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The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 29 – Of Blood and War (4)
Shortly after the meeting of the Blood Lords, deep within Yharnam Citadel, two shadow figures with nothing but crimson eyes visible were looking at each other.

"They have decided to intervene in the war."

Stated one of the figures.

"Indeed. It was only a matter of time before Church and Heaven would have forced them upon this decision. They have become too aggressive."

Said another one.

"What if the plan of Satans fails and Yahweh won't be restrained and will attack us?"

Asked the first one.

"What else? We will escape to the Dimensional Gap."

Said the second one.

"That is always a choice. Our aim is only to regain our strength and return to the Divine Blood Plane. Nothing else matters; the only important thing in the lives of the Main Families of our blood; everything else is irrelevant. While I thought that you would have preferred to stay and fight to the death, Alucard."

Said the first one.

"Indeed, but due to our injuries, we are reduced to weak Apocalypse-Class individuals. Without the blood of enough other Apocalypse-Class powerhouses, we won't be able to return to our peak fast."

Answered back the second now, Alucard.

"It is still all your fault. Due to your stupid idea of exploring that creepy newly found Universe and subsequently being attacked by that Chaos God. Both of us were nearly killed and crippled, to the extent that even some random new Apocalypse-Class can bully us."

Said the first shadow to Alucard.

"Shut up, Brunestud. Who would have known that place would already have four Great Old Ones? It looked like a new Universe that was only a few tens of millions of years old. Nobody would think the such place would have even one Great Old One, not to mention four of them."

Shot back Alucard to Brunestud.

"Ts. Still, we will watch and sit. Maybe collect the blood of Devils, Angels, and Fallen. It is precious to our species."


In the meeting hall of Blood Lords, several hours later

Four Blood Lords soon enough called Zekram to hear out their decision.

"Great King of Bael, we agree to your proposal, but we have one condition for us to deploy our legions."

Said Blood Lord Alexstrazs Brunestud, while Zekram revealed a small smile hearing this.

"What condition?"

"We wish to harvest blood from corpses of Devils, Fallen Angels, and Angels."

Hearing this, Zekram was inwardly happy. On such a chaotic battlefield, nobody would care about the corpses of the killed, maybe with the exception of several people who would get a proper burial, but that was all. Practically Vampires and Kindreds would be doing a cleaning job.

"To that, we agree."

Said Zekram slowly.

"Then it is decided. We will meet on the battlefield."

After giving a small bow to the four Blood Lords, Zekram left the meeting hall and went to the waiting lobby, where Viktor was already waiting for him.

"From your expression, I can see that they have decided to wage war?"

Asked Viktor with a feral grin over his face.

"Yes, indeed. It will be a glorious war. Heaven is stronger than us individually, so we need to mobilize our advantages. Also, be careful of Church; they have a lot of Sacred Gear users; if possible, try to capture them alive and extract their Sacred Gears before killing them. As long Church doesn't get back Sacred Gears, its power would be cut tremendously in upcoming centuries."

The power of the Church came from three aspects. The greatest amount of it came from Heaven in the form of Angels that tended to participate in exorcism missions. The second was from the huge number of exorcists that the Church was capable of producing.

The last one was in the form of Sacred Gear users, which were all controlled by the Church. The strongest Sacred Gears users could rival even early-stage Satan-Class, which was pretty terrifying itself, as we are talking about pure humans that reached this stage, even if it is with the help of equipment.

Zekram would rather see those things being locked deep within the vaults of the Yharnam rather than being allowed once again to return to the hands of the Church. Of course, if possible, he too wanted to obtain them, but mainly because of Yahweh, he decided against it. Another deterrent was that all of them were directly connected to God's System in Heaven.

"So we will meet on the battlefield. Are you going to convince more Pantheons to attack them if this mess officially starts?"

Asked Viktor as he was aware that Heaven and Church had away too many enemies. They could enjoy their superior position mainly because Mighty Divinity Stage Gods of other Pantheons were incapable of taking action, and Yahweh was one himself and a relatively strong one. But alas, now, if Four Great Satans were restraining him, all enemies would start baring their fangs.

"Yes, my next stop is Olympus. My associate would be going to the Asgard and Takagahamara."

Said Zekram to Viktor, whose eyes twitched a little, hearing Olympus.

"Hmm... Greeks are arrogant, too much for their own good, but thanks to that arrogance, they will probably strike the hardest out of all against Yahweh. It was he who ended their golden age. And about Asgard, the only thing I can say... good luck. That place is getting messier with each passing month."

Said Viktor, grimly mentioning the situation of Asgard.

"Odin and Hela, I wonder if it will really lead to the civil war. That is not the best outcome for us."

Stated Zekram.

"Who knows? Maybe Hela will desert and become a local warlord. Who knows. She is no match for Odin, and she knows it, but she has wide support of Berserkers and Einherjar Armies; millions are willing to follow her."

Said Viktor, his opinion on the matter.

"It is not surprising. Aesir are a battle race; waging war is in their blood."

Said Zekram, while his mind thought about other things.

'I wonder... maybe he can convince her to join. If he did that, it would be wonderful... Emotionally Hela is on the level of a child, maybe seducing her isn't that hard. Seducing Goddes of Death... what a nice shock it would be, young Lucifer.'
Chapter 30 – Spending a Day with Venelana (1)
At the Castle Fuerig

After I took a shower, I picked up a new outfit that looked almost the same as the one before; the difference was that this one was clean.

I went to the hall where Venelana was waiting currently. Truth be told, my heart skipped a beat a little when I saw her again. I admitted that I harbored some affection for her.

She was gorgeous, comparable to Aeldari Priestesses in my past life. I quickly shook my head and tried to get rid of my anxiety. I was never good with women; in my past, I was fully devoted to scientific research for my entire life of over two centuries.

So yes, my experiences with romance were equal to zero, minus some rejections when I was young, but that was very long ago. And that was more than four centuries ago, in my past life.

Today she was wearing a beautiful white dress with deep cleavage. When she noticed my stare, she giggled softly while I cursed myself in my head for my stupidity.

"Dealing with ladies probably isn't one of your qualities, My Lord."

Said Venelana with a soft laugh.

"Yes, it isn't... my expertise is magic, research, and combat."

I said with agreement. Though I wasn't good at it, I wasn't bad, probably in the middle, If I should add some points.

"Shall I give you the tour around Castle Fuerig, My Lady?"

I asked as I looked at her.

"That would be wonderful."

Venelana nodded, and thus we started our tour.

Fortunately, Castle Fuerig was massive enough, so it will be a long tour. The first place we went was, understandably, the library.

"This place looks a bit messy. There is even a bed there, so I take it this should also be your bedroom, Zeoticus? A little daring to bring a lady to your bedroom on the first date."

Teased me Venelana, and after several seconds I realized it. Indeed I ordered servants to bring me a bed here so that I could rest in the library.

I spent all my free time here due to all the knowledge I needed to master.

Knowledge was power. I once experienced death, and it isn't too enjoyable to be repeated once more. Upon transmigration, I wanted to stay alive, possible for eternity...

"I am glad that you enjoy my embarrassment Venelana."

I said to her in a low voice.

"But yes, I live practically here. Due to saving time, I ordered servants to bring me a bed here. It saves time from moving one end of the Castle to another."

I explained.

"Sounds rational."

Venelana nodded in agreement.

"What exactly are you researching here?"

Asked her while looking all around the place.

"Entirely new magic system. I am trying to fuse Devil Magic, Human Calculation Magic, and Runic Magic to use the advantages of all three systems to create something far stronger."

I exclaimed with a burning passion.

"And how are you progressing?"

I don't really know if she was genuinely interested or just keeping the facade to be polite. I was not good at reading emotions.

"Are your really interested, or are you trying to be just polite? If it sounds boring to you, we can go somewhere else."

I said bluntly. I wasn't a person of all of that false politeness and other emphatic crap. Venelana also looked surprised by my statement as she slowly smiled.

"Haha... this is the first time someone is talking so plainly. You don't need to worry; while it may seem to be boring, I found it intriguing. Not many people could come up with new magic systems. Are you perhaps trying to create it to replace Devil Magic due to its disadvantages?"

Asked me Venelana curiously.

"Yes. Devil Magic, while very easy to cast, as the casting process is based on imagination, the firepower of the majority of spells are too weak compared to other magic systems. You can create spells easily, but compared to spells created with the usage of other magic systems, their destructiveness is lacking. That is why only a small amount of devils use magic, while most depend on Clan Traits of close combat."

I explained my idea. If devils could use a more powerful magic system, the majority of them could utilize their Demonic Energy reserves to the fullest.

"That is good. That would bring us on the same level as more magically developed factions, and after some development time, maybe even on the level of Asgard or Yharnam in terms of magic."

In Draconic Deus, the most magically developed factions were Asgard and Yharnam. Aesir was famed for their battle magic and runic magic, and most importantly, their magical technology. At the same time, Vampire and Kindreds of the Yharnam were famed for Sorcery, Blood Magic, and their high magical affinity.

"Come, I will show you something more interesting than books."

I said as we went to the place where Arcane Mechanical Automants were working. Arcanotechnology was always a marvel to look at.

We went directly to the underground of Castle Fuerig while Venelana was looking at everything curiously. Finally, after fifteen minutes of walking, we arrived at the underground place, where thousands upon thousands of spider-like mechanical creatures were running here and there.

"What are those creepy things?"

Asked Venelana; she took a step behind me and looked at the Ararchen Drones with a disgusted expression.

"Those, my dear, are Arcane Mechanical Automatons. They are advanced magical constructs similar to golems, but in nature, they are more similar to constructs of the Asgardian magical technology. The one you are looking at is of Drone-type of Arachne Class."

I introduced my creations pridefully.

"Your creation, I assume?"

Asked Venelana as she kept looking at them as they were working.

"Yes, one of my best creations. If possible, they would become main cannon fodder in the upcoming war. Drone-type is not combat-oriented, but even though it has combat prowess comparable to the Low-Class magician in terms of firepower."

I nodded as I explained a bit about them.
Chapter 31 – Spending a Day with Venelana (2)
"How many of them are here? And why do they look like spiders?"

Asked Venelana as she looked over my shoulder at working spider automatons.

"Around 80,000. They are extremely fast at replicating and creating new ones, so theoretically, as long as there are materials, they could produce god knows how many of them daily. And they look like spiders due to their versatility."

I gave out my explanation.


"Yes, you see, they generally insect-type golems are more suited for more types of actions, such as attacking, support, working, and many others. Due to their shape, they can take the role of fighter, defender, supportive unit or construction or worked unit."

I continued my explanation.

"Hmm... do you want some tea and dessert, Venelana? I have exclusive tea shipped from the Forbidden Garden of Celestial Court."

I said as Venelana nodded her head. I loved tea as much as coffee; unfortunately, for now, at this time, coffee was not available to me, but tea was. I have bought Moonlight Heavenly Tea Leaves; one gram of them cost me around 20,000 Soul Coins. That amount of money was enough to buy armor and weapon sets of the dwarven craft of excellent quality for info.

Expensive tea was one of my very few indulgences in this life. I was rich, so I often bought costly tea for myself. Hindu, Celestial Court, and Takagamara produced such, and I was one of the biggest buyers.

Of course, such ones were sold only to the rich and powerful, as nobody had so much money to buy 1 gram of tea from 20,000 Soul Coins.

Certainly, this tea was not ordinary, but it also had excellent effects on the soul and strengthened the soul a little.

We went to my private garden, which was a relatively small place for me, to just rest. It was filled with plants and trees delivered there from Takamagahara or Three Realms, which I have brought, giving visage of the Chinese or Japanese architecture.

We sat down; there weren't any chairs; we were sitting on the ground, on the pillows, and before us was a small tea table.

"Did Lord Zekram tell you about the results of our discussion?"

I asked as I waited for the tea to be brewed. Tea brewing was a highly complex process that I rather enjoyed doing.

"Yes, he did. I must admit, I didn't think my future husband was so ambitious."

Replied Venelana with a grin.

"So, what... you are also well aware of our species and our grim dark future state."

I remarked. The current state of the Devils was terrible. My vision for a new form of government was only out of personal ambition but also a need.

Only one was truly united among the Three Factions, and that was Heaven.

Fallen Angels were divided between many Cadre-Class Fallen Angels, creating diversity. Still, as there were not many Cadres, as each one was as strong as Satan-Class Devil, their diversification was less than devils.

Practically our government was some kind of confederation. We had rulers, the Four Great Satans, but their ruling was just a name. A united government existed, which were Four Great Satans, but their commanding power over the rest of the noble houses wasn't extreme. Each of the Pillars, Extra Demons, or other Nobles had a high degree of autonomy; they were managing their territories as they seemed fit, so they weren't managing even a shit.

"In terms of government, we are even worse than Fallen. Look at it, our Nobility is responsible for managing their territories and training up armies, what is ding? Playing, indulging in sexual or other pleasure activities, wasting time and power. Only a very few of them are really doing something; the rest of it is just a disgrace to their names."

I said with disgust in my voice. Devil Nobles were responsible for managing their territories solely by themselves, and almost none paid heightened attention to it. When I succeed, it will be the first thing I will change.

"And if you rule, how will it change?"

"Simple. I will implement Territorial Management Level, which other Pantheons use to grade their vassals. Celestial Court, Asgard, and Takagahamara have been using it for thousands of years. The base premise lies here. Every territory will be graded based on its state in economics, the number of powerhouses, magical and technology level, and several others, and we will then get the Average Territory Management Coefficient. If some territory falls below the TMC, then the Lord in charge would be severely punished. If he increases the TMC level in contrast to the previous one, then there would be a reward. Asgard is using this method to keep the development of its Nine Worlds and Jarldoms, Celestial Court on the other hand development of Three Realms, while Takagahamara on its Vassals."

The Territory Management Coefficient was a very effective way to practically control and speed up the development of the territory as a whole. I heard that punishments in the Three Realms are especially severe due to the high population of various species in Three Realms; the most common one is the execution of the Lord.

It is the most populous faction, so there isn't a problem with finding new ones to take the place of old ones.

"Hmm... that could work. Still, the premise is that you have overwhelming power and suppress all opposition. Ideally, you can combine it with benefits that your rule will bring."

Said Venelana after some thought.

"Indeed, but I have enough time to grow. Within hundred years, there won't be anyone in the Underworld to oppose me in terms of strength."

I said. Maybe even sooner, but I don't want to progress too quickly, as that could damage my foundation. I now have an optimal path, and once I uncock the Clan Trait Devour, I can advance by leaps and bounds. My advancement won't be hindered, and the only thing that would matter would be to advance my masteries.
Chapter 32 – Spending a Day with Venelana (3)
Having a Class was important, as was attaining higher-ranked masteries. I don't want to end up like Ophis, having Class, but her power usage was almost nonexistent. That was why it was essential to train and continue mastering your power.

"Now on the other list. I believe Lord Zekram has informed you that I will be commencing an expedition to the Dimensional Gap, right?"

I asked slowly as I looked at Venelana, who was quietly sipping her tea.

"Yes, he said. After I reach Ultimate-Class, the same could be said about you."

Venelana nodded her head.

"Have that old man told you more precise information about that plane? He told me that it was some kind of newly birthed on in the Dimensional Gap. Still, I am a bit reluctant to believe him."

I grumbled a bit.

"On this, he was truthful. Civilization there is some kind of tribal one. It is inhabited by some race of beastmen and even some humans. Interestingly, they only follow the path of strengthening their bodies; grandpa sends a few scounts there. Magic users are really scarce, only some shamans in bigger tribes above 5,000."

Explained Venelana.

"If you sent some scounts there, how strong is the civilization there?"

I asked the most important question here.

"Relatively weak, we have discovered only several Ultimate-Class chieftains and one Ultimate-Class shaman, though, in terms of combat prowess, they should be far weaker than even initial Ultimate-Class in Draconic Deus."

Said Venelana. When I heard it, I was satisfied. Even though there might be Ultimate-Class in terms of Class, energy reserves or body strength wasn't all. If you don't have advanced magic knowledge, weapon mastery, or something similar, you can't properly utilize your own strength.

So if we are talking about some primitive tribal civilization, all of their combatants would be weaker compared to those of the same level in more advanced planes.

"That is good. When both of us are Ultimate-Class, we could invade that world. I will be taking three of my Generals; all of them are Ultimate-Class. At least one of the magicians that Lord Zekrma would be sending should be Ultimate-Class, right?"

I asked.

"Yes. Of the Dantalion line, very experienced in Norse, Olympian, White, and Black Magic. Especially in Dimensional Spells. That would be together six Ultimate-Classes."

Six Ultimate-Class people were enough for primitive tribal civilization. All of Ultimate-Class were elite combatants, so theoretically, everything should go all right unless we encounter unexpected circumstances. And then my Mechanical Legion would expand exponentially.

"Good. Unfortunately, I don't have any magicians on the Ultimate-Class."

Unfortunately, not many devils were masters of magic. Only a few had Ultimate-Class magicians that were well-versed in magic.

From what I have observed, a common way of fighting among ordinary devils without a Clan Trait or any other unique ability was just throwing some weak spells created with Devil Magic around. At the same time, if you are out of energy reserves, you go for close combat.

It was far worse compared to Angels and Fallen Angels; they at least have basic knowledge of the usage of their racial magic. Still, it was understandable among devils, as for common devils, it was very hard to learn advanced usage of Devil Magic without being subjected directly to someone of Nobility.

Devil Nobles hoarded and guarded the knowledge, not talking about an advanced magic system that was superior to Devil Magic; they won't reveal anything as they feared that the common devil might one day surpass them.

Another foolishness that needs to be eradicated completely.

"How do you like tea, Venelana?"

I asked while sipping my tea. Tea harvested from Three Realms or a dimensional world belonging to the Hindu Pantheon was the best one.

"It is delicious. Grandpa often drinks tea harvested from Celestial Court, but he is such cheap stake and never shares."

Pouted Venelana sadly.

"You are aware that one gram is sold for more than 20,000 Soul Coins? To make such a cup of tea, usually 2 or 3 grams are used, so between 40,000 to 60,000 Soul Coins are used. It's extra expensive, mainly due to its calming effect and nourishing effect on the soul. Meaning you would have a better affinity for magic or any energy-based arts."

