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You Won A Town. They LIVE!

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Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Well. While interesting, and potentially useful, not the knowledge Damien was looking for. Maybe if he keeps going he'll find what he's looking for. Or the book will tell him, excellent innovation that.

"Do what you want, trying to find the section on science and engineering. Try to keep it down unless we're all in mortal danger would you?"
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Hensworth swings his anchor, creating an absentminded arc. "Go for it, my boy. I'll ready the weapon in case something dangerous happens." He pats Adam's back reassuringly and pushes him forward.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Sounds great."

Brad continues to view the various hues of blue that seem to spew from the little blob of goo. He snaps even more pics of the slime as it slithers and schlorps its way around.
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Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Adeline gets up after a few seconds, still rather woozy.

"Oh.. is THAT how you want to play? WELL COME ON THEN! LETS SEE YOU PULL THAT OFF AGAIN!!!"

Adeline instigates the slime, preparing to counter with Tennis.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

It eyes the stick of meat and gulps it down and settles down. It seems being forcefully changed into another creature entirely works up an appetite.

The book speaks up to Damien.

"You do know I'm a book about Monsters. I mean if you felt like talking about engineering I'd listen. But I'm connected to those kind of books. If you want engineering you'd need one of my relatives."

Hensworth is playing guard. Actually a good stance for him.

Brad is taking more pictures. They may get some money for them.

Adeline tries to use Tennis but fails.

The Slime is staring at Adam.
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Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

After finishing up a round of pics, Brad turns to Rebecca to ask her a question.

"What is a slime core exactly? And where do these things come from? And haven't we seen them before? I would've thought that creatures like these would at least be better known, if not famous."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?


"Screw this! No amount of honors is worth this... EVERYTHING! Get yourself a new poster girl! I. Am. OUT!."

Adeline starts walking back to town, pan in hand. She readies Tennis in case the slime wishes a final hit as she leaves.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Adam makes an expression of understanding as he pulls out more jerky sticks. Down to his last three. Welp.
"I'm thinking this silme's no big threat to us overall so long as we don't threaten it." Adam chuckles quietly as he unwraps another jerky stick and hands it to the slime.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Seriously? Who the hell makes a book about a single subject and calls it a Book of Knowledge? Knowledge implies a breadth of subjects, wealth of information on just about everything! You don't even have a Subtitle!"

Needless to say, Damien is too busy having a argument with the book about naming semantics to pay attention to anything going on around him.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Hensworth watches Adeline walk off. "Should we... go get her? She seemed rather upset." He stays on his guard, but stands a little more relaxed now that the slime seems to have calmed down a bit.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Rebecca looks a Brad

"Basically a slime core is a slimes brain. Well if you want to be more correct it's more like a nuclei. They come from anywhere there is enough water for them to spawn. They need magic in the area to motivate the water to begin with, but afterwards as long as one slime exists it can keep spawning by division. You haven't seen them before because you were on a lesser plane of existence. You stepped up one and now you can see all of the things that couldn't see you."

Rebecca calls out to Adeline.

"Running out on your contract so soon? We have you for a year. If you decide to run away. There are ~Penalties."

The slime noms the jerky. It's quite happy now. Do remember the slimes were looking for food to begin with. It rolls about randomly now.

"One. I'm not the book of Knowledge. That's what Ms. Rebecca calls me. I'm to be exact. The Legion's Guide to Monsters and Other Extraplaner creatures. Two See the first."

The Slime is wondering what the strange person is looking at and pokes him.

Damien falls over.

Hensworth is looking at Adeline now.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Mmphg gruhn furgle" Rolling over and desperately trying to get his breath back while spitting out the dirt in his mouth, Damien finds himself face to...front with the slime. Remembering the last time he was this close to a wild animal, Damien decides the best course of action is to freeze and not make a sound. He rather likes his limbs and body in one piece after all, and poking the creature probably won't achieve anything.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Hensworth jogs over to Damien. "Do you need help there, my boy?" He nervously examines the situation. For all he knows, this thing will... eat the poor kid or something. "I don't want ya hurt or anything."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"So... if we had enough water... and magic... we could farm slimes?" Brad looks legitimately interested.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Contract? What contract? I have not signed ANYTHING to be here. I was invited to read poetry and welcome in mayors."

