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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"Okay, take a moment to get use to-"
He staggers a step as I back up-. That nick I inflicted a moment ago as already healed. He's not using magic at all so the Sword of the Fallen isn't neutralising his regeneration.
I didn't realise that was how it worked. I suppose that makes the emotional spectrum magical, since it nullified Krona's powers that one time?
Alpha in is the entrance to greet me.
'is in'?
"Hello Orange Lantern! Zordan and Agent Rodriguez are inside."
Agent Rodriguez turns around as I walk in. but his gaze doesn't seem to be able to settle on me.
"The orb cannot properly absorb Rita's power. If you could knew magic then you could use the power yourself."
Extraneous 'could'?
What's that? I don't remember putting-. On the console surface there's Power Rangers comic, with… An Orange Lantern cross-over?

I don't remember signing off on this.
'a Power'
"No, not usually, but kryptonians are a little different to you and I." Bulkhead doors designed to be kryptonian resistant open to allow us into the brightly-lit room where Martha Kent and Lois Lane wait for us, the pair of them looking around as we enter. "The cells of their body are… Rather than relying on nutrients and oxygen provided by the blood, they can use a far wider array of fuel sources. Brilliant sunlight works best, though there are other things that work."
'their bodies'? But I'm not sure.
He winces. For the most part, spirits don't actually care much about how the humans who live near their holy places live. The issue is when there was some pact or other than requires that the humans do certain things at certain times, and then the humans forget about it. Most spirits do not handle that well, and just about everyone is raised on stories of why traditions are important...
'other that'
On my way out I send in the minotaur and stab the lizardman in the face with the Sword of the Fallen. I can't believe I just washed out of a job interview for I job I know more about that the interviewers!
'a job'
'than the'
I really need to get around to reading this series sometime. I have the first book kicking about.

After reading other stuff for quite a while, I'm back to With This Ring. Thought the fight with Walker was pretty cool.
There is mention that there seems to be a class of powers thay are unique in that they don't fit into the other power classifications (metahuman, magic, technology) and yet may also belong to multiple categories at least partiall at the same time. The Emotional Spectrum doesn't really belong to any of those and yet is also multiple types at once. Qwa energy also seems to be among this unique category.
Considering one of the things Effigy managed in that wiki entry is "create three independently operating bodies that go on separate rampages" I'm guessing that there's probably a lot of unexplored depth to his abilities. When he seems to be creating flame constructs, I suspect what he's doing is something more like splitting off portions of his flame body and remotely controlling them before allowing them flicker out. Sort of like if he was a living lantern construct (made of fire).
IIRC, Hinon told Paul after examining what Effigy did that he was controlling telekinetically charged skin.
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Equity (part 13)
Earth 12

2nd February 2043
16:12 GMT -7



My last surviving enemy.

I take a moment to breathe, not putting enough weight on my cane to feel ashamed of myself, but… Some. Some rich people my age opt for mobility frames, but given the problems those cause you might as well go full cyborg… Something that I've put off entirely too long, if I'm honest. Fifty years ago Lex Luthor was able to get John Corben a robotic body whose only disadvantage was that it lacked some senses. Modern cybernetic frames… Cost enough to beggar a medium-sized country, which is why they're not common, but they include enough techno-organic components that -according to those who use them- they just feel a bit off.

I could afford it, and now that the trial's over I could take the time off to recover…

The problem is the human brain.

Mine's old.

That means that adapting to a replacement body will take a lot longer. That means that the one part of me that I can't replace will carry on decaying, and…

And my mental health is good. And I don't mean that in the American my-analyst-sees-me-regularly sense, I mean that in the my-neurologist-confirms-minimal-faculty-loss sense. But it's not going to improve, and… One of the things I'm genuinely afraid of is turning senile in a more-than-human body. And then there's the fact that I'll still end up dying anyway when my brain dies.

But it's not like my heirs are going to want for anything anyway. Small country money for an extra thirty or so years… And the technology won't improve unless people actually invest in it…

"Fine, fine…"

"Mister Wynne?"

