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Master of Squirrel-fu

The Original
Feb 14, 2013
Likes received
Decided to make a dedicated discussion thread for the CYOA revision I made outside of the OOC thread for my RP. It'll prevent clog up or updates for simple updates on CYOA. Also a better place to discuss any thoughts, changes, or ideas I or others have. It will also give be a place where I can type up things outside of the word doc.

So here's the basic Links
The Word Doc. Everything in here is the official version.
My Worm RP OOC Thread. Where I'm running my own RP with the system. In the NSFW section, also contains the original version.
The Create-A-Cape thread. A dedicated thread for Worm OCs, made with or without this system. Feel free to browse.
Imports and Expansions
  • 12/2/2015 - Update to rules. Minor edit to wording on Lesser Power: Apprentice to make it more clear. Addition to Lesser Power: Wildcard. Minor edit to Greater Power: Crossover, Greater Power: Servant, Greater Power: Words of Power, World Breaking Power: Crossover, Advantage Endbringer, Edits to Shard-Tan Advantage. Misc spelling and grammar corrections.
  • 12/3/2015 Updated Greater Power: Servant to clarify Command Seal cost. Added new rule regarding Companions. Added Perk under Echidna Expansion, minor edit to Become Meguka flaw. Updated Witch Traits in the Puella Magica expansion. Minor edit to Servant Expansion
  • 1/20/2016 Updated Case 53 to make more clear, made Known Identity it's own disadvantage. Changes to Expansion Beta's. Slight Change to Secret Knowledge advantage in Fairy Queen expansion. Fixed some typos.
  • 2/25/2017 - Minor spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections.
  • 2/26/2017 - Minor Adjustments under Cauldron Vials, Charles Atlas, Comic Book Pretty, and Bad Publicity. Moderate alteration to Enemy, Wildbow, and Ziz'd. Increased price of Endbringer.
  • 3/5/2017 - Added new disadvantage "One Who Knew Too Little"
Prone to change and revision.
Puella Magi - Witch Expansion (Completed)
Gamer Expansion - (Hiatus)
Servant Expansion - Needs to be cleaned up
Words of Power Expansion 0%
Skyrim Expansion 0%
Dragon Ball Expansion 10%
Crisis of Infinite Taylors 0%

Twins Power-Sovereign of the Fae: [Full power] 3 Points
This power revolves around the harvesting, assimilation and control of the Shards of other parahumans. At a single glance you can identify a parahuman regardless of their acting ability, though some advantages or stranger powers may conceal this fact. You can also sense the general location of Shards with proximity increasing accuracy and detail. Shards can be collected from the recently dead in your general vicinity. Though with a touch you can rip them from the living. Doing so will kill the original host, and normally no powers of defense or protection will prevent this but there is some drawback to it.

In addition to sensing Shards you have a limited ability to communicate with them and access their data. This allows you to instinctively know vaguely how a parahuman has used their power since gaining it, as well though not their motivations behind the actions.

Harvested powers can be manifested as semi-solid phantoms that retain all the powers and skills of the original users but are under you complete control. Shards using physical powers such as strength or invulnerability will become solid while using such powers. Tinker and Thinker Shards will not transmit their knowledge or insights directly to your mind though you have some instinctive grasp of it details need to be stated. Should a phantom receive lethal damage it will 'shatter' and require a rest period of two hours before you can use it again. You have the minor natural ability to multitask in the control of your phantoms, but if you are rendered unconscious they will disappear, needing the Full unlock or the I'm Halping advantage to remain even while you are incapacitated.

If you choose this power you can initially only manifest three phantoms at a time, however as you collect more your manifestation ability will increase over time. You will begin with no phantoms but quickly gain access to either five low level phantoms, 3 average phantoms, or 1 greater phantom as designed by the GM or otherwise randomly generated.

Perks: (Sovereign of the Fae only)
The Sovereign's Mercy: Cost: 0-1 point
You can pull the Shards out of your victims without killing them. If you are feeling really merciful and the Shard is at the correct stage of development you can pull out a bud instead. This power will initially be very weak, but in time your own power will feed it and it will grow to be of similar power to its parent Shard. Its powers will follow a similar theme, but be somewhat different. The phantom will be a child of the same gender as the victim and bear a striking resemblance to them. If this is your only means of stealing powers from the living than this perk costs 0

Discernment of the Poor: Costs 1 Point
You are a wise Sovereign and can see the truth behind your subjects and the plots of the courts. You know the inner workings of shards, their true potential and purposes are made clear before your eyes. No Parahuman can hide from your sight, no parahuman can hope to deceive you for their lies and intentions are as clear as day when you can see the workings of their soul. For an additional +1 point you can access additional information from their shard, reading memories, or thoughts.

The Long Arm of the Sovereign: Costs 1 Point
This perk extended the range at which you can forcefully claim Shards. No longer are you bound by the need to touch your victim, you can pull their powers out at a range of twenty feet and you must be able to accurately target the victim. By Default it can be done but at a greater cost than simply touching the victim. For +1 it can be done at the same cost as touching. for and additional +1 you increase your range to about a city block.

Secret Knowledge: Costs 1 Point
You possess an intrinsic knowledge of the actions, plans, mental structure, and motivations of the Entities (or entity like beings) that arrive on Earth beyond even that available to other SIs. This knowledge might become outdated over time, but to start with at least there is nobody on the planet that knows more about them than you. This knowledge grants a look into the inner workings of Entity-like beings as well, often able to get a read on them if not interact with them, they see you as something similar as well.