I explained as Venelana's expression turned to shock. A cup of tea for 60,000 Soul Coins was such an extravagant thing that people who could afford it in Underworld could be counted on one hand. Of course, most Noble Houses are not good at making money.

The pay of an ordinary Middle-Class soldier was somewhere between 1,000 to 1,500 Soul Coins monthly. So one cup of tea was 60x times that. Of course, soldiers were one best-paid professions in the Underworld.

"No wonder it is so expensive."

Remarked Venelana as she enjoyed the tea.

"Yes, but the effects are good, and the taste of the tea is best. Of course, tea from Takagahamara is also top-notch. Next time, I can brew that one, or perhaps one from Hindu. I have a rather wide tea leaves collection."

I said casually while enjoying my tea on this peaceful day.

We spent the rest of the afternoon chatting about mischievous and mostly rather unimportant things. I found out that almost nothing changed about my communication skills, as the only things I could converse fluently were politics, magic, and research.

Fortunately, Venelana noticed my social "skills," and she took the lead in the conversation to avoid that awkwardness since that often happens on dates probably. I never had one in my life, so I can't really talk from experience.

As the sun was setting, Venelana was soon going home, and as a proper gentleman, I decided to send her out.

As we were nearing the entrance to the Fuerig Castle, Venelana turned to me and stared at me for several seconds before opening her mouth to say something.

"I enjoyed today very much. Hopefully, we can repeat it soon."

Said Venelana as she leaned over and kissed my cheek before teleporting away, leaving me frozen like a salt pillar for the next ten minutes.
Chapter 33 – Magic and Origin of Architect
[Wake up, you are standing here for the whole five minutes.]

Said Architect in my head, as I was still surprised by her show of affection. It was the first time in my life, so I didn't know how to act appropriately.

"Shut up, you scrap of metal. Come, we need to conduct more experiments. Tier Magic System needs to be finalized."

I said. Now that I have a good understanding of the Abyssal Runes, I could start the implementation process for my Magic System. Previously, I used the Aesir Runes as a base, which were not of the same origin, so their compatibility wasn't that high.

[With current knowledge available, there is a high possibility of achieving 100% stability for Zero-Tier spells, Combat-Tier spells, and Tactical-Tier spells.]

Stated Architect in my head.

"And when I reach Ultimate-Class, I can start experimenting with Strategic-Tier spells, meant for Master Magicians with Ultimate-Class energy reserves. With that, we would have covered the entire devil race, as there are practically no devils that specialize in magic that are above Ultimate-Class."

Strategic-Tier spells were spells that required mastery over the magic system to cast and were meant for magicians of Ultimate-Class. The destructiveness of these spells was everything from mountains to smaller islands. Still, that was within the Architect's calculations.

The destructiveness of Zero-Tier spells was very low as they were used only in one-on-one combat. Combat-Tier was higher, and spells could destroy buildings. Tactical-Tier could destroy towns to smaller cities. It corresponded to energy reserves of the Low-Class, Middle-Class, and High-Class.

My aim was the creation of Strategic-Class magic for several reasons. For first, I can only create spells of a specific tier only when I have corresponding energy reserves. Secondly, among devils, there were only a very few those, who had magic as their primary form of combat, and all of them were only in the Ultimate-Class.

I went to the underground space, which also served as a testing ground for my experiments.

"Architect, start the analysis process on the spell. We are starting with Zero-Tier Fireball."

I said as I started conjuring the Fireball spell with the usage of the Tier Magic System. Within several seconds, the Fireball spell was finished. I knew it was stable; I could feel it instinctively from my experiences as a magician.


[Stability is 100%. Compatibility between Abyssal Runes and Devil Magic is perfect.]

Stated Architect his analysis, while I was inwardly satisfied hearing this result.

"Ok, then continue; I will start casting other spells of Zero-Tier."

First, one spell I cast was Magic Arrow, which was one of the most effortless spells across many magic systems. Then it was Thunder Bolt spell or Electrosphere spell. All of them had the stability of the 100%, meaning the first Tier was my magic system was completed.

"Excellent, now onto the Combat-Tier."

I said with glee in my eyes. With Architect's help, the completion of my new magic system was just a matter of time. I was glad that upon transmigration, I had my STC with me.

The Architect wasn't an ordinary A.I. chip. He was a prototype artificial intelligence that would control multiple STC to boost up the production capabilities of the Solar Federation tens of times, allowing our power to at least contends against Aeldari.

STC stands for Standard Template Construct, a pinnacle of humanity's technological advancement. It was an advanced, artificially intelligent computer database; its main functions were data storage and fabrication system. It was designed to provide construction details for human colonists during Mankind's early interstellar expansion across the Milky Way Galaxy due to huge technological differences between various colonies.

Then, after witnessing the powers of the Aeldari in terms of production through their Psychic means, which many believed to be sorcery, we searched for a way to enhance the production capabilities of the STC.

And then it came; I proposed to create central artificial intelligence, which would be the pinnacle of our technology, with the ability to control all STCs in the Solar Federation. Typically STC needed human operation, but if such advanced A.I. as Architect operated STC, it could boost the efficiency by tens of times.

That was the birth of the Main Template Controller.

Unfortunately, I died before implementation. Some old folks were concerned that if all STCs are connected to Architect, then if something happens to the MTC, all infrastructure would collapse in a single moment, though they were not wrong. That was why I had secretly connected the Architect to the network; that was why he had such a huge database.

Unfortunately, due to Universal Laws, all designs needed adjustments before they could be implemented.

I started casing Combat-Tier spell, Grand Fireball. It was just a bigger and more complex version of the Fireball spell.


I said after the spell was cast.

[Stability is 100%. Compatibility between Abyssal Runes and Devil Magic is perfect.]

Another success. After repeating this with other spells that were designed as Combat-Tier, such as Thunderclap or Magic Missle, I concluded the Combat-Tier as complete.

"Now the last, Tactical-Tier."

This one would be harder a bit more, as the destructiveness of these spells was far higher, so I can't make any mistakes. Even one would have catastrophic consequences. Tactical-Tier spells could easily destroy towns or even smaller cities.

I started casting the Tactical-Tier spell Dragon Lightning, which generated an enormous dragonhead made out of lightning above me. Fortunately, I had no problem controlling the spell before dispersing it after some time.


[Stability is 100%. Compatibility between Abyssal Runes and Devil Magic is perfect.]

Answered Architect in the voice of an elderly man.

"It is done... first three stages of new magic revolution are done."

I with a hint of nostalgia in my voice.


Said Architect in my head.
Chapter 34 – Preparations for the Ultimate
1 year later

One year passed after my achievement of creating a new magic system. During this one year, I performed countless tests, and as it was concluded, the system was perfectly stable with the addition of Abyssal Runic Magic instead of Aesir one.

Everything was going very well. My business was generating more and more Soul Coins, which is very important for the upcoming war. Several Arcane Mechanical Automatons stuck up on 100,000, unfortunately.

I lacked materials, so I ordered to stop further production and focus on building fortifications, magic towers,s and fortresses around my territory, to fortify it for war.

I have also trained extensively in the Dark Light Clan Trait and reached Expert-ranked mastery over the Clan Trait. Now I could open ten Dark Light portals that could constantly generate Dark Light Spears, which dramatically boosted my combat prowess.

The most important thing that happened during this year was that I would soon reach the Ultimate-Class in energy reserves. I was currently at the High-Class pinnacle and was holding back as I needed to prepare some things before reaching Ultimate-Class.

I did my research properly.

When one reaches Ultimate-Class in terms of energy reserves, I didn't know the process for those who focus on body training or physique refining; a huge qualitative change in density and quality of the Energy comes.

To have it as smooth as possible, I need to strengthen my foundation when reaching Ultimate-Class. For devils, the most common ways to reach higher classes were two. One of the simplest ways was to just age, but that is extremely slow. If some had low innate talent, their progress in decades might be only a few units of demonic energy increasement.

"Architect, is the ritual ready?"

I asked about the state of the ritual.

Today I planned to reach the Ultimate-Class, and I planned to use ancient rituals that my grandfather used to reach Ultimate-Class. Hopefully, after the ritual, not only would I be Ultimate-Class, but also at least early-stage.

[Yes, it is.]

Answered Architect in my head.

I nodded, satisfied.

What also was the biggest difference between the High-Class devil and the Ultimate-Class devil was that upon reaching the Ultimate-Class, devils would awaken their True Name. Upon awakening the True Name, some tended to get special abilities; some True Names strengthened already existing abilities.

Also, there were another two abilities of True Names.

The first was when it came to Devil Contract. Basically, Ultimate-Class devils could, due to their True Names, breach the contract and suffer little to no backslash, as in the contract was never mentioned the True Name of the devil. That gave Ultimate-Class devils great leverage against their contractors; they could easily cheat them.

The second was that, during the combat, as long as the enemy wasn't aware of the True Name of the devil, then you basically get some boost in combat abilities. I don't know how exactly it works, but it had something to do with the Laws of the Universe.

"After I reach the Ultimate-Class and familiarize myself with my new strength, the expedition can commence."

I said with a bloodthirsty grin.

During the past year, I had three dates with Venelana. From a human point of view, it may sound like we never see each other, but it wasn't like that for devils. Our long lifespans made our perception of time and many things different. I have greatly enjoyed spending time with her; she was a funny person, responsible and supportive.

She encouraged me to pursue my magic research, and I have even taught her my Tier Magic System. Truth be told, after I reached Ultimate-Class, probably the higher end, I planned to release it to the public. It would significantly strengthen devils before the Great War and save many lives.

Both of us had many things to do besides the courtship responsibilities. Venelana reached Ultimate-Class last week; her talent was better than mine. I had a cheat in the form of an STC A.I. Architect. Still, it was annoying that my own talent was low; truth be told, my talent was rather average.

Since then, I have started researching a bit about enhancing innate talent for some things, and fortunately for me, many human magicians have done something in the past. Humans of Draconic Deus were pitiful as they were weak and fragile, so they searched for a way to enhance their innate talents to rival those of supernatural beings.

Myrddin Emrys, or by his other name, Merlin Ambrosius, invented one such ritual. I had that ritual formula in my library, as I had my people rob that library where it was hidden.

It required many precious resources from the various Pantheons... my heart bled when I had to spend too many Soul Coins, but alas, it was for the greater good.

I had combined that ritual into a ritual that my grandfather used to reach Ultimate-Class, so I am rather curious about the changes it would incur.

Combined with STC A.I. and terrifying genius-level magic talent, I wonder what heights I will reach. I am aware that my current talent was ordinary and that it needed to be changed.

I went to find two other Generals of my armies that were currently residing in Castle Fuerig as they were overseeing the training of my legions.

General Amyke and General Azerath. Both of them were of Ultimate-Class and were much younger than General Borke Zagan. Also, they were common devils that had rather special abilities. General Azerath was born with a terrifying physique and had an immense talent for Touki, Senjutsu, and Martial Arts.

While General Amyke was a swordmaster, and on top of that, he was also a magic swordmaster. Short-lived races couldn't master swords, and only those with astonishing talent may achieve such a feat. The magic arts for swordsmanship would take several lives, but long-lived species didn't have such a problem.

I ordered both of them to actively stand on guard, as I would be reaching Ultimate-Class. I didn't want any unforeseen circumstances as I was also undergoing special rituals.
Chapter 35 – Ultimate-Class
After giving out final orders, I went to the ritual hall, where everything was prepared for my attempt to reach the Ultimate-Class. As I combined reaching Ultimate-Class with several rituals, I made the entire thing a bit risky; if it backfired at me, it would be slightly problematic.

I went to the center of the formation and sat down cross-legged.

"Architect, take control of the Rosenkreutz."

I commanded as I was sitting on the ground amidst the magic spells and arrays that were inscribed here.

[At once.]

Answered Architect back.

"We can start."

I said as I activated the spell formation.

The Ritual has started.

Countless runes started glowing, and the density of magic particles increased tenfold in this room after several short seconds. This went on for several minutes until the magic density was so high, it began to liquefy.

After that, I released the last barrier on my body and started passively absorbing the magic particles into my body with grand speed. An enormous amount of magic power was being converted into Demonic Energy and flew into my body, where it fused with the already existing one.

Then the process started; all of my energy started refining itself without me needing to do anything. I felt that the amount of Demonic Energy I possessed decreased at an alarming speed, being replaced with far more dense and potent Demonic Energy resulting from the process.

With the help of the ritual, I could practically control the entire thing, and with a continuous flow of demonic energy converted from ambient magic was going to my body.

Soon enough, my energy reserves started increasing.

70, 80, 85, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98...



I reached the Ultimate-Class. Finally, at least, but thanks to the ritual, it didn't end here, and my energy reserves kept increasing at a steady speed for the next half an hour until the magic spells broke down.

After the entire process was done, I suddenly felt the entire room going freezing.




Sounded a creepy voice in my head.

'Dizmason of Devil Talent - The one who shall be blessed by the power of Underworld, Nirvana of innate affinity, of the innate talent, shall be one bearing the name of Dizmason.'

Repeated the creepy cold voice in my head. Suddenly it disappeared, and the temperature of the room returned to normal.

"So... that was the Will of the Underworld. I heard about it only in legends."

From my grandfather's diary, not even he got his True Name directly from the Will of the Underworld. Grandfather was aware of only two devils he knew, Zekram Bael and Lucifer; apparently, they got the blessing of the Underworld, as they got their True Names.

Normally, Ultimate-Class devils need to figure out the usage and abilities of their True Names, but those who the Will of the Underworld granted names didn't have this problem, as the Will told them instead.

After reaching the Ultimate-Class, I felt like my body was full of energy. Not only that, but my Demonic Energy was far more potent and dense; it was a wonderful feeling.

"Architect, do the scan."

I wanted to see the exact amount of my growth; I was aware that I was already far above the newly advanced Ultimate-Class in terms of energy reserves, thanks to the rituals I had undergone.

[As you wish.]

[Name: Zeoticus Gremory von Lucifer

True Name: Dizmason (Devil Talent)

Race: Pure-Blooded Devil - Bloodline: Gremory, Lucifer

Age: 182


Class: Ultimate

Demonic Energy: 152

Strength: 82

Agility: 80

Vitality: 70


Clan Trait:

Dark Light - Expert (Gate of Babylon Style)

The Devour - Sealed


Magic Systems:

Tier Magic - Expert

Devil Magic - Master

Norse Runic Magic - Expert

Abyssal Runic Magic - Expert

Human Magic - Grandmaster]

"Hmm... 152 units that is good, practically saved me several years' worth of time training. This is good; all those Soul Coins were worth it. And my physical parameters also increased mildly, a most notable one being the Vitality, which was greatly strengthened by me reaching the Ultimate-Class."

I said to myself.

But the tremendous boon was my True Name. It may seem ordinary, but it was essential for reaching the Being of Law.

I knew that even without some genius-level-like talent, I wouldn't have a problem reaching Super-Devil, probably within several centuries.

Still, reaching Apocalypse-Class, the Being of Law, with just this was impossible.

With this, coupled with STC A.I., my progress would be countless times faster. I was now beyond happy as I got rid of one of the biggest skeletons in my closet, which was my average talent.

I heard that Celestial Court even had an extraordinary method to measure one's talent. Maybe once, I will take a look.

Now that I have reached Ultimate-Class, I can finally move on with all of my plans. First thing before the conquest commences, I need to finish another tier of my new magic system, and that was Strategic-Tier, as it would significantly boost up my combat prowess.

Then, I could start the expedition to that newly birthed plane, the Yester Plane.

Also, soon enough, my experiment would be done, and I could attempt to awaken my sleeping Clan Trait, fortunately. With Devour ready, I could increase my energy reserves at a good tempo.

Especially during the Great War, where there would be countless Ultimate-Class beings or even higher. Even we devils have tens of Satan-Class devils, though the vast majority were only at the initial or early stage.

Great Satans, there were at Pinnacle of the Satan-Class. Lucifer was Super-Devil, and his son Rizevim would be one in the near future; his rate of progress was terrifying.

Angels and Fallen Angels also have many beings on the level of Ultimate-Class and Cadre-Class. So many of them would become my nourishment.

I grinned as I said those words in my head.

"Architect, start working on the Strategic-Tier magic. I need to complete that before the Planar Conquest."

I needed some firepower.

Currently, my only advantage was Class, not combat prowess; if only I had mastery over Dark Light, but that Clan Trait was too hard to master or even train in.
Chapter 36 – Problems at the Border (1)
Two months were by from the moment I reached the Ultimate-Class. During these two months, I have already contacted Venelana. I informed her that I had reached Ultimate-Class and told her that the Planar Conquest could soon begin.

Now that both of us were Ultimate-Class, it would be alright. My progress on recreating Strategic-Tier Magic was going smoothly, and I have already created a few spells.

I only created several spells for each tier, as I wasn't planning to create more. As soon as I release the principle of my new magic system onto the public, devils who specialize in magic would do that for me, and after some time, I just need to harvest my rewards, which would be many and many spells.

I have also told this to Zekram, and he told me to present it to Lucifer.

Something I was conflicted about. Technically I was his grandson, as I was the son of his daughter, but the problematic part was that I was only Ultimate-Class while being over 180 years, though I have inherited Dark Light Trait.

If I got in his favor, I could get a higher noble rank, more territory, and more advantages during the war. Additionally, maybe with a bit of luck, I could get his advice on Dark Light.

'I will wait after the Planar Conquest is over; I will decide. Now is not the right time.'

I thought in my head as I continued my research.


Outskirts of the Gremory Territory, Magic Tower

"Hey, activate the magic sequence the Lord implemented and do a scan."

Said one of the devils on the top floor of the Magic Tower, apparently the detachment commander.

"Yes, Commander."

Answered the soldier as he activated the magic sequence, and several magic circles appeared above the Magic Tower and started releasing intense light around the surroundings, reaching several tens of kilometers.

"Sir! There is a signal; Fallen Angels are coming from the north, approximately 36 kilometers away."

Reported soldier hurriedly.

"How much?"

Asked Commander with dread in his voice.

"Around 30,000. It should be a Divisions of Legion."

