Chapter 44: The Normal Life
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Chapter 44: The Normal Life
King's Cross Station, London, Britain, September 1st, 1996
Ron Weasley smiled. Finally, an empty compartment! "Found one!" he announced to his friends.
"Great!" Lavender beamed at him as she followed him inside.
"Well, we were bound to find one as long as we continued down the train," Hermione said.
"Just hurry inside!" Harry muttered. "And then we can lock the door!"
Ron pressed his lips together so he wouldn't chuckle. Even though it was funny.
"I told you we should hex some of them," Hermione said as she stepped inside. "Pour encourager les autres." She turned and cast a spell at the door. Not a locking charm, so… ah, a privacy charm. Ron had seen her cast it before.
"Shouldn't that be 'discourage' in this case?" Lavender asked. "And no hexing! As prefect, Ron would have to deduct points from our house for that."
"Right." Ron nodded.
"Encourage fits - we want to encourage people to keep their distance," Hermione replied with a scowl. "What's wrong with them? They barely cared about either of us before, but now, suddenly, we're supposed to be their best friends?"
"Well, you're famous," Lavender said with a shrug, waving her wand to stash her trunk above them. "Your latest interview didn't help, of course."
"Asking for the worldwide abolition of slavery tends to make waves," Ron agreed. "Percy told me that there have been inquiries from a dozen other countries about it."
"They should simply ask Dumbledore," Harry said. "He's the Supreme Mugwump."
"He didn't give the interview; you two did," Lavender pointed out before leaning into Ron's side with a smile.
"On his orders," Hermione said.
"And with clear instructions - we even rehearsed our lines," Harry added.
"Twice." Hermione scoffed. "And the whole thing was about as harmless as it could be. Asking for the abolition of slavery was the only controversial line in it. We didn't even ask for any concrete action."
"Well, many countries remember Dumbledore's 'grand tour' after Grindelwald's War," Ron pointed out. The Headmaster hadn't actually toppled any government, at least as far as Ron knew, but he had certainly intervened in more than one country.
"And he knew that," Harry admitted. "That's why he was so adamant about our lines."
"That's the price of being famous," Ron told him with a grin.
Both Harry and Hermione glared at him. "There are just too many countries where slavery is legal," Hermione spat as she took her seat. Not even Harry wrapping his arm around her and planting a kiss on her cheek made her smile.
"And that will change," Harry said.
"Well, Fleur said that the French are all fired up for a war," Ron told them.
"I didn't read about that in the newspapers!" Hermione protested.
"It's all over the Tribune Magique," he explained. "I've seen the headlines myself."
"And the Prophet didn't even mention it! Typical!"
"The Ministry's stance is 'don't rock the boat', as usual," Harry said. "And the Prophet does what the Ministry wants."
"And the Ministry does what the Headmaster wants," Ron added. "Not that he usually asks anything of them."
"Maybe he should," Hermione muttered with a scowl. Then she sighed and leaned back, closing her eyes. "I'm just glad we're back at Hogwarts and won't have to watch our backs as much any more."
"Careful - Malfoy is bound to try something," Lavender said. "I've heard from Parvati that everyone thinks that he's been fancying both of you for years."
"They can't be serious!" Hermione objected with a grimace.
"I'm sure many know it's not true - but it's such a fine rumour." Lavender grinned widely. "And with you two being a couple, many say that anything is possible!"
"Except for the Cannons winning the cup." Harry smirked.
Ron frowned at his friend. The Cannons had a chance! Not the best odds, but anything was possible in Quidditch, with a bit - or a lot - of luck. "We'll see about that," he said. "But back to our two celebrities. Did anyone ask you for an autograph?"
"No," Hermione spat.
"One of the Creevey brothers seemed like he wanted to ask something, but we blew past them," Harry said. He looked around. "Where's Ginny?"
"She said she's taking a compartment with Luna. I told her we have room for her, but…" Ron shrugged. "They probably don't want to deal with your fans," he added with a grin.
Hermione snorted. "I bet they will get more questions wherever they are than with us."
Ron nodded. "Probably." On the other hand, Ginny wasn't shy to hex anyone who annoyed her. "We'll know when we see bat-boogers flying through the train."
Lavender giggled at that. "Will Neville join us?"
Harry shrugged. "Probably. Or he's sitting with Seamus and Dean. But I haven't seen him around so far."
"As long as we have some peace and quiet, I'm happy with whatever," Hermione said.
As if someone had heard them despite their privacy charm, they heard a knock on the door. A moment later, it was opened, and Fay Dunbar stuck her head inside. "There you are!" She beamed at Ron, and he felt Lavender tighten her grip on his arm. "I just wanted to remind you that we've got the prefect's meeting as soon as we leave the station. Oh, hi, Lavender. Hi, Harry. Hi, Hermione! How are you doing?"
Ron narrowed his eyes. His fellow prefect hadn't done that last year. Granted, that had been their first trip as prefects, but…
"We're fine," Hermione said. "Just a little stressed by all those hangers-on."
"Oh? Well, if you get bothered, just tell me. Or Ron. We're going to deal with it." Fay nodded. "So, any other trouble?"
Ron had seen more subtle fishing for information from Malfoy. He shook his head. "No, we're fine."
Fay pouted for a moment, then nodded. "Until later, then!"
Ron suppressed a sigh when the door closed behind his fellow prefect. Lavender was scowling - no surprise there; she didn't like Fay. Or rather, she didn't like that Fay and Ron had to patrol together. Even though Fay hadn't actually… well, she was always friendly, never grumpy, but that was it. She hadn't tried to kiss Ron or anything.
"Bet she's trying to pump you for information as soon as you're on the way," Lavender muttered.
"I'm not taking that bet," Hermione replied. "Of course she's going to do that."
Right. Hermione was in the same dorm, after all. "Well, I'm not going to tell her anything," Ron declared.
"Maybe you should," Hermione told him. "Otherwise, they'll make up worse rumours."
"Good point," Harry said, nodding. "Just stick to what's in the articles. In the Prophet," he added.
"I'm not going to talk about The Quibbler," Ron assured him. No matter what Luna might say.
"You shouldn't even talk to Fay at all," Lavender grumbled.
He pulled her closer to him and placed a kiss on her head. She shifted in response and pulled his head down for a proper snog.
Harry coughed.
Ron rolled his eyes as he pulled back. "Oh, as if you never snogged in front of us!"
That made them blush, at least. And Lavender giggle.
"So… what's up with Harry and Hermione?" Fay asked as soon as the door to the compartment had closed and they were walking to the front of the train, where the meeting with the Head Boy and Head Girl would be held. "I've read the Prophet, but…" She shrugged. "It's the Prophet."
Exactly how Lavender had suspected. Ron shrugged. "Shouldn't you ask Hermione that?"
Fay chuckled. "Really? Would you ask her about her love life?"
Of course Ron wouldn't! Well, probably not - he had spent a lot of time with Harry and her since their ordeal, after all, and while he wouldn't say that they were best friends, they weren't exactly strangers. Certainly more than mere acquaintances. Still, someone's love life wasn't exactly a subject you just picked for casual conversation.
So he shrugged. "I would ask Harry if I thought it was my business. Which I don't."
"Really?" she repeated herself, shaking her head with a smile. "Of course he told you already, right?"
"If he did, I'm not going to betray his confidence," Ron told her with a frown as they entered the next car.
"Of course not!" She fell silent for a moment, and they passed two second years from Hufflepuff waiting in front of the loo. "But you've read the articles as well, right?"
"So… is it true?"
Ron took a deep breath. "They did kill a wyvern. And they did fight the pirates. Got chased by them, sank the pirates' ship, freed a young witch and escaped the island."
"Oh! And they are a couple?"
Was that what she wanted to know? Ron glanced at her. She looked quite eager. Great. He nodded. "Yes, they became a couple on the island."
"Oh! How romantic!"
Well, that was one word for it. "They're a pretty normal couple," Ron said with another shrug. Except for them sleeping together every night, but that wasn't something he'd tell anyone.
"Really? Normal? Those two? You don't think they tried to hex each other, and they miscast a curse and fell in love instead?"
Where had she heard that? That was… "Dumbledore examined both of them for any curses," Ron told her. It probably hadn't been the Headmaster himself, but that should shut her up. Maybe Lavender had had the right idea...
They stepped into the next car - the last car before the engine. And there was the prefects' compartment.
"Finally. Always late, are you, Weasley? You didn't get stranded on a pirate island, did you?"
And Malfoy and Parkinson. As expected.
Ron rolled his eyes. "Wow, Malfoy, what a stupid question! I'd ask if you had been too long out in the sun over the summer, but you're as pale as always. So, that's probably just you being stupid as usual."
"Why you…!"
"Simmer down!" the new Head Girl, Brockleturn from Hufflepuff, snapped. "Merlin's beard! Don't start trouble on the first day! We're not going to tolerate that!"
"I'm not starting anything," Ron said.
"Potter and Granger are the ones who always start trouble!" Parkinson claimed.
"Not any more!" Fay said as she sat down. "They're a couple!"
"I don't believe it!"
"Did you see that yourself?"
"Did they snog?"
"But it's the Prophet!"
"The Quibbler said the same!"
"But that's The Quibbler!"
