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Wish upon the Stars (Original Superhero cultivation sci fi litrpg)

chapter 712 New
Nemal's charge was even faster than the last time. I had State of Grace active, but I knew for a fact it wouldn't be enough on its own. As usual though, techniques were the answer to my problems. Where Skills could and would let me down, techniques and my unusually developed Path were the keys to this fight, and Mephisto's Waltz traveled far more quickly than would normally be possible for someone my rank.

Combined with State of Grace, the space eating explosive power of the Waltz was at its best, and I was still using Afterburner on top of that, giving me some serious speed as I circled the mechanical monster I was fighting.

While the original armor had been blocky and dense, the repairs had shifted the suit from something like a giant robot to something more…alien. The metal was warped and twisted, almost biological in some ways, and too alien to process in others. Strange angles and shapes that weren't shapes marked the intersection of flesh and device, and as I watched, the more fleshlike metal sections actually expanded slowly, consuming Nemal.

This Domain was unusual, at least compared to the others I'd seen. Different Domains followed different stories, and from what I could tell, this was a Domain of repair and improvement. Rather than give direct combat power, it was designed to reinforce the user.

And it was…reinforcing him every second he stood still, grasping arms of mechanical artifice shooting from the ground when his advance paused. He couldn't see me exactly, but he could sense me somewhat. Imprecise as it was, it was damned dangerous. He kept getting faster and stronger, and while there had to be a limit, the Domain was constantly moving the needle.

It took five minutes before I found my opening. At the end of a lunge he'd tried to make a surprise, he spun with just the wrong timing, and the Cosmic Collapse was loosed.

This time I didn't bother with the back. I hit the one original part of his body. I detonated the attack right in his fucking face. The scream made it worse. Some of the corrosion went into his mouth, down his throat, and he choked on his own melting palate as he clawed at his face. Falling to a knee, he slammed his head into the ground, the arms rising to try to fix the damage.

I started hitting him. Nothing huge or powerful, but lots of small corrosive taps as I blurred around him, dodging attacks. The black flame acid combination of these two forms was still deadly, even without charge time, it was just slower.

Of course, he had a counter to it. His Domain repaired the damage as it spread, so it was a back and forth. Damage versus repair. Finally though, he realized what I already knew. I could keep doing this, keep stacking the attacks, and there was only so long he could maintain this Domain for.

Domains were powerful and versatile abilities, but they were also exhausting to the soul. Domain seeds like this one provided a powerful environment that boosted the Path, allowing for techniques beyond what that person's Fantasy would allow.

Nemal's Path was one of self repair and evolution, similar to Benny's in some ways. But he couldn't use it forever, and these powerful self repair techniques had to be straining him already. Aside from the limitations it put on future advancement, that strain was one of the reasons smart people with long term goals didn't create Domains early.

Much like Skills, a Domain needed to be suitable to you in order to minimize the strain. People like Bethy, who shared a racial trait with a genius who had consumed thousands of powerful Ascendants, were the lucky few. This guy definitely didn't warrant personal attention from his god, and the Domain couldn't be a good fit for him.

With the timer counting down, all he could do was to rush me, try his best to attack me. His fists blurred out, cracking the air and shaking the building as his sharp, jerky combat style covered as much ground as possible with as few openings as he could make.

It was a brutal, efficient style, obsessed with economy of motion to an absurd degree. It was like looking at an abstract painting of someone fighting. Strange poses and positions that somehow left him protected as he tried to sweep the whole Domain to take me apart, to break me before he lost this battle of attrition.

After about two minutes, I lost my ability to avoid completely. He attacked me in such wide swaths with such strange movements there was no way to dodge.

Luckily for me, that wasn't what these forms were about. I wasn't even sure that Mornax could tank this flurry of blows, but taking them on directly wasn't the name of the game. While Mephistopheles was my brute force form, Belial was not, and the two in combination gave me far more options than either did alone.

My powerful, amplified blows combined with Belial's mastery of leverage and deflection were my redoubt from the steel storm of burning writhing limbs. Each blow knocked off course by explosions of black flames as I ate up ground, shifting and moving as I dodged and wove together a dance of deflection and misdirection.

I'd spent so much time since I got here running and hiding. Holed up waiting for my chance to strike, preparing to make my move…and what had it gotten me?

Valk might be dead, Cicero might be with him. Callie was stuck in space as Travis, who had murdered our friend and broken my wife's heart, ran amok on my home planet, hurting and terrorizing MY people to his heart's content. And I was supposed to…what? Slip away again? Wait for reinforcements so I could run?

I couldn't stand it. Wouldn't allow it. This was my HOME. MY planet. These fucking heathen psychopaths couldn't just come here and push me around. The angrier I got, the more it fed into the black flames of hatred raging through me. The more the form seemed to resonate with me. I WAS Mephistopheles. Destruction made manifest.

Not just that. I was Belial. The deceiver, the lord or lies. I was never where he expected me, never did what I was supposed to. He was stronger than me, faster than me, more durable than me. Nemal was my better in every conceivable way.

I didn't give a fuck. Combat wasn't math. This wasn't some video game where I subtracted his damage output from my health points. This was my city. My planet. My world. He was just visiting, but he'd made a mistake coming here. You don't chase the devil into hell. Not if you want to keep you free will.

The more we danced, the more he fell into my Waltz, the more I could see the strings. He was like a puppet, jerking to and fro exactly as I wanted him to. My staff landed hard at ket point of his body whenever he moved, the corrosion leaking into him even more deeply, absorbing into his metallic body like water into a sponge.

Arms tried to repair, to counteract, but he couldn't sit still long enough. I felt…like a calamity. Like a force of nature. And suddenly, it clicked. I realized what had changed, what was different. All my techniques were single form moves. Some of them weren't form dependants, and I could shove two kinds of energy into them, like the cosmic collapse.

But I didn't have any DUAL form techniques. Not really. Not like this. The image was missing. Every single technique was a story. A legend of its own. And the stories of Belial and Mephistopheles weren't compatible with each other.

Except. They were. Because much like me and Benny, or me and Callie, they shared a connection. A root. A home. I felt the Waltz bridge the gap in a strange way, the dance the last little ingredient to wrap my head around what was necessary to bring all this power and emotion and intent into one crystallized concept.

"First Circle of Hell." I hissed in rage. "Limbo."

The hell of the undecided. The pit of desolation where dwell the uncertain and confused. Misdirection to shape perception, power to enforce the viewpoint. Even the Moonlight Night around us, the overlay, and the Eye of Revelation that shaped my understanding were part of it.

He sense the change, and I could almost see his mounting horror as it affected him. "Stop." Grated the invader. "Please!" His jerky alien martial art had been disrupted, his movements were growing stranger, small shifts in stance and posture, limbs jerked slightly out of line by pulses of black flame. In my Eye of Revelation a dozen spots appeared, ranging from green to dark angry red. I recognized them for what they were. Weaknesses to be exploited.

My staff smashed into the reddest spots, channeling torrents of corrosion and dark flame into the body. The arms flailed, trying to fix him, but his body shifted out of the way unwillingly. Limbo wasn't just about finding weaknesses, it was about MAKING them. I wasn't killing the invader, he was killing himself on my staff, step by step.

Limbs began to buckle and weaken, screams echoing through the fog as I slowly dissected my enemy, an alien sense of glee pervading my mind as the hatred and destruction mixed with the deception and manipulation into a dangerous cocktail of sadistic cheer at the thought of the fear and pain I was inflicting.

I was so lost in the sensation that I almost missed the alarm through the bond. Almost. My wife's fear and pleading struck me like a hammer blow, and I stopped on a dime. My staff was a split second from another strike, and as I regained my clarity, I realized that there was no more repairing going on.

Nemal was curled on the ground, twisted and broken, the Domain shattered. He wasn't screaming anymore, just whimpering. I let the fog break, washing it away as I stowed my staff in my ring.

That had been…awful. Like concentrated recursion pumping right into my brain. I'd done something wrong, something I shouldn't have done. There was no other explanation for that mental state. What exactly WAS Limbo? It wasn't a technique, not really. I'd thought it was, but something about it felt…different.

It hurt. My soul was in pain, not like the regular kind of pain from overstraining it either. I felt like I'd violated some kind of rule of the universe. Like I'd done something unnatural. Tried to flex a muscle I didn't have to lift something too heavy for me.

A hand landed on my shoulder, and I spun to attack, but froze when I saw who it was. Benny was behind me, face worried. I fell forward, and he grabbed me, hoisting me over his shoulder. He grimaced down at Nemal, then with a short, brutal motion, stomped down on the whimpering man's neck.

The body went limp, pain ceasing, and I let out a sigh of relief. I should have just cut my forms, but I wasn't sure that would have been enough. Death was kinder.

Benny carried me to the security door, pounding on it roughly. An intercom came alive, and talking ensued, but I wasn't processing. I was in my head, with Callie's presence wrapped tight around me, whispering in my mind that everything was going to be ok.

My vision started to go fuzzy after that, and it was a welcome relief. My part was done, now the evacuation would take us back to the fortress, and I could have Callie ask my mom what the actual fuck had just happened to me. Because I was terrified if I didn't find out, it would happen again, and I wasn't sure even my wife would be able to pull me back from the pit of horrible sadism I'd just been submerged in. The worries melted away as I blacked out completely. I'd have to deal with that problem when I woke up. For now, I had earned a rest.
chapter 713 New
I came back to consciousness in bed. My head was fuzzy, my body hurt, and I felt…off. Not like I had before at the Unity building. Less urgent. Like I'd wrenched my neck and every movement twinged, except in this case my neck was my soul. I groaned quietly as I sat up, and was immediately flooded with anxiety and relief.

Not MY anxiety and relief mind. Callie was in my head, her terror that I'd seriously and permanently injured myself like a jagged piece of glass in my mental eye. I couldn't think through the worry. As soon as she noticed that, she retracted the emotions, clamping down on the bond, and I sent a wave of love and comfort on the heels of her retreating panic.

"You're up." Said my best friend's voice in relief. "Good. You've been out for hours. We had no clue how to check what was wrong, and since everyone who might have been able to tell us isn't here, we were kind of stuck. Bethy seemed to have an idea what was going on though, and told us you would recover."

The vampire looked worried. "I said I was pretty sure. It seems a little like soul strain. But also recursion? You can get past both of those though. How do you feel?"

"Like someone just kicked my soul in the throat with steel toed boots on." I groaned. "But I am recovering. I'll check with Zeke and mom about this, but I don't think I can stay in Callie's head to talk to them."

The darkness in the room shifted, and I blinked in surprise as the shadow sculpted forms of my wife, mother, and uncle manifested in front of us. "You won't have to." Said Callie bluntly. "I'll handle the load for this conversation. Just let me work through your eyes, and relax, ok? Sasha came up with this workaround."

My mother's shadow form smiled worriedly at me. "How is your head, sweetheart? Are your thoughts muddled? Do you feel angry?"

"Not especially." I shrugged. "Confused and a little exasperated with myself. I take it I did something stupid."

"No stupider than usual." Said Zeke helpfully. "You just happened to run afoul of consequences this time. Apparently even your stupid luck isn't endless. You very nearly killed yourself. Or turned yourself into a lunatic. Which would have meant one of US would have had to kill you, so same thing."

My blood went cold. "So…Bethy was right? That was recursion? Why did it hit me like that?"

Zeke rolled his eyes. "See, this is why I despair for your future. You have all the information at your fingertips, but you don't put it together. Fine then, lets take it from the top. What did you do in your fight?"

I shrugged. "I made a technique. But like…not exactly. Sort of a mashup of techniques that I used to claim…ownership…of an area." I groaned. "I made a Domain."

"Nope, because if you had you would be dead." Corrected my uncle.

I flinched. "What? I know making a Domain early is bad, but it's not IMPOSSIBLE. Bethy has one."

"Bethy has a Domain based on an established legend. A Domain her father carries the weight of for her." He corrected me. "That's perfectly feasible, if a bad idea for long term growth. Your Domain wasn't like that, was it?"

I ran back over my thought process. It hadn't been. I'd even noted it while it was happening. How Mephistopheles and Belial didn't fit together. That had been part of why I had CHOSEN Mephistopheles. Zeke had implied a while ago that tapping into an established legend could help me later on. But I'd also learned that no one of consequence formed a Domain with a premade legend.

Mephistopheles was my solution to that. Introducing a disparate element meant that I was the originator of the legend of Solomon, at least the one about ME. Since the disparate thread meant I wasn't forming a Domain using the legend of the Ars Goetia… I paused. "What happens when you try to form a Domain of your own too early."

"A Path is a connection between the soul and the stats. Or more accurately, between the soul and belief of others. It allows you to leverage one with the other." My mother said patiently. "The reason Domains are formed on either a stable and realized story, or on a Saga, is because that foundation keeps that belief from affecting your soul directly." She waited for me to work through that on my own.

"So…I tried to form a Domain without a condensed Path in the form of a Chronicle or Saga and the weight fell on my soul directly, exposing it to contamination from my legend? Like…hyper concentrated recursion?" I sounded out the process in my head.

She shook her head. "No. You would be dead. Or insane. Like your uncle said. There IS a way to form something like a Domain at a lower rank. It's called a Pseudo Domain. A Chronicle would have been enough to handle that weight, but you don't have one. You formed a Pseudo Domain before forming your Chronicle."

"Even that should have killed you." Said Zeke bluntly. "But your bond let Callie leech off some of the damage, and then her influence let you shake off the recursion. Thank your wife kid, because she saved your absurdly lucky little neck."

I smiled adoringly at the shadow construct of Callie, who was staring at me in helpless grief. It took a second to tap the bond and feel what she was feeling, and less than a hundredth that time to cross the room and put my arms around her. "This is not your fault." I said sternly as I pulled back, holding her by the shoulders.

"I made you go to Rajak." She said quietly. "I knew there was a trap waiting there. We both did. It was common sense. But I guilted you into going anyway, and you almost died. I wanted to confirm my brother was safe, even if I don't care about my father and Annie, and I completely ignored your safety to do it."

I rolled my eyes. "Oh get over yourself." She blinked at me. "What? You think I wasn't going to hit Rajak anyway? The biggest concentration of E-rankers on the planet? That was the endgame no matter what. We NEED those E-rankers for the assault on Wintervale. We can't get the cold storage without them."

"But I-" She tired to interrupt, glowering at me.

"Was worried about your family." I interrupted. "I get it. And they're MY family too now. Eric is an innocent. A little kid with no sins on his head that needed help. A BLOOD relative of my wife. Annie pisses you off, but she's the mother of your half sibling, and hate him or not, your dad is still your dad. Just because he's a toxic biohazard dumpster fire of a person doesn't mean you want to know he died if you could have stopped it."

She swallowed hard, eyes misting with tears. "I don't know what I would have done if something happened to you." She whispered. "Especially if it was my fault."

"Well good thing it didn't." I said with a shrug. "I'm far too lucky and stupid to die. It's the perfect combination of traits to ensure I make it to my next disaster. You're stuck with me until I accidentally fail my way into godhood, I'm afraid."