Complications: (Sovereign of the Fae only)
The Dreaded: Grants 2 Points
As a thief of powers and a harvester of the dead you have a fearsome and possibly somewhat undeserved reputation as a monster that shows no mercy and leaves a trail of corpses behind you of both the good and the bad. Any parahuman you encounter that recognizes you will immediately be fearful or aggressive until you can overcome the impression your reputation creates.

Lost in Wonderland : Grants 1 Point
(Can only be taken in conjunction with the Secret Knowledge perk)
The knowledge that you have on the Entities is garbled and distorted due to the sheer scale of it being too much for your human mind to handle. In order to preserve your sanity your subconscious has translated it into a metaphor such as fairy tales or some popular children's fantasy tale. The ultimate upshot is that if you try to explain it to anyone else it will end up sounding like the delusions of a well intentioned lunatic.

Jealous Queen: Grants 2 Points
The Faery Queen has heard of your abilities and is not happy about it. Glaistig Uaine is currently in the Birdcage, so it will be a while before she hears about you, but when she does she will no longer be content to wait for the Cycle to follow its course. You and your powers are an affront to her, and as a Queen she will not tolerate such. Her escape from the inescapable Birdcage is a certainty, and once she's out she'll be coming for you. In regards to death touches and stealing Shards, both of you are immune to that aspect of each others powers, if you want to kill each other you'll have to do it the old fashioned way, lasers, fire, blunt force trauma and massive amounts of property damage. It should be noted that while your power is the stronger hers it more mature and has literally hundreds of Shards already harvested, so any fight with her may be a difficult one. Also, though her ire is aroused, Glaistig Uaine may not necessarily seek your death. If she defeats you she may force you to follow whatever convoluted design her own mind has cooked up for you. Either way you have one of the most powerful parahumans in the world coming at you.

Stirred Cauldron: Grants 2 Points
Through means of their own Cauldron has become aware of you and the potential you possess. They are well aware that aside from Eidolon the only parahuma that has a hope in battle against Scion is Glaistig Uaine; unfortunately she is far too unreliable to be of use. Now here you are, a second chance for them to produce a weapon that might work. Cauldron will be in the shadows no matter where you go, their goal to force you into situations where you can 'harvest' as many dangerous and powerful Shards as fast as possible. In their normal way they are more than prepared to sacrifice some heroes if they feel it needed and will set up conditions where you need to kill in order to escape or live. Should you take the Blank perk they will still you mundane technology ad detective work to track you. Should you prove too uncontrollable they may well work to stick you in the Birdcage so you can go on a harvesting spree there and in the end harvest the Faery Queen herself.

Twins Power-Echidna: 3 Points [Full Power]
At will your body can swell and mutate into a huge inhuman monster upon optionally with your upper body rider centaur style. With a thought you can also revert back to a completely human form, but any clothes destroyed in the transformation will not come back, so it might be a good idea to carry some spare underpants and trousers about with you.

In both your transformed and untransformed state you possess a healing and regeneration factor that surpasses all other such on the planet, with the possible exception of Crawler. Due to you possessing two 'cores', one in your brain and one in your lower abdomen, you can regenerate from any would that doesn't destroy both cores simultaneously. Even total decapitation can't kill you and a new head will take less than five seconds to grow back.

In your transformed state, whose form you determine before beginning you game (though it must always fulfill the following parameters: Larger than a full grown elephants at the very least, completely inhuman and possessing at least one extra 'face' if you choose to ride atop it), you will possess immense endurance, strength and speed, though the proportions of such will be determined by the form you choose. In addition you may have mover powers appropriate to the chosen form, such as running, leaping burrowing or even flight though might be a little less strong, tough, or recover slower.

But this power's true strength can be found in its ability to produce clones. Every time you come into flesh to flesh contact with another individual you will automatically read their entire genetic structure and if you capture them inside yourself be given the option of creating a clone of them. All clones are completely loyal to you and lack any sense of self preservation or fear in following your orders.

These clones come in three categories. Warped, which are distorted and mutated copies of the originals. If a parahuman is copied then their powers will also be warped and often weaker variations of the original. Mentally these clones can be anything from apathetic to flat out psychotic and need to be watched carefully. Perfect clones are exact copies, both in appearance, powers and mind. They are to all intents and purposes indistinguishable from the originals and possess all of their memories and skill. Idealized clones are clones that surpass the originals, they are stronger, smarter, better looking and, in the case of parahumans, possess stronger versions of the copied powers. The only down side is the time and effort it takes to create them, each rank up increasing the costs dramatically, and the fact that their lifespan decreases in equal measure. You can kill a captured parahuman to create a truly perfect copy of them that is loyal and will not disappear, though attempting to make greater version will require greater resources or greatly injure them in some subtle way.

You are in no way limited in how many clones you can make, if you so wish you can have an entire army. However as numbers grow you may find problems in controlling the ranks increasing with the numbers. Clones also find themselves rapidly degenerating when outside your empowering range of 1 Km, but can sustain themselves by eating meat, fresh human meat being the best.

Perks: (Echidna only)
Overlord of the Army: Costs 2 Points
Every clone you create is directly under your mental control in much the same way that Skitter's insects are under hers. The range of this control is vast, easily 10 kilometres in every direction from you. Should a clone leave this area you will be able to sense their location, even if they are on the other side of the planet but the accuracy decreases with range. As with Skitter you cannot be overloaded in how many clones you control but have no true multitasking instead just quickly giving orders to groups over a network In addition this power overrules any Master effect that might be used on your clones.

