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Wily Quest: The year is 21XX. This makes no sense.

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The Beginning
Skull Castle GO!
Dinoman is no Dinobot
DespraJoe is born
A Junkyard Boy


No one remembers who I am anymore.
Mar 10, 2013
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The Beginning
Skull Castle GO!
Dinoman is no Dinobot
DespraJoe is born
A Junkyard Boy
You Hacked The Internet
More Upgrades
I'm Bubbleman, As seen in Dreams
Even The Porn
I'm not a Dentist

Wily Traits and Skills.
Inspiration- When something catches your eye. You make a robot master. Be it a sword, a pump, or even a pile of bones. You can make a robot master out of it.

Understanding- When it comes to understanding robots and machines. There is pretty much no one that can match you. If you can get your hands on it, You can upgrade it or use it to upgrade your own stuff.

Robot Master- You know what makes a Robot tick. You can get Robot Masters to join you via Charisma. When it comes to Robot Masters. Your Charisma is ranked EX.

Master of Mass Production- You build faster then you have any right to do. The shear production scale you operate on literally dwarves most countries.


Basic Met

Basic Sniper Joe
++Targeting System +Bouncing shot.

Robot Masters~ The true heroes of the world.
Helmet shaped like a T-Rex skull.
His Left arm is a modular weapon in the shape of a Trihorn dinosaur skull. It's forms are normal hand, Buster, Shield and Offensive Twin Knife mode.
Right arm however is where the Special Weapon is contained. It allows him to fire off Bone bits that turn into raptor heads and attack. They are rather fragile however and do break after one attack. However you've found something interesting. They can move under the sand rather well and that can be used to DinoMan's advantage. The disregarded pieces will form into a bone raptor once enough parts are on the ground.

Special Weapon
Bone Crusher
Bone Rush
Bone Grasp

None yet.

Creation~ HydroMan.

For HydroMan you took the rather large condenser and literally mircosized it to fit inside of a backpack. You added a little clear plastic thing on the top. Mostly because watching the water form inside of it was just plan interesting. What? It's not like you don't have sense of anesthetics. From the backpack you have two output hoses that attach to his arms. They are attached by what looks to be a gold coin shaped linkups. It's mostly for decoration but again it's not like you care. More importantly is how the water actually leaves the system. You actually designed a system that allows it to come out of it's hands. Much like Megaman's Variable tools. Switching from hand to High Pressure Blast or whatever attachment you decide to fix on. His head reminds you slightly of a roman gladiators helmet mixed with a scuba divers mask.

HydroMan is perfectly fine in depths of up to nearly a mile underwater if need be. It helps that he's capable of equalizing Water pressure around him.

And speaking of water, the ways that he can manipulate it is interesting. Besides the obvious blasts he can produce, he's capable of making slicing waves by changing how the holes in his hands form. Another interesting trick is the Water Wrecking Ball. Which is weird. The condenser shouldn't be able to produce water outside of HydoMan but it's an acceptable result. It's not like you can take him apart and figure out why he can do it. Well you could. But you don't want to.

Special Weapon
Hydro Cannon
Whipping Wave
Hydro Wrecker

None yet.

Now to get on to repairing CrushMan as you renamed him.

Electromagnet. It's an interesting part. You could do so much with it. Magnetic pull or push. Effectively create a Tesla Coil sort of effect.


You did both.

Each of his hands has the capability to either push or pull with massive amounts of force. Combining them together for more force. Or simply ripping things apart via conflicting forces. You added a stylized N and S to the palms of his hand just for a bit of fun. You also gave him a pair of small tesla coils on his shoulders. Mostly because you liked the arcing. The ability to hit things with a bolt of electricity is just a small side benefit.

Besides this he looks way too much like MetalMan.

However that resemblance did give you an idea~

CrushMan is also capable of small scale levitation.

Special Weapon
Magnet Beam
Tesla Bolt

You have an idea~
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Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[] Armies of mechanical men
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Mechanical Self augmentation
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Armies of mechanical men

Still going to the Wily option, because it is still win.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Mechanical Self augmentation

Behold the GLORIOUS EVOLUTION! For STEEL can fix ALL your Flaws!!! Heheheh
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Armies of mechanical men.

Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Magitek weaponry.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Mechanical Self augmentation
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Masterpiece

One masterpiece will carve through an infinite army of robots, and come out the other side with a bunch of new powers.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Armies of mechanical men.

All hail our robot overlords.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Mechanical Self augmentation
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Mechanical Self augmentation

The flesh is weak. It must be replaced.
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Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.


