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Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

[X] Don't replace it with anything - 3
[X] Remove Junior Hero from the voting list - 2
[X] Remove Nemesis from the voting list - 1
Last edited:
[X] It Gets Worse - 3
[X] Another Way - 2
[X] Don't replace it with anything - 1
Last edited:
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 3
[X] Another Way - 2
[X] It Gets Worse - 1
[X] Don't replace it with anything - 3

There are enough other stories going on. There is no need to start another project at this point.
Yeah I just read your blurb...I don't think anything could be as dark as Really Bad End. Seriously.
Does it (Really Bad End, I mean), like, get several times darker in the latest few chapters? (Which might explain why nobody's voting for it.) Because the part that's up on AO3 is at worst a black comedy.

And my vote on the replacement:

[EDIT: deleted the vote, will post a new one with the new options]

(Though I suspect the "don't replace it with anything" option will win, unfortunately.)
[EDIT: Or the "remove Really Bad End from voting list" option, more unfortunately.]

That's Iacta with a capital i, not a J.
I know that, actually, it's just how I've been taught to spell the original phrase :) should I fix it?
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  • Like
Reactions: Ack
[X] It Gets Worse - 3.
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 2
[X] Don't replace it with anything - 1
[X] Another Way - 3
[X] Remove story "Really Bad End" - 2
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 1

On one hand, there are all ready too many stories to choose from and the ones not voted for tend to get a massive number of updates in a short amount of time. On the other hand, you at least get regular updates on the ones on the voting list, even if it takes several months to see them.
Last edited:
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 3
[X] Another Way - 2
[X] It Gets Worse - 1
  • Like
Reactions: Ack
[X] Option Three (original fiction) - 3
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 2
[X] Remove Really Bad End from the voting list - 1
Last edited:
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 3
[X] Another Way - 1
[X] It Gets Worse - 2
[X] Another Way - 3
[X] It Gets Worse - 2
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 1
[X] Don't replace it with anything - 3

There are enough other stories going on. There is no need to start another project at this point.

Just to clarify: I will be kicking off One Bad Day very shortly. I will also be writing chapters for the other non-voting stories when and if inspiration strikes.

This is just to see if people want one of the non-voting stories to go into the voting lineup.

And why not. Option Three can go in there as well.
[X] Don't replace it with anything - 3
[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 2
[X] Option Three - 1
[X] Don't replace it with anything - 3
[X] Another Way - 2
[X] Remove Really Bad End - 1
Last edited:
[X] Meet the Heberts - 6
[X] Really Bad End - 5
[X] Danny & Taylor - 4
[X] MirrorVerse - 3
[X] Hostage Situation - 2
[X] Bait & Switch - 1

[X] Are You Afraid of the Dark? - 3
[X] Another Way - 2
[X] One Bad Day - 1
[X] It Gets Worse - 3
[X] One Bad Day - 2
[X] Another Way - 1

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