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Shirou, Blade of Emiya

is the shirou from here also a transmigrator?
So... which Emiya Shirou is that SI that is inserted there? I would like to know about this Shirou, considering that it is also a SI. Is it your story or are you referring to someone else's story with that Shirou? And if so, what is the story so I can read it!!!
"Emiya Shirou, nice to meet you." On the opposite side of the spectrum, the young man had no problem revealing his. Not like his name is famous here or anything, right?

Kairi frowned, recognition flashing in his eyes. The surname reminded him of the renowned Magus Killer, Kiritsugu Emiya. Last he checked, the man had retired and was spending his days in Fuyuki with his wife and two children—one biological, while the other taken in. Coincidentally, the kid before him had the same name as Kiritsugu's adopted son.

Speaking of the son, Kairi heard that he'd made a huge splash in the magi community with his introduction of "Domain Expansions", or whatever it was called, a year ago. It was essentially an inferior version of a Reality Marble that anyone with a profound understanding over their magecraft could manifest, and it sent every practitioner of thaumaturgy around the world into a frenzy.

Due to his discovery, the Mage Association turned the boy into a Sealing Designate - an order to retrieve his body, becoming no more than subject of experimentation - but they were forced to withdraw after Shirou Emiya gave the world a taste of the first ever Domain Expansion, Shrine of Unlimited Blades, during one fiery encounter, mincing everything within a 150-meter radius and killing every personnel the Association had sent to capture him.
hmm . . .
2-line aria (domain expansion being the first line, then the name of the DM being the 2nd)
mastery over bound fields to create a barrier
2 hands to form the hand signs
mastery of the magecraft imbued into the barrier (that may or may-not be related to their origin)
and going to make the assumption of requiring a strong inner world (innate domain equivalent) which typically needs an understanding of self (typically requiring knowing ones origins , which IIRC you just need a quick ritual instead of JJK's self discovery)

bruh i can understand mages pogging over a pocket reality marble, the fact the words "anyone with" and "first taste" implies that some mages are reverse engineering it
Lorelei probs has her hit squad training it to bulli more dead apostles
Apocrypha SI-hirou having that weird mystery of being 1st DE user makes his stronger than others
. . .
i just realized that Apocrypha Kiritsugu knows bound fields very well (specifically specializing in destroying others bound fields; might be specialized in domain clashes)
he knows his origin
can definitely speak 2 sentences
has 2 hands for signs
has a cheat sheet of a crest to practice his time alter (has to train a bit to get the rust off and actually master time alter)
Kiri probably has a weird version of Naoya's DE with some severing and binding aspects thrown into the sure-hit

throwing in the idea of instead of the 2 line aria, mages do the full 10 count to power their DE, so DE clashes are a game of chicken where "counting" too much leads to the shorter line user hitting first, but if the sure-hit doesn't insta-kill the stronger count user overrides the enemy DE and counter attacks with a charged sure hit of their own.
TLDR; domain expansions in apocrypha SI-hirou's timeline just makes thing complicated in a good way, caused me to waste time thinking
Bro got that unlimited malevolent kitchen
. . . the issue is that while his kitchen has all the cutlery needed it doesn't have a build-in furnace due to not being subjected to the cursed fires of avenger and a ruler was summoned. so unless he has a flame magecraft and several self-geas/binding vows theirs not cooking to be done
Supposedly using 3 command seals at the same time you could incarnate a Servant.
Perseus was incarnated this way. Basically giving a physical body to a spiritual entity.

I see where you're going with this. They could give Jack the Ripper a physical body, in addition to removing her from the lineup.
This is excellent, glad I gave chapters some time to build up as it was nice to get Zouken out of the way, the bastard. The Saint bit is actually kinda cool. Wonder what Gilgamesh thinks of him if he's seen him, and also Shirou with DE... that's a fucking amazing idea, making him a jujutsu sorcerer.
. . . the issue is that while his kitchen has all the cutlery needed it doesn't have a build-in furnace due to not being subjected to the cursed fires of avenger and a ruler was summoned. so unless he has a flame magecraft and several self-geas/binding vows theirs not cooking to be done
Bro literally has the blessing of God. If YahWeh himself doesn't give our boy even fire magic to become better with his cooking, then idk what he's smoking
Reading that Mordred scene, it'd be funny if Shirou's thinking "AH must remind him of Merlin!" all the while telling Mordred she's cute looking like a red-headed copy of Artoria lol As in, you sure it was only because of the Merlin similarities?
Reika just admitted that she'd continue to murder, likely, innocents for Jack? And Jeanne, a literal Saint, just accepts that so casually? Huh?

Hmm, parental love. And she didn't just accept it. If Shirou didn't have a solution those two would be dead by now. Or at least Jack.

2 saints at work can only do what they can do with the tools at their disposal. Shirou apparently solved world hunger awhile back.
Great chapter! I'm happy the Jack situation was resolved, as expected. Hope to see more of Shirou teasing people. And Headpats!

It's a shame Shirou will leave, but I'm happy with the memories, and weapons, he obtained and will obtain. I'm also exited to see him summon a servant of his own when the time is right.

To be honest, I kinda forgot this was a reincarnation history. Also, I'm curious. Should Mordred ability prevent Shirou from knowing who she is? That would be an interesting battle of concepts. I mean, I can see that it didn't in the fic, but maybe that was because Shirou already knew who she was from before?
Speaking of the son, Kairi heard that he'd made a huge splash in the magi community with his introduction of "Domain Expansions", or whatever it was called, a year ago. It was essentially an inferior version of a Reality Marble that anyone with a profound understanding over their magecraft could manifest, and it sent every practitioner of thaumaturgy around the world into a frenzy.

So there are more reincarnated people running around? I really don't like it...

As for the sealing designation, it is mainly given when the Magus achieves something that is not replicable, if the domain expansion was well documented and any magus can learn there is no reason to issue a sealing designation. Now, if they find out about Reality Marble, things change.
Oof, am I the only one feeling sad for Sieg? Looks like the poor boy got a bad end here. Shirou ended up distracting Jeanne, and Astolfo was unfortunately a bit late. So the kid wasn't able to make his escape... And now it seems he's become the focus of the Caster of Black's experiments.

At this point we might only be able to hope that Shirou can put him out of his misery.
At this point we might only be able to hope that Shirou can put him out of his misery.
It might actually be possible for Shirou to save Sieg. His Healing Prayer before receiving his Saint title was powerful enough to mend Zouken's soul to the point of remember back to when he could be qualified as a hero of justice. With Shirou praying long enough and with a projection of Avalon pretty much everything Caster could do to Sieg should be able to heal.
This is actually good for Seig honestly.

