Regroups and Reunions 2.3
Well worn.
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Back in Mewni…
"Ugghhhh! When is Izuku gonna call us in already?"
Star Butterfly, currently the last Princess-in-name of the Butterfly Kingdom, groaned. She laid back on her bed with a thump, impatience brewing in her body.
Right now, she and her Kingdom were in the process of rebuilding. After the battle that took place between Meteora and the Black Hand, old Butterfly castle took a major beating. They still kicked Shiggy man's butt and sent his group flying! Too bad that they couldn't keep him contained and he escaped.
"More like Toga let him escape…" Star muttered. Her entire visage grew angry yet sad as her mind went to the blonde blood lover.
"Wow, Star! You're awesome! You wanna be friends?"
"I used to have a crush but it's been awhile since I've seen him. The other girl that I like misses him too."
"I think you and Marco would be cuter. Or maybe you and Marco and Jackie?"
"This Dark Star thing sounds crazy."
"Me and Marco will help you against this Toffee guy. We won't let him hurt you."
"Izuku, Baby! It is you!"
"Sorry Star. I hope I see you again."
The Princess almost grabbed her wand and zapped a wall. Very nearly blasted a wall through the already decimated castle. With a growl and teeth grind, she held herself back and just threw a pillow at the wall.
She pulled her knees up to her chin and sulked.
"Stupid Toga…"
Even if she did betray her and bring Shigaraki to her home, Star couldn't help but miss her. She didn't understand why she did all that. If she was gonna destroy everything, why bother befriending Star?
Why be close as sisters when she would steal her blood and fake being her?
Why share secrets that even Star knew were the juicy girly kind that boys were never meant to know?
Why was…why was Toga Himiko so genuine despite being a villain?
"Oh the heck with this! I'm not getting ice cream depressed right now!" She sat up with aplomb and marched to her door. "I'll just go see how everyone's doing."
She left her room in search of someone. Of course, her legs took her right to the medical wing.
"Heheheehe. Oh River!"
Star blanched at the giggling coming from the private room used by her parents. She quickly banged on the door. "Mom! Dad! Please be decent!"
"Star? Come in, Daughter!" Said her father.
Hesitantly, she opened the chamber door and…immediately sighed in relief.
Inside, her Father, River, was tending to her bedridden Mom, Queen Moon. It was kinda cool of him despite the bandages she could see under his shirt.
He was at least in better shape than Moon and her broken foot.
"Oh thank goodness." Star went over and gave both parents quick but crushing hugs. "How are you doing, Mom?"
"River is taking care of me, Star. Other than that, I'm using my time adequately delegating duties to the court and Knights. If we keep this up, we should have much of it repaired in a matter of weeks."
"Shouldn't I just…ya know?" Star wiggled the wand for emphasis. "Actually shouldn't I fix your leg?"
"No dear.."
"Why not?"
"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!! My leg! It's fixing itself but it hurts!!!!!"
"Oops." A younger Star says as she watches.
"...We prefer that a skilled physician mage handle it." Both parents said.
Moon coughed. "Anyway, you should only help if help is needed, Star. Right now, we need things to keep everyone busy."
"No quick fixes here, Starling." Her Dad pulled her close and pointed to the window. Out there, she could hear the sounds of hammer on nails and wood, foreman shouting orders on where things go, and so much more. "Everyone wants to pull their weight and get things to do, even if the option of Magic is there. Let them have this."
The Mewni castle would heal but slowly and hopefully for the better.
"Ok." Star thought she got it. Maybe. "So besides doin couple stuff and Castle stuff, ya need me for anything?"
"Only to keep an ear out for your friend Usagi. She's our direct link to the Rabbits and Izuku."
Star frowned. "So I'm still doing nothing."
The parents shared a look. Moon asked, "Perhaps a perimeter sweep?"
"I guess…you two gonna be okay?"
"Our Knights have swords for a reason sweetie. Speaking of, why not take your personal Knight?" The blue haired Ex-Queen smirked. "Make a date of it?"
