Journey Through the Multiverse: In the Family Way 2 (Rough)
Getting some practice in, huh?
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Look, this whole thing is rough, so bear with me. I've left my abstract notes here as well so you can see where I am/was going with this. Other than that, I hope you enjoy what I've done so far.
Some things to know going forward:
Canon RWBY Meets "In the Family Way": RWBY One-Shot 2: Electric Boogaloo
Isabelle thinking on what she's learned and what she's going to do about it as well as how she's going to help these kids
The gangs' reaction to pregnant Yang and their Yang passing out + Ruby hugging Pyrrha + Both Blake criticizing one another + The Schnees sizing each other up + The alternate Team RWBYJNPR reacting to what OG RWBY has to say + sad boy hours + call to arms
Isabelle talking with everyone as best she can, Ruby + Weiss, or Blake + Blake, or Weiss + Yang, when she wakes up
OG yang finally wakes up in the nurse's office and is filled in on what she missed + a real convo with her alternate self + talk about relationships + motherhood + fears + OG Yang's robot arm + battle strategies + weapon and outfit upgrades + alternate Yang giving tips for if/when OG Yang wants to get with her Jaune on how to get him + fluff and blushes all around
Isabelle and OG Yang have a heart-to-heart, + a real functional and almost non-problematic mother's affection + Surrogate mom advice + comfort + hugs + acceptance + "I didn't realize how much I needed that"/"say that"/"hear that"
OG Yang's thoughts on everything and steeling her resolve
OG Yang asking Pyrrha for permission to date Jaune, should she end up going that route after they find their Jaune + Pyrrha's approval/acceptance and understanding + Pyrrha's teasing + Nora's teasing + tired Ren + the rest OG RWBY revealing to have listened in and teasing Yang for it because when are they ever going to get another chance
A quiet moment + A day of rest
Final meetings + strategies going forward + ammo and travel gear resupply + possible outfit change + Portal opens + The Last Goodbye (by The Gregory Brothers) + a kiss for good luck + a new adventure begins
Isabelle's thoughts on everything + talks with Ozpin
The gang talks to one another. Minus OG Yang who is sleeping in a medical cot. Explain who they are, where they've been, as well as the unique Jaunes they've met on their travels. Such as Raptor Jaune, Cowboy Jaune, Atlas Jaune.
Isabell to Ruby talk + comfort + much needed therapy/mother figure + confessions + Isabelle securing the Arc-Rose Bloodline +?
Weiss(A) to Weiss talk + ends with Weiss(A) taking Weiss to Coco to get better outfits for her and the rest of the team.
Blake to Blake(A) talk + Parents + Learning not to be a stray + ears out and I'm proud of it + a possible Shitty Kitty Ending averted + How to cat from a seasoned Troll Cat veteran + literary exchange
Yang(A) to Yang talk
Isabelle to Yang talk
Yang to everyone, but mostly Pyrrha talk
Ruby(A) to Ruby talk, ends with Ruby(A) gifting Crescent Rose to Ruby because she understands that without her weapon she's powerless, and with Ruby running around the multiverse she needs something reliable to help protect herself, her team, and anyone else they come across that needs saving. Besides, it's not like she, Ruby(A), can't build another one, and on the off chance Ruby decides to come back to return Crescent Rose, she, Ruby(A), will have a weapon that will have slain monsters from across time and space. Also, Silver eyes, the sakaras having info on them, and Maria, her mentor.
Addendum: If Ruby still has Crescent Rose, it is not the original, the one she got from the Ever-After is different in that it looks like a permanent hard light version of her scythe. Think Penny's Sword array after she became a Maiden.
Night time shenanigans + Rest and reflection + cleaning up + Breakfast in the dorm common room
"Is there anything else we should know before you head off?" Ozpin asked, readjusting in his seat, "Perhaps something you learned from a previous reality that you visited?"
OG Team RWBY look to themselves and try to remember anything significant from the other realities that could help the people here. Weiss then gets an idea, steps forward, and asks "The name Maia Sakara wouldn't happen to ring any bells here now, would it?"
OG Weiss and the rest of her team watch as each Arc within the room gives a pained look of recognition at the name. "Yes, we know that name. It's the name for the deceased daughter of our former teammates, Arjun and Saia Sakara," Isabelle speaks up before placing her head in a look of remorse and guilt. Nick sees his wife in distress and comforts her, eventually calming her down enough to continue speaking.
However, before she can start up again, Weiss quickly interjects, "N-no need to continue, we already got informed of this from a Jaune in another reality. I just wanted to confirm that she exists here too."
"Why would you need to confirm that?" asks Jaune.
"Because, if what we learned in the other reality is true, then she's still alive in this one."
"She's alive!? Wha- How?" asks Isabelle, staring at Weiss in sheer disbelief.
"While visiting other realities in search of our Jaune we stumbled upon a Jaune(A) who was dating her at the time. Both Jaune(A) and Maia(A) or May(A), as she went by in that reality, explained that her kidnappers decided to raise her instead of killing her as a baby. She grew up in a remote village in Vacou before eventually making her way into Shade, her 'parents' having died long before then. When the time came for the Vytal festival to begin, her team was one of the few from shade to qualify and participate in the tournament. From there she makes her way to Beacon, meets Jaune(A), becomes friends, and later starts dating. This leads him to introduce her to his Godparents who immediately recognize her as their daughter, and the rest as they say is history."
Nary a sound is made after Weiss finishes her tale until Nick, in an almost hurt tone, asks Jaune, "You introduced your girlfriend to your Uncle Arjun before me?"
"Yeah shame on you Jaune-Jaune," Nora teasingly remarks.
"What!? But that's not me. I didn't do that," Jaune sputters before looking to Yang(A) with pleading eyes. "Tell them Yang(A) you were there."
Yang(A), dramatically looking away in the distance with a hand covering her mouth to try and stifle her laughter, responds, "I can't believe you would do that to your father, Jaune. What kind of example are we setting for our children if this is how you treat your parents?"
Jaune, looking to the rest of his friends for help and only finding more of the same judging eyes before him, responds, "Really?"
Pyrrha walks up to Jaune placing a hand on his shoulder and says to him while also doing her best to hold in her laughter, "Really really."
This is when Nora starts laughing, unable to hold it in any longer, which gets everyone else to let loose too.
"You guys are awful," Jaune says with a pout.
Amidst the laughter, Isabelle sighed, looked at her husband, and asked him, "Did you have to embarrass our son like that?"
Nick, smiling ear to ear, looks to his wife and says, "Yup, and besides it was getting too heavy earlier."
"And I'm sure it has nothing to do with that bet you have with Arjun about who Jaune shows his girlfriend off to first."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," says Nick, trying and failing to hide his nervousness at getting caught.
"In Jaune's defense, that world's version of Jaune's parents arrived much later than his Godparents did at the time," Weiss responds.
The three teams continue laughing before calming down once more.
"Now Jaune's actions aside, is there anything else?" Ozpin inquired.
Ruby thinks for a minute before answering, "Well there's that thing between Pyrrha and Arslan, but it's not all that important, just something I'd thought I'd mention in case that was a thing here too."
"Me and who, exactly?" Pyrrha replies, confused as to why the name sounds familiar, but she's unable to put a face to it.
"She's supposed to be your rival," Ruby responds, nervously fiddling with her combat skirt as she does. "At least that's what she told us in the reality where she ends up dating Jaune(A)."
Pyrrha, now sporting an annoyed look, says, "Ah, yes, that Arslan. The table monk who kept challenging me to spars throughout my tournament and Sanctum years." Looks up to Ruby, and says in an exasperated tone, "I assume that's who they're talking about?"
"Yeah," Ruby says even more nervously. "I take it you two aren't friends in this universe?"
Pyrrha sighs, responding, "Kind of, it's sort of like a one-sided rivalry where she thinks we're destined rivals to one another, and that somehow gives her a reason to challenge me to a spar constantly. I'm not saying I hate her, but it gets tiring after a while, especially when I don't even know why she's so focused on me. I mean, I've had people hate me before and try to challenge me so they can prove they're better, yet despite the countless defeats, she keeps coming back to challenge me whereas most would have given up at this point. "
Before Pyrrha can continue, Jaune lightly taps on her shoulder and asks, " Um, Pyrrha, do you know what being a Rival means in the table breaker religion?"
"...that we're enemies?" Pyrrha answers confused.
"Pyrrha, for followers of the table breaker, a Rival refers to a life-long friend that helps keep you at your best by constantly challenging you to do better."
Pyrrha becomes almost silent when she hears this, thinking back to all of her and Arslan's interactions before asking, "So all those times she was challenging me to a spar and stating she was my Rival she was just reiterating our friendship and wanting to hang out?"
Getting a nod from Jaune, Pyrrha becomes melancholy at the wasted opportunities for a deeper friendship that would have grown had she known better. Jaune seeing Pyrrha like this, hugs her, which triggers everyone else to do the same. They stay like that for a bit until Pyrrha taps out explaining that she's fine and will just need more time to think on this. Everyone except for Nora moves away, Nora is unrepentant, and her eyes all but dare Pyrrha to tell her to stop hugging her. Pyrrha allows Nora to stay and turns her attention back to the rest of OG Team RWBY.
"Was it like this in that world too?" Jaune asks, once he's sure that Pyrrha is okay.
"I mean sorta," Ruby says, rubbing the back of her neck, "From what Arlsan(A) and Jaune(A) told us in that reality their Pyrrha(A) reacted more apologetically. Wanting more to assure Arslan that there was no beef between them, as that was what she thought Arslan(A) meant when she said they were Rivals."
"Yeah that sounds like Pyr would do," Jaune says fondly, much to Pyrrha's embarrassment.
"Yeah, apparently the whole reason Arslan(A) didn't explain anything at first was because she thought Pyrrha(A) already knew what she was talking about."
"Why would she think that?" Jaune asks, confused.
