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With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

Thank you, corrected.

Never finished it.

All I'm getting when I search for that is an aquarium.

Already doing that. Say 'no' to Anne-Marie 'Granddaddy Issues' Rogue.

I do own a copy of Vampire the Masquerade and Exalted, but I don't know the settings well enough to write them.

Never played it.

Fair enough how about wild cards? Or girl genius?

Also is there a green paul?
Goodness. What I could do with a personal lantern
Yeah pretty sure that would make him flat out the most powerful military and industrial force on the planet.

Jevek is going to cause so much trouble by playing about with Krona's stuff. Only question is whether Krona him self will be alive, or 'alive', at any point during the process.

No. Jevek is familiar with the local version as well as a couple of others, and knows perfectly well that his name isn't Krono.
More that Krono isn't his only name.
...Well, that helps defuse one potential trouble spot. I assume her tribe are fairly accepting of homosexual relationships.
That's... Not exactly why.
So she gets off more or less scot free from the whole 'dating game show' debacle. 😒 Whoopie.
What do you think Justinia did wrong?
I mean, the ant carapaces are probably decent light armour, but I can understand not wanting to show up in what are basically hard-wearing tights and ant-shells.
That's not why she burned it.
Always interesting to see the overall spread of colours. We still haven't seen a proper Green Ring alt!Paul, have we? And no, Anti-Green doesn't count, nor Gold.
Roswell Conspiracies.
Fair enough how about wild cards?
I've heard of it.
Someone with the ability to replicate a spark's work without being a spark would be setting-breakingly OP.
Also is there a green paul?
Two, actually.
Thank you, corrected.
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That's... Not exactly why.

What do you think Justinia did wrong?

That's not why she burned it.

Roswell Conspiracies.

I've heard of it.

Someone with the ability to replicate a spark's work without being a spark would be setting-breakingly OP.

Two, actually.

Thank you, corrected.

Oh crap... The Crisis is going to start when Javik pokes the war hammer universe isn't it?

Then again that depends entirely in how you subscribe to Chaos God's wank.

If that isn't going to be the trigger that sets everything off the it has to be Krona pulling a Jesús and reviving better than ever.
Oh crap... The Crisis is going to start when Javik pokes the war hammer universe isn't it?

Then again that depends entirely in how you subscribe to Chaos God's wank.
Ah... Well, there wouldn't be a link between the Warp and Universe 16, so there's not much to worry about. And then there's the fact that people in Universe 16 have souls that are part of the magic system that surround them rather than being a bridge to a parallel universe. They're more like Warhammer's mutation-proof vampires than Warhammer humans.
Jevek is so extraordinarily dangerous. I mean, look at him, powerful cosmic level alien who is in possession of the rarest and most potent of abilities in a superhero universe. A modicum of common sense and people management skills.

Look at this guy, making honest deals where he offers people things they want for what he wants instead of unreasonable demands. Reassuring his chief minion, "Don't worry, you're not being replaced I'm going to power you up."

I know this seems like a low bar, but really it is not a given that your 'average' Controller wouldn't have have appeared and demanded that Krona's body and ring be turned over on the basis of, "Because I said so."
Except both of the Lanterns from around Earth can do everything I can, and better, and more.
I'm sure he at least knows that Lantern Stewart exists, since he was around when he was being introduced to working with Gardner. I think the match up between Effigy and him or say, Jordan is probably relatively even?

And now it turns out that I missed some kind of huge disaster on Earth where I could have made a difference. Okay, maybe I had… Basically no life there, but it's still Earth! Saving the Earth is what a hero's supposed to do, and I could have been a part of that!
He really doesn't have the disposition for weathering the anti-life well. Dodged a bullet there, realistically.

Is that a Guardian? I've only seen pictures, and… I don't think they had hair like that. I look at the Controller, and I'm trying to work out if he's going to say anything or-.

"My late brother, Krona. He was condemned by the Guardians for utterly ruining the universe at the moment of its creation."

"Ruined… How, sir? I don't think it's so bad."

