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The Risen Land [Original Setting] (Fantasy, Realm building)

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A/N: So this is going to be my first quest. Within it the main character is the new ruler of a...
Chapter 0


Getting out there.
May 11, 2018
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A/N: So this is going to be my first quest. Within it the main character is the new ruler of a fantasy realm upon the continent of Atilis, The Risen Land. I am going to use the WOIN TRPG as a base for the crunch but it will act more as a guide to follow than a strict rule-set. I'll wait a few days before counting the votes.

Chapter 0
Character Creation Prologue

Race: Choose 1 race for the MC. The runner up will become the MC's friend.
[Human] Humans are a stubborn and industrious race. While their culture is often the most mutable they are known to be resilient and enduring. Overlooked when looking for the best at most tasks humans will often find themselves reasonably proficient in many due to their populous nature and many of them fueling their growth with their relentless pride and a large desire to prove themselves to be as capable as the others they share the world with.
[Elf] The tall, thin Elves are some of the most passionate people in the world. Whether towards understanding the workings of the world, protecting nature or devotion to a deity the elves will hone their actions to an art form. While their passion will often cause them to hold strong viewpoints they also will attempt to understand any view that would challenge their own as a shown of their faith in their belief. Saturated with the fey energies an elf will often have the hardest time speaking a lie however many childhood games revolve around misleading another while speaking only the truth. (If elf is chosen choose also choose a subrace: Nature, Night, Nobel)
[Dwarf] Dwarves are stout and highly organized. Thought to be the first to have written language the dwarves often try to act as a guard of knowledge as they have begun many battles after another discovered a dangerous secret. Some of the best workmanship comes from the dwarves not due to skill but due to the knowledge they have gathered and refined allowing them secrets beyond the others in the world.
[Gnome] (Gnomes are a short race with a high focus on individualism. Gnomes have a knack which they excel wildly at however they often find themselves hindered at many other tasks. While the Gnomish culture can create wondrous advancements within their knack they often find themselves nearly helpless with little or no support.)
[Beastfolk] Previosly a servant race they have lost much of their history and identity. After the Freedom Uprisings that massively reduced the occurrence of slavery many beastfolk had grouped together in the more dangerous lands which lay unclaimed before. In many such city-states the beastfolk rulers will allow most any race to live there, including the sapient monstrous races other realms often attempt to eradicate. Despite having smaller individual realms compared to others the Beastfolk city-states have some of the most advanced communication systems and often many will act in unison to overwhelm a realm which acts against a beastfolk city-state. (If Beastfolk is chosen choose also choose a subrace: Drake, Fox, Lion, Minotaur, Naga, Tiger, Ursa, Wolf, Other)
[Orc] Large greyish green humanoids with large tusks and bulky muscles who generally value the honor of strength and family. Contrary to past tales the Orcs are highly empathetic and easily able to band together into a relatively peaceful and crime-free society when not being eradicated or driven off by other races.
[Sinblood/Virtuine] A humanoid race which slowly physically changes to reflect the inclinations that they exhibit/act on. Those with a focus on hoarding monetary growth may turn golden with slightly shiny skin, those who focus on being 'in-tune' with nature could grow antlers and and take a more ruddy brown appearance, etc. Most are 2-3 features of their primary driver and 1 or 2 of minor driving factors behind their actions. They often have trouble reading other races as it is hard to see the nature of other's being. (If Sinblood/Virtuine is chosen choose also choose a primary and secondary devotion. Examples: Lust, Greed, Enviromentalist , Empathy, Jelousy, Love)

Realm Specialization: Choose 2. A third will be added based on either race or to balance out the realm. Voting the same thing twice is allowed however it will be to really support one specialization at the cost of not having a vote towards the second specialization.
[Arcane Arts] Evocation, Sorcery, Spells, Investing into Objects, Chemistry, Physics
[Engineering Marvels] Mecanical devices, Massive structures, Landshaping, Runes, Math
[Agriculture] Animal husbandry, Botony, Herbalism
[Warfare] Military, Navy, Limited Airforce, Sieges, Supply Lines, Training
[Culture/Traditions] Religious Influences, Diplomatic Power, Faith Magic, Rituals
[Mercentilism] Trade, Roads, Banking, Resource Gathering, Crafting, Wealth
[Stability] Providing People's Needs, Reducing Revolts, Support of the Citizens, Medicine
[Growth] Growing Ever Larger, Building Denser Cities, Encourageing Children & Immigration

You have always known you're blessed by the world. You had been lucky enough to be born with not just a crown as your future inheritance but also with a personal magic to grant you personal power as well. Your personal magic manifested at a young age and grants you a strength that few within your country can claim. Similar to your father your wounds are quick to close. Though you find the power to do so limited and uncontrolled. That is why you find yourself heading towards a village at the very edge of the country. Only a couple friends by your side. The fourth in line for one allied country and the second in line for another. Confidant the three of you expect that this outing will end similarly.

You wake to find that the fur blankets are strewn about the Inn's bed. A week's travel from home you find yourself only a day from the village that a conjure changed has overrun with undead. Now you suddenly feel the weight of the kingdom on your shoulders.
The parents who raised you have now died and the faith of the people now hangs around you. It stands time to make the choice if you'll take the power in exchange for part of yourself or if you'll remain true to yourself and face leadership without it.
[Accept your people's faith] Accept the power of your citizens to gain a unique boon that reflects your realm and how the people of it see you at the cost of it slowly changing you towards that view. This will grant a unique exploit.
[Stand on your own merits] Let the faith towards you remain untouched and stay wholly yourself. This provides a small source of extra Mana Points that can be used.
A quite sobbing from the room besides you informs you that more than one country upon The Risen Land has seen a royal tragedy tonight.


3 Choices:
Choose 1. runner up is a friend of the MC.
Realm Specialties
Choose 2.
Accepting your people's faith
Will you accept a minor unique exploit or extra magical potential


Extra Setting Info:
I will try to explain this in the story as well however as it may be relevant to your votes for the start I will include it here as well.

This continent, also called The Risen Land, was raised from the seabed 517 years ago by the goddess Lorilii as a place to unite the world through understanding of it. While not all people on Atilits believe in Lorilii's message or goal she is a predominate figure throughout it and scholars flock to the libraries and research stations her followers have build.

