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Son of The Savage (A DC Si)

Son of The Savage (A DC Si)
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10 chapters in my Patreon.

What Is Better? To be born Evil, or to overcome your good nature through great effort?



After thousands of years, The Immortal Vandal Savage, has a son with the potential to be his successor.

Born from a union with a homo magi, Angel Savage is part metahuman, part homo magi, with a little bit of human DNA sprinkled in.

However, the child of a snake is a snake. And in less than 10 years, Vandal Savage comes to regret his decisions.


Powers: Pyrokinesis/Cryokinesis.

The DC world has no idea what's on the way.


This will be a Harem.
Last edited:
Chapter 1


Getting out there.
Apr 20, 2020
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Chapter 1: Son of the Savage

More than 10 chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.


This is a COMMISSIONED work.

It will NOT interfere with Spider-Man X release schedule.

Chapter 1: Reborn as the Son of a Savage.
(Angel's P.O.V)
I was born weak.
Of body, of mind.
But never of spirit.
Despite being stuck in a bed with issues ranging from a rare form of bone cancer, diabetes to a speech impediment, I was eager to live.

One might even say I was hungry for life.
But no one else seemed to share the same opinion.

My father was rich and once it became clear that I was always going to be a burden, he had me carted off to an hospice where I lived the remainder of my short and painful existence.
But even then, there were highlights to be found.
For one, with no family or friends to talk to, I fell in love with watching anime, reading manga and basically devouring every bit of Isekai fantasy I came across.

I needed the escape to momentarily forget my agonizing life. And media provided that.

I especially loved anime. One of my favorites being a show called My Hero Academia.

I could relate with most of the characters as they were my age. I especially loved Todoroki. Like me, his father was distant and harsh toward him.

And his quirk ability was something else entirely.
The ability to create and manipulate fire and ice was no joke. And I usually played around with scenarios of what I would do if I had a powerful quirk like that.
If I had any quirk at all...
That said, my health started to decline once I hit my 20s.
By then I had lived in perpetual pain all my life.
And more than once, I had thought of deleting myself. But I stubbornly held on because that's what the characters I idolized would have done.

Plus Ultra and all that shit.
Maybe I thought that at the end of my cruel joke of a life, a reward was waiting for me.

That perhaps my Father would have a change of heart and come see me before I inevitably died.

That didn't happen.
And in a particularly cold winter night, just a few days away from celebrating my 21st birthday, my life ended.

I was alone.
(General P.O.V)
Standing on the balcony of a stately mansion was a tall man.
Vandal Savage.

A legend. A myth.
Shaping humanity for tens of thousands of years like he had, brought about a feeling of obligation.
A responsibility to carry on the will of man into an uncertain future.
And throughout his existence, he had done many great deeds across history. Some were good, most were terrible but nonetheless great things.

But tonight...was special.
Tonight was the night of the Red Moon. And a prophecy that was given to him thousands of years ago was about to be fulfilled.

The birth of his successor.
"Father, I don't mean to intrude but the child has been born."

A white haired brown skinned woman spoke from his back.
Vandal turned around, side burns framing his stony face and eyes that carried unspoken amounts of wisdom falling onto the woman.

"Lead the way."

A deep voice left the Immortal.

Olympia- one of his many daughters- bowed in reverence before turning around and walking back into the huge mansion.

The recent snow scrunched under their feet, until they entered a luxurious and spacious bedroom.

There was a large bed in the middle of the chamber. And on the bed lay a a black haired woman with skin the color if chocolate covered in sweat.

Next to her was a small bundle, sleeping peacefully beside the mother.
And surrounding the bed were 2 nurses and a short man dressed in a green half coat, a white shirt with sleeves folded to the elbows and large rimmed glasses.
Upon noticing Vandal's arrival, the short man perked up.

"Mr. Savage. The delivery was successful. You are now the proud father of a healthy baby boy."

"Thank you Professor Ivo."
Savage nodded at the man.
The short man preened at the praise.
"It was no big deal. The DNA reader has successfully intergrated inyo his body as well."
Ivo said, adjusting his glasses.

"With it, he will be able to efficiently use his regenerative capabilities gained from your meta-gene. That is, if the DNA coding was successful."

In a bid to ensure a worthy heir, Savage had influenced his son's DNA sequence to gain the same ability that made him who he was.

His son like him, would be an immortal. But that was not all.
"What about the gifts from his mother's side?"
The Immortal asked, to which Ivo scratched his chin while frowning at a data pad in his hands.
"The mother's homo magi gene is present in the child but with no way to detect magic- I cannot say for certain if he will ever have her powers over the mystic arts."
Too bad. But not unexpected.
Vandal hummed, stepping closer to the bed.
"I would like to hold my son."
One of the nurses carefully picked up the bundle next to the sleeping woman and handed it to Savage.
Vandal looked down and was met with a powerful and curious gaze.
The child, not even a day old was staring up at him with something akin to intelligence.
It slightly surprised the Immortal, making him blink in thought as he held his own flesh and blood.
Vandal had had many children across the years but none were quite like his youngest one.

From that initial eye contact, it was clear the child was not normal. And not normal was good.

In fact it was very good. It meant potential.
But potential alone was not enough. The boy would need time to grow and learn.
Nothing would be handed to him. Just like nothing was handed to Savage.
He called and his daughter obediently stepped up.

"Raise him."

He commanded. To which Olympia looked at the mother in question.
"What about his mother?"

Faster than she could see, Savage's sword had left it's sheath and decapitated the head of the woman on the bed.

Blood sprayed out of her exposed neck, dirtying the sheets and painting the wall behind in a gory mess.

"You're It's mother now."
The Immortal said, casually flicking the blood off the blade before sheathing it.
Before their shocked eyes, Savage then proceeded to leave the room.

(Angel's P.O.V)

My second life begun strangely.

For starters, I hadn't expected to live again.

In my past life I was an atheist. I had never really taken to religion as I doubted the existence of God.

I mean if there actually was a God, why would he have allowed me to suffer for 20 years straight?

In any case, whether a God was responsible for me getting reborn or not seemed inconsequential.

The point is I had another chance at life. And this time, I would do my best to live it the way I wanted.

Something that was made both easier and harder on account of my new heritage.

I was the son of one of the most deplorable humans in the world. One of the most intelligent yet primitively brutal humans to ever exist.

I was reborn as the son of Vandal Savage. But to me, he's just dad.

Olympia, my big sister never bothered to hide the identity of my father from me.

Since I could remember, bed time stories were about the exploits of Vandaradg the second, from a mere man in the Bear tribe to Vandal Savage, the shot caller behind the Illuminati, an organization that has existed for thousands of years.

In ancient Egypt, he tangled with Prince Kufu and princess Shayera- two popular heroes known as Hawkman and Hawkwoman.

In 100 bc he was Julius Cesar, building an empire that stretched across Europe and Asia.

In simple terms, my new father was a Great Man.

It was a wonder how in the comics I read he was usually defeated easily. I mean, how do you contend with someone who's been alive since the dawn of civilization?

Olympia never failed to impress on me the expectations on my shoulders as the son of one of the greatest villains in DC.

I was informed that I was being raised and groomed to be his successor.

And to that end, she pushed me to embody all the traits that made Savage who he was.

By 9 months I was already able to stand and walk on my two feet.

By 2 years I had regained enough dexterity that I could write and read. At this time, I poured through middle school material- devouring all the knowledge accessible to me.

By 3, I was well on my way to starting high school grade material. This was also the time Olympia begun to add physical exercises like stretching in my routine.

She also begun to get into more in depth analysis of my father's exploits- specifically talking about the themes of life and death.

And the wherewithal of those in power to dictate both edicts according to their whims.

I was told I was chosen. Just like my father had been.

And in a way it felt true. In my last life, I was nothing special but in this one, I was the son of a Conquerer.

And thus was meant to conquer as well.

And this became apparent once I hit my 4th birthday and awakened my abilities.

In the morning of that day, I woke up to something unexpected,

A blue panel hang before my eyes,


[Name: Angel Savage]

[Metagene: N/A]

[Race: Metahuman/homo magi]

[Ability: Pyrokinesis]

: Cryokinesis]

[Equipment: N/A]

Chapter 2
More than 10 advance chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.
Chapter 2: Olympia.

(Angel P.O.V)

Soon after realizing I had powers, I knew that I had to train them to the furthest heights they could reach.

They were my ticket to getting noticed by my father. And say what you will, but I wanted to impress the man.

Maybe because even then, Olympia had emphasized to me the benefits of being in the graces of the Immortal.

Riches. Women. A purpose.

Not exactly things to promise a toddler but my new family is cool that way.

Coincidentally, it was everything I had lacked in my past life.

And so every night, right after discovering the Interface, I dedicated a few hours to simply trying to access my abilities.

It took a while.

A month passed before I could even sense the strange energy within me.

But once I did, everything became easier.

The energy itself was segregated into two parts of my body. The right side was hot and the left was ice cold.

It wasn't lost to me how similar my abilities were to Todoroki, one of my favorite characters from my last life. And I wasn't ashamed to plagiarize his move sets.

In fact for all intents and purposes, I was determined to train my duo-ability in the same way he did his.

Few people possessed such fine manipulation over their quirks as he did.

If I could get to the level I could use both abilities at the same time then my combat ability would shoot up.

Maybe that would finally show Father how useful I could be. Maybe then he would come by often.

Okay. Let's do it then. I give myself a deadline of 8 years.

Wait, I'm 3 so that would make me 11. Almost a decade to have mastered both Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis.

I also need to figure out something about this:

[Metagene: N/A]

and this:

[Race: Metahuman/Homo Magi]

I wasn't human. At least not fully. Maybe a quarter? It was obvious the Meta gene came from Vandal Savage.

That would mean my biological mother was a homo-magi. Meaning she was a magician like Zatara and Zatanna.

Homo-magi came in many magical disciplines. If I remember from my dc material, there were those who could use magic indirectly through artefacts and there were those Homo Magi who could use magic directly.

I don't know about the former, but I could easily categorize the Zatara family as the latter.

So if my metahuman gene was yet to awaken, it would mean that my pyro and cryo abilities were a result of my...homo magi bloodline.

But what kind of magus bloodline gave two differing Elemental magics?

Maybe I was thinking too much into it. I needed to master what I had before thinking about my metagene.

The mystery about my mother's bloodline could wait until I was older.

"...and so, Vandal Savage then known as Madukk-"

Olympia trailed off and a second later, the ruler that was in her hand smacked onto my forehead.


I rubbed the spot while glaring at her.

"What did you do that for?"

"You weren't paying attention."

She chided, her lips set in a thin line. She had taken to wearing glasses- making her seem even sterner than she normally was.

"Should I have you write an essay on Father's 1000 BC exploits?"

"Oh god no."

I immediately shook my head. Even for a uber fanboy like me-the deep strategic philosophy involved in father's machinations in the Assyrian army at that time was too much.

"I'll pay attention sis."

Olympia stared at me for 3 seconds, (I knew she hated being called sis) before she went back to her lecture.

Knowing that aggravating her would only lead to more punishment,I did my best to listen.

At least with a half mind. The other half was still on my powers.

It had been a few weeks since I started sensing them. Now the only thing that remained was to call upon the fire and ice.

And tonight, after everyone in the mansion goes to sleep, I was going to get started on that.


Dinner was great. Lots of meat and chicken. The good stuff.


As soon as the door to my bedroom closed, I waited for 20 minutes, before ensuring that Olympia was sound asleep on the chair in the hallway.

She usually waited outside my door for an hour or so, reading some books on father's achievements. I could sort of sense her heat signature through the wall.

That was about the only pseudo-ability I had come up with following the weeks I'd had my abilities.

I started it out by slowly moving around the heat mana from my right lung, to my right hand down my hip to my right lung in a cyclical fashion.

At the same time, the cold mana on the right side of my body adopted an automatic reverse motion to the heat mana. The cold energy going down to my hip, up to my left hand, then to my left lung.

Whenever that happened, both energies would converge in the middle of my chest and clash.

As a result, I would release a breath of both hot and cold steam from my mouth.

It was a zen state of heat and icy where I could sense the surrounding temperatures.

Progress was slow because I couldn't project any of the mana out, only manipulate or rather regulate my own temperature.

But...this morning during my practice, I'd managed to create the barest of flames above my hand.

And on the left side of my body, my fingers were encased in a sheet of ice.

It had felt...powerful!

Incredible even.

The only thing that had broken me out of the trance was the morning maid bringing me my breakfast.

Olympia usually joined me in my quarters with the morning plan, so I couldn't exactly keep on practicing.

My abilities were a secret. I would only reveal them to Father after achieving some control.

But after a long day of needed progress, I was finally FREE.

I couldn't wait a second longer after Olympia slept, leaping out of my sheets and onto the floor of my bedroom.

I quietly sneaked towards the balcony doors and silently turned the handle(I had to jump up a few times due to my height but I

managed it), before neatly closing them behind me.

Good. I was out.

My father's estate was spread out before me. A verdant open field perfect for horse riding, surrounded by plots of fruit gardens and plantains.

A few acres on the outskirts was the beginnings of a rain forest that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The whole property was his. And according to Olympia we were somewhere in South America. Oh did I mention that Father also owns like 90% of all drug operations in the world?

He's top of the distribution chain.

Anyway, out here, I wouldn't be disturbed. Out here, I could manifest the true power of Icyhot.

Just like always, I settled into a lotus position, falling into the opposing cycles of both my abilities.

My chest inflated with heat and ice silmuteneosly. And then deflated with a funnel of steam and mist passing through my lips.

The power...was OVERWHELMING.

(General P.O.V)


Children were supposed to obey their parents.

That was the lesson her mother taught her.

And when she died...her father reinforced that lesson the only way he knew how. Power.

He showed her the heights of his power. The Glory of Savageness. His immense unmatched wisdom. And above all, his brutality.

And Olympia submitted.

She was not forced.

It was not beaten into her.

She just compared him to every other man in history and found them...lacking.

After all, none of them had done what he had.

She was content being under her father's shadow.

What was the point in denying him?

Sure, Olympia had her own dreams and life she wanted to live but her fate was already laid out for her to walk.

And if that wasn't enough, then she would be satisfied with removing him from his pedestal...by raising his successor.


To her, Angel would be Savage's greatest success and failure. He would be her resentment made Power.

Which is why, when flames started leaking through her little brother's room and the temperatures were dramatically raised, her first thought was 'Fire' and the second was 'ANGEL!'

She threw the door open and stifled a yowl, only grunting as the flames leaked out and burned her hands.

Uncaring, she ripped off her burning top, leaving her in only her bra.

And despite being 57 years old, limber muscles filled her form- both an effect of training and other enhancements.

It only took a second for Olympia to gauge and gape at the the situation.

Angel's room was covered in both ice and fire. One side was an inferno that had melted the bed, sheets and drawer into a slag of metal and ash.

The other side was a frozen hellscape with ice crystals that not only covered the ceiling and swallowed the chandelier but had burst through the wall sticking out of the side of the mansion.

And through the now enlarged gouge that was the entry into the balcony, she saw Angel- suspended in mid air, his tiny body shrouded in a swirl of both heat and Ice.

And he was screaming in pain.

Olympia grit her teeth, jumping through the door in a bid to save her brother.


No sooner had she begun to say, when a startled Angel, in response to the yell looked her away.

Unfortunately the fire he was molding got out of his control and a heat flare passed through her, burning her skin, melting her flesh and leaving a blackened skeleton behind.

The flare up was so sudden that the air warped, heat in invisible waves, destroying the walls of the room.

An icy breeze passed through and the skeleton was frozen stiff, before half of it melted.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3: No Power Without Control.​

10 advance chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.

(Angel's P.O.V)

At some point I started laughing.

The feeling of power. Of strength coursing through my body was euphoric.

The only thing I can compare it to is blowing a load. Only it doesn't wane.

Wondering what else I could do, I begun melding into the heat cycle before branching off into the cold cycle.

Internally of course.

On the outside, the flame I held above my right hand flared brighter, when I was focused on the cycle of heat, and dimmer, when I focused on the cycle of cold.

Quirks really were wondrous things. And if my abilities were adopting the same principle then it meant I could grow my fire to be hotter and ice to be colder to a terrifying degree.

It was like exercising a muscle.

And the more I meditated, lost in thought, the deeper I sank into it.


Only for a loud scream to cut through my focus.

And suddenly the haze cleared and I found myself in the middle of a clash of elements.

Half of my room was burning and the other half was frozen solid.

My initial shock unfortunately cost me more than I would have willingly paid that day.

Olympia. My sister. The closest thing I had to a mother in this world...

I killed her.

My powers did that.

I didn't notice the flames on my right side flare up. Nor did I even perceive the cries of the servants as the fire spread out into the rest of the mansion.


I sat up with a cry, sweat covering my body.

It took a second to calm down my racing heart. Olympia's terrified eyes flashed across my mind.

Letting out a shaky breath, I focused on something else. Like where I was for instance.

A brief look around the room I was in and I realized I had no idea. This wasn't my bedroom. Or any other room I knew in the mansion.

It was spacious with white walls and all sorts of medical equipment and machinery surrounding me.

I had a few tubes affixed to my wrists and I was dressed in a patient's gown while lying down on the bed.

"You're finally up."

A deep voice reached my ears.

Surprised, I looked to the left and standing before an open window, staring out into the city was...


I spoke, struggling to keep the note of hope in my voice.

"You're here."

He was really here. But...

I looked down, suddenly recalling what had happened.

"I...killed Olympia."

Somehow those words struggled to leave my mouth. I felt a lump in my throat and my eyes were beginning to tear up.

"I killed big sister..."

She had been there for me. Despite being cold and distant, it was obvious she had cared about me.

"She was weak."

Father replied.

It took a second to process his word. And then another second to grow angry at his words, the right side of my body- my arm and shoulder, flaring up with fire and burning the gown.

"The weak die."

He added, no emotion in his voice.

"Olympia was family. But that couldn't exempt her from the shackles of weakness. You killed her..."

He stared at me over his shoulder, face impassive, eyes hard and cold.

"That means you're strong."

It was like a bucket of cold water being poured over my head. The flames died down. He was giving his approval...

Of course.

what else was I expecting from him?

He had lived for thousands of years. The number of people he'd lost. Family. Children. Wives. Friends.

To him Olympia was simply a statistic. A face among many.

'She was inconsequential because she died. Proving her own weakness,' That was the gist of what he was saying.

What a cruel way to look at the world.

"Her funeral is tomorrow. Be ready when I arrive."

Savage said, before quietly leaving the room.

No words of comfort to his son. No reprimand for killing his daughter.

For the first time ever, I actually understood the kind of man my father was.


The hospital I had been taken to was actually...not a hospital at all. It was a lab in a city that I came to learn was Metropolis.

Yes. That METROPOLIS. I was a bit worried that Superman would come crashing through the ceiling or some other plot device but those worries seemed unfounded.

The lab had tight security and was nestled a few miles away from city proper.

There weren't many people about. Just scientists roaming the hallways and Guards that stood outside of every single door in the Floor I was in.

In other matters, my ability to sense the temperature seemed to have grown a bit stronger. My range had increased from a few meters to a few dozen ones.

The question as to why I even needed medical care in the first place was answered by one of those scientists.

Though wearing a green vest with a red tie, large rimmed glasses, a perpetually prideful smirk and just barely over 5 feet, the old man that introduced himself as Ivo, did not look like the other scientists.

Oh, and he also had a monkey on his shoulder.

"You suffered a few burns to the right side of your body. Nothing too bad. Just some second degree burns."

He explained, looking over my body while frowning.

"And yet without possessing your father's metagene...your body started healing on its own."

Okay. That is surprising. Todoroki's quirk couldn't do that.

"Mmmh. Maybe it's an effect of your mother's side of the family."

Ivo mused while rubbing his chin.

"There's so much we don't know about magic."

The monkey on his shoulder chattered.

"Yes yes number 03."

Ivo nodded at it.

"I should at least get a sample of blood. And hair too."

Oh hell no.

"Oi, old man. Aren't you supposed to ask for consent first?"

I raised my brows at him, trying to inject as much sternness I could and failing miserably.

My voice sounded like a kid's! Scratch that, it was a Kid's.

Fortunately, Ivo didn't find it amusing.

"Oh right, sorry little Savage."

The old man appeased, pulling out a lolipop from somewhere and handing it to me.


I hadn't had candy since coming to this world. I know, crazy right?

Well, Olympia had emphasized on a mostly healthy diet and meat. Lots and lots of meat.

Paired up with my own childish propensity for sweet things, and you can guess that I wanted the lolipop.

"Damn you old man."

I cursed him out loud, snatching it off his hands.

Ivo smirked at me from beneath the glasses.

I wasn't worried about the DNA samples he wanted from me. For starters, I was curious about my body as well.

And secondly, the fear of them creating clones of me was non-existent. Even if they succeeded, I was my Father's successor, the clones would one way or the other end up in my hands.

Soon after, the old man left, but not without me reminding him to send me the results of his findings.

Ivo was my only visitor that day. And for the rest of it, I was confined to my room up until Father came back the next day.


While meditating in a lotus position, I heard a loud VOOOOPPP sound as a vortex of golden color manifested right in the middle of the room.

A fire flickered above my hand. There wasn't much I could do with my child body but I wanted to be prepared incase it was an enemy.

Out of the vortex walked Father, holding a strange box like device in his hands.

"It's time. Follow me."

He ordered, before walking back through the vortex.


The funeral took place behind the mansion which was still a smoldering wreck.

A few of the servants had unfortunately been caught in the fire when my powers got out of control.

Including Olympia, the total number of casualties was 4.

I'd killed 4 people.

Involuntarily, my hands tightened into fists. Seeing the mansion- the symbol of my failure brought out negative feelings from me.

I'd never killed anyone before.

I felt a hand land on my shoulder. Looking up, I met Father's hard eyes.

"Do not disrespect your sister by crying boy."

I held his gaze for a few seconds before clenching my jaws and turning away.

This was my life now.

And if I was to be Vandal Savage's successor then I had to learn to let go.

"Remember this moment."

Father added quietly.

"This is a lesson your sister had to die to teach. Power without CONTROL is no power. It's a weakness."

He was right. I had to get on top of these abilities to ensure nothing like this ever happened again.

Father surprised me by bending down and grabbing a little of the soil on the ground.

Then he sprinkled it above Olympia's coffin.

"Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Rest well, daughter of mine."

Then we left.

All throughout the ceremony, there were only two people in attendance.

Him and I.


Time skip coming up.
Chapter 4
10 advance chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.


Chapter 4: A Father's Love.

(Angel's P.O.V)
My life took on a drastic change after Olympia's death.

The mansion was obviously unlivable now. So I was relocated to one of Father's other residences.

This one happened to be in Gotham city. Also on the outskirts and close to a swampy area that was on the mansion's back.

The region stireed a long forgotten memory within me but I couldn't for the life of me remember why.

Why Gotham? Well, when I asked my father that, the only answer I received was,

'Because I said so.'
I don't think he likes me that much.
We stepped out into a wide dining room. The chamber had the same luxurious decor as my last mansion but smaller.

To meet us as we came through the vortex, was a white haired butler with white gloves and 3 maids standing by his side

They bowed as soon as they saw us.
"Welcome Master."
The butler reverently greeted Savage and I.
"Mordecai. Is his room prepared?"
Savage enquired.
"Yes. Everything is as you desired. The young master shall want for nothing."

The butler stated, staring at me with a welcoming smile.
I couldn't help the snort that escaped me. That was one of the fakest smiles I'd ever seen.
Savage nodded.
"Feed and bathe him."
And then without a word to me, he turned around and entered the swirling portal which disappeared an instance later.

I was left staring at his empty position, incensed at the blatant disregard.
My stomach chose that time to rumble, announcing to all my hunger. Now that I think about it, the only thing I had had since yesterday was that candy.
I turned to face the staff. My staff now.
"Well, you heard the man. Feed me."
As if reading my mind, the butler and maids stepped aside to reveal the spread of meals on the dining table behind them.

Good. There's lots of meat.

(General P.O.V)
Savage sat before an ornate desk. There was a glass of liquor in one hand, while on the other he was holding a sheet of paper.

What was written on it was enough to make him frown.
He blinked, looking up from the documents.
"You're back."
A shadow in the corner of the room flactuated and a pale faced man wearing all black emerged from the depths.

"Yes. I found them."
A few hours later, after a heavy meal and a dip in the bathtub with one of the maids, (I had never been this close before to a mostly naked woman before. Her boobs were squished against my back. It was...enlightening), I went to sleep almost immediately.
The last two days had been mentally draining and all I wanted to do was forget everything and slip into a coma.

Luckily, that night I had no nightmares.

Unluckily, something else did happen.

While rolling around in my new bed, I never felt my body slip through my own shadow.
I fell through it before slamming onto a cold hard ground.
It took a second to realize what had happened. By which point I was blinking groggily at my surroundings.
The only thing apparent was that it was dark.
Wait. There's something behind me.
My whole body froze as fear begun to course through my system
"Get up boy."

Father's gruff voice reached me, sending shivers across my form due to the hard note in his voice.
Without thinking, I pulled on my pyrokinesis, igniting the right side of my body in flames while jumping to my feet.
The light from the fire lit up the chamber and I finally got a clear picture of where I was.

It was a large warehouse that looked mostly abandoned, save for the crates and a few trucks packed closer to the entrance.
A little moonlight pierced through the rafters on the ceiling and the warehouse itself had a small compartment that looked like an office to our back.
Before me was my father. But the calm, collected and cruel man was nowhere to be seen.

Right now he was shirtless, revealing a torso and midsection covered in scars and in his hands, he was holding onto two sharp looking swords.

Usually he carried a short sword strapped to his hips, so seeing him with two was...strange.
It instantly set me on guard. Especially with the murderous expression on his face.
"You cost me a useful and loyal tool."
He begun, still staring at me as if I was a dead man walking.
"Father I-"
"What your sister lacked in power, she made up for it with wit and resourcefulness."
He cut me off.
"Replacing her won't be easy."
He raised the weapons in his hands...and pointed them my way.

"For that, you'll need to be punished."
I took a fearful step back.

He seemed to grimace at the action.

"Use your abilities boy. Or else you will die."

Saying that, my father sprang forward without a single hesitation.

It was so sudden and fast that I found myself scrambling backwards only for my uncoordinated feet to trip on themselves.

Father was nearly before me, the sharp edge of his swird flashing through the air, headed towards my neck.

And it wasn't like those father-son training sessions where the dad would hold back at the last second.

His eyes said it all. He was really going to kill me.

Fearing for my life, I fell back, releasing a wide unfocused blast of fire to my front.

The flames burned a deep yellow, encompassing my entire view in hot temperatures that would have turned anything to ash.

Holy shit. What if I accidentally killed him?

A laugh found itself bubbling out of me.

Only to freeze as the flames parted, sliced apart by a precise sword strike.

"Not hot enough."

And Father jumped through the gap created, his swords still slashing out towards my neck.

My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest in fright. The blades were inching closer and closer my way.

Terror gripped me and I was frozen. The look in his eyes had forcibly rendered me immobile.

At the last minute, the left side of my body grew cold and with a sudden burst of mist, the air before my body froze, propelling an explosion of ice crystals that rapidly grew to the point of bursting through the roof of the warehouse.

Father for all his astonishing speed couldn't dodge fast enough and his sword and hand was instantly encased in ice.


Only for the ice to shatter into shards as he tugged his hand free with a simple grunt.


The word barely left my mouth when I found my right arm in his grip.

Before the burst of fire that would have turned him into ash exploded out of me, pain instantly became my world as Savage twisted my arm behind me.

And snapped it clean at the elbow.

My small body was not equipped to feel such agonizing sensations. A scream riped forth from my throat, only to be silenced by father's knee digging into my belly.

My knees lost strength as I both vomited, piss and shat myself. Bits of half digested meat fell onto the floor below me.

"Pain is a distraction."

Through the haze of pain, I felt his shadow move closer to me.

"Feel it and move on."


His foot snapped out towards my head. Using every iota of will power I had, I released ice into the surroundings.

Moving the flames through my right side sent waves of torment rocking through my nerve endings. So I only had ice as a means to fight.

"Not strong enough."

He muttered the leg smashing through my shield of ice and landing on my chest.

Breath and blood escaped through my lips, and I was sent ragdolling away, almost bouncing on the floor of the building.

Tears and snort covered my entire face as I looked at my father like the beast he was.

Despite not having a good relationship with my previous one, I knew that this wasn't what I had envisioned. This wasn't...right.

I could die here. I could lose my second chance at making something of myself.

"Get up b-"

Which is why before he could finish his statement, I was already staggering up, cradling my limp right hand in my left.

If he was going to hurt me, then I was going to hurt him back.


(General P.O.V)

Savage stopped.

The boy's eyes had changed. Where before there was pure terror, now there was only anger and a manic resolve.

The Immortal almost smiled in approval. The child was only 3 years old but he was finally showing the grit and tenacity of a Savage.

He did well planning Olympia's death. Her demise had served two purposes.

For starters, he knew she had secretly been scheming to take him out and replace him with Angel once he was old enough.

But it was his decision to make when to stand down. And he had killed some of his children for less.

And secondly, through such an early tragedy in life, Savage had ensured that Angel would become the perfect tool.

A weapon fueled by anger and an inclination to violence. A man that could ignore pain and dish back double what he got.
He had broken the boy but in doing so would build him back up into a worthy Successor.

That was his interpretation of a father's love.

Long ass time skip coming up.
Chapter 5
More advance chapters in my Patreon.



Chapter 5: Fire and Ice.
(Unknown Warehouse)

(Angel's ACTUAL P. O. V)

I can't move my body. Everything hurts and I'm lying in a puddle of my own blood and waste.

Father left a while ago.
I know there's someone else in the warehouse with me. I can sense the heat they put out. But the presence is dim.

My hand is broken at the elbow and trying to move it feels wrong.
Breathing sends waves of agony through my ribs and it's a wonder that I haven't lost consciousness. Again.

Through swollen eyes, I can see moonlight streaming through the ceiling above. The light is a balm on my broken body.
That bastard kept beating me up until I passed out. When the pain woke me up, I was alone.
'I underestimated you Father. I underestimated your cruelty.'

But I've always known you were a sadistic bastard. To do this to your son though...
I thought the FALSE front I've always projected would keep me safe from you.

I've had my memories ever since I was a day old and saw him mercilessly cut down my birth mother like an animal.
He thought I didn't know...but I did.
Hence the mask I put on was necessary.
It made me appear to be exactly what he wanted me to be:- A desperate child looking for guidance and approval after having lost the single stabilizing force in his life.

But you made a gross miscalculation Father, I'm not one of your lackeys. Maybe it's an effect of being your son, but I won't let you use me.

And I swear...for the hell you put me through, I'll grow stronger than you, tougher than you, even more cruel than you could ever be...

Just so I can make your death as painful as I can.
(Angel's P.O.V)
I dragged my body up to a single knee, cradling my right hand under my chest.
The entire forearm was encased in Ice at least until the broken bone could heal.
Though I wasn't entirely sure about that.
Previously my burnt skin had regenerated but that could have easily been a feature of my pyrokinesis.
This would need time to investigate.
In the meantime, I couldn't stay here. My vision was starting to swim again.

"I know y-you're there."
I addressed the shadows in the corner, through my swollen and split lips.
My tongue felt heavy and tasted of blood.
"Take me back...to my room."
I barely managed to grunt out.

(2 months later)

Fire and ice. Opposites in almost every way.

The question of what was more powerful was an exercise in futility. Yes, yes, I know Fire can melt ice.

But water can also put out fire to some degree.

In any case, I'm not talking about their traditional forms.

I'm talking about the actual Fire and Ice.
Two superheroines from South America (I think) with the same abilities I did.

The only difference was that Fire was a pyrokinetic. And Ice was a Cryokinetic.

And the two of them were going to be my teachers.
Yeah. You heard that right.

Two superheros affiliated with the Justice League were going to be instructing the son of one of the worst villains in DC on how to use his powers.

To give context, this is how our first meeting went,
The location was the same Warehouse Father had used when he broke my hand a couple months ago.

We hadn't seen each other since then but I later found out from Mordecai the butler, that ownership of the Warehouse was handed over to me.

He said and I quote, 'your father is eager to see your development.'

Fake smile and all.
Despite the seemingly innocent present, I knew what placing the Warehouse under me meant.
It was a reminder.
One that was unneeded as my broken hand, which had only just recently healed up- served as a much better one.

Turns out I only had enhanced healing as a result of my abilities. Which meant that while injuries caused by my powers would heal pretty fast, ( I recovered from second degree burns in a single night) that wasn't the case when I sustained damage from outside influences.

My broken hand took the last two months to heal. On another note, I had also turned 5.

"We can't let him threaten us Fire!"

Said Ice, a white haired beautiful woman who I would classify as being in the prime of her womanhood.(seriously, almost every person I had seen in this world was a solid six and above)

"Its not about threats Ice."
Replied her green haired counterpart.
With a brown latina complexion, provocative green costume, Fire looked like she was ripped straight out of a porno.

Her outfit hugged her crazy curves to the point even a kid like me was left salivating at what lay underneath.

The fact I was a virgin in both lifes didn't help matters.
Fortunately, I had built up a tolerance to beautiful women from the regular baths with my maids.

That said, the situation unfolding before me was...weird to say the least.

"Maybe we should contact the League."
Ice proposed, biting her nails in worry.
"They can help us."

She beseeched her friend.

"What's the worst he can do to us if we refuse?"
I almost interrupted from where I sat cross-legged, hidden by Shade's powers.

Defying Father was a monumentally stupid idea.
Fire beat me to it.

"Think Tora."

She told Ice.
"He kidnapped us from our homes. He knows where we live and our identities. If we go to the League, there's no guarantee Savage won't go after us or our families. Let's just do what he wants. It's only teaching a brat."
Tora or Ice rather, scoffed, crossing her hands over her bountiful chest.
"I don't understand why we're trusting a villain. This is bound to bite us in the ass some day."

The Cryokinetic growled.

That's true Ice. That's oh so very true.

Taking that as a cue to reveal myself, I flared my flames a little, dispelling the darkness and undoing the very basic shadow veil above my body-courtesy of my retainer- Shade.

He was a supervillain that worked for my father but just like the Warehouse, had been placed under my purview for a few months now.

With the veil gone, to Fire and Ice I seemingly appeared before them from the darkness, seated ontop of one of the crates at the back of the building.

Immediately, they were on guard- Ice freezing the floor under her into ice while Fire ignited with green flames.

"Shade, get ready to swallow me into a shadow at the first sign of attack."

I whispered to the teleporter.

"Copy that young Master Savage."

The teleporter responded in his whispery voice.

Outwardly, I adopted a small smirk on my face.

"Please, don't be afraid. My name is Angel Savage. And if I'm correct, I'm your new student."

The two of then stared at me in surprise before sharing a look.

"You're...just a child."

Ice muttered, staring at me up and down.

"Yes, 'HIS' child to be exact."

I clarified with a raise of my eyebrows.

"If that's a deal breaker, I'll warn you right now that I'm your only way to surviving this."

Father would not hesitate to tie up loose ends.

And if he could manage to kill Olympia through me, (I was convinced he had the capability to mess with my mind or control me. And as much as I HATED that, there was nothing I could without more information) he wouldn't balk at doing the same to Fire and Ice.

"This is sick."

Fire spat with a disgusted expression.

"How does he expect us to teach a 3 year old how to fight?"

"5 years old."

I corrected, instantly, igniting the right side of my body, further surprising them both.

Maybe showing them what I could do would speed up the process.

I jumped off the crate, releasing a burst of flames through my sole to slow my descent..

"My father is a man of his word."

I told them, molding the flames to form a compressed ball of fire above my palm that looked like a miniature sun.

It was so hot that it visibly warped the air.

Fire and Ice took a wary step back.

"If he promised to let you go after you've taught me what you can- and as you can see, I am very talented- then he will naturally let you go."

I lied straight to their faces.

He would definitely kill them after they had outlived their usefulness.

"And the sooner we get started, the sooner that will be."

The miniature sun infront of me flared up in a long tongue of yellow-reddish flame before disappearing.

The two of them shared another look, seeming to come to an agreement.

"Is that all you can do?"

Ice tentatively asked. And while out of context it would have be taken as rude, I could tell they were actually curious.

Without a word, I created an ice spike on my left palm.

(5 years later)

(The Watchtower)

"Tora Olafsdotter and Beatriz de Cruz, also known as Fire and Ice, not respectively."

Batman begun.

"They were part of the Justice League outreach program. And have been incredibly useful in helping with League matters."

Above the long table that the League sat around, two inafes were projected, showing Fire and Ice in costume fighting against Killer Croc. Flames and Ice were assaulting the lizard man from opposite sides.

The reel changed, this time displaying the two superheroines standing shoulddd to shoulder with Black Canary and Wonder-Woman.

The next reel showed Fire and the Flash holding hands while eating ice cream in a park.

The Flash turned away with a sad look. Wonder-Woman, sitting next to him patted his hand in comfort.

"5 years ago,"

Batman continued briefing the full room.

"Both of them dissappeared without a trace."

The Dark Knight slid his fingers over the wrist computer on his wrist.

A new image took center stage on the projected display.

There was a sharp intake of breath along with a few curses.


Batman continued without interruption.

"I came across their remains in an abandoned Warehouse. Fire's entire body was frozen to temperatures close to absolute Zero..."

And sure enough, one of the images showed a woman whose body was frozen stiff, eyes wide and face twisted in an expression of surprise.

"And Ice was burned to a crisp."

A hard note entered his voice.

The second image showed a blackened corpse- the flesh roasted above cracked bones.

"Both suffered greatly during their last moments."

Batman explained, eyes narrowed.

"And I have a lead on their killer."
Chapter 6 - 10
10 advanced chapters in Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.

Just 3 dollars and you get access to everything.


Chapter 6: The Culprit Is...

(Angel's P.O.V)

"Young master, I have a question."

Shade said to me through our link.

I've been expecting this.

"Go on."

I said evenly, still munching on the fried wing. The grease was a treat just as it was addictive. In my last life, I couldn't eat food like this.

"I get why you did what you did. I can't even judge you for it. But why would you go out of your way to get captured?"

There was real confusion in his voice.

I swallow. Well, that's an obvious question.

"Shade, how far would you have to be to escape the full range of my blasts?"

His silence told me that he knows. He has had to, during the five years we've known each other. I wasn't just training with Fire and Ice you know.

Father regularly started sending me on missions when I was 7.

Things like renting me out to the Taliban as reinforcement during skirmishes and raids.

Or to Queen Bee in Bialya. The fights with the Rebels there were both entertaining and doubled as good training for my IcyHot magic.

I haven't mastered the ability to use both abilities at the same time, but I've shortened the time frame to simultaneous activation, by honing my reaction speeds and physique through regular meditation and training.

Training that included enduring extreme heat and cold environments while only activating the opposing element.

Which meant standing inside a Volcano with only Cryokinesis activated.

The ice had periodically turned to steam above my skin, without even covering me- evaporating almost instantly.

And because I had pyrokinesis off, nothing could protect me from the heat, so I had to keep producing more and more ice to cover for what I lost.

The opposite was enduring the cold inside an industrial grade Freezer with low temperatures close to absolute Zero, with only Pyrokinesis active.

I could hit 72 hours at a time inside before I had to come out.

Surprisingly or maybe unsurprisingly, Vandal was very supportive of my training.

I had a large training room with equipments for my every need. Even some that my body wasn't old enough to use.

Apart from Fire and Ice, I also had a smattering of actual badass grade teachers to teach me what I wanted through the years.

But...that's a can of worms for another time.

All in all, this training culminated in me gaining a greater control over my thermoregulation, metabolic rate and blood control and even...healing.

In simpler terms, I could affect the cold and fire mana inside me to regulate my own internal temperatures.

Heat and cold play a significant part in the body. With heat able to increase metabolic rate in the body, meaning I could do things like digest my food as fast as I ate it.(cold mana could be used to 'cool down' my organs before they can 'overheat')

And on the opposite side, Cold mana could be used to decrease metabolic rate and slow down blood flow by shrinking the veins in the body.

How was this helpful with enhanced healing?

Well, in case I lost something like a wrist, I could use ice Mana to stop the blood flow to the severed limb.

Easily freezing it without losing it to necrosis:- only needing a small surgery afterwards to reattach.(this actually happened in a nasty encounter with Killer Croc when I was 6- a part of Fire and Ice's training. Yeah...those two were fucking crazy...)

I was also training on creating more utility focused skills using my Half-Cold Half-Hot bilities.

Todoroki had his moveset. And despite plagiarizing and MASTERING all of them with the exception of FLASH FIRE FIST(And damn, is this fucking skill annoying. You'd think I would have it easy, but it somehow relied on something I was still missing), I wanted to be original.

So I stopped trying to master that specific move and begun focusing on how I could get there.


Always control.

After I killed Olympia...I knew...my fate and the need to gain control over my powers, myself and my situations coupled with being the son of a Conquerer, would spell doom for the world.

And whether I burned it down or froze it first, it all depended on how far I had to go to get to the top.

I was only lacking one SINGLE thing to get there. One simple simple thing.

After a brief consideration, I decide to answer,

"Because Shade...to be a Villain, you have to learn how a hero thinks."

I told him.

And this would also help my next few plans as well.


After that Shade said nothing. He didn't need to.

Through the years I had successfully shifted his loyalty from my Father to me.

It was wonders what you could do with money and positive reinforcement. Also...information.

One of my teachers when I was 8 was a hacker on the run who Father had allowed (read:lured) to the mansion.

He stayed (working) on something for my father in the Underground section of the Mansion, and I was able to learn a lot about information gathering and espionage.

Which was how I learned about Shade's personal life. The metahuman was useful. With his shadow travelling, he could take me anywhere I wanted in the world.

And for people like those, you had to know what makes them tick- their motivations, goals, fears and passions had to be something you were aware of.

Not because having a good relationship with a minion was good for your health, (which it was) but to instead to know how to work them.

How to ensure blind loyalty. Something that could not be swayed by money or power.

And Shade's motivations, goals, fears and passion all revolved around one thing.

His daughter.

He knew I would go after little Maria, if he ever betrayed me.

The minutes passed slowly, yet I stayed in position, overlooking my burning Warehouse from the shadows of a stack of containers.

The GPD had closed off the docks and surrounded the perimeter of the Warehouse. Firetrucks had arrived a few minutes ago and were trying to put out the flames.

By now, Batman had most likely found Fire and Ice's body.

And if I was right, he'd be arriving in a few...

"Who are you?"

A gruff voice spoke up from the top of the containers.

A small smile spread across my face before it disappeared. Bingo.

He's here.

A shadow perhaps darker than even Shade could make them, jumped down onto the ground- the fall of more than 20 feet barely a struggle as he landed with the nimbleness of a cat.

Without a word, Shade undid the veil of Shadows surrounding me, before slinking away.

I stepped out into the light, craning my head to look up at the tall figure in black and grey towering over me.

The Dark Knight tilted his head upon my emergence.

"A child?"

He muttered to himself, as if surprised at what I was doing here.

This is it.

I calmed my wildly beating heart, falling back on some of my training to project a confident front.

"Not just any child Batsy."

I begun, a ball of flame appearing above my right hand while a spike of ice grew up from the palm of my hand.

Batman's entire posture stiffened. I couldn't tell it from the whites of the eye holes in his mask, but I got the impression he was narrowing his eyes my way.

"I think you've been looking for me..."

I added, deactivating my abilities before stretching out my hands towards him, showing the wrists to cuff.

"I would like to confess to a double murder."

(General P.O.V)

(The Watchtower)

The tension in the room seemed to grow upon Batman's revelations. He'd just told them who he suspected the killer was.

"You can't be serious Batman."

Black Canary said, shock evident in her voice.

Batman couldn't blame her. Everyone in the meeting Hall was in a similar situation.

"You expect us to believe a 10 year old boy is responsible for Fire and Ice's death?!"

The Flash demanded, slamming his hands on the table.

"How can you be sure it's not a scheme by one of your crazy villains? Maybe Mr.Freeze and Firefly decided to team up..."

Barry ignored Batman's, "it doesn't fit Victor's m.o."

The Flash continued,

"Or maybe the Joker escaped Arkham. Again. And decided messing with you alone wasn't enough, so he went after them."

He looked out into the chamber.

"And by extension us."

'And if indeed the Joker is the one responsible...'

The Flash tightened his hands into fists.

'...maybe prison or an Asylum isn't enough this time...'

"Barry, calm down."

Superman said, sighing as he reverted his sight back to the image projected above the long table.

A black haired, brown skinned boy with a mischievous grin on his face stared back at them.

But his eyes...weren't smiling.

Superman was a good judge of character. It's why he would always try to give someone a chance.

"Where is he right now?"

Superman asked. The sooner they interrogated him, the sooner they would know what was going on.

"He's safe."

Batman answered, with no intention of saying anything else.

The Man of Steel swallowed a sigh. 'Batman wasn't cooperative- how unexpected,' he thought sarcastically.

"It's illegal to detain a minor without a parent or guardian Batman. This issue should be handled by the authorities."

Green Lantern John Stewart spoke up.

He used to be in the army. By association he knew the law pretty well.

"I'll inform you of what I find out. Dismissed."

The Dark Knight said before turning around and leaving for the Boom-Tube, leaving the rest of the League hanging.

Not that he cared all that much. He had a culprit to interrogate.


(General P.O.V)

(Rhode Island)


Her limber form stretched out across the concrete landscape.

Black fish nets adorned her long toned legs tightly, and her blonde hair, cascading in waves of golden locks, danced in the air as she ran across the rooftops, silent and nimble.

With barely any effort, Black Canary took a leap and cleared the distance from one building to another easily, the civilians going about their normal lives on the ground, failing to take notice of her.

