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Chapter 157: The Double Cross Part 3 New
Chapter 157: The Double Cross Part 3

Alliance Forward Base, PU-9841, February 8th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"So, what's the verdict, Carter?"

The General sounded flippant, but Samantha Carter could tell that he was at least a little nervous behind his wide, cocky grin - his eyes gave it away. She knew him too well to be fooled.

"Well, sir…" she started to say, then wanted to wince when she saw his expression grow serious at once. He knew her too well not to catch on that she didn't bring good news.

And then he was grinning again. "If I am mutating into a dog, I'll need to know so I can make arrangements to get my uniforms altered."

She snorted at that. "You're not turning into a dog, sir."

"I sense a 'but' coming."

"Your vitals are all good." Great, even, for his age. Or for any age.

"Still not feeling reassured. Come on, tell me the bad news."

She winced and sighed through clenched teeth. "I've detected some changes in your body on a cellular scale." She took a deep breath. "Your DNA is… changing."

"That sounds like a mutation." He was dead serious now. "Unless X-Men lied to me."

She didn't bother laughing at his joke. "It's not a mutation - it's more an… optimisation. I need to run it past an expert to confirm, but my preliminary estimate is that minor faults and defects in your DNA are being…" Don't say 'fixed', she reminded herself. "Corrected."

"By magic." He was pressing his lips together with such effort, they formed a thin line.

She nodded. "That needs to be confirmed as well, but it is the most likely explanation."

He scoffed in return. "So, someone's cleaning up my genes. I guess I won't have to worry about all the radiation I might have picked up in places I never visited in the first place."

Sam shook her head. "Any such lingering or potential health issues were already taken care of when Adora healed you the first time, sir:"

"Ah." He narrowed his eyes. "So, what exactly is happening now?"

"I have yet to confirm it," she said. "But my best estimate after using the most detailed magictech scanner I have access to here is that your, ah, Ancient heritage has been rendered more prominent."

"I'm turning into an alien?" He stared at her.

"Not quite. It's more that your, ah, Ancient genes are becoming more dominant," she explained.

"That sounds like I am turning into an alien, Carter."

"The Ancients were, as far as we know, and as far as DNA tests have confirmed, our ancestors, sir. They were and are, in Adora's case, close enough to humans to have viable, non-sterile offspring, according to Alpha's data. That means we're the same species."

"That sounds like semantics."

"Scientific definitions aren't semantics, sir," she reminded him, frowning slightly.

"That's what a semantic would say."

"You're not turning into an alien," she repeated herself. "And you won't suddenly sprout, ah, tentacles. As far as we can tell, you're simply becoming a bit more… like your ancestors. DNA-wise."

He snorted. "Still sounds like turning into an alien. Will I get a magical sword or tiara?"

She hesitated a fraction of a second, but it was enough for him to pick up. "Don't tell me I'm turning into a princess!"

"There's no sign of that as far as I can tell with my current equipment, sir," she retorted.

"That's not a 'no', Carter."

"It's as much as I can do here. We have to travel to Etheria and have you examined there."

"By the crazy Frankenstein AI on the moon, you mean." He scoffed and looked at the screen on the wall showing muted news from Earth on a lagging loop.

"And by the experts from Mystacor," she added.

He turned to stare at her. "Right. Forgot about them. So, I'm turning into a witch?"

She winced again. That this would strengthen what, according to Castaspella, was already a high potential for magic was her best hypothesis. "I think the correct term would be 'sorcerer', sir. Though unless you start training in sorcery, you won't be able to actually work magic."

"And that's how I like it!" he snapped. "Not a word to anyone with magic about that, Carter!"

"Sir! It's just a hypothesis so far. It could be something else. We need to have you examined by experts to be able to exclude the possibility that this might be a threat to your health." She met his eyes with a firm expression. "I cannot condone that risk." And he should know better.

He stared at her for a moment, then sighed. "Alright. Let's get the Frankenbot to peek at my genome to check that I'm not turning into an alien."

Sam didn't smile but merely nodded. But she was relieved. If she had to decide whether she would follow the General's orders or her conscience, with his health potentially on the line… whatever the choice, she wouldn't have been happy.


"So?" Catra turned away from the one-way window into the interrogation room where Kul'et was sitting - secured - at a table and looked at Melog.

Awe. Guilt.

That didn't tell her what the Jaffa was feeling guilty about. Spying for Apophis on Adora? Or that he failed Apophis? He had been grateful, earlier, Melog had said - but that had been right after Adora had saved him from the poison he had taken.

She shook her head. "Looks like you'll have to talk to him, Adora."

Her love sighed but nodded. "I don't know what would be worse - that he's still faithful to Apophis or that he worships me."

Catra rolled her eyes at her. "Stop whining. Every Jaffa that converts to the Church of She-Ra is one less Jaffa we have to fight."

"I'm no goddess!" Adora clenched her teeth. "No one should worship me!"

Catra shrugged. "They do it anyway. Freedom of religion."

"No one should be worshipped like that!" Adora retorted. "That kind of blind faith is what the Goa'uld want - and what makes them so evil."

It was just a small part of why the snakes were evil, in Catra's opinion. You didn't need blind faith to get blind obedience. The Horde had shown that. And Earth had plenty of other examples. But it usually made it easier, of course. "It's not exactly blind faith," she said, grinning. "Priest certainly isn't always listening to you. Well, he's listening, but he doesn't just do what you want." Like when Adora wanted him to stop worshipping her.

Adora groaned. "That's not a good thing either! I'm still responsible for him and his people!"

Catra scoffed. "You'd be responsible for them as Supreme Commander of the Alliance anyway."

"It's not the same!" Adora insisted. "This goes far beyond the military chain of command."

Catra shrugged again. Sure, the clones would likely ignore any rules if Adora really wanted them to do something, but… "As long as they listen to you when it's important, it's a good thing," she said. "Would you rather have them converting to an Earth religion? I'm sure many of their religious leaders would love having fanatical converts at their disposal."

"Of course not!" Adora shuddered. "But… It's just not right. And I don't like to burden the next She-Ra with this responsibility."

Catra pressed her lips together. The next She-Ra would only be chosen if Adora died. And Catra would do anything to prevent that from happening. But there was no need to go into that. She slowly shook her head. "She-Ra will do fine. Mara and you both had to deal with worse responsibilities."

"And Mara died," Adora spat.

Alright, Catra had been wrong. There was a need to get into this. "I'm not going to let you die. And if you're trying to get killed, I'll kill you!"


Adora blinked. "What?"

"You know what I mean!" Catra said with a deep frown aimed at both her love and Melog.

Adora smiled even as she shook her head. "I'll go in now." She turned to the door leading to the hallway and left the room. A moment later, Catra saw her entering the interrogation room.

"Goddess!" Kul'et tried to jump up, but the chain fastened to his cuff stopped him. A moment later, he tried to bow but only managed to press his head against the top of the table.

Catra snorted - the Americans had installed the interrogation room, as a 'provisional measure', as they had called it, since they didn't want to move Kul'et to a standard P.O.W. camp until they knew whether he had ditched Apophis's faith or not, but they had done good work anyway.

She glanced at Melog for a moment.

Awe. Gratitude. Love. Guilt.

That sounded promising. Still, they had to be sure.

"Sit," Adora said.

"Yes, Goddess."

Catra saw Adora frown for a moment before smiling again. "How are you doing? Are you being treated right?"

He better be, Catra thought. If They couldn't ensure P.O.W.s being treated correctly in a tiny forward base under their very noses… Well, technically, Kul'et was a spy, but since the Alliance had pulled off the same plots already, no one would make a fuss about that. No one who mattered, anyway.

Kul'et took a deep breath and bowed his head again. "I am being treated better than I deserve. I have done the bidding of a false god and attempted to deceive, to betray you, a true goddess. My life is forfeit!"

Guilt. Shame.

"He has been too long near Apophis," Catra muttered. "That's where he picked up all the drama."

Melog sent her a spike of amusement.

"No!" Adora shook her head, and Kul'et actually flinched at her tone. "No one is going to die for Apophis - or any other Go'auld - if we can help it. That includes you!"

"Your mercy is as vast as your power, Goddess."

Honesty. Relief.

Adora winced. "That's just doing the right thing. You were raised to believe in an evil cause. So was I. And others." She leaned forward, putting both hands on the table. "We understand. And we don't judge you for it."

Kul'et blinked. "I don't understand…"

Confusion, Melog confirmed.

Catra sighed. In theory, Kul'et could still be feeling all this and be loyal to Apophis. Relieved that they were treating him well, guilty for failing - or for having torn loyalties, maybe.

This could take a while. Maybe they should have called for professional interrogators. No - they wouldn't hold the same respect as Adora did.


"...and so Melog came to the conclusion that Kul'et has honestly changed sides."

Jack O'Neill nodded at Adora's summary. "You mean he converted, right?"

Adora frowned at him, but Catra nodded. "Yes."

"That was likely the key reason he switched," Daniel cut in. "Adora saving his life in extremis, and changing a significant part of the planet at the same time, would have shaken anyone, of course, but Kul'et was especially receptive due to his background."

"The Goa'uld depend on power, both real and fictive, over their followers to keep them faithful," Sha're added. "But that means that should they be defeated by a rival, their followers might switch allegiance and faith to the victor because they might seem ascendant."

"And dear old Apophis has suffered a few humiliating defeats." Jack grinned. Some of them, like the losses of two fleets, he would have been able to keep secret from the general population, but Kul'et would have been aware of them since he was supposed to become a double agent. And Apophis hadn't been able to hide the raid on his palace. Now the Alliance just had to keep the pressure on, and Apophis's entire empire might crumble…

Of course, having the snake's faithful convert to worshipping Adora had some drawbacks as well, but they could deal with those once the snakes were done. "We've got Apophis fooled into thinking the Horde is about to attack Earth, and we turned his spy. How do we exploit this?" That was a question for the brass and spooks at Headquarters, but it never hurt to come back from the field with a few ideas and proposals. Especially if you were discussing it with the Supreme Commander of the Alliance.

"Kul'et had orders to gather what information he could, pass it back once he had the opportunity, and then wait for further orders," Catra said. "So, we don't have to decide right now what misinformation he can pass back. But Apophis will have stealth ships on the way to Earth to watch the expected Horde attack. He might even move a fleet there in case there's an opportunity after the Horde and Earth destroy each other. We need to decide how to handle that."

Sha're nodded. "If Apophis thinks the battle was very costly for all involved, he won't be able to resist attacking the exhausted victor. Not only will he hope to recover Horde technology no matter who supposedly won, but taking Earth will enhance his prestige amongst his peers - and add a massive population to his realm."

"A population who will resist his occupation," Jack pointed out. "And we're rather good at making any occupiers' lives hell." Especially if they wanted to impose their religion on Earth. Hell, this would make Afghanistan look like a pleasure cruise!

"I doubt that Apophis would consider this," Daniel said. "That's not how it works in the Goa'uld Empire."

"He would expect the humans to bow to him once he has dealt with their leaders and armies," Sha're added.

"Then he'll be disappointed," Jack said. "We don't submit easily."

"His response will be brutal," Sha're replied. "He'll do anything to crush resistance. And Earth has so many people, he could kill a billion or more and still consider it a great addition to his power."

"Indeed," Teal'c said gravely.

"The loss of so many people would wreck Earth's industry," Carter objected. "The supply chains would already be in tatters after the Horde invasion, murdering more people…" She shook her head. "Earth might not recover in decades from such a blow."

"Fortunately, that won't happen," Catra cut in with a snort. "So, we have to fool Apophis into believing that either the Horde won easily or Earth easily defeated the Horde."

"If Apophis thinks Earth is strong enough to easily defeat an enemy who wrecked his own fleet, then he'll see us as much more dangerous than he thought - maybe a danger to the Goa'uld Empire," Daniel said. "At the very least, he could portray us as such to his fellow System Lords."

"He would try to set them on Earth in order to weaken both, just as he did with the Horde," Sha're agreed.

"Guy's got no imagination," Jack muttered. And the snake probably thought he was being clever instead of obvious.

"So, if Earth suddenly appears to be a great power in the galaxy, or at least tough enough to defeat the Horde remnants, that might cause the Goa'uld to address us with a united front," Adora summed up.