"It is a fraction of the size it should be. Depending on how an individual assigns value, there is a coherent argument to be made that he was the worst being in history."
...Yeaaaaaaaah that does go towards explaining something of why it's such a big thing.
"He created a fascinating device. It used parallel universe versions of the Illustres and another human he was frequently in contact with to scan huge segments of the multiverse. I have not been able to recreate it."

"Why do you want to?"

"Each parallel universe utilises a slightly different set of underlying operating principles. Learning them grants knowledge not merely of what is possible, but of what can be possible if those operating principles are changed. Or in flux. So while I cannot currently recreate the device, I have been able to utilise the link between the various versions of the Illustres to communicate with many of them."
Huh. I think the device still exists at vanishing point, and there's probably whatever you can get from ring scans fairly findable, once you follow that link. I wonder if that was a substantial motivator behind that? The time trapper paul seemed to have some understanding of the principles of the device itself too.

"I have convinced them to share objects of interest. I have not completed my study of them, but those that I have studied have increased my understanding to the point that Effigies will be far stronger in future than my first version."


Not… This as well. Not the one thing-. Everyone else is going to be better than me? They'll look a little like me, but they'll all-.

Where's the exit? I-.

"Of course, I will have to test the implementation upon you first."

Oh thank you God.

"I feel your dissatisfaction with the fact that you cannot equal the most powerful Lanterns. My emotions are different to yours, but be assured that I wish to elevate you just as much as you want to be elevated."
Awwwwwwww. This is nice and it's just - good to see the guy bonded with desire having that sort of motivation.
"T-. Thank you. What..? What improvements are you talking about?"

He… Floats over to a time suspension pod. It's got a… Couple of drops of blood in it? Weird.

"It is somewhat simple, but I intend to start by making you strong enough to tear a Scarab Warrior in half without using your destabilisation ability. I suspect that you will enjoy that."

I'm smiling, aren't I?

"I think I will too, sir."
We will have to see! Feel like it's going to be hard to deal with the sort of utility that a lantern can have, but there's a lot of weird physics stuff out there. For now, I'm just glad that it's going somewhere.
...Yeaaaaaaaah that does go towards explaining something of why it's such a big thing.

Zoat was inspired a bit by the comics I think here- it was once explained that the DC universe is naturally a cyclical thing. It is born, it dies, it is born again, like a Phoenix.

Krona's spying on the moment of creation introduced so much entropy that the DC universe would not naturally be reborn, if nothing was done it would die and stay dead forever.

So in that version all the efforts of the Guardians and the Controllers was about imposing enough order on the universe that the cycle would continue like it was always supposed to.
There is the Dreaming.

Granted, with Morpheus there, the Chaos Gods may not be able to do much.
The Dreaming isn't the Warp. The most you could say is that it fulfils some of the same functions.
I'm sure he at least knows that Lantern Stewart exists, since he was around when he was being introduced to working with Gardner. I think the match up between Effigy and him or say, Jordan is probably relatively even?
He knows that they exist, but he hasn't met them and he's pretty insecure about himself. When he thinks of Earth Lanterns, he immediately thinks of the two stronger than him.
He really doesn't have the disposition for weathering the anti-life well. Dodged a bullet there, realistically.
He has a glaring weakness, but I think he might be alright if he had an external enemy to focus on. He can be really ornery.
Zoat was inspired a bit by the comics I think here- it was once explained that the DC universe is naturally a cyclical thing. It is born, it dies, it is born again, like a Phoenix.

As I recall though, "By This Ring" canon is that the DC universe is basically a small handful of galaxies, basically just our galactic cluster. Unlike the actual real life universe where there are (quick google) somewhere between 200 billion and 2 trillion galaxies. That's why "the Guardians of the Universe" can realistically be the Guardians of the Universe and not just "our local galaxy".

If Krona made the size of the universe one in 200 billion or so of what it should have been, destroying all that potential life, you can see why that's bad.
I'm guessing it's a Mormon thing, then.
Mormons don't regard 'homosexuality' as a thing and White Legs don't have a formal acknowledgement of it. Homosexual marriage would make no sense to her because they can't have children. She considered their behaviour as so alien that she just stopped thinking about her.
I meant Doki. Should probably edit to make that clear.
Doki has a giant robot and a giant army of top tier robots. There isn't much the wounded SI, two under-equipped women and some ants can do about that in the short term.
Ah, right. Been a long story, it's easy to forget some details...
Tell me about it.
How soon until a new Invincible piece with Anissa?
Equity (part 24)
Day 383
A graveyard world

I float outside of the White Pyramid's protective barrier, unable to stop myself from smiling as Lion-O tries shoulder-barging it again. And to the exact same result: him flying away and landing on his arse.

