This is a story about Pokémon, set in a Pokéverse that has elements of 'old earth' buried under the already very well established Pokémon World with a contemporary history of 30-20,000 years of development from the humans who've survived alongside Pokémon. This is a universe where our current civilization essentially failed, and in a manner that we'll get into later, ruined the Earth so thoroughly only an Act of Arceus saved it from becoming a lifeless husk. You will also find Many similar names, places, and even stories in this epic tale that I like to think of as an homage to writers far, far more skilled than I am. But since this is Fanfiction, and I'm not nor do I intend to profit from this, you can expect to see familiar faces from other series/universes along the way, but with Pokémon. It's essentially a bit of a crossover, but set primarily in a slice of the Pokéverse. With Pokémon, and the usual protags that come with it, including but not limited to Red, Gary Oak, and yes, even Ash Ketchum. Eventually. Since we do have a canon multiverse, think of this Saga's setting as one where it's All coming together.