He gets to become Adam with how he is ridiculous in receiving powers with barely any drawbacks that means he get that power if Shirou calms him down and heals him he might even return to a more human form and actually have more than a year or so left of life.

And he wont need to turn into a dragon of greed to safe guard the grail that spamming heaven's feel all over the place.

He gets to be a guardian of the human order.
10: Shattered Grail.
Chapter 10: First Quest (3/3) - Shattered Grail.

"Is something wrong?" I asked my company as we patrolled the outskirts of town.

"A battle is happening over there." She lifted her hand, pointing eastward. "I must go, I shall return once it's over."

Gazing into the direction she pointed, I could feel multiple explosions of dense magical energy, indicating that a battle was happening there.

"I'm coming with you," I voiced out my thoughts.

"Shirou, you mustn't. It is far too dangerous for you," Jeanne refused. She knew his physical prowess eclipsed that of an ordinary human, but a fight between Servants still posed a significant danger to him.

"Don't worry. I'll stay far away and just watch. You go on first, you're way faster than me after all." Admittedly, there wasn't much I could really do apart from observe from a distance.

She nods, accepting my words. With a flicker of light, she equipped her Servant attire and sprinted away, leaving me abandoned. Without wasting another moment, I reinforced my legs and surged forward, following the Saintess' direction.

A little later, I came to a sudden stop after arriving at the edge of a forest. On one side of the terrain, the Yggdmillenia castle where the Black faction rested could be seen standing firm, overlooking the battlefield.

Then, I cranked my head upward, gazing at the monolithic fortress hovering with the clouds, looming over the land like a watchful eye—it was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Assassin of Red's Noble Phantasm. Looks like the Red faction decided to launch an all out attack on their enemies after Assassin of Red finished constructing it. It's funny how the Servant of Assassination of all people possessed the most eye-catching ability out of everyone.

Back down on the ground, a few isolated clashes were happening. The trees were cleaved, earth torn, and the winds boomed with every impact that commenced, leaving nothing but destruction upon Mother Earth's fine landscape.

Using Reinforcement on my eyes, I got a better look of what's happening while remaining far away from any of it as possible. I watched as the Rider of Red, Achilles, charged with a head full of steam at the Archer of Black, Chiron, who was posted atop a cliff, bow in hand.

The spear in Rider's grasp was added to Unlimited Blade Works in an instant, same with Archer's bow. Looking away from them, I did much the same to the other Servants I could spot running around the battlefield; copying their Noble Phantasms inside my Reality Marble.

After scouring the whole area, a wide smile etched itself on my face, overjoyed by the new additions to my arsenal. In total, 8 Noble Phantasms including Ruler's was now in my possession. From the Black Faction, I gained Saber, Assassin, Archer, and Lancer's. While from the Red Faction, I got Saber, Archer, and Rider's, the others were simply too far or impossible for me to analyze.

My personal favorite was the Archer of Red's weapon, the chaste huntress—Atalanta, as it finally allowed me to shoot Noble Phantasms out like they're arrows without snapping in half from the strain, unlike my current custom-made bow. Of course, I wouldn't be doing that right now lest I garner everyone's attention.

I scratch my chin, thoughts stirring. From what I could recall, the Greater Grail is currently hidden below the Black faction's base. Using the ongoing fight as a distraction, I could probably sneak my way inside and break the source of this conflict with all the Noble Phantasms I've acquired just now.

"Alrighty-then." I made my decision and swiftly left the scene, heading to the Yggdmillenia castle while utilizing my proficiency with the art of stealth to become one with the surroundings.

Of course, I did not barge through the front gates and instead looped around, infiltrating from the side where there were less people out and about. The Bounded Field was a little tricky to squeeze through, requiring utmost caution, but the Black faction's full attention at the moment was at the frontlines, which made it easier to slip in. Had it not been for that, I doubt my entry would go unnoticed.

I carefully traversed through the unnecessarily wide hallways swiftly like the wind itself. As expected, the homunculi roaming the place failed to notice my approach and went on their usual activities, leaving me free to wander around.

However, as soon as I turned a corner, my eyes widened in surprise as I encountered a pink-haired individual who evoked a sense of unbridled joy. Astolfo, the Rider of Black, stopped his gait, his eyes piercing through the veil of [Presence Concealment] and spotting me immediately.

"Uh… hi?" I waved nervously, unsure of what to do. Try as I might, there was no possible way for me to escape a Servant with my current speed.

"Hello!" he greeted back with vigour. "I haven't seen you before, are you new? No, you don't look like you're from here at all." He tilted his head and repeatedly tapped his chin, then gasped, "Oh! You're here on a super-duper secret spy mission, aren't you?" he guessed.

"Um… yes?" my response came out slowly, lacking in confidence. He wasn't wrong about me being here in secret, so I guess he's technically correct?

I went deep into my mind, recalling Astolfo's character. Apart from him being the poster-boy for male femininity, I distinctly remember him having a personality most would consider the epitome of both whimsy and heroic. So maybe the best choice here was to be honest? I wasn't sure. What I recall about him were from works of fiction, while this was real life, so things might not go how I remember it to.

"I knew it! I am Astolfo, one of Charlemagne's paladins! Also known as Rider of Black!" he revealed his name without me having to ask. It seems his personality remained true to my memories at the very least, so the chances of me dying during this unplanned meeting of ours is fairly low.

"Oh. I am Emiya Shirou, nice to meet you," I returned in kind, my tensing muscles slightly relaxing.

"Hm!" Astolfo nodded, as if satisfied by my answer. "Are you here to steal some secret intelligence, mister spy?"

I blinked, replying, "Should you really be asking that instead of kicking me out?"

"Come on, I won't tell anyone else, I promise!" Raising a hand, the paladin made a zipping motion on his lips.

"Uh… well, I'm here to stop this war by destroying the Greater Grail," I confessed after a bit of hesitation. Hopefully, by telling him this, he'll leave me be. "Can you do me a favour and forget I was here? It'll do me wonders," I pleaded.

After a moment of contemplation, the pink-haired Servant said, "I see! I don't know where it is, I wish you good luck, Shirou!" he encouraged. "Though as much as I want to talk to a fellow man of cuteness, I can't stay here any longer, my presence is required on the battlefield!" he proclaimed before running past me while humming a jolly tune to himself.

Processing Astolfo's parting words, my brows rose slightly. A fellow man of cuteness? "Huh, so he didn't mistake me for a girl, that's good," the corner of my lips curved upward a tiny bit, feeling as if a small crack within myself got fixed. I guess it is only natural for him of all people to know everything about cross-dressing.

