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What if Goku and Vegeta used the Fusion Dance against Buu?

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This one is fully inspired by a Youtube What If that kinda whiffed on the potential... So if you...
Fusion Is Born


Indebted Capitalist
Oct 31, 2017
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This one is fully inspired by a Youtube What If that kinda whiffed on the potential... So if you like it, you can go thank SmugStick over on Youtube for the initial idea that inspired this one.

"Gohan, catch!"

"Oh no you don't!!"

It only took a moment.

Majin Buu, in his powered up muscular form, had absorbed Gotenks, spiking his power massively, and had also absorbed Piccolo, which had massively increased his intelligence... gaining the tactical and strategic acumen of the Namekian had made Majin Buu instantly make the connection that whatever those two were trying, it wasn't anything that would be remotely good for him.

In a twist of fate, the momentary hope, the potential of fusing with Gohan to bring about an end to the terror of Majin Buu, was dashed in an instant as the pink menace blasted the flying earring with a blast of ki, incinerating it instantly, and smirking in pleasure at the sight of horror on Goku's face, and surprise on Gohan's, crossing his arms over his chest, tossing his head back and laughing uproariously as reality settled. "Now what, weaklings?!" he called out. "Whatever you were going to try, it won't work anymore!"

"Dammit!" Goku cried, clenching his fists and dispensing with the excess theatrics, yelling out and releasing a burst of energy, skipping all the stages and bursting into Super Saiyan 3 instantly. Gohan powered up as well, beat up and tired though he was, his power was still considerable, and considerably higher than his father's at that.

Even without that earring, whatever it was, surely together they would fare better?

They both launched towards the Majin, but it was no use, he simply kept his arms crossed and while smirking, began to dodge and weave around their attacks, looking completely unfazed by their combination, even as the father and son duo began to implement the teamwork that was only possible from intimately knowing each other's fighting style, Majin Buu responded by twisting his gum-like body in impossible ways to continue dodging, still not looking like he was breaking a sweat to do so.

"You're both slow and weak!" he called, "if this is the best you've got, then I'll do you a favor and put the two of you out of your misery!" he called, sticking his hands out on each side, each on the faces of Goku and Gohan, and then blasted them with pink beams of energy that sent both of them flying, Goku high into the sky, Gohan into the ground, creating a massive crater and an all new canyon, collapsing multiple rocky structures as he passed through them, before the blasts exploded, painting the sky pink and flattening out the wasteland.

With a smirk on his face, Majin Buu seemed to take a few moments to decide, but then he took off at what was for him a sedate pace, but was still blistering speed, towards Goku, who had shielded himself as best as he could from the blast.

As soon as the smoke in the sky cleared and Goku became visible, Majin Buu reared his arm back and charged a ki blast that he was about to hit Goku with in melee range, only to see the blond with a massive amount of hair had his fingers on his forehead, and before Buu could tell what was going on, he was gone. "What the-" Buu grit his teeth. "Where is he- back there!" he shouted, turning to where Gohan was, his ki still high enough that Buu could feel it anywhere on Earth.

"I'll get you- no, he's gone again?!" he said. "There- there's three strong powers that way," he said, charging his ki and then exploding into motion, only to arrive to an empty sky... there were no powers to be felt anywhere in the world that belonged to those people. Majin Buu roared in anger and began to take out his frustration on the environment. He prepared to just destroy the planet on the off chance they were somewhere on it, to kill them along with it, but something stopped him.

He couldn't just do that.

A part of him still remembered his one and only friend, who still lived in this world... and so he dispelled the power ball he had gathered and grumbled in frustration, deciding, instead, he'd hit the nearest city and go looking for sweets to calm himself down.

Meanwhile, far, far away, in a completely different dimension even...

Goku, Vegeta, Baba and Gohan all arrived in a heap of people in the realm of the Kaioshin after a panicked Goku teleported everyone there.

"We're safe!" Goku called, panting as he dropped his Super Saiyan 3 transformation.

"Kakarot what the hell are you doing!?" Vegeta shouted. "Why did you bring us here!?"

"I panicked, I lost the Potara, so I didn't think of anything else to do!" he said, "and then I felt your ki and thought that if you just stayed there Buu would come after you and just kill you again! If you die while you're already dead your soul is gone forever, I couldn't let him do that!" Goku responded, raising his hands and stepping off as the other three picked themselves up.