Like that she made it all the way to the harbor, landing on the perimeter of Mount Justice, the League's previous headquarters.

Just as she was ruminating on how she could get in without being found out, her body stiffened before relaxing.

Turning around, Black Canary was met with a smirking Flash, eating a snickers bar.

"He said you would figure out where he's keeping the boy."

Black Canary rolled her eyes.

"Of course I would. And I'm guessing you're security?"

The Flash shrugged.

"More like a scout. One fast guy is better than a squad of highly powerful, highly conspicuous superheroes."

He discarded the wrapper before offering his hand to Canary with a flourish.

"I'm also transportation. So if you don't mind, milady..."

Black Canary shook her head at his antics but placed her palm in his.

The surroundings changed drastically, owing to Barry's super speed. It felt like she blinked and appeared elsewhere.

Canary hid the usual feelings of wariness very well at what would happen in case the Flash went villain. Then again, the Reverse Flash was the answer.

A sadistic, petty, arrogant murderer who wouldn't hesitate to kill you before you even knew he was there.

Luckily, that Psycho seemed to have a hard on for making the Flash suffer, but Barry had time and time again beaten him back. Sometimes alone. Most times with the League's help.

Speedsters were crazy powerful. And dangerous.

For all her martial arts and canary cry, Black Canary knew there would be nothing she could do if one of them committed to taking her down.

Deep in her thoughts, she only noticed offhandedly as Barry knocked on the last door in the hallway they had stopped at.

Then he pushed in and she followed him inside to find Batman, standing before a large one way mirror.

On the other side of the mirror sat a dark haired boy who she admitted looked better in real life than on picture. He would be a looker once he grew up.


Batman nodded.

"You're here. Good."

Before she could respond, a green figure with red eyes emerged from the wall, phasing through.

Martian Manhunter.

"What did you find out?"

The Dark Knight asked of the Martian.

"Not much."

The latter shook his head.

"He has some psychic barriers put in place. Rudimentary, but strong enough that I could only skim through the surface thoughts."

"Is he a telepath like you?"

Canary questioned to which J'onn shook his head.

"You're the most powerful telepath on the planet, J'onn."

The Flash started in an even tone, eyes narrowed at Angel through the mirror.

"Can't you...just, I don't know slip past the barriers?"

Canary noticed the very slight twitch of Batman's hand. Something that she only caught because he allowed it.

Martian Manhunter paused for a bit before replying.

"No. That would be a great breach in privacy. Without consent, I will not subject a child to a mind probe."

The Flash's eyes turned cold as he clenched his jaw.

Black Canary blinked and found him smiling harmlessly like he usually did. For a second, she thought she had imagined it.

Shaking her head, she moved towards the interrogation room.

"Where are you going?"

Only for Batman to stop her before she could twist the handle.

"If mind reading is out of the question, that leaves us with one option. Old school interrogation."

She smiled at him.

"It's why you allowed me to come. Because out of everyone in the League...I'm the most qualified to do this."

(Angel's P.O.V)

"You guys were pretty loud out there."

I said in way of greeting.

The door closed behind a blonde woman with curves for days despite her slender frame, as she walked into the room.

"You could hear us?"

She replied, more of a statement than a question.

"Not exactly."

I only read their body movement through their heat signatures. But if she was waiting on me to expound on my powers, she was solely mistaken.

After confessing my crime to Batman, he had immediately and silently carted me off to here.

He hadn't even bothered to use the batwing- something I had been dying to ride in- he had instead led me to a teleportation hub.

I later came to know it was called a Zeta-tube and was nothing like Shade's own abilities.

But using the Zeta tube, we emerged inside a mountain.

Mount Justice to be exact.

I was aware it was the League's former headquarters before they opted for the Hall of Justice in Washington D.C(the big space station above the planet was meant to be a secret. Too bad I had metaknowledge on my side.)

Black Canary pulled the chair opposite me and sat down, hands interlocked on the table.

We stared at each other for a few seconds without talking.

"You hungry?"

She asked, slightly surprising me at the unexpectedness of it.

I see, so this is why Batman let her interrogate me first. Her background as a psychiatrist no doubt gave her an edge.

I shook my head.

"No. I had some wings on my way here. Though I wouldn't mind a coke."

She looked at the interrogation Mirror meaningfully before turning back to me.

"I'm Dinah."

She introduced herself, giving out her true identity, while stretching out a hand for me to shake.

"Ah, someone who doesn't treat me like a kid. A breath of fresh air."

I shook it, noting her firm grip.

"You can call me Angel."

She let go with a frown on her face.

"Your palm is covered in calluses."

I shrugged.

"Rock climbing in South Africa. It's great for upper body and..."

"Core strength."

She cut in, leaning back in her seat.

The door opened and a can of coke was thrown in that Dinah snatched out of the air, placing it on the table beside her hands, far from me.

I raised a single eyebrow. More psychological tricks.

"Angel, I have a question I need to ask."

Dinah begun in a serious tone of voice, biting her lip,

"Did you kill Fire and Ice?"

I knew this question was coming. Of course the League would want to make sure I was actually guilty before making any decision.

Their inherent goodness, especially her's, fought against the reality of accepting a child could kill.


I smirked.


(General P.O.V)

Outside the interrogation room, the mood was quiet and tense.


Out of nowhere, the Flash asked, directing the question Batman's way.

"Why did you really ask me to come?"

He clarified.

"Why not the others? And don't give me that 'patrolling' the area bullshit Batsy. I know you have surveillance cameras around the compound. So why? Why would you want me this close to the one responsible for Beat's death?"

Saying that, he trailed a finger down the mirror separating the two rooms, drawing a line across Angel's reflection's neck.

"You don't need to answer."

The Flash added.

"I know why. It's so that you can keep an eye on me. Because you think I might do something to him..."

The silence was telling.

Fortunately, the interrogation room door opened and Black Canary stepped out, a deeply disturbed expression on her face.

"I think...I think he really did it..."

She stated.

"I knew it."

The Flash muttered under his breath, his tone accusatory.

"And from the way he's acting, he doesn't seem all that remorseful."

Inside the interrogation room, Angel had propped his legs up on the table and was leisurely enjoying his coke.

Canary shook her head.

"He's...a strange child. I still feel as if we're missing something. It can't be this cut and dry."

"Well it is."

The Flash cut in.

"And he's admitted it twice. Batman said he's a metahuman-"

"The results from Star labs came back as inconclusive. He has the metagene but it doesn't seem to be active."

The Dark Knight interrupted.

Barry shook his head

"That's besides the point. Which is, he did it. That's what we know."

"And we also know someone can be mentally controlled. Or coerced. Or threatened. Or misguided."

Batman shot back.

"Whose side are you on Batsy? Huh?"

The Flash growled, stepping up to the Dark Knight.


The speedster demanded.

"There is another way."

Black Canary interjected, coming in between the two.

"What other way?!"

The Flash turned his ire towards her.

Canary narrowed her eyes at him. She wasn't Batman who could keep his temper under control.

"Barry, I understand what you're going through but you need to check your attitude. You're not the only one who lost friends."

The Flash was about to respond harshly, but he caught himself at the last minute and looked away, ashamed.

"Sorry. I...I need a breath of fresh air."


And then he was off, leaving the three Leaguers alone in the room.

Black Canary sighed.

"As I was saying, there is another way. I talked to Angel and he's agreed to fully open his mind up to J'onn."

Her eyes glinted with resolve.

"This way we can learn if what he's been claiming is actually true."


(Angel's ACTUAL P.O.V)

"Young Master Savage...all the preparations are complete."

Shade whispers to me from the shadow of the chair I am sitting on.

"What about the other thing?"

I ask.

"All 60 petabytes of data in this base has been copied and stored."

This might not be the Watchtower but the database here still holds considerable information.

Useful information that can further my plans. What plans you ask? Well, what does any self respecting Villain want? World domination of course.


I swing my feet onto the ground, still keeping tabs on the League standing on the outside.

Black Canary must have informed them about my acceptance of a mind read. As a result, I can see them headed to the door of my interrogation room.

Batman places a hand on the door handle and that's when I give Shade the signal.

"Do it."

The word has barely left my lips when a loud explosion goes off on the outside.

(General P.O.V)

Shade liked to think of himself as normal.

Or at least the true result of giving an average man special powers. He wasn't as altruistic as a hero. Nor was he maliciously self serving as a villain.

As long as he was treated well and paid, he wouldn't mind living his life under someone. He wouldn't mind using his abilities for them.

Most people just wanted to feel needed.

And despite his young age, Young master Savage knew how to use him. Through the years, Shade had seen the boy grow in the shadow of his father, from a stubborn brat to a terrifying force of elemental prowess.

He had seen the challenges the Young Master had gone through.

He'd seen him fight creatures like bears and tigers and live when he was only 6 years old.

He had seen him go up against a highly trained squad of mercenaries who were protecting the Young Master's target, and kill 4 of them, before making a deal with the rest.

The mercenaries had wisely brought him the head of his target rather than fight the Ice Devil, as they had started calling him when he froze the entire perimeter. Electing large ice walls to prevent their escape.

But that was not all. Any mission given to him by his father, the Senior Savage, had been easy to accomplish for the Young Master.

He possessed a keen intuition and intelect that had seen him topple a government, prevent an ACTUAL alien invasion and become an honorary prince of Almerac (the queen had recognized his strength and potential, thus betrothing the Young princess to him).

And all that was before he had turned 9!

And if his intelect and mentsk fortitude was something to envy, then his special powers were a different subject all together.

Shade had never seen anyone with such intuitive control over their metahuman abilities.

Half hot and half cold would be the name but the Young master insisted on calling it Icyhot.

He'd seen the Young Master evaporate an entire lake, before freezing the steam into a block of ice that fell onto the dried basin.

He'd seen him freeze an entire Volcano. A feat that had Professor Ivo, one of the Young Master's contacts, whistle in shock.

A volcano could reach over 2000 degrees Fahrenheit.

Taking into account the extreme heat and sheer volume of molten rock involved, it would mean the Young Master was capable of producing millions of kWh or was sustaining a steady production of a billion joules just to cool it.

Through all that, Shade had been by his side.

And through all that, he'd learned, never to take the Young Master lightly.

Anything he touched would turn into gold.

Any plan he made would succeed. And this one would be no different.


Connecting with every shadow in the premises might have been something impossible for him a few years ago, but call it a hunger for power, but Shade had done his best to push his ability to it's max.

All that so he could be useful to the Young Master.

Mount Justice was a structure filled with hidden rooms, paths and was a blend of technology, modern living spaces and a beach front.

It was perfect for a superhero base and Shade felt all the more regretful that it wouldn't be left standing for long.

His shadow portals worked on the principle of 'if he wanted them to do something' they would.

He could travel through them, allow passages from one place to another depending on his memory or sight.

He could store anything and bring it out later without any time passing in the real world.

Hence, storing a specialized grenade designed to specifically deal with the League was doable.

And then he dropped the grenade in the room with 3 members of the League through a shadow in the room.

The grenade went off in less than 0.02 seconds, releasing a point blank concussive explosion with a specialized magnesium chemical to deal with the Martian Manhunter.

The other two could easily be dealt with by a normal explosion.

To his credit, Batman was fast enough to throw himself on top of Canary just as the explosion went off, displaying crazy reactionary speeds.


"It burns! It buuurrns!!"

'Someone is screaming...'

Batman noted off handedly as his head buzzed in pain.

His entire body felt raw and hot, there was something lying on him- the table, he realized. And a couple of his ribs felt tender. Most likely cracked.

What happened...

Was it an attack?

It had to be.

And not just any attack either. From the outside, he would have spotted the enemies from a mile away.

Which meant it came from the inside. And the only security risk in the entire Mount Justice was the boy.

Angel, of course.

The screaming had stopped. Now reduced to whimpering from one corner of the destroyed room.

Batman's hand inched towards his wrist computer. The base's alarm system had most definitely sent an S.O.S to other Leaguers but just to be safe...

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

A voice spoke, accompanied by a foot that stepped on his wrist, immobilizing his hand.

Looking up, the Dark Knight's eyes were met with the short figure of their suspect.

"After all the trouble I went through trying to block out the signal."

The boy shook his head.

"I can't have you ruining that.m by sending out another."

Then he raised his left leg, the foot covered by ice. The last thing Batman saw before his world was overtaken by darkness, was Angel's cold expression.

The arrogant smirk from before was nowhere to be seen.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Superman was attending a very convenient party hosted by the one and only Lex Luthor in Metropolis.

Zatara was dealing with a scheme involving some kids lost in the woods. He had just found some Wendigo tracks and was following them up with funnily enough, Red Tornado.

Green Arrow or his civilian identity, Oliver Queen was patrolling Star City with his young protege, Speedy.

Aquaman was in Atlantis and to ensure he would be unavailable, someone had leaked out information on the whereabouts of a few notorious pirates.

Hawkman and Hawkwoman had won a surprise getaway trip to Hawaii.

Billy Batson aka Shazam had also won an all expenses paid for family trip to you guessed it, Hawaii. He had taken his Uncle and foster family.

Green Lantern Hal Jordan was off planet.

Green Lantern Stewart on the other hand, was actually patrolling above the base. He was Batman's contigency just in case something went wrong.

But luckily, he was too far away to hear the explosion, as it had been contained in one room.

All the League members were currently occupied.

And I had Shade's shadow portals close to each of them broadcasting a counter signal to disrupt any transmission from Mount Justice.

All except for one.

I looked around, noting the state of the room.

Martian Manhunter was nothing but a quaking form covered in white fire at the corner, Batman was on the ground, using his body to shield Black Canary.

All of them were alive. And for a second, I wanted to rectify that. The Justice League posed the biggest obstacle to world domination.

A spike of ice formed in my hand and I found myself taking a step toward Batman.

It would only take a single slash...and he would be dead.

"Young Master...we have incoming."

Shade whispered from the shadows.

A few seconds ago, the Flash was in the Sahara.

Now he was entering Rhode Island on a direct path towards me.

"Count yourself lucky."

I muttered down at Batman's prone form.

The League still had some uses to me. Even if it was just as a shield against some scary opponents or a tool to be used to further my goals.

And while I knew the villainous thing to do would have been to deal with this problem once and for all, I also realized escalating things by killing them, would have the rest of the League on my ass long before I was strong enough to take them head on.

You didn't survive this world by being an outlier. You had to play the game.

The Flash had just entered Happy Harbor.


"Shade, Shadow me."

I gave the order and my lackey was all too quick to follow it. The shadows in the room rose up and consumed me.

I found myself in a world of darkness with swirling vortexes around which represented the various shadows in the room outside the shadow veil.

Now, Shade's powers were strange. He didn't exactly travel through shadows but instead entered a realm of darkness connected to ALL shadows.

In that realm, he could interact with the material world in a very limited scale without physically being there.

But one thing he could do was sense 'space' and after months of training, he could share those senses with me.

Meaning the second the Flash entered the interrogation room, I instantly became aware of it.

And without fail, Shade opened up portals throughout the shadows in the room, and the climax to a plan that had taken almost half a decade to conceive arrived.

I pushed my hand into one of the shadow portals and immediately,

"Flash freeze!"

Unleashed the most powerful ice attack I could into the room. The ice entirely froze everything and everyone, including my target- The Flash.

The Shadow Veil fell off me, returning my physical body into the material world.

Before me, still in a running pose, covered in ice was Barry Allen, self proclaimed the fastest man in the world.

But not for Long.

Thus, the hardest part of my plan to steal the Speed Force, was successful.


(General P.O.V)

Barry wasn't an idiot. Well, according to Iris he sometimes could be, but that was mostly due to his bad relationship with keeping time.

But, he was far from an idiot.

He knew something was off with the boy. And it wasn't just because of his confession of killing Fire and Ice.

Him and Fire had briefly dated, before they both realized they were better off as friends. Besides, dating a co-worker would complicate their work relationship.

But that hadn't meant she wasn't important to him.

Which complicated things with his team.

The Flash was a hero. A symbol of morality.

He wasn't supposed to feel such negative feelings for anyone. Especially a 10 year old boy.

But Barry had lost too many precious people to care. His mother, his father...

But even so, when he realized he was being rude and downright antagonistic to Batman and Black Canary, he decided to take a walk or rather a run around the world, to cool off as only he could.

Just as he was crossing the Saharan desert, he heard Batman's distress call through his ear piece and immediately turned back.

In a few breaths he had crossed the ocean into North America, and was blitzing through Rhode Island while headed to Mount Justice.

And only as he entered through the building and into the Interrogation room, did he realize he was justified in his suspicions.

It took only a slow second to gaze around the room and notice the state of it, and his fellow league members lying on the ground- hurt.

The initial shock got him.

Even for the fastest man in the world, that brief moment cost him. And the silent and seamless activation of Shade's shadow portals was too unexpected to dodge.

Still caught in his running pose, the Flash was frozen stiff, and the darkness of passing out due to suffocation promptly claimed him.

When next he opened his eyes, it was in a dark clearing in the forest.

A blood red moon hang from the sky, illuminating the ground in a wash of scarlet colors.

Around him were exactly 13 figures dressed in hoods with a strange inverted Infinity symbol, chanting in what sounded like Latin to him.

He was tied to something that looked like a cross, and the hefty power dampening collar on his neck prevented him from activating his speed.

"What is this?!"

The Flash demanded.

"Who are you people? And why am I hanging from a cross? Even for nutjobs the symbolism is a little TOO ON THE NOSE!!"

His frustration was evident in his words and tone. But that did nothing to stop the chanting.

And Barry was even more horrified when the ground below them in the small clearing, begun to glow with a yellow formation of circles.

He instantly recognized what this was. Magic. Oh hell no.

He redoubled his efforts, trying to loosen one of his hands in a bid to reach for his costume's in built defenses.

Useful, especially in the event of having his powers suppressed.

There was a certain place in his outfit he could press to release a small burst of E.M.P.

Just enough to fry the inner components of the power dampening collars. Then with his powers active again, he could kick everyone's ass and arrest them for turning him into a rendition of Jesus' death.

"I apologize for the rough treatment."

A familiar young voice spoke from the back of the hooded figures.

The chanting came to a sudden stop.

The hooded figures made way for 2 people, both of them fairly young.

The tallest of them was a boy who wore a black suit with coattails, had black hair, red eyes and what Barry could only call as the 'evilist sneer in the world'.

He also had a cat on his shoulder. And lastly, the boy looked roughly 15.

"Ooh look at that Teekl! Angel wasn't lying, he actually caught one!"

The red eyed boy clapped his hands in glee as he watched The squirming Flash.

The cat meowed in what Barry would describe as disinterest.

"I wonder how a Hero looks like on the inside."

The boy on the other hand mused, seemingly even more invested in Barry's health. Or rather it's complete opposite.

"With his flesh stripped and his bowels hanging from-"

Just as Barry's horror was about to reach its peak, a hand landed on the red eyed boy's shoulder, cutting off his words.

"Klarion, I hope you're not planning on turning my prey into your little passion project."

Angel said in an even voice.

Klarion seemed to gulp as the temperatures in the surrounding areas started going haywire.

Barry found himself buffeted by a heat wave one second and a blizzard the next.

"A-ah, that would be going against our agreement."

Klarion stuttered, sheepishly scratching his head while chuckling nervously.

"I always keep my word, right Teekl?"


The Cat immediately meowed in agreement, even going as far as to nod its head. It was as if the boy called Klarion and his cat were scared of Angel, Barry noted.


Angel patted the taller boy before turning his eyes to The Flash.

Barry found those cold dead eyes staring into his own, very different from the mischievous and cheeky stare the boy had when he was in their custody.

Angel nodded, as if he had come to a sort of decision with himself.

"As I was saying, sorry for the rough treatment, Barry."

The Flash was shocked.

"How do you know that name?!"

He hissed through clenched teeth.

Angel just shrugged as he answered.

"We know all your secret identities. Superman is Clark Kent, Batman is Bruce Wayne-"

He stopped, snorting at the aghast expression on the Flash's face.

"I could continue but that would be a waste of time."

Angel took in a deep breath.

"I'm sure you have questions. But I won't indulge you. I know what monologuing does to the best laid plans."

He walked closer, stopping right at the foot of the cross.

"That said, it's only right that you understand what is happening."

A smile that was no less evil than what Klarion could pull off appeared On Angel's boyish face.

"To put it in simple terms, you will die so that I can be reborn into a force of true power. Rejoice Speedster, your worthless life, finally has a purpose to serve."

(Angel's P.O.V)

A bad encounter with Cheetah and Wonder Woman showed me what my biggest weakness was.

It was in Bwunda and the mission this time was strange. Even by Savage's standard.

Apparently an African God called Urzkartaga was causing trouble for some of Father's business in the region.

The Sub-Saharan area had diamond mines that were owned by Father. And as a result of said God rampantly kidnapping girls and women from the surrounding tribes, Father's interests had suffered due to the lack of Manpower.

There was also the threat of the kidnappings catching the attention of the authorities, which would bring to light our dealings in the area.

That was a big no-no, as the diamonds generated billions of dollars each year.

With such a big operation on the line, I was sent in to give a warning to Urzkartaga. Just a warning. Apparently even Gods were beholden to the will of Vandal Savage.

Personally I would have killed Urzkartaga but orders were orders.

Of course a warning from someone like Vandal Savage was something like losing a hand or an eye.

That said, turns out this God was the real thing. He was unlike any other self proclaimed gods who were all bluster and no power.

It was a common theme in the super hero/villain world, after all.

The amount of people who stumbled upon a little bit of power up, either through a homo magi bloodline, alien or magical items, metagene or the other dozen ways you could become powerful in DC, was not a small number.

Too bad most were too weak to be useful, or the power went to their heads and they grew conceited.

The only fate that awaited them was getting busted by the heroes and a one way trip to Belle Reve or getting killed by other villains.

That's besides the point.

Basically, Urzkartaga was not someone whose power had gone to his head and corrupted him.

He was very much a God. Just not a fighting one. Not to say he was weak though. Far from it.

What he had lacked in pure firepower he'd made it up for, by having these man-wolf creatures that attacked anyone that appeared in his territory.

Oh and apparently, he had Cheetah protecting him. She was part of his harem(about the only thing I could agree with the God. He had his priorities straight at least)

Yes, that Cheetah. One of Wonder Woman's most powerful villains.

She had shown me what my biggest weakness was.

I couldn't hit her. She was so fast that even Flash Freeze, the attack I had used to immobilize the fastest Speedster in the planet, had failed.

Fire missed her completely, only burning the trees around us.

Despite having control over Flames and Ice, they might as well have been useless if the attacks were slow enough that someone could dodge.

I only escaped getting torn apart by the feral cat-woman by surrounding the zone closest to me with heat and cold mana, turning the zone into an Elemental storm.

Still, with Shade's help, I did manage to 'procure' a hand from the God, leaving a message that the Immortal was displeased.

Again, Urzkartaga is besides the point.

What isn't, is my need to shore up one of my biggest weaknesses.

Which is why the Flash, the Speedster with the deepest connection with the Speed force was so useful to me.

By using Klarion's Chaos magic and my Atlantean Mages expertise with magic formations, I was planning to steal that conduit for myself.

With the Speed Force on my side, my Pyrokinesis and Cryokinesis would evolve, at least in terms of casting speed.


(Angel's P.O.V)


The guttural howls of a man sounded out through the entire forest.

Unfortunately for the owner of the screams, we were 50 miles away from any sort of civilization.

Yet I couldn't blame Barry for screaming his lungs out as I was doing the same thing, only instead of screams of agony, I was laughing my ass off.

"Hahahahahaha! I can feel it! Yes! It's working!!"

The words left my lips in a rush of excitement, caused by the red streams of mystified Speed Force energy being absorbed into me.

Normally, I had better control of myself than this, but I couldn't help it.

The clearing I chose for the process had a leyline node going through it. Which provided immense amounts of natural energy that the Atlantean Mages I had managed to employ through a deal with Orm, the brother to Aquaman, could use to maintain the ritual.

Or rather, hide the effects of so much magic being moved around.

The true use of the node was for Klarion to change the nature of the Flash's Speed Force conduit and attune it to me, a half Homo Magi.

And currently, he was doing exactly that.

The magic formation below pulsed and glowed with natural magic, enveloping the three of us.

The Flash on the cross was on one edge of the formation, Klarion in the center, and I on the other side of the circle, directly opposite the cross.

Around the perimeter were the mages, doing their best to conceal us.

Klarion held his hands above my chest, red arcane energy shrouding him as he guided the Speed Force from the Flash, down the cross, through the Leyline, (giving it a touch of magic) before channeling it into me.


Said the man I was stealing powers from.


Unfortunately for Barry, I was too far gone. Too entranced by the feeling of chaotic and sharp magic funneling into my heart through my chest.

"You crazy brat!!"

Klarion joined in on the laughter. Though, his was more strained.

"You're absolutely insane! This much magic should have turned you into a rock! Or made you explode!"


His Familiar agreed.

But I didn't care.

By now my body had begun to glow scarlet as Barry's screams died down to a groan.

His skin seemed to lose its luster. The streaks of yellow lightning that had surrounded him decreasing in quantity.

Meanwhile my own body was undergoing a massive change.

After years of meditation and control training with the hot and cold mana within me, I had gained great understanding of my body.

As a result, I could feel every iota of natural magic filling my heart.

Initially, I tried to control it as I did the Hot and Cold Mana inside me- by establishing the internal circulation from my lungs down my hips, toes, into my arms before returning to the lungs once more.

However, I found out the Natural Energy seemed to have a mind of its own.

It seeped into my flesh, organs, blood, bones and even my hair and nails. Every single cell, billions of them, were filled with natural magic and something more...

Up till now, all this had been speculation on my part. An idea produced from dozens of memories reading the Flash comic books.

When the sky above us turned ominous with huge nimbus clouds, when a sudden breeze swept through the clearing, when my feet left the ground- levitating up as the natural magic within me intensified, I realized...this was no longer speculation.

I was succeeding.

As if to agree with me, the heavens spit down a super massive yellow lightning streak that struck my body without a single warning.

When I woke up...I could run. Very very very very fast.

(Vandal Savage)

Life and death hold little meaning to someone who has seen instances of both over thousands of years.

My first child was by far the strongest out of all her siblings. Able to call down storms of powerful lightning and move the very earth, her potential was greater than all who came after her.

Except for 2.

Nabu and Angel.

The two sons who were most like their father.

Yet for all his achievements in life and in death, Nabu lacked one single thing that his younger brother had in spades.


The ability to induce strife and conflict within oneself just to achieve a goal.

That was what set Angel apart.

10 years and he was already so impressive. If only the boy wasn't so rash and ready to prove himself.

In 5 more years, he would have been ready. But for now...

A gentle knock sounded out from the door, alerting him. Vandal didn't need to invite the person in. He already knew who it was and had given him permission to disturb him anytime.

True to the sentiment, the door was pushed in as his guest entered.

"Father, I have returned."

Angel said, bowing his head slightly in subservience.

"Read the front page."

Vandal simply stated, not bothering to look at or even acknowledge his son. His sights were set on the view outside of the window he stood before.

There was a brief pause, before he heard the sound of paper ruffling.

"The Flash goes missing."

Angel read the newspaper in his hands before placing it back on top of the table.

"I can explain."

Angel said, then after another short pause, added,

"He's not dead yet."

"10 people."

Vandal merely commented.

"10 people you're not allowed to kill or 'deal with' in the entire planet and you went for one of them. Not only that, you went for the Speedster. Not only that, you...disobeyed me."

There was a slight shuffle of feet on the mat. The boy was nervous. Or rather pretending to be. (Vandal knew better)

"The Flash is the only one who had what I needed."

Angel explained.

"Besides, I have already handled the memory deleting portion by contacting Psimon..."

Angel cut off his statement as he noticed Vandal grow from merely angry to furious.

Vandal didn't know or even care how the boy could read his mood after thousands of years training everything about himself.

But the point was, he didn't care.

The Immortal finally turned around to see his son, so very much like him.

They had the same dark hair, the same black eyes, dusky skin (although Angel's was much darker) and the same strong jawline that was only just showing on the boy.

He also favored a dark grey coat that went down to his knees, tough leather boots and perhaps the strangest thing, a gas mask that hang from his neck.

Vandal knew that the outfit was not just for show.

Within the coat, he could guess were dozens of throwing knives created from Ice (it was part of Angel's training where he tried to maintain the temperature of the ice without it getting melted)

And a few non-ice ones, some tipped with poison. Let it not be said Vandal didn't keep track of his successor's progress.

But a true successor was much more than just fancy powers, gadgets or the stubborness to chase after what they wanted.

They had to be patient.

And where Nabu lacked conviction, Angel lacked patience.

"Psimon is not yours to command boy."

The Immortal stated coldly.

"You have no power over anything. Remember, I am the one that allows you to live. To breathe. Disobey me again and I won't just kill you, I will make it extremely painful."

It didn't go unnoticed to Vandal, the brief burst of hatred in the boy's eyes before it was hidden under a mask of fear.

Father and son stared at each other over the mahogany desk separating them.

Then, Angel dropped his gaze first, fully bowing before Vandal.

"I apologize for the misstep father. The Flash shall be returned to his house with no memory of the encounter."

"Good. See that he is."

Vandal nodded, a bit glad to see that the boy could learn. But that wasn't enough. To discourage him of...unwanted behavior, he would need to be punished.

"If that is all, I shall take my leave."

Angel said, straightening up before turning around and walking towards the door.


The Immortal stopped him.

Angel turned to regard his father questionigly.

"I want to review your progress after so many years of Expert instructors, training and resources funneled into you."

The Immortal stated, relishing the brief look of horror that appeared in the boy's eyes.

'Good. He still remembers the beating I subjected him to five years ago.' Savage thought.

"I expect you in the sparring room within an hour."

The Immortal added.


Angel stared at his Father's cold eyes before visibly shuddering in genuine trauma- Vandal noted

"Yes Father."

The boy gave confirmation before leaving the Immortal's office.

Vandal went back to watching the view outside. And the little girl playing with one of the maids on the backyard.

Yes. If Angel failed to live up to his expectations, then finding a worthy replacement was not that hard.

What was hard, was dealing with the fallout from Angel's actions.

The Justice League would not be happy that one of them had been captured, and subjected to experiments in a bid to find out how his powers worked.(Shade had given him the report)

But as always, the Immortal didn't care. In a few years, they would all be dead.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Once I was outside my Father's office, the look of fear fell off, being replaced by one of resolve.

Good, he reacted exactly as I thought he would.

He wants to punish me for going after the Flash after he had warned me to steer clear of the Justice League.


And during part 2 of our spar, I was finally going to kill the fucking bastard.
Chapter 11-15
More advance chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.


What Is Better? To be born Evil, or to overcome your good nature through great effort?

(Angel's Actual P.O.V)

Shade is hesitant at first. Naturally. He doesn't speak much, only saying what is needed.

And even when I do conversate with him for a long time, barring his monthly reports, it's usually when he's asking a question that has deeply been troubling him.

Like now.

"Young Master, this is it. Are you sure?"

Like usual I don't answer quickly.

I think about it first. And while thinking about it, I pass by Candi's room. My little sister. She has to be asleep by now. It's already 12.

Though she hates the name Candi and prefers to be called Scandal, her real name.

But she's just so cute when she's mad-

Focus. The question.

Am I sure of what I'm about to do?

It's Patricide. The killing of one's own father.

The hallways and stairs blur together and only as I stop before the door to the Sparring room do I answer.


I exhale.

"But Vandal Savage needs to die for me to live. It's that simple."

And it is.

Then it hits me like a 12 wheeler truck. This wasn't just about succeeding him.

I HATED VANDAL SAVAGE even more than I hated my last Father.

And that was because he had turned me into himself.

The door swings open, and finally,

Father and son stare at each other grimly.

(General P.O.V)

They were in the wide chamber reserved for training and sparring underneath the mansion. Something that Angel had liberally made use of.

Taking measured steps forward, a strong sense of Deja vu hit Angel.

The last time he faced his father like this was in the Warehouse that was now mere ash in the Gotham docks. That was 5, almost 6 years ago.

Back then Angel had been weak.

So weak in fact, his 4 year old self- despite having his powers already- could offer no resistance when the Immortal was kicking his ass.

Vandal could have easily killed him back then, cutting off Angel's chance at a second life, in a premature fashion.

Angel hated that feeling. And by extension, he hated Savage as well.

"You've grown stronger, My Son."

Savage noted with a little pride, shrugging off his robe and stepping forward into the sparring mat.

The light from the ceiling above hit him, revealing a naked torso with powerful arms and a large chest, that seemed to be carved out of oak wood and stone.

An aura of animal agression surrounded him, tempered only by the WILL of a MAN, who considered himself higher than even the GODS.

Without a word, Angel shrugged off his coat, leaving him in a black gi with a white and red sash across his hips to keep the Gi in place. His arms were left bare in a style reminiscent to Goku.

He sensed the coat sink into his shadow, and then Shade's presence faded away into the background. Watching, not to intervene but to witness, as the Son tried to surpass the Father.

"Oh, you have no idea...old man."

The young boy, not even in his teens shot back, falling into a martial arts stance with both hands stretched and the fingers curled into claws.

"A pup mimicking a dragon."

A note of interest flickered in Savage's eyes.

He wasn't mad at being called Old. He even thought the boy's petulance was amusing.


"You should know that I won't go easy on you. You still need to be punished for your mistakes."

The Father informed the son, motioning for him to attack first.

"So come on Boy. I've seen all martial ability. Show me yours."

Angel naturally understood that he was outmatched in almost all physical parameters, skills and experience. Training for 5 years did not mean he could stand up to 5000 years.

Hence he didn't waste time and immediately attacked, dashing forward with a burst of flames from his right heel, propelling him towards his father with his left leg poised for an attack.

The Immortal calmly watched his son's approaching figure before strafing to the side, neatly avoiding the ice that spread across the floor and extended to the ceiling in massive crystal pillars.

Angel slid on an ice ramp with the expertise of a skater, calmly following Savage, who had started to run across the room while avoiding the incoming ice attacks and occasional flames.

"Stop running like a coward Father!"

Angel mocked, punching out with his left hand, and creating a huge snow ball, before kicking out with his right leg and turning the ice into a thick mist that rapidly cooled.



Thousands of sharp needles descended to the floor, only to shatter against the Immortal's skin as easy as glass.

"Fine boy. This time I'll break your Jaw first."

Savage growled, running up the wall at crazy speeds before taking a leap towards Angel.

Angel was fast to react, already condensing spikes of ice outside of the Ice shield he had trained to form at a moment's notice.

The Immortal kept flying forward, uncaring of the spikes headed his way.

They pierced his chest and stomach, sinking in so deep the tips came out of his back.

Only for a bloody smile to appear on his face as he slammed right through the ice shield, startling the boy who was only now just turning around...

And then Vandal was seeing red as his vision was overtaken by fire. His body instinctively froze.

Fire was something sacred. Even to him. Especially to him. And although he would never admit it, having a son that could tame it was...

"I almost bit out your throat boy."

The Immortal chuckled, showing his sharp canines.

"These teeth are strong enough to bite through steel."

Angel calmed his racing heart. First, the environment.

They were now above the spar area, standing on a ramp/slide that Angel had created with his ice.

'Good. He can jump but can't fly, meanwhile I can slide on ice constructs and manuaver through jet Propulsion.'

The thought passed through Angel's mind as he propelled himself forward.

The telegraphed kick he threw was easy to forsee. So Vandal casually raised his forearm for a block while preparing his own strike.

Mere feet from connecting, Angel released a jet Propulsion from his right leg, stalling his momentum enough that instead of crashing onto his Father, he instead slammed the heel onto the ramp, destroying the Ice.

Savage was initially surprised, and then he begun to jump off the falling chunks of Ice in a bid to slow his descent.


Finally he landed on the sparring area with chunks of shattered ice surrounding him.

An instant later, Angel joined him and then it was back on.

With a curious glint in his eyes, the Immortal blocked the first salvo of attacks from his son easily.

Claws tipped with icy and fiery nails landed on his skin, leaving behind small wounds and burn marks that immediately healed afterwards.

There! Angel thought, leaning back from his father's kick, only to slide below and smash his heel on the Immortal's ankle, destabilizing his footing by sweeping the leg out from under him.

Only for Savage to smoothly spin using his hands for support before swinging his legs in a wide arc, smashing Angel's ice and fire away using an unexpected burst of air.

The younger of the two made no extra move as his opponent created distance between them.

"What was that?"

Angel couldn't help but ask.

"It felt like martial arts but looked like magic."

The Older Savage merely cracked his neck.

"Beat me, and I'll teach it to you."


Angel snorted, rushing forward once more.

This time he opened with a blast of flames aimed at the entirety of Savage's side of the room.

Fortunately, the chamber had been fire proofed for this same exact moment(having trained with Fire and Ice in it before).

Vandal watched the flames with amusement before his expression changed as he sensed the temperatures radiating out of the fire curtain headed his way.

The flames were much much hotter than before.

Without a single ounce of hesitation, he unsheathed his short sword, stepped forward and with a yell, parted the flames.

Only to find Angel's form, his right side shrouded by ice, jumping through the opening, left hand extended with the palm open.

"Ice bullets barrage."

The boy quietly intoned, shooting out spikes of ice that covered the distance between the two.

Too fast for Savage to completely dodge, the Immortal blocked what he could and tanked what he could not.

When the barrage ended, Savage had a few ice spikes puncturing his body. All of them were in places that would not impede his fighting strength. And besides, the wounds were already healing.

Something that angel had already anticipated as he landed, cartwheeling through the air to add more momentum to his next move.

Above his right hand, held closer to his hips was a red ball of flame compressing at a very high rate, warping the very air infact.

"Fire bomb."

Calling out the name of the attack once more, saw the release of the ball of flames, which upon leaving Angel's control, instantly destabilized and exploded in Savage's face.

The Immortal and the weapon racks on the sides were thrown back, sending them on a collision course with the furthest wall.

The entire chamber trembled with the shockwaves.

And above them, the servants in the mansion couldn't help but notice the effects.

In one room in particular, A pretty little girl in pig-tails was drawing on a piece of paper, when she looked up just as the chandelier above her broke and fell down.

Before it could slam into her and turn her to paste, the chandelier slowed down, covered by a shroud of green energy.

This incident went unnoticed by everyone except for Shade.

Meanwhile in the sparring chamber down below, Angel calmly stood- watching as Savage extricated himself from the debris caused by the explosion.

Almost poetically, his right hand lay limp, broken at the elbow.

Savage grit his teeth as he snapped the bone back in place, glowering at Angel who for the first time since they begun actually smiled.

"How's that for Martial ability?"

At the slightly mocking words, Savage chuckled in a hollow tone. Then he fell silent, before saying,

"You will pay for that brat."

And then he moved.

'Shit. He's fast.'

Angel thought, jumping back while unleashing elemental attacks at his father, obstructing his way while trying to actively land a blow.

However, senior Savage demonstrated his wealth of experience and power by simply bursting through any and all attacks that came his way.

And whenever he was faced with something he couldn't logically take on, a few quick slashes with his sword would take care of that.

'That weapon...is not normal.' Angel noted to himself as he created an ice shield to block the sword slash, only for his ice wall to immediately get cut through and Vandal to fly throw the opening just like Angel had a few seconds ago.

'It's over boy.'

Savage thought, relishing the vitriol in those hateful black eyes glaring at him.

Hateful eyes that brought out a brief sensation of fear in him. Which made him furious.

'I'll kill him and save myself the trouble of getting betrayed in the future.'

The Immortal decided, bringing his sword down on Angel's head.

The boy might have been impressive with the way he used his powers but that was it. No ice or fire could stop his Adamantium blade. It had been forged to deal with this exact problem.

Homo Magi.

'Goodbye son. In your next life...'

Savage's thought process was interrupted by a loud clang!

Looking down, he was shocked to find his sword blocked by a strange blade. The metal glowed a soft blue and the shaft of the blade was covered by Ice which extended up Angel's left hand.


Once more, Savage was cut off mid sentence, only this time he did it to himself- jumping back to avoid a sharp arc of fire that still managed to wound him on the chest. Although the injury healed almost instantly.

"Thank you Shade."

Angel said to the shadows behind him, brandishing two distinct looking swords in each hand.

"Father, I would like to introduce you to Frost..."

He held up the sword covered in flames.

"...And Blaze."

He held up the sword covered in Ice.


Savage stated in a tone that suggested it was anything but.

"Oh, if you're thinking I made a mistake with the names, you're very mistaken."

Angel responded, pointing the tip of Frost in his father's direction.

"Made of Orichalcum, Frost can channel and enhance my Heat Mana to such a degree that it creates a thermal inversion field, in other words instead of radiating pure heat, it emits cold heat. Like so..."

He slashed out with Frost, aiming it at the walls to the side.

A white flame silently flew off the blade, leaving a slash mark on the wall before disappearing.

However, a strange phenomenon occurred where the wall started cracking before it disintegrated into nothing, revealing the wine cellar on the other side.

Immediately, Savage's eyes fell on the other blade in Angel's hands.

If Frost could convert hot mana into Cold Fire, then he guessed the opposite was true.

The blade covered in ice could paradoxically convert Cold mana into hot Ice.

"I know what you're thinking Father."

Angel smirked, holding up Blaze in his right hand.

"If Frost is this powerful, what about Blaze?"

Savage's face remained expressionless but to Angel who was proficient in reading body language, he easily noticed the slight twitch on Savage's jaw.

"Don't worry old man."

Angel chuckled, dropping Blaze onto a shadow pocket behind him.

"I've already been holding back 50% of my true strength. Using Blaze and Frost at the same time on you would be overkill."


Chapter 12: Young Master...Are you okay?

(General P.O.V)

This...was not how he was expecting things to go.

For all intents and purposes, he was actually losing to his son. His 10 year old son!

Savage dodged yet another cold fire blast from the sky, leaving a wide groove on the floor that he just barely dodged with a roll.

And then he was up again, running around the sparring room with his adamantine sword flashing out, to sweep away and split apart the storm of elements coming from the center of the Sparring room.

Angel, standing in the eye of said storm, had a maniacal grin on his face.

"Keep jumping like a monkey father! Run for your life! But that won't change the outcome of this battle! You will die here!"

With Frost in his left hand, Angel brought it swinging down, creating a vertical slash of cold fire that flew towards Savage in a tall arc.

Angel then repeated the motion, this time slashing out horizontally, ending with him creating a criss crossing arc of white fire.

Caught in between the Ice wall Angel had created and the end of the Spar chamber, Vandal had no choice but to stand his ground and take the attack head on.

A yellow energy seemed to coat his body, flowing down his blade and shrouding it in an aura of gold.

"I've only ever used Chi 3 times in a battle, boy. Consider yourself worthy."

With that claim, Savage raised his hands, both gripped on the handle of his weapon.

And then he too, swung down.

The very air screamed in front of him, a wide arc of Chi leaving the blade in the same manner of attack as Angel's Cold Fire slashes.

That said, Savage's own attack was not only bigger but it carried with it an energy Angel had only sensed once.

It was different from mana. Or a Metahuman's ability. Chi, was the lifeforce of a being.

Both attacks met in the middle, crashing and straining against each other before both energies exploded outwards.

Numerous slashes appeared on the walls, floor and ceiling of the chamber.

Savage found himself thrown back, the entire front of his body was now covered in slash marks and wounds that looked like burns, except the afflicted flesh was disintegrating into ash.

His back slammed onto the furthest wall, expelling all the air in his lungs before he fell to the floor.

His hair came undone, the strands falling over his eyes.

The weight of his sword in his hand felt off. Looking down, Savage growled in anger.

His sword. Something he had had for thousands of years, created from the strongest metal in the planet...was chipped and cracked.

Even during battles with the justice society, justice League, the New Gods and some of the most powerful beings in the world, it had never quite sustained this amount of damage.


The sword clattered as the Immortal discarded it on the floor. It was useless to him now.

"I'll make you hurt in places you never thought you could."

The Immortal hissed out, pushing himself to his feet.

Once upright, Savage found himself tilting unsteadily. That's when he realized his right hand was missing from the elbow down.

And it wasn't healing...

Not only that, the arm itself seemed to be disintegrating into dust, the flesh, blood and bone flaking off as if burning in an invisible flame. And if it didn't stop...he remembered the wall from before, how it had turned into ash.

That was the fate awaiting him. Unless he did something. Like cutting off his entire arm from the shoulder.

Looking around for his discarded sword, Savage's anger only grew when he spotted Angel's foot on the blade.

"I told you, there's no running from this. Or surviving it."

Angel drawled.

"And once I'm done...not even your immortality will save you."

Vandal took a deep breath, giving the impression that he was calming himself down. But really, his anger had turned from fiery to cold.

"I had planned to only break your jaw, maybe cut off an arm or leg."

The immortal said in a low and dangerous tone.

"With Ivo's expertise, you would have replaced it with a cybernetic one. But... You have truly angered me, Son. And now, your life is forfeit."

Angel stayed silent, tilting his head to the side in quiet contemplation.

"Nah, I'd win."

The younger Savage quipped casually, propping Frost on his shoulder and kicking the weapon on the ground towards Vandal.

The latter stared at the weapon at his feet, before turning a baleful stare at his son.

"Have you learned nothing boy?"

Savage inquired while picking the blade up.

"The first rule of being a conqueror is to never show mercy to your enemies."

(Angel's Actual P.O.V)

I feel a smile stretch out across my face.


I repeat.

What a funny thing to say.

"I believe you're mistaken Father. The reason I allow you a blade is because, it's a disgrace for a warrior to die without a weapon."

Saying so, I hoist Frost off my shoulder before holding it with the tip facing down.

The time for talk is over.

It's in my demeanor. And I see that he understands the same, his feet spread slightly apart, with the left one a few inches in front of the other.

