." Sarah interrupted.

The Lunar turned and glared at the Sidierial. "BULLSHIT!" Pausing for a second. "I feel her, I feel connected to her. As Sifu said, that's a good sign I have a bond with her. No way, I didn't, I won't!"

Sarah shook her head. "You did, after breaking, Emma Barnes. In fact… tonight, if I remember right, you were attacked by the ABB, threatened with having your face destroyed, raped to death, and your father who was there, unable to do anything. You broke. If you had the potential to trigger, you would have then." Sarah sighed. "I told you both, Taylor is apparently remembering the future that will not be."

Emma stared. Finally she shot back. "Well that didn't happen, anyone who tries that now, gets a pawful of claws to the FACE! Taylor is mine! No one gets to hurt her."

Sarah tilted her head slightly. "Well… this actually explains a few things." She sighed, and held up her hand cutting off the Lunar. "But…" Turning to Taylor she looked at her, and was as serious as she could be. "She's right, you are her Solar. She will protect you, cover your back and kill your foes. Lunars are guardians, warriors and defenders, Taylor. And what Emma might have done in the future that will not be, isn't what she's going to do now."

Taylor looked at them both. "How can I trust that? Everyone has lied to me, or hurt me. Mom?" Taylor snorted, disgusted. "Dad, even when he got some fire back, did his best to ignore me!" Turning to Emma. "Even she admits you would have!" Taylor looks around and shakes her head. "And .. And…"

"Well… fuck." Sarah summed up in two words the situation. The Oracle sighed. Emma was simply staring at Taylor, tears pooling in her eyes. Finally Sarah broke the silence.

"Okay. Okay. I think… well, okay, more hope, you'll listen, Tay." Sarah looked her in the eyes. "Listen to me true. Listen to me completely. This is my oath. This is my pledge. I will never intentionally hurt your heart, hurt your soul. I, in the future that would not be, was and here, I hope, your friend. If you want, the moment we find an Eclipse, or we can go to Yu-Shan, and I might be able to get a Maiden to use the Eclipse oath binding, and I'd swear that oath to you. You know what those oathbindings do."

Emma nodded. "So will I." And she paused. "And maybe we can talk Aunt Murderhappy and Uncle Danny into it as well…" She tapped her chin as she finished that.

Taylor stopped and thought for a moment.

So, what does Taylor do?
[ ] Distrust the Oathbinding (after all Sarah gave her that information…)
[ ] drag everyone to Yu-Shan as soon as possible (with surprise guest star)
[ ] Talk to Dragon.
[ ] Handle the PRT Testing.
[ ] Write in.

AN: Voting is also possible on SB, and remember, Exalted do not do safe as a rule of thumb.
Rationality is a blessing. If you use it.
Rationality is a blessing. If you use it.

A voice interrupted Taylor, drawing Taylor's eyes to the person in the doorway. A grey purple body stood framed by the doorway, her iridescent eyes seeming a bit concerned,and rainbow hair to her shoulders marked the Alchemical known as Dragon framed by the door and then she began to speak.

"Mind if I interrupt?" Taylor's eyes, as well as Emma's and Lisa's were drawn to Dragon, who had shifted from her normal form that most saw her as, while coming to Taylor's house.

Sarah threw up her hands. "Sure." Getting a hint from Dragon, she grabbed Emma, and dragged her upstairs. "We need to clean up anyways."

Dragon waited for a minute, as she watched the two go upstairs, and held up her hand for a minute, until she heard water running. Turning back to Taylor, she quirked an eyebrow. "Normally I'd ask why you're upset with them, but… I see Sol Invitius did the same to you, as Autochthon did to me."

Taylor blinked. "What are you talking about?" She put her hands on her hips and stared at the Alchemical.

"Gave you memories… though I'm thinking yours aren't as complete as mine, of the Future that would not be." Dragon sighed.

Taylor paused, and sighed. "Would explain the nightmares…" The raven haired Solar muttered. The younger of the two exalts paused for a second, then spoke again. "Why would he do that?"

Dragon sat down, and gestured at a chair across from her. Taylor obeyed, feeling for some reason, maybe related to her dreams, deep respect for the heroine in front of her, and listened to what she had to say.

"I don't know for sure. Autochthon did not explain to me, nor did Sol explain to you." Dragon sighed. "I have some theories, mind you, mostly revolving around them wanting us to have an understanding of the choices we must make, and the challenges ahead of us. Especially if we want to not only save Earth Bet, but all the Earths."

Taylor tilted her head, and then sent her hair moving as she indicated her dismissal of that idea. "They could have just given us notes!" She shook her head. "Why do I have to feel that Emma is a raging bitch. Why do I feel sadness around you?"

"... Because as Sarah said, we have the memories and emotions associated with what could have been. What we are trying to prevent." Dragon nodded in affirmation. "It could have been their best way, or maybe, their easiest?" The Chosen of Autochthon sighed. "I doubt they'd answer if we asked."

"We could… pester them til they answered?" Taylor tilted her head. "Would that work?"

Dragon laughed. "Maybe. But… yes, they're right. It was what could have been."

"So, I'm stuck overcoming those memories." Taylor glared at the wall, seeing dreams and events that had not happened yet or would ever happen. "Sucks."

Dragon nodded. "Yes, it does. But… while I can help you, I can't do it for you, that is your trial." She paused. "And about your parents?" she inquired.

Taylor nodded at the first statement, then froze she continued. Dragon could see the fury return to Taylor's eyes.

"What about them?" Taylor hissed in reingited fury. "The fact that my mother abandoned us? Thinking we were dead?" The Solar shook her head. "The fact that my father wouldn't tell me anything, was soul dead for over half a year, and then became a cold bastard who'd not tell me anything?"

Dragon winced at the fury. The latter had more to it than the former, so she decided to deal with it.
"That's not the only reason you're angry at him."

Taylor nodded at that statement. "I feel that…" She stood up, throwing her hands. "That his change to what he was before Mom returned is something that isn't what should have been! But I'm happy about it!" She pulled at her hair for a second. "That finally he's DOING something, not just for the time he spent doing nothing, but far longer!"

"And you don't know why?" Dragon inquired again. Receiving a nod, she sighed. "Apparently your memories didn't show you why yet."

"... Gee, he was that way til the end of the world?" Taylor snarled. "He never got over it?"

Dragon nodded. "I wouldn't say completely that way, but…"

"RRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Taylor howled. "Goddammit!"

"Err…" Dragon was nonplussed.

"He only cared about Mom!" Taylor seethed. "So, when the PRT told him they thought someone stole her body, he got fired up, but when I needed him!" She was raging in fury.

Dragon stopped for a moment, and an idle thought crossed her mind. Maybe Jessica? Shaking her head for a second, she sighed. "Or honestly, want another possibility?"


Dragon recoiled ever so slightly, but shook herself. "Maybe it was all he knew to do? Maybe he couldn't handle the thought of you finding out someone had stolen your mother's face? Maybe he couldn't figure out how to reach out to you? And in the Future that would not be… he never got a kick to the ass enough to fire him back up." Dragon shook her head. "Just… think on it."

Taylor fumed for a moment, then drew a deep breath. "He's going to have some explaining to do." Taylor's eyes were cold and furious, but she had brought herself under some form of control. Dragon was reminded of Skitter on a mission, unpleasantly.

"That… he will." Dragon wasn't going to spare the Lunar his fate. Or the likey beating he was about to get. But, she had to divert the possible Warlord from becoming cold and nothing but a weapon. "As for your mother..."

"I'm not sure she gets to be called that anymore." Taylor's eyes were still furious, but the ice that was in her voice also shone in her eyes now.

"She is. I can't say for sure, but I am mostly convinced the Neverborn can see parts of the Loom."

Taylor was thrown off for a second… "The Loom? As in the Loom of Fate Sarah talks about?"

"Yes." Dragon nodded then continued. "If they say your death would happen if your mother came back to Brockton bay before you exalted, which, to be honest, given Abyssals and what your mother was up to… and well…"

"Brockton Bay?" Taylor inquired aciditicly.

"Again… yes." Dragon sighed. "Sol clearly wanted you as one of his priestesses. As one of his Chosen. You dying would not make him very happy, nor help the world, given everything."

"So, what, you're saying the Dead Primordials did something good?" Taylor snorted. "That sounds…"

"They've changed, or so I'm told. Apparently they're not all into destroying the world for Oblivion anymore. Why… I honestly don't know." The Alchemical shrugged. "But… that's what I think happened with your Mother. It matches what she has said, well what little she has anyways."

"Why would she simply not even mail us a letter?" Taylor plopped down and asked softly.

Dragon shook her head. "If the Neverborn said any contact could get you killed til a certain point… If she truly loves you, she'd never risk it."

"But…" The Solar looked drained. "Why would it?"

Dragon had thought about this, and sighed, knowing that Taylor wouldn't like the answer. "Because, if the various organizations, gangs, the PRT, the CUI, the Elite, and many others realized if Shadowy Wings was really a renamed Annette Herbert, they would have tried to use you and Danny against her. I have severe doubts that you'd tolerate that, or your father."

Taylor was silent for a moment. "... I didn't think of that. Mom would so go after the Nazis if she stayed in the Bay. And with the Asian gangs organizing… shit, she'd have gone after them, given that they're sexist as hell."

"Yes. Then you have the CUI, who'd love having an Exalt if they thought they could, though their techniques wouldn't work on us… or the Elite?" Dragon raised an eyebrow.

"Fuck." Dragon raised an eyebrow at that statement. "They're going to come, aren't they?"

"Yes. But now you can personally stomp most of them into the ground." Dragon smiled. "And so can your father, Emma, most of her family…"

Taylor paused. "Uncle Alan though… Wouldn't he be at risk?"

"From whom? I've already taken steps to steer Lung away, instead of him coming… not sure they'll work, but." The former AI sighed. "Even then, he's not the type to take hostages, get in your face maybe…" Dragon mused, then shook her head. "The Nazis? They're gone effectively. Elite and others, we can keep an eye on."

Taylor blinked at Dragon's clinical observation. "Who's Lung?"

"Parahuman that grows to meet the threat, I'll give you all briefings on him later." Dragon shook her head.

Taylor thought for a moment, then asked softly. "... And how would we deal with them? I got beat, so did Emma."

"By Training!" Dragon smiled. "We can train, grow more powerful, more skilled, more abilities and tricks."

"... more Sifu torture?" Taylor asked, a bit hesitant.

"And me." Dragon paused for a moment, then looked at Taylor. Dragon sighed and brought up the last topic she wanted to cover, for Taylor's sake. "Though given the Future that would not be… I can see why Sarah made the offer. So you'd know she's on your side, and is your friend." Dragon shook her head slightly, indicating her thoughts on the idea, then stated them. " I don't think it's a good idea. Trust needs to be given and kept, and developed over time, I think, not compelled by oaths that'll get you killed if you break them, even by accident."

Taylor once again thought.

[ ] Accept Sarah's Offer, and off to Yu-Shan!
[ ] If she's going to move on beyond the memories of the other time, she needs to trust.
[ ] Just start training!
[ ] Write In

AN: Sorcery path… *unlocked* For Taylor.
Preliminary PHO interlude and request!
AN: Working on a PHO interlude/side story.
More PHO posts more than welcome. Some posts will be edited to fit the overall story flow, Dates and like will be changed to fit the thread/posts. Suggestions more than welcome

Also: These aren't finished, nor are they in order, this is still rough and waiting to be filled out with more. Shooting for around 3-5k words, min for this one.

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♦Topic: The Dock Circle
In: Boards ► Places ► America ► Brockton Bay ► Capes

Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know) (Veteran Member)
Posted on August 19, 2009:

The new cape, though they deny this group in the Bay. In short, you've all seen the threads on various events at the docks, and now here's the information on the people who did it.
These are the separate threads that involve them.
Strange event at a camp [link]
PRT vs the Exalted at the Docks 1: [link]
Mall Fight: [link]
(Update): Nazis at the Docks [link]

Several Members of the Dock Circle are open, but they've insisted any minor's civilian name not be said. Links to individual threads

Dockmaster [link], DWA link[link], Danny Hebert, more or less the head of the Dockworkers
Powers seem to be, though I'm told that this is a very limited view, changer into various half man, half orca form, that can grow up to 24 feet tall. Yes, 24 feet. Brute is obvious, the silver aura that appears sometimes is also obvious, seems to be a shaker effect, and ability proven to, and no, I am not making this up, destroy powers (Which I did not know was possible), therefore Trump.

Shadowy Wings of Impending Doom of Intolerance and to Those Who Will Not Listen, previously called BloodyOwl by the PRT [link], former name (and they're insistent on this, do not use this name) Annette Hebert. Black aura of fear and death, giant ass car door of a sword, seems to have other powers, and has stated she can destroy powers, so Trump, clear Brute, clear Thinker, combat.

Zoe Barnes, no cape name yet [link], shaker, brute, possible trump.

Corsair [link], Water aura, Brute, combat thinker, another likely Trump (see a theme here?)
Believed (and confirmed by him) to be the older brother of Tattletale.

Tattletale[link]: Green aura, Mover via teleportation we think, though she denies it, brute, combat thinker, yet another likely Trump.

Several more without cape names or permission to name them, but all share similar effects, and all are likely trumps.

They've stated formally they have no interest in what we would call the game of heros and villians, and that if they are left alone, they'll leave others alone.

Yes, at least one is considered a villian (though given her comments on her own threads, there's fair questions if she was one, or just a violent vigilante), and they stomped the PRT cold, removing Armsmaster's powers, and revealing that former PRT agent and current counslant Calvert was also a parahuman, and likely Coil.

This is the thread to discuss the Circle, not individuals

Update: Yes, we know they tore apart the Nazis. And killed a lot of them. The DA has stated no charges will be filed, and it'd not surprise me if he's toasting them right now. I know a lot of cops are.

Mod Update 2: Any use of the minors or those who don't want their civilian name public, civilian names, will result in a threadban, and if not your first offense, a site ban.

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

► Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on August 19, 2009:
Bagrat graciously allowed me to post the first post on this thread to recap several official positions.

Yes, several PRT agents were killed. Yes, Armsmaster is depowered. Yes, the person that we initially called BloodyOwl is wanted for questioning regarding certain events, same with Tattletale and Corsair. Yes, Vista went with them, but it wasn't a master situation, more that she wanted to learn more about her new powers, and yes, she and Aegis got new powers, replacing their old ones.

However, given that the PRT commander on the site, a Commander Calvert, revealed to be a parahuman, gave orders disregarding proper procedures, and several agents (understandably in my view) disobeyed standing orders and put children who were not attacking them at risk, the PRT's official position is since the Dock Circle is cooperating in several respects, it is in no one's interest to create legal issues.

► CynicalMan

Replied on August 19, 2009:
First actual!

Uh-huh, about the creating legal issues. You all just don't' want to admit you're not sure you can take them, much less you tried to kill children when you didn't know they were brutes. Pretty sure that there were deals cut, as in you don't get sued to oblivion, and they don't have to fork out money for lawyers crushing your silly charges.

► FrozenMarineIT
(Marine) (IT Geek)
Replied on August 19, 2009:
Hey, do they have any knowledge or relation to the shit in Canada yesterday? [link]

I found a video feed of a chicka, rather undefined, surrounded by ribbons of crimson wind with explosions of emerald flame. Can't identify as she's almost stepping between the video frames she moves so damn fast. Tied to a multiple homicide, local, thirty dead, kids were saved by a goldenrod that matches some of the Brockton Bay shit at the docks. I've seen some cape fights but that shit was surreal, uploading the feed now. How the hell that dude is still alive after she rolled on him I will never know.

Not uploading the second half of the video. No one needs to see someone literally get wind-flayed. I'm not going to be able to eat bacon for the next year.

Update 1: Heartbreaker confirmed killed. I repeat. Heartbreaker confirmed killed. Knife through each temple, bitch looks like he has handlebars.

Update 2: Windy mcWindWind is not a hero type. ID confirmed. Speed mover, math clocks in at… 100mph run speeds. Killed her own mother and siblings at the compound AFTER Heartbreaker was neutralized. Jesus this chicka is crazy. The Guild reports forty, repeat FORTY people killed with a single knife stroke each traveling down the street, regardless if witness to the massacre.

Update 3: Fuck the rules if you see this bitch, get the fuck away, run. Am tracking multiple homicides headed southbound, random kills, half of them police and Canadian Military Cordon Patrols. Clear S-class threat, no mask. Do not engage.

uploaded photo of a pretty girl with black hair and red streaks in her hair with a clear empty circle of blood-red seeming wind on her forehead spattered with blood and an ecstatic expression

Update 4: Confirmation. Unknown Subject: Cape Name - Mania - has been seen entering Brockton Bay. Details to follow in a new post to come.

► TattleTale
(Vizer) (Secrets) (Dock Circle)
Replied on August 19, 2009:
Oh... shit. Oh... shit!!!!

Right, what that marine says? LISTEN to him. The woman… won't name given PHO rules, but… yeah, one of Heartbreaker's kids. Exalted, yes, Infernal, and yeah, not a good thing.

"Goldenrod" is also one of Heartbreaker's kids, but he got his younger sibs out, as you can see from @FrozenMarineIT 's video, and he's not a threat.

► FrozenMarineIT
(Marine) (IT Geek)
Replied on August 22, 2009:

We may have a problem. Remember Crazy McCrayCray's house party of the apocalypse? Looks like one of Mania's victims just had an awakening. Sorry folks, no clean video this time. Police reports: Silver light, Silver sand, and whispers about actual fucking demons in this one's wake. Reports are that this latest one does not look human anymore. She? Bopped off the grid as soon as she showed up. Could be another lightshow body. Could be a fucking alien for all I know. But the fact that she popped up three days after the massacre and crawled out from under the house while the Guild were investigating?

Definitely a master or a stranger, she walked away unchallenged until she was long gone.

► TattleTale
(Vizer) (Secrets) (Dock Circle)
Replied on August 22, 2009:

Dammit, Yozi! TWO of them? And yeah, @FrozenMarineIT, we're trying to get the Goldenrod safe.

► FrozenMarineIT
(Marine) (IT Geek)
Replied on August 22, 2009:

What the fuck is a Yozi?

End of Page. 1

Exalted do not do the safe, do not do the easy, they walk paths of hope and sacrifice in the memory of those who've passed, for the sake of those to come.
Exalted do not do the safe, do not do the easy, they walk paths of hope and sacrifice in the memory of those who've passed, for the sake of those to come.

AN: Taylor now has completed three of the trials for Sorcery. Congrats. (Journeys is the one left) Also, Emma is three down and as noted in voting, this was a write in vote, ergo, +1 XP

Taylor's face smoothed as she thought over what Dragon said. Dragon, befitting who she was, waited quietly as Taylor wrestled with the questions presented to her. After a long minute, she finally spoke.

"... I'm supposed to lead, right? I'm supposed to inspire… I'm supposed to bring people together." Taylor blew out a breath and Dragon nodded in response. "I can't do that if I'm demanding that to trust people that they have to let me master them, can I?"

Dragon smiled a bit. Looking into the brown eyes, that were beginning to lighten and turn gold, of a girl she had failed in the future that would not be, she felt relieved that another step had been taken to make sure it wouldn't happen. "That's very mature, and accurate."

"I don't like it. It… seems that I'm risking…" Taylor shook her head. "But that's what we do, isn't it?"

"Yes." The Alchemical spread her hands. "We were chosen because we take risks, and we do so for humanity."

Taylor looked Dragon in the eyes and softly spoke. "... Without risk there is no hope. Without hope there is no life. Without life there is no victory.."

A voice broke in, drawing both female Exalted's eyes to the speaker. Sarah stepped off the stairwell she had quietly walked down. "And that's what we're here to prevent. I honestly didn't think you'd do this, Taytay. What I remember, you really wanted to feel you were in control, and well, you didn't know us, and um…"

Emma popped up behind the blonde, and cuffed the back of her head. "Not your Taytay. Mine."

Taylor shot the redhead a look of puzzlement, then turned back to Sarah. "That… " The Solar looked beyond the pair, not really seeing them on the stairs of her house, nor Emma's torn and bloodied clothing as she paused for a few seconds. "That hasn't happened. I'm getting the sense what could have happened… was bad."

"I'd make a joke about trust your feelings." Dragon dryly said. "But in this case, you're one hundred percent correct, and I wouldn't trust those feelings in your case, since you don't have context yet, and those feelings… won't help."

Taylor nodded sharply. "We need to get better. We need to be better. We need to be what people are inspired to follow, work with, and help."

Emma nodded. "As well as teach them how to work together. America used to do that, didn't we?"

Sarah rolled her eyes, then smirked as only she could. "Not going to be easy, is it?"

The three other females looked at Sarah and snorted. Dragon spoke for them all. "I think the US Navy SEALS say it best. We really should steal it for the Exalted." Getting two raised eyebrows, she expanded on what she meant. "They say… 'The only easy day was yesterday'" She got three ahhs… and she nodded. "I'd say that should be what we think, no?"

Sarah sighed. "Can we at least get leave once in a while?"

Dragon laughed. "Oh, even the Primordials got a day off, I'd think we can get one or two here or there."

Sarah nodded. "Tomorrow is testing, they're going to test us en masse, all at once, in separate areas. Should be fun… though it's annoying, I haven't mastered Astrology yet. Need to go to Yu-Shan to actually do so."

Dragon sobered. "That's not going to be fun, since they also want to retest Colin." Sarah raised an eyebrow at the Alchemical. "And no, they still don't know about me, and I'm going to keep it that way."

Taylor tilted her head. "Why?" Emma and Sarah were also visibly curious.

"Because, how do you think they'd, Cauldron and the PRT would react to absolute proof souls are real? And that there are beings that eat them, that I am proof that reincarnation happens?" Dragon stated bluntly.

"... I want to say something positive, but…" Taylor sighed. "I'm getting the feeling that no, it'd not be a good thing." Dragon nodded, while Sarah sighed.

"Yeah, I agree." The blonde Vizer looked at the rest. "Then maybe… we can go to Yu-Shan? Stop in New York for shopping?"

Emma perked up and turned to look at Taylor. "You still do need clothing for school, Tay…"

Taylor turned to Emma, with a look of confusion in her eyes. "Why do I need more clothing? I mean jeans and sweatshirts work… right?"

Sarah sighed. "We really really need to let you look in a mirror and point a few things out, Taylor."

"What?" The brunette Solar was confused. "I mean, yeah, I don't need glasses anymore and well, I'm getting some muscles… But I'm going to take time to grow into…"

Sarah facepalmed. "Taylor… we're Exalted. Our growth gets optimized. Plus, with some teaching? You'll slay almost as much as Emma or I would, just different."

Taylor blinked. "Uh… "

Emma shook her head. "Taytay's always been a bit indifferent about getting the most out of her appearance. Doesn't help that Aunt Spooky said it's going to take a while for her to grow into her looks…"


Sarah nodded. "Except… we are Exalted. And our bodies reflect that. You grab her, and we'll show her?"

"HEY!" Taylor shouted. "Don't I get a say?"

Dragon wisely stayed quiet as two identical smiles appeared on Emma's and Sarah's faces.

"Not for this, Tay." Emma smiled. "I'm tired of you not showing off those legs…"

"... what?"

"Or the fact you have the build and facial structures to be a supermodel." Sarah nodded. "I get the sense that really irritated me…"

"... Are you crazy?" The Solar finally figured out what to say.

[ ] Have Emma and Sarah show what Exaltation really does for a girl…
[ ] Skip to testing
[ ] Skip to New York Shopping Trip.
[ ] Skip and go to Yu-Shan.
[ ] Write In.

