• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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XF2 transition feedback

Honestly it's alright, I just wish he alerts could show only the title of the work rather than the author name as well, makes it a seem too big
I do hope that the old styles are being migrated, and just aren't ready yet? The default styles just aren't as nice to use.
Edit: Is there anything that says why the change was required/made?
honestly I hope they go back to the previous version but I wouldn't hold my breath,most forum based site's I've been on cherry-pick there comments to find the few that like the current version and only listen to them while forcing everyone else to adapt

Again, the change was required because the previous version of XF is a decade old, the equivalent of running windows vista/7 right now as your primary OS. It's no longer supported or updated, any features added to it are cludged together bits of code by hired coders rather than being maintained by a dedicated team so that it's plug and play.

This includes site security. Having 10 year old anything when it comes to security is hella unsafe. So if anyone wants new, modern features with new, modern protections, they kinda gotta upgrade. This has been a constant problem for the last few years and little things have been breaking here and there as the site and it's code base ages.

Site styles and features will probably return in the coming weeks once the admins and coders start buying/adapting things for/to XF2.
I miss my black & purple color theme. Hope to see it and the other themes come back here. The following HUD at the top of the screen is kind of annoying on mobile, I'd like an option to get it to stay put. Overall, the site looks clean, I'll get used to it.
Something else I was displeased to find is, the Text Color function no longer says what color it is when you hover the mouse cursor over it. This is a pain in the ass when you're color blind like me. Differentiating shades can be a bitch.
i miss ui x dark/light

why does posting it as just image not work? or well it breaks in the preview, but the images are there in the text box

let's see if this works for posting images

huzzah!, ibb works!
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Is there a way to keep update Alerts unread/highlighted after checking the Alerts tab when I don't click on the update link?

Random comment or reaction alerts I don't care about being greyed out, but update alerts should stay around until checked I feel.
I believe you can set that in your preferences. Change Alert pop-up options to "Never mark alerts as read".
Threads I'm ignoring are now showing up in my news feed where before they were hidden.
Found a bug: Both the Likes Received and Likes Given pages use the same format for each liked post: '$LIKING_USER reacted to $POSTING_USER's post in the thread $THREADNAME with [THUMBSUP_SYMBOL] Like', where '$LIKING_USER', '$POSTING_USER's post', and '$THREADNAME' are all links.

In XF1, the '$POSTING_USER's post', and '$THREADNAME' links both went to the post in question. Now, however, the '$THREADNAME' link points to the first page of the thread in question, which is not particularly useful.

SB and SV both formerly suffered from the same issue, but it was fixed on Reactions Received years ago and on Reactions Given last week.
More feedback... from phone

The footer on phone is unbearably long.
With 5 "similar threads" and more it's around 3 screen heights in links

Annoying when I'm fast scrolling down to post I overshoot completely

Actually why is there a What's New in the footer when it's already in the sticky menu?

The forum statistics taking up so much space makes no sense, I don't need the information and don't wanna use 50% screen height to know how many threads are on QQ or the newest user there are on every page

There is also 2 share buttons for no reason...

And just now, a new message popped while I was writing on phone.. And it auto scrolled up to see it... why?
Line between a post and the signature is too fait to see in the default theme.

Also I hate the change, but that's more of a me hating things changing than anything actually wrong with the redesign.
Welp, I posted this in the original XF2 Upgrade thread before I noticed this one, but my point remains, so I'm reposting it here too:

Well, I haven't noticed any major issues with the transition to XF2, though hopefully there is a greater variety of themes coming in the future. The current dark theme is mostly serviceable, but I'd honestly prefer a theme with a bit more of a contrast between the text and the post background. As it is, on normal posts, the text is light grey against a slightly darker grey background, which causes some minor eye strain for me compared to something like Dark Responsive (Green) in XF1.

It's especially annoying because the text is a much brighter white in the actual text box that I'm typing this post in, and if the entire site was like that in the dark theme, it would solve my problem in it's entirety. It's just a fraction away from being complaint free on my end.
Is there way to hide alerts that have been read from the alerts button? before they used to disappear when i read them now i have them going back to Saturday
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Honestly... in my opinion, the gray and black background looks very ugly in combination with gray and white letters. In general, in all styles the boundaries of the background and content seem too blurred. I don't like it when they mix
The bar at the right of PMs that covers conversation participants is xboxhueg, which along with the avatars on the left means I only get about 1000/1920 pixels for the actual messages. With a narrower window width it's even worse because all of it comes out of the message space.
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there's no easy way to tell what's been uploaded in my follow list with how the alert tab has changed, before -and on similar sites- the alerts are highlighted/different so I can easily tell what was uploaded today, and what was the last thread in the alerts list that I viewed

Today after the update finished I scrolled down and had to spend 5 min looking for where yesterday(last time I marked all alerts as read) ended and today began
Not sure if anyone else cares, but I did notice that when browsing on mobile you can no longer see how many pages a thread has before opening it. It does give the number of replies for that thread, but I kinda wish it was still the number of pages since it was easier for me to visualize how active the thread was.

Yeah, this. Very useful for sorting things I do or don't want to check out.
Agggh my eyes! my most critical feedback is that this update reset my settings from the dark theme to the eye scaldingly bright light mode theme.

Edit, CORRECTION I could not find a way to get to all my followed Threads, I outright had to manually type https://forum.questionablequesting.com/watched/threads?unread=0 into my HTML Nav bar! is that intentional?
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Numbers 1 through 4 being keyboard shortcuts to "Home - Forums - What's new - Members" is a really bad idea imo. Not seeing any way to disable that in preferences either.
Breaks my Win + 1 workflow to tab back to browser by sending me to the homepage every time. Can just hit back, sure, but it's annoying.
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