Before attacking, he raises the blade in his hand and instantly cuts off his arm from the shoulder.

Smart. Had he not done that, the Cold Fire would have consumed it all and more.

While someone else would have had a type of reaction to losing an entire arm due to the pain, Father merely grunts, before steel flashes in his eyes.

And that's the cue.

Instead of shooting forward at crazy speeds like before, this time I try something different.

I take a step forward and just instantly and without warning, appear at his side, too fast for him to notice the sparks of blue and red lightning covering my form. And also too fast for him to dodge.

Especially when I've already pushed Frost into his chest, piercing his heart in a single breath.

For the first time ever, I see fear in his eyes. Fear and confusion as to how I was able to move so fast he couldn't perceive me.

"Your biggest mistake, was trying to control me."

I'm surprised by the sheer venom in my tone.

"But you forget Father, you can't control a living thing unless you kill what's alive about it."

And then I twist Frost while it's inside his chest. And the first indications of pain appear as the agony replaces the fear from before.


The Immortal stutters.

Initially I don't feel like answering.

And then it occurs to me that this was what a villain would do- start monologuing to the hero at their mercy, only for the hero to take advantage of that and stall for time, before ultimately turning the tables around.

But Savage is far from a hero.

And besides the pleasure of seeing his facial expression change as I reveal to him the real reason I kidnapped the Flash, there's also a benefit to him stalling for time.

Namely, it makes me look good when he tries a last ditch effort and I still end up killing him.

And even more importantly, it will give him a chance to pull out the ace up his sleeve. Something I've been looking for.

And so I answer him, leaning closer so he can hear me whisper.

"How? Easy, I just did what you've been afraid to do all these years, win."

Suddenly there is a sleek and futuristic cuboid device with intricate patterns or symbols in his left hand.

Jackpot. The Fatherbox

However, before he can activate it and portal away, Frost flashes across his body in hundreds of criss crossing slashes that split his body into several chunks of disintegrating flesh.

With my right hand, I grab the Fatherbox and immediately throw it into a shadow to my side.

I don't have time to study it now or even form a bond with it, as all other Fatherboxes and Motherboxes do.

I return my gaze to my Father's remains and decapitated head, where the flesh on the neck is flaking off under the effects of Cold Fire.

I know that Shade has a camera recording the whole thing. From the time I entered the spar room to the end of the Immortal.

The whole battle has been captured and will soon be sent to a few notable figures, namely Father's business associates.

This will no doubt cause an uproar in the Villain world, but it's all a part of the plan.

Meanwhile, I consider what to say to the man who had contributed to bringing me into this world.

I could tell him that this is payback for killing my birth mother, or my sister Olympia or the fucked up tasks he made me do for him.

I can even accuse him of Fire and Ice's deaths. Yes, they died in my hands but if it wasn't for him...

I stop myself before falling into those memories. Memories and a Lesson from dear old dad, I would rather forget.

In the end, I say nothing as the light leaves his eyes, and the Immortal finally dies.

I don't leave my place before his entire body has turned to ash.

And still I keep on standing there, lost in thought.

After 3 years of secretly planning his death, it almost feels surreal that he's gone.

"Young Master...are you okay?"

I sense Shade's presence behind me.

And this time, I don't have even take a second to answer.

"Yeah. I am."

It feels as if a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm definitely okay now."

I echo with a sigh.


Chapter 13: Goddamn, I'm filthy rich.

(Angel's P.O.V)

The walk back to my room was done silently.

Vandal Savage, my father was dead by my hands. The freedom I had desired so much was finally mine. And I intended to use it to move up some of my other plans.

Without Savage around anymore, someone had to take over. And despite only being 10 years old, I was that somebody.

I couldn't trust anyone else with this responsibility. It was my birthright and my battle right. I was the one who put the sword to his neck.

"Shade, did you take care of the other thing?"

I questioned while climbing up the stairs from the underground section of the Mansion.

"Just as you commanded Young Master, all the threats have been neutralized."

He whispered from the shadows.

"And my sister?"

I added.

"The young mistress is still asleep. I made sure not to make a sound."

He replied to which I nodded in satisfaction.

"Good. You have pleased me. After this, take a week off and be with your family."

I also needed to talk to the Calculator and properly thank Shade for his services. I'm thinking a nice bonus and maybe an all expenses paid for trip to Hawaii.

A happy minion is a loyal minion. Less chance of them stabbing you in the back.

The second I entered the mansion proper through climbing the stairwell, it immediately felt like a ghost town.

There was no sound. The maids weren't running around nor was Mordecai's ugly face to be seen anywhere.

"I don't see any bloodstains."

I commented while going up to my room.

"I opened a portal under them that led to a Volcano."

Shade responded with a tone akin to amusement.

"The look on their faces as they realized what was happening brought me...extreme satisfaction."

Oh yeah, Shade had a hidden dark side as well. Not surprising, you don't become a villain and stay one without being 'wrong' in some way.

In any case, he did good. I will have to double that bonus I was thinking about.

Now I wouldn't have to worry about getting backstabbed by the Staff who were all fiercely loyal to my deceased father.

Nor would I have to worry about them using Candi to control me. They were the final loose ends.

"And the footage?"

"Sent to all relevant parties. I anticipate a reaction soon, young master."

That made me spare a glance at the shadows to my side.

"What kind of reaction?"

"It depends."

I could almost feel him shrug his shoulders.

"You have no doubt proven your power by taking Vandal Savage, the Immortal's life. But some of his...associates have schemed to do the same for years. Those are the ones to watch out for. They will...resist."

Resist. How laughable.

"Then they too shall face the same fate as my Father."

I said in a tone colder than any Ice I could create.


A small voice called out to me from the side.

That's when I realized the door to Candi's room was open, and my little sister, her Teddybear Teddy hanging from her right hand was standing on the entrance.


I walked over to her, getting on one knee to put us at eye level.

"What are you doing up at this time?"

"I couldn't sleep."

She answered in a soft voice, staring behind me.

"Where is everyone?...its sounds so quiet."

Good senses and she's only 4.

We shared the same color of hair, the same tone of skin and the same eyes too.

She might have been mistaken for my twin if it wasn't for the age difference.

"Just go to sleep Candi. I'll come by in the morning okay?"

I urged her inside, tousling her hair. She frowned, whether it was due to patting her on the head or the nickname I called her. It was definitely the nickname.

"Could...could you read me a story?"

She shyly asked.

I looked down at myself, my clothes were not damaged during the fight, nor was I hurt. But I still felt like taking a shower and eating my fill before leaving this place.

To that end, I shook my head.

"Maybe tomorrow night."

I also had a lot of things to discuss with Shade. She looked disappointed but nodded in acceptance.

The door softly closed behind her and I moved on, even past my room, before coming to a stop at the door leading to Father's office.

Before I could shower or eat, there was something much more important I had to do. I needed to find out what exactly I was inheriting.

He thought I didn't know about the high tech safe hidden behind a portrait of him.

In fact, no one should have.

Too bad I had had Shade spying on him for months, without being detected.

And with his powers, getting inside the safe was a matter of a single shadow portal and a hand that reached in.


I hummed in gratitude as my Minion placed a set of documents on the table in front of me.

I made myself comfortable on Father's chair and immediately sank into the set of papers held within what looked to be a folder made of skin.

"Get me something to eat. I anticipate being here for some time."

I sensed Shade's presence slink away to carry out the order, and then used my innate heat sense to scan the office for any peeping toms.

Satisfied I was alone, I perused the first page and my eyes almost popped out.

"30% Stake in S.T.A.R Labs? 15% ownership of Kord industries? What the fuck?!"

My disbelief ended when I realized who Vandal Savage was.

An Immortal. In other words, someone who could cheat the ravages of time. A figure like that would have more than enough time to prepare strategies that benefitted him in the long run.

I held back my surprise and continued reading, not even noticing shade when he placed a meal on the table.

Hours passed and when I finally placed the folder down, I knew I had hit the Jackpot. Even in my wildest imagination, what the Folder contained was unexpected.

Father was arguably one of the, if not THE richest person on the planet.

He had major stakes in almost the top 100 fortune 500 companies on the planet, including Wayne industries(4.5% ownership) , Lexcorp(3.4% ownership), Queen Consolidated(10% ownership) and there was more.

Most of them were under different aliases, no doubt for anonymity.

But some like Lexcorp, Sivana industries and Kord Industries were under a company called Savage Holdings, which was a branch of an international Conglomerate of the same name: Savage Co.

And boy oh boy, from there the rabbit hole went deeper and deeper.

Savage Co. had many subsidiary companies that operated Semi-autonomously. They included:-

Savage Enterprises: Focus on real estate, owning luxurious properties in major cities.

Savage Laboratories: Advances in biotechnology, genetic engineering, and secretive projects.

Savage Holdings: Manages major investments and has influence in the global economy.

Savage Entertainment: Produces popular media, shaping global entertainment trends.

Savage Energy: Deals in renewable energy solutions, contributing to environmental initiatives.

Savage Security Solutions: Provides top-tier security services globally.

Savage Shipping & Logistics: Facilitates global trade and transportation.

Savage Artifacts & Antiquities: Acquires rare artifacts and relics globally.

Some of these subsidiaries were shell companies for Father's more...illegal dealings.

For example while Savage Shipping and logistics, did facilitate global trade and transportation, it was a front for his drug and human trafficking ring.

The last one left a bad taste in my mouth, so I resolved to do a massive restructuring soon.

"Shade, get me the names and personal information of all the Executive leaders of these subsidiaries and the CEO of Savage Co. Oh and invite them to lunch in 4 weeks time."

I instructed Shade.

"Yes. Young Master."

He responded right away but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing something.

"Also, set an interview for the position of Personal Assistant. They must be female, below 40, a quick thinker and even faster learner. And they should be willing to work flexible hours. And a nanny as well. If we can find one with experience handling superpowered kids, even better."

Candi's powers had awakened a few months ago. She seemed to have telekinesis though the ability was more magic than a metahuman power.

Just like me.

Which raised questions I wasn't sure I wanted answered.

I made a mental note to contact Ivo. He might have been a friend of my Dad's, but I realized after a few run ins with the mad genius that his loyalties were even more ambiguous than his morality.

If there was anyone who could tell me what exactly Scandal Savage was, it was him.

In the meantime...

"Shade, is there anything else that needs our immediate attention?"

I questioned, closing the folder.

"Everything is ready for evacuation Young Master. I have cleared out the cellar, the ore storage, your weapon compartment and all the books and scrolls in your personal library."

What a competent lackey. I might have to triple his bonus.

"Good work."

The sun's rays shone through the window behind Father's office, indicating it was already morning.

I rubbed the sides of my head as I felt the stirrings of a headache. Not surprising as I had been up for 3 days.

"Candi will be waking up soon. Could I trouble you with fixing her something to eat before we leave?"

"Of course, Young Master. Excuse me."

For the second time, Shade's presence faded, leaving me to finally look into the last thing within the Folder, a small disk that was slotted on the back of it.

Despite being as old as dirt, Savage was sufficiently adequate when it came to handling technology.

Case in point, he had a computer on his desk that I booted up. And after a few tries, I managed to hack it and gain access.

The next thing was to slot in the disk and then I leaned back, clicking and opening the files to see what was inside.

Lots of company revenue sheets, locations with hundreds of different businesses and properties across the globe(he literally had real estate in almost every nation on the planet), secret warehouses, a collection of luxurious vehicles, including personal jets, cruise liners...the list went on.

And lastly...lots and lots of bank statements.

And holy shit, I had never seen so many zeroes in both my lives.

For context, Savage Holdings was a finance focused company that had ownership over a few banks chains across Europe, North and South America.

In some of those banks he had accounts on his name.

The least of which held an amount of...One hundred million dollars. (100,000,000 usd)

And I was the sole heir to all this fortune.

Goddamn, I'm filthy rich.


Chapter 14: Where's My Money?

(General P.O.V)

The Supervillain community was hit with shock, when rumors of Vandal Savage's death spread.

Of course they all knew that the Immortal had faced many 'deaths' before. It was par the course.

However, the video file spreading around showing exactly that...did a lot to change their minds.

And now everyone's attention was on the 10 year old boy responsible for this almost insurmountable deed.

Who was Angel Savage?

And most importantly what was he planning next?

The upper echelon of the criminal underground, most of them business partners or associates of Savage, spread across various continents, received an answer to that, when their enemies and rivals heads were delivered onto their desks on silver platter.

A letter was stapled on each of their foreheads.

The letter said, 'Business goes on as usual, or your head will be the one delivered to your new replacement.'

Angel was wasting no time in securing his Father's assets and criminal empire, before the news of his demise led to some rebellion or push back.

It was the nature of the life of a Supervillain after all. Fear mattered more than loyalty or respect when dealing with people who wouldn't hesitate to sell their own mother for profit.

Naturally news of his takeover reached the ears of The Light.

Now, The Light was a secret organization made up of some of the smartest and most powerful Supervillains in the world.

And Savage had been the Premier head, meaning the Leader.

A week after his death, the Light gathered for an urgent meeting.

The contents of which involved 1 name, Angel Savage.


2006 ( 4 years to Young Justice Canon)

-2 weeks after the Death of the Immortal-

-An Island in the Caribbean sea-

-Santa Prisca-


(Angel's P.O.V)

The two weeks following Father's death have been dreadfully busy.

Busy to the point I was wishing I had set up the Interview for the P.A much earlier.

The kind of shit I had to handle:- the logistics and fallout of what I had done, was nothing to scoff at.

Luckily, I had a metahuman capable of traversing anywhere in the world at a moment's notice, ferrying me all the way from Asia to talk to the Triads, to a discussion with the Mafia in Italy.

The illegal elements of Father's organization needed a firmer hand, and my being there in person served to reinforce that principle.

It also showed them who the boss was.

For those that defied and resisted my position and leadership on account of something like age...well, let's just say, I got a lot of practice dummies for my new powers over the week.

The number of criminal organizations I burnt to the ground easily reached dozens.

That said, using the Speedforce in conjunction with Icyhot wasn't...going exactly as planned. Progress was slow.

I was also getting used to the Speedforce as a power. It's energy felt different from the hot and cold Mana within me.

Later this week, I had a scheduled meeting with Professor Ivo, to do an official power test in hopes of finding out exactly what I could currently do, what I needed to learn to do and how to learn to do it.

For now however, I had something else to deal with. Something by the name of Bane.

"You know Bane, accountability is a very big word in the Island of relevancy."

I spoke, injecting a bit of levity into my tone. Just enough that he wouldn't take me seriously(it had worked wonders before when someone underestimated me)

Of course being the intelligent brute he was, Bane DID take me seriously. His men on the other hand, in the room with us, laughed.

"Listen Ninó, this is not a place for children."

The Lucha Libre mask wearing supervillain, famous for breaking the Bat's back stated while leaning back on his seat, hands clasped over his large chest.

A pair of tubes ran down the length of his arms, connected to the back of his head. Likely used to feed the venom super steroid across his body. Mmh, I wouldn't mind studying the drug.


I muttered. Then snapped a finger.

Immediately, all his men sank through their shadows, leaving only the heads above the floor.

Bane heard their shouts and turned around, only to let out a grunt as Blaze, suddenly in my hand, sank through the back of his left palm and came out under the table.

He grunted, gritting his teeth but made no other move. He knew I could easily pull the same move on him as I had his men.

Black eyes met my own across the table between us.

My foot was braced against the ledge, my right hand on the handle of my ice covered sword.

I could see his other hand inch down his body, only for me to channel cold mana through Blaze in response.

A layer of Red ice covered his entire palm and a portion of his wrist, causing him to wince as the heat radiating out scalded his skin, all without damaging it. This was one of the effects of Blaze.

"I'll level with you Bane, stealing from me is PUNISHABLE by death."

I stated, leaning on Blaze and pushing it deeper in.

If looks could kill, then I would have been close to a dead man based on his glare.

"I dare not steal from the Immortal, but you're not h-"

His words cut off as I twisted the blade a little, prompting a pained curse out of him.

A glint of not quite fear but caution appeared in his gaze. Despite the pain he was in, I admired that he could remain calm. Usually using Blaze on someone had the side effect of lots of screaming.

"Santa Prisca is an ideal location."

I begun.

"Part of the biggest smuggling and drug distribution chain across North and South America. Now, dear old Dad always kept his records up to date. So when I saw the disrepancy between last month's report and now...well, Father didn't raise a fool. So, I'll ask the question I first asked when I arrived in this God forsaken Island. Where's my money Bane?"

I growled, the joking mood from before nowhere to be found.


"How's your hand?"

I asked Bane, the two of us watching as his men loaded the large crates of drugs, onto the military cargo plane that officially belonged to Savage Shipping.

Turns out the 'brief' money delay was caused by freakish weather across the Caribbean, preventing him from shipping the goods.

What a coincidence that it happened exactly 2 weeks after Vandal Savage's death was publicized.

Of course I had anticipated a few issues from my father's underlings but this was the first time, I was directly clashing heads with a Supervillain affiliated with the business.

"It will be fine. I have had worse."

Bane answered from the side. Said hand was covered in a bandage but I knew it would heal in a week. Blaze didn't destroy, it just made you hurt. A lot.

A very different application from Frost. But that was why I loved them both.

"I bet you have."

I replied, using heat sense to ensure no prying eyes were around the runway at the back of Bane's factory.

The last thing I wanted was an interruption from the heroes or the authorities.

Though with Santa Prisca being fully under Bane, the chances of that happening were Zero. So really, the only way things could get complicated was if this was a trap.

"Young Master, I have incoming from the Jungle."

Shade whispered from the shadow beneath my ear.

A small smile spread across my lips before disappearing. How predictable.

"How many?"

I asked.

"I count 50."

Shade sent through.

"Who is it? Kobra?"

I knew that some time in the next 5 years they would attack Santa Prisca, defeat and imprison Bane before snatching his factory away from him.

"No. They are dressed in all black and are carrying a lot of blades and sharp weapons."

At that, I couldn't help the snort that escaped me.

The League of Assassins most likely.

An organization under one of Father's closest friends, someone I would describe as an old monster, with just as more experience as Father on account of being long lived.

The Demon's Head, Ra's Al Ghul.

"So it really was a trap huh?"

I spoke out loud, sighing in bemusement as Bane stiffened from the side.

"I'm disappointed. You'd think someone as smart as you would realize who to beat your chips on."

"How did you know?"

Bane asked in a low voice, the two of us watching as the last of the cargo was carried onto the plane.

His men had been obviously briefed on what was about to go down. I could see the few around us slowly move in formation, their weapons subtly aimed my way.

"Your reaction is proof enough."

I chuckled, holding out a hand and grabbing the blade that jumped out of my shadow.


Bane cursed, his body growing huge from the Venom pumping through his system.

"I'll kill you myself Ninó! No one embarrasses me and gets away with it!"

I got a first hand look at the effects of Venom. Bane's muscle mass seemed to baloon out and veins jutted out across his body.

He swung his hand back in a telegraphed but very powerful punch. Unfortunately it was too slow.

The ground I was on exploded at the impact but I was already behind him, Blaze having cut through the tubes dispensing the venom into his body.

A slash across his back, left a layer of Red Ice across his body that spread, covering him in a block of ice that radiated heat.

"Chill out for a second."

I felt it appropriate to make the quip before turning to face his men.

"How fast do you guys think you can shoot before I kill you?"

I asked.

They immediately pulled the triggers.


Chapter 15: What I Expect Of You

(Angel's P.O.V)

When two evenly matched combatants meet in a clash of blows, the victor is most likely determined by speed.

Speed is king.

And that only becomes more apparent, more evident, undeniably so...when you're faster than your opponent by such a magnitude that even if you were facing an army, they would be outmatched.

The half second it took for Bane's men to pull the trigger, I had already counted out their numbers, found out each of their relative positions and blitzed through them so fast I wasn't even a blur.

In the time it took to blink, fifteen heads were flying in the air, thrown up by the force of my attack.


My words coincided with the sound of bodies dropping on the ground.

"Young master, what should we do about Bane?"

Shade asked, causing me to turn around and regard the supervillain still contained on the block of red ice to my back.

He had his mouth open in an expression of pain.

"He betrayed me, let him steam in the Ice for a few hours."

I instructed.

Shade's response was to swallow the block of ice through its Shadow to prevent Bane from getting rescued. Fortunately for the latter, the chances of him dying through suffocation were minimal.

Red Ice was different from regular ice. It was porous as it existed in a unique state of both gas and solid, allowing oxygen to pass through it and carbon dioxide to escape.

I would deal with Bane later, right now, I wanted to test how strong the League of shadows were.

(General P.O.V)

A few hundred figures dressed in black were moving through the trees towards the factory from the surrounding forest.

Their passing was silent, not a leaf was ruffled, nor the scuff of a leather sole left on the branches.

It could be noted that they moved in formation, all following one person at the head.

The trees passed by in a blur and then as one, they all came to a sudden stop.

The reason why became obvious as the one at the lead, had their palm up, signifying the presence of an enemy.

A couple of hand signs and the figures broke off into three groups. One took the right route, and another the left, aiming to cover their flanks.

The last group was in the middle, they along the leader would move on ahead on a direct path towards the enemy.

That plan changed when a massive wall of fire bloomed above the treeline, in the direction the left group had taken.

Screams of pain could be heard as the League of shadows assassins were all turned into cinder.

The spectacle repeated itself when a wall of ice suddenly manifested in the direction the right group had taken.

It didn't take a genius to know that both groups had been killed.


The leader muttered.


The order was carried out as the assassins created distance from each other, but made sure not to leave their colleague's line of sight.

The only sound became the crackling noise the fire made as it burnt the trees to their side.

And then mist begun to blanket the area from their front. It flowed through the ground like a carpet, obstructing the forest below from view.

The Leader was about to call for a retreat, when a shadow appeared from the mist.

"I really hope they sent more of you."

A young voice mused from the ground.

"I don't want this to end too quickly."

'It's him.'

The Leader thought.

'Attack. As. One.'

The Leader signed to the rest of the Assassins, and like a swarm of bees, every single one of them jumped at Angel just as he emerged from the mist.

With a dangerous glint in his eyes, Angel fell into a ready stance, smiling,

"And here I thought you would indulge me. But fine, if you want to die that fast, who am I to stop you?"

(General P.O.V)

The shadows swirled, depositing the red block of ice inside the special dungeons below the Young Master's summer mansion.

The mansion was located on the outskirts of a town called Greendale in Massachusetts, above a Leyline node.

Angel had turned it into his pseudo-lair. The presence of so much ambient energy in the air, and the fact no heroes were close by made it an ideal location.

Shade made sure the bars of the dungeon were locked and then sank into his shadow only to pop out through another in the kitchen above.

"Where's big brother?"

Only for a small voice to demand from his back.

Shade turned around and found Candie sitting on the kitchen island, an untouched sandwich still wrapped in a plastic plate beside her, and her teddy bear floating around her head shrouded in a green energy.

The Teddy bear was dancing.

'She's getting better with her telekinesis.' Shade noted.

"Young miss, how was school today?"

He enquired, moving towards the fridge. If she wasn't feeling up to the sandwich then meat was the go to. Her and Angel shared the same preferences.


The little girl replied, crossing her hands on her chest. The teddy bear mirrored the action.

"Angel said he'd be home to help me with my powers."

Shade could hear the accusatory tone in her voice.

"The young master is currently occupied."

He tried to appease her, adding before she could complain,

"How about I help you out with your homework before he gets here? That way you can have more than enough time to practice your powers."

The smile that lit up her face reminded him of his own daughter. Maybe a play date could be planned? He would have to ask the Young Master about it.

Shade knew how terribly lonely Candie could get. Having a friend her own age would only do her good. Especially now that things were about to get hectic.

This was the first time in the month following Savage's death that The Light had so openly attacked Angel.

Shade knew the Young Master had anticipated they would make a move and was prepared to face them head on.

Shade could only hope that when the time came, he would be as helpful to the Young Master as he could be.

Even though Angel had never assigned him to fight, Shade knew what the Young Master was trying to go up against.

But in the same vein, the Light had no idea what they were going up against.


-Infinity Island-

-Headquarters of the League of Shadows-

On an island shrouded in a perpetual mist, there was a collection of East Asian styled buildings built alongside the slopes of a hill.

On the massive courtyard infront of the main building were hundreds of shadows going through Katas.

Their movements were smooth and fluid, synchronized so that each kick was performed as one, each block raised in unison.

Above the staircase leading into the building was a platform on which a woman stood.

She was wearing a red leather top, with black hair that reached to the small of her back, and a Chinese saber with a red tassel on the pommel strapped to her hip.

She watched the shadows on the courtyard like a hawk, occasionally calling out orders or instructing them on what they were doing wrong.

Often when someone messed up, she would call for the rest to stop, before marching over and proceeding to 'show' the one that failed the Kata how to conduct them.

This usually involved a thorough ass kicking.

Above the courtyard, on the second floor of the huge building, was a balcony.

The balcony had a wide view of the entire front of the island, as well as the docks leading out into the ocean.

On this balcony sat a man.

The man wore green combat robes, had hair that was black at the top and white on the sides, a trimmed beard and sharp green eyes.

Beside him was a beautiful woman with similar green eyes, in a full body black attire, similar to the shadows on the courtyard.

Only where theirs were baggy, the woman's outfit clung to her like a second skin.

A tea set sat in between the two, although only one of them had a cup in their hands.


Talia Al Ghul, the Demon Head's daughter, spoke up.

"The team I sent failed their task to bring the boy back. I am yet to receive an update."

She stared at the steaming cup with a green liquid held in her hands, frowning before placing it down.

"We underestimated him."

"Yes. Yes we did."

Ra's stated, eyes still on the courtyard.

"The son of a snake is a snake. The son of a conquerer will act like one. He would be a good fit for the League of Shadows."

Talia sharply turned to regard her father.

"Father, surely you cannot be thinking..."

"We need to establish a connection with him, Talia."

The Demon's head told her.

"And if he's Vandal Savage's son, the only thing I expect he will be amenable to, is a relationship built on equal footing."

Talia ground her teeth so hard, she thought they would crack. She knew what her father was insinuating. The only way to build that kind of relationship was through marriage. And with Nyssa dead, that responsibility fell to her.

"I deserve the right to test him first."

Talia stated.

"I will only accept him if he bests all my top warriors. And me."

Ra's turned to look at his daughter.

"Very well. But if you lose, I expect you to do everything you can to satisfy his every wish."

His tone took on a darker note.

"I'm doing this for us Talia. The Immortal has faced down Gods and Devils and lived to tell the tale. Anyone poweful enough to kill him...is not someone we want as an enemy."

As their conversation continued, on the platform below the woman instructing the Shadows happened to overhear the talk between Father and Daughter.

Lady Shiva smirked as a glint of interest appeared in her eyes.

The Son of Vandal Savage huh?

The boy could be a good challenge for her daughter.
Chapter 16 - 25
Chapter 16: My Current Power is Not Nearly Enough.

(One day later)

(Angel's P.O.V)

An abandoned railway station.

That's where Professor Ivo's lab was. I couldn't blame the guy either. Finding a good lair is hard. Especially when you're a mad scientist who happens to like creating machines to conquer the world.

My kind of guy.

The instant we exited through the shadow, a few robot monkeys flying on jetpacks, took immediate notice of us.

I felt Candi grab onto my leg, hiding behind me in fear of the black and green mechanical creatures.

The monkeys chatter spread out as they led our small group of two(Shade was in my shadow) deeper into the lair which was constructed below the rail tracks.

A light bloomed at the end of the small corridor we were in. And within seconds, we emptied out into a much larger space that looked like a robot's nightmare.

Half complete metal chasis, robotic limbs and other parts were being transported on conveyer belts.

There were also more of the robot monkeys everywhere.

Some were carrying large equipment and others were helping the good professor with his tinkering.

Speaking of, Ivo stopped what he was doing, placing the tools on the worktable before turning around to face us.

"Well well, master Savage! You've grown quite tall since the last time I saw you."

The diminutive man spoke, jumping off the small ladder he was on, only to glide to the ground with the assistance of two robot monkeys.

And he was right. I had grown tall, the two of us now standing at eye-level.

I felt a smile stretch across my lips.

"Morning professor, sorry for dropping in unannounced."


He waved me off.

"Your father was even worse. He used to come in whenever he pleased. At least you had the decency to arrive in the morning."

His eyes fell to the little girl latched onto my leg.

"My word, is that the young Scandal Savage I see?"

Ivo chuckled.

"The last time I saw you, you could barely lift a bottle top with your powers."

"I wonder how strong you are now."

He mused to himself, rubbing his chin.

"That's...why we're here today Professor."

I told him, patting Candie on the head as she hid behind me. She didn't do well with people she didn't know.

"A power test then?"

Ivo guessed.

"For her or for you?"
"For both of us."

At my statement, the Professor blinked before his expression turned ecstatic.

"Oh goodie! You came to the right place, young Savages!"

And from there the next two hours were spent going through a series of tests, 'designed to push us to the extreme,' quoting the professor of course, 'for an effective error free evaluation!'

The eccentric professor had led us to an almost empty storage facility, filled with scrap metal and rusted containers.

It didn't look like much, certainly not viable for power testing.

Up until Ivo got his Monkeys on the job. Or rather as he corrected me, Mobile Optimal Neural Quotient Infiltrators, MONQIs in short.

Within a few minutes the whole storage facility looked different.

There were sensor cables running from different machines, all feeding data to the massive computer, the small rocket packed MONQIs had carried in.

After some heavy lifting and a few diagnostic checks, Ivo clapped his hands, grabbing everyone's attention.

During the whole thing, I was on the ground on my 7th set of pushups, with Candi on my back controlling 10 marbles into a model of the solar system, as part of a few training methods the two of us devised.

"You ready?"

I asked and got confirmation from a marble whizzing past my face.

I jumped up, flipping onto my feet with a small heave.

Candi floated to the ground, holding onto her floating teddy bear, Teddy's hands.

I was hoping to get her telekinesis control to a point where she could fly by herself. She could already lift objects much heavier than her, so the current limitation was more mental than physical.

Or maybe we were missing something. She was Homo Magi like me. But magic was still a relatively new subject for us. And without a teacher, I needed more magic books, but those were short in supply.

Fortunately, I already had Shade scouring the globe for more, although it was slow going.


"First, the little lady."

Ivo spoke, wearing his googles whilst ushering Candi to stand before a few large metal beams stacked on top of one another.

"Now each beam is approximately 200 kilograms or 440 pounds if you prefer the Imperial system. I need you to lift each of these beams and create a square shape."

Ivo explained, showing a depiction of a crudely drawn square on a piece of paper.

Candi looked back at me. I gave her a thumbs up and she turned to face the front, a determined expression on her face.

She raised her hands and I could almost feel her extend her magical energy forward, covering the beams in a green aura.

Then slowly two of the beams smoothly rose, creating an L shape in the air.

Strain evident on her face, she shrouded the other two and shakily lifted them in the air as well.

"That's 1 tonne Young Master."

Shade said from my shadow, sounding impressed.

She managed to just line up the last two with the first two beams, creating the square shape in the air, before the strain became too much and she dropped them.

Before her legs could give out, I was there, holding her shoulder.

"Proud of you Scandal."

She smiled up at me.

"Nicely done young lady. Here, a sweet for your hardwork."

The professor complimented while clapping.

One of the MONQIs on Ivo's shoulder extended its tail forward with a lollipop held in its grip.

She hesitated, first looking at me for permission. I nodded.


Candi received it.

"Now it's my turn."

I moved past her, addressing Ivo.

The jacket I was wearing was swallowed by my shadow, leaving me in a black vest, that left my hands uncovered.

It was a bitch and a half to replace clothes after burning or freezing the sleeves, so my usual outfit was a jacket or a coat over a vest and shorts.

On my feet were leather boots with retractable studs for gripping my ice when skating, and stabilizing my balance due to my high maneuverability focused combat style.

The first test was Speed.

This was measured on a treadmill that Ivo claimed could reach supersonic speed, by utilizing antigrav technology and highly durable metal alloy.

There were cables hooked to it, feeding the results to the console in the middle of the room.

I hopped on it and started running.

The results were just as expected. I could reach 25 miles per hour without my powers.

But my speed shot up to 90 miles per hour with a pyrokinesis thrust pushing me forward. though it was a bit awkward as the force propelling me was more focused on my right side than my entire back.

The highlight was when I tapped into the speed force.

My speed became 768 miles per hour. Or Mach 1. A bit disappointing to be honest.

The Flash could probably reach several 100 times faster than that.

I was going to need to take some time off to increase my speed. Half of the League were undoubtedly faster than me. Besides, there were some other Speed Force abilities that could be useful if mastered.

It was all about control. Power without control is useless.

The next speed adjacent test was my reaction speed.

The way we tested it was...strange and dangerous for anyone without my advantages.

Ivo had a group of his MONQIs form a circle around me, with Uzi's in their hands and immediately started spraying my way.

As a result, we found out I could dodge bullets out of the air, reacting in milliseconds(1/1000 of a second) to a gun shooting at close range with a muzzle velocity of over 1000 feet per second.

Bullets fired from an Uzi travel at speeds ranging from around 1,200 feet per second (fps) to 1,400 fps.

Which means, to me they were moving in slow motion. Even before becoming a speed force conduit, I had trained my reflexes and perception to superhuman levels.

But while that was impressive, people like the Flash could react in 1/1,000,000,000,000 of a second. Or Picoseconds.

After that, we moved onto the next category.


Now while my speed was bonkers and insane, my strength was...less than impressive.

Lifting strength capped at just above 100 kilograms or 220 pounds. Pretty astonishing for a 10 year old but nothing to write home about.

What stood out was my striking power. While the Speed force had no direct enhancement on my physical strength, we found I could punch really hard when I popped the head of a MONQI by mistake.

It had been holding a sheet of metal for me to strike but my fist went through the metal and smashed its head to the wall. Ivo was not happy with that.

Final strength evaluation was 220 pounds deadlift and over 10,000 pounds of striking force or 44,482 newtons.

Next was an evaluation of my Stamina and durability. But ever since I became a pseudo speedster, it felt like I had inexhaustible Stamina.

And testing how long I could keep my abilities activated was an exercise in futility. I used to train in a volcano for hours with only Cryokinesis active.

For durability, I was pelted with increasingly faster rubber bullets up until they were so fast they made the air smell of burning rubber.

At the end of the barrage I only had a few welts across my body. And despite not having Father's regeneration abilities, I still healed faster than average.

In a few minutes, the welts were already disappearing.

Last came the combat evaluation. Now, I was curious how the good professor was going to test this.

"I have just the thing."

He said when I asked him the same.

With a few whistles and directions, he instructed a few MONQIs that had just arrived carrying a container, on where to set it down.

"Stay here with Shade."

I told Candi, having a feeling that whatever surprise the professor had planned was nothing small.

Candi stepped back, and so did everyone else including Ivo and his MONQIs, leaving me standing alone before the container.

"Okay young Savage!"

Ivo called out from his position, cackling like a madman while holding up a chunky remote control.

"Say stop and I'll press this button. No need to die in a simple power evaluation!"


That's a bit extreme isn't it?

Before I could ask what he meant by that, he pressed a large button on the remote and the door to the container was blown open.

The metal door flew and landed on the wall behind me, missing me by just an inch.

Red eyes lit up within the now open container, and when the occupant stepped out, I realized what Ivo meant by not dying.

For my combat evaluation, he was pitting me up against Amazo.


(Angel's P.O.V)

I had a tooth loose.

And my bottom lip was split. Nothing broken fortunately.

But I still kept on fighting.

The Android had to be the most powerful and dangerous opponent I've ever gone up against. And trust me, I've gone up against some scary monsters.

2 seconds into the fight Amazo had copied my Cryokinesis and Pyrokinesis and begun to use them both...silmutenously.

Even I was couldn't do that. Yet.

He managed to copy and improve my abilities.

So I switched to using super speed and SAMBO.

SAMBO is a mixed martial art practice, including extensive forms of striking and grappling. Punches, kicks, elbows, knees, headbutts and groin strikes are allowed.

But it's true utility lay on the fast and devastating chain of attacks, providing a good synergy effect with my reactionary speed and elemental infused blows.

After Amazo begun to use my ice and fire attacks better than even I could, I fell back and relied on experience and pure skill to match it's attack potency.

Mostly by skating around the Android on ice while deploying long range attacks for diversion.

Then propelling myself with my flames closer whenever there was an opening.

Capitalizing on the rapidly dwindling openings, as its rate of copying extended to my general fighting strategy, I started to whittle away at its carapace, even managing to leave a few dents and burst apart an eye lens.

Unfortunately, the armor was too durable to leave any meaningful damage, even while landing a hundred punches and kicks in a single second.

Things took a turn for the worse when the damn thing copied my super speed and created a counter for my Sambo.

(General P.O.V)

"Is big brother okay?"

Candie couldn't help but ask, biting her bottom lip in concern for Angel.

The blue and red blur clashing against a green and silver blur was all she could see. And it worried her greatly that the blue and red blur was losing.

"Nonsense! Amazo is collecting so much data!"

Ivo cackled, typing on the console almost as fast as the fight going on around them.

Luckily for them, the professor had elected a hard light field, confining the fight in a small area within the facility.

So Scandal, him and his MONQI's were spared from the Elemental maestrom taking place within the hard light field.

That said, it was evident that this couldn't go on.

The little girl had her face and hands pressed on the hard light field, her worry only mounting as Angel seemed to be pressed, fighting an opponent that knew all his tricks.

And on the console screen next to her, Angel's biometrics showed his energy output was decreasing while Amazo's were increasing.

The Android's adaptability and assimilation were too much, even for her powerful brother.

Scandal wasn't versed in technology as the Professor, but she could infer the red sections highlighted across her brother's body on the screen were not good.

"Shut it off."

She tugged on Ivo's coat, her tone agitated.


The professor shushed her.

"Just a few more minutes! Your brother knows what he's doing, just trust in his...ah, conviction, yes Conviction! Trust in his conviction alright young lady? Good."

Scandal narrowed her eyes at him.

Ivo's focus returned to the screen.

"Now Amazo's base parameters have surpassed young Savage but his core is at risk of overheating. He's not programmed to sustain such high levels of heat and cold. The rapid shift in temperature is not helping matters. But if I could upgrade his matrix using..."

Finally the little girl had enough of being ignored.


She yelled.

Her voice was like a hot knife through butter, cutting short Ivo's mad ramblings.

Without even realizing, the Professor stiffened, before pressing a button on the console.

"Shut down sequence executed. Amazo offline."

The computer called out and the fight happening within the hard light field came to a stop.

Angel was revealed, face red, sweat dotting his forehead and breathing harshly.

He had Frost halfway out of his shadow, about to intercept the Android's palm- which was wreathed in a cone of ice and fire energy.

The light in Amazo's eyes faded to black as well as the attack it was about to release, dissolving away.

Angel breathed out a sigh of relief, noticing the pain and exhaustion in his body.

A complicated exexpression appeared in his eyes as he looked at the Android.

That was one of the hardest fights he had ever been in. And it also showed him some hidden weaknesses within his fighting style.

"I need more training."

He muttered to himself, letting Frost sink into his shadow.

Then he passed by the Android and approached Ivo and Scandal.


His little sister ran towards him and slammed into his midsection, burying her head in his belly while hugging him tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried."

Angel smiled, rubbing her head.

"Really? Don't be. I'm strong and I'll get even stronger."

"Stronger than that stupid Android?"

She questioned.

"Yeah. Much stronger."

Angel replied with levity, but inside, his words rang with resolve.

Turning to Ivo, he narrowed his eyes at the way the Professor was looking at Scandal. It was almost a look of...fear.

"What is it?"

Angel asked him.

Ivo established eye contact with the former, gulping before he answered.

"I believe young master Savage, your sister might be a Telepath as well."


They talked some more. Mostly about Scandal's potential but also about the Android.

Angel wanted the Professor to keep improving Amazo so that he could keep on fighting it. Inspite of the danger the Android posed, it was the perfect sparring partner.

Afterwards, it was time to leave. But before Angel and Camdue could enter through Shade's shadow, Angel turned to Ivo one last time and threw something at him.

One of the MONQI's grabbed the object and handed it over to Ivo, who gasped upon seeing what it was.

"It's called a Fatherbox."

Angel told the Professor who was immediately engrossed in studying the device.

"It's a sentient computer with various degrees of uses. It has already bonded to me, so take it apart and I'll know. Even Amazo won't save you from my wrath then."

"Then what do you want me to do with it?"

Ivo asked in exasperation.

Angel frowned.

"Although it's bonded to me, I can feel someone watching me whenever I use it. Get rid of that little peeping bug and I'll guarantee you 1 million dollars for your trouble."

Ivo whistled. A million dollars might not seem much to a villain that could easily rob a bank but...it was free riskless money.

"Consider it done."

The Professor gave a thumbs up, before waving them away.

"Now get out of here, I have work to do."


(3 days later)

2 days. That's how long Bane was stuck in that red ice.

He could feel his body cook from within, his skin burn- like billions of fireants biting every inch of him.

He had endured all that irritating pain for 2 whole fucking days, until the red ice melted.

Upon melting, he found himself in a cell. It wasn't big, merely the size of a 3 bathroom stalls. The floor was made of a hard rock with a bed and a place to do his business at the far left corner.

The cell doors were made of metal bars.

Upon that realization, he had immediately tried to break them. By punching, trying to wrench out the bolts and even picking the lock.

When that didn't work he went back to punching, only to stop when amused laughter sounded out from the next room on the other side of the wall.

"That won't work. Trust me, you're wasting time. The entire cell is constructed of a dense and hard material. You'll break your hands before you bend a single bar."

Following the laughter, the voice revealed.

Looking at his bleeding knuckles, Bane came to the conclusion that the mysterious voice was right.

"Who the hell are you cabrón?"

Bane asked.

"Well, you got that part right."

Angel stated, appearing from a shadow outside the cell.

"He certainly is a bastard."

"Oh my, you wound me with your words, Mr. Savage."

The mysterious voice replied.


Bane seethed at Angel, body shaking in anger.

"You killed my men, almost destroyed my factory."

Angel smirked, walking forward with the gait of someone who knew they held all the cards.

"And I'm here to give you a chance to get it all back Bane."

(General P.O.V)

(Infinity Island)

Ra's sat alone in a darkened room filled with 5 screens.

A servant served him tea before leaving, slinking off into the shadows.

He waved a hand and 4 of the screens turned on.

"Everyone is present, good. Let us begin."

Queenbee spoke from one of the screens, officially commencing the Light's meeting.

For the first 2 hours, the premier supervillains discussed matters of world domination, the heroes, argued over common interests, shared profits, and generally anything to increase their hold on the planet by furthering their plans.

And then finally, the time to discuss the real reason the meeting had been called arrived.

Queen bee cleared her throat, her imperial authority evident in every minute action she did. Her hard eyes regarded the Demon's head.

"Ra's Al Ghul"

She begun,

"As the current Chairperson, I hold you in question to the failure of the mission that was assigned to you a few days ago."

Ra's nodded, already expecting this.

"I do not excuse myself of this...misstep. But my men have paid for it with their lives. As you all know, the Lazarus Tournament is in a week, I plan to extend an invitation to our 'friend's' successor. And once he arrives, the deed shall be taken care of."

Queenbee smiled, raising a glass.

"Then a toast to our eventual success. May the shadows be illuminated by the Light."

""May the shadows be illuminated by the Light.""

Five voices echoed out in unison.


(Angel's P.O.V)

"Young Master, the preparations are complete, all the executives are waiting for you on the Island."

Shade stated, prompting a sigh of equal parts relief and equal parts frustration out of me.

"Which Island? The one with the herb garden or the one with the nice beach?"

I questioned. Father owned a couple of Private Islands and as his heir, naturally that property was passed down to me.

"The latter sir."

Shade answered.

"Thank God I don't have to keep doing this."

I breathed out, sliding aside the large stack of papers.

Who knew being the scion of a multi-billion dollar company required so much paperwork to be signed.

Half of this shit wasn't even top priority.

They had me signing off on employee vacations, procurement dossiers and who knew goons had a risk allowance? I mean it made sense but good Lord.

"I too need a vacation after this Shade."

I ran a hand down my face, leaning back on my chair.

"That's not possible Young Master. The Lazarus Tournament begins in 3 days."

My ever helpful right hand man supplied.

There was that too. I was expecting an invitation sooner or later from Ra's Al Ghul, if my source was to be believed.

I threw a scathing look at the Shadow to my side.

"Do you have any good news for me?"

The stack of reports sank into its shadow and out of it, a large platter filled with Bacon, Eggs, Steaks and lots of Chicken along with a pitcher of Orange Juice, a plate of warm cookies, spaghetti and meatballs and lastly a glass of hot chocolate milk, appeared.

"Bon Apetit Young Master."

Shade presented and despite my mental exhaustion, I couldn't help the smile that stretched across my face.

"Shade, I think a bump up in your salary is required."

"Any more salary increases and you run the risk of being poor, Young Master."

The cheeky bastard replied.

"That's the thing Shade,"

I grabbed a drumstick and bit into the whole thing, bones and all.

"Even if that were to happen, I'd still be the wealthiest poor person in the world."


1 hour later, I was dressed in a comfortable suit with a half coat on in place of the typical blazer.

The clothes were from my own company's line of clothes, Savage Collections. And I gotta say, whoever the lead Designer is, they're most definitely keeping their job.

I couldn't help but admire my reflection on the mirror.

My hair was slinked back with a decent amount of gel, otherwise the unruly locks would be sticking out every way.

I had a silver watch on my right hand, that was actually a communication and tracking device, that would let Candie alert me incase of an emergency.

I was not taking chances with her safety, even if Bane was acting as her bodyguard.

Speaking of, he became amenable to my proposal after I showed him how much richer I could make him. That and I promised him a very high position overseeing my Criminal Empire if...he worked hard to impress me.