A reported subordinate with a trembling voice. Meaning, if it really is a Divisions Unit belonging to Fallen Legion, it is a high chance Ultimate-Class Fallen Angel is leading it to do some kind of mission. And even if not, there should be countless High-Class Fallen; they would be annihilated.

"Immediately activate defense barrier magic. Prepare for emergency escape teleportation and send a message to the Fuerig. Fallen are testing our borders, once again."

Responded Commander quickly. Each Magic Tower that was constructed had in-build protocols. For example, now, the Magic Tower would activate a defensive barrier that would slow down the Fallen for at least two to three hours, and if the barrier is breached, the Tower will self-destruct, killing as many of the fallen as possible.

As the barrier was created around the Magic Tower, all soldiers teleported out to the nearest outpost before sending a message to the Fuerig HQ. As they were gone, thousands of black-winged figures appeared in the crimson sky of the Underworld, aiming at the Magic Tower.

"Prepare the Light Spears and offensive magic, bring down this shield and kill everyone in the tower."

Screamed leading Fallen Angel, clad in armor, as he held a sword in his hand, and his four pairs of wings signified his Ultimate-Class strength.

"Yes, General."

He was one of the Generals of the Fallen Angel legions residing in the demilitarized zone and often skirmishes with Devils.


As I was comfortably reading magic tome and sipping my tea, suddenly a servant rushed to my room looking extremely panicked, so much that he ignored most of the protocols. Something must have happened.

"My Lord, Divisions of Fallen Angels have attacked one of Magic Towers, closest to the Fuerig Castle. Legion General leads them."

Said the servant in panic.

'Damm. Right now, all of my Ultimate-Class subordinates are far away. Though it is a good opportunity for me to test my power.'

I thought in my head before finishing my tea.

"Prepare mass teleportation formation and mobilize the soldiers. I will take Feurig Legion with me. How are their numbers?"

I asked the servant.

"30,000, but there could be more, the Tower is still standing, and ten minutes after the assault began, it sent information about another 50,000 Fallen coming from west of the Tower."

Reported servant. So it should be all-around 80,000 Fallen Angels, while I have 100,000 Devils as I am taking half of one Legion.

The problem is that Fallen has an elemental advantage and also their General.

'Architect, start combat calculations for the best strategy to utilize our advantages.'

I commanded in my head. I needed to get there before the Tower fell ideally, but that was not so realistic. Hopefully, if the Tower is destroyed, it could take several thousands of them down or maybe at least injure the Fallen General.

For the first time, I was wearing the ancestral armor of the Gremory Clan.

I was never for wearing armor, but alas, it could save my life. This one looked like it was made for devils. It looked rather diabolically, painted pitch black with crimson lines. It took me around thirty minutes to properly put on the armor, as it was the first time I was doing that.

This was going to be my first larger battle since my transmigration. Also, this wasn't an ordinary skirmish, judging based on the number of enemies and their leadership. They probably had something else in mind just besides harassment and testing borders. They probably were for raiding.

Grigori was pretty fucked up when it came to management. Their domestic affairs were even in a worse state than most of devil nobility territories, which was something to ponder upon.

After I had armor on, I exited my bedroom and went to the gathering place, where already thousands of devil soldiers organized in disciplined formations were gathering.
Chapter 37 – Problems at the Border (2)
I stood on the balcony of the Fuerig Castle, overseeing how my army was gathering. Tens of thousands of soldiers, donned in black armor, holding spears, lances, or halberts, looking ready for war.

They were organized in orderly-looking formations, waiting for the order to march.

"This will be hard."

I thought in my head.

[Calculations are done. I have prepared seventeen possible scenarios, which are primary ones. Secondary scenarios could be around fifty.]

Sounded the voice of an Architect in my head.


I muttered.

After nearly thirty minutes, all of my soldiers were assembled, patiently waiting for the teleportation Gate to open. It was a large-scale teleportation spell that was often cast to transport a huge number of people.

[The Magic Tower has self-destructed. The approximate death count of Fallen Angels is between 8,000 to 12,000.]

Said Architect, as I grit my teeth.

They have breached the Tower, which wasn't exactly something I wanted to hear, each of those Magic Towers took many resources and time to build, but alas, at least it caused enough damage to the enemy.

"Launch the Gate."

I told the operating magicians behind me as they started casting the large-scale teleportation magic to open the Gate to the place where Fallen was.

Soon enough, ambient magic in the air surged, and soon enough transparent Gate appeared.

"For the Underworld, For the Devil race, and for Death to the Fallen."

I shouted as I grabbed my scythe and swung it at the Gate; I unleashed my four pairs of devil wings, signifying my Ultimate-Class strength, and significantly boosted soldiers' morale as I led my army to the portal.

The place where it opened was ten kilometers away from the Magic Tower so that I could prepare an ambush at the Fallen.

"Implement plan 10."

Plan 10 was one of the scenarios that the Architect calculated. I sent mental instructions to the Division Commanders on what to do. I had 100,000 Soldiers, from which almost all were of Middle-Class and two and half thousand of them were High-Class.

Plan 10 was a straightforward one. I will make a target out of myself and lure Fallen by striking them hard with Strategic-Tier Magic while my army will hide. Due to huge fluctuations in the ambient magic, it will be night impossible for Fallen to cast properly detect spells, and under the chaos of my Strategic-Tier Magic, they won't even have time.

As the last soldiers were coming out of the teleportation gate, I started casting the spells. Strategic-Tier Spell, Chain Dragon Lightning of High-Rank of Strategic-Tier. Soon enough, an enormous dragon-like phantom made out of purely lightning materialized above my head, having over fifty meters.

"Let the dance begin."

I muttered as I released the spell, in the direction that was full of injured and uninjured Fallen.

Apparently, after the Magic Tower self-explosion, they decided to recuperate a little, which was actually good for me, as they were unprotected.

As I shot one Chain Dragon Lightning spell, I immediately started casting another two at once. Thanks to my mastery over Tier magic as its inventor, boost from the Rosenkreutz, and newly, my True Name, its usage of Demonic Energy for one spell of this tier was around 10 Units, which may seem a lot.

Still, for such destructive magic, it wasn't.

Additionally, my regeneration was so fearsome that I had full Demonic Energy reserves in the next six minutes. That was also part of the advantage of my True Name; as Will of the Underworld directly granted it, I would get many passive bonuses when fighting in the Underworld.

This was something that only a very few existences had. Mainly those who were blessed by the Will or had Divinity related to the Underworld.


On the side of the Fallen.

The General of the Fallen Angels was currently standing in front of his Division Commanders, giving them various orders until his eyes perked up a little.


He shouted, but the spell had already hit, and very hard.

As the massive, several tens meters long lightning dragon smashed around the crowds of the Fallen Angels; it evaporated hundreds of them in a single hit.

For someone like the General or his Division Commanders, they were able to evade the spell, but other Fallen, especially the injured ones or those who were resting, were killed.

"Another two! It should be Ultimate-Class magician, but I don't recognize the spell type... probably devil."

Said the General, as he started ordering the Fallen Angels to mobilize, as two lightning dragons hit different parts of the environment where Fallen were, killing countless of them in the process.

"He is attacking us from a distance. If he releases more troublesome spells... how are our losses?"

Asked General as he looked around, as Fallen was quickly recovering from the ambush attack.

"I can sense that five thousand were killed."

Reported Fallen that was proficient in magic.

"Damm. Quickly reorganize before he starts bombarding us with more spells. We need to kill him; I will take half of the soldiers to catch this devil."

Ordered General of the Fallen Legion.


"Hmm... they are equally arrogant to devil nobility, but that is good."

I said to myself as I watched all that chaos, destruction, and death I had caused with only three Strategic-Tier spells. It was marvelous.

"I will send one more at them... but at those that remained there."

I muttered as I cast another Chain Dragon Lightning spell; after it was released, I also ordered several Division Commanders to take half of the army, and go back to the Magic Tower to kill the remaining Fallen there, as I saw that the General of the legion took the majority of Fallen to pursue me. Those who remained behind were only around 20,000, and most of them were injured.

I also cast a few defensive spells over myself to create a barrier around me, so the Fallen would focus on the barrier, and then they could be ambushed by my soldiers.
Chapter 38 – Problems at the Border (3)
After casting several other defensive spells over myself, I patiently waited for the Fallen to arrive as my soldiers were waiting in the shadows. Thanks to the high fluctuations that my spells made in the ambient magic, casting any kind of detection spells was rendered useless.

Soon enough, the Fallen General was already here, looking straight at me.

"Who would have thought that Duke Gremory would personally appear on the battlefield? What an honor."

Said the Fallen General with a mocking voice, to which I revealed a small, provocative smile.

"No, no. The honor is mine; for my territory to be attacked by an overgrown pigeon is truly something. I always thought they were stupid birds, but maybe they had a little brain."

As I said that, I could see the anger on his face clearly.

'This one is easy to provoke. That is a good thing for me.'

I thought in my head as I kept observing the Fallen as they prepared their Light Spears to attack my barrier. Based on fact, there were around fifty thousand of them here; the barrier would break in one wave. I am not strong enough to withstand such an alarming number of attacks... at least not now, without proper preparations.

"What it is, pigeon? Did you forget your brain searching for bread on the streets from human beggars?"

Seeing the General wasn't a patient person, I decided to provoke him into acting rashly. If the Fallen fired the first wave, my army would have the best time to attack, as the Fallen would be defenseless for several seconds.

"Fucking bat! Kill that abomination of the animal!"

Screamed Fallen General with rage as he barked his orders, and Fallen Angels started preparing their Light Spears and shot them at me, to which I revealed a bloodthirsty grin as it started.


I thought while activating the pre-prepared teleportation rune as at the same time the attack fell, thousands upon thousands of devils appeared and started madly attacking Fallen Angels. All of my soldiers were of Middle-Class in terms of physique; countless of them were even in terms of Energy Reserves, and many were High-Class.

Spells of Devil Magic were being used in thousands as they fell on the defenseless Fallen Angels that were just comprehending what had happened. After the first salvo of the devil magic came the second one, this time from the High-Class soldiers that were taught Tier Magic. This one was far more destructive, and hundreds upon hundreds of Fallen were being killed with each spell.

"Ambush! Regroup and counterattack!"

Shouted Fallen Angel General as he saw thousands of his soldiers being killed in the ambush by devils; just now, he realized that he was tricked by the devil standing here.

"Isn't it nice? When the blood of your enemies flows like a river and falls down like rain?"

I asked the rhetorical question as I released tens of Combat-Tier spells, mainly Magic Missles, and Thunderclaps, as countless spells were being shot at the Fallen General.

I was a bit reluctant to use Dark Light as that was my trait.

'Architect, scan.'

I ordered in my head.

[Class: Ultimate

Holy Power: 213

Strength: 49

Agility: 75

Vitality: 30]

'Hmm... in terms of physique, he is weaker than me, while he has larger energy reserves. However, most Fallen are not very creative and use only Light Spears. Similar to devils, they don't use magic often.'

I thought in my head.

Fallen General quickly unleashed his four pairs of wings and used them as protection against incoming spells, as he knew he could not dodge. Also, thinking it to be simple devil magic, he was confident that he could withstand the attack with a bit of enhancement from Holy Power.

How wrong he was. As soon as approximately 154 spells fell upon him, it shot him backward, several tens of meters, as he coughed blood from his mouth.

"Not your average devil magic, right? Though I don't wait, that pigeon like you would understand the beauty of the mysteries of the arcane."

I mocked as the Fallen General screamed in anger and released several huge Light Spears at me that were flying at me with tremendous speed.

With the help of my four pairs of wings, I flew high in the air and easily dodged each of them while shooting back a few spells, this time Tactical-Tier ones.

Unfortunately for me, Fallen General was aware that magic released by me was perilous, so he immediately dodged the spells. However, they ended up hitting countless Fallen Angels that were behind him, evaporating them to oblivion.

'Hmm... he is good at dodging even while he is injured. With this speed, he will probably try to escape with his life; that would not be good.'

Seeing that I had no chance, I didn't want to let Fallen General escape.

I flew with my top speed at the Fallen General as I gripped my scythe Rosenkreutz. I wanted the Fallen General to think I would engage him in close combat.

As I was nearing him, he saw that I had a melee weapon; he arrogantly decided to fight me in close combat.

As we were only a few steps away from each other, something unexpected happened. Several portals appeared below and behind the Fallen General, and chains from Dark Light shot out of them, enveloping Fallen General, not allowing him to move an inch.

"You are... are... Dark Light."

Said shakily Fallen Angel General with a broken voice.

"Yes, and thanks to your stupidity, your death is sure."

I said as I severed his head in one swing of my scythe. Due to him being bounded with Dark Light Chains, he couldn't move an inch.

"Hmm... I am really clumsy with weapons. Architect, build training mech and upload martial arts and fighting styles related to scythe."

I ordered. Solar Federation often used training mechs to train soldiers in martial arts or weapon masteries. It was very efficient and fast. I only needed to reach Expert-rankled mastery. Especially for the upcoming Conquest, as barbarians without magic would often tend to use close-combat, it would be bad for me If I couldn't use magic properly.
Chapter 39 – Problems at the Border (4)
During my fight with the General of Fallen Angels, my army started slowly overpowering Fallen that were fighting against my devils.

Slowly, many Fallen Angels were either killed by spells or in close combat.

Corpses of Fallen Angels were falling from the sky like droplets of water during heavy rain. For me, a devil, it was a beautiful sight to see. Soon enough, the rest of my army came in, which was ordered to deal with injured Fallen from the explosion of the Magic Tower.

After the rest of my army arrived, the situation completely turned around, and hundreds of Fallen were being killed with each passing minute. As a newly found warmonger and battle maniac, I joined the fight and started slaughtering the Fallen like a cabbage.

Most of these Fallen were just Low-Class or Middle-Class, they were weak, and their combat prowess was even lower than their Class. I heard rumors that many Fallen weren't good combatants, and only a few Fallen Armies were top-notch.

Namely, ones led by Azazel, Baraquiel, Kokabiel, and most notable one, Azrael, the Angel of Death.

From what I heard, Azrael didn't become part of the Grigori and rather occupied territory deep within the Underworld, far from Grigori and Devils, and became a rather reclusive group.

I wondered a little bit why.

Why did the strongest Archangel ever create and born choose to become a reclusive hermit?

I stored the Fallen Angel General's body in my dimensional storage, as that could be used as my fuel for advancement when I unlock Devour Clan Trait.

I observed the process of cleaning the battlefield. I also ordered properly cleaning the battlefield, taking all weapons and armor. Devils normally didn't do that; mainly, nobles were against it as it was below them to take something from killed Fallen. I didn't care.

All of those armor and weapons could be smelted and reforged into new things that would make me money.

After one hour, the entire battlefield was cleared, and all corpses of the fallen were stored in separate dimensional storage. I thought they could be helpful to later, maybe as food for monsters or something in that way.

Altogether, I came here with 100,000 soldiers, and fortunately, my losses were only aroáund between five to eight thousand, which was an excellent victory.

Before leaving, I left here half of my legion to guard the area before sending here Arcane Mechanical Automatons to build here another Magic Tower, as the entire array was now disrupted.

The array was actually a super barrier formation that was created by activating all Magic Towers of my territory at the same time, enveloping it in the barrier that should withstand even attacks of multiple Super-Devils or Greater Divinity Stage Gods.

It was something that I created with the help of an Architect to protect my territory during the Great War. During the war, there would be countless raids, surprise attacks, or ambushes aimed mainly at civilian-populated areas, and that was a significant threat as loss of lives could be immeasurable.

Only several Houses had something like this, as it cost a great deal of money to create and required a very experienced and knowledgeable magician, so most Houses didn't bother with creating such defensive arrays. Zekram had one for sure; he even had a smaller version of it, which I was just working on over each city.

Truth be told, I had planned to invest most of my wealth into the protection and fortification of my territory before the Great War. Wealth could be easily regained after the Great War, as then the entire infrastructure of devils would be in ruins. On the other hand, if the population is lost, the weakening would be for thousands of years, if not permanent.

I have returned to the Fuerig Castle with a satisfying feeling.

'Hmm... I also need to check out the Familiar Forest sometimes.'

Familiar Forest was located in the Underworld, filled with monsters that often bonded with magicians or magical races as servants. Familiar Forest, to be precise, was a location that devils used as their place to get Familiars and was controlled by Tiamat, one of the Five Dragon Kings.

She was a terrifying entirety, a powerful one. Dragons were always were strong. If possible, I need to avoid her; someone stronger than the pinnacle Satan-Class isn't someone I wished to meet. Dragons, contrary to devils, had an advantage in their physique.

This means that the High-Class dragon was simultaneously High-Class in energy and body, allowing the dragon to contend against weaker Ultimate-Class that depended solely on energy reserves.

Dragons excelled in magic and in close combat equally, so meeting someone like Tiamat wasn't a good idea, and I even heard some rumors that she had a pretty bad temper, so unless I decided to bribe her with some treasures, it was a big no.

When I read the compendium of familiar monsters, there was one that caught my eye, not in strength or raw power, but rather in potential.

It was called Spitting Thorny Flower. It was pathetically weak and without proper abilities at the start, but it had immense evolutionary potential, as it could digest other corpses of other beings, using them as fertilizer to evolve.

At later stages, when it evolves into higher evolutions, it obtains terrifying defensive abilities and even offensive at later stages.

There was noted that there was one of those somewhere in the territory of the Hindus.

It evolved to something called Flower Demoness, reaching terrifying strength comparable to the Greater Divinity Stage; it even caught the attention of Shiva so much that he decided to make the Flower Demoness his familiar.

That was recorded as a rumor several thousands of years ago.

If it caught the attention of someone like Shiva, a Mighty Divinity Stage God, which is the same as the Being of Law, it must have something in it.

Who knows what strength it reached now.
Chapter 40 – The Genetics of the Clan Traits (1)
Maybe it reached the next evolution and became a Being of Law... who knows. If someone like Shiva invested in its growth, then its speed of advancement must have been terrifying. Also, some Primordial Divinity Stage Gods could also traverse the Astral Boundary, though with severe restrictions, because their God Slot is bound to a particular plane, but they still could.

After returning to the Fuerig Castle, I turned my attention to one of the last things I needed to do before the Planar Conquest.

