Landing Pad
Not too sore, are you?
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Arriving at the landing platform, Anakin and Kenobi were greeted to the sight of a classic Nabooian shuttle. Long sleek design with smooth curves and sharp lines in a shining chrome that reflected the surroundings.
The ramp was already down and the pair got their first look at the delegation-
-before a rocket came screaming down from a cluster of buildings. The pair of Jedi had their lightsabers in hand as they rushed out to get a better look. The delegation was on the ground and while the ship was mostly in one piece, it would not be flying anytime soon.
"Anakin, check for survivors," Kenobi's order was swift as he scanned the surroundings, feeling out in the Force for where the rocket came from and if anymore were coming.
Anakin ran to the ship, now off balanced and leaning on a wing, the ramp destroyed and bodies strewn about. Anakin could feel as the life slipped out of those who managed to not instantly die, succumbing to the severity of their wounds.
The lights inside the ship were flickering, cargo strewn about. The first person Anakin came across had a feel in the Force he would recognize anywhere. The Angel that brought the Jedi who freed him from slavery.
She was unconscious, but pulse was steady and her presence in the Force was strong. She would hold for now. As much as Anakin wanted to help her, his rescue training told him to check if there was anyone else alive in worse condition before helping someone that is already stable.
Another familiar Force presence was the next person he came across. Head of Padme's security detail if Anakin remembered correctly. Pulse steady, Force presence weakened, but steady. Blood on head.
Anakin did not have a medkit on him, so he would have to improvise. Tearing off a sleeve of his robe, Anakin made a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding. Moving onto the cockpit, Anakin found the pilot was awake and helping to bandage up a female servant that must have been talking to him when the missile hit.
"How is she doing?" Anakin could feel her presence, strong and steady. Survival likely. Show concern to comfort the victims and put them at ease.
"A bit banged up, nothing too bad. What about everyone else?" The pilot looked to Anakin. The fear and concern was in his voice.
There would be no comfort in a lie, they would find out soon enough. Anakin shook his head. "Dead. We got two other survivors on the ship, but everyone else was caught in the blast outside the ship."
"Unconscious, but alive." Anakin pulled out a small device out of a pocket inside his robes. "Here, this should help you two get off the ship. I'm going to help the others."
"Thank you Master Jedi."
Kenobi searched the area with his senses, feeling for where the attack came from as he called in to the Temple about the events and a request for assistance. Already he could hear the sirens of emergency dispatch on its way.
He could see the open window the attack came from, but pursuit would have to wait. Protecting the lives remaining was more important.
Anakin landed behind him, laying down an unconscious figure. "Four alive. Two conscious."
The copy of the manifest Kenobi read early listed twelve passengers and crew on board. Most of them now lay dead.
"I have backup incoming. Help the rest off the ship and once the backup arrives we will go after the perpetrator."
"Yes Master."
Once medical personnel arrived on the scene, Obi-Wan directed them to the first person Anakin helped off the ship and give a recount of events.
"We got a concussion here!" Anakin's voice calls out, a group of the EMTs rushed over to Padme.
"Take the survivors to the Temple. The Jedi will provide for their care," Kenobi calls out.
The distance between the landing pad and either the hospital or the Temple was nearly identical, so time would not become an issue. Sending them to the Temple however would provide better care and protection.
"Anakin, we need to track the assassin, the missile came from that window. You go on ahead, I'm going to let the Temple know to be ready for emergency treatment."
"Yes Master." Anakin did a running start before flying off as Obi-Wan pulled out a comm.
Anakin's anger was close to boiling over. How could someone dare to hit an angelic being like Padme? He was going to find the person and destroy them.
Entering through the window left open, Anakin easily spotted the rocket launcher next to the bed. Closing his eyes, Anakin reached out into the Force.
Dark clouds swirling, undulating, obscuring.
Nothing usable there. Looking around, Anakin spotted a shimmering thing on the ground. Picking it up, he saw it was reptilian scales.
Looking at the room and thinking about where he flew to and from, Anakin believed he was in a hotel room. A mid range option that would clean between guests.
Pulling out a portable analyzer Anakin dropped the molting skin in and turned the device on. As it did its thing, he began looking over the rest of the hotel room for other clues. He already knew his target was a reptilian species of some sort, but if he could find an article of clothing he should be able to narrow down to a rough body size and shape.
"And what do we have here?"
Anakin turned to the window at his master's voice, Kenobi sitting in an airspeeder he had acquired.
"The assassin is a reptilian species, currently molting. I have the skin I found analyzing... analyzed," Anakin quickly corrected himself as the device beeped its completion picking up the device and looking at the readout, Anakin spat out a curse. "Changeling. They could be looking like anyone right now."
Kenobi's face fell as he realized their trail was already rather cold. "Grab the launcher. We might be able to get something off it back at the Temple."
