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Exactly. Anything can be thrown, given a large enough catapult.
3.5 Internet 2
So... I'm a little put off by this formatting, but I've been kind of stuck on how to make it look SB-y. Sigh.


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Home ⯈ Forums ⯈ SpaceBattles General Forums ⯈ Space Battles Main ⯈ Superhero Forum ⯈
Tony Stark - The Iron Man, Thread 2: Power Armor Boogaloo
Discussion in 'Superhero Forum' started by Tabby, May 2, 2008.

Tags: Iron Man, Tony Stark, Avengers
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Aldion Plosiri (Speed Is Waifu) said:
So, the last night's stream from interngirl, anyone see it? She sounded like she was trying to say her superhero name (sounded like 'Supergirl'?) and then out of no where Tony Stark appears and goes "where's my coffee, wonder girl?" Now there's remixes of her begging everyone not to call her 'Wondergirl' on the youtube.

I'm just leaving this here so that the internet never forgets to call her Wondergirl from now on...

Folks, I think we found interngirl's official superhero name.
Deviateswitch (I bet Infinity Stones taste like rock candy...) said:
This doesn't belong in this thread, you should remove it.
Aldion Plosiri (Speed Is Waifu) said:
Tony is in the footage.
Deviateswitch (I bet Infinity Stones taste like rock candy...) said:
Well, it's still awful, she didn't want that name. It doesn't even fit her! I mean, come on!
Aldion Plosiri (Speed Is Waifu) said:
What's wrong with "Wondergirl", anyway?
Deviateswitch (I bet Infinity Stones taste like rock candy...) said:
It's just wrong, okay? Even interngirl is better!!! Just stop! OMG `:mad:
auraofmild said:
Wondergirl it is. `;)

Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. Ladies love it.
Deviateswitch (I bet Infinity Stones taste like rock candy...) said:
(User was infracted for this post.)
Felis3P (Meido Maou (Mod?)) said:
Witchy, you really need to stop taking things so personal when it comes to Wongergirl.
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Home ⯈ Forums ⯈ SpaceBattles General Forums ⯈ Space Battles Main ⯈ Superhero Forum ⯈
Interngirl Wonder Girl Tells All!
Discussion in 'Superhero Forum' started by Tabby, April 1, 2013.

Tags: Ancient Aliens, Interngirl, Wondergirl, Kara Zorelle
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Tabby (Supreme Amuser-Shifu) said:
So on this week's episode of Ancient Aliens Annotated, we learned more about the true ancient history of the universe (sentences I never thought I'd type unironically a year ago).

So... "Infinity Stones".

There are six of them. Whoever holds them all can basically become god.

She has three of them, took Giorgio Tsoukalos and his camera crew back in time to ruin all our childhoods by showing us feathered dinosaurs (more sentences I never thought I'd type unironically a year ago). What does everyone think of that?

Wonder Girl says she gets "draw backs" from holding onto so many, but how much of that is like, her telling us she can't see through lead and then laughing secretly as everyone line their clothes with lead? And what kinds of "draw backs" are "having a bad sense of direction", "having a bad sense of time", and "I can't stop my hearing everyone's thoughts" anyway?
Spencerino1519 (Who Does Thanos? Not Death) said:
She seems to show up to the episode on time. When she did her handwavy thing to the raptors, they showed right up. Maybe she's lying a little. But can you imagine being able to hear everyone's thoughts all the time? I wouldn't wnat to heart my thoughts all the time and I'm me!
Arcanista (Fancy Feelings) said:
I'm still stuck on the last episode with the inhumans and stuff.

BBC said that after she did that episode like two hundred people in the UK came forth with all sorts of super powers in the last month and got verified.

Still surprised the government didn't overreact about that.
Tabby (Supreme Amuser-Shifu) said:
David Cameron kind of did. But not really to the inhuman question, the part about how the Kree will return to try to conquer Earth again. That's one way to bring the world together, with a common foe.

There's talks of the UK being more integrated into the EU because of this and Russia isn't even making noise about border countries trying to join the EU now...
Arcanista (Fancy Feelings) said:
Oh, you got one thing wrong though.

That T-rex didn't have any feathers at all.
ardent said:
I don't know... I don't really trust her.

Where's her birth certificate? I bet she's an illegal alien. `:rolleyes:
Tabby (Supreme Amuser-Shifu) said:
... It could be CGI?

