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Reincarnated As Naruto With Sukuna's Powers

Elemental nations have a lot of opportunities and good loot just waiting to be picked up.

Zero tails, chakra meteorite, sky ninja village tech and much much more.
Chapter 10: Reaction New
Shoutout to my new patreon brothers, Isai Navarro, Bryan Kennedy, Star Chaser, and CanSerBero_1!!!

We're currently 3 and half week ahead in patreon.

Join today: Patreon Link Click Here

Note: The chapters will be made public in the future.


Ay stood amidst the rubble in his office, his chest heaving with barely controlled fury.

His eyes blazed with an intensity that could rival a lightning storm, and his fists were clenched tightly, the veins on his one un-mangled forearm bulging.

He stepped over the debris, his boots crunching on the shattered remains of the wall.

"Alphabet!" Ay's voice thundered through the room, echoing off the damaged walls. The masked shinobi snapped to attention, their bodies rigid and alert. "Go out and put the village on lockdown. I don't want this news spreading beyond these walls."

The Alphabet, the Anbu equivalent of Konoha, hidden within the shadows of the room hesitated for a split second, barely perceptible but noticeable enough to Ay.

His eyes narrowed, and he took a threatening step forward. "Now!" he barked, his voice a dangerous growl. "Naruto has just killed 600 of our elite assassins. This cannot leave the village. Do you understand?"

They nodded in unison, their movements sharp and precise.

Without another word, they disappeared in a blur of motion, their figures blending seamlessly with the shadows as they left the room to carry out his orders.

Ay turned back to the shattered wall, his mind racing with thoughts of the massacre.

Six hundred of his best assassins, wiped out in a single confrontation with Naruto.

'What the fuck is up with that kid!?'

The Raikage's hands trembled slightly as he thought about the implications. If word got out, their enemies would see them as weakened, vulnerable.

It could lead to attacks, invasions, and the collapse of the power he had worked so hard to build.

He needed a plan. Something to contain the fallout and ensure that Kumo remained strong. Ay's eyes flickered with a deadly resolve.

He would find Naruto, and would make him pay for what he had done. But for now, he had to secure his village and prevent any further damage.

'How the hell do I deal with that yellow headed bastard now? Will he even believe it? If I was in his place, I wouldn't,' Ay thought of Minato.

He believed that with Naruto in his palms, no matter how crazy Minato is, he would have taken a step back to ensure the safety of his child.

Ay's palm moved to his back. 'There is also that god-forsaken mark he has put on me!'

Minato in the years after Naruto was born has improved his Flying Raijin a lot. He has managed to make the mark unobservable.

'I don't know how much time I have before Minato loses his cool. I need to find where the mark is on me and remove it asap.'

Ay then turned towards Mabui and said, "Get the fuinjutsu specialists. Minato has put a Flying Thunder God mark on me, I need to get it removed."






As Hiruzen read the letter sent by their spy in Kumo, Minato clenched his fists in frustration.

"This is obviously a lie," Minato declared.

"Yes," Hiruzen agreed. "It looks like Ay doesn't care what happens to him."

Minato slowly rose from his chair. "I guess this means he's declaring war."

Hiruzen eyed Minato. He never expected to see such anger on Minato's face.

Feeling the stress weighing on him, Hiruzen thought of Jiraiya. "Ah, right. Minato, we can have Jiraiya confirm what's going on there."

Minato shook his head. "I don't think he can. You know what he's investigating."

"I understand how sensitive his investigation is," Hiruzen acknowledged. "But this situation is more important. We can't risk a war."

Minato sighed. "I know my son is a genius beyond measure, and he's very strong. But 600 assassins? No matter how I try to think of it, I can't see how that happened."

Hiruzen nodded. "I understand what you mean. We know how dominant the Uzumaki gene is in him. There's a chance it could be related to the Uzumaki bloodline. The story is so unbelievable that I don't think Kumo, despite their rather insignificant intelligence, would decide this was the best message to relay to us when they clearly understand what's at stake."

Minato sighed deeply. "Lord Third, I hope you're around to guide me some more. It seems that when my family is involved, I tend to think less clearly."

"Don't worry," Hiruzen reassured him. "I've been there. I know how it feels. At times like these, we should rely on the people around us to help during our darkest days."

