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Safe For Work Worm Ideas thread

After rereading Slayer Anderson's CYOA SI I've got this scene for a fic that won't get out of my head.

Basically the CYOA SI decides their only goal is fuck with Cauldron so they secretly talk Scion into killing himself then uses one of their world breaking powers to create a projection that simulates him. Later on during the fight in Canberra the SI, while appearing as a glowing silver woman, oneshots Ziz.The SI then has the Scion projection fly up to them where they stroke its cheek then declaring their name is Eden while looking directly at the Triumvirate.

I just think the heart attacks the Triumvirate and the rest of Cauldron would have in response would be hilarious to see.
After rereading Slayer Anderson's CYOA SI I've got this scene for a fic that won't get out of my head.

Basically the CYOA SI decides their only goal is fuck with Cauldron so they secretly talk Scion into killing himself then uses one of their world breaking powers to create a projection that simulates him. Later on during the fight in Canberra the SI, while appearing as a glowing silver woman, oneshots Ziz.The SI then has the Scion projection fly up to them where they stroke its cheek then declaring their name is Eden while looking directly at the Triumvirate.

I just think the heart attacks the Triumvirate and the rest of Cauldron would have in response would be hilarious to see.

Only works if you have protection from PTV. But not a bad idea.
How about this idea for a story. It is said that Oni Lee's power leaves something behind in his clones and over time his personality has become almost blank. What if he figured it out before it was to late and to combat the loss he kills the Butcher. From that point on his teleports wear away at the persona of the previous Butchers and he steadily becomes more and more in control of himself and all the powers.
How about this idea for a story. It is said that Oni Lee's power leaves something behind in his clones and over time his personality has become almost blank. What if he figured it out before it was to late and to combat the loss he kills the Butcher. From that point on his teleports wear away at the persona of the previous Butchers and he steadily becomes more and more in control of himself and all the powers.
I'm not sure it would work like that but that is a really interesting idea.
Storyline idea: Taylor panics in the bathroom and calls her swarms to the school sending the entire area into chaos people are hurt, Taylor runs, and every bug bit and bee sting for the last two years is quickly blamed on her. Not messing around the PRT sets up an ambush at her home driving her back into the city. Alone, afraid, and feeling hunted she wonders till she gets lost, she is found by a old member of the Brocken brigade. Not willing to turn her away or turn her in the old cap offers to teach the basics of heroing so she can started making a good name for her self before going to the authorities.

Listening to the stories of the old days and told of the current system Taylor become outraged and declares she is going to unite the independents into a new brigade! the old cap laughs telling her if she get a team from that rift raft he'll join and personally put new wave and the pt on notice...

three days later he is walking to his old allies nearest home wondering if he needs to tell his boy Brian and the little imp of a daughter the truth about his past... maybe track down that Hess women to see if she wants him to clear anything up with his illegitimate daughter before this craziness get him killed.
Embrace of Steel 5, by Zege
So, this has been sitting on my hard drive for months now, but I finally decided to dust it off and give it another once-over.

I still didn't like it, but I don't know why. I guess I'll post it here and you guys can tell me what's wrong, because I sure can't tell.

Chapter 5

April 12th, 2011

Taylor stood at the foot of her mother's grave, staring at the headstone that marked her final resting place. It was a simple granite piece, standing sentinel over the patch of freshly-turned dirt. On the front, inside a decorative design, was carved a name, dates, and a single phrase.

Annette Rose Hebert
She taught something precious to each of us.

"Taylor?" called a voice from nearby.

She ignored the summons for a moment, burning the sight of her mother's grave into her memory. The knowledge that her mother died shielding her, protecting her from the mistakes of those too careless with their power, would never leave her.

She would never forget.

"Taylor…" She felt a hand reach out and take hers, and she turned to see Emma watching her, unshed tears gathering in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Taylor," said Emma, and she pulled her into a hug.

Taylor heard her sniffling, and hugged her best friend back. She knew Emma looked to Annette as an aunt, or even a second mother, and that she was hurting as well.

They separated, and Emma scrubbed the tears from her face. "I'm sorry, here I am crying all over you, when it must be so much worse for you."

Taylor brought a hand to her chest, where an old ring rested against her breast, held by a simple chain. It was a simple golden band, an heirloom from her grandmother, that Taylor's mother cherished.

Taylor's father had given it to her before the funeral, and she had been drawing strength from the metal with her newfound power.

She gave Emma a weak smile. "It's okay."

Emma gave her hand a squeeze, and led her away from the grave. "C'mon. Dad said you can stay with us for a while. Anne's staying at the dorms on campus, so you can use her room."

Taylor nodded, recalling the discussion she had with her father earlier. She had been hesitant to ask, but knew that if she stayed at home, she would never get the chance to go out she needed. She had brought up staying at the Barnes' for a little while, to take the time to get over the events of that day. Not to mention, staying out of his way while he dealt with insurance companies and the like.