But what reasons does she have to lie, if she really is as powerful as she says she is?
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Home ⯈ Forums ⯈ SpaceBattles Debates Forums ⯈ Vs. Debates ⯈
Wonder Girl VS the Avengers
Discussion in 'Vs. Debates' started by Purplestia010, August 3, 2013.

Tags: Avengers, Wondergirl
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Purplestia010 said:
Note: before we begin yes I know she's one of the avengers it's her vs all the other avengers.


scenario 1: first to incapacitate the others wins
scenario 2: bloodlusted in the middle of nowhere australia to the death
edit: scenario 3: both sides get 1 year prep time and then telelported to a virgin earth, bloodlusted
LordsWater (Internet Sorcerer) said:
... We're going to need a list of feats.
CrissyCriss (LADY OF LUST) said:
DOn't know about the other two, but if you give Stark a year to build whatever, I'm pretty sure he's bullshit hax. He's got mad science and money, which wins anything if you give him enough time.
CinCrow (You Found Me) said:

We don't know how tough she is, but she can fly to the moon and back, so she can breath in space (maybe for a short time?), and she's bulletproof
She has laser eyes which can melt steel. It seems to have an arbitrary range, so who knows how far she can shoot that.
Freeze breath, which can harden and trap someone who can increase their body temp hot enough to metal steal.
Reads mind in an AOE.
Time portals.
... Probably doesn't age?
She also has some kind of super speed which makes her invisible to the naked eye (not sure about this one, we can only guess?)

The Avengers
Hot Redhead (who is she and why can't we get a picture with her face on it?): Has some kind of superhuman aerobic and uses guns
Hawkeye: Uses bows? Never misses? Modular arrows (possible synergy with Stark?)
Hulk: Smash. `:p Okay, so he never actually gets hurt enough to have any lasting wound... anything that hurts him just makes him stronger? Apparently he ramps up, but he loses all tactical ability because he gets more blinded by rage as his strength increases, according to a previous Thor VS Hulk thread (calcs here [LINK])... could potentially have unlimited strength if the fight goes on forever?
Thor: God of Lightning, also advanced ancient alien who lives for up to 5000 years. According to Interngirl, his hammer uses dark matter? (Does anyone have a link to when she talked about the asgard?) So tough that he can survive a wormhole, can also breath in space. Hammer can close portals, ([LINK] to the New York fight where after he hits the portal with lightning, it closes.) and can smack the Hulk around. In the previous Thor VS Hulk thread calcs said his hammer strike could shatter a planet at full strength.
Captain America: Indestructible shield, tactics leader, master of every martial art, probably immortal or unaging since he's been alive since the 30's? Could also boost morale, because he's Capt'n 'Murika. MURIKAAAA!!!
Iron Man: Powered Armor, genius inventor, billionaire, ...

I'd give it to the Avengers, cept maybe the second one. She could probably go back in time to when they were born and kill them in the crib, if time travel works that way. Come to think of it, she never said anything about that in the time travel episode...
Spencerino1519 (Who Does Thanos? Not Death) said:
CinCrow (You Found Me) said:
... but space is a vacum?! `:eek:
CrissyCriss (LADY OF LUST) said:
Can you imagine all of the Avengers in Iron Man powered armor like War Machine/Iron Patriot? An armored Captain America would be beastly.
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Home ⯈ Forums ⯈ SpaceBattles Creative Forums ⯈ Creative Writing ⯈
Lilies in the Shadow (Avengers SI, Post-NYC)
Discussion in 'Creative Writing' started by Deviateswitch, July 11, 2013.

Tags: Avengers, Interngirl
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Felis3P (Meido Maou (Mod?)) said:
... Deviateswitch. Please.

Despite how you're trying to flesh out your self insert, Kara Zorelle is not you and she comes with a bundle of problems, okay? You should know the rules well enough by now... Remember that story you wrote which was basically Tony Stark x Elon Musk shounen-ai that resulted in Stark Industry's super lawyer Jarvis sending us a cease and desist letter? Look, even if we ignore the blatant the yuri, there's still a lot of problems that I've gone over with you before.

This thread is closed. You may try to appeal this in the Appeals Forum. To everyone else, writing fiction with real people, especially super heroes, can be tempting and interesting, but it's not the same as writing about fictional characters, okay? This is very much something we shouldn't have to repeat, specifically with the Avengers, okay?
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... Deviateswitch. Please.