But the real caveat was promising to help stabilize and enhance the properties of Venom.

Addiction was a bitch and a half to deal with. Especially when it was an addiction to a Super Steroid like Venom.

Already I had Ivo working on it alongside the Fatherbox project. Still, it was clear that even with my nigh-unlimited funds fueling the Professor's research, I needed more than one Mad Genius to figure this out.

In any case, that was a problem for after the Lazarus Tournament. Most of my headaches would be resolved after I dealt with the migraine that was The Light.

For now, everything was moving according to plan. And after today, my schedule would hopefully loosen up that I could even go back to my training.

The loose tooth on my jaw and my healing ribs were a testament to that.

"Shade, I'm ready, let's boogie."

In response, my body sank into my shadow, the familiar sensation of passing through a veil of cool water washing through my skin.

The Shadow dimension was...strange.

Imagine a world of darkness. Everywhere you look there's nothing but a suffocating void of emptiness.

The first time I ever arrived here, it felt like eyes were watching me from everywhere.

That's why we never stayed for long. The sensation of being watched always seemed to increase the more time that passed.

We moved through the dimension and emerged from the shadow of a palm tree on a sandy beach.

A gentle warmth from the sun above hit my face, along with a soft breeze from the ocean that smelled of salt.

The waves of said ocean gently lapped on the shores of the wide beach.

We were on an Island in the Western Visayas in the region of Phillipines, called Boracay.

It used to be a resort island until Father somehow bought it and now it served as a sort of vacation home.

The entire beach was off limits with a 24 hour security patrolling the area.

That could be attributed to the two glass statues elected right in the middle of the beach.

Turns out when you superheat sand and instantly cool it with Ice, you can shape it and create wonderful constructs or in this case statues.

"I haven't been here since..."

I trailed off, gazing at both statues, intertwined in a loving embrace.


"Since you managed to beat both of your teachers at the same time."

Shade finished, reforming from the shadow behind me.

I felt his hand land on my shoulder, the two of us staring up at Fire and Ice's statues.

"It goes without saying, but they were both extremely proud of you Young Master."

That was 2 years ago...

It's funny how time flies.

I shrugged off his hold, adjusting my tie.

"What's with this sappy crap Shade? I have an image to protect."

He stepped back with a head bow.

"Apologies Young Master."

"It's fine."

I stared up at the stairway leading upto the resort. A column of maidservants waited for us at the top. We were the last to arrive.

"Let's get this over with."

Shade silently returned to my Shadow.


The second I reached the top of the stairway, I instantly realized that something was wrong.

There was a lingering scent of blood hanging in the air. And the maidservants along with the staff, were all people I didn't recognize.

Not too strange...but unusual.

To meet me was the groundskeeper. Someone who had been working for me for the last 3 years. A woman I knew I could trust. She owed me her life after all.

"Young Master."

She bowed at me, but I could see the tension on her shoulders.


"Agnes, how long has it been?"

I asked.

"2 years, 2 months and 10 days."

She replied.

"Young Master, we have company."

Shade informed me, following it up by giving me the number of enemies.

'So 70 people. Mmh, almost double the forces that were in Santa Prisca. They're finally taking me seriously.'

"That long?"

I made the action of cleaning my ear with my pinky finger. Shade got the message.

"2 snipers. 1 on the second floor of the Villa and another hiding behind the bushes along the side of the pool. It's another trap."

Shade reported, his voice coming through the shadow under my ear. He had used his powers to scan the entire resort.

I tapped my chin once. A sign for 'Wait for my signal.'

"How is your daughter? The last time we talked you told me she was finishing high school."

I made small talk with her as she led me into the Villa.

"She finally joined College, majoring in bio-chemistry."

Agnes responded.

"She wants to be like her father."

A maidservant opened the door for us.

"That's good news. For her internship, contact Shade, he'll organize a position for her in the company."

She stopped before entering.

"I couldn't possibly...you've already done so much for me, Young Master I..."

"It's not a problem, Agnes. I reward loyalty and you've never done anything to make me question yours."

Until now.

Her shoulders shook, and then she straightened up.

"Young Master, I need to tell you something. You're not safe-"

"It's fine,"

I passed by her, hands in my pockets.

"I already know we have company."

"Wait! But..."

Her voice was cut off by the door behind us closing shut with an audible click.

The maidservant that had opened it for us had inserted a key and locked it, trapping me inside the Villa. And now, they were pressing a blade against Agnes' neck.

I ignored her whimper of fear for now. My focus was on the figure sitting at the head of the long dinner table.

A dinner table that was neatly arranged with the heads of all the top executives of my companies. About 15 people.

Their bodies remained on the seats, blood leaking to the floor.

That's going to be a bitch and a half to clean up.

"What are you doing here Deathstroke?"

I questioned the red and silver clad mercenary, who had his feet propped up on the table.

For his part, the Terminator shrugged.

"Running an errand."

He held up a brown colored parchment.

"This invite is addressed to one, Angel Savage. That's you."

"I see."

I walked down the steps leading to the dining area.

"You could have just mailed it. Or left it with dear Agnes but you went through all the trouble to bring it yourself."

He swung his legs down, turning so that he faced me fully.

"I had to see an old friend. The last time we were together, you took my eye."

"Good times."

I nodded.

"But I also remember warning you as well. Last time, Rose was there to save your life when you stuck your nose in my business."


He slammed a hand on the table.

"Daddy's Business. Back then, I remember you were his little bitch."

"And now I call the shots."

I stopped on the last step, mostly owing to the Assassin who had a blade pressed to my neck, not unlike Agnes.

"And as the top dog, I have a reputation to uphold. So tell me why I should spare you and the 70 Assassins intruding on my property?"

The conversation stalled as we watched each other.

"Tsk tsk. As quick to violence as ever I see."

Deathstroke laughed.

"Unfortunately, I'm not here to fight, merely to extend an Invitation. However..."

His head shifted to the Assassin on my right.

"To get the invite, you have to defeat a chosen champion in single combat. No powers, no weapons, just straight fists on fists."

The Assassin who was my height, withdrew the dagger from my neck, stepping a few paces back.

"Young Master, say the world and I'll have them all incapacitated faster than they can blink."

Shade's voice reached my ears.

I scratched my chin.

"I understand."

He stated and I sensed his presence fade away.

"I'll humor you then."

I threw at Deathstroke.

Who knows, this could be fun. Too bad about the executive from Savage Collections though, I rather liked the style.

"Just keep in mind Terminator, that I always fulfill my promises."

I might have imagined it, but I think he gulped.


(Shade's P.O.V)

They watched each other critically.

The young master's feet slid into a loose stance, opening himself up to the Assassin.

The Assassin refused to take the bait. And I immediately knew this was going to be a tough fight.

They moved around one another until the young master stood with his back to the dinner table, while the Assassin stayed on the steps.

I noted that the Young Master had left his back exposed, presenting his blindside to Deathstroke the Terminator.

Not wise.

Yet, the latter knew better than to attack. Not when the ghost of my presence hang around.

For even though he could not perceive me, he felt the shadow of death whisper in his ears. Like an invisible knife on his neck.

I lay in the shadows, a gun aimed his way. I don't like using them. I'm not a fighter and even the Young Master forbids me from engaging in any of his battles. He might be young, but he can take care of himself.

That said, getting the Lazarus Invite while necessary, does not mean I will willingly place the Young Master's life in jeopardy.

Even if he loses, I can still get him on the Island with my portals. The goal is not the tournament itself but the one who hosts it.

So one wrong move from Slade and the Terminator would be, excuse the repetition, terminated.

Back to the issue at hand, they had finished sizing each other up. And with an unexpected snarl, the Assassin attacked.

(Angel's P.O.V)

No powers huh?

Fine. My abilities don't make me powerful, my control and knowledge of how to use them, does.

I am not weak without them. This is DC, I'm perfectly aware I could lose them at any time.

And so through the years, I have trained to make sure my body is not a weakness that can be used against me.

I have mastered the will of martial prowess and if I have to showcase how deadly I am with my fists, so be it.

I silently removed my half coat while my opponent watched on. Then I popped a few buttons on my shirt and rolled up my sleeves. The attire I was in was not suitable for a fight, but the quality of the clothes ensured I could move around easily in them.


I motioned forth, no false openings or feints. Just a call to fight.

The Assassin- who judging by the body shape I concluded was female, jumped off the steps and slid through the marble floor into my guard.

In the midst of this, I too moved forward to engage.

She made the first move. The strike beginning with a capoiera kick coming upward to connect with my left side. A blow that targeted the kidneys.

And anyone who's been in a fight will tell you, a shot to the Kidney fucking hurts.

I raised my knee and blocked it, but somehow she slipped an elbow through to land a blow on my sternum.

I easily parried it with a palm, but my line of sight was obscured by my own defensive cross guard.

She capitalized on it, with a double clap to my ears that caused them to instantly start ringing.

Anyone else would have been disoriented as the ears play a major role in maintaining the body's sense of balance, but I took it in stride.

A winding hook sailing dangerously close to her face made her back off.

Not too keen on being on the defensive, I launched my counterattack, a series of fast punches that if landed would knock around her brain inside it's cranium and end the bout.

This is where she surprised me by not only weaving through the fast moving fists, but also finding pockets to retaliate with high and low kicks aimed for my extremities. The temple, neck, solar plexus and groin.

My surprise ended as I changed tactics from offense to misdirection and feints.

One of which she fell for, extending her foot forward for a spinning kick, only for my hand to grab her heel and without letting go of the foot, I heaved her over my head with a grunt, intending to slam her down on the marble floor behind.

Such an impact would crack, if not break a few bones.

I succeeded in throwing her but she twisted her body at the last instant, managing to escape my grip by tugging her ankle away.

I let go, lest the force of the twist managed to throw me off balance.

Still in the air, and with a grace only seen in acrobatics, she kicked at my head with both of her feet, using the impact to sail away and smoothly land on the floor next to Agnes and the Shadow holding her captive.

The fight entered a brief lull.

The two of us were breathing a little too fast, neither eager to launch another attack.

She was formidable. But my frustration was getting to me as I should have been able to easily beat some nameless Shadow goon. Even one who was undeniably a prodigy.

To make matters worse, the way she was standing gave off the sense that she wasn't struggling.

Motioning me forward with her palm like I had initially done, only pissed me off more.

So with that, I ran forward, fully intent on crushing her within the next two moves.

Only to stop when she used her foot to kick a vase my way.

The porcelain shattered on my forearm, distracting me for just a split second.

Apparently that was enough.

Like a snake, she slithered into my guard, her body coiled and letting fly sharp strikes to my joints.

Particularly, targeting the legs. There was an urge to use super speed to escape, but I pressed down on it and kicked off with the foot of my right leg, creating some distance between us.

That said, my left leg was numb from the knee down. She got me. And I hadn't even underestimated her. She's good.

And she knew that as well, the snake style martial arts she was using changing into a fusion of Praying

Mantis and Crane style.

It slightly impressed me how naturally smooth her martial arts were.

"Your kungfu is better than mine."

I flatly admitted. It's not everyday someone my age managed to push me back.

She cocked her head at me. Are the Shadows under strict orders never to speak? Because she had not said a single word since we started.

But that is inconsequential. What mattered was getting the Lazarus Invite. And there was only one way to do that. By beating her.

For the second time, we circled each other, both of us sizing their opponent.

Most martial arts don't have an entire style dedicated to counter them. For example Karate does not necessarily beat kungfu.

So when fighting an expert martial artist, it's not a matter of using a style that is stronger, it's a matter of reading your opponent and figuring out their own inherent limitations.

I moved in with a few probing attacks, trying to get a read on her limitations.

Like before, she met me with her unorthodox fighting style, using the environment to her advantage.

At one point we were on top of the stairs, having pushed her back by relying on a never ending chain of attacks and her inherent shortcomings that I had just begun to notice.

She had a shorter reach than I did and if I were to deny her that, I could win this.

I spent 2 years learning Taekwondo. Let's see what she'll do, once I deny her proximity to land her attacks.

The next clash, I instigated. The whip kick that went flying for her face forced her to back away with a roll.

But I followed through, anticipating where she would end up and kicking out fast enough to ensure she couldn't dodge.

My heel smacked bodily on her forearms but after the first few blows launched her back, she didn't dare tank the attacks again.

She started sliding with the momentum, skidding on her silent feet.

And whenever I overextended an attack, she would slip through and deliver her own retaliation.

Only to find that I had a plan for that as well, incorporating Sambo's quick attacks and deft arm grappling techniques that she was keen to avoid. Knowing that once I grabbed her, it was over.

Despite that, I couldn't get an inch in.

It was like fighting oil. And I was getting weary of her evasive maneuvers. While I was stronger and faster with my reactions, she was nimbler and knew how to move better.

But the biggest issue was that she was just too adaptable. A genius of fighting who could adjust to my attacks faster than I could to hers.

So what I did was keep up a relentless wave of attacks, using a blend of combat styles to raise the bar whenever she learnt how to counter my counter-attacks.

Thus it became a game of who could bait the other into making the false move fast.

We ended up moving across the room as the tempo of the fight increased. I pushed her towards the wall but she sprang off it and swung on the Chandelier before coming down with an axe kick.

I received it with another hasty cross guard but was too late to evade the leg sweep.

For a second I considered using my speed. Just a tiny bit and I could transition my fall into a bicycle kick.

Instead I used my hands and flipped backwards. She took that opportunity to throw a mule kick that landed solidly on my belly.

The impact actually shook me, but there was no time to digest it as I suddenly found myself ontop of the dinner table, trading fast punches and kicks like some exaggerated kungfu movie fight scene.

Yet it was happening. The Assassin whoever she was, actually kept up with me. My frustration had shifted to excitement once more. An excitement that was born out of being pushed to wits end.

An excitement that she seemed to share, as almost everything fell away, giving rise to a deadly dance.

She sneaked through a fast combo after one of my feints failed and delivered a kick to my belly that launched me back.

Flipping across the table to reduce momentum, I landed close to Deathstroke, already in leaping motion...only for the click of a gun to stop me in my tracks.

Just as quickly as it had started, the dance was cut off.

I was on one knee, the other foot crouched and ready for the lunge that would see me and my opponent re-engage. If it wasn't for the gun held to my head.

"What do you think you're doing Slade?" I asked lowly.

"You're breaking your own rules by interfering."

At my words, the barrel of the gun behind me pressed deeper onto my head.

By now the Assassin I was fighting had stopped, her body language saying that she hadn't expected this.


Slade chuckled as if finding my question funny.

"What does a dead man, in this case, boy know about rules?"

I sighed.

"Okay, let it out. End your stupid Monologue so that I can get back to my fight."

I could almost sense his frustration, but despite acting blase' my full attention was on him and what he had to say.

"You've made some very powerful enemies."

Deathstroke stated,

"Enemies that have paid a pretty sum to see me blow your brains out."

"Tell me something I don't know."

I shot back, denying Shade's request to kill Deathstroke where he sat.

"Tch, you act tough but I know you must be shaking in your boots by now."

Slade voiced.

"Admit it."


I adjusted my pose into a lotus position, sitting on the table with my legs crossed over each other.

"Or maybe you're just not that much of a threat."

He took some time before answering.

"You say that but I'm the one with a gun to your head."

A snap of his fingers and the rest of the Assassins hidden across the entire Villa jumped out and surrounded me.

Oh so they were no longer trying to hide what this was. Another trap.

"And don't think I don't know about the Shadow guy."

He added.

Meaning Shade.

"Even if you miraculously survived a point blank shot to the brain, you have 70 more enemies ready to cut you down."


In response to his words, blades left their sheaths.

I made eye contact with Agnes, who was still held captive by one of them.

My eyes next fell onto her. My opponent. I couldn't read her expression due to the mask obscuring her face but, the way her body moved was like a language in its own.

I smiled, though my wannabe killer couldn't see it.

"Then do it."

"Huh? What? You're not even going to beg for your life?"

He asked, surprise coloring his tone.

"The blood of a conquerer runs through me. I beg no one."

I affirmed, the irony not lost to me. But after a decade of aspiring to usurp my Father's position and succeeding, that was exactly what I had become.

And my pride demanded nothing less.

"Then you'll die, Mr. Savage."

His voice took on a deeper more menacing shift.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"You talk too much. If you don't pull the trigger in the next 3 seconds, you'll lose something more precious than an eye."

"What do you-"

He started but I held up a finger.


The seat below him exploded in shards of wood and fabric as the loud crack of a bullet rang out in the room.

This was followed by a painful howl from Slade as his dick and balls were blown off.

Goddammit Shade. You're supposed to wait for 3.

Further introspection was cut off as the 70 or so Shadows jumped at me.


(General P.O.V)

(A few hours ago)

Fighting was easy for her. It just made sense. The way the body moves was like a song. And everyone had their own harmony.

The shift of muscles was akin to the twang of a string instrument. The grind of bones like a percussion. The pump of the heart like drums.

And by listening with her ears and seeing with her eyes, she could understand the language of movement, and respond in kind.

By comparison, words were harder to grasp. Her Master had told her that her brain was wired differently.

It wasn't that she was disabled, far from it. She was blessed.

[Don't go easy on him Cassandra] her Master signed to her with a few finger movements.

[I understand Mother]

Cassandra signed back, her hands pausing in the air, unsure whether to ask the question on her mind.

Lady Shiva noticed it.

[What is it?]

Cassandra shifted her footing, body slightly turned as she regarded the Shadows waiting for her around the shores, closer to the air craft that was their transport to the Island.

Only, they weren't really Shadows. Merely disguised as them.

[Who are they? They do not move like us.]

She signed.

The admonishment she was expecting didn't come. If anything, her mother smiled.

[A Test. Remember, the Son of the Savage is no regular competitor. To prove himself one test is not enough.]

Lady Shiva replied.

[Go with them, carry out your mission but do not interfere with theirs.]

(Angel's P.O.V)

Along with the howls that filled the room,

69 bodies lay around us, fresh blood leaking to the floor and adding to the congealed fluids from my dead executive's bodies.

Shade had shot each and every single one of them, before they even got 2 meters near me. The bullets came through the shadows at the same time.

Something that was scientifically impossible, but Shade could achieve by delaying time on his shadows.

Hence a bullet shot 5 seconds ago would reach its target at the same instance as one shot 4 seconds later.

Thus, all 69 Shadows met their end at the same time. Let it not be said my glorified transport was weak.

I say 69, because the last one, the one who had held my Groundskeeper captive, was choking on his own blood, a star shot through his throat.

The one responsible was her. My opponent.

She turned to regard me and the two of us held gazes until she raised her hand, revealing the letter that was on Deathstroke's hand, clasped between her fingers.

Speaking of, the Terminator was curled up on the floor, his hands cupping his groin.

"Will you keep it down?"

I raised a foot and slammed it down on his back, stopping him from crawling away.

His howls changed to whimpers.

I used a leg and flipped him over, stepping on his wrist before he could point the gun in his hand my way.

"What's wrong Deathstroke, feeling emasculated?"

"Y-you shot m-my dick off."

He whined, causing me to chuckle.

"To be fair, you did try to kill me."

The bastard thought I would let that shit fly.

"You should be glad he didn't aim for your heart. Shade is pretty handy with a gun, as the state of your men will tell you."

That's when he looked around, finding all the Shadows on the ground. Unmoving.

The Terminator stiffened, the pain in his balls momentarily forgotten as he realized his situation.


I held up a hand, stopping his next words.

"I only have one question."

The ice in my tone had him gulping.

"I didn't lie when I said Deathstroke would rather shoot himself on the foot, than show his face to me. So my question is..."

I leaned closer.

"Who the fuck are you?"

His jaws bit down on something, but I landed a chop on his throat, preventing him from swallowing the poison.

I flicked his forehead, instantly knocking him out, before the flame I had created on the tip of my nail burned away the mask without searing the skin of his face.

A familiar pale face and bald head was revealed to me.

With a sigh, I stood up.

"Kobra. I should have expected something like this."

We had had some dealings in the past. And by dealings I mean that Father had sent me to deliver a message to the Kobra cult, after they had tried to branch into a particular lane reserved to Vandal Savage.

All bio-weapon production on the planet was overseen by Father's criminal empire. Now my Criminal Empire.

Bio-weapons were bad for business after all, and so they needed a strict governance. There was no shortage of big headed Mad Scientists who for some reason or other, wanted to plunge the World into chaos by building dirty bombs.

Whether for revenge, monetary gain or some other Agenda, if they weren't working for Governments under Father's purview, then they were 6 feet under.

"Check the rest."

I instructed Shade, wiping my hand on Kobra's fake Deathstroke costume, after wrenching his jaw open to remove the cyanide.

"Young Master, you were right. They all have Kobra Cult tattoos on them."

Shade informed.

So, my suspicions were proven correct. I got to my feet, freezing Kobra's groin lest he bleed out.

"Death is too merciful for him. Send him to the Dungeons. We'll have our other guest go through his mind and uncover who else he was working with. I highly doubt Ra's Al Ghul would pull something like this."

"What about these bodies Young Master?"

Shade asked.

"Don't care."

I shrugged.

They were only some nameless Kobra goons.

"I believe I might have a better suggestion Young Master."

Shade replied with a bow,

"An example needs to be set for others stupid enough to cross you."

Oh. That sounds interesting.

"Okay then, Surprise me Shade."

With a final bow, he, Kobra along with every dead body sank into the shadows, leaving only three people in the premises.

I turned to my Groundskeeper.

"Agnes, could you go and organize clean up for all this blood?"

"By your leave Young Master."

She bowed and hastily left, throwing a final look at the assassin that had saved her.

And then there were two.

My opponent turned to face me, a certain tension on her body. She gave off the feeling of being ready for a fight.

I raised my hands in a non-hostile move.

"I'm not looking for a fight."

She eased up, but remained guarded.

"What's your name?"

I questioned but she remained silent.

Not just silent either, it seemed like she couldn't understand me. So I tried a few different languages like Japanese, Mandarin, Spanish and Russian.

All of my attempts failed, in fact she seemed even more confused.

Wait, even earlier she hadn't said a single word. Could she be deaf? It wasn't too unexpected.

Some of the greatest fighters had honed their other senses to crazy levels inspite of having a disability.

[What's your name?]

So I switched gears and used sign language. Travelling all over the world for the better part of half a decade, had allowed me to pick up many skills.

She seemed surprised at first and then tentatively, she signed back.

[Can't say. Not allowed to]

I nodded at that. It made sense. An Assassin's secret identity was even more protected than a Superhero's.

[You are an exceptional fighter]

I complimented.

[Who trained you?]

The reply came a second later.

[My Master.]

[What is your Master's name?]

She hesitated to answer.

[Are you part of the League of Shadows?]

I changed the subject.


She confirmed, casting a gaze at the blood around the room.

[The ones who attacked you...They were not League.]

[I see] I scratched my chin in thought.

So it either means she really wasn't aware of the trap, or she's really good at lying.

I was leaning more on the former. Not because I'm overly trusting but it just made sense. Otherwise she would have helped them attack me and not saved Agnes like she had.

I looked up as something flew my way. My hand shot out and grabbed the parchment she had thrown at me.

[My mission was to test you. You passed]

She signed, turning in a bid to leave.

[Wait. Thank you.]

I signed back, causing her to stop for a second or two. The way she rubbed her hand gave the impression of embarrasment.

[On the Island, we will finish our fight. And I will win]

She promised in a rush of sign language, throwing a smoke bomb on the floor.

Her form disappeared, leaving me staring at the empty spot for a few seconds in thought.

I remembered there was something in my hand and turned my attention there.

"Dear Fighter, I, The Demons Head invite you to an exhibition of your martial skills in the Lazarus Tournament. Earning this letter means you're worthy. But be warned, so are your competition. The Victor's prize is anything you want. Anything you can wish for. Attached are a set of instructions on how to get to Infinity Island. No weapons allowed."

Pretty standard for a letter. It was straightforward and to the point. At the lower portion were a set of directions to follow.

I folded the letter and placed it inside my pocket.

Now, where the hell am I going to get another group of Executives to manage the company in my absence? A sigh escaped me.

"Damn Kobra."


(General P.O.V)

In the Dungeons below Angel's Mansion, an empty cell gained an occupant. Said occupant seemingly appeared from the floor, deposited through the shadows cladding the cell.

"Ah, what's this?"

A man shrouded in the darkness curiously asked from the next door cell.

"Another roommate so soon after Bane? The Young Master has been busy."

Outside the cell, Shade silently materialized. His blank eyes staring at the speaker.

"The Young Master wishes for you to read his mind and discover who else was involved in a failed scheme to assassinate him."

"Assassination attempt?"

The man in the cell repeated skeptically.

"Which fools tried that? And how many pieces are left of them?"

"It's not your job to question."

Shade responded dryly.

"But if you must know, read his mind and find out for yourself."

With that, he sank into his shadow and left.

The mysterious man chuckled, staring up at the ceiling.

"So they've begun to take notice huh? Unfortunately, it's too little too late."


A few hours later, Kobra stirred from his unconscious self, groaning in pain as he brought himself up to a sitting position.

Despite the bleeding from his groin subsiding, his entire hip and a part of his thighs was encased in a layer of Ice that was yet to melt.

Kobra stared at his lower body and begun trembling.

Whether it was from the pain of losing something precious or the fact that he had failed in his task, or even those cold eyes that had prevented him from dying with dignity, only he knew.

"Welcome new guy."

An amused voice called out from the left, startling him.

"Who's there?!"

Kobra yelped in fright, using his hands to shift his body closer to the far wall, as his legs were totally numb.

"Hahaha, you look worse off than the last guy."

The mysterious voice replied with laughter.

"But don't worry New Guy, I'm not like the Young Master."

There was a tired grunt, followed ny the scrape of shoes on the cold floor. Steps sounded out as the mysterious man walked closer to the wall separating them.

There was the sound of a double tap on the bricks making up the wall and with a grinding noise, the entire middle section of the wall rose up, pulled to the ceiling by a hidden mechanism.

An opening was revealed and through it, a figure walked out.

Kobra's eyes widened.

"I know you. You're..."

"Psimon, in the flesh."

The telepathic supervillain spun in place, hands spread out.

"And this...prison is my playground. In other words..."

A sadistic grin spread across Psimon's face. One that made Kobra glad he didn't have a penis or else he would have soiled himself.

"Welcome to your rehabilitation and reformation. Once I'm done with you, you will wish the Young Master had killed you."

Loud screams filled the dungeons, the sound confined to the cells due to the sound proofing on the walls.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Having a good assistant is invaluable. Especially with how many things demand my attention.

That said, good assistants are rare.

Usually anyone working for my Father in that capacity had been put through extensive indoctrination and subjected to having their memories read by the resident Telepath. Who I had working for me. Though our cooperation was...tentative.

Psimon had needed a firm hand and lots of convincing to jump ship from working for my Dad to work for me. The fact he was stuck in the dungeons showed how flimsy our cooperation was.

But as long as he was useful, I was determined to keep him around. And if he proved himself, maybe I would let him out. But trusting a Telepath like him without insurance was something I was wary to do.

Especially with how many of my secrets he knew.

And that was the thing. Insurance.

I dropped the CV documents on the table between me and the three individuals who had made it past the final phase of the Interview.

From the left was a middle aged brunette in a gray office suit, a man dressed in a creased black suit and finally, another woman- a redhead in a flowing blue dress that reached the middle of her thighs with black stockings.

They were sat on the couch in the top most office of my company's headquarters which happened to be in Washington D.C.

Shade stood to my back vigilantly.

I had just finished going through their accomplishments and to say I was surprised was a bit of understatement.

Still, I kept my face blank, even with the flirtatious looks the Redhead was throwing my way.

"Your CV's are impressive."

I begun, leaning back on my seat.

"But without cultivating loyalty, I need more than assurance that you will not betray me in any capacity."

I could see them listening with rapt attention, and whenever I paused the middle-aged woman would jot something down on a notebook she had.

"As you are all aware before you applied for this job, Savage Inc is a global power. We have our hands in basically everything. Both Legal and Illegal."

I decided to go for the full truth, to ensure we were all on the same page.

And even if one of them tried to betray me, well...

"You might be wondering why I'm so open. The truth is,"

I leaned forward.

"You all have skeletons in your closet that you would not want...exposed."

The mood in the room changed.

The Middle-aged woman stiffened as my gaze fell to her, the pen in her hand hovering above the notebook.

"For starters, Mrs. Arya Gordon, formerly known as Arya Sechkov. You worked for the KGB as an undercover spy dealing in intelligence gathering. But when a failed mission pronounced you dead, you took that chance, changed your identity, fell in love and you've been living in the United States for 10 years. You have 2 kids, are highly trained with different weaponry and currently work as a science teacher in a local middle school."

She sucked in a breath but remained silent.

Next, I looked at the man.

"Christopher Tresser. You were part of the Mafia, acting as the accountant to the top brass, up until 2 years ago when it was discovered you were stealing money from them to finance your daughter's medical expenses. The Mafia are after you and if they get their hands on you or your daughter..."

I let the statement hang.

He looked away, his hands clenching into fists.

I decided to throw him a bone,

"I can offer protection for you two if this goes well."

He looked at me like a man saved from drowning.

"The fact you've evaded them for two years means you're smart and have decent connections."

A man like that could be useful.

"And finally we have you."

I turned to the last candidate.

The Red-head in question smiled genially at me. It was equal parts seductive and meant to come off as warm. Even pre-puberty me felt something stir down there. She was just that alluring. And even more dangerous.

"Natasha Romanov." I said her name, my tone incredulous.

Could it be a coincidence that she shared a name with the Black Widow? Maybe.

But why did she resemble her so much then? It was like I was looking at Scarlet Johansson's more beautiful twin.

And even her past was something that just didn't make sense in the context of this world.

"Part of a secret soviet program called the Red Room, you defected and joined Argus, scouted by Amanda Waller herself. During a mission in Cuba, you failed to bring in the target, Snow Flame alive, putting a bullet through his brain after you found out his operation utilized Young girls to transport cocaine into the US. I have a single question for you, why did you apply for this position? You do realize a part of my...business involves drug trafficking, right?."

A frown appeared on her face.

"May I speak frankly sir?"

"Go ahead."

I allowed it.

"Just as you have looked into my past, I have looked into yours."

She said,

"At 6 years old, you were instrumental in providing a safe passage to refugees escaping Bialya, even though you were singlehandedly responsible for quelling the rebellion opposing Queenbee's rule. At 8 years old you let it slip a shipment full of trafficked Asian women and Young girls was due to arrive at a private dock in New York. The authorities managed to catch the criminals. And at 10, you not only took over your Father's entire criminal empire but you also abolished all human trafficking, or similar degrading practices he was involved in."

She took a second to breath, sincerity pouring out of her.

"To the rest of the world, you're a villain. But to me, I see someone not trying to save the world, but at least make it a little less worse to live in. That's why, I want to follow you."


That explains her motives, but it's too soon to tell if I can fully trust her. Or any of them for that matter.

"Now, Shade here has already informed you that only one position is available. A sort of combination between C.E.O, C.O.O and C.F.O. Someone that can lead Savage Inc and delegate over the branch companies without my oversight."

Hopefully someone that I will also leave the burden of choosing more executives as the last ones were all dead.

Damn fucking Kobra.

Arya was back to jotting down on her notebook.

"All of you are highly intelligent, you wouldn't have passed the test in the final phase otherwise."

They were all attentive, hanging onto my every word.

"And the fact that I know of your past ensures some measure of loyalty. So with that said, I have decided to hire all three of you."

Their faces instantly lit up. Despite changing the plans at the last minute, letting go of such talent would be remiss.

"First of all, Arya I place you in charge of my sister. You will work with her bodyguard and ensure that Candie grows up as normal as a child trained and raised by an ex operative can be. That means, she needs to learn how to protect herself in a stint, but should also have friends. The childhood I never had."

Arya seemed to deflate in relief. Out of everyone here, she was the one who didn't want anything to do with the illegal side of my business.

I could respect that. And it was what was best for my little sister.

"Now Christopher, I know you work best under pressure."

The man gulped, loosening his tie.

"But I also know you want to be the best father for your child as you can be. And I don't think there's a bigger showcase of love than trying to make the world a better place for her to live in. Which is the main goal for Savage Inc. Therefore, you will be the Company's C.E.O and will directly manage all operations. In other words, use that Havard degree and become the face of Savage Inc. Let's work together and change the world."

With every word, his eyes kept widening and the look of disbelief only added.

Immediately, the man prostrated himself before me, his forehead touching the coffee table.

"T-thank you. Thank you so much! I promise I won't let you down! On my daughter's life!"

A small smile appeared on my face.

"I expect you to work hard Christopher. Use your connections and take this company past Wayne Enterprise and Lexcorp."

"I will sir! I promise!"

He replied.

Once more, I looked toward Natasha.

"As for you, I have something a bit more special planned. You'll be my personal assistant and my direct link to Christopher. But besides that, your other duty will be as the Head of my Criminal Empire."

The smile that spread out across her face made me shiver.

"And in the underground, you shall be known as the Black Widow."


(Angel's P.O.V)

Today was the day I was leaving for Infinity Island.

For context, 2 days had passed since the Interview. And with the new hires proving their competence, I could finally focus on moving forward with the main plan.

Most of the issues needing my full attention were taken care of, or in the process of.

For starters, Black Widow wasted no time in taking over my underworld operations and establishing herself as a force to be reckoned with, freeing up Shade, who had been kind of the overseer, for more important duties.

Namely attending to me.

On the other side, Christopher had used the time to establish himself as the new CEO. With his transition into power being on the front page of the Daily Planet newspaper.

Apparently he had connections there. And with me owning a part of the Media Outlet, it only handed me more power over what they published to the masses.

To add to that, his face being seen by the Mafia was not an issue anymore. Not after making that Black Widow's first mission.

When Shade added me the report from her yesterday, it said, 'The targets are swimming with the fishes. They won't cause trouble for you anymore Young Master.'

Good Lord that woman doesn't waste time.

So Christopher was free to do as he liked without worrying about his daughter's safety. And he was now working on restructuring the company and paving the way into the new direction I wanted to take it.

I can't wait to see the changes he's enacted once I'm back in a week or two.

As for Arya, she had moved into the Mansion part time. The plan was for her to spend a week with Candie and then spend the Weekends with her family.

Apparently, the arrangement was not an issue as her Husband was a disabled War Veteran, who was more than happy to look after the kids while she worked.

The fact that her annual salary would put some CEO's to shame did a lot to convince him.

Besides, they needed the money to save up for college and buy their house. And maybe a prosthetic for him.

Note to self:- Remember to have Ivo check up on creating a special prosthetic for him. More than money, gratitude went a long way to inspire loyalty.

Speaking of Ivo, this is where I hit the first snag. His progress on fine-tuning the Fatherbox was slow.

The Fatherbox will be useful when dealing with the Light, so I allowed him to take his time with it. There was no point in rushing something so important.

Not to mention, that wasn't the only thing on the Professor's plate.

I had left my watch at his lab for him to upgrade it's functions so that it would work on Infinity Island. A place that was completely off the grid. There was a reason why getting there was hard, it didn't show up on the GPS. And that was due to it's top of the line security.

The other thing I had him working on, well...that's a surprise.

So with everything going on, and everyone pulling their weight, the only thing on my mind was the Lazarus tournament. And by extension, an audience with one of the most influential men on the planet, Ra's Al Ghul.

An audience that will hopefully lead to an alliance of sorts.

But if that fails, well...removing Ra's and his League of Shadows from the picture is also an option.

Though one I was hesitant to use as that would no doubt lead to a premature clash with the rest of the Light.

The Plan was to take over, not to abolish.


To see me off, my entire estate was standing below the steps of the mansion.

The staff members, carefully picked out by yours truly, were in formation behind Arya and Bane, dressed in black and white uniforms.

The former, meaning Arya- I had elevated to the position of butler.

And Bane still had his bodyguard duties to perform, which he was so far excelling in. Though he still wore his Lucha Libre mask whenever he was on the compound.

And then before them was Candie, with a petulant glare on her face. Teddy was held to her chest by its neck. Like a chokehold.

Yikes, I wouldn't want to be that Teddy Bear.

I knelt down to her height, reaching out with my hand to rub her head, only for her to use her powers and smack my palm away.

I smiled helplessly.

"You've been getting better with your powers."

She harrumphed and looked away.

"I've been practicing. I can float now."

[A little]

She added telepathically.

I nodded. Shade usually kept watch on her and occasionally informed me of her progress.

Her telepathy was actually catching up to her telekinesis. Scary. Telepaths were broken if they knew how to use their powers smartly.

"Look, I get why you're upset."

I tried again,

"But I'll only be gone for a week or so. Maybe two Max."

"Then why can't I come with you?!"

She demanded.

"You're worried I won't be safe but I'm not weak. I can protect myself! I've gotten really good with controlling multiple things at the same time! I can burst apart an entire crate of watermelons easily and dent metal! If I try hard enough I can even shred it apart like a sheet of pap..."


I called her by her real name and immediately she went quiet, eyes turning to stare at the ground.

"You're being difficult."

I continued sternly.

"This is not a matter of strength. You're still a child."

[So are you...]

She added, speaking into my mind.

She was right. And wrong.

Clearly my abnormal lifestyle had rubbed off on her. And treating her like a normal kid would only backfire. And if there was one thing I didn't want, it was to have a strained relationship with my sister.

I stood up, shrugging off my coat and handing it over to Shade who was by my side.

"You're right."

I replied, surprising her.

"You're about to turn 5 in a few weeks. When I was your age, father challenged me to show him what I could do."

I felt Shade turn my way,

"Young Master...you don't mean..."

He trailed off, staring at me with a look of disbelief on his normally blank face.

"Calm down Shade. I would never go that far."

I appeased his worries.

My little sister was now looking between us curiously.

"What is it?"

"Let's make a deal, Candie. If you can land a hit on me, I'll allow you to come with me. But..."

I proposed, only for her to immediately cut me off.

"I'm in!"

She yelled excitedly, throwing Teddy onto Bane's face.

"Watch Teddy for me, Lu-lu."


I snorted at her nickname for Bane.

The supervillain grit his teeth, apparently not finding the name funny.

"Death is more honorable than this indignity."

"Please abstain from such dreary talk in the presence of the young mistress, Mr. Bane."

Arya admonished him.

He looked ready to tear her head off her body but the glare she kept giving him, proved too much and the Lucha libre wearing supervillain sighed,

"Si, Mrs. Arya."

He replied, looking like he'd swallowed a bitter lemon.

The little bit of laughter that escaped me ended when her stern glare turned my way. Unfortunately for her, I'd been stared down by worse.

"Enough talking. Let's fight!"

Scandal cut in impatiently, a blue aura covering her body.


I cleared my throat, spreading my hands out and forming balls of fire that orbited around my body.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you, little sis."

Everyone wisely gave us a wide berth.

The concern of doing this in the open, under the risk of prying eyes, was non-existent as the property covered many acres.

And every member of the Staff present was specially chosen by me or Shade. And were loyal.

With a war cry that was more adorable than intimidating, Candie ran...no flew...wait...

It was a combination of the two, a sort of gliding that allowed her to leap the distance between us with a few steps.

But still, attacking someone with Pyrokinesis with a head on rush was naively stupid.

Under my control, 2 fireballs sailed forward on a collision path with where her next step would land.

Before contact, they exploded with a loud pop and a flash of blinding light.

Of course the power packed in the fireballs was lessened considerably, more for show than posing any true danger. I wasn't my father. I wouldn't be cruel to my sister even if she was slightly annoying.

Surprising, once the light faded, I lost sight of her.

My instints warned me of an attack coming from my side, and a sidestep allowed a huge rock covered in a blue aura to pass right by where I was.

Where did she even get such a big rock?

My question was answered when the rock stopped in place and shattered into numerous stones, peebles and gravel, gathered from the ground below the mansion's stairs.

Smart girl. But it wasn't enough.

My fireballs exploded with an impact that pushed all the stones, gravel and sand away.

And with a quick motion, my hand snaked out and grabbed Candie's leg, before her heel, which was covered in a great amount of telekinetic aura, could land on the top of my head.

"Got you."

Ice climbed up her entire leg and body, Immobilizing her.

Every time she sent a burst of telekinesis to try and shatter the ice, I just created more ontop, increasing its mass until I was holding up a chunk of ice with only her face revealed.

"I-im n-not d-d-done yet!"

She stubbornly stated, her teeth chattering due to the cold ice.

At my raised eyebrow she sighed,

"F-fine. I co- conce-de-de b-big brother."

I tapped the ice and it cracked and split apart from around her body, allowing her to smoothly float to the ground.

She released a wave of telekinesis that pushed away the cold air.

With a jerk, Teddy left Bane's grip and landed in her chokehold. I feel like she was taking out her loss on the poor Teddy bear.

"It's not fair, you cheated."

Cheated? What's she talking about?

Figuring that she was just salty about losing, I went to rub her head only to stop and instead reach out for a handshake.

The surprise on her face was picture worthy. But watching to see if I was serious, she reached out and shook it.

And that was when I used it. The Ex rank skill that all big brothers have to learn out of necessity.

"That was a genius move, Scandal!"

I shamelessly and honestly, complimented her.

"You used your telekinesis to push away the impact of my fireballs and then took advantage of the smokescreen produced, to levitate high into the sky, ensuring that I wouldn't see you without looking up."

"And then you launched the attack you were planning from the start and targeted my left. Even if I had wanted to search for you in the sky, I would be hardpressed to counter the rock."

"But that wasn't all, the rock was made up of many peebles and stones. And when I evaded it, you turned it into a makeshift grenade to distract me from the real attack coming from above. I'm impressed sis. Very impressed."

"Really? You mean it?"

The delight on her face was immeasurable, and her earlier sour mood was replaced by pride.

And that was the trick ladies and gentlemen, positive reinforcement. Or in simpler terms, praise.

The others joined us, with Arya clapping her hands with a smile directed Candie's way.

"That was an excellent showing young mistress."

Candie's face brightened up even more, turning her chin up.

I made eye contact with Shade and with a smile he bowed his head.

Okay. Now, time to leave.


(General P.O.V)


-Unknown Location-

The catacombs were filled with individuals in black clothes and white masks that resembled the face of an owl.

These individuals were humming a tune. One lost to centuries for the general public.

An ancient hymn meant to be a celebration for the recruitment of their next Talon.

At the head of the group stood a man dressed differently from the rest. A black tuxedo where his compatriots were in robes.

With a raise of his hand, the humming ceased. And he turned his attention to the girl who knelt on a circle in the middle of the room.

"X-23 no more, arise, Talon and claim your place as our enforcer."

The girl raised her head as the Mysterious Speaker walked down the steps, a black owl mask on a red cushion held in his hands.

The girl stared at the mask with a naked hunger.

Only, instead of giving it to her, the Speaker chose to hand the mask over to a Talon who jumped down from the ceiling.

"Before you can claim this honor, X-23, you should prove your mettle."

The Speaker told her, holding up a letter bearing the Isignia of the League of Assassins.

"Defeat everyone else on the Lazarus Tournament and gain the Demon's Head approval. Bring Glory to the Court of Owls."

The Speaker informed.

"""Bring Glory to the Court"""

The people gathered echoed.

X-23 bowed her head in subservience.

"As you command."

(Angel's P.O.V)

The first stop before getting to the Island, happened to be Ivo's lab.

Which was ironically, in Metropolis. Yikes. That's 'HIS' territory. His city.

Even with my powers and the plans on top of plans on top of contingencies I had in place to deal with the Justice League, Superman was a different issue all together.

All my research, including the memories from my last life placed the Man of Steel in a category of his own.

Speed matching that of the Flash, Strength matching that of...no one. Because he had no upper limit, as long as the sun was shining down upon the Earth.

And so was his durability, endurance, senses and God knows what other powers he had but didn't use.

All in all, I was planning on having Ivo move his lab somewhere else. At any time, the Blue Boyscout could use his enhanced senses and ruin things for me.

Metropolis was just too risky.

Maybe Massachusetts. No that's too close to home. Or maybe Washington then.

Yeah, that works. With such close proximity to my company's hq, I could benefit from any scientific break throughs the professor made.

Note to self:- introduce Ivo to Christopher.

But that's a matter for another time. For now, my visit to the good Professor's lab was strictly business.

As soon as I exited the Shadow, Ivo perked up from where he was working on the Fatherbox.

"Oh young Savage! You're right on time. I just finished your order."

He motioned me over to another section of the Lab.


After leaving Ivo's lab, Shade's immediate next portal emptied us out onto a dock in the city of Georgetown, in the Cayman Islands.

The Cayman Islands were part of a group of an Archipelago called the Greater Antilles in the Caribbean seas, located in between Cuba and Puerto Rico.

This Island was the agreed meeting point, being the closest to the general location of Infinity Island.

The Invite letter had consisted of a ticket to board a cruise ship, which was meant to transport all the fighters to the Island under the guise of normal tourists.

Behind me was the Grand Cayman Resort, and in front was the private harbor where the Cruise Ship was anchored.

To my sides were palm trees swaying in the salty breeze. Bits of sunlight penetrated through the leaves and added more beauty to the atmosphere.

I couldn't help but whistle at the large stretch of blue water before me.

And the beach filled with numerous dots that were people sunbathing far to my left.

Everything about this place screamed 'vacation spot'.

"Shade, remind me to bring Candie here in the future. I'm sure she would love it."

I spoke to the empty air, knowing that he could hear me through the shadow below my ear.

Man, sometimes his powers make me envious.

"Duly noted young master."

He informed me as I walked down the steps to the wooden walkway leading to the Cruise Ship.

A structure of metal, the massive craft was the size of 4 of my mansions stacked together, and sat on the calm waters.

To get to it was a speed boat waiting for me at the end of the harbor, two Shadows on it.