"We don't want that," Catra said.

"But a seemingly easy defeat of Earth at the hands of the Horde could have the same effect on the System Lords," Daniel retorted.

"That would only mean a return to the status quo," Sha're disagreed. "When Horde Prime was still alive."

"But he was occupied with the First Ones back then," Adora pointed out. "At least for the longest time. That wouldn't be the case now - if the Horde struck at Earth, the Goa'uld might expect them to strike at their own holdings next."

Jack nodded. "And Apophis will try to use that as well to save his own neck."

"It's still better than the alternative," Catra argued. "The snakes won't know what the Horde might do, and how many are left, so they will be cautious until they find out more. So, we gain more time to prepare."

"But the Goa'uld will prepare for a Horde attack. That means we'll lose the element of surprise anyway," Carter said.

Catra shrugged. "That would happen sooner or later anyway. This way, especially with Kul'et on our side, we can control what Apophis will know, and through him, the other System Lords."

It wasn't perfect by any means, and the brass and politicians back home wouldn't be happy, but that was war for you. Jack nodded. "So, let's think about how we can fake a Horde victory and occupation of Earth. Preferably one that makes Earth look like it's not worth another attack."

"I don't think that's going to be possible," Daniel said. "Earth has such a great symbolic value as Ra's ancestral seat, holding it, even if it lays in ruins, would benefit any System Lord."

Jack frowned a little. "It's still better if Earth only has symbolic value rather than symbolic and economic and military value. So, any ideas?"

Carter suddenly stiffened. That was a bad sign - Jack was asking for ideas, not more problems. "Sir, I just realised there's a problem with those plans."


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, February 9th, 2000

"...and so we can fake an occupation of the Solar System by the Horde." Adora smiled at the assembled Alliance leaders. "Since the majority of the ships protecting Earth are Horde frigates, we won't have to change our troop deployments. We'll have to be more careful with how we deploy Earth-made ships, but since the Goa'uld haven't encountered them yet, even if they are observed, they won't be associated with Earth." And all of them were descended at least partially from Horde designs, so anyone analysing them without access to a captured ship would likely focus on the similarities.

The British Secretary of State for Defence nodded. "We might have to cover the ship's name and pennant numbers, though. And the flags, of course."

"Yes." Adora nodded. But that was standard procedure for any deployment anyway - at least until Earth's part in the Alliance was revealed. "We thought about using some of them to fake a naval engagement in the system to fool the stealth ships from Apophis which will be observing the Solar System." Kul'et had confirmed that part. " But that would hamper later deployment of the ships, and we don't want Apophis to think that Earth has naval yards - and that the Horde has taken them."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Not that Earth has too many working naval yards to begin with," Catra muttered next to Adora.

That was a bit unfair. Earth had many working naval yards. It was just that, with the exception of the British Flower II-class, they hadn't actually finished and commissioned any spaceships yet. The Americans were close with their Constitution II-class of frigates, though Sam had mentioned that their design still had some issues to be ironed out, and any fixes had to be applied to the other ships on the slips, delaying their completion. And the ships wouldn't be ready for deployment until they had enough space fighters to fill the hangars. The French were a bit more behind, but they were working closely with the British and last Adora had heard, they didn't expect too many troubles with their first design. The Germans were not quite as advanced, but they were both working on a stealth corvette and adapting the British transport design, so they had split their efforts. And, unlike the United States, the Europeans were all working with at least another, usually smaller country, which complicated matters a bit.

But that wasn't a topic for today's meeting. Adora forced herself to keep smiling as she went on: "But that won't help with the real problem: The radio waves Earth has been transmitting."

She could see the assembled ministers react as they realised, some more quickly than others, what she meant.

"We've been broadcasting for years - including coverage of your arrival and the forming of the Alliance…" the American Secretary said, grimacing.

Adora nodded. "We've plotted how far the transmissions have spread, and while they haven't reached any systems occupied by the Goa'uld, and won't for decades to come, at which point they won't be discernible any more, any ship sent to observe Earth from close by will be able to receive and understand them."

"Like a radio telescope," another minister said. "They'll be able to look into our past."

"Yes." Adora nodded again. "And we can't expand our sensor network fast enough to cover all that space. Not if we want it dense enough to spot their stealth ships." Entrapta and Sam had been clear about that. Deep space was just too vast even for their magitech sensors.

"So what can we do?" the French minister asked. "If we couldn't do anything, you'd have started with that."

"We can't count on spotting Apophis's stealth ships in space, and we can't stop the transmissions that were sent already. But his ships will need time to reach the Solar System. So, we need to ensure that when they arrive close enough to pick up the radio transmissions covering our arrival on Earth, Apophis cannot use whatever they receive any more." She smiled as confidently as she could. "We're planning to create a distraction so tempting, he won't be able to resist, and then we strike."

"You want to take him out?" the German Minister asked. "A decapitation strike?"

"Yes." Adora nodded firmly. "He's already suffered several defeats and is increasingly desperate. If we offer him a possible solution to his troubles, he's unlikely to resist."

"And what are you planning to use?" The American Secretary was leaning forward.

"A Horde superweapon," Adora replied. "One about to be used against Earth." She saw their reaction, and clarified: "A fictive Horde superweapon constructed by us." Leaking intel about it to Apophis would be tricky but not impossible with Kul'et's help.



Spacelab, Earth Orbit, February 9th, 2000 (Earth Time)

Samantha Carter brought up the latest schematics of Project Fortitude - she wasn't calling it 'Project Death Star' no matter what the General said - on the holoprojector inside the Spacelab. "This is what we currently have. If we use the Horde fleet trains manufacturing pipeline, we can build the hull from parts intended for the Velvet Glove mounted on a standard frigate. It would take a few days if we use an existing frigate, a bit longer if we purpose-build a frigate, though in that case, we could also adapt the structure and power generators for the project, which should enhance its effectiveness."

Entrapta scrunched her nose while she studied the schematics. "Hm…"

Hordak tilted his head, then nodded. "It seems feasible. However, someone not familiar with the Horde would realise that it's not an original Horde design - Horde Prime would have never allowed such an aesthetically imperfect vessel to be produced."

Samantha Carter pressed her lips together. She didn't think the design was that bad or ugly. "It's meant to be a prototype," she defended her project.

"Horde Prime fixated on perfection. He wouldn't have shown, much less deployed, an imperfect design such as a prototype," Hordak retorted. "Although I assume that Apophis is not as familiar with Horde Prime's character to know this, so this might work."

"But it wouldn't work!" Entrapta blurted out.

Sam turned to look at her. "What's wrong with it?" she asked. Had she overlooked something? Missed a critical point?

"It wouldn't work! The 'Core Cracker Cannon' doesn't have enough power to actually crack a planet's core!" Entrapta shook her head. "It's just an upscaled regular beam cannon. But it's not upscaled enough. And the beam isn't focused enough to penetrate a planet's crust to the depth needed - in fact, the focussing crystal lenses are widening the beam. All this would do is create a hole in the ground, and not a very deep hole, either - the beam would lose cohesion way before it reached sufficient depth. You could continuously fire it for days and it wouldn't do much more!"

Sam cleared her throat. "It's supposed to be a decoy, not a working superweapon," she reminded Entrapta. And a rush job. And it's still more functional than the Navy's frigate design, she added in a fit of pique. At least this design would be ready to use sometime this year.

Entrapta frowned at her. "But if it obviously won't work, it won't fool anyone either!"

"I doubt Apophis would be able to tell that from the information he'll get," Sam explained.

"We shouldn't underestimate our enemies!" Entrapta nodded at her own words. "Everyone says that."

"We should not overestimate them either," Hordak said. "I suffered a few setbacks early in my campaign when I misjudged the Alliance's response and had positioned my forces for a counter-attack that never came because they withdrew, and I had no forces ready to exploit that."

Sam nodded, though she did feel a little torn about Hordak supporting her using his past as a warlord. "We can't exactly build a working superweapon for this," she said - not for the first time.

"Well, we could, if we used an unstable dimensional portal, but deploying that from space is a bit of a challenge. It would be more like building a flying portal and landing it on the surface before activating it. And finding a way to replicate the dimensional interaction that allowed the portal on Etheria to almost destroy the planet would be tricky even with Beta's support," Entrapta said. "And that technology is banned, of course, because it's so dangerous," she added.

The last line sounded a bit like Entrapta had learned it by rote to Sam, but that might just be her imagination. Still, better safe than sorry. "It was banned for a very good reason." If research into something could destroy a planet - or more - if it suffered a mishap, you'd be insane or desperate to do it.

Or an Ancient, though their sanity obviously was in doubt.

"I concur. However, you said we could build a working superweapon?" Hordak sounded interested.

"Well, it depends on what kind of superweapon you want. If we combine the dimensional portal projector with the spy bot network for targeting, we should be able to compensate for the firing delay, but we would need to develop safe ways to quickly recharge the projector - it wouldn't be very impressive if you couldn't fire it fast enough to destroy a fleet. It would need a larger housing and a lot more power than we can fit into the hull there, though." Entrapta nodded. "And it wouldn't be able to destroy a planet unless you could keep at it until all parts were transported into another dimension, which would take a loooong time. It would be faster to just have a fleet bombard a planet, I guess, even if that wouldn't crack the core either. Anyway, it would probably not qualify as a superweapon. But! What if we combined a Naquadah-enhanced superbomb with a mass driver? Detonate it in the liquid part of the core of a planet, and the shockwaves should wreck the tectonic plates from below!"

Sam felt her stomach drop at the proposal. That was… theoretically possible. Building a bomb powerful enough to achieve that wouldn't be too hard, but finding a way to deploy it to a planet's liquid core would be nigh impossible. "The bomb would never reach the core without being destroyed by the force needed to reach that deep," she said. "And that kind of force would wreck the planet anyway."

"Yes, that's the problem," Entrapta agreed. "But if we manage to adjust the dimensional projector so the bomb is phased out of our dimension just long enough to pass through matter at the speed of a mass driver, it should phase back in just in time to detonate. The timing is tricky, and the speed needed is a bit above our current projections for such cannons, but if we focus on it, I think we could do it!"

"That would take a lot more time than we have," Sam reminded her - and herself. "And we only need something that looks like a superweapon to bait Apophis." Even though he already had a fleet to wreck planets with sustained fire. But a superweapon would appeal to his ego, according to the General. 'They always go for the Death Stars,' as he had put it.

"But it should look convincing!" Entrapta insisted. "So it needs to at least work in theory!"

Hordak nodded.

Sam sighed. "Let's see what we can do."

This reminded her a bit too much of the US Space Navy design process.


Royal Palace, Bright Moon, Etheria, February 10th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"So, Entrapta and Hordak wanted to build an actual superweapon?" Catra snorted as she closed the message and looked at Adora. "To better fool Apophis?"

"Yes," her love sighed.

"A Core Cracker Cannon?" Glimmer had found the message as well.

"Sam's supervising," Bow said - a bit hastily, in Catra's opinion.

Justified, of course - Glimmer looked quite disturbed. Which also was justified - she knew, as did Catra, of course, how close Etheria had come to destruction because of 'superweapons'.

Catra pushed the memory away. "It's being handled. Besides, not even those three can build a superweapon as quickly as we need it. Just building the decoy will take a week if we screw up the logistics of our fleet."

"You sound remarkably unconcerned about that." Glimmer narrowed her eyes at her. "Especially after telling everyone how crucial those supply chains are."

"It'll be good training for when we launch the first offensive," Catra replied with a shrug. "Teach the Alliance to deal with the chaos of a campaign." Most of the Alliance members had never fought an interstellar war, much less on that scale. The clones had, of course, but it had been a while for them as well, and they would have to adjust to fighting in an Alliance. And without Horde Prime jumping into bodies to handle things in person. She flashed her teeth. "But, speaking of crucial things for the war…"

Glimmer scowled at her. "We haven't decided yet."

Catra rolled her eyes for a moment. "You mean you haven't decided yet if you want to stay queen."

"It's not that simple!" Glimmer defended herself. "Mom and Dad are still working things out."