She burst into a fit of nearly psychotic giggles. "That description does NOT help me feel better."

"I think I kind of knew what I was doing." I said slowly. "Not consciously. But the Pseudo Domain I made was a VERY small part of the whole. I made the first circle of hell, and that's only a ninth of the entire realm. Hell, maybe even less. This is MY hell after all. A brand new Domain based on my own legend. Maybe it has even more parts. Thirteen sounds good."

My fatewalker Path might have been pushing me just far enough off course to prevent me from dying or going crazy. "All I know is that I was fucked. I didn't have the power to take on that Domain. It was a god level Domain seed, and my normal tricks and techniques weren't working. I was going to die if I didn't pull out all the stops."

"You're not the first Ascendant to do something stupid and dangerous to survive." My mom admitted. "But you need to stop. Don't use that technique again. The next time you might not be so lucky. At least hold off until you form your Chronicle. That small measure of protection should be enough to make it at least survivable."
I hesitated, only to be interrupted by a shadowy hand upside the back of my head. "Your response to that request should be 'yes mother' you absolute dipshit." Spat Callie. "If you die and leave me a widow, or worse, force me to fucking KILL your rabid corpse, I am going to SUMMON you from the dead and seal your soul into a pair or fucking boots, in which I will walk through every sewer in the universe one by one until you apologize properly."

I put my hands up in surrender. "I got it." I said placatingly. "No Limbo. No pseudo domains. I still have another few forms to create anyway. I'll patch any deficiencies with those until I form my Chronicle."

"Which you shouldn't try to do until D-rank." My mother cut in. "It won't be as strong if you do it before the watershed. Not to mention you should complete and perfect all nine forms before you condense your Skill. Don't rush. Which I know is an alien concept to you, but you're FAR ahead of where you should be. Take your time."

Callie nodded approvingly. "What she said. Except with more threats. And maybe a joke or two." She pulled me against her. "I can't lose you. Not ever. And especially not now after we just committed to spending our lives together. I demand you become a god and live forever so I never have to see you die."

"That's the plan." I said with a laugh. "But you better keep up. I'll never let you live it down if I beat you to divinity."

She snorted, burying her head in my chest, and we sat there for a minute or two, just holding each other, feeling the love and support that only the bond could give us. Finally, she stepped back, letting out a long breath.

"I'll be coming back planetside before you move out. Which will NOT be soon." She said firmly. "A week at least, and I want regular checkups with Jessie and exposure to Benny. You need to be in top form for this. Until then, I'll stay here on overwatch. I want to make sure we have up to the minute information, or something close to it, for our final push."

I nodded sadly. The shadow was nice, but I missed Callie. Sleeping without her next to me made me feel off balance. I was so used to her being by my side. I could function, but it didn't feel right. I needed her back.

She took my hands, squeezing them tightly. "I know." She said softly. "Me too. But I'll be back with you soon. We'll kick the shit out of Travis, break the Labyrinth, and then have our godsdamned RECEPTION because we STILL haven't gotten to eat that fucking cake. I stashed it in my ring before we left. Shadow teleportation comes in handy at last."

I laughed, enjoying the way her face lit up at the thought of finally getting to celebrate our wedding. Plus she was right, I really wanted to try some of that fucking cake. Just one more sin Travis needed to answer for. And he was going to be paying with interest.
chapter 714 New
Things got surprisingly quiet after the big rescue. Or rather, we entered the calm before the storm. Our raid was echoing through the entire planet like thunder, and all of Callie's reports mentioned the aftereffects. Millions of tiny skirmishes, F-rankers and some of the few E-rankers we'd left in place taking any shots they could at their oppressors, more than a few managing to actually kill some of the vanished gods followers.

Of course, there was a lot more unhappy endings than happy ones. For every F-ranker who managed to take out a Wendigo, there were a dozen who got torn apart in front of their friends and allies.

Weirdly, that didn't seem to dissuade as much as enflame them. More incidents took place every day, and the number of enemies had dropped from about a thousand to something like six hundred and fifty. A colossal number of Wendigos and quite a few of their main force had been whittled away, and I'd gotten a LOT of the credit. I was more than happy to take the huge infusion of renown that might be one of the last boosts I got during this debacle.

At least…in the abstract. I was having a bit of trouble with exactly how this huge swing in popularity had come about. Namely, the absolute massacre I'd affected in G-district.

"You shouldn't let it get to you like this." Sighed Callie's voice in my head. "You know you did what you needed to do. You didn't pick this fight, they did, and they're even now hurting our people You did the right thing."

I laughed hollowly. "I know. I trust your moral compass more than my own. But it's harder to shrug off mass murder than having to put down somebody trying to actively kill me. Especially after that nightmare at the Unity building. Being in that headspace, feeling that satisfaction as I essentially tortured someone to death, that makes me sick. The justification for the massacre rings a bit hollow given how horrible that incident was."

"If anything, it should be the opposite."
She sent firmly. "Those people WERE actively trying to kill you. Or at least capture you to BE killed. Every one of them followed you down there with that express intention. Killing all of them at once must feel awful, but their deaths were quick and probably mostly painless. No time to suffer. It's a stark contrast to what that…technique did to you."

"What it made me, you mean."
I swallowed hard at the thought of it. "I was… I was a monster. And it felt GOOD. It's not even the fact that I did it that bothers me the most, bad as that sounds. I know he was an enemy and was straight up trying to kill me. It's that you felt that. I turned into the version of me that I fear becoming more than anything, and you had to watch that."

To my surprise, there wasn't even a flicker of doubt or disgust through the bond. "Recursion is a fickle bitch." She stated unequivocally. "I don't think worse of you for getting sucked into some supercharged version of it that made you get a little too vicious in a fight. That's what you did. Not who you are. I know who you are, Shane. Even if no one else does, I know better than anyone. You're the man who inspired hundreds of thousands of residents of this planet to stand up and take the fight to the enemy. To make a REAL difference in their own situation. You're a hero Shane. You're MY hero."

And she meant that. I knew it. Could feel it like I could feel the stone under my feet and the armor against my skin. It wasn't a cure all. I'd brushed aside what I'd done in the moment, but that was far more difficult inside the privacy of my own head. But it was enough. Another voice to counteract the one telling me I was an abomination. The only voice that really mattered.

I felt my body relax as I leaned back on the bed. I was still resting, the damage had taken about a week to fade, with nothing on my docket but wishes and resting. It had been extremely frustrating, but at least Callie had been keeping me company. We'd been similarly infuriated by our positions, and not being alone always helped.

This particular crisis of conscience had been brought on by my upcoming power boost. I had no clue exactly how much renown I'd gained after that mess, but all those points came soaked in the blood of…I forced myself to change my mental tone.

No reason to go back down the rabbit hole my wife had just pulled me out of. "Alright." I finally said. "I'm not going to take up all your time. I have some stats to process, and given the small percentage relative to my total, I'm not going to need help resisting the pressure. I'm sure you have your own boost to get to. Once you get back maybe we can download about our growth." I forced a tinge of competetiveness into my thoughts. "Maybe I was even able to keep up with the mighty godslayer."

She could feel my intention there, and of course, she played along. "Don't worry your pretty little head about it." She said condescendingly. "Even if you didn't catch up. I promise I won't let the big bad cultists hurt you." One of the upsides of the bond was that we always felt each other's intent. Even when she purposely gave the impression of taunting me, I got the aftertaste of joking affection. It was a subtext that never came with any verbal jabs, and one I appreciated.

Where that might normally have been borderline offensive to me, deep down, the teasing was comforting now. Progress wasn't worrying me anymore. Not after entering Limbo. Now I was more worried about consequences. She knew me well enough to know what was really bothering me, and I could feel the support through the bond. I wasn't going to lose it like that ever again. She wasn't going to let me.

I felt when she retreated from my head, taking a more remote view though not actually abandoning me. She was always with me when I needed her. Sighing, I got up from the bed and tried to…get ready.

It was stupid really. This influx of points wasn't somehow different or special because I got it from killing a bunch of people. Stats were stats. But it FELT different. Even without the baggage, it felt more portentous. Like it would change me, even though I knew that all stats changed me and this wouldn't be any different for that fact.

There was no downside to getting 'ready' though. I stretched, did some pushups, then realized my procrastination had become somewhat ridiculous and sat down with my legs crossed as I finally let the renown crash over me.

In the last week, I'd gotten four hundred and ninety points from wishes (mostly in Fantasy) so I had a decent scale to judge the changes I would be going through. Specifically, I'd accrued a staggering nine thousand, two hundred points receiving the adulation and revulsion of an entire planet of an entire captive planet and its captors.

Wishmaster candidate status. E-rank. Ability: Expert Wish- Seven times a day grant an Expert wish in return for proper compensation. Wish must be feasibly achievable by the candidate's own efforts within a three day period with current statistics.
Expert Path of the Doom Sovereign- A Solid Path toward a great destiny.

Progress to next rank:75,505/100,000
Soul strength- Sapphire Soul Body

Stored:7 shadow attacks, 10 shadow jump (seven in reserve), 10 Stealth charges, 0 fire attacks, 10 triple strenth tranq blows (ten in reserve), 0 triple strength density shifted attacks. 10 spider leg attacks (ten in reserve), 0 heal bursts (0 reserve), 3 gravity attacks, 1 shadow clone, 18 scan heals (I-rank ability so Shane can hold more)

Pet- Wolf named Jin

Financial resources: 50 E-ranked chits 41 D-ranked(worth 100 E-ranked, past master rank is a watershed)

Skills: Expert Path of the Doom Sovereign, Lesser Valtek Mastery, Intermediate Cooking Mastery, Lesser Inventing Mastery, Beginner Balam Mastery, Minor Fire Manipulation Mastery, Minor Piano Mastery, Minor Guitar Mastery, Minor First Aid Mastery, Expert Paired Dueling, Expert Dust Construction Mastery

DS Subskills. Monk: Stone Limb, Moonlit Night, Consecration of Flame, Ripple Running, State of Grace, Steam Arrow, Afterburner, Pit of Despair, Mountain Stance.

Rogue: Mercy Kill, Double Trouble, Touch of Tears, Flurry of Blows, Heavy hands, Marked for Death, False Fatality

Diviner: Overlay, Song of the Soil, Rhythm of the Wild, Eye of Revelation, Danger Sense, Piece of Mind

Goetia Staff Art:
First form- Belial. Touch of Tears, Stone Limb, Consecration of Flames

Second Form- Mephistopheles. Consecration of Flame, Afterburner, Mercy Kill, Marked for Death.
Techniques: Cosmic Collapse: comdensed sphere of black flame that explodes out one side amplifying force. Mephisto's Waltz: Movement technique, Damnatio Memoriae: causes the ground iself to dissolve best used on mountains to cause avalanches
Circle of Damnation: defensive technique through destruction

Third form- Mornax. Stone Limb, Triple Strength Density Shifting (x10 F-rank stored attacks), Mountain Stance
Fourth form - Zagan. Heal Burst, Purifying Flame, Consecration of Flame, Afterburner
Techniques: Life Nova, purifying and healing version of Cosmic Collapse.Genesis Burst: enhanced version of Life Nova designed to repair soul damage.

Fifth form- Bael. Moonlit Night, Eye of Revelation (inverted), Afterburner (full effectiveness is seven times base Perception due to stacking, can only currently stack a single stat, unlike wish power which stacks them all)

Sixth form- Beelzebub. Piece of Mind, Stone Limb, Dust Construction, Shadow Clone. Create twelve copies (thirteen versions total) of Shane, each copy able to use a single form without straining Shane's soul past the strain of the original technique, which is only slightly more of a strain than a normal form and still allows one additional form to be used without overstraining. Can't remote control the forms, but can communicate with them remotely via telepathy principles from Paired Dueling. Might and Perception stacking, most versatile and well designed form yet.

First Circle of Hell- Limbo. Belial, Mephistopheles, Moonlit Night, Eye of Revelation. A psuedo Domain of confusion and mental manipulation, distorting the senses and controlling the body.

There was so much to unpack there. Over four thousand Might, the payment for crushing hundreds of people, thousands of Focus, for pulling off a rebellion against an occupation in such a way that the average person probably thought I was a genius. And that last bit. The codification of my mistake, proof of my stupidity and short sightedness, and a lure of power I knew I couldn't follow.

I exhaled slowly. Three quarters of the way through. So close and yet so far away. I wondered how long it would be before I hit my limits. I couldn't break through here, not yet. When the formation pushed Callus over the edge though…would I be close enough to ride that wave to D-rank? And what would my life be like when I did? Without Zeke to protect and watch over me, how different would things be?"

But then…Zeke wasn't here now, was he? Hadn't been for more than a month. I'd been doing it on my own all this time, and I was still here. That thought helped center me, affirm my confidence, and steel my nerves.

Which, of course, was when the explosion rocked the fortress. I was on my feet and out the door faster than I could think, taking the nearest hallway to the parapet to figure out what was happening. When I reached the battlements, I met several of the others out there, likewise checking on the commotion.

As we looked out over the fields of several hundred Ascendants, I felt my hands curl into angry fists. "Get the civilians to the evacuation points." I ordered the nearest E-rankers. "And get me Abel and Bethy. You all know the drill." Of course, having been here for so long and reinforced so thoroughly, we naturally had plans in place for this. No rest for the wicked after all. We had a job to do.
chapter 715 New
Abel and Bethy met me up on the battlements. The rest had been sent deeper into the fortress, where we'd set up escape measures. Teleportation circles keyed to fallback positions, traps, and defensive emplacements, all courtesy of Nats (and a few my own) wishes over the last few months.

"How did they find us?" Scowled Abel. "I thought we had anti-scrying wards on this place?"

I shrugged. "Probably just tracked our movements leaving all the different cities. If anything, the fact that it took them this long is impressive. This position was never meant to last forever. We've been making too many moves. They were bound to collate all that data into a lead eventually."

Below us, dozens of Wendigos scaled the dark stone of the fortress, butcher knife sized claws slamming into the dark stone as the dragged themselves ominously up the walls. Even as we watched, waves of blue flame rolled over the walls, dislodging a few, and spears of stone skewered some more.

We'd put a LOT of work into this place. In fact, the whole fortress could be considered its own trap. This would thin their numbers even more. The best kind of trap: one the enemy couldn't ignore. After I'd taken out their heavy in Rajak, there was no way Travis could afford to leave me to my own devices for long. And the best part was, this was a minimal risk for my people. The fortress was a combination escape route and meatgrinder.

"You know the plan." I said as I stretched. "They'll send the Wendigos first. The ones who get through will hit us in waves. Take out as many as you can up here, then retreat into the hallways when they overwhelm you. We have reinforcements waiting at fallback points throughout the fortress waiting to step in when you reach them. Oh, and whichever one of you kills the most enemies gets dibs on leading the strike on Wintervale while we spring the popsicles."

Bethy cackled gleefully, waving her hands and calling her cats from the shadows and her dog from her Domain. "You're going down Alamode. This is going to be so much fun!"

