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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Jarro will need a tiny mask to protect their secret identity, of course.

He can get help from Batman and Robin for that.


Maybe Paul and Bruce can bond over their adoption of orphans.


Ok....something has just occurred to me.

A couple updates back when they were talking about the place where Morpheus was held, they mention that another mystic had looked over the site.

"Oh, no, no." Robert shakes his head. "Dad told me. They got someone called Cursitor Doom to check the place over in the eighties. Should be alright."

Now....this is the first mention of Cursitor Doom in the Paragon side. We have seen him and his home show up on the Renegade side of things before.

For those that don't know, Doom and his home aren't nominally DC characters, they're from Albion Comics, which are from various british comics that were later put under the Wildstorm imprint for a while by DC. They're owned but don't really show up in 'standard' DC stuff.

While I can't quite find the reference, as far as I Thought, the bleed over of other comics was side effect of Ambush Bug. I had Assumed however it was limited to Renegade side (since he bypassed all the fun and games). I had also had a vague assumption that this was also the reason for the Other cross overs featured over there, such as Misa Amane (from Deathnote) and of course, the current Pony related shenanigans.

During the ambush bug visit on paragon side, we did see the 'flash forwards' to poking other settings, avatar, ponies, captain planet etc. But, I guess I'd gotten it into my head that this hypothetical Future OL was going out to other universes, rather then them some how blending in with His earth. Much like how currently we have Lord Protector had to leave his Thundercats universe to visit (one of?) Worm's Earth(s).

So....it looks like my earlier assumptions were wrong and there are crossovers going on in Paragon behind the scenes. OL meeting Smiley was still a DC to DC connection, and Cursitor Doom is DC to DC tangent, but.....what else could be going on that OL (and us readers) hasn't spotted yet?
Well that was easy. Suspiciously easy. What sort of trap is about to explode.

Still, looks like we will be getting a new member for the team to go on adventures with. Wally and Artemis will be leaving for college soon, Donna as well. Probably Robert and Byrile, they are British so they get to start College at 16 (the lucky ducks). Wow, the list is getting long for the team now. Of course, they need new members with so many going to more "part-time" status.

I am looking forward to seeing how Sandy overcomes the 70 year future shock. I feel bad for him also, almost everyone he knew will be really old or dead. Except for ageless Diana, though she is fully grown now, not the lanky teenager that he knew.
Now....this is the first mention of Cursitor Doom in the Paragon side. We have seen him and his home show up on the Renegade side of things before.

For those that don't know, Doom and his home aren't nominally DC characters, they're from Albion Comics, which are from various british comics that were later put under the Wildstorm imprint for a while by DC. They're owned but don't really show up in 'standard' DC stuff.

I think you overthought it a bit.

To call the British heroes revealed in DC sparse would be an understatement.

And of the British heroes shown, most of them are from Knight and Squire, where they don't really superhero as much as just put on costumes to drink at the local supers bar and hang out.

So Zoat slotted them in because he had a niche to fill.

If DC didn't have a bunch of golden age characters, I imagine Zoat would have eyed the Terra Obscura characters like Lady in Red or Future Man.
A Week in the Life of (part 20)
16th April
17:12 GMT -6

I take a sip of water from the glass on the coffee table next to me, and then sit back slightly in my chair.

"So, mission over? No one injured, no one.. even arrested, objective accomplished?" I shake my head. "No. And if any of you still think that a vigilante's job is that simple, then you need to go back and do the workshops again."

There's a small amount of laughter from the crowd at this convention of would-be superheroes the Alliance of the Just put together. The costumes range from professional to pyjama, the armaments ridiculous to disturbing and the attitudes serious to role playing. Mr Edge has done a… Well, I don't really have anything to compare it to. This is the biggest gathering of superheroes… And, alright, 'superheroes', that I'm aware of ever happening, and he appears to be trying to get them to moderate their ambitions. They're not exactly shy about the still-high death rate for novice vigilantes, but… It can't be all doom and gloom.

Which is why I'm here.

"No. Nothing ever ends. Sandy spent sixty years either alchemically drugged and frozen by his mentor who was under the mistaken belief that he was a rabid monster or locked in a glass case by dream creatures. None of his surviving relatives have ever met him and his friends are either old or dead."