I glance around as Rani comes up the stairs behind me, carrying my case. A personal assistant is one of the accommodations I've finally made to advancing age, and… Yes, it works out well. I get a trustworthy aide who knows how to handle violent confrontations, and she gets a well paying job working for someone who understands if she needs to disappear at short notice during a time that coincides with the appearance elsewhere of the costumed vigilante Goldstar.

"Yes, I'm moving, I'm moving."

I don't put pressure on the cane as I walk, but it is there just in case I need it. And I have needed it before.

"I wasn't nagging you. I was making sure that you're alright."

"I'm old, that's all. Oh, remind me to make an appointment with…"

I frown.

Oh, great. Naturally, good mental acuity 'for my age' isn't quite the same thing as good mental acuity.

"What was his name, the cyberneticist…"

"Ah… Do you mean Doctor Bascomb?"

I click my right thumb and middle finger. "That's the fellow. Yes, an appointment with Doctor Bascomb. I want to see what he can do for me."

A brilliant man who ran into me when he was extremely short of cash and on the verge of making some regrettable life choices. Exactly the sort of person I try and help. He generally focuses his work on the lower end of the market, but I'm sure he can manage a consultation.

"Have you talked to Missus Hampton about this?"

"Claudia?" Ah… "Not recently. I think… Maybe… Five years ago? She might have thought I was joking. But it's just a consultation at this-" She gets in front of me and pulls the door open. "-stage. I can open those myself."

But in I go, a nod to the woman doing the interview. A nice thing about being rich and in demand is that I can say 'I'll be free in the afternoon at some point, set up here and wait for me, and I'm not doing makeup', and that's what happens. The camerawoman's ready, the sound man is ready… And some other people whose function I can't immediately divine are hanging around purposefully.

Now what was her-?

Rani leans in to whisper at me. "Vivian Cole."

"Ms Cole." I accelerate towards the guest chair as she ends her phone call and heads to the interviewer seat. "I'm sorry for the delay. It turns out that ending a court case requires nearly as much time as starting one."

"That's perfectly fine, Mister Wynne." I take my seat, ignoring Rani's concern about my ability to successfully lower myself into it. "Do you want to get started right away?"

I drop my cane to the side of the chair and clap my hands together enthusiastically. "Might as well."

She-. Oh, lighting engineers, those-.

I frown. "Studio lights? What is this, twenty twenty? We have colour correcting editor software now, you know."

"Ah." She looks wrong-footed. "We can get rid of them if they're a problem. But people got so used to artificial lighting on shows like this that audiences overwhelmingly prefer how it looks, even if it's not really necessary."

"Ah, well." I shrug. "So be it, then. Hardly my first time."

She nods. "Okay, ah, this isn't going out live, obviously, but your… Assistant, said that you didn't want to view the footage before broadcast?"

I wave my right hand. "I'm not really worried about my reputation at my age. If I say something stupid then that's my own silly fault."

She nods again, checking the rest of the crew. Yes, it looks like we're ready to start.

She smiles brightly at the main camera. "Joining me here is Mister Peter Wynne, the man whose backing of Doctor Abel Cuvier produced this week's dramatic verdict. Now, the Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of the Gotham Police Department's use of gene-altering technology last year. Why did a final verdict take this long?"

"The job of the Supreme Court is to rule on constitutional issues, not whole... Well, criminal incidents can involve a lot of separate cases, and each of them requires a final judgement by a lower court. Establishing that the police acted unlawfully didn't automatically mean that everything everyone on… On 'my side', if you like, was entirely in the right. Though the case against Doctor Cuvier fell apart immediately, of course, and his acquittal was… Almost inevitable."

"Leading to the dramatic demonstration of splicing technology on the steps of the courthouse."

He literally left the court, walked up to the podium as if he was going to deliver a speech and then injected himself right there and then. I imagine that it was a relief for him after four years and I'm glad that he didn't go full chimera, but it would have been better if he'd waited a little.

"I did advise him against that, but we had just established that he had the legal right, so…" I shrug. "I hope the fact that he then gave a clear and concise press conference assuages any remaining fears about people who use splicing technology going-. Being driven… 'Feral', by it."

"And the other defendants?"

The other defendants… I thought that if you were rich enough you could just buy the result you wanted. Reality can be so disappointing.

