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Shipping It Stargate Style [Worm/Stargate]

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Shipping It Stargate Style
We know what happened to the Odyssey. The bubble timeline never...


(Unverified God/Space Snek)
Jan 30, 2018
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Shipping It Stargate Style
We know what happened to the Odyssey. The bubble timeline never occurred and Teal'c saved the day by sacrificing decades of his life. Or do we? Tampering with time is rarely that simple. What happens when reality shatters and the Ascended have to pick up the pieces? A bullied girl in a locker becomes one of the most advanced ships imagined. FFN Rated T for Worm-style swearing.
Chapter 1 - Unending Odyssey
Shipping It Stargate Style

Chapter 01

Unending Odyssey

In one universe of one multiverse, a girl was trapped in her locker by her one time almost sister, now mortal enemy.

In one universe of an entirely different multiverse, far away across the sea of existence, a starship was exploding from the beam of energy that lanced through it.

The girl screamed one final time before her vocal cords broke.

The ship… began to put itself back together.

If it was just a temporal reversion, the fabric of that universe wouldn't have cared. Much.

But the people on that ship sought to bring something back.

Even with that, the universe would've probably been okay. An uninhabited galaxy or two burned away to solve the paradox. Not really a problem.

However, the inhabitants of teat ship tried to bring back a person.

A soul.

One of the most complex forms of matter an energy possible. The apex of the path every universe's collapse-expand cycle set forth upon.

So much information, and so temporally sensitive, that the fabric of that universe tore itself apart.

It was only put back together by the frantic efforts of that universe's ascended beings.

They were left with a conundrum, because there were now two occurrences of the ship and everyone on it.

One was fine, and was about to initiate the time bubble. It had the displaced soul, which, despite all the chaos, arrived safe and sound.

The other ship, still locked in a time bubble, was almost completely destroyed.

The ascended did what this universe's particular blend always did to solve problems. Out of sight, out of mind.

They tossed the timelocked ship out of their multiverse.

The entire aborted timeline, ship included, was ejected into the space and time between space or time. Wrapped up in a tiny little universe barely 500 meters across.

It traveled for unknown eons, occasionally pinging off other multiverses like a pinball in an arcade machine. Some of the collisions had effects on the contents of the tiny universe, despite their paused state.

One gave the ship sentience.

Another gave it a soul.

Yet another imbued it and the people on it with the gift of Magic.

Finally, one multiverse didn't reject it. This one had been so damaged by a race composed of faulty Clarketech that the ship was able to slip right in.

It glanced off another tiny travelling spirit, both redirecting its course and imparting the ability to come back as a human looking girl if it ever was destroyed.

Given it was in the process of being destroyed, this activated, turning the people on board into tiny faeries and the ship into a girl. Time was still paused inside the tiny universe though, and as such, the mind of the ship failed to form.

Such are the perils of tampering with time. Not that this eventuality would end up teaching the ascended of the ship's origin universe anything. As one of their order, exiled and forced to fight by their unjust inaction, was so fond of cryptically saying; 'if you immediately know the candlelight is fire, the meal was cooked a long time ago.'

Their candlelight had been recognized as fire long ago, yet they'd rejected it due to their memories of a different type of fire.

Regardless of happenings across the sea of existence, the ship slammed into a piece of the Clarketech race that was responsible for the damage of this multiverse. Powerful, spacetime manipulating supercomputers they might be, but the power of Magic and tons of extreme 'velocity', as much as that term can apply to what exists outside space and time, built up over 'eons' of 'travel', were behind the ship's little universe.

The ship ate the planet sized piece of Clarketech like it was a snack. At the same time, due to the collision, the ship experienced its final course correction.

On January 3rd, 2011, the U.S.A.F. Odyssey slammed straight into Taylor Hebert. Due to their severely weakened states, the two became one being, merging into a sum greater than both parts.

And she woke up.

Stars, two beings spiraling around each other-

-screaming battle enemies explosions shields down hull damage pain-

-ages long sedate unmoving low power safe-

-frozen cast out collision more collisions change entry collision change consumption assimilate merge-

Taylor woke with a gasp, banging her head on her locker.

And promptly stared in shock at the impression of her face staring back at her from the metal.

"W-What?" she tried to say, her surprise over her own face staring out of the metal of her locker overriding the panic and fear and disgust she felt at her location.

Which she somehow knew the exact statistics of, down to the millimeter.

Her core was thrumming with unexpected new life and her crew were scrambling to figure out what went wrong with the temporal reversion-

Crew? Core? Temporal reversion?! Taylor asked herself. She shook her head to try and remove the certainties she knew to be true. What the hell is going on?

She half heartedly banged on the locker door once more, momentarily chalking it up to her going crazy.

She also instinctively fired her sublight engines.

The poor metal door didn't just fly off the locker, it disintegrated against the force and power of engines capable of accelerating her to a full 80% of lightspeed in a few seconds.

WHAT THE FUCK?! Taylor screamed in her own head, pushing herself away from the now missing door and into the sludge on her back.

The sludge which was being repelled by a shimmering blue-white field, bright enough to light up the locker from the inside.

Her shields.

Before she could fully contemplate their existence her sublight engines flared again, forcing her hull through the back of the locker and a solid foot into the concrete wall.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!" Taylor screamed, her vocal cords repaired by her merge.

She hesitantly straightened up and shimmied the distance back to her locker, looking back at the impression of her spread eagled body now almost literally punched into the wall.

She hadn't even felt the impact. The wall provided about as much of an obstacle as a spider's web.

