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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Cold Iron (part 6)
26th June 2012
18:43 GMT

As I fly towards London I feel a momentary twinge of guilt that I'm not… Hunting the Sheeda holdouts down myself. Intellectually, I know that if Sivana's already got all of the answers then this is a far more effective use of my time. But orange is not the colour of the intellect. It's the colour of the stomach, and my stomach is hungry for the destruction of the people trying to take a wrecking ball to my uplift project.

With the provisional agreement of Russia and China and with America thinking about it, I need to work out what other countries I need to speak to directly and which will simply fall in line. Sivana made actual field test attacks in Britain on two occasions, has killed British nationals and caused significant amounts of financial damage, and…

I don't know. I'm pretty sure that Boris would take my advice if the threat here were a little more imminent, but the Sheeda appear to have avoided London. Probably due to Mr Ondaatie's prescience. I'm not sure what his brute force is like, but the Sheeda have been working by utilising their advantages to avoid risky fights. Having him shut down their magic once they're far enough inside the city to trap would doom any attacking force. Not sure what would happen if they parked a Harvest Dreadnought over Downing Street and tried bombarding the place. There are jet fighters over the capital constantly, but as far as I know Britain doesn't have air-to-air nuclear missiles.

Alright, the Prime Minister is expecting-.


I stop in the air, frowning at my rings. Then I check that I'm not too close to a densely populated area, because I suspect that someone-.

A bolt of orange strikes my environmental shield, knocking me back slightly in the air. I frown-.

Another bolt, and this time I get an impression of the desire which created it. The firer wanted.. to.. remove an aggressor, a frustratingly militant distraction-.

That's my desire. How I felt during the fight in Ipswich.

Strange, but… Okay. The third bolt strikes, but this time I absorb it, fitting it neatly into my own desire network.

Charge increased. Eighty eight percent charge available.

Normally I'm not a huge fan of being shot, but this appears to be net harmless.

"Is that it?"

"Huuuuman. I'm n-."

"Well done, you've successfully identified my species."

I vaguely remember from the comics that orange light is weak against attacks from orange light, and that… Appears to hold somewhat true, based on Dox's reports on Orange Lantern training. If my Corps ever fights the Sinestro Corps or the Green Lantern Corps my people are going to be astonished by how well their constructs hold up. But that's due to how clashing desires undermine each other. Using my own drives against me isn't going to work. They're a part of me. And no one knows my desires quite like I do.

"Is there a point to this?"

I look around, empathic vision turned up a little to see if it lets me bypass whatever invisibility system my trying-to-be assailant is using. No such luck. London's only a short hop away if I feel like running for it.

I don't feel like running for it.

I can't really adopt a cross-legged pose while wearing my armour, but I draw my legs in slightly and… Unfocus, trying to reach into the Honden and feel the flows of desire around me.

"You know the bald man. Sivana." The voice is echoing, not really coming from any one place. But it's a form of communication, a desire to send a message from one mind to another. That… Narrows it down ever so slightly. "Where is he, human?"

"One step ahead of you. And I really hope that you've got a better weapon than my own desires to use against me."

Plenty of people want to confront me; a handful of people who have heard about my attempts to get Sivana pardoned and who want to stop me, to explain and share the hurt they've experienced at his hands. Some people still haven't gotten over the eyes. Some people want to know why I -mostly as a representative of the superhero community in general- haven't dealt with this so they can get back to their lives, get back to safety.

"You can't meaningfully threaten me, you can't meaningfully threaten anyone I care about, you can't offer me anything I want and you certainly won't convince me of the righteousness of your cause. What do you want?"

The air a short distance away undulates green, then a female Sheeda is vomited forth. The outline of the armour is… Mostly the same as what Anarawd wore, but I can see patterns of minute runic inscriptions along the edges and over the head. It also has a decidedly female cast to it; the hips are emphasised, the dragonfly wings attached to the back are slender and shimmer with rainbow light and the cuirass is moulded to display her breasts. Reminds me a little of the second Forager, but with iridescent green armour rather than white.

