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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

Bobs Beard said:
THAT's how you got 'Bob wants to divert attention to a Renka hunt' from what I was saying?

...I don't quite know how to respond to the fact that you fixated on 'an inferential interpretation of a snippet' over 'What I repeated and explicitly stated' as your means of understanding what I'm pushing for. I mean there's not much more I can do to prevent such misinterpretations as THAT besides what I'm already doing.
No not really...Just other than your first post there wasn't anything that was against the idea, you just kept saying more things in favor of it.
For me when I reiterate a point I constantly make note whether I'm for or against it just for clarity's sake, and with you making such long and detailed replies that went in favor of the plan...the original point easily became muddled...
That and almost all of your final statements said something that alluded to going after her...
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Charisma 2 + Presence 4 + Stunt 1 + Conviction 3 + First Presence Excellency 6 = 16

[blockquote]Rolled 16d10 : 7, 4, 2, 1, 9, 4, 5, 4, 3, 10, 9, 8, 2, 8, 1, 2, total 79[/blockquote]

P.S.: I got a beta, so the post will be late but pleasing to the eyes.
7 successes probably means we passed the test without a problem all things considered, this is after all his human self we are talking to, and the highest MDV a human can have is 5, so we nailed it I would think
Youkai Yakuza - Part 30
[X] Inspirational Speech

You place your hands on Rikuo's shoulders and force him to look you in the eyes. Your gaze is resolute but full of understanding. "If only you were better? It's not a question of ability: your grandfather has centuries of experience you don't have. Complaining about that is like a hawk crying that he can't fly as high as the sun. Work hard, do your best, listen to the advice of those you trust and experience will come on it's own time."

"I-I know!" He looks away, biting his lower lip. His eyes drift to the cherry blossom. "You know Hyodo-sempai, for a long time I didn't even want this position."

You stay silent, letting him continue.

"My father was half-human, and I'm just one quarter youkai. Even though I grew up around them, I never really though of myself as being one of them, you know? Despite that, when I was a kid I thought youkai were cool. I wanted nothing more than be just like grandfather, a great leader of youkai." A bitter smile ghosts across his face. "I didn't know that youkai can also be very scary: a certain incident taught me that. After it I decided to live my live as a human, pretending I wasn't a youkai."

You suspect there is more to the story, but the gist of it is clear.

Rikuo sighs. "It was only recently that Gyuuki taught me a precious lesson, reminding me of my responsibilities. When grandfather disappeared to who knows where I decided I would do my best to lead the Hyakki Yakō in his place." He huddles down, draws his legs against his chest and hugs them. "But no matter what I do, I can't get the others' respects. What should I do?"

{This is your chance!}

"Before that, consider this question: how can one lead others if he is at war with himself?" At your words he whips his head to stare at you, eyes wide at the sheer conviction radiating from your being. "They don't follow because they can see that you are at war with your own nature, living as if your human side and your youkai side are foes. I can see it: you reject and fear a part of yourself and can't accept that you are both Human and Youkai." You let go of him and stand up, closed fist raised above your heart. "Only when you have resolved this conflict will you be able to live up to your grandfather and your father's legacies, and become the true Third Commander."

"I'm Human and Youkai...?" He whispers in shock.

"Correct,-" You reply with a grinning flourish. "Just like I am both Dragon and Human."

"Eh? Sempai you..."

"I am someone born as a human, but with the dormant power of a dragon inside me. I'm sure we are not the only ones." You look up at the moon. "Humans, Youkais, Dragons. In the end, aren't we all just searching to protect what makes us smile? When who you are and what you've decided you have to do coincide: that's when you know that you've accepted yourself."

"Who I am, and what I want to do..." Rikuo stands up and stares at the moon too, eyes narrowing in determination. "I-"


"But what on earth happened to them?"

A sudden commotion. Looking ahead you see people tending to two injured guys. At sight Rikuo's eyes widen in alarm.

"Gozumaru! Mezumaru!"


It turns out that the injured pair were sent by Rikuo and Gyuuki to infiltrate the enemy's headquarters- probably thanks to the information received from the youkai you captured- but were discovered and forced to flee.

As expected the news is followed by mass confusion, but before Rikuo could put a stop to it he fainted. It was so sudden he almost collapsed to the ground, were you not fast enough to catch him. Bright said he showed sign of sleep deprivation.