Despite how you're trying to flesh out your self insert, Kara Zorelle is not you and she comes with a bundle of problems, okay? You should know the rules well enough by now... Remember that story you wrote which was basically Tony Stark x Elon Musk shounen-ai that resulted in Stark Industry's super lawyer Jarvis sending us a cease and desist letter? Look, even if we ignore the blatant the yuri, there's still a lot of problems that I've gone over with you before.

This thread is closed. You may try to appeal this in the Appeals Forum. To everyone else, writing fiction with real people, especially super heroes, can be tempting and interesting, but it's not the same as writing about fictional characters, okay? This is very much something we shouldn't have to repeat, specifically with the Avengers, okay?
Metahumans gonna meta.
... Deviateswitch. Please.

Despite how you're trying to flesh out your self insert, Kara Zorelle is not you and she comes with a bundle of problems, okay? You should know the rules well enough by now... Remember that story you wrote which was basically Tony Stark x Elon Musk shounen-ai that resulted in Stark Industry's super lawyer Jarvis sending us a cease and desist letter? Look, even if we ignore the blatant the yuri, there's still a lot of problems that I've gone over with you before.

This thread is closed. You may try to appeal this in the Appeals Forum. To everyone else, writing fiction with real people, especially super heroes, can be tempting and interesting, but it's not the same as writing about fictional characters, okay? This is very much something we shouldn't have to repeat, specifically with the Avengers, okay?

This reminds me of one of your stories that I really liked but was taken down due to something that flew over my head when I was reading them.
3.6 Interlude 3
"... Now with us is Neil deGrasse Tyson," John Stewart turned towards his guest with a flourish. He was at his desk, while Neil deGrasse Tyson was sitting on an opposing couch as the guest of the show. "Welcome to the Daily Show, Neil."

"Glad to be here, John," Black Science Man replied courteously.

The audience cheered.

John played with the pad of notebook paper on his desk, straightening them even though they were already straight. It was a signature of late night shows for hosts to play with the objects on their desks, if only to give an impression of twitchiness, so that people thought they did coke in the back stage or something. "Now, I understand you're here to talk about aliens. Everyone's been talking about aliens. It's like that astronaut craze all over again."

The audience laughed.

"Of course, not everyone was born back then," Neil added.

At that, John cut him off. "Oh, are you going to remind everyone of my age too, Neil? Oh no, come on, man."

Neil laughed. "No, John. You know, even though I don't look like it, I'm actually older than you."

The audience laughed again.

"Wait, wait," John held up his hands in defeat. "What do you mean you don't look it? Are you saying I look old to you? What about you guys, my audience?"

There was a wild cheer, which could have meant anything.

John sighed. "... Right, I'll have you know it's a dignified look. So, hm, anyway, aliens?"

Neil smiled. "Yes, I'm here to talk about convergent evolution and what the current state of things, like the news being broken every time the Wonder Girl starts streaming or gives an interview."

"Now, I think I'm fairly educated," John replied. "But what in the hell did you mean by any of that?"

The audience chortled.

"You might laugh, John," Black Science Man expressed earnestly. He leaned forward spoke with an utmost calm and dignity, but he also seemed like he was pleading. "But the thing is our race is one that has been, in part, influenced by our fears. And the fear I have now is... what is humanity's place in the world? What is our place in the universe, now that we know there are other creatures out there like us, but better in every way? We used to think we were the center of the universe, and that got debunked. We could accept that, but we always tried to think that we were special... how can we be special now if even among humanoids, the only unique thing about us is that we're less evolved, less advanced, and weaker in every way than every other alien species out there?"


"Hey! I was watching that!" Clint Barton complained as Natasha Romanov walked into the living room or den of the recently christened Avengers Tower and turned off the television.

Rather than giving Clint a response on that, Natasha turned to the corner of the room before turning back to Clint with a frown on her face.

There was a girl sitting in the corner of the living room on a stool that was too tall for her feet to reach the ground. For some odd reason, she was wearing a conic hat with the word 'DUNCE' written on it, and she was faced towards the wall with her shoulders slumped down. It almost looked like she was sniffling.

"Oh that," Clint nodded understandingly. "You'll have to ask Tony."

Just then, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers walked into the room, being the last of the Avengers to come in. Steve stopped at the door. "Tony, why is there a kid sitting in the corner of the room?"

"That's the time out zone." Tony replied without even looking that way, "She's in time out."

"Why?" Steve frowned.