Thankful, I left the area and breezed through the halls, evading the ever increasing number of guards in search for a passageway downward. I used [Structural Analysis] on the building itself in small bursts, hoping to find the entrance to the basement where I knew the Greater Grail was being kept, yet remained in the dark on where it was.

Without warning, a thunderous boom sounded from outside as I passed through a silent aisle. The ground quaked and the ceiling got peeled off like wet paper, revealing the starless sky, and throwing me off balance for a brief moment. I turned, looking out to find a gigantic humanoid figure, its hue earthly with several tentacle-like appendages sprouting from its back and shoulders, escaping from one of the castle walls and causing a collection of concrete blocks to rain from above.

"Witness my greatest creation!" Stood on the giant's shoulder was the Caster of black, his cape billowing in the wind. "Go forth, Adam! Let us bring Eden upon this world!" he ordered the colossal golem, his voice coated in utter glee.

Fearing for my safety, I bent my legs and launched forward, away from the towering giant before it squashed me into non-existence.

Meanwhile, atop the floating fortress that was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Caster of Red - also known as William Shakespeare - clapped his hands while speechifying the sudden appearance of the golem for his companion, who was preparing a mighty spell, to hear, much to their annoyance.

Escaping the area with my life intact, I resumed my search with haste while avoiding much of the chaos happening around the castle caused by Caster's actions. Eventually, after much exploring, I found exactly what I was looking for—a stairwell—and quickly descended down the stairs. The Bounded Fields erected around the place posed a bit of a problem, but with enough patience, I managed to breach through them all and arrived inside the castle's undercroft.

In the middle of the space, settled firmly atop a podium was an enormous weathered sphere with a vaguely star-shaped gap. Through the aperture, an assortment of humanoid figures that seemed to have been carved from stone could be seen gently cradling an orb that released an otherworldly glow.

Oddly enough, there were no homunculi, or any other personnel for that matter, to defend the relic from intruders, but there were at least half-a-dozen masterfully crafted offensive spells encasing the thing, preventing anyone from even nearing it, let alone interact with it. Avoiding Bounded Fields made for detection was easy enough, but ones made to attack anyone who gets close was out of my league at the moment, so I stayed just out of its range unless I wanted to be riddled with holes in seconds.

The Greater Grail, a nigh-omnipotent wishing device and ultimate prize of this war's victor, stood before me in all of its mystical glory, pulsing with enough magical energy to cloud my mind. I shook my head, regaining my senses, and willed my magic circuits to life in order to Project a Noble Phantasm. While my current proficiency with Projection magecraft might not be able to replicate a Noble Phantasm's full might, one or two strikes from a downgraded version of such armaments should be enough to destroy all of the magical barriers and give me access to the relic.

"Trace—!" Before I could finish the chant, a deafening rumble reverberated from all around. Fissures suddenly zipped across the surrounding walls and floor, forcing me to pause. Not a second later, the ceiling collapsed like a house of cards, revealing the Hanging Gardens of Babylon now hovering directly above the Yggdmillennia castle.

Instead of crashing down, however, the debris defied gravity and shot upwards into the sky as if magnetized by the flying fortress. Dust and rubble danced in the air, illuminated by the eerie glow of the Gardens. The castle shuddered, stonework cracking and splitting as it was drawn towards the sky.

Suddenly, I felt an invisible force wrench me off the ground. The sensation of weightlessness hit me as I was lifted into the air. My body rotated out of instinct, limbs swinging about in a vain attempt to find solid ground. Below, the Greater Grail lets out a piercing groan as the Bounded Fields covering it shattered, before being violently ripped from its post, launching into the sky at an alarming speed.

As the wish-granting artefact surged past my floundering figure, I quickly reoriented myself and reached out, digging my fingers into its crevices. The world blurred around me as I clung to the Greater Geail, the sheer force of its ascent threatening to fling me off. Wind whipped at my face, and the roar of displaced air filled my ears.

Shirou's ascent gradually slowed as he entered the flying Garden's center piece, giving him a moment to readjust his grip to not fall off. Soon enough, the Grail drifted inside an open space surrounded by sterile walls, even lighting, and thick pillars that held the ceiling, before stopping dead in the middle of it all. Letting go of the wish granting device, Shirou dropped to the ground, panting lightly.

Suddenly, his ears caught the distinct sound of footsteps echoing to his rear. Turning, the boy spotted a man with bleached hair, clad in vestments of a priest, standing a few meters away from him and the Grail, their eyes flashing with intrigue.

A brief staredown ensued as the two refused to speak even a single word, as if content on simply observing the other from a distance.

"My, I certainly did not expect you to be here," the priest began, breaking the silence between them.

The young Saint narrowed his eyes, berating himself internally for forgetting Semiramis' plan to take the magical sphere via gravitation magic. He was too focused on sneaking into the castle that it slipped past his mind.

Quickly sifting through his past life's memories, Shirou immediately determined their identity. "You are Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, correct?" he inquired.

From his faint recollection of Fate/Apocrypha, the white-haired man before him was the Ruler Servant that was forcefully called into existence by the Einzbern family during the previous Holy Grail War and survived till the modern day after having made contact with the Grail. After the conflict, he joined the Holy Church as Kotomine Risei's adopted son, then spent 20 years in the middle-east.

More importantly, he was also the true Master of every Servant, apart from Saber, within the Red Faction as he had stolen their Command Seals with Semiramis—Assassin of Red's help in order to win the Great Holy Grail War.

"That would be my old name, yes. I also go by Kotomine Shirou now," the priest confirmed, his fondess of his new name was evident. Oddly enough, he was not at all surprised at the fact that Shirou knew of his True Name despite not being a Servant himself.

"It is my pleasure to meet you, Emiya Shirou, the one blessed by His light in this day and age," Tokisada said, bowing out of respect of the boy's status as a living Saint. He knew of the redhead's name, of course. It was hard not to notice the only person who accompanied this War's Ruler-class Servant, Jeanne d'Arc, who's movements he'd been tracking since the start of the war.

Much like the priest, Shirou wasn't perturbed when his name left Tokisada's lips. It was only natural for Tokisada to know him as he didn't exactly do much to hide his presence all over Trifas. However there was one thing he was taken off guard by; the fact that the man knew of his 'title'.

"Care to satiate my curiosity of mine?" Tokisada asked. Shirou kept his silence, letting the man continue. "What is your purpose of coming here?"