"The jury had a choice. Either they were just picking a fight unprovoked, in which case they were guilty of attempted murder, or District Attorney Young sending out the police force to mutilate them with an untested mutagen was him attacking them, in which case they were defending themselves against an ongoing attack and not guilty. The actual verdict rejected both ideas for reasons I can only speculate; juries.. aren't required to explain their reasoning. Personally? I think that a conviction for assault means that there was a hung jury and someone suggested that they split the difference, but they're out for time served now so I'm not going to bother appealing it." I shrug. "I made it clear at the start that as long as they kept their noses clean they'd have positions in my company to come back to once they finish their sentences, so hopefully they can get on with their lives now."

"We're still waiting on sentencing for former District Attorney Young and former Police Commissioner Gordon. What sort of outcome are you looking for?"

I sigh. "This was… One extremely ill-considered decision at the end of Barbara Gordon's long career of public service. I don't-. If I hadn't seen it happen I'd have said that it was out of character. I.. regret the whole situation. I… I don't see any point in a custodial sentence, and I hope that the judge won't either."

"And Attorney Young?"

"I don't know his career all that well, but in my experience the District Attorney's office attracts the worst sort of politicians, and his actions relating to this case-."

Lights flicker, winds gust out of nowhere and Rani is opening my case and preparing to throw the rod to me even-.

"Lantern Peter Wynne." A translucent apparition I still just about recognise appears in the room. Humanoid, blank face and blue and red robes. Last time I saw someone like him they were picking a fight with Larfleeze. In a comic book. I don't think Controllers even exist in this universe, and I've certainly never met one. So where is this fellow from? "I have need of your service."

I briefly consider myself.

"You've left it a little late, but I'll see what I can do."
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This is happening almost 3.5 years after the last Earth 12 update.

What I find curious is that when the Justice League of Earth 12 confronted Paragon on Earth -14, it was 2005 in their universe. Jevek showing up either indicates that he'll be working on this alternate universe project for decades, or Earth 12 time isn't synced up with the rest; it has a Narnia-like effect where time moves faster there in relation to other universes.
Earth 12

2nd February 2043
16:12 GMT -7



My last surviving enemy.
Well, then. Peter Wynne once more, in the not-quite DCAU. And possibly for the last time, given his advanced age at this stage. Still, he's old, he's rich and he's somewhat powerful, so there are always options.

I take a moment to breathe, not putting enough weight on my cane to feel ashamed of myself, but… Some. Some rich people my age opt for mobility frames, but given the problems those cause you might as well go full cyborg… Something that I've put off entirely too long, if I'm honest. Fifty years ago Lex Luthor was able to get John Corben a robotic body whose only disadvantage was that it lacked some senses. Modern cybernetic frames… Cost enough to beggar a medium-sized country, which is why they're not common, but they include enough techno-organic components that -according to those who use them- they just feel a bit off.
So, he's not interested in taking the partial cybernetic option, then. Which means 'die of old age', something he is deathly afraid of, or neurological conversion into something more. Which has the issue of continuity of consciousness he's most concerned with.

I could afford it, and now that the trial's over I could take the time off to recover…

The problem is the human brain.
Surprised he hasn't investigated magic, but there's probably too many drawbacks to it. Cost, both monetary and spiritual, for example...

Mine's old.

That means that adapting to a replacement body will take a lot longer. That means that the one part of me that I can't replace will carry on decaying, and…
Sadly a truth of aging. Our mundane meat is just not built to last.

And my mental health is good. And I don't mean that in the American my-analyst-sees-me-regularly sense, I mean that in the my-neurologist-confirms-minimal-faculty-loss sense. But it's not going to improve, and… One of the things I'm genuinely afraid of is turning senile in a more-than-human body. And then there's the fact that I'll still end up dying anyway when my brain dies.

But it's not like my heirs are going to want for anything anyway. Small country money for an extra thirty or so years… And the technology won't improve unless people actually invest in it…
Given his age, it is impressive he's so together. Must be pushing the century mark at this stage... If he was thirty-something back in his earliest appearances, plus fifty to sixty years between 'JLA' and 'Batman Beyond'...