I adjusted the small bag with a change of clothes on my shoulder, having decided on physically carrying it despite having Shade on hand.

For starters it would have been weird if I showed up empty.

And I also wanted to keep his presence in my shadow a secret. And pulling clothes in and out of one, would ran the risk of being found out.

I showed the Invite letter to one of them while the other searched me for hidden weapons.

When he got to my watch, I raised an eyebrow,

"I need some way to tell time don't I?"

They stepped back and I was allowed on the boat.

The engine was switched on and we shot across the water, headed for the Cruise Ship.

(General P.O.V)

At the same time as Angel was approaching the ship, two individuals standing on the deck of the Cruise ship were watching the Speed Boat he was on.

"Is that him?"

A girl in a white Mask with red marks and a Green outfit, enquired from another, who was dressed in a red and black outfit, cleaning her sword. (How she had sneaked it on board was anyone's guess)

The latter stopped, turning to gaze at the oncoming speedboat. A snicker escaped her,

"Yup. That's him alright. Angel Savage, 'one badass motherfucker,' according to him anyway."

"I don't see what's so great about him."

A dark skinned muscular teen with dreadlocks falling across his back stated, knuckles cracking in anticipation.


Someone collided into him from behind, causing him to stumble forward.

"Oh sorry man, I didn't mean to do that. You okay?"

A voice came from his back, and the three of them turned to stare at the newcomers.

A ginger haired boy with freckles across his face stood beside a sour looking taller boy, with hair similar to his friend, only his was cut short while the other boy's was unruly and a bit wild.

"I'll break you in two for that."

The muscular teen growled, jumping forward and throwing a punch.

One that was blocked by the taller boy.

"Hey muscle head, he said sorry."

The taller boy said, forearms locked with the attacker.

"Don't care."

The Muscular teen shot back, throwing the taller boy back with his pure strength.

"Mess with me and you get your ass kicked. I'll give you a chance. Both of you come at me."

The two boys stared at each other, nodding while falling into a stance.

"Remember you started this."

The freckled one said.

"But we'll finish it."

The taller one added, much to the joy of the muscular teen.

"Good. I came here to fight. So let's fight."

The latter stated with battlelust.

"""Fight! fight! fight!"""

The crowd of fighters watching the confrontation begun to chant.


Someone yelled, pointing at the sky, where something was falling towards the deck. Fast.


With a loud impact, Angel landed in between the three, knees bending as he absorbed the force.

Before everyone's eyes, he straightened, cracking his neck.

"Note to self:- leaping off a moving boat is so fucking goated."

That's when he noticed the stares of disbelief aimed his way. Why were they so shocked?

"Mmh? Did I miss the target?"

He scratched his head in confusion,

"I thought this was supposed to be the deck reserved for fighters. Why are you all so surprised?"

In his eyes what he did- jumping off the speed boat, scaling the Cruise Ship by leaping off the railings to get to the top, was nothing special.

How was he to know that the others had used ladders and a ramp?


Sitting in front of the main Watchtower's console, Batman was monitoring over twenty feeds.

All of which displayed a different perspective on the Cruise Ship.

His eyes tracked an unassuming black haired boy dressed in a blue Hawaiian shirt as he moved across the ship.

The boy would occasionally duck in and out of sight of the other tourists, displaying expert sneaking, while occasionally fixing cameras on concealed locations across the ship.

The boy entered a bathroom and Batman lost sight of him.

A few seconds later, his earpiece buzzed.

"Robin to Batman, radio check."

A young voice came through.

"Roger. I hear you loud and clear. Proceed."

Batman responded.

"I'm done with the northern section. All camera feeds are operational."

The young voice replied.

"Moving on to the left wing of the southern section."

Behind Batman, Green Arrow whistled, before commenting,

"While I still don't like sending a Kid into such a dangerous mission, I gotta say, you trained your Protege well Batman. Thanks to him, we have a list of everyone attending the tournament."

"Robin might be young but he's a professional."

Batman stated.

"You lucked out."

The Flash chuckled, from where he sat, an open bag of chips in his hands.

"Half the time getting Kid Flash to do what I say, is like expecting rain in a desert."

"It does rain in a desert."

Batman replied.



The Flash threw in.

"You're complaining about your sidekick? Maybe you should spend a day with Speedy."

Green Arrow countered.

"Speaking for the rest of us."

Black Canary cut in.

"Focus, boys."

"Canary's right. Look, something's happening on the deck."

Superman informed them, hands crossed over his chest.

All their attention turned to the screen.

A minute later, the Flash cursed. Shortly followed by Green Arrow.

The reason? None of them were expecting to see their proteges, Kid Flash and Speedy on the deck of the ship.

And if that wasn't enough, it seemed they had gotten into a fight with one of the fighters.

"Robin, get to the top deck immediately."

Batman spoke into his earpiece, and a second later, the boy who had entered the bathroom rushed out of it.

Batman turned to the Flash and Green Arrow with a glare.

"When they get back, Mandatory training sessions for both of them on following orders and respecting the chain of command. And you'll be joining them."

Off to the side, Black Canary couldn't help but snicker in amusement.


Chapter 25: Infinity Island Part 2.

(Angel's P.O.V)

"Who the fuck are you?"

A black dude with dreadlocks asked in a heavily accented voice.

He and two others that I immediately recognized as Kid Flash and Speedy, or as he will be known in the future, Red Arrow, stood in the middle of the crowd of fighters.

As you can imagine, I had used my metaknowledge of DC to find out the identities of every important person, hero or villain, I could remember. And Wally West was part of that.

Speedy on the other hand, was important due to something else.

In a year, he will be captured by Luthor and used by Cadmus to create a Clone, that will be implanted with his memories and become a mole for the Light.

This is pure speculation at this point though. My presence and the death of Savage might have changed a few things down the line.

Now the question here is, what are they doing on the ship?

Kid Flash for all his speed is not a martial artist.

And despite being trained by Green Arrow, I doubt Speedy is that much better.

He specializes on using a cross-bow and arrow. And the only rule in place for the Tournament explicitly restricted weapons.

Are they on an infiltritation mission? More than likely. And if so, who sent them? Batman? The Justice League? And are they alone? Less likely.

Gah. This is already turning into a headache. Two sidekicks present, means that the heroes are no doubt in the know about the Lazarus Tournament.

Which also means I should expect an interruption of some kind.

I could always expose them, but...no, let's wait and see.

Still, I can't deny this tournament will be exciting.

"Hey, I asked you a question."

My attention was pulled back to the black guy, who was now looming over me.

Now, him, I didn't know.

And at first look, he seemed strong. But so did everyone else on the deck. All of whom were staring my way.

"Did I interrupt something?"

Instead of answering, I posited.

"Yes, you did."

He replied, cracking his knuckles.

"And I don't like sharing the spotlight."

"Is that so?"

I mused, stepping around him, with the intent to leave.

"Then please do proceed."

It doesn't benefit me getting into a fight with a nobody. I had an image to protect.

A rough hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up and found him sneering down at me, a challenge in his eyes.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. You might lose the hand."

A familiar voice stated from my back, causing me to turn around.


I smirked at the girl seated on the railing.

"I knew I would find you here. How's your Dad?"

"Still nursing his bruised ego."

She replied.

"Jumps at every shadow. You really did a number on him."

I couldn't help the snort that escaped me.

"Well he did try to kill me. 3 times actually. You can't blame me for trying to return the favor. Too bad I couldn't finish the job."

All he got was an injured eye. Lucky bastard.

Ravager tilted her head,

"You really haven't changed at all."

"Hey! Don't ignore me!"

The guy yelled, tightening the grip on my shoulder.

I sighed. There were half a dozen ways I could do this. Turn his hand to ash, freeze and shatter it to bits, vibrate it till the skin and flesh falls off the bone.

But instead, I swerved, tugged him my way, swept out his leg from under him and executed a perfect Judo throw, smashing his face on the floor.

He groaned, falling to his back.

Immediately a Shadow was in between us, a Sword pointed at me.

"No fighting before the Tournament."

The Shadow stated.


I backed down. Behind the Shadow, the guy was already on his feet, wiping blood from his lips as he glared my way. Heavy breaths escaped him, akin to an angry bull.

"But you should probably tell that to him."

I pointed at the Shadow's back. However, before he could fully turn, a heel smashed onto the side of his head, lifting him off his feet and throwing him to the side.

"I'm not done yet!"

The huge guy roared, lowering his leg and falling into a stance. One I recognized as Brazilian Jiu jitsu.

A favorite of mine.

"Fine then."

I placed one hand behind my back, much to his chagrin as whispers arose from the crowd.

"Humor me."

With another roar, he jumped my way, cartwheeling with a kick already flying for my face.

(General P.O.V)

Loud cheers filled the deck.

Off to the side, Wally and Speedy were joined by Robin, who stepped on Wally's foot and knocked an elbow onto Speedy's ribs.

"You two idiots are in so much troub- eh?"

Surprisingly, they didn't react to him, all their focus was on the fight taking place on the center of the deck.

Though calling it a fight was a bit of a stretch. This seemed more like an adult playing with a child.

"I'll break you!"

One of the fighters yelled in apparent frustration, striking out with devastating blows that actually made the air thrum.

His fist and punches reminded Robin of his sparring sessions with Batman. Not the speed behind them but the power and ferocity.

Especially when a missed kick left a dent on the ground.

"I wouldn't want to be hit by that guy."

Speedy commented.

"I'm too fast for him. If he was up against me, I'd put him down in 2 seconds flat."

Wally boasted.

"But that other guy though...he's something else."


Speedy nodded.

And Robin had to agree with the two. The person the huge fighter was trading blows with, was on a different level altogether.

He had one hand behind his back, and used the other to effortlessly block and parry away the huge fighter's blows.

He was springy on his feet and moved with undeniable grace. An amused smile colored his admittedly handsome features. But the eyes were distant and bored.

Robin almost instantly recognized him. Angel Savage. The reason for this whole mission in the first place.

"Stop moving and fight me!"

The bigger fighter demanded, and as if a switch had been flipped on his opponent, he went on the offensive.

What happened next was unexpected but not totally surprising.

The boy's eyes seemed to gain life.

"Ok. Here I come."

With a few short moves, he had sprinted into the bigger guy's personal space and smashed an elbow onto the center of his chest.

The big guy puked out watery bits of food, his body folding around the hit, eyes wide with agony and disbelief.

But Angel was not finished, he flipped himself over his opponent, grabbing his long hair in the process before lifting him up by it, and slammed him on the hard floor once more, this time face first.

"That's enough."

A calm voice spoke, the crowd of fighters making way for a tall woman with Asian features and a red coat.

"Lady Shiva."

Robin muttered under his breath.

"Who's that?"

Wally questioned, scratching his head in ignorance.

"Shh. We'll talk later."

Robin shushed him, ignoring Kid's grumblings as he focused on the interaction happening before them.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Just before I could finish what my opponent had started, I was interrupted.

Turning to the source of the interruption, I was met with one of the greatest martial masters in the whole world.

Lady fucking Shiva.

This was our first meeting ever, but her reputation was something that had put her on my radar. People like her would be invaluable if I got them working for me.

"I'll ask you to step away from your fellow candidate, Mr. Savage."

She said, black eyes meeting my own in a battle of wills.

One I was willing to concede. For now at least.

Silently, I backed away from him. Not quite satisfied with cutting the fight short, but also understanding she wasn't some regular Shadow that I could ignore.

She passed by me and stopped before the groaning mess that was my opponent.

I hadn't even used a lot of strength and he was already so worn out. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe these guys won't offer a challenge.

Then again, I'm not really here to fight. Even when I do win the tournament, I doubt the League of Assassins has anything they can offer me that I can't get myself. Maybe their strength and numbers but I don't think that's in the cards.

"No fighting before the tournament."

Shiva said in a cold voice audible across the entire deck.

She unsheathed a majestic Chinese Saber while staring down at my opponent.

"As the initiator of the conflict, I find you guilty."

Wait. Is she...

"And hence, a punishment is required."

She continued, pressing the tip of the saber on the big guy's neck. A trail of sweat fell down his cheek as he gulped.


The big guy tried to say but was interrupted as shock appeared on his face.

Slowly Shiva had started pushing the tip into his neck.

At first the guy tried to defend himself by knocking the blade away but with a quick move, Shiva had hooked his hand in between her shins and broken it at the elbow.

With a cry, the guy fell backwards, pressing himself onto the floor while grabbing the sword with his unbroken hand.

It was all for naught. Despite being larger than her, Shiva was just stronger.


Shiva declared, meticulously pushing in the sword until it was lodged into his neck.

Blood spread across the floor, more escaping his mouth as he choked on it.

And with a final wheeze, his hand flopped to the ground. He was dead.

The whole deck became deathly silent.

A sigh escaped me.

"I wanted to finish what we started when we got to the Island. But now he's dead. Too bad."

I started walking away, aware of the attention on me.

On my path out of the deck, I passed by the Sidekicks who looked horrified and disgusted by Shiva's actions. They had also been joined by a black haired kid. Robin, no doubt.

I guess that answers one of my questions. If Robin was here, then Batman was involved. And if Batman was involved...well then, there was a high chance it was because of me.

Kid Flash glared my way but I ignored him. Besides, I could guess the reason for his grudge with me. No doubt due to what I did to his mentor, The Flash.

Once again, I found myself evaluating my earlier concerns. This Tournament was surely going to be exciting.

But right then, I just wanted to find my room and get some sleep. I needed to be a hundred percent for what came next.
oh its here now, you should put multi-fandom or au tag, and soo much more, and this fic is like 50 plus chapters on webnovel, and maybe move this to nsfw ,since that is where the main riders for this forum are at, but im not sure if this story has nsfw stuff yet, since the mc is a kid
Chapter 26 - 35
10 advance chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.


(General P.O.V)

"Robin, that's him right?"

Wally asked, him, Speedy and Robin watching Angel's back as he disappeared into the ship.


Robin replied, only to shake his head and immediately turn to his two friends, grabbing their elbows.

"But you two are in a lot of trouble."

Wally and Speedy winced at the same time.

They knew they were going to get an earful for sneaking onto the Cruise Ship without orders.

As Robin led the other two away, another conversation was taking place.

"You weren't lying. He really is a badass."

Cheshire purred, leaning on the railing.

"I wouldn't mind getting acquainted. You could introduce us Ravager. You two seem to know each other."

"Do it yourself."

Ravager snorted, walking away.

Off to the side, a girl dressed in all black raised her head, revealing a curious glint in her eyes.


She muttered to herself.

X-23 then rose to her feet and left the deck as well, passing a pair of shadows cleaning up the blood and corpse of the dead fighter.

She was told to bring glory to the Court of Owls and nothing else.

But that boy had grabbed her attention due to the look in his eyes. When he had gone on the offensive, his feral side had shown itself.

They were similar.

And that intrigued her. But he too would die if he stood in her way to the top. It was as simple as that. Talons had no emotions, except their dedication to the court.


She muttered once more, and disaappeared.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Getting to my room was a simple matter.

After making sure it was securely locked behind me and a casual scan with heat sense showed no one had followed, I threw the bag on the chair in the room and threw myself on the bed.

In an instant, I was out.

5 hours later, I opened my eyes, jolting awake.

I stretched my body, feeling fully rested. I had trained myself to only need 4 hours of sleep. So the extra hour was me taking it easy. An indulgence, on account of the task that awaited me

But first, I did something I hadn't in a while.

With a thought, the Interface appeared before my eyes.


[Name: Angel Savage]

[Metagene: ???

[Race: Metahuman/homo magi]

[Ability: Pyrokinesis]

: Cryokinesis]

: Speed Force Conduit]

[Equipment: Frost]

: Blaze]


A few things had changed. But a lot stayed the same.

But for starters, the Metagene tab had gone from saying N/A to ???


And under the ability category, SpeedForce Conduit was highlighted.

It had happened as soon as I stole The Flash's connection. Though I was still keeping the fact I was a speedster under wraps.

However, I'm sure the Justice League knows. While I did have Psimon tweak the Flash's memories, the ones concerning my identity and Klarion's involvement remained untouched.

That's besides the point.

The Equipment section displayed Frost and Blaze. Which made sense as both weapons were Soulbound to me.

The atlantean forgers that had created them used my blood in the process. And that was enough for the Interface to acknowledge them.

It didn't matter that I kept them in my shadow using Shade's power. Even if stolen, to anyone else they would be dull pieces of metal.

I closed the screen with another thought.

Then I checked the time on my watch. A quarter to 12.

Good. I still had time. Without much else to do, I took a shower, dried myself up and in less than ten minutes, I was standing before the mirror, dressed only in briefs.

Over the decade I have been in this world, my body, this body, has not ceased to amaze me.

In my last world, I never would have imagined being healthy. Confined to a bed most of my life, tubes through my nostrils due to my poor physique.

I now had abs.

The lean muscled frame refrected back at me was almost too much to believe, let alone conceive that it was built in just under 5 years.

Being a Homo Magi seemed to be more than just having a capacity to perform magic. It had also affected my physical vessel. Helped me get stronger, faster.

The hot and cold mana I sensed within me were still a mystery though. As was the Interface.

But that mystery could be solved later. For now, I'll use these abilities and fulfill my plans.

Speaking of, it was almost time. If my contant is to be believed.

With a tap to my watch, the secondary function I had Ivo install was activated, and a suit of black, made up of billions of nanites covered my body entirely, melding into my skin and hair, before disappearing in its camouflage mode.

I blinked, looking myself over. I still appeared naked. And even touching the skin, I couldn't feel the nanites, they had took on the properties of real skin.

As for their functions, they were meant to serve a few different ones. The prime function being super charging my healing.

While having a connection to the SpeedForce gave me enhanced healing, it wasn't to the level of my father who could regrow entire limbs.

But with the nanites, as long as my heart and brain remained whole, I could heal from anything.

Someone had tried to kill me 2 times and failed. It only made sense they wouldn't stop until I was dead. And I wasn't willing to let that happen.

So call it a precaution or call it cheating, but my life was the most precious thing to me.

With the nanites operational, and molded to my body like a second skin, I threw on a change of clothes and sat on the bed meditating.

Exactly at 12, a knock sounded on my door.

"It's time."

I muttered to myself.

"Good luck young master."

Shade's voice reached me. From here on out, he was going to retreat.

He would be on call if I needed him but there was a more important duty I wanted him to carry out.

"Keep Candi safe."

I instructed, moving toward the door.

I opened it and before me was a Shadow. Not any ordinary Shadow, however.

[Follow Me]

Cassandra, the daughter of Lady Shiva, signed at me.

The same Cassandra that had been my opponent to qualify for the Lazarus tournament. After that encounter, I did some digging and found out who she was.

And a few more things. Let's just say, David Cain- her father and Vandal Savage both shared the same principles when it came to raising their kids.

[Where to?]

I signed back.

She briefly hesitated.


Then she walked away.

I quietly followed, moving through the hallways on a path that found other fighters joining us, also led by a few shadows.

I nodded at Ravager but kept our interaction minimal. We might be acquittances, maybe even friends but she was currently an enemy. As far as the tournament is concerned anyway.

In no time, we found ourselves out on the Private deck.

The stars on the sky and the glare of the full moon shone down on us, providing the only source of light.

The lower decks of the ship had lights on of course.

Tourists and other travellers were enjoying the cruise without the slightest idea of what was happening on the top deck.

Before us, stood a group of Shadows in formation.


A voice called out from their front.

Lady Shiva.

The murmurs and grumblings that had risen from the fighters due to being called out during the night, ceased at her authoritative presence.

None of us forgot how she had executed someone for breaking the rules.

"Now, all of you must be wondering why I called you here at this hour. We are still a few days away from the Island after all."

She paused, eyes scanning the crowd.

Seeing that everyone keenly listening, she nodded in satisfaction.

She started pacing,

"As fighters, you're expected to showcase your fighting prowess. But the Lazarus Tournament is special. It's not simply a Martial arts competition to test your combat skills. It is also a series of tests designed to push you to the extreme. For that reason, weaklings and those of brittle resolve shall be weeded out."

Her words sparked a round of speculation and chatter.


She ordered and the deck became as quiet as still water.

Shiva turned her gaze to the ocean.

"This is as far as the Cruise Ship goes. From here, Infinity Island is a mere 70 kilometers that way."

She pointed East of the Cruise Ship.

"You will swim across the ocean and get there before dusk tomorrow. The fights on the tournament will be arranged according to your rankings. Get there first, and you won't have to fight many opponents. Get there last and you will slog your way through a battle royale just to qualify for the Arena."

Naturally, a fresh round of complaints followed after she was done.


"You can't be serious!"

"She really expects us to swim across the ocean in the middle of the night?"

"I don't care about the tournament. I value my life more."

"What about Sharks?"

"This is unfair..."

She waited until the commotion died down and then snapped her fingers. Everyone that had been vocally against the arrangement, found a sword pointed at their necks.

"I don't care of it's fair or not."

Shiva addressed.

"Either way, you're getting in the water. Whether as food for the fish or willingly, it matters little. This cruise is over."

She coldly stated.

Quietly, I shrugged out of my clothes, packing them in my bag and leaving myself only in briefs.

Then before astonished gazes, I walked over to the railing.

"I assume, our stuff will find us on the Island?"

I asked, throwing the bag at a Shadow close to Shiva. They caught it and placed it to the side.

Shiva stared at me up and down, a frown on her brows before nodding.

"You assume right."

"Okay, good."

I turned to the rest of the fighters with a smirk.

"See you guys later."

I saluted and without another word, leaped over the railing and dove head first into the water.

My contact had been right, the tournament had begun on the Cruise Ship.


(General P.O.V)

The second after Angel had jumped into the ocean, the other fighters had stared at one another, unsure whether to follow his crazy actions.

"Crazy bastard."

Ravager sighed, walking to the edge of the ship while tightly securing her hair into a pony tail.

"Well, if you're going, I am."

Cheshire followed after her.

She stopped and looked at X-23, who was standing away from the group.

"You coming?"

The shorter girl hesitated.

"Come on."

Cheshire called her over and that decided it, as X-23 stopped leaning on the wall and joined them.

Three splashes sounded out as they copied Angel and dove into the ocean.

"You're insane! All of you!"

One guy shook his head at the rest who seemed to be considering jumping off the ship as well.

"You'll die and no one will find your bodies!"

"Everyone dies sometimes."

Speedy grunted, removing his boots.

"How fast do you think we can make it there?"

Kid Flash jokingly asked Robin, while stretching his body.


Robin answered, staring at the ocean and the sky above them.

"There's a storm coming. But if we leave now, and work together, we can avoid it."

"Okay then."

The other two echoed, and the three of them fist bumped.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Nothing like a dip in the cold waters of the Caribbean to get your heart racing.

The lights from the Cruise Ship were fading away at my back, casting the sea in a warm darkness under the natural light of the stars.

The habitual beat of my hands and pump of my legs had swiftly placed me at the halfway point of the 70 km distance, in a bit over 3 hours.

According to my water resistant watch at least.

And that was all without using my powers. The fastest human swimming speed averages at 7km/h. I was moving just a bit above that.

Meaning I could expect to make it to the Island at dawn instead of dusk. Nice.

And with the moon shining down at the ocean, the view was awesome.

A group of dolphins even swam to my sides. I was grateful for the brief company, even though they left soon afterwards.

Some more kilometers later, and I was beginning to wonder how the others were doing.

I did hear a few splashes as soon as I jumped off the ship and was in the water, meaning some had followed my guide.

No one wanted to be stuck in a battle royale after all. Smart.

The long gap I had established between us though, would ensure that I would reach the Island first.

As long as nothing unexpected happens.

And as if to prove me wrong, something fast moving, blasted ahead of me, leaving the water churned and roiling.

It was enough that I found myself violently pushed to the side by a tidal wave, only managing to catch a glimpse of three figures.

Robin and speedy, who were hanging onto each of Kid Flash's hands as he ran across the water.

"Too slow buddy!"

Kid's annoying voice reached my ears.

I paused in place after stabilizing myself, padding the water with my limbs.

That's how they want to play it? Fine.

I felt my face settle into a grin. Afterall, I was a villain and they were heroes. Mortal enemies and all that. And in this wide sea anything could happen.

Not to mention, this was a good chance to get one up on the Justice League.

I clicked on the watch's comms.


"Yes, young master?"

A second later, my trusty minion answered.

"I have a job for you."

(General P.O.V)

The spray of water drenched the three boys as they made quick time towards Infinity Island.

With Kid's superspeed, the challenge turned out to be a cakewalk.

"You shouldn't have done that Wally."

Robin yelled over the loud air pressure as a result of the high speeds.

"That guy has a history of holding grudges!"


Wally responded with laughter.

"So what? If he tries anything, the three of us can handle him. In fact, I'm hoping for that exact thing to happen!"

Robin shared a look with Speedy, tapping his ear piece to show he wanted to talk.

Speedy turned his on.

"Wally's normally reckless, but his actions will jeopardize the mission. You two need to turn back."

Robin immediately proposed.

"Sorry, but you're going to need back up for this."

Speedy replied with a shake of his head.

"Don't worry about Wally. He knows what's at stake. He wouldn't-"


Kid Flash jerked out of the way of a chunk of ice seconds before he could crash onto it.

"What was that?"

He yelled, looking back at the ice chunk floating on the water behind them.

"Kid! Eyes to the front!"

Speedy shouted.

A sudden mist had obscured their front. And suddenly more chunks of ice started emerging from the ocean depths, prompting Kid to weave through them at super speed.

"Slow down! We can swim the rest of the way."

Robin suggested.

"Screw that! I can do this!"

Kid shot back.

"Kid! This is not the time to be stubborn!"

Robin roared out in anger.

"Guys! We have another problem! Behind us."

Speedy informed them.

And sure enough, a massive tidal wave was coming from their back, cutting off any hope of slowing down.

"Shit! Kid, move faster!"

Robin changed his tune.

Only instead of moving faster, the speedster started slowing down. The reason being a wall of ice that barricaded their front.

This was not something they could avoid, it stretched too far on either side.

They were stuck between a massive wave and a massive wall.

"Dammit Kid! I told you it was a bad idea to antagonize him!"

Robin yelled.

"I can try to phase through."

Wally assured them.

"You can't phase yet!"

Robin countered.

"What if you climb over?"

Speedy put forward, the distance between them and the wall was quickly shrinking and with Wally slowing down even more, so did the distance between them and the tidal wave at their back.

"Can't! Not enough speed! And ice is too slippery, we would fall!"

Wally yelled, a note of nervousness now entering his voice.

The situation had quickly gone from favorable to bad in mere moments.

Robin cursed before saying,

"I have an idea."

There was a barely audible beep and then Kid Flash felt a tug at his arm.

"Carry me on your back and throw these at the wall once we're close enough."

Robin instructed, climbing up on Kid's back while handing him two armed explosive battarangs.


Kid happily accepted, increasing his speed once more.

Barely 50 meters away from the wall, the two battarangs were launched out in superspeed.

And upon collision with the icy wall, a huge explosion occured. One that obliterated a large part of the ice, creating a hole big enough that they could pass through.


Robin cheered as Kid zoomed through the opening.

Only, they didn't come out on the other side. Not immediately.

The instant Kid Flash stepped through the hole, their surroundings changed as the shadows cast by the remaining part of the icy wall, swallowed them.

One minute, they were moving at speeds of hundreds miles an hour and then the next, they were ragdolling across the ground, their momentum stopped by the wall that met them at the end of their stop.

For a minute, the three of them lay on the ground, groaning in pain. It was a testament to their training and resilience that no bones were broken.

A litany of curses escaped the three boys as they rose to their feet.

"You guys okay?"

Speedy groaned.

A couple of yeses emerged out of the other two.

"Where are we?"

And only after they had their bearing did they notice the unfamiliar environment.

Walls surrounded them on three sides. And to their front were metal bars blocking off escape. They were in a cell.

"Some place fun."

A voice answered through hidden speakers installed on the corners of the room.

"A pit stop it you will. Don't worry, this little detour won't take long."

Instantly, the three of them had their guard up, and stood facing away from each other, covering their blind spots.

"Kid, back to the phasing thing, can you get us out?"

Robin asked quietly.

Kid Flash held up his hand, staring at it intently before a shocked expression took over his face.

"What the hell?! My speed! It's gone."

The speedster exclaimed.

"Blame that on the Power dampening projecters installed on the walls."

The unknown voice snidely replied.

"Anyway, how about a face to face?It's more fun that way. I want to see the hope leaving your eyes."

There was a grinding noise and the left side wall rose up, revealing a smiling man dressed in a gray one piece jumpsuit, similar to what prisoners wear.

The most outstanding thing about him though, was his massive head, with his brain showing through a transparent cranium.

The sight of which made Robin immediately reach into his utility belt, and throw a series of battarangs Psimon's way.

The battarangs bounced of an invisible energy shield, before clattering to the floor.


A single word escaped Psimon's lips and instantly, the three found their bodies frozen in place.

"Rob...who is this guy?"

Speedy asked through clenched teeth.

"Psimon. He's a pyschotic Mind-reader."

Robin replied through gritted teeth.

"Now, now, settle down kids. And let's play a game."

Psimon raised a hand and the three of them lowered themselves to the floor, sitting cross legged while facing him.

"Oh and shut up."

He coldly added before Robin could say anything else.

"Now, the name of the game is, who wants to be my puppet."

The three of them felt their hands rise up to the air, unwillingly. A sinking feeling gripped all three sidekicks.

The reality of their situation had just hit them. He was mentally controlling them. And could make them do anything. Even killing each other, or themselves.

Psimon clapped his hands in glee. The hopelessness he was expecting had finally appeared.

"Would you look at that. All of you volunteered."

A dark chuckle escaped him.

"Now don't worry. As soon as we're done here, you can go back to doing...whatever it is you were doing. Afterall, I did say this was only a pit stop."


-A few hours later-

The morning sun cast rays of light across the water. It was already dawn and the team of Ravager and two others were past the halfway point.

At this pace, they would reach the Island before noon.

"Huh? Where did all this Ice come from?"

Cheshire asked, slowing down and as a result, the other two with her did the same.

Before them was a massive ice wall blocking the way.

"Maybe it's part of the test?"

She added when the other two remained silent.

"Yeah. Maybe."

Ravager eventually spoke up, a skeptical note in her voice. She had her own suspicions.

X-23 who was in between the two, her hands placed on their shoulders, tiredly looked up at the Ice but remained silent.

While she was a trained killer, she was also the youngest Fighter in the tournament and lacked the stamina to swim across that whole distance.

Her budding kin-ship with the two older girls was the only thing that had helped her reach this far.

Cheshire shrugged,

"I guess it doesn't matter. At least there's an opening we can swim through."

The three continued on.

Behind them, scattered across various distances were the other fighters, all of them doing their best to reach the Island first. Or at least, not last.


-a few minutes later-

"I see something!"

Kid Flash added, increasing his running speed across the water.

The form of an Island shrouded in mist was drawing closer.

"If only we didn't go around that stupid ice wall, we could have made good time."

The speedster complained.

"We didn't have a choice Kid."

Robin sighed.

"You couldn't climb over it with the two of us and the explosion from my battarangs wasn't strong enough to break through. We should count ourselves lucky we escaped the tidal wave."

"I guess you're right."

Kid replied with a grumble.

"I'm just so exhausted."

Robin turned to Speedy.

"You've been awfully quiet."

The archer shook his head.

"Just have a headache that's all."

Robin frowned as he stared at the approaching shore. He too had a headache. A persistent one at that. But that could be blamed on the high speeds they were moving at.

Shaking his head, he tapped Wally on the shoulder.

"Let's swim the rest of the way. We don't want them thinking we cheated."

A few minutes later, the three of them, drenched to the bone and tired as hell, dragged themselves to the shores of the Island, where they promptly fell on the sandy beach.

"Oh god. Land, thank you!"

Wally dramatically kissed the ground.

"You guys look like shit."

A voice chuckled from the jungle behind them.

Turning to the source, Wally's entire mood changed. Angel was sat ontop of a big collection of boulders closer to the beach, a coconut in his hands.


Kid Flash growled, needing Speedy and Robin to hold him back.

"You set up that ice wall! Didn't you? I oughta-"

"Calm down!"

Robin tugged Wally's shoulder.

"Remember what Shiva did on the ship!"

"But Rob! This guy deliberately..."

Angel unworriedly brought the coconut to his lips, ignoring the discussion before gulping down the coconut water and then sighing in contentment.

"Aah, so refreshing."

He jumped to his feet, bringing their attention back to him.

A cold look passed over his eyes as he gazed down at the three of them.

"That was a warning. Next time...well, there won't be a next time, if you're smart."

With those ominous words, he jumped off the boulder.

"And if that's not enough to stop you from getting in my way, I hope for the sake of Cave-dude, Robin Hood and the one minute man, that you heed my words."

He added in a hard tone.

Then smiled in good nature, his serious mood shifting unexpectedly.

"Again, that's if you're smart. Oh and I wish you good luck in the tournament. You're gonna need it."

With that he quietly disappeared into the woods, leaving three flabbergasted sidekicks behind.

"He knows our secret identities."

Robin gulped.


(General P.O.V)

Of the initial 56 candidates, only 26 had made it to the Island. A number that was less than half.

But the 26 that had made it were truly exceptional. The last to arrive had done so with an hour to spare.

Once the deadline- which was at 7.00 P.M sharp passed- the stragglers who didn't manage to make it on time never reached the Island. No one knew what happened to them.

The fighters that had passed the preliminary round, were led into special quarters and allowed to rest for the night.

Meals were prepared and served according to one's preferences.

The following day was the true start of the Tournament.

But during the night, when all the fighters were supposed to be asleep and Shadows were patrolling the entire Island, a certain person had a different idea.

(Angel's P.O.V)

My steps made no noise as I snuck out of my room, closing the only window behind me.

Even if someone were to look in, all they would see would be a figure on the bed, dead asleep.

The Red Ice construct I had left behind would buy me some time. Apart causing a painful sensation to anything organic(skin/flesh), It didn't melt like regular ice.

Besides, the bed would be warm for me by the time I got back from my little...eh...excursion.

The Fighters Quarters- a 2 storey stone building with multiple rooms, was built alongside one of the Island's big ranges.

On the other side of it, was a sheer drop off a cliff that ended with an outcrop of sharp rocks below.

The sound of the water smashing onto the cliffside meant we had the ocean behind us.

As for the Fighters Quarters, they were separate from the main League of Shadow's compound by a medium sized groove of trees.

A cobblestoned pathway was the only thing linking both locations.

From my perch on a tree nearby, I counted no less than three groups of Shadows patrolling it regularly.

They kept each other within sight. Smart.

Anyone trying to sneak through would have to move without being discovered. Which was almost impossible.

The other option was passing through the groove of trees. But heat sense informed me of hidden sentries along the treeline.

And the ground was most likely filled with traps or motion sensors.

They weren't joking when they said Infinity Island was secure.

But again, with Super Speed, it was simply a matter of running through the path faster than the Shadows could perceive.

I tapped my watch and configured the nanites on me to drain away my body heat, and the streaks of lightning that manifested whenever I pulled on the Speedforce.

A suit of black covered my body entirely and in addition, a pair of goggles formed on my face. I looked like a scuba diving Ninja.

I jumped off the tree branch and before I could fully land with both feet, I sprang forward, passing by the three patrol squads with a single step.

My surroundings blurred for a split second before I came to a silent stop.

The path ended at a junction.

Two statues- one depicting a dragon and another a demon (the horns and long teeth led me to assume that), were elected on either side.

And past the statues was a small platform. One that provided a break on the long stairway leading up to the main League compound.

The stairway connected the shores of the Island and the League's hq.

I stared at the building above me, before deciding to change direction and head down towards the shore.

The goal tonight was to map out the Island.

There would be plenty of opportunities to sneak around the hq once the Tournament started and security was lax.

(General P.O.V)

The next day at sunrise,

A gong sounded out, resonating across the entire Island.

Finally, the Lazarus Tournament was about to commence.

The battle Arena was set up in the middle of the training grounds, surrounded on three sides by pagoda styled buildings, with the largest of them situated to the front of the circular Arena.

This was the main building.

It had multiple floors, with the balcony on the second floor housing 2 throne like chairs facing the Arena.

The thrones were currently empty.

3 stair cases were positioned around the Arena. 2 were meant to be used by the fighters and the last was for the announcer.

As for said Arena, it was wide enough to fill the center of the training grounds.

It's diameter measuring something a little over 50 meters and constructed from tough wood.

A group of Shadows stood around the Arena as enforcers.

Off to the sides, along the right and left buildings were stands.

These were filled with both Shadows and Fighters, though the latter were separated by a barricade.

The seating arrangement for the Fighters was based on rankings.

With the top seven fighters to reach the Island before noon seated on the stands to the right and the rest on the left stands, with the Arena situated in between.

Lastly, there was a board on a platform next to the exit/entrance to the Training Grounds, which had the fighter's rankings.

"Welcome all! To the Lazarus Tournament."

The powerful voice belonged to a wizened old man dressed in a gray East Asian Arhat Robe.

He had walked onto the Arena the second the Gong had sounded. And his presence seemed to be the spark that ignited the start of the event.

The mood in the entire compound was electric.

"It is my distinct honor as Sensei, to initiate the first round of the tournament."

He continued, arms held behind his back.

"The rules of the Battle Royale are as follows. Besides the first Seven fighters on the ranking board, everyone else will participate in a melee fight, until only three fighters remain on the Arena."

Immediately, there was grumbling from the over 20 fighters seated on the left. The stipulation was harsh.

That meant of the 26 to make it onto the Island, 23 of them would be eliminated on the first round alone!

All that effort of swimming 70 kilometers would go to waste. And that didn't sit well with the majority.


Sensei yelled and the entire battle ground went quiet.

"Only ten of you shall advance to the next round. If you have a problem with the rules, Let your fists complain. Now, all participants gather on the Arena."

Another Gong sounded and besides the seven fighters, everybody else walked onto the Arena.

(Angel's P.O.V)

Ra's Al Ghul was yet to come out.

The second floor of the main building had two seats. And I was guessing they were reserved for the Demon's Head specifically.

Where could he be? He was the entire reason I was here. And I know for a fact, they were aware of my presence- given the looks I'd been getting from the old man acting as the announcer.

An old man I knew very well. After all, he was one of my past teachers.

Sensei...its been a long time since I last saw the old bastard.

"If looks could kill, I would be fearing for our lives right now."

Cheshire said in response to the jelous glares we were receiving from the other fighters.

"Yeah well, they were slow. That's not our fault."

Wally snorted, munching on an apple.

"This is soo good."

Was I the only one who found his voice irritating?

"Don't talk with your mouth open. It's bad manners."

Robin sighed, only for his friend to childishly stick his tongue out at him.

"From their point of view, we cheated."

Ravager added, staring at the rest of us. Her eyes lingered on me.

"The six of us worked together. Only Angel made it to the Island by himself."

Hey. Don't bring me into you squabbles dammit.

I could feel their attention fall on me, despite doing my best to ignore them.

"So what? If a certain someone hadn't cheated to slow us down, we would have been the first."

Kid snorted, clearly trying to get a rise out of me.

Ah. Ironic. I guess being fast didn't translate into thinking. Stupid is still stupid. Even as fast as he is, Kid Flash can't outrun that.

I really hope we meet during the rounds. I have some frustration to vent out.

"Cut it out."

Speedy intervened, no doubt sensing that antagonizing me further was a bad idea.

"The battle royale is about to start."

And sure enough with a signal from Sensei, the fighting begun.

In a few seconds 5 people were eliminated, thrown, punched, shoved or kicked out.

"Who do you think will win?"

I heard Speedy ask Robin.

"Depends. A few of them have already started working together. If they're smart, they will eliminate the weaker ones first before going after the strong."

Robin commented, describing what had started to happen.

Indeed some of the fighters had formed teams and seemed to be targeting anyone weaker or on the same level of strength as the majority.

A karateka who initially caught my eye due to her impressive kicks, was taken down by being swarmed and thrown off the Arena.

Those eliminated that tried to get back on the Arena were easily warded off by the Shadows standing around it.

And in a few minutes, the number was cut down by half. And now only 12 people remained.

Scratch that...10.

Two burly guys that had been working together, seemed to slip and fall off the Arena when they tried to attack a pink haired girl.

She was just a few years older than me, I think.

Another fighter that tried to attack her was unexpectedly shoved off the Arena by two participants fighting.

At first it seemed like an accident.

But the girl visibly gloated at his fallen form. As if she was happy for it. Or rather, responsible.

Mmh. Interesting.

"So you've noticed her too huh?"

Ravager whispered from the seat next to me.

"Everyone who engages her mysteriously gets eliminated."

I replied.

I wasn't sure how she was doing it. And that interested me.

There were certainly martial arts involving force redirection like Tai Chi, that a slim girl like her could use to contend with someone stronger.

However..most of her attackers hadn't even gotten close enough to trade blows with her.

Was it a power? If so what kind? Telekinesis? Some sort of mental hypnosis? Illusions?

"They're all avoiding her. No one wants to try out their luck and get eliminated in the First Round."

On the other side of Ravager, Cheshire commented.

A light bulb went off in my head. Luck- that's it!

She's making them unlucky...or stealing their good luck.

Probability manipulation. An ability with a lot of potential.

And that power paired up with her hair means she can only be one person. Jinx from the Teen Titans.

A chuckle escaped me. I didn't come here planning in recruiting anyone, but her? I want her!


(Angel's P.O.V)

Besides Jinx, there were two more standouts on the Arena.

The first- predictably enough, was someone else I knew, though I hadn't expected her to be part of the first round. Or even the competition as a whole.

"She moves like the wind."

A soft voice commented from Cheshire's left side.

A brief glance showed it was the young girl who had worked with the latter and Ravager to get to the Island. X-23 I think. Strange name. And also, I couldn't shake off the feeling I knew her...

"Part of the League I would guess."

Cheshire answered.

"She's dressed like them afterall."

They were of course talking about Cass. Cass who was a prodigy at fighting. The one person I could for sure say would beat me in terms of pure skill.

She was part of the Battle Royale to represent the Shadows, I think. Though she wasn't going after anyone specifically, and seemed to only defend herself when someone attacked.

The second standout was a boy in an orange sleeveless gi, wild hair and a monkey tail. Yup, you heard that right, a brown monkey tail.

He was the shortest fighter out of everyone on the Arena. Scratch that, the tournament. But also the strongest physically. And fast too.

Each strike he made sent someone reeling back, and he alone was responsible for eliminating over five people when they tried to gang up on him.

He was the opposite of Cass, wild and battle hungry.

Wait a second...the hair, the tail...nah it couldn't be. Must be a coincidence. There was no way it was who I was thinking it was. There was simply no fucking way...

'If his name turns out to be Goku, I swear to the Presence or whoever is responsible for creating this fucked up world...'

A sigh escaped me, something that didn't escape Ravager's notice.

"What's got you in a mood?"

'Nothing much, just a small existential crisis.' I thought, but what I really said was,

"Trust me Rosey, you don't wanna know."

"I hate that name."

She growled to which I chuckled and changed the subject,

"Oh, the battle seems to be over."

On the Arena, 5 people remained. But with a powerful punch from the strange kid, 2 of them were sent flying off it.

Only 3 people were left standing on it now. Jinx, Cassandra and the Kid.

"Well, I guess that's that."

Wally said, getting up from his seat, only for Robin to pull him back down.

"What's the big idea?"

At the speedster's question, Robin motioned to Sensei who was climbing to the Arena.

"It's not over."

"Fighters! Stand proud for you three have managed to make it to the second round."

My old teacher warmly informed the 3 that had outlasted everyone else.

Jinx and the Kid were elated, the latter whooping and punching the air, before commenting,

"Great! Now I get to fight some strong guys!"


Jinx stuck her chest out.

"Of course I made it. Those guys were too weak. This tournament is as good as won, hahaha."

Cassandra on the other hand, simply nodded at Sensei.

Sensei turned to face the second floor balcony, bowing in the direction of the Leader of the Shadows.

"Honored Master, the first round of the contest is over. I present to you the victors."

He motioned at Jinx and the other two.

Hey, wait a minute, when did he arrive? I must have missed it while watching the battle.

Ra's Al Ghul.

I couldn't help but stare at the man they call the Demon's Head.

Dressed in a green and yellow robe, his body exuded a dangerous aura, even while seated. Like a sharp knife in its sheath.

He had white hair and a beard, along with green eyes that surveyed the entire battleground with a single sweep of his gaze.

A shiver went through my spine when those eyes briefly landed on me.

I've only known a few people that can induce that kind of unintentional response out of me. My Father was one. Now Ra's is another.

This man is dangerous.

His eyes returned to Sensei. Then he nodded and a gong sounded out, signifying the end of the first day of the Tournament.

The second round would take place tomorrow at the same time.

Ra's and a black haired beautiful woman in a black dress, that had been sitting next to him, got up, no doubt intending to leave.

On our side,

"Can we go now? I'm starving."

Kid asked Robin but I didn't hear the response.

The reason being,

"Hey! Hey! Ra's Al Ghul! I'm a huge fan!"

Jinx, still on the Arena yelled, excitedly waving her hand at the Demon's Head direction.

The entire place went silent.

Oh fuck. That was dumb.

(General P.O.V)

Talia froze, eyes watching her Father's back.

The Demon Head had been disrespected. In his own home.

As his daughter, the obligation to guard his reputation and ensure no dishonor besmirched his name, fell to her.


She decided and without another thought, a dagger had left her hand, flying towards the neck of the pest, that thought itself significant enough to utter her Father's name.

The dagger glinted in the morning sun, the tip cutting through the air at first speeds.

There was no helping it. Even if Jinx was fast enough to use her powers to somehow dodge it, another dagger followed behind the first one.

Death had come for her without her even knowing...