"Sublight engines?" Taylor asked herself under her breath, almost jumping when she received a status report on their functionality. She only managed to hold herself back with the knowledge that yes, the top of her locker, and indeed the school itself, would pose just as much of an obstacle to her as the wall had if she traveled upward.

They didn't even register on her collision detection systems. They were just there.

Oh, and she had a hyperdrive too apparently, whatever both of those even meant!

Taylor started to hyperventilate. She stumbled out of her locker, her sublight engines helpfully indicating their status of being barely a hundredth of a percent engaged.

Then, came the voices.

"Colonel, what the hell is going on with the ship?" a nice sounding, if old, man asked.

"I don't know Cam, I've never seen anything like this!" a woman's voice answered. "The Odyssey's doing things all in it's own."


That name rang true in Taylor's head. It felt as much her name as Taylor did.

U.S.A.F. X-304 Daedalus Class Deep Space Carrier Odyssey, her well of new knowledge and senses informed her.

U.S.A.F? Taylor asked herself. She blinked when the answer came to her, not from her new stuff but from her… previous? knowledge. United States Air Force? Deep Space Carrier?!

"Maybe the ship got so bored of being trapped in this time bubble it evolved its own sentience?" a rather mischievous, slightly European sounding woman said sarcastically.

Her voice made Taylor want to hide her valuables. Several of her armories and cargo bays proceeded to seal shut, almost subconsciously.

Because apparently she had those now.

"Oh come on, that's crazy," a fourth man dismissed her.

Crazy. Right.

Like the voice in her head had any room to talk.

The voices were silent for several seconds. Taylor worried that they'd heard her silent thoughts up until the same man continued.

"Right, guys?" he hesitantly asked for confirmation.

"Well we do have the Asgard core on board…" the first woman began to try and reason.

"No way. Nuh uh. I draw the line at alive ships," the first man said flatly.

"Well why don't we just ask?" the second woman reasoned. "And hey, has anyone seen Muscles around? I thought he was supposed to be going back in time or something."

Taylor was pretty sure she was crazy. She'd obviously snapped in the locker. Maybe… maybe she was still in there.

Hallucinating all this.

"Fine! Fine! Hey Odyssey, here's a dumb question but apparently we should ask it anyways: anybody home?!" the second man sounded like an angry old grandpa.

Taylor saw no reason to not indulge her mental break. She was already far gone enough to experience all of this. Not much more to go.

She tried to feel for a way to reply to them and got something called a comm system back in response. She, trembling, tried to pipe her voice through it and into the room the four of them were in.

She barely registered it being the engine room. Her engine room.

"H-hello?" she called out.

Two of them, the first man and the second woman, jumped with surprise. The second man just dropped his arms and let his head flop back with defeat.

The first woman gulped. Taylor could see all this through something called the internal sensors. Because she had those now too, apparently. "Hi," she said to the ceiling, shivering slightly. "Uh… who are you?"

"Y-You're the voices in my head, you tell me!" Taylor shot back.

Suddenly she found dossiers on all of them pulling up in her vision. Colonel Samantha Carter. Colonel Cameron Mitchell. Vala mal Doran.Doctor Daniel Jackson.

"Nevermind, whatever this insanity is just told me," she informed them. A thought of wanting the things to go away made them disappear.

Sam blinked several more times, then set her face sternly. "Are you the Odyssey?" she asked, the tone of disbelief on her voice very clear.

"I-" Taylor started, then hesitated. She felt like the Odyssey. It… fit. Just seemed... right.

But her human sense was still not going along for the ride her instincts were trying to sell her. Something wasn't right, something was off.

Oh god. Maybe this was a cape Mastering her. That had to be it.

She saw the feeling of off as the only evidence of her possible real self fighting back against whatever Mastering was going on. To keep herself from falling any further into the illusion, Taylor clutched to that feeling like a lifeline. Then, she tried again. "No. No, I'm not. I'm Taylor. I don't know what this crazy shit is but you'd better stop it!"

Wait… but if the voices were part of the Mastering...

Taylor's eyes widened in sudden realization. "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" she screamed at the possible invaders.

Her ship systems immediately went to full red alert. But she ignored that because it wasn't possible.

"We're not in your head, kid!" Cameron fired back. "We're on a ship! What are you doing in its head?!"

"BULLSHIT!" Taylor fired back. "You're trying to- to mind control me or something!"

Cameron blinked and proceeded to stare at her ceiling with disbelief. "Mind control." He snorted and shook his head. "What the hell are you talking about? That's not even possible!" he continued.

His complete lack of belief, not even in the idea that he could be mind controlling she, but in the concept of it in the first place, made a chink in Taylor's mental armor. "Mind control!" she insisted. "like Mastering!"

Daniel interrupted whatever Cameron was about to say. "Alright, I can't be the only one who heard a capital letter there," he remarked.

"Uh, guys," Vala spoke up. This interrupted Taylor from continuing the discussion. Not due to her words, but their time and, more importantly, just where and in front of what she was standing.

Vala was looking at one of the monitors that showed the outside. She'd previously been looking at the screen that showed the Odyssey's status.

And a screen for Taylor's external sensors. Displaying her surroundings. In her school.

"Not now, Vala!" Daniel scolded her.

"Oooh no," Vala shot back. "You do not get to do that to me anymore!"

"We're trying to negotiate with the entity that's taken over our ship and you're going to do this NOW?!" Daniel yelled back.