Minato thought about how Kushina may be taking the news, knowing that even he was struggling with it.





In Iwagakure, the atmosphere in the office was tense. Clan leaders and top jonin sat around a large round table, their faces solemn and filled with worry.

Kitsuchi broke the heavy silence. "Damn, I can't believe that father died!"

Deidara scoffed, his tone dripping with disdain. "Of course, only an idiot would challenge perhaps the strongest man in the world at the moment. Perhaps the old man had truly gone senile. Who even convinced him to join in this battle?"

Kitsuchi angrily rose from his chair, slamming his palms on the table. "Silence, Deidara! You will not belittle father in his death! Have some respect!"

Deidara rolled his eyes but stayed quiet. Internally, he was pleased. 'The old fool is finally dead. Now, who will stand in my way to create the most wonderful art this world has ever seen?'

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Kitsuchi turned to the clan leaders and jonin. "Now, how shall we proceed? War is out of the question! Our village and the Daimyo cannot support it at all! Our only choice is to submit to whatever Konoha asks for."

The jonin immediately began to protest. Daiki, a 60-year-old war veteran jonin and an old friend of Onoki, rose from his seat. "Lord Kitsuchi, I'm afraid doing that will greatly upset the villagers and further lower our value in the Daimyo's eyes. This will also greatly decrease our respect in the world."

Kitsuchi understood that Daiki was speaking for the protesting jonin. Narrowing his eyes, he asked, "What are you suggesting then, Lord Daiki?"

"It's simple. We wait," Daiki replied. "Based on the news circulating, it's easy to see that the first village Konoha will retaliate against is Kumogakure. Let us wait and see how far that will go, and then we will proceed accordingly."

Kitsuchi carefully considered Daiki's words and then nodded in agreement. "Very well. We wait."




Kurotsuchi, within the building that housed the Stone Monument, polished the stone as her grandfather had always instructed her. Tears streamed down her face, but she continued the ritual, as if her actions could somehow bring him back.

"You polish that stone well, Kurotsuchi! When I come back, I will inspect it properly. I will punish you if I don't find it shining like a star! Hahahahah!" Her grandfather's boisterous laugh echoed in her mind, a bittersweet memory.

She scrubbed harder, her hands raw and bleeding from her relentless effort.

She had been at it ever since she heard the news of his death. "Liars! Liars, all of them! Grandpa said he'd come back... if I clean this well enough, he will come back... he will be back... I'm sure of it..."

Death, war, jealousy, and hate.

Conflicts are mostly the result of these four things.

People fight all the time, believing they are on the right side, believing they are justified.

They call the world cruel to rationalize their actions.

It's not that they don't realize they are contributing to the world's cruelty. They do realize it.

But they have been pulled into an endless cycle of hatred, unable to escape even if they wanted to.

They are forced.

And it only breeds more death.

More war.

More jealousy.


This pulls the newer generation into the meaningless fight, as it always has.

The only ones who truly lose are the innocent children.

They are drawn into this cycle without understanding why, without a chance to consider if they want to be part of it.

They are painted with the colors of the world, forcefully.

They are painted with the colors of hate.

They are the ones who suffer without knowing the reason.

But by the time they understand the reason, a new generation will have already been pulled into the cycle.

So, who should we blame?



Next chapter Naruto is going to make a BIG decision regarding his future. I have also not put every reaction in one chapter. They will be spread out and shown when the people are directly involved with the story line, you will know what I mean in the future.

Shout out to BigBowser! You were my motivation to write this chapter!!
Chapter 11: Decision New
A/N: I didn't make the internal thoughts italic here cause there's just too much of it in this chapter.

This chapter was kinda cringe to write though...

Just know this...



(After Naruto killed the 600 hundred assassins)

Naruto ran his hands from the top of his head to his neck, pressing down hard.

Blood trickled down his neck, staining his clothes.

He wiped his palms on his shirt and turned to look at the dismembered bodies scattered around.

Most had vanished, but a few tough parts remained: a severed head, a lone arm, a leg.

'That really drained my chakra... huh?'

His senses suddenly flared. Instantly, he propelled himself toward the disturbance, chakra surging through his body.

"Hey there, little spy," Naruto grinned menacingly at the white Zetsu.