Only for Jinx to blink and suddenly a shadow had blocked her front.

Angel who had used his super speed to get to the Arena, grabbed the dagger off the air and used it to parry the second one.


The metal projectile spun in the air towards the Fighter's stands, before getting buried in between the legs of a yawning Kid Flash.


Wally let out a girlish scream full of fear.

The sudden attention on him and the snickers from Cheshire, turned his face as red as a Tomato.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill me you asshole!"

He levelled a finger at Angel on the Arena.


Robin stepped on his foot, and that action caused Kid to notice the tension that had befalled the Battle Grounds.

"Oh, nevermind."

He let out meekly and shrunk back in his seat.


Sensei shook his head at Kid's antics, a serious look crossing his face once his attention was back on Angel.

Young Savage. A past student of his. One of his most talented ones.

When Ra's Al Ghul had loaned Sensei out to Savage for him to train the boy, he had never met someone who quickly took to his harsh training as he did.

And within a short span of 4 years, the boy had grown even more frightening.

Angel had moved so fast from the stands to the Arena, that even Sensei himself wasn't able to follow.


'Speed will always be king in a fight' he remembered saying that to the boy. A part of him was glad Angel had embodied that lesson.

Unfortunately, Ang had offended Talia by saving the girl.

This wasn't going to end well.

Sensei begun to prepare himself to personally deal with his past student, when the order inevitably came.

Talia on her part, heard the commotion and thought it was due to the dead body on the Arena.

Only, she hadn't heard the corpse dropping.

In fact, a completely different thing happened. Someone actually called her out.

"That wasn't classy at all."


The Demon Head's daughter jerked around, her eyes immediately establishing contact with Angel's.

The cold light that flashed across his eyes was at odds with his easygoing expression.

It caught Talia off guard, rendering her mute. Her mind on the other hand, was running at hundreds of miles.

Naturally she was aware of who he was. Angel Savage. According to her father- her future.

It wasn't surprising that he had blocked her attack, given his known/perceived strength.

However, she couldn't reconcile with the fact that out of everyone else around, he was the one that had intervened and saved her target.

Why him? What would he gain from undermining her? Was he pulling a stunt so as to get noticed by Ra's Al Ghul?

Was he aware of her Father's proposal and was deliberately trying to show her up?

Her mind made the instant connection and came to an obvious conclusion.

Yeah...that was most likely it.

'This fucking brat...' She thought, now even more determined to ensure the deal would fail.

Of course, while she was half right, Angel had also decided to save Jinx because he was keen on making her work for him.

Her power, like Psimon's was too valuable to go to waste.

For this reason, he couldn't let her die yet, even if that offended the League of Shadows.

That said, the current situation needed to be delicately handled.

Seeing that she wasn't talking, Angel tsked, throwing the dagger up before catching it by the tip.

He pointed the handle at Talia.

"Did you really just try to kill someone for saying hello?"

Angel questioned, lowering the hand with the dagger.

Talia sneered down at him.

"Anyone that disrespects the Demon's Head deserves nothing short of death."

An amused snort escaped Angel,

"Respect is due when it's earned. And your daughter lacks the basic human decency, Ra's Al Ghul."

He directly addressed the Man, his voice audible enough for everyone to hear.

"You little..."

Talia begun, face going red in anger. Only to stop at her Father's raised hand.

Ra's turned around and walked forward until he was close to the balcony's railing.

His eyes cast downward, studied Angel with a keen interest.

"You have your father's spirit..."

He spoke in an authoritative tone, his sentence trailing off.

Angel merely smirked, waiting for the Demon's Head to continue.

"But you lack his discretion."

Ra's Al Ghul added.

"Thank you Ra's."

Angel mock bowed, surprising everyone with his brazen behavior.

"I consider that a compliment."

He and Vandal Savage might have been Father and Son, but in Angel's mind, they were nothing alike.

A sharp glint passed through the his eyes as he rose up.

"That said, I believe your daughter owes my friend an apology. Or is courtesy something that the League of Shadows lack?"

"Don't push your luck boy."

Sensei cut in gruffly, standing a few feet away from Angel and Jinx.

"Remember whose ground you stand on."

All the shadows gathered around the Arena drew their weapons halfway in warning.

Cassandra, who was behind Angel, hesitated to do the same, looking unsure.

Instead of being properly intimidated, Angel instead laughed, finding the threat funny.

"He's crazy."

Cheshire whispered, uncharacteristically serious.

"For once I agree with you."

Robin echoed.

Back on the Arena,

"I'm not pushing anything dear master."

Angel responded to Sensei.

"Apologizing is the least she can do. I know you're all in the business of killing, but that doesn't mean you can wantonly take a life when you feel like it. That's abusing Power."

"Big words coming from you!"

Talia seethed from Ra's back.

"You've killed more Shadows than anyone else here!"

She accused.

"Only because they tried to kill me first."

Angel shot back with a shrug.

"It's called self defense. But I'm glad you brought that up."

His eyes narrowed.

"I've been attacked by your people a number of times. 2 to be specific. Once in Santa Prisca and the second time, in my own home. One of the reasons I came here was to find out who ordered the hit."

Talia looked taken aback, especially as she could sense her Father's mood sour.

"We had nothing to do with the second attack!"

She hastily said,

"And any assassination contract taken on is done so at the orders of the-"

Ra's Al Ghul raised his hand once more, and Talia instantly bit her tongue, going quiet.

Jinx who had been surprised by the failed attack and had fallen on the ground, got up, hiding behind Angel.

It looked funny as she was a few inches taller than him.

"H-hey...t-thanks for that. I owe you one."

She said in a shaky tone.

Angel didn't reply. Instead his focus was still on Ra's.

Off to the side, the kid with the Wild hair grit his teeth in frustration. He didn't really know what was going on.

All he cared about was just how fast Angel had moved.

Being one of the few that had seen the dagger fly at Jinx- he was about to jump in and save her but Angel had beat him to it.

And he'd been seated on the stands, no less!

The strange kid was the only other person to make it to the Island by himself.

And he would have been in the top five, if the stupid chunks of ice floating in the ocean hadn't messed with his sense of direction.

Ra's lowered his hand, and all the Shadows sheathed their weapons.

Eyes still set on Angel, he addressed his daughter.

"Talia, apologize."

Talia turned to regard her father, disbelief coated on her visage.



Ra's repeated in a hard tone.

"Don't make me say it a second time."

Talia's heart sank, looking as if she had been slapped. She swallowed her bitterness, her pride wounded.

And yet, her Father's words were law.

Face kept carefully blank, Talia turned to the Arena and bowed at Jinx.

"I apologize for trying to kill you."

She said in a neutral voice through clenched jaws.

Straightening up, she threw a hate filled glare towards Angel.

She would make him pay. This she swore.

Without a word, Talia spun on her heels and walked away.

Ra's sighed as he heard her leave.

"Please forgive my daughter, young lady."

He told Jinx, eyes jumping back to Angel.

"And Mr.Savage, I believe you and I have a few things to discuss. I shall send my Shadows for you at a later time."

He clapped his hands together, clasping the palms,

"As for everyone else, welcome to the Lazarus Tournament. I do hope you enjoy your stay here."

The Demon's Head gave a final nod at Sensei, before he too retreated back into the building.

All at once, everyone seemed to deflate with tension.

"Oh God, I thought I was going to die."

Jinx sighed in relief, leaning her head on Angel's shoulder.

"They were both sooo scarrrry..."

Angel breathed out, his gaze falling off the empty balcony as he walked off the Arena.

Jinx found herself bereft of his comforting presence and hurried after him.

"Hey! Wait up!"

She called but he seemed lost in thought as he exited the training grounds.

His meeting with Ra's had come sooner than expected, which was a good thing.

So why was he having this uneasy feeling?


(Angel's P.O.V)

The walk back to my quarters was done so silently, only for me to stop at the door before my room.

Turning around, my brows raised in confusion. I wasn't alone.

Jinx and the wild haired kid had followed after me.

"What do you want?"

I groused, not in the mood for company. I had to get ready for the meeting with Ra's.

Instead of answering, Jinx pointed at the end of the hallway,

"I'm a few doors down that way. Can't believe we're so close to each other!"


I asked.

"Fight me! You're strong!"

The kid standing next to her butted in, an intense expression of battlelust shining in his eyes.

I crossed my hands above my chest.


"Huh? Why not?"

He actually looked confused at my refusal.

"Hey shorty,"

Jinx placed a hand on his shoulder and spun him around to face her.

"It's rude to interrupt people when they're having a conversation you know."

The kid looked affronted.

"What do you mean? I just want to fight him because he's strong. And my name is not shorty! It's Goku!"

Oh hell no. I'm out.

The door slammed shut on their faces, but I wasn't sure they even heard it on account of their arguing.

A sigh escaped me as I bumped my forehead against the door. Dammit, his name is Goku.

Goku's here too...

With Natasha, that makes it two characters from other works of fiction. I'd thought I was in a version of DC Comics. Maybe even Young Justice, but it seems I was wrong.

I wonder what this means. Do Saiyans exist in this world then? And if they do, does it mean Frieza is a thing now?

Shit. I'm not ready for that. Even 10 years are not enough to get me ready for that.

No worries. I'm adaptable.

The logical thing to do was look into Goku's history. And if possible, maybe take him along with Jinx.

If I can get Goku to Super Saiyan early, then that will be a guaranteed stop gap to anyone too strong for me to fight. By anyone, I mean bullshit dragonball villains like Perfect Cell, Majin Buu and the like.

At least until I have grown in power to match them and monsters like Superman.

It's all speculation though. And I really hoped that was all it was.

Besides the worst case scenario, studying Ki could also help me increase my power. So it's a win-win situation. I just need to be careful not to derail my plans due to these new developments.

Yes. The plan.

For now, I'll focus on it. Maybe tweak it a little, but meeting Ra's and dealing with the Light came first out of all other things. That was the priority.

"You know, sneaking into my room after what just happened can be taken as an attempt at my life, right?"

I spoke out, addressing the Shadow that peeled itself off the ceiling and landed next to my bed.

Could this be another assassination attempt? If it was, sending one lone Shadow to deal with me was the height of folly.

I turned around, ready to freeze the blood in their veins. Only to pause, a bit surprised.

[Cass? What are you doing here?]

I asked, using sign language.

[To kill you.]

She signed back, only to rub her arm and add,


A surprised snort blurted out of me.

[That's funny. Now what do you want? I'm serious.]

This could be a setup. But a casual scan with heat sense showed me that we were truly alone.

Well there was Jinx and that...Goku kid outside though, but no Shadows.

[I have a message. From Ra's Al Ghul]

She signed back professionally.

[After the end of the second round, you are invited to the Shadow Mansion]

A breeze swept through my room, Cassandra's form disappearing along with it and leaving my window ajar.

Heat sense revealed a shadowy form moving fast through the alcove treeline, until she was out of my range.

She's fast. A little too fast.

And now that I think of it, her body had physically bigger as well. As if she had been pumping iron a little too much.



Alone in the comfort of my room, I spent the next Five hours checking on the reports from my spy group.

Or at least the barebones of what I wanted Natasha to establish with the Criminal Organization.

And what a fast worker she was. She had just sent me a bundle of information on the League of Shadows that I had requested.

One file in particular was labeled with a familiar name and face.

"Talia Al Ghul. Oh? What's this?"

I muttered, flipping through the holographic feed displayed above the watch, and started reading.

(2 hours later)

A shower was exactly what I needed to unwind after what had gone down.

And after a few minutes spent working on a fade(the superspeed helped), I placed the ice razor down and then laughed like a maniac.

My face could give the Joker a run for his money by how wide I was smiling.

I now know why Talia despises me!

The situation that went down during the end of the first round only added fuel to the bonfire.

The reason she hates me was because her father was planning to propose an alliance by having me and Talia get engaged!

That sneaky old coot. Great minds really do think alike! I came here seeking the very same thing after all.

Not Talia, mind you. but the League's strength. She's just a bonus.

Having an organization of world class Assassins on call would do wonders for the Empire I was building.

And with that, I just had a clue on who had likely ordered the assassination attempts.

I'm glad I decided to attend this tournament, now I can move forward with a clearer vision.

The next day couldn't have arrived sooner.


The gong sounded out, heralding the start of the second day of the Lazarus Tournament.

On the circular Arena that had been repaired of yesterday's damages, Sensei stood, gazing up at where The Demon's Head sat.

With a nod from Ra's Al Ghul, who was alone on the second floor balcony- Talia was nowhere to be seen- Sensei turned to face the stands.

"Welcome to the Second round of the tournament! For this part of the contest, 2 fighters will meet in a clash of fists and arms."

His powerful voice echoed out across the Training Grounds.

"The rules today are different but simple."

He went on to motion at the racks of weapons close to the staircases leading to the Arena.

There were different kinds. Long swords, Katanas, Chinese Jians and Daos, pole-axes, Hammers, Sais and even staffs.

"You have the option of using any one weapon you want. To eliminate your opponent, either throw them off the Arena, land a deliberating blow, or have them submit."

Sensei explained.

"Killing is forbidden. I will stop the battle if I deem it necessary. Failure to comply will be met by harsh punishment."

From the brief glance I swept over the stands, everyone seemed to listen with rapt attention.

"With that out of the way,"

He nodded after a brief pause.

"May the first match begin. Participants, to the Arena!"

Everyone knew their assigned matchups already.

They were after all posted on the Fighter's Ranking board near the exit.

For the second day of the tournament, there were a total of 5 matches. With the number of Fighters being 10, it meant 2 people per match.

The first one was surprisingly, me vs Jinx.

The pink haired girl hadn't looked as thrilled when she found out who she was facing.

"Good luck."

Ravager said to me as I got to my feet.

"You might actually need it."

I ignored the whispers from the stands as I walked out. Yesterday's incident was fresh in everyone's mind.

I didn't choose a weapon as I climbed onto the Arena.

Once on it, Jinx and I faced each other from opposite sides. She too hadn't picked a weapon.

She seemed tense but determined, while I had my hands inside my pockets and looked calm.

Now, how do I defend against her luck powers? Easy, don't let her touch me- something that was easily avoidable as I was much faster than her.

The main issue would be the jinx bolts she could fire from her hands. Something she technically hasn't shown during the tournament, but I would be dumb to rule out.

But again, the answer to that was superspeed.

"Give up."

I told her.

Her expression turned surprised before it quickly changed to anger.

"Are you underestimating me?"


I shook my head.

"I'm just too powerful for you now. We both know I'm right."

She clenched her jaw, raising her hands in a tai chi stance.

"We'll see about that."

With a quick dash that surprised me a little, I was not expecting her to rush forward, especially by cartwheeling!

But in a few moves, she was already a few feet away.

Her palm shot forward at my chest. But I easily stepped down on it and sprung over behind her, the heel of my foot kicking out at the small of her back.

One move that would send her over the edge of the Arena.

Unexpectedly, the heel didn't connect as the Arena suddenly tilted on one side. The left.

The posts holding it up on the underside had somehow snapped, causing me to be thrown forward.

I stabilized my balance by rolling and then crouching low.

Jinx on the other hand ran up the elevated side of the Arena, her steps echoing across the wood below, before she jumped down at me.

I streamed to side, moving out of the way, only for the Arena to tilt once more as more pillars broke on the side I was now on.

Smart girl. She knows she can't touch me so she's targeting the Arena itself.

But this time, I stayed rooted, creating ice studs that protruded out of my boots and bit into wood.

Displaying expert acrobatics and balance, Jinx was on me a third time, not bothering to hide the pink aura covering her palms as she struck out my way.

The palms slimed with jinx energy, sailed close to my body, but I made sure to dodge at the last second, with the barest margin possible.

Her frustration started leaking into her moves and the Arena below us faced the worst of it, rolling around like a plate as every post below snapped like a twig, sending a cloud of sawdust up into the air.

"Will you..."

Jinx growled, throwing a chain of palm and kicks my way.


All of which I dodged, retreating backwards.


She overcommitted to a kick, which sailed harmlessly by my hip.

"Around so much!"

Unfortunately, it turned out to be a feint and before I could do anything, her hand had gripped my left hand.

"Got you."

She smirked at me, her eyes lighting up in a pink light.

"Blame your bad luck."

Her hands lit up as she activated her probability manipulation and the floorboards of the Arena below me shattered.


(General P.O.V)

The matches for the second round, as recorded on the Ranking board, were as follows:

First match: Angel vs Jinx.

Second match: Ravager vs Goku.

Third match: Cheshire vs Robin(he had registered as Dick)

Fourth match: Speedy vs Kid Flash(He had registered simply as Kid)

Fifth match: X-23 vs Cassandra Cain.

All attention was on the first match as it was still underway.


A gasp escaped the stands as the entire Arena shattered right in the middle in to two halves.

Angel's feet stood on one half each, a delicate balance that saw him perform a split, with Jinx's legs wrapped around his torso.

She was like a Koala, a tight grip on his left arm.

"It's over! Submit!"

She shouted, confident that she was going to win.

A part of her felt bad as Angel was the only reason she was alive, but the tournament prize that awaited her was just too much to pass on.

She had to win. No ifs or buts.


She thought to herself, using her powers to funnel a large burst of bad luck directly into Angel.

Angel on the other hand, had a contemplative look on his face, seemingly unbothered by the situation.

And that was because the nanites on him had finally managed to analyse Jinx's ability. A few of them covered his eyes, displaying information only he could see.

"So, it's not magic like I initially thought."

He said, gazing at her critically.

"Your powers are more Psionic in nature."


Jinx let out, dumbfounded as her powers weren't working.

With the precarious position Angel was on, a full blast of bad luck should have made him lose balance and plummet to the ground.

Unfortunately for her, the nanites created by Ivo were not only advanced enough to analyze her powers, but could also shield Angel from their effect.

It was the only reason he had even allowed her to get close enough to touch him.

"Wh- why is not working?"

Jinx asked shakily, still holding onto his arm.

Angel smirked, non-responsive.

A gasp of surprise escaped Jinx's lips as he twisted his body, throwing the two of them in the air.

A bad feeling gripped the pink haired girl and she tried to disengage from him, only for her opponent to now wrap his arms around her body, and position it along his shoulders.

A frightened scream ripped out of her, as the sky and ground overturned.

There was a loud impact followed by streaks of pink energy that shattered the two halves of the Arena in multiple shards of wood.

Wally jumped off his seat, eyes wide.

"Did he just German suplex her off the Arena!?"

"Holy shit."

Cheshire cackled in amusement.

"I think he did!"

The dust settled and the result of the first match was revealed to everyone.

Jinx was on the ground, passed out and Angel...

Well, Angel flipped off her limb body with a sigh. He hadn't meant to slam her onto the ground so hard.

Another wince escaped him as he realized they had literally destroyed the Arena. In its place were pieces of wood scattered across the training ground.

A gong sounded out, announcing the end of the match.

Sensei stopped before Angel, a bemused expression on his aged face.

"I see you're still as reckless as ever."

He drolled, staring at the wreckage behind them.

"You're supposed to declare me the winner old man. That's all that matters."

Angel answered cheekily.

Muttering some unkind words under his breath, Sensei turned to Ra's Al Ghul.

"I present the winner of the first match through knockout, Angel Savage!"

"Yeah! Whoooo! Let's go!"

Goku cheered loudly, along with a few scattered applause from the stands.

2 shadows came forward to carry Jinx off to the medical station, but Angel stopped them.

"I got her."

He carefully hoisted Jinx up in a princess carry.

The Shadows looked to Sensei for direction and he allowed it with an exasperated sigh.

"Show him the way."

They complied and started leading him towards the main building which housed the Medical station.

Angel threw one final look at the destroyed Arena before walking off, catching the tail end of Sensei's announcement about a short break as the Arena was being replaced.

A short walk saw him follow the two as they moved through the entrance, Jinx still passed out in his arms.

The instance he entered the Shadow Manor, Angel's shoulders grew tense. He could sense over a dozen assassins hiding in the Shadows, watching him intently.

Inside, the manor was outffited with all kinds of decorative ensemble. Paintings, most of them depicting a man in different places and eras, framed the walls.

There were also carvings of various creatures on the pillars that stretched to the ceiling. In addition, heads of ferocious animals like Tigers and bears framed the sides too.

Racks of weapons were elected next to the pillars, as well as a cabinet filled with artifacts and relics like silver cups, gem-embedded shields and the like.

A massive golden chandelier hang above, casting light onto the marble floor.

It was clear Ra's was a man who enjoyed luxury. Angel kept that in mind. You can judge a man based on what he gives value to. And thus control them.

Stealthily, Angel began to release nanites with every footstep he made, the nano-machines spreading down his legs and falling off his soles.

Then they blended in with the marble floor before beginning to scatter throughout the building.

By the time they stopped before another door, Angel had about 50% of his nanites scouring the manor.

From the ground floor, the undetectable nanomachines were now stealthily making way to the first and second floors.

One of the Shadows stepped forward and indicated to Angel to hand over Jinx.

Entry into the medical station was barred to Outsiders.

Angel complied and handed her over. With one final glance at the long stairway leading to the upper floors, he turned on his heel and left, all under a watchful eye.

None of them noticed the small smile on his face as he exited the building.

(Angel's P.O.V)

"Hey, where were you? I saw you enter the main building with Jinx."

Ravager asked as soon as I sat down.


I shrugged, making her snort and drop the subject.

"You're going up next right?"

I questioned, making conversation while waiting for my nanites to map out the entire building.

I was particularly interested in the upper floors and the medical station I was denied entry to. I wonder what's in there...

"Yup. I'm facing monkey boy."

She said, motioning with her chin towards Goku.

"Any advice?"

I bit my lip. That's gonna be a tough fight, depending on what exactly Goku is.

If he's a metahuman with a tail who happens to share a name with one of the deadliest combat geniuses in all of fiction, she might stand a chance.

If instead, he's actually that same Saiyan, then Ravager will lose. Unless...

"Go for the tail."

I whispered, not sure the kid had supersenses along with who knows what else.

"And try to finish it fast. He's stronger, faster and has more stamina. Get into a drawn out fight, and you'll lose."

Ravager contemplated my advice and nodded, determined.

"Go for the tail. Got it."

This would also allow me to figure out if he was a Saiyan or not. After all, a Saiyan's tail is their weakness.

It took less than one hour for the wreckage to be cleaned and a brand new Arena to be brought in.

Without wasting any time, Sensei got on the stage and announced the start of the second match.

I wished Ravager good luck like she had done for me and without a word, she climbed onto the Arena, picking out two Tantos on the way up, from the weapon rack.

Goku on the other hand, jumped off the stands and landed on the Arena with a bang.

"Finally! I get to fight!"

He laughed in a childish voice, falling into a familiar stance.

The iconic Turtle school martial arts pose. One hand and leg forward, with two fingers curled while the other hand was was fisted and held close to the hip.

The Saiyan theory is growing more and more likely.

With a loud gong, the battle immediately started.

Ravager's fighting style was a blend of smooth swordplay and martial arts.

She was a dual wielder, just like me and we had even sparred in the past, so I knew her moveset very well.

Goku on the other hand was light on his feet, so you'd think he would evade or fall back due to his opponent's longer reach.

However, with a snarl, he raced forward and they met in the middle. The clash was impressive.

Fast sword slashes that were meant to bleed the target and exhaust them, met a wild boy who could move like the wind and punch like a giant.

It was clear from the onset that Goku was a fighting prodigy. Just like Cassandra.

He was steadily pushing Ravager back, who had adopted a defensive stand with the occasional offense.

"She's going to lose. That little kid is more agile than a monkey and stronger than a Gorilla."

Kid commented.

"And his battle insticts are on point too."

Robin added.

"It's like he has eyes on the back of his head. Scratch that, eyes everywhere."

"Don't count her out yet. Ravager always has something up her sleeve."

Cheshire came to her friend's rescue, but it was clear from her tone that even she thought Ravager would lose.

The battle went on for a few more minutes, with Ravager defending close to the edge of the Arena.

She was using the flat of her blade to receive Goku's powerful punches and kicks before rolling to bleed out the excess impact due to his monstrous strength.

However, with nowhere else to go, she would be pushed off the Arena with the next attack that landed.

"She's cornered. It's over."

X-23, stated in a low tone.


Cheshire echoed the sentiment, a bit sadly.

Desperate to ward off the inevitable, Ravager thrust her Tanto towards Goku's neck.

An attack that if landed would surely kill him. Before this, she had been targeting joints and other safe places in a bid to cut down his mobility.

The unexpected Tanto came so close, but Goku, leaned back at the last second.

Then springing up with his hands, he twisted his body and delivered a devastating double heel kick to Ravager's Mid-section.

The blow was intercepted by a cross guard with her weapons but she was still thrown backwards and sent flying off the Arena.

It seemed to be over, until Ravager let go of her Tantos and stretched her legs out, hooking her feet under Goku's shoulders.

Goku's eyes were set on the falling blades, and that led to him missing the feet that secured themselves below his arms.

With a sudden jerk, followed by a flip, Ravager threw him upwards, before reorienting her own body and ending up above him. A position that looked as if she was sitting on his back.

The two of them were going to fall off...

Only for the plummet to stop as she grabbed his tail with one hand, and with the other, gripped the handle of one of the Tantos embedded on the edge of the Arena.

They stopped, hanging at the very edge of it.

The whole thing had happened within a few seconds.


Kid muttered dumbly, expressing the awe everyone was feeling.

"I was...not expecting that."

Robin added.

I could feel the disbelief that gripped everyone seated on the stands.

With Goku's tail in her grip, the younger boy had immediately gone limp, further confirming my suspicions.

He really was a Saiyan.

The gong sounded out. She had won.

"And the winner of the second match, is Ravager!"

Sensei announced.

The cheer and applause this time was louder than after my fight. So not fair. It's because they didn't destroy the Arena. Yes, that has to be it.

The two of them, Ravager and Goku, left the Arena for the third match to commence.

"Well, seems like I'm up next."

Cheshire said, jumping to her feet and gazing at Robin with a tilt of her head.

I couldn't see the expression below her mask, but it felt like she was smirking at the Boy-wonder.

"What do you say Shrimp? Ready to get your ass kicked?"

"Oh you're so going to eat those words."

Robin shot back, following behind her.

"Do your best Rob!"

Wally yelled after him.

"Don't get your ass kicked by a girl."

This idiot. I've resolved to now ignore anything he says.

The funny thing was that, Goku stuck by Ravager's side after their fight, even joining her and taking Cheshire's empty seat.

"You cheated."

The little boy accused, standing on the seat in a crouch while glaring at Ravager.

"I did."

Ravager agreed.

"But I also won."

Goku was gritting his teeth so hard I was afraid they'd break.

"Let's go again then! This time even if you cheat,I'll still win! "

He argued back.

I ignored their argument as an alert from my Watch informed me that my nanites had finished mapping the entire Shadow Manor.


I tapped the watch a few times, before reaching into my pocket and removed a pair of sunglasses constructed by a portion of the Nanites.

They looked like regular shades, and with the midday sun shining down on the training grounds, I had the perfect excuse for wearing them.

"Wow! What are those? They look cooler than Master Roshi's!"

Goku gasped in amazement, almost jumping over Ravager to get to me.

Ravager grew fed up with his antics and knocked her fist onto his head.

"Will you settle down Kid!? I'm trying to watch a match."


Goku sheepishly apologized before properly calmly sitting down. Though I could sense him throw occasional glances my way.

The gong sounded out and the fight between Robin and Cheshire begun.

I didn't pay the battle any attention, too busy studying the 3D map highlighted on the Shades.

A map that displayed every crook and cranny of the Shadow Manor. No place was hidden from my view.

Not the ground section or the upper floors or the...wait...


A smile slowly worked it's way onto my face.

Through the medical station where they had taken Jinx, was another door that led to a stairway going deep underground.

The path was so heavily guarded, even a mouse couldn't sneak in.

That said, my nanites were a different kind of beast. Muhahaha!

And diligently, they managed to go all the way until they arrived somewhere interesting.

A sort of dark cave, with the only light source being a green glow that painted the walls in an emerald color.

The source of the glow happened to be a pool of glowing liquid in the middle of the cave.

I had just found the Lazarus Pit.


(General P.O.V)

The third match of the second round was more heated than the preceding two.

And that was because both fighters were evenly matched.

Something that was made apparent from the get go was the fighters' mutual dislike for one another.

Displayed not only by the violent exchange and differing fighting styles, but also in the weapons they were using.

Robin had picked out a staff while Cheshire went with a pair of Sais.

Clang! Clang!

Metal collided with tough wood, Cheshire's offense putting Robin on a back foot as he needed to defend against the sharp and pointy ends of the Sais.

Not to be outdone, Boy Wonder remained calm, the tight grip on the staff not slackening in the slightest.

He was using his observational skills to memorize her attack pattern.

And when he saw a chance, he would switch from defending to thrusts and wide sweeps, mostly targeting her lower body.

The battle shifted in his favor. Not only did he have a longer reach, but his skill with a staff was downright master level.

"You're good."

Cheshire commented, stepping back as the end of the staff passed by where her foot had been.

The action saw Robin extend himself, leaving his back open.

"But I'm better!"

Cheshire snarled, rushing forward with a thrust.

It turned out to be a false opening from Robin as he smoothly spun, blocking the tip of the Sai with the middle of the Staff.

The Sai bit into the wood, and in a deft jerk, Robin twisted the Staff, intending to pull the Sai off Cheshire's hand.

Unfortunately, Cheshire was just as good if not better with her weapons as he was, and instead of letting go, she cartwheeled with the motion.

"It's like watching a dance."

Wally whistled from the stands.

"A dance where they're trying to kill each other."

Ravager commented on the ferocity both fighters were displaying.

"Who do you think is gonna win?"

Speedy asked her.

"Doesn't matter! I can beat the two of them at the same time!"

Goku, sitting in between the two, loudly proclaimed.

"But...they're both really good."

He added as an afterthought at the awkward stares he was getting.

"Oh come on, Rob's got this! Ain't no way he would lose to a girl."

Wally boasted.

Off to the side, Angel was busy studying the map from his nanites. He didn't have time to waste on a match he could already guess the outcome of.

Batman wouldn't send Robin to attend the Tournament if he didn't believe in his skills to keep up with the other contestants.

But Cheshire was highly trained too.

Angel had met Sportsmaster, her father and trainer in the past. A man who played to his strength. He wasn't someone to be taken lightly. In the same token, Cheshire wasn't someone to be underestimated.

That said, this was before she joined the League of Shadows. Her other skills, besides handling Sais were not as freshed out as they would be in the future.

"Who do you think will take this?"

So when Ravager turned to him and asked, he didn't have to think too hard.

The others on the stands listened closely, anticipating his answer.

"When all is said and done, it will come down to skill."

Angel started, sparing a single gaze at the Arena before refocusing on the map display. But not without adding a final statement,

"Robin takes it."

Back on the Arena, as if to echo the sentiment, Robin disarmed Cheshire before bracing the length of the staff on her neck.

Her Sais were lying on the ground, far out of reach.


Boy Wonder sternly demanded, the two of them breathing heavily.

There was a brief pause.


Cheshire sighed.

"You win, shorty. I submit."

A gong sounded out.

(Angel's P.O.V)

The Lazarus pit.

A supernatural phenomenon of restorative pools, capable of instantly healing injuries, resurrecting the dead, and even granting immortality to those who bathe in it.

Ra's Al Ghul had used them to attain a sort of pseudo-immortality.

I've used countless resources scouring the globe for places with Lazarus Pits. The one on Infinity Island was just one of few.

I knew others existed. But apart from the one deep under the Batcave in Gotham, Ra's was my only lead.

I had a theory. The same meteorite that gave Father his immortality and gave rise to the meta-gene, was connected to the Lazarus pits.

And that was due to one chemical found inside the pit. Dionesium.

I only knew it's existence due to my metaknowledge of DC.

Dionesium was an unknown element. One that didn't originate on Earth.

It was directly responsible for giving the Joker immortality when he came upon it in a comic issue I had read.

I wasn't entirely clear how, or maybe I just forgot,

But during a fight with Batman in the batcave, there is a cave in, that results in the Joker falling deep underground and discovering a pool of glowing emerald liquid.

Yup, a Lazarus Pit.

So my theory posits that the remains of that meteorite Father came into contact with, had higher and purer amounts of Dionesium.

And over the years, its remains seeped into the Earth, resulting in what was known as the Lazarus Pits.

And now one was within my reach. Without wasting time, I directed the nanites to take a sample of the Liquid and analyze it.

It was the start of the Fourth match.

The nanomachines proceded through the stony ground in the form of gray dust, almost invisible to the naked eye.

Luckily, their cloaking functions made them blend in with the color of the stone steps and in a few seconds, the first few nanites made contact with the liquid.

Immediately, I frowned as I lost control of those particular nanomachines.

It was an unprecedented loss. The nanites were programmed to work under extreme conditions and environments.

Even if they were dropped in a volcano, they would still withstand the heat.

And that was because they were made using Promethium.

The same metal that made up Amazo's skeletal structure.

Promethium comes in two forms, Volatile promethium which is a mutagen that can trigger and awaken dormant metagenes.

And Depleted Promethium, which is more stable and unlikely to awaken meta-powers in a person.

However, both share two distinct advantages. One, they are virtually indestructible and two, they can absorb energy, especially heat with 100% efficiency.

And that was how I recharged them. By funneling Heat Mana into the watch, which the nanites then converted into energy.

Regarding which of the two types I had Ivo use to create them, I chose Volatile Promethium.

If it indeed helped awaken metahuman abilities, then being covered by billions of microscopic nano-machines could help me trigger my meta-gene faster.

So the current situation made little sense. The nanites should have been able to procure a sample.

But the instant they came into contact with the surface of the Lazarus Pit, I lost that portion of nanites.

Mmh. Could it be a magical barrier put up by the Demon's Head? Or maybe the Lazarus pit itself messed with technology?

No one could understand how it promoted regeneration or resurrected the dead. So who knows what adverse effects it had on tech like my nanites?

So I tried again, but this time I had the nanomachines construct a small spoon. No direct contact.

The spoon was barely the size of a toothpick. And it was made by assembling the dust collected from the stone steps.

The spoon was dipped into the liquid and a small sample was collected that was then funneled into a miniature vial made from assembled dust.

I didn't analyze it right there and then- Even if I wanted to.

Instead, I chose to pull back as the nanites left along the path informed me of someone's approach.

By now, the third match was about to start.

So I decided to watch Kid vs Speedy while waiting for an opportunity to sneak the nanites out of the Lazarus chamber.

(General P.O.V)

Speedy and Kid faced each other on the Arena, none of them making the first move despite the gong declaring the start of their battle.

"You know why I have to win this Speedy."

Wally stated, uncharacteristically serious.

Speedy widened his feet into a wide stance in preparation, before he answered,

"I do."

He nodded.

"But I'm not going down ea-"

His next words were cut off as a blur passed by him. He blinked and suddenly found himself at the edge of the Arena.

"-sy. Huh?"

The archer looked behind him, finding his heel an inch away from the edge of the Arena.

Turning around, he met Wally's eyes with a surprised look.

"Sorry, but I need to win."

The speedster said, before pushing his friend off the Arena with his hand.

The gong rang out, and Sensei announced Wally as the winner. The whole fight hadn't even lasted a minute.

Shock took over the stands.

"Oof. Tough luck."

Cheshire commented.

"Also, was it just me or were there streaks of lightning around him?"

"It wasn't just you."

The ever silent X-23 replied.

"Whoa...that was almost as fast as you."

Goku addressed Angel, who had a narrowed look as he made eye contact with Wally.

For a split second, he had felt a small dip in the amount of speedforce he could draw from the speedforce.

Which meant, his overall speed had been reduced. Just for a second, but it was something he instantly noted.

The same serious expression on his face, was reflected back at him by Kid Flash.

The speedster even raised a hand and pointed a finger at Angel.

Then without a word, Wally dropped the hand and left the Arena, passing by the stands.

He was headed for the exit to the Training Grounds.

Angel watched him walk away with a smirk.

He now knew without a doubt that Kid Flash had snuck into the Tournament specifically for him.

Most likely, for revenge against him due to what he did to the Flash.

Things were getting lively now.

If Wally won his match tomorrow during the Third Round, then the two of them would undoubtedly clash in the Semi-finals.


(General P.O.V)

Holy shit.

What had they just witnessed?

The final battle of the second round, was X-23 vs Cassandra. No one had really expected it to go like it had...

By now, it was afternoon, the sun was more than halfway through the sky.

There had been a short break for lunch and when they had returned, it was time for the last match of the day.

By then, Jinx had been cleared by the medical station and rejoined Angel and the others on the stands.

She hadn't been happy that she lost. Far from it. But her match with Angel had left her in deep thought.

It wasn't like her to stay quiet, but her introspection had seen her do exactly that.

On occasion, she would find herself throwing looks Angel's way.

It would be an understatement to say that she wasn't curious about him. The boy that had saved her life and then soundly defeated her. Easily too.

She wanted...no, needed to know why he had done that in the first place. They were supposed to be enemies yet, he acted as if the Tournament didn't even matter to him.

He could have easily been disqualified for saving her. The whole tournament was hosted by the League of Shadows after all. And she had disrespected their boss.

God, what was she thinking calling out Ra's Al Ghul's name so casually?!

Her overconfidence had almost resulted in her death! If it wasn't for Angel...

Yesterday she tried to talk to him and let him know of her gratitude. But that plan had failed.

In part due to Monkey boy's interference, but also because it had felt awkward- trying to strike up a conversation with someone she would be fighting the next day.

But now, that wasn't an issue anymore. He solidly beat her.

Even after she had used her powers on him, he still won. And that was the second reason why she was interested in him.

Her bad luck hadn't affected him. The arena had been turned to sawdust by her probability manipulation, but somehow, he had shielded himself.

How? She had never come across anyone who could negate her ability.

Angel Savage. An enigma.

'I wonder what kind of girls he likes...'

Shaking her head in embarassment at the thought, she resolved that after the end of the final match, she would approach him for a conversation.

But for the moment, her focus returned to the Arena, where the next and last battle was set to begin.

She was knocked out of the competition but it wouldn't hurt to learn more about the other contestants.

The gong sounded out. And immediately, both contestants rushed each other.

(Angel's P.O.V)

There are many ways to have a conversation.

Most people use speech or text to communicate.

Facial expressions as well, help in bridging the gap of understanding.

You can tell when someone is happy by their smile, or angry by their frown.

It's how humans convey meaning and build trust.

However, there is another way to communicate.

It's less popular but it's one that reveals the true self, and exposes a person's intent to someone else.


And that's exactly what was happening on the Arena between the two blank faced Assassins.

X-23 had a cold look on her face, which was matched in intensity, or lack there of, by Cass's calm but sharp gaze.

At the sound of the Gong, the two of them were upon each other like flies to honey.

Both released punches that actually connected with the other's cheek, the double impact of knuckles on flesh, resonating out into the Training Grounds.

I frowned, wondering why Cassandra hadn't dodged. But then I understood that the initial clash was like a greeting between them.

This wasn't just a fight, it was a conversation between two elites. Two girls who were much too alike.

Again, there's something about X-23...that I just can't put my finger on.

An idea came to me,

I tapped my watch, enabling a video recording functional on the shades I was wearing.

The nanites followed my will and a red dot appeared at the left corner of the shades.

One way or the other, I had a feeling I would face either of them in the later stages of the Tournament. Most likely the finals.

So recording their battle would help me study their moves and prepare.

Especially with the promise I made to Cass. Next time when we fought, I was determined to win.

It had nothing to do with how cool the fight was. Or how good and fit she looked. Nope. All this is for educational purposes.

I was distracted from the fight for a second, by a conversation the nanites I had in the Lazarus Pit chamber accidentally captured.

Fortunately, I had the glasses recording the fight in the Arena, so I could spare a little attention to what was happening in the chamber.

And boy oh boy, I now couldn't wait for my meeting with Ra's Al Ghul later on.

It seems some of the Demon's Head followers were not as loyal as he would have liked to believe.

Then again, the ones closest to you are also the most likely to stab you in the back.

(General P.O.V)

As the fight was happening above ground, underground in the Lazarus Pit, two individuals had met up for a secret meeting.

A figure stepped off the stairway and into the chamber, the green glow of the Lazarus Pit in front, highlighting their features.

He was a large and bald headed man. His massive frame was contained in a gray vest, showing off his huge arms filled with cords of muscles.

He wasn't handsome by any stretch of the word. His face was stony with a wide jaw and chin.

This was Ubu, the personal bodyguard of the Demon's Head.

On the other side of the Pit, the shadows warped as a form came into the light.

Immediately, Ubu went down on one knee.

"Lady Talia, you called?"

"Ubu, the time is upon us."

Talia said, walking along the side of the pool as she approached him.

She came to a stop before his kneeling form, imperiously gazing down at him,

"Tonight during the planned welcoming feast for the Fighters, my father will meet an unfortunate end."

She told him, grabbing his chin and tilting his head up.

"Can I count on you my dear Ubu?"

Talia crooned seductively, stroking his cheek lovingly.

Ubu, dazed, leaned into the touch, a fervent look in his eyes.

"Always Lady Talia. Your wish is my command."


Talia replied coyly, straightening up and retracting her hand.

She crossed her arms below her breasts, her sizable bust fighting against the seams of her dress.

Ubu's eyes were firmly locked on her chest, a hungry expression taking over his face.

Maybe that's why he missed the flash of disgust that went through Talia's eyes.

It was gone as quickly as it had appeared.


She called to him softly.

"Yes, milady?"

Ubu eagerly answered.

"See that you don't fail in your part."

Talia stated coldly, her earlier warm tone turning frigid and commanding.

"Your job is to slit the Demon Head's throat when the poison takes effect. I'll take care of the rest."

She turned around to gaze at the Lazarus Pit, a vicious glint in her beautiful eyes.

"By this time tomorrow, I'll be rid of all nuisances. And the League of Shadows shall be mine, including the Lazarus Pit. As is my birthright as the first born heir."

Ubu stood, firm resolve in his eyes.

"And I'll be by your side Lady Talia, assisting you in your rule. Together."


Talia smiled with mockery, her expression hidden from Ubu's view.


(Angel's P.O.V)

Yeah...he's dead.

There was no way Talia was going to rule with him.

If she did succeed in actuallizing her ambitions, this Ubu dude, would be the first to go.

That's villainy 101. Never trust a traitor. They'll come to betray you too one day.

The nanites I had concealed in the chamber, also recorded the whole conversation.

With this, I had a bargaining chip for when I met the Demon's Head.

Due to the existence of the Lazarus Pit, simply saving his life wouldn't have the same effect as exposing the traitors in his daughter and one of his most trusted servants.

Still, that raised another question, if Talia was truly set on taking out her father, what was stopping some of the Shadows loyal to him from simply bringing him back using the Pit?

I mean there was people like Sensei and Lady Shiva(though I hadn't seen her since the cruise ship).

And I doubt they would willingly betray Ra's.

I knew Sensei personally. And Shiva didn't strike me as the type to betray her boss. Not without a good enough reason.

In any case, I would find out tonight when I met up with Ra's.

A gasp passed through the stands, cutting into my thoughts and bringing me back to the match.

The arms of my seat cracked as I tightened my grip subconsciously.


I couldn't help but mutter.

On the Arena, the fight was over. And unexpectedly, Cassandra had lost.

But that was not the reason why I was so worked up, or why everyone watching was dismayed.

Four sharp blades, coming out of x-23's knuckles were plunged through Cassandra's chest.

With a sickening squelch, X-23 withdrew her claws and Cassandra's body begun to fall.

In a flash I was there, cradling her body while trying to make sense of what had happened.


(General P.O.V)

Since the start of the Tournament, this was the first time, a contestant had gravely injured another.

X-23 stood on the Arena, breathing fast, her fists held away from her body, ready for an attack from Angel who had shown up unannounced.

But Angel paid her no mind. Instead, he immediately directed his nanites into Cass's body, held in his arms.

Everything else faded from view- the noise from the stands, the Shadows swarming the Arena. His full attention was on the bleeding Cassandra.

And the results his nanites displayed on the lens of his glasses initially spooked him.

'Four puncture wounds. 3 on the lungs and one grazed the left chamber of the heart. She's somehow slowed the bleeding by herself. Good, this makes it easier for the next step.'

These thoughts went through his mind quickly.

He was overclocking his brain using the speedforce to think faster.

Immediately, he tapped his watch and issued another set of commands to the nanites.

The nanomachines complied, beginning to weave the soft tissue of her organs together.

It was a delicate process and it wouldn't guarantee total healing as the nanites were programmed to work on his own biology, not someone else's.

This meant scars would be left behind that would take time to heal. A few weeks to a month, normally.

'Luckily, there's a Lazarus Pit on the Island. And as Cass is Lady Shiva's daughter, she's important enough that they will probably use it.'

Angel reasoned.

Cassandra begun coughing out dark red blood, but it wasn't anything bad. Angel was using the nanites to push out the liquid stuck in her airways to allow her to breath normally.

It was only a few seconds, not even a minute and the nanomachines had stabilized her condition. Enough that she opened her eyes and found Angel looming over her.

He had a look of deep concentration on his face.

[Are you okay?]

Angel signed with one hand, the other on her chest, transferring the nanites onto her body.

Cass blinked, then in a weakly motion she signed back,

[What happened?]

[You got hurt. I'm taking care of it. Don't move.]

Angel responded.

Cass's face twisted in pain. The nanites were almost done reconnecting her flesh together, but it was akin to having surgery without anesthesia.

Behind them, the Shadows that had jumped on the Arena had immediately attacked X-23 for breaking the rules.

Not to mention, Cassandra was one of their own. This was like declaring war on the entire League of Shadows.

X-23 fearlessly met them with a brandish of her claws, using them to block their weapons, while her agility and superior training helped her hold her own.