Abel grinned, bouncing lightly on his toes. "Been a while since I did anything like this. Hot and cold running fodder. Fun times. You might be a monster, vampire, but with my new Solid Path, I wont lose to you and your petting zoo."

Bethy's eyes went wide. "I WANT a petting zoo!" Her head whipped over to stare at me. "Shane, do you think I could wish for a goat? Like a cute demonic one with glowing red eyes? Oh! Or maybe a panda!"

"Why are you like this?" I complained to my mentor. "You know she's not going to able to focus now. Bethy, we can talk about your petting zoo later. Kill the most Wendigos and we can discuss it." Even as I watched, the first dinner plate sized grey hand crested the battlements, knifelike talons digging in as it hefted itself up.

Without hesitation, I triggered Belial. This was a marathon, not a sprint, so I didn't double up. I could fight longer with just one form, and Belial was made for group fights.

Stepping forward, I started slowly whirling my staff to prepare for my attack, closing in on the slowly growing crowd of Wendigos as the other two spread out, taking advantage of the wide open space as best they could.

The first Wendigo attacked, and I slipped effortlessly past, tripping it with my staff as I continued the movement around to smash aside a knife clawed strike at my chest.

I lost myself in the flow of battle. I'd gotten so used to using my bag of endless tricks to win, I'd forgotten what it meant to use what I had to best effect. In this case, I was learning to parse a sense I hadn't done much with. My Danger Sense.

In the past, the sense had gone off like a storm siren during battle, making it useless for anything except warning about ambushed.

Now though, I was paying attention to the direction, intensity, and all the other miniscule bits of data I hadn't been able to process before. Much like I'd learned ro parse my Impact senses to tell how far someone was in their rank, focusing on my Danger Sense let me gather more intel from the battle.

An attack from behind, no, back and left, no back left and low. Step right and deflect downward following the arc. It was a heady sensation, being back in combat like this. Not a desperate race to try to destroy the enemy, but a chance to shake the rust off and rebalance my actual battle skills.

State of Grace gave me the speed and fluidity to act on my predictions, and since I wasn't meeting strength with strength the Might difference didn't matter as much.

I ducked under a dinner plate size hand, snapping my staff into the wrist, and watched as the corrosion seeped into the claw, using the Wendigo's own attack to drive Belial's corrupt energy into one of its fellows. I caught another on the backswing, hooking it around. I felt a line of hot pain on my thigh as my dodge was just a notch too slow to avoid a glancing blow, then dipped under a charge, taking out the Wendigo's legs and letting its horns hit the one that had caught me.

First one, then five, then ten. I tore through them, or rather, they tore through each other, Belial's control of the battlefield combining with my speed and prediction abilities perfectly.

Sadly, all good things must end, and after about twenty five of the bastards, I realized that I was starting to get overwhelmed. A missed step here, a failure to land a finisher there. The Wendigos were getting bigger and more dangerous too, apparently having burned their weakest on the first wave.

"Retreat!" I bellowed to my friends, triggering Moonlit Night. Fog filled the area, but I made sure to let sound penetrate as I slipped between several of the Wendigos to head for the entrance to the lower levels. Behy and Abel, to their credit, started making their way back as well, using the fog for cover, though they each took more than a few potshots at the confused Wendigos, trying to pad their numbers.

When we reached the stairs down, I made sure we made enough noise to lure them down the steps, though I left the fog in place even as we entered the more narrow corridor and they were funneled into a straight line as they approached.

"Fish in a barrel." Grimaced Abel as he posted up next to me. "It's not even fun at this point."

Bethy nodded solemnly. "I usually like fish." Her eyes widened in horror. "Wait, no, I mean, I'm not a cat!"

"To be fair, sometimes you're a bunch of cats." I said wryly. "What's your thing with cats anyway? Like you seem to like them, but the few times I've heard you making cat puns by accident you get super weird about it."

She sighed dramatically. "My mom likes cat puns a lot. I do it on accident sometimes, and it really freaks meow-t." She flinched, slapping herself on both cheeks and shaking her head. "No! Bad Bethy! Don't go into the darkness! Be cool like daddy!"

"Yeah." I said with smirk. "Gotta nip that in bud. I have to say though, that's quite a yarn. Are you sure you're feline okay?"

"No stop" She wailed, covering her ears. "Cut it out, cut it out, cut it out!" She hurled herself forward, ears still covered, and slammed into the first advancing Wendigo with a brutal falling axe kick, eyes squeezed tightly shut as she attacked the enemy.

Abel laughed. "Should we stop her?" He said with a grin. "I mean it's probably not safe to fight with two of your senses impaired like that."

"Be my guest." I said as my vampire friend demolished the first few Wendigos. "I'm not getting in her way. If she can't see them she can't see us. I don't want to survive all this time in an occupation just to die with a platform heel shaped dent in my skull." My face went grim. "Besides, we've taken a huge bite out of their forces. They should be running out of fodder any minute. Once the real fighters arrive, that's when the retreat begins in earnest."

"How far back until we hit the first blockade?" He asked casually. "I'll be honest, I wasn't paying that much attention when you explained."
I gestured behind us. "Around that first corner. "They'll have to trail us, one of the first defensive measures was strengthening the stone here. No chance they can punch through it in a reasonable amount of time. They're playing our game. Shit, wait, hold on." I triggered Double Trouble, grabbing Bethy and bodily swinging her around to toss her toward Abel.

I'd been wrong, she hadn't attacked me, implying she was much less impaired than we'd thought. She just yelled "Wheee!" As she sailed down the hallway, Abel catching her and turning to take off.

We could have just done that from the start, but putting up a fight and showing them the funnel made it seem like this was our whole plan. If we made it too clear this was a trap they might break pursuit. I triggered Double Trouble again, appearing just behind Abel as he turned the corner, and following him around the bend.

We leapt over the blockade, and as the horde of pursuers came around the bend, they got pinned down between our reinforcements and the traps on the wall across from the blockade itself, ten of them being torn apart in an instant.

I did some calculations. I'd taken twenty five or so, Abel about thirty and Bethy forty five, with the ten that had just gone down that was a hundred. Of course, they'd been the weakest hundred, but still, with only about seven hundred fifty E-rankers on world for Travis to tap, any evening of the odds was a win.

Based on my rough count, he'd sent two hundred fifty or so fighters, but only about fifty actual members of his crew. The other two hundred had been Wendigos. Something about that was bothering me. I suspected he might have some means of empowering them, because he was being way too liberal with their sacrifice, but that was a problem for another time.

While the reinforcements chipped away at them, I dropped the fog, letting them see me (their orders were to prioritize getting me above all else) and then we began the run and gun. Our fighting retreat ground down the monsters as we went, whittling down their numbers one by one, until we finally reached the central chamber.

In the middle of the room, a glowing circle sat below a rift in space. An escape portal (we'd kept costs down by having a pair of beacons that could be placed on either side) Benny was waiting there, with Chelsea next to him, her hands wreathed in a horrible black energy.

The twenty or so E-rankers we'd picked up along the way headed for the portal, and I saw the huge force of still living E-rank invaders enter the chamber. The fifty enemy Ascendants were all still alive, driving the Wendigos before them, and my sister unleashed a burst of Enshrining Darkness at them to drive them back as our people fled through the portal.

Once they were gone, I stepped up to the exit, smiling behind my mask at the small army of enemies. "Hey, if it's not too much trouble, can you all deliver a message?"

The leader, a large man in blood red plate male, snorted, the sneer obvious in his voice. "Sure. Why not. Wherever that goes, you'll be in our clutches soon enough. Go ahead and make things worse for yourself. Who should we deliver this 'message' to?"

I shrugged. "Oh, it doesn't matter. Just do me a favor. When you get to hell, tell whoever is the highest ranking member of your forces down there that you guys really need to stop falling for this." Chelsea vanished into the portal, and as I stepped through, I announced loudly. "Cascade!" The portal was already closed by the time the fortress imploded. Weirdly, I felt a lot less conflicted about the mass casualties this time. I guess practice makes perfect.
chapter 716 New
"Whoo!" Shouted Benny as I came out, hands up in the air. "Hell yes! How many of the bastards did we get this time?" Everyone looked at him. "What? I'm from here. These assholes are keeping my entire planet hostage."

Abel snorted. "No, we get it. You're just usually less bloodthirsty than the rest of us." He smirked at Bethy. "Sometimes literally." She stuck her tongue out at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"I'm just shocked it worked." Said Benny with a laugh. "I mean, how many buildings can we drop on them? G-district was one thing, but how did they not see it coming when they raided the fortress."

I sighed. "I think they did. Or at least they hedged their bets. Travis only sent two hundred and fifty people. Realistically, after figuring out our entrenched position, they should have dropped all seven fifty on us and completely stomped us out. Instead he sent a force consisting of mostly Wendigos that barely outnumbered us."

Gabe nodded. "Shane's right. He couldn't pass up the opportunity, but they dipped a toe in instead of stepping in the bear trap." There was a tiny roar and Randall stuck his tiny head out of the hood on Jessie's cloak. Gabe cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Sorry Randall, poor choice of words."

Reaching through the bond, I manifested a shadow double of Callie, who appeared in front of us with a wan smile. "Good to see you all made it." She said with a chuckle.

"Well, realistically, we knew they would find the fortress eventually." I said with a shrug. "Be stupid not to add any contingencies. How are the numbers?" I had a sinking suspicion, based on Travis's behavior so far.

"Seven hundred." She said with a grimace. "They pulled more Wendigos from…somewhere. Maybe they're keeping them inside a spatially altered building, or maybe they have some way to produce them, but either way, they've been spending their lives cheap, and now we know why. Which means…"

I nodded grimly. "Which means we either move up the raid on Wintervale, of we figure out exactly how and where they're producing the shock troops and shut it down. I don't like rushing into their last holdout. We've seen firsthand what kind of preparation they might have waiting. Dropping buildings on people is great, but I suspect it'll be less entertaining to be on the receiving end."

"So take out their…what? Breeding ground? Research lab? How do you make more Wendigos?" Callie asked in annoyance. "And while we can crack the spatial expansion on a building with enough time to scan through, we need to know WHICH building. Especially through this damned labyrinth. Apparently it's screwing with all the readings, and even the Necromedes is having trouble compensating."
I grimaced. "We need someone who knows the local lore. None of us were really research types when we lived here." I paused. "Callie, does Zeke know anybody planetside who might be able to give us a better idea of how Wendigos fit into the structure of Callus? I mean, we ARE Ascendants. The story is always what matters."

She nodded, and I felt a flex on the bond as she split off a parallel with Piece of Mind, leaving it to control the shadow puppet as her real body headed off to consult my uncle. Turning to the others, I gestured around us. "So, what's the update on the fallback bunker? I'm sure you all had Nat lay down the same anti-scrying wards we had on the fortress a while ago. What other measure do we have in place?"

Celine cleared her throat. "We've reinforced the shell of the mountain, and we've got several defensive lines already under construction. The usual wish based defenses are just phase one. With the successful rescue from Rajak, we've got the planet's best enchanters and scientists at our disposal. By this time tomorrow we should be even more secure here than we were in the fortress."

"It was a smart call, using this place." Said Benny wryly. "The natural assumption once we bailed would be that we would jump somewhere distant. The volcano is right next door to the necropolis, geographically speaking. Far enough not to be readily obvious from visual signs, but close enough they would never think to check here."

"That's the hope." I said with a sigh. "But who knows how well it'll actually work. This entire offensive is one big shell game, and I'm getting exhausted keeping it up. I can't wait for this to be over."

I wanted to spend time with my wife, eat dinner with my friends, laugh with my family. The longer this went on the angrier I got, and the more I hated Travis for putting us all through it. Despite the fairly dramatic power growth from running a guerilla war against a superior force, this had been one of the worst times of my life.

It would have been so easy to give into that desire, to let it push me into making stupid decisions and rushing our assault. But as much as my dad pissed me off, he'd taught me better than that. Even as a child, he'd drilled into me that letting frustration push you into hasty action was how you made mistakes.

When something blocked your progress on a puzzle, you needed to stop, evaluate, and then form a plan of attack based on logical thought and strategic insight. No one ever solved a problem by getting angry at it really hard.

Though, I supposed in the Ascendant world that might not be true. Still, when faced with a situation where you were the underdog, frustration led to painful mistakes.

Callie (or her shadow puppet at least), stepped close and pulled me into a hug. I didn't bother to resist, letting her put her head on my shoulder. The constant stress of the last few months was eroding my sense of calm, and sometimes you just really needed a hug from someone you loved.

"Wait, hold on," she said, stilling. "Sorry, just heard from Zeke. He does have a lead. He says he knows a guy in Ramistaad who can help. Bad news is Ramistaad is still under occupation, good news is that they'll never expect us to hit it because it's strategically useless. No E-rankers in the city. Unfortunately…it's relatively close to Valen."

I nodded thoughtfully. "That…might not be a dealbreaker."

"You thinking another distraction?" Said Benny eagerly? "Take Valen back from those bastards once and for all while you slip into Ramistaad?"

"No. That won't work." My tone was calm. "From what I can tell, Rajak was a secondary trap from Travis's minder. Travis himself is subtler than that, and he's done his homework. Rajak was a minefield, but Valen is going to be a shooting gallery. The only way to win there is not to play. Based on the rope a dope we saw here, chances are good he's filled every spatially expanded building in Valen with Wendigos or something. We can't risk it."

Gabe nodded. "Not to mention we're starting to show a pattern of behavior. Distractions are becoming commonplace for us. It'll be the first thing he thinks of."

"Which is why we won't use one." I said finally. "No signs at all. We're doing this quietly. With no E-rankers in the city, we've got no one to draw attention. As long as I keep myself out of sight, getting in and retrieving the target is our best bet. Bethy, you up for an undercover gig?"

Her face lit up. "Oooh! Disguises! I have so many ideas. Do you think I could pull off a mustache?"

"I…no." I said in confusion. "Not at all. You DO get that the point of a disguise is to look LESS suspicious, right?"

My sister made a noise of disagreement. "Well…sometimes." She hedged. "Ascendants are naturally flamboyant and attention grabbing. In some ways, being too understated is MORE suspicious. Not that I think the mustache is a good idea." She said, cutting off Bethy's victory cheer. "He's not wrong about that. I'm just saying less isn't always more."

Bethy pouted. "Fine. Buzzkills. I have this neon orange wig that I can wear. Your wedding gave me so many fashion ideas. Orange and black are a total fireworks show! I'm thinking of doing something with leg warmers."

Since that was objectively less ridiculous than a ballgown and what I assumed (based on actually KNOWING Bethy) would be a giant handlebar mustache.

"Is it safe for just the two of you to go though?" Chelsea asked worriedly. "Bethy can take of her self, but Shane… I know you're tough, but I'd feel better if you had more backup. Maybe take Serah and Holly with you?"