Meaning, Angella was still trying to learn how to fit in after her return to Bright Moon, Catra mentally translated. She didn't say that out loud, of course. Instead, she smirked. "So, that's what you're calling it in Bright Moon. 'Working out'."

"Catra!" Adora was blushing.

Glimmer, though, snorted. "They haven't seen each other for over a decade and thought the other was dead."

Bow looked a little embarrassed, but Catra nodded. "More seriously, though: We need to sort out our chain of command before we pull off a major operation."

"I know," Glimmer spat.

"And if Angella is too 'busy' with Micah to rule…" Catra trailed off.

"Nothing's going to change for now," Glimmer stated the obvious.

Catra shrugged and let the matter drop - for today. She'd return to it tomorrow, and keep at it until things were settled.

Adora cleared her throat. "Anyway, we've done preliminary planning with Priest for the space battle - a skirmish, actually. We'll make a light show and have Kul'et leak that Earth has driven off an attack, but the Horde is bringing in a superweapon."

"Why would we know that?" Bow asked.

"Because Hordak bragged about it to scare Earth into surrendering," Catra explained. "But they won't surrender, of course. Horde Prime probably wouldn't have bragged like that, only after the deployment, but it would fit an underling trying to fill his shoes."

"Priest wanted to write the dialogue, but Hordak declined," Adora added with a wry smile.

"Is Priest working on the fake space battle?" Glimmer asked.

"Yes. Faking the weapons is easy - we'll just power down the beams some. But ideally, we'll need empty frigate hulls to blow up," Catra said. Or actual frigates, but blowing up a working frigate while Earth was struggling to build smaller warships and the Tok'ra had to make do with what small ships they had managed to scavenge and steal probably wouldn't go over well with the rest of the Alliance.

"Fake ships and a fake superweapon? That's a lot of effort and resources to fool Apophis," Glimmer said.

"We're not just fooling him - if all works out, we'll capture him," Adora said.

Or kill him, Catra added. Apophis wouldn't escape.

"You think he will visit the fake superweapon himself?" Glimmer frowned.

"He won't be able to resist," Catra said. "And then we'll get him."

"Ah." Glimmer nodded, then looked at her tablet again. "I think that's all the important stuff we had to cover."

"There are several important memos and reports left!" Adora protested.

"That can be handled by the staff," Glimmer said. "I'm not dealing with altercations between clones and Earth nutcases over religion. Not unless they turn into riots or someone gets seriously hurt. Or they become more frequent than once every two weeks. We're not going to run the war according to what Earth media are screaming about on any given day."

Adora pouted, but Catra nodded. Glimmer was right.


Alliance Base Lübtheen, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany, February 11th, 2000

"...and protestors have been gathering outside the local military base. They demand that the, and I quote, 'heathen aliens' are banned from visiting the county. So far, the commander of the base has not responded to our requests for a statement."

Jack O'Neill rolled his eyes. "That's because the whole incident has nothing to do with him or the base, you moron!" The clone whose proselytising had started all hadn't even visited the base. Nor had the 'Alliance military police unit' that had responded to save the clone bothered to check in with the base before breaking up the mob. No wonder the base commander was doing his best to keep out of the line of fire of this mess - no matter what he said, someone would take offence.

And it wasn't a big deal, anyway. The clones hadn't killed or seriously hurt anyone, even though they hadn't been gentle in dispersing the lynch mob. Not even the preacher who had riled everyone up. Jack wasn't sure if one of his commands had been able to do that, especially one that had only recently - as in five minutes before deployment, and Jack wasn't checking too closely if that had been backdated - been converted into a military police reserve unit. For once, Priest's skill at politics had come in handy.

Though Jack also couldn't shake the feeling that the clone missionary hadn't visited that particular town by chance. The clones usually stuck to big cities, at least in the USA. Or to the towns and cities outside the major Alliance bases - Brussels was about to build the first church for the Church of She-Ra, last he had heard, and the only reason Hamburg wouldn't beat it was that the German bureaucracy took longer to issue building permits.

Either way, it wasn't his problem. Or much of a problem at all. Despite the best efforts of certain members of Congress and parts of the media, those things never lasted long—something else Jack didn't really want to examine too closely.

He switched the channel and leaned back in his chair.

"...The United Nations General Assembly debated another resolution that would demand that control over the Stargate passes to a 'multi-national committee', as of yet not defined. It is not expected to pass but has the support of most African and Middle Eastern member states as well as Russia and China, and…"

In other words, no news from the United Nations. Some people just couldn't accept that they lost. As long as the sore losers stuck to trying to pass resolutions in the United Nations, nothing would come of it. And if they didn't and escalated… well, you'd have to be a suicidal moron to start anything with the Alliance if you didn't have a fleet of spaceships with big honking guns of your own. So far, even the Iranians had behaved rationally in the face of that.

"...the announcements of extensive naval exercises near Earth have raised concerns about the state of the war. The Alliance has not been very forthcoming about their operations, and rumours about a failed invasion continue to spread despite several statements of the Alliance Headquarters refuting them."

"...people demand the truth! What is happening out there? Where are our boys fighting? And whom?"

"...with the Alliance refusing to reveal where our tax dollars are going, fears of widespread corruption are common. Several experts have cited historical and current examples of how vulnerable autocratic governments such as absolute monarchies are to systematic corruption and voiced concerns about the Etherian members of the Alliance, especially in light that the vast majority of funding for the Alliance comes from Earth, and…"

Yeah, Earth funded the lion's share of the Alliance's costs - provided you didn't count all the spaceships. Or the frankly priceless support by their magical princesses.

Jack clenched his teeth. Damn! He didn't want to think about magic. He sat straight and gripped the closest memo on his desk. Already handled. As were the next two. He was actually up to date with his paperwork! And it wasn't a good thing.

He switched the channels again, but the report about local and global businesses profiting from the war was just rehashing things he already knew and did so in a particularly boring, buzzword-filled manner.

Not enough to keep him from thinking about magic. And Ancient genes. And subordinate scientists taking time out of their very busy schedules doing important research for the war to bother Jack about it. How often did he have to tell Carter that he was fine? No mutations, no weird magical effects happening - magic didn't start 'leaking' if you didn't use it. He had asked Castaspella that long ago. Besides, it wasn't as if Jack had magic. He had the talent to use magic if he wanted to. But he didn't want to.

Learning how to cast spells would take too long, anyway, even if he wanted. Jack would have to quit his post and move to Etheria. And that would mean leaving his people in the middle of the war, and good officers didn't do that.

Someone else, someone not Jack, someone who wanted to, could learn to do magic instead. It wasn't as if Mystacor had unlimited teachers, anyway. So, it was better to let others with the talent, younger people who weren't generals, learn magic.

Even if they didn't have the same potential as Jack.

He nodded at his reasoning. Not learning magic was the right decision.

A beep from his computer alerted him of another message arriving. Work!

Smiling, he opened the mail. Another proposal from R&D for special equipment for Special Forces? Those always were fun. "Let's see what they cooked up this time…" He blinked, then frowned. 'Special magitech equipment' sounded good, but 'dependent on a user's magical potential' sounded…

…like Jack had to ask a few people in the know a few questions about confidentiality. Pointed questions.

Chapter 158: The Double Cross Part 4 New
Chapter 158: The Double Cross Part 4

Solar System, near Earth, February 14th, 2000 (Earth Time)

Adora watched carefully as the shuttle flew alongside the hull to their side. Up close, the decoy superweapon did look impressive. At least if you had never seen Horde Prime's flagship before it had been turned into a plant. Adora hoped that Apophis wasn't familiar with the Velvet Glove. Even so, the superweapon was three to four times the size of a Horde frigate, which was impressive for a Horde ship. But compared to the superweapons Jack had shown them, it wasn't that big. Of course, those were fictive superweapons, not real ones. Then again, this was a decoy, so it wasn't a real superweapon either. Just real enough to fool Apophis. Hopefully.

And it was a pretty functional decoy. The hangar doors opened smoothly as their shuttle approached, and the forcefield keeping the atmosphere from venting into the vacuum barely flickered when the shuttle entered the hangar. Of course, none of the people involved in its construction would accept shady construction. The only part that didn't work was the Core Cracker Cannon.

They touched down, and Adora saw a formation of clones line up on both sides of the ramp as it descended.

"Supreme Commander!" the officer in charge of them saluted. "Welcome on board the Piledriver."

Adora smiled at him and returned the salute.

"Hello, Adora! Hi, Catra!" Entrapta waved at them while Hordak and Sam, standing at her side, nodded. "How do you like the not-fully operational battle station?"

"Isn't it a little small for a Death Star?" Catra commented with a grin.

Sam frowned at that, Hordak didn't react, and Entrapta pouted. "Jack made the same joke already," she complained. "It's not our fault! If we had had more time, we could have made it fully operational."

Sam cleared her throat. "It's a fully functional decoy. It's not meant to wreck planets."

"But Jack said…"

"The General was joking." Sam pressed her lips together.

"Is he still carrying a grudge over the magitech weapon proposal?" Catra asked.

Adora frowned. "I thought that had been cleared up. The timing was just a coincidence; his medical data wasn't leaked." The research proposal had been written up before the… magic incident Adora was responsible for. And technically, it was Jack's complaint that had revealed what had happened to him. Though it would be unfair to mention that to him.

"It's a sore subject," Sam said in a tight voice.

"Ah." Adora nodded, suppressing a wince.

"He'll come around once he can blast stuff with magic weapons," Catra said.

Sam nodded with a faint smile. "I guess so."

Entrapta, however, beamed. "Oh, yes! We've gone over the proposals - those will be great!"

Adora agreed, but they weren't here to discuss magictech gear. They were here to inspect the decoy superweapon. "So, show us around?" They had seen the plans, but this was the first time Catra and Adora were on board the decoy.

"Of course!" Entrapta nodded several times. "Let's start with engineering! We've used a standard propulsion array, standard for a Horde frigate, so it's kinda slow, but we've improved the shields in exchange. And since the main weapon is a decoy, we could install a more powerful reactor, and so the shield is far stronger than a frigate's!" Entrapta led them down the hallway. "So, it can take a beating. But it's not actually that much better protected compared to a frigate - since it's so slow, it's also an easier target. Even with all the electronic countermeasures we installed. Though those are mostly to keep Apophis from detecting the hidden troop compartments. Which we built into the reactor room. The interference from the reactor and the shielding from it should help counter any sensors."

Adora frowned. "Isn't the shielding supposed to protect us from the reactor's radiation?"

"Yes!" Entrapta nodded. "But it will also block scans. And we left enough around the reactor, so it's still within Horde safety regulations."

"Horde Prime's or Hordak's?" Catra asked.

"Mine," Hordak told her.

"Good." Catra grinned. "I wouldn't trust the safety regulations from Horde Prime."

Adora nodded. That man had seen all his clones as expendable, after all. "And I can heal everyone afterwards, just to be safe."

Catra snickered. "Jack will love that."

Adora frowned at her - making fun about Jack's fear of being magically changed wasn't nice - but Sam nodded. Firmly. Maybe she carried a grudge as well about the misunderstanding?

Maybe Adora should talk to them. They shouldn't start a dangerous mission with such tensions in the team.


Solar System, near Earth, February 15th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"...So, the decoy battle station is fully operational?"

"Yes, sir." Samantha Carter kept her face impassive and didn't smile at all at the General's joke. "All systems are operational - including the shielded troop compartments." She pointed at the holographic projection behind her in the cabin currently serving as her office on the decoy.

"Which not even semi-portable scanners the size of a crate would find, right?"

"None of the known scanners the Goa'uld use can penetrate the shielding, sir," Sam replied. "All they will detect are the decoy readings we prepared - meaning, they'll see additional power supplies for the main gun," she added before the General could ask. "Although if you desire additional proof, you can attend the testing with the Tok'ra we've scheduled for later today."

"Ah, that won't be necessary. I trust you, Carter."

She pressed her lips together. As he had trusted her not to reveal his condition to others? She'd never break his confidence like that! It was petty, she knew, but he should have known better than even to ask.

Something of her thoughts must have shown on her face since she saw him wince for a moment. "So… everything's ready for the mission. All we need is Apophis to bite."

"Yes, sir."


A moment passed without either of them saying anything. She didn't like how awkward it felt.