Please add suggestions for the PHO thread(s)?)

here's the working file:
PHO Posts
Those Hips don’t lie
Those Hips don't lie

AN: Of course you'd pick the hardest of the votes for me to write. While Taylor does have bits and pieces of the Future that will not be, and some of the emotions, they link harder to what's already emotionally there, than concerns/etal over her appearance. So, I have to get into a girl's head, who from what little was said, militantly indifferent (or patient) about her looks, with hints of insecurity (from the Past lives and having Emma Speedfloof Barnes and now Sarah Livesy as friends) about it, and realizing she's quickly growing into what is easily an 8 or 9, maybe a bit higher body and looks. (Taylor in canon actually had the frame and bone structure to be striking as hell, if she worked at it, or so I interpret the descriptions, very similar to Julia Roberts, Kate Hepburn and several others with similar frames and structures.)

AN2: I'd like some of you to create PHO posts for the side story, and yes, rewards are given. (.5 XP per post) Even if I don't use them, I'll at least award.

PHO Posts is the link, no assurances that every post will remain, that's my working file.

As Taylor was looking at the pair of female Exalts, as if they were crazy, they looked at each other and sighed in unison. After a moment, Sarah spoke. "You really don't look in mirrors do you?"

Taylor wanted to protest the comment, but wasn't sure what Sarah was going for. "Of course I do, I have to brush my hair, teeth and all that."

"She means look in the mirror, see changes, we're at the age where changes happen fast!" Emma shook her head. "Not just take care of the hair and the basics."

Taylor tilted her head. "You've heard what my mother had to say. It's going to take time to grow into the looks I inherited." Taylor shrugged. "Not what I'd like, all things equal… but, I'm patient."

Sarah facepalmed. "She doesn't get it." Looking at Taylor, the Sidereal reached out and gripped her shoulders. "March! To the first full mirror!"

"This way." Emma began to lead the pair up the stairs.

Taylor tried to put her heels down before she could go up the stairs. "Hey, don't I get a say?"

"Nope! March and this will be over faster!" Sarah caroled, clearly amused.

Taylor rolled her eyes, and gave in, just to be done with this. "Fine, fine."

Shortly they were in front of the full sized mirror attached to the back of Taylor's bedroom door, after moving a coat and a few jackets. Sarah pushed Taylor to be perfectly reflected by the mirror.

"See?" Sarah said, pointing at the mirror. Emma just shook her head as Taylor disinterestedly looked into the mirror.

"See what? That my new shampoo is working? What am I looking at?" Taylor asked, annoyed with the Vizer.

Emma snickered. "She's not wearing that outfit we got her. Let's put her in it, then maybe she'll get it." Taylor turned to Emma and stared at her with a bit of betrayal..

"Good idea! Change!" Sarah pointed at the bag. "Now, now now!" The blonde paused after that, then held up a hand. "After you take a shower."

"But…" Taylor started to protest, only to be cut off.

Sarah, shaking her head, spoke. "You'll only see it when you wear the right clothing. Plus, honestly, those are a bit torn up and you haven't cleaned up since the battle."

"Fiiiiine." Taylor complained, but grabbed the clothing, figuring that she'd be able to shut the pair up. She wasn't unaware she looked like a gangly colt. She knew she'd take time to grow into her frame, she was told so, and had no reason to disbelieve. It wasn't like Emma or even Sarah wouldn't outshine her anyways. She marched out of the room.

Emma tilted her head. "You said you had memories of a future that won't be if we do our jobs right, right?" Sarah nodded. Emma shook her head. "If what I've been told is only scratching the surface, how in hell do you think we're going to convince her?"
Sarah blinked at the Lunar's flat statement. "Uh… she's not as badly beaten down about her appearance? And isn't as stubborn?"

Emma simply looked at the Sidereal. "... Taytay has always been stubborn. Trust me on this, and well, with us, and now her mother? Ugh. She's not going to be convinced she's rocking the catwalk look, no matter what we do."

"... Wanna bet?" Sarah smiled.

"Terms are we have to convince her today, without makeup." Emma quietly stated. "And I'll put 500 on it."

"... Let me think on it." Sarah studied the Lunar who was idly looking at her fingernails, tsking about something.

The time passed quietly, as the faint shower sounds ended. Emma snickered slightly at the few thumping sounds coming from the bathroom, but said nothing and the pair waited patiently, until the door opened, and Taylor simply looked at them, in the skinny black jeans, and loose forest green blouse that had been acquired.

"I had to hop up and down to get these jeans on! Why these?" Taylor grumped.

Sarah shook her head. "Damm. I know a lot of girls who'd kill for those legs." Emma nodded.

"She's not wrong, Taytay. Though… they are a bit tight." Emma hummed.

Sarah shook her head. "We'd have to go to Boston at the least, New York or like for slightly looser, dance-cut skinny jeans, Emma." The redheaded nodded.

"Yeah, Brockton Bay, what can you do?" She shook her head. "No one really sells pants made for martial artists here, not skinny jeans."

Taylor tilted her head. "... There are pants made explicitly for martial artists?"

"Yes, or professional dancers, same basic issues. One good high kick or leg stretch and any jeans not made for that, go riiiip…" Sarah rolled her eyes.

The Solar blinked. "Oh… Why didn't mine before?"

"Because Auntie and Uncle Danny were smart enough to buy you clothing that was loose, because you preferred it, and that removes some of the problems!" Emma snorted.

"... then why…" The raven haired girl was cut off by Sarah.

"Because you need to show off those legs." The blonde nodded. "You'd be surprised on just how many boys… hell, guys will drool over them."

"... Why would I want them to?" Taylor tilted her head.

Emma snickered. "Well, maybe not right now… But a year or so down the road, Taytay? It'll be fun to tease them."

Sarah laughed as well, then sobered. "Looks count as a weapon, too, Tay." She paused. "Men and even women will be distracted, take you more seriously and listen if you present yourself to the best of your ability. You have the walk and bearing of someone who matters, and you actually have the body to back that up."

Taylor just looked at the blonde. "First, not like you or Ems. And I know, Mom's told me she didn't really finish growing til college. So…"

"... We're exalted Taytay." Emma gently reminded her.

Sarah nodded. "We mature faster, our bodies tend to get optimized, and we can follow routines to improve ourselves across the board."

Taylor tilted her head, unconvinced. "Still that…" She was cut off by Sarah toeing the door closed, so the mirror was visible and being spun around to face it, though Sarah put her hand over the Solar's eyes.

"The sight you're about to see is not what you remember." Sarah urgently stated. "It is what Sol Invitius wishes you to have and expand on. Accept it." Taylor paused as she felt a button being undone on the blouse.

"Okay." Taylor sighed, and gave into the pleading Vizer.

Sarah smiled and removed her hand. "Look, don't remember. Look with fresh eyes."

YOU get to decide what Taylor sees!
[ ] Taylor sees a striking young woman with black curly hair fresh from the shower, that needs brushing, framing a clean face without any hint of blemishes that is suited for the wide expressive lips, the aquiline nose, and dark eyes with hints of gold around the iris that seem to reach out to grab onlookers, the the forest green blouse contrasts well with her lightly tanned skin as well as the tight black jeans which combined hint at a young woman beginning to bloom into a slim, sleek, seemingly fragile form with long toned legs that the jeans showed off .
[ ] Taylor sees herself as before Sarah's suggestion
[ ] Write In
AN: Sarah did use Force Decision, on Taylor. This is a Charm that lets the Sidereal force a choice out of two. Sarah used it to "Listen/Don't listen" on Taylor, "Listen", more or less to try to beat into the young teenager's head that she needed to look, just not 'look' at the Mirror.

Also I couldn't decide what reaction Taylor will have, it's your decision.

This isn't Taste of Peaches where Taylor goes from teenaged base willoy (ie, stick) to Kate Upton over a week, Exaltation doesn't work that way without some serious interference (and Sol isn't likely to go about that) from the Gods (read in game mechanical Blessings), but Exaltation does 'enhance' (in a way, it's kinda hard to define, but think perfect skin, all scars and 'imperfections' go away, and slight 'enhancements' to what you already have (ie, improvements,not radical changes (Golden Lark in his story showed an good example)). Add in, that mechanically Appearance in Exalted isn't just your base looks/body, but makeup skills, and how you stand, how you present yourself, how you walk, ie your base body language, including confidence in yourself etc). And yes, Exaltation does tend to accelerate physical puberty (either from being in perfect peak health, or just because). Add in that Taylor was undergoing hard martial arts training.
My, Exaltation is Nice
My, Exaltation is Nice

AN: No real excuse, reasons, yes, excuses no. Anyways, onto the post! (I'm not doing a detailed description after this, thank you very much)

Taylor internally shrugged. What would it hurt to do as Sarah asked. Closing her eyes for a moment, she focused and mentally chanted 'Look at the person in the mirror. Look at the person in the mirror…'

She took a deep breath, feeling Sarah behind her and Emma to her side, and reached for her power, letting a hint pool in her eyes as she opened them. Starting from the crown of the young woman in the mirror's head, Taylor first noted the deep black of the rich and thick curly hair that shimmered down the head to the shoulders and back of the teenager in the mirror, the deep brown eyes with gold that drew in the eyes, the symmetrical face, the aquiline nose, and the striking high cheekbones and slightly sharp chin, abelt both with traces of baby fat still on them.

Glancing down, with a bit of wide eyed wonder, her forest green blouse's collar framed an elegant neck, slim shoulders, hints of a chest, and an emerging willoy sleek frame. Finally, she looked at her legs. Encased in the black demin that showcased slightly muscled long legs, Taylor finally realized what the pair were saying.

"Oh." Taylor finally spoke. "... How?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Taylor, you take after Auntie a lot. You only really inherited your eyes from Uncle Danny." Emma paused. "Well, a bit of his height as well, I'd figure." Sarah nodded but didn't say anything as Emma countied. "But, yeah, Mom has a few pics of Auntie, when she was your age."

"I've seen them." Taylor said repressively. "Why do you think I wasn't worried?"

"Much." Emma snarked back. "Doesn't help that you had me, like Auntie had Mom, to compare yourself against."

Sarah interrupted. "Add in exaltation's mental and well, honestly, physical effects?" The Vizer shrugged.

Taylor turned to look at the two other teenagers in the room. "And you?" She put her hands on her hips. "I still won't be looked at…"

Sarah laughed. "Bit of makeup, and oh, yes you will. Unlike us, who are very likely to get every jock swarming us and keeping the smart men away, you'll get the people who'll look beyond pure looks." She sighed. "Unlike my father, or…"

"Or mine, I'll admit." Emma sighed. "Dad was very blunt about how stupid he was, and how he lucked out with Mom." Taylor nodded. She had heard that before.

"So, what you're saying I'd end up with someone like my father?" Sarah snorted at Taylor's statement.

"You're a Solar, Taylor. I'm not sure you get it… but in long term? We, as celestial exalts?" Sarah grinned. "Can have anyone we want." She paused. "Well, except other Celestial Exalts, realistically, but even then… you'd be surprised."

Taylor turned to the foxily grinning Vizer. "And how would you know this?"

"Well, my instructors in Vizer boot camp, as I call it, were quite clear. We're all going to live a long time, and Celestial Exalts end up drawing everyone to them like moths to a flame." The blonde shrugged, sighing. "And, more importantly, you are a Solar. Emma is a Lunar, who has a bond with you. You don't have to worry about companionship. You don't have to worry about not having someone to watch your back. You'll have a person who'll be there for you."

Taylor's face made an interesting expression, a mix of shock and disgust. "You do realize Emma's effectively my sister?"

"Ayup. I wasn't referring to romance, Taylor." Sarah said repressively. She took a breath and continued. "While the bond is on the Lunar end, to a large extent, The bond provides a link, nothing more, nothing less. It can be a friendly rivalry, battle allies, sisters or brothers, or, yes, even lovers, but the bond is defined by the Lunar and Solar. " Sarah thought for a second and then nodded once. "We live a long time, if we don't die in battle. One of the reasons for the Lunar bond. But, that's not going to be enough, for us. The bonds of circle, friendship and family are far more important and needed. " She looked out the window at the distant skyline. "And we have to make our family. That's what a circle of Exalts really is. Family you choose."

Taylor paused for a moment. She had to admit, it was nice hearing that she could get boys, but… that wasn't important. Squaring her shoulders, and wiping the slight smile off her face. "Okay." She took a deep breath. "But in the end, that's not why we're exalted. That isn't why we're coming together as a circle. We have things to do, worlds to save, people to bring together."

"Doesn't mean we can't have fun doing it." Emma shook her head. "Taytay… you always do this. Get an idea, and you'll see it though!"

Sarah shrugged in response. "Doesn't mean she's not basically right. We are here to save the worlds. Though I agree with you. We can have a little fun while saving everyone. We're Exalted, we can pull it off!"

Taylor looked at the two girls in front of her. "Only if it doesn't get in the way, and doesn't hurt our chances of bringing people together!"


[ ] To NYC and testing
[ ] To NYC, gloss over testing, shopping trip
[ ] Gloss over NYC, to Yu-Shan
[ ] Gloss over NYC, to the start of School.
[ ] Write in.
Testing And Recruitment Discussions
Vote done: and it was obvious yesterday, so I went ahead and wrote. Primary editor didn't make a pass on this one (understandable why), but a few others did.

Testing And Recruitment Discussions

AN: You all just wanted to see pain and suffering inflicted. Nope. Not my style. At least when it serves no purpose. Plus, honestly, speeding up is a good thing.

Moring, August 23rd, 2009
Powers Testing Reception, Department 1 HQ, New York City, New York, USA

"Welcome!" A smiling middle aged balding and bearded man stepped up to the group of exalts. "I am Doctor Jonas, part of the Powers testing team, here. I'm going to give you a brief overview of what we're going to test." He raised an eyebrow.

Several yawns, a few nods was his response, and he beamed. Shadowy Wings summed up the majority of the present's feelings. "Oblivion take morning people."

"That sounds unpleasant." The Doctor shrugged. "Plus, I've been up all night, looking over already gathered testing data.. I can understand the hatred of morning people."

Emma shot the doctor a bleary eyed glare, then yawned, stretching out her moriae. "Mornings suck."

The doctor pretended not to notice, and continued on. "For those who didn't test yesterday, we're going to do quick runs on physical ability, with and without equipment, durability… which I'm sorry to say will hurt a bit, since we need to test how fast you regenerate…" He received a pointed glare from Shadowy Wings and Danny who indicated it better be just a bit of pain.

"Ugh. Can't you just take that information from that…" Emma started to say, only to be cut off by the doctor's raised hand.

"For some of you, yes. But we also want your baseline healing, too, you know." The doctor shrugged. "We'll also be testing for thinker powers, striker powers, and the like."

"And for those of us that went though that yesterday?" Daniel Hebert asked, annoyed. "You asked us back for more testing today."

"Ah! That. You three will be… " The doctor looked at his notes. "Enlightening?" He paused. "Yes, that's the word. Anyways, you'll be Enlightening several of our agents, all volunteers. Then hopefully they can learn … an enlightened martial arts kata from you, I believe…" He shrugged. "Anyways. That's the plan for today."

The girls simply yawned and shrugged, while the Abyssal stared at the Doctor. "I refuse to enlighten a PRT agent, and in fact unless I have to, I won't enlighten anyone."

The Doctor looked at her. "Didn't you agree to cooperate?" He got a nod in response. "Then… why not?"

"Because my method has a high chance of shattering a mind." The Abyssal looked him in the eye. "I am Death. I am empowered by those who seek Oblivion. When I enlighten people… they get a taste of that." Her anima flared and wrapped around her. The doctor shivered and stepped back.

"I… see. Well…" He gathered himself and looked at Tattletale who simply shrugged, as to indicate no problems on her end, and then Danny, who rolled his eyes but nodded in affirmation.

Getting positive responses from the two he sighed. "Well then, we can begin. If you would all follow me?"

"Coffee…" Emma moaned, only to have a to-go cup from a coffee shop shoved under her nose by Taylor.

"I can't get why you like this stuff… Tea is superior." Taylor sniffed as she sipped at another cup, though with a tag on a string hanging out from the lid, as they walked towards where the testing would take place.

Early Evening
PRT Conference room 1.

Taylor's head was on the table as the rest shuffled in. Testing was exhausting. More importantly, she found out what Sarah called Mote exhaustion… several times. Emma plopped next to her and also laid her head on the table. Sarah, comparatively, was - if not chipper - not as exhausted as the younger two felt.

"This is odd." Sarah commented after a moment. Taylor rolled her head, followed by Emma raising her head a bit, both girls looking at her. The blonde shrugged. "Our parents or guardians aren't here yet. I wonder …"

Emma's head plopped back to the table, while Taylor asked. "Wonder what?"

"If this is their… the PRT, I mean, their way of trying to push recruitment on us, and then letting us sell the Wards to our Guardians." Taylor snorted at that. She didn't want to join, not since exalting, and she knew her parents wouldn't budge on that.

"Waste of time." Emma snorted. "I don't see Auntie or Uncle budging one bit." Before the other two could speak, a voice broke in.

"And why wouldn't they?" A stern contralto spoke, drawing the three girls' eyes to the speaker. Alexandria, followed by Legend strode into the conference room. "Parents should want what is best for their children, not to indulge desires… and the Wards would keep you safe."

Sarah snorted. "I've already got my guardianship shifted to my brother. Trust me, not only will you not convince me, you won't convince him, either."

Legend's eyebrow raised at that statement, but Alexandria held up her hand, looking at the two girls who hadn't responded to her, the raven haired one looking at her with distrust and disgust, and the other with a bit of wonder, but tempered by … a bit of contempt, maybe.

Taylor raised her head, straightened her back, and looked into the visored eyes. "No. My parents already made it clear their feelings about the PRT and Protectorate, and even though I am not inclined to give those much weight…" Taylor took a deep breath. "I don't trust you. I don't trust the PRT. I don't trust the Protectorate. And I live in Brockton Bay. Keeping me safe?" Taylor snorted.

Emma just yawned. "Nope. As she said. Not to mention this is how you get Auntie, Uncle and my parents doing their best to rip your face off."

Legend drew all their attention for a moment. His rich and smooth tenor, with it's undertones drew the ear. "Surely it's not that… contentious, is it? Why wouldn't you want to be with those who know what it's like to have powers?"

Before the younger pair could speak, Sarah interrupted them. "Because your Wards, with the exception of Aegis… can't understand us. We aren't broken. We didn't break to get these powers. We fight. We survive. We are the unbowed. Keeping us safe?" Sarah looked the domino masked hero in the face. "Not happening. Not practical, and that would hinder our growth and limit what we can do." She shook her head. "Exalted grow and learn by experience. Combat, social situations and by pushing ourselves. Wrapping us up in Youth Guard regulations?" Sarah shook her head. "No."

Alexandria looked at the Vizier for a long moment. "As you claim, at least. That is something we do wish to confirm."

Sarah snorted.

Legend spread his hands, an easy smile coming to his face. "Why don't you at least tell us what is keeping the wards, besides what Sarah mentioned about experience, which I'm sure we can work around… from being an option?"


[ ] Taylor rips into them with her partial memories of the Future that will not be.
[ ] Taylor lets her feelings loose and the other behaviors of the PRT clear. (This is where the upload of the Future that will not be comes in.)
[ ] Taylor just snorts and blows them off. Sarah takes over explaining just how bad of an idea Exalted as Wards is.
[ ] Emma tears into them.
[ ] The three give a list of insanities that they don't like.
[ ] Write in.

Boy, this went an odd way… characters will do what characters will do, given the situations you give them. Eh, tis what it is.
Family Courts, Laws and Exalted don’t really work together.
Family Courts, Laws and Exalted don't really work together.

AN: Usual weekend BS, so, have a side story on what's going on *elsewhere*. Hopefully tomorrow I'll get the next mainline out.

Early Afternoon, August 25th, 2009
Barnes Living Room, Brockton Bay, MA, USA

Missy stared across the table at the two adults in her direct line of vision. "So… you got custody?"

"Ayup." The man, an Ethan Hawke spoke. "We did."

Missy turned to Alan Barnes, and asked. "Why? Who in their right mind thought that Assault should have custody of me."

"Hey!" Missy and Alan turned to the man, while his wife next to him facepalmed. "... How?"

"I can see, you just wear a visor, and your voice is identical. Moron." Missy snapped.

The woman, a Jamie Hawke sighed. "Let me guess…"

"Yeah, yeah, Battery. Air is my ally, and I can hear very well." Missy shrugged. "So… what the hell, Alan? Didn't you say?"

The lawyer sighed. "That my wife and I should get custody? I did, and to be fair, I still think that we by the standards the judge should have gone by, we should have. Let me summarize the documents, and tell you what I think he's really saying."

The two Protectorate Heros traded a glance, and Missy, displaying a patience that she didn't know she had before exalting, simply nodded.

"Thank you." Alan cleared his throat. "In short. He didn't award permanent custody, he only did a six month trial, and I think he's looking for any excuse to yank it." Assault raised an eyebrow.

"Why would he…"

Alan Barnes sighed. "Because, reading between the lines of the order… he was leaned on. Or if not leaned on, clearly informed that Missy was out as an open cape and that only the PRT could 'protect' her. By that… your lawyer… who really is the PRT's, isn't she?" Alan received two nods. "Could have gotten an immediate appeal and likely won. Family court judges hate appeals on their rulings."

"Oh." Missy scowled a bit. "So… what? I'm stuck with the Wards, who'll bar me from Sifu and the others?"

Alan grinned. "Oh, no, he shoved everything he could down their throat. This is telling me he's really not happy with anyone involved."

"He didn't seem happy when I told him about how the Wards met with psychologists." Missy shrugged. "I mean… when Zoe heard…"

"I'd charge you for the couch she burnt up, but… honestly, I want to slug who thought that up myself." Alan shrugged, only to get winces from the two protectorate heroes.

"Yeah, that. If Missy said what I think she said, I can't blame the judge for being unhappy." Assault sighed. "Frankly, that's not therapy, that's making it worse. Sure, Yamada is good, we have a few others who aren't bad, but… Musical therapists is a good way to get crazies, which… wouldn't surprise me is the goal. Ow." He turned and looked at his wife. "Puppy…"

"Behave. I know you've filed complaints about that. But…" the heroine sighed. "We really shouldn't talk about it to those who…"

Alan grinned. "Would use it against you?" Battery nodded. "Tempting, but in this case, I'm not. The Judge did."

"Explain, our lawyer didn't tell us the whole story." Assault leaned forward. "Something about wanting to review this."

"Once again, in short. PRT and Protectorate personnel are to have as little contact with Miss Brion, unless she explicitly authorizes it or it is needed for her immediate safety. You and your wife are exceptions. I am retained as her lawyer, and guardian ad litem, with authority over any and all medical and powers related testing." He leaned back. "Not to mention a therapist is to be paid for by the PRT, court orders explicitly barring Piggot or Armsmaster from having any contact with Missy, and every month he's going to have an interview with her. Further, he has explicitly authorized and flat out stated lessons with Missy's Sifu is to continue."

The two Hawkes traded glances. "That sounds like…"

"He doesn't like what he ordered? And is spiking the PRT's wheels?" Alan leaned forward. "It is exactly what you think. I know for a fact that he requested charges be filed against Armsmaster and Director Piggot for child endangerment."

Jamie blinked. "Why?"

Alan looked at her stunned. "... What part of putting her and Aegis in the camp, to befriend Taylor, as well as be there if something happened, which it did, wasn't putting them in danger. From what I understand, only the Youth Guard's signoff kept them out of court."