Which, naturally, means that we got a new team mate, because where else was he going to go?

"Which means that between his well intentioned contemporaries and the handful of aged or unageing superheroes he actually recognises, we've got to bring him up to speed on everything he missed and help him work out what he wants to do with his life. And that's going to be a long term ongoing thing. But the more immediate concern was the local police. Because it turns out that the warehouse the Dreamkin had converted was in Arkansas, and the police there didn't want to simply deport them back to the Dreaming."

"Now, perhaps you're wondering why the two Justice League members we had on hand didn't simply use their charter authority to resolve the situation as they saw fit? The answer to that is basically the same as the one that Mister America and Ms Longacre have been trying to beat into your heads since the start: good relations with police organisations are very helpful. And while it's true the League's charter means that police are in theory obliged to share information, it's amazing what gets misplaced or forgotten if people think you're being high-handed."

"Perhaps more importantly, countries don't like foreigners interfering in their internal affairs. If the Justice League throws its weight around outside of an emergency it's not just the local police who complain, it's heads of state. And… What happened was kind of my fault. You may remember that last year I was one of the primary campaigners behind a law called the Citizenship Recognition Act. And while I mostly intended it to apply to artificial intelligences and aliens… I got a law that also applies to -for example- demons. I.. suppose it's nice that demons get due process as well, but it can be rather inconvenient. In this case, where we'd rather have sent the Dreamkin back to the Dreaming… The police were right to want to arrest them."

"And -respect to them- the Arkansas State Police do actually have magic suppression manacles. And got them to us in under two hours, whereupon they were not happy for me to tell them that they'd wasted their effort because they weren't designed to work on Dreamkin. And this is where we run into another problem highly qualified vigilantes have: you know more than the people who officially have power. Because it turns out that after Swamp Thing occupied Gotham City the Arkansas state legislature redrafted their laws concerning hostile magic users. Unfortunately, they did so without any real understanding of what they were doing or any direct input from people who did. As far as the police knew, putting the manacles on meant that there wasn't a problem any more, and the fact that I was one of the people who developed them and knew exactly what they could and couldn't do didn't carry as much weight as their procedural manual."

"So their Chief of Police spent about half an hour arguing with me and.. then Icon, about how to handle the situation, until eventually the state governor got involved and had to write the Dreamkin a pardon for any and all crimes on the condition they leave the country immediately. Which was technically legal and produced the result we wanted. But is probably not an option that's going to be available to you in the field."

"A good working relationship with authorities is the difference between a successful prosecution and a case collapsing. Or you getting arrested yourself. It's the difference between people listening to you when you say you know better and them ignoring you and people being hurt or killed as a result. But I digress. Doctor Fate stayed behind to make sure that the site was safe, Wonder Woman and the other former members of the Justice Society took possession of Sandy and I escorted Melinoë back to Erebos where Queen Persephone gave me the third degree about my relationship with her daughter."

"The rest of the day was spent explaining the American criminal justice system to Princess Koriand'r, including a tour of a selection of courts and prisons."

I lean forwards.

"And without wishing to sound too conceited, none of what you're going to be doing will be anything like any of that. What you'll mostly be doing is patrolling around your neighbourhood, because knowing that crime will be fought is a good way to make committing crimes unappealing. The next most common thing will be petty thefts and common assaults where working out which belligerent party was the instigator will be difficult or impossible. If you're fortunate you may use your first aid skills to treat the injured and they live because of the help you gave them. And if you're really unlucky you'll see murder victims with horribly injured bodies. I've done that, and police do it, and medics do it, so I'm afraid that if you do stay the course it's more a matter of 'when' than 'if'."

"Being a paramilitary vigilante is not romantic or fun. I'm part of a group that's about as skilled, experienced and knowledgeable as superheroes get and we had to work out how to handle that as we went along. Being hopelessly out of your depth when lives are on the line is not a good position to be in. But not only are you unlikely to be in the sort of position I was in yesterday, your friends and family? The people you got into superheroism to help? They're unlikely to be in danger as a result of that sort of thing. Someone shot by a criminal is something like ten thousand times more likely to be shot with a conventional firearm than a ray gun. A robbery from your neighbourhood bric-a-brac shop is more likely to be a drug addict looking for something they can fence than a tomb robber searching for a magic amulet. And robbery? That is something you can learn to deal with that will have a measurable positive effect on your local community."