"Because nothing says 'stealth mission' like beautiful women with metallic hair and giant fucking wings." Said Abel sarcastically. "Look, I get it, really I do. He's your brother." My mentor's face went uncharacteristically solemn. "I'm worried as hell for my own brother. But the fact is that bad disguises notwithstanding, Bethy and Shane have the best chance of pulling this off."

He was right. Bethy's Domain was necessary to extract the target, and contrary to what her bombastic personality might imply, she COULD be stealthy when necessary. Of course, she preferred to bust in loudly, and I was slightly worried she might actually try to play theme music while we were sneaking in, but like my sister said, weird was standard for Ascendants.

"What about our approach?" I asked, considering the angles. "I'm assuming using Walker and Gabe's mount is off the table. They've clearly got some means of tracking those, to put together our last position."

Bethy perked up. "Oh! Why don't we rid the kitties? They're shadow cats, so they're super sneaky, and they're great with people. I've been socializing them to accept hugs and cuddles."

I took that to mean 'bullying them with affection' but it was a solid point. Animals tended to be more effective at using Might for running, four legs being a more functional base for movement. With their inborn stealth abilities, the cats could carry us through the dark silently, as long as we waited for nightfall.

"I like it." I said, nodding. "We've got our in. We'll need a heading and preferably a map, not to mention details on the target. But all in all, it sounds like we have our next move. Once we have that confirmed we can hit the Wendigo spawning grounds, wherever they happen to be. Then we'll start whittling their forces down before the assault on the cold storage."

Benny perked up. "Wait, by whittling their forces do you mean…"

"That's right." I said with a vicious grin. "Once we take out the spawner, we need to wipe out as many Wendigos as possible before Travis can recover and redistribute his forces. Once we've taken out their buildup capability, we hit them where it hurts. They won't be running into our traps anymore? Fine. We'll run right into theirs. If they want to try to eat our forces they can fucking choke on them."

Benny cheered, pumping his fist, and I saw the general morale of the others in the room spike. The thought of a real offensive after months of taking quick in and out potshots was exciting, and we certainly had the forces for it.

"I want you working with the E-rankers on battle formations." I told Gabe. "They're basically the ideal counter to brute force mobs like the Wendigos. We need to be ready for our decapitation strike." I paused. "Amputation strike? We aren't taking the head so I don't know about the terminology. Regardless, you know what I mean."

Turning to Bethy I let out a long, slow breath. "Anyway, get your disguise ready Bethy, we head out at sundown. With any luck we'll be back with our target by morning, no muss, no fuss." Happily, this time my instincts weren't warning me of any danger, but I wouldn't let my guard down. Time for my first real stealth op.
Chapter 717 New
The forest was quiet. Almost too quiet. Sadly, my traveling companion was not. "I just think you're being a party pooper." Said Bethy stubbornly. "It's not like this is going to make things any harder, and you're not getting into the spirit of it."

"But we don't NEED codenames." I groaned desperately. "And they don't work if you keep changing them anyway. Plus you keep picking ones that don't make sense. Big Cheddar? Red Leader? Pineappleface? And you didn't even warn me. You just kept dropping them into conversation like I was supposed to know what they were."

Her pout intensified. "Because I was TESTING them!" She said in exasperation, throwing her hands up. "To see how they fit. But those are so five minutes ago. I'm telling you this new one is the last one. Senator Beef is absolutely the right codename for you. It's so perfect!"

"HOW?" I all but shouted. "In what possible way is Senator Beef a good codename. Or a codename at all. Not to mention we don't NEED codenames. I picked one for you because you asked, and I get it, you have a new costume on. Fine. Candycorn is thematic, it goes with your clothes."

I gestured to her 'disguise' an orange and black striped monstrosity of shirt and skirt, a bright orange wig, and red painted cheeks that made her look like a rag doll.

Sadly, I had to admit it was a good disguise. Bethy was so…bombastic, that it weirdly distracted from her appearance. When you thought about Bethy you just thought about loud madness. With the costume on, that came into play hard, because even the vague changes to her features seemed to completely morph everything about her.

I was almost positive this was vampire bullshit, but it made arguing with her that much harder, because I couldn't dismiss her points when she'd done such a good job.

Before she could continue though, I noticed something out of the corner of my Eye of Revelation. "Wait!" I hissed. "Hold on, we have movement. I told you we shouldn't have waited out here for so long."

We'd been waiting for the city to quiet, or at least for the majority of people to go to sleep. Night owls abounded everywhere, but they were always the minority. Still, there was a point of diminishing returns on waiting, and at about two in the morning we had to be approaching it.

She shook her head, red eyes (though they looked orange against the costume) becoming serious. "Not…quite…now." She broke cover as she finished, blitzing towards the city at staggering speed. I cursed, triggering Bael and following her. We made good time, reaching city limits and slipping into an overhang on one of the buildings.

When we stopped she stared calmly out into the dark. "Sorry." She said with a shrug. "There was a gap in the attention on the border. It's…vampires are sneaky. I don't know how to describe it. But we're in and no one noticed. See? Easy peasy?"

I sighed. "I'd have appreciated a heads up, but you know I trust you. Your weird vampire powers haven't failed me yet."

She clapped her hands together under her chin, beaming at me. "Shane! Did we just become best friends? That was so super sweet of you to say." Her expression wilted, becoming surprisingly nervous. "I don't…I owe you a lot. For your help."

I swung my hand through the air like I was cutting that thought off. "You don't owe me anything. Inherent payment necessity of my power aside, you ARE my friend. I'm always here for you if you need me. And you always come through for me too."

The uncertainty in her eyes was bothering me. Seeing Bethy of all people so…shaken. "It's not just that. I'm not the most stable person. I get that from my mom. It can be hard for me to focus. Not just the bloodlust, but just…keeping myself even. Easier since you helped me, but knowing you don't hold it against me. People get mad at me usually. After a while. Being friends with me is fun for a while, but I can be a bit much. They get sick of me."

I hadn't seen her this sincere in…well, almost ever. And from what she'd just said, maintaining this level of focus was tough for her. It made sense really, Bethy was always flitting from one thing to the next, and while some of that was a charade, her inconsistent level of attention was a pretty distinct part of her personality. It couldn't all be a show.

"You're my friend." I repeated. "And you've done a lot for me too. I don't abandon my people, and I don't think you do either. You're stuck with me. No matter how 'much' you happen to be. But what brought this on?"

"You've been on edge." She said sadly. "The others don't see it because you keep a calm face on, but I can tell. I know you have Callie to talk to and you guys have your bond, but I don't want you to feel alone down here." She gave me a sad smile. "You can freak out a little bit in front of me. I'm just the crazy vampire. Who's going to know?"

It broke my heart to see that smile, but I could tell she didn't want empty platitudes or reassurances, she just wanted to know that she'd helped. And oddly, she really had. Having someone acknowledge how much stress I was under was weirdly cathartic.

I stared at her. "You know, it's easy to write you off as flighty, but then you say stuff like that. I can never tell how much of what you do is an act."

She winked at me. "Only most of it. I'm pretty on the ball. But don't tell Abel. I don't want him to get too comfortable. He might actually catch up to me in a fight.."

I burst out laughing. "I knew you were screwing with him. But thanks. For saying that thing about me freaking out. It's nice to know I can let down my guard. Now let's go sneak into this city where we'll probably get caught and gruesomely murdered."
"Probably is a strong word." She said sagely. "We'll either get caught or we won't. Fifty fifty."

She strode off into the dark and I followed her quickly, extending Bael to cover her. "Wait, Bethy, don't get too far ahead. You need to stay close. That was a joke right? You know we still need to be careful. Stop speeding up! Bethy please tell me you know that's not how statistics work?"

She stayed JUST far enough a head to easily coverable with Bael (how she knew the range on that I had no idea because I sure as hell didn't) but we made decent time arriving at the building we'd been given directions to. We stopped across the street from the Arcadia hotel to surveil the entrances.

Given its nature as an erasure of Perception, stealth could be improved by careful observation. The more you watched and made note of the details, the better you could remove them from notice. Besides that, I trusted Bethy's instincts, and I wanted to double check with her before we went in.

"Are we being watched?" I'd thought this would be a quick and easy infiltration, but Bethy's episode at the city limits implied differently. They might not have a bunch of E-rankers in town waiting, but there was SOME method of observation at play. It wasn't a shock, that was what our defenses on the fortress and volcano were there to prevent, after all. Not to mention Valen was a notable trap, and we were relatively close. They might not have an active eye on the city, but clearly they weren't STUPID either.

With Bethy helping us avoid whatever they were doing to keep track of us though, we had a way better chance of pulling this off.

She shook her head. "Not right now. But I think there's…something, over the hotel." Her eyes flicked up, narrowing into the darkened sky. "Some kind of…spirit eye? I think that's what I picked up at the border. It can't be everywhere though." She pointed up and away. "Right up there. Do you see it?"

Engaging my Perception, I focused hard on the spot she indicated, Eye of Revelation focused through my crown for maximum output. "I got it." I said after a second. "Ew. It's hideous."

"Super gross." She agreed bluntly. "But I have an idea. I think if I throw really hard, I can hit it with a rock. I can go around the building and do that, then it'll look away and you can get by." She clenched her fists intensely, like she was readying for battle.

I rolled my eyes. "We don't need to throw rocks at it. It's an E-rank entity. Even focused hard on Perception, it won't be enough to break Bael. My forms are limited, but they do what they do damned well. It's why I have them. I can study its focus for a while, and once I have a lock on where its looking and can understand it a bit better, I can walk us right past it."

Honestly I could probably do it now, but haste made waste. Better to take the extra few minutes to ensure we did the job the best way possible. Bethy just pouted, though I suspected it was more because she wanted to throw a rock at an ugly ass ghost eye than because she was impatient to get going.

After a minute of observing exactly where the eye was focused, I nodded and offered Bethy my arm. "Alright we're good. Let's bounce."

Nodding seriously, she grabbed my elbow, and then proceeded to skip cheerfully alongside me as I walked unhurriedly across the street. While stealth worked fine at speed, with the time and attention to map out my route, it worked even better if I took my time to make sure all traces were erased.

To my complete lack of surprise, I could hear Bethy humming something under her breath as we walked, eyes narrowed as she took in everything around us suspiciously, head on a swivel. Honestly the humming made my job slightly harder, but not enough to matter, and it was kind of hilarious.

When we reached the front door, we stopped, and I reached out casually, focusing on my finger.

While my little accident with the pseudo Domain had been a terrible thing, it had given me a few ideas. Using overwhelming or damaging power on a smaller scale to prevent hard might not work in that case, but it could work in others.

I couldn't maintain three forms at the same time without serious soul strain, but I could take a page from Benny's book, albeit in reverse.

Focusing on one finger, I flexed my will, bringing up just the smallest fraction of my forms. The finger in question marked as the energy from Belial and Mephistopheles flooded it, Bael maintaining my stealth.

Even just the one finger almost immediately made me wince, putting immense pressure on my soul, but it was bearable. Bearable enough to take it a bit further. A Cosmic Collapse the size of the head of a pin took milliseconds to make, and it flew into the lock on the door, bursting and hollowing out the mechanism without any outward sign.

Sighing in relief, I let the finger return to normal, just under Bael, and pushed open the door. "Alright." I said with a grin. "We're in. Let's go pick up the target and get out of here."

Now that we'd made it inside we just needed to collect our guy and we could bail. We were one step closer to the raid on the spawning grounds, whatever those might be. While this little side trip hadn't been even a blip on my radar…that one was setting off my instincts like nobody's business. I had a feeling we would find something bad when we got there. I just had no idea what.
chapter 718 New
"We're back bitches!" Crowed Bethy as we rode into the caves under the volcano. "We're so fucking sneaky you don't even know!" She leapt clear of her mount, Poptarts (I was pretty sure, I could NOT tell them apart) dissolving into her shadow as Donuts faded out from under me.

I managed to catch myself before I collapsed on the ground. "Bethy! You can't just drop people wherever. Don't do that to the target-"

She wasn't listening, there was a flex of her domain as she danced through the caves, and a thin form went flying into the wall with a crash, burying in the stone as I sighed. Walking over, I grabbed a limb sticking from the rock and pulled, removing the F-ranker we'd rescued and brushing him off.

Rudy the researcher blinked owlishly at me, his oversized glasses somehow not even cracked. "I say." He said as his brain recovered.

"You say what?" Called Bethy from ahead of us.

"Go inside Bethy." I sighed. "He's just getting used to things. Your Domain is a big scary place for an F-ranker.

She just shrugged and flounced off. I turned to Rudy, who was looking a bit green. "You alright there, man? You look like you're about to vomit." I paused. "Although I admit this place doesn't smell great. We have some air filtration enchantments in the central cave complex." I couldn't smell anything, one of the wonderful side effects of my kickass mask, but it was a volcano, they smelled like sulfur.

He nodded slowly. "That place…it was so…unnatural."

I rolled my eyes. It was easy to forget how sheltered people on Callus could be. I doubted this guy had left his hometown. Ever. And he was famous for being a researcher. I doubted a Lore wonk had much experience doing anything outside his field.

I immediately felt bad for the thought. Rudy's planet was under occupation by cultists and terrifying monsters. It was probably the scariest thing that had ever happened to him, and me dismissing him as weak because I was better equipped to deal with it was petty and cruel. I forced myself to take a breath. "It can be. But you're safe now. And more than that, you can help end this occupation completely."

He raised a brow at me. "Help end the occupation? I'm not a fighter, sir. I can't help with armies of hostile invaders. I can barely defeat armies of dust bunnies when I clean my library."

"We're not putting you on the frontlines." I said as I led him through the caves toward an open chamber where most of my friends were waiting. "We need your expertise. The enemy are fielding powerful troops, and we think they're using some local phenomena to make them."
Wendigos were native to Callus. At least as native as flesh eating monsters could be. Whatever the catalyst was for the transformation could be found here. It stood to reason that whatever Travis was doing to create and empower the monsters involved whatever that catalyst was. Even if it didn't though, just taking out the catalyst meant no more Wendigos, even if it didn't stop him from empowering the extant monsters.

He looked confused, which made sense. Ramistaad hadn't really been actively occupied, just watched. I was sure, based on the empty streets and the oppressive atmosphere, that someone had been there to terrorize the occupants, but they'd been long gone when we arrived.

We reached the makeshift war room, and I gestured him inside. "Hey guys." I waved casually. "I see Bethy got here first. Did she fill you in?"

Chelsea smiled wryly. "Her story involved more onomatopoeia than I would have used, but we got the gist. You found Rudy, brought him back, and we'll be debriefing him together." She smiled at the nervous, mousy man beside me. "Welcome. Sorry for the unusual circumstances."

He cleared his throat. "Yes, well. I understand. Needs must when the devil drives and all. I still don't understand what you could possibly need from me. I'm simply a local history enthusiast. If you're looking for valuable treasure or powerful weapons, I'm afraid I can't be of much assistance. My knowledge is strictly academic."

I clapped him on the back with a laugh. "We need academic knowledge. That's the whole reason we came to get you. My uncle recommended you. You remember Harlequin?" That had been Zeke's code name while he was here, since Janus was so widely known.