But the real reason she was mowing them down like weeds was due to her savagery.

And the fact any injury she sustained seemed to visibily heal.

Cheshire stood, ready to jump out and go to her rescure, but Ravager stopped her.

"Let me go! She needs our help."

The former yelled.

"Remember the rules! You might be punished too."

Ravager hissed.

"Besides, it doesn't look like she needs it."

And true enough, X-23 snarled like an animal, showing bloody teeth while slicing open an arm, blood splashing onto her face.

A swing of her legs and a blade jutting out of her feet disemboweled another Shadow.

She was relentless and it was showing as the numbers dwindled.

Cheshire sat back down, shoulders tense.

The Arena had turned into a chaotic mess with bodies dropping and blood pouring forth like a geyser, painting the floor red.

Sensei, stoical, stood in front of the main building, watching as X-23 dispatched more than 10 Shadows in a single minute.

He snapped a finger and more shadows descended onto the Training Grounds, weapons drawn as they rushed the Arena,


X-23 roared out, blood on her hands and face, a pile of groaning bodies surrounding her.

Angel heard the animalistic sound, but remained focused on the task at hand. He was so close to finishing.

Cass as well, picked up on the sounds of battle happening and with another effort, she tapped Angel's hand and signed at him.

[They...will execute her for breaking the rules. You need to stop them. Not her fault.]

Angel shook his head.

[Just rest]

[She's like me. Only knows killing. You can help her. Like you helped me.]

She insisted with a grimace.

He helped her? When? But that wasn't important. He had a more burning question in his mind.

[What happened during the fight?]

He furiously signed at her, an angry glare on his face.

[You let her beat you. I know you could have easily won. So Why didn't you?!]

Cassandra's hand stalled in the air, then a soft smile graced her beautiful features, mesmerizing Angel.

[I...want to be her friend]

She signed.

A look of shock fell upon Angel's face. He couldn't understand what she was thinking.

She wanted to be friends with someone that had just tried to kill her? What the actual fuck?

[You're insane.]

He signed. Not only that, due to her losing, they now weren't going to meet in the finals.

Which meant they wouldn't have their rematch. Angel had been looking forward to that.

[Please? I'll owe you...]

Cass replied.

The plea in her eyes was too much. And despite his anger at X-23, he found that he couldn't refuse.

With a sigh, he nodded.


During their conversation, X-23 had been surrounded by greater numbers than before.

And with the Shadows adopting a different strategy other than rushing her head on, they were able to incapacitate her by binding her body with chains.

Sensei had then approached her, a Katana held loosely in his hand.

4 Shadows held both ends of the chain tightly. While the rest were standing behind her. She was in a kneeling position, her shoulders held down.

"Contestant X-23."

Sensei spoke, stopping before her struggling form.

X-23 looked up at him, a feral snarl escaping her lips.

The Katana was raised and then placed under her chin.

"For breaking the rules, I pass judgement on you. Death by my blade."

Sensei declared coldly.

Her head was wrenched back by her hair, exposing her neck and Sensei went to raise the Katana.

Everyone's breath stalled.

Watching from the side, Speedy and Robin had horrified expressions.

Next to them, Cheshire was gripping the arm of her seat so hard, her knuckles were white.

On the other side, Goku's tail was held tightly by Ravager, stopping him from intervening.


Cheshire muttered.

The Katana fell.

Only for it to slice the empty air. A second later, the chains that had been tied around X-23 loudly clattered to the floor.

X-23 had disappeared. She had somehow been sucked in by her own shadow.

Sensei swerved his head around a few times to no avail. She was nowhere to be found.

Turning to stare at the second floor balcony of the Main Building, he established eye contact with the Demon's Head.

A secret conversation occured between them, with Ra's shaking his head imperceptibly.

Sensei bowed at the waist then addressed the Shadows,

"Take the injured to the medical bay."

(Angel's P.O.V)


Shade came through for me at the last minute and used his powers to portal X-23 away.

I was suddenly glad I had upgraded my watch to enable communication with my right hand man from anywhere.

Although using his powers so openly ran the risk of me being suspected, I couldn't ignore Cass's request.

Besides, I now knew who X-23 was. Seeing her savagery on full display dislodged a few memories.

I might be wrong, but one name comes to mind.

Laura Kinney, the daughter of Wolverine. Clone to be specific but that wasn't the main take away.

Another Marvel character in DC. That makes it two, if we count Black Widow.

Maybe I shouldn't be surprised anymore. It's clear this world is different from what I know.

But that's okay, because now I can move forward mentally ready for anything.


Cass signed and then went limp, falling asleep in my arms.

"We'll take her off your hands."

A voice came from his back.

"I expect that will not be a problem?"

I threw a look at Sensei before turning to Cassandra. The nanites I had on her returned to my body. Her condition was stable, they could take it from here.


I stated, getting up.

"Just take good care of her."

With that, I made to move past my old teacher, but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

"Angel, the Demon's Head is not someone to be trifled with. He can overlook one or two misteps from you because you are promising. But do not push your luck, my talented pupil."

Sensei warned.

"I'll keep that in mind Sensei."

I shrugged off the hold and left.

There was a meeting to prepare for.

"Still as willful as ever."

I heard him comment from my back.


"Young master, I have transferred the target to Cell 3. Shall I proceed with the usual program? I have Psimon on call. The process is ready to start."

Shade informed me as I walked on the path to the Fighter's Quarters.

Behind me, I heard Sensei announce that there would be a celebration that night.

Just like I had heard Talia say. She will probably be making her move tonight.

And being the mastermind she was, I knew she would also take that opportunity to deal with me.

If I was her, I would pin the Demon's Head death on me. Killing two birds with one stone. And thus, she would take out both Ra's and I at the same time.

Sneaky of Talia. Very sneaky.

"Proceed with the process Shade. But tell Psimon not to scramble her brain. Just a mental copy of her memories will do. Also, she's a trained assasin, Shade."

I threw a side glance at my shadow.

"I trust she will not off herself on your watch?"

"I would die first, Young Master."

He replied.


Someone was about to touch my hand. I stopped, and a soft figure clashed onto my back.


Jinx let out as she fell. It was kinda funny. She looked dumb.

"Sneaking up on me? You do know this is an Island of Assassins, right? I might think you trynna kill me and retaliate."

I told her, stretching my hand out for her to take.

What the fuck am I doing? I don't need distractions right now.

She grabbed it and got up, her face twisted into a scowl.

"You're supposed to say sorry!"

I turned around and started walking away without a word.

Anyway, back to the meeting and Talia, jst because I know it's a trap doesn't mean I should blindly walk in. That's how overconfident crime bosses get assassinated.

"Hey wait! Don't leave."

If I didn't have my powers, I would never leave my mansion without a thousand goons armed to the teeth in between me and danger.

Though I doubt even a thousand would stand a chance with the League of Shadows.

Dammit. That's why I want them! If I can get the assassins to be the heart of my very own Private Army, then the whole conquer-the-world thing will be less hard.

It's not easy you know! DC is a world on the brink of collapse every single morning! I'm not blowing smoke either.

The kind of crap that will or can happen and has happened is fucked up!

Just a week ago, I woke up as a hamster on my bed. A hamster!

For just a single second, I felt the entirety of reality change on a whim before someone, (probably a cosmic entity) brought everything back to normal.

The point is, it's a fucked up reality.

So as far as trying to take over the whole world, I'm only doing this to try and control a tiny part of the chaos that's around me all the time.

That's the only way to ensure survival. I'll curve out my little paradise of order and rule it.

The entire Earth and everything in it, is just the perfect size. I'm not too ambitious to set my eyes on the universe.

Darkseid, The Reach, The Lantern Corps, Zod, Frieza or whoever, can have fun fighting over it.

The Earth is enough and it will be mine.



"Whoa, what's with the smile? Are you like actually actually evil?"

Jinx turned up at my side, studying me like I was a science experiment beneath her microscope.

"Yes. And I kill people for annoying me."

I replied, hastening my pace.

She ran forward and blocked the way, spreading her hands out.

"Look, I just want to apologize and say thanks."

"None needed."

I sidestepped her.

She held back and then ran after me.

"Also, how were you able to block my powers?"

I stopped and surprised her with a card that appeared in between my fingers. It was made with nanites. A symbol of two wings of fire and ice lay on one surface, and on the other was a code.

"Tap that to any communication device and a number will call you."

I held it out,

"You want answers, then look for them yourself."

She grabbed it, turning it over.

"Nice Logo."

"I'm the one who designed it, so thanks."

I turned to the trees on the side, capturing the small bundle of orange hiding on a branch.

"And I suppose you want a card as well Goku?"

There was a ruffle of leaves as he jumped down.

"How did you see me?!"

He questioned, surprised.

A flick of the wrist sent the card flying his way. He grabbed it and looked at me in question.

"You still want to fight me?"

He eagerly nodded.

I motioned to the card.

"Dont lose that. I'll reach out to you and we can arrange a duel."

A thoughtful look crossed him.

An idea came to mind.

"And if you come across someone called Bulma...give it to her, okay?"

Hopefully if she's indeed a part of this world, I can also recruit her.

With a wave, I left the two of them behind. Luckily, my door was close by.

I entered and immediately shut it behind me, leaving the two of them outside.

It's been so long since I practiced with my powers. Before the time of the meeting, I need to ensure I'm prepared for whatever surprises Talia might pull.


(General P.O.V)

-JLA Interlude-

-The Watchtower-

In the training room, a fast moving yellow blur was seen speeding on an advanced treadmill.

Streaks of lightning covered the figure- tongues of speedforce energy lashing out into the training room. Only to be captured by a field of energy before they could damage the walls and equipment.

The blur started slowing down until the treadmill came to a stop with a gentle hum.

The blonde haired and blue eyed man that stepped off it, approached the console at the back. One populated by floating pannels displaying various data.

"Nice work Allen."

Mr.Terrific, a dark skinned man with a tatooed T across his face told him, throwing a towel his way.

Terrific though not a member, was a Justice League associate, who had been brought in to assist with the Flash's speed problems.

His genius level intellect and expertise on dimensional science made him fit for the job.

Wiping the sweat off his face, Barry nodded.

"Please call me Barry."

He motioned at the console.

"How fast was I this time?"

Mr. Terrific waved a hand and maximized one of the floating pannels, displaying a number that made Black Canary, who was just walking into the room, comment,

"Mach 100? That's 1/3rd the speed of lightning. I'm impressed Flash, you'll be back to your former speed in no time."

But contrary to what she was expecting, the Flash threw the Towel on the rack next to him in frustration.

"Dammit! That's still not good enough!"

He punched table.

Streaks of red lightning, different from his usual yellow, jumped off his hand, leaving a scorched mark in the shape of a fist, on the metal surface.

Canary frowned.

"Its all 'HIS' fault."

The speedster spat out hatefully, before turning to Mr.Terrific.

"Let's go again."

Watching Barry as he jumped back on the treadmill, Canary approached the console.

"Did I miss something?"

She asked Mr. Terrific.

"His progress has stalled."

The stoic superhero replied, arms crossed on his chest.

"In fact, he's not speeding up anymore. He's beginning to slow down."

He added with a narrowed gaze.

"I think there's something wrong with his powers...or perhaps with him."

Canary didn't reply.

She had come to inform Barry that they were close to pinpointing the location of Infinity Island, but seeing his volatile mood, she decided against it and left.

'Maybe he should sit this mission out...' She thought to herself.


A few thousand miles down, on the Island of Shadows, the reason for the Speedforce acting up and affecting The Flash, was Angel.

Though the latter had no idea of the impact of his actions.

To him, he was just trying to strengthen the conduit he had with the Speedforce.

Unknowingly, that led to a few unexpected issues for every other speedster on the planet.

(Angel's P.O.V)

There's a lot I don't know about the Speedforce.

Especially my variant of it, which was influenced by my magic.

Whenever I tapped into it, the lightning streaks that manifested were usually blue and red, unlike most speedsters who only had a single color to theirs.

Integrating the Speedforce into my pyrokinesis and cryokinesis had seen some progress, although I was only able to use one side at a time.

But these few days of having the nanites on my body have given me a few ideas.

What if I used the nanomachines to eliminate the latency problem and use both sides of my icy-hot magic simultaneously?

This could be achieved by having the nanites regulate my heat mana (the volatile promethium metal made it possible due to it's energy absorption properties), while I accessed cold mana by myself independently.

Then by using the Speedforce, I could control the speed of the energy's (mana) vibrations.

Heat energy(mana) was after all molecules vibrating at high speeds and cold energy(mana) was the opposite - molecules with reduced vibration.

Increasing the rate of vibration in heat energy could induce an increase in temperature, making my fire burn hotter and brighter.

The reverse is true, though I've never tried to decrease something's speed before.

I knew it was possible to siphon out kinetic energy using the Speedforce so if I applied that to the cold energy, I could make my ice much, much colder.

Maybe even reach temperatures approaching absolute zero.

The main issue was my body. Despite training it to be physically resilient, I was still a human boy.

But with the nanites on me, I could monitor my bodily functions and find out how much stress I could handle.

I wonder what would happen if I managed to combine both pyro and cryo efficiently. Maybe the creation of a new state of matter?

Highly ambitious. But it was a good goal to aspire towards. Recent developments have shown me I need power now more than ever.

The rest of the afternoon was spent training to see what would work and what wouldn't.

I had to discard most of my ambitious ideas, however. Either I was not physically durable enough, lacked enough control over my powers, mainly the Speedforce, or the nanites failed to meet my expectations, showing me that their limitations were not just confined to the liquid of the Lazarus Pit.

It was official. The nanomachines were weak against highly dynamic energy fields.

It wasn't a problem when handling heat energy or cold energy, but adding the Speedforce into the mix led to the whole process collapsing on me.

I lost 10 percent of the nanites that way.

Despite that, the hours weren't wasted and I managed to come up with a new move.

Hehehe, Talia won't know what hit her...

Before long, I heard a knock on my door, signifying the time for meeting.

"Just a minute."

I called out while getting off my bed and stretching.

A few taps on my watch and the nanites which had now fully recharged, flowed down my body, covering me in a black suit with the chest left bare.

It was warm out, I didn't really need a shirt (The truth is I didn't have enough nanites to create one).

Finally, I sheathed Blaze and Frost on my hip, using an holster made from a portion of the nanomachines (more important than a shirt. Obviously).

The weapons would go with me as I wanted to reduce Shade's presence as much as possible.

It would be better if they thought I snuck the weapons in(remember there was a no outside weapons policy), rather than having them suspect I was the one that saved X-23.

There were not a lot of people with shadow abilities after all.

And pulling out a weapon from my shadow when shit EVENTUALLY hits the fan would be highly suspicious, regardless of the situation.

Enough introspection.

"Let's do this."

I breathed out, nodding at my handsome reflection.


The shadow waiting outside my door was quiet as we left the Fighter's quarters.

I didn't complain, I liked the silence as it allowed me to think.

Sensei had announced that tonight there would be a celebration.

Evidence of it, could be spotted in the paper lanterns hung over the path.

There was also the sounds of drums, flutes and melodic eastern music coming from the direction of the main building.

The sounds became more apparent as we climbed the length of stairs and into the compound.

A compound that was filled with droves of people.

Some of them unfamiliar, leading me to guess they were Shadows who were off duty.

And others were the fighters that had made it onto the Island before the start of the tournament.

They hadn't left, and had been watching the fights after the battle royale from the stands like the rest of us.

Though only the fighters were allowed to sit on the fighter's section.

People made way for us as we moved through the compound, headed for the main building.

I did pause before the Rankings Board, noting the third round's matchups, set to take place the next day.

Like always, I was up first.

It was me vs Ravager. With the winner set to move on to the finals.

The second match was Wally vs Robin.

The third and Final match of the Tournament would take place on the evening of the next day.

And it would be between me(Ravager has no chance of beating me and I she knows it), and whoever won between Robin and Kid Flash.

I really really reeaaallly hope its Kid Flash. Not only because I want to know how his connection to the speed force works, but also because I want to beat the smack out of him.

I don't like him. At all.

Due to extenuating circumstances, Cassandra was out of the tournament on account of her injuries.

I can guess Lady Shiva won't like that when she hears it.

X-23 was really lucky that Shade portaled her away from the Island when he did.

I can't imagine her surviving a furious Lady Shiva, even with adamantium claws and a healing factor.

Someone was about to ran into me.

"Oh sorry. Didn't see you there."

Robin apologized with embarrassment, scratching his head after bumping into me.

Behind him was Speedy, though Wally was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's the third wheel? Off raiding the banquet line?"

I asked with a smirk.

We all knew I was right.

"You're...more perceptive than you look."

Boy Wonder commented.

I shrugged, about to leave,

"A man of many talents I am. Now if you'll excuse-"


Speedy stopped me. I didn't fail to notice the strange look Robin gave him.

My Shadow guide stopped before the steps of the main building and looked back at me, waiting. I think he was getting a bit impatient.

"What do you want? If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of in a hurry Robin Hood. Or is it Red Arrow?"

I mentally slapped myself for the slip up.

"Wait, too early for that."

The two of them stared at me like I was the weird one.

Shaking his head, the archer continued,

"I had a question. Did you really kill Fire and Ice?"

My smile froze. Should have seen that one coming.

An uncomfortable silence fell among us.

Memories that I wished I was cowardly enough to have asked Psimon to delete, rose to the front of my mind.



My voice did not shake, nor was there a tone of doubt in the word. The icyness of it, left no shadow of uncertainty in them.

Unfriendly gazes met my cold one.

Maybe that will wake them up to the fact we stood on two different sides. They were heroes and I was a villain.

"So that's it? No remorse or regret?"

Robin asked in a hard tone.


My reply was short and consice. And that seemed to set him off.

He stepped forward aggressively but Speedy held him back. I could feel the stares we were getting and decided to leave.

"You're in my way."

I calmly pointed out.

Without a word, both stepped to the side and I passed.

"We will never forgive you."

Speedy threw over his shoulder.

I stopped.

"Forgiveness is for the weak and lost. I am neither."

(General P.O.V)

Robin and Speedy watched Angel as he left, the ghost of his statement hanging in the air.

"Did you do it?"

Speedy asked.

"Yeah. With the tracker on him, we'll know everywhere he goes on the Island. Once the tournament ends, the Justice League will prevent his escape and capture him. We just need to keep him on the Island for that long. Tomorrow, Angel Savage is going down."

Robin replied in a determined tone.

"Do you think they'll find the Island's coordinates in time? You did say it's off the radar. Even our comms stopped working."

Speedy asked in concern.

"Don't worry."

Robin smirked.

"I have a plan. After scouting the Island these past two days, I know where the communication hub is located. We just need to sneak in during the festival and let me work my magic."

(Angel's P.O.V)

I caught up with the guide and soon enough, we were moving through the main building, headed towards the second floor.

My mind went back to the strange confrontation with the sidekicks.

The nanites had alerted me of a tracker that Robin had slipped on the lapel of my jacket, showing the 'accidental bump' was not accidental at all.

He wasn't even subtle.

I could easily remove it but didn't see a need to. Let them think they had me.

And with their actions, there was no longer any doubt in my mind that they were here for me.

Which means the League might be on the way. Or maybe even planning to ambush me the second I left the Island.

That way, they could avoid a direct fight with the League of Shadows. That's what I would do.

A smile was painted across my face as we stopped by a door on the second floor building.

The door was manned by a baldheaded guy beefier than even Bane.

He had a perpetual scowl on his scarred face that reminded me of a bulldog.

The beady eyes directed my way did nothing to improve his facial structure. Guy was just plain ugly.

My shadow guide nodded at him and left. All the while, the big guy's eyes never left my own.

"I'm not into dudes, so quit staring at me and let me through."

I told him with a fake smile.

"The alternative is bursting your face in, so..."

With a snort, he fortunately, grabbed the handle and pushed the door open.

"Thanks big guy. That wasn't hard at all, was it?"

I walked in while studying the room. My nanites had mapped the entirety of the compound. I even knew where the Safe was.

But seeing for myself what lay on the other side of the door was even better. A fitting office/ private space for the Demon's Head.

For starters, the chamber was as wide as the biggest room in my Mansion, which happened to be the dining hall, and held a certain Eastern asthetic.

There was a short staircase framed on the sides with a small garden of herbs, flowers and other uncommon plants I had never seen before.

Below the staircase was an ebony wooden floor and a mat that stretched across the center of the room.

A couch laid off to the left side, facing a door that led to the balcony. On the right was a desk and chair.

And in the middle of the room was a long table, with a dozen seats. And on the head of the table sat the man himself.

Ra's Al Ghul.

And he wasn't alone either. In fact, a few of the seats were occupied. 5 to be exact.

By who you ask?

That's an easy answer.

"Heya Angel!"

Klarion the WitchBoy, excitedly waved at me from where he was seated next to Queenbee.

"Teekl, they didn't lie! He's really here!"

Unexpectedly, the members of the Light were all presented.
7 leaders +3 melee winners from 26 and 23 leaving maths not mathing shouldn't it be 16 leaving the island
Chapter 36 - 40
10 advanced chapters on Patreon.com/Saintbarbido.


(Angel's P.O.V)

The door behind closed with a bang, leaving me no choice but to move forward.

This must be what it's like walking into a den of hyenas.

My steps made little sound as I walked down the staircase. The gazes from my biggest competitors staring my way.

I stopped when a hand landed on my shoulder.

Of course I had felt the ugly guard from before follow me into the room, but my attention was briefly stolen by the presence of the Light.

"Your weapons."

He said gruffly.


I flatly refused.

Ignoring me, his other hand moved towards Blaze and Frost. Only for him to then hiss in pain as Frost's handle burnt his skin.

"Your weapons. Now!"

The grip on my shoulder tightened as he demanded roughly.

I rarely lose control of my anger. However, perhaps due to the brief encounter with the sidekicks, the tight lid I kept on it slipped a little.

"What is it with people touching me without my permission?"

I asked myself, grabbing his palm and squeezing. Hard.

He sucked in a breath, the bones of his fingers cracking as they ground against each other.

With his other hand, he threw a punch to my face, but the fist landed on a layer of ice.

The ice rapidly climbed up his arm and he backed away, swinging his leg back for a kick.


The pressure on his left hand fingers increased and a few bones shattered.

To his credit, he swallowed the cry of pain.

But with the painful groan that escaped his lips, I had him on his knees, desperately trying to tug his broken hand away.

"D-damn Y-you. L-let go bastard!"

He glared up at me.

To my front, Klarion giggled. Knowing him, he probably found the whole thing funny to watch.

"For goodness sake, Ra's. Let the boy keep his toys."

A bald man in a black tuxedo addressed the Demon's Head, looking my way before he glanced around the table.

"We all know he's not the only one carrying destruction in his pockets."

"Perchance, Mr. Luthor, êtes-vous en train de parler de moi? Monsieur Malah's guns are as much a part of him as the metal chasis keeping my Brain alive."

The Brain in a metal droid-like body spoke up in response.


A mask wearing man with a trident slammed it onto the wooden floor, producing a loud sound.

"He's talking about me, Brain. My Royal trident has the capacity to command the very ocean. I could submerge the entire Island we're on if I wished to do so."

"Touche' Monsier Ocean Master."

The Brain replied.

"Mmph. An island? I can destroy an entire continent!! Muhahaha!!"

Klarion jumped in, only for his cat familiar to meow at him.

"O-only a country? And not even the big ones? That can't be right. You're thinking with your stupid cat brain Teekl!"

Klarion angrily told his familiar.

The Familiar meowed back. Even I caught on to the touch of mockery emanating from the cat.

"What do you mean I'm weaker than I was thousands of years ago?! I'm the stron-"

I ignored the quarrel, in favor of a questioning glance thrown Ra's way. There was no way I was handing over my blades.

The Demon's Head met my gaze evenly, instigating a clash of wills between us.

I smiled in good nature, exerting a little more pressure and finally eliciting a true cry of pain from my victim.

"I foresee a 25% loss in function in his hand the longer I continue. Even if you heal him, the trauma will be etched in his brain, leaving him psychologically scarred. We both know you don't want that."

"Let him go."

Ra's gave in and ordered, but I didn't release the hold immediately. Not until,

"You can keep your weapons."

He added.

I let go and the guy suddenly reached for his belt with his good hand.

"You little..."

A short dagger landed right before his feet, stopping him in his tracks.

"Ubu. That's enough."

The Demon's Head spoke up.

Oh, so this is Ubu, huh? I should have figured that out sooner.

"Master, b- but my hand..."

Ubu complained, cradling his crooked and bent fingers.

"Leave us."

Ra's said with a finality.

Ubu bitterly bowed and retreated, but not before throwing a scathing look my way.

With that over and done with, I turned and met the gaze of a smiling Queenbee. She was the one who had thrown the dagger.

"Angel, it's been far too long."

My smile widened to show teeth, approaching her before kissing the hand she offered.

"Zazzy, you're right, it has been way too long. Still as radiant as ever."

"Oh you scoundrel. Ever the charming prince."

She replied, acting embarrassed, although I knew she was happy at the compliment.

Zazzala or as she's known in Bialya, Queenbee was actually a distant relative of mine. She was descended from Ishtar, one of my father's more outstanding children.

This made Queenbee, my paternal half-niece, many generations removed.

She was also a snake who wouldn't hesitate to stab you in the back to further her own interests.

"So, what have you been up to all these years?"

Queenbee crooned, trailing a gentle touch on my hand.

"You're taller and manlier now. Do you have a girlfriend?"

Thankfully, before I could answer, Ra's Al Ghul cleared his throat.

"You can catch up later, your highness."

He told her, before his sharp green eyes landed on me.

"Please, Mr. Savage, have a seat with us."

He offered, motioning to the seat at the end of the table.

"Thank you."

I bowed my head and did so, securing my hands on the arms of the chair. It was very comfortable.

The Demon's Head got to his feet, pulling away the attention that was on me.

"Before we begin, I would like to propose a toast."

He announced.

"The Lazarus Tournament will have its finals tomorrow, and the crop of fighters that showed up for the event will make excellent additions to my League of Shadows, thereby increasing the overall strength of the light. Let us toast to that."

Everyone capable raised a glass(the brain had Malah drink his).

There was a clink of glasses.

"Mmh, unusual choice of wine Ra's. It has a slightly tangy but sweet taste."

Luthor commented.

"A vintage Château Grillet perhaps?"

"You know your wine, Mr. Luthor."

Ra's acquisced.

"My father was a bit of a sommelier. He kept a few bottles of some extinct and very expensive wines."

Luthor replied.

I brought the glass to my lips and took a sip. Man, if I was a normal kid, I would never be allowed to drink.

Luckily, I wasn't a normal kid.

Coincidentally, Father kept a collection of wines in the cellar of our old mansion- I had Shade move most of them to our new place. So I knew a little about wine.

The sip told me everything I needed to know. It was poisoned.

The nanites in my body immediately analysed and begun breaking it down, even before it reached my stomach.

The results were displayed on the eyes lens made out of nanites placed on my eyes.

It was a slow acting poison that leads to a gradual paralysis over a few hours. By the nanites estimation, 2 to be exact.

The target wouldn't notice it, but their reaction speeds and mobility would be drastically reduced.

Not to mention, the poison also produced a calming effect that would make you drowsy.

So Talia finally makes her move to kill her father. And strangely enough, the Light have been caught in the crossfire. Mmh...what could she be thinking?

Wait. That's it. Now I see.

The poison wasn't meant to kill, it was meant to put Ra's into a weakened state, so that when Ubu did the deed, the Demon's Head would be too drugged to do anything.

"It's not a vintage Château Grillet."

I spoke up, swirling the liquid in the glass. I had all focus on me now.

"Normally, a vintage Château Grillet has a lighter color and the sweetness leaves an aftertaste. However, this one leaves behind the tangy taste at the back of your tongue. Don't misunderstand, it's still a good wine."

"Just not the best."

The Demon's Head completed.


I didn't back down.

Unexpectedly, Ra's threw his head back and laughed.

"Hahahaha, as blunt as your Father. You have the same look in your eyes as well. Clearly, I made the right choice in inviting you. To Angel Savage, true heir of the Immortal."

"To Angel."

Queenbee immediately stated, raising her own glass.

"To the young Monsier."

The brain went next, his Gorilla bodyguard/lover? Downing the entire glass.

"To Mr. Angel. Very astute observation."

Luthor followed up, an amiable smile on his face. However, I noted his eyes didn't reflect his kind words. If anything, they were sharply analysing me.

"To Angel."

Ocean Master softly echoed, nodding at me. I nodded back.

Klarion and his familiar on the other hand, were munching on the pieces of meat heaped on his plate. I didn't blame him. The table was spread with a veritable mouth watering feast.

He looked up and found everyone staring his way.

"What? I skipped breakfast today."

"Moving on,"

Ra's took his seat.

"Angel, you've been on the island for a few days now. How are you liking it?"

To be honest, I was weirded out by the familiarity they were already showing me. Especially Ra's Al Ghul.

"The Island is beautiful. A bit heavy on the security, but then again, not unexpected."

I answered carefully, following Klarion's lead and stuffing my plate with meat. MEAT. MEAATTTT!!!

"I'm curious, how have you been doing on the tournament?"

Queenbee asked me.

"Knowing him, he's probably going to win."

Klarion pitched in between his eating. Teekl meowed.

"You liar! I did not say he would lose! I just didn't think he would show up to the stupid thing!"

Klarion shot back.

After that, there was more light conversation as the meal continued. And through it out, I was surprised by the cordiality displayed.

The food was great, the wine was good and the interaction, dare I say it, civil. Especially given the massive egos gathered in the room.

In the couple hours that followed, I not only learned a lot about my fellow villains, I found myself the center of attention on more than one occasion.

"Is it true, Monsier Angel, you assisted Le Reine Queenbee, with ze eradication of all rebel faction from Bialya?"

The Brain asked.

"Well, that's an answer better suited for Zazzy to give. She is the reigning monarch after all."

The answer was yes. But not in the way he thought.

"The market share of your company has seen tremendous growth."

Luthor begun.

"If you wouldn't mind, I would like a future collaboration between us, Mr. Savage."

"I'll have my P.A reach out soon, Mr. Luthor."

I agreed, having no actual intention to do so.

See? Normal conversation, nothing too bad.

"Angel dear, how is your lovely sister doing?"

Queenbee questioned, causing me to almost choke on my wine.

I calmly placed the wine glass down, conscious of the attention on me.

They were trying to hide it, but everyone was curiously waiting for my response.

"Sister? I don't know what you're talking about. As far as I know, I'm father's only child. Though considering who he was, I can't rule out the presence of one."

I lied.


Queenbee muttered in confusion.

"Strange. I remember Vandal Savage mentioning something about expecting a daughter."

"Me too."

Luthor agreed. A little too fast, I might add.

"Counting the time, she must be what? 5 years old now?"

My brows scrunched up into a look of confusion.

"I honestly have no idea about that. A sister?"

I stared down at my hands with a lost look.

"As far as I know, I don't have any siblings. After Father's untimely demise, I searched...but,"

I shook my head.

"He was my last direct living family. If he had a daughter, trust me, I would have known."

"Vandal has a daughter? That's unexpected, he never mentioned anything of the sort to me. And I was his drinking buddy."

Ra's said, a noticeable slur in his voice.

My keen eyes didn't miss the knowing look that passed between Queenbee and Luthor.


"Hahaha, if so, the Savage bloodline is assured for generations to come. I'll happily drink to that."

Ra's raised his half empty glass in another toast.

"To the Immortal's daughter! Who may or may not exist."

Sentiments were shared.

I tipped my glass and took a sip. On the inside, I was freaking out.

How did Queenbee know about Candie? HOW THE FUCK DID THEY FIND OUT ABOUT MY SISTER!? I had gone to crazy lengths to ensure that her existence would remain a secret.

I don't buy that story of Father letting it slip. It was a possibility he might have mentioned it in passing, but Luthor even knew her age. That was too specific.

Besides, Ra's cleary had no idea about her.

And if there was someone who had been even remotely close to Father(the man had been cold, had no friends and basically kept his dealings a secret from everyone, including me) then I could believe it was Ra's Al Ghul.

They were more similar to each other than anyone else in the Light. He would have been the first to ask about Candie if he knew she existed.

Was this a power move by Luthor? A way to show me that he could easily get to my only remaining family?

Fuck. I'll have to review the mansion's security protocols. As well as do a second thorough background check on all the staff in the compound.

Even though, they are under a mental programming from Psimon to never betray me, willingly or not, I can't take that chance anymore.

I came in prepared to mentally spar with Ra's Al Ghul, but I wasn't expecting an expert in mindgames like Luthor.

'I don't think I can wait any longer to deal with the Light. I need to do something. Now.'

The weird incident was an indication of where things were going...

"If you would indulge me, Mr. Savage, could I study your weapons? I feel powerful familiar magic emanating from them."

Ocean Master requested and that served to change the subject, something I was grateful for.

"I'm not surprised you noticed."

I responded, tapping the sheath holding Blaze.

"They are made from Atlantean metal afterall. As for studying them, I'm afraid Frost and Blaze are not friendly to anyone else but me. Kinda like your trident there."

I pointed at the silver colored four pronged weapon in his hands. It was a beautiful thing. Magic pulsed through the intricate etchings on its length.

"Mmh. This was passed down from my Grandfather. It is the true symbol of the rightful king of Atlantis."

Ocean Master revealed.

"The current Annax, my older half brother, is only warming the seat for me. When the time is right, I shall claim what's rightfully mine from his cold corpse."

He was talking about Aquaman. Not the biggest fan either.

I tipped my glass his way.

"I can understand that. When that time comes, Ocean Master, I would be honored to assist you however I can."

Ocean Master nodded with a small smile.

"Thank you. When I am Annax, Atlantis shall open it's doors for you in welcome, Mr. Savage."

"Speaking of,"

The Brain cut in,

"There was ze matter we needed to discuss."

"Oh yes."

Queenbee clapped her hands together, before turning my way.

"Angel, what would you say to joining the Light? You can be it's 7th member."

I gave it a few seconds of thought. Can't say I didn't see the proposal coming.

"And what exactly is the Light's goal?"

I questioned, gazing around the table.

"If its world domination, I think I'll pass. That is something I can achieve by myself."

More importantly, I can't trust them. Not even a bit.

"Hahaha. I told you he would refuse."

Klarion cut in, teeth crunching on a chicken leg, bone and all.

"Ah, unfortunate then, Monsier."

The Brain sighed apologetically.

"You would have made a fine addition."

"Yes. Unfortunate."

Luthor added, no longer smiling. While the others looked resigned, he looked insulted.

As for Queenbee, she reached out with her hand across the table, touching mine.

"Angel, there are many privileges and benefits that come with being a part of us. We aid one another in progressing humanity's future. We are the light that shine the dark path that our species tread on. That's the goal of the Light. Not to dominate, but to guide."

"A worthy cause."

I nodded.

"But I'm afraid I'll have to refuse and give you a counteroffer."

I gazed around the table.

"Work for me. All of you. I reward loyalty, not with monetary gains-thats justa by product, but with something much more desirable. Purpose and true Power."

A tense silence followed. I don't think anyone was expecting me to say that. Nor was I expecting anyone to accept my offer.

That said, I was soon pleasantly surprised.

Ra's broke the silence with a light chuckle

"You're ambitious young Savage. I like that. And you have proven yourself beyond doubt. As ruthless as your Father but more powerful than he ever was."

Everyone was aptly listening to see where he was going with this.

Genuine green eyes met mine, as he continued,

"Which is why, I wouldn't mind being a part of your Vision, under one condition. If you would be open to marrying my daughter, then our alliance would be set, giving you the strength of my shadows."

The stunned silence that followed was immense.

"Ra's you can't possibly be serious..."

Queenbee asked in disbelief. One that was equally shared across the table.

I too was caught off guard. But seeing an opportunity, I eagerly leaned forward.

"I can sense the earnestness in your words, Master Ra's. My answer is obviously yes. We can discuss further detai-"

A knock on the door interrupted us, and without waiting for a confirmation, the one outside walked in.

The Demon's Head looked past me with a perturbed expression.


Ra's asked in a slurred tone.

"Why would you interrupt us?"

Talia Al Ghul said nothing as she walked past me and the others, her dark green dress swaying behind her back.

Up until she stopped beside her father, to whom she bowed.

"Excuse my intrusion Father and honored guests. But Tomorrow is a big day for us. Your presence will be needed. As it is already very late, It would be wise if you turned in early, Father. "


Ra's stated, looking around with dilated pupils. Unknowingly, the poison had kicked in.

He blinked, running a palm down his face.

"Now that you mention it...I do feel a little exhausted."

"You must have had too much to drink. Don't worry, I'll have an escort carry you to your quarters."

Talia said, standing beside his seat.

She snapped her fingers and in response, there was the sound of steps as a few shadows walked in.

Heat sense showed me that the entire perimeter of the room was surrounded by even more Shadows, outside.

All lying in wait, with drawn weapons.

"I apologize friends."

The Demon's Head addressed the table.

"But my daughter is right. I must retire early for the Finals tomorrow."

He made to get up, only to stumble back down in his seat.

"Huh? How strange..."

He muttered, shaking his head in confusion.

"Mmph, pitiful. The great Demon's Head, reduced to a staggering mess by a little numbing drug."

Queenbee mocked.

"How far you have fallen Ra's Al Ghul."

I knew then, I was right to be cautious from the start.

My instincts were telling me that something big was about to happen.

(General P.O.V)

All at once, the mood in the room changed.

Ocean Master gripped his trident much more tightly.

Behind the Brain, Malah unholstered his massive gun.

Luthor on his part, tapped his watch and a second later, the light of a boom tube manifested behind him. Out of the swirling portal, a blonde haired woman walked into the room. His bodyguard Mercy Graves.

At the Head of the table, Ra's who had clearly heard her words and seen the sudden change with the others, turned to Queenbee.

"What did you say, Witch? And the rest of you, what is going on?"

The one who answered was Talia, using her hands, to forcefully keep him in his seat.

"I think what she meant to say Father, was that you have been poisoned, with a slow acting paralytic that I slipped in your wine. It's the reason your body feels weak and numb."

The way she said it- so casually. You would have thought she was talking about the weather.

"The Château Grillet."

Ra's put the pieces together. Veins jutting out on his forehead as he strained to move.

"I can't even lift a hand."

He discovered, his expression going from confused to mounting anger. It was obvious what was happening. He was being betrayed.

"Why daughter? Was it greed? impatience? Why do it?"

Standing by his side, Talia patted his head.

"A little of both. Plus hate. But the main reason is him."

With her other hand, she pointed at

Angel, who had his head bowed.

Once again, all focus was on him. But this time, there was no cordiality to be found in the gazes directed his way. Instead there was only mockery and ridicule.

"He's poisoned too, by the way. Numb to the bone. He can hear and feel but he can't do a damn thing."

Talia informed her father, who stared at Angel's form with regret.

She grabbed her father's chin and turned his head to face her.

"You tried to force me into an union with a prideful brat."

Talia seethed with hate.

"I'll admit, what he has accomplished at his age is nothing to scoff at. Some might even call it impressive. And don't misunderstand, an alliance with someone like that is a smart investment for the future..."

She stopped, her face red, like she was about to explode.

"But...the LEAGUE OF SHADOWS IS MINE!! You hear me?! It's my right to replace you as the Demon's Head! Not a snortnosed brat who has not done anything to grow the organization! I have toiled, killed and destroyed for you! You have no right to sell me off like a prize just to grow your own influence! You are just a selfish bastard that would have died long ago if it wasn't for that bloody Pit!"

"That's why...everything you have built, I shall tear down and rebuild anew. That's my duty as your daughter and heir. My responsibility to your legacy."

She was breathing heavily by the end of her tirade.

There was a pregnant pause.

"I see."

Ra's responded with a blank expression, sweeping his gaze at the shadows in the room.

Men and women he had trained since childhood. Some he had saved from fates of living as orphans. Given them a purpose...

His eyes particularly landed on one.

"And you Ubu? Have you fallen for my daughter's sweet poison that you turn disloyal?"

"My loyalty is to the mantle of the Demon's Head."

Ubu replied in a grave tone.

"And after tonight, you will no longer be the Demon's Head, Ra's Al Ghul."

Disappointment appeared in Ra's eyes before he closed them.

When he opened them again, they were the sharp gaze of a man who had seen it all.

And his next words reflected the experience collected over many years.

"My friends, you too seem awfully silent. Can I assume that you are on my Daughter's side? If so, choose your next words carefully. For I will allow you a momentarily hesitation to think. Has the Light betrayed me?"


Without hesitation, Luthor answered.

"Nothing personal Ra's, just business."

"You had grown soft Monsier. Change is the only costant. C'est le vie."

The brain followed suit.

"I apologize Ra's. But I was outvoted."

Ocean Master admitted.

"I'm only here for the chaos."

Klarion said, his mouth stretching out in a wide predatory grin. Teekl meowed from atop his head.

"Yes, and the food too, you stupid cat."

Finally, Ra's eyes landed on Queenbee, who took a sip of the wine in her glass and placed it down with a contented sigh.

"Angel was right, it may not be great but it's some good wine."

She commented.


Ra's calmly ordered.

"No point in stalling any longer. The knife is deep in my flesh."

"Then the answer should be obvious."

Queenbee replied, a small amused smile playing on her lips.

"We gave you a mission to kill a mere 10 year old boy and your 'highly trained' Assassins couldn't finish the job. Even with back up from Bane and his men. Do you know how much the loss of Santa Prisca affected us? A lot. Without Vandal Savage's connections and influence, that loss was only one of many. The boy's death would have seen me inherent everything. And through me, the Light. So yes, we voted to have you removed and your daughter take over the Shadows. You let emotions get in the way of our plans. Don't blame us for turning on you, blame yourself."

'Ah, So, the Light were the ones to put a hit on me,' Angel thought from his seat, still pretending to be paralyzed.

In actuality, he was busy planning countermeasures. He had already decided, the Light couldn't be allowed to leave! Not when they knew of Candie's existence.

"It wouldn't have come to this, if ze Monsier had taken up the contract once more. But you refused. Your lovely daughter tried but tsk...she failed. Too bad."

The Brain said.

"Hey! that wasn't on me."

Talia barked out, glaring at the brain.

"I sent my best men, only for Shiva, that meddlesome bitch to intervene, needing me to improvise. She will be the first one I get rid of. Besides, it doesn't matter."

Her eyes fell on Angel's form.

"He drank the wine as well, and unlike the rest of you, he didn't take any antidote before the feast. He will be paralyzed and defenseless for the next 3 hours. A single slash aimed at his neck and he'll bleed out, choking on his own blood. A disgraceful end to one who killed the Immortal."

She sneered.

"Let me do it, Mistress. I have a bone to pick with the brat."

Ubu suggested, prowling towards Angel.

"Look at him, he's so terrified that he can't speak. But I can make him scream..."

"Not yet."

Talia refused, Viciously glaring at Angel. A sharp blade appeared in her hands. Which she proceeded to lick the edge of.

"After I'm done with him, you can have what's left."

Her tone would have been mistaken for sexual if it wasn't for her sadistic intentions.

Klarion's cat meaowed fearfully.

"Me too Teekl. She scares and makes me horny at the same time."

Klarion whispered at his cat.

Queenbee clapped her hands together.

"Then, this meeting is adjourned. Talia, as previously decided, you shall be the 6th member of the Light. As for anything else, we shall discuss it on our next meeting. Agreed?"

A chorus of yeses were thrown her way.

"Mercy. I believe this is our cue to leave."

Luthor got off his seat, the light of an activated boomtube washing over him.


The bald billionaire nodded at his former ally. The Demon's Head remained unresponsive.

"Malah, we shall go as well. Much to do."

The Brain told his Gorilla as another boom tube activated behind him.

"Me too. I'm needed in Atlantis."

Ocean Master decided.

"Afterall, this seems like a family matter. I wouldn't want to impose."

That said, he threw a final look towards Angel before sighing in regret.

Lastly, Queenbee gracefully got to her feet.

"Thank you for the feast Ra's Al Ghul. It was...good."

She reached into her Royal purse and grabbed her Fatherbox, activating her own Boomtube with a mental command.

With a loud hum, a yellow portal manifested to her side.

She went to step through before stopping in front of it.

"Oh and Angel, did you really think I wouldn't know about the rebels you purposefully let escape through the border into Qurac? I had each and every last one of them tracked down and brought to Bialya for execution. You accomplished nothing, boy."

She turned to Talia.

"Make him suffer, my dear. And send me the video."

"As you wish your highness."

Talia smirked.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! That's right Teekl!"

Unexpectedly, Klarion broke out in laughter, causing Queenbee to frown in distaste.

"And what is so funny, Witch boy?"

The Chaos Lord looked up with red glowing eyes that seemed to stare off into space.

"Nothing much, just the future. I can't wait to hear your screams soon. Especially yours, Queenbitch. I've never heard a queen scream before, it's gonna be fun, right Teekl? Hehehehe."

The statement seemed to make Queenbee blanch. As well as stopping everyone in their tracks.


Queenbee threw at the Chaos Lord.

"If it wasn't for your usefulness, you would be bones in a mass grave and your cat a rug on the floor of my palace."

Klarion chuckled in response, unbothered by a threat from what he considered an insect.

Queenbee turned away with a huff.

He leaned back on his seat, his attention on something else. Or rather, someone. Through his closed eyes, his mind reached out towards Angel.

And in a rare moment of seriousness, he projected his thoughts.

(The Chaos that this will cause...the other Chaos Lords won't say I've been slacking off anymore. See you around Angel.)

A red portal swallowed him and Teekl, leaving a quiet and spooked room.

"Okay, that's it. We're going. Now."

Luthor hurriedly said, walking into the boomtube. He didn't like the omen left behind by the Chaos Lord.

Or at least he tried to.