Thoughts of having fun with Marco did pop up and yeah. It sounded great.
"Ok! But no funny stuff you two!!" She called out as she dashed out of the room.
She knew they were going to be up to kissy stuff once she was far enough. Parents.
Now to find Marco…
She had to ask around for Marco but thankfully Higgs the Squire pointed her to the right place.
Heading to another medical wing of the castle, recently made thanks to the Earthlings like Marco and Izuku's influence, Star walked to a far corner of the wing. This room was sectioned off for magical and security reasons, with guards posted at different times. Star waved to the recent set and went inside, quietly.
Inside was a single bed with one injured person. Marco Diaz, her boyfriend and best guy friend, was sitting by the patient's side, holding her hand. He turned around just as the door opened.
"Hey Star."
"Hey. How is she?"
"Just went to sleep. We talked a bit."
They both looked at Hekapoo.
One of the former Magical High Council like Rhombulus, Omnitraxus, and Lekmet, and creator of the dimensional scissors. She was a friend and confidante to Marco but someone that Star knew of vaguely. Unfortunately recent events have made things complicated.
The Green Scar and hiding Meteora thing.
Even if they said it was for the stability of the Butterfly kingdom, the fact remained they separated a mother from her child and were planning to keep Eclipsa crystalized till the end of time. Star hadn't really thought much of it before all this but now…
Well some of those bad guys were bad guys but Izuku and Eclipsa and Globgor had to be looked over and set free.
The fact that only Rhombulus felt the most bad about it, which was only a little, didn't help.
When the tournament of the Rabbits and the Butterfly Throne problems reached a pitch, the three council members and Glossaryck had a plan to do something. But then the Black Hand and Shigaraki attacked.
Star could only stare at the empty space that used to be Hekapoo's right arm. Now it was just a stump. There was other battle damage to be sure but the stump was an eye catcher. And the cracked skin on the left side of her face.
She looked like a doll that was breaking apart.
"What is it, Princess?" The supposed to be sleeping woman suddenly asked.
"Heka, you gotta stop that." Marco scolded.
"Gotta get some kicks, Diaz. Not like I'm going to be moving anytime soon." She smirked for a moment before it fell away. She sighed. "Man, I miss Lekmet."
"Can't the local healers help?" Marco asked. "Don't you guys have a Grand Cleric like in DnD?"
"Lekmet." Star and Hekapoo replied.
"Oh…well that's bad."
"I mean, we've got other healers."
"None of which are that good. I'll heal myself." She tried to sit up but groaned and fell back. "Ok, no good sitting up. I'll just lie here. Dead to the world."
"Don't talk like that." Marco tried to take her hand again but she waved him off. "Are you hungry at least? Need me to fluff the pillow?"
"Knock it off, Diaz. Yer girlfriend's right here."
"And you're still my friend. I wanna make sure you're ok. Are you?"
Star's heart melted at the Safe kid's words. Good ol Marco. Not even Hekapoo's icy heart couldn't shut him out.
"Pfft. I'll be fine." She even turned away as she pouted. "Just go check on Omnitraxtus or something."
"We can't. He's shut himself in his room and made Rhombulus seal the door." Star looked pensive. "Can he heal himself if we just…let him stay in his room?"
Hekapoo hummed. "I guess. You should check on him a lot though or else he'll just be stuck looking at his au vision or worse."
"Like what?"
"Ahhh, true love." Omnitraxus smirked as he sipped on lemonade while he watched the various ways people he knew tripped in and out of love. Especially Hekapoo. Poor girl was made to be a blushing damsel.
"I dunno. Terrible stuff maybe. Now how about taking the safe kid and make the town idiot proof. Imma sleep."
"Let me fluff the pillow." Marco didn't even wait as he did just that.
"Alright, we'll leave ya alone. Just rest and get healed up." Star grabbed Marco's hand and began leading him out.