In this world there are three sources of magic that people may draw from. Invested Magic, Personal Magic and Structured Magic.
Magic Descriptions:
Invested magic is that which gives deities their power and rulers the right of rule. As a person thinks they release tiny nodes of magic that drift towards the object of their thoughts. When the object is sapient it's own thoughts provide a minor barrier allowing them to feel and choose whether to accept the magic. If they do they will be able to hold onto the magic within them and use it however they will find themselves slowly acclimatizing towards the ideal that served as the source of the invested magic. A king thought of as a tyrant by their people may be granted an aura that triggers fear to those nearby however the king's empathy would deteriorate as they hold the power. While most invested magic is minuscule and will only matter with great numbers there are those able to use it to consciously empower another through a contract or as a reward or their devotion. Such a use is the primary way that clerics and warlocks receive their power.
Personal magic is an ability you gain from your nature and bloodline. The more magic you hold the more likely you become to manifest a unique ability shaped by your soul. While this is very rare it may be accelerated by consuming magic rich food at the risk of the magic slowly overwhelming your soul causing your mutation into a conjure changed.
Structured magic is that which you alter the magic in the environment to provide an effect. With training and knowledge anybody is able to use structured magic however developing new uses for structured magic can be dangerous leading to many sticking to an established structure system such as Elementalism. With the proper knowledge and skill any effect can be accomplished as long as you can manipulate enough of the magic around you.

Deities within this world are not universal creators or masters of a certain portfolio unlike in other worlds/settings. In this world a Deity is a person who has garnered enough faith to develop the ability to hear prayers to them and send bits of their power through the connection that is formed. While it is not strictly necessary for a deity to become immortal if they are not it often becomes a side effect regardless at this level of power as the invested magic they accumulate will bring them closer to the age people believe them to exist as.
Lorilii: Lorilii is a traveler from another world which has attained divinity. As she was from another world Lorilii was often approaching ideas from a new perspective and in doing so she was able to make a name for herself as someone who valued innovation, discovery and logic. She most often appears like how she looked upon arrival, as a beautiful human woman in her early 20's. Clad in a pocketed white cloak with large round glasses and light freckles upon her ochre skin. She wears her bright orange-red hair held back, with a clip of a spiral of runes that acts as a symbol of her divinity.
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Never heard of it. what does WOIN stand for? and is it required to know to play?
overwhelming your soul causing your mutation into a conjure changed.
[Sinblood/Virtuine] A humanoid race which slowly physically changes to reflect the inclinations that they exhibit/act on. Those with a focus on hoarding monetary growth may turn golden with slightly shiny skin, those who focus on being 'in-tune' with nature could grow antlers and and take a more ruddy brown appearance, etc. Most are 2-3 features of their primary driver and 1 or 2 of minor driving factors behind their actions. They often have trouble reading other races as it is hard to see the nature of other's being. (If Sinblood/Virtuine is chosen choose also choose a primary and secondary devotion. Examples: Lust, Greed, Enviromentalist , Empathy, Jelousy, Love)
I am genuinely tempted to try and combine Pride with Greed
[Accept your people's faith] Accept the power of your citizens to gain a unique boon that reflects your realm and how the people of it see you at the cost of it slowly changing you towards that view. This will grant a unique exploit.
[Stand on your own merits] Let the faith towards you remain untouched and stay wholly yourself. This provides a small source of extra Mana Points that can be used.
A quite sobbing from the room besides you informs you that more than one country upon The Risen Land has seen a royal tragedy tonight.
My first instinct was to refuse... but then I found out that accepting is the path towards ascending to a Deity.
While it is not strictly necessary for a deity to become immortal if they are not it often becomes a side effect regardless at this level of power as the invested magic they accumulate will bring them closer to the age people believe them to exist as.
How hard is it to become an immortal without being a deity?
[x] Plan Wizard King
-[x] Human
-[x] Arcane Arts
-[x] Engineering Marvels
-[x] Stand on your own merits

Engineer marvels includes runes and math and thus completements wizardry quite well. Additionally both can lead to a national focus on magical megastructures. Maybe even practical wizard towers? Make this ruler quest more like Age of Wonders

Standing on your own merit means we cannot become a deity, but our people's view of us does not alter our personality. And it also comes with a small talent boost to magic. Further complementing the choice of arcane arts and engineering marvels.
Although actually accepting our people's beliefs about this kind of character would have probably been fine and even interesting. Eh... ascending to godhood is too hard anyways.
Never heard of it. what does WOIN stand for? and is it required to know to play?

WOIN, aka Whats Old Is New is a D6 Tabletop RPG that is made to be more generalist setting wise without causing issues by mixing them. You could kinda see it as 3 systems (OLD, NOW, and NEW. Later a Dredd and a spoof off Ghostbusters too.) that were made to work off of a common base and with one another. I really like it's character building and magic system rules over DnD.
There's a few too many stats than most i've seen suggested for this format but I'm going to shove things into a Spreadsheet to save stuff anyway so I don't mind. (Strength, Agility, Endurance, Intuition, Logic, Willpower, Charisma, Luck, Reputation, Magic). As a Attribute grows you gain extra dice to include in rolls using it but are capped based on your Grade, basically level, so you can't have 10d6 at the first Grade. This combines with whatever skill you have that the GM finds relevant and the combined die pools are what you use to see if you succeed.
Character building is different however because in WOIN you choose a Race and the first 4 careers each of which is a smaller and less linear progression over a standard level/class system. This along with XP being able to buy things outside of a new Grade lets you jump around a whole different number of careers without worry that you're under-powered as the system is designed to allow you to choose a different career each grade.
It's Magic system is also fun as it's a Secret/Skill based system. So first you get a secret such as the secret of Fire, then you take a skill such as Evocation. With this you can then make a wide range of Evoke-Fire spells that can scale based on need. So if you want a tiny candle light then it's a 0MP cantrip of Evoke Fire but if you add more MP towards it you can make it stronger. I like it better than a prescribed list as it encourages a kinda mirror of player and character where it's unlikely you'll be making a spell in the middle of battle so you'll prepare a few beforehand making a player level spellbook. Once you have a Secret you can use it with any of the Magical skills too so you could use that same secret to Infuse or Abjure as well.
What's O.L.D. is N.E.W. uses a dice pool system vs. a difficulty benchmark. The game only uses d6s.
Characters are created using a life-path system. After choosing a race, players choose an origin career, followed by four further careers. Each adds to attributes and skills, and grants specific exploits.
Bit of a tangent there but I'm mainly using it to guide about how difficult a task is at certain levels. So I'd know that if there's a suggestion of making an arcane item of ultimate power and reality warping and the character's Logistics is 3d6 then they'd need a nearly perfect roll. but for most common tasks 3d6 is pretty good. System details aren't needed too much by the players. Especially since There will be a custom exploits or careers as needed.