"So… if we needed, could you and Entrapta rig the main gun to actually fire?"

"The main gun is functional, sir," she replied. "It just doesn't have the power its size would indicate since most of its volume is taken up by the troop compartments and other secret systems. Otherwise, it's a standard main gun used on Horde frigates." He knew that.

"Yeah, I know. But could you, you know, have it shoot at that kinda power if we needed it? By overloading it, or something?"

"No, sir. That would merely melt most of the gun - including the troop compartments."

"Ah." He nodded, then grinned. "Good job on keeping Entrapta from making an actual superweapon. Wouldn't want to blow up a world by mistake."

She frowned at him. That was an unfair comment - Entrapta knew better than that. "The only way such a weapon would have been actually used would have been if Alliance Command decided to use it. Entrapta would never use it on her own." And Adora would never condone such a course of action. She would never sacrifice a world to win a war.

"Not even to test it?"

She frowned again. "None of us would test it on a planet, sir." It would bring up too many memories. Of Etheria's near-destruction. And of planets left destroyed at Horde Prime's command.

"Good." He sighed. "Several people who know about this operation are quite interested if such a weapon could actually be built."

"My report shows that it's theoretically possible - provided quite extensive research proves the viability of several assumptions critical to the concept," she said. "The cost of this research, both in resources and time, cannot be estimated with any degree of certainty at this point, but even the most optimistic estimate is substantial."

"Yeah, I've seen the numbers. Though that won't stop people who really want their second Project Manhattan. Especially if it results in an actual Death Star." He shrugged. "Though some of them probably just want a big cut of the money which would poured into such a project and don't care if it ends up working."

Sam nodded. She was aware of this kind of… it wasn't technically corruption, but you could make a case for it being embezzlement. Though given past practices in the USA with regard to procurement for the Armed Forces, it would just be seen as business as usual - few such projects did not end up costing far more than promised.

He shrugged. "Well, not this one. Our Etherian friends have a kind of chip on their shoulders about blowing up planets. The Alliance won't be funding research into planet busters."

Or other weapons of mass destruction, though the definitions of what was a weapon of mass destruction tended to be a bit fluid when it concerned space combat. Any weapon system that could destroy a large spaceship mounting force shields would easily lay waste to an unshielded city - or landscape. And if you had a fleet of ships designed for such battles, an orbital bombardment could destroy a planet's biosphere.

"They wouldn't take kindly to independent research into such weapon systems, either, sir," she said.

"I know. And so does the President. But do you think this will stop Kinsey's cronies?"

She pressed her lips together. "He has been quite vocal about not alienating our allies, sir."

"Yeah, which means he thinks he can distance himself from whoever is doing this if it gets out," the General replied.

"Such research requires highly specialised and experienced scientists, apart from access to advanced technology, sir. And actually testing even rudimentary power systems advanced enough to power such a weapon would show up on our sensors the moment they are switched on for the first time."

"I hope you're right, Carter." He shrugged. "But it won't stop people trying it. Ours, the Russians, the Chinese… Like every damn dictator who wanted nukes, they won't feel safe until they have something to make the Alliance back off from meddling in their 'domestic matters'."

Sam knew that. But she didn't think they would succeed. Not without a lot more advanced technology available and a lot more research. But she also knew that sooner or later, both would be available.

"Anyway, I've picked my teams for this mission. I'll send them up so they can get settled in." He nodded at her. "Good work, Carter."

"Thank you, sir. I'll pass it on to Entrapta and Hordak."

Another nod. He turned, then stopped. "Also… sorry about, you know. I overreacted."

She hesitated a moment, then nodded, smiling a little, and he left the cabin.


Royal Palace, Bright Moon, February 15th, 2000 (Earth Time)

Catra felt surprised. And wary. She had been all set to insist on coming with Adora to the meeting about Bright Moon's crown, argue that they needed some outside opinion, from someone who wasn't a princess, who had different experiences and perspectives, and whatever other argument she could pull off without coming across as a blatant liar (such as claiming she wasn't biassed in favour of either Glimmer or Angella), but no one had said anything about her walking in at Adora's side.

In a way, it was almost disappointing. But she was in, and with Adora, and that was what mattered. Someone had to keep the bigger picture in mind. And keep Adora from being manipulated - Catra wouldn't put it past Angella to try to act like… like Shadow Weaver, all understanding and caring, and praising, when she wanted something. She still had to find out why, of all the Horde people, Shadow Weaver had been alive in the other dimension - and not exiled, but at court.

But that could wait until this was settled. Maybe a bit longer - with the decoy operation coming up as soon as Kul'et could credibly pass the information Earth supposedly had managed to find about the Horde Superweapon on to Apophis, Catra would rather not create a potential mess.

She sat down next to Adora, scooting her chair a bit closer so her tail could wrap around Adora's calf under the table. On Adora's right were Angella and Micah, on Catra's left Glimmer and Bow, both sides facing each other.

"This feels like a trial," Catra whispered so only Adora could hear.

Her lover didn't say anything, but Catra felt her tense up. Damn. She had meant it as a joke.

"So!" Adora cleared her throat, smiling forcedly, and nodded at everyone and no one at the same time. "We're here to discuss the succession of Bright Moon's throne."

"Also known as Bright Moon family therapy," Catra quipped under her breath.

This time, Adora coughed and glanced at her with a small frown.

Catra knew she was right, though - this wasn't about precedent or law since Bow hadn't found anything about it. The only known case where a princess had returned after a successor had been enthroned had happened seven hundred years ago in a remote kingdom that wasn't around any more - the civil war that had settled the succession there had wrecked it, and the following conflict with Plumeria had resulted in the kingdom becoming part of the ruins found in the Whispering Woods.

No, this was about what Angella and Glimmer wanted.

As if she had been reading Catra's thoughts, Angella nodded and spoke up: "Yes. And as I have said before, this is Glimmer's decision."

Catra pressed her lips together. Angella kept insisting that only Glimmer's wishes mattered, but Catra couldn't help wondering what would happen if Glimmer decided something Angella thought foolish. Well, at least she couldn't easily go back on her word after she had said this, so Glimmer had this in the bag.

"It's not just my decision," Glimmer retorted.

Catra clenched her teeth and hissed under her breath. Of course, Glimmer just couldn't run with it!

"It is. You are the crowned queen of Bright Moon. You passed the test - both on coronation day and by ruling the kingdom," Angella said.

"That's a formality!" Glimmer spat. "I'm talking about family! You're my mom!"

Hah! Catra gave Adora a look that her lover pointedly ignored, though Catra could see her cheeks heat up a bit.

Angella looked taken aback a bit, her eyes widening for a moment before she nodded with a soft smile. "That doesn't change anything. You're no longer a child, Glimmer. You have proven you are a queen. The kingdom prospered under your rule. Or do you disagree?"

Glimmer visibly clenched her teeth.

Catra stared at her. This was what they needed - full approval by the potential contender. Just accept it! she silently urged her friend.

"Look, it's…" Glimmer trailed off, frowning. Probably at herself. "I only got crowned because you sacrificed yourself! Not because you thought I was ready for it!"

Once again, Angella looked surprised - maybe even a little confused. Well, so felt Catra. "And then you proved you were ready when you ruled," Angella said while Micah nodded.

"I almost got Etheria destroyed when I listened to Shadow Weaver!" Glimmer blurted out. "I was just lucky things worked out as well as they did!"

Catra blinked, then snorted. "Join the club!"

"Catra!" Adora frowned at her.,

But Micah chuckled, ruefully. "Shadow Weaver was a master at manipulation. I think of all of us here, only Bow never fell for her lies."

"Ah…" Bow blushed a little. "I did think she was genuine when she claimed to join the Alliance."

"But she never manipulated you into making a really stupid decision," Glimmer told him.

"She never tried."

Adora was looking down at the table, Catra realised. Probably thinking about their childhood. And blaming herself for what Shadow Weaver had done. "Don't be an idiot," Catra whispered, reaching over to squeeze Adora's thigh. "It wasn't your fault. You were a kid." Catra, on the other hand, had fallen for Shadow Weaver's lies even as an adult - she should have known better.

"I also trusted her," Angella said. "Even when I stepped through the portal, I thought she had turned over a new leaf. To find out later that she had not changed, still pursued her own goals no matter the cost to everyone else…" Her lips formed a thin line. "If I had known that, I would have treated her very differently in the other dimension."

Catra slowly nodded. That explained things. Not everything, of course.

"So we all fell for her lies. That still doesn't settle things!" Glimmer insisted. "What do you want, Mom?"

"I want you to be happy, Glimmer."

"How can I be happy if I steal your throne?"

"You earned the throne, Glimmer. It's not stealing if I hand it to you voluntarily."


"Oh, hell!" Catra blurted out. "She told you you did fine! Now stop waffling and say you'll keep ruling Bright Moon so Angella and Micah can keep catching up on all the sex they missed!"

"What?" Glimmer gaped at her.

"Catra!" Bow gasped.

"CATRA!" Adora snapped.

And Angella stared, blinking.

But Micah laughed, wrapped an arm around Angella's waist and pulled her into his side. "She's right about that, Glimmer."



Now both Glimmer and Angella were blushing like mad. Adora as well.

But Glimmer had shut up about trying to talk herself into not being queen.

Catra considered this meeting a success.


Alliance Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, Earth, February 16th, 2000

"I'm missing the healing potions," Jack O'Neill joked as he put the file down on his desk.

Dr Leary, the scientist sitting across from him coughed. "We actually did consider such a project - there was some preliminary research into it since magical potions are relatively prominent in myths on Earth and also feature in various emerging magical traditions here."

"I was thinking of the things in computer games." Jack smiled as blandly as he could.

Leary grimaced, so he probably hadn't noticed that Jack was joking. That was par for the course - the man was overly serious. Why he had been sent to a meeting with Jack was anyone's guess. Maybe office politics. Or just politics - the man was working for DARPA, after all, which was one of the holy grails of any Defence lobbyist. "The obvious advantages of such an item are, well, obvious. But if we look at the existing magitech healing items, the risks of such are also apparent."

"Yeah, we don't want people turning into zombies after curing a paper cut." Jack nodded with a snort.

"Quite." Leary smiled forcedly. "In any case, we did some preliminary research, but most of the healing potions, I mean the potions most similar to those which are worked on by practitioners of magic on Earth, are meant to, ah, cure sicknesses or alleviate some debilitating or painful conditions, instead of mending wounds."

"Medicine, in other words. And we have lots of that already," Jack said.

Leary nodded. "Indeed. Alternative ways to treat influenza or the common cold might appeal to a certain demographic, but unless such remedies are far more effective than current medical solutions, spending money on them would be a waste."

Jack nodded. That wouldn't keep rich fools from spending a lot of money on such potions, of course. Magic was the new fad, at least outside religious circles, and anything magical sold like hotcakes.

"So, for now, it has been decided - mutually, Mystacor's delegation agrees - that the Alliance wouldn't finance research into, ah, healing potions or other magical potions. Recruiting sorceresses trained in healing magic should already be a priority for the Medical Corps, anyway."

That didn't mean they had too much success at it, though - Jack had seen the numbers. Not even his command had received nearly as many such recruits as he had requested. And his people would be operating behind enemy lines and in other places where medical evacuation wasn't expected and really needed healers.

But that wasn't the point of this meeting. "Well, the magic items on the list seem interesting," he commented.

Leary winced. "They're magitech tools."

Jack shrugged. "They do magic when you activate them - or are supposed to. That makes them magic items." His soldiers certainly would call them that. "And all the magitech items I know don't need special genes to be used." He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Ah, yes!" Leary perked up. "That's actually a result of the main difference between, say, the magitech scanner the Alliance uses and the proposed tools. With the scanner, you push the button and it tells you what it scanned. Like a computer. With our proposed tools, activating the item creates a magical power of sorts, but it's up to the user to actually aim and use that power so it achieves the desired effect. And that requires a certain genetic disposition."

"A talent for magic, you mean," Jack said in a flat tone.

Leary nodded with a smile. "Exactly! People who could, with the right training, learn to cast spells."

People like me. Jack drew a deep breath through clenched teeth. It had been a coincidence, he reminded himself, that the proposal had first crossed his desk so close after he had found out that his genes were changing. He had already overreacted and made Carter mad; he wouldn't make the same mistake again. "We generally want them to learn how to cast spells," he said.