"To destroy this thing and put an end to this entire event," Shirou answered honestly, motioning to the rocky sphere behind him.

The priest stared at the young man for a moment as if contemplating, before saying, "Why must you do so? Are we not under His tutelage? Under the same banner?"

Truth be told, Tokisada felt a little dumbfounded by the strong favour the boy seemed to have garnered from God. Shirou was unknowingly releasing a shred of it every waking moment, imbuing the air he passed through with a potent amount of holy energy, making him easily identifiable.

"I'm gonna be completely honest with you, I never planned on becoming one, it just happened one night. That's that." Shirou casually shrugged, but internally, his mind was whirling. 'How does he know that? Do I have a sign saying I'm a Saint on my back or something?' Apart from Jeanne, he's never mentioned his 'title' to anyone, not even to Reika as he deemed it unnecessary. Was it because the man was a Servant? Or can just about every member of the Church recognize if he was a Saint or not? He needed to do something about that later.

"Would it not be beneficial for us to work together as fellow worshippers of the Lord? Perhaps if you knew what I am after, you would understand." Amakusa Shirou Tokisada took a breath, then went on to speak about his wish, his motivation to win this War, hoping to convince the boy to turn to his side and join his cause.

He dreamed of providing humanity salvation, a paradise where no man, woman, or child would have to suffer through any form of hardship and live in total bliss for all eternity. Tokisada asked Shirou to take his side in a compassionate tone, but the latter shook his head in refusal.

"I was never a devout follower of God. I only go to church on occasions." Shirou felt the need to point that out. "And while your goal is certainly commendable," he pointed at the Greater Grail behind him with his thumb, "this rock won't—no, cannot fulfill such a thing," he declared, his voice filled with conviction, which confused Tokisada more than anything.

"And how would you know that?" How could the boy be so sure that the Grail wouldn't fulfill his ambition? He knew the steps to realize it; he would use Heaven's Feel to bring out the goodness within people, create a world where no one would shed a single tear out of sadness.

"I know a few things." The young Saint provided no real answer. While it might appear almighty, the Holy Grail had its limits on what it can do; creating a world of utter peace, devoid of any and all evil, was undoubtedly out of its reach. 'Not that I don't want such a world to exist, but it was an impossible task no matter how you look at it.'

Hearing his words, Tokisada's lips thinned into a line. He was confused more than anything at the boy's statement, the priest could tell Shirou knew more than he let on, yet refuses to disclose it. Was the boy mocking him, perhaps?

As if reading his mind, Shirou spoke, "Whether you believe me or not, I'll still have to destroy this thing at the end of the day. That I can't negotiate on."

"I see." Tokisada nodded, accepting Shirou's words with surprising calmness. "Then there is no point in continuing this conversation." He felt a pang of sadness at the thought of opposing a literal Saint, but the feeling faded away just as quickly as it appeared. Tokisada was prepared to do anything to achieve his goal, even if it meant getting rid of Shirou, a man blessed by God.

With a glimmer of light, his appearance made a drastic change. His hair now tied into a pony tail, donned a traditional samurai outfit with hints of European influence, and a katana appeared in his hand. Holding his weapon aloft, he declared, "I am Amakusa Shirou Tokisada."

The red-haired boy paused for a brief moment before responding in kind, "I am Shirou, Blade of Emiya." He did not know why introduced himself like that, but it felt just about right.

His magic circuits stirred awake, producing a blue haze around his form that transformed into Malenia's garbs, a burnished curved sword in hand. Next, he applied Reinforcement on every part of his body, bolstering his strength by many times.

Instead of directly confronting his adversary, however, Shirou pivoted on his foot and swiftly spun around, ready to cleave the Greater Grail in half with his weapon. But in the same instant, the former Ruler-class Servant appeared behind him with a burst of speed, forcing Shirou to halt his attack.

'Time Alter—Square Accel!' With a hurried spell, Shirou moved out of the way, barely evading the sharp edge of Tokisada's katana that nearly separated his head from his shoulders. Bearing witness to the Servant's agility, Shirou's heart pounded in his chest.

Sliding some distance away from the wishing device, the young Saint recovered his stance and saw a soft flicker at the edge of his vision. He threw his head to the side, dodging another attempt at his neck by the skin of his teeth.

Without wasting another moment, Ruler quickly withdrew and followed up with an upward strike to the chest, to which the redhead reacted by twisting his torso, but he wasn't fast enough and was grazed by the attack. His reinforced robe was effortlessly ripped open, doing next to nothing in terms of protection.

As Tokisada transitioned into a downward slash, Shirou adjusted his grip on his sword lashed out. The two blades clashed at the mid-point, sending sparks flying in the dim light of the chamber. Shirou managed to divert the katana's trajectory, missing him by a mere finger's length, however, this move left his center wide open.

Seizing the opportunity, Tokisada raised his leg and delivered a powerful kick to the young Saint's stomach, sending him flying across the enourmous room.

"Ugh!" Shirou cried out. He halted his roll and briskly rose to his feet just in time to find the tip of Tokisada's blade pointed right between his helm's visor. In a desperate attempt to escape the situation he found himself in, he overloaded his helmet with a large amount magical energy, bolstering its durability by several folds for a split second.

A resounding clang echoed throughout the space as Tokisada failed to penetrate the winged helm, much to his surprise. However, as a consequence for pumping more mana than it can realistically handle, Shirou's helmet shattered in spectacular fashion, revealing his face swathed in sweat.

Shirou took a step back and held his curved blade defensively, his eyes swirling with determination. The Servant spun and lunged with elegance, attempting to outmaneuver the Saint, who barely stood their ground by deflecting the attacks coming his way.

The glint of steel filled the air as the two swordsmen executed a dance of masterful swordplay. To an outsider's perspective, the two fighters appeared evenly matched, but that couldn't have been more far from the truth. The young Saint was losing—badly. He never once made an initiative or countered for he was utterly outclassed in pure physical might. Given enough time, he would tire out and lose focus, which would lead to his demise.

In the midst of their clash, Shirou's persistence paid off as he finally broke through the Servant's guard for once, landing a kick to their abdomen that amounted to practically nothing apart from pushing his enemy back.

Halting his slide, Tokisada stabbed his weapon on the ground and chanted, "Set!" Behind him, a dozen katanas emerged out of multiple magic circles, primed and ready to skewer the living Saint. With a burst of speed, the swords threw themselves in Shirou's direction, cutting the wind as it passed.

"Trace on!" Using Projection, Shirou created his own line of armaments in response. With a thought, his creations launched forward to intercept the projectiles. A collection of sparks exploded in the air like fireworks in the night sky as the two opposing forces met in the middle.