Internal only.

"Orange Lantern to Batman. Have encountered Sheeda just outside of London. Will attempt diplomacy, then desire control."

I get an acknowledgement 'blip', so I turn up my empathic vision while continuing to reach for her in the Honden.

"Do you have a name?"

"I am Lady Aeres, Highborn of the Sheeda."

"I'm the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, and you're intruding. If you surrender, I will see that you are treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention rules on the treatment of prisoners of war."

"If you kneel to the Queen, she will offer you dominion over this-."

"This world? Really? The only reason I don't rule this world now is that I don't want to. Why would Queen Gloriana offering it to me after she's levelled it make the prospect more appealing?"

I shake my head inside my armour.

"Did you think this through?"

"Yes. My Queen ordered me to make the offer, and I did. Now I may kill you without disobeying her."

Add in 'wants to kill me'-. Really? That's petty. But it narrows it down.

"Nice rules lawyering. But I really don't understand why you'd want to. I mean, given all of the destruction the Sheeda will carry out before they're killed off, I'd much prefer to just offer you a new planet to settle. Then you wouldn't need to Harrow the past any longer. You could just build your own civilisation in peace."

"Why would I want peace? I am built for war, bred for it! A billion years of evolution and artifice tell me that I am your superior!"

She thrusts her right hand in my direction, and in a flicker of runes a spear appears in it.

"I am the perfect creature designed to kill you, Harold Jordan!"

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that."

"Do you fear me? Does the knowledge that none of your vaunted skills will matter against me threaten to unman you lest you block it from your mind?"

"No, it's just this thing where people from the future have no idea who I am. It's getting a bit annoying."

"Because we Sheeda have superior intelligence and know your most closely-guarded secrets!"

"Because I'm not Harold Jordan. I am, however, mildly annoyed."
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"I am the perfect creature designed to kill you, Harold Jordan!"

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that."

"Do you fear me? Does the knowledge that none of your vaulted skills will matter against me threaten to unman you less you block it from your mind?"

"No, it's just this thing where people from the future have no idea who I am. It's getting a bit annoying."

"Because we Sheeda have superior intelligence and know your most closely-guarded secrets!"

"Because I'm not Harold Jordan. I am, however, mildly annoyed."
Time to blow the Sheedas' minds by explaining that their understanding of time travel is outdated and that everything they know is most likely now obsolete. Also, since this thing is created to kill Hal, she's going to have a very hard time with Paul. I also want to know Hal's reaction to this.
As for kittyfarmer Paul and his armor, Zoat's words weren't that it was lantern armor, but that it was armor designed to recharge his ring so he thinks of it as his lantern.

I bet the armor acts as a body shaped heat fear sink. Just absorbing all of the ambient fear and converting it into Fear that Paultector's ring can use ;)

"I am the perfect creature designed to kill you, Harold Jordan!"

Ahhahhah! :D

"No, it's just this thing where people from the future have no idea who I am. It's getting a bit annoying."

You know, this joke will never get old :) Have like for this alone.

At some point he'll have to seriously consider what's going on with this issue in-universe.
What's more likely, that somehow all of the time travelers he encounters come from futures of different TLs or that all of his efforts to change the world will ultimately amount to nothing and that future visitors are still more likely to recognise Plastic Man than the founder of OLC :D
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Mr Ondaatie's prescience


"Why would I want peace? I am built for war, bred for it! A billion years of evolution and artifice tell me that I am your superior!"

Well Melmoth wasn't completely lying about other Sheeda.

"I am the perfect creature designed to kill you, Harold Jordan!"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"No, it's just this thing where people from the future have no idea who I am. It's getting a bit annoying."

First the time they tried to kill Superman and now this.