The instant he made to step forward, the Boom Tube disaappeared and his foot landed on the wooden floor once more.

A shiver ran up his spine. Especially when he heard a strange sound emanating from his back.


Angel sighed in exhaustion, stretching his hands over his head.


After going so many minutes without saying a word, he now spoke,

"Hacking a piece of New God tech like a Fatherbox is so fucking hard. But I managed it before you guys could run away."

"H-how can you move? Y-you drank the wine! You're supposed to be paralyzed!"

Talia stammered in shock, struggling to believe what she was seeing with her eyes.

"Oh the poison?"

He scratched his cheek.

"Yeah I neutralized it before could be digested. You ruined some good wine you know."

The Brain, Ocean Master and Queenbee gaped as their own boomtubes followed Luthor's lead and disaappeared as well.

"What the hell?"

Queebee yelled, trying to work her Fatherbox, but no matter what she did, the device failed to follow her commands.

"Don't bother Zazzy, a very smart man figured out a few things on how those things work. Not a lot, but enough that I could use my nanites to revoke your access."

Angel informed them, crossing his hands over his chest.

"You can't shit on a man's goodwill and leave like that."

He admonished, as if lecturing misbehaving kids.

"I haven't forgotten that you guys tried to kill me too. And that...that is a big big problem."

His face changed, the calm falling off as he leaned forward.

"What do you have to say for yourselves?"

He coldly asked.

Luthor and the others exchanged wary looks, before the bald supervillain cleared his throat, adjusted his clothes and stepped forward with an amiable smile.



Angel cut him off with a mutter, and the four members of the light, including Mercy and Malah the Gorilla, were instantly swallowed by their shadows.

Shade was already under orders to subject them to the highest and harshest level of the mental reprogramming process.

Psimon was going to have a fun time.


Angel spoke up once more, his angry eyes never leaving Talia.

"I asked you a question daughter of the Demon's Head. What do you have to say for yourself?"


(General P.O.V)

Talia remained silent, her face set in an angry and confused frown.

The members of the Light, all of them had suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It had to be him. Angel.

"Tch. What are you waiting for?! Take him down!"

She gave the order to the Shadows and in a repeat of a previous dance, Angel was jumped.

But this time, he didn't require Shade's help. And despite these particular Shadows being elites- thus tougher than the one's he had faced in the past, it wasn't much of a contest.

To him, a slightly bigger ant was still an insect.

Calm in his seat, Angel paid them no heed, his eyes set on Talia with a snide smirk on his face.

His chest inflated as he breathed in deeply.


Following a long exhale, cold air poured forth from his mouth, rapidly condensing into numerous chittering white forms.

A swarm of Ice bugs. Or to be specific, Ice-nanites.

This was a combo-move.

By adding cold energy into the nanites, he was able to shift their forms into a mass of visible tiny ice elemental constructs that followed his bidding.

The cloud of white, consisting of bug-like nanomachines with glittering wings and sharp pincers, rose into the air, flying around him in a circular rotation before assailing the shadows.

"What are these things?! They don't stop!"

One of them yelled, wildly swinging around his blade, only to have the metal turn gray and brittle as soon as it passed through the cloud.

With an audible crack sound, the blade shattered and the Ice-nanites immediately swarmed him.

"Arrgh!- Ack! "

His screams were cut off with a pained howl.

And as the swarm moved on to attack the rest, a shrunken corpse wrapped in a baggy shinobi uniform was all that was left behind.

The body fell to the floor and shattered into a thousand pieces.

"Fall back and guard Lady Talia!"

Ubu gave an unnecessary order, as most of the Shadows were already trying to escape the swarm, by utilizing their shinobi skills to escape the room.

Unfortunately for them, a part of the Ice-nanites broke off and blocked all exit points- covering the door and walls in a layer of ice.

Without a way to flee, they were quickly turned to lifeless corpses that littered the wooden floor with dust.

Those who stood their ground, led by Ubu, encircled Talia and Ra's Al Ghul in a protective circle.

"Take out the boy and the insects will follow!"

Ubu confidently directed, pointing his sword at Angel, who was still in his seat, sipping on the drugged wine.

Emboldened, the Shadows let loose a hail of long range attacks his way. Daggers, shurikens, kunai and even crossbolts.

For anyone else, they might have posed a danger.

However, inches from Angel's face, the swarm flew in to cover his front. This was done so automatically.

When a material like metal is frozen to very low temperatures, it's molecular mobility decreases, turning it brittle.

This is NOT what the Nanites were doing.

Due to their efficient energy absorption, the nanomachines were basically sucking out all the heat in the blades and the bodies of the Shadows, inducing a phenomenon known as Thermal Shock.

That was the reason every weapon launched at him, shattered into dust the second it entered the cloud of Ice-nanites.

"My turn."

Angel calmly said, gray dust drifting down around him.

And in response, the Ice-nanites instantly spread out through the entire room, buzzing like a swarm of angry hornets.

The few Shadows left stood no chance. In a second, they were submerged in the swarm.

"Aarggh!!! Lady Talia! Help me!"

Ubu cried out desperately, reaching with his hand towards Talia.

The latter stayed rooted beside her paralyzed father, a terrified expression in her eyes.

As for Ra's, he had a complicated look in his. These were his Shadows. He had trained them. Ubu especially was like a son.

Yet, he could do nothing but watch as Ubu was robbed of his body heat. His large muscles shrunk as he lost vitality and his skin turned pale and grey.


The former bodyguard called out to the Demon's Head in his final moments, before all light left his eyes.

What was left were corpses surrounding the two of them.

And as the Swarm returned to hover around Angel, the bodies begun crumbling down like sand sculptures.

"M-my men..."

Talia muttered, her mouth dry.

Angel cleared his throat, causing Talia to jerk her head his way.

"I asked you a question, Talia. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Angel asked in the same cool tone.

'He's a demon. No, a monster.'

Talia thought to herself, and in a quick move, she placed her dagger below Ra's Neck, holding her own father hostage.

"Try anything and I slit my father's throat."

She warned, nicking his skin and producing blood.

Angel stared at her like he was looking at a particularly stupid person. Had she forgotten that he had killed his own father?

Why would he be bothered if she killed him?

"Do it then."

He shrugged.

"If he dies, I can just use the Lazarus pit to bring him back. But as for you..."

He left the warning hanging.

Talia's hand shook.

"Stop this, daughter. It has already gone on long enough."

Ra's spoke up.

"Shut up!"

Talia rounded up on him, making the mistake of looking away from Angel.

"The League is mine! I haven't lost-"

"Oh, but you have."

Angel's voice whispered close to her ear. So close in fact, she could feel the warmth of his breath.

Spooked, she turned around with a cry and a swing of her dagger, only to hit nothing but the air.

Angel was still seated, more than a few feet away.


Confused and breathing heavily, Talia didn't notice the red ice that creeped up her boots. Only when the burning pain that Red Ice causes when it came into contact with skin assaulted her, did she look down.

"What is this!?"

She howled, trying to dislodge her stuck feet. But it was all for naught, and in a few seconds the Red Ice had climbed up to her neck.

The lavish green dress she wore begun melting inside it, revealing her bare skin, and the matching black underwear and bra she wore.

The burning sensation intensified and it only got worse as the Red Ice reached her head.

"Damn you Angel Savage!"

Talia cursed him out in rage and hatred.

Unable to resist, the Red Ice completely covered her, encasing her entirely.

She was like an art piece on display. An almost naked woman with a dejected and hateful expression on her face.

"And then there were two."

Angel turned to the Demon's Head, a noticeable edge in his words.

"Just like it was SUPPOSED to be."

Ra's eyes widened as the swarm orbiting Angel started flying his way.

His emotions were complicated and there was a lot he wanted to say. But paralyzed as he was, and knowing there was little he could do or say to appease Angel's fury, he accepted his death.

'It is what I deserve. After all, I led him into a trap.'

They had also tried to kill him more than once. If Ra's was in Angel's shoes, he wouldn't forgive them either.

The swarm swallowed him, entering his body through his nose and ears.

And although it was uncomfortably cold, there was no pain. And no death came for him either.

"There, I used the nanites to neutralize the effects of the poison."

Angel's voice reached his ears, pulling The Demon's Head attention back to reality.

"Your body will go back to normal after a while."

The swarm returned to him, back to guard duty like faithful sentinels.

Ra's made eye contact with the boy, not sure what to think. Why was he not dead yet?

No. He was alive and that was a good thing.

"Thank you for sparing this old man's life."

So he bowed his head in gratitude.

Angel said nothing in response.

Ra's Al Ghul took it in stride, noticing he could move his body, though a few parts like his legs were still numb.

Fortunately, he could shift his neck. With regret coloring his face, he turned to his daughter.

His precious Talia.

No father would be comfortable seeing their daughter in the kind of humiliating situation she was in.

Yet, it couldn't be helped. Talia had ultimately chosen this. One lesson he had made sure to impart onto her was about consequences. Thus, she could blame no one but herself for the results of her decisions.

"Don't worry, Red Ice is porous. So she won't suffocate. Yet."

Angel informed him.

The Demon's Head sighed. At least his major concern was lifted.

The swarm flying above Angel stirred and through his direction, the Ice-nanites merged with his body, recreating the pants he had been wearing.

The main reason he hadn't stood up or left his chair even once...was because he was sitting in just his briefs, having used his pants to create the swarm of Ice-nanites.

For that short time, Angel had been half naked!

Luckily, no one had noticed. That would have been embarrassing.

'I'll have to tell Ivo to increase the number of nanites I can carry on me.'

He noted.

But for now, it was time to collect a debt.

"Ra'Al Ghul."

Angel cleared his throat, one leg crossing over the other.

Ra's gulped.

Despite walking the Earth for 300 plus years, he inexplicably found himself nervous facing a 10 year old.

But this was no normal 10 year old. In his head, the shadow of Vandal Savage appeared behind Angel.

'He exerts the same pressure as his Father. No, even more. And those eyes, they're colder than steel.'

Ra's thought.

"Let me start by first thanking you for your hospitality. So far, my stay on your Island has been pleasant. However..."

At this juncture, Angel's face turned sour and his gaze narrowed.

"You have to answer for this mess. The only reason I joined the Tournament was to meet with you. And although I should thank you for helping me discover a leak in my security, I still require a proper explanation. Why did you invite the Light?"

Ra's breathed in and slowly exhaled, before answering,

"At it's core, the Lazarus Tournament is an exhibition of martial skill and talent. It was always the plan to invite them to watch the Semis and Finals. The feast was a way to welcome them to the Island. My meeting with you on the other hand, was scheduled for after the feast."

The older man sighed, looking away.

"Forgive me then, for not anticipating the hostile environment I was bringing you into. I truly did not intend for things to turn out as they did."

"I see."

Angel replied in understanding.

"Then I won't push the matter any longer."

While Angel was angry about the whole thing, he wasn't keen on pursuing the grudge. Besides, the whole incident was a blessing in disguise. He had removed a dangerous piece from the board by handling the Light.

He would also increase the security on his sister. So win-win.

However, things in the Supervillain world worked differently from the normal world.

Here, you couldn't be perceived weak. Which meant...

"I accept your apology. But on one condition. I want something from you in return. Grant me this one request, and I'll call us even."

Angel responded after being quiet for a time.

Ra's nodded in understanding. He had expected a demand.

"What do you want? If it is within my influence or power, you shall have it. Be it My Lazarus Pits or my Entire League Of Shadows. Ask and you shall have it! This, I swear by the Crest of the Demon's Head!"

He raised his right hand, showing a ring with a black and red demon skull on the top.

Naturally, Angel knew what this was.

This ring was the status symbol of the Demon's Head.

Anyone wearing it would be able to command the full might of the League of Shadows.

Inside the sculpture of Red Ice next to Ra's, Talia's eyes went wide in surprise.

She had heard her Father's pledge. Which meant, Angel could ask for everything that was rightfully hers, and her Father would be liable to hand it over.

This was bad!

Angel didn't say his wish right away.

But when he did, it was like a hammer struck!

"I want Talia. Your daughter."

Calling the request unexpected would be an understatement.

Talia had thought he would go for ownership of the League of Shadows. But hearing that he asked for her, made her blood run cold despite the burning sensation across her body.

'Father no! Tell him no! Please!'

She yelled in her mind what she couldn't say with her voice.

But Ra's response made her heart sink.


The Demon's Head immediately accepted and continued calmly,

"She is yours to do with as you please. Have your way with her, drive her mad so she regrets fighting fate, or Kill her for all I care. I have no use for Traitors."

Talia's heart broke. Her vision turned blurry, the cold Assassin was no more and a final unheard gasp proved it,


Satisfied that Ra's had accepted his request,


Angel softly called out.

The Sculpture of Red Ice holding Talia was swallowed by its own shadow.

"Good Luck on your final match, young Master."

Shade whispered as his presence faded in the background, and with his exit, Talia's as well.

But different from Luthor and the Light who would be placed in the dungeons, awaiting the worst experience of their lives, Shade was under orders to hold Talia somewhere else.

Angel would personally deal with her when he left the Island.

He just had to win the Tournament first. The winner could ask for anything they wished and Angel knew exactly what he would ask for.

"Well, with that out of the way, how about we-"

Angel was interrupted by a loud crash that came from his back.


The door to the chamber was violently kicked off it's hinges and thrown a few feet away.

And through the opening, a large group of Shadows led by Sensei stalked in. They had weapons drawn and looked ready for a fight.

Sensei surveyed the room with a frown. Only managing to find Ra's Al Ghul and Angel inside.

"Master, the sentries reported of a commotion occuring in this room. Is everything alright?"

Sensei asked.

"No need for concern. As you can see, Angel and I were having a pleasant conversation."

Ra's replied, motioning to the end of the table.

"Sup Master."

Angel greeted Sensei, getting off his seat.

"Ra's, I have a match tomorrow so I'm gonna head out."

He casually told Ra's Al Ghul, intending to leave.


Ra's stopped him with a hand raise.

"I'm curious, why did you ask for Talia when you could have gotten the ring? With it, you could command my entire organization."

Sensei's frown intensified. He didn't understand what was going on, but the implications of the Master's words were grave!

Angel smirked.

"What do you think I'll ask for when I win the Tournament?"

At his response, the Demon's Head snorted in amusement. The boy had even thought that far. Such foresight.

It showed he was someone who keenly analyzed every situation, and made plans to benefit him in the long run.

It occured to Ra's that Angel had been playing him from the start.

'He is powerful. But more importantly, he is cunningly wise. What a combination.' The Demon's Head thought.

"You are one scary man, Angel Savage. I look forward to your future."

Ra's raised his empty wine glass.

"Let's talk once more after the Tournament."

Angel nodded in agreement.

"Sure. Until then."

Then he walked away, passing by a still confused Sensei, who stepped out of his way to allow him to leave.

At the entrance, Angel suddenly stopped.

"Oh, and one more thing. The Justice League might stop by tomorrow."

He told them over his shoulder, causing Sensei to stiffen.

"How do you know that?"

His old teacher demanded intimidatingly.

"A little birdie told me."

Angel shrugged.

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

With that, he left.

(A few minutes later)

At Ra's order, the Shadows that had arrived with Sensei were sent back to their posts.

And now, it was Sensei and Ra's Al Ghul alone in the chamber.


Sensei, walked forward and kneeled before Ra's, who seemed lost in thought, his eyes set on the wine glass before him.


The Demon's Head allowed.

A hard look crossed Sensei's normally impassive face.

"As much as it pains me to admit, my former pupil may be right. A short time ago, during the festival, I captured one of the fighters sneaking out of the Communication Hub. They are currently in a cell."

Ra's actions stilled.


Sensei exhaled heavily.

"Forgive me master, but I suspect they sent out the Island's coordinates, revealing our location."


(General P.O.V)

"What's going on? No one told me there was a meeting."

The Flash asked, being the last to walk into the Watchtower's Meeting Hall, which was occupied by the rest of the Justice League.

The room, usually buzzing with camaraderie and strategic discussions, was uncomfortably silent.

Complicated and hesitant eyes met his own.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

he asked, confusion lacing his voice.

"Barry, we lost contact with Robin and the others,"

Superman informed him, his tone grave.

"Oh...I see,"

The Flash muttered, the weight of the news settling heavily on his shoulders.

"That's why I was against Speedy and Kid being there in the first place," he lightly admonished, his eyes locking with Batman's, whose stoic expression didn't waver.

"Fortunately, Batman was able to get the island's coordinates before we lost contact."

Canary said, trying to maintain a hopeful tone amidst the tension.

"We can't wait any longer, we are moving out in a few hours,"

Wonder Woman added, her voice firm with resolve.

A look of determination closed over The Flash's face.

"Great. It's about time we brought 'him' in. We need to avenge Fire and Ice."

The others shared strange looks, laden with unspoken concerns.

"We had a vote, Flash. And everyone decided that you're not coming," Superman broke the news, his voice steady but tinged with regret.

"What do you mean I'm not coming? You guys are going to need my speed."

The Flash was taken aback, disbelief and hurt flashing in his eyes.

"Canary theorizes you're not mentally ready to face Angel Savage again. In your current condition, you would be a liability. And I agree with her. All of us do."

Batman said, his voice mercilessly cutting through any hope of negotiation.

The Flash turned to Canary with a betrayed expression on his face.


Black Canary began apologetically, her eyes pleading for understanding.

"I'm so s-o-r-r..."

Her words slurred as The Flash entered his Flash Time, a state where the Speed Force slowed down his perception of time to allow him to think.

A range of different emotions tore through him, manifesting in expressions of anger, frustration, impatience, resentment, and back to anger.

All his bitterness at the loss of his speed, all the pain of feeling powerless, surged within him.

He looked towards Superman, the only one who could perceive the surroundings in the slowed-down world the Flash was in.

Superman stared back unflinchingly, not showing pity or mockery but instead providing a sense of stability and understanding.

That, more than anything, helped Flash calm down.

"I'm going to stop him for you," Superman's voice, garbled to the rest, reached The Flash clearly. And with that assurance, the Speedster slipped out of Flash Time.

"Is there anything I can say that will change your minds?"

He tried one last time, his gaze sweeping around the table at his friends, his voice carrying a hint of desperation.


Batman answered for the others, his tone final.


The Flash sighed, a mixture of resignation and determination in his eyes.

"Just make sure to protect Kid and the others."

He threw over his shoulder, turning around and leaving, the weight of the decision pressing heavily on his shoulders.

Despite Superman's assurance, only Flash knew the true danger Angel posed.

He had to get his speed back to where it was, and maybe even surpass it. So that when his friends ultimately failed and needed his assistance, he would be ready to help them.

(General P.O.V)

The last day of the Tournament arrived sooner than expected.

After a feast that lasted until midnight, the Semifinals were pushed to start at 10 a.m. sharp.

Right on time, the first match began: Ravager versus Angel.

As they entered the ring, Angel wore a calm smirk, while Ravager's expression was blank.

"I concede."

Ravager stated immediately, throwing the match.

"That's unfortunate. But smart." Angel snickered.

"Yeah, well, I'm still hungover from last night, and I'm not stupid enough to take you on at less than 100%."

Ravager replied, walking off the arena to the stands.

Angel snorted as she left.

The gong sounded.

"The first match winner by concession: Angel Savage."

Sensei announced.

From the balcony on the second floor, Ra's smiled down at the arena.

In the stands, the fighters discussed the unexpected result.

"I can't believe she gave up."

Goku said,

"If it was me, I'd fight until I couldn't fight anymore. Like a true warrior."

"You'd still lose. Even if we all attacked him at once."

Jinx replied, eyes narrowed at Angel.

"We would still lose. Badly."

Goku fell silent, reluctantly admitting Angel's power level was double his own.

His thoughts drifted to the card in his Gi. Angel had said he could contact him for a fight anytime.

"I need to get stronger, and then... we'll see."

Nearby, Cheshire turned to Speedy,

"Have you noticed the stands are emptier than usual? And where are your two friends? They have the next match, right?"

Speedy clenched his fists and remained silent.

Cheshire frowned under her mask. Something was definitely up. During the feast last night, she had seen Robin sneak off somewhere and hadn't seen him all morning.

The gong sounded to announce the start of the second match, with Sensei standing in the middle of the arena to call up the fighters.

Strangely, Angel had yet to vacate the arena, raising confusion among the spectators.

"May I have your attention?"

Sensei began, his voice projecting across the Training Grounds.

"Due to unforeseen circumstances, one of the fighters for the next scheduled match will not be able to compete. As a result, his opponent will advance to the next and final round of the Tournament."

The information caused an uproar.

"That means..."

"The winner will be decided by the following match!"

"Damn it, I wanted to see more battles!"

"What could have happened to that black-haired kid? I think his name was Dick..."

Most of these comments came from fighters who had lost in the preliminary rounds.

In the fighters' section, similar sentiments were shared, with every eye on Speedy.

"So... you finally going to tell us what's going on? One person missing is unusual, but two is highly suspicious."

Cheshire asked, referencing the fact Robin and Kid were both missing.

Speedy looked away, crossing his arms.

"Dick got food poisoning last night, and Wally is walking this way as we speak."

At his words, all eyes turned to the entrance of the Training Grounds.

Sure enough, Wally was silently approaching the arena, looking different somehow.

Dressed in a red hoodie, shorts, and studded boots, his eyes held a dangerous glint.

His gaze was fixed on Angel, who sat in a lotus pose in the arena, seemingly meditating.

Feeling the eyes on him, Angel opened his own and made contact with the approaching Wally.

Electricity seemed to spark between them, filling the Training Grounds with palpable tension.

"Is it just me, or is this fight going to get heated very fast?"

Jinx muttered from her seat.

"It's not just you."

Ravager said, adding,

"Has anyone ever seen Wally so silent and serious?"

Everyone knew the answer: a resounding no.

A few feet from the arena, Wally stopped and looked at Sensei.

"You said weapons are allowed, right? How about tools? And what are the restrictions?"

Sensei thought for a second before answering.

"It depends. While the rules for the final match are more lax compared to earlier rounds, you may not use anything that directly adds to your base power. However, if the tool or weapon is supplementary and your opponent has no problem with it, then anything is allowed."

Sensei looked questioningly at Angel.

"I don't care, either way. He can use whatever he wants," Angel shrugged.

"Good," Wally punched his fist into his palm.

"Because I've been waiting for this."

"Really?" Angel shot back, "Because I was looking forward to fighting Dick."

A look of anger and concern crossed Wally's face as he climbed the arena.

"Too bad then. You're facing me. But don't worry, I'll kick your ass in his stead."

Angel said nothing in return. A curious look passed over his face before the usual arrogant smirk replaced it.

"Ahem," Sensei cleared his throat, standing between the two.

"The final match of the Lazarus Tournament shall now commence. The winner will be granted anything they desire, while the loser will get nothing. Both fighters ready?"

"Ready," Wally answered.

Angel simply nodded.

Sensei gave the all-clear, and the gong sounded.

A silence, like the calm before a storm, fell upon the arena. Everyone watched with bated breath.

Speedy suddenly rose from his seat, "You can't lose this, Wall! Win! Not for my sake or even yours, do it for Dick's sake."

Wally's face showed surprise before determination replaced it. He gave his friend a curt nod, refocusing on Angel with sharp intensity.

"Before we begin, I have a question."

Wally addressed Angel, who raised his brows.

"You stole something from someone I care about. Someone precious to me. Someone who taught me everything I know. Someone who has saved millions, if not billions, of lives," Wally continued. "I need to know, do you feel any regret?"

Angel picked his ear with his pinky finger.

"Your friends asked me a similar question yesterday, my answer was no. Between then and now, it hasn't changed. It's still... a no. Only the weak and lost feel regret."

Wally gritted his teeth.

"How can you say that? Everybody makes mistakes. Even the strong feel remorse for their past actions. Guilt is a part of life. It drives us to redeem ourselves. It's not a weakness to try and be better."

"You're certainly not wrong,"

Angel surprisingly agreed.

"But you're confusing me for the common masses. I do not feel regret for my actions because every step I take, I'm prepared for the consequences of my decisions. To me, regret and guilt are a waste of time. Why obsess over the past when I can use that time to plan out the future? Those of weak spirit get stuck in could-have-beens and what-ifs. It's like slogging through mud. If something is going to cause you to question your past actions, then you're better off not taking that action in the first place. It's that simple. Now, are we going to continue talking or are we going to fight? I have a tournament to win."

Wally had no comeback. It was clear they had fundamentally different beliefs. To Wally, Angel lacked the most basic human quality: empathy.

"One final question," Wally said, widening his stance as lightning flashed in his eyes.

"With your stolen speed, can you keep up with me?"

Angel's smile widened,

"Even with my stolen speed, I'm faster than you'll ever be Kid."


(General P.O.V)


Though reluctant to admit it, Speedy knew that Robin was better trained than he was.

Not only could he keep up with Speedy when it came to dispatching criminals—he could throw those Batarangs of his almost as fast as Speedy could shoot an arrow—but Robin's tactical genius made him an exemplary strategist.

But his defining trait had to be his infiltration skills.

The younger boy could get in and out of anywhere, without being detected.

However, last night during the festival, things hadn't gone according to plan.

Robin had actually been found out and captured.

And afterwards, when Speedy and Wally were discussing how to break him out, there had been a knock on the door to their quarters.

On the other side of it, had stood a taciturn Ra's Al Ghul flanked by Sensei.

"May we enter?" The Demon's Head had asked politely.

While they had been planning to fight their way off the island— with Wally's speed, it was entirely possible— that had changed once Ra's informed the two of them that he only wanted to talk.

Then he had surprised them by telling them he knew exactly who they were, including Dick, who was being held in the island's dungeons.

But probably the most shocking thing, was what he proposed after,

"If you can win against young Savage tomorrow, I will let your friend go. Not only that, but I also give my word that you will be free to leave the island, unharmed,"

Ra's had said.

They didn't have a choice but to accept the deal.

Fast forward to the next day, and Speedy was jittery and tense watching Wally face off against Angel.

'He has to win. He just has to.'

While Angel was the superior fighter, Speedy knew what Wally excelled best at: speed.

And when he got serious, there were few that could actually stop him.

'As long as he remains focused, he can beat him...we can win this. And even if something unexpected happens...he has 'that'.'

Speedy assured himself.

(General P.O.V)

The final battle began immediately.

Wally was the first to attack, moving at speeds that rendered him a blur to the naked eye.

In response, Angel started dodging and leaning out of the way of the blur of fists let loose upon him.

He backed away in short bursts of speed, a few steps taking him to the edge of the arena.

'Got you now!' Wally thought, his hook missing by a hair's breadth, only for him to forcefully stop his momentum and divert his energy into a sweep with his right leg.

A shadow passed over him as Angel flipped over the leg sweep, landing behind his opponent's back.

'I messed up!'

Wally thought, spinning to his back, conscious of the kick about to land squarely at his midsection.

There was a sudden funnel of fast-moving wind that exploded out of Angel's kick, blasting the training grounds and throwing the dusty sand into the air.

Wally's eyes went wide, his face twisted in fright.

The attack had flown right above him!

If he hadn't phased his legs shin-deep through the wooden arena and leaned back, he would have been thrown out and lost the match.

A burst of super speed carried him to the opposite side of the arena, Angel's eyes following him without retaliating.

The latter lowered his outstretched leg, a curious look on his face as he regarded Wally.

"That was molecular phasing, right? Impressive. I still have trouble phasing a single finger through something solid, though you don't seem that good at it either," he commented.

Loathe as he was to admit it, it was true.

Even after practicing, Wally could only manage to phase his limbs. Anything more and he would get a nosebleed and terrible headaches.

"I could say the same." Wally responded,

"You dropped the speed aura around your leg that negates friction when moving at high speeds, causing you to release all that momentum onto the air in a burst of force. I would have lost if that had landed."

"Not lost. Died. You would have died."

Angel corrected with a smile.

"Anyway, let's dial it up a notch, don't you think?"

Wally shared the same expression, crouching in a runner's pose.

"I'm ready when you are."

-Jinx and Goku-

Jinx leaned over to Goku, eyes wide with curiousity,

"Can you see what's happening?"

Goku had his eyes narrowed at the Arena.

"More or less."

He replied unconvincingly.

-Back to the Fight-


In their second clash, Wally rocketed forward, leaving scruff marks on the surface of the Arena.

The shadow of his red hoodie left behind a trail of scarlet intertwined with streaks of yellow lightning.

In that same instance, Angel used the speed force on his hands, spinning them at high speeds and producing black tornadoes of cutting winds in front of him.

The tornadoes prevented a straight approach from Wally, leading to him changing directions and running along the side to get closer to Angel.

A few feet from him, the tornadoes unraveled into another explosive burst of air that swept through the arena.

But this time, Wally was ready and used the high speeds he was moving at to create a counterforce by spinning in the opposite direction, keeping himself grounded on the arena.

Black winds crashed onto Wally's red tornado, and the latter won out as the force of the former was already thinly spread out and spent.

'He'll use this chance to attack. Bad guys always do.' Wally reasoned, standing at the center of his self-created tornado.

A hand pushed through his tornado from the side, as Angel's form entered Wally's personal space.

'I knew it!'

Wally thought to himself, immediately throwing his vibrating forearm forward at Angel's chest.

Angel was caught unaware, and the forearm tore through his chest.

The red tornado around them unraveled with a loud eruption.

The gale of winds produced even reached the stands, buffeting the spectators.

On the arena, Angel's body broke down into a rainbow-colored white gas that felt both cold and hot to Wally's hand, like a mixture of steam and mist.

"An afterimage?"

Wally guessed, before shaking his head and looking towards his back, where an unharmed Angel waved at him, one hand in his pocket.

"No, you would need to be much faster than you really are to form a single afterimage. By my estimation, we've both been moving at less than 500 mph."

Wally reasoned out.

"You're right, it wasn't an afterimage. Just a skill I haven't gotten the chance to test out yet." Angel's smile turned feral.

"But now I have a useful test subject."

From the left side of his body, a layer of ice covered him, and from his right, flames surged out, instantly flash melting and evaporating the ice before disappearing.

A cloud of steam and mist swirled around his body, warping the air before forming into multiple copies of Angel. Six to be exact.

This was a support skill he had come up with while training his powers the day before.

By using his nanites' energy absorption capabilities, he combined the hot and cold air produced by evaporating his ice. (The ice was turned to steam at first and then he used the nanites to pull the heat out of a portion of it, thus resulting into cold mist)

Alone, this would only be useful to freeze or scald enemies that touched the mix of cold and hot air. But Angel wasn't satisfied; he had taken the skill further.

"""Do you know what happens to light when it enters a droplet?"""

Angel's voice seemed to come from each of the copies, making it difficult to tell who was the real him.

"It bends through refraction, dispersing into individual colors. It's how rainbows are formed,"

Wally replied, hoping to buy time to figure out which was the real one.

-Jinx and Goku-

"Whoa! Did you see that, Jinx? He's everywhere at once!"

Goku exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

Jinx grinned,

"Impressive, but let's see how Wally handles it."

-Back to the fight-

'Clap clap clap.'

Once again, all copies clapped at the same time, producing a sound that was louder than what a single person could make.

"""Very good."""

The Angels complimented Wally, stepping forward at the same time.

"""My afterimages work the same way. The first step is forming the mist and steam, the second is trapping the light, the third is manipulating each individual droplet to reflect what I want, in this case me, and the final step is fine-tuning the illusion."""

A look of shock appeared on Wally's face,

"Impossible! That kind of multitasking is too much for a human mind. Even a metahuman like you."

"""Impossible? What's that?"""

All the Angels arrogantly asked.

'Found him!'

Wally immediately sped forward toward the second Angel from the right.

The arrogant smirk on that particular copy was wider than the rest!

That was the true Angel- Wally could just tell from his condescending attitude.

Knowing this was his only chance, Wally used his fastest speed to clear the distance. Moving at his full peak of 800mph!

Both of his hands were fully vibrating; there was no way he was going to miss this chance.

The other copies tried to stop him, but he sped through them, swinging his hands like a duo of blades, cutting the copies down into rainbow mist.

And then he was there. Barely ab inch from his shocked opponent.

Angel's eyes widened as Wally's fingers curled around his neck.

'For my uncle! For Dick!'

Wally screamed inside, pushing Angel towards the edge of the arena. It was over.

'I'm going to wi-'


The speedster heard the sound of something hard smacking onto something soft.

Then his surroundings flipped, and Angel's neck, tightly gripped in his fingers, deformed into rainbow mist.


'It...was an illusion?'

The thought unwillingly passed through his mind.

That seemed to be the cue, as a distinct pain blossomed from the side of his face.

His cheek felt raw, and his jaw ached as something hot filled his mouth. Something that tasted like blood.

In addition, a white object sailed out of his open lips.

'Is that...a tooth?' he asked in his mind.

'Oh, I see...he baited me in and punched me. I think...I'm going to pass out.'

That was his final thought as his body slammed onto the arena floor.

He ragdolled across the wooden platform before falling off it and smashing onto the sands of the Training Grounds.

Breath left him and his vision blurred at the edges.

His momentum carried him to the fighter's section, only to stop right below Speedy's feet.

"W- Wally?"

A disbelieving Speedy called out, kneeling before his friend, whose cheek was already swelling, and blood dripping off the corner of his mouth.

"I- I'm thorry Thp- Thpeedy, bur h- he fot me. He fot me food."

(I'm sorry Sp- Speedy, but h- he got me. He got me good.)

Wally said through swollen lips, his words containing a lisp.

Eyes rolling to the back of his head, Kid Flash fell unconscious.

On the Arena, Angel scratched his head staring at Wally's fallen form.

"Aah man, guess I hit him too hard. I didn't even get to see his Trump card."

If someone asked him if he had any regrets, this would be it.

He had wanted to keep fighting to get more data from a real speedster. Though Kid Flash was more like a dollar store version.

According to his nanites, which had been recording and analyzing the whole fight, Kid Flash's conduit to the speed force was of lower quality in comparison to Angel's.

Despite them being almost evenly matched speedwise, that could be attributed to Angel being a relatively new Speedster.

In the future, this would change as he would get faster the more he got used to the Speedforce.

The gong sounded amidst the surprise from the stands.

Sensei, having walked onto the Arena, shared a look with Angel.

"Well done my pupil. You displayed a fighting spirit worthy of being called a warrior."

Sensei clasped his hands together and lightly bowed at Angel.

Angel repeated the gesture of respect.

"Thank you Master."

Sensei then turned to face Ra's Al Ghul, who stood up from his seat on the second balcony.

"Master Al Ghul, I present to you the champion of the Lazarus Tournament, Angel Savage."

Sensei announced.

A loud cheer of adoration and appreciation rose out of the stands, surprising Angel, who had not expected it.

The cheers went on for a few seconds before everyone quieted down upon the Demon's Head raising a hand.

"Angel Savage, as the final victor, what is it you wish for?"

Ra's Al Ghul asked.

"Go on."

Sensei lightly pushed him forward.

Angel complied.

His eyes, set on a determined face met Ra's Al Ghul.

Everyone waited with bated breath, curious about what he would ask for.

A smile spread across Angel's face.

"What I wish for, is the Demon's Head Crest. I want...full control over the League of Shadows."

There was a shocked silence. One which was only added to by the Demon's Head response.

"In accordance to our traditions, your wish will be granted. The Demon's Head crest is yours. And with it, the entire League of Shadows."

Ra's declared.

And immediately, every Shadow in the Training Grounds, whether on the stands, around the Arena or guarding the perimeter, followed Sensei's direction and kneeled down before Angel.

On the fighter's section, the stunned silence was broken by Ravager,

"What. In. The. Actual. Fuck?"

As if to further break everyone's mind with shock, the Arena Angel and Sensei were on, lit up with a magical formation.

And the Justice League, with Zatara at the lead appeared.

The sight that met them was not only surprising, it answered the biggest question in Batman's mind.

"He was here to gain control of the League of Shadows."

The Dark Knight concluded after witnessing every Shadow on their knees in subservience to Angel.

"We were too late."


(Angel's P.O.V)

Finally, I had achieved my goal. From here on out, the League of Shadows was mine.

I realize Ra's was particularly gracious to me. I don't think he would have allowed anyone, whether they were champion of the tournament or not, control of his assassin organization.

But he was gaining a lot from our deal as well.

With me came nigh endless resources and the opportunity to grow the strength of the League of Shadows.

Just imagine, Ninjas in specialized suits of armors! Like Ninja Kamui, one of my favorite shows back in my old life.

I even had Ivo working on something like that, though a prototype was a few months away - greenlighting the project had been dependent on whether I could acquire the League of Shadows or not.

Fortunately, I had succeeded on that front, and could now give the go-ahead for those special Ninja suits and build my own private army of Assassins!

The more immediate issue I had to deal with, was the Justice League's (un)expected presence.

Nine members in total stood on the Arena with me.

At the lead was an older man in a top hat that lightly made the Mana within me sizzle, so he had to be Zatara, the magician. The one responsible for transporting them here.

And going by the rest of their costumes, there was Batman, Wonder Woman, The two Hawk heroes, Green Lantern who was levitating in the air - a green aura around his body, Black Canary - she was way too beautiful for Green Arrow, who stood beside her and lastly, and perhaps the one person I was both glad was here and also wary of, Superman.

"We're under attack! Protect the master!"

Sensei immediately ordered, and all the shadows kneeling before me jumped to surround Ra's Al Ghul.

A few stayed with me and Sensei, but none of them were stupid enough to get between the Justice League and me.

Points for good judgment. I like smart minions.

The large bell that was used to announce the fights rang twice, no doubt an alarm to call in more shadows to the Training Grounds in response to the intruders.

Most of the Fighters in the stands were also running away.

Surprisingly, some of them, the ones I had become acquainted with - Goku, Jinx, Cheshire and Ravager, ran up to the Arena and stood with me.

I made a note to remember it.

Luckily, the heroes were missing a few troublesome members - the Martian, Shazam, and of course, the fastest man alive.

They were probably left behind to guard the Watchtower as well as handle any issues that came up during the majority's absence.

That, more or less, worked out for me.

Despite their considerable firepower, I wasn't helpless.

Not to mention, I had planned for this.

If everything went smoothly, I could benefit once again from this encounter.

But it was going to be a big risk. The biggest I had ever taken.

"Batman, it's so like you to drop in unannounced."

I called out with a wave.

"I'm guessing this is yours? Or maybe...your Sidekick's?"

I held up the tracker Robin had slipped on me.

The Dark Knight remained silent, his body betraying nothing. Mmh, he's truly more than a man. Psychological warfare won't easily work on him.

"Angel Savage, on account of your criminal activities, we're here to bring you in. It would be wise if you surrendered son."

Superman stepped forward, his voice filled with unshakable strength and determination.

The iconic S symbol on his chest added to his larger-than-life persona.

This was my very first time meeting Superman.

And it was the first time in a while where I was truly nervous.

This was a man who had a dozen ways to deal with anything I could dish out just by relying on his raw strength and speed alone.

And if that turned out not to be enough, then he had other powers like freeze breath, heat vision, etc., to fall back on.

I used the nanomachines in my body to subtly adjust my hormones, forcefully calming myself down.

I couldn't lose my nerve right now. Not when everything relied on me being focused.

("Young Master, Operation: Archive is underway. Psimon and I are inside the Watchtower, making our way into the operations deck. I won't be able to assist you for the time being, do be careful.") Shade's voice came through the nanites placed on my ear.

I couldn't answer back as there was the risk of Superman's super hearing catching on and ruining the whole plan.

My part of it was to keep them occupied for as long as possible.

That was the only reason I hadn't high-tailed it off the Island the second I won the Tournament.

Because after being in this world for the last 10 years, I had learned where the true battle lay. It wasn't just about clashing powers, it was also about clashing wits.

"Superman...Batman, really pulled out all the stops if he brought you along."

I motioned to the rest of the League.

"But don't you think the others are overkill? You alone can take on everyone on this Island and easily win, if you had to."

"That is not how the Justice League operates."

Superman replied in a stiff tone, pulling out a letter.

"This is a stamped and approved document from the president of the United States of America, calling for your arrest."

He ignored me and turned to the Second Floor of the main building where Ra's was standing.

"Ra's Al Ghul, our quarrel is not with you. Order your men to stand down or there will be consequences." The Man of Steel casually threatened.

"You have no authority here, Superman. Infinity Island is the home of the Shadows. The detective knows not to poke a sleeping bear. You would be wise to heed my warning and leave while I still show you mercy."

Ra's Al Ghul replied, eyes set on Batman, not the least intimidated.

"Hey, hey, shouldn't we be running away right about now?" Jinx whispered from my rear left,

"You know I got your back, but that's the freakin Justice League!"

"Everyone of them is so strong, especially that red and blue guy...his power level is crazy! I wanna fight him but I wouldn't stand a chance. But I still wanna."

Goku added, tone laced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

"They're right. We can't win," Ravager muttered under her breath.

"Our best bet is to use their inevitable clash with the Shadows and escape."


I scoffed,

"That's not an option. They would just leave the Shadows behind and come after me. You guys would be better off if you left me behind and ran."

I could sense them considering it.

"No way. You still owe me a fight," Goku stated,

"And facing strong opponents makes me stronger. Master Roshi didn't teach me to show my back to an opponent. That is not the way of the Turtle School Martial Arts!"

There was a brief pause as we all digested his statements.

Jinx let a chuckle.

"I agree with Monkey boy. He may be a dumbass, but he's right. You're not alone in this. Besides, with my powers, I am most useful in this kind of fight. I excell in chaos."

"You would put your freedom on the line?"

I curiously asked.

To our front, the Justice League seemed to be discussing something, tightening their formation as more and more Shadows poured in from other parts of the Island, filling the training grounds and surrounding the Arena.

"My end goal for fighting in the Tournament was to join the League of Shadows."

Jinx explained,

"With my powers, I could have easily won too. Curse my luck that I met you on the first round and lost. So yeah, I was never going to be buddies with the good guys anyway. My powers don't do good, so why not throw my lot in with you? If anything, my intuition tells me you're probably the safe bet outta here."

So, she wanted a place to belong. I could respect that.

"All this sappy crap is upsetting my stomach. I'm only on your side because of our mutual dislike of the heroes. But if I die, I'm so haunting you."

Cheshire stated.

'Not unexpected from Sportsmaster's daughter. She's probably fought against a few members of the Justice League before.' I thought.

"Don't worry, I won't forget this," I assured her.

"What about you, Rosey?"

I asked Ravager, who stayed silent before giving her answer, which coincided with the sound of a blade being unsheathed.

"We're friends," she stated firmly.

Huh? A small grin spread across my face.

"I guess we are." I remarked.

As long as I can remember, I have always fought alone. Shade had been there, but he was mostly confined to support or left behind to guard Candie. So this was a new feeling for me.

I always emphasized personal strength above everything. That was something I knew about myself. It was a principle I had ingrained within my body through training, but also one that had become a mantra through Psimon's telepathy. That's how much I valued my own power.

That said, relying on the four people behind me did not feel like a betrayal to that principle. It actually felt...nice.

'I won't refuse their help,' I decided.

"Standing with me is standing with a king. I promise you, this debt of goodwill shall be repaid tenfold."

I declared, looking back with a smirk and spotting the varying expressions of surprise on their faces.

"So don't worry."

I turned to face our front, unbuttoning my jacket and revealing the pommels of both Blaze and Frost, which I had with me from the very start of the day.

"Win or lose, no one will die, and no one will be left behind."

(General P.O.V)

Batman and Ra's silent conversation was broken by the leader of Shadows' head shake.

"I see then. You truly cannot be swayed from your group's foolishness, Detective. If so, perhaps this will change your mind."

He snapped his finger, and from his back, a tied-up and gagged Dick was pushed forward.


With that single word from Lady Shiva, who was the one to bring in the hostage, Boy Wonder came to a stop behind Ra's Al Ghul.

Dick initially couldn't meet Batman's eyes due to his feelings of failure.

"Hold your head high, boy."

Ra's instructed.

"A true warrior faces adversity head on."

Using the tip of her blade, Shiva moved Dick's chin up.

Batman met his protege's gaze, which he held for a time. Then he shifted them back to Ra's.

"Angel Savage is a criminal responsible for the death of two Justice League members."

Batman began in a steady voice.

"His other crimes include murder, assault, theft, grand larceny, arson, terrorism, weapons smuggling, money laundering, cybercrime, racketeering, vandalism, breaking and entering, forgery, illegal experimentation, bribery and corruption, environmental crimes, and multiple escapes from custody. His profile matches the 6th most wanted villain, Scorchus on the F.B.I, and 3rd on Interpol's global wanted list. We cannot and will not allow a danger like that to run free in society. There will be no negotiations, Ra's Al Ghul. We are arresting him. If you get in the way, we will bring you in as well."

There was a stunned silence as everyone digested his words. More than a few people stared at Angel in question.

"Y- you...did all that?"

Goku asked Angel in an unsure tone.

Even Jinx changed the way she was staring at his back.

Only Ravager held an understanding and almost pitying expression in her eyes.

Angel sighed.

"Yes. Not to justify myself, but I had no other choice. I am not good, Goku. I was not raised to be good. If that makes you hesitant to stand by me, I understand and will not judge you."

Goku warred with indecision before resolve appeared in his eyes. He glared towards the League,

"I don't know much about the outside world or any of you people. But we all have pasts we would not like to remember. For this reason, you can count on me. At least in this battle."

"Same," Jinx affirmed.

"Lousy parenting huh? Ravager and I know something about that, so I'm still with you. Let's kick some hero ass."

Cheshire added.

As for Ravager, she didn't need to say anything. Her and Angel already knew each other's past.

On the second floor, Ra's Al Ghul's gaze jumped to Angel before shifting back to the League.

"That man is our new Leader. True loyalty is blind, Detective. You want to know whether I'll step aside or not? My answer is clear. Show me your worst, Justice League!"

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