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Video Games General

Just finished Robocop Rogue City.

Honestly? I really enjoyed the game. It's not an AAA graphic masterpiece, but you can tell the people who made the game knew & loved the source material, and that really showed in the game itself.

Robocop Rogue City did a good job of washing the taste of disappointment from Alan Wake 2 out of my mouth.
Just finished Robocop Rogue City.

Honestly? I really enjoyed the game. It's not an AAA graphic masterpiece, but you can tell the people who made the game knew & loved the source material, and that really showed in the game itself.

Robocop Rogue City did a good job of washing the taste of disappointment from Alan Wake 2 out of my mouth.
It also answers some questions from Robocop 3 like what happened to the original CEO of OCP.
Apparently Capcom has some kind of survey going on for what game fans might want, I think? I've seen people say that they voted for old IPs like Dino Crisis and Megaman Legends.

Well I submitted my vote, not sure if it'll actually accomplish anything but I answered the "which games do you want to see a new game or sequel of" question with Darkstalkers and Breath of Fire and that's all I care about.
I'm glad Skull and Bones had an open beta, because it fucking sucks. The intro has you fight fifty ships and the 'boss' where you trade hundreds of cannonballs with each other before you die to a dozen more ships spawning in front of you. Ship battles feel boring, boarding is shit and quick time events make up the rest of the game.

All they needed to do was add some fucking depth to the sailing gameplay of blackflag some semi realistic damage and you're golden.

Maybe I'll play it in the future if I turn off the HUD and just sail randomly not interacting with any other part of the gameplay.(and it's really really cheap)

Helldivers 2 is really fucking good btw.
Helldivers 2 is really fucking good btw.
You willing to expand on this, because I have heard nothing about Helldivers.
I'm glad Skull and Bones had an open beta, because it fucking sucks. The intro has you fight fifty ships and the 'boss' where you trade hundreds of cannonballs with each other before you die to a dozen more ships spawning in front of you. Ship battles feel boring, boarding is shit and quick time events make up the rest of the game.
For me the 'period-accurate' flamethrower and clear lack of anting to do off the boat were clear enough signs that I didn't even bother with the beta.
You willing to expand on this, because I have heard nothing about Helldivers.

Third person 'co-op' shooter, shooting feels really fucking nice, accidentally killing and being killed by allies is great. Launch day issues, game crashed a heap in the first half hour I tried to play(no issues for a good 8 hours of off and on playing after though), server issues when trying to connect to a random match.

It's EDF without vehicles(for now) and we're the baddies.
The baddies how? The enemies appear to be oversized bugs and genocidal robot army.
Namely in the sense that the player faction is a massive satire of US Neoconservative/War on Terror/Trumpian politics with any sense of subtlety thrown out the window. Even the media literacy flunk outs on social media would figure out that Helldivers' Super Earth is a few Gothic spires separated from the Imperium of Man.
Namely in the sense that the player faction is a massive satire of US Neoconservative/War on Terror/Trumpian politics with any sense of subtlety thrown out the window. Even the media literacy flunk outs on social media would figure out that Helldivers' Super Earth is a few Gothic spires separated from the Imperium of Man.

Helldivers is heavily inspired by starship troopers.

That... doesn't make you evil.
You willing to expand on this, because I have heard nothing about Helldivers.
Basically, to explain it without shoving a post in-between a Buzzword collection like some people above me, it's a Co-op Third Person Shooter heavily inspired by the Starship Troopers movies, but really tongue-in-cheek, and doesn't really take itself seriously in the slightest.

The players are Helldivers, which are basically ODSTs with the serial numbers filed off (these guys are too well-equipped to fit the movie Mobile Infantry, and lack the power armor and heavy weapons to be the book version), and sent to fight hordes of alien robots or insects on a variety of planets, while fulfilling a series of objectives (usually of the "Kill X", "Escort Y", Destroy Z" variety), using a decently varied arsenal of weaponry.