"Oof, what is this place, Goku, where did you bring me-"

"Goku!" someone called, an old, scratchy voice, followed by a much younger voice that had a slightly discordant note to it.

"Sorry guys, I don't know if I'm allowed to bring people here. Uhm, Miss Baba, this is the Realm of the Kaioshin!" Goku said with a bright smile. "Sorry about bringing you here, this place's technically in the afterlife so-"

"Oh my gods, Goku this is- this is the planet of the highest, oh, I'm gonna faint," Baba said, and then she did exactly that.

All five others present looked at her in surprise.

"Oookay, we'll deal with that later. Majin Buu, now!" Vegeta said. "If we don't go back he's going to destroy Earth and the Dragonballs!"

"I can go back," Gohan said.

"Hang on, I'll heal you," Kibitoshin said, "I can restore your power before you go!"

Goku shook his head. "We can't do anything about him right now," he said, "currently, the only thing we can do is try to figure out how to deal with him," he said, clenching his fist. "I've got... an idea," he said. "If we're fighting someone using fusion..."

"Father, you don't mean- that technique Goten and Trunks used, that dance?" Gohan asked.


"Hold up, Kakarot! Explain that power!" Vegeta accused. "You held back in our fight!" he said, clenching his fist, his anger causing a vein to pop on his temple. "You think I'm gonna listen to you after-"

"Alright, Vegeta, I get it, you're angry, you're right to be, however, right now, that's not productive," Kibitoshin said gently, "please just-"

"You shut up!"

Goku sighed. "Look Vegeta... No, wait, seriously, listen to me. It wouldn't have worked against you," he said, simple and clearly. "Even if it gave me enough power to beat you down at the time, it would've shortened my time on Earth so much that I don't think I would've lasted long enough to beat you," he said.

"Don't give me that crap Kakarot, I won't listen to your nonsense!" he called.

"Mister Vegeta, I know it's not gonna be very convincing coming from me since of course I support my father, but if there's one thing that I've always respected about you is the endurance and tenacity you display in battle," Gohan said. "I.. think my father is right, that power is immense, but I could almost feel it dropping off since the moment dad transformed... I think my father is right, it would've run out before you accepted defeat."

"And let's not kid ourselves, you would've fought me to the bitter end regardless of the power difference," Goku said. "I mean you did the same the first time we fought, even though we ganged up on you!" Goku laughed and smiled at Vegeta.

It seemed that the logical argument was enough to quell Vegeta's anger for a moment.

"Alright... I think I can go back right now. I don't think I can beat him as he is, but I can distract him long enough. I'm the strongest here and my energy won't run out like dad's, I can handle Majin Buu the best out of all of us," Gohan said, clenching his fist.

"You go boy, and pace yourself!" the Old Kai snapped. "Focus on trying to outlast him, you don't need to try to win!"

"I'll take him to Earth and quickly return," Kibitoshin said, nodding at them. Within moments, they were gone.

"So what, are we gonna do that ridiculous dance?" Vegeta grumbled.

"Yes," Goku said, simple and clear. "We don't have time for either of us to have our potential unleashed," he said, "right?"

"Yes, though neither of you has as much as that boy, it'd still take hours to get it all out of you," the old Supreme Kai said.

"So fusion's our only choice. We can't let Majin Buu get away with this, Vegeta!"

"No! I refuse! I'd rather die-"

"Vegeta!" Goku snapped. "Majin Buu has killed everyone! He absorbed Goten and Trunks, and Piccolo, he killed our families!! He killed Bulma, Vegeta!"

Clenching his fists, the proud prince growled and swung his fist at Goku, but it stopped before it connected, then a finger came out. "You better not tell anyone I'm doing this, you hear me, Kakarot?! Understood?!"

"Clear!" Goku replied. "Alright, Vegeta, I'll show you the dance..." he said, taking a few steps away. "It's simple, but it has to be executed perfectly..."

Kibitoshin popped back up.

"And look, here's a partner I can do it with," Goku said with a grin. "Alright, let's try it!"

And thus practice began.

Meanwhile, back on Earth...

At first, it was going terribly. Even focusing on defense and self preservation, the Majin was just stronger, faster and possessed of a breadth of techniques beyond Gohan's own. A combination of the childish imagination and creativity of a pair of rambunctious brats and the tempered, battle-forged tactics, strategy and techniques of Piccolo, honed through decades of training well beyond almost anyone else's, had resulted in Majin Buu just plain being one or several steps ahead of Gohan at all moments.

