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What was that? I didn't have any robots in my house. Damn It not like this... but as if ignoring me, the world turns black.
The coming Chapters WILL be Longer but I'm Just setting this up so ...yeah
This is practically invisible. Why did you feel the need to turn this black?As I headed to the RIG I stopped in mid-air, I decided not to go yet. There were several other things I wanted to try first before meeting up with them.
I concentrated and activated Fantasy world creation. This was indeed quite an overpowered ability now that I thought about it. I could create entire dimensions where they follow any kind of rule that I wished. I could even create a world made of cheese. It wouldn't be that hard. Sure, I could find a world made of cheese with kaleidoscope cause the infinite multiverse has every single possibility in existence, no, while that was awesome that was not what I wanted to do right now. I wanted to enjoy myself and what greater way to enjoy my time here than messing with people... So what should I do? Ah, I know... Coil, what better way to mess with him than to make sure he can't get Dinah Alcott. I activated [Sha Naqba Imuru] and checked for Dinah's location.
"There you are" now that I know where she was I knew she was safe, for now, it was time for the fun to begin. I de-activated [Sha Naqba Imuru] and Used Fantasy world creation to create a small pocket dimension that looked like an exact copy of Gensokyo except without the residents living in it, Once that was done I went to the Mikos shrine. I would try to visit the real Gensokyo some other time, I would absolutely love to party with them, hell I would even host the party myself if I had to. *internal fanboy squee* However now was not the time to think about that. I then dismissed Vimana and entered the shrine to get some rest. Tomorrow was going to be quite fun indeed.
I dreamt of a kingdom I did not know, but I knew it was mine. I saw so many strangers around me, yet I knew the names of each and every one of them and considered all of them to be my citizens. Of all those people, one stood out from the other in my eyes. Someone I knew to be quite far more close and dear to me. Enkidu was the name on the tip of my tongue. I dreamt of the day I first met him and the fierce fight we had that tore up the earth around us, which ironically lead up to being best friends. Yet The happiness was not to last forever.
I woke up scared and sweaty, adrenaline pumping through me, I've never experienced such a realistic dream before, I can still remember each and every detail quite vividly. I shook My head and decided to head to the hot spring nearby to take a bath. Once I was done I felt quite refreshed I changed to my casual clothes and got out of the shrine to take a walk in the lush forests of the morning to get a breath of fresh air. The air here is absolutely different compared to the Bay. It's much lighter and easier to breathe. The flowers and gardens here make the are even better with the occasional musk. Today I felt much different I felt much easier to move, much quicker. It was difficult to describe but I could tell that I was much stronger than I was yesterday.
Servant: Gilgamesh
Strength: B -> A
Endurance: C
Agility: C->B
Mana: B
Luck: A
N.P: EX Gate Of Babylon
Once I felt satisfied with my walk, I decided to head back and opened a portal using the kaleidoscope directly to the street in front of Fuglybob's. There were surprisingly quite a few people at this time of the day. I closed the portal and entered it leaving citizens gawking or taking pictures with their phones and headed to the counter to give my order.
"One challenger please, Oh, with fries and a coke too." I smile brightly.
"Are you sure? You do know the conditions, right?" I gave a nod "Well it's your funeral kid, I'll need your sign here. Fugly Bobs will not be held responsible for any hospitalization as a result of this endeavour. Good luck kid you'll need it."
"Nah, I don't need any more luck, I've already got A-rank Luck" I replied as I and took my own pen from the gate. His Slack-jawed face was absolutely priceless.![]()
Once done with my order, I head to a seat and waited for my order enjoying the looks people were giving me. Messing with people was so much fun, I can kind of understand why Zelretch loves trolling people. A few minutes later a young blonde haired girl entered the establishment, someone I recognized quite well, Tattletale came and sat in the seat in front of me. I raised my eyebrow, then she gave a shrug and a grin.
"So what is Mr King doing in a place like this? Shouldn't you know, be in a much more fancier restaurant worthy of your stature?"
"I could" I reply grinning back at her mischievously "but I am here for something I can only get In Brockton Bay"
"Oh, and what is that? a cape? that can't be...tinker Bug Girl?" I raised an Eyebrow at her deduction. "No, that not all there's something else..." She started to massage her head. Looks like she is starting to have a migraine.
"Entertainment" I state grinning all the while as she raised an eyebrow. "I plan on enjoying these next few weeks to the fullest. So how about I get you away from your boss?" I said grinning even wider, my molars becoming visible as I took in her shocked face.
"Wait, you know who he is? No, not just his name, you know more than that, his identity as well..., How did you find out? A thinker power, no that's not it, then how?" I started laughing at the absurdity of it all.
I ignored her question and pushed forward. "So, shall I take you away from your boss or give you the tools to take him down hard?"I heard her take a sharp intake of air as I'm sure her powers told her I wasn't joking.
