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The Holy Chronicles of Baator

Chapter 564 - Gaping Maw
After they crossed through the Grand Songster Pit, Gu Long and Iggwilv arrived at the 88th Layer of the Abyss called Gaping Maw. The Gaping Maw was the 88th level of the Abyss and the home of Demogorgon, Prince of Demons.

From what Iggwilv told him, Demogorgon was a very powerful Demon who reached Tier 11; he belonged to the ancient demons and was a very cunning one. The Gaping Maw was a vast continent covered in a jungle and surrounded by an equally vast ocean with brine flats.

Rising from the sea were twin towers, topped with enormous fanged skulls that marked the fortress Abysm, a labyrinth of dark and cold underwater caves.

"This place is surprisingly desolated..."

Gu Long commented from the side as they were observing one of the few cities in the 88th Layer Gaping Maw. While he wasn't keen on believing rumors, they were indeed true when Iggwilv retold him these rumors.

It seemed that Demon Prince Demogorgon had indeed joined the war among his fellow Demon Lords and Lords of Layers and was right now waging war on expanding his territory and influence.

Gu Long has discussed his predicament with Iggwilv, as they have built some kind of mutual trust between them, aside from the fact that they signed a very strict Geass that would prevent them from betraying each other...

In the end, Iggwilv told him about a few suitable places where he could make his breakthroughs and one of the best spots was actually in the Gaping Maw. Originally, Gu Long was rather reserved about this because it was the territory of a mighty Demon.

Gaping Maw contained one certain location that was very suitable for Gu Long's ascension because it was the tomb of the Demon God or, rather, ruins of it... nobody knew, but there was one thing certain: it was extremely dense with Demonic and Divine Aura.

That was something that Gu Long needed for his ascension to the Law Godhood because, as he was a Divine Demonic Dragon, he could make use of the abundant Demonic and Divine Aura to aid him in his ascension.

"Sometimes they are the truth... Demogorgon has smelled the opportunity and wants to spread his include and bring several more Layers of the Abyss into his fold, giving him a better chance to ascend to higher realms."

They entered the city that was bustling with demons; both of them were under the concealment of the Embers of Silence, to be sure.

There were countless subspecies of Demons in the city; most of them were in one way or another, related to the species of Demogorgon or major Demon Lords under the rule of the Demongorgon.

"The upper layers have only a few pinnacle powerhouses and I doubt that they would watch Demogrogon to get ahead of them or Father of All Devils forbid even reach to the higher realms of Exarchy..."

Demon cities were by one word... crude.

They were barbaric; most of the buildings were not even built by the demons themselves but rather by slaves from more advanced civilizations that the demons attacked, invaded or conquered and dragged them to the Abyss.

Here, they lived and died as slaves and toys to their demon masters. Obviously, slavery had a place of great importance in the society of the Abyss inhabitants.

Typically, only the slaves from different civilizations were skilled artisans, engineers and masters of some crafts.

"The one thing that I hate about adventuring in the Abyss are their cities... when I am out of supplies, aside from raw meat and blood, you can't buy here anything... not like these barbarians are even aware of things like soap or perfume."

Iggwilv was very often wandering into the depths of the Abyss, either due to her interest as Demonoligst, Archmage of Oerth, or in her endless quest to obtain power, always more and more power.

And very often, she was out of the resources she prepared for her trips, but in the Abyss, it was almost impossible to resupply most of the things that a fine lady like her needed to function normally.

"What would you await from barbarians like this? In the end, they evolved from the Fiends; in terms of intelligence and society, they are not much different."

Fiends of the Infinite Abyss Universe and Demons of the Endless Abyss were the same, even though the species were vastly different. But the mentality that the two species shared was exactly the same.

"How many Laws remained within the Gaping Maw now that Demogorgon is on his crusade?"

Gu Long asked as they were searching their way out of the city because the demon city was the same as the other ones. Nothing more than the combination of brutality, slavers or demons selling body parts or flesh from the killed slaves.

"Probably only a few; most of them have departed together with Demogorgon on the crusade. We were safe until we go around some more important places like Abysm or the capital of the Demogorgon's realm."

Gu Long nodded as they slowly continued their journey to the ruins of the Tomb of the Demon God that was killed on the 88th Layer of the Abyss. Demon rarely attained Godhood because the concept of "Demonic" and that of "Divine" were two exact polar opposites.

So those who became the so-called Demon Gods were rare individuals of peerless power and were also considered unique beings. If they were lucky, Gu Long wanted to take his chances and explore the area in hopes of finding the corpse; he could obtain a lot from it.

As he was a perfect hybrid representing the "Devil", "Dragon" and "God" racial aspects, begins of similar existence like him were the best source of nutrition for Gu Long.

Unfortunately, such begins were rare, and he managed to encounter only a few, whom he killed and devoured with the Devour.

Naturally, every single one brought him tremendous benefits and this time, he hoped to find a Demon God corpse on the levels of Laws; it wouldn't be then impossible to reach peak Tier 10 in a short time after Devouring it.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Architect, use the available data, to calculate stat range of classes from Low-Class to High-Class.

Oof. That strikes way, WAY too close to Warlock of the Magus World, where the MC is basically a parasitic meat puppet to an AI chip that does all the real work. I'll try reading a bit further, but if that's the direction this story goes as well it's an immediate drop-and-ignore.

[Low-Class - 1 - 15
Mid-Class - 30 - 50
High-Class - 75 - 99]

What happened to 16-29, 51-74? There are huge bands just missing here. This scale makes little sense as written.

Start creating a training regime
perfect training regiment

Two swings, both misses; the word you want is "regimen".

As I stood up and looked at the mirror as I marveled at my new appearance, Answered Architect.

I have no idea what this sentence even means.

"I will reach the top..."

I muttered as I walked out of my bedroom.​

That's one sentence spread across two PARAGRAPHS. Yeah, the lack of basics in even the first chapter means I stop here. This chapter is extremely rough in far too many ways for me to think this story will be more entertaining than irritating to read. With a beta this might've been good, but as-is it's too flawed.
Chapter 565 – Tomb of the Demon God (1)
"Wouldn't your breakthrough attract the attention of the Daemon Lords and everything that is actually slumbering in the Gaping Maw?"

Witch Queen Iggwilv asked her lover, the Dragon Prince Gu Long, as they were approaching the rumored Tomb of the Demon God that was in the 88th Layer of the Abyss, the Gaping Maw.

"Not really; as long as I keep the Embers of Silence active on my person, I can create an isolated domain where nobody could even dream of peeking inside, so we would be alright."

Gu Long was already prepared very well for his ascension to the Law Godhood and another reason why his father gave him the Embers of Silence was to hide his Apotheosis Ceremony that would otherwise attract the attention of everyone in the entire Layer and perhaps even other Layers close to the 88th Layer.

"It doesn't hurt to be careful... we can wait until there would be another convergence between Layers, it would provide another wave of protection in case something went wrong."

Converging between the layers was a rather rare occasion when two or more Abyssal Layers got very close to each other, with their energies overlapping with each other. The barrier between the Abyssal Layers grew so thin that they could be crossed over one leap.

It was typically used by most of the Demon Lords to expand their territory because, through the convergence, they didn't need to open the portals or do anything complicated; they just needed to cross over and fight.

As simple as that could get.

And Iggwilv found out that another convergence would be happening between the 88th Layer of the Abyss and a few surrounding Abyssal Layers in the near future.

This would present the perfect opportunity for his breakthrough because if something went wrong, then the tremendous energy released by the convergence between Abyssal Layers would cover up for his Apotheosis.

"We should hurry; when I successfully complete my Apotheosis, we can go to the Hollow's Heart and find the Seed of the First Flame."

Gu Long stated as Iggwilv nodded in agreement... though fortunately enough, the Tomb of the Demon God wasn't that far from their current location, and it took them only a few days to arrive at the place.

It was placed in the nearby mountain, on the top of one of the highest peaks of the Gaping Maw.

The entire area of the mountain, which Iggwilv found out was named Barad-Dúm, named after the fabled Demon God himself, was considered as one huge danger zone within the Gaping Maw.

There were countless powerful Demonic Beasts roaming around and calling this god-forsaken piece of land their home.

Like most of the parts of the Abyss, nothing really grew in these parts of the 88th Layer of the Abyss, aside from some poisonous trees and plants and everything had a gloomy dark purple or black color, including the soil and stones themselves.

"So this is the Barad-Dúm... even more imposing than I thought..."

Iggwilv was a very experienced and knowledgeable Demonologist and Archmage of Oerth, and Mount Barad-Dúm was one of the most famous places across the Abyss. It was a place where one of the few Demon Gods of the Abyss was probably buried, and it was also one of the forsaken realms of the Abyss.

And if something was labeled as a forbidden zone in the Abyss, then it must meant it was deathly as hell.

"I sense Demonic Divine Aura... from the depths of the Mountain and it is powerful... very powerful..."