Creator of Life: Costs 2 Points
This Perk allows your clones to go one step further. Rather than simple drones you can now create true copies if you so choose. These duplicates have their own thoughts and feelings. Lesser Clones are no longer insane though may still be distorted, perfect clones are true copies mentally and may or may not be aware of their nature, Ideal Copies are similar. There are some feelings of loyalty towards you, but if they are so inclined they can overcome this. Clones also need less meat to maintain themselves, Lesser Clones need almost none when in your area, perfect clones lasting weeks, and Ideal Clones lasting days.

Chimeric Creation: Costs 2 Points
You can alter your clones far more than normal having great, if imprecise, control over their form. You might give them another appearance, or fuse them with animals to create case 53s. For +1 point you can alter parahuman powers directly rather than just warp them chaotically, but again it's imprecise. For anther +1 you can fuse Parahuman powers together if you have more than one captured.

Out of Context Problemsolver: Costs 1 Point
You're ability to clone powers isn't simply limited to parahumans, if the creature you subsumed is considered "Alive", at least as far as the Manton Effect is concerned, than you can clone them with their powers. Out of Context Problem, shardless, and Special Snowflake powers can be copied.

Complications: (Echidna only)
S-class Threat: Grants 2 Points
The PRT is aware of you power and just how dangerous it can be. Exactly how this has happened is as up to you, they can have been told by a powerful Thinker, one of your enemies might have leaked the information to them, some random civilian might have seen your power at work and then rushed to tell them. Whatever the case, cool heads have NOT prevailed in regards to you. The top brass has panicked and slapped you with and S-class threat designation. During any meeting you have with lawful capes with any connection to the Protectorate or PRT they will start off thinking you to be a monster on par with Nilbog or the entire Slaughterhouse Nine and will attack you with lethal force straight off the bat. It is possible for you to overcome this impression, with time and effort, but until you do the heroes will not be your friends.

Adorifying: Grants 2 Points
As with S-class Threat information on you has been leaked, however instead of the authorities getting hold of it somehow the Slaughterhouse Nine were the recipients. Bonesaw has read the data and positively fallen in love with you. She has declared that you will be her special pet, and she will hug you and squeeze you and feed you and call you Nibbles. And she will have you provide her with an endless supply of subjects to 'play' with, along with the various organs she can cut out of you only for them to regenerate a few seconds later. The rest of the S9 are less interested in you, though Crawler thinks you might make for a good fight and Jack is curious about just how much he can mess with you. The Siberian is only interested in keeping Bonesaw happy and Mannequin will only target you if you have in some way tried to improve the world. Unlike the Slaughterhouse is Recruiting you won't have to deal with the whole S9 in one go, Bonesaw and the Siberian will show up alone first as part of a 'field trip' that is one of Jack's experiments. Later Crawler and another two random members will show up and the rest will arrive with Jack some days after that.

Wayward Child: Grants 1 Point Per Rank
One of your clones has gone rogue. At some point early in your adventures you create a clone of some type of a powerful parahuman. That clone has stopped obeying your commands and has gone rogue to fulfill an agenda that you know nothing about. It's your job to track the clone down and either bring it back into the fold, work out some agreement with it or kill it depending on its mental state. This clones action will be held as your responsibility by everyone that knows how your powers work, so it's not something you can ignore. This complication can be taken as many times as you like, but each time you take it the number of clones you need to deal with increases. Each point is equal to 2 points for use by the Rogue, or to create another clone of equal level.

Expansion Packs:
Setting Specific Rules:
Puella Magi (Mahou Shoujo):
Puella Magi are from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, a Magical Girl Seinen anime directed by Gen Urabuchi, aka The Ura-butcher. Imagine Narutaru or Bokurano but with Magical Girls and you get a general feel for the series. Namely it kinda fits right into Worm, albeit with a smidgen more Grimdark.

Puella Magi are young girls contracted by Kyuubey, a fluffy white squirrel-cat mascot, to fight evil witches. To get girls to contract he offers a wish in exchange for putting on a frilly dress and hunting monsters, the wish being necessary as it determines the Puella's magical girl powers. While you can wish for anything, what you get is based on your level of karma, some wishes going better for those with better Karma and some being outright impossible to grant without enough of it. Likewise Puella with Higher Karma tend to be stronger or have greater powers than those with lower Karma. Karma is the potential significance of the person in relation to the world, so by becoming a magical girl you essentially sell your potential future as a human.

Wishes are magic, their limits and what they may do are a mystery even to those who grant them. A true Miracle. Or perhaps a nightmare. Wishes have a tendency to backfire in some manner, not spectacularly mind you, but often later circumstances negate it's meaning or perhaps you regret making such a hasty wish and wasting it. In the end it has it's risks, the bigger you go the larger the chance for failure and the more dire the consequences. And if it does fail... The results might not be pretty for the Puella.

Grief, Magic and Soul Gems:
These are very important things to know about. Let's start with the most important one; Soul Gems. When you are granted a wish you are given a Soul Gem, a pretty little stone in a piece of jewelery. Protect this item with your life, as it literally is your life. Should the Soul Gem break, or become corrupted by grief, then your life is forfeit. But so long as your Soul Gem exists so to will you, any wounds will eventually heal and you can fight on past your normally frail mortal body's limits. The second most important aspect of being a Puella Magi is Grief. Grief is the poison that taints your soul gem, and should your Soul Gem ever turn black... Well, you just shouldn't let that happen! Grief Corruption happens two ways, the most common being the use of your Magic, be they simple spells or the use of your own Powers, the more magic you use the more you corrupt your gem. Second is negative emotion corrupts your gem, perhaps not the petty ones but great despair or hatred can quickly darken it's shine. Lastly simply existing slightly corrupts the soul gem over time, taking your Puella form speeds this up a bit.