Unfortunately for Shirou, however, his ability to create and manipulate blades in mid-air wasn't on the level where he could hurl them with the force of a bullet, so he had to conjure two or more swords in order to stop a single surging katana that flew towards him at incredible speeds.

The former Ruler moved, appearing in front of the Saint in the blink of an eye. The redhead executed a wide, sweeping swing in front of him, forcing Tokisada to momentarily stop his stride. Next, he threw a myriad of feints from all sorts of angles, yet the Servant saw through his ploy and parried the real slashes, then threw a steadfast cut that left a deep gnash on Shirou waist.

Ignoring the pain, he launched a barrage of strikes, hacking with a whirlwind of fury, driving his opponent back as they skillfully blocked and evaded each attack.

As the battle raged on, Tokisada exploited a momentary lapse in the boy's concentration, delivering a precise strike that slipped through their guard. Belatedly, Shirou moved his arm in front of him to block the attack.

The katana's keen edge easily sliced through the Saint's flesh before stopping halfway as the sound of metal brushing against metal reached Tokisada's ear. Looking closely, he could see tiny blades sticking out of the boy's flesh, preventing his katana from going any further.

With a forceful tug, he retrieved his weapon from the Saint's limb and raised it high, about to swing. But in the corner of his eyes, Tokisada saw a metallic gleam and leapt backward, avoiding the rain of steel that riddled the spot he was previously standing on.

Shirou took this opportunity to gain some distance between them and shot at the Servant with his bow, but to no avail. Tokisada deftly handled his weapon, deflecting the incoming shower of swords, steadily advancing towards his adversary's retreating form while hurtling an assortment of curved blades of his own from magic circles at the young Saint.

The boy wracked his head, attempting to think of a way to win this battle. With time, he slowly formed a rather ludicrous plan. A cloud of magical energy manifested around his left hand that quickly rook the form of the Hunter Pistol.

'I am the bone of my sword,' he recited internally. Deep within, his soulscape reacted to the prayer. Evading another deadly projectile aimed for his head, he resumed, 'Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.'

Usually, when Shirou recited the aria for Unlimited Blade Works, he would simply bring out the countless armaments resting inside it, but this time, he wasn't doing that; it was indeed a call of arms like always, but instead of weapons, he was reaching for the Reality Marble itself by condensing it's entire essence into a small point in space—inside the Hunter Pistol's singular chamber.

Nearing the redhead, Tokisada's unwavering assault led to a critical moment where he successfully exploited a gap in Shirou's defenses, delivering a devastating blow to the boy's chest. Like hot knife through butter, the katana effortlessly impaled itself into Shirou's chest, had he not jerked his body to the side at the last second, it would've struck his heart.

Shirou winced, wracked with pain, yet a manic smile slowly formed on his lips, prompting a foreboding feeling to travel across the Servant's back. The former Ruler tried to withdraw his weapon from the boy's torso, but failed as Shirou's hand snapped forward, taking firm hold of his wrist and keeping him in place.

Lifting his arm, the redhead pointed the tip of the gun at the Servant and pulled the trigger, resulting in a loud bang to reverberate across the area.

In a hurry, Tokisada moved his empty hand out front to swat away the odd, blackened bullet that came barreling out of the pistol. He did not know why, but he felt a strand of connection to the object, but he threw that feeling at the back of his mind and proceeded to smack it. Unfortunately for him, that was the biggest mistake he could ever make at this moment.

To his shock, the bullet pierced his skin and dug into his flesh instead of bouncing off it. Caught by surprise, he flicked his captured hand, forcing the boy to let go, and abandoned his sword to leap a couple meters away from the young man.

He drew a sharp breath as a collection of steel violently emerged from under his muscles, causing a copious amount of blood to spurt out. The mysterious phenomena started from his hand, then quickly climbed up to his wrist and forearm. Panicked, he briskly took a new katana out of a magic circle and separated the affected arm off his shoulder without an ounce of hesitation. As the disconnected limb dropped to the ground, he watched in horror as it was swallowed whole by many layers of metallic protrusions.

Meanwhile, Shirou unsheathed the blade out of his chest with gritted teeth, tossing it to the floor. Now given a much needed respite, he turned to his true target in the distance. With a clear line of sight, he summoned a different bow and a large sword, both pulsing with power. He set the sword's pommel onto the string and pulled back, straining his arm in the process due to the bow's immense draw-weight.

"—O sword, let thee be filled." The former Ruler heard the boy speak. He lifted his head and couldn't help but widen his eyes. In the Saint's hand was a familiar pair of objects, the Archer of Red's bow and the Saber of Black's greatsword, which was notched onto said bow how an ordinary arrow would.

Tokisada stared, his shock evident. They were undoubtedly Noble Phantasms, he could tell that much. As for how the boy came to possess such armaments in the first place, he did not know. Not once did he witness Shirou do something like this throughout the entire time he'd observed him.

A pattern of bright cracks spread across the fabled sword's surface like spiderwebs as Shirou injected far more mana than it could hold. "Balmung!" he yelled, releasing the cord in his hand. The projectile whizzed through the air at the unbelievable speed towards the magical sphere in the center of the room.

"No!" Seeing the projectile's intended recipient, Tokisada shouted in fright. He dismissed the questions forming in his mind and crouched low, knees bent, and jumped with all his strength, landing in front of the flying sword's path to stop it.

Upon making contact with Servant, the Noble Phantasm produced a blinding shine before exploding with an earsplitting boom right after. Tokisada was unceremoniously propelled into the air, spinning and crashing through multiple pillars before stopping a great distance away, blanketed with stone and concrete. His clothing were torn and blackened, skin singed by the heat of the explosion. Combined with his missing arm, he looked absolutely worse for wear.

Back to Shirou, he summoned another Noble Phantasm and spoke, "O sword, let thee be filled—!" After finishing his words, a mouthful of blood escaped his lips, dripping down his chin. His body was under intense pain, as if a rod of pure fire had inserted itself into his spine. Despite its attempts to counteract the extensive damage being done throughout his body, Avalon ultimately failed to prevent a lock of hair near his temple from whitening.

Projecting Noble Phantasms, even weakened ones, wasn't an easy task to accomplish even with his vast amounts of mana reserves. His mind threatened to break, going in and out of conciousness as he prepared to shoot another 'arrow' at the wishing device.

"What!?" Tokisada gasped, unable to believe what he was seeing. He just bore witness to a human creating a Noble Phantasm of all things out of nothing, how was that even possible? He tried to lift himself off the ground, but his legs buckled underneath him, causing him to collapse.