"Hah!" Tygra is less shy than me in expressing his amusement. "Did you hit your head as well?"

Lion-O grits his teeth as he pulls himself upright. "I don't see you doing anything!"

Tygra glances up at me. "He's the one who wants to get in there so badly. Let him try and get through the barrier."

Lion-O think for a moment, then takes a look at the war stone affixed to his sword. "I'll bet I can-."

"Don't even think about it." He lowers the sword slightly. "The whole point is to keep this place intact, not blast holes in it."

He waves his left hand at the shield. "You try, then."

I nod, then float forwards slowly, probe constructs extending from my hands to feel for it. They pass through the area it appeared to cover, but that's not entirely unexpected. This is a magic field. It's perfectly possible that the trigger condition is a person trying to cross it…

I'm now across the area it affects. Scans show… No detectable energy built-ups of any kind, so it's probably not charging up to hit me because I'm more resilient than Lion-O.

"Go, Substitute Dad!" Wilykit punches the air and Wilykat nods smugly. Nice to know that they're on-side.

Lion-O gives them a mildly put out look. "What gives?"

Panthro strokes his chin. "Hm You're not a cat." Lion-O gives him an interrogative frown. "This is one of the worlds that Mumm-Ra attacked before the revolt. Cats like us were his soldiers. If we had a rat or a bird with us they could probably walk through it as well."

Cheetara nods. "They raised a barrier to keep their attackers out, but not to keep out anyone else. Some of their people might have taken refuge here."

Lion-O frowns. "But wouldn't their stone have been here? I don't think Mumm-Ra ever let them out of his sight."

Panthro frowns. "I don't know. You saw what it was like from orbit; everything else had been destroyed. The might have kept their stone in the middle of their biggest city, or their king might have carried it around with him. Maybe this was their last hiding place and Mumm-Ra didn't bother with it once he had their stone."

"Okay, but-" Tygra cautiously prods the barrier and finds that it still reacts to him. "-how do we get in?"

Wilykit looks thoughtfully at her bag of holding. Remarkably astute of her. Their whole squad could get into the bag, then I could carry it over the line. And then she looks at me, and she knows that I know that and that she really doesn't want to let the rest of the squad know about the bag.


I generate a yellow tunnel across the space the barrier protects. "Try now."

Lion-O hesitates, earning him an amused look from his brother. "What's wrong? You didn't have a problem a minute ago."

Lion-O looks uncertain for a moment, then grins. "I've tried three times already. I'm pretty sure it's your turn now."

Tygra loosens his shoulders with a smirk. "Alright." He walks towards my tunnel. "The trick is to not run face-first into the magic barrier." He enters the tunnel and slows, cautiously reaching out again for-.

The barrier triggers. Tygra shrugs as I allow my construct to dissipate. "Any more bright ideas?"

A giant construct drill bores into ground next to him, causing him to jump away in shock before recovering his equanimity and giving me an irritated glance. I move the construct in an arc, cutting through the hardened ground before coming up on the other side.

"Try now."

Tygra glances back at Lion-O, who raises his eyebrows and a single finger. Tygra rolls his eyes and then jumps down the hole. He gets to the barrier point and-. He's blocked again. He shrugs, turns around and jumps back out.

"What next?"

I fly down and land next to him, putting my right hand on his left shoulder. He looks at me askance.

"I try escorting you. That might make you register as being acceptable."


"I can leave you all behind and do this myself if you prefer."

Another moment of eye contact with Lion-O, then he shrugs. "Fine."

We walk forward slowly. I encounter no resistance, but he gets stopped. He snorts at me. "Any more great ideas?"

I fabricate a poncho and drop it over him, then spray it red. He looks down at it with a wrinkled nose. "What's this supposed to be? It smells like-."