"Because her mom and Pyrrha's(A) mom were also Rivals at some point."
"My mom's not a fighter. She's an actress, how could Arslan's mom possibly be Rivals with her?" questioned Pyrrha, becoming more confused.
"Oh! Arslan's mom is also an actress. I think her name was Basara Altan. She and your mom went head to head competing for many acting roles for movies, and many of the films they starred in competed for various awards for which they were both nominated."
Pyrrha pulling out her scroll and looking at her mother's IMDB page, notices that Basara Altan was a notable figure in her mother's acting career. "And she never even thought to tell me about it," Pyrrha mutters.
"So what else you got," Nora cuts in, trying to avoid awkward silences.
Yang pipes up before the rest of OG Team RWBY can speak, "We fought an evil mad scientist. Did you guys also fight one?"
"NO!" yelled an irate Nora, Ruby(A), and Yang(A).
"Are you telling me I'm going to miss out on an amazing adventure fighting that has us pitted against one of the best villain archetypes in comic book history!" yells an upset Yang(A) before smacking Jaune on the arm, "Breaker dang it Jaune, you just had to knock me up now of all times!"
"First off, OW!" Jaune says, rubbing his arm. "Second off, I'm sorry for denying you an adventure. I'll consider that for next time," Jaune says, comforting an irate Yang(A).
Yang(A), slightly red-faced by his response, replies with a pout, "You better."
"So who's this mad scientist we fight!? Momma's looking to add to her leg breaking resume!" Nora exclaims, and Ruby(A) nods in agreement.
"I think his name was Merlot?" Yang says, trying to hide her blush at seeing her counterparts' affectionate behavior with Jaune.
Ozpin, alarmed by the name Yang brought up, asks, "This mad scientist you speak of wouldn't happen to be one Dr. Merlot, wouldn't it? The same Dr. Merlot who is partially responsible for the destruction of the Mt. Glenn expansion by illegally transporting Grimm into the city so that he could experiment on them. A man who by all accounts should be and was confirmed dead following the disaster."
"Uhhhhh, yeah," Yang awkwardly responds, noticing the growing looks of hatred on the older adults' faces.
Ozpin, leaning forward on his desk, says, "Ms. Xiao-Long, tell us everything."
OG Team RWBY then explains, as best they can, the plot of RWBY: Grimm Eclipse. By the time they finished Ozpin was holding his face in his hand, Glynda looked ready to snap her riding crop, Jaune's parents were silently communicating with one another about how best to destroy an island in one go, Ruby(A) was practically vibrating in excitement alongside Nora, and Yang(A) was even angrier than before.
"Giant robots, mutated super grimm, and a hidden laboratory base on a top secret island paradise!" Yang(A) yelled at Jaune, aggressively poking his chest afterward, " You. Owe. Me. Big."
Jaune puts his hands up, and tries to calm her by saying, "How about I rub your tired feet when this is over? Will that make it feel better about potentially missing out on this adventure?"
"It might, but if you add a back massage," adds Yang(A).
"Foot and back rub got it."
"And a fully drawn bath later."
"Consider it done."
"And more of those chocolate covered pickles. Damn cravings, I swear to the Breaker above, I can't wait for those to be over with."
Jaune slowly puts his hands down, and says, "I'll get Weiss(A) to deliver it to our room by the end of the day."
"Wha— Why do I have to get your disgusting food?" berated an irate Weiss(A).
Jaune stared at Weiss(A), and without skipping a beat, "Because that's the price you pay for wanting to hold our baby after they're born."
Weiss(A), wearing a shocked expression, begrudgingly responds, "Fair enough, I'll make some calls."
"So I guess that just leaves you, huh, Blake?" Nora says enthusiastically.
"What?" Blake responds, confused.
"Oh, come on, don't be shy. Everybody else told a story, now it's your turn."
"Nora, I don't…"
"Do you seriously have nothing to say? Nothing at all? Infinite possibilities and you can't think of one thing," Nora asks, becoming impatient.
"Nora, we've been to at most six dimensions. Not all of them are gonna have—"
Nora interrupts her saying, "I'm waiting."
Blake looks to Ren for help, but gets only an exasperated sigh from him toward Nora's antics. Looking back at Nora, she sighs, turns to Jaune, and asks, "Do you have a horse?"
"Uh, yeah. Her name is Epona. Why? Does something happen to her!?" Jaune asks, becoming panicked.
Blake, turning back to Nora, asks, "Satisfied?"
"Yep!" Nora happily responds.
"But, seriously, does something happen to my horse?" Jaune asks again.
"If that is truly everything then I'd say we can adjourn for today," Ozpin interjects. "There is much we must ruminate on given this new set of information and I have no doubt after all this time here you must be wanting to move on to your next destination. So with that, you have my permission to search with your other selves the location of the portal that will send you on your way. Once found, you'll inform the rest of us of its location so we can properly send you off."
OG Team RWBY looked at each for a second before turning back to Ozpin wearing confused expressions.
"Um, Headmaster Ozpin, I know we should have asked this earlier when you said it, but what do you mean by head off?" Ruby asked, scratching her head, "The portal usually just shows up wherever we're at so there's no need for us to go looking for it."
"Ah, I see. It seems I may have misinterpreted how your dimensional travel works from our previous conversations," Ozpin responds, readjusting his glasses, "Tell me then how long before the portal opens so that we may be able to give you the necessary supplies for your journey ahead?"
Yang, nervously massaging her hair, replies, "We don't know. It usually shows up some time after we meet up with that world's version of Jaune. Honestly, now that I think about it, this is probably the longest we've been in a reality without the portal opening up."
The room is silent as everyone looks toward OG Team RWBY with shock and worry at what they've just heard.
Glynda, having just gotten over her shock, takes off her spectacles to pinch the bridge of her nose, and asks, in a increasingly irate tone of voice, "You mean tell us that for the entire time you've been here you knew that that the portal not showing up sooner was not a normal occurrence and you didn't think to say anything!?"
OG Team RWBY flinches before collectively responding, "Yes?"
Glynda slumps while Nick laughs as Ozpin gives off an amused expression and Isabelle with a palm to her face mutters, "These are ones I've tasked with saving my son?"
"Hehe, now if that's over I must ask," Ozpin inquires, sitting up in his chair and becoming serious once more, "Is there anything you remember that went differently with your arrival to this reality that may explain why the portal hasn't appeared as of yet?"
OG Team RWBY thinks for a moment before Blake answers, "No, I don't think anything was different when we appeared here?" Looking back to the rest of her team for confirmation.
Weiss, nodding to Blake, responds, "Yes, other than some light nausea, everything appeared to be the same as when we arrived in the other worlds, and even then the nausea itself is nothing new as we've experienced it before whilst arriving in other dimensions."
Ruby, having thought some more about it, replies, "I think I may have an idea?"
All eyes are on Ruby as she does her best to ignore them in favor of looking toward her team and asking, "Do you guys remember in the last reality where I went off with Penny for a bit while you stayed with Jaune and the rest of team Jackpot (JCKP)?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Well…" Ruby says, beginning to gesture expressively with her hands, "You see, when you all went to speak with them about everything Penny took me aside as she wanted to understand what exactly was happening to us to allow us to travel dimensions in the first place. I tried explaining the whole ancient mystical Blacksmith Goddess that lives in a tree at the edge of time, but she wasn't having it and tried taking things in a more scientific approach."
"That's understandable," Ozpin remarks as everyone turns to look at him. "Few often believe that magic is real even when presented to them, I can't begin to tell you the number of colleagues I've had over time that even after showing them definitive proof that magic exists were still skeptical about it."
"Oh no, Penny knew magic existed, and very much believed in it, she was the Winter maiden after all. Penny just really believed in the idea that magic is just science that we don't understand yet."
"Ah…I see." Ozpin sighs, reminding himself that he shouldn't be surprised anymore by what OG Team RWBY says by this point, "So what did Ms. Polendina do after that?"
"She ran a bunch of tests on me using every type of sensor that she had both built into her and generally at her disposal within her father's R&D wing at Atlas Academy. From that data, Penny deduced that there was a type of energy emitting off of us which she was able to recognize as some form of magic. What kind? Penny wasn't sure at first, only that it was coalescing around us and building up in strength over time. A process that seemed to expedite itself the closer in vicinity we were to Jaune(A). Eventually, she concluded that to figure out more she would have to analyze the portal itself as it appeared."
"Wait, is that why Penny(A) kept following us everywhere in that reality!?" exclaimed Weiss.
"Geez ice queen, I know you're used to giving people the cold shoulder, but I thought we moved past all that," Yang says, teasingly.
"You're not the one that had to explain to her that you're perfectly capable of using the bathroom by yourself!"
"Well that doesn't sound too b—"
"She tried following me into the stall!"
"Ah," Yangs says, leaning away from a justifiably irate Weiss-cream, "W-well at least you got to her to stop?"
"Hmph, I suppose, but the experience was mortifying," Weiss answers with a pout.
Weiss(A) turns toward the rest of her team and whispers, "When this is over, we're having a talk with Penny about boundaries."
The rest of R_BY(A) respond, "Agreed."
Ozpin, clearing his throat, says, "As you were saying Ms. Rose."
"So, yeah, to understand more about how we travel dimensions she needed to analyze the portal directly, and the only way she could do that was by being there when it opened again, which was why she was following the whole time. She didn't know if the portal would appear if we were all together or just separately, so she and the rest of team JCKP shadowed us until it happened. Sorry for not saying anything earlier," Ruby explained, giving an apologetic look to Weiss for not explaining Penny's(A) actions earlier.
"You are forgiven," Weiss says, looking toward Ruby, before turning away and adding, "For now."