"Because we Sheeda have superior intelligence

Again, hah hah ha ha ha haa hah hah!

"Because I'm not Harold Jordan. I am, however, mildly annoyed."

One day you may become absolutely livid.

I also want to know Hal's reaction to this.

Probably smugness because he's more famous than Paul.
ahh, i see why she was attacking Paul with his own desire

since same color are effective against Lantern, if Hal was attack by his own Will then he would have been in a pickle

but Paul have Enlightenment so he can just wave it off and reabsorb it

cool ability but way too specialize
ahh, i see why she was attacking Paul with his own desire

since same color are effective against Lantern, if Hal was attack by his own Will then he would have been in a pickle

but Paul have Enlightenment so he can just wave it off and reabsorb it

cool ability but way too specialize

Maybe not.

If the power is to try to cause a conflict in their primary light then it's a bit over specialized given how many ring slinger types don't give a fuck, and how the higher tier enlightened ones will ignore it anyway.

If it's to try to hit them with their own desires that's a bit more useful. Orange undermines a lot of the other colors by nature, including itself, and if she's able to actually get skilled with manipulating the orange light there's a lot she can do with even restricted manifestations. Paul's all things strive for example.
Hello Mildly Annoyed, I'm Richard.

Lady Aeres, Highborn of the Sheeda and a perfect killing machine. As deadly as she is beautiful!


... Mildly Annoyed, some Hal Jordan fanboy wearing some cheap 'Made in China Maltus' power ring knockoff (he couldn't even get the colour right!)

Is it even a question who will win this "fight"?
26th June 2012
18:43 GMT

As I fly towards London I feel a momentary twinge of guilt that I'm not… Hunting the Sheeda holdouts down myself. Intellectually, I know that if Sivana's already got all of the answers then this is a far more effective use of my time. But orange is not the colour of the intellect. It's the colour of the stomach, and my stomach is hungry for the destruction of the people trying to take a wrecking ball to my uplift project.
A nice analogy. After what is desire but the hunger for more than what you need to survive? That, after all, is what empowered the Ophidian in the first place.

With the provisional agreement of Russia and China and with America thinking about it, I need to work out what other countries I need to speak to directly and which will simply fall in line. Sivana made actual field test attacks in Britain on two occasions, has killed British nationals and caused significant amounts of financial damage, and…
To be honest, if you hit up most of the Security Council nations, the rest will probably take the hint and give you what you need. I'm sure word is already spreading amongst allied nations.

I don't know. I'm pretty sure that Boris would take my advise if the threat here were a little more imminent, but the Sheeda appear to have avoided London. Probably due to Mr Ondaatie's prescience. I'm not sure what his brute force is like, but the Sheeda have been working by utilising their advantages to avoid risky fights. Having him shut down their magic once they're far enough inside the city to trap would doom any attacking force. Not sure what would happen if they parked a Harvest Dreadnought over Downing Street and tried bombarding the place. There are jet fighters over the capital constantly, but as far as I know Britain doesn't have air-to-air nuclear missiles.
And nuking London would be one hell of a last resort. I have to wonder how the demon-worshippers are getting on, though. Bet Hell's getting a few interesting summonings...

Alright, the Prime Minister is expecting-.

Oh, hell, a random encounter. Since when did this turn into a JRPG?

I stop in the air, frowning at my rings. Then I check that I'm not too close to a densely populated area, because I suspect that someone-.

A bolt of orange strikes my environmental shield, knocking me back slightly in the air. I frown-.
...Hardly the most effective weapon. I'm going to enjoy watching him take that Sheeda's attacks and beating them over the head with them. As in, literally smacking them with the energy bolts like they were clubs!

Another bolt, and this time I get an impression of the desire which created it. The firer wanted.. to.. remove an aggressor, a frustratingly militant distraction-.

That's my desire. How I felt during the fight in Ipswich.
Yes, getting in the way of more worthwhile jobs. We've seen what you think of that sort of thing.