"Are you sure you wanna know, Rogers?" Tony suddenly turned to Steve. He took off his sunglasses and the visage he showed was one of horror. These were the eyes of someone who had stared into the abyss and kept staring while the abyss turned around and farted in their face. It was a look that made even the stalwart heart of Steve Rogers waver.

Steve could almost feel the sting of tears about to roll out of the corners of his eyes. The stare Tony gave him as they looked into each others' eyes was one that he'd seen many times in old soldiers. But where had Tony...? "... Yes?"

"Three words." Tony sounded defeated. "Stark Spangled Banner."

"What?" Steve's head tilted.

"Oh, I got this," Clint spun around in his chair. He pulled up a laptop out of somewhere—it didn't really matter where, this was formerly Stark Tower, after all—and clicked away. He stopped typing after a second, and then he started laughing. He laughed so hard, he was rolling on the floor laughing his ass off.

Bruce Banner, ever the curious scientist, peeked over at the screen. "... Tony Stark multiplied by Steve Rogers, multiplied by Bruce Banner? She wrote this... uh, fan fiction dot net?"

"'It was a dark and stormy night,'" Natasha read over Bruce's shoulder. She was curious what caused her coworker to laugh so enthusiastically. This was one of those times that she felt her humor didn't align with everyone else, just like that time she didn't think Tony was bringing a party over to her back when Loki was opening the sky to some weird space place. Then again, half of the team were battle crazed lunatics and she was the only sane person, a woman, on the team. "'Tony Stark reached over Steve Roger's sculpted, sweat covered shoulder to grab Bruce Banner's-'"

"What's wrong?" Steve frowned. "Why'd you stop reading?"

"Uh," Natasha turned around. She couldn't help that her expression was so easy to read; she was in shock. She looked like a deer in headlights. "It's just a... don't worry about it Steve. It's just a story about us. You know we have a lot of fans around the world... they like to create stories about us since we're rather private people. That's all."

"But..." Bruce raised a finger.

"That is all, Mister Banner." Natasha glared back at Bruce, her gaze promising something worse than death.

"Wait, so she wrote that?" Steve looked confused.

"Who is she... wait, is that your intern, Tony?" Rhodey took a step back. He turned to Tony and shouted, "What is wrong with you, Tony? And you just let Sam in here too? I thought we were friends, Tony!"

Sam Wilson, who was the Falcon, had only wanted to relax for the day. After all, it wasn't everyday that you got to chill with some of the coolest people on the planet, in the Avengers Tower with a fully stocked Tony Stark level bar, after saving the world yet again. It wasn't a dream come true scenario, but it was close, so he had sought to just keep his mouth shut and enjoy the night. But at Rhodey's outburst, he couldn't help but ask, "Wait, what's wrong with his intern, er, Wonder Girl?"

The moment he said the name, the girl perked up and looked over at them over her shoulder. She waved at James Rhodes with a very enthusiastic light in her eyes. "H-Hey, J-dawg! What is up in this, uh, his house?"

Sam Wilson turned to Colonel Rhodes with a pained look in his eyes.

Rhodey didn't even bother replying to Sam. He was still staring at Tony, who for some reason found it very hard to do anything except holding his hands to his mouth. "You see what I mean, Tony? What the hell is wrong with your intern, man?"

"H-Hey, don't be player hating, b-bro!" Kara cried.

"Tony? Say something!" Rhodey wasn't actually asking Tony to say anything. No, he wanted Tony to do something instead, but all Rhodey could do was hold Tony's shoulders and shake him as hard as he could. "What's the matter with you?"

"It's just... I wanted to tell everyone about how I was going to use Zola's technology to, well, it doesn't matter what, it's just something to get my mind off of the stories she wrote, but I never knew this about you guys... and, well, I just remembered," Tony said between fits of laughter. "There's just so much beauty in the world."
Last edited:
Steve Rogers meets slashfic for the very first time.

I can't even imagine his face at that point.

Later, in Stark Tower -

"Steve, please stop!"
"Tony, you're not the boss of me!"
"But seriously, you can't drink all the alcohol in the bar!"
"I've been scientifically modified to perform superhuman feats. Don't tell me what I can't do!"
"No, I mean, you've got to leave some for me!"
4.1 Peter Quill
I'm not dead, guys.