To illustrate how little it takes itself seriously, interactable enemy objects you find aren't just "Machinery" or "Explosives", it's "Oppressive Machinery" and "Despotic Explosives". Hell, the Human government is even called "Super-Earth", that should tell you enough. The setting is stupid, and it not only knows it, but revels in it, with Helldivers belching out slogans and one-liners like they are action stars from the 80s. That thing isn't tongue-in-cheek, it's outright sticking its tongue out at the audience, getting a good few laughs in response.

You could moralize about it, like complain about how Super-Earth might actually be some sort of xenocidal, authoritarian dictatorship, or make a spiel about how the setting is a complete hellhole, but why would you do that? You're here to have fun shooting guns at robots and bugs with your friends (and sometimes eachother, because friendly fire is a thing, and you will abuse it for funsies), and maybe get a chuckle out of the cheesy-as-fuck dialogue your Helldivers spout out, and everything else is merely peripheral to that. And I think the Devs of that game are very well aware of that.
Snatching mediocrity out of the jaws of greatness.
I mean, I'd love to see a game that lets you play the book version, but a part of me also knows it wouldn't be very fun if done 1:1, since, well, having a shoulder-mounted Davy Crockett might sound cool at first, but after the first few times it would probably get rather dull. Unless it's balanced out, like you having to earn the nukes ala killstreak, them being reserved for special targets, or require setup like Mortars in Battlefield (since you aren't supposed to eyeball the firing process but take time and actually aim the damn thing), I wouldn't really see how you could make it work. You also would never really see your allies after you drop, since Mobile Infantry troopers are deployed really far apart from one another and move around alot, only linking up for post-mission evac.

And a strategy game would be even more difficult, since by then you'd have to render it down to grid squares on a map, rather than a tactical map where you have individually modeled soldiers.

The only way I could see a Starship Troopers video game, that is based on the novels, work, would be to go the Boomer Shooter route, where it's just you, your weapons, and a metric fuckload of enemies, with the nuke launcher being a power up or very limited superweapon ala BFG, and the actions of your squadmates being just indirectly shown, rather than them appearing onscreen, with their aid being called in from afar ala airstrike or artillery support, hammering home that, while you are alone, you are not alone, and got people around you fighting by your side, even if they are literal miles away.
I mean, I'd love to see a game that lets you play the book version, but a part of me also knows it wouldn't be very fun if done 1:1, since, well, having a shoulder-mounted Davy Crockett might sound cool at first, but after the first few times it would probably get rather dull. Unless it's balanced out, like you having to earn the nukes ala killstreak, them being reserved for special targets, or require setup like Mortars in Battlefield (since you aren't supposed to eyeball the firing process but take time and actually aim the damn thing), I wouldn't really see how you could make it work. You also would never really see your allies after you drop, since Mobile Infantry troopers are deployed really far apart from one another and move around alot, only linking up for post-mission evac.

And a strategy game would be even more difficult, since by then you'd have to render it down to grid squares on a map, rather than a tactical map where you have individually modeled soldiers.

The only way I could see a Starship Troopers video game, that is based on the novels, work, would be to go the Boomer Shooter route, where it's just you, your weapons, and a metric fuckload of enemies, with the nuke launcher being a power up or very limited superweapon ala BFG, and the actions of your squadmates being just indirectly shown, rather than them appearing onscreen, with their aid being called in from afar ala airstrike or artillery support, hammering home that, while you are alone, you are not alone, and got people around you fighting by your side, even if they are literal miles away.
As odd as it sounds, probably the most true-to-tone way you could do a video game adaptation of the original Starship Troopers book, is probably as a more hardcore military sim. Think something like ARMA, just with giant robots. Considering that Heinlein was pretty clearly inspired by his time in the navy when writing the book, it's not quite as far fetched as you'd think.
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Helldivers 2 looks awesome and fun to play. Too bad it's infected with nProtect Gameguard for it's anticheat. Just say no to kernel-level rootkits.
Beat Midnight Suns.

