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You Won A Town. They LIVE!

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No one remembers who I am anymore.
Mar 10, 2013
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The prior going ons.

Having been escorted to the Mayor's office by Elian. The group heads off up towards an office. They are joined by a girl who is in a bit of a daze. Or at least seems it. Don't you love Glamour magic? Anyways, They have been herded into the office.

Elian greets a Girl who is casually playing something on a PS3.

"Sister will you introduce yourself?"


"Fine I'll do it for you. This is Rebecca Brunhilde. My sibling. She's the City Treasurer, but more to the point let me explain why you guys are here. You may have noticed the state of disrepair ... wait I should wake Miss Adeline up shouldn't I?"

Elian snaps and Adeline suddenly looks a lot more cognizant.

"Anyways, the state of disrepair. Well about a hundred years ago this once was a decent town sized town with a lot of people of around. Then one day, they just vanished. What you see is one hundred years of neglect. You're task if you should choose to undertake it is to well help us fix it. And Mayoral Duties. However we do have a few gifts. Rebecca if you would?"

Rebecca pauses her game and grumbles but complies. She walks around and pulls out a few wrapped presents and hands one to each of the five gathered here.

"You may open them later. My sister will take you on a tour of the facilities that are repaired to an extent and some of the grounds around here. Well and the Apartments we have provided for you. Ah yes I forgot to state my own position. I'm head of staff."

"He's also head annoyance, but anyways I guess I'll be taking over from here. Now then hang on to your hats. Because I'm the fun one."
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Mori nods calmly, taking in the words with quiet gravity as he accepts the parcel and awaits Brunhilde's actions.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

*Adeline is confused*

*Adeline snapped out of confusion!*

"...whuh..? Oh! Good afternoon sir mayors! I congratulate you on your new mayorship! May you serve your town with diligence!"

(These are the new mayors!? Heh, so glad I won't be here to see them screw this place over)
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Slipping the package into his pocket, Damien looks on with mild interest as the hosts seem to become rather amused at the sleeping girls comments. Maybe someone arranged for some entertainment to go with this tour.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Bored with the spiel that these guys are rattling off, I handle my package. It seems really... long? And thin? And the wrapping is all wrong for the shape too. I fiddle with the packaging some more, to see if I can get it open.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Hensworth graciously accepts the gift, slipping it under his arm. "Good afternoon ma'am. It will be a pleasure working with the both of you. What do you suggest we do now?"
Re: You Won A Town. Yeah so I did somethings and now I'm writing again. ;p

Rebecca just shrugs.

"Anyways time to go on tour. Right this way."

Time for a merry little trip down main street to see all of the people that actually live in this dump of a town. But First things first, but not exactly in that order. We are off to see one of the more useful people that live here. The Shopkeeper Caine and his house of horrors. I mean Curios.

Rebecca takes you to the Shop and opens the door.

"Let's show off the only place in town to buy anything useful. If you need anything you can think of he more then likely has it or can get it or knows how to get it."

You are ushered into a shop full of odds and ends and various things. Stuff like watches, bottles, cans of drinks line up on shelves as you look around into it. The man running the shop is rather well off the cuff would be a good turn of phrase. He's obviously Caine because you doubt he'd tolerate his workers being this disinterested in customers. That or he knows you aren't going to buy anything. He's rather prescient in that. But despite his disinterest he's eyes are shining. I think he knows you are going to be his main source of income for a long while.

"Well I know you aren't going to buy anything right now. But I might as well introduce myself, I'm Caine. I own this shop by right of conquest. I sell food, goods, services, and a few odds and ends that may interest people. When Ms Becca finishes up her tour come visit me again. I may have some chores for you to do for a trade."

As Caine finishes speaking Rebecca begins to talk again.

"Visiting time is over. Now let's go visit Zach's Place. While not quite as useful as Caine's shop it's got some interesting toys in it."

She walks you guys towards the shop and ushers you in.

You look around and you see bottles that bubble with that lava looking stuff that Lava Lamps have. It's a very interesting place. Sadly you can't really tell what he sells.

"Zach seems to be masturbating right now. We'll come back later."

"I'm not masturbating I'm working. Go Sod off Rebecca. Come back when we're open."