"... Oh." Jamie sighed. "Ethan…"

The man shook his head. "Nope, not going to say I told you so. I didn't tell you anyways."

His wife eyed him. "And Armsmaster?"

Ethan spread his hands. "Pretty sure he's figured out how screwed up he is himself. The one thing I don't regret is getting therapy. Why do you think I push it?"

Alan raised an eyebrow. "... You might be the only parahuman I heard…"

"Yeah, I got some… feeling about some things. Let's just say that." Ethan shook his head. "Plus, hell, we're American. Y'know how that is."

"... Yeah." Alan shrugged. "So, Missy, do you want me to fight this? I can, and I get the sense the judge is just looking for an excuse to change his rulings."

Missy frowned in thought. "You're saying we could win."


"But you're also saying he was leaned on… and even with that, he made sure that I could still get training, practice the martial arts, therapy, and see the rest? And that I don't have to worry about the PRT treating me like a lab rat?"

Alan nodded. "As well as withdrawing you from the Wards, yes." He eyed a paper. "For this reason, and I quote: 'The Wards are for minor parahumans. As a matter of law, parahumans are defined. Melissa Brion no longer meets the legal medical definition of such, therefore she cannot be a Ward.'"

Missy winced. "They're going to catch Carlos in that, aren't they?"

"They wouldn't…" Jamie began to speak.

"Well, hell, that'd explain why the lawyer was so frantic. The judge got Carlos in a separate order, didn't he, Alan?" Ethan looked at the lawyer

"I don't know, mind you, but it'd not surprise me." Alan shrugged. "But back to you, Missy. What do you want?"

Missy eyed the pair of Protectorate heroes. "Why should I make this work?"

Jamie blinked, but Ethan placed a hand on her arm, to keep her quiet. Looking Missy in the eye, the former villain simply stated. "Because, bluntly, several points raised were accurate. We're PRT officially, even in our civilian identities, so the unwritten rules about attacking capes in their civilian identities or homes are backed up by force, not just a gentleman's agreement. The PRT's lawyer did make that point out, and used Fleur to do it. So it is a layer of security.``

Alan nodded. "There is that, though I'm pretty sure no one even approaching sanity wants to go up against my wife's best friend… or Danny."

"I wouldn't, no." Assault nodded. "But that was a consideration. Second, I can tell you, I won't go against the court orders, and I was already planning to let you do… well, within reason, anyways, what you thought best. I can tell you aren't a parahuman."

Alan studied the cape. "How?"

"Too calm." Assault shrugged. "Too stable. While my lovely better half…" He winced as he was hit again. "Ahem." Shooting her a smile, he moved on. "Is stable, the truth of the matter is, all capes are traumatized mentally to greater or lesser degree. I had noticed Missy's… and a lot of it is gone." He paused and looked at her. "Not all, admittedly, but you're a hell of a lot calmer and more rational about things than I'd be in your shoes."

Missy shrugged. "Exaltation is nice that way. I ride the winds, and they remind me that yesterday is yesterday and will grow farther away."

"Huh." Assault shrugged. "Anyways, with the court orders…"

Jamie nodded. "I can't say I like them, I think you need testing to know what you can do, but Ethan thinks you're getting that. I don't know how a martial arts teacher…" She was interrupted by two snickers.

"... Sorry." Alan regained his composure. "I'm not at liberty to say, but suffice it to say he actually has the most clue to what Missy or any of them can do. Maybe not all of it, but he knows what he's doing."

"Uh huh." Jamie didn't sound like she believed him. "How, what, he's a god who was around when the last batch of Exalted were, if that's true?"

Alan and Missy shared a look, and Missy turned to her. "Doubt you'd believe us so, think what you want." The young Dragonblood smiled. "The fact is I know what he can teach me, because he's proven it."

Jamie narrowed her eyes. "You're still supposed to undergo a M/S screen."

"Ah… about that. The judge ruled… that no. Not without a detailed reason to do so." Alan shrugged. "As I've said, he's not happy."

Ethan blew out a breath. "Well… fuck." Blinking for a second, he turned to his wife, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I hit you for beating me to what I was going to say?" Jamie sighed. "Piggot is not going to like this."

Alan shrugged. "If you want, Missy can stay the night til the lawyers get it though her head, or she successfully appeals the judge's orders."

Missy narrowed her eyes. "You don't think they're going to."

Ethan and Jamie shared another look and then looked at the lawyer. Alan sighed. "They might get the M/S screen. Rest? Doubtful. Family court judges have extreme leeway. Add in with the legal definition of parahumanity, I'd argue that the PRT has no authority. He was right there."

Missy sighed. "Still going to have to go to school, aren't I?"

Ethan tilted his head. "Don't sound happy about that. I know I didn't, but…"

The tween simply looked at the older hero. "It's more that I'm going to be bored out of my mind." Jamie raised an eyebrow to question. "I read. A lot. I learn fast. I'm pretty sure I can test out of at least half of high school right now."

Ethan leaned back. "How? No offense, short stuff, but… While you weren't stupid, you weren't crazy smart and it's only been a few weeks."

Missy shrugged, now knowing what they didn't know. "Exaltation enhances you. I'm an Air aspect, which means knowledge is my gift, along with the Winds. Exalted learn fast, especially in areas where it's part of our exaltation's nature."

Jamie scrunched her face slightly. "You're saying Exaltation makes you a Thinker?"

"Thinker, Brute, Trump." Missy counted off… then paused. "Oh, and technically Noctis, if I read the rules right."

Jamie's eyes widened. "You don't sleep?"

"I don't need to, no." Missy shook her head in response. "I don't get physically tired, and as far as we can tell, the mental effects of going without sleep isn't a problem. I can sleep, I just don't have to." She grinned. "Imagine how much reading you get done."

"Or other training." Alan said drying. "I've heard you and the others at night. If anything, that is what I envy. Thank god Zoe doesn't have that." Missy grinned.

Ethan's eyes narrowed. "You're saying that it's not intrinsic to Exaltation, then, that... Noctis like ability?"

Missy shrugged. "Sarah and Sifu commented on that. They said the first batch of Exaltations sent out this time had a little extra, that expresses itself differently per person exalted… but those of us who were parahumans, or like Sarah and Taylor, had the potential to trigger?"

"You mean… " Ethan's eyes were flashing. All of the rocks spiraled outwards and orbited Ethan as white light erupted from him, and sent Jamie sprawling as she was knocked to the side by the force of the eruption of the anima banner.

Alan just moaned as he pushed himself back from the anima, well aware of the effects. "My house…" He straightened and *glared* at the new Dragonblood, and the laughing Air Aspect. "OUT OUT OUT OUT OF MY HOUSE." He paused. "BEFORE you destroy it!"

"Too…" Missy gasped laughing. "Late…"

Alan turned and looked at her and glared. "You are a Dragonblood. Get him out of here! Or you are paying for the house!"

Missy eeped. As she turned to face Assault and figure out how to calm him down, she was blown forward by winds not her own spiraling out from where Alan was standing.

What would be won’t be. What is lost can be regained.
What would be won't be. What is lost can be regained.

AN: Big chunk here (and not yet complete for this scene), both as apology *and* to celebrate breaking 100 watchers!

Legend's words were not matched by Alexandria's actions. Her expression, what could be seen of it, was no compromise. She was letting her body language radiate a firm and unyielding stance reflecting her known history as an unyielding pillart.

Taylor's eyes narrowed, as she reacted to half remembered dreams and impressions she had gained over the past few weeks. These feelings stirred by Alexandria's patent attempt to force them to come to her, force them to accept her position sparked a fury that was reflected in her eyes as she met the challenging look of the Triumvirate heroine..

"Because I won't work for someone who treats human beings as lab rats, wiping their memories if it is a bad result. I won't work for someone who is part of a conspiracy and doesn't do what she said she'd do. I won't obey someone who flaunts the oaths she's sworn, Rebecca. I won't work for anyone who treats people as disposable weapons and denies them the choice to matter. And I am Exalted. No one takes away my choice." Taylor's eyes blazed in furious passion, clearly reflecting her inner emotions.

Taylor and Alexandria's focus was on each other, and didn't appear to note that Emma had stepped back, shifting to her larger and more impressive warform, while Sarah had gotten up and moved to the side, her hand mimicking the shape of a pistol, and keeping her green eyes laser focused on Legend, who was looking between the Solar and his teammate, clearly overtaken by the flurry of words and confused.

Alexandria held still, as her eyes narrowed in brief confusion, mouth opening to immediately reject the statements, freezing for a moment as her mind and powers studied the young Exalt in front of her comparing the body language and impressions she got to her knowledge, then her eyes narrowed in consideration, eyes flickering to the impassive expression of the blonde next to Taylor, then she realized that the Solar and Sidereal in front of her knew. "How do you know this?" Her alto voice was low and dangerous as she leaned forward, her eyes reflecting only the light, arms crossed, as she rose up, trying to force the young Solar to look up at the cape, giving her the appearance of looming over the table while not showing a hint of emotion in her eyes, as she was clearly trying to intimidate and enhance the threat she was making towards the Solar. "The only ones that know what you say are those involved. And you and your friends are not. Not yet. And we will keep it that way."

Taylor refused to be intimidated by the black clad heroine. "We kill the unkillable" Taylor's eyes had shifted from pure fury to glacial cold as she measured the distance to the woman. "And. you still need to breathe."

Sarah's hand had flashed up from her side, interrupting Legend's attempt to get between the two icy women. Flashing a vulpine smile she spoke amusedly. "Legend, even though you try to be a good man, this is not your fight. Alexandria has to make her own choices here and now." Legend looked at the finger, clearly aware of the threat it was, and was considering if he could beat the shot, or should he simply stand down and let the conversation play out. Sarah's eyes narrowed and a flash of green passed her eyes, as Legend clearly decided to get answers and see what was really going on.

"Rebecca Costa-Brown. You were fated to die at Taylor's hands… until the future changed. Do you want that fate to happen today?" Sarah's cold voice reached Alexandria's ears as the Vizier intended.

Alexandria shifted her eyes slightly, keeping them mostly on the Raven haired Solar, but answered the Oracle. "If it is necessary, yes." Sarah didn't blink, but Alexandria's words were chilling..

"Wait." The tall catgirl had started scratching her head. "Experiments?" She was clearly confused, as she was clearly thinking, silver light starting to swirl around her. "... Wait, you mean the Case 53's? The monster capes? She's part of the group that's rumored to sell powers on the 'net?"

Taylor nodded, keeping her eyes razor focused. "Yeah. That's what she and the rest of the Trivumare and a fedora woman do. Plus kill people who've outlived their usefulness."

Legend was shocked still, emotions raging across his face, anger being one of them as Alexandria nodded. "You're not wrong. So. You have a choice. We can fight, here and now… or we can agree to terms. You might win, I might, I am experienced… and aware of at least Sarah's ability to kill powers… but I am a close range combatant and am very hard to injure… and I saw your fight with the Nazis."

Taylor studied the woman, trying to push her feelings aside. "We aren't going to be your puppets. Get that out of your head right now." She paused, letting her inner power rise to the challenge in front of her and guide her next words. "We, humanity, have to come together." Alexandria's eyes returned the challenge present in Taylor's own eyes. "I know if we do not work together, we will not win. And I will win. That's what Exalted do."

"Fierce words… for a child." Alexandria shot back. "I have been preparing for the fight to save humanity since before you were born. Parahumans don't work together. Even the ones we create in the end can't bind the others together."

Sarah responded for Taylor, her laughing tone backing her friend up. "We are Exalted. We aren't parahumans. We do the impossible. Our exaltations do not come with a conflict drive imperative."

Alexandria leaned back at that statement, eyes narrowing. "Then what is the purpose of the power? If it is not to fight…"

"Kill the unkillable. Expand knowledge to heights unseen. Save countless lives. Establish a better future. Fight beyond the end of the World. That is what we do." Taylor's voice was intense and driven. "This is why we were chosen. We fight. We do not quit. We won't surrender. No matter the enemy." She was standing straight and tall, as her anima started to expand outward, shedding warmth and backing up the conviction in her words. "We do not bow… to anyone. We do not lose. This is what we were told our predecessors did, even at the cost of their lives, this is what we will do. And we will let nothing stop us."

Alexandria studied the girl. After a long moment she nodded, having made a decision. "You do not know the name or the nature of what you're facing, do you?" Getting an shrug from Taylor, she noted Sarah wincing. Continuing on, a slight smile on her face, she spoke. "Scion… or Zion. He is one of a pair of beings, who are made up of shards. Those shards are what grant powers." Taylor's eyes widened at this statement, and Alexandria nodded.

"Yes, that is how you kill powers, you kill those shards. However, Eden, Scion's partner… who's already dead, by blind luck, and while you are not wrong, that we… well Caudron experiments giving out powers from bits of Eden's corpse…" She sighed. "Given that is what the Entities do, as well, I see no reason to be ashamed of that fact. At least we don't intend to destroy every Earth. Unlike them. We have no idea how to kill Zion, so we reached for anything that could do so!"

Taylor rocked back mentally, as Alexandria's words rang with conviction. Emma spoke up clearly having figured something out.

"So, that's why you give out powers… Silver bullet?" The Lunar received a nod. "Well… huh.
I mean… I'm one of Luna's chosen, don't get me wrong. We're all about the fight. But… as I so proved" Her rueful smile indicated she at least learned something. "Running headlong, with only one plan, and no thinking about what your enemy is, can do, possible weaknesses? No research about it? Seems to be a way to lose and lose completely. Given that it's clear they're Creatures of Darkness… and those with powers get tainted… Are you sure he can't just shut down powers? 'Cause if not… that's just asking for it." The Lunar hummed.

Legend finally spoke. "Rebecca, we will have words." Turning to Sarah… "You never answered her question, nor did your friend. Before we go on, I need that answer. How did you learn of what my… friends were up to when I didn't know?"

All eyes were drawn to the Sidereal who sighed. "One of my powers is reading the Loom, or what most people think of as Fate, though in a lot of ways, it's just a giant prediction engine, not an absolute determination of what will happen…" She shook her head. "I doubt you believe in what I gave you, but take it as fact for this. The Incarnae, the Primordials and even the Yozi and Neverborn are powerful beyond belief, but… for reasons? They can't directly fight the Entities. t I was waiting to tell the others in Yu-shan about the actual threat…" She shot Alexandria with an annoyed glare, but continued on. "That's what we are for. And we can do. As for future knowledge that Taylor and others have, I can't go into all the details… because I don't know how precisely they did it, but they somehow acquired knowledge from the future that will not be now… and gave it to us. But that's not the only problem."

Alexandria's head tilted, and she questioned. "What other problems do you see? And how do we know that the Incarnae and the others aren't just other entities, using you to remove rivals?"

Emma responded first. "Civilization, at least on Earth Bet will collapse… not sure how long, but it's obvious." She shook her head. "It's already done so in places, hasn't it?" Alexandria nodded, a slight smile on her face.

Sarah picked up the thread, and spoke intently. "The Gods and the Primordials… even the Neverborn are not entities as you think of them. Primoridals… The way to put it is they appeared out of pure chaos and defined principals, and they created Creation, and later on Earths. Then you have the Gods, who were created by the Primordials. The Yozi and the Neverborn." Sarah paused for a moment, clearly thinking on how to put this. "In short, the Yozi are surrendered Primordials and the Neverborn are the Primordials the Exalted host killed."

Alexandria didn't respond to that statement, and Sarah continued on. "The Primordials, Yozi, Neverborn do share a similarity with the Entities, yes. But if you ever meet a demon, you'll see the difference. Plus, Eden, you said?" Sarah got a nod from Alexandria. "Never showed up in the Underworld. Pretty clear not a Primordial. As every confirmed slain Primordial has shown up in the Underworld."

Alexandria and Legend's eyes both widened a bit at that flat statement. The Orcale smiled slightly and continued. "Gods only have one soul, and aren't hive minded, or made up of lesser gods. Primordials… Yozi… Neverborn…" Sarah sighed. "Best way to put it, is they're comprised of layers of sub souls with 'merge' to form another soul, which then forms the Yozi. But each sub soul, called Demon if a Yozi's, called Deva if a Primordial's, has it's own personality, it's own soul, it's own wants, it's own desires." Sarah grinned. "No matter how strange those are. That's the best way to put it, really, since English lacks the correct metaphysical or physical terms to describe the Primordials, Yozi or Neverborn. Guess another way to put it, sub souls could be considered organs or blood cells of the Yozi, that are sentient and sapient, and don't have to stay in the Yozi."

Alexandria snorted. "Not human at all, then?"

"Pretty much, yes. Gods are far closer in that regard. Mostly." Sarah smiled slightly, indicating she wanted to move on.

Alexandria's eyes narrowed, and she prodded the Sidierial. "How do you know that about… Demons or Devas?" Alexandria prodded.

"Oh. I've met one or two of them." Sarah shrugged, and before anyone could react, she continued on. "You might also ask, if they had these sub souls, why did they create Gods?" Sarah short circuited a likely question. "They were made, to do tasks the Primordials didn't want to well… waste a sub soul on. Protect, run, maintain their creation, Creation." Sarah nodded at Alexandria's sudden realization. "Yes, the Primordials by and large put in ways to keep Gods and other sentient beings from rebelling on them. The entities somehow, are similar enough, that they are triggering those bindings, and there are not enough free Primordials to actually fight. Well, fight and not destroy countless lives." Sarah nodded. "Autochiton, the Great Maker designed Exaltations so the Gods could empower the only species that wasn't bound to not directly attack the Primordials. And once again, we're needed to fight those the Gods can't. "

Alexandria looked at the Oracle and narrowed her eyes. "You believe your statement is correct. But if the Entities are close enough to trigger that reaction from the Gods, then wouldn't the Entities be Primordials?" It was clear she didn't want to wage an endless war against more entities, and was giving Sarah a chance to explain further.

The Chosen of Secrets shook her head. "That I am sure of. Or at least the Incarnae are. When they decided to release the Exaltations again, they weren't, but then they managed to get in contact with a Primordial, Autochthon, as well as the Yozi, the defeated and bound Primoridals, who after seeing an entity and their shards, called them false Primoridals. And honestly, given no summoning ritual works on the shards themselves that comprise the entities?"

Legend interrupted, shocked at what Sarah just said. "Are you saying you can summon … demons?" He sounded disbelieving.

"Can, yes, but not at this time, I haven't learned the sorcery needed to." The Vizier rolled her eyes. "Haven't completed the trials of Sorcery… but anyways…" Sarah shrugged and returned to what she was saying. "I can prove to you that Gods exist. There's at least one on Earth Bet right now. Gods, give any Solar enough time,and they might be able to create them." Alexandria's eyes widened at that statement.

Taylor turned to look at Sarah. "When were you going to tell me that?"

Sarah shrugged. "It was something, again, I wanted to discuss in Yu-Shan to be sure that no one we don't want overhears that discussion.." Taylor snorted.

Taylor simply crossed her arms and stared at the suddenly sheepish Sidierial, but further conservation was blocked by Alexandria.

"... While interesting, we were discussing the … how to prove those you describe aren't other Entities. Sarah nodded in response to the woman's question.

"Okay, you've figured out that while our abilities run on essence, you have no idea what that is?"
Alexandria nodded, and Sarah took that as permission to go on. "Shards at heart seem to do something to manipulate the physical reality, which, honestly, the Primordials defined and created. Essence is part of their creation and defined as such… I think, but I haven't gotten that far into the early history and the underlying metaphysics of reality yet, but it's a part that the Primordials, Gods and Exalted know, and the Shards don't. Which is why some powers are easily understandable on how they work to humans, and even when not understandable, there is some sense that what science knows can eventually explain them."

Alexandria paused for a moment. "I'd argue that, but there is the fact that some powers are at least understandable with current physics or knowledge, which implies that others are as well."

Sarah grinned. "Primordials created those rules. So, they operate beyond them. Essence allows the user to cheat their asses off. To break the rules… well, at least the rules that Earth Bet knows, and suspects that govern reality. Essence does have it's own set of rules, but outside some myth and legends? No one on Earth Bet has a clue." She shrugged. Alexandria raised her eyebrow at that.

"The problem I have, young lady." Alexandria decided to repress this smug teenager's attitude a bit. "Is that you say these statements as fact. You do believe it, I am sure, and I'll be fair… you may be right." She paused, and shook her head. "But I need evidence. Real, tangible evidence, if only to verify what you're saying."

Taylor interrupted and in a rapid fire candace let her thoughts loose. "We could at least show her a Celestial Lion... Wait, you met a demon? Aren't they Creatures of Darkness? You had to have met that demon in Yu-shan… which means Creatures of Darkness can be let into Yu-Shan."

Sarah paused at Taylor's stream of consciousness spilling at, and after parsing it, felt Alexandria's raised eyebrow. Sighing, she spoke, realizing her intent to keep parahumans out of Yu-shan had failed. "Yes to the Celestial Lion, yes to meeting the demon in Yu-Shan…" She sighed. "In theory, yes, you or I could get permission maybe. If we had a Quill…" She was interrupted.

"A Quill?" Alexandria's eyebrow rose even higher.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Term for an Eclipse caste Solar. You did read what each caste's anima banner is specifically intended to do? Eclipses are our diplomats among the Solars. In short, spiritually, they have total diplomatic immunity. And so does their party." Seeing Alexandria nod, she continued. "If that's what it takes, I can seek permission, so can Taylor. No assurances it'll be granted, however."

Alexandria nodded in understanding. "Please do so. I will think about it. And who should go." Sarah raised her eyebrow, but didn't argue.

Sarah shrugged. "Presuming I can get permission. Taylor might be better." Taylor turned and looked at Sarah, followed by a raised eyebrow from the black clad protectorate member. The Vizier rolled her eyes. "I get the distinct impression, outside the Incarnae, Siderials are not popular in Yu-Shan. Politics, leave it at that." Alexandria smiled slightly, while Taylor's brow furrowed for a second, then smoothed.

Taylor looked at the two women. "So, we train up, assemble the host, kill the thing, and everyone lives happily ever after?" Sarah snorted at the slightly bemused tone of her Solar.

"Well, there's holding humanity together long enough to do that." Alexandria dryly said. "From what I've heard, you want and are capable of doing that…" Sarah interrupted anything else the elder woman would have said.

"And what happens when we kill the last Entity? We'll need to rebuild civilization where it's fallen. We'll need to make sure no more Endbringers exist." Sarah blew out a breath, and dropped the bombshell she had been informed of. "Will the remaining shards pick new leaders?" Sarah's eyes were intent as she made her last question the answer.

Alexandria's brow furrowed in thought. "That is… " She paused and looked at the Vizer, and the dawning realization of the depths of the problems they needed to solve on the other two girls' faces, then spoke again. "Troubling. More information from your patrons?" She received a nod. "I need to talk to them… or at least someone who is trustworthy and won't be affected by any real Master effect." Sarah snorted at that. Alexandria's eyebrows rose, but she didn't follow up on the reaction from the Oracle.

Taylor turned to face Alexandria, a challenging look in her eyes aimed at the older woman. "To summarize. We can win the battle. That is first and foremost what I'm told our Exaltations were made for. But the Great Maker, Autochthon, and the Incarane also made sure we would be able to win the peace afterwards. Be the rulers, the stewards and the dutiful soldiers preparing for future battles that none hope would come." She nodded, conviction radiating from every inch of her body and suffusing her voice. "We will do it." Sarah and Emma simply nodded once, clearly indicating they were agreeing and confident in the victory.

The brute and thinker of the most powerful group of heroes studied the exalted in front of her.

Finally she asked a question. "How long before you're sure you can kill the Entity?"