Gu Long muttered when he looked at Mount Barad-Dúm with an intense glare; as someone who was very sensitive to such Aura, it didn't take him a second to confirm the truth. This place was indeed the burial ground of the Demon God.

The Aura he sent wasn't lying about that.

"So the rumors were truth..."

Iggwilv muttered as she grasped his right hand while they looked at the swarm of the Demonic Beasts that were running here and there, around the entire premises of the Barad-Dúm...

"That is one good number of Demonic Beasts there..."

Gu Long could sense that there were tens of thousands of Demon Beasts around the entire Barad-Dúm; many of them were at Tier 8. No wonder that even some of the most ferocious Demons didn't really dare to venture into these places.

"Whatever... with the Embers of Silence, we would be okey."

The Embers of Silence was one of the most powerful stealth-related artifacts that was in existence, something very rare even across the entirety of the Endless Void.

Gu Long was confident that as long as he had the Embers of Silence, he would be okey...

Naturally, something that he was given by his father wasn't anything ordinary...

"You seem to be pretty confident in your trinket."

Iggwilv stated as she looked at the Dragon Prince.

"Naturally... though, I want to ask, what do you want to do after obtaining the Seed of the First Flame?"

Gu Long asked as he looked at the Witch Queen because he actually wanted to bring her back with him to the Kadath Universe. Someone like her would be an invaluable asset to the entire Kadath Universe, as she could become even a Tier 12 entity if she had some luck in her journey.

Iggwilv looked rather unsure of what to do because she didn't really anticipate that she would obtain something so valuable, and she was aware that her lover wanted to bring her together with him back to his Universe.

"If it makes you happy, I will go together with you into the Kadath Universe... I always wondered what other Universes are like..."

In truth, Witch Queen Iggwilv wanted to leave the boundaries of her Universe because she wanted to pursue higher degrees of Magic. That was something that was her lifelong goal and the Kadath Universe was a place where Magic Research was one of the priorities.

"Splendid... you would surely thrive within the Kadath Universe."


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 566 – Tomb of the Demon God (2)
The Kadath Universe became something akin to a Holy Ground for magic researchers and anyone who wanted to pursue the depths of the Arcane and profound mysteries of Magic.

In a place like that, the Kadath Universe, someone like Iggwilv would thrive and reach the greatest heights that were ever imaginable.

"Where would you start your Apotheosis?"

Iggwilv asked her dragon lover; he looked at the top of Mount Barad-Dúm because that was the place which he had chosen. He had already suppressed his breakthrough to Tier 9 for a long time.

Waiting for the perfect opportunity was a hassle; he had been tempted to reach Tier 9 for a long time already when he was still in the Magus World; he was ready and just waiting for this time to come.

"On the top of Mount Barad-Dúm where the Tomb itself, where the Aura is Divine and Demonic is the strongest."

Gu Long used his Dragon Slayer Halbert as he, together with Iggwilv, continued through the hordes of demonic beasts that swarmed the entire area of the Demon Tomb and Mount Barad-Dúm.

For several hours, they circled around Mount Barad-Dúm until they finally found a usable passage that seemed like some sort of carved pathway that was leading to the top of Mount Barad-Dúm and the Tomb of the Demon God.

It seemed like someone was rather meticulous when doing this because the stone pathway leading to the Tomb was well crafted, clearly a sign that it had been created by a very skilled artisan.

This was most unusual in the Abyss because this place didn't really have artisans or craftsmen aside from the slaves, but according to the Iggwilv, the patterns were similar to that of typical demon architecture of more civilized demon races.

"So, these savages actually have some sort of civilization or at least imitations of it?"

Gu Long was surprised hearing that because that was the last thing that he expected from the Abyss, truth to be told.

"Yes, they have... mostly on the deepest layers of the Abyss and only the most powerful species; they are rather similar in this aspect to the Fiends of the Infinite Abyss Universe, though logical assumptions as they are of similar origin."

The more powerful the demon race was, the more advanced it was and some of the most powerful ones were even civilized like any other civilization or species within the Endless Void.

"Judging on this, we can conclude that the Demon God that is buried here should be from one of the strongest Abyssal species, which is most intriguing... why is he buried here?"

Iggwilv looked at the murals that were around the stone-carved pathways; some were depicting the history of Mount Barad-Dúm, but most of them were retelling the story of the Demon God that was buried in this place.

"Probably either his wish or he wasn't really affiliated with the species... the second one would be the most welcomed, though."

Gu Long didn't want to have some extra powerful Demon species on his ass for sacrilege of pillaging the Tomb of one of their top-notch powerhouse. Some of them could be rather zealous in their pursuit, so that was an eventual that he wished to avoid.

Considering the fact that the Abyss would, or already is, a major player on the entire scale of the Endless Void.

"I agree... still, this place is a treasure trove for archeologists..."

Iggwilv was already running around the entire pathway, recording everything and making copies of the murals and stone-carved descriptions of things on the walls. Those things would be used for the research at a later date.

Gu Long gave her some time to do this, or else she would be pestering him about that for the entirety of their time in the Abyss. Iggwilv had an obsession with uncovering the history and exploring the archeological sites.

Due to this, their journey to the top of Mount Barad-Dúm was at least thrice longer than it should have been... but fortunately, there were no demon beasts within these pathways, something that Gu Long noticed.

Probably, there were some wards or some magic measures that were fending them off. If not for that, then the entire area would have been swarming with the demon beasts long ago, and they would need to tear their way through them.

"Are you finished already?"

The Dragon Prince asked with a great deal of irritation as he was looking at Iggwilv, who once stopped to examine some historical murals and sites.

"Hush, hush... this task requires a great deal of patience."

Iggwilv said as she was examining something that she had dug from the ground, which was a common occurrence for the past few hours. Every few hours, she found some artifact either in the ground or in the stone.

Some of those things were actually precious because they radiated an outrageous amount of Magic, but mostly, they were just worthless trinkets that served nothing more than decoration purposes.

Some may, though, serve some spiritual purpose because they found about a dozen totems of the Demon God that were buried here, together with his statues and other things.

"I am done... we can move forward."

She hummed happily as she stopped the object she was examining within the dimensional storage space, and they moved forward.

The same thing happened several times more until they finally arrived at the top of Mount Barad-Dúm. At the end of the pathway, there was only one thing that genuinely surprised both Gu Long and Witch Queen Iggwilv.

"It is only this?"

For someone strong as Demon God, he awaited something more than just one humble altar with an epitaph.

"It seems so..."

Even Iggwilv was surprised to see this because it was a relatively unusual burial style among the demons.

"Whatever... the corpse is here because I am sensing it... though looking at it from a close distance, I think that I will need to set up a ritual for this one."

Gu Long studied the altar of the Demon God more closely, and he learned a few things from it. The first one was that it was indeed a geniue thing and the second was that the person known as Demon God was indeed buried here.


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Chapter 567 – Apotheosis of Gu Long (1)
Gu Long, since his birth, was inherently walking on the path of the Law Godhood because he was combining the Law Comprenenshon Path with the modified Douluo Godhood Method that was practiced by the ods of the Kadath Universe.

For him, reaching the Law Godhood officially was only a matter of time, a time that came right now when he sensed the power coming from the Tomb of the Demon God. After he left Iggwilv enough time to record the things around the Tomb, he knew that his time in this had come.

They didn't really think that someone as powerful as Demon God would be buried here; even Gu Long was rather dismissive about this, considering this nothing more than just a rumor, but he was proven wrong.

The first thing he did was to erect some Bounded Fields when he would be undergoing his Apotheosis, with Witch Queen Iggwilv guarding the area and controlling the Bounded Fields and Wards around their area.

Gu Long even used the Embers of Silence to reinforce part of the Bounded Fields and Wards that were erected by them because he suspected that his Apotheosis would create rather mess...

Normally, the Godhood Method had a so-called Demigod Stage, but Gu Long was rather skipping it or in other words, he was already born as Demigod, with his Godhood Index reaching 10 when he reached adulthood.

That was something to be expected as both of his parents were at the Annuled Stage of Godhood. The Dragon Prince looked at the Tomb of the Demon God, which was brimming with vast and powerful Demonic and Divine Energies, as he used his Devour Clan Trait and Law of Devouring to start the process.

The Devour was one of his predominant Clan Traits and he also had a very strong affinity and talent for the Law of Devour because it was the Law in which he would be ascending together with the Godhood.

The Law Godhood of Devour.

Or rather, Law Godhood of Heaven Devourer and the Golden Law of Holy Destruction would be his foundations for Tier 9.

That would be more fitting for his draconic nature. The very second he used Devour on the Tomb of the Demon God, he started assimilating an overwhelming amount of energy inside his body.

For a few seconds or even minutes, nothing happened because he was only reaching his limits, slowly but steadily, but after ten minutes of devouring the Demonic and Divine Energies from the Tomb of the Demon God, he suddenly felt a crack in his Godhead within his body.

It was only a small noticeable crack that happened, but with more and more energies he devoured from the Tomb of the Demon God, the bigger the crack was getting. On the other note, not only was this changing within his body, but his soul was also becoming more saturated with the Laws and overwhelming power of Godhood.