"Yeah, can't wait to have my court day." was Hekapoo's last parting shot.
"What?" Marco halted at the door.
"Diaz, it's obvious what I was about to do. Attacking royals and sabotaging the Rabbits. Me and the gang are out of a job. We'd be in jail or something if Handyman didn't serve us our butts."
She turned away again.
"Now Glossaryck's gone for good and we're looking at jail. It's better if you leave this nonsense behind, Diaz."
The two teens didn't have a rebuttal. Even if Marco wanted to give one, Star…didn't. She just took him by the hand and left the former Councilor to her thoughts.
Just as they left the building, Marco was immediately hounded by a dragon/motorcycle hybrid. His dragon/motorcycle hybrid.
"Hey Nachos." He patted her on the head and rubbed her chin.
"Maybe we should take her with us." Star asked. "It would get us going faster."
The dragon itself seemed to like the idea. Though she did let her gaze linger on the tent where Hekapoo was. Even a Dragon-cycle had some melancholy over the lady that took care of her when Marco couldn't.
"You ok with that, girl?" Marco asked.
She snorted and revved her engine. That was a yes.
The two heroes of Mewni hopped on and with a strong roar, they sped off to make a survey of the land. Even with some baggage that needed to be addressed, Heroes still had work to do.
Back in Heroside Japan….
Never in the last decade would these people thought they would be meeting for such ludicrous reasons. While superpowers and the Shadow King All For One tore the world apart, there was still some undercurrent of understanding going on.
People got powers.
One lone Nut takes over.
A Hero comes in and saves the day.
This group, The Hero Public Safety Commission, got breathing room to get back stability thanks to All Might. The Quirk legislation was working. The Criminal rates were down. And there was a rush of income in Superhero marketing and merch. Things looked good.
Then All for One came back and All Might retired.
And to completely blind side them, Magic was now part of the equation. Not just on their side but on the Demon King's protege, Tomura Shigaraki's, side. He was already dangerous thanks to his growth since his master's detainment but now…
"We really are in a comicbook world." Mumbled one of the seated members. A blond man with a severe expression. For the sake of brevity, his name was Pako. "Who would have thought one of the UA kids would become such a liability?"
"Just stop thinking like that. This was a fluke. A random act. What matters is how we deal with the impact." said another member with glasses.
"Let's just be happy that he's open to cooperation. He's not forgotten the authorities and rules despite being away. Especially with the favor he asked for."
"A single relocation and ID is a small price to pay." The President of the somewhat clandestine group nodded. She asked, "And we do have people watching her, correct?"
Pako pulled out a folder with the words "Person of Interest" on it. Inside was a dossier and a picture of a short heteromorphic rabbit woman, at least by their definition.
Big round orange eyes with red rings. A rounded head with an almost plushy looking body. Her fur was white but a close inspection made the white coating look more pointy than normal. Her clothing was just a gray shirt and long black skirt.
Overall, despite the intense frown, she looked cute.
Bloody the Rabbit.
One of two living biological daughters of Izuku Midoriya. There was a lot more going on there but the young man was tight lipped aside from what he asked for. The Committee wanted those secrets but they needed a steady relationship with the so-called Green Scar right now.
"And the other daughter?" asked Pako.
"MIA. Midoriya claims he hasn't seen her since his confrontation with Shigaraki. We do know her name is Eclipsa Butterfly."
So a minor problem at this time. And they don't have a picture for identification.
Well they can acquire one later.
"Well, the eggs in our basket are accounted for at least. We'll be notifying the top ten heroes tomorrow, right?" Pako noted and got nods. "What about the rest?"
"The fewer to know until we have a better understanding, the better. Midoriya and his grandchild's testimony will be enough, even if we are already bringing what we can on Shigaraki's location. Plus, since Midoriya has only recently returned, we can use that as an excuse to get more information and a better profile."
"Should we send a representative to the Kingdom itself?" asked one of the younger members.