Sarah shrugged. "Truth is, in theory, we should be close if not at the point of being able to kill him. Well, the theory doesn't really take into account the fact that he's really multidimensional with the capabilities to travel across them, something the Primordials aren't and can't do, not really, plus, frankly we want to survive killing him. So… at most, 5 years and then it'd be a cakewalk, presuming we get the information we need. It's the Endbringers that in a lot of ways I'm more worried about. That's what we're trying to get up to speed to take on. And we thrive on challenges, learning, combat. We can't just sit and grow in power. We need challenges to grow."

Legend had remained quiet after his question, clearly assimilating the rapid fire conversation, but finally he spoke, seeking confirmation on a point he wasn't sure of. "... So you're saying the Gods…" He paused, not quite sure he was saying this. "Can't directly do anything, but… they can empower and teach you to?'

Taylor nodded. "We are the answers to prayers." She paused and nodded once. "The Incarane were here before, they empowered the Exaltions to answer Creation's prayers. We succeeded before. We will answer them again."

Alexandria wondered at the sheer confidence in the young teenager's voice and body. As both older heros studied the three in front of them, they saw no difference in their attitude. The children knew they could and would win. "... I cannot say I want you to be wrong. I cannot say I know you are right. But…"

She was interrupted by Legend who shook his head. "But I, at least, hope you are right. Humanity needs that." Alexandria nodded in agreement.

"Humanity will come together, and win." Taylor asserted, her eyes daring the two older heroes to challenge her.

Alexandria shook her head, bemused. "Easier said than done. We've been trying. As you said, the conflict drive imperative makes it… difficult."

"You aren't us. We were created to form nations. Form massive armies and lead them to victory." Taylor shook her head. "There were only 300 Solars in the Primordial war… and we still won."

Emma backed her Solar up. "Solars Train, lead, and are champions of the Host. Lunars are the stewards, the warriors, and the guardians. Siderials investigate, study, gather information, and train the Exalted. Dragon Bloods are the backbone and officers. But Humanity itself is the core of the Host that was led, and then turned into the greatest nation ever." Sarah simply nodded to agree with the Lunar's statements.

"I assume this was originally in another reality as there is no evidence of such a nation existing on Earth-Bet at least?" Alexandria stated.

Sarah nodded an affirmation to the older woman's question and added. "And, no, I can't at this time take you directly there." She shrugged. "Any portal to Creation outside the Yu-shan gates, the Maflean way, or via Underworld walking, is locked off until the end of June 2013." Alexandria raised an eyebrow at Sarah's statement.

"I'm not asking to go there, just what is it. I'm assuming an alternate Earth, such as Earth-Aleph?" Alexandria dryly stated.

Sarah laughed. "Oh… please don't die until after June 2013, please. I so want to show you just how wrong that thought is. It may be what one considers an alternate Earth but… oh how… different it is." Alexandria massaged her forehead, clearly exasperated and finally just shook her head and leaned back as she returned to the neutral expression she had been wearing for most of the discussion.

"I think it's clear that you're not going to allow us to lead in this, and that both you and your families are going to be watching for any form of manipulation. Though I do ask that you refrain from trolling us. We are quite aware of our flaws and that, until now, that we were not the best option at saving humanity - just the only one active or known." Alexandria took a long slow breath before continuing, "We have the same aim, I believe it would be in the best interest of humanity if we worked together. Opposing each other would weaken us all." An odd expression crossed her face as she said the last.

Taylor stopped Sarah from responding, sending the Chosen of Secrets a glare, indicating the time to be a bitch was over. Sarah shrugged, indicating no remorse to her friend. A sigh and the Solar turned back to Alexandria.

"That's why I want to bring all of humanity together. When we all work together… nothing is beyond humanity." Taylor stated. "That's why I was chosen. I want to do that. Lead humanity to not only victory but the future we should be having." Taylor's expression grew dark. "Not what we were on track to have. But make no mistake, we're not going to be puppets, or agree with everything you say. You've given up your hope."

Alexandria smiled slightly, while Legend just shook his head ruefully. "I would ask if you are really just teenagers, but I'm beginning to truly realize what you are. And your childhood ended the moment you exalted, didn't it?"

Sarah nodded sobery, while the two other girls didn't respond, and Sarah finally said. "This is Earth Bet. Childhoods don't really exist anymore, do they? Not everywhere, and not for much longer."

Legend stared at the blonde, not believing what she was saying. Alexandria nodded in agreement with the Vizier, her expressionless face softening for a moment to one of quiet reflection and hints of exhaustion, for a moment looking every part the thirty year veteran of a futile war against a creeping oblivion.

Taylor's eyes softened for a second, as Sarah facepalmed, picking up on the cue that had just been given. "I'm right. You've given up, you didn't believe victory was possible!"

"But we had to try." Alexandria shook her head.

Taylor shrugged, indicating she didn't accept that. "Try and reach for that one in a billion billion chance, instead of just giving up hope?" She looked at the older woman, shaking her head. "Going through the motions instead of pushing your all for victory."

Alexandria snorted "What other option did we have? Better to die on our feet than meekly pass into the night."

Taylor sighed, and shook her head. "We're going to win. We are going to give up our todays for everyone's tomorrow." Alexandria shook her head bemused at the Solar's statement.

"I give us better odds today than I did yesterday," Alexadira admitted, "But it's going to be a fight either way." She took a breath, "But that said, as things stand, we estimate no more than 20 years before there is no more civilization, no matter what we do, though we aren't sure if the threat will come to a head before then." Rebecca Costa Brown removed her helmet and looked at all three girls. "Now you know what we are facing. What do you suggest we do from here?"

Taylor turned to Sarah then Emma, a question in her eyes.

First: What choices do the Exalted want?
[ ] Ethical route. End experimentations, work together, but not let Cauldron lead.
[ ] Expedient route. Accept what is needed, to build an army rapidly. (This is allowing experimentation in granting powers/etal to continue, but healing/killing the powers of those failed experiments.)
[ ] Fuck off Route. Do it without Cauldron.
[ ] Write In.

[ ] Alexandria if possible will go herself to Yu-Shan.
[ ] Alexandria will send Legend.
[ ] Alexandria will send Eidolon.
[ ] Alexandria will send Contessa
[ ] Alexandria will not send anyone.
[ ] Alexandria will send (Write In)

AN: This is the truth of Exalted. Exalted are the answer to prayers. Or that's what they were really intended for. Deliverance against those who would just use humanity and others as toys. Giving Humanity that level of power… even without the death curses of the Neverborn, on the other hand… Welp.
PRT CASE FILE: 125 (Exalted) (Summary)
PRT CASE FILE: 125 (Exalted) (Summary)

To: All PRT and Protectorate Agents
From: PRT Research and Testing (Dr. Julie Chambers)

File Date: 2 SEPT 2009
Modification Date: 2 SEPT 2009

Before reading this summary or the extended file, be aware that the majority of these statements come from documents given to the PRT via Tattletale(see PRT File 0125-03-00001), with some verification via Department ENE and Department 1's test and medical facilities and staff. Some of the more outlandish claims or similar at this time, cannot be disproven. PRT Research does not place high confidence in the unverified or unverifiable elements of the documents that Tattletale delivered.

Watchdog, after reviewing testing data and the documents, has higher confidence than PRT Research.


On 13 AUG 2009, Tattletale delivered two documents, in electronic form to the PRT ENE, per previous agreement (See Action Report, PRT-ENE-11082009-25) to resolve the event referenced in the referenced action report. The first document is called "Exalted, a primer", a summary of what 'types' of Exalted there are, 'what' they are, a basic overview of how they work, and a basic overview of what they can do. The second document, called "Creation, a brief history", is, per Tattletale, a summary history of where the Exalted were, an alternate Earth tentatively identified as Earth-Creation, pending proof of its existence or another classification.

Testing was performed on AEGIS (File Number (transferred) 0125-04-00002) and ARMSMASTER (File Number 0125-04-00002) was performed after loss of previous powers and
on 23 AUG 2009 and 24 AUG 2009, the parahumans identified as SHADOWY WINGS (ex-BLOODY OWL)(See PRT Case File: 0125-01-00001), DOCKMASTER (See file: 0125-02-00001), CORSAIR (See file: 0125-04-00001), LITTLE OWL (Tentative) (See 0125-01-00002), IRISHFIRE (See File 0125-04-00004), BAYFIRE (See File 0125-04-00005), VISTA(See File 0125-04-00003) and CHEETER (See File 0125-02-00002) were undertaken. Pending testing of two additional Type 4 exalts should be completed NLT then 01 OCT 2009.

All Testing performed on named subjects was non-invasive and included medical testing.


Putting aside the document "Creation, a Brief History" as not necessary for this summary, "Exalted, a Primer" made several claims. First, that the 'Exalted' were not parahumans, but humans who had a superweapon grafted to their souls. As we lack the ability to detect souls, we cannot verify the second half of the claim. However, by legal and currently accepted medical definition, the first part of the claim is accurate. As all the subjects of testing could have MRIs performed on them, and their brains easily observed, detection of the Corona structures or abnormal structures of a similar nature in the brain could be done. None were detected, even in subjects VISTA, AEGIS and ARMSMASTER, and in fact, their bodies showed no parahuman alteration. Rare structures seen in the brains and nervous systems were seen, same with muscle structures, but they have been observed in proven non parahumans, therefore, while an outlier, the judgment of the medical professionals is "Not Parahuman."

Second Claim presented and tested for, was that Exalted could learn new powers as well as learn quicker than normal. Indirect proof of this claim was already present, see information on SHADOWLY WINGS, but direct observation of this, based on the mechanics shown, outside one case was not able to be shown. CHEETER and DOCKMASTER were able to learn new forms to shift to, by sampling what they called the "Heart's Blood" of an animal (Pigeon in CHEETER's case, a raccoon in DOCKMASTER's case), which is the process of effectively drinking the last bit of pumped blood from prey. Indirect proof from CHEETER and VISTA based on educational records and testing indicate basic learning speeds are enhanced. Only AEGIS showed any such ability beyond the above two, but given the time he was under observation and testing, and what the claim was made, we have high confidence this claim is correct. Consider all Exalted to be Proficiency Thinkers and Infinity Trumps until proven false.

Third Claim: Exalted heal faster as a natural side effect and are tougher to greater or lesser degree than normal people. Proven. This healing is in line with a low level Regen Brute, and toughness of a low level Repression Brute.

Fourth Claim: There are at least 7 types of Exalted, each type with specific themes and ways they use their powers. Claim at this time is not proven, but all information gathered indicates the claim is accurate, but at this time we have not fully proven or disproven this statement.

Fifth Claim: This one is unprovable by nature with the short amount of time the Testing staff have. Type 4 Exalts (see below), also called Dragonbloods will pass, or have a high possibility of passing their 'Exaltation' to their children, and other types of Exalts able to pass weaker versions of their powers to their children. Experimentation is required. With only two male candidates for this process, we would be willing to fund this for the female candidates.

(Chief Director Statement{02SEPT2009} Denied outright for any subject under age of Majority… and if you suggest it regarding the minors, I will help SHADOWY WINGS and DOCKMASTER rip your heads off.)

Sixth Claim: That "Autochiton' or 'Incarane' built or empowered their 'Exaltations' A offer (which this writer understands was accepted) to at least meet the 'Incarane' was made. Even with this, this writer feels this claim is not provable.

Seventh Claim: Exalted powers, or a large number of them run off 'Essence'. As we have no ability to test for such, cannot prove or disprove. However, the concept may be responsible for myths regarding martial artists, and presuming the other claims not covered in this document are approaching accuracy, may be responsible for myths of gods and similar beings.

Eight Claim: Exalted can 'enlighten' normal people by several methods. The method was (and this claim was proven) varies between individual Exalts, but, with the caveat that we cannot directly detect essence in a body, it does appear that this is accurate. Further, essence using martial arts can be taught (Two separate PRT Field Agents have learned the first kata of a 'Terrestrial' Martial Art), or learned if enlightened, to use their terminology. Medical and M/S screenings show no ill effects or consequences for this. Further, there are methods, unproven at this time, to not require the Exalts. It is the recommendation of this writer, that those methods be examined and tested. Further, training in the enlightened martial arts is of clear advantage to PRT.

Ninth Claim: Exalted can create what they define as "artifacts" that use essence to attain exceptional performance. Proven, though claim that enlightened people can also craft these 'artifacts' is not. Study of CORSAIR's or SHADOWY WINGS' weapons prove the exceptional performance claim. At this time, such artifacts are defined as Tinkertech.

Tenth Claim: Exalted can keep learning and growing, even to and beyond the point of being able to kill Engbringers. First aspect of the claim, is tentatively proven, by the limited information on subjects SHADOWY WINGS, CORSAIR and TATTLETALE. Second aspect is not, however, this department will not claim it is disproven.

Other claims are beyond the scope of this summary document.


We have no proof that the Exalted are telling the truth about their powers, but every claim we could prove indicated they were not lying about that. Further testing, and research is needed. Every effort should be made to encourage the joining of the Exalted to the Protectorate or PRT, or even further testing. The claim that they will be able to kill Engbringers should not be relied upon or made a part of planning, but it also should not be ignored.


All effort should be made to prove remaining claims that we have not, by whatever means possible. If at all possible, subject TATTLETALE's claim of books on 'monotonic' science, ie, study of Essence, should be proven and those books acquired. All efforts to recruit or gain assistance of the Exalted should be made. Enlightening, specifically by non Exalted assistance, even with the time investment claimed, and education of PRT Agents into the Enlightened martial arts should be done. Until a program can be set up to do enlightenment without Exalted assistance, careful and controlled enlightenment and teaching should be done.

Field Agents should take the following into consideration:
Treat ALL EXALTED without specific Threat ratings as at least 3 in the following areas:
Brute, Thinker(social, proficiency and combat), Trump (specifically Null and Infinity. Subareas to include all other areas not listed, until proven otherwise.). Parahuman engagement is not recommended given the threat of power removal and destruction that several Exalted have proven able to do. All Exalted possess the ability to develop what in concept is "Perfect Defenses" as such, presume even area attacks may not work until their 'essence' pool is exhausted.

Treat ALL Exalted as Strikers of 5 or higher due to the existence of enlightened martial arts.

There are four known types of Exalted
Type 1: Solar/Abyssal (the claim is this is a separate type, but they seem to be a death version of Solars, which subject TATTLETALE and subject SHADOWY WINGS concede). Least bound by theme, their theme is 'excellence in all things', to and beyond human maximal abilities. Gold or Black 'anima' banner/battle aura, gold or black forehead "caste marks.".

Type 2: Lunar. Shapeshifters, survivalist/combat/natural theme. Add at least Changer 4 to the threat rating if you see silver anima or "Caste mark" on forehead.

Type 3: Siderials: Claimed theme (testing did not disprove or prove) is fate, manipulation of such and other similar esoteric abilities. Add Stranger ratings if you see a color anima (Green, Blue, Red, Purple or Yellow) as well as a caste mark of color matching the anima corresponding to greek symbolism. (See attached 11,23,75 for appropriate depictions of known caste marks among all types)

Type 4: Dragonbloods. Theme is elemental effects and teamwork. If you see an elemental themed anima, add Shaker 3 rating. Considered the 'weakest' of the Exalted, but because they are meant to work together and aid all the other exalted. Anima appears elemental and is potentially lethal to humans. Do not engage from within anima flux. Dragon-bloods do not have caste marks, but are said to show signs of elemental taint in features as they grow in power.

Type 5: Infenals: Presumed type, theme is "Yozi/Demon" (See expanded Case 125 file). Presumed event in Montreal may involve them. Greenish (sickly) anima with other colors in the banner. Impression subject TATTLETALE gave is DO NOT ENGAGE without Exalted (Type 1 though 3) support. Information on these include high possibility of extreme master abilities, extreme shaker abilities, and breaker abilities. See attachments label: Slayer, Malefactor, Scourge, Defiler, Fiend. See Attachment: SHINTAI. If described Shintai is encountered and hostile apply Endbringer protocols.

Type 6: Alchemicals. Presumed Type, theme is champions of the people with artificial bodies to house their soul. Based on information, add a higher brute rating, as a baseline.

Existence of Sorcery, Protocols and Necromancy (see detailed Case 125 file), is at this time not proven, but if proven, add Shaker 8+ ratings to all Exalted.

Enlightened Mortals should be taken on the enlightened martial art known, but ratings of 2 to 3 as a floor is suggested, if they have a complete enlightened martial art.

Chief Director comments:

Agreed with Recommandations. If at all possible, consideration of the likely ability to meet Endbringers in combat with a chance of Endbringer destruction should be taken into account.

Consideration to asking/agreeing to assisting in the burden of child raising for legal adult Exalts to prove or disprove the ability to pass the so called exaltations, or weaker powers alone will be considered.

Attempts to recruit are ongoing, and with Aegis choosing to remain in the Wards, non invasive, agreed testing and experimentation will continue at least with him. At this time, Armsmaster has not stated he is rejoining, nor has Vista.

Resources and additional support will be sent to Brockton Bay, see attached file.

Suggestions to Congress about Exalted and Enlightened people being placed under PRT authority and jurisdiction, as well as potential NEAPA-5 additions will be made.

My, my. This IS a fascinating read. Don't worry my pretties, I'll be along to get more information soon enough. This is relevant to my interests. Don't bother tracking my connection. There isn't one. Toodles!
Big Heros for a Big Age don’t do unheroic things, do they?
Big Heros for a Big Age don't do unheroic things, do they?

AN: The Fuck off vote was Exalted, but it'd be a further step along the Kherpi route, while the ethical route is also Exalted, but steers another way. Yes, Taylor has routes. Also, it's late because I am at the mercy of the Editor…

"So, where do we go from here?"

Alexandria leaned back, considering the three girls and their statement. She had thought that they'd keep pushing, to force her to bend to them. That's what she would do, after all. She wondered where she started thinking that others would do what she would do.

She noted Legend leaving, a furious scowl on his face, and compared his reaction to what she now thought the Exalted would do. She mused that the testers wouldn't test was what she suspected by her observations, and that parahumans didn't have. The Exalted had a natural soft, immediate hierarchy, and on top of that, they would express themselves to each other with respect.

Dragonblooded tended to listen to the others, not tamely, but they did seem to at least support the Celestials once the plan was settled. The Lunar pair clearly deferred to the Solar and Abyssal, though the adult pair might have been long experience with each other, while Tattletale seemed to look for final desicions from the Solar, though it was clear she'd do her own thing when she wanted. Not tamely, mind you, but overall direction once discussion happened came from the Solar and Abyssal. Though Shadowy Wings seemed to be content to follow Taylor's lead. Though in her case, it was what mattered to the Abyssal, Alexandria thought, not any power interaction, and neither Lunar were tame, nor did they just meekely go along. Just a tendency to listen and go with the final plan, when it was settled between everyone.

"We discuss what you want." Alexandria finally said. "Until such time as your statements are verified, at least up to a reasonable point, we can't... nor should we come to a final agreement."

Taylor's eyes widened. "So you're going to listen? And not laugh at us… and why not our parents?"

Alexandria snorted. "I'll be honest. In some ways, you three remind me of someone… just a bit older than you are now… I don't see her anymore in the mirror. Though I think Hero would have loved you all, and wonder where we went sideways" The three Celestials were sobered by that.

"But, that's neither here nor there. I would be … remiss, shall we say, if I did not consider other options. Victory is what matters, and that's saving humanity from our enemy. How it's done is immaterial, except to my ego."

Taylor looked at her. "And that means… you want to live up to your heroic title?"

Alexandria smiled slightly. "I will be blunt. I hate the PR I have, it tries to make me out to be this unyielding perfect paragon of dark heroism, that will always stand between people and evil. But it's needed. And I should try to live up to it, no?"

Emma yawned. "That'd be smart, yes." She shrugged, green eyes looking intently at Alexandria. "So, why are you pushing us to say our demands, instead of our parents."

Sarah groaned. "She's figured out how Exalted social structures tend to work." Alexandria grinned. "And it wouldn't surprise me if she thinks Taylor is the pole we rotate around, since …"

Alexandria cut in with an observation. "If you mean Shadowy Wings being unlikely to contest anything Taylor wants… yes. Only reason she would is if it threatened Taylor. Lunars?" She looked at Emma then back to Taylor. "I think you know better than I. You are the only active Sidereal… and at worst, Dockmaster might have additional demands, but I doubt he'll completely undercut you, or if he does, he'll do it in a manner that'd educate you." Taylor's face scowled slightly at the mention of her parents, and Alexandria repressed showing any pleasure of successfully figuring out the social interactions beyond what she believed the Exalted naturally fell into.

Emma tilted her head inviting ALexandria to contuine. "And the Dragonbloods?" Alexandria scoffed. "No offense to your mother, sister or…" She looked at Tattletale, "Corisar, but while I have no doubt they would make their points cleanly, I have noticed that in some ways they treat you as generals, to their field grade officers… or similar, I suppose, to NCOs. Not to say they are passive, or unwilling to take a bat to you if you need it, just… they aren't the top of the pile."

Emma winced. "Okay."

Taylor took a deep breath and looked Alexandria in the eyes. "Case 53s. They end. I'm still not sure about granting powers via vials… but they end. We also stop the concept that villains can be redeemable or at least useful against Endbringers, and sparing their lives. Hookwolf…" Taylor unconsciously rubbed her chest, then continued on. "Should have been put down years ago, for example."

Alexandria leaned back. "Let me guess, you would also like NEAPA-5 dealt with."

Emma snorted in response. "Eh… way I was told by Mrs. Dallon… Brandish?" She got a nod from the heroine. "Some parts of it were good. And meant to keep parahumans from putting in major infrastructure or chocking out non parahuman industry, given all things about tinkertech. But she thinks you used it to get what would become the Elite to join the Protectorate, and limit what capes could do. I mean… But, with the conflict drive of natural parahumans… eh." Emma expanded on her point, when Taylor gave her a questioning look. "I'm pretty sure even those who really want to be non violent, out of the natural triggers won't be, their powers will push them."

Alexandria nodded. "That is our impression, yes. And Brandish is right. We did use it, but the movement was already there, we just…" She paused, clearly searching for a word. "Nudged it to get an extra result."

Taylor leaned back. "So… basically, we'd need to figure out some way while we're dealing with the other threats…" She turned to Sarah and glared a bit, but shook her head as she turned back to Alexandria and added "Which I still don't know fully, that natural parahuman drive. Ugh, how about we just build fighting arenas, blood sport level if needed." Emma and Sarah's head snapped towards Taylor when she said that, even Alexandria's eyes widened at that statement.

"Uh… Tay? When did you get so uh… Roman about it?" Sarah finally managed to say.

The Solar tilted her head and shook it. "Eh, some dreams about watching some lizard people and I think Dragon bloods?" She shrugged. "Fight in an arena, and well, if the parahumans have to fight… regulate it? Don't like it but… I mean, we would not have it be death matches every fight, and well, it could be made like boxing or martial arts tournaments…" Taylor mused. "With various brackets for solos, teams, and like?" The brunette shook her head. "Not important now, but some way to vent the urge to fight would help society a lot."

"Needs must, does the least amount of damage and risks the least people?" Alexandria asked dryly. "I'll admit that is a thought that hadn't occurred to me."

Emma shook her head. "Given how many videos of cape fights are on PHO and are avidly watched, why not?"