"Yes!" Vala fired off. "Because you've got it all wrong!"

"STOP IT, ALL OF YOU!" Taylor screamed, collapsing to her knees and hiding her face. She just wanted this to go away!

The 'ship' they were on went dark. She'd shut down power to everything but life support and the internal sensors.

"Sam," Daniel asked pleasantly after a few moments. "What just happened?"

Sam tried to place a crystal down on the very unique console at the back of the engine room. It clunked against the glass-like surface uselessly. "Damn it!" she cursed. "I have no idea!"

"Maybe we upset the poor girl who is also now our ship?" Vala tersely suggested, her arms crossed.

The three others looked at her with dumbfounded expressions.

"You really should learn to listen to me more," she deadpanned, her tone kind of hurt.

"What the hell do you mean, girl who is our ship?" Cameron asked.

Vala grinned and looked at the ceiling. "Taylor?" she asked sweetly. "Would you turn the lights back on please?"

Taylor really didn't want to. Really didn't. She… was probably being Mastered.

But she looked at the remains of her locker and grimaced. Something was going on. Something immensely screwed up. Most likely Mastering.


There was a small chance it was something else.

Maybe… maybe she'd triggered in her locker.

It certainly fit. She shuddered as she briefly recalled the experience. Something like that was definitely Trigger Event worthy.

And maybe, just maybe, her power was weird. Perhaps it gave her four voices in her head to talk to.

She was always alone. And it was uncommon knowledge on PHO, but not rare knowledge, that the powers someone got always reflected themselves and their Trigger Event.

Taylor had no idea how becoming a ship was related to being trapped in a school locker, but the voices to talk to part matched what she knew.

She'd prefer to believe her new theory over the one where she was being Mastered.

So, hesitantly, Taylor searched herself for a way to follow… Vala's request. After a few moments she found it. The control panel for… herself, was a set of simple switches in her mind she'd flipped on instinct in her panic. She hesitated, closed her eyes, and flipped them back on.

The systems of the ship all came back online. And Taylor watched her new… crew with the eyes of a hawk, powered by Asgard sensors.

She would need to figure out just what the help those were later on. If she was going with the 'voices are part of her power' theory, she needed to a certain just what kind of voices they were.

Her world didn't exactly have a good history with capes who heard voices. The Butcher and The Fairy Queen being just two well known examples.

The fact those capes happened to be ludicrously powerful seemingly in exchange Taylor pushed to the side for now.

"There, see?" Vala presented smugly. "I told you. I was right!"

"Vala, a girl cannot be a starship!" Sam lamented, sighing.

Vala stepped closer to the sensor screen and pointed. "Well then you tell me, Sam, how the outside of the Odyssey shows a Tau'ri school?"

The three of them stared at her for several seconds, dumbfounded.

Then they reluctantly stepped over to the screen.

And stared it for several more seconds. Sam was the one having the hardest time accepting what her eyes were telling her, given the look of absolute disbelief on her face.

"Holy Hannah," Cameron exclaimed.

Sam's eyes widened. She looked at the ceiling again. "Um… Taylor?"

"What?" Taylor replied, wary of them yelling again, even as she closed out of the molecular scan she'd accidentally started running on them.

"Where are you right now?" she asked, the struggle to believe Taylor's sensors still quite clear.

"I-I'm on the floor outside my locker," she said, choking up. "Hugging my knees."

The four of them looked back down at her sensor screen.

"That certainly looks like a pair of legs and arms hugging them," Daniel dryly remarked.

"This is impossible!" Sam refuted. "Ships… don't just suddenly become humans!"

"Oh no, no, but humans and ships shrinking," Daniel snarked back, pushing his glasses back up his nose, "that's, that's okay?"

"Uh, guys?" Cameron asked, interrupting the bickering non siblings. He tapped a section of the screen. It zoomed in on Taylor's arm. "What's that?"

Taylor hurriedly hid her arm out of view of that particular visual sensor- eye. "Nothing."

Vala's face darkened. "It looked like feminine refuse, Cam," she said.

Taylor began whimpering and curled in on herself further. Vala had- she'd brought up something Taylor was trying very hard to forget. She was trying to scrutinize her new teammates, not… not melt down.

But everything was finally catching up to her, overriding the shock she'd experienced at the various feats of absurdity she had suddenly become capable of. The contemplation that her sister… ex-sister, now, especially after this, had tried to kill her.

She wasn't in the best headspace, and the torrent of tears that erupted from her eyes, washing over her visual sensors- her eyes, to drip onto the cold school's floor, proved it. She couldn't focus on her scans anymore. Couldn't do anything but hug herself and cry.

The thought to appear as anything other than how emotionally fucked up she was at that moment never entered her head. She believed the voices in her head to be only that, after all. Just voices. Mastering or parts of her power, they were just… voices.

The people on board Taylor were silent. They'd noticed her plight, through the sensor screens. The four members of the premier team of intergalactic explorers, each battle-hardened warriors and seasoned negotiators, looked to each other in silent dares to be the first one to breach the topic.

It inevitably fell to the less reserved woman present. Vala shot a narrow eyed glare at Sam, Daniel, and Cameron, but closed her eyes and sighed with acceptance.

"Taylor," Vala hesitantly spoke up, laying a comforting hand on the console in front of her, a gesture that Taylor somehow felt, "what happened?"

Taylor's breath hitched in her chest. She hastily wiped her eyes in an attempt to get the tears to go away. "N-Nothing," she half heartedly stammered.

"You don't seem like the kind of person who cries over nothing," she fired back.

