Mr Zoat
Dedicated ragequitter
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1st December
12:16 GMT +2
Qurac's highest security prison is located in the middle of nowhere on a rocky patch in the desert. Though it isn't quite up to Belle Reve's standards the location means that anyone who actually manages to escape and hasn't arranged transportation will almost certainly die of heat exhaustion and dehydration before getting back to civilisation. There's one road and it has guard towers where it branches off the main road and again near to the main entrance. Unlike Belle Reve it also has a mine field just in case the desert isn't enough of an impediment. It didn't used to have a super power suppression system but the League arranged for one to be provided after the Bialya mission. They could probably have afforded one before that but it just wasn't worth it for the couple of low level metahumans they had locked up until that point.
With the Justice League vouching for her we were only hanging around the special prosecutor's office for an hour or so before he accepted that she was his best hope for progressing his case. Another twenty minutes while he phoned the presiding judge resulted in M'gann being accepted as an expert witness and us getting the go ahead to pay Doctor Jones a visit, though from what I overheard the defence weren't particularly happy about it. So now Danni, M'gann and I are walking through the corridors of the Al-Muraqq Maximum Security Prison. Armed guards ahead of us, to the sides and behind us. Behind them are the lawyers from the prosecutor's office and further back still are the defence representatives. To reinforce our authority we're all in uniform. M'gann's got a sort of Raven thing going on with her cloak but I'm a little worried that Danni's is a bit revealing. It looks fine to me but I've spent so much time with Diana that I think my calibration might be off, especially for an Arab country. It covers everything but the armour follows the contours of her body more than they might find acceptable. Not that anyone's complained yet.
The corridors are extremely wide to give the guards clear fields of fire if there was ever a break out. I'm not even sure 'corridor' is the right word; it's more like a large hall occasionally broken up by cells. Lines of sight are long and there are lots of alert-looking guards. Unlike Belle Reve it doesn't look like there's even a token effort at rehabilitation but there is a very confident guarantee that anyone who steps out of line will very swiftly find themselves dead.
**Was Danni being serious earlier?**
**About what?**
**[M'gann tilts her head back in response to the gentle pressure of Danni's hand, her lips parting slightly as Danni leans forwards-.]**
My eyes widen. **M'gann!** The image disappears. **Okay, um, yes, she almost certainly was, for exactly the reason she said. I think. I mean, she might find you attractive but the impression I've had is that she really is just doing things for the experience.**
**Does she..? I know she calls herself a gynoid, but does she think of herself as being female?**
**That.. video, Mister J'onzz gave you. Did it just cover the mechanics of Human reproduction, or did it have a broader reach than that?**
I get a momentary flash of what looks suspiciously like the sort of sex education video I saw in primary school. I suppose that as a Martian M'gann doesn't have to worry about disease or accidental pregnancy while.. with.. a Human partner… Or even a Human/Kryptonian/Genomorph partner. It was probably just there so that she'd have some idea what the other person was expecting. **How do you mean, 'broader'?**
**You seemed surprised at our Thanksgiving dinner when Diana mentioned that Amazons could become romantically involved with each other. Presumably homosexuality wasn't covered.**
**Um, no. It wasn't. There was nothing like that in any of the videos Uncle J'onn sent back to Mars.** Too early for Glee I suppose. **I tried asking Wally and Robin about it but it seemed to make them uncomfortable.**
I wince. **Okay, um… This is probably part of a larger talk we should have at a later date. Short version, some Humans are attracted -in many cases exclusively- to members of their own gender.**
**But Danni kissed you. Does she like.. both?**
**Danni's a Morrow built gynoid. She's unique. I have no basis for guessing what she finds attractive. I can't think of a logical reason for her to even have the mental mechanisms which cause physical attraction.**
The guards ahead of us have their identification checked by the guards protecting the entrance to the wing housing Doctor Jones. After a brief radio call they get a nod and the door is opened and we begin filing through.