Not sure why you couldn't share with the class, miss villain.

Gameplay stuff:

So, during the first half of the final mission, you face off against a seriously buffed boss and your PC and the four 'strongest' other characters are locked up... but you get the remaining 11 (I think) for the fight, starting with three at random and I'm not sure if the ones you call in after are random or not... because I didn't need them.

I'm not sure how it calculated the 'strongest' characters, but they forgot the Hulk. Possibly because I haven't used him in but one fight because he became available only one story mission previous.

And it gave me the Hulk.

I didn't need anyone else, really, which I thought was pretty funny for what was supposed to be one of the hardest fights.

Second half was harder- you get the PC and one of the aforementioned 'strongest' at a time for each phase, which for me was Blade, Magik, Wanda, and Nico. Bit dicey on the Blade and Magik parts, but Wanda and Nico were pretty much a breeze.

Aaaaand I think that was Doom picking up the Darkhold in the sequel teaser, so that ought to be all kinds of fun.
This looks hella interesting for that itch of awesome crazyness you get from palworld and helldivers 2.

You pretty much go boomstick on the medieval locals and it sounds great. The isekai I was always looking in an anime but instead I get in a game.
This looks hella interesting for that itch of awesome crazyness you get from palworld and helldivers 2.

You pretty much go boomstick on the medieval locals and it sounds great. The isekai I was always looking in an anime but instead I get in a game.
The optimist in me wants to believe it will be great. The realist in me is gleefully waiting to tell the optimist 'told you so' when it turns out to be terrible.
The optimist in me wants to believe it will be great. The realist in me is gleefully waiting to tell the optimist 'told you so' when it turns out to be terrible.
I'll take what I can get. Already happy enough with a King Arthur game where I play a badass Mordred with a baritone voice.
Apparently there's going to be a Nintendo Direct like 3 minutes from now, was very confused to see a bunch of reaction livestreams on youtube before I found out.
On the final stretch of Onogoro: Enhanced Boss Re-Fights.

First one had a smidge more difficulty- added a second monument that you had to get Haru to open so you could double-power shot it instead of just a single one. Attacks might've been a bit more intense?

Second one moved the monuments- two Kenzoku had to be taken out to reveal the Fire monuments during each stage, with wind monuments for taking them out where the fire monuments originally were. Marginally more difficult, for one phase you had to take the enemies out twice, since you needed double fire to activate the shield and then hit the boss and they respawn once the monuments get used.

Third was... still a chump. I'm not sure they actually added anything- maybe slightly faster attacks? Really ran out of ideas on this guy.

Saving four and five for tomorrow, since they were the hardest.

Decided to finish out with Pistol Whip, so I get some exercise. Did the Daily Challenge, not too bad. Then decided to do the weekly.

Workout? A bit more than I bargained for there. Religion and Nobody Wants you on Scavenger Mode and possibly Hard difficulty. Ow my legs.
So, partners direct.

Ender Magnolia? I was not expecting something like Ender Lilies again. That is nice.

Also, Unicorn Overlrod free demo up today. Cool.
Played some of the demo for Unicorn Overlord and it's pretty reminiscent of Ogre Battle 64 with some neat touches like bridges counting as a defensive structure you can garrison units to prevent enemy crossings and stamina only decreasing from battles rather than marching to cut down on waiting.
Played some of the demo for Unicorn Overlord and it's pretty reminiscent of Ogre Battle 64 with some neat touches like bridges counting as a defensive structure you can garrison units to prevent enemy crossings and stamina only decreasing from battles rather than marching to cut down on waiting.
It being a timed demo means I have no need to push until content end, but I know I want it. I only need to check what difficulty I want to stand on.

Also, it being a vanillaware game and mariage being an option, I wonder who players will be mostly horny for.

Finally tried out Hogwarts Legacy and it really is the quintessential Hogwarts student simulator including being special like Harry but in the game's own way of making your character you made special. No wonder it was well received.

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