Unsurprisingly, he had been uncertain, but after a bit of pleading, he had given in to her request. Privately, Taylor thought he had allowed her to stay away so he could rage against the situation in seclusion, without disturbing her.

They needed each other, but they still wanted space. A couple days at her best friends house was a perfect way to do so.

Regardless, he promised to come by or call every day, even if it was just a week.

They met the adults at the service road where their vehicles were parked. Alan and Zoe, Emma's parents, were talking quietly with Danny. Upon seeing the girls approach, they halted their discussion and greeted them both.

"All ready girls?" asked Zoe, smiling gently.

"Yeah Mom. We're good to go." Emma answered her mother with a glance in Taylor's direction, who nodded in agreement.

"I'll come see you tonight Taylor, okay?" said Danny, smiling sadly at his daughter.

Taylor relinquished Emma's hand, and stepped into a hug with her father. He was tense, and Taylor could tell he was feeling a lot of stress just by the way he hugged her back, tightly, as if she would disappear at any moment.

"I've still got that card, if you need it," he whispered in her ear before they parted.

Taylor gave a slight nod.

"Okay, I'll be there later to drop of a bag for you. Got your phone?"

Taylor patted her pocket, where her phone was currently resting. "Yeah. Love you Dad."

"Love you too honey." And with that, he left, getting into the car lent by one of his Dockworkers.

They were all quiet a moment, before Alan broke the silence. "Well. Let's head out then. You can stay in Anne's room while you're with us, she's living in the dorms at school for now."

Taylor smiled. "Thanks Mr. Barnes."

They left the cemetery behind.


The Barnes residence was in a nicer part of town, closer to Captain's Hill than the Docks. A quaint two-story home of brick and timber, it looked like something out of a storybook. Alan Barnes had done well for his family, and it showed.

Taylor, having settled in for the evening, was now laying on Emma's bed, her head in her best friend's lap. They had been reminiscing about Taylor's mother, and when she had finally let go of her power-induced calm, she had cried into Emma's chest as she held her.

"Thanks." Taylor sniffled, as Emma gently stroked her hair.

Emma smiled down at her. "No problem. You've always been there for me, the least I can do is let you snot all over me now."

Taylor laughed a little at that, and sat up, wiping the remaining tears away. She could always count on Emma to lift her spirits.

She raised a hand to her necklace, but stopped short of actually touching it. She was tempted to draw on its strength again, but she had been doing that too often as it was. Her hand dropped to her lap.

She knew her gaining powers was a huge deal, not something to be taken lightly. Emma was her best friend though, the one she told all her secrets to. If anyone was going to be let in on the secret, it would be her.

Taylor took a deep breath, calming herself, and turned to face Emma. "I have something important to tell you."

Hearing the seriousness in her tone, Emma gave her her full attention. "What is it?"

"I have powers." Taylor said, simply. No point in drawing it out.

Emma's reaction was, to put it mildly, enthusiastic. Taylor found herself bombarded with questions faster than she could reply. She had to silence her with a hand over her mouth before she was able to respond. "Yes, I really have powers, yes, I was the 'Independent' who helped Armsmaster, no I haven't picked a name, yes I'll be going out. Does that answer your questions?"

Emma blinked, and Taylor felt her friend's tongue slide across her palm. She withdrew her hand quickly, and wiped the saliva off on her jeans. Emma giggled. "Yeah, sorry 'bout the motormouth, but it's so cool!"

Taylor nodded. "I suppose it is."

"Do you have plans for a costume yet?"

Taylor flopped back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling. "No. Not really. I kinda improvised on the fly the other day, but a hood and scarf aren't going to cut it, are they?"

Emma leaned over, and laid across Taylor's stomach. "Nah, you have to be impressive!"

"Got any ideas then, miss model?" asked Taylor, voice dripping with sarcasm.

Emma lifted her head, and grinned. "Oh, do I ever."

The next few hours were spent with Emma subjecting Taylor to countless plans, drawings, and grandiose ideas. They were up well into the night bandying back and forth on the merits of cloaks, the sex appeal (and lack thereof) of spandex, and the value of armor.

By the time Taylor began to fall asleep, far too comfortable to move to the other room, they had come up with several different themes, ranging from the practical ("How about body armor?") to the ludicrous ("No way Emma, I will not go skin-tight!").

Visions of capes and swords danced across her thoughts, and Taylor Hebert was quickly lost to dreams.


Friday, 11PM
April 15th, 2011

It had been almost a week since Taylor gained her powers, and after days of deliberation and planning, she was finally ready to take to the streets. The Barnes' were out to dinner with associates of Alan's, and had left the two of them to fend for themselves for the night. It was now or never.