That thing was unlocking the Clan Trait of the Gremory Clan, The Devour.

The Architect was running a deep-scale analysis for more than two years, practically until I transmigrated here. With several experiments I have conducted on prisoners and criminals, from which a few had dormant Clan Traits, I was able to learn many things.

I even got some books from Zekram that he got who knows where. One of them was certainly interesting. The Book of Lucifer was an amusing name when I thought about it, but it greatly described how the first generation of devils was created and how the Clan Traits worked.

Also, some theories on how to awaken the sleeping Clan Trait. Of course, it also recorded the possibility that some devils might not inherit the Clan Trait. That was tied to the bloodline genes inherited from the bloodline of parents. It may happen from time to time; that child may not have had them at all or a tiny amount, so it couldn't possibly manifest the Clan Trait.

[Analyzation process upon the Bloodline of Gremory. Possible solutions: 1.]

Sounded the elderly voice of an Architect in my head.

"1?! With all advanced knowledge of the Solar Federation and some bits from the Aeldari Empire upon Genetical Engineering, you have come up with just one solution?!"

Now I was a bit angry and nervous. One solution means, that if it fails, I have no other option. Maybe I could search for someone on the level of Being of Law who is well versed in magic, alchemy, and genetics to do something, but that was now out of the question.

[Yes. Based on information gathered in my database, combined with those obtained in this Universe, mainly from the Book of Lucifer, the reason why the Devour Clan Trait is dormant in your case is due to its conflict with the Dark Light Clan Trait.]

Explained Architect, and I immediately understood, as realization struck me like thunder from the clear sky.

"The source of all bloodlines for devils is the Heart, not? Bloodline Heart, if one Clan Trait is too dominant, it could overpower the second one, and Dark Light is as of Darkness Element as it is of Light Element, so it could easily overpower Clan Trait that is pure of Darkness Element. On top of that, Active Clan Traits are tended to be more aggressive compared to the Passive Clan Traits in terms of the behavior of blood. So the solution would be..."

I talked to myself as I stopped in the middle.

[Yes, to create a new Heart in your body that could accommodate Gremory Bloodline. If I have complete STC, I could probably come up with more solutions, but alas, current technology is not sufficient.]

Said Architect.

"Constructing the STC is not something I can do with my current abilities. In the plane, probably only Asgard and maybe, Heaven have enough resources and advanced tech to do that."

I said back.

The Architect was MTC, short for Main Template Controller; if he had access to the STC, Standart Template Construct, he could manufacture anything as long as he adjusted the blueprint within several hours.

Unfortunately, the construction of the STC was still very far away. If I had STC, I wouldn't need to depend on Arcane Mechanical Automatons to do all the work, STC would construct the parts, and Arcane Mechanical Automatons would just put it together, saving much time.

"And tell me, how will I create another Heart in my body? Not talking about moving bloodline genes to that Heart! This is the purely mad solution."

What the Architect proposed was something of extreme difficulty for my current abilities.

[Heart could be easily cultivated from cells of deceased devils that would serve as biological material, combined with some magic rituals, that shouldn't be a problem. Transplantation may be smaller as there is a 34,5987% possibility that your body will reject a newly germinated Heart, even if it is cultivated from your DNA... a lack of data to use on devil physiology. Moving the bloodline genes... there is a spell for something similar recorded in the Book of Lucifer, though it would require an enormous amount of Demonic Energy to cast. At least several Ultimate-Class devils in Energy Reserves would need to be powering that spell.]

Explained Architect. As I listened, it seemed problematic and complicated. But if it worked, it would be something fascinating.

It would give countless devils chances to awaken dormant Clan Trait and have two Clan Traits simultaneously. Not that devils like that don't exist now; they existed but in minimal numbers. It was sporadic for a devil to manifest two Clan Traits; basically, it meant they had a bit of luck, and most importantly, their Clan Traits were compatible with each other, so they wouldn't clash or something.

"Order Arcane Mechanical Automatons to start preparations. I will go and gather Ultimate-Class devils needed to power up the spell."

I said to Architect. In the end, the temptation to awaken the dormant Clan Trait was too big. Having another Clan Trait, especially one like Devour that could constantly enhance my Energy Reserves by devouring the energy of corpses, was phenomenal.

I had five Ultimate-Class generals under me, and all of them were Ultimate-Class of energy reserves, but the problem was that I could not move all of them to one place at the same time.

It was a risk.

"Fallen won't do anything for the time being."
Chapter 41 – The Genetics of the Clan Traits (2)
After I killed the General of the Fallen Legion, together with 80,000 Fallen Angel Soldiers, they would lay low for the time being.

Still, I had to work very fast, as I didn't want to waste time, and if Ultimate-Class unprotected my territory for a more extended period of time, it might lead to some complications and attacks.

Germination of the new Heart took more than a week. First, I germinated it with my own DNA to increase the compatibility rate and used the bodies of many High-Class devils as biological material and nourishment.

Thanks to advanced genetical knowledge from the Age of Technology from my past life, and even knowledge from Aeldari, I was able to engineer a perfectly suited new heart for me genetically.

Also, getting more Hearts was an advantage for me, as most of the Demonic Energy was concentrated in the devil's heart. From the Book of Lucifer, I have found out that there existed devils with multiple hearts, mostly first-generation ones.

After the new heart was successfully germinated, I started working on the ritual that would be performed. It was a complicated one, as it required countless Abyssal Runes to create; laying out the runic matrix for that formation took me several days.

"Architect, with this Heart, what is the possibility of rejection?"

I asked as I was working on the Abyssal Runes to make final adjustments to the ritual.

[21,6982% that your body will reject. Decrease by 12,9005%.]

A decrease of around 12% to 13% was good.

After finishing the work on the runic matrix, I went to sleep and prepared for tomorrow's ritual.


The next day after I woke up, I was notified by the butler that all of my Generals had arrived and were waiting for the next orders.

"So, the operation could start?"

I asked Architect as I was going to the room where surgery would be done. Architect himself will perform it through a specialized Arcane Mechanical Automaton that was built for this occasion. I didn't trust anybody else with my body.

I lay on a white table while waiting for the Automatons to start.

[Soon, you will fall asleep, and when you wake up, everything will be already done.]

Said Architect to me as I started losing consciousness and falling asleep very quickly. At least that machine was considerate enough to do the surgery when I was unconscious, so I won't feel that hellish pain two times.

After I woke up, I didn't feel very different from before, but If I focused, I could feel a second heart beating in my chest and functioning as the original one.

"So the surgery has been a success, I see."

I muttered.

[Yes, indeed. Compatibility is good, so the heart was successfully accepted by your body. Now we can start the last part of the procedure, but unfortunately, for this one, I can't give you anything to lessen the pain from the ritual.]

Said Architect in my head.

"Damm, machine. Let's start."

I said, as the runic matrix suddenly lit up, as five figures started supplying the Demonic Energy to the runic formation together with me. All Ultimate-Class Generals were pouring all of their Demonic Energy into the formation, as I felt it reconstructing my bloodline genes.

It hurt like hell; I had to do my best not to scream out of the pain as my bloodline genes were being moved from my original heart, now the first heart, to the second heart. Slowly, during one hour, as I endured this torture, all bloodline genes were moved successfully.

Afterward, everything was done; I could barely catch my breath.

"Return... to... your... position."

I ordered as all five of them bowed slightly and disappeared to their positions.

Interestingly, I even felt my Demonic Energy reserves increased by around 10 Units with the addition of the second heart.

When everything was done, I felt I could subconsciously use The Devour ability, just like I used Dark Light. It felt so natural to me.

[Master, you should check the mirror.]

Said the Architect's voice as I summoned a small mirror and looked at my appearance.

My previously pure crimson-colored hair now had countless silver streaks among it. Probably due to the bloodlines in my body achieving equilibrium, I now looked more like Lucifer in terms of appearance.

My previously light blue eyes now were royal purple. I heard that people with purple eyes were destined to be Rulers, Emperors, and Sovereigns. It was a sign that one was blessed with a noble fate, though I am inquisitive if it is true.

Still, that was something that I would research in the future; now I had my Clan Trait unlocked, I could devour the energy from the corpse of that Fallen Angel General, and then only visiting the Familiar Forest remains, and the Planar Conquest could start.

"This success was mostly attributed to the Book of Lucifer... I wonder how it got into Zekram's hands. It is something that Lucifer and Lilith would guard at all costs; both of them are Super-Devil Class, and I doubt Zekram would steal it... meaning."

I said to myself as I suddenly realized something.

[Meaning, it was given to you on purpose... probably by Lucifer or Lilith, maybe by both.]

Finished Architect for me. If that was the true cause of things, the true scenario Lucifer already knew about my heritage, I was awaiting something similar, that Zekram probably won't hide my heritage from Lucifer.

It was only a matter of time before he would call for me and assign me a Lucifuge. There was a reason why each Lucifer must have a Lucifuge. I felt it from the moment I transmigrated, like an emptiness that cannot be filled with anything.

Whatever I tried, I have never been able to fill the empty cold void feeling I have always felt.

And then... that was the reason.
Chapter 42 – The Devour
Lucifuge Clan was closer to the Lucifer Clan than any other devil bloodline, as they were made from the same source. Even the Clan Trait of the Lucifuge Clan, the Power of Annihilation was similar to the Dark Light Trait, as the Power of Annihilation was extremely deadly even to devils, same as the Dark Light.

Each member of the Lucifer Clan would get a Lucifuge Clan member based on their bloodline resonance between them. A special bond is formed between them that empowers them, making them stronger if they fight together.

Just like Lucifer had Lord Lucifuge, Rizevim had Euclid Lucifuge. Apparently, my mother should have Grayfia, but alas, my mother escaped from home before she could even test the bloodline resonance between them. Hence, there is a very high probability that Grayfia would be paired with me.

That would also mean that she would become my wife by default. If female Lucifuge is paired with male Lucifer or vice versa, they must marry, as there was no better partner for Lucifer than Lucifuge.

Still, that was a topic for later, only when Original Lucifer noticed my existence, and I would get assigned Lucifuge to me.

For now, I took out the corpse of the Fallen Angel General, which was in perfect state thanks to the simple storage spell.

Evidently, the corpse was still full of energy.

To use Devour, I needed to have direct contact with the corpse, as my mastery was low. My grandfather could simultaneously use it from a distance and even on hundreds of targets.

With my lower-ranked mastery, I needed to do it manually, and that was troublesome and low in terms of time. I touched the corpse of the Fallen Angel General and used the Devour ability.

Slowly, all energy in the Fallen Angel General's body started flowing into my body, entering my heart, strengthening my energy reserves by a smaller amount, of probably 5 Units.

"Architect, scan,"

I said to Architect.

[As you wish.]

Soon enough, the scan was done.

[Class: Ultimate

Demonic Energy: 167

Strength: 82

Agility: 80

Vitality: 70]

"So a total increase by 15 Units if I count increase from the addition of my second heart. With this amount of energy reserves, I shouldn't be weak like a newly advanced Ultimate-Class being. During the Planar Conquest, I fight more and obtain more Ultimate-Class corpses... it would be best If we killed some Lesser Divinity Stage Gods..."

I said to myself.

Body of the Lesser Divinity Stage God or rather of any god was precious. Ironically, the bodies of Gods were precious even if they were under the Being of Law level. Especially for the Familiar, I planned to obtain the corpse of Lesser Divinity Stage God would be a priceless treasure for advancement in strength.

I also have around 75,000 corpses of Fallen Angel Soldiers in my dimensional storage, and I thought I should use Devour on them a bit. Unfortunately for me, my mastery was too low, so I won't able to gain anything.

From my grandfather's notes, with Devour, you can devour the energy of the same or higher Class as yours. But if one attains Master-ranked mastery over the ability, you can basically refine weaker-level energy from countless corpses.

For example, you have 100 High-Class corpses; with Devour, you can absorb their refined energy that would be equivalent to gainst from the weakest Ultimate-Class.

Grandfather didn't use this method often, as it required an enormous amount of energy and gave you only a small increase; it was more profitable to search for beings of the same Class. I even speculated that after reaching Apocalypse-Class, I wouldn't absorb anything from beings under Being of Law, no matter how many of them would be used in the process.

"Architect, what is the progress on adjustments to the Anti-Matter Magicule Cannon Batteries?"

I asked as I sat down.

[Soon, the first ones would be produced. Arcane Mechanical Automatons have manufactured everything to stabilize and produce Anti-Matter.]

"How is their firepower?"

[Pinnacle of High-Class with the usage of Tier Magic System. With the usage of Magicule Particles, the firepower and stability were increased significantly. However, the larger version of the Cannons, installed on the Voidships, has predicted firepower comparable to the Ultimate-Class.]

Answered Architect. Slowly he was adjusting most of the inventions and weaponry of the Solar Federation for the circumstances of Draconic Deus. Anti-Matter weaponry was one of the most destructive the Solar Federation had in its arsenal.

These canons were just small weapons compared to the Anti-Matter weaponry's pinnacle that could easily destroy entire planets. The most powerful Anti-Matter based weapon could implode the sun, though it was never used by Solar Federation and served mainly as a deterrent for the Aeldari Empire and various Ork Empires and Warbands.

Even though it is small weaponry, for upcoming conquest, even Cannon Batteries should be enough, taking into account that in primitive society, there won't many powerhouses or advanced technology or magical technology.

"Good... continue adjusting slowly entire database, and give priority to things that could be used immediately in the current situation."

Not everything could be used in this world, where everyone controlled fearsome powers like magic or divine power. For example, things like tanks or Knights will have little to no usage against strong experts for now.

Maybe Knights with enough adjustments, several runic inscriptions, and rare materials could be used. I remember during the Stellar Exodus, Knights were why so many colonies survived until the invention of the Warp Drive and STC. Knights and Knight Houses enjoyed great prominence and respect even when I lived in the Federation.

"For, now start slowly preparing for the Planar Conquest of the Yestera Plane. I will depart to the Familiar Forest."

I said to Architect and to myself at the same time.
Chapter 43 – Familiar Forest (1)
I stood before the Familiar Forest and waited for the Familiar Master to arrive. Familiar Master and his apprentices usually act like guides through the Familiar Forest as getting lost in this dammed place was pretty easy.

Not talking about the fact, this place was also dangerous, as deeper parts of the Forest was filled with General-Level monster and even stronger beings... not to mention, Tiamat the Chaos Karma Dragon, who was stronger than Pinnacle Satan-Class, had a nest in a Familiar Forest.

However, there have been rumors that she has reached Heavenly Dragon-Class already due to a few engagements with Welsh Dragon Y Ddraig Goch, The Red Dragon of Domination.

"A Devil? ... you smell like Lucifer and... that maniac... interesting."

Said a voice from the darkness. When I turned around, I saw a figure standing there; it was a man, a tall, handsome man wearing a black coat with a long mixture of black and blond hair as well as heterochromatic eyes where his right eye is gold and his left eye is black, and he has pointed ears.

I knew that he wasn't human, and I felt incredible power surging from him.

"Dark Dragon of the Crescent Moon, Crom Cruach."

The man before me was one of the strongest Evil Dragons in existence, or rather would be. Even though I knew he was strong as Zekram, this should be shortly after he was released from his control by Evil God Balor, who used nefarious means to control Crom Cruach.

"And you have awakened the Devour Clan Trait... interesting... maybe you would be a worthy opponent in the future. What is your name, fledgling?"

Asked Crom Cruach as he leaned over the tree. Just by his presence alone, all monsters in the surrounding areas escaped to the deeper parts of the Forest.

"Zeoticus Gremory von Lucifer, My Lord."

I replied politely... existences like Crom Cruach could snap my neck in a matter of seconds if they find something they don't like, especially mad ones, like Crom Cruach that didn't care about consequences.

"No need to talk with me like some stuck-up noble, fledgling. Just call me by my name... I could be considered as a family friend... yes."

Said Crom Cruach with a small laugh at the end of the sentence.

"Now, now come... I will guide you. What Familiar are you looking for?"

Asked Crom Cruach as he signaled me to follow him.

"Spitting Thorny Flower."

I answered slowly as Crom Cruach stopped for a while.

"Hahahaa... you are one of those, right? To groom it to reach a higher level, an enormous amount of resources would be needed... and in case of that thing, you know what I meant?"

Laughed Crom Cruach with a crazy smile.

"Yes. Countless corpses of strong beings for it to evolve. Soon enough, the Great War between Three Factions will start, and a few other conflicts, so I don't have to worry about not having enough fertilizer for my familiar. Currently, I have around 75 thousand corpses of Fallen Angels that attacked one of my outposts."

I have read a lot about Spitting Thorny Flower. Each evolution will regress to the weakest state, obtain new abilities, and increase the limit to the strength it could achieve. For example, Spitting Thorny Flower could maximally reach Warrior-Level; afterward, it could evolve into Bloody Thorny Flower.

It would then obtain new abilities and fall back into Minion-Level, though its potential would increase to the Commander-Level... and it worked like this.

"Yes... war."

Muttered Crom Cruach under his breath. I knew he was affiliated with the Celtic Pantheon, which suffered greatly under Yahweh's expansion of Christianity.

"Crom Cruach... if you want, you can fight against Church and Heaven; I can easily make it real."

When I said that, he stopped in his tracks and looked at me with piercing looks.

"How that fledgling."

He said.

"Together with Great King Zekram Bael, we have devised a plan for how to weaken Church and Heaven. Several other Pantheons would be cleaning their backyards from the influence of Christianity, most notable ones being Blood Races of the Old Yharnam, Olympians, Shinto, and Aesir."

The last two we not certain... but I will make them certain in the future.

"Celtic Pantheon could clear entire Britannia and get its territory back... don't you think so? You can even fight on the main battlefield against Cadres or even Archangels?"

I continued my persuasion.

"Good, good fledgling... you have courage. Do you have enough of it to enter Lifeblood Soul Geass Contract?"

Lifeblood Soul Geass Contract was a very hidden secret among the Lords of the Houses. It was an exceptional type of contract that devils could enter into, where not even the existence of your True Name could protect you if you breached it.


I said solemnly.

If I could get Crom Cruach on my side, it would make everything easier, and also, I will have another powerful combatant on my side. Not to mention that he will soon reach Heavenly Dragon-Class. With his body and magic, he could easily slaughter Archangels.