"Ooh child, things are gonna get easier...
Ooh child, things will be brighter..."​

It had all come down to this. Their entire adventure through space, seeing the strange things that Peter had never thought or dreamed he could have seen, and punching all the different people he never thought he'd meet had come down to this. Xandar didn't have its fleet to save its people. The Yondu Ravager Clan had all but been exhausted by the fighting.

Peter Quill's eyes darted around. He saw how terrified everyone was. There were children just yards away from him, cowering in the embrace of their mothers and fathers. No matter how much Peter thought he should have been envying them, all he could think about was how no child should have to experience that. They shouldn't be so paralyzed with fright that they'd hug the closest thing, even if it was a blue skinned space pirate who kidnapped them.

They shouldn't...

Peter almost rolled his eyes at the resolve building in his chest. He couldn't run away from this fight, but he didn't even have a weapon that could scratch Ronan. He had the strength to stand against him, but he didn't have the strength to fight.

And so, Peter sighed inwardly. He knew he had to... get creative. He had to do something so stupid...

… well, after he groaned a little more and rolled off of his back. The explosion that threw him and his friends off of Ronan the Stupidly Crazy's space ship had pretty much wrecked them. He felt like he'd broken a few ribs. Now that he thought about it, after this was all over, he could really go for some delicious ribs.

That would have to wait thought. Peter Quill groaned again, his eyes squinted in pain, and picked himself up as Star-Lord.

"Ooh child, things are gonna get easier...
Ooh child, things will be brighter..."​

His cassette player, a piece of technology he'd spent years trying to integrate into his ship, had broken off. Somehow it was still playing, obviously broken in some way. The music sounded strange to his ears. Distant. For a second, Peter Quill didn't want to hear it. He wanted to wave his hand and wish it away, along with the pain he was feeling in his everything and the emotional trauma of watching his mom die before his eyes. Wait, the trauma? No, he'd gotten over that ages ago. He had to have.

It was probably just the pain talking, Peter surmised as he watched the smoke clear.

Ronan, in his silly wargear jumped off of some make shift ramp made by a piece of debris from his Kree battleship. He had some weird black stuff painted on his face, which made him look silly more than anything else. Peter wondered if he thought it was silly because he knew he was going to die here anyway, so he didn't have anything to fear? Or maybe the fall had knocked something loose.

"You killed Groot! ARGGH!"

Peter's ears were ringing. Did someone say something? He looked up, just in time to see Rocket being thrown some arbitrary distance.

"Behold!" Ronan was saying. Who was he talking to? "Your Guardians of the Galaxy! What fruit have they wrought, only that my father and his father shall finally know vengeance!"

Okay, so Ronan was doing his villain monologue. Peter blinked. That was good, that meant he was actually dumber than he looked, which was saying something. It also gave them time to improvise. And Peter's gaze flew between his friends, each of them looking less defeated by the second and more like coiling vipers.

"People of Xandar! The time has come to rejoice and renounce your paltry gods!" Ronan had quite the voice, but that battle paint that looked like tar that was all over his face? It looked like it was inside his mouth too. It was like between each of his teeth, which probably wasn't very sanitary. He raised his battle staff... battle hammer...? Peter wasn't good with these ancient weapon things, so he thought it was more a staff with a fat head, which was probably, again, Ronan compensating for something or another. "Your salvation is at hand! Yishalgaiya!"

"Ooh child, things are gonna get easier. Ooh child, things are gonna get brighter." Peter's body moved before he thought, but he was actually thinking. Distract the bastard, stop him from using the Infinity Stone, or they were all going to die. He didn't want to die, there was so much to live for. Not just his dreams, but the dreams of all of Xandar seemed to flash before his eyes as he shook his butt and danced the moves that caused every muscle in his body to ache even more. He pointed at Ronan, whose hands lowered as the longer Peter danced. "Listen to these words. Ooh child, things are gonna get easier. Ooh child, things are gonna get brighter. Now bring it down, hard!"

Ronan was still paralyze, the dummy that he was.

Peter continued, because he actually stopped paying attention to Ronan. No, this was his moment to shine! He was the star of the stage, the diva of the dance and song! The pain didn't bother him, not while he was dancing, not while singing this song! He moved! "Some day! We'll put it together and—"

"What are you doing?" Ronan's voice lost all of the vigor he had a moment ago. It sounded like he was grunting and completely dissatisfied with how the culmination of his vengeance was going.

Peter placed a hand on his hips and thrust back and forth. "Dance off, bro! Me and—"


"Oh, what now?" Peter groaned as the sound alone nearly knocked him off his feet.

