Synaptic Architecture//Demon Somatic 1.0
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22.07.2022 switched images, minor edits to errors
Synaptic Architecture//Demon Somatic 1.0
It was just like jumping into water. A shock of cold, a weightless feeling and the stinging of water in their eyes. Water from the plains of Cetus, because the warframe's systems shorted out. Shields: disrupted. What little energy was left: gone. HUD: wack.
And trapped inside, all she could think was This is becoming a little bit too real.
Now, it felt like she was awake, rather than the self she dreamt they were. And it was cold, after a fashion. The warframe fell into snow, phantom pins and needles erupting across her nonexistent skin as it flailed around for a bit before power cut off and it slumped, inert. Backup biological systems activated and the frame took its first breath, a minuscule intake of oxygen more than enough to keep the essentials alive for long, long years.
Weightless, she floated in the same space as the frame. She couldn't see herself. Warframe really had something of a third-person shooter element to it, her awareness of her surroundings somehow including what was happening behind her. It made sense, given that most warframes didn't appear to have eyes at all.
She didn't even have time to consider whether she should transfer to operator form. Am I the Operator?
Shouts and the clanking of armor approached. Several men in frankly medieval outfits surrounded the warframe. Shields raised, spears and swords pointed at her warframe. Her first instinct was to recoil. Not going out of my cozy war platform, no siree! But as they gradually gained courage and started poking at them, she realized that staying still was the best she could do. She highly doubted regular swords could do much to a warframe's sword-steel skin… unless they decided they really wanted to destroy it.
Please just think I'm a weird statue… in this weird… bombed out… ruins of a… church? Are those giant crystals? Those are giant glowing crystals. Oh just where am I?
The bandits going 'demon this' and 'magic that' around weren't helping. It wasn't quite 'Tenno Skoom!' but not an unfamiliar sentiment to anybody who played Warframe. At the very least, they weren't picking up axes and trying to chop her for parts like Alad V, so she gues— and there came several men and women in much fancier armor. Smoke encrusted, dirty and banged up plate armor, but definitely ornamented armor. These people were in charge, and they appeared to be discussing what to do with her.
Stopping several paces away, a scowling woman with dried blood running down her face shouted for everybody to get back. She braced herself. A light shot from the woman's sword and struck the warframe like the hammer of god.
–Wait. That didn't hurt?
Opening the eyes she had metaphorically closed, she examined herself. Nothing had happened, not that she'd noticed. Well, her warframe now seemed truly dead. It wasn't, she felt it was still there, but all systems were down. Even the HUD that had been flickering in the periphery of her not-vision was gone. Her limbs felt like real lead, which she was not strong enough to lift.
The only difference was that her left hand was sparking madly, sending spasms up the warframe's arm. If she paid attention to it, she could feel its echoes. But that applied to anything she paid attention to if the warframe should be feeling it.
Guess they knocked me out, -ish.
She felt more vulnerable with the warframe in that state, but at least now the real fantasy people around her seemed more relaxed. That could give her an opportunity to slip out later. For now, nothing was safer than the unreachable, if boring, inside of a tortured eldritch biomech.
She was not lucky enough to be completely ignored. Instead, after some poking and a few aborted attempts to lift the warframe's dead weight, the soldiers procured some rope and dragged them away. Well, first they rolled them into a makeshift stretcher and then they dragged them, but they were treated as a piece of luggage nonetheless.
Watch it! If you scuff my paint job I'll… hm. You might be doing me a favor actually. She loved Volt, but its default colors weren't great.
They formed a small procession as they dragged Volt, and her by extension, out of the ruins and into even more desolate ruins. She stared at the destruction. She'd been thrown into its epicenter, which meant that nothing had remained of whatever and whoever lived there. Just bare rock, evil magic crystals and piles of bricks. Past the blackened walls that still remained standing, the damage was less instantly lethal, and much more horrifyingly survivable.
For a few agonizing minutes, and a given definition of survivable.
Some people had gone straight to Pompei. They wouldn't ever leave. Others left only shadows in the ground, and bits and pieces of themselves here and there. Snow was falling, lightly but with a green tinge. She looked up, past the spiky edges of the crater the remains of the cathedral were in.
Oh. Fuck.
There was a rend in the fabric of space–time, high up in the sky. The same green tonality of that dream she'd been in cast its otherworldly light on the landscape. As she looked, through the warframe's sensors, she saw arcs of not-lightning and something like a malformed bird detach from it. That's not good. It explained why everybody was on edge. Monsters from another world. From that perspective, doesn't a Warframe also count?
To her amateur eyes, the green wasn't quite right for it to be a Void Storm. It also begged the entire question of the Void. A Tenno would be… mostly fine, with the Void, unlike these normal humans. She just wasn't sure she was a Tenno, and she wasn't in a position to test it. If she had been exposed to the Void, she should be insane. Of course, if she was insane, she wouldn't know. That's the thing about insanity.
So far, she thought her actions and reactions aligned fairly well with morals and logic, and so did those of the humans around her. If she was insane, or they were insane, she would have noticed. Surely.