Taylor was as prepared as she could be, at least until she got the reward for her previous captures. Emma, having jumped full-steam into helping her, had used her connections with the local shops to supply Taylor with some basic gear to wear on her patrols.

She looked herself over in the full-length mirror, checking the outfit for gaps or marks that could reveal her identity. It was a practical getup, consisting of black cargo pants, heavy boots, and a black turtle-neck. Long, black leather gloves, and the hooded jacket she wore in her first fight completed the ensemble.

They were in the basement, which had been renovated into a den with couches and a pool table. A bar was sequestered away in one corner, and Emma was currently pouring two drinks in celebration of Taylor's first official cape adventure.

"Dad will never notice," said Emma, as she carried the shot glasses over to where Taylor was standing. She passed one to Taylor, and kept the other for herself. Hesitantly, she raised the glass, and Taylor met it with her own, a soft 'clink' resonating from the glass.

"Cheers," said Taylor, and she downed the alcohol. Emma followed suit, and soon both were coughing at the burn caused by the scotch.

"W-what did you pour?" asked Taylor, a hacking cough breaking up her words.

Emma, still coughing, wandered back over to the bar. She hefted a bottle, and read aloud, "Ar-Ardbeg… I dunno, something... Irish? I didn't think it'd be so strong."

Taylor set her glass down on the bar. "Well, I don't think I'll be trying that again."

She watched as Emma replaced the bottle, and washed out the glasses. She could feel the heat of the scotch spreading from her gut, and though she hadn't exactly enjoyed the drink, she could appreciate the feeling of warmth.

Taylor headed over to the stairs that led to the exterior doors. She would be out there, soon, hunting down those who were in part responsible for her mother's death. It was exciting, to think she'd be out in the streets, confronting criminals and the scum of the city, like the heroes she had so admired.

Emma joined her, giving her costume one last check before the night began. She wouldn't be joining her on the patrol, but with her laptop, a police scanner, and a set of long-distance walkies, she could provide support to Taylor from the safety of her basement.

"I still think you should use a helmet," said Emma for what must have been the fiftieth time that night, a note of worry in her voice. It had been something of a point of contention between the two of them, with Emma campaigning for the protection, while Taylor insisted it would only obscure her vision and limit her.

Emma had relented when Taylor reminded her that her power made her more durable than normal, and that a helmet would be redundant. Not that it seemed to make her worry any less, thought Taylor with exasperated affection.

"We've had this discussion Ems. It'd just get in the way."

"I know, I know…" Emma said, as she straightened Taylor's jacket for the third time. "I'm just worried. You'll be out there, battling the forces of evil, and I'll be sitting here doing diddly-squat."

Taylor took her hands in her own, and looked her best friend in the eye. Emma was biting her lip, and her brow was creased heavily with worry. "Ems. I'll be fine. I'm just going after some of the low-level dealers for info tonight, not battling Lung on the rooftops or something crazy like that. It'll be okay."

Emma continued to worry her lip, but nodded. "Okay… okay."

Taylor smiled in approval. "Now, I'm going to go out there and kick some butt. I'll need you to direct me when the police call in any reports, and let me know where to go."

Emma nodded once more, and Taylor let go of her hands. She pulled the ski-mask down over her face, and pulled the prescription goggles over her eyes. It had taken some doing, but an old pair of glasses had been sacrificed to make them. It would have to work.

She turned, and started up the stairway. She had only gone a couple steps when Emma's voice stopped her once again. "Wait!"

Taylor suppressed a sigh. It was late, and she would only get so many opportunities to go out. She turned back, and saw Emma standing there, holding a roll of red cloth.

"I, I figured this might bring you luck," she said, holding the bundle up to reveal the scarf Taylor's mother had given her the night of the accident. The night she had gotten her powers.

Taylor was very still for a moment. Then, she smiled under the mask. "Thanks Emma. That's a good idea."

Emma smiled, and stepped into reach. She brought the scarf over Taylor's head, and wrapped it around her neck, tossing the ends over her shoulders. Task finished, she gave Taylor a brief hug, and walked back over to where she had set up her laptop. She gave Taylor a mock salute, and said, "Good luck, Avenger!"

Taylor smirked under her mask. "Thanks."

With that, she left the basement and was off into the night.


"I've got reports of a skirmish between some Merchant pushers and ABB, on South and Greenwood." Emma's voice was calm and steady as she relayed the info. The earpiece connected to the radio was wired under her mask, and served to keep from alerting anyone nearby as to her presence.

"Got it, heading there now," replied Taylor. She was only a couple blocks from there, and it would take only a bare few minutes to traverse the distance. By the time she arrived, there should still be gangers present, she hoped.

