TI/IR ch15
Uncertified truck kun driver
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Chapter 15: a goddess unleashed-pre production version
"Here they come." Teg said calmly, as the mass of obscene flesh not so much as rushed as rolled forward, and the less said about the sounds they made, the better.
"So this is where we die, where we fight." Buntoc said, attempting, and failing, to sound just as calm as the dragon next to him.
"You lost your right to say cool last words a long time ago, you worthless pond scum." Teg immediately snapped back. The intelligence officer was unrepentant as ever as far as murdering civilians was concerned, although Teg has long since given up on trying to prevent the reporters from getting their scoops. Now all he could do was to stay alive for a bit longer. Perhaps it was rather petty to be distracted by such a small matter at this point in time, but it's not as if there was going to be anyone left around to care after the dust settles. Death tend to make those who are great to focus on their best, and for the rest to focus on the trivial.
And things were finally looking up for a time. The incels were running out of targets to power up, the fires of rioting were finally burning out (if only because most of the participants were dead or fled, incels generally don't make for good leadership, or support, or anything really), and the distant thunder of artillery can only mean that the armies of the countries are coming to save them.
Of course, the saying goes that the corned rats are the most dangerous, and the incel mobs, sensing the changes of fortunes, decided that the stench of the foreign devils must go.
That means the Legation section has finally come under the direct assault portion of a siege, of which it was really ill equipped to do so. For all the walls and fortifications (real or faux), no one was operating under and delusion that it would stand up to a real assault from an enemy army, and the various government had simply written them off in contingency plans. The fact that they had lasted as long as they did was a miracle, not that anyone at the the time would have known about it, communications being still mostly not there.
It was a good run all things considered, but now it seemed the end was near.
"On my count, we withdraw to the inner defense perimeter." Teg barked out the command, immediately after breathing out a plume of fire. The bastards were close enough to be within the range of dragonfire, and the only reason why the defenders on the walls haven't has their brains leaked out their heads was the copious amount of aluminium strapped onto their heads. It looks silly, and it would have looked even sillier if they were on earth. But they're not on earth and it was those things that prevent their immediate death and possibly a fate worse than death.
A few moments later, the gate crashed wide open… but from the inside. A torrent of water blasted forth, sweeping all in its way. At the same time the air around everyone seemed to gone a lot drier. In fact, places as far away as the border atmospheric stations in both the orc and elven nations experienced a sudden drop in humility, although no one would connect the dots until months after the fact.
"What the heck is that?!?" One of the soldiers shouted.
"If it's what I think it is, it's time we run." Teg merely said as he turned towards the nearest exit to the inner part of the section, one in which that doesn't have to go through the now still water clogged main entrance, the mass of water pouring forth showed no signs of stopping.
If anyone had cared to look, or capable of, they might have seen a bare outline of a slender humanoid figure in the middle of the torrent of water, as if suspended in the middle of all that water.
The mass of water (and whatever being that's inside of it moved forward, although more akin to a force of nature rather than a mere entity. Everything that stood in its way, whether it being ordinary beings, isekais, or even buildings and entire streets were brutally swept aside. The defenders and survivors of the Legation section could only watch on in a horrific fascination as something seemingly straight from the pages of legends rose forth into reality…
Meanwhile in another part of the city, as the elven imperial army slog through street by bloody street, hiding behind their golems, who with their autocannons spewing constant streams of death and destruction making short work of even the stronkest of incels, and chewing up the scenery in the meantime when not hitting their targets, which was rather depressingly often. After all, humanoid sized small arms aren't really the model for sizing up to golem sizes. Much of what's left of the streets were merrily burning away, the mostly wooden buildings making for great fire starter, and with all the explosives being thrown around wasn't helping matters. The smoke of a thousand fires obscuring everyone's sight, and choking the life out of what remains of the city, and quite a few people regardless of their species.
Such was the fog, or perhaps better calling it the smoke, of war that the massive plume of water bursting forth was first went unnoticed. Then the mages started collapsing, seemingly from exhaustion, and the golems followed suit.