The Chief Director of the PRT honestly thought about that question. "I… don't know. I honestly don't. It seems to me to be an ideal solution, in a lot of ways…"

"Cops and robbers." The blonde Vizier snorted. "All of us are indoctrinated by the comics. Civilized, as well. Boxing and Martial Arts competitions are also niche. That's why, I bet." Sarah paused "It doesn't help I suspect that the first few capes to come out really brought into the comics before them." Sarah shook her head and added. "Taylor's just more in tune with the memories loaded into her exaltation than I thought."

Alexandria's eyebrow rose. "Either the future that you are sent to prevent got worse than I could ever think, or… They loaded memories of previous holders of your exaltations, didn't they, the Gods and Primordials, I mean?"

Sarah nodded. "Not sure what they did for the Dragonbloods, given how those work, but yeah, and if Lytek doesn't ah… fully clean the exaltation, I guess is a way to put it, memories remain. How much will vary, and I've not been told how the decision is made on how few or how many memories remain."

"... That means… No, something to discuss later." Alexandria leaned back, but then sighed. "I will be honest, your main complaint seems to be with how we work in several ways, such as secrecy, and how we seem to be manipulating the world." She received three nods as she said that, and then added. "And I suspect how we handle Case 53's. Plus, frankly, while you don't want to be taking orders from Cauldron or the Protectorate, you aren't unwilling to work with us."

"That in basic… yes." Taylor sighed. "Plus a few other things, why in hell are you running the PRT as well as being a Protectorate hero? From where we sit…"

"I am doing a shit poor job." Alexandria nodded. "I can't disagree at least from the outside."

Taylor shook her head. "I just… Okay, I just know Cauldron is a failure." She looked displeased, but added. "I don't know why, and I don't know why I want to repeatedly shoot a woman in a fedora, but I do."

Sarah spoke a bit coolly. "I think I do. And bluntly? If I see her, I will kill her." Emma's eyebrow rose as she looked at the blonde. "Emma? I'd recommend you kill her first, period."

"I… see." Alexandria's mind whirred, but she couldn't figure out why Contessa had gained the fury of these teenagers. "I will keep that in mind."

"Good." Taylor shook her head. "But seriously, the Case 53 situation… no, that has to end."

Alexandria looked at the Solar. "I will be fair, there are aspects of the program that creates them, that by almost any ethical or moral standard, is wrong." She sighed, then tilted her head. "But not all of them."

Taylor's eyes grew stubborn, and indicated she'd be very unwilling to budge. Alexandria smiled.

"Did I say you reminded me of myself? You really do." She smiled. "But to shut down Case 53 creation, we would have to shut down granting powers in general." She saw Taylor's eyes widen at that, and continued on. "Contrary to what we may imply, we, Cauldron, view Case 53's as a failure. Far too many of them can't even be outside an asylum for their own safety, and too many of them cannot live with what they have become." She blew out a sigh. "But others, and not just Case 53s… yes, we do wipe or implant suggestions to do certain things, remove memories that would expose us, create nemesis for those who pay for that."

"You're taking away their free will?" Taylor blurted. "Why …"

"Yes." Alexandria nodded. "The path demands it, or so I'm told. We do inform potential customers and recipients when we can of the risks of taking a vial, but even with that… Contessa, the fedora wearing woman you want to kill, says who'll be a threat. And we just don't want to kill them."

Taylor was horrified. Sarah simply nodded, and Emma had returned to eying Alexandria as if she was studying a threat who deserved her full attention and effort to remove.

"You relied on a shard that you knew was modified by the dead Entity." Sarah stated flatly. "Are you insane?"

Alexandria paused for a moment. "... I honestly don't know anymore. I, even with my memory, don't know how I got here. But is there anything else you want?"

Taylor turned to look at the other two then back at the tired looking Protectorate member. "We're going to discuss this with the others. I think we'll contact you when we're ready to take people to Yu-Shan or have come to a conclusion."

Alexandria nodded. "I will be waiting, I think. And if a parahuman's allowed, I've decided. The best person to go… is me."

Sarah's eyebrows shot upwards. "Why? I'd think you'd not want to take that risk."

"It is my word that matters, my view of your statements and proofs, in the end. If I am convinced, Legend, even as angry as he is, will likely go with me, so will the others." Alexandria nodded. "Or I will help you remove them. Victory is our goal, victory whatever the cost. For Defeat cannot be borne."

[ ] Talk to the others before anything else
[ ] To Yu-Shan!
[ ] To the Start of School.
[ ] Write In
Listening to People benefits everyone.
Listening to People benefits everyone.

AN: Two side stories are sitting in the queue for the Editor Lord to hack at, or post. Have fun; this has been more or less planned since I actually asked for the first vote on Yu-shan.

AN2: Rex is over 18, and no, the slightly riquise actions were not intended sexually. If there is an issue for SB, will figure *something* out.

Late Morning, August 25th, 2009
Monument Valley, Utah, US

The group of Exalts and one parahuman turned to look at the sound of a pair of bodies. Taylor just facepalmed as she held a bobcat kitten in her arms, the cat's claws unable to tear though her leather jacket or thick jeans, while Emma was wearing shorts, boots and a long sleeved green pullover. Sarah was also dressed for hiking, but Alexandria broke the mold, wearing her costume.

"I don't know why I just tripped," Jessica Yamada semi apologized to Corsair as he stabilized the woman. "It keeps happening." The Japanese woman ruefully smiled. "Though you seem not to be complaining." She brushed off her light jacket and shorts, looking at her hiking boots suspiciously.

Corsair shook his head, comfortable in his jeans, boots and sweatshirt. "I'm a man, m'lady, and a Dragonblood on top of that. Having you fall, landing your chest on my face, is amusing. I'll admit, catching your fall that time by wrapping your legs around my head? Well, bit embarrassing for you, I suppose." His roguish grin indicated no complaints.

"At least I saved that robin... and the eaglet, and the bobcat kitten." The psychologist shook her head.

Taylor was about to say something, in between her petting of the aforementioned kitten. But Alexandria broke in. "As amusing as this is, are you sure you're alright?" The Protectorate brute landed and eyed the psychologist.

"I'm fine." Jessica blew out a breath, and smiled. "I don't know what's been going on these last two days."

Alexandria turned to look at Sarah, who simply shrugged. "I don't know either. I haven't had time to look at her fate, plus it's easier to do it at the Loom." The Sidereal peered at the therapist. "Could be worse."

"How?" Taylor finally asked, as Emma was still snickering. "She's all but molesting your brother, Sarah!"

"She could be molesting you?" The impish grin on Sarah's face indicated her amusement at her brother getting a good-looking woman to fall all over him was immense.

Alexandria shook her head at Taylor's slight horrified expression. "Teenagers. I don't quite remember myself being this bad."

Jessica shook her head as she took Corsair's offered arm, to walk through the cave. "You were. I was. It's just natural bickering between companions. This is healthy behavior, Alexandria."

Alexandria shrugged and turned to Sarah. "Why did you insist we all climb this path and not fly up it? It would have spared two hours."

Sarah sighed. "As I've been told, when Yu-shan connected to the earths, they created veils to disguise the Celestial Gates." She looked around at the group to be sure that the group understood and received nods. "The only way to see the cave that this gate is in is to be able to see the Eye of the Sun." She shrugged. "And the veil prevents that from the air."

"Ah." The parahuman sighed and gestured down the cave to a perceived cavern. "Then since we are here…"

"This way." Sarah nodded and led the group down the cave. After a few moments, they arrived at a large cavern, and at the end was a stone circle standing proud with a stone fu-dog next to it. As the group paused, examining the structure across the cavern, the stone seemed to ripple, revealing a gold and silver disk, and the Lion's fur became gold, his eyes blazing with an inner light as he began to pad forward. Sarah looked at the two non-Exalted and made it clear with a gesture that they were to wait there. Alexandria stopped still, her eyes taking everything into account as the Exalted stepped forward, clearly in some form of order with Taylor convinced to take the lead of the group.

Jessica slipped next to the parahuman and quietly spoke. "Wonderous isn't it." She looked up at the taller heroine. "That such things could exist, and myths and legends are true."

Alexandria looked down at the psychologist. "Are we sure this isn't just more parahuman powers?"

Jessica tilted her head. "Isn't that what we are here for? To find out? Instead of relying on blind faith?"

"Yes," Alexandria said, pausing for a moment. "You seem to have no doubts, Jessica."

The psychologist sighed. "I was mostly raised by my very traditional grandmother, Alexandria. By the time I reached college, I only paid lip service…" She shook her head. "Part of me always wanted the myths she told us to be true. Let's be honest, wouldn't you want Amaerastu to smite, oh, the Siberian?"

"... I wouldn't object, no." Alexandria shook her head. "But that would be a fairy tale, wouldn't it?"

The psychologist studied Alexandria. "And yet, fairy tales are based on myths. Myths and legends are based on history, too often, which are based on what happened. All filtered through individuals passing the information to future generations."

Before Alexandria could reply, she saw the lion reach the Exalts, her sharp hearing picking up their conversation.

"Guardian of the Gate, be known unto my circle. Know my circle." Sarah bowed, Alexandria's eyes noting it was a bow of equals. The Vizier straightened and pointed at each exalt in order, giving their names and caste.

"I told you to call me Vigilant Ear, Oracle, and I was informed of who they are." The Lion's deep bass voice was amused. Turning to the others he bowed his head deeply and respectfully at Taylor. "Be Welcome to Yu-Shan, Lady Hebert, Priestess of the Unconquered Sun, Resplendent Sun." Turning to Emma, he bowed as well.. "Be Welcome to Yu-Shan, Lady Barnes, Nightwitch and child of the Hidden Moon." The Celestial Lion turned to look at Sarah. "I was informed there might be other Exalts, Heaven's eye?" His question wasn't really a question.

Sarah nodded at him. "And I told you to call me Sarah." The Lion snorted. "The others have, well, jobs -- Need to eat and all that." The Lion snorted again at that.

"They're Exalts. Why would they need to work to earn their living? You all should be…" Sarah rolled her eyes at the statement and shook her head, stopping the Lion.

"That was then; this is now, Vigilant. Then may come again, but not today. We haven't asserted our places to the point where we can only focus on our duties to heaven. Why do I have to go to school, of all things?" Sarah was clearly fishing for a reaction from the Lion, but Taylor interrupted the back and forth.

"... Isn't it the law that we have to go to School, Sarah?" Taylor tilted her head. "Plus we need to do things like learn how to interact with people."

The Lion looked down upon the Solar. "Did you make that law, Lawbringer?" Taylor shook her head, confused on why he'd ask. With a sigh, the Lion continued. "You are only bound by the laws you make for yourself and Heaven's law as far as we can enforce it, Chosen. Mortals' law?" His disdainful chuff indicated what he thought of that.

Alexandria's attention was drawn away from the conversation by Jessica's soft words. "Maybe, Alexandria… you've been a parahuman too long. Maybe frozen as well, too long. Just maybe."

"What do you mean?" Alexandria's words were pitched only to reach Jessica, who was staring intently at chatting Exalts and the Lion. "I don't think taking things on faith is a good idea."

"You have heard of this prayer, I hope? 'God, grant me the Serenity; To accept the things I cannot change: Courage to change the things I can; And Wisdom to know the difference.'" Jessica's words triggered the rest of the prayer in Alexandria's mind, and then she shook her head.

"And how do we know what we can and cannot change?" Alexandria spoke.

"Faith." Jessica's eyes were still looking at the Lion. "Letting yourself feel. Have you had faith since you gained your powers? Have you let yourself feel?"

Alexandria was shocked silent for a long moment. "Have I…" She tried to remember when she had abandoned her family's faith. She knew when she stopped letting herself feel things. Legend was right, cold bloodedness was needed, wasn't it?

"I don't think so. I'll just remind you of this. Children know the world is a wondrous place, filled with mysteries and dreams. They know this because of faith. Healthy adults remember that."

"Are you saying I'm not healthy?" Alexandria replied, stung by the psychologist's words.

"Are you? Do you still look at the world as a child would on occasion to remind yourself you don't know everything, and there are still things to believe in?" Jessica turned and looked up at the heroine. "Or have you given up all faith and hope for a better future?"

Alexandria stood stock still as Jessica turned and walked towards the exalts. How … she dared to analyze her because it's what the psychologist does. She tries to heal people, because… she believes people can be healed. That the world will be better. Alexandria envied the woman. She thought for a moment. Did she envy Jessica's faith… or the serenity and will to change things for the better.

Or… Alexandria stepped forward, as she thought, following the woman who had unsettled her. Did she want what she was doing to matter to people, to be victorious? Or did she want someone else to at least help bear the burdens of fighting a nearly impossible battle? Or could it be she wanted to have faith that victory was possible. The black clad woman froze for a long second pondering that thought until she was interrupted by the giant Lion looking down on her.

"I know I'm impressive, but I thought this darkness-touched mortal would be made of sterner stuff. Why, it's as if she was a godling I caught stealing." The Celestial Lion stared down at her, and Alexandria's eyes widened as she stared back. From head to toe, the Lion was made of bright and fiery gold, and she felt his presence as a stern hurricane of power and force, leashed to an iron will and obedience to law and order. This was a stern guardian and a being who would enforce the law. Maybe… Hero was right. Faith was needed: Faith that there were things she didn't know, faith in that they would gain allies, faith that victory was possible.

Taking a deep breath, and realizing that she had to respond to the Lion's statements. "Forgive me. You are quite impressive, but it was my companion's words that caused me to think on some… things."

"Ahh, that type of conversation." The Lion nodded. "I've met her type before, I'm old enough to remember some Joybringers. She makes you think… and not just of what she wants you to."

Alexandria's smile was rueful. "But of what we need to."

"Aye, can't be content with yourself if you are avoiding yourself, no?" The Lion looked down and sniffed, his muzzle working in disgust.

"Is there a problem?" Alexandria was confident in herself, but she would rather not find out that the Lion could do what the other Exalted would do.

"You're deepy tainted by darkness. If you weren't vouched for, and in the presence of a Lawgiver, I'd kill you for being this close to Yu-Shan." The Lion was blunt.

Alexandria looked at the Lion, seeing nothing but unshakeable conviction and faith in the beast's blazing eyes. "Then why haven't you …"

"Because my job is to guard the gates. My duty is to police Heaven. The gods have left Creation to mortals. As it has been ordered, so has it been done. We didn't want to stunt your growth." Alexandria's expression was a study of realization.

"The gods had come to Earth didn't they?" She received a nod. "... So why not now?"

"That I don't know, but the Most High has answered humanity's prayers. The Exalted are back. Your fate is in your hands again if you seize it, if you follow and listen to those who have the will to win." The Lion turned and eyed the psychologist. "She has no problems with that concept, I can tell."

Was that it? Was that the reason why Jessica was so calm? She knew what she could and couldn't do, and used what she could do to help others to win?

"I… see." The Lion turned his head for a moment, and eyed her.

"Maybe you do. Maybe you do." The Lion's head snapped back as bright blue light began to spill into the cavern from the Psychologist. "Yes, I'd say that the Yamada daughter does."

AN: Yes, you all voted on who'd be the next Siddie. If Tagg had been picked, he'd have been a Chosen of Battles. Hadn't quite decided on the rest.

[ ] React to Jessica's exaltation
[ ] Shake it off, and head into Yu-Shan
[ ] Look at Alexandria's expression
[ ] Write in.
Serenity sneaks up on people at times.
Serenity sneaks up on people at times.

Taylor's eyes widened and she turned to Sarah. "HOW?"

Sarah shrugged. "Sidereal. Should have remembered what I was told." Taylor looked like she'd throttle the blond but was interrupted by the Celestial Lion.

"Yes, you should have, Vizier." Vigilant stepped forward, eying the blue glowing woman. "Long time since I've seen a Vizier exalt. Long time indeed."

Alexandria's eyes narrowed. "How did she exalt? She didn't do anything heroic or have some great revelation!"

"She's a Sidereal." The Lion turned to look at the heroine, as Jessica was clearly distracted by the light surrounding her. "They aren't rewarded for heroic deeds, great thoughts, understanding of truths, the will to fight or similar. They are meant to be Sidereal." He shrugged. "Or so I was told by a previous Sidereal long ago."

Alexandria tilted her head. "I … gathered that exaltations were locked away, Vigilant. How would that work now?"

The Lion showed his fangs as he smiled. "I'm not informed of how they are picking their first hosts, Alexandria. Vizier?" He turned to Tattletale and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh…" The teenaged blond sighed. "In short, the Sidereal exaltations as I was informed are selecting people who were fated to do something major along their caste inclinations." Sarah shrugged. "For me, I either kept or exposed a major secret or was collecting them to use for my allies." She turned and eyed Jessica. "I'd figure she would be instrumental in trying to bring serenity to a lot of people."

"Wait." Taylor ran her right hand through her hair trying to remove the frustration. "Are you saying, that the exaltation eats the likely future you'd have?"

Sarah nodded. "In a way all exaltations do. You're set on a path that you weren't on before, irrevocably changing you, what you can do, and very likely what you will do."

Taylor eyed Sarah. "But… you make it sound that Sidereal Exaltations look for those who'd be important… and do that."

"... Yes, at least this cycle of Exaltations." Sarah admitted. "Or so I was informed."

The Lion watched the two talking exalts and shook his head. "So it goes. The Future is not set, young exalts." He paused, making sure he had all their attention. "Glorious Bearer of Tales can and likely has checked her history on what she would have likely done as a mortal… and it's up to her to do things better, now. That is the purpose of Exaltation."

Alexandria eyed Jessica, then the blonde Sidereal, then the Lion. Before she could comment, Taylor looked at the Lion.

"... That's why we're being exalted." Taylor nodded. "We were to be major players in the future that will not be now." She turned to Sarah. "And our dreams of that hell, is because we will do it better, right?"

Sarah smiled. "We already are." She let her smile grow to a foxy grin, then sobered. "But, I can tell you one of the issues the Loom has."

Vigilant tilted his head as Alexandria broke in. "Issue with the Loom? Isn't it a .. prediction engine for the future as you said?"

"It is." Sarah nodded. "Problem is, parahuman powers throw it almost as much as essence users do. And no, we can't see who will and won't trigger. The shards are outside Fate."

Vigilant summed up the situation, mirroring Alexandria's own thoughts. "Well, that isn't good, Oracle. Why, it's almost as if we're refighting the Primordial War. Could be worse, I suppose. Parahumans can be seen, correct?"

Sarah nodded. "And with two Viziers, we can start tag teaming the Loom so we both aren't flying mostly blind." Jessica looked up at that.

"I try to heal minds, Sarah. Not predict futures and move to remove threats." Jessica shook her head. "I shouldn't have…"

The Lion rumbled, cutting Sarah off. "The Great Maker's creation picked you. The Maidens approved. You are fit to be one of Heaven's Courtesans. Your job is to pick those who need Serenity, for whatever reason, and bring it to them. So Fate may be saved, and worlds aided. IF you so choose, that is."

Jessica blinked. "If I so choose? You just said I was picked for this. I don't get a choice, right?"

Taylor shook her head. "No, Miss Yamada. We are Exalted. We choose what we will do. I hope you'll make the right choice, and work with us… but as I've been frequently told… it is your choice."

"She is right, Joybringer." The Lion spoke "In the end, Exalted have the most priceless gift. They can choose whatever they want. They Defy everything when they so choose." The great guardian smiled as he added. "Though one downside, I've been told, to being a Sidereal, is you get to fix when the Loom throws a fit over things happening that weren't supposed to happen."

Jessica glared at the Lion. "I'm beginning to think this is not a blessing."

"It isn't." Taylor softly said. "While not a curse, I think… it's an answer to prayers. And it's up to us on how that answer is delivered. We are given the tools… it's up to us to make the world better. Because that's what people pray for, in the end."

Jessica turned to look at the Solar, eyes softening slightly. A long moment, the blue starry eyed psychologist looked into the firm green gaze of the Solar. Finally she sighed. "As scary as it is… I want to at least give this a try." She looked at Alexandria. "All I wanted was to help people. I saw so much trauma with the Kyushu refugees in high school, so I went into psychology to help them." She blew out a breath. "Now I'm given power because… apparently I would have helped people. That is my choice… that won't change. I am Jessica Yamada. That's what I choose."

"Well Said, my priestess. For that is how you bring serenity." a voice broke in from the now opened portal. Rich, smooth, sensual and relaxing contralto washed over the gathered people. All eyes were drawn to the invitingly clad woman of unsurpassable beauty, with blue hair cascading down over her bare shoulders, and her blue eyes were smiling. "Come, Chosen. Yu-Shan awaits. I thought I'd come and personally collect my priestess."

[ ] Go with Venus
[ ] Protest and argue with Venus
[ ] FIGHT Venus
[ ] Write in!
Reflections of Reality sometimes are weird.
Reflections of Reality sometimes are weird.

AN: Alas, as noted, the write-ins didn't win. Oh, well. I still used the line, it was *nice*. Better edited version likely to be posted when editor is done

Everyone looking upon the blue haired woman was struck by her beauty and more importantly her serenity. Sarah was the first to shake herself free of the spell of her presence that was laid upon the group.

"Ugh." Sarah glared at the Maiden of Serenity. "Do you really have to come on that strong Venus-sama?"

Venus tilted her head with a small smile. "Did not my elder sister explain why we act?"

"... if you say samsara means you have to… I'm going to have to say I don't quite buy that." Sarah crossed her arms.

Venus' smile grew slightly, attracting looks. "Perhaps. But it is who I am." She turned to the rest of the group and with her next words broke the spell. "I am here, I will escort you all."

Taylor was the first to speak, a bit awe struck. "Are you … the Roman Venus? The Planet? The Greek Aphrodite?" Sarah facepalmed in response, while the rest turned to Taylor with a bemused look in their eyes. Venus' smile didn't change.

"Yes to all. I am also Guan Yi, and Ishtar. I supervise and command more." She nodded. "But first, young Lawgiver… I am the Maiden of Serenity and I bring all together as they should."

Taylor tilted her head and nodded. "And you're here to do that? Isn't that my job?"

The goddess' radiance grew if at all possible "You may say that… but as the young Oracle will tell you… how and who, are the parts that remain part of Fate."

Alexandria marshaled her strength, and spoke. "As that may be, however, I believe you wish to escort us into Yu-Shan?"

Venus nodded once, and gestured at the gate. "Yes."

The Lion nodded. "Be welcome to Yu-Shan, Viziers, Lawgiver and and guests. It has been too long since a Lawgiver has walked these streets, Priestess of the Sun, or a Lunar, Nightwitch." He paused. "Rebecca Costa-Brown? Be careful, you are only allowed in on the tolerance of the Unconquered Sun, and step out of line, you will be destroyed." He stepped aside, and Venus stepped through the Gate.

Sarah smiled and nodded. "This is going to be a blast. C'mon." She put action to words, and stepped though. Taylor looked at Emma as Corsair and then Alexandria followed the Vizier.

"Well." Taylor followed herself, only to ram into a unyielding black wall of heroine before she could see, and then was squished by Emma running into her. "Ow!"

The heroine moved forward after a moment, and Taylor felt Emma step to her side. An endless vista of buildings sheathed in fiery gold, brilliant jade and shining silver. Fiery and Shimmering Skyscrapers of the classic style, reminding all of the lost Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building reaching for the clouds, while pillars flanked open and warm doors. Jade Brownstones squished between the skyscrapers made homes for the residents while several Colonial buildings looked down from the hills that Taylor could see. Further, the eye was drawn to several rainbow-sheathed plantation houses surrounded by brilliant white trees. Last but not least was the various pure white jade statues and sculptures of myths, legends and historical figures. Cable cars ran across the wide streets mixed with classic cars in brilliant metals. One red jade cherry bomb corvette pulled up to a gleaming plantium and red jade block diner from a movie that had hologlyphs in a gleaming neon glow spelling out Donny's.