Among Evil Dragons, he was most honorable and respectful. The rest of them were the true embodiment of evilness.

"I have one question before we proceed."

I said before drafting the contract.

"Ask away."

"You have lived for a long time and seem aware of my secrets of the Devil Race. Lately, I have been thinking... Zekram said that Four Great Satans have a method to restrain Big G... but it sounds laughable to me; three of them are Pinnacle of Satan-Class, and only Lucifer is Super-Devil, but Big G is bona fidei Mighty Stage God, comparable to Apocalypse-Class... true Being of Law."

I stated my question. This was something that didn't let me sleep. No matter how I thought about it, I never found something that could answer my doubts.

"Ohh, that... the answer is more simple. Do you know about Trihexa?"

Asked Crom Cruach with a creepy voice, to which my face paled.
Chapter 44 – Familiar Forest (2)
"You mean..."

I was shocked beyond everything else.

"When Lucifer was cast out of Heaven and created Devil Race... they started exploring Underworld and even Dimensional Gap. During their exploration of the Dimensional Gap, I heard, from your Grandfather none less, that they found some pocket dimension or whatever... which actually was the sleeping place of Trihexa."

Explained Crom Cruach.

"Those madmen... Don't they know if it breaks free from Yahweh, we are all screwed..."

I said with anger... so that was their plan.

They planned to release Trihexa on Yahweh in a sealed area. Such a fight between two existences on that level could go for even years. Even if he won, he would be greatly weakened and severely injured; recuperation may take decades.

"Yes, they are... using Trihexa, the Beast of Apocalypse, for something like this. If it goes out of control, the entire Underworld, Heaven, and entirely of the Draconic Deus would be turned to dust... unless Shiva, Jade Emperor, or Great Red steps forward to stop it."

On the Draconic Deus, there were only a few existences that could rival Trihexa. On top of that, Trihexa, as the Beast Emperor of the Apocalypse, was noted for its terrifying defensive and regenerative abilities.

"Let's rather turn the list... why are you coming to the Familiar Forest, Crom Cruach?"

I said as we were walking through the Forest.

"Simple. After Lugh defeated Evil God Balor, and I was released from the control spell that bastard put on me, I decided to tour the world and observe Human World and Underworld as part of my training... though the Human World is disgusting for me, as everywhere I look there is Church... fortunately not for a long time. Why Familiar Forest? I came to challenge Tiamat to fight; she is the strongest of the Dragons on the Draconic Deus if we are not counting Red One and White One."

Said Crom Cruach. Great Red and Ophis weren't on the list, as they were cooped in the Dimensional Gap, and they were already Tier 3 existences; there was no worth mentioning them; they were too above our current league.

Tiering was something Architect came with. Basically, Tier 1 existences, or as I called them, cannon fodder, were everything from Low-Class to High-Class. Then there were Tier 2 existences, Ultimate-Class / Lesser Divinity Stage God to the Super-Devil Class / Greater Divinity Stage God.

Tier 3 existences were called Beings of Law; though I have no idea how many Classes were there, there was a severe lack of information about it. So nobody would know anything unless some Mighty Divinity Stage God or Apocalypse-Class powerhouse started talking.

"Why are you so adamant about defeating Tiamat?"

I asked out of curiosity as I listened for almost twenty minutes to Crom Cruach telling me about Tiamat.

"When we were fledglings, we were born in the same mountain range, so we interacted a lot. If I were to get stronger than her, that woman told me that she would become my mate... so here I am. On top of that, I could get a grand fight with someone on the Pinnacle of the Dragon-King Class."

Said Crom Cruach, so Tiamat wasn't Heavenly Dragon-Class now. That was good, but I would never suspect that he was here to find a mate. Though similar to devils, dragons also wanted to have the most powerful mates, so their offspring would have the best genes possible.

We devils did the same. Truth be told, I would have never laid with a woman who was weaker than me or had low potential. It was in my pride as the devil, though not everyone was like me.

I was more like devils like Zekram in this regard. Many of the younger devils were promiscuous and didn't care about their choice of sexual partner.

"At first, help me find my familiar and then go to do what you want."

I said to him in frustration. I wanted to quickly find that Spitting Thorny Flower, but finding something in this place was dammed nightmare, as I couldn't even use location and detection spells due to the presence of Tiamat.

I don't want to be dragged into her fight with Crom Cruach; as for me, it would just spell fast death above everything else.

"What about Lifeblood Geass Contract, fledgling?"

Asked Crom Cruach slowly, to which I nodded.

"As long as you can give me many battles and fights, I have no problem following your orders... at least to a certain degree. With this, my debt to your grandfather is repaid."

Siad Crom Cruach, as we signed the Lifeblood Geass Contract.

With this, Crom Cruach became my partner? Or what is the correct term? He wasn't subordinate or retainer... though he would fight my battles if the opponent was strong enough to provide him a challenge.

"What debt?"

I asked as I noticed his words at the end of the sentence.

"Something that is not your matter, fledgling."

Answered Crom Cruach shortly.

"Come on, fledgling, we need to find you familiar, and I have a meeting with Tiamat."

Said he excitedly at the prospect of the fight and possible mating, though I don't really know which one he meant... but If I can guess, then probably the fight is more important.

Fortunately, as we were walking through the Familiar Forest, most of the monsters let us be, thanks to the savage killing intent that Crom Cruach was releasing to scare everything away. On the other side, he also wanted to lure Tiamat here. He said she was obsessed with treasures, so she spent all her time deep within her cave labyrinth, guarding her treasure vault.

"We are already near... somewhere here, plant-type familiars reside. Now you can go alone; if I go there, they will all hide."

Said Crom Cruach as he looked at the part of the Forest.

"Thank you... after your business with Tiamat is finished, please visit me at Castle Fuerig."

I said politely as Crom Cruach just nodded and disappeared.
Chapter 45 – Familiar Forest (3)
Even if I can't find Spitting Thorny Flower, my trip was already worth it, as I entered into Lifeblood Geass Contract with Crom Cruach. The only thing I need is to provide him enemies, to fight, and he will aid me in my endeavors... which was a good deal for me.

Crom Cruach and this contract with him will become my trump card for upcoming events. It would be for the best if he reached Heavenly Dragon-Class soon enough, which was near him. Only If I was stronger could I take him as my subordinate, but that would require at least Super-Devil Class strength.

For now, I will be satisfied with what I have.

Thus I started searching for the Spitting Thorny Flower. And truth be told, searching for one plant-type familiar monster in a huge place like Familiar Forest was a nightmare. Thus I have decided on another kind of strategy.

I took out several corpses of Low-Class Fallen Angels I had killed during the skirmish, dropped them on the ground, and then concealed myself.

Spitting Thorny Flower would be lured here by the aroma of fresh corpses it could eat to strengthen itself, and at that moment, I may bind it.

After waiting for nearly one hour, I finally found what I was looking for.

A huge two-meter tall green plant that looked like an ordinary carnivorous plant, with just one exception, that it was huge.

I looked at the plant as it stared at the corpses of the Fallen Angels cautiously, looking around and checking if this was not a trap. Seeing this, I waited for a little and decided to reveal myself when it started eating them, as then, It couldn't escape quickly.

After several minutes, the Spitting Thorny Flower started slowly enveloping the corpses of the Fallen Angels in vines, absorbing them into its body; as I slowly canceled the stealth spells, I cast over myself and revealed my presence.

Spitting Thorny Flower looked surprised and alarmed, but I soon took out another corpse of Fallen Angel and threw it to the Spitting Thorny Flower as a sign that I was not an enemy but a friend.

The intelligence of the Spitting Thorny Flower was rather low; it increased with each evolution; from what I have heard that in higher evolutions, it could be far more intelligent than the average human and even gain a humanoid form.

Spitting Thorny Flower looked at me curiously before taking a step closer to me while still looking at the corpse of the Fallen Angel that I had thrown her.

Making a contract with Familiar wasn't that easy thing. The Familiar Monster needs to have some level of trust in the person who wishes for the contract. Some Familiars were hard to gain their trust, and fortunately, in the case of Spitting Thorny Flower, it was rather easy.

As long as I had food in the form of corpses, gaining the trust was just a matter of time.

After half an hour, just like I had thought, the Spitting Thorny Flower started being relaxed around my presence, so I used a binding magic spell. If the Spitting Thorny Flower accepted it, then I would gain a Familiar.

Suddenly, a faint light appeared, and I felt a bond being created between Spitting Thorny Flower and me.

"Excellent. Architect, scan the Familiar."

I said with satisfaction.

[As you wish.]

Answered Architect as he did the scan on my newly obtained Familiar.

[Race: Spitting Thorny Flower


Level: Minion

Magical Power: 5

Strength: 15

Agility: 4

Vitality: 24]

While I looked at it, it was terribly slow; it had terrifying Vitality and even Pinnacle-Level Strength for the Minion Level.

Its Magical Power was pathetic, as was the Agility, but that Vitality... it has broken the limit. Apparently, the Vitality was the specialization of the Spitting Thorny Flower.

"How long before you reach the next level and Evolution?"

I asked the Spitting Thorny Flower. The next evolution would increase the limit to the Commander Level.

Spitting Thorny Flower released several incomprehensible sounds for a normal person, but I was a bonded master who was able to understand them perfectly.

"So around 2,000 to reach Pinnacle Warrior Level and to initiate the next Evolution, the maximum you can digest?"

I said grimly. Damm, the consumption of corpses was too much. I just don't want to imagine how much it would increase in later evolutions; apparently, the higher evolution, the higher need for fertilizer.

Or I could feed it something like the corpses of Dragons; I thought about that as a joke. If I find the dragon's corpse, maybe I will give it to the Spitting Thorny Flower.

"Okey... fortunately, the war is coming, so there is no need to worry about fertilizer. Come, you can let your roots in the Fuerig Castle, and I will bring all corpses you want there."

I just wonder how much rivers of blood and mountains of flesh must have Shiva invested into his familiar to evolve into Golden Crown Flower Queen or whatever that evolutionary stage is called.

Though Shiva is the God of Destruction and his wife is the God of Slaughter, for them to find and destroy some planes in the Dimensional Gap to feed that plant is ordinary matter.

The Spitting Thorny Flower nodded its two large flower heads, hearing my words, and started moving behind me as I opened the teleportation portal to Castle Fuerig. Now I can do such spell, as I don't need to worry about Tiamat finding me for trouble, as she surely has her hands full with Crom Cruach making havoc there.

As I watched the Spitting Thorny Flower disappear into teleportation. Then I looked into the distance, as I sensed huge fluctuations of the wild, magical power from there.

"So they started fighting. Maybe I could go observe... nah. I could be mistaken for the enemy."

I said to myself as I also entered the teleportation spell and disappeared from the Familiar Forest.
Chapter 46 – Duel of Crescent Circle and Chaos Karma
3rd POV

Shortly after Crom Cruach left Zeoticus for his own things, he went directly to the cave where Tiamat was cooped up. Among all dragons living on the Draconic Deus, Tiamat was one that was most obsessed with finding, collecting, and guarding her treasures.

Crom Cruach, still in his human form, stood there before the entrance of her cave as he looked around the place, sensing the dragon.

"Tiamat, you treasure nut, come out! Or I will steal your treasures!"

Shouted Crom Cruach with his loudest voice to the entrance of the cave. An enormous amount of Dragon Aura and Draconic Power radiated from him as he shouted into the cave.

"Bastard, you will not steal any of my treasures!"

Shouted back an angry female-sounding voice from the cave.

Soon enough, a huge dragon appeared from the dark cave. It was more than ten meters tall and fifteen meters long, with celestial blue scales that glittered in the light.

"Why have you come here, Cruach? I am not interested in you battle-maniac antics."

Grumbled Tiamat as she looked at the Crom Cruach in his human form.

"Not my problem. You told me that if I can defeat you, you will be my mate..."

Said Crom Cruach as he started changing to his original form. He was a majestic jet-black dragon with enormous dragon wings bigger than Tiamat in his dragon form, at least by half.

"Just because you are bigger than me doesn't secure your superiority."

Said Tiamat as she spread her wings, flew at the Crom Cruach with her fastest speed, and breathed an enormous amount of dragon fire at him.

To counter this attack, he enveloped his wings in draconic defensive spells and used them to shield himself from the attack rather easily, as Tiamat's dragon breath wasn't able to put even a scratch on his scales.

"It appears your flame is weaker than those of mix-breed drakes."

Said Crom Cruach. Comparing a dragon to a drake was one of the biggest insults of their kind. Especially the mix-breed. The only worse thing is to call the dragon a lizard, which infuriates them to death, and most would even risk their lives to kill the offender.

As a counter-attack, he punched at Tiamat with his front legs, sending her flying several tens of meters, taking with her many trees and rocks in the process as her huge body crashed.

While each dragon had innate Draconic Magic, a special branch of magic that only dragons knew, Crom Cruach liked to battle more in close combat than with magic. However, Draconic Magic was probably to most crude, wild, and most primitive magic system in Draconic Deus.

Still, never underestimate the Draconic Magic. While it may be wild and primitive, it was so destructive that it outclassed the majority of the magic systems existing in the Draconic Deus. Most of the spells of Draconic Magic were like a tsunami that took everything with it and destroyed it with just brute force.

Before Tiamat could even get up, Crom Cruach already flew high above her and started kicking her with his back legs, punching her with his front legs, and occasionally slashing her with his tail.


Screamed, he, as Tiamat came out from nothing, and bit his tail with her strongest bite. The tail was an extremely sensitive body part for dragons, devils, or any other creatures that had it.

"I admit... that you are currently stronger."

Said Tiamat with an exhausted voice as she barely caught her breath.

"I know. Now, do you surrender? I will also give you some treasures for my future mate."

Said Crom Cruach as he pressed his front leg on her neck.


Tiamat's eyes widened in surprise as she nodded her head.

Afterward, he released her, and both of them changed to human forms. In her human form, she has the appearance of a beautiful woman with straight and long beautiful pale blue hair, dark blue eyes, and a cold atmosphere that radiates from her beauty. She wore a navy blue skirt, and her entire body was doused with the color of deep blue.

Tiamat was beautiful both in her dragon form and her human form.

"Why did you construct your lair here in the Familiar Forest? Aren't you tired of dealing with those arrogant and stupid bats that often come here?"

Asked Crom Cruach in confusion, not hiding his disgust with most devils, as he thought they were weak.

"Not much... those who dare to do something here just become my food. Especially the ones from Noble Houses; their flesh and blood are delicious."

Said Tiamat with dangerous glee in her eyes. Dragons enjoyed eating flesh that was right on magical power, and devils were... so it was not surprising Tiamat would eat some devils from time to time.

"And why are you here in the Underworld, Crom Cruach?"

Asked Tiamat.

"Training. After Lugh defeated Evil God Balor, I decided to continue my training to reach Heavenly Dragon-Class. I was previously training in the human world, but unfortunately, it is stuffed with the presence of the Church too much for my taste. After leaving the human world, I have decided to tour the Underworld."

Answered back Crom Cruach as he dusted off his clothes.

"I have also met an interesting fledgling devil, who was brave enough to enter Lifeblood Geass Contract with me. In exchange for occasional help, he will provide me good battles."

Said Crom Cruach.

"So you will probably participate in the war between Heaven, Grigori, and Devils?"

Asked Tiamat as she looked around.

"Yes... personally, I have a great deal of hatred for Heaven and the Church. So I would be causing problems for them, even for free."

Said Crom Cruach.

"Also, don't you want to come with me? I heard that Church and Heaven have countless treasures."

He said with a feral grin.

"Treasures?! Where... I am in."

Exclaimed Tiamat in happiness as she led Crom Cruach to her nest.
Chapter 47 – Preparations before the Conquest
POV Return

After I returned to Castle Fuerig, my Spitting Thorny Flower took root in the separate garden, which was located in the underground complex under Castle Fuerig. It started digesting the Fallen Angels' corpses I have been supplying.

While Spitting Thorny Flower was the lowest evolution of this species, its digestion speed was still absolutely terrifying. I could digest hundreds of corpses within a day. I have waited three days, and just after three days, it has reached the Pinnacle of the Warrior Level and is now preparing for the next evolution.

With Architect's calculations, I found out that we will need 5,000 of them for the next evolution. No wonder most of these flowers never evolved beyond the Bloody Thorny Flower, which is the next evolutionary stage of the Spitting Thorny Flower.

The amount of fertilizer was enormous.

I wonder how that one, which Shiva contracted, was able to reach its level before being found out before Shiva.

Maybe it discovered some kind of God's Graveyard. Considering that one was living in the Dimensional World of the Hindu Pantheon, it seemed possible.

Fortunately, I have enough fertilizer, so I left it there and left there a few Arcane Mechanical Automatons that will take care of the feeding process. Now the most important thing was the Planar Conquest of the Yestera Plane.

I have already sent a notice to the House of Bael, telling them we could start. Soon Venelana and also the Magicians from Zekram would arrive.

And soon enough, after I sent the notice, Venelana arrived through the long-ranged teleportation. Contrary to what she was usually wearing, this time, she was wearing combat armor. I must admit that she looked more attractive in the armor rather than in dresses.

"Hello Vena... you look gorgeous in the armor."

I said while gently kissing her hand, to which she giggled in satisfaction.

"Hello to you as well, Zeo. Magicians should arrive soon."

Said Venelana.


I asked in confusion, as I thought Zekram would send only one person.

"Yes. There is only one Ultimate-Class magician, Mephisto Pheles. He brought with him his apprentices to experience Planar Conquest. Most of them are of High-Class and pretty skilled in many magic systems."

I perked up hearing that Mephisto Pheles would come. He was the best magician among devils that had mastered countless types of magic. He often used humans as his medium; entering into a contract with humans, he would give them power while they would obtain new magic for him.

This is good; I can compare notes with him about my Tier Magic System.

After some time, Mephisto Pheles, along with his apprentices, arrived. Mephisto Pheles is a middle-aged man with gelled hair, which is a mixture of red and blue. He has heterochromia; his left eye is blue, while the right is red. He had that weird aura of mysteriousness around him like you can't know what this person is thinking or something in that way.