Taylor had nothing to say. She just continued to sob, trying and failing to do so silently. Her continual leg hugging had reached the point that her sublight engines engaged. Due to a quirk of her new- old- merged existence, their output was dumped straight into shoving her reconfigured hangar bays - arms against her legs.

Taylor jolted a bit with surprise. Her legs. She- she thought of them as her legs first. She didn't have to correct herself.

The advent of that little bit of normal in her otherwise insane new existence broke what little control she had left. Taylor curled in further, stressing her shields, and hid her face in her knees. She proceeded to let the pain, sorrow, and misery of her last two years out through choked sobs and muted wailing.

It was a very long time before she stopped.
Chapter 2 - Welcome to Bet
Shipping It Stargate Style

Chapter 2

Welcome to Bet

"Taylor?" Vala hesitantly spoke up. She hadn't stopped massaging the engineering console. The soothing feelings of another human's touch that washed over the new ship girl when she did that had helped Taylor keep from breaking down completely.

"Y-Yeah?" she sniffled. She was rubbing her eyes with her hands, trying to get rid of the blurry vision her tears caused.

"Will you tell us what happened now?"

Taylor instinctively began to vehemently shake her head… and stopped.

What was the harm, exactly?

They were voices. And part of her powers. She'd basically be talking to herself.

It was just Emma's mental hooks that made her afraid of examining her own emotions.

Huh. Taylor had just discovered that she had a human and Asgard psychology database. Those would be pretty useful in the future.

She shook her head one final time and gave in. "Okay," she agreed.

Vala blinked with surprise. "Wait, really?"

"Y-Yeah. Gotta tell somebody and you're just voices in my head that come from my powers so I'd basically be talking to myself," Taylor reasoned. She put a hand on the ground and pushed off. Incredibly small thrusts of her sublight engines accompanied the action.

However, even at such a low thrust, the reaction was not what she was anticipating. As Cameron had once said: 'this tub only goes so slow.'

Granted that was on her sister ship the Daedalus, one who hadn't yet had all the Asgard upgrades she now contained, and she resented being called a tub, but the point was valid!

Also, she had sister ships? Those might be other people nearby who'd triggered at the same time as she did. Multi-triggers did usually get similar powers.

Taylor's small bout of introspective curiosity promptly ceased as her engines flared and ended up making her perform a large tumble into the air. She reoriented towards the planet's surface via some automatic alignment processes she didn't even know she had and landed in the stereotypical three point superhero impact pose.

In a slight dent in the concrete school floor.

Taylor's eyes shot wide open as she scrambled to her feet.

Both she and her crew were speechless. Taylor because she was examining her hands, legs, and engines in awed wonder, and her crew because of what she just did.

"Okay. I'm going to need someone to pinch me," Daniel announced.

"Tell me we didn't just see our ship, who is also now a girl, crater pavement by landing on it," Cameron continued, shocked to hell and back.

Vala shook her head, never ceasing her ministrations of Taylor's engineering console. "Can't do that, love."

"Why not?" Cameron challenged her sarcastically.

Sam owned the pair of the widest eyes out of the four of them, not counting Taylor. "Because that is what just happened, Cam." She blinked and raised a hand to rub her forehead. "I don't know how it happened, but that is what happened."

"Holy shit," Taylor lamented. A genuine grin was starting to grow on her lips. She clenched her fists and felt the raw power available to her.

And then, something just… clicked.

The building pressure in her head and the weight on her soul she hadn't even known were there evaporated. Taylor Hebert suddenly felt fully like the Odyssey, and the Odyssey felt like Taylor Hebert.

Her massive generators, both Human and Asgard, thrummed alongside the pulse of her blood. Their energies were waiting to be called to the various weapon emplacements she carried on her arms and legs. Her new heart was ready to direct a torrent of raw energy towards her shields, her engines, and even prepared to channel into her Hyperdrive so that she could rip the fabric of spacetime open and launch herself into a realm where her top speed was ridiculously higher. She even had the ability to launch flights of F-302 fighters from the hangar bays wrapped around her arms.

As she had done so many times before.

Or, well, the Odyssey had.

Her crew. Well, what was left of them. She now knew for a fact they weren't just voices. They were four out of five total members of the premier team of Earth's intergalactic explorers, SG1. Their fifth member, Teal'c, had escaped the temporal reversal by hiding inside an isolation field Sam had her create.

He was probably back in the Odyssey's original universe. On a duplicate of the ship that had merged with Taylor.

That existence was gone now. Her crew might not realize it, but she did. Her scans of their surroundings had easily found the difference in the quantum signature of her new reality. That… sort of explained what had happened to her. Just a little. Or at least provided a remotely plausible explanation in a scenario almost completely devoid of one.

Nobody ever said cross-reality travel was simple.

But she was also Taylor. Her original human body was still there. Overlaid upon her hull. Their quantum signatures matched perfectly.

Earth Bet was the Odyssey's reality now. Taylor was the Odyssey now. Moreover, it seemed her ship self had never really truly formed and was thus anchoring, pun unintended, onto her existence as Taylor. That… melding being incomplete was what had felt off before. And it had just finished.

Taylor relaxed her hands and spread her fingers. She easily located the emission ports of her Asgard Plasma Beam Weapons in the center of her palms. The devastating weapons were slightly hidden in another layer of reality, but that wasn't really a difficult obstacle for her sensors to cut through.