This meant that although it was going better than their first bout, it wasn't by much, and Gohan was already sporting a torn up outfit from the blasts he had taken, and a myriad wounds, in merely minutes after the battle restarted.

"What's wrong, little boy!?" Buu called, laughing openly, "do you need daddy to come and save you again?"

Gohan grit his teeth. "You won't be laughing soon, Majin Buu," Gohan spoke, panting, "because father is training up... you took advantage of Goten and Trunks, of their naivete, and you absorbed them... but it won't work against them. They're hardened warriors, they'll come back and they'll defeat you," Gohan spoke, raising his fists once more as Buu hovered above him, in the devastated ruins of the city that Buu had leveled in his quest for sweets.

"Too bad you won't be there to see it, eh kiddo?" Buu called, raising his hands and cupping them behind his back. "Kaaameee-"

And then, pop!

His outfit suddenly changed, from the vest given to him by the fusion of Goten and Trunks, Gotenks, to Piccolo's weighted cape. All of a sudden, his power also dropped immensely.

Dropped within range of Gohan's own, in fact.

"No, no way-"

"The fusion! It ran out!" Gohan called, eyes widening. He already fucked up before, he wasn't wasting this opportunity! He charged up his ki, only to find that it wasn't anywhere near close to his peak. It might not even be enough. Majin Buu had really done a number on him. He needed to rush, charging his own Kamehameha as fast as he could, pouring everything he had into it.

"No no no this can't be you can't beat me, not like this, I refuse-" Majin Buu screeched out in a combination of anger and horror as Gohan quickly called out the name of his attack.

"KAMEHAMEHA!!!" Gohan shouted, launching his full power super kamehameha-

"Noooooooooo-" Buu screamed, bringing both hands to his head.

And then Buu was gone and the blue beam sailed past where he'd just been, past the atmosphere and losing cohesion, dissipating far out into space.

"Just kidding," the pink menace called, appearing suddenly behind Gohan... he had seen Goku perform the Instant Transmission!!!

He had learned it!

Horror dawned within Gohan as he realized...

Buu had planned for this. He had been toying around with Gohan and not killing him... of course, he had seen the fusion run out before in the first place, he knew it would! The monster was putting Piccolo's intellect and battle IQ to full use, and had successfully drawn Gohan into a state of complacency yet again. Bitter, Gohan thought about how it was true, he still hadn't truly surpassed his first teacher and friend, whose knowledge and intelligence had just been used to play him like a fiddle.

Exhausted and recovering from the kamehameha he had just launched, Gohan could do nothing as the pink jelly that comprised Buu's body lost cohesion and expanded, the gigantic mass swallowing Gohan up. The last thoughts as darkness claimed him were ones of annoyance at himself, but also of hope, as he thought of his father, and of Mister Vegeta, training in the Kaioshin realm... and hoping they would come through as he was absorbed into the pink mass, changing Buu once more, giving him the top part of Gohans' gi and his undershirt.

With roaring laughter, Buu celebrated. His intelligence had increased yet again. His strength soaring so far above where he had been before that it wasn't even a contest, his power had more than doubled from what it was with those two brats! The boy was so absurdly strong, and the nature of his power allowed Buu to bring out even more of his own! What an unusual, crazy ability... it would take time to fully and properly utilize it, but if he could do so, Buu could grow far past anything just by learning how to harness the unleashing of his hidden power.

He was, however, almost entirely alone in the world.

Perhaps it was time to start looking for the other two.

"Heads up!" two voices called in perfect unison.

And then Buu's world was rocked by the heaviest punch he had ever felt, far surpassing anything he had taken from Gohan even when he was just plain old Super Buu.

Another blond. One he didn't know. The clothes, though, they were the clothes of those two little boys when they fused.

"Who... who are you?!" Buu called in annoyance.

"I am neither Goku nor Vegeta," the blond called, pointing a finger at Buu. "I am the one who will be your destruction!"

Suddenly, he was behind Buu, who hadn't even been able to see him move. Before Buu could turn around to face him, he was bombarded by delayed attacks, as if the universe itself caught up to what had just happened, and then a multitude of blows landed on him, denting his body and twisting his shape, just in time for the blond behind him to hit him with a round house kick that had his head literally spinning in place, his neck stretching to create a spiraling double helix that humorously stretched multiple meters up.