The sky seemed to split in half and open into a portal like an eye opening up completely. The portal was a glowing blue mass that churned like a whirlpool in the air, the very clouds seemed less sucked in and more distorted, like light near a black hole. Something red and hot shot from the darkness within the hole in space, and it swung down in an arch like it was shot from a catapult at the speed of sound.

Gravel and dirt flew everywhere, but the impact was contained. Some pebbles bounced off of the hard leather on Peter's pants but it otherwise didn't affect him... but it should have. It was almost as if the energy of the landing had been contained, somehow.

The dust cleared quickly, and a younger girl stood in the crater within a crater. She had a sort of dirty blonde hair much like Peter's and she wore clothes with branding he was intimately familiar with. That was a Mickey Mouse sweater. But everything else she wore made her look like some kind of dumb cheerleader. That didn't make Peter think the girl was from Earth—Terra—no, he knew better when her eyes lit up like freaking searchlights.

She smiled at him. "Did someone say... dance off? I better not have missed it."

"Uh, nope." Never one to be caught flatfooted, Peter immediately replied, "I was just going to challenge the blue wonder here to a one-on-one showdown. Me and him, and..."

Before anyone could do anything, the girl's hand shot behind her and a moment later, Ronan's staff exploded into dust. "Cool story, bro. I'ma let you finish, uh... what's your name again?"

"... Star-Lord," Peter's eyes widened just a fraction as Ronan sputtered. In the corner of his eyes, he saw Gamora fall back on her ass at the impact. She looked dazed. But Rocket was still ready, his cannon pointed at Ronan. The raccoon was watching him for a signal. Peter paused... and then shook his head ever so slightly.

"Star-Lord? Pffft. That's a dumb name." The girl snorted.

"Oh yeah? Well, at least I don't look like a cheerleader." Peter frowned. That didn't sound as witty as it did in his head. He blinked and then asked, "Well, what's your name that's so much better?"

"I..." The girl paused and then swallowed her saliva loudly. "Uh... I... Um... shit, fucking god damn it, Tony! I-I mean..."

Peter found himself smirking smugly. He crossed his arms knowingly.

The girl's shoulders drooped. Her head lowered dejectedly as she sighed, "... Wonder-Girl."

"What is going on here?!" Ronan took that moment to roar, spittle flying everywhere. He still held the lower half of his staff, his hands shaking as if they had just been holding onto something that had just exploded with enough force to literally rattle his bones. "Who are you? How?! HOW! What is... HOW??"

Wonder-Girl turned over her shoulder, looking up at Ronan (the dude was tall and the girl was tiny, Peter noted) with a look of total disdain. It was almost as if she wasn't looking at a person, but at some kind of poop that she didn't know how she'd stepped into. "Thank you for your input." She turned back to Peter. "So how do I get in on this action, eh, Star-Lord?"

"No! No one ignores Ronan the Accuser!" Ronan stepped forward and grabbed at Wonder-Girl.

Ronan missed when his hand fell through her, and it was in that moment that Peter realized that the girl was holding the Infinity Stone in her palm as if it was nothing. Holy shit, he thought. Now he was curious who she was too, but she obviously didn't take kindly to people asking.

Wonder-Girl appeared an inch away from Ronan's fingers and she didn't even turn to him. However, it was clear that she was talking to him as she sighed, "Whoever told you to be yourself must have been pretty mean. Ronan, was it? You are just impossible to underestimate, aren't you?"

"What." Ronan's face seemed to twist with rage. His cheeks purpled as he yelled, "Are you mocking me? ME?"

She turned to the Kree warlord with a condescending grin. "Your grasp of the obvious and delusions of competence is inspiring. I suppose this is why everyone talks about you. You aren't pretty enough to be that dumb. In fact, you're... let me emphasize this heavily... ugly."

"Oo-oh!" Peter chortled and added over this Wonder-Girl's shoulder, "And your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!"

"Nice reference," the girl smirked at Peter.

This told Peter just about enough about her—she obviously wasn't a dick, like Ronan. So he raised his hand in for a high-five.

Without thinking about it, she reciprocated on the gesture.

This turned out to be a mistake.

The moment their skin touched, purple fire spread across his hand, cracking into him like some kind of molten disease. Wonder-Girl's eyes widened in that moment and she pulled back immediately. Rather than checking on him, she turned to Gamora, of all people, and reassured her. "Don't worry, he's fine. His dad's genes makes sure he can withstand this, no problem. For a short while anyway."

