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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

"I killed a wounded man I could have healed and killed people I could have contained. And for the life of me I can't see a better solution."
That's a you problem boy.

There's some pretty simple solutions to the whole Spider Guild problem. One's which don't involve murder or mind control. The fact you can't think of them... Well... As I said... That's a you problem...
Yes, though the original Roman version was killing every tenth member of a Legion to stiffen the spines of the rest.
Actually it was a punishment for a legion routing. Each 9 troops were required to beat the 10th one to death. It actually wasn't done much despite the threats because once that was done that legion was done for might as well break it up.

Of course the Romen empire had a long history over alot of area. I fully expect that decimation has meant many different things over it's history.
That's a you problem boy.

There's some pretty simple solutions to the whole Spider Guild problem. One's which don't involve murder or mind control. The fact you can't think of them... Well... As I said... That's a you problem...
Pretty sure there isn't, if the Guardians couldn't think of one after all this time.
"I killed a wounded man I could have healed and killed people I could have contained. And for the life of me I can't see a better solution."
Shouldn't this include something like "All so I could save a few more extra lives." Between the first and last sentence to punctuate the why? Other than that this is very quotable to me.
Shouldn't this include something like "All so I could save a few more extra lives." Between the first and last sentence to punctuate the why? Other than that this is very quotable to me.
"So... I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover up the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all... I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again... I would." --Captain Benjamin Sisko, Deep Space 9 "In the Pale Moonlight"

"Garak was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it. .........Computer, erase that entire personal log." --Sisko, continuing from the preceding quote

It's just as quotable in the short form as in the full-length version; the extra context is helpful, but it still works either way.
There's some pretty simple solutions to the whole Spider Guild problem. One's which don't involve murder or mind control.
"Hey, Sivania!"
"I want a specially-tailored virus that turns cannibal sapient-eating space spiders into vegetarians."
"Is the meat eating or the sapient eating more of a problem? It's a lot easier if they're still allowed to eat sapient plants."
"Er... Let's go with just making them not eat sapients."
"Tch. Fine. Oh, I can make them just... not need or be able to eat at all."
"I'm not sure if that's better or worse."
Is it wrong that I kinda hope Paul breaks Superman by showing him what he deals with? Paul has stated multiple times the issues with how the League operates but they've never done anything about it besides act surprised when these issues come up. They don't have to implement drastic measures and change everything but it feels like once Paul points out flaws they just feel bad for a moment and move on and forget anything that was just said. Is this a case of "status quo is god" or extreme stubbornness I don't know but I hate how they never seem to seriously consider the advice Paul gives.
Is it wrong that I kinda hope Paul breaks Superman by showing him what he deals with? Paul has stated multiple times the issues with how the League operates but they've never done anything about it besides act surprised when these issues come up. They don't have to implement drastic measures and change everything but it feels like once Paul points out flaws they just feel bad for a moment and move on and forget anything that was just said. Is this a case of "status quo is god" or extreme stubbornness I don't know but I hate how they never seem to seriously consider the advice Paul gives.

heres hoping the JL reads supes' report then. Or rather since he's already made that point, read it and think on it
That's a you problem boy.

There's some pretty simple solutions to the whole Spider Guild problem. One's which don't involve murder or mind control. The fact you can't think of them... Well... As I said... That's a you problem...

Uh yes? That's been an ongoing theme in this story for years and is the central theme of this arc. The SI has a problem and is thinking about a solution.
Pretty sure there isn't, if the Guardians couldn't think of one after all this time.
The Guardian's don't care.

The Green Lanterns are their minimum effort maximum result solution to a general lack of order in the galaxy. The one time they tried to do more? It ended up with the Manhunters and them wiping out an entire sector of the universe.

"Hey, Sivania!"
"I want a specially-tailored virus that turns cannibal sapient-eating space spiders into vegetarians."
"Is the meat eating or the sapient eating more of a problem? It's a lot easier if they're still allowed to eat sapient plants."
"Er... Let's go with just making them not eat sapients."
"Tch. Fine. Oh, I can make them just... not need or be able to eat at all."
"I'm not sure if that's better or worse."
It would be "A specifically tailored virus that turns them into Herbivores who get violently sick if they eat meat", but yes, that would solve like 95% of the eating other sapient beings problem.