Normally the only way to Clean your gem is via Grief Seeds, an item attained by slaying witches. But there are no Witches in Worm... But don't despair, really don't do that just yet! For The Powers That Be have seen fit to correct this minor error of Puella Magi, ever so slowly your gem will clean itself when inactive. The rate of which completely restores it from nearly black to untainted over the course of 8 hours. Should you happen across a Grief Seed somehow, well then you have a bit of wriggle room in a fight to really let loose. A Grief Seed's cleaning capacity varies with the power of the witch, and each witch only drops one if any at all.

Character Creation:
You're character makes a wish based on their Karma level. By default you only have average Karma for a Magical Girl, thus your wish is ultimately meaningless in it's impact on the story. For higher ranks of Karma you may gain a small Innate ability your Puella can use while untransformed. After you make a wish the GM will create a magical girl weapon that suits you, all Puella Magi use an item of some sort to channel their powers. Usually it's a simple item that can be created at will in a multitude of volumes and occasionally sizes as well, though some items with special properties are singular and can't be mass produced by the power. Generally most Puella have something unique about their powers, even if their weapons aren't impressive they have some Innate Talent or power.

Witches (Majo):
Witches are the enemies of Magical Girls who pray on humanity. Invisible monsters that they are unable to defend themselves against. They are born of the negative impulse that is called anxiety or suspicion, or excessive wrath or hatred, beings that spread the seeds of disaster across the world. Normally, they conceal themselves behind the barriers of their Labyrinth, rarely if ever leaving it's safety preferring to send familiars out when needed. Witches are inhuman and chaotic, madness given form and their bodies and lairs not bound by the worlds sensibilities but the logical nonsense of their insanity. They long to devour all light and life, to make everything as cold and empty as they are themselves. They have no truly common form or motive, though most are large it is not a rule, while many are strong it is not a rule, while the majority is violent there are a few that wish to suffer in solitude unseen for eternity. Each witch is unique, a singular existence that shall never again occur or be seen.

Witch Traits:
Common traits held to witches. A Labyrinth, something almost omnipresent, a labyrinth is almost as much a part of the witch as it's own body. It is a hidden dimension formed from their madness in which the creature dwells, it's door invisible and only detectable by Magical Girls. Should a human wander in they would have not means of escape. The entrance is mobile though most don't bother to change it lest pray become scarce. Familiars, Lesser monsters divided out of the essence of a witch. Though normally assigned the task of maintaining and defending their mistress' barrier, it seems that they can eventually gain independence and stray to form their own barriers. By feeding on humans they will eventually become lesser witches themselves. Witch Kisses, the marks of Witches placed upon humans to drive them mad and feed on their life and soul.

Kyuubey doesn't exist in the Worm setting unless you spend a point to allow him (as one of the external forces aka Powers That Be of the Madoka-verse) into the setting where he is bound by the same rules as other Powers that be. Depending on when you appear his involvement won't change enough to need to involve others or charge for the Crossover perk. And great news, all Puella Magi get the same default advantage you do so no need to fight witches to live, even though you probably don't want them running around. In fact Kyuubey is very grateful to you for opening up the multiverse to him and the other incubators. So there's that. ...You monster.

Magical Girl Advantages:
Advantage - Increase Karma: Costs 1 point
Every Magical Girl is born of a wish, and those wishes are fueled by Karma. Normally, as you're wish was made before becoming a Self Insert, your Karma is perfectly average as far as Puella go. Your wish would have either been petty or granted in a petty manner, either way not truly affecting anything of note. For every rank you take in this advantage you increase your Karma, thus increasing the strength of your wish and your eventual Magical Girl ability. For One rank of this advantage you increase your Karma to Minor Karma and your powers or your wish strength increase slightly, perhaps you may have grown up to be famous or influential? For two ranks it is increased to Greater Karma and the power of your wish and magic increase moderately, you would have grown up to be one of the most important people alive had you not made your wish. For three ranks you increase it to Epic Karma and the power of your wish and powers is increased significantly, had you not made that wish you would have been one of the greatest woman to ever live, a legend in modern day.
Karma affects wishes and how they are handled. Generally it can be said that the bigger the wish the less dense the Karma and thus the less satisfactory the result. Similar to how you can water down a drink, you can water down your wish. If you wish too small than while it is accomplished in a much more magical manner after a certain point it's just superfluous.
At 0 ranks you can make a petty wish that accomplishes a petty objective, in a petty but efficient manner, such as wishing to be popular and then gaining some small bit of charisma.
At rank 1 you can make a petty wish to accomplish a petty objective in a significant manner. The same wish might give you charm powers.
At rank 2 you can make a petty wish accomplish a significant objective in a significant manner. You might wish to become a cult leader to thousands, or make some event no mater how unlikely come to pass.
At rank 3 you can make a significant wish to accomplish a significant objective in a significant Manner. You can actually alter the world at large if you wanted.
If you don't make full use of your wish, the left over magic is chanelled into your Magical transformation, increasing it's power in someway, though usually the stamina of your Soul Gem.