Ruby pouts before continuing, "So the portal finally appears and Penny(A) is there checking it out and trying to make sense of all the data she's getting while the rest of us are saying our goodbyes to Jaune(A) and the rest of team JCKP. Not too long after, however, the portal starts wigging out. We've seen this happen before in other realities, where we took too long to enter through it, so as far as we can tell things were looking pretty normal. Penny(A), on the other hand, pulls me aside and I can already tell that something is up because she looks frantic. She grabs my scroll and starts fiddling with it which at the time I assumed was her trying to give me the data she collected on the portal, but then her eyes start glowing, the portal becomes that much more erratic, and while still palming my scroll with a weird blue-greenish light she tells me that 'You have to go now!'. So we grab our things and walk through the portal, but not before Penny(A) quickly hands me my scroll as I go."
Ruby finishes speaking by clapping her hands together and looking around to see everyone's reactions, but finds they're all still waiting for something.
"Okay, and?" Weiss questioned, gesturing for Ruby to go on.
"And what?"
Weiss, face palming, asks, "And what did you think happened that led to the portal not appearing by now?"
"Oh! Right, yeah, totally remembered that I was supposed to answer that," Ruby says to the belief of no one.
"Of course," Weiss says, sighing in exasperation, before asking, "So you were saying?"
"Yeah, so I think Penny(A) might have done something to my scroll that may have messed with the portal right before we left," Ruby says, nervously teetering back and forth on her tippy toes. "Unless you guys have another idea?"
Ozpin, wanting to test a theory of his own after having listened to Ruby's explanation, asks, "Ms. Rose, could I by chance see your scroll?"
Ruby looks to the rest of her team for approval, and after seeing them nod back, hands Ozpin her scroll.
As Ozpin begins to fiddle with Ruby's scroll, his eyes begin to glow with an unnatural emerald light. Faint mutterings are heard in the distance as Ozpin begins moving his hands in a variety of different motions. Arcane runes begin to appear and dance around him faintly as the mutterings intensify alongside his hand motions before finally and abruptly coming to an end. The display leaves everyone stunned as they try to understand what they just witnessed until Ozpin, unaware of the effect his display had on everyone, breaks the silence by handing Ruby back her scroll and saying, "I believe that should do it."
Ruby, still partially stunned by the display, silently retrieves her scroll noticing the now faint Teal colored runes that are now engraved onto the device.
"Professor…what did you just do?"
"Hmm, in all my years of doing this never once have I ever encountered a level of spell craft quite like this save for my own, Salem's, or whatever wanton artifacts from before the moon-shatter that somehow survived to today," Ozpin answers, further intrigued by the situation, before looking to Ruby and continuing, "Your friend Penny might just be the greatest spell-caster of your age."
"...I mean that's really nice of you to say, but that doesn't answer my question. What'd you do with my scroll?"
Ozpin, having realized he never actually answered the question, flushes before trying to cover for himself by saying, "W-well you see Ms. Rose, it just so happens that no other maiden, before your friend, has ever shown any level of mastery over their powers to be able to do this."
"And that is?"
"Well it's best to think about it is to think of it as enchanting, although in this case it would be more like runecrafting, but that's besides the point. At any rate, enchanting is imbuing an object with magic until whatever intended magical effect that was placed on it binds itself to it. This is what your friend, Penny(A), tried doing with your scroll and very nearly succeeded in had it not been for the portal collapsing so quickly as a result of what she tried doing."
"And what did she try doing?" Ruby says becoming increasingly more exasperated by the minute.
"Oh it's quite simple really," Ozpin answers, taking a sip of his coffee, "She tried turning your scroll into a magical device that would allow you to summon the dimensional portal to you at will."
Ruby, stunned once more by this revelation, can only reply, "Come again?"
Ozpin, ignoring Ruby's response, continues, "Furthermore, her spell would have allowed you to track how long it would take for the portal to be ready as well as make use of the Jaunes from the various realities you visit as makeshift radar dishes to better locate your Jaune. Quite the complex and intriguing little spell isn't it? She wasn't able to finish or you'd have been to see the loading bar on your screen that told you just how long you had until the portal was ready or even the tracker that more or less tells you whether or not you're getting closer to your Jaune, but that's beside the point."
Ruby looks at her scroll to verify what Ozpin is saying is true before turning toward him and saying, "Okay, so I get what Penny(A) tried doing, and I'm assuming what you ended up doing was finishing what she couldn't. But why do I feel like there's a catch to all of this?"
Ozpin sighs before replying, " That's because there is, and we'll get to that in a minute, but before that you must understand a couple of things. First, I didn't finish Penny's(A) work, despite my best efforts, and as you're already able to tell, having met other versions of me, I am not the wizard I once was. My powers have been greatly diminished, so while that means I can perform acts of magic, their effects are severely weakened. What that means for you, however, is that I was only able to shore up and complete the runecraft necessary for Penny's(A) intended effects to take place, but I was not able to power all of them. If you want the full scope of what Penny(A) tried to give you you'll need someone with greater magical power than I to imbue it, in particular a Maiden."
"Okay, so, that's not good," Yang says, nervously rubbing the back of her neck, before asking, "So what can it do?"
"The device will still allow you to summon the portal to you as it was Penny's(A) magical power that was imbued into it which allowed for it to function in the first place. As well as the indicator displaying how long before the portal is ready to be summoned, as I was able to at least imbue my magical power into it for it to function properly. Every other feature is inert until you can find someone suitable to power, although again I highly recommend choosing a Maiden since they would have the magical power capable of powering it. The less said about going to Salem for this the better."
"Alright, and the other things we should know?" Weiss asked.
Ozpin, readjusting himself in his chair, says, "That I've left space on the device in case you ever want to add more features to it later on. Keep in mind, I'm likely the only one who could inscribe the runes necessary for whatever you're trying to do, so once you've figured out what you want it to do, find that world's version of me and I should be able to do it. After that, have a Maiden power it and in theory it should work as intended. However, the space left for runes on the device is not infinite, at most you'll be able to put 2 or 3 additional functions depending on what you want them to do."
"That sounds reasonable, so what's the ca—" Blake tries to ask before being interrupted.
Ren, after making sure his ears worked, "Nora, please don't yell in front of the headmaster. Also, we shouldn't interrupt our friends while they're discussing with him."
"I know that Renny, but you can't tell me you weren't the least bit curious about it too," Nora says placatingly, before turning to Ozpin, "So you gonna answer it?"
Ozpin, with a fond smile on his face at Nora's antics, replies, "Of course Ms. Valkyrie, whatever it is you wish to know I'll answer to the best of my abilities."
Nora, after giving Ren a smug look, turns toward Ozpin and asks, "What's the whole difference between enchanting and runecrafting? You kept talking about one over the other saying they were the same yet different, but never explained how."
"Oh! Well that's easy Ms. Valkyrie, while both methods generally achieve the same thing, that being imbuing an object with a magical effect, the enchanting process as a whole is easier to learn, but requires a longer amount of time to produce an item with the intended magical effect and even then said item's magical effect varies in strength. Not enough to be called inconsistent, but enough that those who understand the process, and by that I mean other enchanters, can tell just by looking at it. Runecrafting in comparison is much more difficult to learn as a whole as even the slightest misstep can mean failure for the whole product, however, in return the time it takes to produce such items is greatly decreased, and the power of their intended effects is that much greater and more consistent. Think of enchanting like painting an object the intended color you want and after numerous coats of paint it finally becomes that color, whereas runecrafting is writing the name of the color you want on an object in a specific way such that when you are done it not only becomes that color it has always been that color," Ozpin finishes explaining, looks toward Nora, and with a smirk asks, "Does that answer your question?"
"Yep!" Nora says nonchalantly.
"Alright then," Ozpin says, readjusting his glasses before looking back toward Blake, "Now, Ms. Belladonna, what is it you were trying to ask earlier?"
"I was going to ask what the catch was?" Blake answers hesitantly, as if expecting someone else to interrupt her.
"Right, the catch is that once the portal has finished charging, so to speak, and is ready to be summoned you have a limited amount of time to summon it before the portal starts to lose track of your Jaune and you're thrown wildly off course."
"The device does allow you to track how long until such a thing happens, but note that the longer you wait the further off course you are sent."
This seems to be what brings everyone out of their stupor.
"You can't be serious!?"
"You're kidding right!?"
"Swear!" Ruby(A) yells, pulling out a jar from seemingly nowhere.
Yang(A) putting her hand on the jar and pushing it away, "No, no, Ruby(A) let her have this one she's earned it."
Isabelle, turning towards Ozpin, yells, "You mean to tell me that after learning everything you did from that scroll that that wasn't the first thing you thought to mention!?"
Ozpin, trying - and failing - to not look slightly (read: very) intimidated by Isabelle's fierce glare, replies, "Given the circumstances, they needed to hear everything else first. Besides, it's not as if the time it takes the portal to charge and the amount of time they have afterward to leave is the same as in every reality, although the process is sped up the closer they are to that world's version of Jaune. Each world will be nominally different, case in point, this reality where it took almost a whole day for it to charge properly due to the device's previously unstable nature."
"So we're not gonna get thrown off course?" Ruby asks, hopefully.
"Oh no, you will," Ozpin retorts, much to Ruby's dismay. "The portal finished charging this morning and it's a little past midday at this point, so while I don't know how far off course you'll be thrown off I do know that you are more than capable of dealing with whatever threat comes your way."
Yang, pounding her fist into her palm, announces, "Alright, well, what are we waiting for? We gotta find our blonde goofball of a knight, and like hell am I going to lose him over something as simple as we took too long to get him."
Blake(A) turns toward the rest of her friends and asks, "Did she just—?"
"Yes, now nobody tells her, I want her to figure it out on her own." Yang(A) responds.
"So how do we summon the portal?" Ruby asks, wanting to quickly move past what she just heard.
Ozpin points toward Ruby's scroll in her hand, gesturing for her to open it before explaining, "You'll likely notice the interface is slightly different than what you're used to and that's to be expected. Penny likely designed it as such for easier use. Simply tap onto the icon of Chibi Penny and you'll be brought to the screen that gives you all the information you need on the portal as well as a button to summon it."