**Any plans for Robin's birthday?**
**No, when is it?**
**Oh. Um, today. I just… I mean, Artemis said that she was going but since I don't have a secret identity there's no way to explain how he knows me. I just assumed that he'd said something..?**
M'gann frowns. **Artemis isn't going to Robin's birthday, she's going to a party for some guy in her school. She said she was only going because one of her friends wanted someone to go with.** Oh dear. **How did you find out that it's Robin's birthday?**
Change the subject. **Massively invasive ring scan when I first got to Earth. Um, any thought on how to approach Doctor Jones?**
**[shrug] They just want me to confirm the range of his abilities. I won't even need to talk to him.**
**Can he resist?**
**If the collars are the same as at Belle Reve? Not really. He'll probably still have better control of his mindscape than most people but if he can't fight back it's really just a matter of time before I break through.**
I have the ring do another scan of the area, both for anything that looks like a threat and for anything that some of my scans can't detect but others can. Nothing. Physically infiltrating a place like this would be hard; there's just so many guards around that one man couldn't sneak in. A sleeper agent is a possibility. It's unlikely that Doctor Jones knew every Bialyan agent in Qurac, but again, unless they got someone near the top there are too many other people around. I can see Doctor Jones' enclosure up ahead now. No Aluminium Oxynitride walls here, just solid metal bars all around.
Doctor Jones himself is lying on his back on the floor towards the middle of the cell, arms folded behind his head. He's wearing what look like pale brown pyjamas: the local prison uniform. He turns his head in our direction with a slight frown, seeing the guards first. The frown fades as his eyes alight on M'gann but other than watching a little more intently he doesn't take any action.
The senior guard who came in with us takes a quick look around the cell and then approaches the three of us. He's a rugged looking Arab man with a full beard and the pips of a sergeant on his shoulders. The ring gives his name as Sergeant Al-Taraq. "Miss… M'orzz? Is that the correct way to pronounce it?" M'gann nods. "Do you need us to take him out of the cell?"
"No, this will be fine, thank you."
Reassured that the prisoner is still secure the guards spread out a bit and the lawyers huddle a little closer. The head of the defence team -a man named Mohammad Mahzah- goes to step up to the bars but loses heart when Doctor Jones makes eye contact and then rolls his eyes.
One of the defence lawyers has come up beside me. "So, ah, what's she going to do?" Clean shaven Caucasian with an American accent. I raise my eyebrows. "Well, there wasn't a class on telepathic interrogation at Harvard." He smiles at me. "Nylor Truggs. I'm on.. Sumaan Harjavti's defence team."
"Miss Martian has a good idea about what is possible with telepathy. This is just a scan to assess Doctor Jones' telepathic strength. Once she knows that, she can describe his limits to the court."
"What if she's wrong?"
"That's always a risk with expert witnesses. I imagine that the defence will have the opportunity to find a better expert." I shrug. "If you can. Or question her expertise, though I should probably point out that by Martian standards 'how strong is this guy?' isn't a very difficult question."
"Even with the collar on? I thought with all the guards they might be going to take it off."
"If they were going to take it off we'd clear the room of guards and you'd be watching on camera."
He nods, then appears to remember something. "Hey, ahh. Weren't you involved in stopping the Bialyan take over?"
"What makes you think that?"
"It was in the newspapers. Hah, I've been ahh, I've been reading up on everything that happened very carefully."
"I was involved. I'm afraid I won't be saying any more on the subject outside of court."
"Oh, oh, sure, sure. No problem. It's just that, ahh, M'genn M'ozz is here to scan Psimon, you're here for, well, security, presumably. Why's, ahh." He points at Danni. "I don't actually know who she is."
Danni turns to him, once again affecting Human facial expression. "My name is Danette Reilly. I am entirely immune to telepathy. In the unlikely event of something going badly wrong I am responsible for rendering Doctor Jones incapable of escape without impeding his ability to give testimony."
Mister Truggs grins nervously. "Oh! Glad to know we're in such good hands."
