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Vote Thread for Ack's Omake Corner

[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] NSW - 1
[X] NSW - 5
[X] Danny & Taylor - 4
[X] All Unaware - 3
[X] Bait & Switch - 2
[X] One More Trigger - 1
[X] Security! - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] Aftermath - 3
[X] Confrontation - 2
[X] Recoil - 1
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Junior Hero - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1
[X] Security! - 5
[X] Confrontation - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] Aftermath - 1
[X] Aftermath - 5
[X] Confrontation - 4
[X] Junior Hero - 3
[X] Security! - 2
[X] Recoil - 1
[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] Confrontation - 2
[X] Trump Card - 1
[X] NSW - 5
[X] Recoil - 4
[X] Security! - 3
[X] I, Panacea - 2
[X] Really Bad End - 1
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Confrontation - 2
[X] All Unaware - 1
ArbaletShot, the "u" in "unaware" should be capitalized and you're missing a space between "unaware" and the dash.

AntonioCC, your vote for One More Trigger is missing the second "g".

It would be appreciated if you both fixed these so that voting could be done more easily, take less time, and have a higher chance of being accurate. Thank you for your time.
[X] Aftermath - 5
[X] Confrontation - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] I, Panacea - 2
[X] Security! - 1
[X] All Unaware - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] Confrontation - 3
[X] Recoil - 2
[X] NSW - 1
[X] NSW - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Brian & Aisha - 1
[X] Security! - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] Confrontation - 1
[X] Confrontation - 5
[X] One More Trigger - 4
[X] Aftermath - 3
[X] MirrorVerse - 2
[X] I, Panacea- 1
[X] Confrontation - 5
[X] Recoil - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] NSW - 2
[X] Bait & Switch - 1
[X] NSW - 5
[X] Danny & Taylor - 4
[X] Security! - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] I, Panacea - 1
[X] NSW - 5
[X] I, Panacea - 4
[X] One More Trigger - 3
[X] Security! - 2
[X] Confrontation - 1
[X] Aftermath - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Security! - 1
Well, Trump Card is up, but I will wait a little longer before counting votes.

I might even see what else there is to write :D

Well, you do have multiple stories approaching completed status so getting some more to replace them is completely reasonable. However, Aftermath is due for an update next and I've been looking forward to it for a while so I hope you don't take too long.
[X] Junior Hero - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] All Unaware - 2
[X] Security! - 1
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Aftermath - 4
[X] Junior Hero - 3
[X] Confrontation - 2
[X] Recoil - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Trump Card - 3
[X] I, Panacea - 2
Vote 34: Aftermath
Just a quick note. People are starting to get lazy with formatting. AntonioCC and ArbaletShot , your votes had errors which made it harder to count.

Thanks, as always, for voting.

Aftermath 0 (484)
All Unaware 236
Bait & Switch 410
Brian & Aisha 277
Confrontation 247
Danny & Taylor 240
I, Panacea 256
Junior Hero 42
MirrorVerse 191
NSW 433
One More Trigger 275
Really Bad End 180
Recoil 211
Security! 349
Trump Card 67

[If you want to know which of these stories is NSFW, check the first post of the thread..]

followed by Trump Card, then what looks to be either Aftermath or possibly NSW.

Aftermath, but NSW is close behind.

Bait & Switch is in the 300 range too, but given that Aftermath just caught up with it, and NSW is getting more than either one, it will probably be NSW, Aftermath, then Security!, then maybe Bait & Switch.

To be honest, anything's possible right now. Not even going to try to judge this one.


For anyone who hasn't voted on this thread before, the voting rules go as follows:

1) UP TO five votes. I will not count anything extra, and a write-in will likely be ignored (if I want to write a different story, I will, but at my own discretion). Suggestions are welcome, but I am under no obligation to carry them out. And just remember, the more stories I am writing, the longer it will take for your favourites to roll back around.
2) First vote is worth five points, second is worth four, and so on.
3) You can't vote twice on the same story. First vote is the only one that counts.
4) If I say "Voting is CLOSED", then this post comes up, with "Voting is OPEN" at the bottom, then you can vote again.
5) If I say "Voting will continue", it's still the same voting period. Voting has not restarted. You can not vote a second time.

Vote format looks like this:

[X] I, Panacea - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] Recoil - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] NSW - 1

Specifically: SQUARE brackets around an X, one space, and please spell at least the first word of the name of the story properly. Number of voting points comes last. Please try to format your vote properly, so as not to confuse the vote counter.

Note that any BBcode at all around the vote will invalidate it. This includes font changes.

Thank you.

Voting is OPEN.
[X] Aftermath - 5
[X] Trump Card - 4
[X] Confrontation - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Security! - 1
Last edited:
[X] Security! - 5
[X] Confrontation - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] Trump Card - 2
[X] Aftermath - 1
[X] NSW - 5
[X] Security! - 4
[X] I, Panacea - 3
[X] One More Trigger - 2
[X] Brian & Aisha - 1

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