"Hiiih!" Zetsu squeaked as Naruto grabbed him by the neck. "How did you find me?"

Naruto just smiled innocently before slicing Zetsu in half, killing him instantly.

'Now what?' Naruto thought, surveying the carnage. He had just killed 600 key members of Kumogakure.

'I can't just act like nothing happened. They'll never overlook this.'

He glanced at the sky and saw eagles circling above.

'Those aren't normal eagles. Too much chakra. Father did say Kumo used eagles as scouts. So, they probably know already.'

He crouched, resting his chin on his hand, deep in thought. 'My father's much stronger than his canon counterpart. He can handle them. And mother... she has the Nine Tails' chakra. She'll be fine if she uses it properly.'

He opened his eyes and looked around.

'The problem is this: I can't explain this carnage. My intelligence won't help here. I have a few options. One, I could stay and wait for someone to find me. I'd probably get lost, but hiding with my shadow powers wouldn't be too difficult.'

'After this stunt, Obito might try to target me, no he definitely will.'

'And most importantly, I am five fucking years old! No matter how intelligent I am, they won't believe me or value my opinions at all! I can tell them everything, and they still won't believe me. My parents are good, but like everyone's parents, they have a brain that tries to rationalize the world. This is real life, not some BS fucking fanfic written by a 12-year-old wimp who has never been loved by anyone. They won't go, "Oh, Naruto, we are your parents, we believe in you. We will support you! You, as a five-year-old, want to leave the village and go on side quests all alone in this dangerous, cruel world of shinobi? Why not? That's the best plan I've ever heard!" Expecting things to go like that is beyond idiotic.'

'If I stay, I need a reason to explain all this. I could lie and say I can see the future, but they're some of the smartest shinobi in the world. They'd find the holes eventually. I've already fucked up the plot, so that route is a dead end.'

'Another option is to claim I can see the past and say I'm Asura's reincarnation, revealing Hashirama's role. But that messes with my plan. Revealing my wood style and other Asura-related powers will attract too much attention. Dealing with external threats is hard enough; adding Danzo and Orochimaru to the mix will drive me insane. I don't even know if Hiruzen is trustworthy. Father trusts him too much, and I can't risk it. I can't assume anyone's a good guy in this world.'

'Once they realize my powers, they'll imprison me in the village and turn me into a weapon. I can't let that happen. My goals are bigger. If I'm trapped by the village's conflicts and desires, I'll never see my family again.'

'Second, I could run away. This has many benefits. I'd have freedom and be able to do as I like. Sure, I'd lose my parents' support, and they're arguably the strongest people in the world if you ignore that parasite from Kaguya's time. I need to account for him too! This isn't a story; it's real life. Who knows if Isshiki will show up before Kaguya can do anything!'

'Well, I'll deal with it when it happens. Anyway, the only support my parents can offer is their jutsus, and I don't need those. With my intelligence, I can build galaxy-destroying bombs from scraps. Who knows what I can achieve with that and fuinjutsu.'

'Knowing Father, he'll probably hold someone hostage to get me back. If I don't return, it'll start a global conflict, and I don't want innocents dying because of me. Should I fake my death? No, Zetsu has already seen me. If I'm not wrong, he can transmit messages through his roots, so Obito might already know my situation.'

'The only choice I have is to leave the village myself by informing them. This will break my parents' hearts, and they'll think of themselves as failures for the rest of their lives. They are kind people and don't deserve that. But the hardest choices require the strongest wills.'




Black Zetsu flops on the ground as he passes through the ceiling.

Obito who was currently tending to the wounds he suffered glances behind when he heard the sound. His head turned while his hands worked on his chest, adjusting the bones and trying to get them to their correct place.

Kushina did a number on him.

"What happened? Where is the other part?"

Black Zetsu huffed, sweat trickled down from his head, "That Naruto kid, I think he has the same abilities as Kushina. He detected us. I managed to sneak away at the last moment. Had he been a moment faster, he would have caught me as well."

"What in the depths of the Infinite Tsukuyomi is going on with this cursed Uzumaki lineage?" Obito growls, his crimson eyes ablaze with frustration. "Suddenly, they all possess the ability to sense Zetsu. They're like thorns in my side, every last one of them. Nevertheless, how did that brat manage to seize the opportunity? Were the assassins even stationed in that vicinity?"