Her eyes traveled over the new location and shape of her primary hangar bays, an eyebrow raising at the sheer scale of the modifications needed to make them fit a humanoid body. They were wrapped around her forearms, underneath, almost like reverse gauntlets. On top of those same forearms were her primary railgun decks, also resembling gauntlets.

Her primary bridge sat atop her head like an abnormally flat, angular disk shaped hat. The large sheet of hull that served as the flattop of her class was split in two. One half sat astride each of her shoulders like pauldrons. Her secondary bridge, or flight control tower depending on which designer you asked, was on top of the left pauldron. The comm arrays that used to be on her nose now poked up past her ear from the right pauldron.

Taylor's missile silos had been relocated to a sort of backpack on her back, sticking up just past her shoulders. If she leaned her head back they could serve as a rather uncomfortable headrest. The weird backpack and the two extended arms coming off it and wrapping around her sides were the majority of her hull that wasn't part of her human body. They were connected by stylized versions of the massive extendable pylons that served to anchor her hangar bays to her main hull back when she was first built.

Because apparently whatever cosmic bullshit that had merged her with… her, had a sense of style.

As for her engines, they were distributed to different places on her new, old form. She was wearing what felt and looked like thigh high stomping boots with high heels but they were sections of her rear hull instead. Each heel housed the new location of one of her two primary sublight thrusters. Four out of three remaining six secondary thrusters were clustered around those primaries, two on each side, leading her heels to look thicker. The other two faced backwards along the outside of her forearms and had merged with her hangar/railgun deck gauntlets. Even though she looked like she was wearing short heels in one layer of reality, her sneakered feet were flat on the ground in… the real one?

Finally her hyperdrive emitters stuck out of the bottom of her backpack. They actually made it look sorta like one of those retro style jetpacks people thought were going to be all the rage back in the sixties.

In fact… Taylor almost felt like if she really wanted to, she could pull on her heavily modified ship self, manifest it around her humanoid body somehow. Then she would walk like she was wearing heels, because then she would be. At the moment… she wasn't?!

And… all of the bullshit that was her new form was giving her a powerful headache just trying to comprehend, much less make sense of. She decided to hold off on even attempting to continue mapping her new body or hull shape until she was recovered.

Taylor shook her head to rid her mind of the confusing information. She was in one piece, more or less, and that's what counted. She closed her eyes, clenched her fists again, and chuckled mirthfully.

There would be plenty of time for all of that later.

She opened her eyes and turned her heading towards the Locker. The place where her life as normal, wimpy Taylor Hebert changed forever.

And she smiled. A true, warm, happy smile. For the first time in over two years, she felt whole.

Well, until she saw the results of the scan she ran of her locker on instinct. At that… filth, she winced. But even so, that sense of right remained. Whatever holes in her heart Emma, Sophia, and Madison had torn open, the Odyssey was taking the place of them. She felt complete.

The feeling wasn't enough to fully counteract two years of extensive bullying culminating in a murder attempt but it was certainly sufficient for her to get her head in the game.

Taylor was also very thankful to whatever process merged her with the Odyssey for seemingly cleaning her, healing her injuries, and repairing her clothes.

...Although the second two might just be a quirk of her new existence as a ship.

"What the hell is that?" Cameron asked, drawing Taylor's attention back to the ongoing discussion of her crew.

"Toxic waste," Vala answered, scrolling down her readout. "I don't think the Odyssey has data on exactly what kind though."

"This is a school locker, right?" Cameron asked. "What kind of monsters put this shit in a school locker?"

"Bullies," Taylor spoke out through her comm systems.

Vala's face darkened. "Really," she almost growled.

Daniel grimaced and sighed. "That's your locker," he guessed, "isn't it."

Taylor nodded her head. "Yes."

"Why does it look like it lost a war with a piledriver?" Sam asked, poking her screens a couple of times to zoom in on the warped metal of the locker.

Taylor gently laid a hand on the edge, tracing her fingers over the scratches she'd made before she had become strong enough to pancake concrete. "In a way, it did. I wasn't very mentally present in my first few moments waking up again."

Her crew went dead silent while they tried to figure out what she meant.

"Oh my gods," Sam gasped, putting her hands over her mouth to keep herself from throwing up. She was the most intelligent one there. It didn't surprise Taylor that she got it first.

Vala was next and spoiled it for the boys. "Your bullies locked you in there with that refuse?!" she almost screeched. Her grip on Taylor's engineering console became vicelike, her nails trying to dig into the metal and horribly failing.

"Yeah," Taylor lamented sadly, taking a moment to fold the side of the locker like it was a piece of paper, "they did. The entire day. I eventually passed out after screaming so much my vocal cords broke. Then when I woke up, I was the Odyssey."

Vala tried to grip even harder. Taylor wasn't concerned, her hull was made out of a trinium-naquadah-titanium alloy. Someone would have to try a lot harder to even so much as scratch her surfaces.

Alexandria might be able to give her a bruise.

Actually… No, that wouldn't work, would it?

Taylor's eyes shot wide open as she realized she was stronger, faster, and tougher than the Hero known for those traits on her world. For fuck's sake, it was named the Alexandria Package for a reason!

But she outclassed the Package's namesake in pretty much every way.

As she thought about it further, of course she did. She was a starship. Alexandria was just a parahuman. Even more than that, Taylor was a military vessel with highly advanced, alien technology integrated into every system she had.

She would be very surprised if Alexandria could even dent her hull much less breach her shields. And given they seemed to be shaped very similar to Glory Girl's force field, clinging to her skin, she didn't have to worry about the Daedalus class' original shielding matrix's weakness of being able to get inside it.