Gamora watched them, too speechless to say anything.

"But just to be safe," Wonder-Girl added. She then popped the purple Infinity Stone into her mouth. A loud crunching noise could be heard and she pointed at Ronan, who was suddenly turned into purple ashes.

Some purple-y smoke rose from those ashes.

Peter backed away. He was conflicted, inside. On one hand, she just killed a guy and she didn't even blink while doing it. On the other hand, she knew about Monty Python. That meant she wasn't just someone who went to Earth, she also liked the same things as him. What was weighing this in her favor was that she also could dance. But... "That's an ugly skirt though."

The way Wonder-Girl turned to Peter seemed weird, until he realized why she could be upset. "I said that aloud, didn't I?"
Yeah, no fun puns from me. You had me hooked from the first word, and had me grinning from Peter's disdain of Ronan's monologue. I love re-watching the latter half of Guardians.

"Wonder-girl" appearing was just icing on the cake, and her shitting on the Accuser then high fiving Peter into a seizure was the cherry on top. Thank you!
Aww, I wanted to see Ronan try to zorch her with the stone, then she plucks it out of his staff and eats it. "I was wondering where you'd hidden that." He tries to hit her again, and she picks him up with one hand and throws him skyward.

Peter: "How high did you throw him? He's pretty tough."
Rocket: "I don't think he'll be coming down. That looked like escape velocity to me."
Kara: "He was being a dick. So I threw him into the sun."
Drax: "Hah! I like you, little girl! I have often wanted to throw my opponents into the sun!"
Aww, I wanted to see Ronan try to zorch her with the stone, then she plucks it out of his staff and eats it. "I was wondering where you'd hidden that." He tries to hit her again, and she picks him up with one hand and throws him skyward.

Peter: "How high did you throw him? He's pretty tough."
Rocket: "I don't think he'll be coming down. That looked like escape velocity to me."
Kara: "He was being a dick. So I threw him into the sun."
Drax: "Hah! I like you, little girl! I have often wanted to throw my opponents into the sun!"
Yeah... that's good. I was just writing this at 3AM because I couldn't fall asleep... I could never come up with something like that... :(
4.2 Peter Parker
My name is Peter Parker. My Aunt May says my parents named me that because it'd make my name sound like a superhero name, like Bucky Barnes or Bruce Banner. I mean, Bruce Banner is, was, um hm, is kind of their idol.

Back when they were alive.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't really feel like a hero.

I have the mask, the suit, and the powers, but I'm not Mister Stark, you know? After that airport battle, I feel even less than a hero than ever.

Mister Stark was all like, I have to stop you, and all that. And Cap, I guess he's an international fugitive or something now, was all like I have to do this, this is really important. I was just there to help out... I didn't believe in anything they believe in anything they believed in. I was like... a paid thug, maybe? Or an unpaid intern.

Does getting a high tech suit count as a living wage?

Whatever, the thing is, that was so awesome how they were there, fighting through dirty stuff face to face and everything. But when I actually stand next to them, I felt like I was so small compared to them.

They're giants.

I mean, it feels like they're giants. They're not really that tall, Mister Stark especially, but you know how it is right? It feels like their shadow just kind of covers you and you don't think you can step out of it...

... they're cool though. Like, really cool. Like, I don't know what they're fighting for and all that (Something about a bill or a law or something in the UN? How does that even affect us in the US anyway?) but whatever made them fight each other? That has to be important, right? It can't just be some misunderstanding or some stupid emotional drama stuff like I see in high school everyday. That's probably why it's too complicated for me. It's some delicate and layered ethics thing that bores me to death in school... but it's probably important. Everyone says so.

Anyway, that was like, weeks ago.

I've been trying to get in contact with Happy, Mister Stark's assistant and former bodyguard (not that he really needs one anymore since he's the INVINCIBLE IRON MAN), but he's never picked up the phone. It's kind of annoying, but I really want to be like them.

Fight for something.

Believe in something.

I mean, I guess I'm just trying to stop street crime, but it feels like I'm always doing something wrong. Besides, there's nothing I need to believe in to stop some dude from snatching some old lady's purse. That's just the right thing to do.

I need something more. So, even if I can't get a hold of Mister Stark or even Happy, since he's some kind of a big shot now or something, but I was looking up stuff online about Stark Industries. They're sending someone to the battle sites to oversee that the alien stuff doesn't get "misappropriated by bureaucracy" (what does that even mean?) or something.