His Law of Devour was becoming clearer and clearer with each bit of Demonic and Divine Energy devoured from the Tomb of the Demon God as if he was realizing that some missing pieces were appearing one by one.

After several hours of devouring Demonic and Divine Energies from the Tomb of the Demon God, he suddenly felt something click in his soul, as the Law of Devour was comprehended at the 100%.

When that happened, the Godhead within Gu Long's body, which was already full of cracks, started falling apart and his soul, which was being transformed from its previous translucent color to a pure golden one, was also beginning to change.

With the comprehension of the Law of Devour at the 100% the speed of Devouring of the Demonic and Divine Energies of the Tomb of the Demon God was increased tens of times and now he was overflooded by the tremendous levels of Energies.

But at the same time, as the Godhead cracked, it started instantly reforming itself into the proper Godhead, but contrary to normal Godheads that were created with the Godhood Method, this one was a bit different.

It had patterns of Law inscribed around the surface of the Godhead. He felt that his entire being was changed the moment he achieved the comprehension of the Law of Devour at 100% and it started fusing with the God aspect perfectly.

Suddenly, he felt that his Godhood Index was rising... at lightning speed...

Within ten minutes of Deovuring, his Godhood Index reached 100, officially classifying him as Tier 9 Lesser Law God, but it didn't stop there because the Tomb of the Demon God still contained a tremendous amount of Demonic and Divine Energies.

Gu Long suspected that the Demon God was someone who must have reached at least Tier 11 during his lifetime, but at the same time, he possessed far superior energy to the mishmash of the Demon God.

After almost half an hour, his Godhood Index has crossed over 500, and after another one hour, it reached 750.

Gu Long didn't stop or take pause, but he was still continuing and was constantly devouring the energies from the Tomb of the Demon God with all of his power.

Witch Queen Iggwilv was looking at everything that was transpiring with interest and worry because she could sense that the entire process was taking a toll on her lover, a one heavy toll, but the Dragon Prince was still continuing because it was a one-time opportunity.

He knew that once he stopped, the next subsequent process wouldn't be that potent. When Gu Long's Godhood Index reached over 3,000 the Dragon Prince showed the initial signs of fatigue, but he grit his teeth as he continued.

Soon enough, a Golden Light burst out of his body, as the Golden Light of Holy Destruction finally took shape within his Soul and Godhead. When that happened, his expression was greatly revitalized and the process of devouring was accelerated more than a hundredfold.

With his Godhood Index shooting by tens with each passing minute and soon enough crossing the line of 5,000.

The power around his body was getting so oppressive that it started destroying a part of Mount Barad-Dúm just by exposure to his aura alone.


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Chapter 468 – Apotheosis of Gu Long (2)
Witch Queen Iggwilv was looking at the Apotheosis of Gu Long with a mixture of admiration, wonder, respect, love and longing. She could feel the power that was rolling out of the Dragon Prince and it was overwhelming.

Something that was so powerful, so potent...

Iggwilv met her deal of Law Archamges during her life, be it in the Oerth or in the entire Prime Material Plane, but this was the first time she felt this kind of power from someone who was just ascending to the Law State.

Meanwhile, the Dragon Prince was assimialting the Demonic and Divine Energies within the Tomb of the Demon God at tremendous speed, as his Godhood Index was increasing at lightning speed, already crossing the one of 7,500.

Soon enough, the Demonic and Divine Energies within the Tomb of the Demon God were getting lower and lower as the corpse of the Demon God was being entirely devoured from the bottom to the top.

And Gu Long's power was shooting through the roof, already reaching the peak of the Tier 9 in one go. Within the next two hours, Gu Long's Godhood Index reached exactly 10,000 which meant that he reached the very limit of Tier 9.

If not for the differences in the quality of the energy, then he would have already reached Tier 10 in one go. But unfortunately, while the person was the Demon God and had the same mixture of Demonic and Divine Energies, Gu Long's was far purer and more potent.

That was to be expected, as both of his parents were at Tier 12 and they were this strong when they conceived him.

He inherited this from both of his parents, but while he didn't reach Tier 10 officially, his combat prowess was already standing on the levels of more powerful Tier 10 entities.

He had two Law Godhoods, which he didn't even plan, as he originally planned to ascend with only with the Golden Light of Holy Destruction as his primary Law Godhood.

The Law of Devour was unexpected but a pleasant surprise in this entire endeavor. Now that he had reached Tier 9 and devoured everything from the Tomb of Demon God, he would need a few hours to assimilate his strength properly.

Gu Long then sat down cross-legged and entered a very deep meditation trance, as he was assimialting his gains from the breakthrough and getting used to the overwhelming power he obtained from Apotheosis to the Law God.

Everything that was also happening with his breakthrough and Apotheosis was being recorded by his Minor Tarot Card and sent to his father, Father of All Devils, for further reference.

Witch Queen Iggwilv was observing everything as she was getting slightly horny at the Gu Long, who was radiating enormous power, something that was enormously attractive to the Witch Queen and Archmage of the Oerth.


Kadath Universe

Fortress of Nurmengard, Sunset Mountain Range, 9th Layer of the Higher Dimensional World of Baator

The Father of All Devils was sleeping soundly on his bed together with his wives as they were after another series of passionate lovemaking. Retirement was indeed one of the best choices that he made in his whole life.

As he was hugging Hela and Grayfia, who were always wearing the most ruthless and cold persona, they were especially cuddly when they were alone. Not like they would admit it openly, but both of them were very affectionate and warm when they wanted to be.


The Crimson Emperor woke up, as he got transmission of an enormous amount of information through the Tarot Cards that were fused with his soul. He got information about Gu Long's Apotheosis as he finally ascended to the Law Godhood which was a great step forward for his son.

But most importantly, it was for him because he got more data on the Law Godhood; he knew that his own fusion of the Law Path and Godhood Path would be very hard, as he would be fusing them at peak Tier 12.

"As long as I can get my hands on data from Farlier's own version of the merger, then I can start my own Apotheosis to the Primarch..."

The Father of All Devils muttered quietly as he returned back to sleep while giving Hela a kiss on her forehead as she felt her moving in her sleep. He wouldn't really say it out loud, but she often had bad dreams or nightmares...


Gu Long spent the next ten hours in deep meditation as he was reigning in his own power, which was a much harder task than initially anticipated.

The overwhelming power that was within his body was "unruly" and it was impossible to control in a short time.

Still, with enough patience and time, Gu Long was starting to gain control over the overwhelming power within his body and soon enough, he would be once again ready for the action in combat.

Iggwilv was as usual, watching over Gu Long, standing on guard like a little dutiful soldier, as she noticed that Gu Long had woken up from his meditation trance. The Dragon Prince opened his eyes and deeply sighed in and out.

"How long?"

He asked as he looked at the Witch Queen, who was constantly checking on the Bounded Field that was hiding them from the rest of the outside world and layer...

If not for that and the help of the Embers of Silence, then this entire place would be already swarming with powerful Demon Lords.

"Twelve hours, plus minus some minutes..."

Dragon Prince nodded at that, it was longer than he anticipated, but it was still within the reason. But any more longer would cause them to be at risk of being found if they were unlucky.

His father instilled the right amount of paranoia into him and a need for constant vigilance.

"We can depart to the Hollow's Heart... with my newfound power, it should be rather an easy task to achieve."

Now that Gu Long had reached the peak of Tier 9 and had the combat prowess of a relatively stronger Tier 10, he was confident in helping Iggwilv in achieving her goals.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 469 – Hollow’s Heart
"Are young confident against Princes?"

Most of the people who bore the title of Demon Prince were at least at the peak of Tier 10 at very least... though most of them would be standing at Tier 11. Gu Long was very wary of them, because not only due to their personal power but also their cunning.

Every single Demon who has risen to the position of the Demon Lord, Demon Prince or Lord of the Layer were not only exceedingly powerful but also extremely cunning and scheming bastards.

Fighting such opponents was very troublesome because they would be using countless underhanded tricks and other means to win their fight. Gu Long didn't like such kinds of opponents because he knew from firsthand how hard it is to defeat such opponents...

His father was one of those.

Even though Zeoticus Lucifer was half-step Tier 13, he was one hell of a cunning bastard who would never fight his opponent head-on.

Even when he was confident that his opponent was much weaker, Zeoticus Lucifer would always employ schemes and other things to weaken his opponent as much as possible before only delivering the finishing blow.

"We will see... If I have enough information about the target and his strength, I should be able to beat some weaker ones..."

Even though Gu Long didn't really like fighting like this, he was taught by his father how to exploit every single weakness of the opponent.

"That should be enough; in the end, we would be doing everything to avoid to our best capabilities. We don't want to attract the attention of the true powers of the Abyss... that would be certainly disastrous."

The Dragon Prince agreed with the statement because he knew when to fight and when to lay low.

"We should get going..."

The journey to the Hollow's Heart, which was the 176th Layer of the Abyss, would be long and arduous, something that neither one of them was keen on experiencing.

