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Tribulations of the God-Harem King [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

I support plan Smuthunter because I don't want to spend an arc on this guy. We just go back into DxD plotlines and I don't want to have it revolve around this asshole. We need to fix his problem? Ok let's do it in the minimum amount of updates with the lolziest solar bullshit.
I just noticed this but hastening nights end has a requirement of only helping those willing and can be resisted for willpower. Given that we currently qualify as his mortal fear i am pretty sure he will resist. Also this should not be an arc. We propose our solution and Raiser gets shiped off to live a mundane life until we find Ryusenkyo at which point we drag him with us. Given HNE requires one hours personal interaction we can use it then. I'm not arguing against getting the charms I just don't think that they are worth it right now.
I just noticed this but hastening nights end has a requirement of only helping those willing and can be resisted for willpower. Given that we currently qualify as his mortal fear i am pretty sure he will resist. Also this should not be an arc. We propose our solution and Raiser gets shiped off to live a mundane life until we find Ryusenkyo at which point we drag him with us. Given HNE requires one hours personal interaction we can use it then. I'm not arguing against getting the charms I just don't think that they are worth it right now.

Eh. Big extrapolation. Can Alexander comment on this?
Mh... I'd take the charms if we can think of at least two other uses for HtNE. We could mindrape mil-tan into being a productive member of society.

Or: How much social capital would we get for insta-curing him? Would it become widely known, boosting our cult? Would we get the sister? Do we want her? I bet if we'll get her to live with her brother and have regular contact with the both we'll get her anyway with the Ice plan.
I just noticed this but hastening nights end has a requirement of only helping those willing and can be resisted for willpower. Given that we currently qualify as his mortal fear i am pretty sure he will resist. Also this should not be an arc. We propose our solution and Raiser gets shiped off to live a mundane life until we find Ryusenkyo at which point we drag him with us. Given HNE requires one hours personal interaction we can use it then. I'm not arguing against getting the charms I just don't think that they are worth it right now.
Eh. Big extrapolation. Can Alexander comment on this?
It will work if you manage to convince Raiser that what we do will cure him.
Mh... I'd take the charms if we can think of at least two other uses for HtNE. We could mindrape mil-tan into being a productive member of society.
This charm explicitly requires consent from the person it's being used on. Mindrape is definitely not the right word.

As for other uses, those nuns that Diodora Astaroth raped and mindbroke would probably appreciate the talents of a Solar social worker.

Or: How much social capital would we get for insta-curing him? Would it become widely known, boosting our cult? Would we get the sister? Do we want her? I bet if we'll get her to live with her brother and have regular contact with the both we'll get her anyway with the Ice plan.
Ravel is pretty cool, yeah. Being able to cure Raiser in an hour or two would probably score huge points with her.
[X] soul ice
-[X] with the addendum that you could probably cure raiser if he stopped being mortally afraid of you long enough to hit him with a the charm.

wasn't diodora the one who made issei hit juggernaut drive? Actually if he tries the same thing in this quest not only would it trigger issei's enhanced sense of justice thanks to the solar exaltation, but I am pretty sure bright did not remove juggernaut drive.

Oh boy he is in for a lot of pain, just what he deserves
No it's going with Bealzards suggestion with the understanding that Ddraigs will take time to happen. It's also asking his parent and our nominal boss if they can think of any way to help or have ideas to add to ours.
That still doesn't fix the problem. And i don't want to have to deal with Reiser all the freaking time, because we know he is going to be sent to the same school as us.

Better to fix this now.
[X] soul ice
-[X] with the addendum that you could probably cure raiser if he stopped being mortally afraid of you long enough to hit him with a the charm.

wasn't diodora the one who made issei hit juggernaut drive? Actually if he tries the same thing in this quest not only would it trigger issei's enhanced sense of justice thanks to the solar exaltation, but I am pretty sure bright did not remove juggernaut drive.