Black Zetsu gulped when he recalled that scene, that was no normal jutsu, he knew.

'It was like a Shinjutsu!'

Seeing Black Zetsu go silent, Obito raised an eyebrow and said, "Speak."

"That kid... he wiped them all out," Black Zetsu blurts out.

Hearing this, Obito's eyes widen in shock, his hand slips, and the bone he's fiddling with decides to go rogue, stabbing him right in the lungs.





(After some time)

Jiraiya looked down at the vultures feeding on the remains of the shinobi with a grim expression. He had just finished inspecting what remained of the people who had been here.

"The cuts were so clean, it's almost eerie," Jiraiya murmured to himself, his brow furrowing as he surveyed the grim scene.

"I've seen skilled swordsmen, but this... this is something else. And all these little fragments scattered around... it's like a nightmare made real, all human flesh."

He sighed heavily, his hand finding its way to his forehead as he tried to make sense of it all. "Kumo didn't exaggerate. Those assassins were torn apart with precision. But Naruto? It just doesn't add up."

Thinking of the boy who was too smart, not very social, avoided kids his age like the plague, and hated being recognized, Jiraiya couldn't imagine how Naruto could cause such havoc.

"And the rocks... By the sage, the rocks!" Jiraiya exclaimed. "Everywhere's a mess, except for this perfectly cut circle where Naruto unleashed... whatever he unleashed."

Having finished his investigation, Jiraiya decided to find where Naruto had gone. He located the bloodied steps of a child, and after confirming the size to match Naruto's, he followed the trail.

It led to a nearby cave, and he entered. As soon as he stepped in, he felt himself drop into the shadows as if falling into a pond.


The surroundings were painted black, but somehow he could still see. He unmistakably recognized Naruto on the other side.

"Jiraiya-ojisan, did you come to get me back?"

Jiraiya nodded and said, "Yeah, kiddo... come on, let's go and tell me what in the world happened here. Also, what is this place? It feels like a barrier."

Naruto slowly shook his head. "I'm not coming back."

"What?" Jiraiya's voice was laced with confusion and concern.

"Please inform my parents."

"W-what are you saying, Naruto? What's going on? Is someone threatening you?"

Naruto sighed. "Can't you understand? I can't stand all of this! I just want a normal life."

Jiraiya was finding it hard to process the sudden turn of events. He stepped closer, his brow furrowed in concern. "Naruto, you don't have to do this alone. Whatever's going on, we can handle it together. Let's go back and figure this out."

Naruto looked away, his face shadowed by an unseen emotion. "I'm not being threatened or anything like that. I just want peace, so please don't search for me. This is a shadow clone. And now, I will be undoing myself."

Jiraiya reached out, a desperate edge to his voice. "Naruto, wait—"


With a puff of smoke, Naruto disappeared.

"Just what the hell is going on here?" Jiraiya asked no one in particular as he was suddenly shoved back to the cave's surface.



Naruto's a pretty good actor, eh?

I thought long and hard about it. But, as I much as I want to get Minato and the others involved in this whole world domination plan, its just not sensible.

Hugegreenpickle was my motivation to write this chapter.
Chapter 12: Sukuna Ryomen New
Shoutout to my new P.a.t.r.e.o.n brother, Iwalkthestars!!!

We're currently 5 weeks ahead in p.a.t.r.e.o.n.

Join today: Patreon Link Click Here

Note: The chapters will be made public in the future.


(After a few weeks)

Haku sat in the dimly lit kitchen of his family's small, shabby house, listening intently to his parents' conversation.

The room was modest, with rough wooden walls and a dirt floor. A small fire crackled in the hearth, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

The scent of the snow-covered village outside seeped into the room, making him feel peaceful.

His father, a burly man with calloused hands and a weathered face, leaned forward, his voice low but intense. "Did you hear about the child, Naruto Namikaze?" he said, his tone tinged with both awe and disdain. "They say he single-handedly killed 600 assassins from Kumogakure."

Haku's mother, a slender woman with kind eyes that seemed tired beyond her years, nodded slowly. "Yes, it's hard to believe. A child of only five years old," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Haku, who had been idly sipping hot water from a chipped cup, perked up at this revelation.