If you eat food thats infused with a bunch of mana it will generally be absorbed and turned into a personal power of your own. However if you try to subsist on only conjured food, or purely dragon's meat and cinderblooms overflowing with their own mana, then the mana you eat may not be integrated as yours. This would carry the risk of mutating your soul and your mind. For example the mage who wishes to become a stronger fire-mage and eats dragon steak and cinderbloom leaves may find that he can cast fire magic easier but he is constantly sweating and overheated even when naked in the dead of winter. If he keeps up his strive for power then he could become immune to damage from fire but his mind becomes more feral and it becomes harder to keep his passion and anger under control.
Kind of like a 'you are what you eat' effect if your food has too much mana. People also have stories of highly magical environments causing similar results however such cases are far rarer.

I am genuinely tempted to try and combine Pride with Greed
They exist and would likely be one of the horror stories of the Sinblood that are a primary driving factor towards the fear of them. Stories of emerald eyes inset in a hard regal face as they stare into your soul finding your weaknesses. Hands grasping at what little you bear gilded nails growing forth from his fingers. The light lavender skin contrasting sharply against the shadows of their soul.

My first instinct was to refuse... but then I found out that accepting is the path towards ascending to a Deity.
How hard is it to become an immortal without being a deity?
Well one of the Druid exploits is Ageless and it can be gotten the second level of Druid. Only the not aging form of immortality but still. So I'd say that it's something that can be achieved by those who search for it for about 12-15 years without interruption but it's still imperfect immortality. Few could make time for such a journey and those who do must also be able to defend themselves along the way and afterwards as well.
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Thanks for the answers. This was interesting and informative.
If you eat food thats infused with a bunch of mana it will generally be absorbed and turned into a personal power of your own. However if you try to subsist on only conjured food, or purely dragon's meat and cinderblooms overflowing with their own mana, then the mana you eat may not be integrated as yours. This would carry the risk of mutating your soul and your mind. For example the mage who wishes to become a stronger fire-mage and eats dragon steak and cinderbloom leaves may find that he can cast fire magic easier but he is constantly sweating and overheated even when naked in the dead of winter. If he keeps up his strive for power then he could become immune to damage from fire but his mind becomes more feral and it becomes harder to keep his passion and anger under control.
Kind of like a 'you are what you eat' effect if your food has too much mana. People also have stories of highly magical environments causing similar results however such cases are far rarer.
thanks for clarifying. But in that case shouldn't
slowly overwhelming your soul causing your mutation into a conjure changed.
actually be
slowly overwhelming your soul, causing your body to mutate.
I had an interesting idea. Could a famous actor/ess use makeup and publicity stunts to convince a large portion of the populace that they have eternal youth? and as a result actually get it via invested magic?
Thanks for the answers. This was interesting and informative.

thanks for clarifying. But in that case shouldn't

actually be
Conjure changed is the name for those who've been altered to a noticeable degree. The name due to the most often afflicted being those who subsist on conjured food more than is safe.

I had an interesting idea. Could a famous actor/ess use makeup and publicity stunts to convince a large portion of the populace that they have eternal youth? and as a result actually get it via invested magic?
It would be possible however you would need a lot of invested magic. So if a country toasts 'long live the king." then the king's aging would be slowed but only in the largest of kingdoms would it be enough to halt ageing completely. Especially since those who toast it without being focused on a specific king would make it just go to the closest king.
This is also how the MC is awoken knowing that he became king. Nearly all the invested magic from his citizens towards their king was to his parents with only a small trickle of it branching out to the MC. Suddenly in the night he began getting nearly all of it surrounding him telling him that he just became the person were the invested magic was most attracted to. Hence the reason he's woken knowing that a royal tragedy has struck.

EDIT: I'm going to close the votes once I wake up. I'll start working on the first real full chapter.
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[x] Plan slightly different Wizard King
-[x] [Sinblood/Virtuine] (Empathy, pride)
-[x] Arcane Arts
-[x] Engineering Marvels
-[x] Accept your people's faith

I'm fine with Human though, if it's a tie.
I would have loved to fit Stability in there, but this combination is just too great.
Accepting the faith sounds like a cool feature. Perception based magic can lead to some truly wacky results.

This is looking quite interesting. Looking forward too more.
Okay Time to close the voting. I'll have the chapter up as soon as I get it finished.


3 Choices:
Race- Choose 1. runner up is a friend of the MC.
Human -1
Sinblood/Virtuine-1 [Empathy, Pride]
Realm Specialties- Choose 2.
Arcane Arts- 2
Engineering Marvels - 2
Accepting your people's faith- Will you accept a minor unique exploit or extra magical potential
Stand on your own merits - 1
Accept your people's Faith - 1

As Race and Invested Magic are tied I will let the dice decide the tie.
Human, and Own Merits won both landing on a 3.

The bonus Realm specialty will be Stability.

Your Realm:
You rule Machvis, one of the larger countries by land but lacking in the riches of Til or influence of Esprii. What Machvis has however is large constructions that stretch across the country. These towers grant communications which outspeed even the swiftest of messengers but require large upkeep costs and magical energy. Nearly immediately upon their construction the Athenaeum Of Lorilii built more churches throughout your land. It provides help to speed new development even faster, however their tenants of accessible knowledge also encourage the spread of how to recreate many Machvis developments. Despite this Machvis has had few worries in the nearly three hundred years since it was founded. Strong defensive structures throughout the landscape and the loyalty of your people have dissuaded most from attempts seizing land from Machvis throughout it's history. Only once after it's independence has Machvis lost control over part of it's land. Once which was near as much their own doing as it was the fault of Aure. The Ashlands stand as proof of Machvis reaching towards greater heights, and to many proof of it reaching too far.
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Chapter 1
A/N: OK The human king that will be your main character is Lucas. Lucas is the King of Machvis, a kingdom of unique constructions designed to project messages throughout the kingdom. Any Invisitext is unimportant. If it's needed then it will be reiterated or revealed else-wise as well. Here it is purely a date reference.

Chapter 1
The News of the Day.
Destona 9, 517 Post Rise
As he sits on the hard and scratchy bed of the inn Lucas stares at the shadow moon, Fath. A surge of invested power had accumulated around him suddenly enough to awaken him. Since the only conclusion to be drawn from that is his parent's death. Watching Fath slowly occlude new stars Lucas sits in grief, unable to fall back to the comfort of sleep. A knock at his door jolts him back into the world. Fath now set behind the mountains in the distance and a bright sun to replace it.

"Hey, Lucas! It's time for you two to wake up. If we're going to head over to take care of this conjure changed we can't win with you two starved." Another knock to the next room over sounds out. "I'm going to head down and grab some dinner. If you don't get there quick enough I'll have no choice but to eat yours as well."