"But you can just call me Gogeta," the cocky fusion spoke, raising both arms. "Big Bang Kamehameha!"

The attack appeared and launched in the same motion, and Buu tried to dodge it as best as he could, though just getting his right side grazed by it caused almost the entirety of the right side of his torso, his right arm and right leg, and part of his face, to be vaporized, as the attack launched off into the sky and then exploded, painting the world blue in a brillaint flash for a moment.

"You...! You'll fall, just like-"

Gogeta flashed forward and threw a spinning kick at Buu that the pink monster couldn't dodge, the overwhelming shockwave of it reducing the remaining buildings in the city to dust and sending the clouds in the sky far away, creating a clearing in the cloud cover so large it could be seen from space, and reducing Buu's own head to its constituent atoms.

The blond pulled back, and Buu took the brief reprieve to regenerate.

Only to find as his head and senses returned that the blond had raised his hand and gathered up a rainbow sphere of special ki, bigger than himself, before shrinking it down and then crushing it in his hand, following up by throwing it at Majin Buu, the sparks seemingly hitting him and doing nothing.

"Assholeeee!!!!" Buu shrieked as he flew forward, tossing a punch with all his strength, dismayed to find that it didn't even move Gogeta's hair, and then experiencing the worst pain imaginable as he was ripped to shreds from the inside, Gogeta's power coursing through him and taking him apart, destroying anything and everything that was evil within him, destroying everything that made Majin Buu the monster he was, and leaving only the good behind.

As the monster exploded in a brilliant flash of silvery light, a multitude of bodies were left behind.

Goten, Trunks, Piccolo and Gohan were the most obvious, and Gogeta quickly caught all of them in a sphere of ki.

However, two surprised him, two people in the outfits of the Supreme Kai, which he didn't know. A very big and fat man that reminded him of the first form of Majin Buu, and a huge, muscular kai with a square jaw and a red mohawk.

"Interesting..." Gogeta mused, closing his eyes. "My job here is done," he said, taking a deep breath.

"Kgh... wuz, wuz goin' on?" he heard a small, childish voice.

Of them all, first to awoken was the youngest, little Goten, and beside him, little Trunks came second. They opened their eyes and looked up to see the majestic image of Gogeta, the fusion of Goku and Vegeta, looking down upon them with a smile, one hand lit up with the same ki barrier that they were being held within.

Gogeta then carried everyone down to the ground, and the boys got up on their feet.

"Wow... woah, this is..." Trunks began.

"This is amazing! Who are you mister?!" Goten called, his eyes glittering in admiration. "You must be like, super duper strong!"

"Goten you idiot!" Trunks chastised. "Look at his clothes! He's a fusion, like Gotenks!"

"Oh! You're right!" Goten agreed, nodding. "Wait, if you're a fusion..."

Gogeta smiled at the children of both halves. "I am the fusion of Goku and Vegeta. You can call me Gogeta," he said, clenching his fist. "This is what you two should be aiming at," he said, "when you work together in your fusion."

"Ngnh... I'm, I'm up, what happened, did we win!?" Gohan asked, going into high alert mode immediately. "Wait... Dad, Mister Vegeta, is that you?" he asked.

"What's going on, what happened, where's Majin Buu!?" and then the muscular supreme kai dude was up.

And then Kibitoshin was also there. "It's- it's a long story," he said.

"Is that... Shin, is that you!? What happened? You look so different!" the fat supreme Kai said.

"Like I said, long story... a five million year story in fact..."

Long enough that Gogeta wouldn't last through all of it, in fact, but that was okay. They had time to explain to everyone what had happened.

"It's... been that long huh?"


"Oh man! Let's go, Goten! We can't waste this opportunity!"

And those two did not give one single iota of a fuck about any of that garbage.

Instead, Goten nodded with a grin, and leaped to the right as Trunks leaped to the left, creating just enough space, then perfectly executing the fusion dance alongside each other.

And within moments, Gotenks was right back there, in his bicolor hair glory, for a good few moments before he became a Super Saiyan. "We match now! If Goku is Goten's dad, and Vegeta is Trunks' dad, then Gogeta is Gotenks' dad!" he said, laughing, "I'm a genius!"

"I've awakened and all I'm hearing is the same stupidity of my nightmares," Piccolo groused as he got up as well.

"Ah, Mister Piccolo, let me quickly explain what happened," Gohan said.