Ron almost took a step back out of the compartment at the ruckus Fay's announcement had created. Had they all gone mad?
"Quiet!" The Head Girl brandished her wand. "We're not here to gossip about the Prophet or The Quibbler!"
Ron smiled as he took his seat. At least the Head Girl - the Head Boy, a Ravenclaw Ron didn't know, had been remarkably silent - had her head screwed on straight.
Until the girl leaned forward and faced him. "But they're right - Potter and Granger are the worst troublemakers. So, what's up with them? I need to know if we need to keep them under observation."
Ron refrained from groaning. Great. Just great.
Hogwarts, September 1st, 1996
Harry Potter was getting tired of all the glances and looks and stares. No, he was already past 'tired' and quickly reaching 'annoyed' as he stepped into the Great Hall for the Welcoming Feast.
"It's as if they hadn't seen a couple before," he muttered. That Malfoy was glaring at him was expected, especially after what Ron had told them about the git's reaction. But everyone else?
Hermione, at his side, whispered back: "Yes. I feel a little like a celebrity hounded by the press."
"If anyone is taking pictures, I'll hex him," Harry promised. Their 'therapist' - even though Miss Vance insisted that she wasn't a therapist, 'just someone who knows what you went through and won't tell your parents' - would understand that.
"We just have to ride out our fifteen minutes of fame."
"A comment by Andy Warhol about fleeting fame," Hermione explained.
"Ah." Harry remembered hearing something like that at Auntie Petunia's.
They took their… well, not their customary seats at the Gryffindor table. Usually, they sat as far apart as possible. No longer, of course.
Though that triggered more whispers. Harry glared at their fellow Gryffindors. They really should know better! Hell, Dean, Seamus and Katie had been at his birthday party but were still gossiping… He blinked. "Is Seamus trying to impress Fay with gossip about us?"
Hermione frowned as she looked down the table. "It's possible."
Fay was looking back and forth between Seamus and them, in any case. "I'll have a talk with him," Harry growled.
"Just let it go," Hermione told him as Ron and Lavender joined them, followed by Neville.
"Let what go?" Ron asked.
"Seamus is trying to use us to chat up Fay," Harry explained.
"Oh." Lavender turned her head. "He is!"
She seemed strangely happy about that, Harry noted.
"Well, the whole thing should quickly die down now that we're back at Hogwarts," Hermione said. "Without further interviews, and everyone able to see for themselves that we aren't some… exotic, famous couple."
She sounded as if she was trying to convince herself, in Harry's opinion. He hoped that she was correct. Harry almost wanted to cast a Disillusionment Charm… No. He wouldn't be hiding like that. He had faced a wyvern and a band of pirates. A little staring and whispering was nothing.
He still was relieved when McGonagall led the new first years into the Great Hall, and the sorting drew the attention of everyone away from Harry and Hermione.
"You want a lookout?" The elf - Jabby - smiled widely. "For tête-à-têtes? Ohh!"
Harry Potter couldn't help glancing around, even though he had checked with Sirius's new map that they were alone and Hermione had cast another privacy spell.
"We want to be able to spend every night together," Hermione said.
Jabby nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes! Jabby can do that. But that's a huge task! Have to fool the Headmaster, great Dumbledore, and all the professors!"
"The Headmaster is informed," Harry told him. "He's tacitly approving." At least that was what Mum had told them. And unlike Sirius, Mum wouldn't stretch the truth.
"'Tacitly approving'?" The elf tilted his head to the side, past his shoulder - it wasn't as impressive as Hedwig managed, but it was still disturbing.
"He knows what we are planning and hasn't done anything to stop us," Hermione explained.
"Shady!" the elf exclaimed with glee.
"Yes, shady," Harry agreed. "So, what do you want in exchange for serving as a lookout?" He really hoped that this elf didn't want to dress them up in woollen underwear.
"Oh!" The elf studied them, tapping a long index finger against his lips. "Hm."
Harry suppressed the urge to sigh. Never let them see how eager you are, Sirius had told them.
"Oh! Your Hogsmeade Weekends!"
Harry blinked. "What?"
"Jabby can make plans! Great plans! Visits to Honeydukes, pubs and tea rooms! Itinerary! Dress codes!"
Harry exchanged a glance with Hermione. That sounded… excessive. On the other hand, having to wear woollen underwear - or worse - for the rest of their time at Hogwarts wasn't appealing either.
"Not every weekend!" Hermione said. "Every second. And only half the weekend!"
"Every weekend, but one hour free!"
After twenty minutes, they had managed to bargain Jabby down to every Hogsmeade weekend, but only six hours on a Saturday.
And everyone would think that they had spent the time snogging.
An hour later, Harry was in his bed. Which felt empty without Hermione next to him. Cold, lonely… He snorted. He was at Hogwarts, in his dorm. Hermione was just a few stairs away. And she would soon join him. Or so he hoped. She might get held up by the others in her dorm, asking her questions about them.
Since all his dormmates had been at his birthday party, that wasn't a problem for Harry. Seamus had made a few comments and had asked a few stupid questions, but that had been it. Dean hadn't really cared, Ron already knew everything - almost everything - and Neville hadn't asked any stupid questions either.
He pulled the map Sirius had given him out and checked it. Hermione was still in her dorm. And Lavender and the others were gathered around her. Damn, as he had suspected.
Sighing, he leaned back. They had to wait until the others were asleep before Hermione could join him. This could be a long night.
Hogwarts, September 2nd, 1996
"So, Potter. I heard you had an eventful summer."
Hermione Granger rolled her eyes. What a way to start the term! They hadn't even entered the Great Hall yet for breakfast, and Malfoy was already bothering them.
"Wow, Malfoy! You read the Prophet?" Harry smiled at the git. "I'm impressed - I didn't think you could read that well. Wait! You said 'heard', not 'read'. Did your mummy read it to you, or did you have an elf read it for you?"
"Very funny." Malfoy, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle, as usual, glared at them.
At least Parkinson wasn't present. The snobby, vain witch was probably still busy trying to make herself look 'presentable'.
"Thank you!" Harry beamed at the git and sketched a bow. "I'll be here all week!"
"What?" Malfoy blinked.
"Muggle expression, don't worry about it," Harry said, waving his hand.
"Typical! I should have known you'd…" Malfoy trailed off.
"Known what?" Hermione asked, tilting her head slightly. "Were you about to make another bigoted remark? Or did you just forget what you were about to say and are now desperately but futilely trying to remember?"
He scoffed in return, but she saw him clench his teeth. "I've read the news. What a load of dragon dung! How much did you pay the Prophet to print it?"
"We didn't pay them anything. They asked for an interview," Harry told him.
"To hear your fantasy?" And here came the sneer. "As if anyone would believe such a tale!"
"Are you calling me a liar?" Harry asked.
Malfoy straightened, pressing his lips together for a moment. "Are you claiming that the Prophet's article is factual?"
That was actually a decent bit of evasion - everyone knew that the Prophet and facts didn't often agree. But this time, they did. Hermione narrowed her eyes. "We ensured that they didn't lie or embellish things in the interview."
Malfoy scoffed in response. "A likely story. So, you claim to have slain a wyvern and sunk a pirate ship. And yet, according to the Ministry's files, Dumbledore defeated the pirates."
"You didn't read the article, I see," Harry replied. "Yes, Dumbledore defeated the pirates - with the help of my parents and their friends - but the ship was sunk by us."
By Harry, actually - Hermione hadn't been involved in that part of their plan. But she nodded. "And yes, we killed the wyvern. I'm sure your father has told you about the skull currently held at the Ministry."
"Anyone can stumble upon a skull and claim they killed a dangerous beast!" Malfoy retorted.
Hermione scoffed. The git was getting really annoying - and he was holding them up when she wanted to have breakfast. She really needed some strong tea - it had been a rather short night, all things considered. And they were attracting a small crowd which was quickly growing into a not-so-small crowd. "The Headmaster confirmed our story. Do you want to call him a liar?"
"It's obvious that you two are his favourites!" Malfoy shot back. "Otherwise, you'd have been expelled long ago!"
"As if!" Harry snorted.
"Honestly," Hermione continued. "You're claiming that the Headmaster would lie, that the Ministry would lie, that Britain would cause international tensions based on a lie…" She shook her head. "And why? Because you can't accept that we managed things you only dream of?"
"Yes, Malfoy - what's your problem? Except for the obvious, I mean." Harry leaned closer to her and wrapped his right arm around her waist.
That was nice but it also meant that he'd be slow to draw his wand, Hermione noted. And they were surrounded by students, now. If anyone wanted to harm them, they'd have the perfect opportunity to strike, and she didn't like that.
"I don't have any problem with your delusional claims. I'm merely pointing out inconsistencies," Malfoy shot back, raising his chin in an attempt to look less like a snivelling weasel.
"Oh, so it's true - I hadn't really believed it when I heard it, but this confirms it!" Harry exclaimed.
"What?" Malfoy stared, blinking, with a stupid expression on his face.
Hermione tensed. She knew what was coming.
"You are jealous that we're a couple and refuse to accept that!" Harry grinned. "It all makes sense now: your constant begging for attention, your absolutely hopeless attempts to hex either of us and your refusal to accept that neither Hermione nor I return your feelings!"