12:16 GMT +2
Qurac's highest security prison is located in the middle of nowhere on a rocky patch in the desert. Though it isn't quite up to Belle Reve's standards the location means that anyone who actually manages to escape and hasn't arranged transportation will almost certainly die of heat exhaustion and dehydration before getting back to civilisation. There's one road and it has guard towers where it branches off the main road and again near to the main entrance. Unlike Belle Reve it also has a mine field just in case the desert isn't enough of an impediment. It didn't used to have a super power suppression system but the League arranged for one to be provided after the Bialya mission. They could probably have afforded one before that but it just wasn't worth it for the couple of low level metahumans they had locked up until that point.
With the Justice League vouching for her we were only hanging around the special prosecutor's office for an hour or so before he accepted that she was his best hope for progressing his case. Another twenty minutes while he phoned the presiding judge resulted in M'gann being accepted as an expert witness and us getting the go ahead to pay Doctor Jones a visit, though from what I overheard the defence weren't particularly happy about it. So now Danni, M'gann and I are walking through the corridors of the Al-Muraqq Maximum Security Prison. Armed guards ahead of us, to the sides and behind us. Behind them are the lawyers from the prosecutor's office and further back still are the defence representatives. To reinforce our authority we're all in uniform. M'gann's got a sort of Raven thing going on with her cloak but I'm a little worried that Danni's is a bit revealing. It looks fine to me but I've spent so much time with Diana that I think my calibration might be off, especially for an Arab country. It covers everything but the armour follows the contours of her body more than they might find acceptable. Not that anyone's complained yet.
The corridors are extremely wide to give the guards clear fields of fire if there was ever a break out. I'm not even sure 'corridor' is the right word; it's more like a large hall occasionally broken up by cells. Lines of sight are long and there are lots of alert-looking guards. Unlike Belle Reve it doesn't look like there's even a token effort at rehabilitation but there is a very confident guarantee that anyone who steps out of line will very swiftly find themselves dead.
**Was Danni being serious earlier?**
**About what?**
**[M'gann tilts her head back in response to the gentle pressure of Danni's hand, her lips parting slightly as Danni leans forwards-.]**
My eyes widen. **M'gann!** The image disappears. **Okay, um, yes, she almost certainly was, for exactly the reason she said. I think. I mean, she might find you attractive but the impression I've had is that she really is just doing things for the experience.**
**Does she..? I know she calls herself a gynoid, but does she think of herself as being female?**
**That.. video, Mister J'onzz gave you. Did it just cover the mechanics of Human reproduction, or did it have a broader reach than that?**
I get a momentary flash of what looks suspiciously like the sort of sex education video I saw in primary school. I suppose that as a Martian M'gann doesn't have to worry about disease or accidental pregnancy while.. with.. a Human partner… Or even a Human/Kryptonian/Genomorph partner. It was probably just there so that she'd have some idea what the other person was expecting. **How do you mean, 'broader'?**
**You seemed surprised at our Thanksgiving dinner when Diana mentioned that Amazons could become romantically involved with each other. Presumably homosexuality wasn't covered.**
**Um, no. It wasn't. There was nothing like that in any of the videos Uncle J'onn sent back to Mars.** Too early for Glee I suppose. **I tried asking Wally and Robin about it but it seemed to make them uncomfortable.**
I wince. **Okay, um… This is probably part of a larger talk we should have at a later date. Short version, some Humans are attracted -in many cases exclusively- to members of their own gender.**
**But Danni kissed you. Does she like.. both?**
**Danni's a Morrow built gynoid. She's unique. I have no basis for guessing what she finds attractive. I can't think of a logical reason for her to even have the mental mechanisms which cause physical attraction.**
The guards ahead of us have their identification checked by the guards protecting the entrance to the wing housing Doctor Jones. After a brief radio call they get a nod and the door is opened and we begin filing through.