Because I think there are only two actual plant races in DC comics, and both are strong/isolated enough that it's super unlikely the Spider Guild would be able to take them on.
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Viruses are never 100% effective, they have diminishing returns, and there's always someone who shows immunity. Also, they are prone to mutation. Very much so compared to anything else.

I also doubt it's something that would work without lethal experimentation on at least as many people as the belligerents that are likely to die through current methodology. Probably many more.

I also also doubt it would work out without spawning some other horrors or conflicts on the way, even without the Color kingdoms taking offense.

Gain of function research also takes a long time to yield anything approaching results. For something like this, it would be decades at least.

Maybe not so easily assume the Cadmus method is the right method?
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Viruses are never 100% effective, they have diminishing returns, and there's always someone who shows immunity. Also, they are prone to mutation. Very much so compared to anything else.

I also doubt it's something that would work without lethal experimentation on at least as many belligerents as are likely to die through current methodology. Probably many more.

I also also doubt it would work out without spawning some other horrors or conflicts on the way.

Maybe not so easily assume the Cadmus method is the right method?

They also would immediately start designing/growing sapient vegetables to murder, because they can eat regular non-sapient meat just fine, they just want to eat intelligent beings and won't stop unless they're made to.

Plus the fact that the queen exists at all means they would be able to make another virus to change themselves back. Good ol' Vaermina, assuming the idiot in the room is everyone except them.
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The Guardian's don't care.

The Green Lanterns are their minimum effort maximum result solution to a general lack of order in the galaxy. The one time they tried to do more? It ended up with the Manhunters and them wiping out an entire sector of the universe.
I'll direct you towards the Burning Martians, a race of dangerous aliens that the Guardians genetically modified against their will to stop them from being a danger

If it were a genuine solution they would have done it
Viruses are never 100% effective, they have diminishing returns, and there's always someone who shows immunity. Also, they are prone to mutation. Very much so compared to anything else.

I also doubt it's something that would work without lethal experimentation on at least as many people as the belligerents that are likely to die through current methodology. Probably many more.

I also also doubt it would work out without spawning some other horrors or conflicts on the way, even without the Color kingdoms taking offense.

Gain of function research also taks a long time to yield anything approaching results. For something like this, it would be decades at least.

Maybe not so easily assume the Cadmus method is the right method?
Thats not even considering the debate of whether it's any more moral to forcibly change the DNA of an entire species
Listen, when military might is concentrated in the hands of a few, everyone would be better off if those at the top were educated, replaceable and enlightened. Not necessarily Orange-enlightened, but something of the sort. They need to value philosophical quarries and axioms relating to how a sapient being should exist and act, and right now the spider guiders do not. Attempting to find a mix of ethical, stimulating recreational options (video games, art, television, sports, drugs, food, volunteer work…) will make most hypothetical societies more productive than turning them into meat computers or cogs in a tyrannical machine.

So I'd propose as a punishment when warranted and as a treaty requirement going forward that emotional manipulation be investigated. Like what Paul did to keep everyone on track during the Spider Queen's original conference to set up new relationships with those pirates. Guide them into understanding themselves and into understanding others by sharing foreign points of view. Martians could share memories (and share terminology relevant to examining thought processes), emotion manipulation like with that fancy mask… Temporary mental alterations as a tool to connect with a society (primarily the leaders). Remember the society Paul struggled to relate to before and after his death to a Qwa matter bomb? One step on the road to enlightenment and social revolution is to use the resources at hand to widen the horizons of those with one-track minds.

The spider guilders are quite similar to the Citadelians, but the fact that the spiders still have identities in a meaningful sense (no hive mind connection) means this society would be somewhat easier to change than Citadelian worlds.

We saw the use of buried mental commands in the canon show of Young Justice. We also see this strategy employed by the Reach. What I've outlined above would be a tremendous undertaking to implement, even if there was a neutral, trusted party like the Guardians of the Universe double checking the work. It is scary, particularly in the hands of large organizations like governments. In addition many would find the prospect of altering the minds and emotions of people who are coerced to be disgusting. So this would take centuries to implement in a degree that could be replicated on multiple societies. But it has merit. It is an alternative to genocide or the phantom zone.
Actually it was a punishment for a legion routing. Each 9 troops were required to beat the 10th one to death. It actually wasn't done much despite the threats because once that was done that legion was done for might as well break it up.
Of course the Romen empire had a long history over alot of area. I fully expect that decimation has meant many different things over it's history.