"Lord Mephisto, I welcome you to my abode, Castle Fuerig."

I welcomed him with a slight bow. He was Lord of his own house, The House of Pheles, and was also the best and most respected magician in the devil species.

"I am grateful for such a warm welcome, Lord Gremory. It honors meeting someone from your lineage after your parents passed away."

Said he in a polite voice as he bowed back.

'So he knows... Zekram. Evidently, my little secret won't be secret for a long time.'

I thought in my head as I gestured for him to follow me together with Venelana.

"Now, I will be taking to this expedition altogether 13 Legions, which are 2,6 million soldiers and two of my Generals who are on Ultimate-Class. I, unfortunately, don't have proper battle magic-oriented Legions, so that responsibility for long-distance attacks would mainly fall on you, Lord Pheles, and me."

I said to him.

"That is acceptable. I will instruct my apprentices to start building the portal slowly. It will be done within the upcoming days, as it requires many resources and experienced magicians to open. I heard from Lord Zekram that your Lordship is well-versed in magic to the point of creating a wholly new Magic System. If possible, may you show me the results of your research? I will also show you something of my own creation in exchange."

Said Mephisto Pheles to me, to which I smiled widely.

This was something I had waited for.

"Of course, it would be my pleasure to discuss magic with the genius of our race, Lord Pheles."

I said happily, but then I saw bored Venelana.

"But before that, I need to spend some time with my fianceé; naturally, you understand."

I said hurriedly, as I knew if I started the academic discussion now, we would be discussing magic for several days straight, and Venelana would be unhappy; she would not say anything, but I knew she would be disappointed.

"Obviously, I understand; I also have some obligations that I need to fulfill so that we will meet in the evening?"

Asked me, to which I nodded my head in agreement.

"Thank you."

Said Venelana quietly to me, to which I smiled a little.

"Grandfather, send you his regards."

"Where is he?"

"Now he is meeting with Werewolf Tribes. While they are much weaker than Bloodkin, they also have two or three combatants powerful enough to cause damage to Church. Apparently, after your discussion with him, he is hell-bent on the destruction of the Church."

Said Venelana.

"Hmm... I that destruction of the Church won't be entirely possible, but we can destroy its influence in other parts of Europe. It is far deeply rooted in Italy, but from Britannia, Ireland, and eastern Europe, it could still be purged with fire and blood."

I said with a feral grin.

Italy and central Europe lost the case; Heaven would protect it at all costs, but other areas had some Pantheons that were hiding in fear from Yahweh and his Archangels, but that would soon end.
Chapter 48 – Opening the Portal
"I will depart for the Asgard and Takagahamara after the conquest of the Yestera Plane is done."

I said to Venelana as we then started talking about various mischievous things.

"Your new look is pretty good... more handsome than before."

Said Venelana during our conversation as a reaction to my new upgraded looks.

After several hours I have been accompanying her and tea and snacks; I went to Mephisto Pheles to discuss magic.

Progress on constructing the planar or astral gate was going steadily. It was decided that the portal would be constructed away from Castle Fuerig in the militarized zone.

This entire area where the portal was located was guarded by several Magic Towers, creating enormous defensive and offensive formations to protect the gate and protect everything from the gate.

Getting help from Mephisto Pheles would greatly help in propagating my new magic system and, more importantly, creating new spells. I have created only several spells, as I wasn't bothered creating countless spells, as there are those who will do it in my stead.

"Lord Lucifer."

"Lord Pheles... so Zekram is very interested in announcing my heritage to the entire world as it seems."

I said while greeting him back. Though with my new appearance, he didn't have to do much, as I would be suspected by most, as silver hair is a trademark of the Lucifer and Lucifuge blood, though, with my Dark Light, it is clear as night's sky.

"Indeed, you are an anomaly, My Lord. For Lord Zekram, or even for Lord Lucifer. In the long term, keeping your heritage hidden may cause you more damage than profit. As Ultimate-Class devil, I can predict that you won't stay as Ultimate-Class long time, right?"

Said Mephisto as he looked at me.

"For whatever you wish to do, you need to bring the maximum from your bloodline, from the fame of the name Lucifer. Devils respect it, at the most innate level, as the original is the creator."

Said to me Mephisto.

"We will see at a later date... after the conquest of the Yestera. When will the portal be ready?"

I asked the important question of this day.

"One day, two days maximally. Planar travel is pretty complicated, and one mistake could result in us connecting to an entirely different plane within the Dimensional Gap, or we would get lost in the Dimensional Gap and die subsequently. It needs patience and resources; fortunately, we have enough of both, right?"

Mephisto said that with a small laugh at the end.

"You have scouted the Yestera Plane, right?"

I asked him.

"No... that was the work of Lord Zekram, but he didn't give me anything, so we will need to do it after we enter the Yestera Plane, but the civilization there is weak, some human barbarians, and mainly goblinoid species and some monster species."

Said he in a sorry voice, as it was also additional work for him as the main leading magician of the expedition.

"Dammed, old man. Rather, for now, come and look at the fruits of my research!"

I exclaimed happily as we started comparing notes about magic. I showed him my Tier Magic System with a brief explanation of how it worked. Then Mephisto tried it, and thanks to his exquisite knowledge of devil magic, human magic, and several types of runes, he was able to replicate the results.

"Hmm... how did you solve the spellcasting stability? All rune types I am using, be it Aesir, Hieroglyphs, or Shinto, are resulting in a great deal of incompatibility. You must find a suitable Runic Language perfectly compatible with Devil Magic, right?"

He said as he observed the spell he cast.

"As expected of someone of your abilities when it came to magic. Yes, Zekram provided me with an entirely new Runic Magic, which is absolutely perfect for the usage with Devil Magic. Innate Affinity Compatibility is 100,00%."

I said to him. Afterward, we spent talking about magic till the next day, as we worked together on the Tier Magic System; as Mephisto said, it was more suitable for Devils than their innate magic due to the lack of firepower of Devil Magic.

After another day that was spent by me either accompanying Venelana or researching magic with Mephisto Pheles, the outline of the planar gate was finally constructed by Arcane Mechanical Automatons and apprentices of Mephisto Pheles.

Now it was time to activate the planar gate by casting the correct spell that would activate the entire runic formation that was engraved there, and the gate would be open.

Then my armies could march and conquer. Search and destroy.

I was standing on the balcony of the Fuerig; together with me was Venelana, and behind us were standing two of my Generals, General Amyke and General Borke Zagan. All of us were in our armors, and down below, all around the Fuerig, hundreds of thousands of devil soldiers were lined up in nice and clear formations, waiting for orders.

Suddenly, Mephisto started chanting the incarnation for the spell, and the entire runic matrix started glowing as an enormous amount of ambient magic was being drawn to the spell formation, and a dimensional portal was being formed around the planar gate in the same kaleidoscopic color as was the Dimensional Gap.

"Send in scouts."

I commanded sternly after seeing the planar gate was connected to the Yestera Plane.

Fortunately, it took only twenty minutes until the scouts returned with the good news that the planar gate materialized on the abandoned area that looked like some kind of wasteland there. After hearing the report, I grabbed the Rosenkreutz and swung it at the planar gate.

"March! To battle! To conquest! For the Glory of Devil Race!"

I shouted to my soldiers as 2,6 million devils started marching to the gate after General Amyke and General Borke Zagan went ahead of them to guard the gate.

"Come on, my dear... death and destruction await us."

I said to Venelana, who nodded happily and followed after me.
Chapter 49 – Yestera Plane
On the other side, where the portal opened, it was a wasteland.

There were only dead trees, dead plants, and similar things. Not even an insect was living here. Tens of thousands of devil soldiers were swarming the area like swarms of ants and started guarding the area. After soldiers came through the gate, thousands of Arcane Mechanical Automatons swarmed through the portal and started digging into the ground.

"What are your spiders doing, Zeo?"

Asked me Venelana as we walked through the portal.

"They are building a fortress around the portal. Then they would move on to the Penta-Runic Magic Tower Formation, which would be built inside the fortress, and the Octa-Runic Magic Tower Formation, which would be built around the entire area where the fortress would be located. We need this place to be protected best to our capabilities in case this fortress is attacked."

I answered her back.

Now the most important thing was to build fortifications around the portal and defensive formations in case of attack. If this portal is destroyed, we are all fucked up very well, as to build a new one, we would need to search the whole plane for suitable resources.

If an enemy has the power to destroy the portal, he would be far stronger than my army. So, in short, portal destroyed = fucked up.

"General Borke Zagan goes and secures the perimeter of twenty kilometers, kills everything, and if possible, captures some intelligent lifeforms in the plane."

I gave an order as General Borke bowed slightly.

"General Amyke, organize soldiers to help Arcane Mechanical Automatons in building the fortifications; we need them to be built as soon as possible."

He also bowed and left to help to build fortifications.

"Lord Pheles, if you mind, together with your apprentices, scan the area and start laying protective spell formations. Then join General Amyke and Arcane Mechanical Automatons to help to build the fortifications."

I gave one order after another after just Venelana stayed with me.

We sat together as I conjured two chairs and a tea table and started brewing tea. As proper Lord, and Commander of this expedition, I enjoyed the view while waiting for tea.

"So, how long do you think this conquest will take?"

Asked me Venelana as we were sitting down and observed everything below us, as the soldiers and Arcane Mechanical Automatons were working hard to build fortifications and everything around it.

"Depends on the strength of natives. Preferably less than one year. If the natives here are stronger than initially thought, then it would take even more. From what your grandfather told, the peak of this plane should be only Ultimate-Class, something we can deal with."

I explained while finishing the brewing process of tea.

"And what if they are above?"

Asked me Venelana curiously. If there was something on Satan-Class, then we are in deep problems.

"Then I will call help. Though I believe it won't be necessary."

I said slowly, to which Venelana nodded.

We continued drinking tea until soon enough was dark, and each of us went to sleep in our tents that were constructed.

A day later, I met with Lord Pheles, General Amyke, and General Borke Zagan. Even Venelana was here though she looked pretty bored as we were discussing military things.

"The fortress around the portal and Penta-Runic Magic Tower Formation would be constructed maximally within one week; afterward, we could start the march."

Said General Amyke his report.

"Lord Pheles, when can you cast a large-scale magical scan?"

I ask while looking at Lord Mephisto Pheles.

"Preparations are done; now we just need to wait until the Penta-Runic Magic Tower Formation and Octa-Runic Magic Tower Formation. Then we would be able to scan the entire plane, as this world is not that big. Probably only 50% of Draconic Deus, not counting all planes connected and tied to the Draconic Deus."

This was probably the best course of things to scan the entire plane in one go. Casting large-scale scanning scans was troublesome; casting such spells would require probably experienced Apocalypse-Class to scan the entire plane.

For Mephisto to cast such a spell even with the help of Penta-Runic Magic Tower Formation and Octa-Runic Magic Tower Formation was a good feat. Also, it will save a lot of time. We would have a detailed map of this entire plane with one spell, with all notable locations and even settlements. Or at least what is on the surface.

In regard to an underground world, if this plane has something like that, we would need to do it by ourselves.

"Very well, then we will wait for one week until Penta-Runic Magic Tower Formation and Octa-Runic Magic Tower Formation are constructed, and then we will start. Generals, how are my Legions?"

I asked as I looked at General Amyke and General Borke Zagan.

"Half of them is working together with Arcane Mechanical Automatons on the building process, while half guards the area. They change their roles each day."

Replied General Amyke.

"Morale is high, and soldiers are eager to fight."

Replied General Borke Zagan.

"Have we encountered some monsters or other species?"

I ask.

"Not many, only a few hundred monsters, the strongest being only at the Commander Level monster. They were soon turned into rations... besides that, nothing."

Stated General Borke Zagan.

"Good, but be on guard if a General Level monster shows up. Start searching through this entire area we have termed as wasteland and kill everything. After Penta-Runic Magic Tower Formation and Octa-Runic Magic Tower Formation are completed, and we have a complete scan of the Yestera Plane, we will start the march."

I gave out my orders as both General Borke and General Amyke bowed slightly and left the tent.

"Lord Mephisto, you and I will go and help to construct magical defenses over the place."

He just nodded before my eyes looked at Venelana.

"Venelana, you will protect the home fort."

I said to her.

General Amyke was tasked with protecting the outer perimeter; General Borke was in charge of the search, while Mephisto and I were doing magical defense. So Venelana, as the last Ultimate-Class, was tasked with the defense of the portal.
Chapter 50 – We March! (1)
One week later

After one week, I arrived with my Legions in the wastelands of the Yestera Plane; the entire place had changed tremendously.

The first thing to notice was probably the entire place had been turned into one massive military outpost. Around the portal, the majestic gothic-looking fortress was built by Arcane Mechanical Automatons and my soldiers' combined effort while incorporating their Penta-Runic Magic Tower Formation created from Five Magic Towers, which were part of the fortress.

Several miles away, one could see eight Magic Tower that was creating the Octa-Runic Magic Tower Formation. Below these wonderful structures, thousands upon thousands of soldiers were swarming as they patrolled the area or trained.

"So, how are the results of the magic scan Lord Pheles?"

I asked Lord Mephisto Pheles as we were in the war room that was located on the top of the fortress.

"Of course, Lord Lucifer."

He said lightly, calling me only by the name Lucifer. He then conjured a map of the entire Yestera Plane.

"This entire plane has landmass around 50% of Earth Plane. It has one continent and two sub-continents, which are not too far from the main continent. This continent we are located in, we have named Ewor. Another sub-continent we named Ihor, and the main continent is addressed just as Main Continent. Now to the Ewor Sub Continent."

Explained Mephisto Pheles as he conjured the image of the Ewor Sub Continent.

"Now, we are located at the southern edge of the subcontinent. Only a few miles south of our position is the sea. Our only way to expand is to conquer the entire southern area, which is inhabited by three human barbarian tribes, and several small monster nests or human settlements."

Pointed Lord Mephisto Pheles to the most southern point of the image.

"What about the three tribes?"

Asked General Borke Zagan.

"Not too much of a problem. They are very weak, with only two Ultimate-Class barbarians among them. While they may have Ultimate-Class physique, with Tier Magic, killing them should not be a problem as I already tested the magic resistance of these barbarians, and it is weaker than expected. Other Magic Systems, as Aesir, should do the same work. Population wise, they have around one million population altogether, while combat wise, approximately half of them is able to fight, but they are weak."

Explained Lord Mephisto.

"General Amyke, General Borke, Venelana, each of you will take three Legions and twenty Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and annihilate all those tribes. Leave none alive; use corpses to lure monsters there so that we can annihilate them in one scoop later."

I commanded in a firm voice.

During the last few days, final adjustments to the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries were finished, and I already ordered manufacturing them. As the portal was constantly being opened, I could have a stable flow of crucial resources or reinforcements from home.

Yesterday, Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries arrived.

They looked like I remember them with their futuristic design. Forty of them were immediately mounted on the Fortress Gremory, which was actually the official name of the fortress.

Leaving me with sixty Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries that could be used in the field. Each of them had firepower comparable to Tactical-Tier Spell, meaning destruction from Town to City Level.

In this conquest, it is annihilation. I don't need survivors, especially no some human barbarians or goblinoids. I need an entire plane to be empty, as I planned to mine even core. Mining the plane's core wasn't something heard of in the Draconic Deus as it would lead to the plane's destruction.

Still, in my previous life, the Solar Federation was mining cores of Stars or Planets rather often as they were massive sources of energy that could be used in creating special weaponry or devices.

The entire southern area was controlled by these human tribes, who were barely able to survive raids of the goblinoid tribes from the north, but thanks to the territory advantage, especially the valley that was the only available route from north to south, human barbarians were able barely to survive their aggressive and brutal attacks.

Soon after, Generals Amyke and Borke Zagan bowed and left the war room to go and organize legions, while Venelana still remained there.

"I know, Vena, that to you, it may sound to slaughter everyone from infants to old people, but alas, this is how wider works. Those with bigger fist rules, and now were are ones with the bigger fist... and to keep this advantage, we need to do everything in our power. Even if it means committing atrocities on weaker and innocent."

I said to her in a cold voice.

I personally didn't care even if billions or trillions of innocents die; for me, they were just numbers; I would gladly kill even for the life of a single devil. This was probably when I finally realized that even with my memories, I was now devil through and through.

In my past, during the Stellar Exodus, similar scenarios were common. Races were being slaughtered and annihilated by Solar Federation for the greater good of humanity if they were deemed a threat after the militarization of the Federation.

I went to Venelana and kissed her gently on her forehead.

"You don't need to have mercy with anything that isn't our ally. Remember that, well, they are either with us or against us, nothing else and nothing more. Those who stand with us or serve us shall be rewarded; those who stand neutral need to make a choice where to stand, and those who stand against us shall be annihilated to the last person."

I said gently as she nodded her head and departed as well, while Mephisto Pheles gave me a weird look.

"You have more in yourself from Satan Lucifer and first Gremory than you can imagine."

Said he silently before he left the room.

"Possibly yes... probably."
Chapter 51 – We March! (2)
From a distance, one could see three big armies numbering hundreds of thousands, followed by heavy artillery in the form of futuristic-looking Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries. Each of these armies had its own direction, as each of them was aiming at different.

One was going to the south, another to the southeast, and the last one was going to the southwest. Each one of the targets of these armies was located where one of three major barbarian tribes in the southern area of the Ewor Sub-continent was located, and soon enough would be annihilated.


Sometime later, Southeast of the Southern Area of the Ewor Continent, Human Barbarian Tribe, Code Name: A

High Command of the Conquest Expedition named three local human barbarian tribes as Tribe A, Tribe B, and Tribe C; not every creative name, but why should one be creative for something that would soon be turned into a sea of blood and corpses.

"General, we are nearing Tribe A, your orders."

Said Lieutenant General Amyke to him as they were nearing the main city of Tribe A after they slaughtered several smaller settlements.

"Surround the city and use Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries until the city is destroyed. These primitives are of no challenge. Ultimate-Class ones are only in Tribe B and Tribe C so that we could go with an artillery bombardment solely."

Said General Amyke with an uncaring voice, as he preferred to sleep rather than deal with these primitive humans, who were not any kind of challenge. Though he was glad, his colleague Borke Zagan and Lady Venelana Bael got tribes that were Ultimate-Class barbarians, meaning they would need to fight personally. Concerning Zagan, he was a bit battle maniac, and Lady Venelana was Bael, so it won't be a problem.