While the people who were permanent existences discussed serious matters, Gogeta smirked at his son. Truly, his logic was impeccable.

Father and son, fusion and fusion, stared down each other, their saiyan blood boiling as they itched to do the sort of bonding that only their race fully understood.

"You'll want to go into the third level," Gogeta warned, "I don't have more than five minutes to play with you guys anyway," he said.

"Right!! Here I goo!" Gotenks shouted, instantly transforming, and thus, the battle was joined, a battle between two titanic powers, two fusions, father and son, enjoying their ephemeral existence, neither knowing if they would ever exist again, and taking advantage of their short time on Earth in their favorite way, trading blows with one another.

Needless to say, many, many explanations, and quite a few wishes on the Dragon Balls, would follow.
Of Gods and Fusion Fighters
"Yeah, that's right," Goku said with a chuckle. "Even as a Super Saiyan 3, I couldn't even put a scratch on Beerus!" he admitted. "I couldn't even see him move!"

"This is even worse than I feared," Vegeta growled, bringing a hand up to his face. "Then that's the only hope we have, isn't it?"

"It's the first thing I thought about. I mean, he said that he was looking for a prophecy, and that if we couldn't give him a satisfying fight," Goku said, raising his finger, "he'd destroy Earth!"

"Dammit, Kakarot!" Vegeta growled, "you know I hate using the fusion technique! The silly dance is humiliating!"

"Aw come on Vegeta," Goku said, "it worked out last time didn't it? We saved everyone!"

Not to mention Vegeta had gotten a free ticket out of hell thanks to his participation last time. By accounts of the Grand Kaioshin, Vegeta's agreement to swallow his pride and actually do the fusion dance, for the people he loved rather than to assuage his own pride, was one of the reasons why he was now considered to be a good person, and as such, was brought back alongside almost every single living being that had died to Buu, Babidi or any of his minions. Accepting his punishment, realizing the evil within and casting it away, had given him the privilege of being considered a good person, and it was symbolically represented by the same sensation he was experiencing right now.

He hated to admit it...

But he wasn't as reticent to fusing as he had been in the past.

Not only had it worked out perfectly, the truth of the matter was, he had been thinking of a birthday gift for Trunks, of swallowing his pride and asking Kakarot to fuse with him so they could have a battle as Gogeta against Gotenks as their gift to the boys... And now, now that he stood before Beerus, he found that he was ready and willing to fuse to protect his world.

"Fine!" Vegeta called. "But if this doesn't work I'm going to take it out on you!"

Goku laughed. "It'll have to be in the afterlife though, because if it doesn't work, I'm sure we're gonna die!" he spoke with a chuckle. "Alright!"

The two stepped out onto the deck of the ship where the purple cat of destruction and his attendant were stuffing themselves with the food from Bulma's birthday party, eating on par with multiple saiyans, each.

"Alright, Lord Beerus, I don't know if this is gonna be a good enough substitute for the Super Saiyan God," Goku spoke with a smile, "but this is as strong as we can get. You saw the boys and how their power raised from their fusion, now let me show you what we can do with it!"

Beerus stopped eating and wiped some sauce from his mouth, nodding with a confident smirk. He was quite happy between the food and the compliant mortals, so he had remained friendly and respectful throughout. The fact that they technically got him extra lives in the way of not one but two Kaioshin being rescued from Majin Buu had made him even more willing to be magnanimous towards them. "Alright then. Whis, save me some of those!" he called, pointing at a tray with sweet confections, which Whis was already looking at with hunger, then he pushed his chair back and began floating into the air. "Show me what you've got, Mortals, and I might just spare this world of yours!"

"Alright, ready Vegeta?"

"I'm always ready, Kakarot! You do your part correctly or I'll smack you!"

For the two martial arts masters who could memorize techniques from sight alone, the Fusion Dance was extremely easy to pull off. Despite years of not practicing it together, neither had ever forgotten it, and they executed it perfectly, while keeping their ki exactly identical, resulting in the optimum and greatest result, as the fused warrior Gogeta emerged once more, tasting the air and coming back for the first time since his defeat of Majin Buu.

"Oh? And what shall I call you?"

Gogeta smirked, closed his eyes, and then his aura burst gold. "I am Super Gogeta," he said.

"Impressive. For a mortal," Beerus amended. "You're far past the Kaioshin, probably not a single one of them could ever hope to be a match. I can see now how you could defeat Majin Buu," he said. "But that's not enough, you have more to show me, don't you?"