Hearing Joibrin's antics brings a small sorrowful smile to Lucas' face. Looking at his frail arms, peppered with the marks he earned in study. He can't take the power swelling around him. This power is still that of his parents. But first he has to grow further on his own merits. He'll take the memories of all his lessons, use what he learned from his parents and the teachers they brought him.
What were the lessons he had taken?
He'll focus on the lessons of Evocation (Also pick an element such as Fire, Stone, Ice etc)
He'll focus on the lessons of Nature [Druidic style abilities]
He'll focus on the lessons of Summoning
He'll focus on the lessons of Runes
He'll focus on the lessons of Artifacing
He'll focus on the lessons of The Mind
He'll focus on the lessons of His Body
He'll focus on Adaptability (Pick 2 above)

Pulling himself out of his grief before it returns in full, Lucas puts on his boots to leave the room. As he shuts the door the opening of his friend's beside him shows Elia. The tall woman with a thin features and a pair of pointed ears poking through through her waves of blond hair. Wearing a pale blue dress with orange trims and a pair of dueling pistols at her hips. A rare glimpse of emotion flees from her face just before she turns to spot Lucas. Seeing the grief pass only confirms what Lucas couldn't bear to check after your own revelation in the night. "Good morning Elia. Ready to face Joibrin again?"

Knowing her for years is the only way to catch it but the slight twitch of her eye and tightening in her cheek reveal a gratefulness for a distraction, "Yes. Though dining in a private room will be more appropriate this morning."

Heading downstairs Lucas agrees to speak with the tavern keeper to have the breakfasts taken to Elia's room. After a few extra coins the young man agrees letting you return to see Elia already at the stairs. Behind her a large well muscled man that could almost pass for human in his closely fitted wardrobe of black with only a silver trim to serve aesthetics matching his mirrored nails. The grand mane of changing hair around his neck and two fuzzy antenna belying Joibrin's virtuine nature.

Finally catching up to the two as Elia unlocks her door Lucas sees that the bright puffy strawberry blond mane that Joibrin wore downstairs has begun to shift towards a dull dark blue clinging tightly around his shoulders. Settling around the small table in Elia's room the guard over her face drops slightly. "This morning, while I was reviewing the tales we collected in Ashclaim, I felt the invested magic pass from my father to I." Seeing her eyes glisten Lucas and Joibrin know that it's effecting her more than they've ever seen of her. As Joibrin remains silent, letting her continue at her own pace, Lucas notices and follows the empath's lead. After under a minute Elia does just that. "I will not abandon you mere days before we're due to reach a conjure changed. More given the undead minions it has accumulated, but I wish to return home. I want to a party vote to absolve the quest. I know that doing so will cause further casualties to your people. But I must also look to the duties I have to my family and as the new high count to consider as well." With her continued statements Elia's mask over her emotions hardens further, returning her to the appearance of her emotionless visage.

"We can't do that." Joibrin's harshness brings further surprise to the table. The seriousness reflecting in his bristled violet hair. "If we abandon the quest now it won't just be a town or two that get engulfed. Lucas' nearest army that stands a chance remains at least 3 days travel from here. Likely closer to 5 at a march. In that time with this kind of monster on the line that's enough time to need double the force. In addition we border the Ashlands already. If it pulls forth necromantic power as the reports suggest then not only is the immediate area in danger but the whole of central Attilis. When those over-reaching towers exploded there was nobody there to sanctify the bodies and even fewer who dared to risk the murmuring shoved into their head. If it travels further south then it will only be a few short years until you have a horde of undead that reach even you."

Shocked by the two's commencing argument Lucas doesn't even get the chance to correct Joibrin on how close a group of hunters are in case something had gone wrong. After all 3 high profile individuals couldn't be sent out into danger alone, even when they believed they were. "We should get all the facts on the table first." Silence falls upon the other two's argument as Lucas continues. "Trekatii is not the only realm where a ruler fell." The realization on his friend's faces is drawn slowly. "I felt the same rush of invested magic last night as well. An hour before I heard Elia's realization. It is obvious that something happened that was not accidental given we know of 3 deaths nearly simultaneously. Joibrin's argument has weight to it though the distance of assistance was overly pessimistic. The price would be bloody but this conjure changed will be contained before that. Let us make an official vote then, same rules as always." Seeing Elia nod and Joibrin's wince before he does the same begins a vote. One for ending the quest to return sooner and another who finds the situation of the conjure changed too dangerous to let sit. As the two look towards Lucas for the breaking vote.
Finding the truth of Lucas' parents takes priority. (Return to the Capital immediately and set a nearby team to hunt the conjure changed. Will take about 8 days to return. Joibrin and Elia will set off apart from you to return to their own respective homes.)
The Necromantic conjure changed is too large a threat. (Continue the quest to end the threat posed by the conjure changed. Including hunting the reanimated minions it produced. This will take about 5 days to ensure the reanimated minions are found and re-killed.)
Split the duties of the quest to speed the process. (Reach out to the nearby team sent to protect Lucas at a distance to end the threat quicker. Two teams to clear out the minions quicker. This will take about 3 days)
There's only 1 target. (Take out theConjjure changed and leave the reanimated minions for another to clean up. This will take only 1 day but the undead will remain a threat to your citizens for longer.)
Walking is too slow. (Stop by the communication tower in Ashclaim to have a teleportation ritual prepared. Takes 4 days to prepare and will use most of the kingdom's emergency resources that have been saved up. can be taken with another option.)


2 Choices:
Choose the lessons Lucas learned.
The Conjure Changed Threat
Choose whether to return home immediately or deal with the Conjure changed yourself.

Bonus information on The Party:
Lucas-Human (??Vote based??, King of Machvis, MC)
Elia-Grand Elf (Pistol shot, Healer, daughter of a High Council Member in Trekatii)
Joibrin- Virtuine [Empathy, Pride] (Frontline tank, Axe wielder, Father is 3rd rank for Purger [medicine and conjure changed control] seat in the Esprii Republic)

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3 Choices:
Choose the lessons Lucas learned.
The Conjure Changed Threat
Choose whether to return home immediately or deal with the Conjure changed yourself.
He'll focus on the lessons of The Mind
He'll focus on the lessons of His Body
So, a few questions.
1. what class is "mind" and what class is "body"?
2. how viable is multiclassing in this system? in dnd it is a very bad idea for mages. (prestige classes being the exception, as they are a very good idea).
3. I am only seeing two choices here. class and the necromancer conjure changed threat.
Split the duties of the quest to speed the process. (Reach out to the nearby team sent to protect Lucas at a distance to end the threat quicker. Two teams to clear out the minions quicker. This will take about 3 days)
There's only 1 target. (Take out theConjjure changed and leave the reanimated minions for another to clean up. This will take only 1 day but the undead will remain a threat to your citizens for longer.)
I like both of these. the necromancer is indeed a threat. but those rush things by focusing on killing him rather than a complete clearing out.
What were the lessons he had taken?
He'll focus on the lessons of Evocation (Also pick an element such as Fire, Stone, Ice etc)
He'll focus on the lessons of Nature [Druidic style abilities]
He'll focus on the lessons of Summoning
He'll focus on the lessons of Runes
He'll focus on the lessons of Artifacing
He'll focus on the lessons of The Mind
He'll focus on the lessons of His Body
He'll focus on Adaptability (Pick 2 above)
Lots of appealing choices.
Runes and artifice are very appealing for the engineering + arcane combo from char creation.

