PRT CASE FILE: 125 (Exalted) (Summary)
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PRT CASE FILE: 125 (Exalted) (Summary)
To: All PRT and Protectorate Agents
From: PRT Research and Testing (Dr. Julie Chambers)
File Date: 2 SEPT 2009
Modification Date: 2 SEPT 2009
Before reading this summary or the extended file, be aware that the majority of these statements come from documents given to the PRT via Tattletale(see PRT File 0125-03-00001), with some verification via Department ENE and Department 1's test and medical facilities and staff. Some of the more outlandish claims or similar at this time, cannot be disproven. PRT Research does not place high confidence in the unverified or unverifiable elements of the documents that Tattletale delivered.
Watchdog, after reviewing testing data and the documents, has higher confidence than PRT Research.
On 13 AUG 2009, Tattletale delivered two documents, in electronic form to the PRT ENE, per previous agreement (See Action Report, PRT-ENE-11082009-25) to resolve the event referenced in the referenced action report. The first document is called "Exalted, a primer", a summary of what 'types' of Exalted there are, 'what' they are, a basic overview of how they work, and a basic overview of what they can do. The second document, called "Creation, a brief history", is, per Tattletale, a summary history of where the Exalted were, an alternate Earth tentatively identified as Earth-Creation, pending proof of its existence or another classification.
Testing was performed on AEGIS (File Number (transferred) 0125-04-00002) and ARMSMASTER (File Number 0125-04-00002) was performed after loss of previous powers and
on 23 AUG 2009 and 24 AUG 2009, the parahumans identified as SHADOWY WINGS (ex-BLOODY OWL)(See PRT Case File: 0125-01-00001), DOCKMASTER (See file: 0125-02-00001), CORSAIR (See file: 0125-04-00001), LITTLE OWL (Tentative) (See 0125-01-00002), IRISHFIRE (See File 0125-04-00004), BAYFIRE (See File 0125-04-00005), VISTA(See File 0125-04-00003) and CHEETER (See File 0125-02-00002) were undertaken. Pending testing of two additional Type 4 exalts should be completed NLT then 01 OCT 2009.
All Testing performed on named subjects was non-invasive and included medical testing.
Putting aside the document "Creation, a Brief History" as not necessary for this summary, "Exalted, a Primer" made several claims. First, that the 'Exalted' were not parahumans, but humans who had a superweapon grafted to their souls. As we lack the ability to detect souls, we cannot verify the second half of the claim. However, by legal and currently accepted medical definition, the first part of the claim is accurate. As all the subjects of testing could have MRIs performed on them, and their brains easily observed, detection of the Corona structures or abnormal structures of a similar nature in the brain could be done. None were detected, even in subjects VISTA, AEGIS and ARMSMASTER, and in fact, their bodies showed no parahuman alteration. Rare structures seen in the brains and nervous systems were seen, same with muscle structures, but they have been observed in proven non parahumans, therefore, while an outlier, the judgment of the medical professionals is "Not Parahuman."
Second Claim presented and tested for, was that Exalted could learn new powers as well as learn quicker than normal. Indirect proof of this claim was already present, see information on SHADOWLY WINGS, but direct observation of this, based on the mechanics shown, outside one case was not able to be shown. CHEETER and DOCKMASTER were able to learn new forms to shift to, by sampling what they called the "Heart's Blood" of an animal (Pigeon in CHEETER's case, a raccoon in DOCKMASTER's case), which is the process of effectively drinking the last bit of pumped blood from prey. Indirect proof from CHEETER and VISTA based on educational records and testing indicate basic learning speeds are enhanced. Only AEGIS showed any such ability beyond the above two, but given the time he was under observation and testing, and what the claim was made, we have high confidence this claim is correct. Consider all Exalted to be Proficiency Thinkers and Infinity Trumps until proven false.
Third Claim: Exalted heal faster as a natural side effect and are tougher to greater or lesser degree than normal people. Proven. This healing is in line with a low level Regen Brute, and toughness of a low level Repression Brute.
Fourth Claim: There are at least 7 types of Exalted, each type with specific themes and ways they use their powers. Claim at this time is not proven, but all information gathered indicates the claim is accurate, but at this time we have not fully proven or disproven this statement.
Fifth Claim: This one is unprovable by nature with the short amount of time the Testing staff have. Type 4 Exalts (see below), also called Dragonbloods will pass, or have a high possibility of passing their 'Exaltation' to their children, and other types of Exalts able to pass weaker versions of their powers to their children. Experimentation is required. With only two male candidates for this process, we would be willing to fund this for the female candidates.
(Chief Director Statement{02SEPT2009} Denied outright for any subject under age of Majority… and if you suggest it regarding the minors, I will help SHADOWY WINGS and DOCKMASTER rip your heads off.)
Sixth Claim: That "Autochiton' or 'Incarane' built or empowered their 'Exaltations' A offer (which this writer understands was accepted) to at least meet the 'Incarane' was made. Even with this, this writer feels this claim is not provable.
Seventh Claim: Exalted powers, or a large number of them run off 'Essence'. As we have no ability to test for such, cannot prove or disprove. However, the concept may be responsible for myths regarding martial artists, and presuming the other claims not covered in this document are approaching accuracy, may be responsible for myths of gods and similar beings.
Eight Claim: Exalted can 'enlighten' normal people by several methods. The method was (and this claim was proven) varies between individual Exalts, but, with the caveat that we cannot directly detect essence in a body, it does appear that this is accurate. Further, essence using martial arts can be taught (Two separate PRT Field Agents have learned the first kata of a 'Terrestrial' Martial Art), or learned if enlightened, to use their terminology. Medical and M/S screenings show no ill effects or consequences for this. Further, there are methods, unproven at this time, to not require the Exalts. It is the recommendation of this writer, that those methods be examined and tested. Further, training in the enlightened martial arts is of clear advantage to PRT.
