In Vino, by Merior
Untested Adventurer
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Even with all the possibilities taken into account, from spontaneous combustion to unexpected arrival of bees, one of the less likely things to happen was walk into a bank to find that everyone had decided to take a nap.
I blinked then took another look at the situation and took a steady sip from my bottle as I tried to make the situation make sense. There were all those people on the floor, face down and given how they were moving they wren't asleep, so maybe someone had dropped a contact lens or something and everyone else was helping them?
Well, apart from the couple of people who were standing up. And those giant dog... lizard...whatever things which were standing their growling. All that raw flesh looked unhealthy, really...
"Have you taken them to see a vet?" I asked of one of the people who was by the wall... No, squinting a little I saw that it was just the one girl there after all. "I mean, they're all swollen up and they've not got a good coat... Is it mange or something?"
I was having a good day, not like those... girl... people.... whoever they were who made time at school so nasty, so I felt that it was okay to spend a little time talking to a wierd girl like this one.
I took another sip from my bottle, my precious happy bottle of amber joy, and felt that wonderful burn as it slid down my throat. The girl didn't seem happy to get asked questions, I knew I didn't when Dad asked me stuff I didn't want to talk about, so I took a moment to try to figure out it for myself.
"Oh, you're robbing the place." I said as everything clicked together, rewarding myself with a second swig of my own personal panacea. The real one was over there, out of costume and on the floor with the other customers, but she was she had too many hangups to really help me the way I'd want her too... "She's cute, you know."
There was a giggle from one of the people who were standing, a foppish teenage boy who was waving around what obviously wasn't a phallic representation of his desire for control over his relationship with his father, and he was cute so I favoured him with a subtle once over.
He was worth a look, even if he was not as muscled as I'd prefer, and that definitely not a codpiece there. Not bad at all and in the upper eight percentile of the population in terms of...
There was a cough and I looked to the side then abandoned my contemplations of the previous boy (probably a Master type and likely related to Heartbreaker now I thought about it) in order to devote my full attention to this.
"Why, hello there!" I said, trying to keep the delight out of my voice. It was hard though when I was confronted by such a nicely... muscled piece of beefcake, the biker gear and skull mask he had on doing nothing to hinder my appreciation, "So, you're the type who likes to wear leather..."
I did my best to stand up straighter, to push out what little chest I had, and to generally gain more of his attention. I could feel heat coming to my cheeks as he stood there silently for a moment as a laugh coming from the foppish boy and I resisted the urge to toss the bottle in the direction of the sound.
"Miss..." Mister Skull Mask trailed off, his tone hardly showing the uncertainty that his stance and the workings in the back of his brain easily revealed, but he tried again after a moment, "Miss, could you sit down with the others?"
"You want me to go down?" I felt my face warm again and the feeling of glass at my lips helped push away the embarrassed feelings as I swallowed a little liquid courage. "I mean, that didn't come out right... You want to have me down on the floor? ...huh, that didn't come out right at all."
In the background pretty boy was laughing and, as leather guy turned to glare at him as much as that was possible through the skull helmet, I tried to work out what to do next. The answer came to mind at once and, to ensure it worked, I immediately acted on it.
Yeah, the whiskey tasted good...
In Vino...
A Worm AU with issues.
In Vino...
A Worm AU with issues.
"You're not going to try and take my bottle though?" I asked, unconsciously holding it tighter. All sorts of people had tried to take the bottle, or its numerous predecessors, from me and that never had gone well. "It's mine... But if you want to a sip?"
", I won't. If you just stay there." Leather guy said patiently, the grinding of his teeth not quite audible as he ensured that I was seated on the floor with what turned out to be hostages. "Just... just drink that yourself
Leather guy's name was Grue, or Brian actually, and whose powers was a sensory damping field with weak energy absorption properties. I tried to ignore how I suddenly knew that and, as always, a little mouthful of booze helped hush the little voice in the back of my mind.
Nice of leather guy to suggest that and so, in the spirit of being nice, I tried to ignore how sitting down put the level of my eyes devastating close to the level of his crotch.
Or, at least, not leer too obviously.
"Tattletale! Get out here!"
May I shouldn't have given him a pinch when he turned away? But it was a perfect opportunity...
Author's Notes:
This... Well, this is headed firmly towards crack fic territory. That is the only way it can head as it is the tale of Tayor Heber who will eventually become reknown as "The Drinker".
Don't worry, she's generally a quite amiable drunk along with her good ol' drinking buddy who lives in her head. And if she's nice and durnk she can give some really good advice and suggestions which she doesn't really remember when sober at all.
She may or may not have, unknown to her sober self, taken over the Merchants and be in the middle of reforming them. Apparently Skidmark spilt her drink and things got Complicated after that.
The less said about her relationship with the PRT the better.