Powerless to do anything, he yelled at the Saint, a hint of desperation in his voice, "Stop it!" He was so close to achieving his dream. He couldn't let the chance to slip away from his hands.

However, the young Saint did not listen to his words and evoked the greatsword's name, "Balmung!" Whistling through the air like a call of death, the dragon slaying sword reached the Greater Grail in the blink of an eye, tearing through the relic's defenses with ease.

Tokisada's face betrayed a blank look, he could do nothing but watch as the ticket to realizing his ambition erupted into a fiery blast that easily liquified the surrounding area into molten silt. His back slumped onto the pillar to his rear as the Grail produced a grating creek, then broke into pieces.

[You have completed the Quest. You may return anytime within the given time frame, otherwise you'll be forcefully pulled back]

[59 minutes remaining until the Quest ends]

An ever familiar screen appeared before him. After reading it, he mentally made the screen disappear.

"Release." Shirou fell to his knees, blacking out for a brief moment as the spell's effects fizzled out. With a groan, he forced himself to stand and made his way towards the detonation's epicenter. He stepped into the chasm, almost falling over, and pocketed whatever fragment he could find that remained of the Grail in a hurry.

Amidst the sea of flames and destruction, he found a small marble that emitted a yellow glow. Curious, he picked the item up, only to let it go right after upon realizing that it was steaming hot. He took a small vial out of his lower pant pocket and drank it in one gulp, recovering a slight amount of mana back, then summoned multiple layers of fire-resistant fabric and wrapped it around the odd marble, taking it with him. Despite not knowing what it was, a small part of his fading mind felt it was important.

Emerging from the crater, Shirou found the former Ruler, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, with his back resting against a broken pillar, unmoving. He ignored the man and turned heels, leaving the scene in haste, lest he encounters the other occupants of the fortress. Thankfully, the Servants of Red were preoccupied by the battle occurring below, otherwise he would've been swarmed by them earlier.

He weaved through the winding halls and eventually arrived at a balcony overlooking the ruined Yggdmillennia castle below. Seeing the drop, he legs quivered slightly as the high winds whipped his messy hair around.

"You know what, screw it," he uttered, pushing through his fears, and vaulted over the railings in one swift motion. It was reckless, he knew, but it was either this or risk fighting more Servants. He could barely match one with everything he had, so his decision was obvious.

As gravity took hold over him, a wave of vigour encompassed his entire being, strengthening himself to mitigate the damage he was about to take. He collided into the Black Faction's base, prompting a grunt to escape his mouth as pieces of the structure joined his descent. Twisting mid-fall, he careened down its sheer walls, descending at a dizzying speed.

Thinking swiftly, Shirou summoned a blade and stabbed it into the building, putting an end to his free fall just as he was about to become one with the ground. Dropping, he dismissed the sword and pushed through the agony his body was being subjected to and sprinted away the best he could.

Meanwhile, within the throne room in the heart of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, two indivuals rested, spectating the events unfold behind a myriad of screens.

"Hah," the Caster of Red lets out a sigh, expressing his feelings at the current turn of events. Beneath the floating structure, his Caster-class counterpart cried out in distraught as Adam, the enourmous golem, slowly dissolved into nothingness. Caster shook his head, saying, "I suppose not all stories end with a flourish. Sometimes, it ends with a pitiful whimper."

For a war that involved a colourful cast of characters from across human history, it was a rather disappointing ending, if he were being honest.

"Why didn't you stop him! Couldn't you be useful for once!?" Semiramis, the Assassin of Red, snaps at the Caster clad in green as she inched closer to the edge of her throne. She herself could not leave where she sat and chase after the interloper, for her true powers depended on said throne of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

"Perhaps your belief that I, a playwright, could stop someone who can seemingly create Noble Phantasms out of nowhere is a tad bit inflated and unfair?" Caster, or William Shakespeare, gave a calm rebuttal. A Servant he might be, but a fighter he wasn't. He wrote stories during his life, not engage in pugilistic combat like everyone else here.

The Assassin of Red clenched her fist and slammed the armrest of her chair in anger. They were so close, only for some random magus to take it all away.

Down on the ground, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia, leader of the Black Faction, stood in his lonesome inside the ruined castle that was once the Black Faction's base. His expression remained neutral even as everything he'd been working towards for the past several decades fell apart right in front of him.

Out of the blue, he felt a warm sensation spread across his chest. Looking down, he spotted a familiar spear that could only belong to his Servant—Lancer—going through his center.

"Darnic," a gruff, yet noble voice echoed from behind him. "You dare use a Command Seal to turn me into something disgraceful. As punishment for your transgression," the Lancer of Black, Vlad the third, withdrew his spear, taking Darnic's still beating heart along with it, "—die," Vlad III declared, his voice filled with authority, before dematerializing from the material plane in a shower of light.

Earlier, before the Greater Grail was destroyed, Darnic had used a Command Seal to forcefully empower his Servant, but it would also turn Lancer into a monster that he so vehemently loathed with every fiber of his being, hence Lancer's anger towards his Master.

Losing strength over his body, Darnic Prestone Yggdmillenia dropped to the ground with nothing more than a stiffled grunt, left alone to die from his wounds.

"My goodness, what happened to you!?" Reika's panicked voice reached my ears as I entered the apartment with a bit of difficulty.

"I'm... not doing too good. But I'll get better, I promise." My words did nothing to calm the green-haired lady. She rushed to my side and dragged me inside, setting me on the couch. "It's fine-it's fine, don't worry. I heal pretty fast."

I lifted my shirt, revealing my slim, yet toned waist that had more or less recovered from the prior intense altercation thanks to Avalon. Reika sighed and plopped down beside me, worry still on her face. She knew I was more resilient than most, but a dark cloud still swirled above her head. From behind, Jack the Ripper, clad in an adorable peach dress, made her appearance and went to her Master—or mother's side.

"Hello Jackie. You doing okay?" I greeted the Assassin-class Servant.

A frown marred the little albino's cute face. "Um, I feel weird?" she said while scanning herself from top to bottom, as if searching for the source of the odd sensation.

"Is something wrong Jackie? Did you eat something weird?" Reika asked worriedly, a motherly aura surrounding her figure.

Before little Jack could open her mouth, I answered for her, "Don't worry about it. Here, drink this, it'll go away for a bit." I created a juice carton with Projection and handed it to Jack, who happily took it. "I'll need to do something real quick so the weird feeling doesn't happen again," I reassured the pair.