"What? That's… that's… How dare you!" Malfoy sputtered, flushed with anger. At least Hermione hoped it was anger. Most of the students nearby were laughing and giggling, though.
Harry snorted in return and turned to Hermione. "Let's not give him any more attention," he said - and kissed her before she could answer.
Hermione suppressed a moan - they were surrounded by dozens of students, after all, and she had her dignity. She didn't close her eyes, though - not in this situation. Instead, she looked at Malfoy in the corner of her eye.
So when the git raised his wand, still trembling with anger and embarrassment, she flicked her own and sent him to the ground with a Jelly Legs Jinx. Harry finished him off with a Silencing Charm cast left-handed.
Unfortunately, by the time they broke their kiss, their audience included Professor McGonagall, who was decidedly not amused.
Well, it wasn't the first time that they were sent to the professor's office the second day of the term.
"You haven't been at Hogwarts for a day yet, and you already hexed a fellow student in the halls!"
McGonagall sighed as she sat down behind her desk, Harry Potter noted. Well, that was nothing new. "It wasn't a fellow student," he objected. "It was Malfoy."
And there was the glare he had been expecting. "Do not test my patience with such remarks, Mr Potter!"
"He was trying to hex us," Hermione said. "We only defended ourselves."
"And you didn't provoke him at all, I presume?" Eyebrows rose.
Harry had to struggle not to smile - this felt so familiar! Except for the fact that he and Hermione were sitting next to each other, not as far apart as possible. "We didn't!" he said. "He accosted us. Called us - and the Headmaster - a liar!"
"He insinuated that, at least," Hermione added. "He professed doubt about our claims, which the Headmaster had confirmed."
"And you politely explained the facts to him?" McGonagall's tone dripped with sarcasm.
"Yes!" Harry nodded, trying not to smile.
"I pointed out the logical fallacies his statements implied," Hermione said, nodding with an earnest expression.
"So you didn't spread this rumour that he is infatuated with either or both of you?" McGonagall's eyes narrowed.
"I mentioned it," Harry said.
"It's possible that it's true, after all," Hermione went on. "His behaviour is suspect."
McGonagall snorted, but it lacked any humour. "Then you admit that you provoked him."
"Are you saying that it's an insult to imply that someone might be attracted to either of us?" Hermione asked with a frown.
Oh, nice! Harry nodded, trying to sound serious. "That sounds like an insult to us, Professor! We were just speculating."
But the witch scoffed in return. "Even if I would believe you, you'd still have provoked him by insinuating that his hypothetical attraction was entirely one-sided and hopeless. That is not how you politely and gracefully let someone down."
"I called his attempts to hex either of us hopeless," Harry protested. "Not his attraction itself!"
"And history proves us right in that regard," Hermione added. "His past attempts to attack either of us were as easily defeated as today's."
"And he did try to hex us - we didn't hex him first!" Harry nodded. "It was self-defence."
McGonagall looked from Harry to Hermione and back, shaking her head. "It feels like talking to the Weasley twins."
Huh? Harry glanced at Hermione; she looked puzzled as well.
"Nevertheless, you expected him to attempt to hex you. The moment he raised his wand, you struck, Miss Granger."
At least McGonagall wasn't disputing that Malfoy had started the actual fight, Harry noted.
"Of course, Professor. We knew that he was violent from our experiences with him and that we would be vulnerable - or appear to be - when we were kissing," Hermione said. "Not to mention that anyone could've been using the throng of people around us as a cover for an attack."
Once more, the professor stared at them, though this time, she looked more surprised than annoyed. At least for a moment. "The Headmaster informed me about your… special circumstances."
Harry clenched his teeth so he wouldn't blurt out that they were fine. But that wouldn't help their argument right now. Even though it was true. They had had several talks with Miss Vance already, after all.
"We have the right to defend ourselves," Hermione said with narrowed eyes. "And Malfoy raised his wand first in a clear attempt to curse us."
"An attempt you anticipated."
"Of course we did!" Harry said. "We know him."
"And you wouldn't have been able to stop him without hexing him?" McGonagall slightly tilted her head to look at them over her glasses. "Would he have gone through with his attempt if you had him at wand point?"
"We shouldn't be required to take a risk and potentially stop an attack when we can definitely stop an attack," Hermione replied. "That's the law."
"That's the law for the Ministry. This is about breaking Hogwarts rules."
"Are you honestly trying to tell us that we can't defend ourselves?" Harry shook his head. "Hogwarts isn't exempt from the rule of law!"
The way the professor snorted probably meant that he had overdone it a little. "Even under Ministry law, you provoked Mr Malfoy. That doesn't mean he was correct to attempt to hex you, of course," she said. Hermione, who had been about to protest, Harry knew her, closed her mouth with a pout. "He will be punished for that. But so will you." She glared at them. "You'll have detention today and tomorrow."
Harry suppressed a snort. This wasn't the first time he was getting punished. Not by far. Two days detention? Easy. After all, the professor was punishing herself as well since she would have to supervise it. "Yes, professor:"
"Yes, professor," Hermione echoed him. "And what will be Malfoy's punishment?"
"The same as yours."
Harry blinked. "Does that mean he'll get two detentions as well, or that he'll get two detentions with us?"
"The latter. I am not going to spend any more hours than I have to to deal with this."
Damn. Detention with Malfoy. That wasn't any fun at all. He'd whine the whole time. Harry exchanged a glance with Hermione. She didn't look happy about the news either.
They should've hexed the guy some more, so Madam Pomfrey wouldn't release him from the Infirmary until their detentions were over.
Though they probably would've gotten longer detentions in that case.
This was all Malfoy's fault!
Hogwarts, September 4th, 1996
"See anyone?" Harry whispered.
Hermione Granger looked around. She had cast a Privacy Charm, but that would only prevent anyone from overhearing them. Anyone could still spot them with a Human-presence-revealing Charm. On the other hand, if they could spot them, she would spot them as well. "No."
"Good." He opened the door to the duelling salle, and both of them slipped inside. Hermione quickly closed the door behind them.
"Merlin's beard! I thought they would've stopped hounding us by now!" Harry exclaimed.
"Well, our confrontation with Malfoy fanned the flames, so to speak," Hermione said, looking around. The salle was empty, as the map had indicated. It should be empty, anyway, so close to curfew. Students weren't supposed to use the room without a professor to supervise. Many still did, anyway. Like them. She cast an advanced locking charm on the door, just in case. "That should convince anyone wanting to 'settle a score' that the teachers improved security," she explained.
"Good idea!" Harry smiled at her. "I wouldn't mind settling a few scores myself!"
"We can't hex people for watching us," Hermione said. Even though she really wanted to, at times. It got really annoying if everyone watched you like the telly.
"It would make people leave us alone, though," Harry said.
"Yes." Hermione nodded. "We'd only have to hit a few choice targets to get the message across." And she had a few people in mind already. "But everyone would know it was us."
"A couple detentions wouldn't be too bad," Harry said.
That was true. Although… "What if they don't stick to detentions?" Professor McGonagall had even said that she didn't want to run another detention this term - albeit that was likely due to Malfoy's constant whining.
Harry snorted. "What else can they do? Filch isn't allowed to torture students any more."
"But the Headmaster could take steps to crack down on our 'arrangement'," she pointed out. "If he talks to the elves…"
"And he would suspect that - or check it anyway." Harry sighed through clenched teeth. "We can't risk that."
No, they couldn't. Hermione needed Harry. To fall asleep without him felt… not safe. And she didn't want to have nightmares again. "So, I guess we have to grin and bear it."
"Unless they cross a line," Harry said. "Like Malfoy."
Right. That was always an option. "But we need to be more subtle," Hermione pointed out. "So Professor McGonagall can't blame us for any incident."
"Yes," he agreed. "But we can at least hex anyone who tries to 'surprise' us."
"Of course."
Harry looked around. "So, with that settled, let's do some training!"
Hermione was already drawing her wand. They couldn't let their skills slip, after all. Not after all they had gone through.
Hermione Granger wasn't limping when she returned to her dorm an hour later, but only because she had learned the charm to treat a sprained ankle in the last week of August. She'd have to train some more to be able to do that running roll to the side without risking an injury.
Sighing, she entered her room.
"Hi, Hermione!"
"Did you have a nice 'study session'?"
Hermione rolled her eyes at Lily and Parvati's comments. What did they think she had been doing? Well, she knew what they thought. And they weren't entirely incorrect - there had been some snogging - but they had spent most of the time training duelling. Or, rather, defence. A lot of what they had trained would be illegal in the ring. "We had a productive session," she told them, which sent both giggling.
Lavender was on her bed, reading the latest Teen Witch Weekly. Fay wasn't present - the prefects of their year were doing the curfew patrol today. Which meant Lavender was in a bad mood.
Hermione sat down on her friend's bed and stretched. "Ron won't give Fay the time of day," she said as she rubbed her legs. The modified duelling robes were enchanted to provide her with better protection, but no defence was perfect. Harry had landed a few Stinging Hexes that hadn't felt as if they had been weakened at all.
"I know," Lavender replied.
But she was still worried, Hermione knew.
Her friend sighed. "But… she's so obvious, and he doesn't see it!" She sneered. "'She's just being friendly'," she imitated Ron.
"Well, as long as he doesn't even realise that she's interested in him, she has no chance at all," Hermione pointed out.