She turns and begins walking towards that Gym you saw.

Suddenly she shouts.

"Hey Vil, you in?"

"Not really, but I could come out for you."

"I'm just showing the place off for the Newbs."

"Che it's not like they are important. They can come back later when they know. I'll show them a trick or two then. If they interest me enough."

"Fine but remember the deal."

"I know I know."

Rebecca heads you towards a new building fairly rapidly. Seems she wants this tour over.

"Here's the Library. It's fairly useless to you. Don't come here unless you need to."

She gets beaned by a book from the second story.

"I heard that. So these are the suckers? Come on in anytime you like. I'll help you guys out."

"Yeah these are the dudes. I'm in a hurry. I'm starting too get off schedule."

"Fine fine."

She hurry's you around and you see a forge. Maybe you can visit it later?

She points at the big apartment building you can see.

"See that. You guys are staying there. Your keys are in the presents. You may open them now. After that I've got to show you one more place before returning to the Mayor's office with you in tow. So then."
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Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Mori looks at the apartment, nods his head, and finally speaks. "Anyone else get this odd feeling like we got roped inta situation we were not fully informed about prior to making the agreement?" Mori states calmly as he opens the present, pulling out what's inside.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

"Really? Seems like a normal Tuesday to me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go see how much I'll need to increase the power supply and how many other rooms I'll have to modify."

Leaving the other members of this strange group behind, Damien makes his way into the building, carefully opening his gift and storing the wrapping away in a pocket. Never know what might come in handy.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Hensworth rips a strip of the wrapping paper off and peels the rest away from the box, which he opens up to admire his gifts. "Wow. This sure is something." He looks up from his present. "One more location, eh? Alright, let's see it. Then we can get to the good ol' hard work and start fixin' this place up."
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Brad opens up his present to reveal... a disappointment. This is just getting better by the minute.

"Are we on Pranked?"
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

"Of course not. We just lack the funds to provide anything better. Get back here. We've got one more stop before you can go into your apartment. We've got to show off everywhere. Now this last part is a bit of a hike. Well a tiny one but all of you should be in good enough health that it doesn't matter."

She begins walking down the road. Until you reach a forested area. It's not as bad as some of the areas around here as some of the trees actually have foliage. Rebecca's eyes are looking for something but you can't really tell what. Suddenly you hear the bushes around you begin to rustle.

And what you see surprises you. Green Oozy looking things.

Rebecca mutters quietly.

"Almost too late."

And much louder she states.

"Welcome to the real world."

And Everything Shifts.

"Hello there. I should introduce myself. I'm Rebecca and those things that are messing with you are slimes. Say hello to the slimes. Aren't they cute? Basically these mobile slime molds are nothing to worry about. So stop worrying. They are monsters how ever. However these are pretty much the weakest monsters you can find."

She pats a slime.

"On the other hand there are a lot of varieties of slime, some of which are actually dangerous, due to poison or other such things. But not these slimes. These are your basic garden variety slime. Most of the time they are green. This is the average slime and it means it's not useful at all. However the colors blue, red, or yellow are good things. It means that there are useful herbs around. If you spot them I recommend draining some of their goo into a bottle. It can be made into useful stuff."

A paper airplane hits Rebecca on the side of the head. She opens it up and reads it and then crushes it.

"My brother would like me to tell you what the colors mean. Blue is useful for making stuff that heals you. Yellow is a potent antidote for poison when simmered down and added to another liquid. Red has an enhancing effect for other medicines. I might as well say what green can do as well. Basically you can use it to thicken up medicine or to make some taste slightly better. It does raise quality up despite how common Green Slimes are."

Rebecca frowns slightly.

"Oh yes I forgot something."

She tosses the book that was thrown at her head towards Damien. It's Title is the Book of Knowledge.

"Basically it tells you about monsters. One last thing."

She snaps her fingers and your gifts shift.

"Can't let you be defenseless now can I? Use them or not. I don't care. I'll be over here thou."