A little later, after regaining my breath, I stood up and spilled the contents in pocket onto the table. Using my admittedly limited, but useful knowledge in the art of thaumaturgy, I swiftly put together a necklace with a small decorative piece made with a fragment of the Greater Grail hanging in the middle.

I could feel that the shard still generated and circulated magical energy, more than enough to keep Jack from vanishing altogether for years to come. There were better ways to do this, maybe something that involved the Command Seals Reika had, but I did not want to mess with things I do not understand. Maybe I'll end up doing something stupid and accidentally cause Jack to permanently disappear, and I did not want that.

Crouching down, I faced the white-haired Servant and wrapped the magical accessory around her neck. "A gift, from me. With this, you'll stay with mommy for a long time. Don't lose it, alright?" Assassin looked at it in wonder, feeling her mana reserves recover at a rapid pace.

In the corner of my eye, a few System notifications pop up, telling me that I have completed a rather chunky side-quest and had leveled up multiple times. 10 consecutive times, to be exact. I was now level 30, much to my shock.

Right on cue, the front door opened to reveal Jeanne's figure clad in a jacket and shorts. We greeted the Saintess warmly as she joined us in the living room.

"The Servants begun disappearing one by one. I'm guessing you did it, Shirou?" she looked at me and asked, to which I responded with a nod. "I see. Soon enough, I will also disappear."

"Jeanne, if you want, I can make another one of these." I pointed at the necklace that provided the Jack mana, giving her a way to stay if she wanted.

"No, Shirou," she shook her head. "I mustn't overstay my welcome. Besides, I wouldn't want to take more of Laeticia's time more than I already have," she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

"Okay…" I decided not to tell her otherwise and went to the kitchen area, saying, "While we're still here, how about a meal? A last supper, you might say."

Jeanne and Reika gave a positive response. Jack on the other hand, gave a spirit answer, "Can we have burgers?"

"Of course, Jackie. We can," I smiled and started preparing food for the four of us.

Sizzling onions filled the kitchen with a mouthwatering aroma. I flipped juicy patties on the grill, the rich scent of beef wafting through the air. On the side, I tossed a fresh salad with vibrant greens and cherry tomatoes. Golden fries crisped in the oven, ready to accompany the burgers. Melting cheddar over the patties, I then stacked them high with lettuce, tomato, and pickles. With a final flourish, I plated the meal, the colorful array of food a feast for the eyes and a promise of deliciousness.

"Here, enjoy." I let out a smile while setting the dishes on the table. The four of us then ate in comfortable silence, except for Jack who kept exclaiming in delight each time she took a bite, making Jeanne and Reika giggle.

After the fact, we sat in the living room, watching as embers of magical energy left Jeanne's form, indicating her departure.

"I guess this is goodbye," the Saintess solemnly said.

"Bye-bye, auntie." Jack gave the Saintess a tight hug. All of us gave her a tearful send off as the Saint of Orleans left for the immaterial. Laeticia, now without the soul of Jeanne, lied comfortably on the couch in a blissful slumber.

Reika turned to me and asked, "Are you leaving as well, Shirou?"

I glanced at the System's timer. [3 minutes remaining until the Quest is over]

"Yes. I can't stay here for long, and I'm really sorry for leaving Laeticia in your hands," I replied, my voice tinged with a hint of guilt mixed with sadness.

"Don't be, you and Jeanne had given me more than enough. And I'll make sure Laeticia returns home safely, Jackie is pretty strong, I'll tell you," she reassured.

"Okay. The paperwork for this place and some extra cash are inside there," I pointed at a drawer. "Don't go causing trouble now, alright?" I gave the pair a heartfelt hug, said my farewells, and manually chose to return to my world with a mental command.

Right before their eyes, Shirou's form was covered in a bright column of light, as if an Angel had been recalled into God's domain.

The light gradually died down, returning my vision. I looked around and found myself gazing at the unchanged state of my smithy. I searched my person and found the now cooled amber ball, which emitted vast amounts of mana, inside my pocket, alongside a few pieces of the Greater Grail that I had taken. They seem to have remained with me, that's good. I don't know what I'm going to do with them, but they'll surely have their uses in the future.

"I'm back." Turning, I immediately bolted out of the shed and entered my not-so-humble abode and found Sakura inside the kitchen area wearing an apron, stirring a pot, and a certain Tiger lounging in the living room dressed in a school uniform, lazily watching the television.

Despite spending a couple of days in Trifas, it appears as if I have never left in the first place. 'Huh, I guess my time in that world didn't affect this one?' I sighed in relief at the discovery. Thank goodness for that.

"Senpai?" Sakura noticed Shirou's entry. She realized that a small part of the boy's hair had turned white, but didn't say anything for now, focusing on the task at hand.

"Yes?" I faced her, asking, "Do you need some help?"

"Ah, no. It's almost finished, there's no need." She waved her hand, a warm smile on her lips.

Nodding, I made my way to the common room and sat down. Taiga took her eyes off the TV, finally noticing me. "Ah, Shirou! You're finally out of that messy workshop of yours. You should spend some more time outside," she said, almost complaining.

"Hello, Fuji-nee," I greeted back. "And I'll have you know that my smithy isn't even that messy, I clean it everyday." I'm fairly certain my penchant for cleanliness had turned into an obsession by now.

"Hm? What happened to your hair?" she asked. I twirled the bleached tresses with my finger, claiming it was from stress, to which she let out a laugh, looking all smug. "See? I told you to go outside, you're already starting to look like an old man from hammering metal all the time!"

We went back and forth, exchanging words before she inevitable went back to watching the television. She didn't appear all to worried that a child was starting to lose colour in their hair, instead choosing to make fun of it.

While waiting for Sakura to finish cooking, I opened the System in order to check on the notifications that had been blaring at the edge of my vision for a hot minute now, demanding my attention.

[You have completed the Quest. Please initiate a spin to receive a random Noble Phantasm as your reward]

'A gacha element? Are you kidding me?' I stared incuriously at the screen, then activated the so called "spin" with a mental push on my part.

I frowned as the ticking noise of a spinning wheel entered my ears. There wasn't even an animation to accompany it, there was literally nothing for me to even look at. All I could do was stare at the interface and wait for it to finish doing its thing.

[Noble Phantasm 'Gate of Babylon (E)' has been acquired]

'What!?' My eyes widened, utterly dumbfounded. I opened the newly added "Noble Phantasm" section at the bottom of the System display to take a look at my newly acquired ability in excitement.

As I read it's contents, however, the smile on my lips gradually curved into an straight line.