"So, yeah, that's what I've been doing this week." The original questioner has long since sat down, but I make momentary eye contact and give him a nod. Looks like the male/female ratio hasn't changed much. "Next question?" A few hands go up and I pick one at random. "Lady in the pink costume?"

She stands up as a boom microphone makes its way over to her.

"So, like, what are you doing next week?"

"Whatever fate throws at me. But if you mean scheduled activities…"

17th April
18:32 GMT -5

There's a thud and then my power armour spins as Artemis kicks off my cuirass, sending me hurtling across the desert. I just about see her making a sand-cushioned controlled landing of her own before I bounce off a dune like a skipping stone and embed myself in the next one along in a shower of sand, sandstone and stone.

Super strength sparring. Super muscle versus powered muscle.

I draw my arms back and punch, the ground exploding beneath me and I briefly leave the ground. Over to my left I catch sight of Beryl using her mini-mech's kinetic cannons to teach Kon the value of friction while a good distance behind me Richard tries to work out where William's hiding before he manages another ambush.

Artemis tried to hit me mid-jump again, but this time I grab her leg and twist, throwing her off course. I let go before she can grapple me and watch as she makes a hole next to mine as I land.

And then I charge.
Last edited:
There's a small amount of laughter from the crowd at this convention of would-be superheroes the Alliance of the Just put together. The costumes range from professional to pyjama, the armaments ridiculous to disturbing and the attitudes serious to role playing. Mr Edge has done a… Well, I don't really have anything to compare it to. This is the biggest gathering of superheroes… And, alright, 'superheroes', that I'm aware of ever happening, and he appears to be trying to get them to moderate their ambitions. They're not exactly shy about the still-high death rate for notice vigilantes, but… It can't be all doom and gloom.

Nice update!
In this case, where we'd rather than sent the Dreamkin back to the Dreaming… The police were right to want to arrest them.

Maybe 'have rather sent'

"And -respect to them- the Arkansas State Police do actually have magic suppression manacles. And got them to us in under two hours, whereupon they were not happy for me to tell them that they'd wasted their effort because they weren't designed to work on Dreamkin. And this is where we run into another problem highly qualified vigilantes have: you know more than the people who officially have power. Because it turns out that after Swamp Thing occupied Gotham City the Arkansas state legislature redrafted their laws concerning hostile magic users. Unfortunately, they did so without any real understanding of what they were doing or any direct input from people who did. As far as the police knew, putting the manacles on meant that there wasn't a problem any more, and the fact that I was one of the people who developed them and knew exactly what they could and couldn't do didn't carry as much weight as their procedural manual."

"So their Chief of Police spent about half an hour arguing with me and.. then Icon, about how to handle the situation, until eventually the state governor got involved and has to write the Dreamkin a pardon for any and all crimes on the condition they leave the country immediately. Which was technically legal and produced the result we wanted. But is probably not an option that's going to be available to you in the field."

So OL has joined the inventor of the lie detector in being guys that are trying to convince people their invention aren't the solution to every problem.
Awww. I'm sad we didn't see the third degree.

Though I'm curious, if Paul was interested . . . How the hell -does- one go about courting an Olympian? Is he -expected- to kidnap her as a declaration of intent?

Well negotiating with her father may work, that's how Hades got Persephone.

That giant pile of souls OL gave him is a nice present.
"So their Chief of Police spent about half an hour arguing with me and.. then Icon, about how to handle the situation, until eventually the state governor got involved and has to write the Dreamkin a pardon for any and all crimes on the condition they leave the country immediately. Which was technically legal and produced the result we wanted. But is probably not an option that's going to be available to you in the field."
Actually it wouldn't be legal.

As has been explained to you multiple times, a state governor can not pardon federal crimes.
16th April
17:12 GMT -6

I take a sip of water from the glass on the coffee table next to me, and then sit back slightly in my chair.

"So, mission over? No one injured, no one.. even arrested, objective accomplished?" I shake my head. "No. And if any of you still think that a vigilante's job is that simple, then you need to go back and do the workshops again."
For a start, there's paperwork. And handing the miscreants over to the appropriate authorities (in this case, packed off back to Morpheus, ideally.) Tending the injured and repairing any significant damage, too, if you're powers lean that way...