They would be entering the different dimensions of Abyssal Layers because, in those Layers, more powerful Demons were as common as cabbage.


Kadath Universe

Nurmengard Castle, Sunset Mountain Range, 9th Layer of the Higher Dimensional World of Baator

"So his way like this... most interesting to see..."

I got the data from Gu Long's Apotheosis several days ago... for the past few days, I meticulously studied the data; there was a lot of it. I was able to compare it with Sigmar's situation, which was somewhat similar yet different.

Still, it was the best I could get my hands on because I wouldn't be able to initiate the merger between the Law Path and Godhood Path without data. It was a dangerous thing to do because if I made some mistake, then I would, at best, cripple myself and, at worst, kill myself.

For that very reason, I needed as much data on the mergers between the Law Path and Godhood Method into the one. Fortunately, there was a perfect specimen that was walking on this path.

Soon enough, Leylin Farlier would be ascending to the Law Godhood through the merger, which would be the first time to have data on the pure merger. Sigmar and Gu Long were already born with some sort of state.

They were already something akin to Demigods; for them to reach it and become Law Gods was something different because it was like a natural evolution. They only needed to wait and advance naturally; with enough time and resources, they would become Law Gods without a problem.

"Still, the data collected on those two are treasure trove... but the I have managed to identify the first parameter, which is compatibility between the Path, Laws, Arcane Crest and Godhoods."

This was the first thing that I managed to identify after years of study: that all of the things needed to have compatibility of 100% with each other, or else the process would be doomed to failure.

"But at the same time, I need to consider my Aspect and Concept... Ruination and Void... I already have Godhood of Ruination, so that is very good and my Arcane Crest of End and Ruin. So, for that, the merger would be almost guaranteed to succeed, but..."

With the data gathered from observation of Sigmar, Gu Long and tons of knowledge on the Law Path and Godhood Path, I was able to conclude that I could initiate the merger and Apotheosis any time I wished.

But that was only on another side; there was another thing, which was the racial aspect because I would need to undergo the Evolution and for that, I need the stabilizing element in the form of Bloodline Source of true Archdevil species.

"Zeo, come back for the dinner... you have been cooped in your laboratory for the past few days!"

I heard Vena shouting at me from behind the doors, as once again, I was too engrossed in my own research because it was so exciting. At this part of my journey, it was progressively harder and harder to get stronger and the step where I was standing right now wasn't just about hard work.

"I am coming; just give me a few more minutes."

In the end, it would be nice to get some relaxation from all the research.

Everything was already in place; the pawns were moving across the chessboard as they should and soon enough, everything would fall in one place and create the most wonderful thing in existence...


The very moment I get my hands on the Bloodline Source of the Archdevil species and data from Leylin, it could all start.

And then the new Golden Age of the Kadath Universe would be ushered, and we would achieve the greater heights...

With the Primarch, who would become Universe Master the moment he became Tier 13 would be a force to be reckoned with.

"You look terrible..."

Venelana scoffed at me when I exited my laboratory because she instantly noticed my messy and unkept appearance. Once again I would hear no end about this, but I already got used to it...


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 470 - State of Things
"Yes, I know how I look... but now I am nearing something crucial in reaching the Primarchy... becoming Universe Master then is only a matter of a time."

I knew that when I was engrossed in the research, I tended to forget about the time and my own state. For that, I was rather grateful to my wives, who acted as my caretakers even right now.

"You should take a bath before going to the dinner."

Hearing Vena say that, I nodded my head and went to take a bath before arriving at the dinner we were having together. Enjoying free time like this was actually the best thing that could happen.


Nurmengard didn't have a lot of servants actually...

There was little to no personnel because I didn't want the servants to disrupt our lifestyle, which was becoming more and more hedonist and debaucherous with each passed year.

I spent millennia working like an idiot to build the enormous Empire and the well-deserved rest, though even now, I will still work when building up the whole Kadath Universe as one entity that would need to be strong for the future that is to come.

My plan was to create another Eternal Land like the Sage Dynasty, Holy City and Void Association. For that, the Kadath Unvierse will need to get much, much stronger to compete against the Triarchy of Hegemons that were exceedingly powerful.

Even common footsoldiers of the Eternal Lands were at the Tier 11 and Tier 12s were relegated to the role of elite soldiers with nothing more and nothing less. Only from Tier 13 could they be considered as geniue powerhouses.

My aim was essentially the same.

Sage Dynasty controlled the Chaotic Source Universe known as Sage Heaven, the Holy City controlled the Holy Plane and the Void Association controlled the Void Realm.

All three of those realms were originally ordinary Universes that were germinated by the three Singularities of the Endless Void.


Behind the table, the entire group assembled, with all of my wives being present.

Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong arrived from the Douluo Principal World, as they were having full hands of work with the Douluo Principal World.

Douluo Principal World was the second strongest world within the Kadath Universe and it was unanimously decided that we would focus most of our resources on cultivating the Douluo into a new powerhouse world.

The Godhood Method has now become a new standard of the method of the Douluo Principal World and the world had enormous potential. Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong were both at the Annuled Stage after long years of arduous training and cultivation.

"Vena told us that you are close to the Primarchy..."

It was Hela who started this conversation, as she was also searching for a way to reach Primarchy. Not only she but also my other wives who reached Tier 12 were constantly searching for the way to Tier 13...

"Yes... Gu Long's endeavors are finally bringing me results and I now only need Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Race to begin the process... it would act as the stabilization and also finally made our race as the innate one instead of the artificial one."

I said as Venelana and Grayfia had a myriad of emotions of over their faces because this would be the major step for the Devilkind.

Even after all of this, the Devils were still fundamentally artificial species created by pinnacle Primarch for the purpose of war.

Obtaining the Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Species would fundamentally change the nature of our species into something greater and something that was innate in the first place.

Because I was right now the originator of the Devil Race as I tied the Bloodline Source to myself, so any change that I made to myself would be represented through the entire Devil Race.

That was also the reason why the entire thing with the Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Race was so precious to me. Aside from that, a lot of restrictions would be removed from the Devil Race

Even right now, after millennia of research, I managed to remove only a few constraints from the Devil Race. But with the Bloodline Source of the True Archdevil Race, it would change entirely all things.

I was sure that we would explode in a number of powerhouses and even the biggest constraint of the Devil Race, that was the hurdle from Satan-Class to the Super-Devil Class, would be basically non-existent.

"That is wonderful news... though I heard that there were complications about the Abyss..."

Grayfia said as she remembered that I was telling her something about the Abyss. When we all entered the relationship, we had one rule, to not have secrets from one another because that would sooner or later destroy our relationship.

"Yes, it is... at first it was just Infinite Abyss Universe and now it is the Abyss... another scourge of the Endless Void is rising and it won't be nice. Right now, everything is telling us that some extremely powerful Paragon or perhaps Detached has split off and is on his own path to reach Singularity."

This was the best theory that I could come up with...

Detached Ones were Paragons that were became something more than ordinary Paragons but they were not yet Singularities, but they have successfully managed to Detach themselves from the Endless Void.

"That is indeed a grave matter... if it is indeed truth, then it would unleash unprecedented levels of carnage on the entire Endless Void, but the more important question is how another of those risen in the Infinite Abyss Universe under note of the Golden-Horned Primogenitor?"

When Hela asked that question, my mood darkened because it was indeed an interesting question: How was such a thing possible? That was even beyond my own understanding because such something should be impossible under normal circumstances.

"Truthfully? I don't know; such a thing should be impossible; Golden-horned Primogenitor is one of the strongest Detached Ones in the whole Endless Void. It doesn't make sense, and theory about cooperation is absolutely out of the question for the Fiends or Demons or whatever those pests may be."


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Chapter 471 – Xenomorph Breeding Farm
"That sounds dark and disturbing..."

Grayfia muttered as we started eating and everyone sitting behind the table agreed with her because it was.

"It is... even I couldn't come up with an explanation of how something like this is possible aside from only one. There are two possible explanations for it; one of them would be that the person who created Abyss and Demons is using some Cosmic Wonder or that the person is actually not a person, but some sort of Avatar of the Golden-Horned Primogenitor."

I said as everyone deeply contemplated about my words, as they had something into them.

If the founder of the Abyss was using Cosmic Wonder, then it would certainly explain why someone as powerful as Golden-Horned Primogenitor, who was Detached One, didn't notice anything.

However, the second variant was even more dangerous and disturbing than the first one because it meant that the Golden-Horned Primogenitor finally found the path to the Singularity if he was doing something as big as this.

"Either way, you could say it bluntly that we are all fucked up."

Trying to ignore Hela's crass language, I just nodded my head in agreement, even though her choice of words could be more refined.

"I have a certain need to agree with Hela, even though as vulgar as it may seem..."

Kadath Universe would certainly be attacked by the Abyss when they would be on their warpath to gather a greater number of resources. And the Kadath Universe was one of the prime targets, especially due to various powerful Law Bloodlines that existed within the Kadath Universe.