"And that's it?" Ruby asks, looking to Ozpin and after gaining a nod turns to everyone else in the room, "Well I guess this is it, we shouldn't wait any longer given the risk, I wanna say tha—"
"Hold on now," Jaune says, interrupting Ruby, before stepping forward, "Before you go we should probably make sure you're properly well equipped for the journey ahead."
"I guess that's okay, but we shouldn't take too long. We're pretty late as it is," Blake mentions.
"That's alright this should only take a couple of minutes," Jaune replies, turning toward the elevator and saying, "He should be arriving with the stuff any minute now."
Before Blake can respond, the elevator doors click open revealing the well chiseled abs of one Sun Wukong. "Alright dude, I got your texts and I brought the stuff with me. Now what is this super secret mission you were talking about—" Sun asks, stunned by the appearance of two sets of team RWBY.
Jaune, after nudging Ren to help him carry in the stuff Sun brought, says, " Thanks man, you're a real one for this, and I promise I'll explain everything later. Just remember to keep your mouth shut until I do because if not I'll make sure you never find out what's going on." Jaune then proceeds to send a still stunned Sun down the elevator before turning back to OG Team RWBY with the bags in hand.
"Sooooo, what do you have there, LB?" Yang asks, curiously.
Jaune, after almost tripping over himself from hearing the nickname change, answers back, "C-care packages. Didn't want you guys to leave unprepared, so I asked my dad to help whip these up. It's all the essentials from food and water rations, to sleeping bags, and other various travel/Camping supplies, but we also put together some more personalized stuff for each of you."
Jaune hands each member of OG Team RWBY a pack filled with essentials tailored to their unique specialization. Ruby's pack is filled to the brim with various tech and repair parts, a signal jammer, as well as a scroll range extender. There's even a miniature portable hand crank generator stuffed in there much to Ruby's surprise. Weiss's pack is lined with enough dust and ammo to take on a small army, every round catered to each of their weapons with various types for just about any situation. Blake's pack is the most peculiar containing the vast majority of the team's medical supplies as well as what appears to be a hefty sum of money with a note attached stating 'For Emergencies Only'. Yang's pack is at first the most common of the four, holding the bulwark of their travel supplies, but it doesn't take long for Yang to find the extra care package hidden within from Jaune containing various travel size shampoos and conditioners as well as other hygiene products tailored to her that he no doubt learned about her needing from her other self.
OG Team RWBY turned toward Jaune, having been rendered speechless by the thoughtfulness of his gifts, to see him rubbing the back of his neck and being a little bashful.
"I know it's not a lot, and given what you all are going to do it really isn't, but hopefully this will come in handy if you're ever in a pinch," Jaunes says, shrugging.
The members of OG Team RWBY look toward one another and put on their respective packs before coming forward and, to Jaune's surprise, hug him.
"Thanks Jaune."
"Thank you Jaune."
"We're grateful for this."
"Dang it LB, you just had to go and be sweet. I-we're going to miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you guys too, and I'm thankful for all that you've been able to do for us. I hope you find your Jaune as soon as you're able to, but please promise me you'll all stay safe. Knowing me, I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to you all and I was partially responsible." Jaune admits, his eyes looking slightly downcast.
"Not happening."
"Wha— Weiss!?"
"No means no LB, so quit it with all that. You're not responsible for what happens to us, and if something does that doesn't make it your fault. Worry about your versions of us here first, and then maybe worry about us, but most importantly look after yourself, we're not the only ones who matter." Yang says, patting Jaune on the back.
Jaune smiles for a bit before continuing the hug and saying, "Thanks guys, I appreciate it."
Soon after everyone joins in on the hug, saying their own number of goodbyes and before long OG Team RWBY is summoning the portal to their next great adventure more ready than ever to deal with the trials ahead.
"If you ever decide to come back, bring souvenirs!" Ruby(A) yells out, waving goodbye.
"Yeah! And make sure some of it is an interdimensional pancake mix, momma wants to taste the multiverse!" Nora exclaims.
"Safe travels," Rens says, giving a slight bow goodbye.
"Don't forget to take notes, you never know what could be useful as reference material," reminds Blake(A).
"Or possibly against Salem," Weiss(A) adds.
"Nah, I'm with Blake(A) on this one, just tone down the smut and you've got yourself the workings of a best selling young adults novel." retorts Yang(A).
"Or a fairly decent if not somewhat under budgeted animated internet series," Jaune responds.
Yang(A), Weiss(A), and Blake(A) look to Jaune doubtfully before replying with a collective "No," albeit Blake(A) does make an argument that it could be a very well thought out piece of Mistralian manga.
"Good luck" says Isabelle, praying to the Breaker above to watch over and keep them safe along their travels.
"Fight well!" exclaimed Nick, waving around a banner that says, "GO OG TEAM RWBY!" where he got it, nobody knows.
Glynda nods goodbye and says to them, "Remember to stay vigilant, our world is dangerous enough, the multiverse will be infinitely more so."
Ozpin, raising his prized mug to the group, says, "Fair the well."
With everyone having said their piece, OG Team RWBY makes their way through the portal…, but not before Pyrrha partially runs up and quickly yells out, "Wait! I never got to say goodbye yet."
OG Team RWBY mortified that they almost forgot about Pyrrha, quickly rush in to hug her and apologize for not properly saying goodbye the first time around.
"Oh, it's alright, I understand what with everything going on, but if you really want to make it up to me then can you do me this one favor?" Pyrrha asks in as a sincere and sweet tone as possible.
"Of course!"
"No problems here!"
"Just name it and it's done!"
"Good!" Pyrrha says, wrapping her hands around all of them and squeezing them tight as she brings her face closer to theirs, and whispers, while staring intimidatingly at them, "Then here's what I want you to do. If you ever find a world that has a Jaune(A) that isn't dating anyone and a me that hasn't yet tried to claim him. You will by whatever means necessary get it through that version of me's skull to get off her ass and tell him how she feels. I lost Jaune in this reality, I'll be damned if I somehow lose him in the others just because I got cold feet every time I thought about telling him how I felt. Do we have an understanding!?"
Ruby, who was given the go ahead to try dating her Jaune from his mother, answers, "S-sure!"
Weiss, who has had a crush on Jaune since he saved her at Haven and has been actively trying to get other versions of her with him in their respective universe, responds, " Yup, consider it done!"
Yang, who got the encouragement to try to pursue her Jaune from both her other self and his mom, replies, "Will do!"
Blake, who has no stakes in the game, but knows all of what her friends have been doing and are going to try to do, smirks and says, "Sure thing."
Pyrrha releases them, and like that, the OG Team RWBY head off to their next great adventure.
Omake: When Penny met Penny(A).
After obtaining the digital files containing numerous upgrades for a variety of her components from General Ironwood, Penny begins to sort through the data with gusto, comparing parts and efficiently going over what needs to be done first to be combat ready in time for the festival. Nearly an hour passes before she stumbles upon a series of broken strings of code that have seemingly no rhyme or reason to be in the places they were. Rather than discard them, however, Penny congregates them until they form a fully functioning video file titled, " To Me." Opening the file, Penny is mystified at seeing herself, but looking slightly older, this confuses her until her other self begins speaking.
"Salutations! If you're watching this, then you must be the other version of me with whom the parallel Team RWBY was able to give this digital file set. If not, then you are an intruder and should know that this file comes with a virus that will destroy whatever computer device you are viewing this on."
Penny had already been aware of the virus and purged it before it became a problem to her, admiring her other self's excellent planning at thinking ahead before continuing to watch the video.
"Now then you might be wondering why I left this video for you. The answer is simple. I wish to help you achieve ultimate happiness by gaining the one thing we truly crave the most, true companionship."
If Penny wasn't intrigued before, she was now seeing as what her other self was offering was everything she had ever dreamed of having since she was just a computer program on her father's laptop.
"Here's what you have to do," Penny(A) says, bringing up a picture of a familiar-looking Blonde knight.
Soon Penny was writing up plans to get her man. So what if he already sort of had a wife, from what she's learned on the internet, harem endings are the best kind of endings.
Not counting this reality, OG Team RWBY has been to at least 6 separate realities thus far. Raptor Jaune verse, Cowboy Jaune verse, Jaune x May verse, Jaune x Arslan verse, [dealer's choice], and Jaune x Penny/ Second choice expy verse.
They were able to stay in this dimension so long because of Penny. Her upgrades to Ruby's scroll weren't just technological, but also magical. The spell she tried crafting into the scroll allowed OG Team RWBY to be able to summon the dimensional portal on their own by essentially absorbing the energy that came off of them, which they received from the Blacksmith, to charge it up manually rather than wait for it to appear. In addition, it utilizes Jaune(A) as a makeshift radar dish to locate their Jaune. Penny wasn't able to fully complete the spell, however, so OG Team RWBY didn't have a way of knowing it existed, let alone whether or not it worked. Penny couldn't tell them in time because the portal eventually closes and OG Team RWBY is not sure what happens if it does and they're not through it. So it was a rush job with the hope that OG Team RWBY would somehow figure it out. Ozpin compliments the attempt and does his best to finish what Penny started so that OG Team RWBY can more easily travel the multiverse. But like all magic it comes with a catch. First, the time it takes to charge the portal varies in reality, so in some cases, they could expect to be there a few days, while in others, they only have a few hours. Second, this process is sped up the closer they are to Jaune(A) as it uses him to triangulate where their Jaune is. Third, once the portal is charged, they'll have a certain amount of time to activate it; if they wait too long, they risk overcharging it and sending them off course.