His eyes widened. "The former branch leader of the Valen Wish Curse Palace?" He squeaked. "I hadn't thought he would even remember me."

"Well he did." I said with a shrug. "And he said you could help us with a project we're working on. We need to know more about Wendigos. They're covering the planet right now, and we've seen them here before. There's some kind of…item or location that creates them here, as far as we can tell."

His brow furrowed. "The Wendigo?" He said absently. "I do know a number of stories about creatures such as those. I could perhaps dig into my knowledge and try to identify an origination point. What is your timeline, might I ask?"

"Soon?" I said questioningly. "They've invaded this planet. Or rather, someone else has, and they're using the Wendigos to do it. We need to clear them out so we can spring some allies and overpower the occupying forces. If we wait too long, they'll replenish their numbers before we can attack and we'll be in a bad position."

That got a frown. "Well, I'm afraid I don't know the exact location of the phenomena you're searching for. It isn't like there's a book lying around labelled 'secret Wendigo power source'. I can perhaps collate the data from a number of sources and attempt to identify their first appearance on the planet, but that may take some time."

"Which is why I'm here to help." Said Chelsea reassuringly. "I'm an expert researcher. We're going to work through your knowledge together. We just need you to write out everything you can remember, and leave the cross referencing to us."

Rudy exhaled in relief. He was an Ascendant, and most likely one who leaned toward Focus, combined with basic physical stats, he could probably copy a whole library from memory in less than an hour or two. Especially if given decent quality paper to work with (you had to be careful about writing too fast after a certain level of Might, or the friction could set the page on fire).

"That I can be of assistance with." He beamed. "Do you want me to write out the content? Because it would most likely be faster to enter it into a scan ring."

I hadn't considered that, but it was obviously way smarter. Chelsea lit up. "Oh, that's perfect! We can share the documents among everyone, so all of us can parse the data as you type it. That'll be way more efficient!"

"You're such a nerd." I said with a sigh. "Can't you just bask in your own ignorance like us cool people."

"My brother is taller than most." She told Rudy sadly. "He felt pressure from a young age to be big dumb and smashy. It's why his entire combat style revolves around whacking people with a big stick."

I gaped at her in horror. "That….is a GROSS oversimplification."

"Now who's a nerd?" She said smugly. "Stay in your lane, thug. Leave the brain work to us intellectuals."

I turned to glare at her. "You used to be so sweet and polite. My friends are a terrible influence on you."

She stuck out her tongue at me. "Actually that was you. Sorry big brother, you're the one who taught me to stick up for myself. Can't complain when I return a serve when you're dunking on me."

"And she's mixing metaphors!" I opined, hiding my laughter poorly. "What have I done?"

The others just laughed at the back and forth, and we all got to work setting up the shared scan ring file. Once that was done, Rudy started to type. Since the holographic surface of the scan ring interface did NOT have a problem with catching fire, he was able to make much better time, hands flying over the keys as page after page of abstruse historical texts wrote themselves into existence in the file.

And so began the longest afternoon of my life. Pages appeared like drops of rain, pouring out of the surprisingly enthusiastic researched as he shared everything in his head that pertained to Wendigos.

Which was…a lot. Books and books of notes, memoirs, poetry. Some of it was even fiction, but he took us at our word and just dredged up every single document that mentioned the creatures, doing his best to make notes of the date of each bit of information, despite not taking them down in order.

Finally, after a few hours, he stopped, hands falling down with a sigh. "And that's all. Sorry I couldn't dredge up more. My ability involves information storage, but it doesn't have an organizational aspect. I'm planning to integrate that next rank."

"It's fine." Said Chelsea absently. "I've been keeping a list and trying to sort everything. Good idea using page numbers. Give me a bit, I have to check some things." She flicked open a few new pages, accessing different parts of the document at the same time. A list of page numbers sat beside her as she collated the data.

The rest of us were working on the same thing, but Benny was the only one who was any help. He pointed out several alternate locations with mentions of the same things Chelsea was looking for. Dates, locations, stories about mysterious deaths and their circumstances.

Finally, she stopped. "Get me a map." She said bluntly. "I need to check something."

We brought up a globe projection, shared access with her, and she began putting pins on the image, It took about an hour for her to completely note down every incident that seemed relevant, then she started narrowing it down by eliminating stories that had inconsistent elements and were probably just made up.

As she did the rest of us tried to piece together what exactly we were looking for based on casual mentions and obscure language. Benny was the first to crack it. "It's a spring." He said with a triumphant grin. "The only direct mentions call it the "Heart of Winter" but from what I can tell its just an arctic spring with some kind of spiritual cold trait."

"And I know where it is." My sister crowed. "Check this out." We all crowded around the projection. "The earliest incidents of Wendigos spawning on this planet were in these locations." She gestured to a grouping of dots. "It threw me because some of the early discoverers took some of the water and sold it. The next few centuries saw a spike of the damned things all over Callus. But after sifting out the memoirs and stories based on financial means and personality to exclude people who bought the water, I managed to get a radius."

On the globe, a circle of red dots surrounded a small village in the northern hemisphere of the planet. "This is Valfarden." Said my sister smugly. "And from what I can tell, the Heart of Winter is here. I don't know why or where it came from, but chances are good that its where Travis is making his super Wendigos."

It was a small out of the way place in the middle of the tundra. Far enough from Wintervale not to be too notable but close enough to make dispatching the monsters out into the blizzards more than feasible.

I grinned wolfishly at my friends from behind my mask "Alright. Well, it looks like we found the spawning ground. Bethy, get everyone together, we're going to be hitting them as soon as possible. Chelsea, keep going over the information Rudy supplied, I want us to be as prepared as possible for what we find." The first steps towards the end of this war were upon us.
chapter 719 New
We took the cats to Valfarden. It was still dark, the rescue and research having only taken about half the night, and the shadows provided perfect cover for us to move unseen. When we hit the polar regions, we discounted and I had to carry Bethy piggyback because she insisted it was the best way for Bael's stealth to affect her.

Eventually though, we reached our target, and we stopped outside the village to surveil the situation. This time, we let Chelsea out to consult after we'd dug a small snow cave to watch from, just in case of overhead watchers like we'd had last time.

Once Bethy confirmed we were unwatched, Chelsea joined us in watching the place, and was able to confirm some things.

"The Heart of Winter is there." She said, pointing to a crystal blue ice gazebo in the center of town. "That leads into a cavern beneath the snow that houses the spring. We need to find out exactly what's down there before we go in. Whatever Travis is doing, it almost definitely involves the spring somehow."

I nodded. As much as I wanted to just hit the damned thing head on, I knew that it was important to gather intel. "That's my cue. Bethy, expand the cave and let the others out. I'll do a circuit of the spring and take some recordings. I want as good an idea as possible of what they're actually DOING before we attack."

After that mess in the Aetherbright Academy, I'd learned my lesson about going off half cocked. Trying to stop some random event without knowing the details had screwed us last time, and I learned from my mistakes.

I could get info in real time from my mom and Zeke through Callie, and I was going to use that source of information.

My sister glared at me. "I don't like it." She admitted. "But I understand. Just…be careful, ok?"

"Damn." I said in a deadpan voice. "I was going to set off fireworks and sing the Callus planetary anthem backwards. I guess I'll just stick to stealth this time. Good thing you mentioned it."

"Don't be sarcastic." She said acidly. "You're not very good at it." She stepped forward and yanked me into a bonecrushing hug. "Be safe. Ass. I kind of like not being an only child anymore. If you make me go back to the old way I'll kick your ass."

I smiled at her warmly, even if she couldn't see it. "Love you too, sis."

"Awww!" Bethy cooed at us, clapping her hands together. "You two are just the cutest siblings ever. It reminds me of how I am with some of my brothers. Well, the ones that still talk to me. Some of them resent me because daddy likes me best. Those are the ones that don't talk to me. Well, them and Peter, but he's a whiner, he survived the fall off that cliff fine, and I apologized after."

Chelsea gave me a conflicted look. "You could be much worse. I see that now."

"Hey!" Said our vampire friend, stomping her foot. "That's mean. You're being mean. I should push YOU off a cliff. But like…a small one. I like you way better than Peter."

"I'm going to go sneak into occupied enemy territory all by myself." I said with a wave as I turned to leave. "Somehow that seems safer." I triggered Bael and vanished as I stepped out of our makeshift case. As soon as I was out, the blizzard going on around me swallowed me completely.

Wind, snow, and nothing else. I suspected something magical about the storm, because after I entered it, I lost sight of the village completely until I triggered Eye of Revelation. Once I did that, I got outlines, but nowhere near as clear as from the cave. It took a few minutes of walking (I used Ripple Running so I didn't leave footprints) to breach the town border.

As soon as I crossed inside the town line, the stealth effect vanished. It was a surprising sensation, and I was pretty sure Bethy had been responsible for me being able to see the place from the cave. I shook it off, keeping my eyes peeled for any sign of habitation.

I saw…nothing. Valfarden was empty. No people, not even tracks in the snow. The blizzard stopped around the town like some kind of spatial snowglobe, flowing in one side of a dome of empty air and out the other.

Because there were no people, I reached the gazebo quickly and without any problems. Once I did though, I finally caught sight of some guards.

Wendigos. Easily ten of them, lying in wait in the snow. Something about their dull gray skin made them blend into the environment, like chameleons. They didn't notice me, and I took a circuitous path to avoid literally tripping over them. Finally though, I reached an inner circle that I couldn't go around.

State of Grace made me lighter, and Bael kept the sound of my short leap over the guards silent as I stepped off a platform in the air, landing silently on the snow on the other side. A Double Trouble took me past the one waiting right inside the gazebo, and when I arrived, I froze (figuratively, though it was cold as hell out here) to wait and see if I'd been compromised.

I hadn't, and I set off down the stairs. The spiral steps were made of frosted ice, though they provided surprisingly good traction. Once I reached the bottom, I looked around carefully for any nearby guards.

There weren't any. Just a huge cavern full off…people. Bodies, though I could see with Eye of Revelation that they weren't dead. Only frozen.

Past the field of frozen humans was a sort of icy fountain. The fountain itself was the same crystal blue of the gazebo, but the water running through it was much different. A sickening black red energy permeated the liquid, corroding the blue fountain (which was in itself a pretty nauseating sight given the skulls and screaming people carved into it) only for it to recover almost immediately after as the energy waned.

I started my scan ring, beginning the recording process as I tried to get closer. As I did though, I stopped cold. At the edge of the pool formed by the fountain, there were a number of dark metal constructs. People were strapped down to them, hanging parallel to the water, which leapt up and burned into the struggling, screaming captives.

Two of whom I recognized. Cicero and Valk hung over the liquid, tears of corrupted blood running from their eyes as they roared in pain, veins writhing under their skin darkly.

They were alive. Clearly being…converted or something, but alive. This had just gone from vandalism to rescue mission. For the first time in a while I was genuinely happy. Nat had not been doing well. Hope kept her going, but it was fading quickly. I'd been really worried about what finding Valk dead might do to her.

Abel would be thrilled too. Granted, I had a feeling I'd need to personally purify them in a way similar to Felicity, but the process clearly wasn't complete yet. I wanted to rush in and tear apart their restraints, but I held off.

This was recon. I'd already seen what running off without a plan could do, and I refused to lose them because I was impatient. They were alive after months, which meant they were holding out better than most people would have. Though…looking closer I could see they were stronger than they had been. More Impact. E-rank.

Whatever that dark energy was, it seemed familiar. It was probably what had been letting Travis make the Wendigos strong so much faster. It reminded me a bit of that human sacrifice muck from the Ruined Soul Temple, which didn't bode well.

I forced myself to focus. Where there was life there was hope. I just needed to get as much info as I could and consult the experts. We could rescue them, take out this spawning ground, and then hit Valen before Travis could recover, seriously rebalancing the calculus of war on this planet before our final push.

Not that it would be easy. Looking past my restrained friends (well, friend, Cicero was mostly just a dick I tolerated) I could see that the 'fountain' I'd seen was just one of about two dozen pylons radiating out in concentric circles from on even larger fountain, which appeared to literally be an ice sculpture of a giant hundred foot Wendigo with sickening bracking water pouring from a gaping hole in its chest where its heart should be.

Who the actual fuck had come to this cave and found THAT and decided to drink from it? The thing was horrifying. The brackish water was flowing out in spiderweb cracks into the sub pools with the fountains, around which thirteen captives struggled.

Some were nearly converted, already with horns and greying stretched tight skin, and some were still screaming and crying black red liquid, but there were LOTS of them.

As I watched, a pair of free Wendigos approached one of the horned ones, pulled up teh black metal mechanism with a handle, then unchained it and tossed it to the ground. When it hit the cavern floor in between the pools, it screamed and writhed, reaching up to use butchers knife claws to start ripping away pieces of its flesh.

Beneath it, the grey hide of a Wendigo emerged, and within a few minutes, the creature climbed to its feet, screaming joyfully.

Walking over the field, they grabbed a frozen body, shoved it into the metal contraption, and then shoved it back down to lay parallel to the water. The red black liquid hit the ice and began to erode it, but unlike the fountains it didn't recover. Before long, the man woke up, and his own screaming began.

I swallowed hard. That was…that hadn't been easy to watch. I forced myself to stay cool, watching closely in case there was more information. I made a slow circuit around the room, double checking for any possible signs I might be able to use.

Lucky for me, this place smelled like old blood and rotting flesh, which covered for me so the Wendigos couldn't scent me even if Bael didn't prevent it. I could smell it through my mask and it was making me sick.

After I completed my rounds, I slowly removed myself from the cavern, climbing the gazebo steps and making a quick but steady retreat. I didn't stop until I got to our makeshift cave.

When I entered, I found our whole force waiting. I ignored most of them, striding up to my cousin, desperate to give her some good news. She frowned at me as I approached. "Shane? What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I said happily. Then paused. "Ok, no, that place was a fucking nightmare factory, my soul is throwing up, but that's not important right now. This isn't a burn and turn raid anymore. We're going to have to do a bit more planning. This is a rescue mission. Nat…Valk is down there. And he's alive." I turned to Abel. "Cicero too. They're not HAPPY, but they're not dead. We can save them."

My cousin stared at me in shock, eyes filling with tears, and then she threw herself into my arms. I held her close as she sobbed in relief. She'd been in denial for so long now, pretending to have hope when she'd really known the truth deep down. Hearing that she'd been wrong, that her last living friend wasn't gone.

I held her as she cried, until finally, she went silent and I stepped back. "Well, if we want to get them, we need all the help we can get." I reached out through the bond, and at my request shadow figures of Callie, my mother, and Zeke appeared. "Alright." I said turning to them. "This is what I saw down there." I spun up my scan ring and projected the recording. The planning session began.
chapter 720 New
"They're alive?" My uncle asked incredulously. "I did NOT see that coming. I was positive they were both dead." Nat made a high pitched sound and everyone glared at Zeke, who cleared his throat. "I mean, glad to hear they're ok. Hopefully we can help get them out of there."