Garm Iblis was grateful that the resort and casino opening on Ryloth already had all the amenities opened for the event. The spa would keep his wife busy and out of earshot of anyone important that could be easily offended by her opinions.
Coincidentally, it would also free him up to enjoy the evening by playing a few games of chance and chatting up a particularly lovely blue skinned server. Whoever designed the uniforms did a wonderful job in his humble opinion.
All the female servers walked around in tight white shirts topped with half length black jackets that left their midriffs bare, black skirts that were puffed out by white lace, long leggings that left just a hint of thigh showing between the top of the leggings and the bottom of the skirts, and black, kitten heeled pumps.
A wonderfully decadent wrapping that kept the beautiful Twi'lek women on the appropriate side of decent.
"Sir, I believe we should be leaving soon."
Unfortunately, Garm had to bring one of his aides along to brief him on the upcoming Military Creation Act vote. Fischer was a good worker. Kept his head down and completed any task assigned efficiently. The man was just such a bore who couldn't find a good time if he was left tied up in a Zeltros strip club with a bag of credits, a bag of spice, and a dozen women.
"Relax. It would take an emergency session for us to miss the vote and there has not been any recent activity to warrant such actions. Here, take these chips and join the game."
"I am not sure tha-"
"Have a drink, join the game, and have some damn fun. Consider it an order if you have to."
"Yes sir."
Garm might just have to take his aide to Zeltros one of these days to get the man to unwind.
Ziro the Hutt would have enjoyed being a part of the Grand Opening on Ryloth. The sights, the sounds, the fun. The timing of events just did not work out. There were a few... delicate operations he was currently overseeing in the underbelly of Coruscant. Operations that could not be delegated to another.
Nothing illegal. At least, nothing currently illegal. Some recent inquiries were made about a drug not currently on the market, either market. As far as Ziro knew, the drug did not exist and thanks to the way the Republic laws were written the creation of new designer drugs was not illegal so long as certain substances were avoided.
The request came from a mercenary wanting a stimulant and numbing agent. Something that would stop them feeling pain while keeping them wide awake. A combat drug.
There were several combat drugs in the market, but the client was rather clear on what side effects he would find acceptable and which would be unacceptable. The easiest way Ziro's associates believed they could produce this new combat drug was to suspend several other drugs within a bacta solution.
The importation of large quantities of bacta was perfectly legal in Coruscant. That it was being listed as luggage and not cargo was simply a clerical error.
It was the quantities involved for a one time drop off that personally involved Ziro. He could not allow any to 'drop off the back' when his profits in processing it all into a new drug were at stake.
If all goes well and the mercs like it, maybe the Hutts would get fully involved in distribution.
The ramp was already down and the pair got their first look at the delegation-
-before a rocket came screaming down from a cluster of buildings. The pair of Jedi had their lightsabers in hand as they rushed out to get a better look. The delegation was on the ground and while the ship was mostly in one piece, it would not be flying anytime soon.
"Anakin, check for survivors," Kenobi's order was swift as he scanned the surroundings, feeling out in the Force for where the rocket came from and if anymore were coming.
Anakin ran to the ship, now off balanced and leaning on a wing, the ramp destroyed and bodies strewn about. Anakin could feel as the life slipped out of those who managed to not instantly die, succumbing to the severity of their wounds.
The lights inside the ship were flickering, cargo strewn about. The first person Anakin came across had a feel in the Force he would recognize anywhere. The Angel that brought the Jedi who freed him from slavery.
She was unconscious, but pulse was steady and her presence in the Force was strong. She would hold for now. As much as Anakin wanted to help her, his rescue training told him to check if there was anyone else alive in worse condition before helping someone that is already stable.
Another familiar Force presence was the next person he came across. Head of Padme's security detail if Anakin remembered correctly. Pulse steady, Force presence weakened, but steady. Blood on head.
Anakin did not have a medkit on him, so he would have to improvise. Tearing off a sleeve of his robe, Anakin made a makeshift bandage to stop the bleeding. Moving onto the cockpit, Anakin found the pilot was awake and helping to bandage up a female servant that must have been talking to him when the missile hit.
"How is she doing?" Anakin could feel her presence, strong and steady. Survival likely. Show concern to comfort the victims and put them at ease.
"A bit banged up, nothing too bad. What about everyone else?" The pilot looked to Anakin. The fear and concern was in his voice.
There would be no comfort in a lie, they would find out soon enough. Anakin shook his head. "Dead. We got two other survivors on the ship, but everyone else was caught in the blast outside the ship."
"Unconscious, but alive." Anakin pulled out a small device out of a pocket inside his robes. "Here, this should help you two get off the ship. I'm going to help the others."
"Thank you Master Jedi."
Kenobi searched the area with his senses, feeling for where the attack came from as he called in to the Temple about the events and a request for assistance. Already he could hear the sirens of emergency dispatch on its way.
He could see the open window the attack came from, but pursuit would have to wait. Protecting the lives remaining was more important.