She's smiling and waiting.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

The grip of the handle in his hands... It's comforting. Quite comforting. It's a grip he's known ever since he was a boy digging holes to try and find shiny rocks for his collection. The wood grain going in THIS way, the texture like SO, the weight distributed as SUCH. With dignity and grace unknown to any but a gravedigger bred true and pure, Mori looks at the fine tool currently in his hands and smiles a small quiet smile. "So. Anything you reckon we oughta know about these here tools of ours Miss?" He speaks casually, idly batting away a few slimes trying to get too close.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Hensworth easily lifts the anchor up and swings it around experimentally. It was nice. Decent chain, and the anchor itself seemed sleek and durable. It looked almost too good to be used. But it would make a good weapon... "Hmm. Reminds me of when I went fishin' with my father, and the rope to the anchor snapped. Never recovered that sucker. Hehe." He grips the chain, dropping the anchor on a slime and wiping off the residue that splattered onto his pants. "We get to fight in addition to building? Now this is my kind of place."
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Examination of the contents has revealed a pair of metallic gloves with what appear to be runic decorations on them. Slipping them on, further testing is slightly delayed however by Damien getting a face full of angry slime and knocked to the ground while flailing wildly at the offender.

Feeling a few buttons in the gloves, Damien starts mashing them while attempting to swipe his assailant to the ground for a nice stomping session.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

"So you want us to fight monsters... or me to fight monsters... legitimate fucking monsters ... with a rake. Its not even that spiky. How the hell do you even expect us to-"

A slime has found its way onto Brad's shoe, at which point he shuts up and frantically sweeps at the slime with the rake.

Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Adeline stares at the giant balls of silly putty swarming the others.

She then stares at her gift, which has caught on fire and revealed a magical frying pan.



Oh look! A baby slime wants to give the confused lady a hug! She smacks it into a tree.
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Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

"You asked the correct question. You should feel good."

Rebecca is smiling widely now.

"They aren't tools. They are Artifacts. Items with powers over random things. But the set we've provided? Grants mastery over an element. Well once you train in them. They've got tricks even at the level of power you guys have them at however. But yours personally is Earth. The Anchor is Water, The Gloves are Lightning, The Pan is Fire but she's already figured that out, and finally the Rake is Wind."

Enjoying the chaos around her she speaks to Hensworth.

"You'll get to fight all you want. It's half the fun after all. Oh wait I should try to tell you what you can do right now shouldn't I? Right now Fireball is obvious. Hensworth you can use Deluge. It will blast away these guys with a blast of water. It's rather effective."

Rebecca notices Damien shocking the Slimes.

"Good for you. You figured out how to use Shock."

The wind whips up and sends a slime flying past her head.

"And Gale. I'm proud. Finally Adam you can use Crush to smash these guys with rocks. If you really want to anyways."

A flash of movement catches Rebecca's eyes.

Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Mori seems like he's about to say something just as a slightly larger slime launches itself at him. Reacting, not really thinking, Mori swings the shovel with all his might, unintentionally using Crush in the process.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Hensworth pulls his anchor back to examine it. He kicks a slime away and wipes some of the goop off of the artifact. "So do I just sort of go 'I use Deluge' or..." He trails off and decides to just try it out instead. He tosses it and watches it sail a few feet into a small group of slimes, activating Deluge when it hits the ground.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Activating the..."Shock"... ability one last time to blow the remaining bits of slime off of his gloves, Damien quickly climbs back to his feet coughing and sputtering in an attempt to remove the fluid that got in while he was panicking. Looking around at the chaos that has erupted in the minute or so he was preoccupied, a look of mild worry crossing his face at the thought that these are considered little more then pests.

It quickly passes though as a new slime jumps towards him aggressively and a decision is made. A flip of a switch later and he's trying to shock the slime into submission for capture and study.
Re: You Won A Town. I'll miss being able to rename my topics.

Still freaking out about the slimes, and his subsequent ability to lob them away with the rake, Brad goes Tiger Woods on the slimes in an attempt to preserve his footwear. That is to say- he smacks the slimes like a golf ball and lets em fly.

Lobbing boulders at the slimes Adam is doing a good job of cleaning them out. Well cleaning wouldn't really be a good word for it. Let's use splattering instead.

Damien's shock has caused has caused his slime to lose cohesion. It's still in one piece but it's a puddle now. Collect it if you wish.