He stared into the steaming liquid, his mind racing. A five-year-old child, capable of such power? Could he ever become that strong?

His father continued, his voice growing harsher. "That boy, Naruto, he's an Uzumaki. You know what that means. Those chains of theirs... they're kekkei genkai, just like the ones we despise."

His village had just emerged from the ravages of war, and the hatred for those with kekkei genkai ran deep. His own father harbored a particular disdain for the Uzumaki clan, believing their chains were a form of kekkei genkai.

Haku's mother nodded again, but if one looked closely, they could see the hesitation in her eyes. She agreed, but her agreement was hollow, a mere echo of her husband's sentiments.

Haku turned his gaze to the small window beside him.

The view was bleak, snow-covered fields stretching out as far as the eye could see. He took a deep breath, savoring the warmth of the hot water before setting the cup down.

"I'm going to play outside for a bit," he announced suddenly, rising from his seat.

His father's eyes narrowed. "It's too cold outside. Stay here and help your mother."

"I won't be long," Haku insisted, already moving toward the door.

His mother reached out a hand, concern etched on her face. "Haku, listen to your father."

But Haku was already out the door, his feet crunching on the fresh snow. He didn't look back, despite the protests that followed him.

The cold air bit at his cheeks, but Haku hardly noticed.

He made his way to a small pond at the edge of the village, a place he often visited when he needed to think.

The pond was frozen over, its surface a smooth, reflective sheet of ice.

Haku crouched by the edge, watching his breath mist in the air.

He had seen shinobi perform incredible feats with their jutsu, and he had always been fascinated.

He made a hand sign he had seen them use, focusing intently on the pond before him.

Nothing happened at first. Haku gritted his teeth, groaning in frustration. He tried again, and again, until finally, the water beneath the ice began to ripple.

Slowly, it rose up, transforming into a jagged kunai made of ice. Haku's eyes widened in awe and excitement.

He had done it.

He had created something magical.

"Look at this!" he shouted, his voice echoing in the stillness.

But his joy was short-lived. His mother appeared, her face pale with fear. "Haku!" she screamed, running towards him. "What are you doing?"

Before he could react, she slapped him hard across the face. "Never do that again!" she scolded, her voice shaking. "Do you understand?"

Haku's eyes filled with tears. He didn't understand why his mother was so angry. "But... I made it," he said, his voice breaking.

She glanced around, her eyes wide with panic. When she saw that no one else was around, she sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, Haku," she said softly, pulling him into a tight embrace. "But you must promise me, never use that power again. It's dangerous."

Haku nodded, though he was still confused and hurt. "I promise," he whispered.

Unbeknownst to them, Haku's father had been watching from behind a snowy bush. His face was twisted in a mixture of hatred and guilt.

He had seen everything, and he knew what he had to do, despite the heavy weight of his decision.

As Haku and his mother made their way back to the house, the small village seemed even colder and more oppressive than before. Haku couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to change in ways he couldn't yet understand.




(Later that day, at night)

(Haku POV)


Why is this happening to me!?

"Father! What are you doing!?" I scream, confused. Why...why is Father stabbing Mother?

"Damn, I totally forgot there was the child too," said a villager.

"Fuck! Kill that small monster as well!" shouted another villager.

"Leave none of those kekkei genkai monsters alive."

"Yes, kill them all!"



"KILL!" "KILL!" "KILL!" "KILL!" "KILL!" "KILL!" the villagers chanted in unison.

"Haku...run..." My mother manages to say before she collapses, stabbed multiple times by a knife.

"Mother!" I scream and run towards her. But my father gets in between us and tries to slash me.

I manage to dodge it at the last moment by a hair's breadth.

"I'm sorry, son," My father—this monster—says as he tries to cut me again.

"We were a happy family...WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HAVE THAT ACCURSED POWER?" He screams and lunges at me.

Realization finally dawns on me. This was all because of what I did today. This happened because I created ice.

I never stopped to think if what I did was the result of kekkei genkai.

As I try to back off as he lunges towards me, I stumble and fall on my back.

The monster who had lunged manages to land right above me.

"You! Get off me!" I wail and try to push myself further away.


He slams his foot on my chest to stop me. I taste iron suddenly.