"I should hex her into the Infirmary," Lavender said with a growl. "Follow your example. No one dares to flirt with Harry."
Hermione blinked. "I haven't hexed anyone for flirting with him," she pointed out. Had anyone been flirting with him, anyway? She didn't think so.
"You don't have to - everyone knows you'd do it," Lavender grumbled. "But I haven't killed a wyvern and fought pirates."
"That didn't stop Malfoy."
"Malfoy doesn't count. He's too stupid to understand. And he wouldn't be a rival anyway."
That was true. Although… "My reputation didn't stop anyone from hounding us like paparazzi," Hermione complained.
"Well… Perhaps you should hex a few to send a message? We can team up and hex Fay together! You for trying to gossip, me for trying to seduce Ron!" Lavender grinned.
Hermione narrowed her eyes at her friend. "Don't you start!"
Lavender giggled. After a moment, Hermione laughed as well.
Compared to having to fight for your life and freedom, dealing with school gossip wasn't really anything to worry about. It was an annoyance, nothing more.
Although if anyone tried to seduce Harry...
Hogsmeade, October 5th, 1996
"Well, this doesn't look too bad," Harry Potter said.
"You've said that before," Hermione replied.
He had. And it was true. Sort of. Mostly. He glanced at the itinerary Jabby had written for them. "We can cross off 'carriage ride' already."
"Great," Hermione said. "That just leaves…" She cocked her head and glanced at the sheet in Harry's hand, though he was certain she knew the schedule by heart. "...a romantic stroll through Hogsmeade for at least twenty minutes, a visit to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop for an hour enjoying the 'lover's delight' special menu, shopping for gifts, a romantic dinner at the Three Broomsticks Inn and another romantic stroll back to Hogwarts along the shores of the Black Lake." She narrowed her eyes at him.
"At least we didn't get a list for the shops we have to visit?" Harry forced himself to smile.
Hermione scoffed. "I feel like a character in a romance novel. Or a movie."
"Perhaps Jabby is just trying to be nice?" Harry shrugged.
Hermione snorted in return. "I think he just likes certain novels. At least he hasn't scripted our dialogue for us. Or any other interaction."
"Right. Still…" Harry looked around. Most of the students who had gone to Hogsmeade with them had already left for the village proper. Ron and Lavender had split off right away, something about not wanting to follow a house-elf's orders on their date. Ginny and Luna were off to... somewhere. Either exploring the Shrieking Shack or trying to eat Honeydukes out of stock. Harry hadn't quite understood Luna's explanation as Ginny dragged her away.
Indeed, the novelty of their relationship seemed to have finally faded some over the last month. And they didn't have to hex more than one person stalking them. And they hadn't had to talk to Miss Vance about nightmares more than once.
But there were still a dozen students left watching them. Most pretended to wait for someone, some were reading the newspaper, but a few just stared at them. And Creevey had his damn camera ready. Harry glared at the boy, and he paled and stepped back behind the corner.
"Really! One would think they've never seen dress robes before," Hermione commented.
"I doubt that too many have seen French dress robes," Harry pointed out.
"Please!" Hermione snorted again. "This ensemble was featured prominently in a recent issue of Witch Weekly." She ran her hand down the front of her robes. Which was a little distracting - her robes weren't really cut for the weather and temperature. If not for the charms on it, Hermione would be freezing, Harry was sure. Even though she was also very hot.
They certainly looked better than his own dress robes, which were as far from his preferred style as you could be and still vaguely qualify as robes. For a supposed 'Duelling Style', they didn't really protect much of him either - his chest was exposed down to the navel, and the pants were so tight, he almost had to cast a shrinking charm on his legs to pull them up. At least Hermione liked them.
"Well, I doubt that they saw the dress robes for real," he said.
"Probably not," Hermione agreed. "Well, let's get it over with!"
"One elven date, coming up!" Harry said, holding his arm out to her.
That made her laugh, at least, and she hooked her arm into the crook of his own and leaned her head on his shoulders as they entered the village. Truth to be told, Harry didn't mind it too much. He wouldn't have picked the exact itinerary, but a date was a date. And Hogsmeade was...
...apparently not used to their relationship yet. Or their fame had still to fade in the village - a witch peering out of her shop was openly staring at them.
Kingston Upon Tames, London, Britain, November 3rd, 1996
Hermione Granger tried not to wince when she appeared inside her room. Even after weeks of practising - clandestinely, of course, since one couldn't apparate at Hogwarts, they had to train outside - apparating still felt horrible. No wonder most people preferred to use the Floo network or even the Knight Bus.
Not that that was an option for her and Harry, of course - they were supposed to be in Hogsmeade. Not in London. And they couldn't afford to run into anyone who might recognise them. Such as anyone who had read the Prophet over the summer.
A popping sound announced Harry's arrival next to her. He grimaced and quickly ran his hands over his body.
"I don't see any signs of splinching," Hermione told him.
"Thanks." He straightened, then pulled out a small mirror from his enchanted pocket. "Ron? We've arrived safely," he whispered.
"Yes, mate." Ron did sound a little annoyed. "I'll call you when anyone asks for you. As we agreed."
"Thanks!" Harry smiled and put the mirror away. "So, everything's set."
"Yes." As they had planned for their first real free weekend. "Let's check on my parents."
She opened the door and called out: "Mum? Dad?"
"Hermione?" Mum answered. A moment later, Hermione saw her step into the hallway and peer up the stairs. "What are you doing here?"
"We've got a Hogsmeade weekend," Harry replied with a wave, "and we didn't like going to Hogsmeade."
"We didn't like staying in Hogsmeade," Hermione corrected him. "And since we now can apparate, we decided to visit you before spending the afternoon in London." She grinned. And at seventeen years, she was finally legally an adult, so she could use magic whenever and wherever she wanted without violating that stupid decree.
Mum smiled, then pursed her lips. "Oh, you should have told us in advance, so we could have prepared a sunday meal."
"We don't need a fancy meal," Hermione told them. "Just sandwiches will do. Or a salad."
"Yes. I'm still feeling the Halloween feast in my stomach," Harry added.
Hermione snorted. "You didn't want to listen when I told you another slice of treacle tart would be too much."
"I managed to keep it down," he replied with a pout.
"And complained the whole time afterwards." She shook her head as they went down the stairs to join Mum.
"It was worth it," Harry said.
Mum laughed. "So, what's happening at Hogwarts? Did the other students finally stop hounding you?"
Hermione sighed. "Most stopped acting like paparazzi. But a few didn't."
"Damn Creevey!" Harry cursed.
"And are you still bound to follow that elf's script?" Mum sounded a little too casual, in Hermione's opinion.
"Yes. But on Sundays, we're free," she replied.
"And it's not too bad. We just have to act like we were in a romance novel," Harry added. "Or so I've been told."
Mum smiled at that. Hermione didn't know if she should smile at Harry's attitude towards romance novels - there was nothing wrong with them - or frown at her mother's obvious amusement at their, well, it wasn't a real plight. Though having her whole room except for Lavender assume she was into such overdone dates… Parvati was now swapping tips with her. Or trying to. And Lavender was oh so eager to help them keep up the charade that they were doing out of their own free will by making the most outrageous suggestions. If she ever talked to Jabby...
"Well, today we won't be gorging on sweets and having a candlelight dinner," Hermione announced. "We're going to see a movie and visit the museum. And then we'll have a normal dinner in an Italian restaurant." Just as planned.
"So, you're going to follow your script for a romantic date instead?"
"Mum!" Hermione narrowed her eyes at her mother while Harry laughed.
It wasn't funny!
Hogwarts, November 3rd, 1996
"Today was a nice day," Harry Potter commented as he shifted a little on his bed. It was a little small for two people and - as they had found out - charmed against Extension Charms. Not against Privacy Charms, though. And all in all, it was large enough for them, but barely so. And he loved holding her while they fell asleep.
"Yes," Hermione agreed with a sigh that tickled the skin on his chest. "Just a normal day without anyone staring at us."
He nodded. "Yes." Peaceful. "We should do that more often."
"You said that already. Several times. And I've agreed every time." She chuckled.
"Well, it bears repeating," he said. "It's just… I wish we could do that in Wizarding Britain as well." Muggle Britain was great, but it wasn't home.
"Yes." Hermione agreed.
Although for her, muggle Britain was home. Or had been home. "If you had to choose…" He trailed off.
"Choose between what?" she asked after a moment.
"Between living in muggle or Wizarding Britain." He clenched his teeth, waiting for her answer.
"That's a silly question."
"We don't have to choose. We're free to live wherever we want," Hermione said.
"We just have to tolerate the paparazzi."
"Technically, they aren't paparazzi," she replied as if she hadn't used the term first. "Just nosy, rude people."
"Paparazzi sounds better," he said.
She grumbled something that might have been an agreement.
"But they are annoying," he said. It was hard to have a romantic date with everyone staring at you.
"Yes." He felt her tense. "But they won't be doing that forever," she went on. "Sooner or later, they'll focus on someone else. And we'll have our peace."
He smiled at that. "You're right." And it wasn't as if they had too much trouble while they were at Hogwarts.
"Of course I am," she mumbled, then shifted and placed her head on his chest, sliding one leg over.
He pulled her a little closer - gently - and sighed with a smile.