Advantage - Contracting: Cost 1 Point
Normally only Kyuubey or other Incubators are needed to create contracts with this advantage you can create Puella Magi yourself via the contract system that the Incubators use. You can add +1 to add 2 points of Puella Benefits to your new Puella, you can make that +0 if you balance out the Advantages you give them with Disadvantages but have no control how it balances out. You can unconsciously determine a girls future potential as a magical girl in a vague sense.
You cannot lie about the contract but you can withhold information. You cannot suggest wishes, though you can assist others in refining their own. You cannot affect the wish in any way nor will you know what the results may be. You cannot refuse a wish that is possible for you to grant after entering a negotiation. Once the deal is sealed it cannot be undone.
For the Karma levels of characters:
Most Unnamed characters and NPCs naturally have very weak Karma, possibly not even enough to get a decent power.
Unnamed characters with tragic back-stories might have some okay but weak Karma and be able to reach the default.
Named but unimportant characters have the same.
Named but unimportant characters with a tragic backstory reach +1 rank in karma.
Named and semi important characters like parahumans or NPCs made by PCs reach +1 Karma
Important characters like other PCs reach +2 Karma
Very Important Characters (Taylor, Triumvirate, Fletchet) get +3 Karma ranks.
This does not take into account special cases or the risk of a fuck up turning the wish into a monkey's paw. In fact for higher Karma MGs you might run into a bigger risk of things going pear shaped from the wish. If you try and grant powers to a PC, unless they have spare points, either from after generation or by achieving certain goals then the Wish is assumed to screw them over in some way to balance the points to 0.

Advantage - Infinite Magica Well: Costs 1 point
You have a seemingly have sidestepped the most dangerous part of being a Magical girl, no mater how much magic you use your soul gem does not darken. This however does not protect it from the alternate means of being corrupted but it's one still great and a major weakness. Though it's not all sugar and sunshine, while it doesn't darken your gem that energy isn't free, using magic is still limited to how much you can normally used, it just turns off the Kill Switch that normally triggers when MP reaches zero.

Advantage - Puella Magic: Costs 1 point
Magical Girls naturally have an ability to channel Magic into objects to allow them to affect Witchs, for this 1 point advantage you are slightly better at it than the usual. You can control unmanned machines you've charged with magic, increase the damage or accuracy of weapons, Self enhancement, And preform other minor spells. For 2 points you are very capable with Puella Magic, it being a useful power in it's own right.

Advantage - Puer Magi/Mahou Shounen: Costs 0-1 Point
Who says that that Magical powers and fighting evil requires XX chromosomes!? That's discrimination! Even if you have something between your legs doesn't make you any less viable an option. While normally only girls can be contracted with this advantage boys have the option to sell their souls as well. If it's limited to just you then the advantage costs 0 points. You can choose to either have a boys outfit, be a boy but still have the normal Puella costumes, or contracting changes the gender of the contracted. Which ever you choose is how the contract forms for all Males who contract.

Puella Complications:
Become Meguca: Grants 2 points
You're gem corrupts normally and does not recover over time, only through using grief seeds can it be cleaned. This complication should only be taken if there is some means of obtaining grief seeds such as other magical girls being available and witching.

No Maduka! Grants 1-2 Points
Can only be taken with Greater Karma or higher
Wish's are risky business, and you didn't beat the odds. For one rank your wish effectively negates itself ending neutrally, or is granted in such a way that is completely unsatisfactory. For an additional -1 it ends very badly for you, A wish to heal someone leads to you loosing them, a wish for wealth renders you effectively impoverished, a wish to help only causes them to suffer. This naturally leads to despair.

Being Meguca is Suffering Grants 2 points
Yeah, being a Magical girl is a grim dark job. Only even worse when you're universe is controlled by the Urobutcher. Things have a habit of ending badly for you, at the end of every hill is a cliff with sharp rocks at the bottom. That's not to say that good things don't happen, it's just that without hard work and some genre savvy they tend to sour very quickly.

Be cautious when continuing, what is learned cannot be unlearned.

Witches are the enemies of humanity, praying upon them from their lairs. Puella are their natural enemy, the predator that feeds on them as they feed on humans. How sadly ironic, in more ways than one. The witch, the Majo, is the adult form and eventual fate of any magical girl, Mahou Shoujo, whom has not met their end in battle. Just as Magical Girls are born of the Hope of little girls, a witch is born of the Despair that eventually hope becomes. The taint of the witch cannot be fully eradicated, so long as a magical lives the threat remains. Should the Puella's grief seed ever become fully corrupt the witch shall be born from the tainted soul, and not even a wish can return them to what they once were.

If in the event that you do become a witch feel free to rebuild your character as the witch, as a witch you are not quite sane nor have any memories of your past life. +1 point to retain your sanity and memories as a Puella Magi. You're Witch is based on your own starting power tier, the powers can be retained from your previous life or changed altogether. You retain your basic appearance in life if with some subtle inhuman alterations.

Witch Traits: Costs 2-5 points
Mandatory Advantage.
Despite becoming a witch you have retained some sanity and sense of self, a miraculous occurrence. You gain witch-like traits and a few additional abilities, you also gain access to a Witch Form that is physically much stronger than your humanoid form and contains most of your power similarly to how your Puella form once did, the difference being you can dynamically shift into the Witch Form.

Witches have access to a Labyrinth which is a pocket dimension that is modeled after their desires in life. Witches are also capable of minor shape shifting, the greater the deviation from the base form the harder it is to alter and maintain. Witches are capable of killing living creatures and turning them into subservient if unintelligent and weak familiars, which in turn can eventually become other witches by killing humans. Witches are capable of recovering from any injury so long as their Grief Seed remains, the speed of the regeneration however is not great normally but increases by devouring either souls or grief. Witches are capable of either draining from or filling a soul gems with grief while touching it, the grief can be used to empower the witch or can be shaped into simple object of miasma. Lastly Witches are naturally capable of creating contracts with humans though of a different kind. For +1 point your witch traits are stronger, making you an upper tier witch another, for another +1 you increase it further still, rivaling Walpurgis Nacht in size and toughness. For +1 you have full access your magic outside of your witch form, though it is still physically stronger than you.