"Fine, fine…"

"Mister Wynne?"
Ah, minders. The drawback of hi sage, eh?

I glance around as Rani comes up the stairs behind me, carrying my case. A personal assistant is one of the accommodations I've finally made to advancing age, and… Yes, it works out well. I get a trustworthy aide who knows how to handle violent confrontations, and she gets a well paying job working for someone who understands if she needs to disappear at short notice during a time that coincides with the appearance elsewhere of the costumed vigilante Goldstar.
...I suppose having a kryptonian-adjacent young lady around makes up for it.

"Yes, I'm moving, I'm moving."

I don't put pressure on the cane as I walk, but it is there just in case I need it. And I have needed it before.
An inevitable reminder of mortality, but the embarrassment of falling is worse.

"I wasn't nagging you. I was making sure that you're alright."

"I'm old, that's all. Oh, remind me to make an appointment with…"
To be fair, as used as she must be to humans, she's more likely to last for closer to one thousand years than one hundred. It must be a little concerning to her.

I frown.

Oh, great. Naturally, good mental acuity 'for my age' isn't quite the same thing as good mental acuity.
At least it's mostly working, even if something goes fuzzy now and again... That's better than most men that age. Like Bruce Wayne...

"What was his name, the cyberneticist…"

"Ah… Do you mean Doctor Bascomb?"
No doubt a beneficiary of Wynne's hypercognitive rehabilitation programmes, though I'd be surprised if he was still all meat at this stage.

I click my right thumb and middle finger. "That's the fellow. Yes, an appointment with Doctor Bascomb. I want to see what he can do for me."

A brilliant man who ran into me when he was extremely short of cash and on the verge of making some regrettable life choices. Exactly the sort of person I try and help. He generally focuses his work on the lower end of the market, but I'm sure he can manage a consultation.
Though becoming a cyborg, or even a fullborg at this age has its own risks.

"Have you talked to Missus Hampton about this?"

"Claudia?" Ah… "Not recently. I think… Maybe… Five years ago? She might have thought I was joking. But it's just a consultation at this-" She get in front of me and pull the door open. "-stage. I can open those myself."
I suspect he'll get a polite 'Maybe if you'd stopped by twenty years ago. As it is...' from the professor.

But in I go, a nod to the woman doing the interview. A nice thing about being rich and in demand is that I can say 'I'll be free in the afternoon at some point, set up here and wait for me, 😏 and I'm not doing makeup', and that's what happens. The camerawoman's ready, the sound man is ready… And some other people who's function I can't immediately divine are hanging around purposefully.
To be fair, I'm amazed they have that much crew, but this is a future reflective of the 90's. As much as we see interviews filmed with as little as a tripod-mounted smartphone, there's something to say for having several gofers around.

Now what was her-?

Rani leans in to whisper at me. "Vivian Cole."
Heh. She knows him well enough to guess what he's thinking. Or she could read his brain patterns well enough to see the slight confusion.

"Ms Cole." I accelerate towards the guest chair as she ends her phone call and heads to the interviewer seat. "I'm sorry for the delay. It turns out that ending a court case requires nearly as much time as starting one."

"That's perfectly fine, Mister Wynne." I take my seat, ignoring Rani's concern about my ability to successfully lower myself into it. "Do you want to get started right away?"
Well, he isn't getting any younger, you know.

I drop my cane to the side of the chair and clap my hands together enthusiastically. "Might as well."

She-. Oh, lighting engineers, those-.

I frown. "Studio lights? What is this, twenty twenty? We have colour correcting editor software now, you know."
Yes, but the less editing needed...

"Ah." She looks wrong-footed. "We can get rid of them if they're a problem. But people got so used to artificial lighting on shows like this that audiences overwhelmingly prefer how it looks, even if it's not really necessary."

"Ah, well." I shrug. "So be it, then. Hardly my first time."
Ah, the unreality of television reality.

She nods. "Okay, ah, this isn't going out live, obviously, but your… Assistant, said that you didn't want to view the footage before broadcast?"

I wave my right hand. "I'm not really worried about my reputation at my age. If I say something stupid then that's my own silly fault."

She nods again, checking the rest of the crew. Yes, it looks like we're ready to start.
Well, better hope his heart is in good shape, then.