It had been almost an hour since she set out for the night, but this had been the first report within a reasonable distance. Not for the first time, Taylor cursed her lack of flight. She was stronger and faster than normal when using her new power, but she was still limited to travelling on foot everywhere. This lead to a rather limited area of operation.

Still, as she bounded down the darkened street at olympic speeds, she couldn't help but thrill in the sheer freedom her reinforcement gave her. Coming to a T-intersection, Taylor shot past the turn and leapt, kicking off the opposing building front and used the momentum to propel herself down the street.

In a matter of minutes, she arrived at the location of the reported skirmish. It must have been a small incident, as now there was only a pair of Merchant dealers picking themselves out of a dumpster. They had clearly gotten the worst of the fight.

Silently, she slipped into a shadowed portion of the alley, and watched as the not-so-dynamic duo struggled out of the filthy bin.

"Those fuckin' slants are gonna pay, I swear to god Vin!" exclaimed one of the pushers, picking a rotting banana peel off his dingy overcoat.

His companion, a large, brutish-looking fellow, shook the remains of a trash bag off his leg. "Just let it go Paul. It ain't worth it."

The first one, Paul, brushed the remains of his impromptu dumpster-dive off, leaving the coat looking no less grungy. "Fuck you it ain't worth it, those motherfuckers took all my weed!"

The larger man, now identified as 'Vin', put a hand on Paul's shoulder. "Drop it man. Let's just go back to the flat, I've got some put away we can light up."

Paul shrugged out his counterpart's grip, but nodded his assent. "Yeah, sure I guess. This shit's still leaving me pretty salty though. God damn gook bastards."

Taylor took that as her cue.

Confidently, she stepped out of the shadows and into a pool of light. Her arrival went unnoticed, at least until she spoke, startling the Merchants. "Hold it right there."

They turned to look, and the shorter, Paul, spoke with a sneer. "Ey, who the fuck are you? You one of them ABB fuckers?"

Vin, clearly the brains as well as the brawn, backed up a step. "Hey Paul, I don't think I like the look of this."

Taylor reinforced his perception, by choosing that moment to dramatically extend her hand outwards, and project a Halberd. The weapon floated in place for a moment, and she grasped the shaft firmly, spinning the Projection in front of her in a fit of theatrics.

"Shit, he's a cape!" With that, they were sprinting down the alley away from her. Taylor shot after them, hot on their heels.

The alley was but one part of a series of back-street pathways, and soon they were deep within the maze created by the twists and turns of the decaying urban center. Chain link fences and plywood walls were no barrier to Taylor and her enhanced capabilities, but the drug merchants were more familiar with the rambling array of paths, and were soon pulling away from her.

Seeing her quarry about to get away, Taylor cursed and skidded to a stop. They were in a long straightaway, and the Merchants were nearing an intersection where they could once again pull ahead. Taylor shifted her grip on the Halberd, and set her feet to something resembling a javelineer's stance.

She sent a silent thanks to Armsmaster for practicing such an unlikely maneuver, cocked back her arm, and launched the Projection in a ballistic arc. It flew gracefully, and Taylor sprinted along after it, leaving cracks in the pavement from her pounding steps. Soon, the Halberd was descending and Taylor grinned in triumph, preparing for the capture.

The projectile came down with a thunderous 'crack', and embedded in the asphalt in front of the fleeing pushers. Panicked at the sudden obstruction, they abruptly stopped and searched around furiously for an alternate path. Hearing her approach, they turned to confront her, but before they could even react she was upon them and in a flurry of pin-point strikes they were on the ground, moaning in pain.

Quickly, Taylor pulled the zip-ties she had prepared on her belt out and had the dealers hogtied before they could even process what exactly happened. Taylor stood and brushed herself off, wiping away the dust and grime accumulated during the pursuit.

She stood over the trussed-up duo, and in a display of intimidation, effortlessly pulled the embedded Halberd from the ground. Feeling dramatic, she spun the weapon with a flourish, and leveled the end at their wide-eyed faces.

"I," she intoned solemnly, a smile unseen behind her mask, "have some question for you."

The resulting 'squeak' of fear from the smaller pusher was worth the chase, Taylor decided.

So, that's that. Avenger begins her first night out, rather sensibly too I'd say.

Questions, comments, accusations of incompetence?
Derail?, by AntonioCC
This is an snippett that I may expand on later, what do you think?


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♦Topic: New Cape in Winslow?
In: Boards ► North America ► East Coast ► ENE ► Brockton Bay ► Cape Activity

GloryGStruck (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)
Posted on January 3rd, 2011:

Holy Shit! Guys, look this video!

(Showing Page 1 of 1)

► SCP_Groupie (Cape Groupie)
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Okay, can you give us a resume of the video?. I'm at work right now and videos are blocked.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Is that the lockers at Winslow? And who is the redhead?