All in all, things were going great. Much better than he had expected at the start of summer.
King's Cross Station, London, Britain, September 1st, 1996
Ron Weasley smiled. Finally, an empty compartment! "Found one!" he announced to his friends.
"Great!" Lavender beamed at him as she followed him inside.
"Well, we were bound to find one as long as we continued down the train," Hermione said.
"Just hurry inside!" Harry muttered. "And then we can lock the door!"
Ron pressed his lips together so he wouldn't chuckle. Even though it was funny.
"I told you we should hex some of them," Hermione said as she stepped inside. "Pour encourager les autres." She turned and cast a spell at the door. Not a locking charm, so… ah, a privacy charm. Ron had seen her cast it before.
"Shouldn't that be 'discourage' in this case?" Lavender asked. "And no hexing! As prefect, Ron would have to deduct points from our house for that."
"Right." Ron nodded.
"Encourage fits - we want to encourage people to keep their distance," Hermione replied with a scowl. "What's wrong with them? They barely cared about either of us before, but now, suddenly, we're supposed to be their best friends?"
"Well, you're famous," Lavender said with a shrug, waving her wand to stash her trunk above them. "Your latest interview didn't help, of course."
"Asking for the worldwide abolition of slavery tends to make waves," Ron agreed. "Percy told me that there have been inquiries from a dozen other countries about it."
"They should simply ask Dumbledore," Harry said. "He's the Supreme Mugwump."
"He didn't give the interview; you two did," Lavender pointed out before leaning into Ron's side with a smile.
"On his orders," Hermione said.
"And with clear instructions - we even rehearsed our lines," Harry added.
"Twice." Hermione scoffed. "And the whole thing was about as harmless as it could be. Asking for the abolition of slavery was the only controversial line in it. We didn't even ask for any concrete action."
"Well, many countries remember Dumbledore's 'grand tour' after Grindelwald's War," Ron pointed out. The Headmaster hadn't actually toppled any government, at least as far as Ron knew, but he had certainly intervened in more than one country.
"And he knew that," Harry admitted. "That's why he was so adamant about our lines."
"That's the price of being famous," Ron told him with a grin.
Both Harry and Hermione glared at him. "There are just too many countries where slavery is legal," Hermione spat as she took her seat. Not even Harry wrapping his arm around her and planting a kiss on her cheek made her smile.
"And that will change," Harry said.
"Well, Fleur said that the French are all fired up for a war," Ron told them.
"I didn't read about that in the newspapers!" Hermione protested.
"It's all over the Tribune Magique," he explained. "I've seen the headlines myself."
"And the Prophet didn't even mention it! Typical!"
"The Ministry's stance is 'don't rock the boat', as usual," Harry said. "And the Prophet does what the Ministry wants."
"And the Ministry does what the Headmaster wants," Ron added. "Not that he usually asks anything of them."
"Maybe he should," Hermione muttered with a scowl. Then she sighed and leaned back, closing her eyes. "I'm just glad we're back at Hogwarts and won't have to watch our backs as much any more."
"Careful - Malfoy is bound to try something," Lavender said. "I've heard from Parvati that everyone thinks that he's been fancying both of you for years."
"They can't be serious!" Hermione objected with a grimace.
"I'm sure many know it's not true - but it's such a fine rumour." Lavender grinned widely. "And with you two being a couple, many say that anything is possible!"
"Except for the Cannons winning the cup." Harry smirked.
Ron frowned at his friend. The Cannons had a chance! Not the best odds, but anything was possible in Quidditch, with a bit - or a lot - of luck. "We'll see about that," he said. "But back to our two celebrities. Did anyone ask you for an autograph?"
"No," Hermione spat.
"One of the Creevey brothers seemed like he wanted to ask something, but we blew past them," Harry said. He looked around. "Where's Ginny?"
"She said she's taking a compartment with Luna. I told her we have room for her, but…" Ron shrugged. "They probably don't want to deal with your fans," he added with a grin.
Hermione snorted. "I bet they will get more questions wherever they are than with us."
Ron nodded. "Probably." On the other hand, Ginny wasn't shy to hex anyone who annoyed her. "We'll know when we see bat-boogers flying through the train."
Lavender giggled at that. "Will Neville join us?"
Harry shrugged. "Probably. Or he's sitting with Seamus and Dean. But I haven't seen him around so far."
"As long as we have some peace and quiet, I'm happy with whatever," Hermione said.
As if someone had heard them despite their privacy charm, they heard a knock on the door. A moment later, it was opened, and Fay Dunbar stuck her head inside. "There you are!" She beamed at Ron, and he felt Lavender tighten her grip on his arm. "I just wanted to remind you that we've got the prefect's meeting as soon as we leave the station. Oh, hi, Lavender. Hi, Harry. Hi, Hermione! How are you doing?"
Ron narrowed his eyes. His fellow prefect hadn't done that last year. Granted, that had been their first trip as prefects, but…
"We're fine," Hermione said. "Just a little stressed by all those hangers-on."
"Oh? Well, if you get bothered, just tell me. Or Ron. We're going to deal with it." Fay nodded. "So, any other trouble?"
Ron had seen more subtle fishing for information from Malfoy. He shook his head. "No, we're fine."
Fay pouted for a moment, then nodded. "Until later, then!"
Ron suppressed a sigh when the door closed behind his fellow prefect. Lavender was scowling - no surprise there; she didn't like Fay. Or rather, she didn't like that Fay and Ron had to patrol together. Even though Fay hadn't actually… well, she was always friendly, never grumpy, but that was it. She hadn't tried to kiss Ron or anything.
"Bet she's trying to pump you for information as soon as you're on the way," Lavender muttered.
"I'm not taking that bet," Hermione replied. "Of course she's going to do that."
Right. Hermione was in the same dorm, after all. "Well, I'm not going to tell her anything," Ron declared.
"Maybe you should," Hermione told him. "Otherwise, they'll make up worse rumours."
"Good point," Harry said, nodding. "Just stick to what's in the articles. In the Prophet," he added.
"I'm not going to talk about The Quibbler," Ron assured him. No matter what Luna might say.
"You shouldn't even talk to Fay at all," Lavender grumbled.
He pulled her closer to him and placed a kiss on her head. She shifted in response and pulled his head down for a proper snog.
Harry coughed.
Ron rolled his eyes as he pulled back. "Oh, as if you never snogged in front of us!"
That made them blush, at least. And Lavender giggle.
"So… what's up with Harry and Hermione?" Fay asked as soon as the door to the compartment had closed and they were walking to the front of the train, where the meeting with the Head Boy and Head Girl would be held. "I've read the Prophet, but…" She shrugged. "It's the Prophet."
Exactly how Lavender had suspected. Ron shrugged. "Shouldn't you ask Hermione that?"
Fay chuckled. "Really? Would you ask her about her love life?"
Of course Ron wouldn't! Well, probably not - he had spent a lot of time with Harry and her since their ordeal, after all, and while he wouldn't say that they were best friends, they weren't exactly strangers. Certainly more than mere acquaintances. Still, someone's love life wasn't exactly a subject you just picked for casual conversation.
So he shrugged. "I would ask Harry if I thought it was my business. Which I don't."
"Really?" she repeated herself, shaking her head with a smile. "Of course he told you already, right?"
"If he did, I'm not going to betray his confidence," Ron told her with a frown as they entered the next car.
"Of course not!" She fell silent for a moment, and they passed two second years from Hufflepuff waiting in front of the loo. "But you've read the articles as well, right?"
"So… is it true?"
Ron took a deep breath. "They did kill a wyvern. And they did fight the pirates. Got chased by them, sank the pirates' ship, freed a young witch and escaped the island."
"Oh! And they are a couple?"
Was that what she wanted to know? Ron glanced at her. She looked quite eager. Great. He nodded. "Yes, they became a couple on the island."
"Oh! How romantic!"
Well, that was one word for it. "They're a pretty normal couple," Ron said with another shrug. Except for them sleeping together every night, but that wasn't something he'd tell anyone.
"Really? Normal? Those two? You don't think they tried to hex each other, and they miscast a curse and fell in love instead?"
Where had she heard that? That was… "Dumbledore examined both of them for any curses," Ron told her. It probably hadn't been the Headmaster himself, but that should shut her up. Maybe Lavender had had the right idea...
They stepped into the next car - the last car before the engine. And there was the prefects' compartment.
"Finally. Always late, are you, Weasley? You didn't get stranded on a pirate island, did you?"
And Malfoy and Parkinson. As expected.
Ron rolled his eyes. "Wow, Malfoy, what a stupid question! I'd ask if you had been too long out in the sun over the summer, but you're as pale as always. So, that's probably just you being stupid as usual."
"Why you…!"
"Simmer down!" the new Head Girl, Brockleturn from Hufflepuff, snapped. "Merlin's beard! Don't start trouble on the first day! We're not going to tolerate that!"
"I'm not starting anything," Ron said.
"Potter and Granger are the ones who always start trouble!" Parkinson claimed.
"Not any more!" Fay said as she sat down. "They're a couple!"
"I don't believe it!"
"Did you see that yourself?"
"Did they snog?"
"But it's the Prophet!"
"The Quibbler said the same!"
"But that's The Quibbler!"
Ron almost took a step back out of the compartment at the ruckus Fay's announcement had created. Had they all gone mad?