Witch Magic: Costs 1 point
Witches have their own brand of magic, while all witches have some minor feats or prestidigitation you are exceptional in this regard. You create solid and complex objects from grief, shapeshift into others with little trouble, alter your Labyrinth and it's door easily, and enhance yourself in many ways.

Sock Puppet: Costs 1 Point
You actually have a real body and a separate Witch Body you control. So long as your real form is alive and you have the grief you can recreate the witch body from it's remains. If you wish you can even hide yourself inside the puppet, regardless of size differences, and be impervious to most attacks even should the body be destroyed.

Insanity: -1 to -3 points
You didn't come out of the ordeal quite so unscathed it seems, you're mind did not come back right. While even the sanest of witches are a bit... off by default you're a bit further down the rabbit holeFor a 1 point discount you are mostly in control but prone to bouts of madness or passion. For 2 points your sanity is mostly gone, and your thought process is fairly alien to what it once was and what humans consider normal. For an additional -1 you're moral compass is also missing, you find it hard to empathize with humans or care about their suffering.

Amnesia -1 Point
Whelp, there goes all your progress so far. You're new self no longer remembers you're old self or even ever being human in the first place, guess you're really dead after all. In fact you don't even know what you are, when you wake up the only knowledge you posses is that of your True Name.

Monstrous -1 - -2 points
You don't have a human form, well sorta it's so obviously inhuman that no-one is fooled anyway. Seriously, you look like some sort of Monmusu cosplayer, What the fuck? For an additional -1 you don't even have that Case-53 form, just a giant witch body for you.

Basic Servant advantages, alpha draft:
Historical Upgrade - 0-1 point: create your own servant OC. Price depends on power.
Living Legend 1 point each - No longer just flesh, No longer ages, no need for food or water, and has Eirei traits such as Astral form, Gaea Req. Info downloading.
A Crystallized Legend/Authority 1 point - Destroyed or used up NPs return the next day, resting restores Mana and heals most injuries.

Tragic Hero - -1: Hero's mental/emotional issues affect you as well.
The Cycle of Fate -1: You do not gain the Hero's memories. The skills are innate but you don't fully understand them, similar to a tinker. You cannot teach, you are unskilled but talented.
Cursed Fate -2: You don't regenerate Mana, reaching 0 is death. You can regain it by Tantric Rituals, Eating people, general magical skills, etc.
The Hero's Journey -1: You don't start off super powerful but train your way up.

Gamer Expansion no longer valid. (Corrected version added to Doc)
Lesser Power - Stat Screen!
Access to a stat screen, able to improve stats, HUD vision, lesser version of Gamer's Mind (Minor mental disconnect). Level Caps or character class limits.
When taken in conjunction with Crossover character or Apprentice power from a game you model this after their game's mechanics.

Greater Power - The Gamer
Power effects the world around you to work similarly to an extent. Widely Learn-able skills, Party mechanics, respawning enemies, drops.
Gamer's Mind allows much greater thinking time and ability to calmly make decisions not clouded by emotions.
Video Game Inventory. Consume items instantly.
Misc benefits varies.

+1 VN Mechanics: Unlocks love points, dating sim mechanics, dialogue trees, review conversations and subtitles, Skip boring scenes, and ability to see other peoples flash backs.
+1 Crafting/Smithing/Enchanting
+1 Save Point: You have a save point you can restart at, you can only save your progress at this location. +1 to make it a type of location (major locations, places I slept.) You only have one save slot and death is a game over and you can't load a save in combat.
+2 Game Breaking bug: While there's no, or at least a very high, hard cap there is a soft cap on how high you can get your levels/skills. With this there is none, there is some exploitable way to farm near infinite experience that you know about that can shoot you up dozens of levels at once. You can take this as +1 instead if it only applies in a rather narrow fashion (Only skills, only potions, only maxing relationship values, etc).
+1 Exploits: Turns out reality was not beta tested, you start off knowing several bugs in the system that give some interesting and useful effects (Clipping, limited teleporting, ragdolling, etc) and there's probably more out there if you look hard enough.
+1 Extra Lives: When you die you automatically respawn shortly afterwards fully healed, you have 3 lives as the base, every day you don't die grants another up to that base, you can earn lives in some fashion (Gain enough points, buy it in limited amounts, find them hidden around the city, etc) Can also take Save Point for +0 but will always respawn there and it costs 1 life every time.
+1 Guide Book: You have a mental guide book with decent knowledge of how everything works and some helpful tips. It's a guide book however and doesn't have every little detail noted.

-1 This Chair!: Game mechanics strike back, Insurmountable fences, unbreakable doors, invincible civilians, unable to steal, the usual things.
-1 Can't Thwart Level One: Plot finds a way regardless of your actions. Sure you may have punched leviathan in half but somehow it still end with the city flooded and you loosing, not that everything is written in stone but attempting major changes are more likely to fail than not, even if you succeed.
-1 Compulsive Gamer: You have a need to beat the game with 100% completion, you search every chest, back track constantly, make asshole decisions to get pointless Achievements, the works.
-1 Turn Based Combat: Turns out the combat mechanics of your system don't translate well to reality. Perhaps you attack in turns, maybe you can only preform so many actions at once, maybe you can only take certain types of action in combat and literally nothing else.
-2 Hard Mode. Stronger enemies, worse luck, the works. +4 for Kaizo mode (If you have extra lives you can become a 1hp wonder in exchange for infinite lives.)