Anakin landed behind him, laying down an unconscious figure. "Four alive. Two conscious."
The copy of the manifest Kenobi read early listed twelve passengers and crew on board. Most of them now lay dead.
"I have backup incoming. Help the rest off the ship and once the backup arrives we will go after the perpetrator."
"Yes Master."
Once medical personnel arrived on the scene, Obi-Wan directed them to the first person Anakin helped off the ship and give a recount of events.
"We got a concussion here!" Anakin's voice calls out, a group of the EMTs rushed over to Padme.
"Take the survivors to the Temple. The Jedi will provide for their care," Kenobi calls out.
The distance between the landing pad and either the hospital or the Temple was nearly identical, so time would not become an issue. Sending them to the Temple however would provide better care and protection.
"Anakin, we need to track the assassin, the missile came from that window. You go on ahead, I'm going to let the Temple know to be ready for emergency treatment."
"Yes Master." Anakin did a running start before flying off as Obi-Wan pulled out a comm.
Anakin's anger was close to boiling over. How could someone dare to hit an angelic being like Padme? He was going to find the person and destroy them.
Entering through the window left open, Anakin easily spotted the rocket launcher next to the bed. Closing his eyes, Anakin reached out into the Force.
Dark clouds swirling, undulating, obscuring.
Nothing usable there. Looking around, Anakin spotted a shimmering thing on the ground. Picking it up, he saw it was reptilian scales.
Looking at the room and thinking about where he flew to and from, Anakin believed he was in a hotel room. A mid range option that would clean between guests.
Pulling out a portable analyzer Anakin dropped the molting skin in and turned the device on. As it did its thing, he began looking over the rest of the hotel room for other clues. He already knew his target was a reptilian species of some sort, but if he could find an article of clothing he should be able to narrow down to a rough body size and shape.
"And what do we have here?"
Anakin turned to the window at his master's voice, Kenobi sitting in an airspeeder he had acquired.
"The assassin is a reptilian species, currently molting. I have the skin I found analyzing... analyzed," Anakin quickly corrected himself as the device beeped its completion picking up the device and looking at the readout, Anakin spat out a curse. "Changeling. They could be looking like anyone right now."
Kenobi's face fell as he realized their trail was already rather cold. "Grab the launcher. We might be able to get something off it back at the Temple."
Garm Iblis was grateful that the resort and casino opening on Ryloth already had all the amenities opened for the event. The spa would keep his wife busy and out of earshot of anyone important that could be easily offended by her opinions.
Coincidentally, it would also free him up to enjoy the evening by playing a few games of chance and chatting up a particularly lovely blue skinned server. Whoever designed the uniforms did a wonderful job in his humble opinion.
All the female servers walked around in tight white shirts topped with half length black jackets that left their midriffs bare, black skirts that were puffed out by white lace, long leggings that left just a hint of thigh showing between the top of the leggings and the bottom of the skirts, and black, kitten heeled pumps.
A wonderfully decadent wrapping that kept the beautiful Twi'lek women on the appropriate side of decent.
"Sir, I believe we should be leaving soon."
Unfortunately, Garm had to bring one of his aides along to brief him on the upcoming Military Creation Act vote. Fischer was a good worker. Kept his head down and completed any task assigned efficiently. The man was just such a bore who couldn't find a good time if he was left tied up in a Zeltros strip club with a bag of credits, a bag of spice, and a dozen women.
"Relax. It would take an emergency session for us to miss the vote and there has not been any recent activity to warrant such actions. Here, take these chips and join the game."
"I am not sure tha-"
"Have a drink, join the game, and have some damn fun. Consider it an order if you have to."
"Yes sir."
Garm might just have to take his aide to Zeltros one of these days to get the man to unwind.
Ziro the Hutt would have enjoyed being a part of the Grand Opening on Ryloth. The sights, the sounds, the fun. The timing of events just did not work out. There were a few... delicate operations he was currently overseeing in the underbelly of Coruscant. Operations that could not be delegated to another.
Nothing illegal. At least, nothing currently illegal. Some recent inquiries were made about a drug not currently on the market, either market. As far as Ziro knew, the drug did not exist and thanks to the way the Republic laws were written the creation of new designer drugs was not illegal so long as certain substances were avoided.
The request came from a mercenary wanting a stimulant and numbing agent. Something that would stop them feeling pain while keeping them wide awake. A combat drug.
There were several combat drugs in the market, but the client was rather clear on what side effects he would find acceptable and which would be unacceptable. The easiest way Ziro's associates believed they could produce this new combat drug was to suspend several other drugs within a bacta solution.
The importation of large quantities of bacta was perfectly legal in Coruscant. That it was being listed as luggage and not cargo was simply a clerical error.
It was the quantities involved for a one time drop off that personally involved Ziro. He could not allow any to 'drop off the back' when his profits in processing it all into a new drug were at stake.
If all goes well and the mercs like it, maybe the Hutts would get fully involved in distribution.