Fuuuuck, she has ripped open teh door of one of the lockers?


► SCP_Fan (Cape Groupie)
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:

► BestestBest (Unverified Uber)
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
SCP, from what I see it was a video of one of teh students at Winslow recording one of her friends new tattoo, when a redhead in a big coat pass running through the corridor.

The girls follow her out of curiosity. The redhead stops before a locker. From what I can hear, there are weak sounds from inside...

As if somebody got shoved inside a locker. Goddamnit, jocks did this to my best bro back in high school. Fucking assholes.

Back to the video, the redhead tries to open it... and this is where things start to get weird.

She stands there begore the locker and this strange green aura start to surround her and suddenly the locker door is flying and somebody ... maybe a girl, but I can't say with certainty, falls from inside. The redhead catch her, and the video ends there.

► SCP_Groupie (Cape Groupie)
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Thanks for the summary, BestestBest.

► XxVoid_CowboyxX
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:

► GloryGStruck (Original Poster) (Cape Groupie)
Replied on January 3rd, 2011:
Weren't you in Winslow, Cowboy?​
Last edited:
So a Brute or Changer alt-trigger where Taylor's secret identity is damaged, at best, before she even creates it? Possibly leading to joining New Wave for protection (of several sorts).

The date settings don't fit for a USA; they call that month "January".

Personally, I'd prefer they weren't making so many spelling mistakes like "teh", but that is very much a stylistic preference.

Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic and hope that you write more, AntonioCC.
The Leviathan ruining the shipping industry is what has gone wrong with cannon, by Painfulldarksoul
So I have been lurking on the three forums SV, SB and QQ for some time and got an idea, so I have writen it down. Here it is.

The Leviathan ruining the shipping industry is what has gone wrong with cannon.

The Simurgh could see it all, past and future. A native of the world below, has summoned her and two other constructs, without even knowing what it did. There were no instructions or orders, at least not really. It's subconscious signals, were close enough to count, so they couldn't ignore them. Which was fine for the first two, but not for the Simurgh. This creature would be the most powerful of it's species for some time, yet it let it's inferiority complex, take control over itself. It was ridiculous and made the Simurgh feel frustrated. The earliest she would get away, would be in over a decade.

There had to be a way to make the process go faster. She had to follow his wishes and could only plan his demise, without directly targeting him. So it was okay to hurry things along to his ruin, but only in a convoluted way. She was fine. She would manage. Somehow.

What was first. Looking at events close by in the time line and see how they would unfold over time, after that she could see what different interference would cause in the process. Easy enough.

But should she include past events? It was far more complicated with them. For future events, she could simply look what ridiculously simple action, would cause most use over time. Little work, big effect. Past events she had to often work against event chains, that were unfolding as she was doing things and were committed to, by the world around. Competing processes had to be supported or slowed , at all the right points in time. Do a lot of work, to not follow the whims of the current master. Was it worth it?

Absolutely. The Simurgh begun her work.


The Simurgh was not a being made of flesh and only simulated the appearance of the native species of this world, thus her face didn't express her current emotions. If it did, the world below would have been treated to something no one dared imagine before, not even the creepiest of the people on the internet. They would have seen the Simurgh pouting, with tears in her eyes.

She found an event that if she stopped it's unfolding, would cut the time by about two years. But the event needed her to put herself in serious danger of destruction, which she couldn't find the cause of. So she had to find out, which event chains she didn't need to stop, to reduce the risk. The sinking of Kyushu, was the core of it all. But no matter how hard she tried, she wasn't able to determine, what it caused that she needed to stop. She followed millions of individuals and had even some who could be useful at the end.

It was necessary to remain calm, but this got harder and harder by the minute. There had to be something, she had to stop. Or not?

Maybe she had to make an event happen, which was stopped by Leviathan sinking Kyushu? With a new idea, came new energy.


If anything, the Simurgh was even more frustrated now. Oh, she found what was broken and needed repair. What frustrated her about it was, what"it" was.

Something had to be wrong with the host species. What was this!? She would never look at some of the dormant constructs the same way again. Why!? Why tentacles?

If she could she would sigh.

Maybe some of the other genre were better and the anime she was watching currently, wasn't one she had to save, for her wanted results. It helped a little, but that wasn't nearly enough, to warrant for her to risk her artificial life. She could move on from this, let it's genre die and hopefully forget this ever happened. What next? Sailor Moon. This concept was so ridiculous, she felt like she would get a headache. Even the fact that it was impossible, did little to reassure her. But she had to check.


She never felt happier. She loved being alive. She loved this series. She loved this host species!

Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter were made for each other. Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars are super cute together. Why they had to try and put Moon together with Tuxedo Mask, she had no clue. They could have saved themselves the trouble of putting Artemis in and coupled Mask with Luna. Even that would have made more sense.