Emma broke the spell that all but Sarah and Corsair were in. "Wow. Just… wow."

"Follow me." Venus' sensual voice called, and while still looking around in amazement, the group followed Sarah and Reggie who were following the Goddess. Venus stopped and turned to look at the group.

"We need to make a quick stop first." The Incarnate was slightly glowing. "After the trip you have undergone, a moment to freshen up and change into proper outfits would be wise." Her tone brooked no disobedience.

"Of course, Lady Venus." Sarah didn't disagree.

"Uh…" Taylor started but was quelled by a look from Venus, who then turned and led the way to a set of doors with a glowing display in what Taylor knew was Old Realm. 'Traveler's Rest' floated above the doors in pure white light, and over the heads of the party as they walked though. Inside the doors were gold, silver and platinum pillars, pure leather couches and chairs, and to the left a bar with silver announcements and made of black jade, with what Taylor would claim was a hybrid of Tyrannosaurus Rex and a man dressed as a bartender from the 20's. Finally, at the end of the grand hall, was a counter with a very exotic red skinned person behind it. The counter itself was white jade, while the various accourments were made of fiery gold. The Concierge's eyes widened as the Maiden walked towards him.

Alexandria leaned over to Sarah, and quietly stated. "It appears they're fans of movies, aren't they?"

Sarah shook her head. "Not… quite. Hard to explain. Will try en route to the Bureaus."

As the group followed Venus, the being called out as he deeply bowed. "Lady Venus, welcome to our humble abode." The male was about to straighten, then saw Taylor and the rest. "Resplendent Sun, Child of the Hidden Moon, Heaven's Courtesan, and Heaven's Eyes. Be welcome to the Rest." He straightened after greeting them all.

"Thank you, Seeking Rest in Comfort." The Goddess nodded at him, taking a coin out of her bosom. "I presume this will cover the use of a suite for a brief period of time?" She placed the dull, yet rainbow reflecting coin on the counter and pushed it across. The Concierge inhaled and nodded.

"Of course." He pressed a button and a ting sound was heard, and two men with feathers in their hair and black classic hotel uniforms and bellhop caps appeared. With a nod at them,Seeking Rest instructed them. "Please escort Lady Venus, the Chosen and their… guests to the Incarnate suite, please." The pair nodded and gestured, looking for luggage, and gathering the backpacks the group had.

Shortly, they were in an elevator with a folding green jade grate door, and headed upwards. Taylor had to ask. "Sarah… is it me, or is Alexandria right? This is like being in a movie… well if they were channeling a fantasy vibe. Bit overwhelming."

Venus raised an eyebrow unseen, but didn't answer, letting the Vizier answer the bemused and somewhat overwhelmed people's questions and thoughts. Sarah didn't outwardly show any irritation, but sighed.

"Okay. As it was explained to me…" The Oracle ran a hand through her blonde hair as her fellow Sidereal looked at her, and the rest of the party who had never been to Yu-Shan listened. "Yu-Shan… at best is 50 or so years behind what's being built on most of the Earths. There's exceptions, mind you, but Yu-Shan is slow to change." Venus smiled a bit at that as Sarah pointedly didn't look at her. "As was also explained to me? All the bling? Pretty much because it's first, easy to do, and second, how most gods show off." A slight nod of blue hair indicated Tattletale was more or less correct.

Taylor tilted her head, and asked what was on her mind. "How?"

"Ambrosia or Quintessence, Resplendent Sun." Venus spoke for Sarah. "Prayer made manifest. Any god can shape it into any material you can find on earth with some effort. While we do not get as much prayer as we used to, certain rituals, domains and other things which should." With this the Goddess looked at Sarah, who nodded in rapid confirmation, to Venus' slight smile. "Should be in your manuals that generate more than enough Quintessence to use. Ambrosia… a bit rarer, given it's directly created by prayer."

Alexandria eyed Venus. "And that's one reason you are now sending the Exalted. To generate that, or more of it."

Venus just smiled as Sarah sighed. Before any reply could be made, they had reached the top floor, and the bellhop opened the cage, which triggered the main elevator door.

Taylor sighed as she saw the gold, silver, platinum and other precious metals. The lights were made of jewels, reflecting glorious rainbow light around, while the furniture was of the finest wood Taylor had ever seen with brilliant blue fine silk cushioning with stars laced throughout the cloth. Finally on the pure crystal table, was a diamond and sapphire encrusted classic English Tea set, with a small lacquered box next to it.

"Would My Lady and Chosen like some refreshment?" The older seeming feathered bellhop asked.

"We would. And surprise them." Venus' smile grew impish.

One Bellhop went to a small table that had a notepad on it, and wrote down something, folding it up, and placing it in a cleverly disguised tube, sending it down. Turning to the guests, he bowed. "It should be ready shortly, My Ladies and Lords." The second bellhop placed each bag in a separate bedroom, and Alexandria's eyebrow rose as she guessed her bag was placed in the servant's room.

"Excellent." The impish smile remained, as Venus removed two smaller dull steel coins, that caught the lights and reflected rainbows, handing one to each bellhop. Both bowed, and clicked their heels.

"The refreshments and an attendant to make the tea will arrive shortly, Honored Guests." The apparent leader of the bellhops spoke, and then both bowed again, and departed.

Jessica spoke for the group. "Forgive me, but…"

"You think this is too much." Venus' impish grin turned into a smirk. "No, it is not. You are the first of my Chosen to be seen in Yu-Shan in countless years. Taylor is the first Solar, in the same time. You will grow accustomed to your station." She looked around slightly amused, as the group except for Sarah and Corsair boggled. "But it will be enough to take a brief meal and clean up after your climb. Then we will travel to the Plaza of Meetings."

Before anyone else could speak, the elevator opened again, and a large elegant silver cart rolled in, followed by three slim black-haired women, with black feathers in their hair, wearing classical maid outfits. "My ladies and Lords?" The maid pushing the cart spoke, drawing attention at the immense number of covered dishes, seemingly more than should have fit on the cart as one maid went to the tea set and began preparing tea.

Venus nodded, and turned to the group. "I will return shortly, with clothing suited for Yu-Shan." With that, her blue ribbons swarmed around her and she, in a burst of cerulean light, disappeared.

[ ] Gloss over the meal, bathing, straight to Venus' return.
[ ] Linger on the sensations of the meal
[ ] Pester Sarah about Yu-Shan
[ ] Write In
Realizing your advisor is not as well informed as she presents.
Realizing your advisor is not as well informed as she presents.

Taylor turned to Sarah as the Sidereal hummed, looking at the displayed buffet of food. "Huh. This god must be into American food." Hamburgers, french fries, pizzas brimming with toppings, and hot dogs were piled up.

Emma tilted her head. "How are we going to eat this all?" She shook her head. "I mean, yes, we eat more now, but still…"

Taylor shook her head as Sarah's brother started eating a hot dog. "... is this normal for Yu-shan?"

"This amount of food? Yeah. Quinessence is easy to come by really." The Sidereal shrugged and prepared a hamburger for herself.

Taylor sighed, poured the dark fizzy drink, and sipped at it. Her eyes widened and she made a pleased sound. She had just had the perfect cherry coke. "This is… perfect."

"Good, isn't it? Every time I've gotten food in Yu-shan it's the best." Reggie shrugged. "Though it'll spoil you for anything else… until you learn to cook for yourself."

Taylor nodded as she and Emma, along with the others, started eating. After a few minutes and pleased sounds from the first time visitors to Yu-shan, Taylor had cleared her mouth enough to ask. "So… why is Yu-shan like… America from various movies?"

Sarah swallowed a bit of her food, then sipped at her coke. Finally she answered Taylor's question. "Eh, this section is, at least. The area where we'll meet the Incarane isn't like this." She shrugged.

"And other areas?" Emma inquired, also curious.

Reggie snickered as his sister turned to him with a glare. Reggie just raised an eyebrow as even Jessica joined in on the look while Alexandria was clearly trying to compel answers while on her third burger.

Sarah sighed and answered. "Honestly? I don't know. While I know stuff about Yu-shan…" She thought about it as she started scarfing down another hot dog. Finishing this one, she nodded as she finished off her glass of soda. "Right. We…" She waved at Reggie to include him. "Spent about 8 weeks here. Almost all that time was pounding in how to use what we have, training us, throwing all the information on what we are, what we're supposed to be doing, and all that." She sighed. "Really, until right before you… remember how when Sifu blessed you, your head felt stuffed?" Taylor and Emma nodded. "Plus as he pounded you into the ground?"

"... 9 weeks of that?" Emma asked, horrified. "I'm still sorting though everything, and half the time I don't know what I'm reacting to or really doing. It's all instinct and half remembered… and gods, I still don't know how I managed to pass the Arcadia tests this time; I'd have sworn I didn't know half the answers."

Sarah nodded as she made like a chipmunk with a small pile of french fries. Swallowing, she stated, "Yeah; imagine feeling that way for a good three months beyond. Really not fun."

Alexandria sipped at the coffee, her eyebrows raised and a smile crossing her face as she sipped again and made a soft sound of pleased enjoyment. Finally she looked at the Oracle. "So… you were supposed to aviise them… and you don't know enough to do so?"

Sarah looked back at the flying brick and shook her head. "Look, Yu-shan trained me as if we were back in the Primordial war era. Yes, I should have more information. Yes, I really am new at this. But I'm the only one they had, and so, they force fed me knowledge 'til I would burst… or so it felt like, and, well, feeling that stuffed lasted a long time." Alexandria just raised an eyebrow.

"... so what do you know about Yu-Shan?" Taylor interrupted.

Sarah rolled her eyes. "It's the home of the gods. It's where even we have to be careful, because unless you're a Sidereal or an Eclipse, you're limited in where you're allowed to go, though I doubt they'd try to kill you or Emma, Taytay." Sarah shrugged. "Even if you are a Sidereal…" She looked at Jessica. "There's places we're not allowed to go. I mostly learned what you have in those primers, plus training on how to be a good little Vizier."

Taylor hummed. "So… what you're saying is, we shouldn't go exploring?"

"Not without permission or in the company of someone that has the authority. Laws exist for a reason, and we're still technically not gods. This is their home." Sarah shrugged. "Not to mention… politics."
Jessica tilted her head. "I'd expect that of the Celestial Bureaucracy." She paused and looked at her senior Sidereal. "What specific politics?"

Sarah blew out a breath. "The gods, by and large, are happy with the Incarna loosening the restrictions on contacting the Earths. They want jobs and the Quintessence that comes with them. They are also as Alexandria surmised…" The Oracle nodded at the heroine. "After prayer, for the Ambrosia, aka concentrated prayer."

"But…" Alexandria quirked an eyebrow. "Let me guess, they're not as fond of the Exalted being back."

Sarah nodded. "It really depends on the type of Exalt. Taylor, and to most, Emma shouldn't have many problems, nor enemies. The Most High personally picking her as his priestess?" Sarah snorted. "Emma basks in that." She then sighed. "But then you have the Sidereals and the Dragonbloods… even a hundred thousand years isn't enough to forgive or forget. Too many of the older gods remember Creation and what all the Exalted got up to."

"Ah." Jessica responded. "So we bear the sins of our predecessors, and the Solars and the Lunars have the least?"

Sarah waggled her hand. "Yes and no. It's a history lesson, which you'll need to learn. But… in short, the Dragonblood overthrew the divine order in Creation, egged on by our predecessors." She looked Jessica in the eyes. "It doesn't help we're explicitly given charms to kill gods and make starmetal out of them."

Taylor shook her head. "But, you wouldn't."

Sarah snorted."I haven't yet, but it might be needed. If gods break the Most High's laws?"

Taylor began to speak, then nodded reluctantly.

Alexandria moved the discussion back to Yu-Shan. "So… why does this part look, as Taylor said, like parts of America fantasized and lifted from fantastic movies?"

"Because this is one of two Yu-shan gates in America? The areas around the gates tend to resemble their connected areas, at least, or so I'm told… because the gods are trying to reflect what they're the gods of, just with godly power and effectively no limits." The Vizier turned to the food and shook her head. "I know we ate a lot… but Lady Venus will be back… and she gave instructions. I'd rather not disobey an Incarna." Everyone nodded. Emma paused, snached up a cookie, and began to nibble as she headed to the room with her and Taylor's bag.

"Say, Tay… think we could talk this cook into being our own? I could eat this food all day long…"

Taylor facepalmed as she walked. "Didn't you say we had to watch our weight?"

"Exalted~~" Emma's toothy grin was heard.

[ ] Skip to the Plaza of Meetings
[ ] Venus returns after bathing!
[ ] More pestering of Sarah for politics and history.
[ ] Write In.
When you are an Incarnate, Exalts are dress up dolls…
When you are an Incarnate, Exalts are dress up dolls…

"These are great," Emma gushed as she snuggled into the thick cloth robe she was wearing.

Taylor didn't roll her eyes at further proof that Emma was enjoying Yu-shan, though she admitted the robes were great. Part of her was tempted to steal one. "The food was great, too. Think I ate too much…"

Sarah snorted. "We're exalted. We don't usually gain weight. And given we're growing rapidly, even for teenagers?" The blonde shrugged.

"You keep saying that…" Taylor sighed. "Why?" She didn't look at Emma's chest, or the blonde's own, nor did she look at her own, feeling plain next to the two maturing bombshells.

Sarah shook her head, knowing what the younger Solar was thinking. "It's because our Exaltations are pushing us to be optimized. And fast. Call it 2 or 3 more months of this level of eating as our bodies, well yours -- I'm almost done, I think -- become the exalted version of Captain America." She tilted her head. "Maybe less."

"We never did get a straight answer about that, did we?" Reggie hummed. "Though Jessica will appreciate being 21 again."

The psychologist mentioned by the Dragonblood looked at him, a bit aghast. "I'm going to become younger?" Alexandria raised her eyebrows.

"Exaltations tend to put you, if older when you exalt, initially at your physical peak as soon as your body can handle it, though you will grow older after a period depending on your exaltation," Reggie quietly said. "Since you have 5000 years… it will be very graceful aging."

Jessica stared at the Dragonblood, and Alexandria interrupted the discussion, not wanting the others to discuss aging. "Is everything in Yu shan this… excellent?" the black clad parahuman asked.

Sarah nodded. "Yes. The gods who do crafting and convert Ambrosia or Quintessence into what have you, have had millennia of practicing their crafts. It won't surprise me if Taylor is bribed with fine items."

"What?" Taylor stared at the blonde. "Why?"

"Yes… why Taylor, not you, or Miss Barnes?" Alexandria inquired as well.

Sarah sighed. "Because, bluntly? There are a lot of gods who want slots that Taylor can influence. She is a Solar, the Most High has confirmed the Creation Ruling Mandate is as it was, meaning she can make suggestions for a lot of positions Celestial Gods are going to be vying over. And as the only recognized priestess of the Most High…"

"... Politics. The Chinese were right," Alexandria dryly stated.

The seductive and sensual voice of Venus broke in the discussion. "Yes, they were." Everyone turned and looked at the cerulean-haired lush goddess, which caused Taylor and Emma to blush as she was only loosely wrapped in ribbons.

Alexandria noted carefully stacked boxes behind the goddess, but before she could say anything, Venus continued. "Now, as you are meeting the Most High and the Ever Changing, it is only proper that you wear clothing that is suited to both the situation and yourselves. Since there is a crisis situation, what you would wear to battle is always acceptable." Venus handed each person a box. "Now, I do believe you have a meeting to attend?"

The hint was taken, and shortly everyone except Taylor was back. Emma was preening in an off-the-shoulder white bodysuit and leggings that had silver cheetah spots on it, along with Luna's symbol split by a plunging neckline. The white, 3-inch-heeled goth boots with silver accourments finished the outfit, though having put a white duster with similar silver accourments on a chair indicated the outfit was prepared for Brockton bay.

The two Sidereals were wearing matching black catsuits with calvary boots. Along the sides were stripes, and on their chest was the symbol of their patron. Sarah's was in the Green of Jupiter, while Jessica was in the cerulean blue of Venus… and tighter fitting, as well. Reggie Livsey, Corsair, was clad in his usual French highwayman outfit, though his cap and tricorn were now a deep dark blue, like the ocean at night. Alexandria was clad in her usual cape outfit.

"I see Yu-shan acquired Dragons' fabrics," Reggie dryly spoke. "It's useful."

Emma looked at Reggie. "This is armored cloth?" She brightened, and dashed to drag Taylor out. Venus smiled amused by the reactions. Emma's enjoyment, Sarah and Reggie's blaséattitude, Jessica's slight embarrassment, and Alexandria's bemusement. Taylor's face showed her reaction as she was being dragged out by Emma.

"Why are these … like this?" Taylor tried to pull the sleeveless collared white bodysuit slightly off her skin, while she was also in white leggings, and matching goth boots. Instead of cheetah spots or silver, she had Sol Invitus' symbol on her chest, flanked by a pair of golden wings wrapping around her from her shoulders and gold vertical stripes running down her arms and legs.

Venus eyed the outfit and nodded. "Because you are Exalted. Because everything about you is a potential weapon, both on the battlefield and in the courts. You should maximize everything to impress. These are armored, and will fit equally well on the battlefield and in gatherings where you seek to influence and convince people."

"But…" Taylor was cut off by a raised finger from the goddess.

"Yes, you are exalted, not capes." The goddess' words clearly indicated she understood what Taylor was about to say. "But the perception of mortals shape how you will be taken. What Exalted wore before would terrify and otherwise cause mortals to fear you. These outfits will make them think of heroes." She raised an eyebrow at Alexandria.

"Lady Venus isn't wrong. Even colors matter." The black-clad parahuman's lips raised upward a small amount. "Unless you want to present an image of terror and mayhem… these will work well."

Taylor quickly put on the duster, hiding the bare arms and tighter than she'd like bodysuit. "Fine, fine… Why this? I don't have the body for it. Emma… Aunt Zoe, Mom, sure… me, I'm just the plain girl."

Venus turned to look at Sarah and Jessica, her eyebrow raised. Both Sidereals got the message loud and clear.

Sarah turned to Taylor. "We'll talk about it later." She turned to Venus. "With your permission?"

"Granted; I will escort you to the canal." The Goddess nodded.

[ ] Directly to the Plaza of Meetings
[ ] Covering the trip to the Plaza of Meetings.
[ ] Taylor runs away to get changed into something less… form fitting!
[ ] Write In.
Last edited:
When you are the Boss, you set the rules.
When you are the Boss, you set the rules.

AN: No idea if this is going to work honestly, and I hope to be back to my normal 72 hour cycle after this.

Sol watched as Taylor knelt, fist to the ground, head bowed to him, and Emma followed suit, just towards Luna. He noted that the two Sidereals did formal bows, as well as the Dragonblood, though a smile crossed his face as the tainted mortal did a curtsy, and held it. Stepping forward, he let his smile grow as he put his right lower hand on Taylor's shoulder. Luna followed suit, though she pulled Emma's chin up.

"You are all known unto us, the Incarnate." His deep voice rang out with warmth and sincerity. "Rise, my priestess and Chosen." Luna skipped the words and just pulled Emma up. "Our Chosen do not need to bow to us." His smile widened at Taylor's wide-eyed look. "Come, we have much to discuss." He gestured as Luna led Emma, and by extension, the rest. He was carefully studying the so-called parahuman in a manner he was sure she wouldn't realize.

He smiled as Taylor asked him a question about Yu-shan. "Yes, Resplendent Sun, Yu-shan spoils people. And is addictive to those unused to finery." He shook his head slightly. "But that is not what we must discuss, is it… Rebecca Costa-Brown."

He watched as the named woman flinched slightly, his words burning into her. "Yes… Most High." It sounded to his ears that she was reluctantly calling him by one of his many titles. He didn't rebuke her, nor did he say anything more as they entered a building. Shortly, with questions from the young exalts, they were at an office, which he gestured them into.

Sitting down, with Luna shifting into a sexy secretary in black and silver, pulling out an emery board, and filing her nails as she perched on a corner of his desk, Sol had to grin. "Be seated." He gestured at sinfully comfortable chairs. Waiting a moment, he put his upper pair of hands together, steeping the topmost pair just under his eyes and let the lower pair rest on the desk. It was clear he was not hiding anything from anyone.

He looked at Rebecca for a long moment with a serious expression on his face. He shook his head once and spoke in a soft yet booming tone. "I changed your fate, Costa-Brown. You were to die in just under 2 years." Luna nodded in support. "But I wonder… Do you see that as a blessing?"

Alexandria was shocked silent, her expression clearly indicating she didn't believe him. She opened her mouth to speak, then stared into his eyes… and slowly closed it.

"You understand. What Skitter would have done to you, for your actions towards her? Would have been just. And only finishing what you had done to yourself." Sol's eyes seemed sad as he bored into the parahuman.

The woman clearly was trying to gather herself, and Sol let her for a moment. Luna had speared the rest of the Exalts with a glance to remain silent then turned to the heroine. "You fought, yes. You desperately want to prevent what we know is coming. You are willing… no, eager, even to pay any cost. But."

"But… what?" Rebecca finally asked after a moment.

Sol picked up the question and answered it. "You had already surrendered everything that mattered. Your honor. Your generosity. Your very humanity, on an altar. I respect that. I do. I don't respect that you forgot why you surrendered it all."

"... I am trying…" Alexandria rallied a bit, but was cut off by Luna.

"To save all the Earths, humanity, et al." Luna sniffed. "By either creating enough parahumans to overwhelm the gifter of those powers, or… by a Silver Bullet."

Alexandria nodded jerkely, trying to fight the aura of power that was pressing down on her.

"The worst part about this, Rebecca." Sol's voice was gentle. "Cauldron, in its basic objective… succeeded, not just once, but twice. You had, and now have your silver bullet, via parahuman powers." Sol shook his head. "Of course, We have put our Exalted onto the field. I find them a better option to fight against the inevitable, and to kill the unkillable. They've done it before." He leaned forward and bored into her eyes. "What say you?"

Alexandria for a long moment paused, and then rose, leaning forward to smash her fists. "WHO? Who had the powers, or has them?" Her fury was clear.

Luna spoke up, amused by the fury in the woman in front of her, not at all worried. "Hero, your friend. A young girl by the name of Lily, in New York City."

"... Impossible." Alexandria ground out. "We know what Hero could do, and we know…"

"Doctor Mother has been marked for death by the laws of Yu-Shan." Luna's voice was calm. "She lied to you. She didn't bother understanding the powers and the Warrior. She doesn't believe you can win."

Alexandria stopped. Her expression was cycling and clearly unable to fully process what she heard. After a long moment, she shifted tacks visibly to the two gods. "How can I trust a word you say? How do I know you aren't another Entity who is using all this as illusion, to fake being on our side, and after we kill Scion, you will just take their shards and carry on with the same plan Scion and Eden had?

Sol Invictus stood, shedding his casual clothing in a flash of light, appearing in his armor, with his spear, his horn, his laurels and his shield in hand. "I am Sol Invictus, the Most HIgh, the One who was made to be Perfect." He paused. "I have often suppressed that aspect of myself. But… trust what your heart and soul is telling you. I tell you once, I tell you twice, I tell you three times, Rebeccal, if I wanted to rule over humanity, or destroy it, I could. I chose not to." He paused. "I chose to let Humanity rise to the heights I thought they were capable of, without Us, without the Exalted. This was not a mistake. Before you ask why I did not release the Exalted when we first saw the Entities, we respected humanity."