There's a small amount of laughter from the crowd at this convention of would-be superheroes the Alliance of the Just put together. The costumes range from professional to pyjama, the armaments ridiculous to disturbing and the attitudes serious to role playing. Mr Edge has done a… Well, I don't really have anything to compare it to. This is the biggest gathering of superheroes… And, alright, 'superheroes', that I'm aware of ever happening, and he appears to be trying to get them to moderate their ambitions. They're not exactly shy about the still-high death rate for notice vigilantes, but… It can't be all doom and gloom.
How appropriate, given what Stsword posted above you. And it's amazing how many people will dress up in long underwear (or leather, spandex or surplus BDUs and kevlar vests to taste.) I bet some of them are reconsidering their choice of 'career' right now. Sure, guys like Superman and the Flash make it look easy. But they're not prone to getting hurt by things like bullets...

Which is why I'm here.

"No. Nothing ever ends. Sandy spent sixty years either alchemically drugged and frozen by his mentor who was under the mistaken belief that he was a rabid monster. None of his surviving relatives have ever met him and his friends are either old or dead."

Which, naturally, means that we got a new team mate, because where else was he going to go?
Well, it'll help cover the loss of those teens heading off to college or university (delete as appropriate by country). And he's got quite a useful power set, once he gets the hang of it.

"Which means that between his well intentioned contemporaries and the handful of aged or unageing superheroes he actually recognises, we've got to bring him up to speed on everything he missed and help him work out what he wants to do with his life. And that's going to be a long term ongoing thing. But the more immediate concern was the local police. Because it turns out that the warehouse the Dreamkin had converted was in Arkansas, and the police there didn't want to simply deport them back to the Dreaming."
Let me guess, arresting them on charges of 'magick most foul' on top of the thefts or something like that. Bet the local cops wanted to make an example of them for other magically inclined persons...:rolleyes:

"Now, perhaps you're wondering why the two Justice League members we had on hand didn't simply use their charter authority to resolve the situation as they saw fit? The answer to that is basically the same as the one that Mister America and Ms Longacre have been trying to beat into your heads since the start: good relations with police organisations are very helpful. And while it's true the League's charter means that police are in theory obliged to share information, it's amazing what gets misplaced or forgotten if people think you're being high-handed."
Like say, vital evidence that the case would rely on. Or the perpetrator gets them sued on assault charges. Piss off the cops you have to work with, and they will make your life hell.

"Perhaps more importantly, countries don't like foreigners interfering in their internal affairs. If the Justice League throws its weight around outside of an emergency it's not just the local police who complain, it's heads of state. And… What happened was kind of my fault. You may remember that last year I was one of the primary campaigners behind a law called the Citizenship Recognition Act. And while I mostly intended it to apply to artificial intelligences and aliens… I got a law that also applies to -for example- demons. I.. suppose it's nice that demons get due process as well, but it can be rather inconvenient. In this case, where we'd rather than sent the Dreamkin back to the Dreaming… The police were right to want to arrest them."
The joy of not considering the long-term consequences of your plans properly. Then again, local laws are probably still getting rewritten to accommodate the new wrinkles. And that means you get a choice of two of these three: Fast, Correct or Sensible... If you're lucky, and they don't simply pull a knee-jerk ban or something dumber.

"And -respect to them- the Arkansas State Police do actually have magic suppression manacles. And got them to us in under two hours, whereupon they were not happy for me to tell them that they'd wasted their effort because they weren't designed to work on Dreamkin. And this is where we run into another problem highly qualified vigilantes have: you know more than the people who officially have power. Because it turns out that after Swamp Thing occupied Gotham City the Arkansas state legislature redrafted their laws concerning hostile magic users. Unfortunately, they did so without any real understanding of what they were doing or any direct input from people who did. As far as the police knew, putting the manacles on meant that there wasn't a problem any more, and the fact that I was one of the people who developed them and knew exactly what they could and couldn't do didn't carry as much weight as their procedural manual."
"Look, pal, it says right here, in the manual: Put the cuffs on the wizard. That's all I know, that's all I care about. Take it up with my department chief."