And their general hatred for the Fiends of the Infinite Abyss Universe didn't really help it...

"We should focus on the different things right now... I heard that the situation with the cultivation Universe has taken an interesting turn?"

I looked at Hela, who was partially responsible for that operation. Releasing Xenomorphs wasn't on the program of the day and it was also a pretty dangerous thing to do because it could easily get out of hand.

If the Xenomorphs were left to do as they pleased, then it would be disastrous because they were a scourge; their evolutionary capabilities and ability to adapt was something that I have never seen in other species.

The only thing that was similar to them were the Void Insects and in fact, I didn't want to be responsible for releasing another kind of Void Insects into the Endless Void. If such a thing happened, then the Kadath Universe would be attacked by some vengeful beings to wipe out the Kadath Universe off the map.

"Yes, they are; right now, Ajuka and other spooks are isolating the entire Universe and terraforming it into some sort of sealed Dimension."

Hela said proudly as everyone turned to her because everyone was curious about the plan that she hatched. Hela wasn't any kind of thinker and schemer, truth to be told, but if she started something, then it would be something terrible.

"Reforming it into a sealed Dimension? What the hell are you doing there?"

Hearing that, even I grew pretty curious because I knew that something as complicated as a sealed Dimension wasn't something to scoff at.

The sheer number of experts, resources, Magicians, those who grasped the most advanced Magic Rules other things required to create a sealed Dimension of the size of the entirety of the Universe was...

Even for the Kadathh Universe, it would be a great stain on their resources.

"I am planning to make it as training grounds and resources farm for us... Nobody aside from us would enter Primal Chaos Dimension and we could use it to farm Xenomorphs. Their corpses are most precious resources, either from the body parts and other things."

I raised my brow at this that, because this was surprisingly a smart idea and I wouldn't really expect it coming from Hela.

"I can see you... You are thinking something rude, are you not?"

Hela scoffed at me for underestimating her intelligence or whatever I was underestimating when I thought that. Hopefully, this would end in something great; her idea actually had a great promise for the future.

"Maybe or maybe not... now explain the situation with the Sealed Dimension and farming Xenomorphs."

I said as she continued explaining about the situation with the Xenomorphs.

"Once the entire project is completed, we can breed Xenomorphs up to Tier 10 or perhaps even Tier 11 if we are more lucky. Such materials, from high-Tiered Xenomorphs, would be priceless, though we would need to future out their feedings because sooner or later, they would be overpopulated and devour all of the cultivators and all lifeforms in the entire Primal Chaos Dimension. I would suggest dropping criminals into there after crippling them; we don't want them to survive somehow..."

Hela proposed it was an interesting proposition and everyone agreed with her proposal of using the Primal Chaos Dimension into the breeding farm of the Xenomorphs.

"How long would it take for the Xenomorphs to overcome the local population, and have you applied control protocols or something to preserve a bit of the local population for them to survive and become a stable source of food for the Xenomorphs?"

Gu Yuena asked as Hela shook her head after hearing her question.

"No, it is not worth of it. I don't want to take the risk of the locals assimialting into the situation and even profiting from it. I decided to give them a free hand so they would completely annihilate the local population; at the same time, I will also send some people to search through the entire Primal Chaos Dimension to be sure of it."

That was a good reason; I wouldn't do it another way; Hela was implementing a good strategy.

Native cultivators were still a danger; they could still adapt to the Xenomorphs and new environments, so for that reason, it would be much easier and better just to annihilate them.


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PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 472 – Vacation (1)
"That seems doable; what results do you expect from it after the breeding ground for the Xenomorphs is finished?"

I asked, though, at the same time, I was wondering a bit that if Hela was indeed sane enough to create something like a breeding farm of the Xenomorphs. Such a dangerous and hazardous idea was truly something that only Hela would come up with.

Xenomorphs are dangerous and it was a wonder that they didn't rise to another level of danger and become second Void Insects. They could evolve almost infinitely as long as they had the right conditions.

"I want to cultivate at least peak Tier 11 Xenomorph Empress; according to my calculations, it should create resources that would be useful for peak Paramount Gods to break through to the Annuled Realm."

If she was right, then it would be a great boon for the Kadath Universe as the Godhood Method was one of the Orthodox Paths of the Kadath Universe and countless people practiced the Godhood Method.

After I figured out how to purity the Faith to pure energy, it became a widespread method of gaining power and there were countless Gods within the Kadath Universe.

"Not only for the Gods but also those of the Law Path and Law Godhood. I was actually doing my experiments with the Xenomorphs..."

When I heard that, my brain almost stopped, but not only mine but everyone else was looking at Hela like she was crazy or whatever.

Hela showing interest in something different than killing, slaughtering and conquering?

That was indeed suspicious...

"Who are you and what have you done with Hela?"

Venelana asked as her eyes narrowed at her sister-wives, with the rest of my wives mimicking this action to the last one because nobody would ever believe something like this.

"Nothing and nobody and shut up already and listen to me..."

If the Xenomorphs could help those of the Law Path and also the Law Godhood, then it would be something that would instantaneously become of strategic interest to the entirety of the Kadath Universe.

"The moment the Xenomorphs reached Tier 9, they would become Psionic Creatures and condense Psion Nuclei within their brains. The stronger they were, the stronger and bigger the Psion Nuclei would be and their energy would be purer, denser and more potent. When I breeder one of the Xenomorphs to the peak Tier 10, I found out that its energy could be used to smooth the breakthrough to the higher Tiers for all three Orthodox Paths of the Kadath Universe."

The more she spoke, the more eager I felt about the entire thing because I wasn't really aware of the wondrous effect of the Xenomorph's cores. Now, hearing about it being something that could help anyone to break through to the higher Tiers was...


While I took a look at the Xenomorphs a few times, it was more along the lines of catching one and treating it like a pet, not like dissecting and researching the creature to the utmost detail.

"Their source energy has actually a great deal of their very own adaptability and evolutionary capabilities, so once it is used by someone and the person absorbs the source energy from their Psion Nuclei, the Xenomorp's energy would resonate with the energy of the person absorbing it and basically convert itself to the energy of person absorbing it, while retaining it evolutionary and adaptable capabilities, forcing the evolution within the person absorbing it..."

This was certainly bigger than I initially thought it would be... certainly while I had some doubts about Hela and the fact that if she was actually capable of researching something, but it seems that everyday we learn something new.

"I want to see them as soon as possible... This could become another foundation of the Kadath Universe."

I made up my mind on this, as I needed to take a closer look at the Xenomorphs, if possible, study the energy personally to see its effect.

While I do not want to sound arrogant, but Hela wasn't a researcher or a scholar in the first place, so before we release something like this, we need to examine it thoroughly and ensure that it was safe.

"If possible, I will incorporate the entire Primal Chaos Dimension into the Kadath Universe as part of the Universe, considering the size of the Primal Chaos Dimension isn't really big in the first place."

Everyone agreed with my thoughts because if it was a success, then Primal Chaos Dimension needed to become part of the Kadath Universe as a special sealed Dimenion that I would personally create.

"We could go there when we finish eating... it could be a family outing?"

Hela said jokingly, though everyone thought that she would indeed think of something like this to be a very suitable family trip.

"We can go... it would be nice to visit another Universe and observation of them squirming would be entertaining to watch."

Bibi Dong supported her idea and in the end, it was soon decided that we would go to the Primal Chaos Dimension to check on the Xenomorphs and the war between the Xenomorphs and local cultivators.

Hopefully, they would provide a great deal of entertainment.

Nobody was surprised that Bibi Dong actually wanted to watch slaughter taking place, as she had the Godhood of Asuras; she was half being of slaughter and killing; it was a fundamental part of her very own being.

Aside from the fact that she didn't really much like cultivators at all...

"Do you want to visit any other places? I heard that some really beautiful Worlds have been formed within the Kadath Universe and the Chthonian Empire has taken over dozens of them and declared them as Paradise Worlds..."

I asked while looking at my wives, and soon every one of them was giving off her opinion of which place they wanted to visit and soon enough, I had a list of more than twenty places where we would need to go through our trip.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 473 – Vacation (2)
Now that it was decided that we would go on vacation, Venelana, Grayfia, Hela, Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena started packing their things to go into the Primal Chaos Dimension Univers and over other worlds that were worth sightseeing...

I didn't even remember when it was the last time we had such time together, in a silent and calm environment, without any interruptions or duties, just some time for us. Even though we were all living in the Nurmengard, from time to time, someone would constantly be pestering here with some matters.

We would be departing in a few days and would be using Baldaquin, my personal flagship, even though that humongous thing was a full-fledged Void Fortress capable of obliterating even Half-Step Tier 13...

When the list of the places to be visited was finished and they all gathered their belongings, we departed to the Primal Chaos Dimension Universe.

The Baldaquin was manned with my personal servants, but there were not many people going together with us.

Just the bare minimum to have enough servants with us so that we can have the best service available. It was important to have servants because while I don't appreciate being interrupted, but I don't want to deal with everything myself.