I rolled my eyes. "So based on the recordings, what the actual fuck is that place? I thought catalysts for racial traits had to be specially made."

"They do, except when they're passed directly from one person to another." My mom said bluntly. "That fountain thing is clearly the corpse of a powerful Wendigo. I did think it was weird you'd run into one of them, nevermind a pack of them."

I blinked in confusion. "So what, this is some kind of Wendigo God?"

"No." Said Zeke in exasperation. "Not everything is a god. Your experience isn't indicative of real life. It's probably an A or B-ranker. Or at least the corpse of one. Based on what you saw, it looks like it's been slowly eroding over the course of millennia."

That made sense. "So…what are the fountains?"

"Calcifications." My mom said with a shrug. "Word of the 'Heart of Winter' spread over time. Not enough to have a large scale presence in history, but the renown was enough to affect things. The red and black is lamentation liquid, like you saw before. You were right about that being how they were supercharging the Wendigos. Seems like it's fairly slow, thankfully, or at least resistable."

"So we need to hurry!" Said Nat in a panicked voice. "What if they break? We need to go get them now. Break in the front and blow the whole place sky high."

"We can't rush." I argued. "They've been down there for months. They can last a bit longer. I know seeing Valk like that was hard, but we only get one shot at this. More than two people are at stake. We cut the head off the snake, and then hit Valen like a hammer and take out as many as we can. To do that we need to minimize losses destroying the Heart. Work smarter not harder."

Chelsea raised a hand. "I might have an idea about that." My sister said hesitantly. "Given how Enshrining Darkness destabilizes Purifying Flame, maybe a sufficiently powerful purifying force could set the lamentation liquid off the same way. But just lighting off a single pool wouldn't do it."

"Well, they seem to be introducing it through those calcifications, Let me check something." I pulled the recording back up. It took me a few passes given all the distortion nearby, but I was able to identify a series of black red gems set into the base of the calcifications, pretty much underneath the water.

That explained the corrosion, the water was soaking the lamentation liquid out like a flavor crystal in some drink mix, which corrupted the water, which corroded the calcification, which I was pretty sure was speeding up the release of the water.

But I could see Chelsea's point, and I understood her idea. "I could pull that off." I said slowly. "If I hit the pylon with a Life Nova it should at least damage those gems, even if it doesn't cause them to explode, which I think I can influence by monkeying with the imagery of the technique a bit. I can use Beelzebub to hit half of them at once, then Double Trouble and hit the other half. Within seconds."

"Ok…but what is that going to do to the actual Heart?" Asked Callie worriedly. "The reaction from those two forces destabilizing will either fail to do anything or cause a BIG boom. Even if you tip it towards boom we still have to get the innocents out of there, not to mention save our people."

I frowned. She was right. If we just blew the whole chamber everyone would die. Even if we saved Valk and Cicero we'd be essentially detonating the place on hundreds of completely innocent victims who were just being used as mook fodder.

"Bethy?" I asked quietly. "Think you could sneak in and grab them up before the blast?"

She hesitated. "I don't know Shane. That's a lot of people. Not to mention they're stuck and won't have any idea what's going on. If they start straining to get out it could damage my Domain. One person resisting a Domain with their soul is one thing, hundreds at once is…something else."

"That shouldn't be an issue." Said Zeke. "They're not aware. At least not until the liquid hits them and starts the thaw. They won't be resisting, they're completely dormant."

"Well I should be able to do it then. But I'll be too busy to fight any of the Wendigos. There are a lot of them down there." She looked worried. "We'd need some sort of cover. Is there anything we can do to make a lot of noise?"

I frowned, thinking over who we had with us. If we wanted to hit Valen at full force, minimizing the involved parties was best. Beelzebub could blow all the fountains, leaving me open to help with whatever diversion we used, and they WOULD attack me, but being here was a giant red flag. If there wasn't a clear and present danger they would start looking for traps.

I stared at the giant hulking corpse with the grey water pouring from its chest hole. I frowned. That stuff was clearly bad news, even without the lamentation liquid, but combined, they were worse. I had my own secret sauce I could add to the mix. "Hey Abel." I said slowly. "Do you think you could redirect that tide of muck with a spatially lubricated tube?"

He frowned thoughtfully. "I mean…probably? Based on what they said it's not really high ranking liquid, more like the runoff of the degrading corpse. The Impact doesn't LOOK too high to be manageable."

"I have a plan." I said after a minute. "It's a bit of a long shot. Nat, you have today's wishes left? Because we're going to need a few answers to some very specific questions. I don't want to commit to this without confirming the interactions here. Not just the explosions for the lamentation gems, but how my own corrosive energy could affect the water."

She seemed almost surprised to hear my voice, and I frowned at her worriedly. "Hey, guys, talk over the details for entry with my mom and Zeke?" I said to the others. "I want to talk to Nat real quick."

Grabbing my cousin by the shoulders, I steered her over to one side of the cave, triggering Bael and shrouding us both. When we had privacy, I took off my mask so she could see my concern. "Hey, are you doing ok?" I asked softly. "I know this is rough. I can't imagine what you're going through right now."

"I'm fine." She scowled. "We don't have time for this. We need to get going. We have to-"

"No." I said flatly. "That's not how we do this. Yes, sooner is better, but we're hidden down here. They're not looking for us, they don't know where we are, and frankly, we're safer here under their nose than anywhere except the volcano, and even that's pretty close. Tell me where your head is at."

She let out a frustrated growl. "It doesn't MATTER. I just want to save Valk. Please. We can talk later, just don't let my friend die. I can't lose anyone else."

I nodded slowly. "Alright. You're in the Domain. Chelsea and Jessie will be with you. Purification and healing should help fix him up, but I bet he's going to be out of it when they cut him loose. Save him. But we're going to take a minute before we go."

"We don't have time for that!" She shouted angrily. "This is a huge waste of energy, why did you even pull me aside for this talk in the first place."

I smiled sadly at her. "Natalie. Your hands are bleeding."

She froze, then looked down slowly to see the hot drops of red dripping down her curled fingers, splattering onto the snow and send up nearly imperceptible curls of steam. "That's not…I don't-"

"Valk is going to need you to be ok." I said as I reached down and uncurled my cousin's fingers, prying her nails out of her palms. "It's not fair, but he's going to be in bad shape, and he needs you to be strong. It won't help calm him down if you're hurting yourself. So take a second, take a breath, and I'll send Jessie over here to heal your hands and make those wishes. She's our biggest nerd anyway, so she can trim the questions down to the least expensive options."

Her eyes blurred with tears. "What if I can't fix him?" She whispered. "What if this was too much and he's broken forever?"

"That's the question we all live with every day." I said sadly. "We're all nothing but the hero of our own stories. We just have to hope they aren't tragedies. But Valk has a lot of good friends, and we're all stubborn. He'll get that happy ending if we have anything to say about it. This isn't where his story ends. I can feel it."

She took a deep breath, wiped her face, and nodded, eyes hardening with determination. "You're right. We might not be competing anymore but we're still Ascendants. If this was enough to stop us we never would have made it this far. I guess I let myself forget that."

"Happens to everyone." I shrugged. "I just have the benefit of having my kickass wife in my head to smack some sense into me before I start to really spiral. Trust me, back when I was getting started I had crises of faith like…daily."

"Well sure." She said with a smirk. "You're a giant baby. But I expect better of myself little cousin. I have to set an example."

We exchanged a quick hug, and then I left her to compose herself as I sent Jessie over (she'd gotten some chits from Celine to pay for the wishes) to confirm our information before the raid. I headed over then to check on Abel.

My mentor was leaning against the cave wall staring out the exit when I approached. "Time to go?" He asked lazily.

"Not yet." I said with a shake of my head. "We're still getting confirmation. I just wanted to check on you. See if you were ok. Seeing Cicero like that was-"

"Annoying." He cut me off. "But honestly it might be good for him. My brother's reach exceeds his grasp. Having some humility tortured into him isn't the worst thing for his life expectancy. I didn't love seeing it, but he's alive. It's better than I expected. Maybe this will be enough of a push to keep him that way in the long run."

I whistled. "That's pretty fucking cold, Abel."

"What do you expect?" He said with a small smile. "We're in the tundra. Now if you'll excuse me I'm preparing myself for this clusterfuck. I'd appreciate a bit of time to myself. Come get me when it's time for us to move out." Then he turned his head away, studiously ignoring me.

It wasn't like I could make him deal with his emotions, so I just shrugged and walked away. Honestly, it was hard to tell sometimes whether Abel was emotionally stunted or just more highly evolved than the rest of us put together. I could at least tell he cared. His brother was important to him, and it was clear under the brutalist worldview he was happy he was alive.

Now we just had to keep him that way. Him. Valk, and hundreds of random frozen low rankers who were being horrifically mutated into Travis's monster army. Man, I really owed that guy a painful death. But hey, one thing at a time.
chapter 721 New
We confirmed that the plan would work easily enough. Yes no questions were simpler than digging for specific secrets, and after getting that done, we arranged some transportation formations to Valen to make sure we hit the trap with optimal timing. Callie left to get ready to meet us there, and the rest of our party was on standby just in case a rescue was needed.

With all that done though, it was up to Abel and I to move in and begin our distraction. I triggered Bael, escorting my mentor through the Wendigos and the small town and down into the cavern.

I wasn't surprised when he paused to stare at his suffering brother, but he shook it off more quickly than expected.

"Alright. Here's the plan." I said as we approached the central pool. "I'm going to corrupt the grey water, you're going to redirect it." As we watched, a dozen stone copies of me entered in their own Bael forms, taking positions to wait for the signal. "When we get to the target, I have to switch to Belial. Beelzebub is taking my other slot, so I won't be able to stealth us anymore."

He nodded. "And you want me to hold them off while you do your thing. Once the flow of water is all corrupted, I hose down all the enemies to draw attention while the other yous drop their stealth and use your purification form to torch the fountains. Then I use spatial lubrication to get us the fuck out of here before the whole place blows."

"Exactly." I said with a grin. "Meanwhile Bethy will snatch up all the statues and grab Cicero and Valk at the same time as the other mes are tossing Life Novas into those fountains."

I didn't see Bethy anywhere, but that wasn't really surprising, since I wasn't supposed to. Just to be safe we waited a few minutes, then, once the Wendigos had mostly moved away from the central position, we approached the giant creepy Wendigo statue.

As we approached, I felt the blood inside me run cold. Not just a physical chill, but a spiritual cold that seemed to sap the optimism and positivity out of my mind. Cold. Cold like the depths of a frozen sea, like the vacuum of space, like the icy peaks of the tallest mountain, but so much more.

There was darkness in the chill, monsters in the sea, horrors between the stars, ferocious beasts waiting in the snowblasted mountains.

For years I'd heard about racial traits, seen them in action, even fought against them. I had friends who had racial traits and had seen enemies take that step, but I'd never bothered to learn more about them. I knew how they worked, how they were passed down, and what they could do, but I'd never questioned the nature of that change.

Now, with the cold invading my heart, I finally grasped exactly what a catalyst really was. Recursion, concentrated and strengthened recursion, the distilled essence of the gradual madness that we all faced every day. It was in the air around this monster, seeping out of it and infecting everyone nearby. The water was the real thing, but even the vapor of the crashing fountain was enough to give me visions of what it was like to be a Wendigo.

I felt hunger and hate. Cold and anger and sadistic glee at the fumbling of weak prey through the snow. In my mind, I stalked a helpless animal through the tundra, glorying in its pain as its hot blood cooled in a trail behind it on the frozen plane. It was my art, my symphony of suffering, and it was the closest thing to sated my unending thirst for death and violence could meet.

It wasn't about the flesh, my hunger, not really. It was about the pain, the fear and the desperation invaded the meat, tenderizing and marinating it, giving it the nutrients my powerful body needed to continue, to thrive and evolve so I could stalk even more powerful prey.

And then it was gone. A protective warmth burned away the cold and I had to hold back the rising gorge of true disgust at the alien abomination I'd just been forced to experience. A wave of love and acceptance rolled through me, and every speck of that abominable frost melted off my heart as it was flooded with the protective affection my wife had sent me to combat the cold.

"Well." Said Abel with a grimace. "That was deeply unpleasant. You good?"

"Not sure that's the word I'd use." I gagged. "But I'm past whatever the fuck that was. I'm so glad we're going to blow this place the fuck up. Also, feeling a lot less morally uncertain about killing Wendigos."

He nodded. "I mean, I don't really do that kind of ethical waffling, but I think I can get actively excited about butchering those lanky fucks."

"Don't actually touch the water." I cautioned him as we approached. "Not without some way to counter the influence. My corrosion should be enough to override the cold, but be careful when you're redirecting the flow."

"Check." he said solemnly. "You about ready to start?"

Triggering Ripple Running, I walked slowly across the grey water, approaching the corpse, then I started to rise, creating stairs in the air until I was off to one side of the chest hole, which was about as tall as I was. Reaching down into myself, I triggered Belial, letting Bael fade away, and I felt the whole chamber tense around me.

I ignored it. I could vaguely hear Abel being attacked, but I tuned that out as I triggered Afterburner. With that done, I started to channel that enhanced power into a modified cosmic collapse.

The corruption was my focus, pouring my power into the hot, disintegrating degradation Belial represented. The consecration of flame was an almost sacred concept, but the touch of tears perverted and maligned it. Belial was the demon prince of the worthless and the wicked, the despicable rot that eroded the virtuous, and this technique was the distilled essence of that perversion.

I called it 'Heart of Darkness', a direct counterpoint to the Heart of Winter. Cosmic Collapse was its base form, but concentrating energy was just a template. The story that was told, the energy concentrated, that was the important part.

With a flex, I split off a parallel, then another. I needed three minds to pull this off. One to form the images, one to concentrate the energy, and one to hold the constructs I'd already created together. Ten of them, one for each charge of Afterburner. In the distance, screams and crashes seemed to become more pronounced, the fighting growing closer.

I ignored it, gathering all ten of those constructs and finally casting them into the heart hole of the corpse.

There was a sort of vacuum as they detonated, like all the air was sucked out of the room, before an explosion of horrifying corruption erupted from the chest cavity like a pressure washer of acidic muck, using the former grey water as as carrier. Around the hold in the chest, creeping magmatic corrosion started to eat away at the once frozen corpse.

"Abel!" I yelled worriedly. "Not sure how long this will last. This thing has been corroding for millenia, and it is NOT as sturdy as it used to be."

A snarl of annoyance was the response, before my mentor's voice snapped. "Damn it! Switch!"

I glanced over my shoulder, triggering Double Trouble as soon as I saw him, and I appeared behind him, letting Belial drop as Mephistopheles rose to take its place. "Go." I said, stepping past him and thrusting the butt of my staff into the screaming mouth of a Wendigo, unleashing a blast of black flame.

He didn't ask twice, heading for the giant corpse as my staff whirled up to deflect a dinner plate sized clawed hand. My staff came down like a hammer, on the overextended ankle of one of the monsters as I stepped past, and then arched up and around to smash down on the back of its neck.