She smiles brightly at the main camera. "Joining me here is Mister Peter Wynne, the man whose backing of Doctor Abel Cuvier produced this week's dramatic verdict. Now, the Supreme Court ruled on the constitutionality of the Gotham Police Department's use of gene-altering technology last year. Why did a final verdict take this long?"
The wheels of justice turn slowly even in a world of superheroes, it seems.

"The job of the Supreme Court is to rule on constitutional issues, not whole... Well, criminal incidents can involve a lot of separate cases, and each of them requires a final judgement by a lower court. Establishing that the police acted unlawfully didn't automatically mean that everything everyone on… On 'my side', if you like, was entirely in the right. Though the case against Doctor Cuvier fell apart immediately, of course, and his acquittal was… Almost inevitable."
Yes, what with the various forms of assault, battery and other illegal things they did.

"Leading to the dramatic demonstration of splicing technology on the steps of the courthouse."

He literally left the court, walked up to the podium as if he was going to deliver a speech and then injected himself right there and then. I imagine that it was a relief for him after four years and I'm glad that he didn't go full chimera, but it would have been better if he'd waited a little.
Hey, can't blame an addict for cutting loose when he finally could. And he basically is an addict, no matter how addictive or not the product may actually be.

"I did advise him against that, but we had just established that he had the legal right, so…" I shrug. "I hope the fact that he then gave a clear and concise press conference assuages any remaining fears about people who use splicing technology going-. Being driven… 'Feral', by it."

"And the other defendants?"

The other defendants… I thought that if you were rich enough you could just buy the result you wanted. Reality can be so disappointing.
Heh. I wouldn't be surprised if that sort of thing went out with Lex Luthor.

"The jury had a choice. Either they were just picking a fight unprovoked, in which case they were guilty of attempted murder, or District Attorney Young sending out the police force to mutilate them with an untested mutagen was him attacking them, in which case they were defending themselves against an ongoing attack and not guilty. The actual verdict rejected both ideas for reasons I can only speculate; juries.. aren't required to explain their reasoning. Personally? I think that a conviction for assault means that there was a hung jury and someone suggested that they split the difference, but they're out for time served now so I'm not going to bother appealing it." I shrug. "I made it clear at the start that as long as they kept their noses clean they'd have positions in my company to come back to once they finish their sentences, so hopefully they can get on with their lives now."
Not an unreasonable result, I guess. No-one was going to come out of that affair smelling like roses.

"We're still waiting on sentencing for former District Attorney Young and former Police Commissioner Gordon. What sort of outcome are you looking for?"

I sigh. "This was… One extremely ill-considered decision at the end of Barbara Gordon's long career of public service. I don't-. If I hadn't seen it happen I'd have said that it was out of character. I.. regret the whole situation. I… I don't see any point in a custodial sentence, and I hope that the judge won't either."
And she's old enough that it would be risky. Plus any other parties in the facility she might get remanded to...

"And Attorney Young?"

"I don't know his career all that well, but in my experience the District Attorney's office attracts the worst sort of politicians, and his actions relating to this case-."
Maybe he was a decent guy trying to make the best of a bad situation. Unfortunately, this whole thing was just that messy.

Lights flicker, winds gust out of nowhere and Rani is opening my case and preparing to throw the rod to me even-.

"Lantern Peter Wynne." A translucent apparition I still just about recognise appears in the room. Humanoid, blank face and blue and red robes. Last time I saw someone like him they were picking a fight with Larfleeze. In a comic book. I don't think Controllers even exist in this universe, and I've certainly never met one. So where is this fellow from? "I have need of your service."
Interesting. Wonder what he's here for in this dimension that he couldn't get in Earth Sixteen?

I briefly consider myself.

"You've left it a little late, but I'll see what I can do."
"Well, what time to you call this, then." Bet he would have been happier if they turned up fifty years ago...

I hope the first thing he offers is a fresh Ring and charge, if only so Peter can freshen himself up a little. then again, he's been old so long, it's kind of settled into his self-image. Wonder what a restoration would do in that case... At any rate, there must be something here that the Controller can't get in Earth Sixteen, given that Earth Twelve isn't that divergent. This will be interesting to hear.
Peter Wynne could absolutely use a better means of life extension. If he's going to be involved in more Batman Beyond events, or potentially survive until his universes' legion of superheroes era.