If she really thought about it, there wasn't much that could threaten her on Earth Bet anymore. Behemoth, the dynakinetic Endbringer, and Scion were probably the only ones who could. She wasn't entirely human anymore, which hopefully negated the Simurgh from mind controlling her, and she could just pick up Leviathan and take him on a quick Hyperspace trip to the black hole in the center of the galaxy.

Taylor's eyes widened to their maximum when the final, full realization hit her.

She wasn't just a cape now. She… she could make a difference. A worldwide one.

Right. Time for her to substitute the lack of discipline she had as Taylor with what she seemed to have picked up as Odyssey. With her level of power comes not just great but massive responsibility.

"SG1," she interrupted her crew's raging against her tormentors. While it was therapeutic, there were more important things to discuss now.

Daniel was the one who commented. "You know what that is?" he asked, surprised.

Taylor nodded and reached out for the perfect impression of her face she'd left in the locker wall. "Of course. I am the Odyssey, after all," she informed them. A small part of her attention was on the metal in her hands as she moulded it as easily as she might do so to clay.

Another small part of her attention was marveling at the fact that she was that strong.

Her sublight engines seemed to translate directly into her humanoid strength. Which, upon thinking about it, made her obscenely strong.

Eighty percent of lightspeed in five seconds. A velocity change of sixty million meters per second, or roughly 197 million feet.

And she wasn't exactly a light ship to move, either.

Taylor paid much, much more attention to the thrust on her hands after that revelation.

"I thought you were Taylor." He did have a good point.

"Yeah, what the heck? You went from denying it to talking like it's fact!" Cameron chimed in.

Vale and Sam were suspiciously silent. The former just kept massaging her console. The latter was clearly still trying not to gag.

"I was confused and scared," Taylor told them, beginning to explain. Her face in the locker's metal was completely unrecognizable now, and so she turned her attention to widening the hole she made with her hull when she accidentally thrust backwards. "I was still finishing up my merge with the Odyssey. Now, I'm whole."

"Y-Your merge with the-the Odyssey," Sam finally spoke, hesitantly, brokenly, but her deadpan tone was still obvious. She appeared to be at the end of her rope.

"Yeah. I'm Taylor Hebert, human, but also now the U.S.A.F. X-304 Daedalus Class DSC Odyssey," she continued to explain. Yet again, both names rang true in what she guessed was her soul. The deepest, most intimate part of her. Something beyond flesh. Beyond hull.

Huh. Was she starting on the path to Ascension? Something to pay attention to.

"I continue to reiterate this is impossible," Sam protested, crossing her arms and glaring at the sensor screen which persistently told her very differently.

Before any of them could break out into bickering again, Taylor continued. "At least now I know you're not just voices, you're actually my crew. And I have bad news to tell you, unfortunately." The new ship girl drew in a deep breath and let it out in an attempt to steel (hah!) herself. "We're not in your original universe anymore."

Daniel sighed, closed his eyes, and rubbed his nose. "Damn it."

"What do you mean… Taylor?" Sam asked, suddenly laser focused.

Because of course miss science geek would be interested in this situation beyond the fact they weren't in the Odyssey's home universe. Taylor rolled her eyes and chuckled at the legendary woman's just as legendary scientific interest.

"Simply put, I, Taylor Hebert, am native to a universe that isn't the same as the one you four and the Odyssey, which is now also me, come from," Taylor began explaining with more depth. The hole in the wall behind the locker was now almost big enough to drive a small car through. Any evidence of her body shape was gone. She took a moment to step out of the Locker, fire the Asgard Beams on very, very low power in order to vaporize the toxic waste, and nod at her success.

Specifically, the success that was firing anti-capital-ship plasma weapons at a small enough diameter and low powered enough to only vaporize the toxic waste, instead of, say, ten miles of bedrock. On her first try, no less!

Man. Her new power set really wasn't remotely what some on PHO dubbed most of the powers in her city. Street level? If she went too fast in atmosphere she could set it on fire!

Taylor shuddered at that thought and immediately promised herself she'd never, ever do so.

There was just one more step to cover her tracks. If it was only her locker which was destroyed the effect would be just the same as walking straight up to the villains, heroes, and 'adoring' public, and announcing her identity to the world.

Taylor wasn't sure if she wanted to take that step yet. And she was dreading the future conflicts of interest given she was a U.S.A.F. vessel. The military of Bet's U.S. might not notice though. Hopefully.

It's not as if her designation was plastered across the side of her hull for all to see or anything.

Oh, right, yeah, that was false. Someone was going to notice. Taylor was thus going to have to decide just where her loyalties lay, and with whom, or if anywhere or anyone even qualified.

She began ripping the doors off random lockers around the hallway. "I've run scans of my Taylor Hebert body's quantum signature, my ship hull's signature, and the signatures of all of you," she continued. "They're identical. And they're pretty different from the records I have of the quantum signatures we used to have."

Sam and Daniel groaned and cursed, respectively.

Vala and Can were clueless. "What?" he asked.

"We are in a different universe than yours," Taylor dumbed down for them. She stepped back to admire her finished handiwork (or was that thrusterwork, now?) that was the almost completely decimated hallway.

"Alternate reality," Cam joked, miming checking something off a list on an invisible clipboard, "check. Just gotta get snaked, transformed, aged, die and come back, and get mistaken for an evil deity to finish my SG1 bingo!"

"Hey!" the rest of SG1 denied. In concert.