Don't think I have ever heard the bit about the other nine beating number ten to death.
That said it probably meant much the same thing for most of the history of the Western Empire, because if something works or seems to work even one time? People tend to repeat it over and over again.
Uncomplicated Good Works (part 17)
22nd December 2012
09:01 GMT

Mr. Rodriguez opens the door to his apartment, and then freezes up as he sees me.


"Good morning. I see you know who I am."

"Yeah. I ain't never going to forget that whole cake thing, man. Ah, or-" He raises his hands defensively. "-when you fought the Sheeda. I get you ain't just the cake man."

"I appreciate that. This is Mister Kent of the Metropolis Daily Planet."

"Oh yeah, Superman's favourite paper, right?"

Kal-El shifts awkwardly, his posture slovenly and uncertain.

"Ah. I guess. He's got good taste."

He flashes a smile for a moment, then makes a show of giving up on it when Mr. Rodriguez doesn't reciprocate immediately.

"Right. So, I guess this is about Medina."

"Indeed it is. I'm sure that your lawyer has explained the difficulties in engaging with anyone on Themyscira legally, particularly when Medina doesn't want to engage with the process at all. I hadn't originally intended to get involved, but… I think I might be able to help things along a little in an informal manner."

A slightly guarded look appears on his face.

"Do I need my lawyer for this?"

"'Need'? No. I don't have any formal legal authority. However, a lot of Themysciran law works on the basis of who is the most persuasive in the forum and I've got an advantageous reputation. I'll quite understand if you want to call your lawyer and set up a group meeting, but that sort of thing doesn't play well to the Amazon crowd."

He looks me in the eyes for a few moments and then shrugs. "What's your stake in this, anyway?"

"I want Themyscira to have more contact with the rest of the world. I rather assumed that they would be more interested in American women than men, but I should probably have seen something like this happening."

"Medina didn't seem too gay to me."

"She's not American." He looks blank. "Different societies conceptualise behaviours differently. In Ancient Themyscira, it was quite normal for women who prefer women to have sex with men when they wanted to get pregnant, because.. they.. didn't have IVF. If they didn't have sex with a man, then they wouldn't have children. Medina's current all-female marriage group has been together for over two thousand years."

"Then what's she doing sleeping around!?"

"Finding someone to sire a child. Three thousand years ago one of her wives would have picked someone, usually an immediate relative, but they don't know any men who are still alive."

"So she can sleep with men, and the other women are fine with it?"

"She can have sex with men while she's trying to get pregnant. If she was doing it recreationally, that might be a problem."

"So if she enjoys-?"

"No. She can enjoy it incidentally, though… Ah… Unless you have a metahuman empathic ability you haven't told anyone about, I wouldn't assume-."

"Oh, no man, she wasn't faking."

My right hand finds its way to my forehead.

"And I'm happy to take your word for that. But that doesn't have much social significance on Themyscira."

"Ah, shit." He looks away, releasing some of the tension he just built up. "Ah, yeah, ah… You wanna come in?"

"Thank you."

He steps back from the door, and I lead the way in. Pretty tidy for a bachelor apartment. Smells… Yes, something was painted recently. The colours are light pastels and I notice that there's a slightly out of place crucifix attached to one wall.

Mr. Rodriguez notices me looking at it.

"My momma gave me that as a housewarming present. She-. She really ain't happy about this whole thing."

"I admit, I'd rather been assuming that she just went to a club and picked someone up."

"Nah, that's…" He points to a couple of chairs next to the dining table. "Ah, take a seat. You want coffee?"

"Not for me, thank you."

"Yes please. Ah, black. If you've… Got it."

Laying it on a little thick there, Kal-El.

"Ah… Yeah. Sure, man."

Mr. Rodriguez walks into his kitchenette and… Puts a capsule in a coffee machine before taking a couple of mugs out of a wall-mounted cupboard.

"So how did you and Medina meet, anyway?"