I will admit that all of these alternate Pauls have made me go back and reread the sections with nega-paul, Zita/Tanya, and the crime syndicate. This chapter, with the late timing of Wynne's interaction, has me wondering whether this is going to pull in all the major alternate pauls, or just some of them, and if so, what point in the timeline it would have hope-syndicate paul at. Similarly it could pull in other alternate Pauls from significantly later in their personal timelines.
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Old Man Lantern is such a funny thing. Now he even has a superhero assistant, like Old Man Batman as well.

That's another fellow that would benefit from having a power battery. Although, has he overcome his Thanatophobia and is now just afraid of losing his mental faculties or would he rejuvenate if he gets more power back in the Ring? Also, these alt-SIs are pretty reasonable, considering all the time they have been left hanging, especially this one.

Matter of fact, I can't properly recall if he got his Power Ring back or not. I remember when he lambasted the Justice League and they told him it was on Maltus; I'm assuming he got it back but I don't actually remember it happening.

Somebody else that needs a power battery, the poor SI on Nazi Earth. Tortured by Leatherwing (Nazi Batman) and then just left in Nazified UK with a Jimmy Olsen rip off watch. As far as I'm aware, that's the last we know of him.
Old Man Lantern is such a funny thing. Now he even has a superhero assistant, like Old Man Batman as well.
Not sure why the wiki thinks that she's daxamite. Yes, she was on Daxam but she was there on holiday and Darseid mind controlled all of the daxamites.
That's another fellow that would benefit from having a power battery. Although, has he overcome his Thanatophobia and is now just afraid of losing his mental faculties or would he rejuvenate if he gets more power back in the Ring? Also, these alt-SIs are pretty reasonable, considering all the time they have been left hanging, especially this one.
No, still afraid of death, but aging and having a family have somewhat reduced the significance while also giving him extra things to be afraid of.
Matter of fact, I can't properly recall if he got his Power Ring back or not. I remember when he lambasted the Justice League and they told him it was on Maltus; I'm assuming he got it back but I don't actually remember it happening.
He did. Kyle Rayner returned it.
Lights flicker, winds gust out of nowhere and Rani is opening my case and preparing to throw the rod to me even-.

"Lantern Peter Wynne." A translucent apparition I still just about recognise appears in the room. Humanoid, blank face and blue and red robes. Last time I saw someone like him they were picking a fight with Larfleeze. In a comic book. I don't think Controllers even exist in this universe, and I've certainly never met one. So where is this fellow from? "I have need of your service."

I briefly consider myself.

"You've left it a little late, but I'll see what I can do."
Shouldn't the sane one actually question this?

Maybe, I don't know, ask for some proof that's this is actually who at appears to be and not just some wiseass with a hologram projector and dimensional transporter?
Modern cybernetic frames… Cost enough to beggar a medium-sized country, which is why they're not common,
I'm not sure that tracks with what we saw of cybernetics in the Batman Beyond era. It always seemed to me that the Beyond Era DCAU was simply one of those scifi universes where despite having advanced cybernetic prosthetics that could make a human "super", most people just weren't comfortable with cutting out perfectly good body parts for artificial replacements(well, except for that one gang in the episode April Moon, but they still had to black mail Peter Corso into performing the surgeries) unless they had a bad enough injury to make it necessary like Stalker and possibly James Van Dyle.

Sure, they probably aren't as cheap as they are in Cyberpunk 2077, but they clearly aren't "super-rich" expensive.
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I would speculate that the presence of Oans and Zamarons in the JLU universe kinda implies maltusians too.

It is also surprising Wynne didn't ask a mad scientist to build him a battery. If Black Hand existed in this universe then building a battery should be doable for say any Sivana.
It is also surprising Wynne didn't ask a mad scientist to build him a battery. If Black Hand existed in this universe then building a battery should be doable for say any Sivana
That's assuming that he could find one that's able to do that.

Or assuming that he would want to give a mad scientist access to a fundamental force of the universe that's connected to all sapient life.
Shouldn't the sane one actually question this?