I'm pretty sure I can find Happy there, and it's only like a few swings away from school, so I should be back before dinner.

Most of downtown New York is still a roughed up war zone, like say what you will about anything else, construction and stuff isn't efficient around here. The construction people and whoever else makes money off of the aftermath of these alien wars will probably milk it for years to come, and only clean up a little of it at a time or something.

It actually didn't take long for me to find the people in charge. I thought I could start there to look for Happy. I bet he'd be surrounded by people in suits, who looked like the, you know, scum of the earth, bloodsucking parasite types. You know, politicians.

They were arguing or dressing down some construction workers, probably some stupid thing that made no sense. I hung from the ceiling, kind of spying now that I thought about it, but I was just peaking okay? Anyway, I was just looking around from a vantage point that no one would notice me from when someone tapped my shoulder.

No one gets to sneak up on me like that. No one, after the... after I got powers.

So I overreacted, of course.

Not that it did any good, because it was that Wondergirl from the Avengers. She wasn't around a lot, but if you talked to people on reddit or something, they'd say she was actually more useful than most of the other Avengers. Sure, they all fought, but she was the only one who stuck around and told the rest of us what was going on. It was one of those things where the people in charge probably thought there'd be panic in the streets if we knew anything, but political discourse relied on being painted a full picture. The complete and utter truth is needed for a reason, after all.

She was actually a little shorter than me, with platinum blonde hair and a really baggy sweater with the word "INTERN" printed on the chest. And she was holding a bag of freshly made popcorn. It smelled sugary rather than salty though, so I pulled back from her.

"Hey." She nodded at me coolly.

How did even she get so cool? I needed to get to be Mister Stark's actual intern so I could learn from him like she did! "H-Hi, Supergirl, right?" Smooth, Peter. Saying her name wrong was a sure way to make a bad first impression! Nooo...

"... Yep, that's me," she blinked at me. "So you're the Amazing Spiderman, huh? How's that working out for you?"

... Roll with it.

Wait, 'Amazing Spiderman'? Oh, that sounded real smooth. I liked that.

I think I'll call myself that. Well, not when I'm introducing myself. Maybe like, if I was working at the newspaper or something. That'd be a cool title. The Amazing Spiderman Saves The Day! Yeah.

I'll admit it, I was nervous. I shifted around upside down on the ceiling and scratched the back of my neck. Compared to Happy or Mister Stark, Kara Zorelle was probably just out of high school right? She's probably in my age group. I could talk to her. Breath, Peter. What do I say? "I... Not really that great actually. I want to help out. Do you get any missions with the Avengers? Can you take me on one of those missions? Can you get me missions?"

"Whoa," she raised her hands. Ah I was talking too much. Bad habit. "Slow down there, tiger. Why exactly do you want bad things to happen?"

"No, no, no, I don't want bad things to happen, I mean, I just, when can I save the world again?" I backpedaled.

"So... you're an adrenaline junky looking for action?" She wasn't frowning at me, but I felt like she was judging me.

That wasn't the impression I wanted to make either, but I didn't know how to put it into words. The need, the desire, to fight for something. To want to believe in a cause. I sagged. "I just want to help and--"

"And Mister Stark tells you to stay where you are," she finished for me.

"And Mister Stark tells me--oh. Uh. Yeah," I shuffled again, feeling uncomfortable with how she never blinked. She'd said on the internet she was an alien, but when you see her in a screen, you could only think how she looks like a Barbie doll or how she looked like a post-airbrushed child model or something. It only sinks in how she's actually an alien, maybe with cold blood or something, when she stares down at you without ever blinking. Looking down at regular people like they weren't even there. Like... like I was the only interesting there because I was a character in a show for her, or something. It didn't help that she was in my personal space and she cut right to the chase.

It was like she was trying to intimidate me or something. And, boy, she was scary. Like, like... I don't know, like the Black Widow.

I took a step back.

She leaned closer, her eyes dimly glowing red.

Goosebumps rose on my skin and I shivered. "Um."

"Yes?" She acted like she wasn't doing anything.

I cleared my throat loudly and tried to look away from her. And talk about anything else. "So, do you have a mission or something for me?"

"I..." She frowned. "I have a space ship. Tell me, Mister Incredible And Amazing Spiderman, have you ever been to space?"

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