"Yes, General!"

Saluted Lieutenant him as he went to organize artillery troops. Shortly after that, three legions of devils, numbering six hundred thousand, surrounded the entire city, and Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries were strategically placed around the city and started firing.

When the first salvo fell, the city walls were blasted straight into oblivion as if they never existed. The combination of Anti-Matter and Magicule Particles proved to be especially destructive. And these were cannons that were firing at their lowest power, as they were just testing them.

"Good, now put it to max power and annihilate it."

Said General Amyke with a satisfied smile.


Around the same time, South of the Southern Area of the Ewor Continent, Human Barbarian Tribe, Code Name: B

Three legions led by General Borke Zagan were nearing their target, which was Human Barbarian Tribe B, located at south of the Fortress Gremory, where the portal opened.

General Borke Zagan stood proudly on his griffon, who served as his mount and looked around, searching for signs of enemies. Similar to Legions led by General Amyke, they too, encountered some smaller settlements that were exterminated to the last child.

Suddenly, he saw the city and a large number of enemies marching in their direction.

"Excellent, this will save us time. Prepare Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and start firing in their direction; when they are close enough, stop bombardment and engage in combat, I will go and kill their commander."

Commanded General Borke Zagan as he jumped off from his griffon and this time used his own wings to fly, searching for an enemy Ultimate-Class being. As he flew, he heard and saw Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries as they were firing at the incoming barbarians, taking hundreds of lives with each shot, until they got close enough to Legions, only the artillery quieted down.

"Oh, here you are."

Said General Borke, as he saw the biggest barbarian that looked different from the rest, as he wore more ornamental armor than the rest and radiated more power.

As he descended down, he heard something that was the Ultimate-Class barbarian shouting in a language he didn't recognize; while devils had Omni-linguistic ability, it wasn't for all languages, but only those existing and being used in Draconic Deus.

He then waved his hand, summoning several huge shadows, which were actually golems, created through the Clan Trait of Zagan, Fleshcraft. It allowed him to use biological matter to craft golems or something similar. The stronger the base material, the stronger the final creation.

He ordered his flesh golems to attack the Ultimate-Class barbarians as he continued supporting them with his magical attack from a long distance.


Around the same time, South-west of the Southern Area of the Ewor Continent, Human Barbarian Tribe, Code Name: C

Venelana led the last three Legions to destroy the Barbarian Tribe C in the South-west of the Southern Area of the Ewor continent.

Contrary to the two Generals, Venelana left commanding completely to her adjutant, as she wasn't suited for all this senseless slaughter that was happening. She could understand the inevitability of it, but she didn't enjoy taking innocent lives. Something her fianceé admired a little bit, as foolish as it was.

One could say that the annihilation of the entire civilization was the core of the Planar Conquest.

As they were progressing in the march, they soon found the Barbarian Tribe C, where the last Ultimate-Class barbarian was located.

"You can do whatever you want... I am taking care of the leader."

Said she to her adjutant, as she spread her wings and flew high in the air, as crimson-dark Power of Destruction circulated around her, creating countless star-like orbs around her, as they started falling down on the city, mainly at the place that leader was, obliterating everything from the realm of existence.


In the aftermath of the battles, Fortress Gremory, Top Tower

"My Lord, we have received reports from Lady Venelana, General Zagan, and General Amyke."

Stated the servant that came just now.


I asked without even looking at him and continuing to read my grimoire.

"Excellent. All three human barbarian tribes were completely annihilated without leaving a single soul alive; now, the entire Sothern Area from Wastelands till the Skull Valley Pass belongs to your Lordship."
Chapter 53 – Never Stopping War (2)
This method was employed only in planes where there was an overwhelmingly high population or was ruled by a single Pantheon as the existence of Pantheon's Dimensional World was a great defensive means.

Or the Gods were preparing for an invasion.

Now Yestera Plane showed signs of Gods, so this world should already be a proper Grade 8 Plane, where the limit of Gods should be 10.


Meanwhile, at the Skull Valley Pass

"They are coming."

Said General Amyke as he looked at the incoming horde of millions; leading them was a huge figure. It was an Eldritch giant had skin tinged with faint purple and light-colored hair; it had grey-colored eyes.

The giant was nine meters tall and looked fierce; he was armored in spiked armor, wielding one huge double-edged ax and broadsword. It also had various arcane tattoos on its body.

"Eldritch Giant... damm, this is problematic."

Muttered Venelana quietly.

Venelana was aware of this species. Especially those on General Level and higher were fearsome existence. Eldritch Giants was a race that had innately fearsome physical strength and high magic resistance. Additionally, upon reaching General Level, their innate magic allowed them to dispel magic on the same level or weaker, which made them a nightmare opponent for any magician.

"Who will fight that Eldritch Giant?"

Asked General Amyke.

"I will go; although he has innate magic to dispel magic, my Power of Destruction would be most effective against its defensive abilities."

Said Venelana with a hint of uncertainty. While General Borke would be a better choice with his clan trait, he was needed at another place. He needed to command soldiers, so only Venelana remained.

While General Amyke was also a choice, it was not a good one.

"What about the rest of the General Level ones?"

Asked Venelana.

"From Fort Gremory, we got information that seven of them should be in this horde."

Responded General Amyke.

"I will send two of my Flesh Golems to take care of two of them; I just finished making them from Ultimate-Class human barbarians."

Said General Borke Zagan.

"Minus Giant and these two, there leaves four General Level enemies. How will we deal with them? If left unchecked, they could decimate a large number of our army."

"We concentrate the power of Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and try to assassinate them and then maybe use the magical formation to trap them in one place."

"Hmm... that could work... hopefully."

"Then everyone goes to your positions."


Soon enough, the entire Skull Valley Pass was on the highest-grade military alert. Two Generals along the Venelana were standing on the top of one watchtower. Everyone was waiting for the incoming horde.

"I sense only five energy signatures on the Ultimate-Class, meaning two of those aren't here, but the magical scan clearly sensed them. Either they departed to somewhere else, or they are planning something."

Said General Borke Zagan.

"If they are scheming something, it may be problematic... send message to the Fort Gremory to keep detection magic from Magic Tower Formations activated."

Having two General Level enemies hiding in the shadow was a problematic thing; fortunately, magical detection from Magic Tower Formations could find them and send a magical message to Skull Valley Pass.

"Start charging Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and attack two of General Level enemies, target two Orc chieftains."

Commanded General Borke Zagan, as all sixty Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries were being charged to maximum and aimed at their targets. Thirty Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries at each one, hopefully, it will be enough to kill General Level being that has physique on Ultimate-Class.


Shouted General as all sixty Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries fired, aiming at the two General Level Orc Chieftains. As they hit their targets, a huge explosion happened and took tens of thousands of goblins, orcs, bugbears, hobgoblins, and other creatures that were marching.

As the dust settled down, it showed half-destroyed corpses of the two General Level monsters.

"Good. Now rise the defensive magic formation and after five minutes, take it down and start firing Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries once again."

As Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries were being used to their maximum power output, they needed some time to cool down. Fortunately, it was only five minutes until they could fire once again.

After five minutes, Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries started firing again, taking thousands of goblinoids' lives with each shot of each Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batterie. Still, it was a slight loss regarding such a massive horde, but alas, it was still a loss.

When they were close enough, Venelana spread her wings and flew directly at the Eldritch Giant, that was leading the horde, and shot at him with several orbs created from the Power of Destruction as Eldrich Giant swung his humongous weapons defending against them.

The arcane resistance of the Eldritch Giant was showing its full might as he defended against the majority of the Power of Destruction effects. After being hit by several orbs of Power of Destruction, he suffered only minor injuries.

"Damm... with this, it will take a long time before I will take down the giant."

Muttered Venelana as she kept flying around the Eldritch Giant, dodging his attack with his huge sword and ax. Meanwhile, she was dueling the Eldritch Giant; an army of goblinoids started attacking the Fortress walls, only to be attacked by soldiers that were throwing random spells at the goblinoids.

Soon on earth, bodies of devils and goblinoid species were gathering as blood started flowing. After half an hour, General Borke Zagan has released two of his flesh golems, crafted from corpses of General level barbarians.

After he released those two flesh golems, it attracted the attention of two General Level entities, two Orc Shamans that were commanding the goblinoid army, which left space to General Amyke, who then flew into the middle of goblinoid and released his full power and started slaughtering them like cabbage.

Most of these creatures were only of Minion Level and Warrior Level, which was the same as Low-Class and Middle-Class.
Chapter 54 – Never Stopping War (3)
Now all General Level Monsters were being occupied; the primary fight was between the two sides' soldiers. Slowly, corpses of goblinoids were gathering faster than devils, thanks to devils being individually stronger and geared in the best armor.

Fortunately, they didn't manage to breach the even first defensive wall. Alas, slowly, they would, with wave tactics, destroy several defense layers.

One has to admit that the goblinoids were fighting with ferocity, not seen in devils or many races. Especially the more aggressive species like orcs and bugbears were comparable to the Asgardian Berserkers in terms of ferocity and brutality.

Their physical prowess was also superior to that of most devils, even if they were of the same Class.

"Restart the Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries and start focusing the fire on the back lines of the horde."

Commanded General Borke Zagan as he looked around and ordered him to use Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries once again, as currently, due to close combat engagement, they stopped firing them. But due to possible wave attacks, General Borke wanted to prevent it.

"General, we have detected those two missing General Level Monsters."

Reported General's adjutant.

"Damm... how far are reinforcements?"

Asked General Borke Zagan.

"Probably one or two teleportations."

Reported adjutant.

"I will personally take one of them... Amyke will also take one of them, perhaps."

Said General Borke as he spread his wings and went to fight.

When he flew high in the air, two General Level monsters appeared. They were Orc Shamans who were proficient in some kind of elemental magic or spirit magic or whatever.

One of those orc shamans went directly at General Borke Zagan and started casting spells at him, which he dodged relatively easily. Another Orc Shaman went to attack Venelana, that was fighting the Eldritch Giant and attacked her with his spells.

"Dammed creature!"

Shouted Venelana in anger as she dodged attacks from Eldritch Giant, and at the same time, she fired orbs created from Power of Destruction at the Orc Shaman that controlled several nearest bugbears to use them as a wall.

Suddenly, as they were all fighting, a portal opened high above, and a man in dark armor appeared with his long crimson, silver hair reaching his back as he gripped the scythe in his right hand.



As I appeared high on the battlefield, I looked at what had happened below me. Fortunately, as I observed the situation, my forces were steadily holding their ground, if not having an advantage in the fight.

Then I started casting the spell of Strategic-Tier called Hell Flame. It was based on the Clan Trait of Phenex House; though it didn't have its properties, its darkness enlightenment was the only one it had.

Soon enough, massive amounts of dark red flames were conjured as I wawed my scythe which also acted as a mystic code, and the sea of flames was set free on hundreds of thousands of goblinoids below me.

As I controlled the spell not to cause any kind of damage to my troops, tens of thousands of goblinoids were burned to ash, and even more, were injured by the terrifying heat radiated from the Hell Flame.

It wasn't a Strategic-Tier spell for nothing. Fortunately, my soldiers, thanks to their enchanted armor, were protected from the heat.

Then I flew directly to Venelana and started firing Dark Light spears at the Orc Shaman, that was barely dodging them, but after several seconds, his speed slowed down, and my attacks were already injuring him.

I spread my eight pairs of devil wings and opened several Dark Light portals, from which chains of Dark Light flew out and coiled around the Orc Shaman like a snake until one of my Dark Light spears pierced his skull, killing him on the spot.

I quickly stored the corpse of the Orc Shaman in my dimensional storage, as it would be a great source for my Devour Clan Trait, and flew to Venelana, who was fighting against the Eldritch Giant.


I commanded Architect in my head.

[Level: General

Magical Power: 250

Strength: 289

Agility: 60

Vitality: 236]

I looked at the scan and was mildly surprised; this Eldritch Giant was pretty strong. In terms of physical state and energy reserves, it was far superior to Venelana or mine. The only downside was its speed, as it was rather slow, but it might be unquestioned in everything else.

Compared to intellect or mastery over arts, it was as low as or even lower than the average soldier in Underworld. From what I saw, Venelana managed to injure it with her Power of Destruction; unfortunately, not enough to kill this creature.

I was almost drooling when I thought about using Devour on the corpse of such a strong creature.

The gains from it would be enormous.

I looked at Venelana, who noticed my gaze and nodded, to which I started casting tens of spells, mainly those with high destructive capabilities, such as Dragon Lightning, Thunder Death Lightning of Tactical-Tier or even Combat-Tier such as countless Magic Missles were being created around me, as all of them shot at the Eldritch Giant.

Unfortunately, for my spells, they weren't enough to break through the terrifying magical defense of Eldritch Giant, but that wasn't even my main aim.

Thanks to my distractions, Venelana could condense a large amount of Power of Destruction in several orbs and attack Eldritch Giant when its defense was regeneration, causing him many injuries.

"I will try to immobilize it with Chains of Dark Light while you will gather as much as possible of Power of Destruction to break the magical defense so that we could kill it."

Eldritch Giants were a pain in the ass for any kind of magician. Their arcanic defense regenerated extremely fast and was very high. So I planned to use the Power of Destruction as a catalyst to bring it down, and then I will finish it off with Dark Light spears.
Hopefully, it will work.
Chapter 55 – Never Stopping War (4)
As we were flying around the Eldritch Giant, who was in anger trying to attack us in vain, it was apparent that the Eldritch Giant looked troubled and pretty pissed off. He couldn't defeat either of us, as we were pretty good at dodging his attacks, and we were also constantly restraining him so that he couldn't command the goblinoid horde around.

I saw that the two Flesh Golems that were created from corpses of the Ultimate-Class human barbarians were at a disadvantage against two General Level Orc Chieftains, but that was understandable, as they were just brainless zombies with colossal power.

Fortunately, General Borke Zagan managed to kill the Orc Shaman in a relatively short time and started commanding his two Flesh Golems directly.

At the same time, General Amyke was wreaking havoc among the goblinoids, shooting spells here and there, massacring them like cabbage, making rivers of blood.

What I didn't like was that my soldiers started dying faster. Something not pleasurable but inevitable. Most men and women never participated in the war, so this would at least steel them to a certain amount, but I saw that I had lost tens of thousands of soldiers, so that was enough.

I created several Dark Light portals as Venelana got behind me and started concentrating Power of Destruction in three orbs. Suddenly, as the Eldritch Giant was closing, chains of Dark Light shot out, coiling around the Eldritch Giant like a snake, not allowing it to move an inch.

The Eldritch Giant looked angry as he tried to break the chains to no vail; in turn, he was even being burned by the Dark Light Chains. As he was struggling in the trap I cast on him, Venelana was done with her Power of Destruction orbs, and I started creating a highly compressed Dark Light Spear with a large part of my reserves.

It wasn't huge, rather small, only two meters long, but had a concentration of energy worth 80 Units, which was a terrifying amount. As the orbs of Power of Destruction hit the Eldritch Giant, he screamed in pain as I saw how his skin and muscle tissues were dissolved; apparently, the Arcanic Defense was broken for some time, giving me precious time.

As I saw the Eldritch Giant wriggling in pain, as he screamed from the pain that his injuries were causing him, I released the Dark Light Spear at him, which I even boosted with a lightning spell to give it even higher speed.

The Dark Light Spear shot with speed and ferocity like tribulation lightning as it aimed at the head of the Eldritch Giant, piercing his head in one go.

After several seconds, when I was sure that the enemy was already dead, I released the Chains of Heaven, as I called that technique, dropping the corpse of the mighty Eldritch Giant on the ground.

As the corpse hit the ground, deathly silence took over the battlefield. Remaining General Level goblinoids, two Orc Chieftains looked at each other before a silent nod; they started retreating as other goblinoids started screaming and then running away.

Altogether five General Level powerhouses fell here, including the leader that was General Level Eldritch Giant, so as the horde lost its leaders, they did what they were best. Run.

Run as hell.

But I wasn't giving any chances.

I looked at Venelana and General Amyke, who stopped his onslaught and flew to my position as all of us flew to two General Level Orc Chieftains giving them pursuit. It would be best to kill them here, so they can't return back and reorganize their forces, giving resistance when conquering them.

Meanwhile, with heightened morale, my Legions started pursuing fleeing goblinoids, killing them with ease. Bodies of goblins, orcs, bugbears, and hobgoblins were accumulating in small hills with tremendous speed.

After pursuing for several minutes, Venelana managed to kill one of the Orc Chieftains by blasting his head with Power of Destruction, while General Amyke killed another one, as I restrained it with one of my chains.

I must admit that they were pretty good at fleeing.

Regarding what to do with two corpses, I left them to General Borke Zagan, as they would be helpful and could create another two Ultimate-Class Flesh Golems boosting his power several times.

The siege of the Skull Valley Pass was finished, and we had won. With the death of all those General Level powerhouses, practically the entire Ewor Subcontinent would be under my rule within several days, at the slowest.

Now the only thing was to clean the battlefield; I went and stored the corpse of the Eldritch Giant in my dimensional storage, as I wanted to use Devour on it; that one would significantly increase my power.
Chapter 56 – Aftermath
After the last of the goblinoids were killed, we started slowly cleaning the battlefield. I ordered to collect all corpses on Commander Level, as they would serve as good food for my troublesome familiar.

I didn't bother with lower-leveled corpses, as they would be of no use, for as fast as possible growth of my familiar, I needed corpses of the strongest beings. What was troublesome after it evolved to Devouring Thorny Flower, which has a strength limit of General Level, then it would be strengthened only of corpses of Commander Level and higher.

From my limited understanding of that species, they needed an enormous amount of food to reach a higher level. Even from Commander Level's corpse, their progress would be slow.

I had an idea that if their limit is set to, for example, Commander Level, then that level would act as base material, and lower leveled ones won't be effective anymore or will be effective with the efficiency of one hundredth they were before. I need more data.

I flew through the battlefield as I watched my soldiers and Arcane Mechanical Automatons cleaning the battlefield, with General Amyke and General Borke Zagan giving instruction and overseeing the battlefield.