"At the coffee shop where I work. She came in during the graveyard shift and… We got talking. She sure didn't mention being married at any point."

"You… You were dating?"

He presses the button to generate a mug of coffee, then puts in a new capsule.

"I thought we were." He shakes his head. "Next time, I'm waiting 'til we're married."

"That's probably for the best. Were you.. planning on having a child-."

"No, I just… I figured she was on the pill when she said it was 'okay'. I mean, I thought we-. I really liked her, y'know? I wouldn't a'minded having a kid with her. And then… A few weeks later and she's out the door and that's when I find out where she's from."

He sighs as he presses the button for another coffee.

"I didn't even-. I just wanted to know where she ran off to, y'know? And… Why. And you're telling me that the whole thing was so she could get pregnant?"

"I take it that she never discussed it in those terms."

He picks up the mugs and walks over to us at the table, putting one mug down in front of Kal-El on a coaster before sitting down opposite us and taking a sip.

"No, she didn't discuss it in those terms. I mean I'm-. I'm going back over every conversation we had in my head and wondering if I heard one thing and she meant something completely different. I dunno. I just thought we had a good thing going on."

"Do you have a good relationship with your own father?"

"My dad? Yeah, sure. Him and Mom have been together for thirty years. I'm the youngest of three." He shakes his head. "Dad and Mom are not happy with me right now. Christmas is gunna be real awkward."

"Would you be prepared to talk about your relationship in front of a group of strangers?"

"Ah. I don't… Why?"

"Because while I could do it, I suspect that you telling the forum how you feel would be a good deal more effective."
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I mean, it sounds fucked up. If she really just wanted a sperm donor why the charade?

Did they do it that way in ancient times? Infiltrate a town, seduce/romance a guy without saying were they're from, date for enough time to have multiple intercourse encounters ('cause that one shot deal is really rare) and just disappear like the morning fog?

Switch the genders and people would be calling for pitchforks and torches!
Typo alert

I'm sure that your lawyer as explained the difficulties

'has', I thnk.

I mean, it sounds fucked up. If she really just wanted a sperm donor why the charade?

Did they do it that way in ancient times? Infiltrate a town, seduce/romance a guy without saying were they're from, date for enough time to have multiple intercourse encounters ('cause that one shot deal is really rare) and just disappear like the morning fog?

That's probably not how she saw it. She probably didn't realise there was anything romantic at all, and thought that he knew all the way through what was going on.

Blue and Orange Morality doesn't require either the blue or the orange to be non-human.
22nd December 2012
09:01 GMT

Mr. Rodriguez opens the door to his apartment, and then freezes up as he sees me.

Oh, ho. The unlucky fellow who got an Amazon pregnant. Well, unlucky in that she doesn't want anything to do with him. I guess OL is motivated to involve himself now because it's an easier moral quandary than a sapient-eating alien race.

"Good morning. I see you know who I am."

"Yeah. I ain't never going to forget that whole cake thing, man. Ah, or-" He raises his hands defensively. "-when you fought the Sheeda. I get you ain't just the cake man."
Wow, someone who doesn't assume he's a one-note Lantern. Still led with the cake thing, though. :p

"I appreciate that. This is Mister Kent of the Metropolis Daily Planet."

"Oh yeah, Superman's favourite paper, right?"
...Something like that, I suppose.

Kal-El shifts awkwardly, his posture slovenly and uncertain.

"Ah. I guess. He's got good taste."
And here we see 'Clark Kenting' in action.

He flashes a smile for a moment, then makes a show of giving up on it when Mr. Rodriguez doesn't reciprocate immediately.

"Right. So, I guess this is about Medina."
Yeah, that's a safe bet, amigo.

"Indeed it is. I'm sure that your lawyer as explained the difficulties in engaging with anyone on Themyscira legally, particularly when Medina doesn't want to engage with the process at all. I hadn't originally intended to get involved, but… I think I might be able to help things along a little in an informal manner."

A slightly guarded look appears on his face.
After all, being one of the more prestigious parties on the island gives him a certain pull amongst the people.

"Do I need my lawyer for this?"