"Of course, Lord Beerus..." Gogeta said, nodding. "But if I transform here, this world would break apart from the stress of my power."

"That will be no problem. Whis, protect this world until we are done fighting. We'll take our battle to the high atmosphere... you can still handle the thinner air there, correct?"

"Yes, Lord Beerus," Gogeta said.

"Of course, Lord Beerus, you may fight at your leisure," Whis said.

"Good... now... let's move."

Within moments, both of them shot high up into the atmosphere, and as soon as they were at the point where it was impossible to see anything below with the naked eye, Gogeta transformed, bringing his hands forward and almost curling up before he shouted and released a wave of power so intense it could be felt across the entire universe, even in the deepest farthest reaches, bouncing into the void and off the walls at the edges of the universe, which shuddered as the tremendous power coursed through them, until it was suddenly calm.

And thus, high above Earth stood Gogeta, his eyebrows gone, his hair lengthened to below his butt, falling in a cascade of golden spikes, and his muscles inflated ever so slightly. Gogeta grabbed at his vest and pulled it off, tossing it away. With his muscles enhanced as they were, it was actually a size too small for him.

"Unbelievable. To think a Mortal could achieve this level..." Beerus chuckled. "You're no God, but you might just do for my rival after all!"

They accelerated and clashed.

Gogeta knew he didn't have much time. With the amount of power he was leaking, he had a time limit of five minutes, at absolute most, before his existence came undone.

Their first clash lasted a minute and twelve seconds. Nine hundred and fifteen planets, uninhabited, were casualties of the first punch that Gogeta landed on Beerus' cheek, as the shockwave traveled across the universe.

They traded blows at speeds that far eclipsed light, the universe cracking and shattering, unable to cope with and resist the attacks they traded with one another, cracks in the crystalline fabric of reality appearing at first, then the walls of time shattering as they traded more blows. Their clash was broken by Beerus punching Gogeta into a rift in space and time, and entering it.

There, between the infinite void of nothing and the crystalline masses of solidified time, they clashed once more, and this time, Gogeta seemed to have the upper hand at first, tossing Beerus around, grabbing him by the tail and using him as a flail, destroying a huge crystal and then tossing him into another one, following up with a big bang kamehameha that put Beerus through several more before exploding, but it was exploded by a sphere of orange energy that rapidly shot towards Gogeta, who had no time to dodge, so he blocked it and grabbed it, using his own techniques, that neither Vegeta nor Goku could copy on their own, and dissipating it as best as he could, all the accumulated knowledge of energy manipulation from both halves coming in handy... only to see that as the sphere dissipated, Beerus was right on top of him.

Again they clashed, and their fists hit one another so hard that it seemed like even this dimension couldn't hold them, and Gogeta was thrown back, finding himself in regular space, greeting the chasing Beerus with a massive rain of blasts, taking Vegeta's favored technique to a ridiculous extreme, outputting millions of blasts within a handful of moments, though Beerus simply created a purple barrier that they dissipated against, becoming only blue and purple particles that disappeared soon after.

"Damn... that's the power of a destroyer huh?" Gogeta said, a grin on his face.

"Ho? Despite understanding how far apart we are, you only seem to be getting even more excited," Beerus said.

"Of course! I thought I'd never find someone stronger than me, let alone someone who surpasses me to that extent! How could I not be excited!?" Gogeta almost gushed. "Your power is incredible, Lord Beerus, I can't even imagine its true depths... you're not even using half of it, no, even less than thirty percent!"

"Even more impressive, to get a gauge and a handle on my power so accurately, despite being incapable of feeling my god ki," Beerus said, shaking his head. "A shame you're such a short lived being, I really could use a rival such as you," he said. "But this is the end. Before you two split once more, I will impress upon you the true magnitude of the power of a God of Destruction!!" he called, raising both hands above his head, and charging up an immense orange sphere. "This is it! This is the end for you! If you don't stop this, it's the end for your planet as well!! Prove to me that the prophecy was real, show me the rival I dreamed of, Gogeta!!!" Beerus roared, as he threw the sphere forward with both hands.

Gogeta looked up at it and smirked, extending both hands to his sides.

This was it.

