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The Coward who Jumped (Jumpchain)

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My name is Norville "Shaggy" Rogers.

I'm for most part a friendly person who always did what...
Prologue: What is Needed to Jump


Your first time is always over so quickly, isn't it?
Sep 1, 2019
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My name is Norville "Shaggy" Rogers.

I'm for most part a friendly person who always did what was correct.

I never harmed anyone, I have never stolen anything, I have never thrown food out of my plate to the trash.

You could say that I ate a lot more than it was needed anyway, but still, nothing that could be considered bad.

Being a detective of course, there was a lot of dangers, most of them were somewhat fun things we investigated, mostly people trying to pose as ghosts to make people go away from certain places with elaborated pieces of mechanical intricacies I myself am incapable of explaining as I am right now.

We, the gang and I, got our enemies, just like a cop with a good arresting record, mainly because we were the same thing basically.

They had reunited themselves and planned, and we were none the wiser.

"Thou, who have spent your life discovering fake mysteries and running away from your problems, are faced with two options, the first is to leave everything behind and begin life anew, away from everything with the possibility to come back here for your unfinished business and the second is to lay dead as you are right now." Voices, millions of them, like a herd of spirits, whispered so closely to my ears that I couldn't stop the shivering sensation on my body.

"Like... I-If that's what I'm needed to do so I can get my friends back." I told myself, them, the vacuum I was stuck into, to whatever I knew was listening to my words.

"If that's the case, then just give in..." The whispers came along.

"And Jump."
Some suggestions, I would have Benefactor intervene and pick the jumps and maybe lock some perks to force shaggy to move outside his comfort zone. Maybe benefactors can give goals, benefactor can send jumper back for being boring so that should put shaggy in a nice dilemma where the safe option is agressive.

Kind of rare to see a Jumpchain where a character is the Jumper rather than an SI.
Be strange to see him without Scooby at minimum, let alone the rest of the gang.
Five sessions is all you get is a good one, generic alien colonial marine is another jump by the same author. There is a Louise into jumpchain fic.

Watched in hopes for Ultra Instinct Shaggy.
I kind of see that happening if someone pushes shaggy way to far.

"is the little coward going to cry because I did expunged to all his friends, is he going to cry, ahh my spleen, the crazy stoner kid is punching me with my own spleen".
Hahahahaha, this has promise. ALL the speed and food perks! Shaggy's gonna becomes the Flash!
I think this must mean that Reborn is getting a new student. :cool:

I did not know I needed this in my life till I found it, please sir do you have any more?
Well then. I really can't wait to see where this goes now. I loved the intro with Shaggy talking to the voices...and the ending part
You, uh, … you guys do know that the author has abandoned this fic, right? They haven't been on in slightly over a month.
You, uh, … you guys do know that the author has abandoned this fic, right? They haven't been on in slightly over a month.

So...technically not necromancy to keep hoping for it, right?

Okay, real quick, I'm not dead (I'm halfway there tho)

I don't have much time on computer due to my work hours and is kinda hard to stay focused on writing when you're dealing with a lot of work (McDonalds is pretty pushy where I live)

I AM trying to figure out a plot that does not involve 'lets just hop and shit around' but it may boil down to this because I'm not sure myself if I can create some kind of intricate plot with Jumpchains and all.

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