Ninth Claim: Exalted can create what they define as "artifacts" that use essence to attain exceptional performance. Proven, though claim that enlightened people can also craft these 'artifacts' is not. Study of CORSAIR's or SHADOWY WINGS' weapons prove the exceptional performance claim. At this time, such artifacts are defined as Tinkertech.
Tenth Claim: Exalted can keep learning and growing, even to and beyond the point of being able to kill Engbringers. First aspect of the claim, is tentatively proven, by the limited information on subjects SHADOWY WINGS, CORSAIR and TATTLETALE. Second aspect is not, however, this department will not claim it is disproven.
Other claims are beyond the scope of this summary document.
We have no proof that the Exalted are telling the truth about their powers, but every claim we could prove indicated they were not lying about that. Further testing, and research is needed. Every effort should be made to encourage the joining of the Exalted to the Protectorate or PRT, or even further testing. The claim that they will be able to kill Engbringers should not be relied upon or made a part of planning, but it also should not be ignored.
All effort should be made to prove remaining claims that we have not, by whatever means possible. If at all possible, subject TATTLETALE's claim of books on 'monotonic' science, ie, study of Essence, should be proven and those books acquired. All efforts to recruit or gain assistance of the Exalted should be made. Enlightening, specifically by non Exalted assistance, even with the time investment claimed, and education of PRT Agents into the Enlightened martial arts should be done. Until a program can be set up to do enlightenment without Exalted assistance, careful and controlled enlightenment and teaching should be done.
Field Agents should take the following into consideration:
Treat ALL EXALTED without specific Threat ratings as at least 3 in the following areas:
Brute, Thinker(social, proficiency and combat), Trump (specifically Null and Infinity. Subareas to include all other areas not listed, until proven otherwise.). Parahuman engagement is not recommended given the threat of power removal and destruction that several Exalted have proven able to do. All Exalted possess the ability to develop what in concept is "Perfect Defenses" as such, presume even area attacks may not work until their 'essence' pool is exhausted.
Treat ALL Exalted as Strikers of 5 or higher due to the existence of enlightened martial arts.
There are four known types of Exalted
Type 1: Solar/Abyssal (the claim is this is a separate type, but they seem to be a death version of Solars, which subject TATTLETALE and subject SHADOWY WINGS concede). Least bound by theme, their theme is 'excellence in all things', to and beyond human maximal abilities. Gold or Black 'anima' banner/battle aura, gold or black forehead "caste marks.".
Type 2: Lunar. Shapeshifters, survivalist/combat/natural theme. Add at least Changer 4 to the threat rating if you see silver anima or "Caste mark" on forehead.
Type 3: Siderials: Claimed theme (testing did not disprove or prove) is fate, manipulation of such and other similar esoteric abilities. Add Stranger ratings if you see a color anima (Green, Blue, Red, Purple or Yellow) as well as a caste mark of color matching the anima corresponding to greek symbolism. (See attached 11,23,75 for appropriate depictions of known caste marks among all types)
Type 4: Dragonbloods. Theme is elemental effects and teamwork. If you see an elemental themed anima, add Shaker 3 rating. Considered the 'weakest' of the Exalted, but because they are meant to work together and aid all the other exalted. Anima appears elemental and is potentially lethal to humans. Do not engage from within anima flux. Dragon-bloods do not have caste marks, but are said to show signs of elemental taint in features as they grow in power.
Type 5: Infenals: Presumed type, theme is "Yozi/Demon" (See expanded Case 125 file). Presumed event in Montreal may involve them. Greenish (sickly) anima with other colors in the banner. Impression subject TATTLETALE gave is DO NOT ENGAGE without Exalted (Type 1 though 3) support. Information on these include high possibility of extreme master abilities, extreme shaker abilities, and breaker abilities. See attachments label: Slayer, Malefactor, Scourge, Defiler, Fiend. See Attachment: SHINTAI. If described Shintai is encountered and hostile apply Endbringer protocols.
Type 6: Alchemicals. Presumed Type, theme is champions of the people with artificial bodies to house their soul. Based on information, add a higher brute rating, as a baseline.
Existence of Sorcery, Protocols and Necromancy (see detailed Case 125 file), is at this time not proven, but if proven, add Shaker 8+ ratings to all Exalted.
Enlightened Mortals should be taken on the enlightened martial art known, but ratings of 2 to 3 as a floor is suggested, if they have a complete enlightened martial art.
Chief Director comments:
Agreed with Recommandations. If at all possible, consideration of the likely ability to meet Endbringers in combat with a chance of Endbringer destruction should be taken into account.
Consideration to asking/agreeing to assisting in the burden of child raising for legal adult Exalts to prove or disprove the ability to pass the so called exaltations, or weaker powers alone will be considered.
Attempts to recruit are ongoing, and with Aegis choosing to remain in the Wards, non invasive, agreed testing and experimentation will continue at least with him. At this time, Armsmaster has not stated he is rejoining, nor has Vista.
Resources and additional support will be sent to Brockton Bay, see attached file.
Suggestions to Congress about Exalted and Enlightened people being placed under PRT authority and jurisdiction, as well as potential NEAPA-5 additions will be made.
My, my. This IS a fascinating read. Don't worry my pretties, I'll be along to get more information soon enough. This is relevant to my interests. Don't bother tracking my connection. There isn't one. Toodles!