Dragon Ball (Xenoverse) Expansion
What you get: Enhanced strength, access to Ki and it's tricks, general combat skills. You can make your own fighting style or rip off some moves from the show/games barring the more magicy ones. You start off knowing how to fly and some ki attacks of your choice. -1 nets no flight or ki moves you learn from scratch. In terms of power you're about as strong as Goku post Roshi's training. +2 to reach general DBZ early levels, +4 to reach DBZ post Freeza levels and half cost if you must train to reach them.

Races: Get to be another race with their traits all for +1. Saiyans get Zenkai boost (limits to be elaborated on at another time) and optional ability to become weremonkies. Namekians have super stretching, regeneration, and breed asexually. Majin are super regenorators and amorphous. Freeza race are fast, have strong ki, and really resilient.

Items: Capsule Corp tech, power pole, Nimbus, scouters, space ships.
Legendary Items: Dragon Balls, Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Android producing tech.
Powers that be: Kais, Dragon Balls, Otherworld, Omniverse

Lewd Expansion Pack:

Perks and such are constantly under revision to be kept up to date and useful.
Currently working on a new doc specifically for Expansions that come to mind. Similarly making minor changes to the Puella Magi expansion.

Currently working on the World Breaker Powers, I think I'll make something based on the originals but slightly different, I'll also add a few more and remove a couple. Mostly just worried that my personal distaste for the original version's OPness may negatively affect it.
I had a question about the Power Complications Disadvantage. Does giving yourself a weakness like Superman's Kryptonite count?
Question about Enemy.

Are they capable of taking the "Wildbow? What's a Wildbow?" drawback. Do they have any knowledge of canon Worm to speak of?
Ideas and questions about crossover power options
What could we get with crossover besides comic book characters because I was hoping for Kamen rider or ideon as characters also could you make a jailbreak options for crossover such as organic vs gadgetry (organic meaning their powers are apart of them gadgetry is a device they use that is linked to them) conversion (make the ant-man suit integrated into your body or make a suit of armour that connects to the speedforce for the flash) or to change the mechanics of the powers another way
I was wondering how much the World-Breaker Powers cost. Is it Eight points?
Question about Enemy.

Are they capable of taking the "Wildbow? What's a Wildbow?" drawback. Do they have any knowledge of canon Worm to speak of?
No, by default they are native to the story and not other SIs. That may change depending on the GM.
Ideas and questions about crossover power options
What could we get with crossover besides comic book characters because I was hoping for Kamen rider or ideon as characters also could you make a jailbreak options for crossover such as organic vs gadgetry (organic meaning their powers are apart of them gadgetry is a device they use that is linked to them) conversion (make the ant-man suit integrated into your body or make a suit of armour that connects to the speedforce for the flash) or to change the mechanics of the powers another way
This is already address in the CYOA, I removed the limitation of the original CYOA that said only comic characters and expanded it to any work of fiction.
I was wondering how much the World-Breaker Powers cost. Is it Eight points?

Sorry for the late reply on some, I initially saw them at work a while back but couldn't reply, then they disappeared from my alert box so they slipped my mind.
Does some sort of entity or force looking out for you count as a Companion? Or is it just someone who fights alongside you?
Saiyans get Zenkai boost (limits to be elaborated on at another time)
I messed about with a gamer/DBZ cross ages ago that never went anywhere. In this, I had to work out the Zenkai Boost's actual effects were. In-universe, you had to experience a near-death event and survive. Zenkai, it seems, was only meant as a quick and dirty way of preventing death next time and was inherently inferior to actual training. Hence, my perk:

Zenkai boost: Whenever your HP reaches 15 or less, you receive a permanent 10% boost to your MAX HP and KI.

15 was a flat number, rather than a percentage, to represent how difficult it is to achieve Zenkai at higher levels (the starting HP was 100). It is also a reward to the players for surviving a normally fatal encounter.

Don't know if that helps at all, but the basics is that Zenkai helps prevent you dying next time you face the same foe, but is no replacement for actual training nor does it help prevent you dying in the moment. It also becomes irrelevant as a means of self-improvement over a certain power level, due to Ki's self reinforcing effect during training.
∀∞ Will you give us a gundam expansion where you are the gundam with perks like g.n.-drive ( infinity life and energy regeneration 20% capacity per a second) or mobile fighter (Marshall artist go dbz in power) the perk body of gundam ( gives your overall durability comparable to wolverine's skeleton )


The toon expansion like cartoons with a disadvantage that gives you less toon force for 30 points

Question are the lewd expansion or others going to be reposted
one i agree with the guy above me expansions would be nice two damn man the coloring on that text is painful to read
I'm not familiar enough with gundam but you can try something for yourself if you want. On the second it should be light grey on dark purple which would be pretty similar to SB's own text so I don't know why it's painful for you.
i was talking about the post the guy above me made andi will be on the look out for any expansions anyone makes the creative juices really flow with this cyoa
the way I was saying was the character would get the abilities of a gundam they choose but the point value was based on power tier like God killer, low, hax, and performance, like this
Gundam their example
Also having tech from different time lines like phase shift armour which is physical indestructible but weak to direct energy weapons or Gundanium which has beam resistance but is time consuming to produce
I'm not familiar enough with gundam but you can try something for yourself if you want. On the second it should be light grey on dark purple which would be pretty similar to SB's own text so I don't know why it's painful for you.