"We'll table that. Since everyone is in agreement on our mutual problem, we'll keep things to that. Though more lucrative partnerships aren't off the table."
"Since Midoriya greased the wheels by giving the Rabbits a lot of heroes to cheer on, it shouldn't be too hard."
"Yeah. We could even use Miruko."
Everyone froze. What would Miruko do with knowledge of a Magic kingdom of rabbit people?
"...Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Everyone agreed.
Rabbit Queen Miruko was just silly. There was no way.
"Back to the League. What's the word on that teleporting accomplice, Kurogiri?"
The deliberation would last a little longer but the members left it a little sure of the situation but still antsy. They had to get things contained before Shigaraki had a chance to regroup with his new power base. Or even worse, that giant being that eluded them the last time.
And unfortunately, they weren't the only ones that believed this.
The youngest member at the meeting settled into his home office. Once he was sure that the room was secured, it brought out a secret radio. It only went to one signal and could easily be discarded if needed.
With a flick of the switch, he waited for a reply.
"This is Home, over."
"Cuckoo egg, here. Updating the Disappearance of Izuku Midoriya case, over."
"DIM-Two dash seventeen. Switching to Skeptic."
The mole twitched in glee. He didn't think he'd have a chance to speak to the leader. It'd been ten years since they'd communicated. While he never doubted his contributions to the movement, not touching base directly felt lonely. He especially wished he was working under Curious once more.
Another static ring came around and the strong voice he missed picked up.
"Make it fast, Cuckoo. I have more important information to file."
Unbidden, the codenamed Cuckoo raised his left hand and made an L shape with his thumb and forefinger. He placed it right on his forehead. The symbol of their resolve to change the world.
To make it better. More liberating.
"Yes, Sir."
Long live the Paranormal Liberation Front.
Long live Redestro.
"Ugghhhh! When is Izuku gonna call us in already?"
Star Butterfly, currently the last Princess-in-name of the Butterfly Kingdom, groaned. She laid back on her bed with a thump, impatience brewing in her body.
Right now, she and her Kingdom were in the process of rebuilding. After the battle that took place between Meteora and the Black Hand, old Butterfly castle took a major beating. They still kicked Shiggy man's butt and sent his group flying! Too bad that they couldn't keep him contained and he escaped.
"More like Toga let him escape…" Star muttered. Her entire visage grew angry yet sad as her mind went to the blonde blood lover.
"Wow, Star! You're awesome! You wanna be friends?"
"I used to have a crush but it's been awhile since I've seen him. The other girl that I like misses him too."
"I think you and Marco would be cuter. Or maybe you and Marco and Jackie?"
"This Dark Star thing sounds crazy."
"Me and Marco will help you against this Toffee guy. We won't let him hurt you."
"Izuku, Baby! It is you!"
"Sorry Star. I hope I see you again."
The Princess almost grabbed her wand and zapped a wall. Very nearly blasted a wall through the already decimated castle. With a growl and teeth grind, she held herself back and just threw a pillow at the wall.
She pulled her knees up to her chin and sulked.
"Stupid Toga…"
Even if she did betray her and bring Shigaraki to her home, Star couldn't help but miss her. She didn't understand why she did all that. If she was gonna destroy everything, why bother befriending Star?
Why be close as sisters when she would steal her blood and fake being her?
Why share secrets that even Star knew were the juicy girly kind that boys were never meant to know?
Why was…why was Toga Himiko so genuine despite being a villain?
"Oh the heck with this! I'm not getting ice cream depressed right now!" She sat up with aplomb and marched to her door. "I'll just go see how everyone's doing."
She left her room in search of someone. Of course, her legs took her right to the medical wing.
"Heheheehe. Oh River!"
Star blanched at the giggling coming from the private room used by her parents. She quickly banged on the door. "Mom! Dad! Please be decent!"
"Star? Come in, Daughter!" Said her father.
Hesitantly, she opened the chamber door and…immediately sighed in relief.