She would have saved the magical girl shoujo anime genre now either way. But the best thing about this was, that it was one of the genres, with the biggest impact on the time she had to remain under the control of that moron.

And the Leviathan almost ruined it all.

She knew it had no chance against it and couldn't have the wanted effect, even if it had a chance. But she really wished for a gigantic squid in the path of the Leviathan.
Now she just needed to find all the other parts that would be useful.


Her destiny lies before her. All of the anime and manga genres needed saving. Powerful anime inspired heroes and villains, would make the people want to save the industry, which would inspire even more of them.

Now she could just manipulate some of them and simply watch. But that would mean, that she wasn't ready to fight for her dreams. Didn't believe in them. Didn't believe in herself. That she was just like him. She would never be like that pathetic worm. Eidolen made Shinji Ikari look confident in comparison.

No, she would start herself! Sure she would make a lot of new capes along the way and bring herself in danger. But this was her fight. She would be a villain, going from city to city, to inspire and manipulate people. She would be a Super Saiyan.
[QUOTE="Navrin, pdaSo a Brute or Changer alt-trigger where Taylor's secret identity is damaged, at best, before she even creates it? Possibly leading to joining New Wave for protection (of several sorts).[[/quote]

Actuaally, not, the redhead who gets Taylor out of the locker was teh one that did the full show, actually. Undecided if Taylor has her canon powers or not.

The date settings don't fit for a USA; they call that month "January".

I have the default language is set to Spanish, and I forgot to check the dates before posting.

Personally, I'd prefer they weren't making so many spelling mistakes like "teh", but that is very much a stylistic preference.

Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic and hope that you write more, AntonioCC.

Actually, they are (mostly) typos. And thank you. I'll try to correct them (I'm in my tablet no).
Oh, huh. Thanks for the corrections.

And yeah, I figured about the default language.

Best of luck with your writing. :)

Random idea: Taylor reads about people who take on a different gender role, and get treated as such, and the various reasons that they do that. So, relatively early on in the bullying, Taylor decides to present herself as male and act like she was. For better or for worse, she's going to deal with this challenge like she thinks a man should: by trying to beat her bullies up when they attack her.
An idea I suddenly had while reading a DC/YJ SI fic. Basically Taylor, or someone else, triggers as a Tinker/Trump with the ability to give powers in a variety of ways. Ex: They can irradiate a spider to have it give spidermans powers, can recreate the formula used to give the flash his speed or even use gamma radiation to give Hulk powers. Basically this person can give out any of the unnatural powers from DC, Marvel or other universes.
An idea I suddenly had while reading a DC/YJ SI fic. Basically Taylor, or someone else, triggers as a Tinker/Trump with the ability to give powers in a variety of ways. Ex: They can irradiate a spider to have it give spidermans powers, can recreate the formula used to give the flash his speed or even use gamma radiation to give Hulk powers. Basically this person can give out any of the unnatural powers from DC, Marvel or other universes.

And of course, having heard certain rumors, she takes the cape name... Cauldron.
Max Anders alt-trigger: Almost entirely ignored by his father (who very firmly believed that children should be seen but not heard, and any descendants of his would always be children to him) eventually drove Max to trigger from the neglect (with a completely different source-shard). As long as he is speaking with notable emotion everyone considers him the most important thing in the world and stare at him intently. (With some leeway, of course, so they aren't just losing interest when he draws a breath or whatever). However, they also completely ignore all audio input. If he gives an impassioned speech, everyone will remember everything he did but nothing about what he said.

Eventually he figures out a way to use it except for as a distraction: He will use his charisma and newly learned sign language skills to lead the deaf and others who know sign language and, through them, everyone else that the Nazis considered inferior! He will become their champion and lead them against their oppressors.

Since he can only effectively use his charisma with people who know sign language he will strongly encourage its learning (including generous donations to every single school in the city to teach it as a strongly-encouraged elective). Still, no matter what his pool of people he can personally interact with is going to be smaller than Kaiser's; he can't afford to burn through them. So his route to people necessitates he be less of a mind-bending scumbag.
If Kaiser had a power like that, would he still be a Nazi? His personal beliefs on racism are up in the air, but he likes power most of all. He might abandon such a minority group in order to have more people to affect.
If Kaiser had a power like that, would he still be a Nazi? His personal beliefs on racism are up in the air, but he likes power most of all. He might abandon such a minority group in order to have more people to affect.

Considering he must work through people who know sign-language in order to actually take advantage of his exceptional charisma, I don't think being a Nazi would be a good route to power for him. My thought is he is still a self-interested jerk, but the people who he can actually gain power through are more socially acceptable and less replaceable, thus changing how he acts. Also, he might be opposing the Nazis partly to spite his father. Finally, getting people to focus their hatred on Nazis or selling that as reasonable is a LOT easier than most groups, and hatred is a relatively easy path to control.

