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XF2 transition feedback

@Fryst maybe add a banner for this (something along the lines of ""Generate new alerts without reading threads" option was enabled for all users by accident last night, if you don't want it you can disable it in your alert preferences."), there's literally dozens of post in this thread about this issue.
Well I edited my posts on the topic, but I'm not a moderator, can't do anything about the banner. I just paid the site $50 to buy better themes and got a green username. Moderators are teal + have a title.

Sorry to bug you @Biigoh, but you're the last moderator to post in the thread and it looks like pretty much everyone has been confused by the 'Generate new alerts without reading threads' setting being enabled by default and I agree with Deus that adding a banner would probably help.
There's a new alert option for getting alerts for unread threads, you can disable it in your preferences.
Thanks for this. Was stumped by the sudden massive uptick in discussion alerts for threads I haven't viewed yet. My suggestion for the devs would be to have this option unchecked by default.
This might have been asked already, I haven't had time to read the whole thread.

Does anyone else have problems with their alerts for previously watched threads. I've had a few updates to story threads I was following come out without ever showing up in my alerts menu.

Maybe it's some new setting that I haven't set up correctly bit it's getting annoying having to go through the updated threads and figure out which updates are actual threadmarked story posts.
^ you could have just read the past few pages to see the answer to that particular problem..

On a different topic, the ',' '.' shortcut thing seems to have been changed already, thanks to whoever did that, it was a bit inconvenient.
Well I edited my posts on the topic, but I'm not a moderator, can't do anything about the banner. I just paid the site $50 to buy better themes and got a green username. Moderators are teal + have a title.

Sorry to bug you @Biigoh, but you're the last moderator to post in the thread and it looks like pretty much everyone has been confused by the 'Generate new alerts without reading threads' setting being enabled by default and I agree with Deus that adding a banner would probably help.
You should be pinging the admins like @ultima333 and @alethiophile but the alerts is a bug.
Can we change these little arrows at the beginning and ending of the chapter threadmark to words again? Its far easier to tap Next on the phone.
Does anyone else have problems with their alerts for previously watched threads. I've had a few updates to story threads I was following come out without ever showing up in my alerts menu.

In the Nav bar at the top, at the "What's new" dropdown, click the "New threadmarks" option, it should show all of the new threadmark of all the thread you're watching.

Just remember to remove the "Unread Threadmark" filter, jic.
Thank your benevolent admins for this.

I do thank our benevolent admins for restoring the dice roller. It's quite ... bold and bulky, though.

Will the standalone roller with linkable dice return? Alternately, could an option to wrap the dice in spoiler tags be added?

I'm fine with either (or neither! I'm not your boss), just trying to decide on my new flow.
I dont know if this has been bought up but I can't find my list of watched threads.
I dont know if it's already been mentioned, but the notifications seem to have changed. Im getting notifications for every response to any thread I watch and when I changed my preferences I stopped getting any notifications at all.
I dont know if this has been bought up but I can't find my list of watched threads.
You can reach it using the Watched button between New Post and Threadmarks at the top of the page (you can choose whether it links to Watched Threads or Watched Forums via the drop down menu but it defaults to Watched Threads).
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By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.' ― Socrates

obediently sat up in the repair bath. Then she groaned as her rebuilt prop shafts twinged with pain at the sudden movement as she made her way up the ladder on the side of the repurposed swimmingpool.

The repair ship HNLMS Vulkaan gave her a penetrating motherly look as Evertsen limped out of the green-tinted repair fluid. "Problems, Evertsen?"

Evertsen sh
Should the links be doing this?

Original format for text was -

By all means marry; if you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.' ― Socrates


A loud buzzer sounded as the alarm clock's timer buzzed. HNLMS Evertsen obediently sat up in the repair bath. Then she groaned as her rebuilt prop shafts twinged with pain at the sudden movement as she made her way up the ladder on the side of the repurposed swimmingpool.

The repair ship HNLMS Vulkaan gave her a penetrating motherly look as Evertsen limped out of the green-tinted repair fluid. "Problems, Evertsen?"

Evertsen sh


But overall a big fix from what it was a few days ago.

I hesitate to call it hot garbage, but it was missing big chunks of things that seem to have gotten semifixed since then.