"Quiet!" The Head Girl brandished her wand. "We're not here to gossip about the Prophet or The Quibbler!"
Ron smiled as he took his seat. At least the Head Girl - the Head Boy, a Ravenclaw Ron didn't know, had been remarkably silent - had her head screwed on straight.
Until the girl leaned forward and faced him. "But they're right - Potter and Granger are the worst troublemakers. So, what's up with them? I need to know if we need to keep them under observation."
Ron refrained from groaning. Great. Just great.
Hogwarts, September 1st, 1996
Harry Potter was getting tired of all the glances and looks and stares. No, he was already past 'tired' and quickly reaching 'annoyed' as he stepped into the Great Hall for the Welcoming Feast.
"It's as if they hadn't seen a couple before," he muttered. That Malfoy was glaring at him was expected, especially after what Ron had told them about the git's reaction. But everyone else?
Hermione, at his side, whispered back: "Yes. I feel a little like a celebrity hounded by the press."
"If anyone is taking pictures, I'll hex him," Harry promised. Their 'therapist' - even though Miss Vance insisted that she wasn't a therapist, 'just someone who knows what you went through and won't tell your parents' - would understand that.
"We just have to ride out our fifteen minutes of fame."
"A comment by Andy Warhol about fleeting fame," Hermione explained.
"Ah." Harry remembered hearing something like that at Auntie Petunia's.
They took their… well, not their customary seats at the Gryffindor table. Usually, they sat as far apart as possible. No longer, of course.
Though that triggered more whispers. Harry glared at their fellow Gryffindors. They really should know better! Hell, Dean, Seamus and Katie had been at his birthday party but were still gossiping… He blinked. "Is Seamus trying to impress Fay with gossip about us?"
Hermione frowned as she looked down the table. "It's possible."
Fay was looking back and forth between Seamus and them, in any case. "I'll have a talk with him," Harry growled.
"Just let it go," Hermione told him as Ron and Lavender joined them, followed by Neville.
"Let what go?" Ron asked.
"Seamus is trying to use us to chat up Fay," Harry explained.
"Oh." Lavender turned her head. "He is!"
She seemed strangely happy about that, Harry noted.
"Well, the whole thing should quickly die down now that we're back at Hogwarts," Hermione said. "Without further interviews, and everyone able to see for themselves that we aren't some… exotic, famous couple."
She sounded as if she was trying to convince herself, in Harry's opinion. He hoped that she was correct. Harry almost wanted to cast a Disillusionment Charm… No. He wouldn't be hiding like that. He had faced a wyvern and a band of pirates. A little staring and whispering was nothing.
He still was relieved when McGonagall led the new first years into the Great Hall, and the sorting drew the attention of everyone away from Harry and Hermione.
"You want a lookout?" The elf - Jabby - smiled widely. "For tête-à-têtes? Ohh!"
Harry Potter couldn't help glancing around, even though he had checked with Sirius's new map that they were alone and Hermione had cast another privacy spell.
"We want to be able to spend every night together," Hermione said.
Jabby nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes! Jabby can do that. But that's a huge task! Have to fool the Headmaster, great Dumbledore, and all the professors!"
"The Headmaster is informed," Harry told him. "He's tacitly approving." At least that was what Mum had told them. And unlike Sirius, Mum wouldn't stretch the truth.
"'Tacitly approving'?" The elf tilted his head to the side, past his shoulder - it wasn't as impressive as Hedwig managed, but it was still disturbing.
"He knows what we are planning and hasn't done anything to stop us," Hermione explained.
"Shady!" the elf exclaimed with glee.
"Yes, shady," Harry agreed. "So, what do you want in exchange for serving as a lookout?" He really hoped that this elf didn't want to dress them up in woollen underwear.
"Oh!" The elf studied them, tapping a long index finger against his lips. "Hm."
Harry suppressed the urge to sigh. Never let them see how eager you are, Sirius had told them.
"Oh! Your Hogsmeade Weekends!"
Harry blinked. "What?"
"Jabby can make plans! Great plans! Visits to Honeydukes, pubs and tea rooms! Itinerary! Dress codes!"
Harry exchanged a glance with Hermione. That sounded… excessive. On the other hand, having to wear woollen underwear - or worse - for the rest of their time at Hogwarts wasn't appealing either.
"Not every weekend!" Hermione said. "Every second. And only half the weekend!"
"Every weekend, but one hour free!"
After twenty minutes, they had managed to bargain Jabby down to every Hogsmeade weekend, but only six hours on a Saturday.
And everyone would think that they had spent the time snogging.
An hour later, Harry was in his bed. Which felt empty without Hermione next to him. Cold, lonely… He snorted. He was at Hogwarts, in his dorm. Hermione was just a few stairs away. And she would soon join him. Or so he hoped. She might get held up by the others in her dorm, asking her questions about them.
Since all his dormmates had been at his birthday party, that wasn't a problem for Harry. Seamus had made a few comments and had asked a few stupid questions, but that had been it. Dean hadn't really cared, Ron already knew everything - almost everything - and Neville hadn't asked any stupid questions either.
He pulled the map Sirius had given him out and checked it. Hermione was still in her dorm. And Lavender and the others were gathered around her. Damn, as he had suspected.
Sighing, he leaned back. They had to wait until the others were asleep before Hermione could join him. This could be a long night.
Hogwarts, September 2nd, 1996
"So, Potter. I heard you had an eventful summer."
Hermione Granger rolled her eyes. What a way to start the term! They hadn't even entered the Great Hall yet for breakfast, and Malfoy was already bothering them.
"Wow, Malfoy! You read the Prophet?" Harry smiled at the git. "I'm impressed - I didn't think you could read that well. Wait! You said 'heard', not 'read'. Did your mummy read it to you, or did you have an elf read it for you?"
"Very funny." Malfoy, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle, as usual, glared at them.
At least Parkinson wasn't present. The snobby, vain witch was probably still busy trying to make herself look 'presentable'.
"Thank you!" Harry beamed at the git and sketched a bow. "I'll be here all week!"
"What?" Malfoy blinked.
"Muggle expression, don't worry about it," Harry said, waving his hand.
"Typical! I should have known you'd…" Malfoy trailed off.
"Known what?" Hermione asked, tilting her head slightly. "Were you about to make another bigoted remark? Or did you just forget what you were about to say and are now desperately but futilely trying to remember?"
He scoffed in return, but she saw him clench his teeth. "I've read the news. What a load of dragon dung! How much did you pay the Prophet to print it?"
"We didn't pay them anything. They asked for an interview," Harry told him.
"To hear your fantasy?" And here came the sneer. "As if anyone would believe such a tale!"
"Are you calling me a liar?" Harry asked.
Malfoy straightened, pressing his lips together for a moment. "Are you claiming that the Prophet's article is factual?"
That was actually a decent bit of evasion - everyone knew that the Prophet and facts didn't often agree. But this time, they did. Hermione narrowed her eyes. "We ensured that they didn't lie or embellish things in the interview."
Malfoy scoffed in response. "A likely story. So, you claim to have slain a wyvern and sunk a pirate ship. And yet, according to the Ministry's files, Dumbledore defeated the pirates."
"You didn't read the article, I see," Harry replied. "Yes, Dumbledore defeated the pirates - with the help of my parents and their friends - but the ship was sunk by us."
By Harry, actually - Hermione hadn't been involved in that part of their plan. But she nodded. "And yes, we killed the wyvern. I'm sure your father has told you about the skull currently held at the Ministry."
"Anyone can stumble upon a skull and claim they killed a dangerous beast!" Malfoy retorted.
Hermione scoffed. The git was getting really annoying - and he was holding them up when she wanted to have breakfast. She really needed some strong tea - it had been a rather short night, all things considered. And they were attracting a small crowd which was quickly growing into a not-so-small crowd. "The Headmaster confirmed our story. Do you want to call him a liar?"
"It's obvious that you two are his favourites!" Malfoy shot back. "Otherwise, you'd have been expelled long ago!"
"As if!" Harry snorted.
"Honestly," Hermione continued. "You're claiming that the Headmaster would lie, that the Ministry would lie, that Britain would cause international tensions based on a lie…" She shook her head. "And why? Because you can't accept that we managed things you only dream of?"
"Yes, Malfoy - what's your problem? Except for the obvious, I mean." Harry leaned closer to her and wrapped his right arm around her waist.
That was nice but it also meant that he'd be slow to draw his wand, Hermione noted. And they were surrounded by students, now. If anyone wanted to harm them, they'd have the perfect opportunity to strike, and she didn't like that.
"I don't have any problem with your delusional claims. I'm merely pointing out inconsistencies," Malfoy shot back, raising his chin in an attempt to look less like a snivelling weasel.
"Oh, so it's true - I hadn't really believed it when I heard it, but this confirms it!" Harry exclaimed.
"What?" Malfoy stared, blinking, with a stupid expression on his face.
Hermione tensed. She knew what was coming.
"You are jealous that we're a couple and refuse to accept that!" Harry grinned. "It all makes sense now: your constant begging for attention, your absolutely hopeless attempts to hex either of us and your refusal to accept that neither Hermione nor I return your feelings!"
"What? That's… that's… How dare you!" Malfoy sputtered, flushed with anger. At least Hermione hoped it was anger. Most of the students nearby were laughing and giggling, though.