Oh boy he is in for a lot of pain, just what he deserves
You do realize that soul of ice isn't voting to hit him with a charm? That smuthunter is?
Raiser is a mature devil described as being in his early twenties. Baring him shaping himself to look younger he should not be in school at all. The idea is to get him working for his own living with no devil powers to help out. He should not see us more than occasionally. I sure as hell got just how much effort it took to earn a living when I started working.

how about I add this to my write in." I do have an ability that lets me calm minds but it requires that the person I am helping is willing," you pause listening to the faint sounds of panic from behind the door, "I get the feeling that's gonna take some work to get him to agree though."
Actually we wouldn't need to spend an Arc on Raiser with soul ice's option as it'd just be us dragging him with us to Ryusenkyo where we'd go to anyways and dump him there while we get training.

By the way, How is Issei doing for that F/SN quest?
This charm explicitly requires consent from the person it's being used on. Mindrape is definitely not the right word.
Ravel is pretty cool, yeah. Being able to cure Raiser in an hour or two would probably score huge points with her.
Does it have to be informed consent? Do they have to know we're using a charm? Can we tell Mil-tan it's a required purification ritual on his quest for magical girlhood?(I mainly used mindrape because I don't think this charm is ethical.) I'm just asking to know more about it. I mean, can't we get around the "resisting" part if they don't notice what we're doing?
(I mainly used mindrape because I don't think this charm is ethical.)
Well then unthink it. Derangements are mental damage, like PTSD. Being a transvestite or whatever Mil-tan is is not mental damage and we couldn't force him to not be one anymore, at least not with HNE. This charm's purpose is healing.

And for the record, your word choice is extremely loaded. Mindrape is a broken term and it shouldn't be used to describe mental influence.
[x] Plan Smuthunter

While having Raiser with us might also get us Ravel staying with us if only to look after her big brother. I think we were planning on getting these charms anyway for the Anti Hero Brainwashing thing.

So why not.

Raiser would probably stay at our new Manse anyway.
[X] soul ice

I want to save the XP for more important stuff.
I don't feel wasting it (and I do feel it a waste, especially when there are other options) on Raiser being afraid of us, is worth using XP we could spend on stuff like raising Stamina, Strength, Maybe an Ability like Melee, or one of the Dragon Knacks.

Why not use a Presence Excellency? Wouldn't cure him automatically, but might help him enough to cure himself.
Presence Excellency just makes us more convincing, we need the charm we are buying to cure him in a conversation, otherwise we are going to be stuck with him for weeks if not months... fuck that noise
I think Ddraig and Belzard proposals can potentially backfire.

[X] Plan Smuthunter.
[x] Plan Smuthunter

Don't want to waste time on this guy. Though we are probably going to have to instill a positive intimacy in us from him since we don't really know any of his other memories... I guess I am fine with that.
Presence Excellency just makes us more convincing, we need the charm we are buying to cure him in a conversation, otherwise we are going to be stuck with him for weeks if not months... fuck that noise

So you'd rather waste XP on him? Buying a Charm that, to my knowledge, we wouldn't really need again?
So you'd rather waste XP on him? Buying a Charm that, to my knowledge, we wouldn't really need again?
we have two much worse cases that we will need it for. the Hero faction kidnaps and brainwashes teenagers who have sacred gears and there this one bastard who gets nuns excomuntated, sets them up into bad situations so he can "save them" then rapes em (both literal and mind rape)/
I want to save the XP for more important stuff.
I don't feel wasting it (and I do feel it a waste, especially when there are other options) on Raiser being afraid of us, is worth using XP we could spend on stuff like raising Stamina, Strength, Maybe an Ability like Melee, or one of the Dragon Knacks.

Why not use a Presence Excellency? Wouldn't cure him automatically, but might help him enough to cure himself.
No. We've spent enough XP on fighty stuff, we're a Twilight. We should be Tony Stark, not Ryu.
No. We've spent enough XP on fighty stuff, we're a Twilight. We should be Tony Stark, not Ryu.
Then use it buy Occult Charms, raise our Caste abilities like Craft, or some interesting Lore or Investigation Charms.

we have two much worse cases that we will need it for. the Hero faction kidnaps and brainwashes teenagers who have sacred gears and there this one bastard who gets nuns excomuntated, sets them up into bad situations so he can "save them" then rapes em (both literal and mind rape)/
Using it to save the brainwashed victims or those raped nuns, 'that' I can agree with.

I just didn't want to waste it on Raiser.

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