Sleep deprivation? When was the last time you suffered from it? Rikuo must have been pushing himself extra-hard those last days. You left him to the care of what passes for the local medic, a guy with dirty green hair called Zen, and stood outside the room where he put Rikuo until Aotabou and the others arrive, at which point you left the duty to them.

Right now you're back where you were discussing things with Rikuo. You said what you have to say, now it was the turn of those closer to Rikuo and he himself. Eiko is sitting seiza behind you, for once no smile on her lips.

Your contemplations are interrupted when Gyuuki approaches you. "Hyodo-dono." He greets you.

"Gyuuki-san." You greet back. "Those two were your subordinates, right? How are they doing?"

"Luckily we get to them on time. Their injuries are severe, but they will heal."

"That's good to hear. I have a friend who can heal any injury quickly, but she-"

"Is human?" At your surprised expression he continues. "I spoke with Karasutengu. Don't worry, we can arrange something when this crisis is over. And..." He turns to the house, a slight smile on his lips. "I have the feeling the end is near."

"Enemy raid! The enemy's attacking!" A watcher youkai cries. "The Shikoku forces and a huge numbers of troops are heading this way down the old highway!"

It is sufficient that statement to send the various youkai into a panic.


And then everything stops when he appears.

"Stop cowering! Out opponent...is just a little bake-tanuki."


A massive, breathtaking aura and a feeling of raw charisma that spill out in waves. For a moment you wonder who exactly this high-class devil youkai-equivalent is.

Then he looks at you and flashes a confident grin. "As you can see, I decided to follow your words, sempai."

No. Freaking. Way. "Rikuo-kun?!"

"My Youkai, or Night form." He explains. By Ignis Divine, this is really what you call a Master of all Spirits! Are all one quarter youkai like this? "The Shikoku threat ends today. Sorry, but this is something that us Nura youkai must do ourselves."

"That's alright." You don't think he even needs your help now. "Is there something else I can do?"

His grin widens. "As a matter of fact, there is."

You are ready for anything.


"Please, you must go back! There was an incident, right now the Douraku Highway is closed!"

Or maybe not. Since the two Hyakki are expected to clash right in the middle of a street that it's frequented even by night, Rikuo asked you to make sure normal people, who can't see youkai, don't end into the line of fire.

So here you, wearing a police uniform a Nura youkai weaved in the blink of an eye, doing your best impression of a policeman as you run around making sure no human gets into the battlefield.

'That Rikuo. It's not only his appearance that changed. He got cockier too.'

"I repeat, Douraku Highway is closed! Please turn around and-"

"Hyodo-san?" You freeze. Slowly, very slowly you turn around to stare at the shocked expression of one Keikain Yura. "What are you doing here? What's that getup? What is happening here?"

To none of those questions you can answer with the truth.

[] Write-in
Hm... we COULD walk the line of telling the truth, without implicating Rikuo.

And we could even do it in such a way where Yura is the one to broach each secret/mystical topic, so no one's the wiser.

Something like...

"Yura-san... that's a few questions. Let's see, in order: I'm here to make sure people stay safe, obviously I'm wearing this getup because I need people to believe I'm a legal authority and listen without asking questions, and as to what's happening here.... hmmm.... I guess you could say it's dangerous to be around, is currently being resolved and definitely isn't something the public should worry about? Speaking of, Yura-san, you really should be getting out of here too..."
[Yura objects, asserts something mystical about right to be here]
"Oh? Ah... well, that changes things, yes. I still have to ask you to stay back - the HCC'd give me hell if I got some other group's people involved. No I'm serious - I get that you want to help, but do you want to help so bad that you'd make an international incident out of it? I can't imagine your own people'd be happy about that."
[Grumpy objections/pestering about the HCC]

And then Issei explains everything Yura wants, keeping her from taking part in the battle (and outing Rikuo) by letting her know all about the HCC, and how it's currently pursuing safe-to-the-populace resolution to Youkai issues. She's going to be all over that because she'd want to get her own group to NOT run afoul of something that sounds kind of similar in purpose... and that focus would let Issei ALSO dodge around explaining his own humanity or lack thereof.