Dual classing body + evocation souls very appealing and is often used in stories...
but is usually a really bad idea in TTRPGs

i am guessing body means muscle wizardry? its nice to have the option.

Summoning is always fun... but does not really fit an MC who rejected the invested magic I would think.

Earth elementalism is both powerful and quite synergestic with our engineering + arcane combo.

I am rather tempted by Dual class of Earth Elementalism + Artificing or Runes.
So, a few questions.
1. what class is "mind" and what class is "body"?
2. how viable is multiclassing in this system? in dnd it is a very bad idea for mages. (prestige classes being the exception, as they are a very good idea).
3. I am only seeing two choices here. class and the necromancer conjure changed threat.
1. The vote choices aren't a single career but more the theme to be built to. Like Nature will be Druid but could have a bit of shaman or something mixed in as well depending on how people are thinking about the option. So if you vote Body thinking as a battlemage style thing I'd build closer to that than monk or vise-versa.
1a. Mind would be mostly focusing on psionic talents.
1b. Body would be more monk/Ki focused.
2. WOIN is great for 'multi-classing' so long as they are somewhat related and decent when they aren't. Generally a career will give 3 or 4 stat boosts, 2 skill ranks that are chosen from a list of class kills, and an exploit (think class feature kind of things in feat format). If you split your focus too much it can hinder your damage output but since all the options included are partially Magic based you shouldn't need to worry about that.
When I make characters to play with in a game I'll get like 3/4 careers to bounce between. Ex. a character I made named Ruven is going to have druid, summoner, Mage, loremaster and shaman as he levels because I'm trying to focus the theme of him as primarily a summoner but there's only a couple exploits from summoner that I want and the others all have similar enough stat boosts that they complement each other well.
3. Oops fixed. I had copied that from the previous to keep formatting consistent.

I like both of these. the necromancer is indeed a threat. but those rush things by focusing on killing him rather than a complete clearing out.
I just want to make clear that all the options will end up with the leading conjure changed dead (unless a battle is really botched rolls and i can think of a way to make it work with the story.) Its a matter of if you do so yourselves or recruit another as well as if you take the time to clean out the minions too.
'Split the duties of the quest to speed the process.' would be where both groups start clearing out the minions and one of them also takes out the leader.

Lots of appealing choices.
Runes and artifice are very appealing for the engineering + arcane combo from char creation.

Dual classing body + evocation souls very appealing and is often used in stories...
but is usually a really bad idea in TTRPGs
There is literally a career called Battlemage that focuses on close combat wizardry. If thats the chosen path then it could work. To me WOIN feels like multi-classing is supposed to be encouraged. Especially since the first grade (which default starting grade is 5 careers) is usually a unique one as an "Origin" career that you only take a second grade of in very rare circumstances. So long as the chosen careers tend to match 2/3 attribute bonuses they seem to work really well together.
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Pretty cool about how WOIN supports multiclassing so well. I really should look into it as a system then.

Alright then.

[x] There's only 1 target. (Take out theConjjure changed and leave the reanimated minions for another to clean up. This will take only 1 day but the undead will remain a threat to your citizens for longer.)

And I got 2 different battlemage builds in mind:

Build 1:
[x] He'll focus on the lessons of The Mind
[x] He'll focus on the lessons of His Body
[x] He'll focus on Adaptability (Pick 2 above)

Build 2:
Build 1:
[] He'll focus on the lessons of Evocation
-[] Stone
[] He'll focus on the lessons of His Body
[] He'll focus on Adaptability (Pick 2 above)

Psionics + Ki battlemage sounds pretty solid.
As does Stone elementalist + Ki battlemage

For both picking up runes and then artifice afterwards.
Main question is:
1. what kind of things can psionics do?
2. how flexible and powerful is stone elementalist? I am imagining an earthbender but maybe i am over estimating what they can do?
Pretty cool about how WOIN supports multiclassing so well. I really should look into it as a system then.
Yeah the life path approach it has for advancing is part of it I really enjoy.
The Main Site has a Srd reference and if you go into the character builder it has an accessible, and relatively decent display, database of the various careers, exploits and everything else.

1. what kind of things can psionics do?
2. how flexible and powerful is stone elementalist? I am imagining an earthbender but maybe i am over estimating what they can do?
1. Psionics has a decent breadth of things. It's more limited than magic as it's more exploit based instead of making spells, however the rules have the Magic, Psi and Chi stats as all the same but expressed in different ways based on the setting/character allowing some cross-over if it makes sense.
Psi exploits can be roughly grouped into; Telekinesis, Telepathy, some evocation style things such as Pyrokinestic burst, Learning from a distance (clairvoyance/pre&retro-cognition) and dealing with other psionic users. As I'm incorporating it to run besides ki and magic there will also be a bit of overlap and interactions with the three of them.
Chi (to get all 3 'Supernatural' attributes) is about taking 'stances' that will give you powers/boosts while in that form. for example the Stone stance makes it harder to be hurt and if you shift into the Mind stance then it inconveniences other chi users, (and I'll include some Magic and Psi effects here to since the 3 are parallel in this world instead of the only expression.) nearby.
2. Much like the way that I'm not pining the paths to a specific career but more the guiding theme that I'll look at the interpretation of I'll also look at the combination chosen and how it is being thought of more than the exact vote that was made.A stone Elementalist could be a wide range of things. Elementalist isn't an actual career in WOIN, though Ice Mage and Fire Mage are 2 that you can pick up, but dependent on what Magical Skills you use it could use different aspects. Looking at it again I should have likely used a different term than evocation in the vote option as 'Evoke' is one of the magical skills used to build a spell. But if you have the 'Secret of Stone' and combine it with the Evoke skill it would be some form of blasting them with a direct damage but if you use the 'Move' skill you can then make an earthquake effect or shape the battlefield. While you can get/increase a skill rank to be better at these aspects you can also use the skills you don't have ranks in but you'll have a harder time making the check for it.
To borrow from A:TLA the part where they make the circular stones rise up and carry themselves and changing the stairs to a ramp in the Earth Kingdom would both be Move Stone. The second being a more costly effect due to the covered area. But the flinging stones forth would be easiest to be built with evoke even if the fluff makes it look the same. To give a sense of the behind the scene numbers Lucas will start at about 20 HP and 12 MP (not counting the bonus from the Invested magic). About 4-5MP is able to be used at a time as a single spell has a cap on MP based on your magic score. To do the small moving platform trick the Earthbenders do would be about 7 Mana to move a 5 ft diameter of stone at 5 feet/second for an hour. With woin you build a spell to do the effect you want and can make adjustments to the aspects of it to adjust how much it costs vs how much it does.
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Thanks for clarifying. pretty neat.
Sounds like I would be happy with both of them.
... for now I will be sticking to build 1 and go for psionics.
Yep, I'd also go with build number 1. Sounds fun, and fitting for a ruler.