"My skin, sprayed with my blood." His eyes widen as he stares at me. "It might make you register as human."

"Is that what you are?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Have you heard of my species?"

"No." He looks mildly smug. "I just didn't know what you were called."

A construct hand shoves him into the barrier, making him stagger… Through.

"Hey!" He look around and notices where he is. "Oh."

Lion-O looks at Tygra puckishly. "So what happens if he takes the cloak off while he's in there?"

Tygra -who'd been trying to work out where he could grip the cloak without getting blood on his hands- immediately freezes.

Amusing as it might be to take it off him, it would be foolish because that might set off a stronger response. Instead, I fabricate a Tygra-skin rug and a pint of his blood and wave it around. No response. Move it to the edge of the barrier, no response as it goes out, but trying to bring it back in-. The barrier stops it.

"Nothing." I remove the poncho from Tygra and float it over to Lion-O. "Your turn."

Lion-O is staring wide-eyed at-.

I disintegrate the copy I made of his brother's skin.

He blinks and then looks at my skin, hesitates for a moment and then reaches out for it, only for Cheetara to take it first.


She smiles apologetically at him as she puts it on and then walks across the threshold, Lion-O looking put out as she does so. I think that's fair. She's basically his bodyguard; obviously she's going to take the risk first. Once she's crossed, I float the coat back to-.

The kittens take it before it reaches Lion-O and wrap it around themselves before scurrying across.

Tygra snorts in amusement. "Last again, brother?"

I float the coat back to him, and he actually looks at Panthro for a moment before putting it on. Panthro just shrugs, allowing Lion-O to put it on and march across. Panthro crosses last, hesitating at the threshold as he tries to spot some physical sign of what's happening.

"Right." I take back the coat and disintegrate it. "I'm heading for the sarcophagus chamber. I suggest-."

Lion-O's face hardens. "Then that's where we're going too."
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"Right." I take back the coat and disintegrate it. "I'm heading for the sarcophagus chamber. I suggest-."

Lion-O's face hardens. "Then that's where we're going too."
Someone slap this idiot. The last thing any potential survivor would want to see is their conquerors preferred foot soldier when they wake up.
Day 383
A graveyard world

I float outside of the White Pyramid's protective barrier, unable to stop myself from smiling as Lion-O tries shoulder-barging it again. And to the exact same result: him flying away and landing on his arse.

"Hah!" Tygra is less shy than me in expressing his amusement. "Did you hit your head as well?"
Honestly, kind of typical for his 'brash young hero' archetype. No tactic beyond 'run at it head first until it breaks or he does'. Hopefully one of the things he learns quick is to not do that. He'll be a better king for it, too...

Lion-O grits his teeth as he pulls himself upright. "I don't see you doing anything!"

Tygra glances up at me. "He's the one who wants to get in there so badly. Let him try and get through the barrier."
Watch LP just casually walk through it because it's a 'meet force with force' type of barrier or because he lacks aggressive intent...

Lion-O think for a moment, then takes a look at the war stone affixed to his sword. "I'll bet I can-."

"Don't even think about it." He lowers the sword slightly. "The whole point is to keep this place intact, not blast holes in it."
And it's probably designed to resist attacks like that with even more force. Ever seen a particle beam splash?

He waves his left hand at the shield. "You try, then."

I nod, then float forwards slowly, probe constructs extending from my hands to feel for it. They pass through the area it appeared to cover, but that's not entirely unexpected. This is a magic field. It's perfectly possible that the trigger condition is a person trying to cross it…
Or the intent of that person, too. Someone wishing harm might be repelled, where someone wanting to help would be allowed in.

I'm now across the area if effects. Scans show… No detectable energy built-ups of any kind, so it's probably not charging up to hit me because I'm more resilient than Lion-O.

"Go, Substitute Dad!" Wilykit punches the air and Wilykat nods smugly. Nice to know that they're on-side.
At least they're treating him like a father, albeit comically for now. No 'hating the new step-dad' here.

Lion-O gives them a mildly put out look. "What gives?"