"Please...let me go," I say weakly, grabbing his leg and begging.

I don't want to die.

He says nothing and cries while putting a knee on each of my arms, sitting on top of me, preventing me from moving.

I don't want to die.

"Don't kill me...father." I call the monster Father once again in hopes that he will remember that I was his son once.

"I'm sorry," he says.

That's all he says?

He grabs the knife with both hands and raises it above his head, ready to drive it through my skull.

I close my eyes and sob.

No no no no.

Please, someone save me!


I don't want to die.



I suddenly feel my father's hold on me disappear all of a sudden.

I open my eyes only to have them flooded with blood all of a sudden.

"Argh!" I grunt and immediately throw my father to the side and get up, trying to see properly.

"Ah, sorry about that. I should have paid attention to it. Look this way, I will clean your eyes," a deep voice says. It sounds sarcastic and full of ego, as if he is making fun of me, but for some weird reason, I can't help but turn his way.

It looks like he saved me.

He grabs my face, and this time my whole face is drenched in water all of a sudden.

Thankfully, the water is warm.

I turn around and use my cloth to dry my face. I then look around to see where my father and the rest of the villagers are. I don't know what this man did, but they still posed a danger.

But they are all lying on the ground, blood spilled all over the place.

Did he kill them all?

I turn back to finally see the man.

"Who are you?" I ask the pink-haired man. He is tall and muscular. He has this uninterested look on his face, as if he is someone who lives above everyone.

"Sukuna Ryomen."



IMPORTANT: I have exams next week so the next update will be a bit late. I am thinking about increasing the releases after the exams though. So, thats part bad and part good news for you guys.

Now, we're finally going to be focusing on gathering members and building his organization and country!!

I do know that I didn't include the reaction of every country involved but, I wanted to structure this all in a way where the people reacting will be involved directly as well.
Chapter 13: Purpose New
A/N: Kyrah and Cheonma welcome to patreon!

What's up bruvs! I'm back! My exams finished today!

Chapter 23 on p.a.t.r.e.o.n at the moment.

Join today: Patreon Link Click Here


(Haku POV)

I don't know how long it has been. Time feels strange now. But I know I have to bury her. I have to bury my mother.

The ground is cold, just like my hands. I dig and dig, my small fingers aching. My tears mix with the dirt.

Sukuna stands nearby, not saying anything, just watching. I don't understand him. Why did he save me? Why is he here?

"Why are you helping me?" I ask, my voice trembling.

He shrugs, his expression still unreadable. "Maybe I just felt like it," he says, as if it doesn't matter.

I sniffle and continue digging. The hole isn't very big, but it's enough. It's all I can do.

When it's done, I gently lay my mother in the ground. I cover her with the dirt, my heart breaking with each handful.

"I'm sorry, Mother," I whisper. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know..."

Sukuna finally steps closer. "You're strong, kid," he says. "Stronger than most."

I don't feel strong. I feel broken. But I nod. What else can I do?

"Come on," Sukuna says. "It's time to go."

I take one last look at the grave, then follow him. I don't know where we're going, but I have no one else.

I have to trust him. I have to survive.

As we walk away from the grave, the weight of everything that has happened crashes down on me.

Each step feels heavier, my chest tight with guilt and sorrow. I glance at Sukuna, his tall frame leading the way with a casual air, as if the horrors of the night don't touch him.

But for me, they do. They claw at my heart, whispering terrible truths.

"It's my fault," I mumble, more to myself than to Sukuna. The words echo in my head, growing louder. "It's all my fault."

We stop by a river. The water rushes by, uncaring, and I stare into its depths, thinking how easy it would be to let it take me. My vision blurs with tears, and I step closer to the edge, my toes curling over the muddy bank.

"I should just... I should just go with them," I say, my voice rising in pitch. "I should be dead too! I brought this on us!"

My breathing becomes ragged.

I start to hyperventilate, panic surging through me. My hands claw at my hair, my chest heaving. I stumble, almost falling into the water, but Sukuna's strong hand grabs me by the collar, pulling me back with a force that sends me sprawling on the ground.

"Calm down," he says, his tone surprisingly gentle but firm.

"No! No, you don't understand!" I scream, flailing against him. "I killed her! I killed my mother! It's all because of me!"