As for what to do, I'd suggest getting help from another party and dealing with the undead.

Also, 13rett, if I may make a suggestion. Could you please add some linebreaks into your text, it would make it a lot easier to read.
Yep, I'd also go with build number 1. Sounds fun, and fitting for a ruler.

As for what to do, I'd suggest getting help from another party and dealing with the undead.

Also, 13rett, if I may make a suggestion. Could you please add some linebreaks into your text, it would make it a lot easier to read.

Sure I'll jump in and do that.

EDIT: Okay It's been about a week so I'm going to be closing down the votes tomorrow (14/4/2020) at about noon (EDT) so that i can work on getting the next snippet up.
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Voting Is closed. Finishing the character sheet and writing the chapter will now start.

Vote Results are:
2 Choices:
Choose the lessons Lucas learned.
Adaptability [Mind & Body] - 2 votes
The Conjure Changed Threat
Take out the conjure changed and leave the minions for the backup team - 1 Vote

His Magnificent Excellency Lucas, King of Machvis.

An alert human king who has been trained for self defense as he's been raised.

Species: Human
Size: Medium
HP: 22
MP: 27 (Base 18 + 9[Invested clout])
Speed: 5
Jump: h12'/v3'
Carry: 70 lbs. | Max Lift: 150 lbs.
Initiative: 3d6
Perception: 4d6
Grade: 5
Max Die Pool: 5d6
XP: 0
Luck Pool: 3

Melee: 14
Ranged: 15
Mental: 18
Vital: 10

► Unarmed: 5d6 vs Melee Def; Melee; 1d6+3
► Psi-Blast: 5d6 vs Mental Def;Range Inc. 10'; 3d6+3 psionic damage
► High Quality Stave: 5d6 vs Melee Def; 3d6+3 Blunt Damage;

► Str 3 (2d6)
► Agi 6 (3d6)
3 +1[Hook-C2] +1[Aikido-C3] +1[Hook-C5]
► End 5 (2d6)
3 +1[Battlepsyche-C4] +1[Battlepsyche-C5]
► Int 6 (3d6)
3 +1[Royal Birth] +1[Prince] +1[Aikido-C3]
► Log 3 (2d6)
► Wil 5 (2d6)
3 +1[Aikido-C3] +1[Battlepsyche-C4]
► Cha 6 (3d6)
3 +2[Human] +1[Royal Birth-C1]
► Luc 7 (3d6)
3 +2[Human] +1[Royal Birth-C1] +1[Prince-C2]
► Rep 6 (3d6)
3 +1[Royal Birth-C1] +1[Prince-C2] +1[Princely Training]
► Sup 6 (3d6) {Magic, Chi, and Psi}
0 +1 [Human] +1[Aikido-C3] +2[Battlepsyche-C4] +2[Battlepsyche-C5]

► Rulership 3(2d6)
+1[Human] +1[Royal Birth-C1]+1[Prince-C2]
► Martial Arts 3(2d6)
+1[Human] +1[Aikido-C3] +1[Battlepsyche-C4]
► Concentration 3(2d6)
+1[Human] +1[Battlepsyche-C4] +1[Battlepsyche-C5]
► Negotiation 2(1d6)
+1[Royal Birth-C1] +1[Prince-C2]
► Riding 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Linguistics 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Law 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Heraldry 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► History 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Foresight 1(1d6)
► Tactics 1 (1d6)

► Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the Aim, Feint, or Focus exploit for free.
► Warrior Stance. For 1 Chi point(3MP) you may use a free action to adopt the stance until the start of your next turn. The stance grants: • You can bring your mind and body into perfect alignment. Increase all three of your Defenses to the highest of these three values. • You gain +1d6 to all damage rolls. • You cannot heal or be healed.
► Enduring. Humans may not be the fastest or the strongest, but they are known for their resilience. Humans get +1 to their 1d6 die roll to shake off a temporary condition.
► Learners. Humans start play with one additional free universal exploit. -> Arcane Recharge. You can spend 5 minutes to recover 2d6 Magic Points once per day.
► Varied. Human boast more variation within their race than most. Add 2 to any attribute, and add 1 to a further attribute (noted above).
► Royal Health. You may regain Health equal to an Endurance roll upon an hours rest twice a day instead of once.
► Princely Training. A prince or princess is brought up well. You gain the following skills at rank 1 (1d6); this does not increase a skill you already have beyond 1 rank: riding, linguistics, law, heraldry, rulership, history. You gain +1 REP.
► Aikido Weapons. You may use your martial arts skill with swords, knives, and staves.
► Psi-blast. You can use an action and make a PSI vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack to blast an opponent with a mental burst which does 3d6 psionic damage and has a range increment of 10'.
► Telekinetic shield. You gain +4 to RANGED DEFENSE from a permanent telekinetic shield. This bonus does not stack with any other equipment DEFENSE bonuses, such as shields, and has no effect when in cover.
► Alert. Constantly aware of your surroundings, you gain +1d6 to INT (perception) checks, and you always win Initiative ties.
► Invested clout: You can add a REP roll to your total number of Magic Points. This does not affect the maximum amount of Magic Points you can invest in a single spell. Added 9 (4,3,2)

Equipment: 100g
► High quality Stave -100g (2d6 Damage + 1d6 Quality Damage Bonus - Blunt) 4lbs
► Leather Armor -205g (4 SOAK +2 SOAK Quality bonus) 15lbs
► Rations -15g (15 days) 15lbs

Choice Exploit
Free Universal Exploit
Warrior Stance
Hook Attribute

Human (OLD Core)
Attrib.: Luc +2, Cha +2, Sup +1
Skill 1: Rulership
Skill 2: Martial Arts
Skill 3: Concentration
Exploit: Enduring.
Exploit: Learners. -> Arcane Recharge.
Exploit: Varied.