"Oh, yes." Leary nodded. "That would be ideal, of course. But as you know, the opportunities for magical education are currently rather scarce, even with help from Mystacor. We can only send a handful of people to Etheria, and Earth's own magical institutions are still in the process of being built and not up to taking more than a few students for rather experimental lessons."

"So, you'd rather use them for experiments with magitech?" Jack's tone was, maybe, a bit sharper than it should have been, but he kind of had a personal stake in this.

"Yes!" Leary nodded again, smiling broadly. "If we can create such items, we can drastically shorten the time needed to field magical support for our troops. All it would take is a recruit with the talent, magic gear and time to train with the gear - nothing too different from existing specialist training."

Any fool could see the advantages, and Jack wasn't a fool. And, of course, it would also mean that when the war was over, and the soldiers were getting demobilised, unlike trained sorceresses, those kinds of magic-using soldiers wouldn't be released into civilian life with the power to throw fireballs at their fingertips. Not until they trained as actual sorceresses, at least.

Yeah, Jack could see this proposal's advantages. Even if he didn't like it. "And how likely is this to work out? In time to be used in the war?"

Leary's smile twisted a little. "Well, it's a new field of research and development, so we can't make exact predictions, but we're quite optimistic that we'll see tangible results in time to be fielded. Mystacor's researchers are very interested in this as well, so we have experienced people working on this."

In other words, this could be pie in the sky. But the potential was so obvious, and with Etheria backing the idea, Jack knew trying to block this would be pointless. Better to get on board so he could keep an eye on this - he had mixed feelings about those 'tools', but he would rather not end up fighting zombified test subjects because no one ran herd on a bunch of mad scientists. If his people were to use those things, Jack would make sure they were safe. Even if he had to use his stupid alien genes for it.

So he nodded and gave Leary his best fake smile. "Well, you have my support, Doctor."

"Thank you, general!"


Asteroid Belt, Arealis-System, February 18th, 2000 (Earth Time)

Adora looked at the crates being lowered to the deck of the 'Steel Fist' - Hordak's idea; he claimed the name would fit Horde Prime's naming scheme best - and managed not to wince. The bodies inside the containers had never been alive, so they weren't really corpses, and they hadn't been cloned in the Horde pods but had been grown in Alpha, but they looked the part.

That was a good thing, of course - in order to really fool Apophis, they couldn't just pretend the entire crew had evacuated; some corpses had to be left - but they really looked the part. Some were torn up, some showed the typical signs of 'explosive decompression', as Sam had called it, some were riddled with bullets… the ones that were supposed to have died from suffocation were the least bad to look at.

"They were really thorough in preparing this," Catra commented, peering at the closest container's glass lid. She acted cool, but Adora could tell that she didn't like the sight either. "I'd be worried if I didn't know this was mostly Alpha's work."

Adora blinked. "You're not worried that Alpha did this?"

Her love shrugged. "We already know Alpha would do whatever she thought was needed for her projects no matter how wrong if she were allowed to."

"Ah." Adora nodded. Catra was correct - Alpha had been following their orders, well, Adora's, to the letter, but it was obvious that all she cared about was her research and that she had no moral or ethical restrictions. Not that that was her fault, of course - the First Ones had built her like this - but it was still a potential problem. And yet… "It's better than the alternative." Some clones had volunteered to stay behind! Adora and Priest had set them straight, but that had been a shock. The last thing Adora wanted was for people to sacrifice themselves for her!

Catra checked her tablet. "Well, everything's proceeding according to schedule. Kul'et's report should be reaching Apophis today, unless his people are not quite as competent as we assumed."

Adora nodded. And then, Apophis would think Stargate Command was about to launch a desperate mission to take out the superweapon before it could be deployed against Earth - using information that would allow him to swoop in and take the superweapon for himself. Everyone agreed that he wouldn't be able to resist the temptation to show up both the Horde and Stargate Command. And the timing was tight enough that Apophis couldn't hesitate too long, or he'd lose the opportunity - this system was just close enough for his forces to be diverted here instead of closing in on Earth.

But Adora couldn't help worrying that the timing might be too tight. Sure, the plan allowed for delays, and the scripted attack had several points where the supposed boarding action by Stargate teams would be stalled to give Apophis's forces more time to move in, but the plan was a bit more complicated than Adora would have liked.

"The Imperial Japanese Navy would have loved it," Jack had commented.

Daniel had disagreed with that, but his explanations had made it clear that Jack hadn't been that far off.

"So, the crew casualties are ready to be placed," Catra said. "And the bots should soon be done with the supply station on the ground. We're ready to move into the troop smuggling compartments as soon as we get word that Apophis is starting his operation."

Adora nodded and turned to look through the force field separating the cargo bay from space. She could see the hull that served as the Steel Fist's escort in the distance. It would be blown up as soon as the mission started. At least they didn't need any fake corpses for that part.

Everything was ready or almost ready. And yet… "I wish we could just go straight for Apophis," she said.

Catra shrugged again. "He's prepared for that. We won't be able to sneak into his palace again, and a frontal assault would cause too many civilian casualties - and allow him enough time to escape. But if he thinks he's fooling us, he'll be vulnerable."

Adora knew that. The Alliance command council had argued about this almost as much as they had argued about Adora and her friends leading the mission. As if she'd let anyone else risk their lives without her when she was needed!

She just preferred a less complicated plan. Even cadets learned that you could never anticipate everything. You could just do your best and improvise when needed.


Asteroid Belt, Arealis-System, February 20th, 2000 (Earth Time)

Samantha Carter stared at the holoprojection above her laptop, which showed the Arealis-System and the projected course of Apophis's fleet, confirmed by the spy bot network. Five minutes out according to their best estimate.

She zoomed in on the asteroid belt with a few keystrokes. Tiny projections of the "Steel Fist" and its escort appeared, followed by even smaller projections depicting the two Tel'taks that had docked to both ships.

"Are they there yet?" the General asked. He was sitting back in his seat, hands on the back of his head as if he was bored, but Sam knew it was an act. Same as Catra's 'snoring'.

"Not yet," she replied. "Approximately four more minutes."

"You said that last time I asked!"

She snorted, once, and switched her attention to the screens showing the interior of the 'Steel Fist'. The cloned corpses had been placed, and the boarding team was doing a good job of shooting up the hallways around the bodies. They didn't stray too far from the airlock where the Tel'tak was docked, of course - they would have to retreat quickly once Apophis's ships arrived.

The team on the hulk serving as a decoy escort was doing the same, but since that hull would be blown up, they weren't quite as crucial for fooling Apophis's troops as the team here. If Apophis realised that this was staged…

She pressed her lips together. The stealth compartments built into the fake superweapon were shielded, but against sensors and small arms fire, and the shields of the "Steel Fist" wouldn't last long at all against a bombardment from multiple Ha'taks. If the "Steel Fist" came under fire, they would have to scuttle it using the charges built into the structure and hope that the debris would fool Apophis and allow the compartments housing Sam and the others to be picked up later. Entrapta and Sam had added stealth generators as a last resort, but even if they worked perfectly, they wouldn't stop a stray shot from hitting them.

Sam wasn't really fond of the odds she had calculated to survive this. At least if things went very wrong, not all her friends would die with her - Entrapta had been left behind to work on their projects with Hordak and the rest. It was just the SG-1, with Sha're, and the "Best Friends Squad" here, with two fire teams from the General's command added.

A beep drew her attention - and made the General and Catra sit up at once. "Enemy fleet exiting hyperspace in ten seconds," she reported.

"Showtime. Literally," the General commented with a toothy grin.

Then the holoprojection changed, fourteen Ha'taks appearing with two dozen Al'keshs surrounding them. She checked the distances - a few minutes, at most, until they would reach them. Two minutes for the Death Gliders already shooting out of their hangars.

The General wanted five seconds, then pushed a button on the radio in front of him. "O'Neill speaking! A Goa'uld fleet has just appeared. All teams, withdraw at once - the mission is scrapped!"

Another voice protested. "Sir! We only need a few more minutes!"

"We don't have them, O'Malley! Withdraw - this is an order!"

"Yes, sir!"

The General deactivated the radio and chuckled. "O'Malley must have been channelling his annoyance that he couldn't join us."

"Do you think Apophis is tapping into our radios, Jack?" Daniel asked.

According to Kul'et, the Goa'uld were monitoring the radio waves but didn't have the capability to break their encryption in real-time.

"It never hurts to go the extra mile," Jack said. "Though if he were, I think he would be taunting us right now. Or demanding our surrender."

"He might have decided that the risk of facing SG-1 again is higher than the danger of an underling betraying him and taking the superweapon for themselves," Teal'c commented.

"As long as he comes to check out his new toy as soon as he has secured it, that's fine," the General said.

Sam agreed. If they only had to fool his most fanatical Jaffa and not Apophis himself, that would improve the odds of their success.

The Death Gliders were racing towards them. Their speed was actually higher than expected, if not by much. Sam still frowned as she logged the data. Still not fast enough to reach the ships before the Tel'taks could undock and cloak.

Which the one docked to the Steel Fist just did, followed ten seconds later by the one docked to the escort. As both cloaked - their holoprojections changed colours - the fake escort blew up.

The Goa'uld fleet was still coming at them at full speed. The Death Gliders were firing blindly at the last position of the Tel'taks and the space around them. Fortunately, the cloaked ships had already gained enough distance that the shots went far too wide.

Sam turned to look at Adora. "Escape pods ready to be launched."

Adora nodded. "Do it."

Sam gave the order with a push of a button. The ship was too big to feel any reaction from the escape pods being launched, but she could see the pods, all of them carrying at least one cloned body, on one screen and track their courses on the holoprojection.

They didn't make it far - half the Death Gliders turned and started shooting them. A few blew up, but others began leaking atmosphere or trailing debris. "They're trying to disable them," Sam reported. "Initiating self-destruction routines."

The disabled pods began to blow up as their communicators broadcasted pre-recorded defiant messages.

"You will never take us alive!"

"Glory to Horde Prime!"

Sam muted them. "Decoy scuttling charges ready."

"Trigger them," Adora ordered.

Sam did. This time, the ship shook as the bombs they had placed in the outer hull went off, simulating a failed scuttling.

She straightened. "Charges detonated as planned."

"Thank you, Sam."

Now, they only had to wait until the Jaffa boarded them. And hope that Apophis's commander didn't decide to just destroy the decoy.


It was working. The plan was working. Catra clenched her jaws and tried to ignore how her tail was swishing back and forth as she watched the holoprojection showing Apophis's forces close in on the "Steel Fist". The icons for the escape pods were fading out one after another.

She glanced at Melog. Her friend reflected her own mood. Damn. She had to calm down. Even if just waiting for others to act was a pain. No, not the waiting - the hiding in a defenceless decoy.

She had to focus on the situation instead of worrying. "The Death Gliders keep trying to disable the pods even though that only makes them self-destruct when they don't accidentally blow them up," she commented. "Someone's being stubborn."

"If Apophis demanded prisoners - presumably to interrogate about the operation of the weapon - then his chosen commander would rather die than not obey," Teal'c said. "Even if he did all he could and gained the decoy superweapon as ordered, it would still only be a partial success."

But one could argue it was a complete success given the circumstances. Catra was familiar with that situation, though she doubted Apophis would be any more receptive than Shadow Weaver had been.

"Well, without a trained crew to interrogate, Apophis would have some trouble getting it operational," Daniel said. "If it worked at all."

Sha're nodded in agreement. "And if Apophis punishes the commander for this failure, it might cost him one of his most loyal Jaffa."

"First the Palace, then the research station, and now this? Dear old Apophis must be starting to run out of his most loyal commanders," Jack said with a snort.

"Well, technically, he'll always have a most loyal commander as long as he has commanders, though they might be less competent and even less loyal than their predecessors," Daniel commented. "But if he selected for loyalty rather than competence, he might end up with more competent commanders if he gets rid of the current ones."

"I hope we won't end up improving the quality of his officers," Glimmer said.