Sukuna doesn't let go, his grip like iron. "Listen to me, Haku," he says, his voice cutting through my hysteria. "This isn't what your mother would have wanted."

His words make me pause, my struggles weakening. "What?" I whisper, tears streaming down my face.

"Your mother loved you," Sukuna says, his expression serious. "She wanted you to live. To run and survive. She gave her life for that. Don't you dare waste it."

"But... but I can't..." I sob, collapsing into myself. "I can't go on. I have no reason."

Sukuna kneels beside me, his presence grounding. "Then find one," he says simply.

I look up at him, confused and desperate. "How? How can I find a reason?"

Sukuna's eyes soften slightly. "You live for a purpose, Haku. You honor her memory by surviving. By becoming strong. You need to find something to strive for, something to keep you going."

I shake my head, still unable to see through the fog of my grief. "I don't know if I can."

"You can," Sukuna insists. "Your mother saw something in you. A potential. I'm sure of it. Don't let her sacrifice be in vain."

His words start to sink in, and a small flicker of determination ignites within me. I wipe my tears, trying to steady my breathing. "But... you're so strong. You killed those villagers so easily. Is it because you have a purpose?"

Sukuna's expression grows more serious, his gaze intense. "Yes," he says. "Strength comes from having a purpose. A reason to fight, to live. If you have a 'why,' you can endure any 'how.'"

I listen, hanging on his every word. "What's your purpose?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

"My purpose?" Sukuna looks out at the river, his eyes distant. "It's not something I share easily. But know this, Haku: when you find something worth fighting for, something that fuels your very being, it gives you a strength you never knew you had. It makes you unstoppable."

His words resonate deeply within me, stirring something I can't quite describe. The weight of my guilt doesn't vanish, but it becomes more bearable, like a burden I'm willing to carry for the sake of my mother.

"I want to be strong," I say, my voice gaining a bit of resolve. "I want to find a reason to live, like you said."

Sukuna nods, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Good. That's the first step."

For the first time since the tragedy, I feel a glimmer of hope. It's faint, but it's there. I still don't know what my purpose will be, but I know I need to keep moving forward to find it.

"Thank you," I say, looking up at Sukuna with newfound respect.

He stands up, offering me a hand. "Don't thank me yet. This is just the beginning. The path ahead will be hard, but remember why you're walking it."

I take his hand, feeling a strength in his grip that I hope to one day have. As we continue our journey, the pain in my heart doesn't fade, but it transforms. It becomes a drive, a reminder of what I've lost and what I need to honor.

I will live. I will become strong. For my mother, and for myself.

And maybe one day, I will find my purpose.

I look at him.

Perhaps, I've already found it.



I know it's a short one, but there wasn't much more I could write regarding this. I just wanted to show what Haku was going through and also make it a bit motivational for you guys. Who knows? Maybe it's something you need today.

Sometimes, words fail to capture the depth of what someone is experiencing. Something might seem impossible at first, but one little spark can turn into an unstoppable force. I hope this resonates with you and gives you the encouragement you need.
Chapter 14: Obito's Plan New
A/N: Shoutout to Ta-Seti, and Dangit889 for joining the patreon!

Chapter 24 on patreon

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IMPORTANT: Recently, I've found writing short chapters to be easier, so from now on, I'll be uploading three chapters a week!


(Obito POV)

The dimly lit cavern smelled of damp earth, the air cold and unwelcoming. Shadows danced on the walls, cast by the flickering flames of a lone torch. I stared into the darkness, lost in thought.

Zetsu emerged from the shadows, his split face twisted into a scowl. His footsteps echoed on the stone floor as he walked toward me. The firelight glinted off my orange mask as I watched him approach.

"Obito, you need to start attending those meetings yourself," Zetsu said, clearly annoyed. "I can't stand playing the role of Mizukage any longer, especially after that banquet. I'm just glad I managed to slip away when the Kages were too focused on Minato."

I'd rather not remember that humiliating day.

I stayed still, my gaze fixed beyond the cavern walls. "I'm not going to any meetings," I said flatly. "I'm still healing." I gestured to my chest, where Kushina's lariat had left a brutal mark. "And besides, I need this time to plan."