[Gate of Babylon (E)]
- The King of Uruk's treasury. It is the storehouse that Gilgamesh had built to store all the treasures he claimed in life. Now it lays barren, devoid of any treasure, waiting for it's new owner to restore it to it's former glory.

'Oh…' I breathed out in disappointment. 'I guess you can't have everything you want.' Still, it was pretty useful in its own right even if it had nothing inside. I finally have an inventory space to store all my things without having to carry them in a bag.

More importantly, it was one hundred percent mine and not a replica like the ones within Unlimited Blade Works—it was a genuine Noble Phantasm. Satisfied with what I got, I pushed the interface away. What did this mean, though? Does Gilgamesh know I have an empty form of his treasury? Guess I will never know unless he shows up.

Shortly after, Sakura joined us on the table with a handful of dishes to feed at least 4 to 5 people, even though there was only 3 of us. Of course, most of it would probably end up inside Taiga's seemingly bottomless stomach. While I might have just eaten earlier, Sakura's cooking still made my stomach growl as if it were empty.

Here I stood, in front of a large mansion's front door that belonged the one and only Rin Tohsaka, the Second Owner of Fuyuki.

"Knock-knock!" I vocalized while knocking on the door at the same time. "I know you're in there, Rin!" I called out to the manor's sole occupant. Some seconds later, the door opened a bit to reveal a tired looking Rin sporting her signature twin-tails. She held the door, glaring at me from beyond the crack.

"Are you gonna let me in or no?" I asked.

With a sigh, the Magus of Thighs, as I liked to refer to her in my head, opened the door, letting me inside her home. Closing the entrance, she spoke, "So, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to give you your breakfast. You need to take better care of yourself instead of drowning yourself in books, Rin." I dangled the container in my hand for her to see.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you." She flicked her hair back and crossed her arm across her chest. "And how many times have I told you to not come here?"

"Always, pretty much," I shrugged.

She tapped her arm with her finger. "So why are you here?"

"Because you let me in? And still continue to allow me entry when I ask?" I countered dryly. Despite telling me not to return, she still let me inside without a problem, and I know the exact reason why. "Face it, you can't even live without my or Sakura's home-cooked meals at this point, don't even deny it"

She ignored the heat flushing through her cheeks and responded with a small stutter, "I-I told you, I can handle myself—" before Rin could finish her sentence, I spoke over her.

"Nuh-uh." I wagged my finger. "Here, your favorite." Before she even knew it, the table was already neatly ladened with food I knew she liked.

"Y-you insufferable man! Why can't you just listen!" she exclaimed, but her body remained true to her desires. She was already settled comfortably on the chair, mouth watering as she stared at the assortment of food in front of her.

"Heh," I chuckled, causing the young woman to let out a stern "Shut". If her mouth weren't stuffed to the brim, I would've found the glare she was sending my way mildly threatening.

I stayed until she finished, messing with her all the while, then cleaned the dishes and left shortly after. By the doorway, I raise my hand and ruffled her head, before Rin pushed it away with a huff.

[Skill 'Head pat' has leveled up to E - 3] A translucent screen appeared, and was swiped away just as quickly as it appeared.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Rin," I waved her goodbye with a smile.

"Just get out of here," she replied, a faint shade of red tinting her cheeks.

Upon reaching my home, my jolly attitude got replaced by a cold exterior as I spotted a group of people dressed in priestly garbs standing in the front gate of the Emiya residence. Hearing my approach, they turned to look at me, reverence flashing through their eyes.

One of them stepped forward and said, "Greetings, Emiya Shirou. I am Garcia Cane, a representative of the Church."

"What do you want?" I asked with narrowed eyes, making my feelings about their sudden visit known. As if reacting to my emotions, the calm winds slowly kicked up a notch.

"At ease, there's no need for hostilities," he raised his hand reassuringly. "We are under direct order of his Holiness. And we ask only for a bit of your time to discuss some things."

A frown took over my lips. It seems my title had brought me more trouble than I thought. I hope to God they didn't come here for any nefarious reasons, I just got out of a war and want to relax for a bit.


Author's notes: Brain fog sucks absolute balls. It feels like my mind just regressed by a decade.

I've forgotten so many things; words, simple phrases and such, so this chapter might not read that well. I'm sorry.
Hmm, well at least Jackie got to spend more time with her mommy? Overall, the end of the Apocryphal War was probably better than canon, it's just too bad that so many of the participants had sad ends.

And now I'm curious to see what Shirou does with those Grail fragments... and what exactly that "marble" is. Maybe a brand new holy relic to bribe -cough- donate to the church?
I quite like this fanfic, ngl. It has all tropes of trashy gamer SI, but it somehow works and i enjoy this. This is like hamburger from this food joint you know is bad for you but they somehow make it right.
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So his inventory system is the gate of Babylon huh? I can dig it.

Gil is going to be pissed.
Great chapter! Shirou against Shirou. Winner: Shirou. I'm hoping that Shirou can summon Jeanne, though I don't think she would be the same Jeanne that he befriended in the other world.

Hope the whole Saint thing brings Shirou more happiness than grief. I don't know much about the church in the Nasuverse, but I'm not particularly hopeful, to be honest.

Will he start filling his gate with the weapons he projects? It would act as a work around for the massive mana cost of projecting powerful weapons.
So his inventory system is the gate of Babylon huh? I can dig it.

Gil is going to be pissed.

I mean, maybe. Gil has sometimes been shown to respect humans who are OP and have balls. In canon he hated Shiro at first because he saw him as a weak useless brat who only mattered because he stole cheap copies of other's noble phantasms.

Now also considering the gate of Babylon isn't a cheap copy but the real thing. And if Shirou is actually strong enough to be called a hero on his own hard work before they meet, then Gil may actually have some begrudging respect for Shirou.

Gil did steal near 100% of his treasures after all, so he may just say "finally a human in this age with some balls, daring to follow my foot steps. And you even stole from me ha!" Then proceed to fight Shiro on principle anyway.

Then again my headcannon is if someone actually beat up Gil and took something from his treasury after beating him, he would respect them far far more than what Shirou did in canon.
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Now that i think about it, Big G of Nasuverse really loves making meatheads his Saints. First girl who is just holy gorilla (Martha), next random peasant girl who has seen dream and gone for crusade, now this weird sword in human form who goes around and farms exp on undead.
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Now that i think about it, Big G of Nasuverse really loves making meatheads his Saints. First girl who is just holy gorilla (Martha), next random peasant girl who has seen dream and gone for crusade, now this weird sword in human form who goes around and farms exp on undead.
Don't forget Joshua, son of Joseph, the original JoJo, better known as Jesus.

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