"I doubt that." Sha're shook her head. "Anyone exceptionally competent but of questionable loyalty would have been eliminated by Apophis as soon as he realised it. And any rival commanders would have pointed it out to him at once."

Catra nodded. She knew exactly how that worked. That was how the Horde had done things. And that was one of the reasons the Goa'uld would lose this war.

On the projection, the Tel'taks and Al'keshs were now surrounding the "Steel Fist" and the debris field that had been the decoy escort. Catra glanced at the camera feeds to check if she could spot them. The scanner feeding the holoprojection would detect far more detail, but she liked using her own eyes. She didn't spot any of them, though - the distance was still too great.

"Alright, folks, prepare to be boarded," Jack said.

"And hope they don't have better scanners than we thought they have," Catra added.

"Catra!" Adora hissed.

"You don't have to whisper," Catra retorted with a grin. "The soundproofing is so good, even I didn't hear the shooting outside. We can scream to our heart's content here without anyone hearing us."

"Catra!" Adora rolled her eyes, but their friends and the two fire teams with them chuckled.

A beep and a red blinking string of letters made Catra snap back to the holoprojection - and curse.

"Additional ships detected!" Sam reported. "Counting… thirty Ha'taks. Fifty Al-Keshs. And forty-two Tel'taks."

That was a fleet, not just a task force! The holoprojection showed them, coloured yellow, surrounding Apophis's fleet in a pincer movement. The Al'kesh and Tel'taks were already speeding up to engage their counterparts.

Apophis's forces were reacting as well, the faster ships racing to engage the new enemy. But their Al'Keshs and Tel'taks were outnumbered, and the Death Gliders, which might have been able to overwhelm the enemy defences if they had been ready, were not concentrated, many of them just turning away from hunting down escape pods. Catra didn't think they would be able to form up into effective formations before the new fleet had already deployed enough Death Gliders to stop them.

"It looks like Apophis's operational security is even worse than we thought," Jack commented.

Catra nodded. This must be a rival of Apophis who had found out about this. They had overestimated their enemy. And underestimated another enemy. She cursed. "If his commander thinks that he cannot win this, he might decide to deny them their prize." In which case he'd order the fleet to shoot at the "Steel Fist".

She stared at the holoprojection. So far, Apophis's ships were still moving to engage the new arrivals, the screening units launching themselves at the enemy ahead of the Ha'taks. But they were outnumbered two to one. And their formation was split.

"His best chance is to delay the enemy in the hope of taking the "Steel Fist" and escaping with it into hyperspace before the enemy can reach it," Catra said. That was what she would do. But they had to know that if the "Steel Fist" could flee, she would have already done so - they had disabled the engines, after all, to explain why they hadn't fled before Apophis's forces had arrived. So…

Adora nodded. "It's their best course of action, but they have to know the chances they'll pull it off are low."

A Tel'tak - cloaked - was headed towards them. But so were two from the new enemy, whoever it was.

"Well, no matter who wins, we'll get to bag a System Lord," Jack said with fake cheer.

"Unless the other side manages to destroy the decoy to prevent their escape," Catra retorted with a grim expression. That was the obvious response if you lost the boarding action.

They had to hope that Apophis's forces were either competent enough to get the ship moving before the enemy capital ships were in range, or too incompetent to blow up the ship themselves before the others took it.

Catra didn't like either odds.

Oh I love that. This bait is too effective. I wonder if just one system lord shows up, after all it would be a game changer in the system lord balance of power, they may have just turned the Ra succession war hot accidentally
Chapter 159: The Double Cross Part 5 New
Chapter 159: The Double Cross Part 5

Asteroid Belt, Arealis-System, February 20th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"Apophis's Tel'tak just docked, sir."

Jack O'Neill nodded at Carter's report. He could see it himself on the screen - a camera was covering the hallway outside the airlock. They didn't have any trouble opening it, of course - the 'boarding team' that had retreated earlier had not bothered to block or seal the airlock; no one would have done that while fleeing. But… "What damage did the 'failing scuttling charges' do to the engines?" he asked.

"They knocked the crystals out of alignment, sir. Exactly as planned." Carter was slightly annoyed; Jack recognised the tone. Probably not really at the implied questioning of her work but their general situation.

The Tel'kats from the unknown System Lord who had decided to crash their party before they could trap Apophis were only a few more minutes away - despite being cloaked from any sensors but the Alliance scanners, they were still avoiding Apophis's ships and Death Gliders, which delayed them.

"Any chance that Apophis's goons will manage to repair the engine in time to escape?" Jack looked at Carter.

"If they have a skilled hyperdrive engine technician with them who immediately starts working…" Carter shook her head. "No chance, sir. We wanted damage that would take long enough to repair to make the boarding team's retreat believable."

"I know," Jack said. "And it was a good decision. No one could have predicted this."

On the screen, the airlock opened, and he could see the Jaffa pouring through the opening. Blowing it open would have been faster, but that would have led to the ship's air being vented into space if they undocked - or if their ship got shot off the airlock.

The boarders split in two, one heading for the bow part of the ship and one headed towards aft. Or whatever Navy pukes called it. Bridge and engine room. We should build a ship with the important rooms switched, or hidden, he thought. Would confuse the snakes. At least once.

On the holoprojection, the two other Tel'taks were closing in as well, just circling around a damaged Death Glider. Trying to be sneaky snakes.

"They didn't bring bombs," Jack noted aloud. "They can't blow the ship up from the bridge or the engine room, either."

"We know that, but the Jaffa and their masters don't," Daniel said.

Jack understood what he meant - they could trigger the real scuttling charges and hide their smuggling compartments amongst the debris. The snakes would blame each other, with no one the wiser, and keep killing each other.

The victor might stay and collect the wreckage to study, though, if only to have something to show to their master. Still, with the stealth modules, they had good odds of avoiding being noticed until it was safe to recover them. And they had enough supplies and air scrubbers to last a long time. Certainly long enough for a 'Horde task force' to show up and check what had happened to their missing 'superweapon'.

It was the smart decision to take - the mission was fubar. Apophis's goons couldn't get the decoy to their Lord before they were boarded in turn. And odds were, they tried to shoot it up at that point anyway. But…

"So… which System Lord do you think we'll trap instead of Apophis?" Catra asked, flashing her teeth in a cocky grin. Her tail was swishing back and forth quite rapidly, though. And Melog looked not quite as cocky as she did, Jack noted.

"Probably Sokar or Heru'ur," Glimmer said, nodding calmly. "They are fighting him and would likely have focused their spies on him and have the forces ready to react."

"I concur," Sha're said. "But we cannot exclude the possibility that other System Lords have been closely observing the conflict, waiting for an opportunity to take out one of their rivals - or all three."

"Yes." Adora nodded. "We planned for Apophis, but we can adapt and capture someone else."

Sure, they could. But they had prepared for Apophis and his defences, not anyone else. All their contingencies to extract them would be useless. Odds were, the relief forces assigned to get them out if they had to hunker down and hold out until relieved would be out of position now.

Carter and Daniel were looking at Jack, too. They knew that as well as he did that he really should push to abort the mission right here and now - the other Tel'taks were closing in now. About one more minute, tops. And Apophis's Jaffa were flailing around on the bridge and the engine room, trying to get weapons working that were carefully disabled beforehand. If they didn't seal off the hallways, they'd be trying to breathe vacuum as soon as their Tel'tak was in range of the enemy's guns.

And yet… Jack had mostly joked about bagging another System Lord, but they had put a lot of work into this mission. Work he wouldn't want to go to waste. Not when they had decent chances to pull off a victory from the jaws of defeat. After all, whoever was attacking Apophis wasn't expecting this to be a trap either and would be unprepared for them.

And unprepared for She-Ra.

Jack nodded and smiled - about as forcedly as the others, he'd bet. "I think it's gonna be Sokar. That's the kind of sneaky move he loves, according to what we know."

Daniel blinked, and Carter rolled her eyes, but they would follow him.

And the Etherians were already sold on it anyway.


Adora nodded. No matter who won this battle, odds were the decoy would attract a System Lord, and then they could spring their trap. Capture the Goa'uld, take over the ship and escape with it.

"The second boarding force is in range," Sam announced. "They've started their attack run."

"Standard formations," Catra commented as the holoprojection showed the two Tel'taks flying towards the docked one.

"If it works, it works," Jack said.

Moments later, the ship shook, and Adora saw Apophis's Tel'tak shaking as multiple blasts hit it, piercing its hull. She didn't hear anything, though, which was eerie.

Catra pressed her lips together - she must find this disorienting as well, then.

The Tel'tak shook from more hits but remained docked, and Adora couldn't see any secondary explosions. For a moment, she wondered if the Tel'tak would survive this, forcing the attackers to make another run. But then, the ship was ripped apart as something blew up in the aft section, spewing debris into the path of the two attackers, whose shields flared as they flew through the expanding cloud.

And the decoy ship shuddered again when the struck Tel'tak's remains were blown away from the airlock. On the screen, Adora saw a squad of Jaffa taking up positions across the hallway from the airlock.

"They're trying to use it as a choke point," Jack said. "That should buy them a bit more time to get the engine working. What do you think, Carter?"

"They'll need at least a few more minutes," Sam replied. "They have yet to align any of the crystals."

Adora glanced at the screen showing the engine room. The Jaffa - fewer than before; some must have gone to defend the airlock - were wrestling a massive crystal into place. Adora wasn't an expert, but she doubted that would be enough for precision machinery.

"Watch the hull cameras!" Catra suddenly snapped.

Adora turned to look at the other screen, where Sam was quickly enlarging a particular feed. She could see that the Tel'tak had not docked to the airlock, but the hull next to it - and people were leaving the ship.

"That's not standard armour," Sam said.

"It is an armoured vacuum suit," Teal'c said. "Although a rather old-fashioned one."

"Can you see any symbols to identify who is behind this?" Jack asked.

"The places where such markings are usually placed are clear," Teal'c replied.

"So… someone's trying to be extra-sneaky," Jack commented. "Sounds like Sokar."

"I agree. Heru'ur is not known for such subterfuge," Teal'c said.

"Or he has never been caught," Catra pointed out as the Jaffa in suits opened the airlock.

Was the airlock damaged by the destruction of Apophis's Tel'tak? Or didn't the new attackers want to risk suffering the same fate if they docked? Or…

"It's not closing," Catra said.

Oh. Adora grimaced when the inner door of the airlock opened, and the air inside the hallway shot out into the vacuum, dragging the waiting Jaffa with them. They were still flailing, still alive, when they were sucked into space. One managed to grab the doorframe and stop himself from being thrown clear of the ship, but Adora saw a flash illuminating the airlock's insides, and then the hapless Jaffa, a hole blown through his chest, was floating in space as well. That was a very nasty way to die…

"Yeah, that's a bit too clever for a System Lord who likes fighting in the trenches," Jack commented.

"Hey!" Glimmer protested.

Adora scowled as well. Princesses fought at the front; that was how it was done. Your power didn't serve anyone if you stayed behind the lines.

Catra, of course, chuckled. "What about Generals fighting in the trenches?"

"It's not the same!" Jack retorted. "We're talking snakes here - they generally don't like to risk their lives."

"Any System Lord fighting at the frontline risks getting stabbed in the back as much as he risks death at the hands of his opponents," Sha're added.

"Heru'ur is famous for defying those dangers," Teal'c nodded.

Adora watched the cameras again. The hallway had lost all its air, but the internal doors had held - both the Jaffa on the bridge and in engineering were unaffected. Well, physically - the engineers were looking frantic as they continued to struggle with the repairs, and the ones on the bridge looked struck.

"They must not have expected that." Catra shook her head. "If they vent the rest of the ship, they'll win this. Apophis boarders didn't bring any spacesuits."

"Must be embarrassing to miss that," Jack said with a scoff and a glance at his own custom spacesuit.

Adora nodded. Boarding actions were dangerous enough; not to prepare for a hull breach was suicide.

Suddenly, the repair crew in the engineering section froze for a moment before stopping their work on the crystals. Instead, they rushed to the reactor controls.

"They're trying to overload the reactor," Sam confirmed Adora's suspicion. "I've countered their orders."

"Good. Can you make it look like a computer glitch or safety protocol?" Jack asked.

"I already did that, sir," Sam replied.