Panthro strokes his chin. "Hm You're not a cat." Lion-O gives him an interrogative frown. "This is one of the worlds that Mumm-Ra attacked before the revolt. Cats like us were his soldiers. If we had a rat or a bird with us they could probably walk through it as well."
More likely it would be tuned to them too. But Humans are an unknown.

Cheetara nods. "They raised a barrier to keep their attackers out, but not to keep out anyone else. Some of their people might have taken refuge here."

Lion-O frowns. "But wouldn't their stone have been here? I don't think Mumm-Ra ever let them out of his sight."
'Stone' as in stuff like the Eye of Omens in the Sword, or LP's gem. Yeah, I don't see him letting them go anywhere.

Panthro frowns. "I don't know. You saw what it was like from orbit; everything else had been destroyed. The might have kept their stone in the middle of their biggest city, or their king might have carried it around with him. Maybe this was their last hiding place and Mumm-Ra didn't bother with it once he had their stone."
Just killing the last of the resistance for shits and giggle, eh? Leaving enemies alive behind him is a recipe for trouble.

"Okay, but-" Tygra cautiously prods the barrier and finds that it still reacts to him. "-how do we get in?"

Wilykit looks thoughtfully at her bag of holding. Remarkably astute of her. Their whole squad could get into the bag, then I could carry it over the line. And then she looks at me, and she knows that I know that and that she really doesn't want to let the rest of the squad know about the bag.
Interesting. A little divergence, or something from the actual show?


I generate a yellow tunnel across the space the barrier protects. "Try now."
A good test of whether it's a conceptual area or a contiguous shape. if it spreads inside the tunnel...

Lion-O hesitates, earning him an amused look from his brother. "What's wrong? You didn't have a problem a minute ago."

Lion-O looks uncertain for a moment, then grins. "I've tried three times already. I'm pretty sure it's your turn now."
Ah, the benefit of being the 'older' brother (even if he's adopted.) Shit-talking the little bro.

Tygra loosens his shoulders with a smirk. "Alright." He walks towards my tunnel. "The trick is to not run face-first into the magic barrier." He enters the tunnel and slows, cautiously reaching out again for-.

The barrier triggers. Tygra shrugs as I allow my construct to dissipate. "Any more bright ideas?"
Okay, so more like a volume than a bubble.

A giant construct drill bores into ground next to him, causing him to jump away in shock before recovering his equanimity and giving me an irritated glance. I move the construct in an arc, cutting through the hardened ground before coming up on the other side.

"Try now."
Now, was the barrier's maker clever enough to consider digging foes?

Tygra glances back at Lion-O, who raises his eyebrows and a single finger. Tygra rolls his eyes and then jumps down the hole. He gets to the barrier point and-. He's blocked again. He shrugs, turns around and jumps back out.

"What next?"
Presumably it extends underground, or any air inside the area acts as a medium for it to flow and block gaps.

I fly down and land next to him, putting my right hand on his left shoulder. He looks at me askance.

"I try escorting you. That might make you register as being acceptable."
Might work, if they had to bring in captives or the like.


"I can leave you all behind and do this myself if you prefer."
Naturally, they can't trust him to give them everything he finds...

Another moment of eye contact with Lion-O, then he shrugs. "Fine."

We walk forward slowly. I encounter no resistance, but he gets stopped. He snorts at me. "Any more great ideas?"
Huh. This could be tricky. It's not safe to subspace living things, is it?

I fabricate a poncho and drop it over him, then spray it red. He looks down at it was a wrinkled nose. "What's this supposed to be? It smells like-."

"My skin, sprayed with my blood." His eyes widen as he stares at me. "It might make you register as human."
😨 I suppose that's one way to do it...

"Is that what you are?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Have you heard of my species?"
Remind me, did they ever identify Mumm-Ra's species? Could he be some manner of human-adjacent being?

"No." He looks mildly smug. "I just didn't know what you were called."

A construct hand shoves him into the barrier, making him stagger… Through.
Resistance, but not totally prevented. But he is through.

"Hey!" He look around and notices where he is. "Oh."

Lion-O looks at Tygra puckishly. "So what happens if he take the cloak off while he's in there?"
...Oooh. Good question. Will it propel him outwards with more force because he's further inside, or...

