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XF2 transition feedback

You know that viewer that comes up now when you click on an image in a post, that lets you do a slideshow of the images in that post if there are multiple? Is there a way to have the thumbnail bar at the bottom off by default?
Easily, the part that pisses me off the most, is the location of the what's new button. The number of times I hit that button on accident, while trying to check for update to the threads I follow, is driving me crazy. Absolutely needs to be moved. Removed preferably, but moved at the very freaking least.
I really don't like the what's new button.

Maybe if it was replaced by "new posts" instead so that I don't have to click twice on mobile.

Also, @alethiophile again, is there a way to make urls stop turning into media?

Or are we stuck with this?
  • [?] When you Like posts, it would be preferable that the Like button actually changes in a noticeable way that it could be readable at a glance that you liked the post or not. The button turning into 'Unlike' or 'Remove', like on SB.
I agree with this.
The first is I can never get rid of all alerts for some reason. For days I had 5 alerts being shown though I marked all as read it does go away until new alerts occur. As an example I had 4 alerts from Monday though I viewed them.

Yeah, Alerts no longer time out. That's XF2-wide afaik. 'Unread' alerts merely stay at the top of the drop-down list until read (or 26+ of them accrue, then older ones get pushed down).

Have you tried changing it in the preferences?

Just search for and disable this,

Generate new alerts without reading threads

oh, and maybe also disable this one too,

Automatically watch content you interact with…
Have you tried changing it in the preferences?

Just search for and disable this,

oh, and maybe also disable this one too,
No, we're referring to a different phenomenon entirely. Specifically: with XF1, Alerts used to disappear from the bell dropdown list (not the Show All Alerts page, they obviously remained there) a few hours after being read. With XF2, the bell dropdown list now scrolls down the last 25 alerts received, no matter how long ago they were received (at least as far as I can tell).
Is understandably that new engine will have issues on my (literally) ten-year-old browser, but any advise how to get working "Spoilers" button and "Click-to-expand" tab on Maxthon Portable ver 4.4?
One issue I noticed when going through the Questionable Quote Pit is that if you try to reply to or quote a post that is all quotes, then nothing appears in the editor. As in, it does not even produce empty quote tags, just a few empty lines. Maybe I am just doing it wrong, but I could have sworn it worked before the transition.
One issue I noticed when going through the Questionable Quote Pit is that if you try to reply to or quote a post that is all quotes, then nothing appears in the editor. As in, it does not even produce empty quote tags, just a few empty lines. Maybe I am just doing it wrong, but I could have sworn it worked before the transition.

I am almost 100% sure that replying to a post that's quoting a post didn't have the quote in the reply box, but rather the non-quote parts of what you're replying to.

Do you mean that nothing at all shows up, or that it shows up with the BBcode "{bracket}QUOTE="NAME, POST, MEMBER"{bracket} (((a bunch of empty lines))) {bracket}/QUOTE{bracket}"? Because the latter is working as intended, I think.
When I go to make profile posts, I'm limited to 420 characters.

The counter that's given at the bottom of the box is in words.

Having to figure out if I'm down tot he character limit by hitting post and getting an error back, deleting more, hitting post and getting an error back... it's not great.

also, 420 characters seems awfully short. Is there some need to keep it that short?.
Quotes are a smaller font than the rest of a comment. Idk if this was intentional or not, but if I tried to edit the font for the entire message it won't change the stuff in the quote. If I change just the quote it would.

Just use to quotes being the same size font as the rest of a post.
I am almost 100% sure that replying to a post that's quoting a post didn't have the quote in the reply box, but rather the non-quote parts of what you're replying to.

Do you mean that nothing at all shows up, or that it shows up with the BBcode "{bracket}QUOTE="NAME, POST, MEMBER"{bracket} (((a bunch of empty lines))) {bracket}/QUOTE{bracket}"? Because the latter is working as intended, I think.
I mean literally nothing other than a few carriage returns. No text at all, not even quote tags for the post I am actually quoting. So if I reply to a post that only quotes another post, I am not getting a quote block that is empty, I get nothing at all.
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I mean literally nothing other than a few carriage returns. No text at all, not even quote tags for the post I am actually quoting. So if I reply to a post that only quotes another post, I am not getting a quote block that is empty, I get nothing at all.

Then yeah, it's 100% an error.

Just tested with the post by TheMIdnightRook right above yours, and see what you mean. That's definitely not working as intended, it should pop up with the quote tags but an empty body, from how it used to work.
Then yeah, it's 100% an error.

Just tested with the post by TheMIdnightRook right above yours, and see what you mean. That's definitely not working as intended, it should pop up with the quote tags but an empty body, from how it used to work.
Are you sure? I thought I remembered it working that way (ie: an empty reply box).
I don't know if this goes here or should be it's own topic, but this might be due to the transition. While it was fine yesterday, today loading any image from a spoiler tag is giving me a minimum ten seconds delay. Images not in spoiler tags load fine, and for images in spoiler tags with accompanying links I can follow the link and load the image no problem, but the original image in the spoiler tag will still take at least ten seconds to load even when open in another tab at the host site.
Now I'm getting a bizarre error where threads are vanishing from the "Watched Threads" section. I still get alerts for them (including email alerts because I still have that enabled) but when I go to Watched they aren't there, even when I remove the Unread tag.
Is anyone else having issues embedding images from a few hosting sites that used to work? Now I just get "Image cannot be loaded from the passed link".

Also, is there a way to speed up image uploads? Before the transition, when embedding images you could still interact with the editor while the image loaded in. This allowed me to start adding another image before the previous one was done. Now the editor becomes completely frozen until each image is done embedding, slowing me down when posting a series of images.
It seems as though I've lost the ability to ignore forums. The ability to ignore users/threads has remained intact, but I'm now seeing posts in forums I have ignored like "Suggestions & Bugs" when I browse through latest posts, and I can't find any place in the settings for it
It seems as though I've lost the ability to ignore forums. The ability to ignore users/threads has remained intact, but I'm now seeing posts in forums I have ignored like "Suggestions & Bugs" when I browse through latest posts, and I can't find any place in the settings for it
I've got the same thing, I'm getting threads I set to ignore appearing in my news feed. I think it's because the threads, while on ignore, are also from posters I follow.
Not sure if it was related to the XenForo transition, or if I missed a downtime notice, but QQ was down from at least 3:17 UTC, and back around 3:26 UTC, [3 UTC] being the hour that this was posted in.
So somehow I'm not receiving threadmark alers from some threads anymore. Like for example Nascent Kaleidoscope, which I didn't receive a threadmark for in 20 days, yet has 6 new chapters. Also can we get the same thing as in SB where the watch without e-mail alerts is standard?

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