"So their Chief of Police spent about half an hour arguing with me and.. then Icon, about how to handle the situation, until eventually the state governor got involved and has to write the Dreamkin a pardon for any and all crimes on the condition they leave the country immediately. Which was technically legal and produced the result we wanted. But is probably not an option that's going to be available to you in the field."
And probably left more than a few of the locals not happy about it. Like the local cops, who see capes throwing their weight around to get their names on the collar, while they're left with the paperwork.

"A good working relationship with authorities is the difference between a successful prosecution and case collapsing. Or you getting arrested yourself. It's the difference between people listening to you when you say you know better and them ignoring you and people being hurt or killed as a result. But I digress. Doctor Fate stayed behind to make sure that the site was safe, Wonder Woman and the other former members of the Justice Society took possession of Sandy and I escorted Melinoë back to Erebos where Queen Persephone gave me the third degree about my relationship with her daughter."
Oof. Yeah, I don't envy you that, OL. I hope you got away before she whipped out chains and thumbscrews. And not the fun kind, either.

"The rest of the day was spent explaining the American criminal justice system to Princess Koriand'r, including a tour of a selection of courts and prisons."

I lean forwards.
I'll bet that was interesting for her. Especially the fact that some prisons aren't government-run... Not something she'd take back to Tamaran.

"And without wishing to sound too conceited, none of what you're going to be doing will be anything like any of that. What you'll mostly be doing is patrolling around your neighbourhood, because knowing that crime will be fought is a good way to make committing crimes unappealing. The next most common thing will be petty thefts and common assaults where working out which belligerent party was the instigator will be difficult or impossible. If you're fortunate you may use your first aid skills to treat the injured and they live because of the help you gave them. And if you're really unlucky you'll see murder victims with horribly injured bodies. I've done that, and police do it, and medics do it, so I'm afraid that if you do stay the course it's more a matter of 'when' than 'if'."
And if they want to see dead bodies... They may want to get psychological help. Again, I bet more than a few of them are reconsidering the whole vigilante thing now. Especially the ones not in it for 'Justice!'.

"Being a paramilitary vigilante is not romantic or fun. I'm part of a group that's about as skilled, experienced and knowledgeable as superheroes get and we had to work out how to handle that as we went along. Being hopelessly out of your depth when lives are on the line is not a good position to be in. But not only are you unlikely to be in the sort of position I was in yesterday, your friends and family? The people you got into superheroism to help? They're unlikely to be in danger as a result of that sort of thing. Someone shot by a criminal is something like ten thousand times more likely to be shot with a conventional firearm than a ray gun. A robbery from your neighbourhood bric-a-brac shop is more likely to be a drug addict looking for something they can fence than a tomb robber searching for a magic amulet. And robbery? That is something you can learn to deal with that will have a measurable positive affect on your local community."
They just have to remember that they aren't Superman. Having a flashy costume doesn't make them bulletproof (unless the costume actually is bullet-proof...) Hopefully, they're smart enough to remember that.

"So, yeah, that's what I've been doing this week." The original questioner has long since sat down, but I make momentary eye contact and give him a nod. Looks like the male/female ration hasn't changed much. "Next question?" A few hands go up and I pick one at random. "Lady in the pink costume?"

She stands up as a boom microphone makes its way over to her.
So, the entire episode is him recounting an 'average' week in the life of a B-list cape (nothing against OL, but I doubt the public view him on the same level as the League.) Naturally, he was censoring the identities of his friends.

"So, like, what are you doing next week?"

"Whatever fate throws at me. But if you mean scheduled activities…"
God only knows what the next episode will be like. Hopefully something less esoteric than meeting Morpheus and defeating a couple of rogue Dreams while recovering a lost Golden Age cape.

17th April
18:32 GMT -5

There's a thud and then my power armour spins as Artemis kicks off my cuirass, sending me hurtling across the desert. I just about see her making a sand-cushioned controlled landing of her own before I bounce off a dune like a skipping stone and embed myself in the next one along in a shower of sand, sandstone and stone.
The joy of Danner formula. Bet she forgot to brace herself. Physics is a cruel mistress.

Super strength sparring. Super muscle versus powered muscle.

I draw my arms back and punch, the ground exploding beneath me and I briefly leave the ground. Over to my left I catch sight of Beryl using her mini-mech's kinetic cannons to teach Kon the value of friction while a good distance behind me Richard tries to work out where William's hiding before he manages another ambush.
I see everyone's keeping fit, so to speak.