Harry snorted in return and turned to Hermione. "Let's not give him any more attention," he said - and kissed her before she could answer.
Hermione suppressed a moan - they were surrounded by dozens of students, after all, and she had her dignity. She didn't close her eyes, though - not in this situation. Instead, she looked at Malfoy in the corner of her eye.
So when the git raised his wand, still trembling with anger and embarrassment, she flicked her own and sent him to the ground with a Jelly Legs Jinx. Harry finished him off with a Silencing Charm cast left-handed.
Unfortunately, by the time they broke their kiss, their audience included Professor McGonagall, who was decidedly not amused.
Well, it wasn't the first time that they were sent to the professor's office the second day of the term.
"You haven't been at Hogwarts for a day yet, and you already hexed a fellow student in the halls!"
McGonagall sighed as she sat down behind her desk, Harry Potter noted. Well, that was nothing new. "It wasn't a fellow student," he objected. "It was Malfoy."
And there was the glare he had been expecting. "Do not test my patience with such remarks, Mr Potter!"
"He was trying to hex us," Hermione said. "We only defended ourselves."
"And you didn't provoke him at all, I presume?" Eyebrows rose.
Harry had to struggle not to smile - this felt so familiar! Except for the fact that he and Hermione were sitting next to each other, not as far apart as possible. "We didn't!" he said. "He accosted us. Called us - and the Headmaster - a liar!"
"He insinuated that, at least," Hermione added. "He professed doubt about our claims, which the Headmaster had confirmed."
"And you politely explained the facts to him?" McGonagall's tone dripped with sarcasm.
"Yes!" Harry nodded, trying not to smile.
"I pointed out the logical fallacies his statements implied," Hermione said, nodding with an earnest expression.
"So you didn't spread this rumour that he is infatuated with either or both of you?" McGonagall's eyes narrowed.
"I mentioned it," Harry said.
"It's possible that it's true, after all," Hermione went on. "His behaviour is suspect."
McGonagall snorted, but it lacked any humour. "Then you admit that you provoked him."
"Are you saying that it's an insult to imply that someone might be attracted to either of us?" Hermione asked with a frown.
Oh, nice! Harry nodded, trying to sound serious. "That sounds like an insult to us, Professor! We were just speculating."
But the witch scoffed in return. "Even if I would believe you, you'd still have provoked him by insinuating that his hypothetical attraction was entirely one-sided and hopeless. That is not how you politely and gracefully let someone down."
"I called his attempts to hex either of us hopeless," Harry protested. "Not his attraction itself!"
"And history proves us right in that regard," Hermione added. "His past attempts to attack either of us were as easily defeated as today's."
"And he did try to hex us - we didn't hex him first!" Harry nodded. "It was self-defence."
McGonagall looked from Harry to Hermione and back, shaking her head. "It feels like talking to the Weasley twins."
Huh? Harry glanced at Hermione; she looked puzzled as well.
"Nevertheless, you expected him to attempt to hex you. The moment he raised his wand, you struck, Miss Granger."
At least McGonagall wasn't disputing that Malfoy had started the actual fight, Harry noted.
"Of course, Professor. We knew that he was violent from our experiences with him and that we would be vulnerable - or appear to be - when we were kissing," Hermione said. "Not to mention that anyone could've been using the throng of people around us as a cover for an attack."
Once more, the professor stared at them, though this time, she looked more surprised than annoyed. At least for a moment. "The Headmaster informed me about your… special circumstances."
Harry clenched his teeth so he wouldn't blurt out that they were fine. But that wouldn't help their argument right now. Even though it was true. They had had several talks with Miss Vance already, after all.
"We have the right to defend ourselves," Hermione said with narrowed eyes. "And Malfoy raised his wand first in a clear attempt to curse us."
"An attempt you anticipated."
"Of course we did!" Harry said. "We know him."
"And you wouldn't have been able to stop him without hexing him?" McGonagall slightly tilted her head to look at them over her glasses. "Would he have gone through with his attempt if you had him at wand point?"
"We shouldn't be required to take a risk and potentially stop an attack when we can definitely stop an attack," Hermione replied. "That's the law."
"That's the law for the Ministry. This is about breaking Hogwarts rules."
"Are you honestly trying to tell us that we can't defend ourselves?" Harry shook his head. "Hogwarts isn't exempt from the rule of law!"
The way the professor snorted probably meant that he had overdone it a little. "Even under Ministry law, you provoked Mr Malfoy. That doesn't mean he was correct to attempt to hex you, of course," she said. Hermione, who had been about to protest, Harry knew her, closed her mouth with a pout. "He will be punished for that. But so will you." She glared at them. "You'll have detention today and tomorrow."
Harry suppressed a snort. This wasn't the first time he was getting punished. Not by far. Two days detention? Easy. After all, the professor was punishing herself as well since she would have to supervise it. "Yes, professor:"
"Yes, professor," Hermione echoed him. "And what will be Malfoy's punishment?"
"The same as yours."
Harry blinked. "Does that mean he'll get two detentions as well, or that he'll get two detentions with us?"
"The latter. I am not going to spend any more hours than I have to to deal with this."
Damn. Detention with Malfoy. That wasn't any fun at all. He'd whine the whole time. Harry exchanged a glance with Hermione. She didn't look happy about the news either.
They should've hexed the guy some more, so Madam Pomfrey wouldn't release him from the Infirmary until their detentions were over.
Though they probably would've gotten longer detentions in that case.
This was all Malfoy's fault!
Hogwarts, September 4th, 1996
"See anyone?" Harry whispered.
Hermione Granger looked around. She had cast a Privacy Charm, but that would only prevent anyone from overhearing them. Anyone could still spot them with a Human-presence-revealing Charm. On the other hand, if they could spot them, she would spot them as well. "No."
"Good." He opened the door to the duelling salle, and both of them slipped inside. Hermione quickly closed the door behind them.
"Merlin's beard! I thought they would've stopped hounding us by now!" Harry exclaimed.
"Well, our confrontation with Malfoy fanned the flames, so to speak," Hermione said, looking around. The salle was empty, as the map had indicated. It should be empty, anyway, so close to curfew. Students weren't supposed to use the room without a professor to supervise. Many still did, anyway. Like them. She cast an advanced locking charm on the door, just in case. "That should convince anyone wanting to 'settle a score' that the teachers improved security," she explained.
"Good idea!" Harry smiled at her. "I wouldn't mind settling a few scores myself!"
"We can't hex people for watching us," Hermione said. Even though she really wanted to, at times. It got really annoying if everyone watched you like the telly.
"It would make people leave us alone, though," Harry said.
"Yes." Hermione nodded. "We'd only have to hit a few choice targets to get the message across." And she had a few people in mind already. "But everyone would know it was us."
"A couple detentions wouldn't be too bad," Harry said.
That was true. Although… "What if they don't stick to detentions?" Professor McGonagall had even said that she didn't want to run another detention this term - albeit that was likely due to Malfoy's constant whining.
Harry snorted. "What else can they do? Filch isn't allowed to torture students any more."
"But the Headmaster could take steps to crack down on our 'arrangement'," she pointed out. "If he talks to the elves…"
"And he would suspect that - or check it anyway." Harry sighed through clenched teeth. "We can't risk that."
No, they couldn't. Hermione needed Harry. To fall asleep without him felt… not safe. And she didn't want to have nightmares again. "So, I guess we have to grin and bear it."
"Unless they cross a line," Harry said. "Like Malfoy."
Right. That was always an option. "But we need to be more subtle," Hermione pointed out. "So Professor McGonagall can't blame us for any incident."
"Yes," he agreed. "But we can at least hex anyone who tries to 'surprise' us."
"Of course."
Harry looked around. "So, with that settled, let's do some training!"
Hermione was already drawing her wand. They couldn't let their skills slip, after all. Not after all they had gone through.
Hermione Granger wasn't limping when she returned to her dorm an hour later, but only because she had learned the charm to treat a sprained ankle in the last week of August. She'd have to train some more to be able to do that running roll to the side without risking an injury.
Sighing, she entered her room.
"Hi, Hermione!"
"Did you have a nice 'study session'?"
Hermione rolled her eyes at Lily and Parvati's comments. What did they think she had been doing? Well, she knew what they thought. And they weren't entirely incorrect - there had been some snogging - but they had spent most of the time training duelling. Or, rather, defence. A lot of what they had trained would be illegal in the ring. "We had a productive session," she told them, which sent both giggling.
Lavender was on her bed, reading the latest Teen Witch Weekly. Fay wasn't present - the prefects of their year were doing the curfew patrol today. Which meant Lavender was in a bad mood.
Hermione sat down on her friend's bed and stretched. "Ron won't give Fay the time of day," she said as she rubbed her legs. The modified duelling robes were enchanted to provide her with better protection, but no defence was perfect. Harry had landed a few Stinging Hexes that hadn't felt as if they had been weakened at all.
"I know," Lavender replied.
But she was still worried, Hermione knew.
Her friend sighed. "But… she's so obvious, and he doesn't see it!" She sneered. "'She's just being friendly'," she imitated Ron.
"Well, as long as he doesn't even realise that she's interested in him, she has no chance at all," Hermione pointed out.