So yeah - let's jettison the secret that is 'Issei knows about and is involved with the supernatural', to protect all our other secrets.
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Most Voters in this quest think we're not allowed to lie so it's going to get tuned down...
Edit: zzz meant to preview.
As for her group...do we actually know about them and was the Ofuda she used live?
Not just a delusional girl who is surprisingly accurate.

If it weren't for the fact that people were so against lying about anything I would just say something like

[ ]
"Ah, hi Yura-san what's up?"
{AHAHAHA. Busted!}

"Don't what's up me! Why are you wearing that Officer uniform?"

Motes Spent! Social-Fu is active.
"Hey! What was th-"

Inspiration strikes you and your hesitation is cast aside.

"Listen Yura I need your help to clear the area, I've been warned by a few friends that there will be a major gang fight in this place"

From behind your back you pull out a spare uniform.
Guess that youkai was also a psychic
"Here go put this on and help me out."

"Wait Issei-san!"

"No time go change quickly their are lives at risk here!!!"

As she walks dazedly into a nearby shop to change you slump against the wall in exhaustion.

Issei-Kouhai, that was awesome.
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Bobs Beard said:
Hm... we COULD walk the line of telling the truth, without implicating Rikuo.

And we could even do it in such a way where Yura is the one to broach each secret/mystical topic, so no one's the wiser.

Once again: This is not our call to make, but Rikuo's.

There is no 'if' or 'But' about it.
Galeiam, it's less not being allowed to lie and more that we suck horribly at lying so much that doing so actually HURTS any goals we are working towards when we try

honestly I'm fine with saying we are keeping mundanes and the uninvolved out of the way as a favour to the HCC and another group while mentioning this is not how you expected to spend your time in the city while rolling our eyes, it's true after all, if not the whole truth
zzz...Edited in a scenario most likely to work in my previous post.
Megaolix said:
Once again: This is not our call to make, but Rikuo's.
The outing or lack thereof of Rikuo's status, nature, position and family - all of that is not our call to make, that is correct.

Which is why I did not in the slightest want to do that.
There is no 'if' or 'But' about it.
Sure there is, when what's getting outed is just 'This wierd-energy-feeling kid Issei knows about supernatural stuff after all, and works with an organization' rather than anything about Rikuo or his family/youkai clan.

The distinction of which truth is being told is rather important, and worth not jumping to a blanket 'don't out things' stance like that.

Yeah, nothing about what I drummed up is a lie in any way shape or form - it's just classic 'tell the truth in such a manner as to lead people's assumptions/attention away from what you do not wish to lie about so you don't HAVE to lie' approach.

[X] - "Yura-san... that's a few questions."
Issei continues waving other people off. Appraises continued crowds and surroundings before looking back to Yura.
"...Tell you what: Help me make a makeshift barrier to keep people out of danger and I'll answer your questions, how's that?"
Regardless of Yura's response or lack thereof, Issei starts moving trash bins, signs and whatever else is handy to make a clear barrier to passers-by. Regardless of whether Yura actually helps or not, when she moves to get back into talking range with the barrier-making Issei:
"Let's see, in order: I'm here to make sure people stay safe, obviously I'm wearing this getup because I need people to believe I'm a legal authority and listen without asking questions, and as to what's happening here.... hmmm.... well it's definitely dangerous to be around, it's currently being resolved and definitely isn't something the public should worry about... about sums it up. Oh speaking of: Yura-san, (thank you for the help but) you really should be getting out of here too..."
[Yura objects, asserts something mystical about right to be here while Issei keeps aping at being a cop]
"Oh? Ah... well, that changes things, yes."
Before she can get her own ball rolling-
"But I still have to ask you to stay back even if you do want to help - the HCC'd give me hell if I got some other group's people involved."
Yura tsukkomi at getting nosold right after outing herself as being a supernatural type
"No I'm serious - I get that you want to help, but you don't know the team handling the situation, how they approach problems or anything else about them. Well let me assure you that they're a tight-nit bunch and they're used to knowing how one another work - and adding an unknown to the mix would be dangerous for all of them."
But but but I WANT TO HELP
"I know, and that's really noble of you Yura-san, but do you want to help so bad that you'd risk throwing off the team's tempo and make an international incident out of it?"
Yura 'wtf' face, because she's way too impulsive to have thought about that right off, on her own
"I can't imagine your own people'd be satisfied about that, let alone you happy with it."
"Well, why not help me keep people away, then? I've got a barrier set up, but maybe we can start moving people farther back? It's probably not necessary but it couldn't hurt, right?"
[Grumpy objections/pestering about the HCC]