Taylor chuckled at his joke. It was funny just because of how accurate it was. If you had access to SG1's uncensored files like she did, you'd find it funny too. All of those happened to them with alarming frequency.

She tuned out her crew's discussion once more to conduct a more in depth scan of what she'd done. The school's hall was decimated. Locker doors were all over the floor in various stages of violent disassembly. A couple of the rows barely even existed.

And the only fingerprints to be found looked like her hull. Segmented metal. Taylor would feel robbed of a part of her identity given her new fingerprints, but close examination of her fingertips revealed she still had her human print patterns. So she could… switch them, apparently?

She'd love to see the PRT figure out that.

Taylor brushed her hands against each other and placed them on her hips. She congratulated herself on a job well done, nodding at the chaos.

Then she turned around and strode right out of the school into the chilly night. Or… supposedly chilly. That's what her sensors said. It didn't feel cold to her. She wasn't sure if that was her shields protecting her or arm aspect of her new existence, but she didn't really care. It was nice.

Even without a temperature change, passing through her locker and the missing brick wall behind it felt like the beginning of a new journey for her.

Taylor Hebert was reborn as the U.S.A.F. Odyssey, and the world would never be the same.
Escalation? I think so!


Huh. Well, things are going to be very different for Brockton Bay.
Quick question, what was the watsonian point of the scene in Worm where the undersiders told Taylor their trigger events?

Also, beyond that issue, this story is awesome, and I want to read all of it.
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Escalation? I think so!



Nice. That first one is another ShipGirl!Taylor, right?

Side note, how do these arts for fanfics come about?

Oh hey, read this on FFnet. Good to see it was more than a plot bunny!

o/ Good to see you here!

As you said me in FFN: Bullship is Love, bullship is life.

Bullship is Love, Bullship is Life.

Huh. Well, things are going to be very different for Brockton Bay.

Understatement of the century, I think :p

I believe Mallozzi has confirmed the size of the Daedalus-class to be in the 700 meter range.

Otherwise, will be waiting for more.


Length is 200-225 meters. Taylor is a smol ship.

Quick question, what was the watsonian point of the scene in Worm where the undersiders told Taylor their trigger events?

Also, beyond that issue, this story is awesome, and I want to read all of it.

No idea!

Thanks, I hope to continue this awesomeness.

Did you draw the first one? If so, I applaud your talent

Did you draw the first one? If so, I applaud your talent
No. No. Please don't. I have no talent. I would never subject anyone to the crime against Humanity that is my art.

Nice. That first one is another ShipGirl!Taylor, right?

Side note, how do these arts for fanfics come about?
Some draw the fanart. Some Google search it. I google searched it and edited the picture a bit to give it a slightly darker tint.
I haven't seen much Stargate, lost interest in the show during the old SG-1 series, but I do love me some Worm crossovers, and KanColle-style shipgirls with alternative ships are always yum.

Sensors locked on target, Observation Mode Active.
Length is 200-225 meters. Taylor is a smol ship.
The wiki figures are from the DVD covers whose layout editors did not know how to convert from metric to english.
The VFX team themselves used a 650m figure.

Admittedly though, it matters little in Taylor's case since she'll be scaled down.
Admittedly though, it matters little in Taylor's case since she'll be scaled down.

Yes and no. Like all shipgirls she is is her ships and a girl at the same time. So she is 5'6" and 250 m (or 650 m) tall at the same time. Same with the weigth.

That's why I ask about hers. She could accelerate using her sublight over her human mass and then switch to her full weigth just before hitting something. She could hit something with several teratons of energy.
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Someone know the mass?

No clue.

I know the roman mass!

Church or collegiate? XP

No. No. Please don't. I have no talent. I would never subject anyone to the crime against Humanity that is my art.

Some draw the fanart. Some Google search it. I google searched it and edited the picture a bit to give it a slightly darker tint.

You might in a Cards Against Humanity game. Someone is already making humanity suffer if they play that game, so why not? :p

What, 'fanart commission' or something?

I haven't seen much Stargate, lost interest in the show during the old SG-1 series, but I do love me some Worm crossovers, and KanColle-style shipgirls with alternative ships are always yum.

Sensors locked on target, Observation Mode Active.

You're missing an epic time, man. Get through the first couple of SG1 seasons and it only goes uphill.

Except SGU and SGI. Ignore the latter's very existence and grimace at most of the former.

'alternative' ships, starships so OP it's hilarious, same diff right?

The wiki figures are from the DVD covers whose layout editors did not know how to convert from metric to english.
The VFX team themselves used a 650m figure.

Admittedly though, it matters little in Taylor's case since she'll be scaled down.

A Daedalus is seriously almost three times as long as an Iowa? No freaking way. I find that very hard to believe without some r/theydidthemath stuff.

And it does actually kinda matter, because three times as much mass is three times as much mass. Clockblocker needs us to figure out just how fat he can joke Taylor is!

Yes and no. Like all shipgirls she is is her ships and a girl at the same time. So she is 5'6" and 250 m (or 650 m) tall at the same time. Same with the weigth.

That's why I ask about hers. She could accelerate using her sublight over her human mass and then switch to her full weigth just before hitting something. She could hit something with several teratons of energy.

Yeah, this is a valid tactic. And her shield would likely allow her to escape personal damage entirely. Not to mention if she jumps out of hyperspace without slowing down at the end...

The question is, can she use the beaming technology to move the crew out of the ship?