I dropped one of my parallels, letting the last non main mental process track my combat as I checked on everyone else. I spotted Bethy, Nat and Chelsea outside the Domain as they took apart the metal constructs to stash away the mid conversion victims.

They were mostly done, and Chelsea was purifying who she could, though a few were too far gone and needed to die. Thankfully Valk and Cicero weren't and within a minute or two, they had officially saved who they could, the icy statues already stashed away. As I watched, a river of green black poison hosed down the cavern, burning alive Wendigos as it went.
To make sure I would survive, I dropped Mephistopheles and switched to Mornax as the others assumed the role of Zagan.

I took off running, one foot always on the ground as I headed for Bethy. The poison tide washed over me, and even protected by my most powerful defense I felt it eat away as my skin. The corruption had hijacked the potency of that dreadful liquid and turned it toward the destruction and decomposition it embodied.

When I reached Bethy, my sister and Nat were still outside, waiting for me to get close enough. I dropped Mornax, letting Chelsea blast me with some of her purifying flame to clean me off as they dragged me into the Domain, letting me fall to the dark grass in exhaustion.

The soul strain of so many techniques at once, mixed with my parallels, wasn't near enough to break me, but it definitely left me winded.

Not winded enough that I stopped paying attention, and I looked through the eyes of one of my clones, who had already dropped a Life Nova into one of the twenty four fountains and Double Troubled to another.

The venom tide was dissolving the stone, and he'd barely had enough time to drop the second charge of the purifying blast before he came apart, but barely was still enough. I checked on the others, knowing they were all just as dead, and then returned to my proper body, glancing around the Domain.

"He's here!" I called as Abel came barreling into the construct. With the arrival of our last party member Bethy took off, heading at top speed for the exit. It was shocking to see her dance across the corrosive liquid like it was solid ground, and I realized exactly how much Bethy could and did hold back around us.

As she emerged from between a pair of Wendigos and out onto the snow, she barreled toward the teleportation formations we'd set up. From inside the Domain, we could see her surroundings, like she was the center of a three hundred and sixty degree camera placement of something.

Behind us, there was a shudder as the ice began to break apart, green glowing energy pouring from the cracks and lighting up the darkness of the tundra. The last thing we saw before hitting the formation was the last of the purification and corruption energies clashing as a colossal pillar of shifting red black and green erupted from below the ice, shooting straight up into the air like a lance aimed at the stars.

The formation flashed, sending us hurtling through space, only to wind up inside a surprisingly familiar office. Zekes office, the same one I'd been in so long ago when I first realized how much more complicated my life was than I imagined.

I stumbled out of the Domain, landing on a couch nearby, and saw Bethy was bent over, hands on her knees as she panted in exhaustion. "Let them out." I said to her. "Quick, we can find the space." She nodded jerkily and started releasing the E-rankers. All I could think of as she did it though was exactly where we were. Back in Valen. Home. So far so good.
chapter 722 New
"How weird is it being back here?" Asked Benny as he slumped down next to me on the couch. "I still remember us coming here together after you got your powers. It was so huge and imposing, a whole new world. Now it seems almost pathetic compared to some of the places we've been." He put a hand on my shoulder, spiritual calming flooding into me and slowly repairing my soul.

"I feel that." I chuckled. "They finish searching the area?"

He sighed. "Looks like the WCP is completely empty. Do you think we were wrong about the trap? I was expecting to face some hard resistance when we left the office."

"I assume it's the opposite, honestly." I grimaced. "In all the other cities we hit, the Palace district was always flooded with Wendigos. Their absence here is pretty suspicious. We JUST blew up the Heart, so there shouldn't have been time to withdraw. Which means they left this place empty to herd us to another location."

He smirked at me. "Or they're afraid to run into you underground or inside a building. Maybe they're surrounding Valen, figuring they can deprive you of your biggest weapon by fighting outside."

I glared at my best friend. "First of all, fuck you. I'm not some kind of anti building armament. I HAPPEN to have collapsed a few places in the course of our resistance. It's not that's my signature move."

"Oh, but you are." He said maliciously. "Oh, but it has. Did you think all that stat income came in a vacuum? Stories abound, my friend, and they all paint you as the patron saint of blowing up buildings. On the upside, I'm pretty sure your techniques will get more effective at destroying large scale structures, on the downside I don't think you're going to have an easy time getting insurance going forward."

I rolled my eyes, perking up when my I saw my sister approaching. "Hey Chels." I said cheerfully. "How is Nat? And Valk? Everything ok? I saw you giving him and Cicero a once over with your purifying flame."

"Cicero is in bad shape." She grimaced. "Valk has a strong will and resisted being invaded by the cold. Cicero was tempted. He still held out, but it got in too deep for me to purge. You'll need to work on him. I was able to soften it up a bit though. Purifying flame vs. corrupting ice gave me a natural advantage."

"Unsurprising." I shrugged. "Cicero never struck me as strong of will. I'll work on him. Not now obviously, we have shit to do, but when I get a chance. How about you? Feeling ok? We're going to be leaning on you a bit harder during this part. You get any inspiration from watching us blow up the corpse of an ancient demon?"

My sister chuckled. "I had a few." She said with a grin. "I've been doing some research since you told me mom gave permission to use both my abilities." Holding up a hand, she focused on her palm, and a symbol slowly manifest. A black and white circle, a dot of each color the only relief in an otherwise bisected shape.

I raised a brow. "I'm not familiar with that. What is it exactly?"

"It's called a yin-yang diagram." She said excitedly. "It's a shape heavily invested in the blending of opposing forces. The implication is that all things are made of both dark and light, while each also contains a bit of the other. I've had some success stabilizing my energy when mixing it in this shape, long enough that I can actually use it as a projectile."

"That's fascinating." I said with interest. "Are you going to use it as your Path? It seems like a strong image."

She waggled her other hand. "Yes and no. I think I'm going to try to merge the concept with the idea of a star. It's kind of a family tradition, and there's a lot of powerful applications of star imagery. Imagine a yin-yang supernova. It's a perfect Path for me. I'm excited to ask mom and grandma about it." Her smile wilted. "If I can."

Reaching up, I pulled her into a hug. "Hey. I'm sure grandma is fine. She's a smart woman, no chance she would have gone to talk to her mother if she thought she would die. We're in a truce right now too."

"Do you think they can fix it?" She asked quietly. "Talk Black Sorrow into backing down so we can be a real family. Maybe dad will even come home."

"I somehow doubt that." I said wryly. "But I would like to be able to visit the Holy Dominion openly. I think they must have some kind of plan to get her to back down or they wouldn't have decided to try."

Letting her go, I stepped back. "Now, how about we search the district just to make sure there's no one lying in wait and we can get started on staging the attack. If they aren't here, the only other place that would be viable to hold an army is the guild. So once we clear the WCP we can start planning our assault."

"Hell yes we can." Said Stella bluntly as she arrived next to us. "Those horned bastards picked the wrong building to use. I have more than a few defensive redundancies in place. If we can get to my office I can seriously soften them up. Not to mention activating the lockdown protocols so we can kill them to the last man."

I grinned. "Don't suppose you and my uncle had a handy secret passage between your offices like in Rajak?"

She glared at me. "No. We did not. We were separated for years before I took over the branch. We'll have to go in the front. Or the back. Or one of the side entrances. Suffice to say we have more than a few options even without a secret tunnel."

"How about surveillance?" I asked with a frown. "Knowing where they all are, how many, and what their distribution is would be useful."

She sighed. "We don't have remote access. It's a security risk. If we can check that stuff from outside the building so can someone else. Beaker was adamant that we not leave any access from external sources. The whole security system is air gapped, not that lack of connection is a real obstacle for some people. It's better than nothing though."

"So we need to get you inside." I said with a nod. "Sounds good. Abel and I can escort you in while the others spread out and get ready to enter. No use coming in too hot and ruining our chances of tripping their trap."

Abel, who was waiting nearby, chuckled, cracking his neck. "Nice. That last workout was a little boring. Had to stay on defense and then bail. Let's get going then. If we take too long they'll withdraw."

With a sigh, I hopped to my feet, groaning a bit. I was still sore from the last fight, but my soul was in decent shape after some spiritual calming. Callie was on her way down, and we were on track to actually pull this off. This next part would be much more relaxing in some ways, just wiping out as many Wendigos as possible.

Which was why when we left the WCP, we left through the front door. Taking the elevator up into that old building, I stayed on high alert, waiting for any sign of an attack.

"It's weird there's no one down here." I muttered as we stood in the rising lift. "The WCP is never empty. I assume they let everyone flee, hoping we would go down and check and get boxed in." I smirked at the thought. "I bet they have people watching the outside waiting to spring the trap. Imagine their faces when we come OUT of there."

Abel snickered. "Always funny seeing an enemy reeling. If we're assuming they're watching, we need to head for the Unity building top speed right out the gate, right?"

I triggered Mephistopheles, letting my hair blaze up into black flame. "Hell yes." I said with a grin. "And go right through anything that tries to stop us. Stella, you good to keep up? I'm not really aware of your ability besides that it's star based. Cosmic Witchcraft, right?"

Reaching into a pouch, she pulled out a small doll that looked like her. From another pouch she pulled a recognizable can of what I knew was a high end energy drink on Callus. She poured it over the doll, which glowed the same purple as the liquid, and her eyes followed suit. "Yeah." She said nonchalantly. "I'll be fine."
"Alright." I said with a grin. "Then try to keep up. I won't be slowing down. Get ready for the Wendigo Run."

We waited together for a minute or two, until there was a ding, and the elevator doors opened. I stepped forward, vanishing in a blaze of black as Mephisto's Waltz began. I appeared at the front door, and the displaced air exploded out, the blast of wind and the sound of the sound barrier breaking shattering the glass windows at the front of the lobby.

My Eye of Revelation picked up a dozen horned forms moving, and I grinned as I stepped again. My waltz took me across the street, up the side of a building, off the skull of a Wendigo, and across the street in the opposite direction, shattering another's chest.

My staff licked out, smashing limbs and cracking skulls as I let the waltz take me, carrying me in split second flashes back and forth down the street toward the Unity building.

It felt amazing. I stepped off a piece of broken and falling debris from one of my landings, walking through that sky and up toward one of the larger Wendigos on top of of a taller building. It died in a single strike, and then I was off, back to the ground.

Our of the corner of my eye, I could see faces in the windows, people watching me work, and I felt…proud. These were my people, from my hometown, and they were seeing what I'd become, seeing me protect them from a terrible threat. It felt good, and it further reinforced my path moving forward.

Abel, meanwhile, was smashing through the monsters I left behind (I wasn't getting all of them) with massive bloody fist images, while Stella blurred through the wreckage in a purple streak, not really engaging with the monsters.

That was fine, it meant she made good time, and when we touched down in front of the Unity building, we were all there at about the same time. Around us, dozens of antlered forms gathered, barely visible in the dark if not for my Eye of Revelation, most likely using some kind of native stealth ability.

The Unity building looked empty from where we stood, and we had an unobstructed path inside, which of course confirmed the trap.

"We ready?" I asked Stella, who was panting slightly. She nodded, straightening with a firm look, and we all strode into the building. Once we were inside, the monsters tried to follow, and we let them. Stella couldn't trigger lockdowns yet, we needed to make sure the others made it in.

With that in mind, we walked deeper into the trap, letting them box us in, but none of us were particularly worried. In the back of my head, I could feel Callie getting closer. Since the fortress was gone, she couldn't use the bangle to come back, and was taking a shuttle in from the atmosphere.

Being E-rank she was able to enter easily enough without damaging the labyrinth construct. I grinned to myself as I felt the malicious presences at my back. She'd better hurry up, or there wasn't going to be any enemies left for her.
chapter 723 New
"Why aren't they attacking?" I said casually as we strolled through the halls. "I expected to be ass deep in Wendigo by this point. Although I have to admit, watching Abel twitch every time they move is kind of funny." I ignored the middle finger my teacher shot me, keeping most of my attention on my Danger Sense.

It was going off like a storm siren, obviously, but I was trying to track the intensity for forewarning of an attack. Nothing was pinging right now, so I split off a parallel to keep track so I could relax a little.

"I suspect they're waiting for backup." Stella said worriedly. "There are more and more of them spilling in. They're supposed to take you alive, right?"

I shrugged. "Who knows. Travis is probably pissed about all the losses." I smirked to myself. "I wish I could have seen the look on his face when we blew up the Heart. For all I know he'll just kill me and sacrifice my body or something. Or maybe they can do that weird grey ice thing like the ones at the Heart. Kick my ass and freeze me just before I die."

Despite the grim nature of the topic, I didn't let the possibilities bother me. This was pretty much ideal for our purposes. The more that came in the more we could trap in here with the others, and the less chance our forces would be noticed.

Abel snorted, saying in a deadpan voice. "With this many nearby, it might not be impossible. Even your advantages have limits."

"Yes. They outnumber us so heavily. We are truly beyond all help." I answered just as flatly. We stared at each other for a few seconds and then we both burst out laughing, nearly doubling over as we were wracked by that muscle cramping, full body laugh you get when you get sucked into laughing about something and just can't stop, even though it isn't really funny.

Stella just glared at us both, then turned the full force of her disapproval on Abel. "He used to be normal, you know. You're a terrible influence."

"You take that back!" I said, aghast. "I was NEVER normal."

She just rolled her eyes. "My mistake. What could I have been thinking." Finally we came to the top of the staircase I'd first walked so long ago after my intake. "My office." She said unnecessarily. "I'm going to go check some things like we discussed. Make sure I'm not disturbed."

We nodded solemnly as she headed inside, then stood motionless and waited. Sure enough, after she'd been out of sight for about thirty seconds, the Wendigos hit their limits and attacked.

Black flames roared under my feet as I began to Waltz, vanishing straight up as I bounced off either side of the staircase until my back was flat against the ceiling. With the vantage point, I found the furthest one back and triggered Double Trouble, then went to work bashing my way into the crowd of monsters from the back as Abel smashed into them from the front. More flooded in from behind me, sadly, the ones who had been accumulating on the walk.

I triggered Mephistopheles and Belial, then started painting the area around me with black demonic corrosion. Which…turned out to be a big mistake.

My eyes widened as the ground melted out from under us, and I stepped off the air, dropping Belial and reaching out with Dust Construction.

It was tough to grab hold of the melted rock, but it was close enough to the dust that I was able to force it to work, and I managed to jam enough of it back into the expanding cracks to create a very basic makeshift brace that kept the building from collapsing on top of us.

"Can you please NOT!" Bellowed Abel from higher up the steps.

"Well it wasn't INTENTIONAL!" I howled back. "I forgot how fucking flimsy everything here is. Even Rajak was sturdy enough not to just fall apart." I should have considered the problem when I shattered those windows at the WCP building. Valen was essentially a mortal city, and almost nothing here was made of Ascendant material.