1: Royal Birth 11Yr(EONS28)
Attrib.: INT +1, CHA +1, REP +1, LUC +1
Skill 1: Negotiation
Skill 2: Rulership
Exploit: Royal Health.
2: Prince 5yr (EONS28-Renamed Monarch)
Attrib.: INT +1, CHA +1, REP +1, LUC +1
Skill 1: Negotiation
Skill 2: Rulership
Exploit: Princely Training.
3: Aikido 5Yr (NOW Core)
Attrib.: AGI +1, INT +1, WIL +1, Chi +1
Skill 1: Martial Arts
Skill 2: Foresight
Exploit: Aikido Weapons.
4: Battlepsyche 6Yr (NEW Core)
Attrib.: END +1, WIL +1, PSI +2
Skill 1: Concentration
Skill 2: Martial Arts
Exploit: Psi-Blast
5: Battlepsyche 4Yr (NOW Core)
Attrib.: END +1, WILHOOK-AGI +1, PSI +2
Skill 1: Tactics
Skill 2: Concentration
Exploit: Telekinetic Shield

Invested Magic:
C0-Invested clout
His Magnificent Excellency Lucas, King of Machvis.

An alert human king who has been trained for self defense as he's been raised.

Species: Human
Size: Medium
HP: 26
MP: 27 (Base 18 + 9[Invested clout])
Speed: 5
Jump: h12'/v3'
Carry: 70 lbs. | Max Lift: 150 lbs.
Initiative: 3d6
Perception: 4d6
Grade: 5
Max Die Pool: 5d6
XP: 0
Luck Pool: 3

Melee: 14
Ranged: 15
Mental: 18
Vital: 10

► Unarmed: 5d6 vs Melee Def; Melee; 1d6+3
► Psi-Blast: PSI(3d6) vs Mental Def;Range Inc. 10'; 3d6 psionic damage
► High Quality Stave: 5d6 vs Melee Def; 3d6+3 Blunt Damage;

► Str 3 (2d6)
► Agi 6 (3d6)
3 +1[Hook-C2] +1[Aikido-C3] +1[Hook-C5]
► End 5 (3d6)
3 +1[Battlepsyche-C4] +1[Battlepsyche-C5]
► Int 6 (3d6)
3 +1[Royal Birth] +1[Prince] +1[Aikido-C3]
► Log 3 (2d6)
► Wil 5 (2d6)
3 +1[Aikido-C3] +1[Battlepsyche-C4]
► Cha 6 (3d6)
3 +2[Human] +1[Royal Birth-C1]
► Luc 7 (3d6)
3 +2[Human] +1[Royal Birth-C1] +1[Prince-C2]
► Rep 6 (3d6)
3 +1[Royal Birth-C1] +1[Prince-C2] +1[Princely Training]
► Sup 6 (3d6) {Magic, Chi, and Psi}
0 +1 [Human] +1[Aikido-C3] +2[Battlepsyche-C4] +2[Battlepsyche-C5]

► Rulership 3(2d6)
+1[Human] +1[Royal Birth-C1]+1[Prince-C2]
► Martial Arts 3(2d6)
+1[Human] +1[Aikido-C3] +1[Battlepsyche-C4]
► Concentration 3(2d6)
+1[Human] +1[Battlepsyche-C4] +1[Battlepsyche-C5]
► Hardy 2(1d6)
+1[Royal Birth-C1] +1[Prince-C2]
► Riding 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Linguistics 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Law 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Heraldry 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► History 1(1d6)
+1[Princely Training]
► Foresight 1(1d6)
► Tactics 1 (1d6)

► Feint. This is identical to the Aim exploit, but for melee combat; it grants +1d6 bonus to an attack roll taken in the same turn. The attack action must come immediately after the feinting action. All characters get either the Aim, Feint, or Focus exploit for free.
► Warrior Stance. For 1 Chi point(3MP) you may use a free action to adopt the stance until the start of your next turn. The stance grants: • You can bring your mind and body into perfect alignment. Increase all three of your Defenses to the highest of these three values. • You gain +1d6 to all damage rolls. • You cannot heal or be healed.
► Enduring. Humans may not be the fastest or the strongest, but they are known for their resilience. Humans get +1 to their 1d6 die roll to shake off a temporary condition.
► Learners. Humans start play with one additional free universal exploit. -> Arcane Recharge. You can spend 5 minutes to recover 2d6 Magic Points once per day.
► Varied. Human boast more variation within their race than most. Add 2 to any attribute, and add 1 to a further attribute (noted above).
► Royal Health. You may regain Health equal to an Endurance roll upon an hours rest twice a day instead of once.
► Princely Training. A prince or princess is brought up well. You gain the following skills at rank 1 (1d6); this does not increase a skill you already have beyond 1 rank: riding, linguistics, law, heraldry, rulership, history. You gain +1 REP.
► Aikido Weapons. You may use your martial arts skill with swords, knives, and staves.
► Psi-blast. You can use an action and make a PSI vs. MENTAL DEFENSE attack to blast an opponent with a mental burst which does 3d6 psionic damage and has a range increment of 10'.
► Telekinetic shield. You gain +4 to RANGED DEFENSE from a permanent telekinetic shield. This bonus does not stack with any other equipment DEFENSE bonuses, such as shields, and has no effect when in cover.
► Alert. Constantly aware of your surroundings, you gain +1d6 to INT (perception) checks, and you always win Initiative ties.
► Invested clout: You can add a REP roll to your total number of Magic Points. This does not affect the maximum amount of Magic Points you can invest in a single spell. Added 9 (4,3,2)

Equipment: 100g
► High quality Stave -100g (2d6 Damage + 1d6 Quality Damage Bonus - Blunt) 4lbs
► Leather Armor -205g (4 SOAK +2 SOAK Quality bonus) 15lbs
► Rations -15g (15 days) 15lbs

Choice Exploit
Free Universal Exploit
Warrior Stance
Hook Attribute

Human (OLD Core)
Attrib.: Luc +2, Cha +2, Sup +1
Skill 1: Rulership
Skill 2: Martial Arts
Skill 3: Concentration
Exploit: Enduring.
Exploit: Learners. -> Arcane Recharge.
Exploit: Varied.