A Daedalus is seriously almost three times as long as an Iowa? No freaking way. I find that very hard to believe without some r/theydidthemath stuff.

Comparing the ~200m and ~600m scales with an F-302. The F-302's size is less contentious at ~14m long, and at that size, it will barely fit in the 200m scale.

Comparing the ~200m and ~600m scales with an F-302. The F-302's size is less contentious at ~14m long, and at that size, it will barely fit in the 200m scale.


Welp, guess Oddy!Taylor is 650m long now. I've put 'change Odyssey multiversal pinball reality from 500m to 1000m because math' in my todos for the cleanup of my stories.
The length of the Odyssey as so thoroughly proven by Intermittent_Coherence has caused me to contemplate whether Oddy!Taylor's... erhm... measurements need to change. If she's thrice as long as an Iowa, and Shipgirl Iowa is rather... well...


What do you lot think? And try to engage your actual heads on this matter QQ. I know that'll be hard but we must do the Odyssey the justice she deserves.

Edit: I have done some preliminary math of my own on this topic using the difference between various KanColle shipgirls' ship displacements and measurements to calculate Oddy!Taylor's.

...And they're insane.

So, I'm going to be going by ship class. Taylor is, basically, a battlecruiser with a carrier ability. Thus I will be using KanColle BC human body measurements as a baseline. Something similar to an Agano or Kongou class;
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Edit: I have done some preliminary math of my own on this topic using the difference between various KanColle shipgirls' ship displacements and measurements to calculate Oddy!Taylor's.

...And they're insane.

So, I'm going to be going by ship class. Taylor is, basically, a battlecruiser with a carrier ability. Thus I will be using KanColle BC human body measurements as a baseline. Something similar to an Agano or Kongou class;

My recommendation?

At least Narwhal levels of height, over 8 feet easily

A battlecarrier would mean her bust measurements should be Iowa plus Saratoga in volume (remember, this means only cube root of 2 in linear dimensions, a little above 5/4 times Iowa or Sara's measurements)... if she was as tall as either of those two.

Since she's taller, the linear scaling stays consistent. Conclusion: Probably the biggest tits on the planet after the Simurgh.
Make it that her 'Muggle form" stays normal while "Fuck everything in that particular dimension form" or colloquially "Cape form" be based on Kancolle.

Though please don't make it a focus of the story.

I prefer a story about an invincible ship stumbling around in Bet's deathworld rather than long and overly detailed description about the boobies of a minor.

Just saying.
So, I'm going to be going by ship class. Taylor is, basically, a battlecruiser with a carrier ability. Thus I will be using KanColle BC human body measurements as a baseline. Something similar to an Agano or Kongou class;
What about basing her on Ise or Hyuga instead?
Those ships were modified to be seaplane carriers, but a shortage of aircraft and trained pilots prevented them from ever being put to the test.
The Japanese had some usable combat seaplanes, including a variant of the Zero, so they were not just for recon, even if that was the purpose for the Tone class to carry so many seaplanes.
Conclusion: Probably the biggest tits on the planet after the Simurgh.



There's also a couple other Z Cup breast women out there, So while Taylor might be up there, she is by no means the second largest on the planet.

Though I imagine she'd look something like this in comparison to normal people

I agree with the rest of your post though
I have no idea how to calculate such metrics, I just come here for the spess-bote. ^.^

Still waiting on that next chapter..... ~.^

Spaceboats are best boats ^_^

I needed to get my decision on this matter nailed down before I could finish up the next chapter. Should be done soon!

My recommendation?

At least Narwhal levels of height, over 8 feet easily

A battlecarrier would mean her bust measurements should be Iowa plus Saratoga in volume (remember, this means only cube root of 2 in linear dimensions, a little above 5/4 times Iowa or Sara's measurements)... if she was as tall as either of those two.

Since she's taller, the linear scaling stays consistent. Conclusion: Probably the biggest tits on the planet after the Simurgh.

I said think with your real head, QQ! Damn it! xP

The tall thing might occur. I'm not sure. Measurements, not happening.

Make it that her 'Muggle form" stays normal while "Fuck everything in that particular dimension form" or colloquially "Cape form" be based on Kancolle.

Though please don't make it a focus of the story.

I prefer a story about an invincible ship stumbling around in Bet's deathworld rather than long and overly detailed description about the boobies of a minor.

Just saying.

Hmmm... That's actually an interesting way to go about it. She's already slightly different in her 'normal' form anyways, I can take that further. Would explain why she hasn't reacted to it yet.

I won't make it a focus, though this is Taylor Hebert. She canonically has an insecurity complex in relation to her lack of curves. It will receive a mention. Just how big the mention is was determined by my above decision.

That is what Shipping It is about. Along with an investigation into the psyche and psychology of Shipgirls. I find it interesting.

What about basing her on Ise or Hyuga instead?
Those ships were modified to be seaplane carriers, but a shortage of aircraft and trained pilots prevented them from ever being put to the test.
The Japanese had some usable combat seaplanes, including a variant of the Zero, so they were not just for recon, even if that was the purpose for the Tone class to carry so many seaplanes.

Ise and Hyuuga are BB aren't they?

I don't think they really mirror the Odyssey. It was designed from the ground up to carry fighters.

There's also a couple other Z Cup breast women out there, So while Taylor might be up there, she is by no means the second largest on the planet.

Though I imagine she'd look something like this in comparison to normal people
I agree with the rest of your post though

Yeaahhh... Those are the 'insane' measurements I was referring to. Gonna go with the BCs, thanks :p

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