Well, at least it wasn't the Infestation. Helminth is a good boy and not dangerous, Helminth is a good boy and not dangerous, nopety-dopety! Please. Just, please. Let's stop thinking about the big things before they actually appear!
She turned her attention back to their surroundings. Should be information-gathering, not wool-gathering. She was high and deep into a mountain range, and apparently had been thrown into some sort of monastery in the wake of a catastrophe. There were many sorts of monks and nuns in red and white robes running around, and a big number of injured she'd bet were pilgrims. An exceedingly large number of armed security forces from around the same time period were also in attendance. A great many of them carried the same symbol or variations of it.
Paladins? Urgh, I hope they're not like the Tem– wait, did you just say Templar? Hey, pay attention to the ghost here buddy! Templars, like… come on. Could this get any wo– no. Don't do it. Don't jinx yourself.
People also spoke in heavily accented English, something she hadn't taken as strange before. But now she also heard what sounded like French from another woman and maybe Italian?
The current topic of discussion was Volt. Or rather, herself. It seemed to have made the rounds that the strange maybe-demon had come from the breach. More, as a brave soul examined her. It was still alive. It's alive!! And that the mark on their hand was connected to the hole in the sky, bursting into bright sparks when there was movement from the heavens. Apparently, it looked quite painful, sending uncontrolled jerks through the warframe's chassis, making muscles contract. To her, it was merely a natural reaction to a current.
I've disconnected tho, so I don't feel any of it. Don't worry. Oh, you aren't worried, you just want to lynch me. Oh, so you are worried… because you want to torture information I don't have out of me first! That tracks.
So she got a front row seat to her own imprisonment. A rare opportunity.
And then, propped against the wall, chained up in the basement of a church, under constant watch from four different guards, she got bored. It wasn't like she could do anything, locked as she was in a recovering warframe. She wasn't going to attempt leaving the warframe with four twitchy knights just waiting for her.
Not that there weren't a few interesting moments. First of all, when they noticed her Kunai holsters still had a few knives in them. The soldiers had picked up the Braton and the Bo, fallen to the ground in the wake of the magnetic proc, back in the destroyed cathedral, and those weapons were somewhere in the church above. She was glad the Braton was out of ammo, but wondered what they would make of the Bo's moving parts. The problem with the Kunai was that they were either magnetically or mechanically attached to the holster, and simply put regular humans did not possess enough strength to get them out.
Then they tried to remove the holsters themselves. A smart move in any other situation. Those holsters were a part of Volt now, literally.
It also led to the confirmation that she was in a fantasy world. They called in what they called a 'qunari'. Tall, burly, horned, and very much not human. From the way they spoke with him, he was a different race altogether, and there were also mentions of dwarves. She recalled then that she had seen shorter, stout people around.
The qunari also failed, so they stuffed their holsters with straw and tied some cloth around them. Inventive, but problematic.
And there were elves! Not the fun anime elves, no. From the way you talk, mister, and they talk to you, there's a whole lot of racism. Typical.
After enough hours had passed, and after several attempts to wake the warframe, via percussion and water buckets, they had decided to physically examine Volt. Hurray for the scientific method? It was still a bit disgusting and disturbing to see a grown man run their hands all over them, but the third person view they had taken and the disconnect from their senses made it tolerable. And after seeing Adan become increasingly more confused and disturbed by warframe xenobiology, hilarious.
Volt looked like it had a massive something between their legs. It was just aesthetics. Mostly. If one didn't think too much about where warframes came from.
Naturally, when interrogated by the surly paladin woman from before, the man could only explain with bafflement that all of Volt's armor was a part of him. A bit like an insect, or even a qunari's horns. Yes, even the bracers, the helmet, the pauldron and the skirt. Those were all part of the demon. If that thing was a demon.
The rogue accompanying the paladin suggested a possessed statue of some sort, since they could barely nick it with their weapons. As much as they dared for fear of waking them. So they called in the apostate, which was a type of mage. I need a thesaurus with all this old english. If anybody would be an expert in demons and spirits, apparently it would be this bald man. He certainly spoke like a learned man. She liked his scholarly hermit vibe.
A shame, for them, that he also didn't know exactly what they were. Apparently not a demon or a spirit, but perhaps something from 'the Fade', because 'the Fade' still held innumerable mysteries. What was of greater import was that the 'mark' on Volt's left hand was expanding proportionally to the Breach, now capitalized. It should be killing them, but they couldn't tell for sure.
From her part, she couldn't tell that at all. If she carefully brought her attention back to the warframe, she could tell, with some doubt, that the fibers in the left hand felt off. The surges that wracked it from time to time didn't interact with her or the warframe's more complex systems at all. Nevertheless, she was understandably concerned when they mentioned that the Breach wasn't slowing at all. If anything, it was accelerating, opening smaller space-time anomalies in the vicinity and reportedly, beyond.
"Pray to your Maker that your prisoner wakes up soon then, Seeker. He is your only clue to what happened at the Conclave and, if my theories are correct, our only hope to stop the Breach from engulfing the world."
That… changes the priority of things a bit…

look sometimes the brain worm just doesn't leave and this time the brain worm was like: well what if nothing actually happens and also don't you hate writing dialogues? ocp is going to be fun tho, eventually
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