Maybe, I don't know, ask for some proof that's this is actually who at appears to be and not just some wiseass with a hologram projector and dimensional transporter?
He lives in a comic book universe; when a random being from a different comic book universe shows up, odds are it is exactly what it appears to be and you're in a crossover event.

It being some jackass with a hologram projector is actually the less likely possibility under the circumstances.
Considering we do not yet know what the connecting thread event for this episode yet, I think it is very interesting that word for word (including punctuation!) the appearance and description of the Controller image is identical when described by two different POVs...

"Lantern Pull." A translucent apparition I still just about recognise appears near Pull's feet. Humanoid, blank face and blue and red robes. Last time I saw someone like him they were picking a fight with Larfleeze. In a comic book. I don't think Controllers even exist in this universe, and I've certainly never met one. So where is this fellow from? "I have need of your service."

"Lantern Peter Wynne." A translucent apparition I still just about recognise appears in the room. Humanoid, blank face and blue and red robes. Last time I saw someone like him they were picking a fight with Larfleeze. In a comic book. I don't think Controllers even exist in this universe, and I've certainly never met one. So where is this fellow from? "I have need of your service."
He lives in a comic book universe; when a random being from a different comic book universe shows up, odds are it is exactly what it appears to be and you're in a crossover event.

It being some jackass with a hologram projector is actually the less likely possibility under the circumstances.
With this Ring: Far From Home confirmed.
I'm not sure that tracks with what we saw of cybernetics in the Batman Beyond era. It always seemed to me that the Beyond Era DCAU was simply one of those scifi universes where despite having advanced cybernetic prosthetics that could make a human "super", most people just weren't comfortable with cutting out perfectly good body parts for artificial replacements(well, except for that one gang in the episode April Moon, but they still had to black mail Peter Corso into performing the surgeries) unless they had a bad enough injury to make it necessary like Stalker and possibly James Van Dyle.

Sure, they probably aren't as cheap as they are in Cyberpunk 2077, but they clearly aren't "super-rich" expensive.
They really good stuff is. If you just want a piece of machinery strapped to your body, well, it's your psychotic episode.
The dim lights embedded in Unicron's internal walls flicker, winds gust out of nowhere as we all deploy our weapons, pointing them in all directions!

"Lantern Pull." A translucent apparition I still just about recognise appears near Pull's feet. Humanoid, blank face and blue and red robes. Last time I saw someone like him they were picking a fight with Larfleeze. In a comic book. I don't think Controllers even exist in this universe, and I've certainly never met one. So where is this fellow from? "I have need of your service."

"I'm not really a Lantern." I switch Pull's guns back into hands and kneel before the Controller. "But I owe you a great deal already. What can I do for you?"

Lights flicker, winds gust out of nowhere and Rani is opening my case and preparing to throw the rod to me even-.

"Lantern Peter Wynne." A translucent apparition I still just about recognise appears in the room. Humanoid, blank face and blue and red robes. Last time I saw someone like him they were picking a fight with Larfleeze. In a comic book. I don't think Controllers even exist in this universe, and I've certainly never met one. So where is this fellow from? "I have need of your service."

I briefly consider myself.

"You've left it a little late, but I'll see what I can do."
...Okay that's a bit weird. To me that implies that this might not be legit and might be some sort of mental trickery, if it's getting (essentially) exactly the same response for these very different SIs. I wonder if the "My ring" thing was the only memetic program on the ring (or if these ones have a different one, I suppose.)
Is entirely possible it's just slightly lazy writing but ^_^
Considering we do not yet know what the connecting thread event for this episode yet, I think it is very interesting that word for word (including punctuation!) the appearance and description of the Controller image is identical when described by two different POVs...
The thread appears to be Pauls that don't use a ring.
Not sure why the wiki thinks that she's daxamite. Yes, she was on Daxam but she was there on holiday and Darseid mind controlled all of the daxamites.

I did wonder why a Daxamite would bother taking a supersuit for a joyride.

I've found that wiki is usually good, but I did find an article in which almost nothing was true, including his name- The character was a Red Saturnian and his article listed him as a Martian.

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