It was even more shocking the Wendigos could function, they were animalistic nutcases one and all. I was surprised their feet weren't punching into the rock. It was so annoying when bad guys were competent, even the really basic kind.

Still, I had plenty of easy options. I triggered Ripple Running and just avoided the ground in general, though I had to adjust my combat style to something more physical. Collapsing the building on us wouldn't kill us…but it also wouldn't kill them. What it WOULD do was make our forces harder to gather.

Once they showed up we could have Bethy pull them all into her Domain and fight it out inside. Until then, I just lashed out back and forth with my staff.

It almost felt nostalgic. No forms or special abilities, just creacking them over the heads with a big ass stick like I'd done when I got started. I snarled in pain as a pair of antlers slammed into my back, but my armor took most of the damage.

Lashing out behind me with a brutal thrust, the staff smashed into the creature's sternum, eliciting a horrific crack as the monster stumbled back. Another one was coming at me head on, but I used its eye as a reflective surface, triggering Double Trouble on the injured one behind me.

In an instant I was up on its head, using its antlers as handlebars as I stomped down on its ugly face as hard and fast as I could. As it sank to its knees, I wrenched the head around with the full weight of my body, interposing the antler in my left hand between myself and the one that had just realized it was only attacking an illusion.

There was so many of them, and so much happening. I triggered Piece of Mind, splitting off a parallel even as I called for Beelzebub. Twelve other versions of me appeared around me, immediately going to work, and I grimaced at the strain.

I only had two forms active, but I'd been going for a while now. My soul wasn't in agony or anything, but I had a throbbing pain behind my eyes that reminded me of an ice cream headache. I was used to overdoing it all at once and being struck dumb with agony, so the gradual build from constant on and off use was easy enough to push through for now.

The fight dragged on, and I killed a bunch more Wendigos (though less than I'd have liked because they kept getting between me and the wounded before I could finish them). I was about to stomp one's face in when there was a low hum and a flash as the walls and floor glowed blue.

"I think that was the lockdown!" I called as I kicked off the air to avoid being speared on a particularly sharp pair of antlers. When I touched down though, I had time to check out the materials for a second, and was shocked to note that I felt Impact in them now. Not anything up to my standards, but like…F-rank maybe?

"Did these rocks just get more durable?" Called Abel.

I just laughed, calling back. "Seems like the lockdown reinforces the building. Which makes sense because it's not much of a lockdown if you can just walk through the wall. Still, that'll make things way easier."

That train of thought was cut off by the scream of my danger sense and I threw myself sideways as a small orb of condensed black and white energy streaked past me, hit a crowd of Wendigos, and then fucking EXPLODED.

"Sorry!" Called the embarrassed voice of my sister. "I'm still figuring out how to aim that! It pulls to the left!"

I grinned as I turned around, seeing our entire force converging, more than a hundred and fifty E-rankers sweeping down the hallways, tearing apart the straggling Wendigos that were trying desperately to escape them.

"Is that all of them?" I called with a laugh. "It's hard to tell, they all have that same grey hide and the antlers."

Chelsea arrived next to me with a grin. "I'm pretty sure. We're getting conflicting reports of a few dozen staying outside, but not enough to really turn the tides. We're grinding them down easily enough. We have a numbers advantage AND a skill advantage. I don't think the stragglers are going to be an iss-" She cut off as Stella came barreling out of her office frantically. "DOWN!" She screamed, jumping into the hole I'd left with my corrosion. Without questioning it, we all disengaged, and anyone who couldn't get back down the hall jumped into the hole.

There was a colossal boom, and dust and rock rained down from above us as something hit the building.

We'd all landed just one floor below, and as the smoke cleared, I could make out something huge moving through the obscuring cloud. Something grey, tipped with knifelike talons on a hand the size of a small fucking house.

As I watched, a pair of massive dark columns recognizable as horns sheared through the stone of the Unity building and a hideous warped face shoved itself into the hole the arm had left, hateful red eyes glaring down at us from sockets as tall as we were.

"What the actual fuck is THAT?" I screamed in a manly and not at all high pitched voice.

Abel groaned. "Invocation of some kind? Technically the transformation IS an ability. Maybe all of the stragglers did it at the same time. Either way. Doesn't matter much, does it?" Hauling back, he threw a colossal punch with his right hand, and above us, a bloody manifestation of his closed fist coalesced, tearing through the air and smashing into the massive demon head.

It stumbled back, and I stepped off the air to follow it up, landing on a rock ledge inside the hole it torn in the side of the building. The construction was clearly getting destabilized, and the blue glow of the lockdown protocols was flickering and about to go out, at which point the whole place would probably collapse.

Despite all that, I wasn't worried about it. I just stood there casually, staring up at the massive monster. Abel and Chelsea hopped up next to me, the others below trying to hunt down the fleeing Wendigos as they scattered.

"You don't seem worried." My sister commented. "Shouldn't we be getting ready for a huge fight?"

I just laughed. "Nope. It's already taken care of." I'd been waiting for something for a while now, and I could feel it coming from a ways out. I wouldn't need to lift a finger, though I was definitely going to be helping.

"Really?" She said worriedly. "Because I don't see how that's possible. What exactly is going to take care of that giant monster."

Grinning, I pointed up at the sky behind the monster. Through the bond, I could feel the flex of two of my forms, forms that wouldn't have been usable before the rank up. One of them wouldn't have been usable even after, except that we were cheating a little bit.

"What is that?" She said, squinting. I didn't blame her for not knowing what she was looking at. With my feet planted, Mornax was working through the bond (a fun new trick considering it had only originally been usable on solid ground) , but the curled up form of my Callie wasn't easily visible, wreathed in black fire as she was from the collecting strength of Mephistopheles.

The giant super Wendigo seemed to notice at the last minute and turned to look at what was coming. Callie had jumped from a shuttle just below orbit, and with Mornax increasing her density and Mephistopheles supercharging her force she was basically a living mortar shell. It was a shame it had turned though, I'd have loved to see its face when she crashed into and vaporized its entire upper torso. My wife certainly knew how to make an entrance.
chapter 724 New
Valen…was in pretty bad shape. Callie had aimed herself at the Unity building, but the lockdown reinforcement had faded, and she'd gone through the building, into the WCP, and hit the underground district hard. The city wasn't going to COLLAPSE, but it was getting a little creaky.

Luckily, there was a ton of rubble around, and a modified use of Pit of Despair turned it all into Dust that I was able to work into a series of pillars to hold everything up. Song of the Soil helped me get a decent idea of the weak spots, and considering I was working mortal materials, even the amounts of Dust I was using was literally effortless.

Callie had arrived by the time I was done, and we piled into Bethy's Domain together. I was grinning ear to ear as she threw herself into my arms and we just…held each other, letting the world move around us as we reveled in the presence of the person we loved most.

"I missed you." I breathed as she squeezed me. "So much. Like a ridiculous amount. Fighting without you makes me feel so unbalanced, and trying to defend our own home while I knew you couldn't be there sucked. I'm so happy you're back. That was a hell of an attack, by the way. Serious power there."

"It was your attack." She said with a laugh as she pulled away. "I just borrowed it. Granted, my much higher Might helped me get the most out of it, but still."

I laughed, and we both sat on the grass. Jessie, Celine, and Benny came over, followed by my sister, and then Gabe, Abel, and Mel. "Thank the gods you're back." My best friend moaned as he slumped down. "He's been in the worst mood. No matter how I try to cheer him up. I made him breakfast last week and he nearly bit my head off."

"You kicked open my door, screamed 'BAGEL' and then hurled one at my face while I was asleep!" I spat acidly.

He snorted. "You weren't asleep by the time it hit you. You woke up because of the screaming."

Celine glared at him. "You told me you wanted to have a heart to heart with him about taking on too much."

"I DID have a heart to heart with him." He said innocently. "In our hearts, there is only bread violence. And he got me back like right after. He Pit of Despaired the ground under my foot as I turned to run. I smacked my head into a door handle as I went down."

"Which did NOTHING to you and irreparable damage to my door!" I raged. "So if anything you owe me twice for that!"

Callie shot Celine a pitying look. "I'm so sorry you had to put up with this the whole time I was gone."

"It wasn't that bad." The elf girl laughed. "Honestly it's a relief to see them so carefree. Shane really has been on edge, and Benny was worried. Of course, he SHOWED that worry in a ridiculous way, but that's just their relationship."

"Speaking of worry." Said Jessie hesitantly. "Do we need to worry about Travis mass murdering people out of frustration? Or to try to mess with our heads? I'm kind of shocked he hasn't been doing that already. I get he wants to mass sacrifice all the Ascendants as a show of force, but they've been leaving the mortals totally alone."

Chelsea grimaced. "If I had to guess, it's because killing them hasn't even occurred to him. People like friends and family would have been targets if they weren't at the wedding, but most Ascended like Travis…they consider mortals to be basically livestock. It literally isn't worth the effort to kill them in large numbers as far as they're concerned."

That was…depressing. It was good for our purposes, but hearing that the other side of this war (and some of our own side based on her tone) literally considered more than 98% of the universe not to be human was…dark.

"Anyway." I said, desperate to change the subject. "We're headed back to the volcano, and we'll be staying there a while. I considered continuing this party on to Wintervale, but after experiencing that raid and the exhaustion from consistent power use like that, I decided to wait."

"But won't we need to worry about Travis being ready for us?" Asked Jessie worriedly.

"I think the opposite." I said with a shrug. "The longer we wait the bigger our advantage. We took a huge chunk out of his forces, made a big splash doing it, and destroyed his only means of expansion. The longer we wait the stronger we get, and he can't stay on guard twenty four seven indefinitely. Let him waste his energy on defense while we recover, then hit him when his guard drops."

I'd been leaning toward taking the fight to him as soon as possible, but Valen had changed my mind. The patience they'd shown with that trap, mixed with my own growing exhaustion, had illuminated a better path forward. Plus I wanted to spend some time with my wife. We'd rescued everyone we knew, and with Travis shoring up his defenses we had some breathing room. I needed to breathe.

Callie reached down, taking my hand in the grass and twining her fingers through mine. I didn't look at her, but I didn't need to. Touching her after so long apart was relief enough in itself.

We weren't DONE with the occupation, but we had certainly turned things around. "I say we give it a month." I said eventually. "Between wishes and normal growth, it should be more than enough for us to at least scrape up against D-rank. Well, Callie and I. We can ride the planetary rank up when we finish liberating Callus."

I was honestly torn about becoming D-rank. I couldn't imagine what that was going to be like, and I'd be losing Zeke's protection. I was confident enough to survive without it, but I was going to seriously miss him, even without the additional worries that losing the defense of my guardian would drop on my head. Still, I'd had a lot of practice lately, between this incident and the Glade.

A month wasn't a short time, but I suspected Travis would be on his guard for a WHILE. Four weeks should be enough time for even the most paranoid defender to relax, and when we hit him, we'd be much more powerful than we were now.

More than that though…we were tired. Not just me, but all of us. We'd been running from siege to siege, blowing up buildings and dropping districts on people. The odd break for recovery wasn't the same as actual downtime, and if we tried to go into this fight half cocked people were going to die.

The Wendigos had ferocity and power, but they were ultimately animals. Too much instinct and not enough thinking. The enemy Ascendants were mostly thugs and bullies, most likely sent along because they were more trouble back at the base than dead. I'd definitely killed more than a few legitimate threats, but they wouldn't have been wasting their best.

Now though, the shoe was on the other foot. The longer we waited the better shape we'd be in, and the worse shape they would. Staying at one hundred percent alert for a few days was tough, doing it for a MONTH would have any sane human being, Ascendant or not, ready to snap.

Granted, we were living under a volcano, so our own people were likely to get stir crazy after a while too. But we could still do raids on claimed cities to free high rankers, assuming Travis didn't call them all back to Wintervale to dig in.

The more I thought about the situation, the more I became convinced that this was the worst possible outcome for him. If the labyrinth dropped, the high rankers would storm the planet and he'd be fucked. The only thing I could imagine saving him would be a god, and he'd made it clear that he didn't exactly have one on hand.

His plan was considered a low risk attempt that didn't waste anything important. Their gods had given him a few trinkets, but the basic concept was that he would create a big fuss without needing to waste a ton of time and energy from powerful Ascendants on their side. It was supposed to be a morale blow.

My instincts told me that his way out of this involved the sacrifice. Maybe some kind of summoning or something, or an emergency beacon. Whatever the case, he needed a way out from under the nose of a bunch of A-rankers, and if he couldn't manage the sacrifice, I doubted he'd have one.

He was going to get antsy as this dragged out. Honestly we'd gotten lucky with his whole outlook on mortals, but it would probably start looking like a viable option eventually. Which meant we needed a way to keep him locked up in Wintervale once his people got back.

I pointed that out to Callie through the bond, and she paused, looking thoughtful, then nodded. "I might have an idea." She said after a minute of consideration. "Give me a bit."

She came back looking excited. "Alright. I think supplemental wishes will help, but we've got a decent plan. Frostbite thinks she can work with Tempest to rig up a massive blizzard. An invocation with a few other powerful abilities poured in, some enchanting to anchor it, and some wishes to smooth out the problems."

Frostbite herself, who I hadn't seen in quite a while, appeared shortly afterward, with Bethy following behind her. "Hey" I greeted her warmly. "Heard you have an idea that might solve our problem.

"Hell yes I do." She grinned. "In fact, I have a much better one than I did a minute ago. I was talking with your vampire about her Domain, expressing some interest in how it worked, and she made a comment that gave me an idea. We have enchanters here. Formation masters, ice ability users spatial users, and a dozen other types of powerful Ascendants. Not to mention the layout of that place is set up specifically for formations, right?"

I nodded. "Pretty much, there's a huge on there already, that's what the aurora is. What does that have to do with anything?"

"Because, the terrain, the possible formation applications, and the layout of that area all happen to resemble something extremely relevant to our situation." Holding out a hand, a sphere of ice manifested, and inside of it I could see a mini snowstorm.

I froze. "A snowglobe." I said slowly. "You want to use a formation supported by over a hundred E-rankers to turn the entire city of Wintervale into a SNOWGLOBE?"

"I mean, we'll need plenty of support, and it won't last forever, but it should keep them from burning down the whole planet out of revenge. Melissa from the Beast Lord Garden is into it, and she's going to need plenty of support from you and your cousin, but in theory we SHOULD be able to pull it off."

"We'd have to make it permeable from outside." I said slowly. "Let us and the other enemy forces in but not let anything out. Once we finish them off we can drop it. Is Moravian here? Bring him in on this. He's a Formation Grandmaster, and if anyone can pull it off its him."

I was getting excited. If we pulled this off, we could seriously limit the damage Travis and co could do, AND hopefully Moravian could use this whole idea as the step he needed to springboard his planetary formation into the rank up. At least if my understanding of formations and symbolism was right.

This was the closest thing to a solid plan for ending the occupation I'd had so far. The other plans were more reactionary than anything, but if we did this right, we could completely crush the enemy forces. I couldn't help but grin. Time to see how Travis liked being stuck in a bubble.