"Ah, of course." Jack looked a bit embarrassed himself.

On the screen, the Jaffa in spacesuits advanced, splitting up as had Apophis's team before - only this one had double their numbers.

Adora didn't think Apophis's forces would win this. But that meant…

"Two Al'keshs have broken off from the fighting and are headed towards us," Sam reported.

"Apophis's commander must have realised he can't win this," Catra said. "Let's hope Sokar's forces are good enough to stop his last attack."

Adora nodded in agreement.


Samantha Carter watched intently as her scanner tracked the two Al'Keshs flying towards the "Steel Fist". Unlike the Death Gliders starting their attack runs, the bombers had enough firepower to destroy the decoy. Usually, bombs were as useless in space combat as they were in a dogfight, but with the ship immobilised, that wasn't an issue. And it didn't take much to compensate for the lack of gravity - a bomb would continue the trajectory of the ship launching it at the moment of separation. Sam had no doubt that Apophis's crews were trained enough to manage that. And if they weren't, they were likely fanatical enough to ram the decoy.

She ran a few calculations in her head. Rough, but sufficient to estimate the effect. If one Al'Kesh rammed the "Steel Fist", the shielded compartments could hold - provided the shields went up in time. Two Al'Keshs made that rather less probable. "We might have to enact the evacuation plan, sir," she said, "if the bombers are on a suicide course." Which they wouldn't know until it would be almost too late to react.

The General leaned forward, tense and focused, and stared at the holoprojection. "The new snakes are moving to stop them."

Sam nodded. The attackers' Death Gliders, which had been fighting their counterparts, were disengaging and swinging around to attack the two Al'Keshs. But she could already tell that the majority wouldn't reach the bombers in time to stop them, and the firepower of those who would was unlikely to be enough.

"The Tel'taks are undocking," Catra reported.

Adding two stealth ships would even up things, but they had to accelerate first to intercept the bombers.

The first Death Gliders, some of Apophis's own in pursuit, were in range now and started firing. The blasts were deflected by the Al'Keshs' shields, though, and by focusing on the bombers, they left themselves open to the fighters behind them. Sam saw two, then another, explode in short order. No, that wouldn't…

She drew a sharp breath when she realised the surviving Death Gliders weren't pulling up for another attack run but kept accelerating straight at the Al'Keshs. Even though she had considered suicide attacks, to see it happen…

"They're ramming them!" Adora gasped.

A moment later, the first Death Glider hit the shields of the leading bomber and blew up, followed by another. The shields shattered with the third, and the Al'Kesh suddenly changed course in an obvious attempt to evade the next.

They were too late, though - two Death Gliders crashed into the ship at near-full speed, still firing, and sent it reeling. No secondary explosions, but the ship was blown off-course, trailing debris.

"Fanatics," the General muttered as more Death Gliders went in, all firing until they crashed into the bomber.

Sam quickly zoomed in on the struck ship. The hull had buckled under the impacts, she could see multiple breaches, and… there was the first secondary explosion. Not a magazine, but… The ship vanished in a ball of fire before she could finish her thought.

"They were ordered to stop the bombers at all costs," Teal'c commented. "And they did."

The second bomber, trailing the first, had managed to change course in time and had only been hit by two suicide attacks. But that manoeuvre had brought it right into the path of the two Tel'taks. Still cloaked, both flew straight at it.

Sam winced at the explosion that followed.

She felt the deck under her feet shake slightly - the surviving Death Gliders of Apophis's force were throwing themselves at the decoy, but even with their counterparts' numbers reduced by those who had intercepted the Al'Keshs, there were enough Death Gliders around to make that tactic much less effective. And the "Steel Fist" was much tougher than an Al'Kesh. Only two more Death Gliders managed to ram the ship before they were all destroyed, and the damage done was minimal, according to Sam's scanner.

Sam checked the state of the main battle. Apophis's forces were collapsing. Half of his Ha'taks had been destroyed, and the remaining ones were under withering fire as they tried to disengage and retreat - not they were trying to reach the decoy, she realised.

"Won't make it," Catra commented. "Too slow, and the attackers can concentrate their fire."

Sam agreed with the assessment.

"Look, they've reached the engine room," Sha're called out. "They are…"

"...about to blow the doors," the General finished for her with a grim expression.

Without having sealed off the hole in the hull. Sam winced - Apophis's Jaffa were helpless. They couldn't even launch an attack of their own; opening the doors would only speed up their deaths, and… Her eyes widened - the defenders were moving to the doors. Some were tying themselves to the consoles closest to the doors. Why would…? "They're about to open the doors themselves!" she blurted out.

The General cursed. Catra also cursed.

The doors slid open, and the surprised attackers still placing charges were cut down by the defenders' staff weapons and zat'nik'tels. One of them cut himself off, Sam saw, trying to grab a charge as he was sucked out of the room, but his hands missed. Two staff blasts killed him moments later.

The defenders switched their fire to the remaining attackers. Sam saw one of them get hit, his suit rupturing, as they shot back. But the outcome was never in doubt - not when the defenders were already suffocating.

But they kept shooting until they fell unconscious. By the time the last one died, one of the attackers shooting him with a zat'nik'tel when he collapsed, the bridge was under attack as well.

Sam already knew how that would end.


The waiting was the worst, but they didn't have a choice any more. Catra scoffed under her breath as she watched the holoprojection. After finishing off Apophis's forces, which had died to a man trying to destroy the "Steel Fist", the new fleet had formed up in a defensive formation around the decoy ship while throwing over a hundred workers at the task of restoring the ship's hyperdrive before either the Horde or Apophis came back with more ships to retake the decoy ship.

And most of those workers were humans - slaves. Catra had already seen Jaffa literally using whips to drive them to work harder. That meant that if Catra and her friends tried to escape by triggering the scuttling charges, blowing the decoy ship up and escaping while cloaked (and disguised as debris as a backup), they would be killing over a hundred helpless people in addition to a bunch of fanatical Jaffa. They couldn't do that.

Not that Catra would give them good odds of escaping even if they did that, not between all the Death Gliders flitting around the "Steel Fist", probably hunting for more suicidal cloaked Tel'taks. No, they were now committed to the plan; the window to call it off and withdraw had closed.

But it meant she had nothing to do but wait for the workers to finish fixing the hyperdrive and hope nothing else would go wrong. Like a third System Lord sending forces to take the superweapon. Or Apophis returning with more ships. Or the Asgard arriving to 'stop the Horde' or whatever.

She snorted. Any of those scenarios were unlikely. If Apophis had more ships, he would have sent them in the first place. The Asgard didn't have the ships to spare and didn't really care about the Horde or Earth - not enough to get involved. And the odds of them knowing about this were slim to none. And if a third System Lord not only had gotten the fake intel about this operation but had the forces ready to move in time to stop Apophis, then Apophis's security was so bad, he should have been defeated by his rivals already.

Catra knew all that, but a little bit of worry remained. Apophis's security had been been broken by one rival already, after all. Which reminded her… "Hey, Teal'c - seen anything to identify the new guys yet?"

Teal'c replied without looking away from the screen he used to watch the engine room, where most workers were slaving away. "Not so far. Not even the slaves are carrying symbols of worship of their fake god. That in itself is telling - whoever is behind this is quite skilled at hiding their involvement. They must have experience with hiding their operations."

Ah! Catra's eyes widened for a moment. That sounded like…

"Like, say, having fooled everyone into thinking they were dead for a thousand years, like Sokar?" Jack beat Catra to the punch.

"I believe he would be the most likely suspect, as the saying goes," Teal'c said. "We know he was already fighting Apophis, so he would have had forces in the area ready to be deployed, and even after the purges following Apophis's setbacks, it is not unreasonable to assume that Sokar has some spies left at his rival's court."

Catra nodded. That sounded plausible.

"Sokar…" Sha're trailed off, and Catra saw her take a deep breath. "His reputation for cruelty is only rivalled by Ba'al's."

"Well, taking him out will be a good thing, then," Jack commented. "Not that taking out a snake is ever a bad thing, of course."

Catra agreed with that as well, though the Alliance didn't know as much about Sokar's realm as they knew about Apophis's, so exploiting the loss of its ruler would be more difficult.

"We might even discover at least one of Sokar's hidden worlds," Sam added.

"Indeed," Teal'c agreed. "It is unlikely that he will have the decoy moved to his capital, if only to keep it secret from his own court, but with what little is known about his territory, any new information will be a boon."

"That will make it harder to escape, though," Bow pointed out. "We won't know the area, and we won't have any allies nearby. Not close enough, at least, or the spy bot network would have found the system already."

"If we manage to capture Sokar, this will decapitate his forces and throw his court into chaos," Sha're retorted. "His underlings will start struggling for power at once. Sokar's rule relies on fear above all else."

"And no one fears the chump who gets captured in his own realm by a few good men and women. And cats," Jack said, nodding at Catra and Melog with a grin.

She snorted at that. It made sense, but it was also more than a little optimistic. "Let's not get overconfident. We have to capture him first." And then escape before Sokar's underlings realised that this was the best opportunity to get rid of their boss. "And for that, those idiots need to finish repairing the hyperdrive."

"The crystals we knocked out of alignment were further disrupted by the fighting between Apophis's forces and the new attackers," Sam said. She sounded a bit defensive, as if it was her fault that the Goa'uld were incompetent. "The attacks by the Death Gliders also damaged one of the projectors, which will require further repairs."

"Any estimate for how long that will take them?" Jack asked.

Sam grimaced. "Based on their performance so far, at least several hours."

Catra shook her head. Motivation by whipping didn't work. Especially not when it came to difficult tasks such as repairing high-tech machinery. People made mistakes under such stress. And speaking of mistakes… "Can you check their work?" she asked.

"We are plugged into the ship's systems and can run a diagnosis," Sam replied.

"Good. I'd hate for this mission to get derailed further by a faulty hyperdrive sending us god knows where," Jack said. "I'm already behind on the latest season of the Simpsons."

Catra snorted, but Bow perked up. "Oh, you are?" he asked. "I've got all episodes that were aired so far on my tablet."

"Really?" Jack looked surprised.

Probably hasn't expected his joke to be taken seriously, Catra thought with a snicker.

"Yes." Bow smiled, then looked embarrassed. "My brothers like them, and, well…" he shrugged. "Everyone's still doing it."

"Well, can I borrow your tablet then?" Jack asked.

"Jack! Are you seriously going to watch a cartoon series in the middle of the mission?" Daniel blurted out.

"Do we have anything else to do?"

Daniel blinked but didn't seem to have an answer to that.

Neither did Sam, though she was frowning, Catra noticed.

So, it seemed as if they would indeed watch cartoons in the middle of a mission. Well, Jack would, at least. But there weren't many alternatives. Of course, Catra could think of a number of things to do with Adora that beat watching cartoons, but they lacked the privacy for that.

Quite the dilemma. Catra blamed the Goa'uld for that.


The Simpsons had been funnier in the past, in Jack O'Neill's opinion. And he blamed the Etherians for it - the 'Princess of Springfield' character, an exiled Etherian, had started with the 'magic goes wrong' episodes, which now seemed to take up half the season. If it wasn't Bart getting cursed, Lisa trying out witchcraft, or Homer annoying ancient ghosts by mistake, you could bet on some Etherian guest character appearing and making a mess with magic.

Far too much magic in the Simpsons, for Jack's taste. He shook his head as the current episode ended with half the town turned into the Simpson's version of the Whispering Woods - for the second time this season.

"Whoever is writing those episodes has no idea about Etherian magic," Glimmer commented. "Even for a cartoon show, I'd expect more research."

"But they hit the nail on the head with the exiled princess Sour Wasp," Catra retorted with a grin. "I wonder if Sweet Bee will sue."

Jack chuckled at the thought. He'd still prefer it if the character were removed.

"Ah, Bow," Daniel spoke up, "do your brothers prefer the new seasons or the old ones? I mean, the seasons released before Etheria made contact with Earth or the ones after that point?"

"Both," Bow replied. "Though they don't get all the jokes in the older ones. And half the jokes about Etheria are funny because they are so wrong."

"Ah. I was wondering about their grasp of the cultural context." Daniel nodded.

"I don't get many of the nuances of the jokes in Earth media either," Sha're added.