Inside, her Father, River, was tending to her bedridden Mom, Queen Moon. It was kinda cool of him despite the bandages she could see under his shirt.
He was at least in better shape than Moon and her broken foot.
"Oh thank goodness." Star went over and gave both parents quick but crushing hugs. "How are you doing, Mom?"
"River is taking care of me, Star. Other than that, I'm using my time adequately delegating duties to the court and Knights. If we keep this up, we should have much of it repaired in a matter of weeks."
"Shouldn't I just…ya know?" Star wiggled the wand for emphasis. "Actually shouldn't I fix your leg?"
"No dear.."
"Why not?"
"Aaaaaaaaahhhhh!! My leg! It's fixing itself but it hurts!!!!!"
"Oops." A younger Star says as she watches.
"...We prefer that a skilled physician mage handle it." Both parents said.
Moon coughed. "Anyway, you should only help if help is needed, Star. Right now, we need things to keep everyone busy."
"No quick fixes here, Starling." Her Dad pulled her close and pointed to the window. Out there, she could hear the sounds of hammer on nails and wood, foreman shouting orders on where things go, and so much more. "Everyone wants to pull their weight and get things to do, even if the option of Magic is there. Let them have this."
The Mewni castle would heal but slowly and hopefully for the better.
"Ok." Star thought she got it. Maybe. "So besides doin couple stuff and Castle stuff, ya need me for anything?"
"Only to keep an ear out for your friend Usagi. She's our direct link to the Rabbits and Izuku."
Star frowned. "So I'm still doing nothing."
The parents shared a look. Moon asked, "Perhaps a perimeter sweep?"
"I guess…you two gonna be okay?"
"Our Knights have swords for a reason sweetie. Speaking of, why not take your personal Knight?" The blue haired Ex-Queen smirked. "Make a date of it?"
Thoughts of having fun with Marco did pop up and yeah. It sounded great.
"Ok! But no funny stuff you two!!" She called out as she dashed out of the room.
She knew they were going to be up to kissy stuff once she was far enough. Parents.
Now to find Marco…
She had to ask around for Marco but thankfully Higgs the Squire pointed her to the right place.
Heading to another medical wing of the castle, recently made thanks to the Earthlings like Marco and Izuku's influence, Star walked to a far corner of the wing. This room was sectioned off for magical and security reasons, with guards posted at different times. Star waved to the recent set and went inside, quietly.
Inside was a single bed with one injured person. Marco Diaz, her boyfriend and best guy friend, was sitting by the patient's side, holding her hand. He turned around just as the door opened.
"Hey Star."
"Hey. How is she?"
"Just went to sleep. We talked a bit."
They both looked at Hekapoo.
One of the former Magical High Council like Rhombulus, Omnitraxus, and Lekmet, and creator of the dimensional scissors. She was a friend and confidante to Marco but someone that Star knew of vaguely. Unfortunately recent events have made things complicated.
The Green Scar and hiding Meteora thing.
Even if they said it was for the stability of the Butterfly kingdom, the fact remained they separated a mother from her child and were planning to keep Eclipsa crystalized till the end of time. Star hadn't really thought much of it before all this but now…
Well some of those bad guys were bad guys but Izuku and Eclipsa and Globgor had to be looked over and set free.
The fact that only Rhombulus felt the most bad about it, which was only a little, didn't help.
When the tournament of the Rabbits and the Butterfly Throne problems reached a pitch, the three council members and Glossaryck had a plan to do something. But then the Black Hand and Shigaraki attacked.
Star could only stare at the empty space that used to be Hekapoo's right arm. Now it was just a stump. There was other battle damage to be sure but the stump was an eye catcher. And the cracked skin on the left side of her face.
She looked like a doll that was breaking apart.
"What is it, Princess?" The supposed to be sleeping woman suddenly asked.
"Heka, you gotta stop that." Marco scolded.