1: Royal Birth 11Yr(EONS28)
Attrib.: INT +1, CHA +1, REP +1, LUC +1
Skill 1: Hardy
Skill 2: Rulership
Exploit: Royal Health.
2: Prince 5yr (EONS28-Renamed Monarch)
Attrib.: INT +1, CHA +1, REP +1, LUC +1
Skill 1: Hardy
Skill 2: Rulership
Exploit: Princely Training.
3: Aikido 5Yr (NOW Core)
Attrib.: AGI +1, INT +1, WIL +1, Chi +1
Skill 1: Martial Arts
Skill 2: Foresight
Exploit: Aikido Weapons.
4: Battlepsyche 6Yr (NEW Core)
Attrib.: END +1, WIL +1, PSI +2
Skill 1: Concentration
Skill 2: Martial Arts
Exploit: Psi-Blast
5: Battlepsyche 4Yr (NOW Core)
Attrib.: END +1, WILHOOK-AGI +1, PSI +2
Skill 1: Tactics
Skill 2: Concentration
Exploit: Telekinetic Shield

Invested Magic:
C0-Invested clout
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Chapter 2
A/N: Okay time for Chapter 2. If you see any errors or have a suggestion to otherwise help with readability feel free to point them out. I've went back to fix a couple of issues I saw when I reviewed them for this chapter and will update them as any more are found. I'll keep the vote open for about a week again, though timing may not be exact, and will answer any questions or requests for clarification in the meantime. Especially about the character sheet in the previous post and how I'm handling the votes and system for the quest.

Chapter 2
Day of Recon-ing.
Destona 9, 517 Post Rise
As the sun sets three heroes reach the small hamlet where the source of the undead is residing. Watching the Farmhouse from a nearby copse of trees to see a man with bone white skin stretched across a sunken face going about his dinner. Animals with flesh rotting off of them walking into the house. Cleanly cut chunks missing as they exit once more. The cubes sitting upon the plates of the table and eaten with a passion. Seeing such an act Joibrin's hair falls into limp yellow and lime clumps as he speaks. "The conjure changed has already begun suffering from advanced thought corruption. Specifically targeting the animated corpses for his, dinner." Jumping from his perch sends some of the woodland detritus tumbling away. "Even if we could fully contain him and shield his mana to drain the excess he would be unable to recover."

Looking away from the group Elia shakes her head. "Then our course of action is set. We all know minion makers are fast to fall. By the time we could set out it was likely already too late to save him. Let us free his soul from further corruption as quickly as we can.

Watching the twilight fall upon the house the man finally walks out the door giving a better look to those preparing to end his threat. Stretched thin and tall the man moves with smooth grace, the steps beneath his stained white butchers robe barely noticeable. Flanked by a large wolf bearing only shadow-held bones in place of a leg and a child skipping along after him in a torn blue dress. Long black hair being the only part of the head remaining besides the cracked and broken skull.

"We have to prioritize the man. Unless he started to experiment with binding souls he's the only way that more will be made. Once he's taken down I can send a message to have a general clear out the minions. I want to end this, distraction now." Lifting his dark metal staff to twist it into full length Lucas snarls. "We have a long enough journey back even without delaying here." Nods from his lifetime friends signal that they're ready to intercept the madman. Bursting into the field around the house the three take up a formation they've long established.

A Trio of loud snaps sound out as Joibrin and Lucas rush forward. Two bullets piercing into the man's torso and a third into the zombified wolf. Sending a burst of his magic towards the man. The thought to dodge distracts the gaunt man of death helping Joibrin's axe to find it's mark on his arm.

"Vanessa, bring the bear!" The man bellows before sending his energy into the ground at their feet. Grasping at Lucas with a glowing black hand barely attached from the axe. "Your bodies will be your payment for this intrusion!" Rising from the ground as it pulls itself forward comes a skeleton swinging an extra femur at Lucas. Through the risen skeleton's body Lucas sees the child run alongside the house towards the forest edge.

Bursting with a magical aura Lucas settles into a stance he had been training. "You're nothing but a distraction right now. We'll free you from further corruption quickly." As the end of Lucas' staff impacts his face the head of the changed man collapses from the enhanced strength. Spining the staff towards the skeleton Lucas sees it's ribs crack twice as his aura follows his initial strike.

More bangs echo forth from their supporting elf into the wolf to join Joibrin's axe. "Looks like his soul is now free." Elia shouts towards her companions. "Lets finish these other two and I'll make sure he won't raise himself. Then we can leave before the bear wastes even more of our time."

Easily dodging the clumsy attempts of the skeleton to club him Lucas returns a strike even as he splits some focus to send part of his flared aura into the side of the rotting wolf. "Won't even take another minute!"

Glancing back at Joibrin as the virtuine slams his axe into the wolf repeatedly Lucas sees the bright red mane flaring upwards like a fire. Knowing the blood-lust of his friend he quickly turns back to the skeleton to finish it.

A quick blow to block it's arm leaves it open as Lucas sends a large wave of force forward blasting it's head off the skeletal shoulders. Turning to see the wolf run after another bite Lucas Launches himself forward. Lucas passes Joibrin and catches up to the wolf just as another shot blows through it's head ending the fight.

"I'm going to need to be patched up, Elia." The large man huffs as his hair settles into a flat gray as his exhaustion catches up. "That damn wolf was able to get a few bites in, especially after the changed fell."

With a few bursts of light and prayer to Kilnt, Elia sanctifies the bodies of the conjure changed, wolf and skeleton. "Lucas do you need health too?" Elia moves over to Joibrin to inspect the ragged bites along his leg. "If so I'm going to need to wait to clear his infection from the deathbile over his wounds."

Lucas checks himself over for any scratches in the battle. "No I'm good. He grabbed me and shoved death mana into my arm at the start but I don't feel anything lingering from it and I had my aura up." Looking towards the direction the child ran towards he checks for a glimpse of the mentioned bear.
The primary threat is dealt with. Let's go. (Leave now and head strait back to town, the other group will clear the rest out.)
We should investigate the building. We don't want a notebook or something that the man left to be found by some idiot or a cult to bring more back. (Chance of fighting the kid and bear. Chance of finding stuff.)
We should check out the undead child. (Track down the corpse child. Will encounter the corpse child and likely to encounter the undead bear. Elia may be grumpy about the delay.)


Sitting around a table the 2 women look to each other in worry at the bowls message. "Trekatii is not the only realm where a ruler fell. I felt the same rush of invested magic last night as well. An hour before I heard Elia's realization. It is obvious that something happened that was not accidental given we know of 3 deaths nearly simultaneously."

"Clarissi, We have to wake the others. If that's true then we've just become Kingsguard until he gets back." Scarlet eyes return the stare.

"Kara, Wait." A flare of mana surges from Clarissi as she asks a question to the air. "Did the King and Queen of Machvis die this night?" Seconds pass in silence before she stands. "I'll get Carol and Jamie. It is confirmed. You keep that running."

Nodding at her best friend Kara looks back to the bowl and picks up her notepad. Keeping her face schooled she quietly sends a bit of encouragement to the imp familiar watching the trio of wannabe heroes. 'Their plan has started then. I'll need to make sure I'm ready.'


1 Choice:
Choose what to do after the battle

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