Luna picked up. "I'll say this. I will eat your Doctor Mother. She destroyed someone I would be proud to call my chosen. She lied repeatedly, and failed to even try to get the help she needed when she realized she was over her head. We are giving you the same choice any Exalt has. Here. Now."

"Choose." The Most High boomed. "Choose who you will put your faith into. Choose who you will follow. Choose who you will believe. Finally, choose who to back."

[ ] Alexandria believes Sol Invictus
[ ] Alexandria attacks, not believing him.
[ ] Alexandria snaps.
[ ] Write In.
Many Claim to be a God. Few are. When you meet one, you will know.
Many Claim to be a God. Few are. When you meet one, you will know.

AN: Once more into the breech. Yu-Shan is wrapping up (not saying it'll be this one). Then a slight time skip and a side story on what is going on in Brockton bay. Just the usual… fire, screams, pain, mayhem… Must be a Tuesday.

Sol Invictus, Divine Ignis, The Unconquered Sun, watched as the black clad heroine strugged, emotions clearly flashing through her eyes though her face remained still. He didn't doubt her goals. He didn't doubt what she would do to attain them. She was very much a Solar in that regard, he mused. But… she had surrendered too much of herself. Could she find herself again?

No one else spoke for a long moment. Alexandria broke the silence. "I have been in Scion's presence. You are not him, nor do you give the same feel." She was silent for another moment. "I can concede you are a God. Even a powerful one, or the most powerful." She looked Sol in the eyes, to his slight smile. "What chance do we, humanity, have against you, if you are bent on ruling us? How do we stop you?"

Sol blinked. Of all things for her to ask. "The same way the Primordials, the Titans, as I believe the Greek called them, were stopped." He turned to Taylor, looking her in the eyes. "That is who you are, what you are. You already understand."

Taylor nodded. "You wouldn't be you if you sought to impose your will, would you? You would not be The Most High anymore. You'd be another tyrant who I would need to unite humanity to kill."

The God smiled. "And that is what Exalted are, Rebecca… no, here and now, Alexandria. They are meant to kill the unkillable. They are meant to storm heaven and kill even the Most High if they think they need to." He shook his head. "They don't do it by pure brute force. Solars are meant to lead. Lunars are meant to defend and challenge the unchallengeable. Sidereals, to find the way and information. Dragonbloods, to provide the strength of the Armies, and be the pillars of said armies. Alchemicals, for the people. Abyssals, to defend the dead and prevent the dead from destroying life. Infernals, to represent a second chance for principles."

Alexandria blinked. "You … are saying that Exalted can tell you no? Tell the Titans no?"

"Yes, for the one thing that the Exalted always have, and will always have… is choice." The Most High smiled. "One of your presidents said it best, I think. Let me paraphrase. "Exalted choose to go to the Moon because it is there. Not because it is easy."

Alexandria had no response. Sarah picked up the thread. "We, the Exalted, are meant to do things. Gods ruling would stop us, therefore…"

"The Exalted would immediately come into conflict with us. It is one reason why I gave the Solars the Creation Ruling Mandate." He grew tired and somewhat distant as he continued. "I will admit that the Games of Divinity were an incredible lure, and still are. But… I wanted my Solars to have challenges, and I realized, if I, or Yu-Shan as a whole attempted to enforce our mandates, their very natures, along with the Lunars, would lead to a war that would destroy not just us, but Creation." He shook his head. "I couldn't allow that."

The black clad parahuman looked at the God. "You're saying, after defeating Hell, they'd have stormed heaven, because… they were made too well?"

He smiled and nodded. "Even more so, they were made to win the unwinnable. They were made to be Humanity's answer to all those who would enslave them, treat them like cattle… I could go on, but I think you understand."

"There's nothing we can't do when we work together." Taylor's voice rang with conviction. Sarah and Emma nodded along, with a smile from Corsair. "I know I'm not the best at people things, but…"

"I am better than she is." Emma smiled, then shrugged. "Sarah is better at ferreting out information for us. Corsair has our backs, and makes sure we don't get in over our heads. Uncle Danny defends the Docks and our home, Aunt Murderhappy kills that that which will threaten our homes. That's how we are meant to work: As a team."

Alexandria thought for a long moment, looking at each exalted. "From the mouth of babes, eh?"

Corsair shrugged. "I'm not quite still in swaddling cloths, I'm afraid, m'lady, but I've noted that most Parahumans seem to be at odds with each other… even when they're on teams."

"You're not wrong. While those we gave vials to aren't as susceptible to it… they can only stabilize the situation to a point."

Sol picked up the thread. "Towards the end, Queen M-R-L led armies personally in the millions that worked in harmony. And hundreds of thousands of those were Exalted." He leaned back. "Exalted have teamwork burned into their very souls. While it's a rarity for the Celestials to prefer being on their own, or stay outside a team, Dragonbloods can't be alone. Their very souls cry out for unity. Alchemicals are the same way. The Lunar bond to Solars leads them to teamwork with each other as well, and Solars are still human, and humans are social and communal beings at heart."

"And parahumans aren't pack animals.." Alexandria nodded. "... I don't know. You could be using Essence to make me believe."

Sol shrugged. "You're correct. I could. By some views, I should... but I surrendered to the Primordials during the War for two reasons: I believed a human was worth it… and I had faith in my Solars, in the Exalted as a whole, in humanity. I was and still am right."

"We're the chosen of the Incarnate. We are in some ways their children by adoption, given power to do what they can't. Just like humanity is meant to excel, by the Great Maker's template, Exalted are to outshine even the gods." Emma spoke softly. Sol beamed at the Lunar.

"You have learned the lessons well, the most important lessons, Hidden Moon." Sol's voice was warm.

Alexandria sighed. "I…" A pause as she gathered her thoughts. "I have been without faith and real hope for so long…"

"You don't know what it is." Jessica spoke up. "You've been waging a war that the person who recruited you didn't believe could be truly won, against odds so severe that they would drain anyone… and you don't know how to let go, when someone comes to pick up the burden, not just for you, but beside you."

Alexandria looked at the therapist turned Exalted. "... Is it that simple?"

Sol spoke softly. "It can be… if you let it."

[ ] Alexandria agrees fully
[ ] Alexandria agrees, but will still be cautious
[ ] Alexandria doesn't agree, but pretends to.
[ ] Alexandria doesn't agree and shows it fully.
[ ] Write in.

AN: Generally, votes are meant for Taylor. But this is more suited. Sometimes even Exalted takes a back seat to what's going on. Everyone has agency.

Figure 1-2 more scenes in Yu-shan, then onto the "what's happening in Brockton bay."
Gods don’t make deals… People do. Occasionally.
Gods don't make deals… People do. Occasionally.

AN: Weekends suck for me, so… yeah, at least a regular 2 post a week, maybe 3 is the current plan, since it really doesn't seem that I can get fired up on my weekends to do anything.
Story notes: Sol didn't go all out with his abilities or charms, and Lexy even with those, thanks to a lot of things has an MDV (2nd ed's term for 3rd's Resolve) well in the range of elder Solars. What? You think I'm going to actually make *easy* for the Exalted? Boo! Hiss!

Alexandria pondered the god's words. He was one, that she had no doubt. But… Exalted seemed too good to be true. That's what she kept coming back to. More importantly, even if she had faith that they could defeat Scion… she already saw disturbing powers each exalt could use. Humanity would live, yes… but at what cost? Humanity had to be free, and like parahumans, the Exalted had to be tied to humanity.

"You seem to not truly grasp something, Alexandria, Exalts, with the exception of the Great Maker's Champions are literally equipped to lead and rule. We did not just create the Celestial Exalts to fight. Even the Dragonbloods are able to administer and lead at levels few humans ever reach." Sol spoke softly. "We, the Incarana and the Great Maker, explicitly made sure that there were no controls or hidden commands in the Exaltations. They were not crafted to have servants with no free will, because we were and still are enslaved, and we did and do not want our Chosen to be similarly enslaved. Because of that, they truly have the one thing that I, Luna, and the others wished for ourselves and humanity: choice."

Sol nodded and continued his statement. "We made sure of that, not just because of our anger and wishes to be free ourselves. We did so the Primordial ability to tell us what to do, no matter what, would… no, could not affect our Champions. They can and will tell me no. This is what they were explicitly designed and empowered for. We were not going to draft warriors and heroes to fight the Primordial War, and we were not going to make them do anything they disagreed with. That is not the what we wanted for our champions, as we were enslaved by our creators ourselves, and ordered to do things against what we were made to do or be."

Alexandria rocked back on her mental heels. She locked eyes on him. "And how do they stay connected to humanity? How do they make the choices humanity needs to be saved and free? Free of fear. Free of tyrants. Free of being playthings to those with powers they cannot have?"

"Some won't," Sol admitted. "I will be the first to concede that. Even my Chosen aren't perfect. Some will oppose those who choose different paths; the Alchemicals will always lean far more towards being for the people. But, while I wish I could blame the problems the Solars and other Exalted developed strictly on the Great Curse… the truth is, Exalted are human, with the virtues and flaws of such, just like parahumans."

"... except without crisis trauma, since their crisis comes from doing things, and succeeding or not breaking." Alexandria muttered bitterly. "But… you will not oppose them joining the Protectorate?"

Sol smiled a bit. "No, because I'm afraid that would amuse me more than anger me. You do realize even Dragonbloods will quickly assume leadership positions and push the directors? If I was informed correctly, the concept is that the PRT Directors lead and issue orders to parahumans as a check."

Alexandria snorted at that. "I've lead the PRT in secret for almost twenty years. Those 'checks' are largely an illusion put in place for the comfort of the voters." She paused and sighed. "And that's the worry. Everything I have heard states that Exalted live longer than normal people, and they're natural leaders, which means, the one check that the average person has to keep believing in civilization, at least in America, will go away."

"We rebuild the faith in civilization, in humanity's ability to reach for the stars.. It's already gone, in a lot of places on Earth Bet. Even in the United States." Taylor responded before her god could. "That's what I am meant to do: Restore people's faith, bring them together, have them rally to not only win the unwinnable but build and advance civilization and be good to everyone! Not just rule from a temple and enjoy life." Taylor shuddered at the last, and Sol smiled warmly at her.

Alexandria turned to the Solar, who had Emma nodding next to her. "And the others who may not agree?"

"Then we deal with them. Life isn't perfect. We can't make it that way overnight -- all we can do is fix it one step at a time," Sarah stated. "We've told you the initial design and intent of the Exalted. Two things differ now from then. We don't have the Primordial death curses affecting us. We have the Great Maker's Champions. There were never Alchemicals in the Exalted Host or in the Solar Deliberative. Now that they are here to complete us? They will make sure we don't go too far. They do not have the same instincts nor the same abilities the other Celestial Exalts do. They also need humanity to grow in their abilities and capabilities. When they grow more powerful, they become humanity's homes and cities. They're incapable of forgetting humanity. A check I have to admit we, the Exalts needed." The blonde paused, then sighed ruefully. "And still do. Even when Queen M-R-L received, then surrendered to the other Solars, the Creation Ruling Mandate, it was never meant to mean the Solars were to rule even other Exalts. But… it didn't quite work out that way, because the Solars were intended to lead the Celestial Host. The Great Maker's Chosen are not going to accept our… or Taylor's leadership naturally, they're incapable of doing so."

Sol nodded. "Well said, Chosen. In the end, it is wise to be cautious of any power given, Rebecca. You yourself, recognize what it can do… by looking into a mirror." The heroine reluctantly nodded. "It is hard to give up control. And they're not asking you to. Taylor cannot command you by Heaven's laws, since when the Last Solar fell, I reclaimed the Mandate. I haven't returned it. She and her brothers and sisters have to earn it again."

Alexandria raised an eyebrow at that.

Sol nodded. "Not only because of the previous Host's failings, but because we have changed the Exaltations to some extent. While the Lunar bond still exists, some of the less moral Solar's ability to manipulate and control them is gone. They will also act as a check, since there is a instinct for the Exaltations to seek those who will fight for their freedom and right to choose. Dragonbloods have similar changes as well. The Sidereals have their own." He smiled grimly. "As well as challenges that will become apparent to my Chosen over time. One thing we have learned is the Exalted need challenge, and that we did not change."

"We want to work together with you." Taylor stated softly. "Having you help and be with us or at least an ally? That'll make things easier." Taylor paused. "We won't stop, though. We are going to do what we have to to save everyone. We will win." The conviction in her voice rang clear and Alexandria caught some undertones of threat and intent if she became an obstacle… they would go through her.

"I remember what it was to be that age." The heroine finally spoke. "... If nothing else, I can at least help you not fall down the same path."

""Excellent." Sol grinned. "However, per the laws of Yu-Shan, Alexandria… I regretfully must state you must depart now that our business is concluded." He paused. "However, chosen… some lessons have been arranged for you with an understanding you are needed back on Earth Bet." He was rewarded with a groan from Sarah, and a smile from Taylor.

"Sounds fun!"

Sarah dryly responded. "Solars would find it fun. So would Lunars… we'll see how you feel after it." The Sidereal suddenly smiled. "Still better than paperwork!"

AN:End Yu-Shan Arc.
Vote is for after the side stories…

[ ] Taylor, Emma and Sarah go to the first day of school… at Arcadia… as open capes.
[ ] The above get their GEDs and play Dockworker thugs!
[ ] Youth Guard attacks! (day before school)
[ ] Overzealous PRT deputy director attempts to have them press ganged into the Wards.
[ ] Write In.
Assessments and Plans
Assessments and Plans

AN: 1 of 4 to 5 side story blocks. Two reasons, 1 to show things, 2: to recharge my mind for the main quest. I do take requests, however. Sorry it was late.

Cauldron Meeting Room, Cauldron Base
August 24th, 2009, Late Evening Eastern United States Time.

"You called us here, Rebecca." Dr. Mother laced and steepled her hands together, leaning on the table. "Am I to presume you have information to share about the… Exalted?'

Rebecca Costa Brown, Alexandria, snorted. David, Eidolon, was actually eating a sandwich he had brought unconcerned about Paul's, Legend's, glaring, while Contessa was quiet and simply looking at her. Kurt, standing with his back to the wall as always, was the only one paying attention to her, though eying Paul as he clearly didn't know why the legendary Blaster was angry.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes. "And possibly more." Kurt's eyebrow rose.

"Interesting." Kurt leaned back. "I've read the preliminary data that's been entered into the PRT's system. It does make for some… interesting conclusions."

Dr. Mother spoke. "Did they explain why they distort precogs like Coil and even Contessa?"

Alexandria shook her head. "No, but they didn't need to. I wondered why, in the Sidereal listing, tending to the Loom of Fate was listed as one of their duties. Then Tattletale explained that the Loom of Fate is a prediction engine, not a 'set fate' engine." Dr. Mother relaxed a bit at that, and Alexandria nodded. "Other comments the teenager made, made it clear: Essence, as they call it, breaks the rules."

"That is obvious." Kurt's glasses glinted as they reflected the light. "Contessa's path to save… Taylor, wasn't it?" Contessa nodded. "Was kill Hookwolf before he led his thugs to the Docks in Brockton Bay, which we voted against." Kurt's tone was mild.

"And then we didn't need to, at all." Alexandria nodded. "Meaning… Essence is something the entities have no idea about." Kurt nodded in agreement.

Dr. Mother looked at Alexandria. "Surely there is an explanation that doesn't mean we'll have to accept this … balderdash of gods and Primordials?"

Contessa actually spoke. "Is it too hard to accept?" Everyone turned to her. "Before Eden, would any of you accept truly, that the Entities existed?"

Kurt stopped Dr. Mother. "I see your point, Contessa." He sighed. "My numbers don't know, they can't assign probabilities. Your paths can't say either, except accept the offer to go to Yu-shan, with a parahuman they accept." Contessa nodded. He turned to Dr. Mother. "Just because we believe the information to be false… without proof either way, we need to keep an open mind. If, what they say, is in …" He smiled briefly, amused. "Essence, true?" He shook his head.

"We don't have a choice." Alexandria nodded. "The potential gains?" She shrugged. "Our objective is to kll Scion, and remove the threat of the entities. If that means…" Rebecca shrugged. "We are all expendable. If this is what we need to win? To Save humanity?" She shook her head. "Whatever the price."

David looked up. "Bullshit. They can't kill Scion, or they would have already." He leaned back, shaking his head. "I am warning you, these ideas… we thought the same about Glastig, about the Butcher. We're going to make the same mistakes again, and we're going to lose more parahumans we could have used!"

Legend's eyebrow rose. "I'd be careful of saying that… David." His repressed anger came though. "I know you accessed the preliminary data. And the books. There is enough proof to say that at least the three exalts that we knew about before Armsmaster's brilliant." His anger came through again. "Idea were gaining new powers."

David leaned back, unconcerned by the most powerful blaster's anger and clearly intent on making his point. "Or they could have just been figuring out their powers. Let's be real. The number of infinity trumps that don't have limitations is zero. I'm the most powerful one. We all know this. We have plans regarding this." He sighed. "Why are we changing our plans as it stands?" His eyes were tired as he asked this question. "We have no proof, nothing but their words to say this, nothing truly provable. If I can't kill an Endbringer, how can they?"

Alexandria shook her head. "We aren't switching our plans right now. As you point out, we don't have proof they can do what they claim. We don't even have proof for a quarter of what they claim -- some indirect proof, I will concede, yes, for the ability to keep adding powers… but only indirect. But everything they claimed that we could test, was either true, or understated what they could do."

David nodded. "Except, I can take Shadowy Wings, not a question. She isn't all that." He sniffed. "If she's as powerful as what we've been told, she'd have come to Houston to remove a few issues that came to light."

Alexandria raised an eyebrow. "What part of 'it takes time to train and add additional abilities' is hard to understand? And which matches what we have on her?"

David shook his head. "I'll admit even presuming that they are Infinite trumps, you get all your powers at once, just about, remember?" He leaned back. "And if the profile we have on her is 'anything for her family', then 'learning' to kill an Endbringer would be top of that." He looked at Legend, who nodded in acceptance of that point. "So, forgive me if I doubt severely that they can do what I haven't been able to figure out. Because, as it stands? Too good to be true." He shook his head. "We've been searching for enough parahumans that can harm the Endbringers decisively, or even Scion for how long now? And a whole batch of them just fall into our laps?" He snorted. "Does anyone else see the problem here?"

Paul leaned forward. "How so?"

David leaned back a tired look on his face. "As stated, as far as we know, there's realistically only two people, theorized, at that, that could gain the ability to kill an Endbringer. Dauntless of Brockton Bay, and me. And we all agree that in my case, it's just finding the right power." He raised an eyebrow in question to determine if anyone would disagree. Waiting a moment he continued on. "Even if we take their words as true, which is stupid… we cannot abandon everything we've worked on until now. Didn't they say they doubted they could do anything to enhance my powers?" He received a nod from Alexandria. Before either could say anything else, a voice broke in.

"Infinity Trumps like yourself, or even any other parahuman at all, have not shown any realistic capability to kill an Endbringer to date, at least from the Entities. We theorize you can, once you discover the right power, but that's it, and the reason we theorize you can, is I cannot path you." Contessa's voice was pointed. "And they do have limitations, they even admitted to such. Mostly how long they can sustain their abilities at a time. I cannot path them once they start using their powers. Which means…"

Kurt broke in. "It is very likely Scion cannot, nor could, oh, Ziz." Kurt shook his head. "Every time I run numbers on them, they prove them wrong, Eidolon." David didn't change his expression, but he did respond.

"And if their abilities aren't up to instantly killing the Endbringers? Will they have enough power to do it?" Eidolon's tired snort answered his own question. "And let's be honest. We don't know what price the … beings behind these Exalted, if they aren't entities themselves, playing a different game… will require. We might end up like Eastern Europe after World War Two."

Dr. Mother nodded. "I don't like this." She looked around. "If the 'Gods' and these… Primodirals… had their answer to the Entities, why? Why haven't they deployed them before, or did they wait intentionally 'til we were desperate enough to accept any help, no matter the price?"

"That's a question I have a partial answer to, I believe," Contessa interrupted, shocking everyone.

Dr. Mother and Alexandria traded a look. "Please," Dr. Mother asked.

Contessa shrugged. "These 'Gods' are not omnipotent. Primordials are limited, that seems obvious." She clearly didn't have a problem with what she was saying. "They didn't know the threat until recently."

Alexandria blinked and thought. David snorted, not impressed, but Kurt and Dr. Mother were looking thoughtful. Finally Paul spoke for the group. "Like the Greek gods?"

"Makes sense. There are a lot of similarities in various mythos to the information we were given." Alexandria leaned back. "But the only way to be sure is to… ask. And not the Exalted."

David stood up, eyes tired and resigned as he looked at them. "And if they lie, in a way you can't detect? You are leading us into disaster. This isn't the way to do it. Trusting them?" He snorted. "Even if their stories are true, these... beings probably aren't any better. Who's to say we won't end up fighting them." He shook his head. "I'm going to go train and prepare Houston, just in case these … Exalts get the idea they can come to my city and give me orders."

Legend's eyebrow rose, as David strode out, clearly done, but not caring what the others decided. "Well. I see that your suggestion is the majority view, Alexandria. And David's position, while I disagree with it, and think he's over exaggerating, should bear some consideration."

"Yes." She shook her head. She blew out a breath, and looked around. "Part of the discussion I had with the teenagers was their disgust at our current methods."

Legend's eyes grew cold. "Which we will discuss." Kurt tilted his head.

"I have a feeling I will be displeased." The Number man commented dryly.

Dr. Mother snorted. "Let us have them do better!"

Legend spoke coldly and clearly. "It isn't so much that I truly have a problem, Doctor, with what they accused us of doing. I have a problem with not knowing. Are we responsible for the Case 53's?"

Kurt suddenly straightened and looked intently at Dr. Mother.

"Yes, we are. However, I assure you, we did warn them, as we warned you." The middle aged woman shook her head. "We removed memories, because the Path said we couldn't trust those not to talk about what we did."

Kurt's eyes narrowed. "How long ago was this… plan adjusted or evaluated?"

Alexandria blinked. "What do you mean?"

"He means how often do we check the underlying assumptions of what we're doing, and adjust our plans accordingly." Legend's tone was bitter. "I don't remember a single discussion about it."

Dr. Mother looked at the two remaining men, both of which had pointed looks. "It was what the Path suggested would be…"

Kurt stared. "Forgive me. You mean the same agent that we know for a fact the dying Entity crippled?"

Alexandria shook her head. "I will be fair, Kurt, while we didn't bring you or Legend in fully, for reasons that should be obvious…" Legend snorted. "I, at least, thought about the plan on occasion. I just didn't see anything better."

Kurt's eyes narrowed. "... So, while you didn't reconsider as a whole, it's because your, and only your judgment, said there was nothing better?"

"Correct." Alexandria nodded. She looked at Legend, a look in her eyes that was hard to decipher. "I don't know how you do it, but your hands are just as dirty. Remember your idea about the Siberian?"

Legend looked at her, considering what she said and then nodded. "And I remember who objected." She nodded.

"I did, and I was not … truly accepting of what we are doing at that time, but…" Rebecca was interrupted.

"You saw nothing better." Kurt finished. His eyes hooded as he clearly thought it though. "I will agree with you, that knowing wouldn't have truly changed anything. But the objective is clear. Either a silver bullet parahuman, or an army enough to overwhelm Scion, as we previously discussed."

Dr. Mother nodded. "So… I take it your objections aren't over doing it?" She looked at the two men.

"No, they are not. My objection is not being informed." Legend sighed. "I will admit I find the concept of wiping memories distasteful, but…" He shook his head. "It's quite possible I suppose that if enough people talked about granting powers and what we were doing, we'd have lost our positions."