And all of my wives were actually very spoilt...

Aside from Grayfia, but the rest wouldn't really survive without care in the wilderness, and thinking about this I don't know if I am joking or not...

Still, we packed our things and boarded the Baldaquin, which left for the Gate to the Endless Void in a timely manner, as we were heading towards the Primal Chaos Dimension Universe that was right now being turned to a place worse than hell itself.


Passing through the Gates that were guarding the connection points between Kadath Universe and Endless Void was as easy as taking a child's toy.

Because the Baldaquin was the famed personal vessel of the Father of All Devils; after one message, the entire path was opened for them as they passed through the Gate and entered the Endless Void.

Bibi Dong, Gu Yuena and Venelana were observing everything about the Endless Void with child-like wonder because it was for the first time they had seen something like this. Three of them didn't really leave for the Endless Void and this was the first time they were seeing the place from a close distance.

Indeed, I had to admit that the Endless Void was certainly captivating enough; when one looked at it, it was a beautiful place but also filled with an immeasurable number of dangers and death was waiting in every single corner.

"Don't stare too much at the place... while I admit that the Endless Void has a certain beauty, but just wait until a Void Behemoth appears and we are fucked..."

I said when I saw that both Gu Yuena and Bibi Dong were literarily glued to the windows of the Baldquin as they were observing the endless kaleidoscoping scenery of the Endless Boid; such was the beauty of wonder that belonged to the Endless Void.

And yet, countless Void Behemoths were roaming this place like it belonged to them; they were powerful; even the weakest was at Tier 11, but most of the adult ones were at the peak of Tier 11 and countless of them were at Tier 12.

They were certainly the undisputed kings of the Endless Void.

"Don't worry too much about this..."

And what would I consider as the biggest irony for eternity was the fact that the moment she said that sentence, the very moment Venelana refuted my worries, I registered the presence of the peak Tier 12 Void Behemoth.

"You have just needed to say this, right?"

I said with a grave voice, looking at three of them who were now stunned beyond belief because they saw the Void Behemoth in its full glory, or this was rather another one of the more dominant species among them, Void Leviathan.

The Void Leviathan was easily dwarfing the entire Void Fortress of Baldaquin by a great degree, with its enormous serpentine dragon-like appearance with a long, sinuous body covered in scales.

'Destruction or is it Chaos? The color of the scales could be attuned to both of the Primordial FOrces; the lineage of this one should be very high among its kind... this is not something that could be handled from the Baldaquin alone.'

I analyzed the situation because it was clear that I would need to go out and fight against the creature. But at the same time, I grinned hearing that because this was also the perfect opportunity to advance my own Bloodline, the Concept of Void and overall my entire strength.

In my own stage, the methods through which I can advance my power could be counted on hand...

And now, one such method, probably the most suitable one and also the fastest one landed in my hands.

"I need to go out and fight against it... the Void Leviathan is far more powerful than the Baldaquin could handle so it would require my own personal touch..."

I said with a grave voice as all of them nodded and swiftly proceeded to their own station.

In a situation like this, everyone knew what to do because everyone was properly trained for it.

I would be going to fight against the Void Leviathan while the crew of the Baldaquin would activate the Aegis Shielding System, which should be able to protect them even from attack of Tier 13 entities for some time.

Summoning my armor that fit me like a second skin, I also summoned Ateish into my right hand as the staff was ready for combat. My chances against the Void Leviathan were relatively good, and If I used my Ruination, then the fight was mine to win for sure.

I then teleported outside of the Baldaquin to the Endless Void as the golden crystal shield appeared around the Baldaquin, which would protect the Void Fortress from the aftershocks of battle and even some rogue attack won't be a problem.


Check out my new original for WSA 2024, Star Citizen Online: Isekai Edition!
PS. Check Dune: The Holy Path!
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Chapter 474 - Father of All Devils vs. Void Leviathan (1) New
For the first several minutes, neither I nor the Void Leviathan did anything because the creature was observing me as I was observing it. The Void Leviathans, despite their fearsome brute power that was enough to obliterate some smaller Universe easily, were actually apex predators.

They possessed fearsome cunning and scheming capabilities and their brute power was equally matched by their tactical way of fighting of their prey.

That was one of the reasons why they were rarely killed.

Even I doubted that right now, as I am, I could kill this Half-Step Tier 13 Void Leviathan because the creature actually had far more raw power than me, aside from the fact that its defenses were probably even more ridiculous than its destructive abilities.

Still, coupled with the fact that I had Atiesh with me, my Arcane Crest, Aspect and the Baldaquin that could be used as a tactical advantage, I will give it my try...

Killing an adult Void Leviathan with a special bloodline would be only beneficial for me to advance my own Bloodline.

And the stronger I was, then the stronger the entire Kadath Universe would be.

I planned to shoulder the responsibility for the Kadath Universe and divide it between several of Tier 12 entities that I would personally choose for this task.

With this, the Universe itself would basically save all of the World Source Energy; it wouldn't need to spend the energy on stabilizing space or repairing it after some powerful Beings of Law fought.

I planned to shift this responsibility to the Tier 12 entities born within the Kadath Universe.

Thus the Universe itself would save a tremendous amount of the World Source Energy that could be used in other ways...

Like the people, the Universe itself had something that I doubled the "World Source Energy" and it was this energy that was responsible for every single treasure of heaven and earth that was born.

It was this energy that was responsible for creating so-called "cultivation environments", for strengthening the environments, plants and living beings...

Unfortunately, in most Universes, the primary purpose of the World Source Energy was the repair of the Universe itself after powerful beings fought other similar things.

Like the Universe would produce far more treasures of Heaven and Earth, Mana would get denser hundreds of times; people would be born with much higher innate talent and Soul Aptitude and many, many other benefits...

But before that, I needed to advance my personal power to heights that there were never before.

And before anyone could blink, the Void Leviathan flapped with his tail, creating a wave of concentrated Void Energy that shot toward me and the Baldaquin that was behind me like a tsunami of the most dangerous thing in existence.

In a split of a second, the Baldaquin activated emergency protocols and forcibly tore the space and teleported as far as possible from our clash because even I didn't anticipate the creature going all out directly from the start.

That was a good one because it had performed the ambush and used the moment of surprise excellently.

Still, while the Void Leviathans could control the Void Energy to a certain degree, they were not the embodiment of the Concept of Void fortunately and their control was more innate than refined, meaning there were many ways on how to deal with them.

Raising Atiesh a crimson colored crystal barrier appeared around my body, which was from the concentrated Ruin and End Cocpets powered up by my Arcane Crest of Ruin and End.

Insntla the Void Energy that came into contact with the barrier, it dispersed into nothingness, effectively protecting me from the Void Energy.

However, I was rather fortunate because the control of the Void Leviathan over the Void Energy wasn't very refined and compared to my precise control of my Arcane Crest of Ruin and End and my Aspect of Ruinantion and Godhood of Ruination, it couldn't penetrate through my defenses.

And yet seeing that the attack wasn't very efficient, the Void Leviathan didn't waver and launched a few more attacks, considering the first time of me defended against it as a fluke.

Naturally, not matter how many of these attacks the creature sent toward me it was futile, but at the same time, the Void Leviathan managed to achieve something out of this, because the Baldaquin was forced to teleport away.

Which basically deprived me of my trump card in case I needed it. This was indeed a serious loss, but not something that would change the outcome of the combat; I would just need to adjust my plans a bit.

'My comprehension of the Concept of Void is already standing at 11%... which is a tremendously lot, far more even the Void Leviathan could even achieve in its lifetime even though they have some bits of the Concept of Void inside their Bloodline Source.'

That was my final trump card of the against the Void because due to me having comprehended 11% of the Concept of Void, I would be basically immune against the Void if someone's comprehension of the Concept of Void is lesser than mine.

I used Atiesh to conjure an enormous projection of my Arcane Crest of Ruin and Beyond in the emptiness of the Void, as it shined in the crimson light and congealed pillar of energy that shot toward the Void Leviathan at the lighting speed.

The Void Leviathan looked at the incoming crimson pillar of energy with mild interest but more like of wariness. In a mere moment, he congregated all the Void Energy in front of him and created a wall of the Void.

Naturally, my attack couldn't break through the defenses of the Void, but it wasn't a problem because the aim was entirely different.

As the distraction has been cast, I teleported behind the Void Leviathan and unleashed the Nuclear Magic Rule that has been perfected through the ages of millennia.

Its destructive prowess was only secondary to the Ruin and End... while I attacked the Void Leviathan with the energies of Ruin and End, it was greatly weakened, but when I was attacking with the Nuclear Magic Rule, I was attacking with the full force.

"Nuclear Reversal!"


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Chapter 475 - Father of All Devils vs. Void Leviathan (2) New
For thousands of years, I have been perfecting the Magic Rules to become the most frightening method within the existence of the Kadath Universe. I had only three Magic Rules, and I never wanted to make more because that would be detrimental to me.