Ruby - Tech/Repair pack
Weiss - Dust/Ammo pack
Blake - Medical pack + funds
Yang - Travel/Camping pack (heaviest/bulkiest)
Some things to know going forward:
- Character-Name(A) refers to a character's alternate selves (Ex: Jaune(A))
- Character-Name by itself refers to the OG character (Ex: Jaune)
- This is for when both characters are in the same room or are being referred to as their alternate
Canon RWBY Meets "In the Family Way": RWBY One-Shot 2: Electric Boogaloo
Isabelle thinking on what she's learned and what she's going to do about it as well as how she's going to help these kids
The gangs' reaction to pregnant Yang and their Yang passing out + Ruby hugging Pyrrha + Both Blake criticizing one another + The Schnees sizing each other up + The alternate Team RWBYJNPR reacting to what OG RWBY has to say + sad boy hours + call to arms
Isabelle talking with everyone as best she can, Ruby + Weiss, or Blake + Blake, or Weiss + Yang, when she wakes up
OG yang finally wakes up in the nurse's office and is filled in on what she missed + a real convo with her alternate self + talk about relationships + motherhood + fears + OG Yang's robot arm + battle strategies + weapon and outfit upgrades + alternate Yang giving tips for if/when OG Yang wants to get with her Jaune on how to get him + fluff and blushes all around
Isabelle and OG Yang have a heart-to-heart, + a real functional and almost non-problematic mother's affection + Surrogate mom advice + comfort + hugs + acceptance + "I didn't realize how much I needed that"/"say that"/"hear that"
OG Yang's thoughts on everything and steeling her resolve
OG Yang asking Pyrrha for permission to date Jaune, should she end up going that route after they find their Jaune + Pyrrha's approval/acceptance and understanding + Pyrrha's teasing + Nora's teasing + tired Ren + the rest OG RWBY revealing to have listened in and teasing Yang for it because when are they ever going to get another chance
A quiet moment + A day of rest
Final meetings + strategies going forward + ammo and travel gear resupply + possible outfit change + Portal opens + The Last Goodbye (by The Gregory Brothers) + a kiss for good luck + a new adventure begins
Isabelle's thoughts on everything + talks with Ozpin
The gang talks to one another. Minus OG Yang who is sleeping in a medical cot. Explain who they are, where they've been, as well as the unique Jaunes they've met on their travels. Such as Raptor Jaune, Cowboy Jaune, Atlas Jaune.
Isabell to Ruby talk + comfort + much needed therapy/mother figure + confessions + Isabelle securing the Arc-Rose Bloodline +?
Weiss(A) to Weiss talk + ends with Weiss(A) taking Weiss to Coco to get better outfits for her and the rest of the team.
Blake to Blake(A) talk + Parents + Learning not to be a stray + ears out and I'm proud of it + a possible Shitty Kitty Ending averted + How to cat from a seasoned Troll Cat veteran + literary exchange
Yang(A) to Yang talk
Isabelle to Yang talk
Yang to everyone, but mostly Pyrrha talk
Ruby(A) to Ruby talk, ends with Ruby(A) gifting Crescent Rose to Ruby because she understands that without her weapon she's powerless, and with Ruby running around the multiverse she needs something reliable to help protect herself, her team, and anyone else they come across that needs saving. Besides, it's not like she, Ruby(A), can't build another one, and on the off chance Ruby decides to come back to return Crescent Rose, she, Ruby(A), will have a weapon that will have slain monsters from across time and space. Also, Silver eyes, the sakaras having info on them, and Maria, her mentor.
Addendum: If Ruby still has Crescent Rose, it is not the original, the one she got from the Ever-After is different in that it looks like a permanent hard light version of her scythe. Think Penny's Sword array after she became a Maiden.
Night time shenanigans + Rest and reflection + cleaning up + Breakfast in the dorm common room
"Is there anything else we should know before you head off?" Ozpin asked, readjusting in his seat, "Perhaps something you learned from a previous reality that you visited?"
OG Team RWBY look to themselves and try to remember anything significant from the other realities that could help the people here. Weiss then gets an idea, steps forward, and asks "The name Maia Sakara wouldn't happen to ring any bells here now, would it?"
OG Weiss and the rest of her team watch as each Arc within the room gives a pained look of recognition at the name. "Yes, we know that name. It's the name for the deceased daughter of our former teammates, Arjun and Saia Sakara," Isabelle speaks up before placing her head in a look of remorse and guilt. Nick sees his wife in distress and comforts her, eventually calming her down enough to continue speaking.
However, before she can start up again, Weiss quickly interjects, "N-no need to continue, we already got informed of this from a Jaune in another reality. I just wanted to confirm that she exists here too."
"Why would you need to confirm that?" asks Jaune.
"Because, if what we learned in the other reality is true, then she's still alive in this one."
"She's alive!? Wha- How?" asks Isabelle, staring at Weiss in sheer disbelief.
"While visiting other realities in search of our Jaune we stumbled upon a Jaune(A) who was dating her at the time. Both Jaune(A) and Maia(A) or May(A), as she went by in that reality, explained that her kidnappers decided to raise her instead of killing her as a baby. She grew up in a remote village in Vacou before eventually making her way into Shade, her 'parents' having died long before then. When the time came for the Vytal festival to begin, her team was one of the few from shade to qualify and participate in the tournament. From there she makes her way to Beacon, meets Jaune(A), becomes friends, and later starts dating. This leads him to introduce her to his Godparents who immediately recognize her as their daughter, and the rest as they say is history."
Nary a sound is made after Weiss finishes her tale until Nick, in an almost hurt tone, asks Jaune, "You introduced your girlfriend to your Uncle Arjun before me?"
"Yeah shame on you Jaune-Jaune," Nora teasingly remarks.
"What!? But that's not me. I didn't do that," Jaune sputters before looking to Yang(A) with pleading eyes. "Tell them Yang(A) you were there."
Yang(A), dramatically looking away in the distance with a hand covering her mouth to try and stifle her laughter, responds, "I can't believe you would do that to your father, Jaune. What kind of example are we setting for our children if this is how you treat your parents?"
Jaune, looking to the rest of his friends for help and only finding more of the same judging eyes before him, responds, "Really?"
Pyrrha walks up to Jaune placing a hand on his shoulder and says to him while also doing her best to hold in her laughter, "Really really."
This is when Nora starts laughing, unable to hold it in any longer, which gets everyone else to let loose too.
"You guys are awful," Jaune says with a pout.
Amidst the laughter, Isabelle sighed, looked at her husband, and asked him, "Did you have to embarrass our son like that?"
Nick, smiling ear to ear, looks to his wife and says, "Yup, and besides it was getting too heavy earlier."
"And I'm sure it has nothing to do with that bet you have with Arjun about who Jaune shows his girlfriend off to first."
"I have no idea what you're talking about," says Nick, trying and failing to hide his nervousness at getting caught.
"In Jaune's defense, that world's version of Jaune's parents arrived much later than his Godparents did at the time," Weiss responds.
The three teams continue laughing before calming down once more.
"Now Jaune's actions aside, is there anything else?" Ozpin inquired.
Ruby thinks for a minute before answering, "Well there's that thing between Pyrrha and Arslan, but it's not all that important, just something I'd thought I'd mention in case that was a thing here too."
"Me and who, exactly?" Pyrrha replies, confused as to why the name sounds familiar, but she's unable to put a face to it.
"She's supposed to be your rival," Ruby responds, nervously fiddling with her combat skirt as she does. "At least that's what she told us in the reality where she ends up dating Jaune(A)."
Pyrrha, now sporting an annoyed look, says, "Ah, yes, that Arslan. The table monk who kept challenging me to spars throughout my tournament and Sanctum years." Looks up to Ruby, and says in an exasperated tone, "I assume that's who they're talking about?"
"Yeah," Ruby says even more nervously. "I take it you two aren't friends in this universe?"
Pyrrha sighs, responding, "Kind of, it's sort of like a one-sided rivalry where she thinks we're destined rivals to one another, and that somehow gives her a reason to challenge me to a spar constantly. I'm not saying I hate her, but it gets tiring after a while, especially when I don't even know why she's so focused on me. I mean, I've had people hate me before and try to challenge me so they can prove they're better, yet despite the countless defeats, she keeps coming back to challenge me whereas most would have given up at this point. "
Before Pyrrha can continue, Jaune lightly taps on her shoulder and asks, " Um, Pyrrha, do you know what being a Rival means in the table breaker religion?"
"...that we're enemies?" Pyrrha answers confused.
"Pyrrha, for followers of the table breaker, a Rival refers to a life-long friend that helps keep you at your best by constantly challenging you to do better."
Pyrrha becomes almost silent when she hears this, thinking back to all of her and Arslan's interactions before asking, "So all those times she was challenging me to a spar and stating she was my Rival she was just reiterating our friendship and wanting to hang out?"
Getting a nod from Jaune, Pyrrha becomes melancholy at the wasted opportunities for a deeper friendship that would have grown had she known better. Jaune seeing Pyrrha like this, hugs her, which triggers everyone else to do the same. They stay like that for a bit until Pyrrha taps out explaining that she's fine and will just need more time to think on this. Everyone except for Nora moves away, Nora is unrepentant, and her eyes all but dare Pyrrha to tell her to stop hugging her. Pyrrha allows Nora to stay and turns her attention back to the rest of OG Team RWBY.
"Was it like this in that world too?" Jaune asks, once he's sure that Pyrrha is okay.
"I mean sorta," Ruby says, rubbing the back of her neck, "From what Arlsan(A) and Jaune(A) told us in that reality their Pyrrha(A) reacted more apologetically. Wanting more to assure Arslan that there was no beef between them, as that was what she thought Arslan(A) meant when she said they were Rivals."
"Yeah that sounds like Pyr would do," Jaune says fondly, much to Pyrrha's embarrassment.
"Yeah, apparently the whole reason Arslan(A) didn't explain anything at first was because she thought Pyrrha(A) already knew what she was talking about."
"Why would she think that?" Jaune asks, confused.