"I want to get rid of him for good, but there's a catch isn't there?" she said almost despairing.
"Now, don't worry, it won't be something you would find difficult," I reassured her, after all, it shouldn't be too difficult for someone of her calibre.
She took a deep breath and continued "Alright, lay it on me."
"One, once you get rid of him I don't care how, I want you to forge me an ID. Gilgamesh Uruk, 15 years old the rest as long as the officials cannot identify it as a fake I don't care." I didn't have an ID here and I better get one before the protectorate discovers that I didn't legally exist here.
"Two, once you take care of Coil, take over his operations and reduce his criminal activities while maintaining his legal businesses and give me 5% of the total in cold hard cash." While I had the treasure beyond anything you could possibly imagine, I still needed cash. Sure I could literally exchange a few Tonnes of gold with the right people for lots of money, but that would crash the market and I didn't want that. It's not as if the bay wasn't bad enough as it is.
"Three, I will be yours and the Undersiders new boss." she tried to object but I raised my hand to interrupt her and continued, "but I won't ask you to do anything ridiculous nor will you have a metaphorical gun to your head, you are free to refuse any job if you wish." The Undersiders are good guys and girls, they are the result of the system failing them horribly.
"Four, since you will be taking over Coils operations, you will eventually come across a group of mercenaries called travellers. The Travelers were originally a high school computer Gaming Club from Madison, Wisconsin on Earth Aleph."
"Earth Aleph? I thought dimensional travel was outlawed and forbidden?"
"That's right but, when the Simurgh attacked Madison on Earth Bet, she brought several buildings from Earth Aleph - including the one the Travelers were meeting in. Noelle sustained serious internal injuries which were exacerbated by the lack of medical care. When trying to find help for her, Trickster stumbled across a suitcase containing six vials of superpower-granting formula. Each member of the Travellers took a dose except for Noelle and Oliver who shared half a dose each. They then resolved to become mercenaries in order to finance their search for a way home. I want you to inform me, if you do indeed meet them, treat them well. If they ask about the help you can give tell them you have a cape who can fix their problem, once you do, contact me."
"You are joking right?" She stared incredulously. "HOLY shit you're serious. You are actually serious! Holy hell."
"Sir your challenger, your One hour begins now." A waiter approached carrying a humongous tray with an equally humongous greasy burger.
Fugly Bobs was fast food of the most shameless kind, sold out of a part-restaurant, part-bar, part-shack at the edge of the Market, overlooking the beach. Anyone who lived in the area had probably eaten there once, at some point. Anyone with any sense then waited a year to give their hearts a chance to recuperate. It was the sort of place with burgers so greasy that if you ordered takeout, you could see through the paper bag by the time you got home. The speciality burger was the Fugly Bob Challenger: if you could finish it, you didn't have to pay for it. It probably went without saying that most people paid. I was a servant however, a heroic spirit to be precise, while I may have a body it has 2/3rds divine and it was capable of some truly insane feats. Like, for example how I just finished this heart-clogging greasy monstrosity in just under ten minutes.
A few seconds pass before the crowd that gathered to watch the spectacular spectacle burst into cheers and a few people even cried out that I was bullshit. I got my picture taken on the wall and then walked out with Lisa and walked towards the park.
Once we arrived, to a fairly isolated area, we sat on a bench covered with natural shade from the tall trees in the park and turned to face Lisa.
"So, what are we doing here My Lord?"
Really? My lord? Well, at least she knows her place.
"So," I began, "You wish to take down your boss correct? Let's see." I closed my eyes and began concentrating on power-manipulation, to create a power for Liisa to help her take out Coil. I took a charge and began shaping it and formed it into a charge that would allow her to experience timelines that coil splits up so she can hit him on both ones. It is a not an active power and will only activate if Coil or another power splits the timeline. The second charge formed it to give her heightened reflexes spider sense and E rank strength and speed, that should give her 10 times average strength and speed, along with the heightened reflexes and spider-sense I was about to give her would make her a terrifying opponent on the battlefield. I bought it outwards and it formed a glowing mystical orb in my hands glowing gently.
"That...What is that thing?"
"This is the 'tool' I am giving you," I reply as I threw it towards her and watched it as it rippled and disappears like a drop of liquid into Lisa, who was standing in shock trying to comprehend what just happened before she began to grin.
"So that's how he does it"
"Yep, that's how he does it, Welp I've gotta get going see ya later, Oneechan," I said giving the brightest smile I could leaving Tattletale stuttering mess. Unlike Taylor, her powers allowed her to deduce what it meant.
I then turned around, opened a portal and stepped through it to another dimension using Kaleidoscope and searched for a certain time and dimension to continue my plans. Leaving Tattletale to scheme for herself.... after she gets out of her fugue.
You really need to fix this it is impossible to read.