Each of them, be it the Starlight Magic Rule, Nuclear Magic Rule, and Decomposition Magic Rule, were mastered to the highest degree of Mastery, and their prowess was enough to shake the whole Universe if needed.

The Nuclear Magic Rule was something that had the second highest combat and destructive power, second only to my Ruination that unleashed to the fullest.

The Nuclear Reversal Technique was proof of that.

In a split of a moment, one of the most fearsome Spells of the Nuclear Magic Rule was unleashed; the entire area was disintegrated into Atoms and particles as the entire dark and gloomy area of the Endless Void has been changed into a myriad of colors and objects...


The Void Leviathan screeched in pain because the Nuclear Reversal Spell was beginning to disintegrate its very own matter, which was extremely painful to feel and the Void Leviathan was doing everything in its own power to prevent it.

The Void Leviathan was using all the power of Void it could, all energy it could muster from its body and all the Laws it could control and Bloodline Abilities it could to stop the Nuclear Reversal Spell.

Now that this was happening, from a certain point of view, I was rather happy that the Baldaquein was way from this place because there was a high chance for the Nuclear Reversal Spell to influence even the Baldaquin.

The Nuclear Reversal Spell was basically a Spell that reversed the state of matter into a state of initial nothingness; it disintegrated the matter by reversing the Atoms that were creating the matter into pure energy that was, in turn, powering up the Spell even further.

This Spell was extremely dangerous, created on a similar level of the Ruination; it was created with the Runination in mind, as I was copying it and taking inspiration from the Ruination when creating the Nuclear Reversal Spell.

Though unsurprisingly to me and to anyone, the Void Leviathan, after some struggle, managed to stop the advantage of the Nuclear Reversal Spell. Though, at the same time, he had already lost parts of his very own body, his tail was heavily damaged and other parts of his body were missing.

The scales of the Void Leviathan were several damaged; some were entirely missing or some were just missing from a part; nevertheless, the injuries that the Void Leviathan suffered from the Nuclear Reversal Spell were severe.


The enormous beast roared at me, almost sending me flying backward from the shockwave that the roar of the Void Leviathan generated. Even though the best may look like it was severely injured, I knew that it was actually nothing.

As long as the Void Leviathan could siphon the energies of the Void, he would never die from something like this.

That was the reason why not many dared to fight the Void Leviathans head one, in their home territory, within the Endless Void, as it presented a grave danger to anyone who dared to do so.

In the end, they were the apex predators around here.

The Void Leviathan then looked at me with an absolutely enraged expression as it lunged toward me with full force and at full speed because I was probably the first being in its whole long life actually to injure it to such a great degree.

I employed the Great Destruction Realm Teleportation Technique as I teleported as far away as possible to avoid the mad charge of the Void Leviathan, while at the same time, I raised Atiesh and the enormous Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

Using the Great Destruction Realm Teleportation Technique to hop around the entire area, one by one, while powering up the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin because the Void Leviathan kept attacking more and more brutally with each passed second.

"Imperial of End and Ruin: Full Release: Ruination Descent!"

In a mere moment, the entire Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin shone with intense crimson light, which was the condensed power of the Ruination, as I felt my Aspect of Ruination and Godhood of Ruination begin to power up the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin with full force.

"Imperial of End and Ruin: Full Release: Ruination Descent: 1st Sword of Severing!"

I noticed that blood started flowing down from my mouth and right eye, my Godhood was working on max and all of the Stardust Energy was going into the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

All of the Ruination congregated into the shape of an enormous crimson flaming sword that fell onto the humongous body of the Void Leviathan, piercing through his back in mere seconds as the creature screeched with enormous pain as the Ruination itself penetrated deep into his very own existence.

But that wasn't the end; while the Void Leviathan was severely injured from the first move, it was not enough to bring it down.

"Imperial of End and Ruin: Full Release: Ruination Descent: 2nd Sword of Reversal!"

I waved Atiesh, feeling drained of all my energy and I felt myself being extremely weak as all of the Ruination rose high like a wave and shot towards the enormous bleeding wound on the Void Leviathan's back.

Observing the Void Leviathan thrashing around with its huge body, as it was roaring in pain, trying to close the distance between us, because the creature had smartly figured out that if it managed to kill me or devour me, then the Ruination would disperse into nothingness...

"Imperial of End and Ruin: Full Release: Source Devour: End of All!"

Before, I was using the Ruination Asepct of the Arcane Crest of Imperial End and Ruin; now, I was using the End Aspect of the Arcane Crest as I started devouring the very own essence of the Void Leviathan.


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Chapter 476 – Father Of All Devils Vs. Void Leviathan (3) New
Using the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin was very dangerous even to me, as it was to the target who was standing on the other end of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

One may think that usage of the Devouring Aspect of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin was safer, but that was farther from the truth itself because it was even more dangerous than using the Ruination Aspect itself.

When using the Devouring of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin, I could be easily overwhelmed by the power that I was absorbing; very easily overwhelmed, thus I needed to use it with care and cautiousness...

[Host has assimilated an enormous amount of unknown energy of Void properties.]

[Convesion has been started.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,1.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,2.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,4.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,2.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,1.]

When I started using the Devouring Aspect of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin on the Void Leviathan, for the first time in a very long time, I felt my power increasing because the unknown racial energy that the Void Leviathan possessed was on par with the Stardust.

And thus, I was able to increase my Stardust rating by an entire 1 point, which was a tremendous amount of energy, sure enough to annihilate several thousands of galaxies if it was released into the Universe.

[The Godhood has been assimilating the remnant energy.]

Even my Godhood started reacting to the remnant energy that I wasn't able to assimilate into my very own power. The Void Leviathan was trashing around, attempting to destroy the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin, but it was to no avail...

I was very well able to bind the creature, and with each passed moment and second, the power of the Void Leviathan was diminishing at the visible rate.

[Comprehension over the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

All Void Leviathans had some bits of the Concept of Void within their bodies and nothing could escape being ever hungry and devouring the power of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin as it was targeting the very own fundamental essence of the Void Leviathan.

I grinned at this because this was the exact thing that I needed, but seeing the Void Leviathan trashing so much, I realized that if this continued for some more time, he may or may not even damage the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

That was a rather big no-no, so I waved Atiesh as thousands if not tens of thousands Dark Light Chains appeared around men and shot towards the Void Leviathan with lightning speed, hugging every nook and cranny of his humongous body.

"Dark Light Rule: Chain of Heaven: Spatial Lock!"

When another version of the Chains of Heaven was cast through the Magic Rule of the Dark Light that was his first Magic Rule, and also it was the most versatile of the three Magic Rules that he had created through the years.

The Void Leviathan roared in pain from the Chains of Heaven that were enveloping its enormous body.

It was constantly trashing around and trying to break free from the bindings of the Dark Light Chains, but it was futile.

It wasn't something that the Void Leviathan could achieve on his own and with his own power, but it still continued resisting because it was the only one thing that it could do when it was sensing its imminent death that was slowly but surely coming to it.

"Imperial of End and Ruin: Full Release: Source Devour: Full Out!"

Seeing the resistance slowly faltering, just for a mere second, I unleashed another wave of the Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin, this time even strengthened as the Chains of Heaven were taking another toll on the body of the Void Leviathan.

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,5.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,4.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,3.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,5.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,5.]

[Stardust (Demonic-God Mutation) has been increased by 0,3.]

The light in the creature's eyes was dimming down as more and more energy was being drained from the Void Leviathan. With the power of the Arcane Crest of Imperial End and Ruin, the Void Leviathan was being slowly killed in the most agonizing way it could be killed.

I was getting more and more power, with my Stardust rating reaching 32, which was far more enough to become a danger to even some average Primarchs; this power was enough to exterminate even some bigger Universes with a few spells.

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

[The comprehension of the Concept of Void has been increased by 1%.]

Even my comprehension of the Concept of Void has reached a staggering 16% which was probably the most I could obtain from the Void Leviathan.

Soon enough, the Void Leviathan stopped moving, as the life spaced from its eyes; soon enough, the massive creature died down, as I flew to the corpse that was just motionlessly floating in the Endless Void.

"If I can obtain the Bloodline Source out from the refined Bloodline of the Void Leviathan it could become a stable block in my foundation."

I muttered as I spread my arms and started bending the space and sealing the corpse of the Void Leviathan into an empty storage Dimension that was specifically prepared for creatures like this.

"And with this done... we can have the vacations... hopefully..."


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Chapter 477 – Toward the Xenomorph Farm New
After killing the Void Leviathan, I started searching for the Baldaquin, which had teleported pretty far away from here, as I was pretty sure that it would take me, with my speed, at least a few days to fly over there.

I was able to sense where the Baldaquin was right now, and it was very far from my current location, so I would need to fly there. Due to my fight with the Void Leviathan, the emergency protocols teleported the Space Fortress as far as possible from the ongoing fight.

While I was not a Tier 13 entity right now, my destructive prowess wasn't that far from a geniue Primarch now and even the aftershocks from some of my stronger spells could cause devastating damage to some weaker and smaller Universes.