Question. The incomplete World Breaker Powers section says that you can buy the powers from the original Worm CYOA until it's complete. However it doesn't state how much those powers actually cost.
Master of Squirrel-fu, can A Brighter World be used as a fanfic toggle? Like, say, going to one of the Worm fanfiction instead of landing in "canon" Earth Bet or something?
Master of Squirrel-fu

It says the Enemy can take up to five points in drawbacks in their own build. Does that mean the Enemy can have their own Enemy?
A lot of things are determined by the person running the game. I would allow it if the characters designed were interesting enough, but normally I'd be hesitant since it's nesting a lot of OCs in a game of thrones-esque tangle of murderplots.

Master of Squirrel-fu, can A Brighter World be used as a fanfic toggle? Like, say, going to one of the Worm fanfiction instead of landing in "canon" Earth Bet or something?
This is answered similarly, it depends on who's using this and what the GM thinks.
A lot of things are determined by the person running the game. I would allow it if the characters designed were interesting enough, but normally I'd be hesitant since it's nesting a lot of OCs in a game of thrones-esque tangle of murderplots.

This is answered similarly, it depends on who's using this and what the GM thinks.

I see. I was thinking of going with a 'the Enemy of my Enemy is my friend' approach for a potential story idea.
Master of Squirrel-fu

Sorry for double posting but a question about the Greater Power version of Crossover. It says that if you pick a character with a greater level of power than that tier would imply, then your abilities are weakened to around Triumvirate level as a result. Can we pick Dragon Ball characters with this, as long as we accept that they get nerfed down to Triumvirate level? Seeing as the Dragon Ball Xenoverse expansion isn't finished yet.
Master of Squirrel-fu

Sorry for double posting but a question about the Greater Power version of Crossover. It says that if you pick a character with a greater level of power than that tier would imply, then your abilities are weakened to around Triumvirate level as a result. Can we pick Dragon Ball characters with this, as long as we accept that they get nerfed down to Triumvirate level? Seeing as the Dragon Ball Xenoverse expansion isn't finished yet.
Yeah pretty much. Triumvirate is shorthand, basically as long as you're not some nigh unstoppable thing and could reasonably be threatened by the forces of Earth Bet's finest that's good.
Yeah pretty much. Triumvirate is shorthand, basically as long as you're not some nigh unstoppable thing and could reasonably be threatened by the forces of Earth Bet's finest that's good.

Okay, going off that. Is it possible to get stronger via training even with the nerf or am I going to spend a point on Power Perks?

And even if I can get stronger without buying Power Perks, I'm assuming I'd still reach a hard limit at some point?
Okay, going off that. Is it possible to get stronger via training even with the nerf or am I going to spend a point on Power Perks?

And even if I can get stronger without buying Power Perks, I'm assuming I'd still reach a hard limit at some point?
Essentially. The concept was that if you're going to buy something at a particular powerlevel you're going to stay somewhere around that level. So even with growth or boosting you'd probably not be as strong a real world breaker even if you spent the same amount of points. It was a conceptual choice, partially to make it easier to keep track of power levels (consolidating it, and a reason to have certain Powers repeat) and also so if a a GM limits a game to only Less or Greater powers it takes away the easy powergame method. though it really should be up to GM's to just say no on seeing a character sheet if they want to prevent such things, and again it is their final word on the mater if they want to interpret it differently.
So, I noticed the World-Breaker Power Section hasn't been completed yet. Is it just the Paragon and the Icon? Or are there more to come?
Back again, cleaned up some of the comments. So many were just fuck ups of people accidentally editing something and maybe trying to fix it.

A couple minor changes, answering a few comments and adding a bit of clarification to the It Got Worse flaw.

Edit, in other news restarting my RP session of this, as one of the players appears to have left the discord server since I need a new number 3.
Okay, I'll be working on an expansion for Gatcha in FGO. To avoid clutter in another thread I'll keep things here.

Hmm, regarding summons there appears to be two currencies to take into account since each has limits on what can be summoned and are gained at different rates.
FP, friend points, are gained 10 a day and 2 are needed to summon. This summons a weak 1-3 star servant or crafting material. Using the expensive and powerful extra currency Saint (Gatcha~) Crystals you can summon for things in the 3-5 star range. By spending 10x the recommended price you guarantee at least one servant and a mid leveled card of those available.

So as part of the preliminary rules for this.
Summon points for the generic and weak summons are gained at a rate of 10 per day, costing 2 points per summon. There' s a high chance of not getting a Servant but getting a crafting card instead.
Summoning at 10X the cost guarantees grabbing the minimum tier of servant available plus a card of a higher tier either servant or crafting.
Gatcha Crystal fragments are gained through story/character progression or by sacrificing something of some personal value to get the finished crystal. Summons work similar to the generics but with a 3-5 star range.
You are limited to 3 active Servants that can be manifested at a given time normally. If taken with the include perk this also applies to the number of cards that can switched between. The rest are a reserve party that can be swapped out or sacrificed as needed.
The Command Seal mechanics are only available with the Command Seal Perk. Mechanics will include: Revival, instantly charging an NP, summoning a reserve Servant from the stack, and a buff command (Kill him till he's dead!/Don't Get Hit!/Don't Die!) that's works like in Fate where vaguer is weaker.
When defeated Servants are reduced to cards and recover the next day without an item or command spell use.
If taken with Include the SI isn't necessarily defeated when the card is defeated unless severely curbstomped or KO'd, instead being just regularly beaten once the card wears off. Allowing up to 3 tries with damage getting progressively worse after each loss.

I think a roll chart would look like this:
1:3 of Servant v Crafting/Exp card. so 1-4 being Vendor stuff and 5-6 being a servant.
Rolling a 1-3 being minimum star level, a 4-5 being mid star level, and a 6 being highest star level.
Vendor Droplist
1 is item drop, 2-3 are Exp drops, 4 is Saint Quartz Fragments equal to the star level.

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