I've kept a calibre based backup, as this was meant to be an archive (with permission!) for the writers on SB/V with the addition of rated bits that wouldn't fly on either site
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After a few days of getting used to the new system and all of the updates it doesn't feel quite as bad as it did at the start, but I do still have three minor complaints to bring up.

First, the thread length indicator. Having the number of replies listed is only useful if it isn't redacted down to 1K, which could mean anything from 1000 to 1999. Either that needs to not be cut down and show the actual number or changed out, a page count would be more useful in this space since it would accurately show how long a thread is. Apparently this is fixed in desktop and landscape views, but my phone's buggy and can't do the landscape view so some sort of fix for portrait view would be appreciated.

Second, clicking on tags will only show works tagged from the forum section you were in. I rarely ever find stories I enjoy from browsing the SFW Creative Writing or either Questing forum, and most of those I came across in the past were from looking for stories with tags in common from ones I liked. Having to go through the advanced search page to look for shared tags seems a little silly when clicking on them used to work just fine.

Third, for the first couple days after the update there was a new function under the menu, something to the effect of "View all threads with your posts". I thought that was a nice option to have, since I only ever watch threads I think are dead to avoid clogging in my alerts. If this was moved I can't seem to find it. If it was removed, any chance it could be brought back?
A minor thing, but the navigation buttons on threadmarked posts is easy to miss on any style. Is it possible to have them with boxes again?
Another thing from the update that seems to be in XF2, since I also recall it being incredibly aggravating for me when SB switched: Alerts don't link to the post, exactly. Or at least not the same way Threadmarks do.

As an example:

Current Alerts:

Current Threadmarks:

Note that last bit, which is the issue with the first two. The "?post=8377723" between the page number and "#post-8377723" is unnecessary, and really kind of irritating in terms of favoriting/bookmarking pages.

Can we get rid of that, at all?

Also clicking on the date at the bottom of a threadmark:
This is a change that happened a couple months ago on SV/SB side, and it's likely been carried over in QQ's install. I asked Xon about it in this thread, and he said it was a deliberate change in order to facilitate media embeds into Discord.
I always read the stories I follow directly from the emails, now I have to open the browser to even check if it's a threadmark or just random posts from the OP. This is a huge step back in user friendliness.
On the themes Xenforo Default, Light, Dark, and Blackened (all flavors) it's very difficult to see the line between the end of text of the message and the signature.

EDIT: now Lightened too has te same issue
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I don't know if mentioned but profile posts are a little bork as it keep making a new box everytime its click on.
Alerts are now swamped of notifications about someone posting on a thread I follow. Not the OP, and not just threads I recently visited, but random users and threads that was relatively active but I haven't visited recently coz the last update was about a week ago.

Combined with the now cluttered information that came with an alert, I could miss the alert of an OP updating. Like, I got 20+ alerts, and only 2-3 were update alerts, the rest were just "X replied to Y thread. Tag A Tag B Tag C. There may be more posts etc."

The style got better though. The Blackened High Contrast felt like the same as Blackened Blue, as the color besides white and black are neon bright and not gentle like the old version... But it's definitely much better than the default Dark Theme. Hopefully I'll eventually get used to it.
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So i found something, no idea if its a feature or a bug, but i think its a bug so im posting it here.

When i was making a comment on the profile page of someone, i wrote my message, thing is while i was writting, the "writing box" where you write your message, keep getting duplicate for every "step" of the message, i wrote one more word? Duplicated and the duplicated message didn't had that new word, i erase something? Duplicated and the word wasn't erased.

My message was just fine but i had 5 or 6 copies of the box above my message like some kind of "history's browser" and as im in mobile when i moved my phone (this is a personal problem though, just for context) the sensibility changed the screen (horizontal-vertical) and that usually moves me from the previous point i was seeing to somewhere else above or below that but that is common for me, problem is, now i had 6 post boxes that were making it difficult for me and when i tried to hit post didn't worked out. I had to reload and try again, the programmer's answer XD, this time it worked, but there were still the "duplicates" but i managed to post my comment.