Sometimes I really hated when I had truth like in this case, because it took me three days to arrive at the place where the Baldaquin was teleported to.

According to the emergency protocols, they were to wait somewhere in the approximate location where they were teleported.

I was able to sense the Baldquin, but in the Baldaquin they didn't have a means to detect my person, so the sole thing that the crew could do was to wait for my imminent arrival.

Fortunately, the Space Fortress was in a pristine state as it was teleported away before some damage could be done to it.

When I returned back, all my wives threw themselves at me as I greatly enjoyed the show of affection now. Even the military Hela and ever-stoic Grayfia were fearing for my safety during the fight against the Void Leviathan, that thing I knew very well.

Though neither of them would ever say it out of loud because it would be out of their character, but they were glad that I was back...

"Are you really not injured Zeo?"

Venelana asked me as she hung on my neck like a koala, not letting go at any cost. Of all of my wives, Venelana was always the most cuddly one who was most clingy.

"No... I am okey..."

While I was tired as hell and my body was hurting, I had only a few non-very serious injuries, most of them were only minor ones, and I would get back into the top condition within a few days.

"I just want to sleep for a bit... I am tired from the fight; that Void Leviathan was one of the stronger lineages around."

The stronger the Lineage of the Void Leviathan was, the more powerful the creature would be. Now that I had obtained the corpse of the Void Leviathan, I was now eager to refine the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan so I could obtain some gains from it.

Perhaps I can once again obtain my own Bloodline that was already on average of the line it could hold.

"Then I am going with you..."

Venelana muttered quietly; I knew that there wouldn't be any naught time during this because I just wanted to sleep. I was too tired for that and I wasn't even in the mood for such stressful activity.

But Vena didn't care about that because she could at least keep on hugging me during the sleep and I was glad to have my Vena-plushie in my sleep, or else I wouldn't be able to sleep.


After I woke from the slumber that took more than sixteen hours, I felt greatly refreshed after sleeping that lot. I stretched my body a bit, with Venelana yawning tiredly like a lazy cat that wanted more sleep.

"Up already?"

She asked as she looked at me; now I needed to refine the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan, which was of probably Royal Lineage or whatever.

"Yes, I want to refine the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan to upgrade my existing Bloodline... my body already contains the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan; it is of low quality as unfortunate it was, but this one would be upgrading my strength by a great margin and increase my affinity for the Void several times."

I said before giving Venelana a kiss on her forehead and departing to the research room that was in the Baldaquin. Because the Baldaquin was a space fortress personally used by only me, it had a rather extensive research complex.

However, the only problematic thing was the fact of how to extract the Bloodline from the Void Leviathan without taking the creature out because it was huge... so taking it out in the Baldaquin was totally out of question.

But there was the possibility of shrinking down the Void Leviathan to a miniature size, which I could then work with. And as the Void Leviathan was already a corpse, it shouldn't be a problem with some powerful magic or perhaps Runes.

Runes would be the best solution.

So I started crafting the shrinking runes that would shrink the corpse of the humongous Void Leviathan to the more manageable average human size that should do the job splendidly.

Soon enough the the shrinking runes were finished and I inscribed them on the corpse of the Void Leviathan that was stored in a specific Dimensional Storage.

In mere moments the corpse of the Void Leviathan, which was long tens of kilometers was, shrank down to the size of the average human.

Taking out the corpse of the Void Leviathan, I put the corpse into a ritualistic circle on the ground that I was using for the Bloodline Extraction. In fact, the Bloodline Extraction was commonly used within the Chthonian Empire of the Baator.

Most of the powerful Devils would create one more Clan Trait for themselves through the Bloodline Extraction of Bloodlines from the powerful creatures and if they couldn't do it by themselves, they could always pay someone to do it.

Still, with the one Bloodline Extraction, I was a bit careful because now that I had a closer look at the Void Leviathan, I was able to identify its concrete Bloodline.

Surprisingly or not, it belonged to the Progenitor Bloodline which was indeed a bit surprising, something that even I was surprised about it.


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Chapter 578 – Progenitor Void Bloodline New
[Bloodline Extraction Procedure has been initiated.]

[Conducting the preliminary analysis of the Void Leviathan Bloodline has been initiated.]

I started the analysis because if the Void Leviathan was directly one of the Progenitor Blood, then the Bloodline Extraction had particular hazards, depending on how close they were to the Prigoneitor of the Void Leviathans and all Void Creatures that dwelled in the Endless Void.

If it was close kin, its very own Bloodline would contain some sort of Bloodline Imprint or something that would greatly complicate the matters on hand.

[Void Leviathan Bloodline has been detected to meet the qualities of the Great Kin of the Void Progenitor.]

[Scanning the Void Leviathan for the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor.]

[Scanning for the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor has been completed.]

[Found damaged Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor within the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan.]

As expected, nothing is always going according to the plan, and that damaged corpse must indeed contain the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor. Still, the sole salvation within the situation was the fact that it was damaged one.

Still, as the Bloodline Imprint was damaged for whatever reason, that was something that I could work with and certain with some sort of sacrificial ritual, I could condense enough power to destroy the remnants of the Bloodline Imprint.

"Stop all ongoing procedures and prepare for the sacrificial ritual."

I said as I took several objects from the spatial ring and unsealed them because they were specifically sealed. It were the corpses of Tier 12 beings that I killed during my excursions into the Endless Void.

Natually they were not all of the Tier 12 beings that I killed, but only some and the ones that were most suitable for the sacrifice. This, according to my calculations, should generate enough power to destroy the already damaged Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor.

[Initiating the Sacrificial Ritual.]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 17%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 34%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 68%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 97%]

[Sacrificial Ritual Process at 100%]

[The sacrificial Ritual is completed and ready to commence.]

Hearing that, I took Atiesh and put the corpses of several semi-sealed corpses of deceased TIer 12 beings in the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle. After that, I gave the silent command that Artifact Spirit of the Baldaquin was overseeing the entire operation.

A tremendous power surged from the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle within a mere moment.

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the Tier 10.]

Within a second, the power reached the peak of Tier 10, and it was increasing at a staggering speed.

[Activating the safety protocols. Initiating the defenses around the research chamber N0. 5 and activating the protective runes.]

Instantly the Artifact Spirit of the Baldaquin initiated the defensive protocols over the research chamber N0. 5 because the energy within the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle was increasing at lightning speed and soon enough could reach dangerous heights.

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the Tier 11.]

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the Tier 12.]

[Energy Readings have reached standards of the peak Tier 12.]

In a split of a moment the energy regained in the room have reached the peak of Tier 12, thus it meant that it was ready.

Waving Atiesh, I controlled the Sacrificial Ritualistic Circle and the energy within, which then shot toward the corpse of the Void Leviathan after being refined into specific translucent power.

Instantly, several weird runes started appearing around the corpse of the Void Leviathan, and soon after the runes appeared on the corpse of the Void Leviathan, and imaginary chains soon followed after them.

Those cahisn represented the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor in the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan. Normally, the chains should be in a pristine and complete state, but the ones that were, in this case, were damaged and cracked in most places.

Atiesh glowed in powerful, blinding azure-blue light as the light itself attacked the chains that were enveloping the corpse of the Void Leviathan. Slowly, the chains that were representing the Bloodline Imprint of Void Progenitor started cracking one by one.

Still, when I was observing it, I was rather nervous about that fact because it could still end in many way, as the Bloodline Imprint belonged to an entity that was presumably on Tier 14 if I am not wrong.

However, this made me wonder what exactly managed to damage it to such an extent because it certainly wasn't my own fight with the Void Leviathan; for such a thing, I certainly lacked power because that was far above my pay grade.

But fortunately, nothing happened, as the chains started cracking one after one, to which soon, not even one remained over the corpse of the Void Leviathan, signifying that the Bloodline Imprint of the Void Progenitor had been entirely destroyed.

This was rather surprising and mainly thanks to the already done damage to the Bloodline Imprint, I was able to destroy it completely. If not for that, then this corpse of the Void Leviathan would have lesser uses because I would be able to directly use my Arcane Crest of Imperial of End and Ruin.

That thing would indeed extract some bits of the Bloodline, but it would also destroy more than I could ever hope to obtain from it. Now that the Bloodline Imprint was gone, I could safely extract and refine the Bloodline of the Void Leviathan.

"Activate the Bloodline Extraction Protocol."

[Bloodline Extraction Protocol has been activated.]

[Bloodline Extraction has been started.]

[The approximate time of the Bloodline Extraction has been set as 2 Hours 14 Minutes and 22 Seconds.]

Now the only thing that I need to do is to let the Artifact Spirit of the Baldaquin to do its job because it was controlling everything that was happening even in this research laboratory and I was confident enough to let it take care of the Bloodline Extraction too.

In fact, two hours and a few minutes was actually a really short time for something as precise and delicate as this.

So, during that time, I sat aside and read a book while waiting for the procedure to be finished so I could initiate the next step, which would be infusing the refined Bloodline of the Void Leviathan into my own Bloodline.


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