As for more people... he would probably be eager to grab up allies of those minority groups as well, of course; after all, he's against Nazis and other gangs, not European-descended Americans.
Eric Pelham didn't actually trigger. He's way too well-adjusted and happy for that to have ever happened, even as a second-gen. Instead, he gained powers when a friendly ferret (Yuuno Scrya) cried out for help and he heard the call.

Luckily enough, Eric had a high affinity for shield spells and a moderate affinity for all of Yuuno's other talents. (Binding spells, teleportation circles, shapeshifting, device-less casting, etc) They both suck at magical blasts, though.

Mahou Shounen Lyrical Pelham is about to commence!

Will the Jewel Seeds help more than harm when they're turned on Zion/the Endbringers? Will the TSAB be called in and try to investigate the Lost Logia that have become connected to a huge number of humans and try to figure out how to safely contain them? Will Eric ever manage to befriend his rival with such sad eyes? Find out if this story ever gets written by somebody!
Untitled Yellow Lanteren Taylor snippet, by kamenhero25
This is an idea that popped up as a joke on the NSFW forums, but is SFW, so I'm bringing it here.

This AU/Crossover picks up in 20.5 of canon. Any dialogue from canon is Wildbow's writing.


I took a breath, looking over the cafeteria. I was facing down Dragon and Defiant, surrounded by civilians. But I somehow felt calm. I knew what I was going to do. "Okay."

Defiant almost visibly relaxed, moving forward toward me. "Yes?" He sounded almost hopeful. Tough luck.

"No." He froze in place. "No, that was more than okay. I've decided what I'm doing." I could see his entire body tense. "Students!" I called out, raising my voice so the entire cafeteria could hear me.

"She's taking hostages!" Dragon cried out, shock and panic evident in her voice. Did being wrong catch her that off guard?

Clockblocker closed in from my side, trying to get a clear shot at touching me. "I'm not taking hostages." He froze, all the heroes did. I could feel the tension in the air as they tried to figure out what I was doing. "It's really your choice how this plays out. I'm not sure you heard me say it before." Dragon looked behind herself, realizing I was talking to the students. "I described you as a jury. Now it's time for you to vote."

Defiant shook of his shock and stepped forward. "That's not how it works Skitter!" He whipped around, stopping to attack my swarm as it tried to enter under the door. He could cut off my reinforcements, but he was stuck by the door unless he wanted me to have my bugs. Good.

"Stand if you side with me!" I called out the the students. "I don't do speeches. That's not who I am. I'm not going to feed you lies or spill secrets. It's your choice who to stand with." I had expected a handful, or maybe a slow buildup. But out of three hundred or so students in the room, a full third stood instantly. In one mass, they moved toward me, gathered around me.

The heroes backed down slightly, not willing, or maybe not able, to give up, but not able to take me without fighting through a pack of civilians. Dragon hovered in place. Even though her suit couldn't show emotion, I could feel her indecision. She couldn't make a move against me, not without becoming the villain here. I almost laughed at the irony.

Clockblocker stood to the side of the crowd, having no idea how to react. He couldn't reach me any more than Dragon's suit could. I turned and looked him straight in the eyes and he flinched. Did I frighten him? Maybe I was channeling more of Jack Slash than I'd intended. Or maybe he'd never gotten over our first encounter. It was a strange feeling, realizing that a superhero was almost trembling at the sight of me.

"This is reckless," Defiant snapped from the doorway, forced to split his attention between the door and me to avoid getting blindsided by my swarm. His voice had a tremor to it, something other than the digital tone of his voice modulator. Was he nervous, worried, angry? It was hard to tell.

"Probably." I raised my voice again, letting it carry across the room. "But not as much as your think. Because we're not starting a fight. If one starts, it's on you. We're not engaging you."

"What... what are you doing then," Clockblocker managed. He had a similar tremor in his voice.

"You wanted to put me in a lose-lose situation, forcing me to choose between being caught and harming innocents. I'm fully within my rights to turn the tables. Now, we're going to walk out of the school in a group and if you're going to stop us, you'll have to hurt us."

"Skitter!" Dragon looked down at me.

"Taylor. Just Taylor," I replied. "Not that I can be anymore. Thanks for that by the way. I'll remember that later, so fuck you."

"It wasn't..." She trailed off, but the desperation in her voice was clear.

"You chose to follow whoever gave you these orders. You're as culpable as them as long as you do."

As I motioned for the group to start moving and the heroes all recoiled again. Then a bright golden light erupted from the windows and a bolt of something shot through the window. Shit. Was I wrong? Was there another hero here? One willing to attack civilians just to get at me. I shielded my eyes as the light came straight for me. "Get down!" I cried, trying to warn the students around me. But... nothing. No pain, no blast.