"Gotta get some kicks, Diaz. Not like I'm going to be moving anytime soon." She smirked for a moment before it fell away. She sighed. "Man, I miss Lekmet."
"Can't the local healers help?" Marco asked. "Don't you guys have a Grand Cleric like in DnD?"
"Lekmet." Star and Hekapoo replied.
"Oh…well that's bad."
"I mean, we've got other healers."
"None of which are that good. I'll heal myself." She tried to sit up but groaned and fell back. "Ok, no good sitting up. I'll just lie here. Dead to the world."
"Don't talk like that." Marco tried to take her hand again but she waved him off. "Are you hungry at least? Need me to fluff the pillow?"
"Knock it off, Diaz. Yer girlfriend's right here."
"And you're still my friend. I wanna make sure you're ok. Are you?"
Star's heart melted at the Safe kid's words. Good ol Marco. Not even Hekapoo's icy heart couldn't shut him out.
"Pfft. I'll be fine." She even turned away as she pouted. "Just go check on Omnitraxtus or something."
"We can't. He's shut himself in his room and made Rhombulus seal the door." Star looked pensive. "Can he heal himself if we just…let him stay in his room?"
Hekapoo hummed. "I guess. You should check on him a lot though or else he'll just be stuck looking at his au vision or worse."
"Like what?"
"Ahhh, true love." Omnitraxus smirked as he sipped on lemonade while he watched the various ways people he knew tripped in and out of love. Especially Hekapoo. Poor girl was made to be a blushing damsel.
"I dunno. Terrible stuff maybe. Now how about taking the safe kid and make the town idiot proof. Imma sleep."
"Let me fluff the pillow." Marco didn't even wait as he did just that.
"Alright, we'll leave ya alone. Just rest and get healed up." Star grabbed Marco's hand and began leading him out.
"Yeah, can't wait to have my court day." was Hekapoo's last parting shot.
"What?" Marco halted at the door.
"Diaz, it's obvious what I was about to do. Attacking royals and sabotaging the Rabbits. Me and the gang are out of a job. We'd be in jail or something if Handyman didn't serve us our butts."
She turned away again.
"Now Glossaryck's gone for good and we're looking at jail. It's better if you leave this nonsense behind, Diaz."
The two teens didn't have a rebuttal. Even if Marco wanted to give one, Star…didn't. She just took him by the hand and left the former Councilor to her thoughts.
Just as they left the building, Marco was immediately hounded by a dragon/motorcycle hybrid. His dragon/motorcycle hybrid.
"Hey Nachos." He patted her on the head and rubbed her chin.
"Maybe we should take her with us." Star asked. "It would get us going faster."
The dragon itself seemed to like the idea. Though she did let her gaze linger on the tent where Hekapoo was. Even a Dragon-cycle had some melancholy over the lady that took care of her when Marco couldn't.
"You ok with that, girl?" Marco asked.
She snorted and revved her engine. That was a yes.
The two heroes of Mewni hopped on and with a strong roar, they sped off to make a survey of the land. Even with some baggage that needed to be addressed, Heroes still had work to do.
Back in Heroside Japan….
Never in the last decade would these people thought they would be meeting for such ludicrous reasons. While superpowers and the Shadow King All For One tore the world apart, there was still some undercurrent of understanding going on.
People got powers.
One lone Nut takes over.
A Hero comes in and saves the day.
This group, The Hero Public Safety Commission, got breathing room to get back stability thanks to All Might. The Quirk legislation was working. The Criminal rates were down. And there was a rush of income in Superhero marketing and merch. Things looked good.
Then All for One came back and All Might retired.
And to completely blind side them, Magic was now part of the equation. Not just on their side but on the Demon King's protege, Tomura Shigaraki's, side. He was already dangerous thanks to his growth since his master's detainment but now…
"We really are in a comicbook world." Mumbled one of the seated members. A blond man with a severe expression. For the sake of brevity, his name was Pako. "Who would have thought one of the UA kids would become such a liability?"