"Because her mom and Pyrrha's(A) mom were also Rivals at some point."
"My mom's not a fighter. She's an actress, how could Arslan's mom possibly be Rivals with her?" questioned Pyrrha, becoming more confused.
"Oh! Arslan's mom is also an actress. I think her name was Basara Altan. She and your mom went head to head competing for many acting roles for movies, and many of the films they starred in competed for various awards for which they were both nominated."
Pyrrha pulling out her scroll and looking at her mother's IMDB page, notices that Basara Altan was a notable figure in her mother's acting career. "And she never even thought to tell me about it," Pyrrha mutters.
"So what else you got," Nora cuts in, trying to avoid awkward silences.
Yang pipes up before the rest of OG Team RWBY can speak, "We fought an evil mad scientist. Did you guys also fight one?"
"NO!" yelled an irate Nora, Ruby(A), and Yang(A).
"Are you telling me I'm going to miss out on an amazing adventure fighting that has us pitted against one of the best villain archetypes in comic book history!" yells an upset Yang(A) before smacking Jaune on the arm, "Breaker dang it Jaune, you just had to knock me up now of all times!"
"First off, OW!" Jaune says, rubbing his arm. "Second off, I'm sorry for denying you an adventure. I'll consider that for next time," Jaune says, comforting an irate Yang(A).
Yang(A), slightly red-faced by his response, replies with a pout, "You better."
"So who's this mad scientist we fight!? Momma's looking to add to her leg breaking resume!" Nora exclaims, and Ruby(A) nods in agreement.
"I think his name was Merlot?" Yang says, trying to hide her blush at seeing her counterparts' affectionate behavior with Jaune.
Ozpin, alarmed by the name Yang brought up, asks, "This mad scientist you speak of wouldn't happen to be one Dr. Merlot, wouldn't it? The same Dr. Merlot who is partially responsible for the destruction of the Mt. Glenn expansion by illegally transporting Grimm into the city so that he could experiment on them. A man who by all accounts should be and was confirmed dead following the disaster."
"Uhhhhh, yeah," Yang awkwardly responds, noticing the growing looks of hatred on the older adults' faces.
Ozpin, leaning forward on his desk, says, "Ms. Xiao-Long, tell us everything."
OG Team RWBY then explains, as best they can, the plot of RWBY: Grimm Eclipse. By the time they finished Ozpin was holding his face in his hand, Glynda looked ready to snap her riding crop, Jaune's parents were silently communicating with one another about how best to destroy an island in one go, Ruby(A) was practically vibrating in excitement alongside Nora, and Yang(A) was even angrier than before.
"Giant robots, mutated super grimm, and a hidden laboratory base on a top secret island paradise!" Yang(A) yelled at Jaune, aggressively poking his chest afterward, " You. Owe. Me. Big."
Jaune puts his hands up, and tries to calm her by saying, "How about I rub your tired feet when this is over? Will that make it feel better about potentially missing out on this adventure?"
"It might, but if you add a back massage," adds Yang(A).
"Foot and back rub got it."
"And a fully drawn bath later."
"Consider it done."
"And more of those chocolate covered pickles. Damn cravings, I swear to the Breaker above, I can't wait for those to be over with."
Jaune slowly puts his hands down, and says, "I'll get Weiss(A) to deliver it to our room by the end of the day."
"Wha— Why do I have to get your disgusting food?" berated an irate Weiss(A).
Jaune stared at Weiss(A), and without skipping a beat, "Because that's the price you pay for wanting to hold our baby after they're born."
Weiss(A), wearing a shocked expression, begrudgingly responds, "Fair enough, I'll make some calls."
"So I guess that just leaves you, huh, Blake?" Nora says enthusiastically.
"What?" Blake responds, confused.
"Oh, come on, don't be shy. Everybody else told a story, now it's your turn."
"Nora, I don't…"
"Do you seriously have nothing to say? Nothing at all? Infinite possibilities and you can't think of one thing," Nora asks, becoming impatient.
"Nora, we've been to at most six dimensions. Not all of them are gonna have—"
Nora interrupts her saying, "I'm waiting."
Blake looks to Ren for help, but gets only an exasperated sigh from him toward Nora's antics. Looking back at Nora, she sighs, turns to Jaune, and asks, "Do you have a horse?"
"Uh, yeah. Her name is Epona. Why? Does something happen to her!?" Jaune asks, becoming panicked.
Blake, turning back to Nora, asks, "Satisfied?"
"Yep!" Nora happily responds.
"But, seriously, does something happen to my horse?" Jaune asks again.
"If that is truly everything then I'd say we can adjourn for today," Ozpin interjects. "There is much we must ruminate on given this new set of information and I have no doubt after all this time here you must be wanting to move on to your next destination. So with that, you have my permission to search with your other selves the location of the portal that will send you on your way. Once found, you'll inform the rest of us of its location so we can properly send you off."
OG Team RWBY looked at each for a second before turning back to Ozpin wearing confused expressions.
"Um, Headmaster Ozpin, I know we should have asked this earlier when you said it, but what do you mean by head off?" Ruby asked, scratching her head, "The portal usually just shows up wherever we're at so there's no need for us to go looking for it."
"Ah, I see. It seems I may have misinterpreted how your dimensional travel works from our previous conversations," Ozpin responds, readjusting his glasses, "Tell me then how long before the portal opens so that we may be able to give you the necessary supplies for your journey ahead?"
Yang, nervously massaging her hair, replies, "We don't know. It usually shows up some time after we meet up with that world's version of Jaune. Honestly, now that I think about it, this is probably the longest we've been in a reality without the portal opening up."
The room is silent as everyone looks toward OG Team RWBY with shock and worry at what they've just heard.
Glynda, having just gotten over her shock, takes off her spectacles to pinch the bridge of her nose, and asks, in a increasingly irate tone of voice, "You mean tell us that for the entire time you've been here you knew that that the portal not showing up sooner was not a normal occurrence and you didn't think to say anything!?"
OG Team RWBY flinches before collectively responding, "Yes?"
Glynda slumps while Nick laughs as Ozpin gives off an amused expression and Isabelle with a palm to her face mutters, "These are ones I've tasked with saving my son?"
"Hehe, now if that's over I must ask," Ozpin inquires, sitting up in his chair and becoming serious once more, "Is there anything you remember that went differently with your arrival to this reality that may explain why the portal hasn't appeared as of yet?"
OG Team RWBY thinks for a moment before Blake answers, "No, I don't think anything was different when we appeared here?" Looking back to the rest of her team for confirmation.
Weiss, nodding to Blake, responds, "Yes, other than some light nausea, everything appeared to be the same as when we arrived in the other worlds, and even then the nausea itself is nothing new as we've experienced it before whilst arriving in other dimensions."
Ruby, having thought some more about it, replies, "I think I may have an idea?"
All eyes are on Ruby as she does her best to ignore them in favor of looking toward her team and asking, "Do you guys remember in the last reality where I went off with Penny for a bit while you stayed with Jaune and the rest of team Jackpot (JCKP)?"
"Uh, yeah."
"Well…" Ruby says, beginning to gesture expressively with her hands, "You see, when you all went to speak with them about everything Penny took me aside as she wanted to understand what exactly was happening to us to allow us to travel dimensions in the first place. I tried explaining the whole ancient mystical Blacksmith Goddess that lives in a tree at the edge of time, but she wasn't having it and tried taking things in a more scientific approach."
"That's understandable," Ozpin remarks as everyone turns to look at him. "Few often believe that magic is real even when presented to them, I can't begin to tell you the number of colleagues I've had over time that even after showing them definitive proof that magic exists were still skeptical about it."
"Oh no, Penny knew magic existed, and very much believed in it, she was the Winter maiden after all. Penny just really believed in the idea that magic is just science that we don't understand yet."
"Ah…I see." Ozpin sighs, reminding himself that he shouldn't be surprised anymore by what OG Team RWBY says by this point, "So what did Ms. Polendina do after that?"
"She ran a bunch of tests on me using every type of sensor that she had both built into her and generally at her disposal within her father's R&D wing at Atlas Academy. From that data, Penny deduced that there was a type of energy emitting off of us which she was able to recognize as some form of magic. What kind? Penny wasn't sure at first, only that it was coalescing around us and building up in strength over time. A process that seemed to expedite itself the closer in vicinity we were to Jaune(A). Eventually, she concluded that to figure out more she would have to analyze the portal itself as it appeared."
"Wait, is that why Penny(A) kept following us everywhere in that reality!?" exclaimed Weiss.
"Geez ice queen, I know you're used to giving people the cold shoulder, but I thought we moved past all that," Yang says, teasingly.
"You're not the one that had to explain to her that you're perfectly capable of using the bathroom by yourself!"
"Well that doesn't sound too b—"
"She tried following me into the stall!"
"Ah," Yangs says, leaning away from a justifiably irate Weiss-cream, "W-well at least you got to her to stop?"
"Hmph, I suppose, but the experience was mortifying," Weiss answers with a pout.
Weiss(A) turns toward the rest of her team and whispers, "When this is over, we're having a talk with Penny about boundaries."
The rest of R_BY(A) respond, "Agreed."
Ozpin, clearing his throat, says, "As you were saying Ms. Rose."
"So, yeah, to understand more about how we travel dimensions she needed to analyze the portal directly, and the only way she could do that was by being there when it opened again, which was why she was following the whole time. She didn't know if the portal would appear if we were all together or just separately, so she and the rest of team JCKP shadowed us until it happened. Sorry for not saying anything earlier," Ruby explained, giving an apologetic look to Weiss for not explaining Penny's(A) actions earlier.
"You are forgiven," Weiss says, looking toward Ruby, before turning away and adding, "For now."