Cyborg is shit. Why do we want to do the heavy lifting ourselves? We should be the master of robot masters.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

Chibi-Reaper said:

Cyborg is shit. Why do we want to do the heavy lifting ourselves? We should be the master of robot masters.
Mostly because I just decided to watch One Piece: Z. I'm currently interested in cyborgs. Also, it could lead to brain augmentation as well.
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Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[] Armies of mechanical men

Who took our designs? What were they? Why the hell did they ignore the guy who made all these designs?
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[x] Army OF Mechanical Men.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

Chibi-Reaper said:
Cyborg is shit. Why do we want to do the heavy lifting ourselves? We should be the master of robot masters.
Who said we had to do it ourselves? Ever heard of a servitor?
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Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

Nay shall we be a scrambling bucket of bolts and brandied, broken, beaten scrap.

No We shall be nothing less than THE VIKTOR!


Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

Your name is Jack.. John... Jacob? You don't know. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are a GENIUS. And those fools robbed you. FOOLISH FOOLS. They stole all of your designs. ALL of them.

Well not quite.

They stole your masterpieces. You still have your lesser work. Servitor bots meant for labor mostly.

You may not have much, but you are a genius.

And they didn't take that. You can continue to think and build. All you need is time. They'll forget about the man they stole from.

And when they do.

You'll show them. You'll show them all.

But first you need to sleep. You've been up for who knows how long.

You dream of

[] Armies of mechanical men

[] Making a new masterpiece better then all of the others.

[] Converting worthless people into your new army.

[] Supersoldiers

[] Magitek weaponry.

[] Undead roaming ever consuming.

[] Mechanical Self augmentation

Calling it.

[X] Armies of mechanical men.

Mode Set.

Dr. Albert "Motherfucking" Wily.

Other choices were.
Eggman, Bushizima, Dr Light. Dr. Alex Mercer. Dr. Clover from BlazBlue Viktor from Lol
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Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

I liek Alex Mercer
He's fun.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] Armies of mechanical men.

You dream of your creations. Robots in many forms. Fighters, Builders, Transporters. A robot for every thing you can think of.

You awaken from your sleep and remember.

You are Dr. Albert Wily.


It took a while. But you managed to finish your fortress. Now to build up your forces and get revenge. You army isn't going to build itself. Well it could if you build the right robots.


Makerman? Nah. You'll think up a better name later.

But first strategy. It's not like you can just send off an army of Mets and get back your designs that way. Not that you are going to just get back your designs, you are taking years of interest as well. Plus any improvements to robotic technology you see.

What? You know that people can improve your stuff. It's not like they'd just toss it out when it became outdated right? Right?

Twelve of your designs were stolen. Twelve masters. Plus whatever they could scavenge from your home. Your poor Mets will never be the same. The brutality of it. Making them watch as their siblings were taken apart. The Savages.

Before you get into a rant you'll categorize what you have.

No aquatic or flying robots.


But you have plenty of ground based ones.


The good old Met.

One of your favorites.

And of course Sniper Joe.

What? You said you had plenty of ground based units. You didn't say you have plenty of types.

You can work on that. Or you could just upgrade them as much as you could.


You'd rather just have a lot of types.

But first before you get onto that you've got to figure out your targets.

[] The Volcanic City
[] The Green Gem of the Jungle
[] The Atlantis of the Desert
[] The Sunken City
[] The City in the Clouds
[] The Endless Mine

You aren't quite sure where the other six designs are. Whatever, You'll figure it out as you go. Surely they'll know where the other designs are.

And Lately you've been inspired. You have a new idea. You're finally ready to create a new robot master.

So what's inspired you.

[] Sword
[] Ice
[] Wind
[?] Write in

AN: Well that's the longest thing I've written in a while.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] The Atlantis of the Desert

[X] Dinosaur Bones
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] The Atlantis of the Desert

[X] Dragons
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] The Atlantis of the Desert

[X] Dinosaur Bones
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] The Atlantis of the Desert
[X] Dinosaur Bones

Some fucker actually went and stole from Willy ? Seriously ? Are they suicidal or something ?
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] The Atlantis of the Desert
[X] Dinosaur Bones

Also for our builder robots: Craftsmen.
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

[X] The Atlantis of the Desert

[X] Dragons
Re: MAD Science: Why you don't mess with the good Doctor.

Ok Guys we need to plan our targets wisely.

Gotta Assume our masers may be standing against us. We need to pick our new master and our target carefully.

We only have ground units for the fodder so our target should hinder them the least. No Sending hte ICe Type into a Volcano and all.

I think we should go.
[X]Endless Mine

Armored Armadillo is Classic. And the Terrain works good for Mets and Joes. WE could even make a Bat or sword type there or a light type.

Everywhere else seem to have prohibitive terrain.
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Re: Wily Quest: Isn't Stealing Robot Masters, Your thing?

[X] The Atlantis of the Desert

[X] Dinosaur Bones
Re: Wily Quest: Isn't Stealing Robot Masters, Your thing?

[X] The Green Gem of the Jungle
[X] Wind

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