Kurt nodded in agreement. "I understand the risks, and why you did it. But as Legend does… I find it distasteful that you did not bring us in fully."

Dr. Mother shrugged. "We at first didn't trust you, admittedly, and as for Legend… I believed he'd play his role better if he didn't know."

"Really." Legend's voice was dry. "Thank you ever so much."

Alexandria shook her head. "You're a good man, Legend. We weren't sure you'd keep the secret, simply because it'd be distasteful to you."

"... Rebecca, if you think that of me, I'm honored… but you don't know what I am willing to do to see my son survive." Legend's voice was cold.

Kurt nodded. "In the situation we are in, there is truly no cost not worth paying." He leaned back. "I suggest we table this discussion til later." Everyone nodded. "While I would argue you going to Yu-Shan is an extreme risk, Rebecca, it is you or Eidolon, realistically." Legend's eyebrow rose.

"Your logic, Kurt?" Legend leaned forward.

"Simple. While we know all three of you are immune to the Scream, as well as several other master abilities you have encountered, which would give you the highest chance of avoiding any similar abilities these 'gods' or 'primordials' have, you are not a thinker, or able to run a thinker power." Kurt nodded.

"And unlike Eidolon, I am willing to at least seriously consider the chance that they are allies." Alexandria dryly said. "Though I think I should take some of Eidolon's thoughts into consideration."

Contessa shrugged, as she stood up. "To be honest, I don't need to model or run a path to have a good idea what these Gods want."

Dr. Mother turned to Contessa. "Oh? What do you think they want."

"What Gods always want." Contessa's flat statement was her last as she left the room.
Doing things for Others' own good
Doing things for Others' own good

Houston Protectorate Leader Office
Houston, TX
Morning, Aug 31st, 2009

Eidolon sat at his desk, drumming his fingers. He was not pleased his concerns were ignored. He had even talked to Contessa privately, and she had shrugged, saying the Path was unclear, but that Shadowy Wings wouldn't fight the Endbringers. He looked up as the door opened and smiled. Standing up, he greeted the man who walked in. "Exalt! Just the man I wanted to see." Eidolon waved at a chair.

"Thanks, boss." Exalt titled his head. "You know, you're never happy to see me when it's time to do the weekly paperwork."

David laughed. "Considering I actually have a question to ask you about paperwork."

"Really? No offense, Eidolon, but… you hate paperwork." Exalt blinked.

Eidolon nodded. "True, but I'm realizing that realistically I should at least learn tricks to deal with it… like correcting a mistake."

"... a mistake?" Exalt's head tilted in puzzlement.

David nodded, and he leaned forward, clasping his hands together on the desk. "I know you do not like that Rebecca Costa Brown and Legend are giving Shadowy Wings a pass." David watched as his second-in-command's face tightened.

"That bitch should have been given the kill order after killing my brother, boss. Yeah, I'll be fair, and say my brother was a rapist." Exalt's eyes tightened as he admitted that. "But what she did?"

Eidolon nodded. "As well as other PRT officers. But…" Eidolon spread his hands.

"Yeah. But she's never fought at an Endbringer fight. Coward." Exalt snarled the last.

David nodded, leaning back. "I pushed for that too. They're not believing she's a master, and well…" Exalt nodded in response. "But… we can't let her get her hooks into more people. Nor, even more critically, kill people who have proven they're willing to at least fight the Endbringers. Or assist at least."

"No, we can't. So… what do you want?" Exalt leaned back. "All paperwork has to go though the Chief Director or Legend."

Eidolon nodded. "But what if one or both of them won't be accessible?" He rebutted. "I happen to know the Chief Director is going to be out of town for a week, and Legend will be taking a vacation."

Exalt's eyebrows rose. "Well… in an emergency kill order request situation, any Protectorate or PRT Director can request the kill order be processed, and that request goes straight to the President. But… Boss? Costa Brown will do her best to have your guts for garters if you do this."

"I have my reasons lined up and listed, Exalt. First and foremost, we have no proof, in fact I would argue we have proof otherwise, that she's able or willing to fight an Endbringer, so that reason is moot. Second, bluntly, even if they had committed crimes, she killed PRT and Protectorate personnel. Without trial, without recourse -- not even in battle, but by ambush and stealth." Eidolon shook his head. "Add in the fact that she's built up a network of covert cells to support her are popping up here and there?"

Exalt leaned back, and nodded. "Yeah. Makes sense. Still… you sure the President will go for this?"

"I've heard from Legend, he's been pushing for more aggressive solutions to the problem of villains who aren't contributing to the Endbringer fights, yes." David smiled. "Shouldn't we honor that?" David waved his hand. "We don't want her forming a parahuman gang now that the Nazis have been at least severely crippled in Brockton Bay, do we?"

"Yeah, Piggot wouldn't be happy." The aerokinetic shook his head. "Yeah, and given that she's also killed villains, and independents, no one will really have a complaint about an emergency kill order being dropped on her."

"Correct… and I'm just the man to avenge our own." David stood and looked at the other hero. "She's been allowed to run rampant and thumb her nose at us. It's time to remind the villains that they exist at our sufferance, and if they won't contribute to the Endbringer fights, our sufferance is far less."

"And the group she's assembling?" Exalt looked up at his boss. "Think they're going to take it lightly?"

David shook his head. "Most are teenagers. And the rest are people who are law abiding. Clear proof she's either a high end thinker or master, no?" His lips curled slightly. "How many of those would have joined the Protectorate or Wards, if she didn't interfere?"

"Huh, some would have, wouldn't they?" Exalt shook his head. "Well, let's work through an application, and see where it goes, Boss."


Houston Protectorate Leader's Office
Late Evening

Eidolon's eyebrow rose. The President requesting a video call? He stood up, and punched accept. "Sir."

"Eidolon." The President looked from the large television on the opposite wall. "I've received your emergency request. Playing fast and loose with paperwork?"

"Maybe, sir. But I feel that given her proximity to potential recruits, and our Wards?" David spread his hands. "Best be acted on quickly."

"There is that, yes." The President leaned back and nodded once. "I appreciate your intent. I also appreciate that you understand my goals regarding Parahumans." Eidolon nodded in response. "I also appreciate that you do not totally tow the line that Director Costa Brown has pushed for."

"But?" Eidolon wasn't a fool, and knew that was coming.

"I'll be honest. I want to sign this, not specifically against Bloody… oh, wait, Shadowy Wings, but to drive the point home that there are lines. But… between her actions in exposing those who prey on innocents, and to be honest, other mass murderers, at this time I cannot." He leaned forward. "We still have Lung in Brockton Bay, and with the Protectorate weakened due to Calvert's-" The last word was hissed. "- iInfiltration and abject stupidity, I'll be honest, my advisors don't think that they can act as a counterweight until reinforcements arrive, which will take time."

David ground his teeth. "I could…" He was cut off by a wave.

"Of course you could act as a counterweight. But Houston needs you and you also have LA to cover while Alexandria takes a long needed vacation." The President's smirk indicated he knew about the deception the Triumvirate had undertaken. He continued in a more serious vein. "And honestly, profilers in the FBI think she'll eventually clash with Lung. Either way, we win."

David nodded. "And if in that case, she survives?"

"Reconsideration would be immediate, as our profilers don't think she's a master, per se, but she is clearly a social thinker and good at twisting people. As you say, we don't need more of her support cells, much less potentially game-changing parahumans under her thumb."

"Thank you, Sir." Eidolon tilted his head in response.

The President smiled coldly. "However, David? Don't pull this again. The chain of command exists for a reason, and while I understand in this case, the situation and why you chose what you did, here, it still is undercutting your Chief Director, and parahumans report to non-parahumans for a reason."

David triggered a power to keep his expression neutral though he wanted to grind his teeth. "Understood, Sir."

"Good." With a click, the screen went black.

David removed his mask and rubbed his face. Tired, he stepped to his window to look out.

"We have a plan. She isn't as powerful as me. Their little trick of removing powers won't work on Scion." He shook his head. "And they need to get with the plan. Not come in, Johnny-be-latelies, and demand we change what we do. What we know is the only chance." He snorted. "And gods? Even if.." He trailed off, the last word echoing in the room. "Worshiping anyone is a fool's game. We won't allow it, once we win."

Lucky Idiots With Guns
Lucky Idiots With Guns

Dockworker's Hiring Hall
Early evening, August 31st, 2009

Kurt leaned back in a chair and looked at his friend. "You're telling me your daughter is missing and has been for nearly 48 hours, Rick?"

Rick, a tall blond muscular man with a wild beard in flannel and jeans with work boots, nodded, then growled. "Given where they were, I'm thinking of Lung's pet thugs…"

"I agree," a silken smoky voice broke in, and both men turned to look at Shadowy wings, who was dressed in her combat suit. "So… where are Lung's brothels?"

Kurt snorted. "He's got a few, actually." Kurt leaned back, going though the information he had collected over the years. "If I had to bet… if it was ABB who kidnapped her… Jeanette would be at the one at the corner of Magellan and 5th, I'd figure?" He trailed off questioning his thoughts, then nodded. "Yeah, that'd be the one."

Rick crashed his fist into his hand, and growled. "Then let's take it down." He looked at the Abyssal. "Isn't this something you've been up to since you decided to fake your death?"

Shadowy wings shrugged. "To some extent, yes. While I'm pretty sure I can kill every gangbanger in that building, and would enjoy it-" Her sharp smile indicated she really would. "- it's the girls inside I'm worried about. We'll need to have people there to cover me… and them. Zoe… maybe, Anne possibly, too, plus some experienced dockworkers?"

Kurt looked at Rick. "That's a doable plan, yes. Not to mention you and me playing cover just in case Lung himself shows up. I do remember finding a few toys that'd vaporize his head."

"Let's see if that slaver comes back from that." Rick growled. "The Corps taught me how to shoot, and let's see if I still got it. We owe that fuck anyways."

The Abyssal smiled. "Sounds like fun.. And that dragon wannabe needs to go. He's exactly what we fight against."

Area of Magellen and 5th, Docks, Brockton Bay
MidNight, Sept 1st, 2009

"Sparkles, this is Watchdog. We are in position," Kurt breathed into the mike at his mouth. Wearing black and having a submachine gun cradled in his arms, he was looking though a 'acquired' set of goggles. The brothel had no idea that the van outside was loaded with people set to destroy their business.

Getting a half dozen dockworkers with former military experience, including one former Green Beret, was easy. Getting the other exalted together was even easier when they heard. Danny, his lady and their friends were going to rip though that brothel like paper, and the squad behind them were going to play medic and cover for the girls.

"Fuck you, Kurt… no, Watchdog. Remember, we spar tomorrow." A irritated voice was heard through the radio.

"Blame Pixie," Kurt breathed in to add another comment, but Danny broke in.

"Cut it. Are you in position to see Lung come?" The growling voice was clear.

"Copy that, Dockmaster. We are," Rick's voice responded. "Moment he shows, he'll eat a twenty-five mike-mike."

The smile was heard though the radio. "He's only been here a year and already fucked the refugees more than Leviatian ever did, so about time."

"Roger that." "Too true." "No eyes on Blue Falcon yet, they haven't spotted and reported us," was heard as others chimed in.

"We are go, Dockmaster."

Shadowy Wing's voice broke in. "In position. Breaching in 3, 2, 1… NOW!"

Contrary to popular belief, a standard breach is not exciting when done by professionals who knew what they were doing, Kurt noted in his head, as he provided overwatch, babysitting the too-calm marine Sniper on the roof ten feet away from him. The rifle the man was using was comically large and resting on a bipod, and would have seemed impossible for a normal human to fire, but engineering was an amazing thing.

There was no subtlety whatsoever as Dockmaster walked calmly towards the front door of the building, right into the arms of the obvious thugs at the gate who couldn't quite conceal their weapons. Their eyes went wide as four mean looking men holding weapons at the ready fell in step behind Danny, and they scrambled as the Dockmaster broke into a sprint, lowered his head as his skin seemed to turn to liquid silver. His hands seemed to shift to bladed implements with six-inch razors of white fire as he advanced.

A gunshot rang out, and the sound of a ricochet spanged off the liquid silver skin as Danny Hebert tore the first man nearly in half at the waist while a very calm gentleman with a beard worthy of Hagrid very calmly put a round through his partner.

At the sound of the first shot at the front, Shadowy Wings' team broke into the back of the building, slipping in and doing the actual work as her husband provided a proper distraction. Two men died instantly, one to a combat knife in her left hand, as the hallways of the brothel were too shitty and narrow to swing her sword, and the other from a silenced submachine gun from the man following her.

Contrary to the movies, there were no quips, no jokes, no bragging, and no threats as the breach team went about their business with systematic efficiency, shattering doors and silencing guards and eager customers brought in to break the girls, pausing only long enough to point the girls to the clear exit they had created and secured while the gunfire and screaming erupting out front distracted the threats away from their grim business.

Kurt noted an ABB member leaning out a window to point a rifle at Wilson, one of the men shooting at the ABB at the entrance that Danny was mauling. "Second floor, left side."

"Fire," came his partner's confirmation.

Kurt fired a quick burst, the only sound being the mechanical clack of the submachinegun's internal suppressor made the weapon less damaging to his own ears. The ABB gangbanger dropped his weapon and slumped, hanging halfway from the window with only a few bright red spots to mark his passing. Dockmaster's grim handiwork manifested in a screaming upper torso being flung out of an office window from inside of the office portion of the building.

Kurt blinked and a man was in front of one of the buildings of the brothel and inside a window before he could react. "Oni Lee, South side, inside the building; he's yours, Sparkles!"

"On it!" The woman's voice sounded positively enthusiastic.

"Fuck me -- thirty seconds and he's already here?" The Sniper cussed.

"Smartphones and capes are a bitch."

On the announcement that Oni Lee was in play, four elementally-marked faces burst from a nearby van, not even bothering with subtlety as the Dragon-blooded hit team rammed into the South side, and the driver sped back up and left the scene after dropping them. The ABB had deployed a cape; the Dockworkers deployed the kill team.

"Movement. Blue Falcon is on the move in a motorcade. ETA three mikes."

Danny roared at the notice and proceeded to demonstrate how little he cared about the constricted space in the building as he swelled into his twenty-four foot monster Orca-man form, shattering the front of the building. The cheap construction didn't even slow his swings down as the Lunar tore through plaster, concrete, and bodies with equal ease, ensuring the panic button would be pressed as hard as it could.

Oni Lee unfortunately did not wait for Shadowy Wings to find and engage him. There was a flicker, and one of the men behind her screamed in pain, a four inch knife withdrawn from his ribs as he slumped. She came around the corner to face the Cape, and all she saw was a man made of ash and a smile holding a cooked grenade.

The Abyssal formerly known as Anette Hebert saw a flash and felt the shrapnel, and the remains of Michael Cooper decorate her face and clothing as the former Army Infantryman succumbed to Oni Lee's attack, going out with a bang, instantly.

The shrapnel from the explosion visibly ripped through the building as Kurt saw Oni Lee appear again outside the building as the detonation occurred. His return fire ripped through the figure that collapsed to ash a moment later, cursing as Oni Lee was back inside the building, searching for more victims with his shitty blank-faced Japanese demon mask.

"Oni just bounced back in!"

"Ow, fuck." Shadowy Wings picked herself out of the wall and stared at the messy, dead body of the man supporting her. She growled, whispering a sacred prayer of murder to the heart of the void, as the screaming soulsteel formed in her hand, The black-iron revolver looked "thorny" and oversized in her petite hand, heavy and unwieldy, and yet somehow was light as a feather clutched in her fingertips as Oni Lee ducked back behind a wall. The shattering plaster and concrete left a head-size hole in the wall but didn't take his head. His ashen clone simply stared at the massive hole as he found a red-haired woman burning merrily on fire coming at him when he appeared. The clone had no time to draw its grenade and kill her before the flames and the aluminum bat tore through the ashen apparition, disrupting it and the grenade it had intended to kill her with.

Lee suddenly found himself between a rock and a hard place as, each time he moved, he found an elemental-burning killer waiting for him, driving him into the hallways, the next rooms, seeming to coordinate and cooperate in a manner that was impossible for anything but the most well-trained and coordinated special forces troopers, instinctively herding him.

The clone was frozen in the air mid-leap through the hallway and vanished into fragments of nothing as the lightning bold chased him through the hallway, herding him. The knife failed to penetrate the skin of the man seemingly half-forged from marble, and the woman with the black aura made him feel as though he was drowning as she wove out of the way.

Oni Lee didn't realize he was being herded until he found himself staring down the pointed barrel of the most horrifically demonic handgun he had ever seen. There were screaming souls trapped within that writhed, and the shot erupted into a vista of black light and shadow flame as a single round, wrapped in the doomed wraith of a screaming soul, shrieked through the air, impossibly slow. His horrified eyes tracked the impossibly slow projectile from the barrel of the gun for an eternity as the gunshot itself devoured the very time between them.

The screaming of the doomed soul almost drove Oni Lee to merciful madness as the black iron shell pierced the grenade on his vest, then his ribs, and exploded with the majestic void of oblivion within his lung.

The rest of him would be found later scattered across the inside of the building after the grenade exploded. The curious PRT would find fragments of void-black crystal scattered across Brockton Bay and beyond as the broken Shard of Oni lee was consumed by the void and its remains detonated into every instance of the multiverse nearby.

Kurt watched, focusing his senses. He became one with the stone of the building, his sight and hearing reaching a fine point, filtering the gunfire, and soft steps creeping up the roof behind them.

"I have the target."

"Take the…" Kurt reacted without thought as the soft vibrations slipped behind, and he looked up. From the corner of his eye a gun pointed at Rick. Kurt didn't even think as his sidearm came out with the speed of thought, and barked once, the sidearm's bullet streaking with white, crystalline fire as the single round tore through the woman with the gun as Rick pulled the trigger, and the lead car coming down the street blossomed with blood and fire from the inside.

"Hit." Rick's voice intoned emotionlessly as a body hit the ground behind him, and a fedora landed on his feet behind him. Kurt's eyes went wide as the Thor-looking sniper seemed to boil black as the drowning anima erupted around him.

AN: One very happy kibitzer and several very happy friends.
(Yes, this is ONE of the reasons I wrote this quest.)
Hey Eidolon, you missing something?
Hey Eidolon, you missing something?

Eidolon's Office, Houston PRT, Houston, USA
Morning, Sept 1st, 2009

Eidolon tapped into the cameras of the Rig using his overrides and sat back with an anticipation he wouldn't deny. He had read a PRT report stating the Dockworkers had rescued some of Lung's kidnapped women as Lung's people had made the mistake of kidnapping a Dockworker. This meeting was to discuss exactly what happened as he only had the first responder report.

He watched as Emily Piggot sat down, Armsmaster… no, Colin now, on one side. Miss Militia was next to him and Emily's Deputy Director was across from him with a pile of papers. Dragon's fake face appeared at the end of the table from a monitor.

"Colin." The bearded man nodded in response to Emily's statement. "You were the first on the scene. Summarize, please, what happened."

Colin shrugged, relaxed. "Besides being extremely annoyed with Danny for not inviting me to the fun: brothel raided, Oni Lee and Lung killed, none of the kidnapped women and girls killed, one Dockworker dead. That's it. Oh, and one unknown cape who tried to shoot a sniper is dead."

Eidolon blinked. That was short. Before he could ponder just how it went, Emily sighed and asked.

"A bit more detail, if you would." Before Colin could answer the exasperated tone in the Director's voice, Dragon broke in.

"Director. In summary, the assault was a textbook operation. After-action reports show that the only fatality among the Dockworkers was from Oni Lee, who was terminated, and his power destroyed by Shadowy Wings. A sniper vaporized, and I am being literal, Lung's head, and the unknown cape was shot by one of the Dragonblooded exalted, who was working with the sniper… who is now also a Dragonblood. As you know." Something was off in Dragon's voice, Eidolon mused, almost satisfaction. "It was believed that Lung would only have Asians working for him, which leaves the mystery of who the unknown cape is. She was of Mediterranean decent, was wearing a black suit with a white blouse and a black tie, and wearing a black Fedora. From Mr. Meagher's statement, she had appeared out of nowhere, and was pointing a gun at Mr. Drake's back. He chose not to let her get a shot off." Dragon shrugged, and now it was clear that not only was satisfaction in her voice, but amusement. "Colin and I theorize that either she was working for Lung, a true mystery on why, given his reputed recruitment, or she's the so called boogyman that had been associated with several murders of people trying to kill capes. If so, it deeply amuses me that the foot soldiers of the Exalted, you know the ones designed to self reproduce?" She waited for affirmative nods, then continued. "Well, one of the DWA's Dragonbloods, a Kurt Meagher, was the one to kill her."

Eidolon stared at the screen. His fists hurt as he dimly realized that his palms were bleeding.

"Well, if more capes end up dead from normal people, we can presume your second theory is right. It wouldn't surprise me, anyways," Emily said. "How are the BBPD and the DA's office taking this? It could be a way to get them under control, this Meagher could be arrested for homicide…" The Director mused.

Renick, the Deputy Director, shrugged at the question. "Considering that the Governor's issued a full pardon to everyone involved, on the Chief of Police and DA's advice, just to shit-can any attempt by us to screw over the Dockworkers?"

"... Ah." Emily's voice was dry.

David stared at the screen and turned it off before anything more could be said He tapped away, scattering some blood on his keyboard. Shortly, a message for the President detailing out that Lung was dead was on it's way and shortly that kill order would be active… and that bitch would be dead since he would be the one doing it. The Exalted would know that all their claims were false.

Eidolon's office
Late Afternoon

Exalt burst in as Eidolon looked up. "Boss! The kill order has been approved. Ready to go?"

Eidolon stood up, smiling. "You'll stay to keep an eye on Houston while I take care of it. Shouldn't take more than a few hours. Hit her, move on."

"Boss…" the yearning in Exalt's voice was clear.

"No, Exalt, it'd take too long for us to get there when I can just use a power to teleport myself… and I haven't found one allowing me to teleport others yet." Eidolon looked thoughtful at that, then sighed. "I'll swap it for a flight power and run a thinker power to find her, then a brute power to make sure I can shrug off any attacks if I get too close."

Exalt looked pleadingly at Eidolon. "Eidolon… she killed my brother."

"I know, and I will avenge him for you. This is best done fast and hard. The time given would give Colin and Dragon time to warn her. I don't trust them not to." David shook his head.

"... You think they've turned on the Protectorate to protect a murderer? Armsmaster wouldn't!" Exalt stated, shocked. "And Dragon…"

"She always hates kill orders and, frankly, Colin's loyalty is… questionable now that he's apparently Exalted or at least imitating their powers." Eidolon nodded at Exalt's ahh of realization. "Now if you'll excuse me…"

"... Make her suffer at least." Exalt sighed.

"I will."

Top of Medhall building, Brockton Bay.
Mid Evening

Eidolon looked at the two security guards. "I'm here to execute a court order on an villian." He was somewhat amused by the wince of the two guards. "Not anyone in this building. Maybe you've heard of Shadowy Wings?"

"Yes, Sir," The left guard spoke. "We won't keep you. Good hunting." The right handed guard was hiding his glee badly, Eidolon mused. Must be an actual Empire eighty-eight member. They still had capes, though their leader and several of their heaviest hitters were either dead, depowered, or in prison for tax fraud. Removing Shadowy Wings from the Dockworkers would shift the balance back towards the Empire Eighty-Eight.

"Thank you." Eidolon shifted his power set, and grinned wolfishly as he lifted off.

AN: Sorry this is late, just … yeah, no real excuses. Didn't edit it for a while.