"'Need'? No. I don't have any formal legal authority. However, a lot of Themysciran law works on the basis of who is the most persuasive in the forum and I've got an advantageous reputation. I'll quite understand if you want to call your lawyer and set up a group meeting, but that sort of things doesn't play well to the Amazon crowd."
I suspect a personal appearance by the jilted father might also help... But I'm sure he'll think of that.

He looks me in the eyes for a few moments and then shrugs. "What's your stake in this, anyway?"

"I want Themyscira to have more contact with the rest of the world. I rather assumed that they would be more interested in American women than men, but I should probably have seen something like this happening."
It's an old tradition, after all. At least she let him live, unlike some variations.

"Medina didn't see too gay to me."

"She's not American." He looks blank. "Different societies conceptualise behaviours differently. In Ancient Themyscira, it was quite normal for women who prefer women to have sex with men when they wanted to get pregnant, because.. they.. didn't have IVF. If they didn't have sex with a man, then they wouldn't have children. Medina's current all-female marriage group has been together for over two thousand years."
'Group'? Polyromantic as well? How progressive.

"Then what's she doing sleeping around!?"

"Finding someone to sire a child. Three thousand years ago one of her wives would have picked someone, usually an immediate relative, but they don't know any men who are still alive."
That would be a little awkward, yes.

"So she can sleep with men, and the other women are fine with it?"

"She can have sex with men while she's trying to get pregnant. If she was doing it recreationally, that might be a problem."
Especially if she's keeping the gent to herself when her partners might want to join in. :oops:

"So if she enjoys-?"

"No. She can enjoy it incidentally, though… Ah… Unless you have a metahuman empathic ability you haven't told anyone about, I wouldn't assume-."
...I mean, after a dry spell of three thousand years, she might well have had a hair trigger.

"Oh, no man, she wasn't faking."

My right hand finds its way to my forehead.
Yeah, Casanova, this guy is probably not.

"And I'm happy to take your word for that. But that doesn't have much social significance on Themyscira."

"Ah, shit." He looks away, releasing some of the tension he just built up. "Ah, yeah, ah… You wanna come in?"
...They had that whole discussion at the door? Well, I expect his neighbours enjoyed the show. :D

"Thank you."

He steps back from the door, and I lead the way in. Pretty tidy for a bachelor apartment. Smells… Yes, something was painted recently. The colours are light pastels and I notice that there's a slightly out of place crucifix attached to one wall.
Guessing he intended to move in with her. Or rather, her with him...

Mr. Rodriguez notices me looking at it.

"My momma gave me that as a housewarming present. She-. She really ain't happy about this whole thing."
...Awkward. Only thing more guilt-heavy than a devoutly Hispanic mom is a Jewish one. Edit: :confused: That didn't come out to well, did it. Suffice to say, I meant Catholic guilt-tripping, especially compared to a Jewish momma... Religious icons of choice aside..

"I admit, I'd rather been assuming that she just went to a club and picked someone up."

"Nah, that's…" He points to a couple of chairs next to the dining table. "Ah, take a seat. You want coffee?"
Probably would have been easier. Amazed that hasn't happened more yet. Maybe the ladies don't realise that's an option.

"Not for me, thank you."

"Yes please. Ah, black. If you've… Got it."
Feeling a bit bitter after your little road-trip, huh?

Laying it on a little thick there, Kal-El.

"Ah… Yeah. Sure, man."
Well, he does like to play the role to the hilt...

Mr. Rodriguez walks into his kitchenette and… Puts a capsule in a coffee machine before taking a couple of mugs out of a wall-mounted cupboard.

"So how did you and Medina meet, anyway?"
Yes, that would be an interesting tale.

"At the coffee shop where I work. She came in during the graveyard shift and… We got talking. She sure didn't mention being married at any point."

"You… You were dating?"
Wonder if she came in in traditional dress or modern? The former might well have made her seem like a Wonder Woman fangirl or something. :p

He presses the button to generate a mug of coffee, then puts in a new capsule.

"I thought we were." He shakes his head. "Next time, I'm waiting 'til we're married."
A sensible option. If you had this time, none of you would be in this situation...

"That's probably for the best. Were you.. planning on having a child-."

"No, I just… I figured she was on the pill when she said it was 'okay'. I mean, I thought we-. I really liked her, y'know? I wouldn't a'minded having a kid with her. And then… A few weeks later and she's out the door and that's when I find out where she's from."
...Goodness, he's serious about it. Guess she made an impression on him.