Taylor Hebert of Earth

My eyes opened again and went wide. A ring, glowing with golden light was floating in the air in front of me. Some kind of Tinker tech?

You have the ability to instill great fear in your enemies.

Wait, what? It could talk.

Welcome to the Sinestro Corps.

I didn't have time to react before the ring forced itself on to my hand. My entire body blazed with yellow light and I felt my body lifting off of the ground and being dragged away into the sky. I kept going and going, higher and higher until the ground was a distant blur and the darkness of space was beginning to spread out in front of me.


Not sure how far this will go, but I loved the idea too much not to write this. I'm posting the first snippet here, but I'll likely give it a thread if I keep going.
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While I'm working on more of Yellow Lantern Taylor, here's another idea that I've had bumping around in my head for a while.

Instead of deciding religion is bullshit in the wake of Annette's death, Taylor finds peace in faith and becomes a devout Christian. Assuming there aren't any other major changes from canon, when she triggers, she contacts Haven looking for advice and ends up an independent hero affiliated with the group. Thus is born Plague, an insect controlling hero who brings God's judgment on the evil-doers of the world.

Meant to be a chance to use Haven as a major part of the plot and probably making the Fallen major villains after Leviathan's attack due to their rivalry with Haven.
While I'm working on more of Yellow Lantern Taylor, here's another idea that I've had bumping around in my head for a while.

Instead of deciding religion is bullshit in the wake of Annette's death, Taylor finds peace in faith and becomes a devout Christian. Assuming there aren't any other major changes from canon, when she triggers, she contacts Haven looking for advice and ends up an independent hero affiliated with the group. Thus is born Plague, an insect controlling hero who brings God's judgment on the evil-doers of the world.

Meant to be a chance to use Haven as a major part of the plot and probably making the Fallen major villains after Leviathan's attack due to their rivalry with Haven.
Careful with that one. Haven IIRC are legitimately heroic people and very underused in fanon, but a plot like that has a high risk of becoming eye-rollingly preachy.
Maybe this is fanon, but doesn't Haven actually dedicate more of their efforts towards improving things rather than fighting villains? They're protectors too, of course, so they fight villains as well. But I don't think their actual focus is "take down villains".
Careful with that one. Haven IIRC are legitimately heroic people and very underused in fanon, but a plot like that has a high risk of becoming eye-rollingly preachy.

Yeah. I kind of want to have Haven actually be a central part of the plot, which I don't think I've ever seen before. And trust me, I know EXACTLY how preachy this could be. I'd hope to avoid it as best I can.

Maybe this is fanon, but doesn't Haven actually dedicate more of their efforts towards improving things rather than fighting villains? They're protectors too, of course, so they fight villains as well. But I don't think their actual focus is "take down villains".

I honestly don't remember. They show up so little in both canon and fanfic that I honestly know very little about them. Though, I can see Taylor being okay with doing other work aside from just fighting villains. She wants to make a difference, whether it involves combat or not, so having other responsibilities other than just taking down the bad guys seems like something that would appeal to her.

Oh, fair note: The 'judgment of God' thing was me being dramatic, not her literal mental state.
*Nods* If my understanding of Haven is correct, "Plague" would probably not be a name they'd want to encourage. Especially since there are WAY better uses for her power, both against villains and for civilians.
*Nods* If my understanding of Haven is correct, "Plague" would probably not be a name they'd want to encourage. Especially since there are WAY better uses for her power, both against villains and for civilians.

Actually, the name is both in reference to the Biblical Plagues of Egypt and kind of a fanon joke on the "Skitter is third, fourth, and eighth plagues of Egypt, dated the ninth and could have been the tenth" meme. It's also not finalized so if I come up with something else both insect-themed and with religious references, I'd probably go with that.

Yeah. Insect control is so versatile.
Hn... looking at the known Haven names: they generally have very little to do with their powers. Might be better to instead link it to a personal belief or some focus that she wants to be known for. One could probably create a metaphor to connect her power to it.
Well, Halo does, but I see your point. Hmmm.... that might be the better way to go actually. Maybe something to do with unity or togetherness, which could be in reference to either ideals or to how she's stronger when she has her entire swarm to work together and can synergize between different insects.
Maybe this is fanon, but doesn't Haven actually dedicate more of their efforts towards improving things rather than fighting villains? They're protectors too, of course, so they fight villains as well. But I don't think their actual focus is "take down villains".
Hope I'm not mixing up fanon with canon here, but what I recall is that they have some expertise in opposing the Fallen, which is a villain group, and at least sometimes they participate in Endbringer defense -- so they certainly don't avoid combat.

Don't recall anything about them doing non-combat aid missions, but if they did, then I'd expect Mannequin to target those people directly.

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