Artemis tried to hit me mid-jump again, but this time I grab her leg and twist, throwing her off course. I let go before she can grapple me and watch as she makes a hole next to mine as I land.

And then I charge.
Never assume an attack is going to go the same way twice, after all. A smart opponent will learn.

Well, all's well that ends well, barring a denouement with Sandy. Another episode in the can, another bit of DC ephemera brought to light. A quick trip to see what Lord Protector Yaul is doing in Worm, and then something new. :D I can't wait... To see the arguing over Worm power level wankery... :rolleyes:

...death rate for notice vigilantes, but…
...death rate for novice vigilantes, but…
...governor got involved and has to write the Dreamkin...
The tenses involved would suggest 'had' rather than 'has'.
Actually it wouldn't be legal.

As has been explained to you multiple times, a state governor can not pardon federal crimes.

Maybe it works a bit differently on Earth 16, at least when it comes to non-mundane crimes.

Let me guess, arresting them on charges of 'magick most foul' on top of the thefts or something like that. Bet the local cops wanted to make an example of them for other magically inclined persons...:rolleyes:

It's probably not going to be them giving them the death penalty, or anything like that. Maybe just arresting them to show that they can't break the law because they're magical.

Piss off the cops you have to work with, and they will make your life hell.

And some cops have been making peoples life hell for decades for no good reason.

And probably left more than a few of the locals not happy about it. Like the local cops, who see capes throwing their weight around to get their names on the collar, while they're left with the paperwork.


The bane of all.

Oof. Yeah, I don't envy you that, OL. I hope you got away before she whipped out chains and thumbscrews. And not the fun kind, either.

A solution for that could be OL altering his body in a way that makes pain pleasurable.

We know some people have odd tastes.

I'll bet that was interesting for her. Especially the fact that some prisons aren't government-run... Not something she'd take back to Tamaran.

Tamaran doesn't need the vomit, headache inducing roller coaster that is the American judiciary and legal system. They've suffered enough.

So, the entire episode is him recounting an 'average' week in the life of a B-list cape (nothing against OL, but I doubt the public view him on the same level as the League.) Naturally, he was censoring the identities of his friends.

Well the episodes title is 'A Week in the Life of'

Also after the whole thing with the Angels, Mother of Mercy, Manga Khan and all the other things OL has done, his profile may have risen in the public's eye.
What that tells me is that you keep bringing up the same old shit again and again after it has been addressed.

Actually if Zoat keeps forgetting about it, then reminding him isn't exactly all that bad.

Yes it has been addressed previously, but if Zoat keeps doing it then he hasn't exactly learned to not do it.
Just offer Melinöe some... Pomegranate. I'm sure Persephone will know things are serious...

So get Melinoe pregnant and then be forced to marry her, either by Hades or Persephone.

Those types of weddings don't tend to work out.

(in this story Persephone had to stay with Hades because he impregnated her, not because of the whole pomegranate thing, at least according to Hephaestus)
Actually if Zoat keeps forgetting about it, then reminding him isn't exactly all that bad.

Yes it has been addressed previously, but if Zoat keeps doing it then he hasn't exactly learned to not do it.
True, but given V is ignored and no one else has mentioned what Zoat forgot explicitly...

"So their Chief of Police spent about half an hour arguing with me and.. then Icon, about how to handle the situation, until eventually the state governor got involved and has to write the Dreamkin a pardon for any and all crimes on the condition they leave the country immediately. Which was technically legal and produced the result we wanted. But is probably not an option that's going to be available to you in the field."

"A state governor can not pardon federal crimes." is the reported mistake. I don't know if this is a mistake but thought I'd post it where you can see it anyway.
...death rate for novice vigilantes, but…
The tenses involved would suggest 'had' rather than 'has'.
Thnak you, correct.
(in this story Persephone had to stay with Hades because he impregnated her, not because of the whole pomegranate thing, at least according to Hephaestus)
I... Don't remember that?
"A state governor can not pardon federal crimes." is the reported mistake. I don't know if this is a mistake but thought I'd post it where you can see it anyway.
The police were trying to arrest them for state crimes.

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