He sighs as he presses the button for another coffee.

"I didn't even-. I just wanted to know where she ran off to, y'know? And… Why. And you're telling me that the whole thing was so she could get pregnant?"
Bit of a role reversal, really. Less respectable men might have been fine with 'done and run'.

"I take it that she never discussed it in those terms."

He picks up the mugs and walks over to use at the table, putting one mug down in front of Kal-El on a coaster before sitting down opposite us and taking a sip.
Why spoil the swindle? Wonder if she really did just ditch him or if there were some deeper feeling she might have been afraid to allow out? She has several partners back home. I doubt she wanted to ditch them for a single man and leave hurt feelings behind...

"No, she didn't discuss it in those terms. I mean I'm-. I'm going back over every conversation we had in my head and wondering if I heard one thing and she meant something completely different. I dunno. I just thought we had a good thing going on."

"Do you have a good relationship with your own father?"

"My dad? Yeah, sure. Him and Mom have been together for thirty years. I'm the youngest of three." He shakes his head. "Dad and Mom are not happy with me right now. Christmas is gunna be real awkward."

"Would you be prepared to talk about your relationship in front of a group of strangers?"
Ah, planning to have him tell his side to the Forum?

"Ah. I don't… Why?"

"Because while I could do it, I suspect that you telling the forum how you feel would be a good deal more effective."
If it sounds scary, just think of it as meeting her family. :confused: ...No, wait, that probably makes it worse.

I figured this sub-plot would turn up sooner or later. Even if OL claimed he wasn't concerned, this could leave a stain on Themyscira's international reputation. Even if there's men out there willing to play sperm donor for a hot Amazon, some might be interested in relationships. And perhaps some of the ladies will eventually start having thoughts of settling down with men elsewhere... It's only a matter of time, really.
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That's probably not how she saw it. She probably didn't realise there was anything romantic at all, and thought that he knew all the way through what was going on.
Blue and Orange Morality doesn't require either the blue or the orange to be non-human.

Also, in the Ancient world? Especially in many parts of ancient Greece? Men usually had Male lovers, women were more for breeding or entertainment. At least that is what the surviving writings of the upper class seems to indicate.
So, she was likely thinking that she would mean as little to him as he did to her.
That's probably not how she saw it. She probably didn't realise there was anything romantic at all, and thought that he knew all the way through what was going on.

Blue and Orange Morality doesn't require either the blue or the orange to be non-human.

In the myths, that is what Amazons did to reproduce- Go out, find a guy to knock them up, and then leave when they did their part.

Never to be seen again unless the resulting child was male, in which case if they didn't kill the child out right they'd return the son to his father.

So I'm guessing this is ignorance and not malice on the Amazon's part, yeah- She thought he knew what the deal was, and never intended to lead him on or cause him emotional distress, because 3000 years ago any man she met would have known that an Amazon was looking for a sperm donor and not a boyfriend/husband.
He has it, he just wouldn't wear it outside of an apocalypse.
Fairly powerful.
I mean in comparison to Clark? In armor/outside of armor.
Connor is weaker but it seems like his weaknesses have been shored up quite a bit
I'm curious about what is his weight class now considering that he's got all of that good stuff plus the ton of sparring partners.

Is he at least on WW's level?
He's gotta be good at fighting now considering he's in Thymscyra.
Did they do it that way in ancient times? Infiltrate a town, seduce/romance a guy without saying were they're from, date for enough time to have multiple intercourse encounters ('cause that one shot deal is really rare) and just disappear like the morning fog?
No, they had festivals and anyone who turned up in an Amazon city at that time of year knew what was up.
Typo alert
'has', I thnk.
Thank you, corrected.

My keyboard's 'H' key has gotten dodgy. Does anyone have any recomendations for a new keyboard?
Also, in the Ancient world? Especially in many parts of ancient Greece? Men usually had Male lovers, women were more for breeding or entertainment. At least that is what the surviving writings of the upper class seems to indicate.
Not in Sparta, you Athenian boy-lover.
Was Medina dressed in modern clothes when they met? cause Rodriguez says he didn't know she was an amazon.
She's gay and European!

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