"A Haiku for you."
"This is a poem, and thus,"
"My duty is done."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Would you kindly get this damn thing off me?"

Damien is looking like he's about to just say fuck it and kill the damn thing.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Alright... Let's see here..." Hensworth plants his feet on the ground and tries to push the slime off of Damien. "Shoo. Shoo, you... you uh... 'Slime'. You're crushing this here kid."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Adam gets back up and brushes himself off, placing another jerky stick on the ground a short distance away from Damien in the hopes of luring the slime off the poor guy.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

The Slime just stares at Damien and wobbles off towards the jerky.

Damien isn't interesting anymore.

Rebecca answers Brad.

"Slimes don't work that way. Last time they tried that they ended up with an Ooze. You do not want to deal with an Ooze."

Rebecca laughs.

"A statement for you. Leave if you wish. Permission gotten. We have you for a year. Penalty for your family authorized by one Elric."

Rebecca throws a piece o paper that bends and twists through the air oddly and hits Adeline in the face.

Hensworth and Adam get the slime off Damien.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Adeline snatches the paper, uncrumpling it and reading the contents. After scanning the thing in full, she puts it to pan and urns it to ashes.

"You've made a grave mistake brother. You left me a trail to follow. Now you're mine."

"You want a mayor for the year? You have one. I will be in town preparing my office."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Looking at Adeline, Adam speaks up. "Well I think we're all mayors. Co-mayors... Hmmm. I'll have to reckon out the proper vocabulary for this particler sort of situation."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Thanks. Feel a bit silly freaking out about it though." Glancing around, he notices that the slime is distracted, the crazy girl from earlier seems pissed again, and that guy with the camera is eying the slime with...a rather disturbing look on his face. Deciding it's better for his sanity to just ignore what they're doing, Damien turns back to the talking book to figure out how and what he can learn from it to further his pet project.

"So...you one of those books that only reveals information as needed, or can I just start looking for info on golems and how to make them?"
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"No problem son. We are a..." Hensworth pauses, searching for the appropriate word. "We are a team after all. So we better get used to helpin each other out, am I right?" He pats Damien's shoulder and walks over to the slime. He scratches the back of his head before speaking to the blob. "Sorry, mate. Just had to help out my friend. No hard feelings?"
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Brad ignores the crazy people and continues to ask questions.

"Are oozes just like big slimes? And where does magic come from?"

He pauses, and adds,

"Sorry for asking so many questions."
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Rebecca Tsk Tsk's at Adeline

"Tour's not over yet. We'll be hitting one more place. Then go back to the shop. Then back to the office so we can explain."

She looks at Adam and shrugs

"Just think of yourselves as team leaders and ignore it."

The Book just looks at Damien.

"I give info that's useful at the time. Find some golems and we'll discuss it."

The Slime eyes Hensworth and gives a shrugging motion.

Rebecca answers Brad.

"Oozes, aren't slimes. Quite the opposite. While Slimes generally are considered the lowest monsters. The Ooze is one of those creatures that terrorizes people. Stories are told of entire towns that disappear due to a stupid magic causing an Ooze. On that note Magic comes from wherever it feels like."

Rebecca continues on her way towards where she was going.

"Where we are heading is a place you will get rather familiar with."

You see what sorta looks like a bunch of Marble Doorways.

"Finally you got here. What took ya?"

And you see a familiar face.

It's the bus driver.

"Welcome to my work. The portal access network. Able to send you wherever I feel like. Which at the moment are three Realms. I don't think you care at the moment but you can ask if you feel like it."
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Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"Do you know if Caine sells business clothes? I don't want to go all the way to his shop with high hopes and be disappointing."

"Also whats with the rocks?"
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

"I have but one question. What sorta dangers lay past these here doorways?"
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Hensworth pats the top of the slime and jogs to catch up to the others. "Sir, what kind of... realms are these?"
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Brad stands back from the pearly gates and admires the masonry in silence.
Re: You Won A Town. A Slime. Nothing special right?

Sighing in disappointment, Damien shuts the book and slips it into his pocket as he walks over to examine the group of portals, a few active, the rest dormant. Aside from what appears to be different colored...liquids? flowing through the stonework, he can't tell the difference between them that's leaving less then half of them active.

"So, how the hell do they work, where do they go, and why should we bother with them?"
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