That works as a write-in outline, yes?
EDIT: I'm happy with it as a vote as-is, so unless someone has quibbles, concerns or issues to raise that's the condition it'll remain in 'till it wins or doesn't.
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looks good to me BB, I'll vote for it once your happy with it

[X] Bobs Beard's stunt
Hmm...It just looks so awkward in execution and pretty dismissive of her.
Galeiam said:
Hmm...It just looks so awkward in execution and pretty dismissive of her.
Okay, you have some general problems with my plan - can you make them specific, say by going 'I don't think THIS bit is phrased right' or anything?

Beyond that, where exactly is the awkwardness? Given a goal of 'appear nonchalant about role and magical things in general as they enter the conversation', the execution seems on point - what's bugging you about it?

Alternatively - where's the dismissal? If the CIA gets to a situation before the FBI, or this district's cops get to a multi-district issue before THOSE district's cops - in either of those situations, the one that got there and established 'handling the scene' first would react similarly to the latecomers. That is, even if they want to help the point is they aren't part of the GROUP handling it right now, and disrupting group cohesion's a bigger issue problem than getting an extra body is a boon. Issei's just making her aware of this situation, and the normal response he's having. The fact this response would keep her away from where she could feasibly see Rikuo and figure anything out is just the icing on top.
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No need to lie too much.

Rikuo has a masquerade, we really don't.

[X] Get her some-place you won't be overheard (or just whisper) and let her know that two groups of youkai are going to be going at it in the middle of the highway, one trying to attack the town, one trying to defend it. You got word and started trying to protect as many people as possible by keeping humans from getting involved. Let her know that you know that she's not a normal person and ask for her help.
-[X] If she pushes for answers, tell her that you are currently working for the HCC*, explain what the group stands for (upholding the masquerade and keeping humans from getting tangled up in supernatural business) and that they realized something was wrong, so they sent you to try and help out.

--[X] list of things NOT to talk about: The Nura clan in general, Rikuo specifically.

(*that's the group that sent us to meet Rikuo, right? forgot what the full name is)

It's pretty similar to Bob's Beard's plan. but it seems clearer.

No need to ape at "gang war" or whatever, we already sensed that she had power, right? and we know she sensed ours.

We might as well do away with the paper-thin veil of normalicy and just tell her what's going on. just don't mention Rikuo's name.
I'd just like to point out that if we take her someplace away from the fight, we're abandoning our post as the dude waving normies away from the ruckus.

Which would be a SUPER DICK MOVE to Rikuo.

And yes, the HCC is the group that sent Issei here as well as to Ryozanpaku a while back.
Awkwardness in that he comes off more as dismissive than nonchalant here.
Iamnuff's re-write of it makes it feel more natural though saying they specifically sent you here after the meeting at rikuo's will send off some warning bells.
While not really a bad thing, fact of the matter is that any kind of reveal here is going to come back to Rikuo.
Bobs Beard said:
I'd just like to point out that if we take her someplace away from the fight, we're abandoning our post as the dude waving normies away from the ruckus.

Which would be a SUPER DICK MOVE to Rikuo.

And yes, the HCC is the group that sent Issei here as well as to Ryozanpaku a while back.

I don't mean "lead her several streets away" just take her off to one side so we aren't actively surrounded by people, then whisper in her ear.

We've been shouting about how the road is closed for several minutes, nobody is going to leg it across the second we turn our back.

frankly, instead of a police uniform, the best way to close the road would be a handful of stolen orange cones with tape strung between them.

It's not just the barrier of someone standing there waving a sign saying "there was a crash ahead, so the road is closed" it's an actual physical barrier, which serves to block the way even when our back is turned. Not that the tape would stop someone who wanted to get across it, but because it serves as a visible line for you to not cross.

Too late to do that now though.

Awkwardness in that he comes off more as dismissive than nonchalant here.
Iamnuff's re-write of it makes it feel more natural though saying they specifically sent you here after the meeting at rikuo's will send off some warning bells.

While not really a bad thing, fact of the matter is that any kind of reveal here is going to come back to Rikuo.