Ruby pouts before continuing, "So the portal finally appears and Penny(A) is there checking it out and trying to make sense of all the data she's getting while the rest of us are saying our goodbyes to Jaune(A) and the rest of team JCKP. Not too long after, however, the portal starts wigging out. We've seen this happen before in other realities, where we took too long to enter through it, so as far as we can tell things were looking pretty normal. Penny(A), on the other hand, pulls me aside and I can already tell that something is up because she looks frantic. She grabs my scroll and starts fiddling with it which at the time I assumed was her trying to give me the data she collected on the portal, but then her eyes start glowing, the portal becomes that much more erratic, and while still palming my scroll with a weird blue-greenish light she tells me that 'You have to go now!'. So we grab our things and walk through the portal, but not before Penny(A) quickly hands me my scroll as I go."
Ruby finishes speaking by clapping her hands together and looking around to see everyone's reactions, but finds they're all still waiting for something.
"Okay, and?" Weiss questioned, gesturing for Ruby to go on.
"And what?"
Weiss, face palming, asks, "And what did you think happened that led to the portal not appearing by now?"
"Oh! Right, yeah, totally remembered that I was supposed to answer that," Ruby says to the belief of no one.
"Of course," Weiss says, sighing in exasperation, before asking, "So you were saying?"
"Yeah, so I think Penny(A) might have done something to my scroll that may have messed with the portal right before we left," Ruby says, nervously teetering back and forth on her tippy toes. "Unless you guys have another idea?"
Ozpin, wanting to test a theory of his own after having listened to Ruby's explanation, asks, "Ms. Rose, could I by chance see your scroll?"
Ruby looks to the rest of her team for approval, and after seeing them nod back, hands Ozpin her scroll.
As Ozpin begins to fiddle with Ruby's scroll, his eyes begin to glow with an unnatural emerald light. Faint mutterings are heard in the distance as Ozpin begins moving his hands in a variety of different motions. Arcane runes begin to appear and dance around him faintly as the mutterings intensify alongside his hand motions before finally and abruptly coming to an end. The display leaves everyone stunned as they try to understand what they just witnessed until Ozpin, unaware of the effect his display had on everyone, breaks the silence by handing Ruby back her scroll and saying, "I believe that should do it."
Ruby, still partially stunned by the display, silently retrieves her scroll noticing the now faint Teal colored runes that are now engraved onto the device.
"Professor…what did you just do?"
"Hmm, in all my years of doing this never once have I ever encountered a level of spell craft quite like this save for my own, Salem's, or whatever wanton artifacts from before the moon-shatter that somehow survived to today," Ozpin answers, further intrigued by the situation, before looking to Ruby and continuing, "Your friend Penny might just be the greatest spell-caster of your age."
"...I mean that's really nice of you to say, but that doesn't answer my question. What'd you do with my scroll?"
Ozpin, having realized he never actually answered the question, flushes before trying to cover for himself by saying, "W-well you see Ms. Rose, it just so happens that no other maiden, before your friend, has ever shown any level of mastery over their powers to be able to do this."
"And that is?"
"Well it's best to think about it is to think of it as enchanting, although in this case it would be more like runecrafting, but that's besides the point. At any rate, enchanting is imbuing an object with magic until whatever intended magical effect that was placed on it binds itself to it. This is what your friend, Penny(A), tried doing with your scroll and very nearly succeeded in had it not been for the portal collapsing so quickly as a result of what she tried doing."
"And what did she try doing?" Ruby says becoming increasingly more exasperated by the minute.
"Oh it's quite simple really," Ozpin answers, taking a sip of his coffee, "She tried turning your scroll into a magical device that would allow you to summon the dimensional portal to you at will."
Ruby, stunned once more by this revelation, can only reply, "Come again?"
Ozpin, ignoring Ruby's response, continues, "Furthermore, her spell would have allowed you to track how long it would take for the portal to be ready as well as make use of the Jaunes from the various realities you visit as makeshift radar dishes to better locate your Jaune. Quite the complex and intriguing little spell isn't it? She wasn't able to finish or you'd have been to see the loading bar on your screen that told you just how long you had until the portal was ready or even the tracker that more or less tells you whether or not you're getting closer to your Jaune, but that's beside the point."
Ruby looks at her scroll to verify what Ozpin is saying is true before turning toward him and saying, "Okay, so I get what Penny(A) tried doing, and I'm assuming what you ended up doing was finishing what she couldn't. But why do I feel like there's a catch to all of this?"
Ozpin sighs before replying, " That's because there is, and we'll get to that in a minute, but before that you must understand a couple of things. First, I didn't finish Penny's(A) work, despite my best efforts, and as you're already able to tell, having met other versions of me, I am not the wizard I once was. My powers have been greatly diminished, so while that means I can perform acts of magic, their effects are severely weakened. What that means for you, however, is that I was only able to shore up and complete the runecraft necessary for Penny's(A) intended effects to take place, but I was not able to power all of them. If you want the full scope of what Penny(A) tried to give you you'll need someone with greater magical power than I to imbue it, in particular a Maiden."
"Okay, so, that's not good," Yang says, nervously rubbing the back of her neck, before asking, "So what can it do?"
"The device will still allow you to summon the portal to you as it was Penny's(A) magical power that was imbued into it which allowed for it to function in the first place. As well as the indicator displaying how long before the portal is ready to be summoned, as I was able to at least imbue my magical power into it for it to function properly. Every other feature is inert until you can find someone suitable to power, although again I highly recommend choosing a Maiden since they would have the magical power capable of powering it. The less said about going to Salem for this the better."
"Alright, and the other things we should know?" Weiss asked.
Ozpin, readjusting himself in his chair, says, "That I've left space on the device in case you ever want to add more features to it later on. Keep in mind, I'm likely the only one who could inscribe the runes necessary for whatever you're trying to do, so once you've figured out what you want it to do, find that world's version of me and I should be able to do it. After that, have a Maiden power it and in theory it should work as intended. However, the space left for runes on the device is not infinite, at most you'll be able to put 2 or 3 additional functions depending on what you want them to do."
"That sounds reasonable, so what's the ca—" Blake tries to ask before being interrupted.
Ren, after making sure his ears worked, "Nora, please don't yell in front of the headmaster. Also, we shouldn't interrupt our friends while they're discussing with him."
"I know that Renny, but you can't tell me you weren't the least bit curious about it too," Nora says placatingly, before turning to Ozpin, "So you gonna answer it?"
Ozpin, with a fond smile on his face at Nora's antics, replies, "Of course Ms. Valkyrie, whatever it is you wish to know I'll answer to the best of my abilities."
Nora, after giving Ren a smug look, turns toward Ozpin and asks, "What's the whole difference between enchanting and runecrafting? You kept talking about one over the other saying they were the same yet different, but never explained how."
"Oh! Well that's easy Ms. Valkyrie, while both methods generally achieve the same thing, that being imbuing an object with a magical effect, the enchanting process as a whole is easier to learn, but requires a longer amount of time to produce an item with the intended magical effect and even then said item's magical effect varies in strength. Not enough to be called inconsistent, but enough that those who understand the process, and by that I mean other enchanters, can tell just by looking at it. Runecrafting in comparison is much more difficult to learn as a whole as even the slightest misstep can mean failure for the whole product, however, in return the time it takes to produce such items is greatly decreased, and the power of their intended effects is that much greater and more consistent. Think of enchanting like painting an object the intended color you want and after numerous coats of paint it finally becomes that color, whereas runecrafting is writing the name of the color you want on an object in a specific way such that when you are done it not only becomes that color it has always been that color," Ozpin finishes explaining, looks toward Nora, and with a smirk asks, "Does that answer your question?"
"Yep!" Nora says nonchalantly.
"Alright then," Ozpin says, readjusting his glasses before looking back toward Blake, "Now, Ms. Belladonna, what is it you were trying to ask earlier?"
"I was going to ask what the catch was?" Blake answers hesitantly, as if expecting someone else to interrupt her.
"Right, the catch is that once the portal has finished charging, so to speak, and is ready to be summoned you have a limited amount of time to summon it before the portal starts to lose track of your Jaune and you're thrown wildly off course."
"The device does allow you to track how long until such a thing happens, but note that the longer you wait the further off course you are sent."
This seems to be what brings everyone out of their stupor.
"You can't be serious!?"
"You're kidding right!?"
"Swear!" Ruby(A) yells, pulling out a jar from seemingly nowhere.
Yang(A) putting her hand on the jar and pushing it away, "No, no, Ruby(A) let her have this one she's earned it."
Isabelle, turning towards Ozpin, yells, "You mean to tell me that after learning everything you did from that scroll that that wasn't the first thing you thought to mention!?"
Ozpin, trying - and failing - to not look slightly (read: very) intimidated by Isabelle's fierce glare, replies, "Given the circumstances, they needed to hear everything else first. Besides, it's not as if the time it takes the portal to charge and the amount of time they have afterward to leave is the same as in every reality, although the process is sped up the closer they are to that world's version of Jaune. Each world will be nominally different, case in point, this reality where it took almost a whole day for it to charge properly due to the device's previously unstable nature."
"So we're not gonna get thrown off course?" Ruby asks, hopefully.
"Oh no, you will," Ozpin retorts, much to Ruby's dismay. "The portal finished charging this morning and it's a little past midday at this point, so while I don't know how far off course you'll be thrown off I do know that you are more than capable of dealing with whatever threat comes your way."
Yang, pounding her fist into her palm, announces, "Alright, well, what are we waiting for? We gotta find our blonde goofball of a knight, and like hell am I going to lose him over something as simple as we took too long to get him."
Blake(A) turns toward the rest of her friends and asks, "Did she just—?"
"Yes, now nobody tells her, I want her to figure it out on her own." Yang(A) responds.
"So how do we summon the portal?" Ruby asks, wanting to quickly move past what she just heard.
Ozpin points toward Ruby's scroll in her hand, gesturing for her to open it before explaining, "You'll likely notice the interface is slightly different than what you're used to and that's to be expected. Penny likely designed it as such for easier use. Simply tap onto the icon of Chibi Penny and you'll be brought to the screen that gives you all the information you need on the portal as well as a button to summon it."