"Scanners detecting massive drain of mana to a position due north north west!" A elven soldier shouted, before the boxy mana detector he was holding literally exploded in his hands.
"Isn't that the Legation section?" Jenvessa asked, while firing her pistol at the general direction of potential enemies through the all prevailing smoke. Not even all that useful as suppression fire by this point but at least something was being done and it felt good.
It was rather fortunate that Oesa and what's left of her merry band managed to hook up with a column of elven Imperial troops slogging their way to the human capital. Then again, it wasn't really all that difficult to find the massive column of smoke and the symphony of noise that marks a modern army on the prowl. After that it was merely a matter of hitching a ride with the command staff.
"To all units." Oesa shouted, her voice amplified by magic through the din of battle, "Head for the direction of the legation section now!" Although by the end of her last sentence her voice was back to a more normal level, as she also felt her mana rapidly draining away. Then she fell to her knees, almost as exhausted as the rest of the mages, most of them seemed to have lost consciousness in the meantime.
"But our objective from command was the imperial palace!" One of the army officer shouted. Jenvessa pointed her pistol at him.
"Do as she says or you die here in disgrace. I still have enough bullets to gut your head." She said coldly. The officer meekly nodded and begin to bark the necessary orders to his troops.
The remaining units still capable of movement struggled to heed Oesa's command. Wheeling autocannon carriages and setting up firing positions being much harder than golems firing from the hip, not to mention suddenly losing their mean bulwark against who knows how many incels still roaming around.
Still they made their way forward, meter by bloody meter.
Although at the time it seemed as if the whole of the city would have been submerged in the sudden torrent of water, and in a sense that did happen to at least the sections surrounding the legation section, although it was mostly the same mass of water smashing its way through the streets, as if channeling the wrath of an angry deity.
In a sense, it was the wrath of an angry deity, someone who was fed up at the whole situation and more relevantly finally decided to embrace her nature of this world. Now her wrathful vengeance, fueled by her great mana reserves as well as the mana of every magic capable being barring the incels in the entire city, flood forth in an embodiment of fury straight from the legends.
But even all that mana was not infinite, especially in the hands of someone rather lacking in experience, practice, or even knowledge of the fundamental nature of the forces she wield, and after what many there at the time felt was an eternity, but probably lasted no more than a handful of minutes. Then as suddenly as it appeared, the water dissipated, either into thin air or into the ground.
… and in what was the middle of it all now lies an unconscious blue hair elf, looking so small and fragile…
… and once again the incels rallied forth, sensing an opportunity for another glorious conquest. The few defenders still standing on the walls, mainly orcs as their lack of magic aptitude saved them once again, could only look on in horror.
Then the elven troops arrived on the scene, their arrival announced by the now familiar storm of autocannon rounds, which simply made the opposition disappear. All the power of misogyny in the worlds couldn't stop the cold steel of superior firepower and modern weaponry. The world has never been fair, but now the unfairness has tilted the other way.
Even before the smoke cleared elven soldiers begin to rush forward, some towards the now wide open legation section, but most, including Oesa and her posse of sycophants, rushed forward to where Jane lies.
When Jane become conscious again, the first sight she she saw was that of Oesa's face, saying to her "It's okay now, the nightmare is over." Over and over, as everything goes back to black again…
… and so it was the forces of the Republic who were the first of coalition forces to enter the former Imperial palace and discovered that the Empire of all Mankind was no more, in its place an unstable republic laying claims to powers it does not have, its legitimacy recognized by no one, if they were aware of them in the first place. Meanwhile, in the front of the legation section, the Lasce Imperial state has secured one of the most potent forces in the known world.
It's a bold move, time will tell if it pays off for the pointy ear fascists.
Besides all that, the back of the incel rebellion has been broken, although in infestation of those horror will haunt the old continent for decades to come, there will be no more chances of them conquering the world.
Narratively, evil has triumphed, but now even the humans have to acknowledge that narrative was badly outdated.