Strange, but… Okay. The third bolt strikes, but this time I absorb it, fitting it neatly into my own desire network.

Charge increased. Eighty eight percent charge available.
Oh, boy. This pointy-eared moron is in way over their head, aren't they? Wonder how they're taking the fact he absorbed their attack?

Normally I'm not a huge fan of being shot, but this appears to be net harmless.

"Is that it?"
When it's going to be this easy, why not taunt them. It's not like they can hurt you with that weapon.

"Huuuuman. I'm n-."

"Well done, you've successfully identified my species."
Of course, that doesn't mean they don't have other weapons. Might want to take care of this quickly.

I vaguely remember from the comics that orange light is weak against attacks from orange light, and that… Appears to hold somewhat true, based on Dox's reports on Orange Lantern training. If my Corps ever fights the Sinestro Corps or the Green Lantern Corps my people are going to be astonished by how well their constructs hold up. But that's due to how clashing desires undermine each other. Using my own drives against me isn't going to work. They're a part of me. And no one knows my desires quite like I do.
Like trying to burn a fire dragon with a torch. You kind of need something bigger. Like the Megadeth fire spell (if I remember right). Unsoakable damage for the win.

"Is there a point to this?"

I look around, empathic vision turned up a little to see if it lets me bypass whatever invisibility system my trying-to-be assailant is using. No such luck. London's only a short hop away if I feel like running for it.

I don't feel like running for it.
Give them a little education in who they're dealing with, eh? I doubt they can adjust strategies in the field, especially if it requires making a new trooper with altered genes.

I can't really adopt a cross-legged pose while wearing my armour, but I draw my legs in slightly and… Unfocus, trying to reach into the Honden and feel the flows of desire around me.

"You know the bald man. Sivana." The voice is echoing, not really coming from any one place. But it's a form of communication, a desire to send a message from one mind to another. That… Narrows it down ever so slightly. "Where is he, human?"
A telepath, eh? And looking for Sivana? Looks like the Queen is planning on some measured retribution for his insults. Like the whole 'energy blast into the Hunstman destroying stuff back home' thing.

"One step ahead of you. And I really hope that you've got a better weapon that my own desires to use against me."

Plenty of people want to confront me; a handful of people who have heard about my attempts to get Sivana pardoned and who want to stop me, to explain and share the hurt they've experienced at his hands. Some people still haven't gotten over the eyes. Some people want to know why I -mostly as a representative of the superhero community in general- haven't dealt with this so they can get back to their lives, get back to safety.
Reasonable desires all. And clearly not the person he's looking for...

"You can't meaningfully threaten me, you can't meaningfully threaten anyone I care about, you can't offer me anything I want and you certainly won't convince me of the righteousness of your cause. What do you want?"
Heh, that'll get them seething. After all, what better way to insult an enemy, than by ignoring their threat?

The air a short distance away undulates green, then a female Sheeda is vomited forth. The outline of the armour is… Mostly the same as what Anarawd wore, but I can see patterns of minute runic inscriptions along the edges and over the heard. It also has a decidedly female caste to it; the hips are emphasised, the dragonfly wings attached to the back are slender and shimmer with rainbow light and the cuirass is moulded to display her breasts. Reminds me a little of the second Forager, but with iridescent green armour rather than white.
Huh. I didn't realise Sheeda went in for personal flight devices. This must be an Elite soldier. Still going to get her ass handed to her, though.

Internal only.

"Orange Lantern to Batman. Have encountered Sheeda just outside of London. Will attempt diplomacy, then desire control."
Yeah, might have useful information. I doubt diplomacy will go well, especially if they're heavily indoctrinated to the Queen's will. Which they almost certainly will be...

I get an acknowledgement 'blip', so I turn up my empathic vision while continuing to reach for her in the Honden.

"Do you have a name?"
Just so he can log it in his report, of course. It's not like she'll last long.