**Any plans for Robin's birthday?**
**No, when is it?**
**Oh. Um, today. I just… I mean, Artemis said that she was going but since I don't have a secret identity there's no way to explain how he knows me. I just assumed that he'd said something..?**
M'gann frowns. **Artemis isn't going to Robin's birthday, she's going to a party for some guy in her school. She said she was only going because one of her friends wanted someone to go with.** Oh dear. **How did you find out that it's Robin's birthday?**
Change the subject. **Massively invasive ring scan when I first got to Earth. Um, any thought on how to approach Doctor Jones?**
**[shrug] They just want me to confirm the range of his abilities. I won't even need to talk to him.**
**Can he resist?**
**If the collars are the same as at Belle Reve? Not really. He'll probably still have better control of his mindscape than most people but if he can't fight back it's really just a matter of time before I break through.**
I have the ring do another scan of the area, both for anything that looks like a threat and for anything that some of my scans can't detect but others can. Nothing. Physically infiltrating a place like this would be hard; there's just so many guards around that one man couldn't sneak in. A sleeper agent is a possibility. It's unlikely that Doctor Jones knew every Bialyan agent in Qurac, but again, unless they got someone near the top there are too many other people around. I can see Doctor Jones' enclosure up ahead now. No Aluminium Oxynitride walls here, just solid metal bars all around.
Doctor Jones himself is lying on his back on the floor towards the middle of the cell, arms folded behind his head. He's wearing what look like pale brown pyjamas: the local prison uniform. He turns his head in our direction with a slight frown, seeing the guards first. The frown fades as his eyes alight on M'gann but other than watching a little more intently he doesn't take any action.
The senior guard who came in with us takes a quick look around the cell and then approaches the three of us. He's a rugged looking Arab man with a full beard and the pips of a sergeant on his shoulders. The ring gives his name as Sergeant Al-Taraq. "Miss… M'orzz? Is that the correct way to pronounce it?" M'gann nods. "Do you need us to take him out of the cell?"
"No, this will be fine, thank you."
Reassured that the prisoner is still secure the guards spread out a bit and the lawyers huddle a little closer. The head of the defence team -a man named Mohammad Mahzah- goes to step up to the bars but loses heart when Doctor Jones makes eye contact and then rolls his eyes.
One of the defence lawyers has come up beside me. "So, ah, what's she going to do?" Clean shaven Caucasian with an American accent. I raise my eyebrows. "Well, there wasn't a class on telepathic interrogation at Harvard." He smiles at me. "Nylor Truggs. I'm on.. Sumaan Harjavti's defence team."
"Miss Martian has a good idea about what is possible with telepathy. This is just a scan to assess Doctor Jones' telepathic strength. Once she knows that, she can describe his limits to the court."
"What if she's wrong?"
"That's always a risk with expert witnesses. I imagine that the defence will have the opportunity to find a better expert." I shrug. "If you can. Or question her expertise, though I should probably point out that by Martian standards 'how strong is this guy?' isn't a very difficult question."
"Even with the collar on? I thought with all the guards they might be going to take it off."
"If they were going to take it off we'd clear the room of guards and you'd be watching on camera."
He nods, then appears to remember something. "Hey, ahh. Weren't you involved in stopping the Bialyan take over?"
"What makes you think that?"
"It was in the newspapers. Hah, I've been ahh, I've been reading up on everything that happened very carefully."
"I was involved. I'm afraid I won't be saying any more on the subject outside of court."
"Oh, oh, sure, sure. No problem. It's just that, ahh, M'genn M'ozz is here to scan Psimon, you're here for, well, security, presumably. Why's, ahh." He points at Danni. "I don't actually know who she is."
Danni turns to him, once again affecting Human facial expression. "My name is Danette Reilly. I am entirely immune to telepathy. In the unlikely event of something going badly wrong I am responsible for rendering Doctor Jones incapable of escape without impeding his ability to give testimony."
Mister Truggs grins nervously. "Oh! Glad to know we're in such good hands."