"My Lord."

Said both of them as they watched me come.

"Order all soldiers to stop the cleaning works and go to rest. Tomorrow take all 11 Legions and conquer the rest of the Ewor subcontinent... kill anything that breathes; I want to have a clean subcontinent."

I ordered. Now was the best time to attack the rest of the subcontinent, as their leadership was crushed and dead. Also, most of the northern tribes of various species were drastically weakened, as they lost their numbers here.

"Yes, My Lord."

"Also, what are our loses?"

I asked as I looked at them.

"Around 100,000 dead. For many soldiers, this was the first large-scale battle, My Lord."

Answered General Zagan slowly, to which I grit my teeth.

"More than I anticipated, but the remaining ones would be steeled with fire and blood."

I said with frustration. Still, with such a numerical disadvantage, it was a good result. Not to mention goblinoid tribes have more combat experiences than my soldiers, who were mostly freshly recruited to increase numbers.

Fortunately, with the right training methods, and top-noétch weapons and armor, losses were far less than they would be if not for my precautions.

"When we return from the Conquest Expedition, we will start the recruitment process once more and adjust military drills by tenfold."

I said briefly as I watched both of them bow and then leave.

I also instructed Arcane Mechanical Automatons to finish the cleaning works, delivering the corpses of Commander Level creatures to me; as I stored them in my dimensional storage, the rest was left to rot after Arcane Mechanical Automatons extracted the magical power to recharge themselves.

It was another function that the Architect created based on my Devour Clan trait. It allowed any kind of Arcane Mechanical Automatons with the right runic matrix to extract magical power from the deceased foe, recharge itself, or store energy.

Thanks to that, they could work faster and without needing short breaks for recharging with ambient magic. This would also boost the efficiency of the Arcane Mechanical Automatons several times.

Next days, my Legions started marching through the Skull Valley Pass to conquer the rest of the Ewor Subcontinent while I stayed here in the fortress and oversaw the cleaning process. Surprisingly, Venelana tagged along in case they encountered more Ultimate-Class beings.

Fortunately, after two days, I got the message that half of the north already fell into our hands, as the Legions marched and annihilated every village or town they found. With such speed, soon enough, the entire Ewor subcontinent, within exactly five days altogether, fell under my rule.

In some corners, some goblinoids survived, but they were mercilessly hunted down as I ordered complete clean-up from any even bit intelligent forms of life. Yestera Plane must be stripped clean, as an entire plane would be turned into mining type, and even core would be mined.

After an additional week, I was creating some plans for basic fortifications of the subcontinent and a means to reach other lands of the Yestera Plane. All continents were divided by huge bodies of water, and from magic scans, there were some really nasty things living deep within the depths of the ocean. This was troublesome, but I left it be as now I am not prepared to deal with sea monsters.

A teleportation array was the best option to bring my Legions to other continents, but that could only be constructed if we were already there. So to safely cross the large distances, I ordered the Arcane Mechanical Automatons first to replicate and build more Arcane Mechanical Automatons. Afterward, they would start building the first Voidships.

For the first Voidship to be built, I chose a Cruiser type, more precisely Lunar-Class Cruiser. Not to mention, each Voidship of the Solar Federation has fearsome firepower; now that I have the entire sub-continent at my disposal, that would be used as resources for my new weaponry, something not possible in the Underworld, as most resources went into factories to make supplies for war.

Arcane Mechanical Automatons started mining works immediately, as they attacked all deposits, worked non-stop to mine countless ores, and started working on manufacturing more Arcane Mechanical Automatons, and this process repeated and repeated.

I even ordered soldiers to help with various tasks to boost the production rate. I wanted everything to be done maximally within 2 months of time.
Chapter 57 – Progress of Small Break
Two months went by from the conquest of the complete subjugation of the Ewor subcontinent.

Last two months, I have mainly spent surprisingly training and experimenting with magic. I finally trained with the specialized automaton to learn a scythe mastery more, as I sucked at the close combat pretty bad.

I have also used Devour on the corpses of the Orc Shaman and Eldritch Giant. The Eldritch Giant gave me the biggest surprise: I increased my reserves a bit and, more importantly, helped my physique tremendously, as I was almost at the pinnacle of the High-Class in terms of physique.

Currently, I was in Fortress Gremory, which became the command center for an entire expedition for the time being. I finished the last exercises with my scythe, as I spent some time practicing not to look so bad. While I preferred magic, as it was everything for me, it was good to be prepared for Anti-Magicians or begin with the ability to negate any energy types, which was troublesome.

Thus close combat became more important.

I had a great advantage in my physical strength, so it would be foolish not to use this advantage to the fullest and learn some weapon mastery.

'Architect scan.'

[Class: Ultimate

Demonic Energy: 183

Strength: 98

Agility: 96

Vitality: 90]

Most of my increase went to my physical attributes, mainly because of using the Devour Clan Trait on the Eldritch Giant. On the one hand, it would be better to have increased energy reserves, but on the other hand, increasing physical state was far harder.

I then went to the balcony of the Fortress Gremory to see what was happening down below me.

Three humongous voidships were being tended by tens of thousands of Arcane Mechanical Automatons, as construction of the first Voidships of my future fleet would be soon completed.

My current number of Arcane Mechanical Automatons shot up to the number of 750,000 within two months, which was a very nice number. I could finally start many construction projects and other things with such a number.

Even a small plot of land in this newly birthed plane was far richer in resources than my own territory. Though that was understandable, most territories in the Underworld belonging to the lords were already explored, and resources were found and mined.

For resources, "regenerate" could take tens of thousands of years or with some extraordinary means, but that would be pointless talk.

No wonder most of the factions that could do it will explore the Dimensional Gap and search for some weaker planes to conquer them and take their resources. With this trip alone, I have saved several years of worth of time.

With a constant flow of resources into my factories, production of the Arcane Mechanical Automatons went with tremendous speed. I even got to have three Voidships constructed already; while each of them was of the only Cruiser, it was still better than nothing.

Though, even Cruisers of Solar Federations have fearsome firepower. Main canons, which were practically Anti-Matter Magicule Canon Batteries of the higher model, had firepower comparable to Ultimate-Class.

As I looked at the works being done on the voidships in satisfaction, I was thinking about starting to construct combat-oriented Arcane Mechanical Automatons of the Arachne Type.

While Drones were useful in supportive and construction areas, they were not so suited for the battlefield, even with their combat prowess of Low-Class, after I ordered to install a small Magicule Lasgun onto them.

I already have several models that I will construct for Combat Oriented Automatons.

The future lay in Voidfleet. During the Stellar Exodus and Age of Technology, the most powerful, if not all, of the Solar Federation came from the Voidfleets that we have constructed.

While our land armies in terms of strength were inferior to Aeldari Empire or Ork Warbands and Orkish Empires, in terms of Naval Fleet, we could hold our own against Aeldari and even Orks... if not for Orks using numbers against us.

In past decades Solar Federation was more and more militarized, something that I truthfully approved, as High Admiralty and Marshalls poured more finances into the research of weapons and things for the Military.

Some things that weren't finished, like human enhancements and various transhuman projects, were still in the database of Architect. Many of the Marshalls of the Solar Federation wished to create transhuman warriors that would be able to slaughter in combat the Aeldari Exarchs or Orks, from ordinary Boyz to mighty Warbosses.

"It is awe-inspiring how efficient and simultaneously terrifying your Arcanotech is."

Said Venelana as she stood behind me.

"Yes, indeed. The Arcanotech, I believe, is the future of the Devil Race. Look at it, at its wonders. With Voidships able to traverse starts and conquer worlds, we could raise fortresses, castles, and cities within days with Mechanical Automatons. And when combat-orientated Automatons are manufactured, the blood of enemies would baptize them as a terrifying army to face in battle."

I said dramatically while imagining millions of Mechanical Automatons of various shapes and forms, orderly marching underneath thousands of voidships that were high above them to the battle.

Bringing down every foe and killing every enemy.

Devils had a good predisposition to develop Arcanotech. We were an extremely magical species, meaning magical power; magicule particles were our root. We are also long lives species and could easily learn through time, develop, and many others.

Take an Orks, for example; they were primitive, even beyond that, barbaric and savage species. Even they used their weird Teknology that Tekboyz created. That was something I had learned from my past life.

Orks were a pain in the ass even with primitive weapons due to their fearsome physical strength, which I would say is around Middle-Class for weaker ones, High-Class for stronger ones.

But Orks, armed with advanced technology, were a nightmare for everyone that fought them. I remember that they were like the plague that destroyed everything in their path... and when they were armed, worlds and stars burned.
Chapter 58 – Preparations
"We would have War Council soon, so be so kind and stop admiring your metal machines that look creepy."

Said Venelana from behind me.

"They are not creepy... their design is to maximize their potential in everything they are doing, that is why Arachne Type Arcane Mechanical Automatons were created."

I said that but Venelana didn't bulge even, and we went to the War Council.

We went through the halls of the Fortress Gremory, where Generals Zagan and Amyke, together with Lord Mephisto Pheles, had already waited for our arrival.

"Gentlemen, we can start."

I said as we entered the room.

"Of course, My Lord. At first, the state of our army is well, and we have replenished the losses, so we are on a number of 1,3 million soldiers, ready to march on the Ihor."

General Borke Zagan reported that Lord Mephisto Pheles turned or holographic projection of the Ihor.

"As we can see, the next target of the conquest would be the Ihor subcontinent, leaving the Mainland of Yestera Plane as the last one. We have sensed a large amount of Ulitmate-Class beings on the Mainland, so before we have manufactured enough weaponry from Arcanotech, it would be best to go there as last."

Explained General Zagan with a short break as I nodded my head in approval.

"From magical scans, it seems, contrary to the Ewor subcontinent; the entire Iwor subcontinent is dominated by human tribes, more developed than barbarians than here, probably due to lack of a large number of various monster species or goblinoids as in the Ewor subcontinent."

Continued General Zagan.

"About how many Ultimate-Classes are we talking about?"

I asked while looking at General Zagan.

"More than fifteen, probably."

Reported General.

"Hmm... soon, three Lunar-Class Cruisers would be constructed with firepower that is able to kill Ultimate-Class being. With a specifically prepared ambush, we could kill a large amount of them, maybe even all, if we lure them to battle."

I said.

With the construction of three Lunar-Class Cruisers, the first of my Voidship fleets, I wasn't too worried about numerical disadvantage against more Ultimate-Class beings. With Voidships and advanced Anti-Matter Magicule Batteries, I could prepare some kind of ambush and dispose of even several Ultimate-Class beings in one sneak attack.

And if I have more than twenty Voidship, I could even let them get head-on.

"We will use Voidships to cross over the sea and build a teleportation array on the Ihor subcontinent, and through the teleportation array, our army and together with Mechanical Legion will cross over."

I planned to cross with Voidships and their construct array to bring my legions.

"That is a good plan, Lord Lucifer. During my magical scans, I have found that within depths of the ocean, there are entities on the Satan-Class."

Stated Lord Mephisto Pheles.

This was something I had already predicted when we first came here. It was only a matter of time until I had enough power and military strength to conquer the sea inhabitants and mine the entire plane through and through.

"Sea exploration would be done much later; now, our focus is on continents."

I said.

"My Lord, how many soldiers could one Cruiser transport?"

Asked me, General Zagan.

"If they are packed densely, then maximally 100,000. Altogether, all three of them could transport one and half of Legion, and in storage space, a probably unknown number of Mechanical Automatons, but probably even more."

Answered shortly. Cruisers weren't suitable for the transportation of many troops, which was a role for Battleships, Dreadnought, Flagships, or Space Fortresses.

"Then it is decided. Voidships will be finished in the upcoming days. Lord Mephisto, you would be coming on this expedition with us, as Fortress Gremory with all advanced Arcanotech isn't in immediate danger for now."

I ordered. With new additions to the defense of Fortress Gremory, the fort with all Arcanotech, it could easily defend against the attack of many Ultimate-Class beings. Mainly thanks to new models of Anti-Matter Magicule Batteries that were also used in the Lunar-Class Cruisers were mounted onto walls and towers of the Fortress Gremory.

"Yes, My Lord." "Yes, My Lord." "Of course Lord Lucifer."

Responded two Generals and Lord Mephisto Pheles together as they left the room, and I was left alone with Venelana.

"So what do you think, Vena? In the future, this would be our lifeblood."

I said to her as I sat down on the sofa.

"It is too bloody but probably necessary. From two months, you have obtained resources worth several years of production in the Underworld."

Said Venelana slowly as she came to me and sat on my lap, and hugged me. My hearts beat very fast as I felt her soft body touching mine. This was really something new to me; I felt uneasy but also comfortable for some reason.

[This is just a biological reaction of you meatbags have, or in other words, you want to mate with this woman, so mate with her.]

Said the voice of Architect in my head.

'Crappy machine.'

I cursed in my head.

After several seconds, I hugged Venelana with my hands and held her close to me as her head rested on my chest. It was apparent that even though she was masking it perfectly, she didn't like the environment here.

This was a military expedition with a minimum amount of luxuries or other necessities for nobles. Personally, I was not too fond of it, so I didn't take anything that wasn't really needed for expeditions or battles.

"Thank you for your help."

I said quietly to her.

In truth, I was thrilled that she came, it may didn't seem like that, but she was a great help.
Chapter 59 – First Flight
The next day, I was standing in the command center of one of three Lunar-Class Cruisers. I was sitting on the throne that was installed in the middle of the room while General Zagan and Venelana were sitting beside me, as my ship was in the lead of the other two.

Finally, after a long time, I was once again sitting in the voidship. The entire Voidship was controlled by simple A.I. created and controlled by Architect. During my time in the Solar Federation, I designed many of them, especially for battle.

This was the advantage of advanced artificial intelligence technology. In Solar Federation, all fleets were solely controlled by A.I. while Captains of Ships, or other Navy Officials, were only making final decisions, where to shoot, if shoot, where to fly, and other things. In other things, A.I. was more precise than the human factor.

We were passing through the ocean current, and we would be for several hours.

"How much time until we reach the Ihor, Zeo?"

Asked me, bored Venelana as she was sitting there and looking bored as hell, even I was a bit, of course, I could read some magic tome, but due to sitting here with General Zagan and Venelana that would be considered as rude to them.

One was my fianceé, and the other was my most loyal vassal.

"Three or four hours, we are flying at the lowest speed, not to waste much energy, as we need it for weaponry, and also, the entire ocean is full of many strong monsters and sea beasts; we don't need to attract attention."

I answered her. Deep within the depths of the ocean, there were many strong entities. I set the speed of the voidships to its lowest for the reason of the lowest consumption. In turn, my ships won't be attracting the attention of more energy-sensitive monsters and creatures that would be otherwise tempted to attack my transport.

"I see... that is indeed a wise move, My Lord."

Said General Zagan from my side.

"After arriving at the Ihor, we would be landing in the west of the subcontinent, apparently, in near there is a strong tribe of humans, that would be needed to deal with, so I will be putting in test my new artillery of Anti-Matter Magicule Batteries."

I explained.

The problematic thing was, near my landing place, where I planned to construct a teleportation array, was some tribe of humans, liked by Ultimate-Class Chieftain, so my new voidships would have their first test.

"Why not fly and land north or south of Ihor?"

Asked Venelana.

"It was no good option, My Lady. You see, while these three voidships may appear strong, if we are unlucky and encounter some powerful sea beast, we could be easily attacked by the sea. North Coast and South Coast are much distant, so we would need to spend more time flying."

Answered her General Zagan.

The sea beasts truly terrified me. When Lord Mephisto told me that, he found existence on the level of Satan-Class / Intermediate Divinity Stage; God was truly dreadful. This plane was weird; its development and strength drastically differed between sea and land.

"Still, even if we are talking about continents, this place has far more Ultimate-Class powerhouses than we have initially predicted. That is a bit troublesome."

I said.

"Don't worry, My Lord. Currently, I have four Ultimate-Class flesh golems, and after we dispose of these foul barbarians, I hope that you will leave me some of them so that I can increase my collection."

Said General Zagan with a malicious grin, to which I nodded.

"Of course, General, your collection is most helpful in this conquest."

I said.

While Flesh Golems, created from Zagan's Clan Trait, were weaker than genuine experts, that was mainly due to a major loss of intelligence and wisdom due to their death and use of the Clan Trait to reconstruct them as Flesh Golems.

Their use was even weaker because they could easily block and stall genius Ultimate-Class powerhouses for enough time. They could use the numerical advantage to kill even real Ultimate-Class powerhouses if they were to gang up on someone.


Yestera Plane, Ihor Subcontinent, Central Region, several days before

"Chieftain, the prophets, and shamans have verified the news... apparently, the entire Ewor Subcontinent fell to the vile invaders."

Said a man in long fur robes.

"What should we do, Head Shaman? Invaders should be powerful to conquer the entire subcontinent."

Asked the Chieftain, his advisor, and the Head Shaman.

"In my opinion, we should contact other Great Tribes throughout the entire Ihor and establish an alliance against the invaders. From what shamans prophecies and visions told that the invaders are already coming to attack and annihilate us."

Stated the Shaman in a creepy voice.

"How much of Legendaries could we gather with all support?"

Asked Chieftain. The Legendary powerhouse was in their culture name for Ultimate-Class entity.

"There are 7 Great Tribes across the entire Ihor, and each of them has on average 2 Legendary Powerhouses; some have even three. Altogether, we would have probably around 17 or 18. The problem is, some of them are already part of their prime, especially Great Tribes in South, are in severe decline, and their Legendaries are already on the verge of dying from old age."

Answered the Shaman truthfully. Even so, gathering so large a number of Legendary-ranked powerhouses was terrifying, so he hoped that it would be able to defeat enemies. Especially now that his tribe was calling for such alliance, and they had three Legendary-ranked powerhouses, himself included.

"Then send a message to all Great Tribes and call them for a meeting right now. We need to establish a military alliance as soon as possible. Do you know when the invaders will arrive?"

Said Chieftain.

"Within days, Chieftain. I will work as fast as possible to accomplish these tasks to preserve our civilization and banish the evil invaders to where they belong."

Answered Head Shaman.

"Good... hopefully, we will all survive this."

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