"And that's it?" Ruby asks, looking to Ozpin and after gaining a nod turns to everyone else in the room, "Well I guess this is it, we shouldn't wait any longer given the risk, I wanna say tha—"
"Hold on now," Jaune says, interrupting Ruby, before stepping forward, "Before you go we should probably make sure you're properly well equipped for the journey ahead."
"I guess that's okay, but we shouldn't take too long. We're pretty late as it is," Blake mentions.
"That's alright this should only take a couple of minutes," Jaune replies, turning toward the elevator and saying, "He should be arriving with the stuff any minute now."
Before Blake can respond, the elevator doors click open revealing the well chiseled abs of one Sun Wukong. "Alright dude, I got your texts and I brought the stuff with me. Now what is this super secret mission you were talking about—" Sun asks, stunned by the appearance of two sets of team RWBY.
Jaune, after nudging Ren to help him carry in the stuff Sun brought, says, " Thanks man, you're a real one for this, and I promise I'll explain everything later. Just remember to keep your mouth shut until I do because if not I'll make sure you never find out what's going on." Jaune then proceeds to send a still stunned Sun down the elevator before turning back to OG Team RWBY with the bags in hand.
"Sooooo, what do you have there, LB?" Yang asks, curiously.
Jaune, after almost tripping over himself from hearing the nickname change, answers back, "C-care packages. Didn't want you guys to leave unprepared, so I asked my dad to help whip these up. It's all the essentials from food and water rations, to sleeping bags, and other various travel/Camping supplies, but we also put together some more personalized stuff for each of you."
Jaune hands each member of OG Team RWBY a pack filled with essentials tailored to their unique specialization. Ruby's pack is filled to the brim with various tech and repair parts, a signal jammer, as well as a scroll range extender. There's even a miniature portable hand crank generator stuffed in there much to Ruby's surprise. Weiss's pack is lined with enough dust and ammo to take on a small army, every round catered to each of their weapons with various types for just about any situation. Blake's pack is the most peculiar containing the vast majority of the team's medical supplies as well as what appears to be a hefty sum of money with a note attached stating 'For Emergencies Only'. Yang's pack is at first the most common of the four, holding the bulwark of their travel supplies, but it doesn't take long for Yang to find the extra care package hidden within from Jaune containing various travel size shampoos and conditioners as well as other hygiene products tailored to her that he no doubt learned about her needing from her other self.
OG Team RWBY turned toward Jaune, having been rendered speechless by the thoughtfulness of his gifts, to see him rubbing the back of his neck and being a little bashful.
"I know it's not a lot, and given what you all are going to do it really isn't, but hopefully this will come in handy if you're ever in a pinch," Jaunes says, shrugging.
The members of OG Team RWBY look toward one another and put on their respective packs before coming forward and, to Jaune's surprise, hug him.
"Thanks Jaune."
"Thank you Jaune."
"We're grateful for this."
"Dang it LB, you just had to go and be sweet. I-we're going to miss you."
"I'm gonna miss you guys too, and I'm thankful for all that you've been able to do for us. I hope you find your Jaune as soon as you're able to, but please promise me you'll all stay safe. Knowing me, I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to you all and I was partially responsible." Jaune admits, his eyes looking slightly downcast.
"Not happening."
"Wha— Weiss!?"
"No means no LB, so quit it with all that. You're not responsible for what happens to us, and if something does that doesn't make it your fault. Worry about your versions of us here first, and then maybe worry about us, but most importantly look after yourself, we're not the only ones who matter." Yang says, patting Jaune on the back.
Jaune smiles for a bit before continuing the hug and saying, "Thanks guys, I appreciate it."
Soon after everyone joins in on the hug, saying their own number of goodbyes and before long OG Team RWBY is summoning the portal to their next great adventure more ready than ever to deal with the trials ahead.
"If you ever decide to come back, bring souvenirs!" Ruby(A) yells out, waving goodbye.
"Yeah! And make sure some of it is an interdimensional pancake mix, momma wants to taste the multiverse!" Nora exclaims.
"Safe travels," Rens says, giving a slight bow goodbye.
"Don't forget to take notes, you never know what could be useful as reference material," reminds Blake(A).
"Or possibly against Salem," Weiss(A) adds.
"Nah, I'm with Blake(A) on this one, just tone down the smut and you've got yourself the workings of a best selling young adults novel." retorts Yang(A).
"Or a fairly decent if not somewhat under budgeted animated internet series," Jaune responds.
Yang(A), Weiss(A), and Blake(A) look to Jaune doubtfully before replying with a collective "No," albeit Blake(A) does make an argument that it could be a very well thought out piece of Mistralian manga.
"Good luck" says Isabelle, praying to the Breaker above to watch over and keep them safe along their travels.
"Fight well!" exclaimed Nick, waving around a banner that says, "GO OG TEAM RWBY!" where he got it, nobody knows.
Glynda nods goodbye and says to them, "Remember to stay vigilant, our world is dangerous enough, the multiverse will be infinitely more so."
Ozpin, raising his prized mug to the group, says, "Fair the well."
With everyone having said their piece, OG Team RWBY makes their way through the portal…, but not before Pyrrha partially runs up and quickly yells out, "Wait! I never got to say goodbye yet."
OG Team RWBY mortified that they almost forgot about Pyrrha, quickly rush in to hug her and apologize for not properly saying goodbye the first time around.
"Oh, it's alright, I understand what with everything going on, but if you really want to make it up to me then can you do me this one favor?" Pyrrha asks in as a sincere and sweet tone as possible.
"Of course!"
"No problems here!"
"Just name it and it's done!"
"Good!" Pyrrha says, wrapping her hands around all of them and squeezing them tight as she brings her face closer to theirs, and whispers, while staring intimidatingly at them, "Then here's what I want you to do. If you ever find a world that has a Jaune(A) that isn't dating anyone and a me that hasn't yet tried to claim him. You will by whatever means necessary get it through that version of me's skull to get off her ass and tell him how she feels. I lost Jaune in this reality, I'll be damned if I somehow lose him in the others just because I got cold feet every time I thought about telling him how I felt. Do we have an understanding!?"
Ruby, who was given the go ahead to try dating her Jaune from his mother, answers, "S-sure!"
Weiss, who has had a crush on Jaune since he saved her at Haven and has been actively trying to get other versions of her with him in their respective universe, responds, " Yup, consider it done!"
Yang, who got the encouragement to try to pursue her Jaune from both her other self and his mom, replies, "Will do!"
Blake, who has no stakes in the game, but knows all of what her friends have been doing and are going to try to do, smirks and says, "Sure thing."
Pyrrha releases them, and like that, the OG Team RWBY head off to their next great adventure.
Omake: When Penny met Penny(A).
After obtaining the digital files containing numerous upgrades for a variety of her components from General Ironwood, Penny begins to sort through the data with gusto, comparing parts and efficiently going over what needs to be done first to be combat ready in time for the festival. Nearly an hour passes before she stumbles upon a series of broken strings of code that have seemingly no rhyme or reason to be in the places they were. Rather than discard them, however, Penny congregates them until they form a fully functioning video file titled, " To Me." Opening the file, Penny is mystified at seeing herself, but looking slightly older, this confuses her until her other self begins speaking.
"Salutations! If you're watching this, then you must be the other version of me with whom the parallel Team RWBY was able to give this digital file set. If not, then you are an intruder and should know that this file comes with a virus that will destroy whatever computer device you are viewing this on."
Penny had already been aware of the virus and purged it before it became a problem to her, admiring her other self's excellent planning at thinking ahead before continuing to watch the video.
"Now then you might be wondering why I left this video for you. The answer is simple. I wish to help you achieve ultimate happiness by gaining the one thing we truly crave the most, true companionship."
If Penny wasn't intrigued before, she was now seeing as what her other self was offering was everything she had ever dreamed of having since she was just a computer program on her father's laptop.
"Here's what you have to do," Penny(A) says, bringing up a picture of a familiar-looking Blonde knight.
Soon Penny was writing up plans to get her man. So what if he already sort of had a wife, from what she's learned on the internet, harem endings are the best kind of endings.
Not counting this reality, OG Team RWBY has been to at least 6 separate realities thus far. Raptor Jaune verse, Cowboy Jaune verse, Jaune x May verse, Jaune x Arslan verse, [dealer's choice], and Jaune x Penny/ Second choice expy verse.
They were able to stay in this dimension so long because of Penny. Her upgrades to Ruby's scroll weren't just technological, but also magical. The spell she tried crafting into the scroll allowed OG Team RWBY to be able to summon the dimensional portal on their own by essentially absorbing the energy that came off of them, which they received from the Blacksmith, to charge it up manually rather than wait for it to appear. In addition, it utilizes Jaune(A) as a makeshift radar dish to locate their Jaune. Penny wasn't able to fully complete the spell, however, so OG Team RWBY didn't have a way of knowing it existed, let alone whether or not it worked. Penny couldn't tell them in time because the portal eventually closes and OG Team RWBY is not sure what happens if it does and they're not through it. So it was a rush job with the hope that OG Team RWBY would somehow figure it out. Ozpin compliments the attempt and does his best to finish what Penny started so that OG Team RWBY can more easily travel the multiverse. But like all magic it comes with a catch. First, the time it takes to charge the portal varies in reality, so in some cases, they could expect to be there a few days, while in others, they only have a few hours. Second, this process is sped up the closer they are to Jaune(A) as it uses him to triangulate where their Jaune is. Third, once the portal is charged, they'll have a certain amount of time to activate it; if they wait too long, they risk overcharging it and sending them off course.
Ruby - Tech/Repair pack
Weiss - Dust/Ammo pack
Blake - Medical pack + funds
Yang - Travel/Camping pack (heaviest/bulkiest)