So yeah, i thought i should post it, to ensure you guys/gals/others knew of it.
And in case it matters im in my mobile, an Android, using the Google Chrome's app, with the style "blackened high contrast", and i started to see this double post when i first made a comment on a profile in xf2, plus i tried to add an emoji, no idea if it isn't allowed and cause that now that i think about it as the second time i didn't use an emoji, but still i thought i should point everything out just in case is something of that affecting it.
Alerts are now swamped of notifications about someone posting on a thread I follow. Not the OP, and not just threads I recently visited, but random users and threads that was relatively active but I haven't visited recently coz the last update was about a week ago.

Combined with the now cluttered information that came with an alert, I could miss the alert of an OP updating. Like, I got 20+ alerts, and only 2-3 were update alerts, the rest were just "X replied to Y thread. Tag A Tag B Tag C. There may be more posts etc."

The style got better though. The Blackened High Contrast felt like the same as Blackened Blue, as the color besides white and black are neon bright and not gentle like the old version... But it's definitely much better than the default Dark Theme. Hopefully I'll eventually get used to it.
Same here! I solved by playing with the alert settings, so if i haven't seen a post the alerts will stop or something similar, seems to work for me!
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Alerts are now swamped of notifications about someone posting on a thread I follow. Not the OP, and not just threads I recently visited, but random users and threads that was relatively active but I haven't visited recently coz the last update was about a week ago.

Combined with the now cluttered information that came with an alert, I could miss the alert of an OP updating. Like, I got 20+ alerts, and only 2-3 were update alerts, the rest were just "X replied to Y thread. Tag A Tag B Tag C. There may be more posts etc."
… we really need that banner announcement, don't we?

TL;DR, there's a new setting that got implemented and auto-enabled in preferences. Just turn it off. The tags in announcements thing is a setting, too.

You're at least like person 6 or 7 to have come here with the issue so far — it's gotten to the point that we're openly asking the admins/mods to make a forum-wide banner announcement about it.
Do people use these "share" links?


Is it actually useful to have something which could link a niche porn story to someone's other online identities?
There may be a benefit to putting up a global message about the alert options. There are two threads (and some posts here) from people not knowing about the options.
Hey, is it possible to have threads that we no longer visit don't pop up in our alerts just like in the previous version?

The number of notifications is kinda getting a bit too much to handle.

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A minor bug I found regarding the Insert Quote option.

Previously, it showed up in code, making it easy to edit its contents before posting.

Now? It directly shows the Quote graphic, and one can write inside it. Good so far, yes? Well, the moment you press 'Enter' to make a space, the graphic breaks into two Quotes instead of simply adding the space.

Can it be toggled in such a way that the code shows natively, or is it another good reason to frequently visit the BBcode section of the site? :V
So i found something, no idea if its a feature or a bug, but i think its a bug so im posting it here.

When i was making a comment on the profile page of someone, i wrote my message, thing is while i was writting, the "writing box" where you write your message, keep getting duplicate for every "step" of the message, i wrote one more word? Duplicated and the duplicated message didn't had that new word, i erase something? Duplicated and the word wasn't erased.

My message was just fine but i had 5 or 6 copies of the box above my message like some kind of "history's browser" and as im in mobile when i moved my phone (this is a personal problem though, just for context) the sensibility changed the screen (horizontal-vertical) and that usually moves me from the previous point i was seeing to somewhere else above or below that but that is common for me, problem is, now i had 6 post boxes that were making it difficult for me and when i tried to hit post didn't worked out. I had to reload and try again, the programmer's answer XD, this time it worked, but there were still the "duplicates" but i managed to post my comment.

So yeah, i thought i should post it, to ensure you guys/gals/others knew of it.
And in case it matters im in my mobile, an Android, using the Google Chrome's app, with the style "blackened high contrast", and i started to see this double post when i first made a comment on a profile in xf2, plus i tried to add an emoji, no idea if it isn't allowed and cause that now that i think about it as the second time i didn't use an emoji, but still i thought i should point everything out just in case is something of that affecting it.
Ditto on this, I'm using safari on an iPhone and the profile comment box bug happens there as well. When you try to reply to a comment on someone's profile on mobile - even just tapping on the reply box - it duplicates itself with all its contents. It's not site-breaking, but it's a little confusing and a lot annoying.

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