"I am Lady Aeres, Highborn of the Sheeda."

"I'm the Illustres of the Orange Lantern Corps, and you're intruding. If you surrender, I will see that you are treated in accordance with the Geneva Convention rules on the treatment of prisoners of war."
A Highborn, eh? Basically a Sheeda Super... Super-villain, because Sheeda.

"If you kneel to the Queen, she will offer you dominion over this-."

"This world? Really? The only reason I don't rule this world now is that I don't want to. Why would Queen Gloriana offering it to me after she's levelled it make the prospect more appealing?"
Honestly, do you know how much work is involved in running an entire planet? Especially one that's been razed back into the Stone Age?

I shake my head inside my armour.

"Did you think this through?"
You assume she bothers to think at all. What the Queen commands, and all that. Oh, she might have a little more free will, but only as far as she needs to discriminate between targets...

"Yes. My Queen ordered me to make the offer, and I did. Now I may kill you without disobeying her."

Add in 'wants to kill me'-. Really? That's petty. But it narrows it down.
I'm surprised. I thought there'd be more people with that desire. But then, he does have other filters applied... Like 'Hurt the weak peasants'. 'Please the Queen'. 'Die well'.

"Nice rules lawyering. But I really don't understand why you'd want to. I mean, given all of the destruction the Sheeda will carry out before they're killed off, I'd much prefer to just offer you a new planet to settle. Then you wouldn't need to Harrow the past any longer. You could just build your own civilisation in peace."

"Why would I want peace? I am built for war, bred for it! A billion years of evolution and artifice tell me that I am your superior!"
Yep, utterly indoctrinated in the Sheeda way of life. Melmoth wasn't kidding about their liking for causing suffering, was he?

She thrusts her right hand in my direction, and in a flicker of runes a spear appears in it.

"I am the perfect creature designed to kill you, Harold Jordan!"
... :confused: I'm sorry, you'll have to wait a few minutes, while OL finishes laughing... Incidentally, Queen Glory-Bra wanted to offer Hal Jordan dominion? Did she really expect that to work, especially after Sinestro? And why would she be so worried about a Spectrum-user?

"I'm going to pretend that you didn't say that."
Seriously, is she colourblind? Wouldn't she have been told Hal Jordan is green? <facepalm> Fucking knife-ears...

"Do you fear me? Does the knowledge that none of your vaulted skills will matter against me threaten to unman you less you block it from your mind?"

"No, it's just this thing where people from the future have no idea who I am. It's getting a bit annoying."
That's how many now? Might have to prepare some manner of apocalypse-proof datalog system to keep records down the line. Something that can survive just about anything and be operated by the dumbest of cavepeople...

"Because we Sheeda have superior intelligence and know your most closely-guarded secrets!"

"Because I'm not Harold Jordan. I am, however, mildly annoyed."
"I have not heard of this 'Mildly Annoyed'. What manner of name is that?"

I'm honestly curious as to how she would have fought a Green Lantern anyway? Would she have been firing fear? What is she even using to duplicate Spectrum energy? I mean, I know it's not that hard. Metahumans can do it, but... This raises so many questions...

...along the edges and over the heard.
...along the edges and over the head.
It also has a decidedly female caste to it...
It also has a decidedly female cast to it...
And nuking London would be one hell of a last resort. I have to wonder how the demon-worshippers are getting on, though. Bet Hell's getting a few interesting summonings...

They were killed during the Angel invasion.

The non demon worshipers are probably still alive though, but they may have decided to go straight after their compatriots were angel fried.

Reasonable desires all. And clearly not the person he's looking for...

I have a feeling OL's reputation is going to take a lot of hits after more people discover what he did for Sivana.

Most people may mostly know him for the cake and the eyes thing, and may think he's a bit crazy, and with this whole pardon thing they may honestly lose a lot of trust in him.