"Just stop thinking like that. This was a fluke. A random act. What matters is how we deal with the impact." said another member with glasses.
"Let's just be happy that he's open to cooperation. He's not forgotten the authorities and rules despite being away. Especially with the favor he asked for."
"A single relocation and ID is a small price to pay." The President of the somewhat clandestine group nodded. She asked, "And we do have people watching her, correct?"
Pako pulled out a folder with the words "Person of Interest" on it. Inside was a dossier and a picture of a short heteromorphic rabbit woman, at least by their definition.
Big round orange eyes with red rings. A rounded head with an almost plushy looking body. Her fur was white but a close inspection made the white coating look more pointy than normal. Her clothing was just a gray shirt and long black skirt.
Overall, despite the intense frown, she looked cute.
Bloody the Rabbit.
One of two living biological daughters of Izuku Midoriya. There was a lot more going on there but the young man was tight lipped aside from what he asked for. The Committee wanted those secrets but they needed a steady relationship with the so-called Green Scar right now.
"And the other daughter?" asked Pako.
"MIA. Midoriya claims he hasn't seen her since his confrontation with Shigaraki. We do know her name is Eclipsa Butterfly."
So a minor problem at this time. And they don't have a picture for identification.
Well they can acquire one later.
"Well, the eggs in our basket are accounted for at least. We'll be notifying the top ten heroes tomorrow, right?" Pako noted and got nods. "What about the rest?"
"The fewer to know until we have a better understanding, the better. Midoriya and his grandchild's testimony will be enough, even if we are already bringing what we can on Shigaraki's location. Plus, since Midoriya has only recently returned, we can use that as an excuse to get more information and a better profile."
"Should we send a representative to the Kingdom itself?" asked one of the younger members.
"We'll table that. Since everyone is in agreement on our mutual problem, we'll keep things to that. Though more lucrative partnerships aren't off the table."
"Since Midoriya greased the wheels by giving the Rabbits a lot of heroes to cheer on, it shouldn't be too hard."
"Yeah. We could even use Miruko."
Everyone froze. What would Miruko do with knowledge of a Magic kingdom of rabbit people?
"...Let's not get ahead of ourselves." Everyone agreed.
Rabbit Queen Miruko was just silly. There was no way.
"Back to the League. What's the word on that teleporting accomplice, Kurogiri?"
The deliberation would last a little longer but the members left it a little sure of the situation but still antsy. They had to get things contained before Shigaraki had a chance to regroup with his new power base. Or even worse, that giant being that eluded them the last time.
And unfortunately, they weren't the only ones that believed this.
The youngest member at the meeting settled into his home office. Once he was sure that the room was secured, it brought out a secret radio. It only went to one signal and could easily be discarded if needed.
With a flick of the switch, he waited for a reply.
"This is Home, over."
"Cuckoo egg, here. Updating the Disappearance of Izuku Midoriya case, over."
"DIM-Two dash seventeen. Switching to Skeptic."
The mole twitched in glee. He didn't think he'd have a chance to speak to the leader. It'd been ten years since they'd communicated. While he never doubted his contributions to the movement, not touching base directly felt lonely. He especially wished he was working under Curious once more.
Another static ring came around and the strong voice he missed picked up.
"Make it fast, Cuckoo. I have more important information to file."
Unbidden, the codenamed Cuckoo raised his left hand and made an L shape with his thumb and forefinger. He placed it right on his forehead. The symbol of their resolve to change the world.
To make it better. More liberating.
"Yes, Sir."
Long live the Paranormal Liberation Front.
Long live Redestro.
And that's the beginning over and done.
Next time evil starts to move. Shiggy-Diggy resumes his quest to be Demon King before dumb sidequests get in his way. Like some liberation front or something.
And we will see that in August.
Till then.
Next time evil starts to move. Shiggy-Diggy resumes his quest to be Demon King before dumb sidequests get in his way. Like some liberation front or something.
And we will see that in August.
Till then.