Minato and Kushina have both become very strong, far more than I could've predicted. It's making me regret not attacking when that brat was born.

I manipulated the Daimyos and the Kages to make them attack Minato during the brat's birthday celebration, but it was too late.

Zetsu raised an eyebrow, curious. "Plan? What are you planning? Minato, Kushina, and even that kid Naruto now... they're all stronger than we thought. What are you going to do?"

Right, there's that brat to consider as well. He was someone I didn't even factor in. Six hundred shinobi killed in seconds, and at just five years old. I'm afraid not even the Sage of the Six Paths was that strong at his age.

He's made me very curious. I wonder what abilities he is hiding. I'll get those for myself one day.

I narrowed my eye slightly, a hint of a smile beneath the mask. "If we can't kill them, we'll give them so many problems they won't have time to focus on anything else. I'll trap Minato in a civil war."

Zetsu's eyes widened, intrigued. "A civil war? How do you plan to do that?"

I leaned forward slightly. "Konoha is strong, but it's also fragile. The new generation has taken power, but they don't truly have it. The old leaders still hold on to authority. We just need to find the right pressure points and apply enough force to make them fear the new generation."

Hiruzen, Danzo, and the two other insignificant elders...if Minato tries to act against what they think is right, their opinions regarding him will change. And that will be the spark that burns Konoha.

Zetsu nodded slowly. "And what about Naruto? He's a real threat."

I chuckled. "That kid... I have no immediate plans for him. I don't even know what he did that day. All Black Zetsu saw was a big black ball and the next moment they were all dead. I'll need to take him down myself, but I don't have a way to find where he is."

The brat is really my most significant headache. Using Zetsu to monitor him is out of the question; I need something else. I will have to find suitable people to do that.

"Yeah, I don't know if that kid is traumatized or just too smart. If he had only returned to the village, we could have targeted him easily. But nobody knows where he is."

Perhaps rather than the strength he displayed, his intelligence will be the thing I have a hard time dealing with. His intelligence is known far and wide, after all. Beating Shikaku, the Nara Clan's leader, known for his intelligence, at Shogi at the age of three is a feat no one can replicate.

I got up, feeling determined. "Well, his time will come one day. Anyway, I need you to do something for me right now."

I should focus on sowing the seeds of discord in Konoha first. But, I guess contacting a few people to keep an eye on him won't waste too much time.

"And what is that?" Zetsu asked.

"I need you to search for the family members of the assassins Naruto killed. I have something special planned for them and for Konoha."

They should have picked up a thing or two from their assassin relative. Even if they haven't, a little bit of training from my side will make them capable enough to do what I want.

Zetsu's curiosity deepened. "Special? What do you have in mind?"

My gaze turned steely. "Isn't it obvious? Revenge."

The elders may change their opinions of Minato and may try to have their way. Minato, politically, doesn't hold much power, so, if I want to achieve the results I want, Minato must get the support of the clan heads.

I know how Konoha's sensing barrier works, and since it cannot detect me at all as I was a part of it previously, I can simply teleport each of the family members near the desired location.

"Consider it done. I'll start searching immediately," Zetsu replied.

Kumo is under Minato's scrutiny at the moment. He doesn't trust Kumo at all. From what I've gathered from my spies, Naruto has declared he won't be returning to the village. I don't think Minato and Kushina will take that well.

But they are still holding back, as they value the elders' opinions and don't really have the support to do what they promised against the Raikage.

The elders don't want another war. Though they mostly speak the words of the Fire Daimyo, who doesn't want to see the destruction of Kumo as it would make the games he plays with the other Daimyos less fun. Bunch of useless pigs, those Daimyos. But they fit perfectly into my game.

I wonder how they will react when they find out all of their children, the heirs to their clans, disappear from the village all at once.

And what if Kumo is found to be responsible?

The elders, who don't want war, will clash with the clan heads and Minato, who are eager for Kumo's blood. And there are all the other villages, keeping silent, waiting to see how Konoha will respond to Kumo so they can act accordingly.

Civil war.

And if things progress well, the Fourth Great Ninja War.

The next few years are going to be very interesting.
It doesn't matter how strong the MC is if the world is tearing itself apart around himself. He could instantly be able to kill anyone in the world and it wouldn't matter if his very reason to stick around is being canablized.

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