What excuse did we give her about knowing Rikuo anyway? something about being a friend of the family?

It shouldn't be too hard to swing "well, I knew them, so I decided to swing by and meet them while I was in town"

If we didn't claim to have been an old friend of Rikuo's, then it's not so hard to make it sound like the HCC is the reason we are in town, the reason we were in Rikuo's house is completely unrelated.

Say we were investigating the area and ended up running into Rikuo and making a new friend.

She already searched his house and found nothing.

Besides, Rikuo's disguise against Yura has always been paper-thin, to the point of her sitting down and eating snacks with his grandfather, mere moments after explaining to Rikuo's other friends about what kind of youkai he is, and how she was hunting him.

Then again, the old man used to go visit the Onmyouji Headquarters for lunch and they didn't notice he'd been there until they realized that there were too many place-settings for the number of people at the meal, and all the good tobacco and alcohol was gone, so it might not be fair to judge her against him.
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how do we know Rikou? turns out his father had some dealings with the HCC, no one told them he'd passed on and his mother insisted we stayed there while we were in town
Ihaven't actually seen or read any of Nurahyon so any personality I get off of her comes solely from this story but it appears as if she,while not being very sensible, has a bulldog personality in regards to wanting to know something.
This is something liable to get her killed in the upcoming shitstorm since as far as I can tell she is a Joke Miko. So revealing to her who you are will make her question why she's nevr heard of your...and then we'd have to use our crap lying skills...

This is why my sorta plan involved the risk of simply bulldozing our way through her sensibilities and pressganging her without letting her lock on.

It's a hassle sure but no sense getting Rikuo in trouble with all the other stuff he has to deal with.
[X] Bobs Beard's stunt

It's done better in my opinion. Plus I agree that we have to remain in our place and we have to keep her away. Simple as that.
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Galeiam said:
Ihaven't actually seen or read any of Nurahyon so any personality I get off of her comes solely from this story but it appears as if she,while not being very sensible, has a bulldog personality in regards to wanting to know something.
This is something liable to get her killed in the upcoming shitstorm since as far as I can tell she is a Joke Miko. So revealing to her who you are will make her question why she's nevr heard of your...and then we'd have to use our crap lying skills...

This is why my sorta plan involved the risk of simply bulldozing our way through her sensibilities and pressganging her without letting her lock on.

It's a hassle sure but no sense getting Rikuo in trouble with all the other stuff he has to deal with.

A: no, she's not a joke miko, she's actually rather powerful. To the point where her brother (one of the most powerful excorsists in the setting) claims that she has more raw power than him, and he only keeps ahead via deception and trickery.

B: the best way to deter someone who won't stop looking for answers until they find them, is to give them answers. Once we tell her why we are here and why were are doing what we are doing, she will stop looking because she already knows. so long as we don't leave any loose ends for her to tug at. Why we were at Rikuo's house is one, but it's easily dismissed as his dad having been a part of our group, or something.

Pretty sure that Rikuo's mom is also dead, so if we say that someone insisted we stop the night, we should say it was the grandfather.

C: If she tries to cross onto the street, we should straight up tell her that it's going to be a war between to youkai armies, and an exorcist getting involved in that would just end up a target for both.

She's smart enough to realize that she can't fight two armies at the same time, and suicide wouldn't help anyone, it shouldn't be too difficult to convince her to let the youkai kill each-other while we protect the humans.

overmind said:
[] Bobs Beard's stunt

It's done better in my opinion. Plus I agree that we have to remain in our place and we have to keep her away. Simple as that.

Edit: I edited my vote to mention whispering to her, if it's a viable option.

I don't want to lead her away from the street we are blocking, but I don't want us to be overheard either.

that said, the best way to keep her from getting involved is to tell her exactly what is going on.

two groups of monsters killing each-other. the best solution for her is to keep people from stumbling into it, then try and take out the survivors.

She's not stupid enough to try and pick a fight with two armies at the same time, she has to know that that would be suicide.
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Fair points iamnuff about keeping the conversation quiet, the barrier and all that.

I addressed that and some of Galieam's concerns, and edited my vote accordingly.
As tempted as I am to go [SOLAR] "This is not the Issei you're looking for" [/SOLAR], I think Bobs Beard has the plan.

[X] Bobs Beard's stunt

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