Yep, utterly indoctrinated in the Sheeda way of life. Melmoth wasn't kidding about their liking for causing suffering, was he?


... :confused: I'm sorry, you'll have to wait a few minutes, while OL finishes laughing... Incidentally, Queen Glory-Bra wanted to offer Hal Jordan dominion? Did she really expect that to work, especially after Sinestro? And why would she be so worried about a Spectrum-user?

Power ring=bullshit god tier powers.

That's why she'd be worried about a Spectrum user.

Seriously, is she colourblind? Wouldn't she have been told Hal Jordan is green? <facepalm> Fucking knife-ears...

They may not know what color the rings are and just know about some of their capabilities.

"I have not heard of this 'Mildly Annoyed'. What manner of name is that?"

In the words of Abridged Guru:

"I do not know what this 'Mildly Annoyed' is, but it sounds disappointing"

I'm honestly curious as to how she would have fought a Green Lantern anyway? Would she have been firing fear? What is she even using to duplicate Spectrum energy? I mean, I know it's not that hard. Metahumans can do it, but... This raises so many questions...

In the words of God from the Darkmatter2525 channel on Youtube.

what if the space manipulation tech used by paul is different from the necrons?

Quite possible, even likely considering that the Matrusians and Necrons had very different origins and developmental histories.

There's also the fact that we don't know which edition P'aul is in, so the Necrons having that kind of tech might not even be a thing.
They were? Are you guessing/hoping they were or was it an actual plot point? I don't remember it but it's been a while since the angel invasion plotline.

The Angels went after any demonic presence they could detect on the planet and I remember Zoat mentioning they were killed, but I can't exactly remember when.
The Angels went after any demonic presence they could detect on the planet

Does that mean that poor Mr Thornton is dead as well?

I'll be honest, that sounds... a bit contrived but as far as offscreen issue resolutions go it isn't a bad one. Still, the angel invasion plotline wasn't completely pointless... Huh. Ok! Awesome.
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Quite possible, even likely considering that the Matrusians and Necrons had very different origins and developmental histories.

There's also the fact that we don't know which edition P'aul is in, so the Necrons having that kind of tech might not even be a thing.
Considering the daemonettes were an older edition version? That might be P'aul noping their psychic abilities, or it might be that he's in an earlier edition. Weak evidence towards the point, anyway. Probably not first or second edition, though, since I think the Tau were a third edition addition.
Probably smugness because he's more famous than Paul.
I would think he might be more insulted that a species the claims to know everything about him (Hal) would believe he would bend the knee and agree to be the ruler of Earth in exchange for collaborating. Or maybe just not care and use his Will to beat the stuffing out of these sadistic abominations.
I would think he might be more insulted that a species the claims to know everything about him (Hal) would believe he would bend the knee and agree to be the ruler of Earth in exchange for collaborating. Or maybe just not care and use his Will to beat the stuffing out of these sadistic abominations.

Good point, but I still think he'd try to rub it into Paul's face that he's more well known than him, at least from time to time if he thinks Paul's ego is getting too big.
I bet the armor acts as a body shaped heat fear sink. Just absorbing all of the ambient fear and converting it into Fear that Paultector's ring can use ;)

Ahhahhah! :D

You know, this joke will never get old :) Have like for this alone.

At some point he'll have to seriously consider what's going on with this issue in-universe.
What's more likely, that somehow all of the time travelers he encounters come from futures of different TLs or that all of his efforts to change the world will ultimately amount to nothing and that future visitors are still more likely to recognise Plastic Man than the founder of OLC :D
Either that or he succeeds SO WELL that no one from his future ever comes back.
Either that or he succeeds SO WELL that no one from his future ever comes back.

Or his future is one of those where Earth/Humanity gets destroyed/turned to one gestalt mind/energy beings instantly at some point before a significant number of extrasolar colonies is established. So the reason no one from that future ever comes back is because there's no humans left to come back.

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