He charged up every single bit of ki he had. Goku could not control the Super Saiyan 3 transformation well enough to power up in this form, and instead, would just lose power while using it. Gogeta didn't have that problem. A vastly stronger body coupled with the added experience and knowledge of Vegeta was enough to make the problems of Super Saiyan 3, its detrimental qualities, reduced to the point that it was an actually practical form for him, if one ignored the five minute time limit...

And now, he was using all of that knowledge, all of that power, and converging it in his hands, utilizing Vegeta's most powerful and greatest technique, created solely to let out all of his power at once in a single, solitary blast that could overwhelm even existences that would only see him as a bug.

A sphere of Ki appeared in each hand.

And of course, it was improved, optimized and enhanced thanks to the knowledge Goku brought to the table. Vegeta's raw talent tempered by the enviable training Goku had received. A shining flash of brilliance polished and enhanced by fifty years of work crystallized into a single technique. On his left hand, a yellow sphere. On his right, a blue one.


Gogeta brought both hands together in front of himself, and the sphere combined into a shaking, crackling and sparkling yellow sphere, bolts of blue energy coursing through it, and the color beginning to change rapidly as both energies swirled together until the blast began to shine a beautiful cyan color, with an overwhelming yellow corona around it that obscured Gogeta's hands as he pulled them back, cupping them behind his back, "Ka...me...ha...me..!!"

Beerus grunted and put even more power behind his attack, pushing it forward faster.


And then, there was a blue guy in the middle, and both attacks dissipated into nothing as he poked one of them with his finger, the other with the butt of his staff, before they connected with one another.

"Excuse me, Lord Beerus, Gogeta," he said, "but if I allowed those attacks to clash, then the entire universe would've been destroyed immediately," he said, "and therefore, my mission of protecting the planet would've been impossible to carry out."

There was a moment's pause.

Goku and Vegeta instantly split apart as Gogeta had consumed everything he had.

And then both them and Beerus were laughing their asses off at the most anticlimactic and blueballing conclusion to a battle ever, Goku and Vegeta laughing until they passed out, both of their bodies drifting across the high atmosphere, both completely beat to shit and out of energy, to the point their lives were in danger.

"It's fine, I saw enough," Beerus said. "Whis. These two... If I saw it right, when they were fused, they were capable of manipulating my god ki, to a limited extent..." he said, chuckling. "Perhaps the Super Saiyan God isn't born, but rather, made," he said. "Don't you think?"

"Oh, I do believe you might have the right of it, Lord Beerus. I saw it with my own eyes as well," he said.

"Well then. Let's go back down and eat some more... heal them up on the way," Beerus called, waving his hand.

And much food and rejoicing would be had, as Beerus declared that Earth had earned its continued existence thanks to the efforts of Goku and Vegeta, and the fused entity known as Gogeta. There was a little bit of an issue when it came time for them to go to the world of the God of Destruction, as Beerus made it a point to tell them they would be expected to come together, and that they would, indeed, be training not just as individuals, but also as a singular fused being, which Vegeta initially protested.

"It's for emergencies, I refuse to be fused to this clown for any other reason!" Vegeta would argue, time and time again...

But would eventually comply, in the end, as maintaining Beerus entertained with regular battles with Gogeta to show off their progress was paramount for their continued training. Thus, did their time there go on, as they worked on achieving the legend that far surpassed the regular Super Saiyan, the Super Saiyan God, and much to Vegeta's grumbling, they did indeed achieve it first as the fused fighter Gogeta, and thanks to the experience, could learn it much more rapidly as separate fighters.

As these two trained, however, in the depths of space, an old enemy was preparing his return...
(What if Goku and Vegeta used the Fusion Dance against Buu?) Uhh this isn't really a what if as they did use fusion against Majin Buu in Canon. As it doesn't really seem to matter to me if they use the earrings or not. as earrings are just a way to get it done faster. As is practically the same transformation.
(What if Goku and Vegeta used the Fusion Dance against Buu?) Uhh this isn't really a what if as they did use fusion against Majin Buu in Canon. As it doesn't really seem to matter to me if they use the earrings or not. as earrings are just a way to get it done faster. As is practically the same transformation.

Ah, but it's not. Gogeta is slightly weaker than Vegito, but he's got moves Vegito doesn't; in this case, Stardust Breaker, which works like the Devilmite Beam in that it only destroys evil. One reason Gogeta ended up losing in his Death Battle match with Vegito is because he wasted power trying to use Stardust Breaker on Vegito - who, due to having the pure-hearted Goku as part of his makeup, is immune to it.

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