Tygra -who'd been trying to work out where he could grip the cloak without getting blood on his hands- immediately freezes.

Amusing as it might be to take it off him, it would be foolish because that might set off a stronger response. Instead, I fabricate a Tygra-skin rug and a pint of his blood and wave it around. No response. Move it to the edge of the barrier, no response as it goes out, but trying to bring it back in-. The barrier stops it.
...Okay. Gruesome but effective demonstration. He really gives no fucks about grossness or creepiness anymore, does he?

"Nothing." I remove the poncho from Tygra and float it over to Lion-O. "Your turn."

Lion-O is staring wide-eyed at-.

I disintegrate the copy I made of his brother's skin.
Heh. That would be even more disturbing than the human-leather cape.

He blinks and then looks at my skin, hesitates for a moment and then reaches out for it, only for Cheetara to take it first.

At this rate, he'll be the last one in...

She smiles apologetically at him as she puts it on and then walks across the threshold, Lion-O looking put out as she does so. I think that's fair. She's basically his bodyguard; obviously she's going to take the risk first. Once she's crossed, I float the coat back to-.

The kittens take if before it reaches Lion-O and wrap it around themselves before scurrying across.
Logical, and amusing, respectively. Surprised the kits took the chance of doing it together.

Tygra snorts in amusement. "Last again, brother?"

I float the coat back to him, and he actually looks at Panthro for a moment before putting it on. Panthro just shrugs, allowing Lion-O to put it on and march across. Panthro crosses last, hesitating at the threshold as he tries to spot some physical sign of what's happening.
Still iffy around magic, eh? Doesn't trust what he can't touch.

"Right." I take back the coat and disintegrate it. "I'm heading for the sarcophagus chamber. I suggest-."

Lion-O's face hardens. "Then that's where we're going too."
Smart move. While they can get out through the field, it's a one-way trip. If they want back in afterwards, they'll need his to make another bloody cape.

Why do I get the feeling this will end up with the cats getting pinned to walls by something inside, while LP tried to talk it (or her) down? Hopefully things don't get too heated, though. And there's still the promise of an encounter with the Controller to be looked forwards to. So the next few scenes are going to be fun. Even before the Invincible one coming up later.


Cats like us were his soldiers. If we had a rat or a bird with us they could probably walk through it as well."

Not necessarily.

he did use other animals in his army.

Granted, they were more like canon fodder.

The might have kept their stone in the middle of their biggest city, or

"They might"

"I try escorting you

"I'll try"

"I try escorting you. That might make you register as being acceptable

Or it might make it think that you're a traitor or that that they thought the same thing, so it could keep you out.
Just killing the last of the resistance for shits and giggle, eh? Leaving enemies alive behind him is a recipe for trouble.

He is basically pure evil, so he may have wanted survivors to spread the tale of his might.

Okay. Gruesome but effective demonstration. He really gives no fucks about grossness or creepiness anymore, does he?

If anything he embraces grossness and creepiness since he uses fear.

And there's still the promise of an encounter with the Controller to be looked forwards to

He may not necessarily appear, since this version doesn't use an orange ring.
From my very vague and distant memories of Thundercats, Lion-O was the kind of character who needs to be repeatedly smacked upside the head when he tries to do something stupid before it will eventually get through his incredibly thick skull.
Me said:
"Hm. You're not a cat."
Thank you, corrected.
Interesting. A little divergence, or something from the actual show?
From the series.
From my very vague and distant memories of Thundercats, Lion-O was the kind of character who needs to be repeatedly smacked upside the head when he tries to do something stupid before it will eventually get through his incredibly thick skull.
Or -as with the swords thing- the universe just sort of gives up teaching him and lets him have it.
I'm now across the area if effects. Scans show… No detectable energy built-ups of any kind, so it's probably not charging up to hit me because I'm more resilient than Lion-O.
'it affects.'?
'of the effect.'?
I fabricate a poncho and drop it over him, then spray it red. He looks down at it was a wrinkled nose. "What's this supposed to be? It smells like-."
'with a'
The kittens take if before it reaches Lion-O and wrap it around themselves before scurrying across.
'take it'

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