Hensworth has done the most damage. Causing the slimes to lose form do to the massive water swelling them up and causing them to become little more the water themselves.

Good Job

Sending Slimes flying with Gale is a trick Brad is good at. He's got talent with this move. Sending them flying into trees or towards the horizon with every swing.

Adeline is crushing and evaporating slimes with her pan.

And there is one slime left.

Something is odd about it. It's shifting and contorting oddly and it's bubbling painfully. Well painfully if it wasn't a slime. but the oddest thing is how it's changing colors and something is forming with in it.

"I've not see something like this happen to slimes before. This is rather interesting."

Rebecca is actually intrigued by this.
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Adeline lobs a fireball at a tree, burning through the trunk to knock it over onto the writhing slime.

Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Ignoring the ranting madwoman and the slime she seems to have a blood feud with to fill a flask with the remains of the slime, Damien grabs the book and starts flipping through it. It is a book of knowledge, maybe this book from this strange new level of existence will have the answers he seeks. Oh, and maybe some info about the slimes as well.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Adam sniffs and sets to cleaning the shovel of any splatter as best he can while keeping an eye on the bubbling slime.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Hensworth reels back his anchor, which is surprisingly clean considering the slime murdering it had just participated in. He watches the bubbling slime mass with curiosity. "Should we just leave it alone? Because it looks pretty darn dangerous."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Brad, having calmed down somewhat from the thrill of hunting slimes, strafes the slime for a closer look. Maybe he can snap a pic or two of it. The way in which the colors shift are truly mesmerizing.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Not really playing attention to the screaming girl, Rebecca calmly answers back.

"Why yes. This is a game to me. As it comes down to it. Everything is. But you really shouldn't have done that."

The place the slime occupied is now empty. But if you look up you can see it in the air. A Bright blue color with a red core. Shifting it's body mass into a hammer to slam down into Adeline's head and putting her on the ground. Then rapidly flying towards a tree compacting it's mass then releasing it at impact to go flying towards the ground.

"Interesting little slime isn't it? Slimes generally don't do that. And generating a slime core like that? It's not possible for this kind of slime. I'm wondering what caused it."

Damien has got


It's usefulness is variable.

I guess.

Monster Guide
Slime (Basic)
Type Aquatic.
Monster Family Slime
Location Swamps, Forested Areas, Generally anywhere with a decent amount of water/rainfall.
Attacks? Not much. Besides trying to knock you over and dissolve you slimes can't do much. Maybe if they hit you in the head then land on you. Then you might drown? It's hard to think of but It might.

Useful Materials
Slime (Green)
Useful as a Thickener for making medical pills instead of the traditional potion it's a rather useful ingredient. A side effect is that it actually tastes better then your normal potion.

Legion's Notes
Nah I'm just happy to have this version of me awake. To those how may be asking who are you? I'm Beta Legion. The Second of the Free Legions. I should talk about the slimes but these guys are pretty weak and you already kicked them in the face. For those of you that haven't opened this book before. I'm a resource for figuring out how monsters work. I also offer tips. Hilarious statements and of course off topic conversations.

Monster Guide
Slime? (Slime Core)
Type Aquatic
Monster Family Slime
Location Reference Slime
Attacks: Morphic Strikes.

Useful Materials
Slime? (Unknown)
Slime Core? (Unknown)

Legions Note's
Well this is something new. A new subspecies? Or a natural evolution of the Slime? I doubt it. Something about this creature rings forced transformation. It's an interesting creature don't get me wrong but I would be slightly wary. I don't know much about it but it seems to be smart. I recommend staying away from it or trying to get Rebecca to take it as a pet. Either or.

Adam keeps his eye on the slime.

Hensworth has a decent idea.

The Slime? spots Brad and poses. It seems it has a bit of vanity. Interesting. What now?
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Eyeing the slime with caution, Adam kneels down and reaches into a pocket. Making little noise as he does so, Adam pulls out a small beef jerky stick. Looking at the others with a steady look in his eyes, Adam begins to speak. "Way I see it this critter's not without its own peculiar little brightness. And if it really has been forcibly changed then the best way to find out what did the changing is to keep it alive. So I'm gonna feed it this jerky stick if it has no aversion to that and see what happens. Any objections?"
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