"You're making a lot of progress," Daniel told her. "It's not as if it's different for the audience on Earth outside the USA."

"That's because you have as many people on your world as the rest of the galaxy put together," Glimmer grumbled.

"It's not quite as extreme," Daniel corrected her. "Though we do have a lot of distinct cultures."

"Well, on Etheria, most are only getting to know Western media," Bow said.

"And some Japanese," Catra added with a sigh.

"If your impression of Earth culture is based on our media, it might have interesting effects on cross-cultural relationships," Daniel said. "I've mentioned that in a paper for the tourism commission."

Glimmer groaned. "Don't remind me about them. They don't get that the Stargate is not a tourist transport."

"Or that our cruisers aren't cruise ships," Jack added with a snort.

"We don't have any cruisers, sir," Carter cut in.

Jack rolled his eyes at her. He knew that, but his quip wouldn't have worked as well with frigates. "The point is that we don't have the spare transportation capacity to dedicate to tourists. Or the resources to waste on protecting interstellar Spring Breakers and Snow Birds."

"Well, I don't think that the commission expects mass tourism to take off anytime soon. But they are hoping for luxury trips, as far as I understand," Daniel said.

Jack snorted again. Of course, it was about luxury trips for the rich - they had the contacts and influence amongst politicians to prop up the commission in the first place. Same for the pressure to sell shuttles to civilians. Some people really didn't get that a shuttle wasn't a Humvee.

"If anyone wants to travel to other planets, they can join up," Campbell commented. Isa and the rest of the two fire teams in the compartment voiced their agreement. "They'll get all the exciting travel they can stomach."

Jack doubted that if the kind of people who wanted to go on luxury trips joined the Alliance forces, they would end up on the frontlines. They tended to go for cushy jobs in the rear. Preferably in some exotic travel destination. At least he hadn't had to deal with them at Stargate Command, thanks to the secrecy, and he didn't have to deal with them in the Alliance thanks to his position. Some perks that came with a general's rank were nicer than others.

"So, what about the next episode?" Bow asked, holding up his tablet.

Jack looked around. No one seemed terribly enthusiastic. Bow was probably just politely asking, Catra was curled up in Adora's lap in a way that would have half the brass Jack knew scream about inappropriate PDAs, Glimmer was looking bored, Carter hadn't watched the cartoons anyway but had been busy with her computer and Teal'c was… Teal'c. Daniel and Sha're looked interested, at least, and Jack's people in the back were a toss-up between watching and sleeping.

"Maybe we should…" he began.

"Sir! They brought the hyperdrive online," Carter interrupted him. "The "Steel Fist" is now operational."

Jack jumped up and walked over to her. "That was fast, wasn't it?"

"It's within expected parameters," Carter replied. Which probably meant she could have done it faster by herself.

Jack checked the feeds from the hidden cameras. The workers were exhausted - some had collapsed in the engine room - but the bridge crew was busy. Very busy. And on the holoprojection, the patrolling Death Gliders were racing back towards the Ha'taks.

"Get ready, folks," he called out. "Looks like we'll be on the way to wherever soon."


Hyperspace, February 20th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"According to the navigational data from the ship's computers, we're on the way to PT-1853. The Jaffa have plotted the course in several legs."

Adora nodded at Sam's report. "Do we have any data on that system?"

"Except for the fact that it has a Stargate, no. Exploration has been cut short due to the war effort, and the Tok'ra's data - at least the data they shared - has nothing on it either," Sam replied.

That meant none of the Goa'uld knew about the system. None but the System Lord behind the attack on Apophis's forces. That didn't mean it had to be Sokar - not many Goa'uld would send a captured superweapon to one of their main systems - but it made it a bit more likely; no one knew much about his territory.

"Good work, Carter. Let's hope that the Jaffa don't find our taps."

"Unless they physically dismantle the entire computer system and manage to spot the data ports we've hidden inside, that is unlikely, sir." Sam sounded a bit annoyed. "We're using the ship's own systems, after all, which they control, and our access is purely passive."

Sam was right, of course - they had done everything to prevent their deception from being discovered. Their plan wasn't perfect, of course - the fact that they were not on the way to Apophis proved that better than anything else.

"We're dealing with a paranoid snake expecting traitors everywhere - who has just pulled off an intel coup against Apophis," Jack pointed out.

"We built the system with this in mind and implemented the Tok'ra's advice."

Jack grumbled something Adora didn't catch but which made Catra snort. "I don't think the snake in charge of this will have the ship's systems dismantled for inspection," she said. They would want to keep the 'superweapon' ready to be used as soon as possible - before Apophis might decide to spread the news of this to alert all other System Lords of the danger and unite them against this."

"And they probably don't expect such treachery from the Horde," Bow added.

"Unless they know about his mind control chips," Glimmer retorted.

"Horde Prime probably kept those secret so his enemies wouldn't be warned," Catra pointed out. "Makes it easier to appear all-powerful and all-knowing, too, if people don't know your tricks."

Adora reached out and pulled Catra closer; her love must be remembering her time under Horde Prime's control. Cata grumbled a bit but didn't wriggle out of her embrace.

"At the very least, they won't try to pull the systems apart while they are travelling," Sam said.

"Never underestimate their fanaticism," Jack objected.

"They will not risk destroying the prize they were sent out to secure for their false god," Teal'c said. "Nor will they start to dismantle it without explicit orders. And such orders will likely be given in person - no System Lord will trust an underling with the power to destroy them."

Adora nodded. That was what they were counting on. "How long will we travel?" she asked.

Sam hit a few keys. "If they follow the plotted course, we'll be in hyperspace, with a few interruptions for navigation, for a week."

Adora frowned. They had laid the trap near Apophis's territory. "So, they took a task force standing by to attack Apophis and sent them to intercept us, and now they're withdrawing to a more distant base."

"Probably a forward base for attacks against Apophis," Jack added. "Let's hope our snake will want to check the goods before sending us deeper into their territory."

Adora nodded in agreement. She didn't want to spend weeks or months in hyperspace. That hadn't been a concern when they were planning to trick Apophis.

"So… since we'll be a while here…" Jack grinned. "What's next on the menu as entertainment?"


PT-1853 System, February 27th, 2000 (Earth Time)

"We're about to exit hyperspace."

Adora suppressed a sigh of relief at the announcement. After a week in hyperspace, she'd even prefer dropping into an ambush to spending another night in the stealth compartment. Sure, they had everything to survive for months if needed, but for one thing: Privacy.

All she wanted was to capture the Goa'uld responsible for extending their trip, head to the closest Stargate and return home to lock herself and Catra in their room for the next twenty-four hours or so. And if she had to personally beat the Goa'uld's entire guard for that, she'd do it happily - another week of this, and she'd agree with Catra about using the shower here! Though Melog, who was mirroring Catra's emotions, would probably claw a hole through the walls before that, if Catra didn't do it herself.

"Great! I am sick of Earth TV marathons!" Glimmer sounded as frustrated as Adora felt.

"We also have literally millions of books with us." Daniel obviously didn't quite get what Glimmer was really frustrated about.

Adora saw Sha're lean over to whisper in his ear, followed by Daniel blushing. Well, he understood now.

"Exiting hyperspace in five, four…"

Adora raised her chin and braced for the familiar feeling.

"..three, two, one…"

And they left hyperspace. Adora watched the holoprojection change as their magitech scanner switched on.

They were inside a system with two planets. And a couple of asteroids - no ring, though.

A moment later, several dozen Ha'taks and even more smaller ships appeared in the projection.

"That's either a major fleet base, or whoever is in command doesn't even trust their chosen task force to stay loyal," Jack commented.

"No System Lord trusts anyone," Sha're said.

"They've opened communications," Sam announced.

On the screen that had been showing shows and movies for a week straight, a Jaffa appeared. Adora recognised him - it was the Jaffa in charge of the task force. Gun'il, as they had found out from overhearing chatter amongst the crew.

The picture of him shrank to show another Jaffa, and Adora winced at the sight of the burn scars that covered the man's face. "Gun'il. You have achieved what you were ordered to do?"

"Yes, Kal'toc. We have secured the weapon Apophis craved and slaughtered his warriors. Our God's will was done."

"That remains for Him to judge,"
Kal'toc retorted. "Prepare for His arrival."

Gun'il bowed his head, and even on the screen, you could see that he was tense before the connection was cut.

"They don't mention their System Lord's name," Daniel commented. "I thought this might merely be an excessive interpretation of an order not to reveal their origin, but they do it even here, in a supposedly secure system. This is quite peculiar."

"That's not normal," Sha're agreed.

"Yeah. Usually, you can't stop them from praising their god," Jack said.


"And the only System Lord we know who we don't know much about is Sokar." Catra shrugged. "Another clue that it's him, but we already pretty much knew that."

"Such religious practices can give us valuable insight into a System Lord's domain," Daniel objected. "If saying their god's name is taboo, then that could tell us something about their faith. Such a practice is not very common on Earth."

"Or all of them are just afraid of attracting his attention by saying his name," Jack said. "We'll know soon enough," he added, pointing at a Ha'tak that was leaving the planet's orbit and headed, together with most of the fleet, to their position. "I bet he just arrived by Stargate and ring transporter."


"They've docked," Sam announced, even though everyone could see the airlock on the screen.

Adora clenched and unclenched her fingers, almost summoning her sword. Finally! Their target had arrived.

Gun'il and his guards were lined up facing the airlock, more nervous than Adora had ever seen them, even though they clearly had achieved their mission. Then the doors slid back, revealing a Goa'uld, and the Jaffa dropped to their knees.

"Sokar," both Sha're and Teal'c said together when they saw him.

"Told you," Catra added. She was sheathing and unsheathing her claws, Adora saw. And her tail and ears were twitching.

"Do you recognise him?" Daniel asked.

"We recognise his symbol," Sha're replied. "Not his host. It's been a thousand years since he was seen by other System Lords."

The Jaffa were calling him their lord, praising him frantically, until he allowed them to stand up.

"Someone's really full of it," Jack commented as the Goa'uld started his inspection of the ship, led by the still-tense Gun'il.

Adora clenched her teeth. The Jaffa had won a victory for their god - or so they thought, at least. How cruel was this Goa'uld to make his most loyal followers fear him so?

She summoned her sword and went to the concealed doors that led into the control room of the 'Core Cracking Cannon'. Soon, he wouldn't be able to terrify people any more.

"There he comes!" Jack whispered from behind. "He just entered the room."

Adora glanced at the screen behind her, checked again where the Jaffa stood, then used the door controls.

She burst through the opening a moment later, sword turned shield, but the Jaffa guards were just reacting to the ambush, and Adora reached Sokar before they could even try to stop her. She smashed him into the warriors behind him, a personal shield flaring up, then breaking around him as all went down in a tangle of limbs and armour. A moment later, Catra jumped past her to rake her claws over the closest warrior.

"How dare you!" Sokar bellowed, raising his arm - with a Goa'uld torture device! "You will…!"

While shots rang out behind her and bullets and staff weapon fire cut down the guards on the side, Adora smashed the Goa'uld over the head with the flat side of her sword, knocking him out. Catra took care of the closest guards with a bit more vehemence than usual.

"Room secure!" Isa bellowed as the last guard went down.

Jack nodded. "Alright. Move to the bridge! We need to…"

The ship shuddered, almost sending them stumbling, and Adora heard the sounds of explosions. "We're under fire!" she snapped.

"The escorts have disabled our engines," Adora heard Sam report over the communicator.

Jack cursed. "They're very quick to stab their god in the back. Too quick."

Adora nodded. This didn't look like a coup.

"More Tel'taks are on the way," Sam told them.


Catra looked at their prisoner. "Let's hope we did get the right snake."

If this wasn't Sokar… Well, no matter what, they had to secure the ship and repel the boarders.

And then find a way to get away.

Oh I love that. This bait is too effective. I wonder if just one system lord shows up, after all it would be a game changer in the system lord balance of power, they may have just turned the Ra succession war hot accidentally

If news of the "Superweapon" spreads, old policies may be revised quite heavily.
Something something Evil Overlord list, "Whenever practical I shall send a stunt double to inspect any captured facilities, in case they are a trap for me..."?

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