"I should hex her into the Infirmary," Lavender said with a growl. "Follow your example. No one dares to flirt with Harry."
Hermione blinked. "I haven't hexed anyone for flirting with him," she pointed out. Had anyone been flirting with him, anyway? She didn't think so.
"You don't have to - everyone knows you'd do it," Lavender grumbled. "But I haven't killed a wyvern and fought pirates."
"That didn't stop Malfoy."
"Malfoy doesn't count. He's too stupid to understand. And he wouldn't be a rival anyway."
That was true. Although… "My reputation didn't stop anyone from hounding us like paparazzi," Hermione complained.
"Well… Perhaps you should hex a few to send a message? We can team up and hex Fay together! You for trying to gossip, me for trying to seduce Ron!" Lavender grinned.
Hermione narrowed her eyes at her friend. "Don't you start!"
Lavender giggled. After a moment, Hermione laughed as well.
Compared to having to fight for your life and freedom, dealing with school gossip wasn't really anything to worry about. It was an annoyance, nothing more.
Although if anyone tried to seduce Harry...
Hogsmeade, October 5th, 1996
"Well, this doesn't look too bad," Harry Potter said.
"You've said that before," Hermione replied.
He had. And it was true. Sort of. Mostly. He glanced at the itinerary Jabby had written for them. "We can cross off 'carriage ride' already."
"Great," Hermione said. "That just leaves…" She cocked her head and glanced at the sheet in Harry's hand, though he was certain she knew the schedule by heart. "...a romantic stroll through Hogsmeade for at least twenty minutes, a visit to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop for an hour enjoying the 'lover's delight' special menu, shopping for gifts, a romantic dinner at the Three Broomsticks Inn and another romantic stroll back to Hogwarts along the shores of the Black Lake." She narrowed her eyes at him.
"At least we didn't get a list for the shops we have to visit?" Harry forced himself to smile.
Hermione scoffed. "I feel like a character in a romance novel. Or a movie."
"Perhaps Jabby is just trying to be nice?" Harry shrugged.
Hermione snorted in return. "I think he just likes certain novels. At least he hasn't scripted our dialogue for us. Or any other interaction."
"Right. Still…" Harry looked around. Most of the students who had gone to Hogsmeade with them had already left for the village proper. Ron and Lavender had split off right away, something about not wanting to follow a house-elf's orders on their date. Ginny and Luna were off to... somewhere. Either exploring the Shrieking Shack or trying to eat Honeydukes out of stock. Harry hadn't quite understood Luna's explanation as Ginny dragged her away.
Indeed, the novelty of their relationship seemed to have finally faded some over the last month. And they didn't have to hex more than one person stalking them. And they hadn't had to talk to Miss Vance about nightmares more than once.
But there were still a dozen students left watching them. Most pretended to wait for someone, some were reading the newspaper, but a few just stared at them. And Creevey had his damn camera ready. Harry glared at the boy, and he paled and stepped back behind the corner.
"Really! One would think they've never seen dress robes before," Hermione commented.
"I doubt that too many have seen French dress robes," Harry pointed out.
"Please!" Hermione snorted again. "This ensemble was featured prominently in a recent issue of Witch Weekly." She ran her hand down the front of her robes. Which was a little distracting - her robes weren't really cut for the weather and temperature. If not for the charms on it, Hermione would be freezing, Harry was sure. Even though she was also very hot.
They certainly looked better than his own dress robes, which were as far from his preferred style as you could be and still vaguely qualify as robes. For a supposed 'Duelling Style', they didn't really protect much of him either - his chest was exposed down to the navel, and the pants were so tight, he almost had to cast a shrinking charm on his legs to pull them up. At least Hermione liked them.
"Well, I doubt that they saw the dress robes for real," he said.
"Probably not," Hermione agreed. "Well, let's get it over with!"
"One elven date, coming up!" Harry said, holding his arm out to her.
That made her laugh, at least, and she hooked her arm into the crook of his own and leaned her head on his shoulders as they entered the village. Truth to be told, Harry didn't mind it too much. He wouldn't have picked the exact itinerary, but a date was a date. And Hogsmeade was...
...apparently not used to their relationship yet. Or their fame had still to fade in the village - a witch peering out of her shop was openly staring at them.
Kingston Upon Tames, London, Britain, November 3rd, 1996
Hermione Granger tried not to wince when she appeared inside her room. Even after weeks of practising - clandestinely, of course, since one couldn't apparate at Hogwarts, they had to train outside - apparating still felt horrible. No wonder most people preferred to use the Floo network or even the Knight Bus.
Not that that was an option for her and Harry, of course - they were supposed to be in Hogsmeade. Not in London. And they couldn't afford to run into anyone who might recognise them. Such as anyone who had read the Prophet over the summer.
A popping sound announced Harry's arrival next to her. He grimaced and quickly ran his hands over his body.
"I don't see any signs of splinching," Hermione told him.
"Thanks." He straightened, then pulled out a small mirror from his enchanted pocket. "Ron? We've arrived safely," he whispered.
"Yes, mate." Ron did sound a little annoyed. "I'll call you when anyone asks for you. As we agreed."
"Thanks!" Harry smiled and put the mirror away. "So, everything's set."
"Yes." As they had planned for their first real free weekend. "Let's check on my parents."
She opened the door and called out: "Mum? Dad?"
"Hermione?" Mum answered. A moment later, Hermione saw her step into the hallway and peer up the stairs. "What are you doing here?"
"We've got a Hogsmeade weekend," Harry replied with a wave, "and we didn't like going to Hogsmeade."
"We didn't like staying in Hogsmeade," Hermione corrected him. "And since we now can apparate, we decided to visit you before spending the afternoon in London." She grinned. And at seventeen years, she was finally legally an adult, so she could use magic whenever and wherever she wanted without violating that stupid decree.
Mum smiled, then pursed her lips. "Oh, you should have told us in advance, so we could have prepared a sunday meal."
"We don't need a fancy meal," Hermione told them. "Just sandwiches will do. Or a salad."
"Yes. I'm still feeling the Halloween feast in my stomach," Harry added.
Hermione snorted. "You didn't want to listen when I told you another slice of treacle tart would be too much."
"I managed to keep it down," he replied with a pout.
"And complained the whole time afterwards." She shook her head as they went down the stairs to join Mum.
"It was worth it," Harry said.
Mum laughed. "So, what's happening at Hogwarts? Did the other students finally stop hounding you?"
Hermione sighed. "Most stopped acting like paparazzi. But a few didn't."
"Damn Creevey!" Harry cursed.
"And are you still bound to follow that elf's script?" Mum sounded a little too casual, in Hermione's opinion.
"Yes. But on Sundays, we're free," she replied.
"And it's not too bad. We just have to act like we were in a romance novel," Harry added. "Or so I've been told."
Mum smiled at that. Hermione didn't know if she should smile at Harry's attitude towards romance novels - there was nothing wrong with them - or frown at her mother's obvious amusement at their, well, it wasn't a real plight. Though having her whole room except for Lavender assume she was into such overdone dates… Parvati was now swapping tips with her. Or trying to. And Lavender was oh so eager to help them keep up the charade that they were doing out of their own free will by making the most outrageous suggestions. If she ever talked to Jabby...
"Well, today we won't be gorging on sweets and having a candlelight dinner," Hermione announced. "We're going to see a movie and visit the museum. And then we'll have a normal dinner in an Italian restaurant." Just as planned.
"So, you're going to follow your script for a romantic date instead?"
"Mum!" Hermione narrowed her eyes at her mother while Harry laughed.
It wasn't funny!
Hogwarts, November 3rd, 1996
"Today was a nice day," Harry Potter commented as he shifted a little on his bed. It was a little small for two people and - as they had found out - charmed against Extension Charms. Not against Privacy Charms, though. And all in all, it was large enough for them, but barely so. And he loved holding her while they fell asleep.
"Yes," Hermione agreed with a sigh that tickled the skin on his chest. "Just a normal day without anyone staring at us."
He nodded. "Yes." Peaceful. "We should do that more often."
"You said that already. Several times. And I've agreed every time." She chuckled.
"Well, it bears repeating," he said. "It's just… I wish we could do that in Wizarding Britain as well." Muggle Britain was great, but it wasn't home.
"Yes." Hermione agreed.
Although for her, muggle Britain was home. Or had been home. "If you had to choose…" He trailed off.
"Choose between what?" she asked after a moment.
"Between living in muggle or Wizarding Britain." He clenched his teeth, waiting for her answer.
"That's a silly question."
"We don't have to choose. We're free to live wherever we want," Hermione said.
"We just have to tolerate the paparazzi."
"Technically, they aren't paparazzi," she replied as if she hadn't used the term first. "Just nosy, rude people."
"Paparazzi sounds better," he said.
She grumbled something that might have been an agreement.
"But they are annoying," he said. It was hard to have a romantic date with everyone staring at you.
"Yes." He felt her tense. "But they won't be doing that forever," she went on. "Sooner or later, they'll focus on someone else. And we'll have our peace."
He smiled at that. "You're right." And it wasn't as if they had too much trouble while they were at Hogwarts.
"Of course I am," she mumbled, then shifted and placed her head on his chest, sliding one leg over.
He pulled her a little closer - gently - and sighed with a smile.
All in all, things were going great. Much better than he had expected at the start of summer.
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